#jeon wonwoo fic
wheeboo · 15 days
to love and be loved | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which wonwoo tells you about his first (and only) love. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers WARNINGS. self-doubt talk on reader's end, self-indulgent wooweee, this was painfully hard to write lmao n have no idea if any of this makes sense WORD COUNT. 1.6k
requested from anon: Hiiiiiiii first of all congratssss for you 2k. For the event, ive been thinking the same exact story with wonwoo and #6 from list 3 - #6: “You’re not hard to love, nor are you unlovable. You just… Need to let me in, and let me show you you’re just as worthy of love as anyone else is.”
notes: i'd quite literally do anything to have these kinds of talks with wonwoo ☹️☹️. anyway i hope u all enjoy this <3 hits close to home >< tysm anon hehe <3
join the 2k celebration!
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"Hey, uh, Wonwoo?"
"...have you ever been in love?"
A cricket chirps into the evening air right after you ask, and you suddenly feeling like you're holding in a long-winded breath. Then you hear a loud crunch by Wonwoo from the crackers he was snacking on, and you blink up to him wiping away the corner of his mouth. There's the slightest glimpse of a curve to his lips that you manage to catch.
He silently offers you a cracker in your direction, the anticipating silence between the two of you growing thickly. You take the cracker from his hand, muttering a quiet thanks, before nibbling on it absentmindedly.
The night is absolutely beautiful right now, swearing that you could spot and make out the constellations above if you squinted hard enough. The distant chirping of crickets is the only sound that breaks the silence as the coolness of the night rolls in, carrying with it slight breeze that whispers through the leaves overhead the balcony of your apartment.
"I have."
You swiftly turn your head to him, eyes widening intriguingly. "You have?"
The chuckle that leaves him is somewhat awkward, a tad bit hesitant. He crumples up the bag of crackers and sets it aside, chugging down the last sips of his drink and setting down the empty can as well.
"Did you... ever confess to them?" You ask, suddenly feeling curious, though there's a bit of disappointment at the tip of your tongue.
You swear you could see the thoughts swirling around his head. Wonwoo keeps his eyes fixed up to the night sky. There's a distant look in his eyes, as though he's peering into some past moment that only he can see, before he shakes his head, a faint smile crossing over his lips.
"No, I didn't," he answers calmly. "They were too far away, so... I just chose to admire them at a distance."
You lean back against the wall behind, your shoulder momentarily brushing against his. "Did they know you?"
Wonwoo purses his lips together. "Mhm."
"Well, you missed your chance!" You exclaim, prodding him playfully with your elbow. "I can't believe you let them get away, dude. Like right through the little cracks of your fingers. You could've been in a relationship by now."
This earns you a low, playful scoff from Wonwoo. "Are you assuming that they loved me back?"
Immediately, you feel the heat crawl up your neck and to the tips your ears.
"Well, um... Yeah, I am," You admit sheepishly, letting out a small sigh. "I mean, who wouldn't fall for a guy like you? You're nice and... charming. I think anyone would be lucky to be loved by you."
There's a silence that falls between the two of you, one simply more than just comfortable yet denser than ever, because the thought of being loved by Wonwoo seems to linger longer than you notice. You steal a glance at him, seeing his face still turned upwards towards the night sky and the moonlight reflecting on his glasses. Strands of his dark hair blow across his forehead in the breeze. You can't quite decipher his expression, but a flicker of something𑁋perhaps surprise, maybe even amusement𑁋dances on his features for a brief moment.
He finally turns back to you, a small, hesitant smile playing on his lips. "You think so?"
"Yeah," You confirm, nodding lightly. "Absolutely."
Wonwoo still keeps his eyes on you as you glance away, seeing the way you fidget with your hands in your lap and smoothing out the creases in your pants nervously. He glances down at his own hand and back at yours, lips pursing together in contemplation, but only folds his fingers back together the second you reach over him to grab the crumpled-up bag of crackers. He feels a little bit too warm in his sweater right now.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
A crunch echoes through the air. Then another. And another.
