#jess rambles
honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
i love this character so much......i hope they get seriously injured and almost die
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cptapathy · 16 days
We have all been saying this was coming for years now. The UK is now introducing a new section 28.
This is a direct attack on the queer Community, stop accepting it.
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chrysanthemumgames · 13 days
And with that...
...FoA has officially been submitted to HG. Thank you so much to everyone who wrote in with continuity errors, typos, and suggestions, both in this last editing push and in general. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.
Please note that the game is now unavailable at all hosting locations, and will remain so. I hope you will consider supporting me by purchasing a copy when it eventually becomes available.
In any event, I'll be taking about a week off now, and then launching into Blood of the Living (the sequel to FoA). There won't be any early access or BIP for that this month, for Patrons, but everything will resume on schedule in June.
I'll get around to updating the blog eventually; now that I've almost completed one go-round of this whole thing, I think I have a much better idea of how I want to be doing everything.
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dulcetdolls · 1 month
"doll restoration is a fun and relaxing task" I tell to myself as I commit Sid Toy Story levels of horror upon the doll
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slafkovskys · 5 months
i think that luke should get voted in, quinn’s an all star too, and we get to have hughestopia: all star edition
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kiyoors · 10 months
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this goes so hard
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btsgotjams27 · 7 months
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Boy, you're so delectable.
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a-hackneyed-premise · 8 months
Daryl Dixon - some rambling thoughts
I just finished watching and I have a few thoughts.
I know there are plenty of people with greater insight than me, but this is just what I have been left with over the course of the past 6 episodes (and the past 10+ years of the main show)
Firstly I want to talk in general about ship baiting. Now, I don't know if it's because I'm too neurodivergent to see anything other than Caryl, but people talk a lot about ship baiting and I just don't see it. Like, at all. There's no connection at all that I can see between Daryl and any other woman he appears on screen with, other than Carol. Whether that was B*th, C*nnie, or Isabelle. Let's not even talk about L*ah because that was just a dumbass mess that doesn't count, but those other three - if anyone can point me towards any moment at all where there was any indication that Daryl had some kind of deeper feeling for them please feel free to point it out, because I genuinely see nothing. Obviously, people are free to ship whatever they want to ship, but as far as baiting it is concerned? No. NR's acting choices shut down any baiting because Daryl absolutely wears his heart on his sleeve, and he is not showing me anything towards those other women.
Secondly, there has been a lot of talk about Daryl being OOC. Again, watching it, I genuinely don't see it. His entire motivation the whole series has been to get back home, and that never wavered. The OOC bit comes from the main series of him walking away from his family, but as in this series it's showing him trying to get back in every single episode, I don't see the OOCness people are talking about. He's still the Daryl we know and love. He cares about people, he's honourable, he does his best to do the right thing. Check, check, and check. Yes, he shouted horribly at Laurent in one scene, but we all have our breaking points, and that kid had just jeopardised not only Daryl getting home, but all of their lives.
Isabelle - I really want her to become walker chow. She manipulated Daryl from the word go, and that would be bad enough, but her saying to Daryl—a man abused by his father—that he was repeating history by trying to return to his actual family? Gtfo. That was manipulative and cruel to the extreme.
Which kinda leads me to the ending. Daryl not getting on the boat. Her cruel manipulation of Daryl isn't his motivation for staying behind - he's still a man of honour after all, and he's not going to let a young boy be eaten by a herd of walkers. You could see the thought of "for fucks sake" in his eyes when Laurent appeared. There's no happiness in him missing the boat, he's not chosen France over his family, he wasn't given an option at all.
I think when Carol gets to France she'll likely team up with Codron to track Daryl down. I can see him holding out as long as possible to not give up The Nest's location, but she'll rescue him and he'll be able to tell Carol where her Pookie is.
I'm sure there was more I wanted to talk about but my ADHD brain has decided to shut down for now, so if I think of more, I'll come back.
But all in all, my excitement is rekindled. Good things are coming for Caryl fans, of that I am certain.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 month
btw, bit of a special announcement, but due to me needing more rest, i am gonna slow down on art slightly.
i'll still be making stuff, but i'm gonna be taking a little more care of myself then i was before. Give myself more time for breaks, get back into writing again, get enough sleep.
and hopefully by doing so, i can provide not only better care for myself, but better quality work for you guys
i think you'll like the ideas i have planned.
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
even after this goes away i want my mutuals to know i'm always giving you a little boop
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imonmywayup · 1 year
To anyone who who flies or wants to fly.
Never, ever, EVER share mental health struggles on social media. Even in a joking way. Even in an educational way. Even if this happened when you were 12 and now you’re 45.
The FAA does not mess around. One post, video, meme, whatever that’s reported will trigger an investigation.
A very good friend of mine posted a video about mental health struggles. The video was sent to the FAA. They’re losing their medical and will not be able to fly. It’s messed up that pilots are not able to seek mental health support. It’s horrible.
But if you fly or fly want to fly it’s not worth the risk.
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chrysanthemumgames · 7 months
Good News!
Hey everyone!
So... as of about five minutes ago, I have written the last words of the first draft of FoA!
From here, I will be taking a few more days to edit and test what I've written, and then the Early Access release cycle will begin. The important dates for that are:
Monday, 20 November: Early Access for Everbloom Tier on Patreon
Thursday, 23 November: Early Access for Blossom and Bud Tiers
Monday, 27 November: Early Access for Seedling Tier
Thursday, 30 November: Public Release!
The release will be both Chapter Ten and the Epilogue, which are at present 95,745 and 63,098 words respectively, for a total of 158,843 words to round out this part of the story! I hope you're excited to read it.
I anticipate lots of editing, as there are a few things (including the personality system) I intend to completely overhaul, and other things I'll need to consider, plus sections that will likely be moved, added, or trimmed for pacing reasons, and all of that. I'll keep posting monthly updates here on tumblr, with more detailed coverage of the process and further updates and previews on Patreon, but that's something I'll talk more about in a little while.
For now, I just wanted to say the last parts of the game are coming very soon, and I'm thrilled to be able to share them with you.
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puppyluver256 · 18 days
I don't know how else to explain it, but every time I hear about or see direct evidence of malls instating anti-teenager policies (ie. "everyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian"), it feels like someone going into the forest and forcibly relocating all of the bears.
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northernerinspace · 3 months
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I live for the small crab hell I created. This game would be perfect if it would let me build it higher.
Otherwise, no notes.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 6 months
Well it turns out that it’s no longer Friday Funday. Instead it’s Fubar Friday (and if you don’t know what that means then please go watch Saving Private Ryan). Somehow my work place seems to always go to hell on Fridays. I seem to walk out of the hospital every Friday and think ‘what the fuck just happened?’
And that is my ted talk for today. Thank you for listening.
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slafkovskys · 2 months
seeing the umich hockey team scream unwritten is absolutely everything to me
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