"I've just been kinda... thinking a lot lately, I guess," You reply slowly, quietly. "And it sort of makes me sound desperate in a way, but there are times I just wonder if, um... if anyone has ever felt the same way about me."
Wonwoo tilts his head slightly. "Love?"
"Not just love, but... seeing me, you know?" Being able to talk about this out loud makes your chest feel heavy. "Since it's hard these days to find someone who sees you for who you are, not for who you can be. I... I just feel like I'm hard to love sometimes. Hell, maybe even unlovable. It’s hard to break out of that mindset when things get hard again.”
A thoughtful quietness seeps through the nighttime breeze, which sends goosebumps up and down your skin, but you don't mind it because you know that Wonwoo is listening either way. And the more you think about it𑁋the thought of knowing that he's here, with his presence is right next to you𑁋it seems to comfort you more than you notice.
There's a small hum of acknowledgement that you hear from his end, unsure if it's just your imagination or if he's actually responding as your mind feels a little jumbled up right now. But then Wonwoo shifts beside you, his arm lightly pressing against yours.
"But I... I think I've reached a point in time where I can say I love myself a little more than a few years ago, or last year, or even just yesterday," You continue to ramble a bit aimlessly, chuckling dryly to yourself. "It’d be nice to share that with someone too, you know? To finally get over this loneliness. But it's not entirely a sad loneliness or a happy one. It's, like, uh... both put together, I guess."
A few moments of silence pass. You feel Wonwoo gently nudge your leg with his.
"I'm proud of you."
You peer up to look at him, mind nearly going blank from the way he's gazing at you. Or maybe it's just the moonlight that's making him appear so... picturesque. "What for?"
"For loving yourself, silly," Wonwoo muses almost cheekily, and the delighted tone that you catch makes your stomach leap. "Even if it's just by a small percentage than yesterday, it's still okay. You're doing good. I want you to know that."
You're doing good. It's just those three singular words that has heat forming in your eyes that you somehow manage to blink back before anything could spill, and hearing it come from Wonwoo feels different. There's a vulnerable sweetness to them, a sincerity that catches you off-guard. You force a smile𑁋a grateful one, nonetheless𑁋before it shifts into a frown.
And Wonwoo catches it right away. "What's wrong?"
Your lips form a thin line, pressing together in thought. You refuse to acknowledge why you think your heart feels slightly... jealous.
"I hope whoever you loved before knows how lucky they are one day," You say to him. "if you're still in love with them, that is..."
Wonwoo stills for a minute, pensively. "I am."
"You are?"
"I never stopped."
You stare at him for a few moments, an eyebrow lifted in disbelief at him, before crossing your arms together and letting out a small, incredulous laugh. "Then you should've said that you're in love with them, idiot."
Wonwoo sucks in a breath.
"I'm in love with you."
You blink instinctively, once, twice, three times, momentarily thinking that Wonwoo's presence might somehow disappear into thin air. But he's still there𑁋a certain softness in the way he's looking at you, a gentleness that seems to wrap around you like a warm embrace𑁋waiting for you. His words suspend heavily in the air, and maybe the world is also holding its breath just as you are too.
"And... You're not hard to love, nor are you unlovable. You're far from that," Wonwoo continues, voice tender, fond, and soft as a lullaby. "You just... need to let me in, and let me show you you're just as worthy of love as anyone else is."
You could only sit merely frozen at this point, throat tightened and jaw dropped in shock among many other weird, fuzzy feelings happening throughout your body. Something between relief and disbelief. Hope and hesitancy. Comfort and uncertainty. You have the capacity to run yet you choose not to𑁋you're letting him in, letting the warmth of his words seep into the cracks of your doubt.
Your mind reels dizzily, almost like the world has been tilting away off-balance.
"You... You're in love with me?" You repeat, almost dumbly, because you cannot seem to fathom anything that's been said in the past few moments. "All that talk about earlier... about who you..."
Wonwoo hangs his head down low, rubbing at his neck in a bashful manner. "It was about you."
"And you never... you never told me?"
"Honestly, I'd like to think a part of it was you being a tad bit oblivious." And then he just simply grins, his nose crinkling along with it. "But that's okay. Watching you slowly figure yourself out made me realise that maybe I needed to find myself a little more too."
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, and you could feel the heat of embarrassment spreading painfully throughout your face. At first, you have the urge to brush it all away as a silly misunderstanding. Maybe laugh it off, retreat back inside, and go to sleep pretending all of this didn't happen. But the sincerity in his eyes stops you.
You lick your dry lips, the cool night air beginning to feel a lot less suffocating.
"Did you?" You ask vaguely, before shaking your head repeating, "Did you... find yourself?"
Wonwoo lets his eyes roam over you, taking you in, before leaning back on the wall and bringing his gaze back up toward the night sky. Your eyes refuse to leave him, and perhaps this is what it's like to admire someone from afar and close up all at once.
The two of you take a deep, deliberate exhale together.
"Yeah," he answers, smiling softly. "I think I found myself right where I want to be."
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boorines · 8 months
as sweet as peaches | jeon wonwoo
wonwoo sits cross-legged on the floor, ikea manual laying open on his lap. the half built coffee table sits upside down in front of him, loose screws and nails scattered around the piece of furniture.
“did you find the piece that goes in this corner?”, you ask in confusion from your spot on the floor opposite wonwoo, one hand holding what you think is one of the legs of the table. “is it this one?”
your boyfriend looks up at you and breathes out an amused laugh, cheeks puffing up. “that’s the spare piece, gorgeous”.
you look at him, cocking an eyebrow, “you sure, wonu? because the last time you said something was a spare”, you point at the singular leg attached to the table, “that fell off”.
he grins sheepishly, “well… uh, maybe it could come in handy”. you shoot him a fond smile.
you both work on the piece of furniture for a while, sneaking glances at each other and giggling at lame jokes, before you stand up and wordlessly walk over to the kitchen. wonwoo follows your movement with his eyes, pushing his glasses up his nose as he does so.
you disappear behind the kitchen counter before re-emerging with a plate of sliced peaches and tangerines. setting it on the floor beside wonwoo you mumble, “odd combination, but it’s all i could find”. you peer at him and the softness you see in his eyes makes heat crawl up your neck.
“i love you”, he whispers.
“because of peaches?”, you ask shyly, taking a seat beside him.
“nope”, he breathes out, “peaches are just a bonus”. he picks up a fuzzy slice and holds it up to your lips. you accept the bite gratefully.
“the tangerines, then”, you mumble around a mouthful of fruit.
wonwoo laughs, it’s a very pretty sound, you think. low and deep, yet airy and relaxed. your giggles join his, the room filling with innocent laughter.
the two of you continue to tinker with the coffee table, occasionally nibbling on pieces of fruit. with the build almost complete, you lean back on the heels of your palms, surveying your work.
“not bad for two amateurs”, you declare with a grin. “i think we could build all of ikea if we wanted to”.
wonwoo chuckles, “we’ll have many days of building furniture in our future”. you look at him in question. “dressers, bookshelves, cribs”, he elaborates.
your eyes widen and you feel your cheeks burn fiery red. cribs… baby cribs? did you hear him wrong? did he say it on purpose?
he turns to you, eyes dancing and cheeks slightly pink. oh. definitely on purpose.
you look at him, lips parted ever-so-slightly.
“one day, i mean… if you want to”. he whispers.
you don’t have a response. you’re breathless and giddy and so in love.
leaning forward, you press your lips against wonwoo’s. soft and careful. he hums in contentment against your mouth, kissing you back with fervour.
his hand trails up your arm to your cheek, cupping your face like you’re as delicate as fine china. his other hand snakes around your waist, resting against the small of your back. he kisses you slowly, and when he feels you smile against his lips he melts. to him, this is bliss.
you pull away, breathless and heart racing. and suddenly, you’re 16 again. too shy to meet wonwoo’s eyes, a soft blush colouring your cheeks when he squeezes your hand with a hum.
“baby?”, he peers at you, trying to catch your attention.
when you finally look up at him, he’s dazzled by the stars in your eyes. the very same ones he thinks you hung up in the sky.
“you’re too much”, you mumble, just above a whisper. the chuckle it coaxes out of him drives the feeling deeper.
he drops a quick kiss to your cheek, his eyes dripping honey.
you point to the unfinished coffee table in front of you with furrowed brows, “we’ve been neglecting our magnum opus”.
his bright laughter booms throughout the room. “i don’t think an ikea coffee table is our magnum opus, baby”. he thinks he knows what will be, but he doesn’t say it. he’s hinted at it enough today. instead, he picks up a handful of screws and the last remaining leg of the table.
you take up a purely supportive role. handing him missing screws or nails you see him hunting for. you lean against the couch behind you, silently watching your boyfriend finish the rest of the build. you admire the way his hands move deftly to hammer in nails, the way he pushes the sleeves of his sweater further up his arms, the way he adjusts his glasses on his nose when they start to slip.
you’re happy, you think. just silently being in his company.
“finished”, he declares, pushing himself off the floor and offering you a hand to pull you to your feet. you stand beside him and look down at your work.
“not bad, jeon wonwoo”, you praise.
“not bad yourself”, he responds with a squeeze of your hand. he smiles fondly when he feels you squeeze back.
he looks at you, eyes warm, and drops a chaste kiss to you lips.
warmth floods your body. he’s just so sweet, you think.
“you taste like peaches”, he mumbles.
he’s as sweet as peaches.
ahh wonwoo…
writing this was really fun!! sweet wonu thinking about how urs and his masterpiece will be ur baby…omg
i hope u enjoy this one! as always, my requests and asks are open <3
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wonusite · 11 months
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❝ Wonwoo has always been a scrupulous man, but he’s quick to abandon all his morals after his wife hires a cute babysitter to look after their daughter. ❞
PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x female reader
GENRE: babysitter au, cheating au, smut
WARNINGS: dilf!wonwoo, babysitter!reader, infidelity, age gap (reader is in her 20s and wonwoo is in his 30s), dacryphilia, dumbification, daddy kink, oral sex (f & m receiving), face riding, face fucking, possessiveness, unprotected sex, squirting, overstimulation, multiple creampies, cum eating, cock drunk!reader, pussy drunk!wonwoo
a/n: this was written because i’m still not over this photo shoot and because it’s wonwoo day! minors dni!
You should feel disgusting, ashamed, guilty, or even the tiniest bit of regret. But you don’t. All that’s left is a deep-rooted longing and carnal desire that can’t be suppressed.
The strong arm wrapped around your torso pulls you impossibly closer, a slender nose nuzzling deeper into your neck. You lick your lips and press your cum-stained thighs together. Oddly enough, you can’t even overthink. All you focus on is the comfortable warmth lulling you to sleep.
The fact that the addicting warmth is coming from your boss who’s married doesn’t make it hard to fall into peaceful sleep.
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The dynamic in the Jeon family is odd. From the moment you stepped into the house to babysit the married couple’s one-year-old daughter, you took notice of the disconnect and hostility between the pair. This came as a shock since they had seemed like the perfect couple when they interviewed you.
It isn’t until Mrs. Jeon comes home one night with a man that is most definitely not her husband that you realize this picture perfect family is anything but. The older woman didn’t beg or plead with you not to tell her husband. Instead, she asked through slurred words if you could take her daughter upstairs to her room and stay with her for the night. Icky as it was, you did as you were told.
You wondered if it was your place to say anything, but the choice was ultimately taken from you the next time you were asked to babysit. The housekeeper had let you inside their home during one of their screaming matches. Apparently Wonwoo already knew about his wife’s promiscuous activities. It surprised you to find out he was more angry that she didn’t care to be a good mother. Mrs. Jeon responded that she never wanted to be one in the first place and only did so to placate him and save their failing marriage.
Needless to say, you spent the rest of the night in Hana’s room.
You texted your friend in a panic. She had helped you get the job, so you didn’t feel right about making her look bad by abruptly quitting. Although she reassured you that she would support you no matter what you decided to do, you still felt sorry.
Maybe it’s because you feel the need to not let her down or maybe it’s because of the little girl with huge brown eyes that you’ve grown inexplicably attached to, but you decide to stay.
Things don’t change or get better with time. It’s not your place to judge what’s going on which is why you mind your business despite the tension between in the house only getting worse by the day. The only thing that makes it tolerable is not only the adorable baby you take care of, but the man who hired you. Jeon Wonwoo the hottest man you’ve ever seen, and he’s also extremely sweet and such a good dad.
You feel only slightly guilty that you’ve developed a crush on your boss, but it’s quick to disappear when you realize that sweet Mr. Jeon is still loyal to his wife even though she couldn’t be any more terrible to him. The impure feelings consume you more and more as your boss starts to spend his days at the large house. He started working from home since his wife decided to spend her time out of the house and coming home late or not at all.
Part of you feels disgusted and resentful, but when she confesses to you after one of her nights out that she only married him to please her parents, you feel a bit sympathetic. Still, you can’t understand how she involves her precious daughter in the problems she’s had for years.
There’s a part of you that wonders if you only being able to babysit part time is of any actual help. Since you’re still a full time student, you can’t always be there to watch the cute little girl. It makes you feel sorry because you can see all the stress Wonwoo is feeling.
You feel sick for even fantasizing about helping him relieve that stress.
None of this matters since you don’t plan on acting on your inappropriate feelings. That is, until you show up to the grand mansion soaked from head to toe.
“Y/N.” Wonwoo is quick to usher you inside when he opens the door and sees you completely drenched. “What happened? I tried to call—”
“My phone died.” You say, shivering as you step in the large foyer. “I got caught in the rain. Sorry.”
“Don't be. Let me get you a towel.”
He’s quick to return with a fluffy towel that’s softer than any other towel you’ve felt in your life. It almost makes you want to reject it for fear of ruining it.
Wonwoo leads you through the living room where you see his wife passed out on the couch, two bottles of wine and an empty glass on the coffee table in front of her. You’re quick to direct your stare elsewhere, not wanting to know the details behind that.
“I’m sorry you came all this way. My sister-in-law is watching Hana since Yerin and I got into a fight.”
You feel awkward since you came all this way for nothing and the storm outside showed no signs of clearing up. Wonwoo must sense how uncomfortable you feel because he leads you upstairs to the master bedroom.
“Why don’t you stay here for the night? It’s late, and I don’t feel comfortable letting you leave in this weather.” His tone is friendly but leaves no room for arguments. “You can use our bathroom to take a shower. Leave your wet clothes in the hamper and I’ll stick them in the dryer.”
You thank him, feeling your heart thumping erratically like it always does when you’re around him. Wonwoo offers you a kind smile before leaving you alone. It’s strange for you to step into the luxury shower that’s used by your boss and his wife. You try to stop your mind from wandering too much and focus on getting clean.
When you’re done, you notice there’s no towels around, only a fluffy bath robe that looks completely new. Without much of a choice, you slip into it and step back into the bedroom.
Wonwoo is sitting on the large bed. He gives you a kind smile as you walk over and sit by him. It’s silent for a moment until you decide to break it. Maybe you’re crossing a line by doing it, but you can’t stand to see the sweetest man you’ve ever met in such turmoil.
“Are you okay?”
Your boss’s shoulders sag. “Not really. I’m not sure what to do anymore. I know Yerin is unhappy, but we can’t just break our family apart. Why can’t she think about our daughter?”
He sounds so vulnerable that it makes your heart break. You fight the urge to give him a hug.
“I’m sorry.” Wonwoo breathes out, running a tense hand through his hair. “This isn’t your problem—”
“It’s okay.” You reassure him. “And I’m sorry. Even if you get a divorce, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a good dad.”
Wonwoo turns to look at you with shining eyes. He gives you a smile that you easily return. “Thank you for saying that. It means a lot.”
“It’s true.” You tell him honestly. “You’re considerate and kind. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”
You belatedly realize that your words could be considered inappropriate, but the intent gaze you’re receiving isn’t disapproving. Somehow, the air has turned different.
“Yeah?” His deep voice has taken a raspy tone that’s driving you insane.
Your heart is leaping up to your throat, and before you know it, you’re both leaning in. Wonwoo slides an arm around your waist and tugs you closer until your practically on his lap. His other hand slides up to cup your face before his lips collide with yours.
The kiss starts off slow, both of you wanting to savor the feeling and taste of each other. Your mind becomes clouded with lust, and it seems to get worse when you feel his thumb gently caress your face. It’s not long before the sweet kiss turns demanding and hungry.
Your hands seem to move on their own as they caress his chest and broad shoulders. You start to tug on the shirt that’s tucked into his pants, wanting it to come off. Wonwoo relents easily. He pulls away from your lips to rip the shirt off.
You only get a split second to admire how good his chest and abs look before you feel the top of your robe being yanked open. Wonwoo’s eyes are dark as he takes in your pretty tits that he’s imagined countless times. He eases you on to his lap fully so you’re straddling him before he brings your chest to his awaiting lips. Wonwoo latches his hot mouth on one of your hardened nipples, tongue licking and swirling around the hardened bud.
You cry out in pleasure, cunt throbbing with need. Wonwoo gives the same attention to your other nipple as he pinches and pulls the one that’s covered in his saliva. All you can do is moan and whimper pathetically, feeling like you can come from him sucking on your tits alone.
“So pretty.” Wonwoo groans as he presses wet kisses on your tits, licking and sucking on every bit of exposed skin on your chest.
His impressive bulge keeps brushing against your wet cunt, and you start to purposely grind down on him so he can fuck you like you both want.
Wonwoo smirks at your actions, loving how the robe falling around your elbows is open enough to give him a peek at your stomach. “Such a needy little bunny. You that desperate for my cock?”
God, his deep voice is going to make you implode from sexual frustration. It seems like he’s going to Keep teasing you, so you’re left with no choice but to use a trick that’s always worked for you in the past.
“Want it so bad, daddy.”
You have to hold back your smirk when Wonwoo’s cock twitches under you. His gaze sharpens and becomes impossibly darker. Wonwoo’s large hands sneak under your robe to knead your bare ass before pushing you forward to grind your dripping cunt against his growing bulge. You whine out, loving how his hands feel on you.
“Gonna be a good girl for me?” Wonwoo coos into your neck before he places a gentle kiss on it. “Let daddy use you how he wants?”
Your pussy clenches at his words, and you can’t even be ashamed when you quickly nod with eagerness. His teeth gently nip at your neck before he pulls back and gives you a heated look.
“Then show me how much you want this cock.”
You lick your lips and move to get off his lap, letting the robe fall to the ground. The way Wonwoo looks at you like he wants to eat you makes more arousal drip out of you. You kneel between his legs, mouth salivating as Wonwoo starts to unbuckle his belt to pull out his dick.
His cock is huge—the biggest you’ve ever seen. It’s thick and long and connected two heavy balls that are full of cum. You’re going crazy at the thought of having him inside you and fucking you full of cum until you can’t think. Wonwoo’s dick slaps against his taut stomach, and you wait all of two seconds to get your hands on it.
With eagerness that makes precum ooze from Wonwoo’s throbbing tip, you grip his fat cock and spit on his bulbous head. The guttural groan he lets out when you start licking up the length makes you wetter. You envelop his tip with your hot mouth, slobbering all over him as you swirl your tongue around to lick the cum spilling from him.
Wonwoo moans, running a gentle hand through your hair. He feels like he’s already fucked out and you just started.
You feel your jaw has to hurt when you start to fully take the rest of his cock into your mouth. The weight on your tongue makes you hum. Sucking dick always made you wet, but the fact that it’s your boss’s cock is making you drip all over the floor. You start to bob your head talking him deeper until all you can hear are the pretty moans he’s letting out.
Wonwoo can’t look away. Your mouth is full of cock and your pretty tits are bouncing with every bob. You look completely irresistible, on you knees for him. It makes him regret not getting to this point with you sooner.
You pull off his cock when he starts twitching in your throat, wanting to tease him just enough to get him to fuck you the way you know he can. Placing gentle kisses along the thick vein, your hand trails down to massage his balls. You’re drooling all over his cock, looking so fuckable that Wonwoo nearly blows his load right then and there.
“So fucking pretty.” Wonwoo murmurs softly as he goes to caress your hair.
His words make a burning desire ignite in your stomach, and you let out a needy whimper before sucking one of his big balls into your mouth. You start to fist his cock, gazing up at him with hooded eyes.
“Want you to fuck my mouth, daddy.” You moan, voice slightly muffled by his sack.
Wonwoo’s cock throbs at your words. Fuck. He’s going to absolutely ruin you.
Your boss grips your hair and pulls you off. He slaps his leaking tip on your mouth, smearing his precum all over your lips. Wonwoo’s eyes are the color of the dark sky outside as he nudges his cock into your mouth. “Be a good bunny for daddy.”
His cock eases down your throat, making you gag slightly. But you take it all, not caring that your eyes are starting to water. Wonwoo starts to buck his hips, balls slapping against your chin as his cock hits the back of your throat. His moans are silent as his heavy dick throbs against your tongue.
Your drool and his precum starts to drip down your chin, and you feel his cock start to pulse inside your mouth. He gives a few more thrusts before he’s emptying his balls into you mouth. You happily swallow every drop of his thick cum, moaning around him in pure bliss.
“Such a good girl.” Wonwoo says through quiet pants.
He pulls his dick out of your mouth, affectionately caressing your head. A string of saliva connects to his throbbing tip as you gaze up at him with the most alluring look he’s ever seen. Wonwoo pulls you up until you’re laying on his chest. His mouth is on yours in a second, tongue invading your mouth to taste every inch of you.
Wonwoo trails a hand down your body, pausing to squeeze a handful of your ass. You moan into his mouth when he trails his fingertips to your wet cunt. Fuck. You’re already so wet and ready for him. He pulls away from your sweet lips and looks at you with ravenous desire.
“Want my mouth on your pussy, baby?” His eyes are wild with desire as you let out a cute little whimper and nod furiously.
In the next second you’re hovering over Wonwoo’s face. His strong hands grip your thighs before they jerk you down and make you sink your cunt on his awaiting tongue. You gasp out in pleasure when you feel Wonwoo’s tongue split through your folds. He groans against you, already addicted to your taste.
“Don’t hold back, sweetheart.” Wonwoo’s voice is muffled, the vibrations feel delicious against your quivering pussy. “Ride my face and let daddy taste your sweet cream.”
You start to roll your hips, moaning as you feel Wonwoo’s tongue swirls around your wet cunt. It’s almost embarrassing how wet you are. Your juices are pouring out of your cunt and covering every inch of his lower face every time you rock your hips.
“Ah!” You cry out, fucked out gasps tumbling past your lips when your boss’s nose bumps against your clit.
Wonwoo spreads you wider for him, using his lips to envelop your pulsing clit before giving it a harsh suck. The moan you let out when he starts to make out with your pussy is downright pornographic. Lewd squelching sounds are bouncing off the walls, and it sounds so good paired with your cute little cries of daddy, daddy, daddy!
“That’s it, baby.” Wonwoo groans into your dripping cunt. “Use daddy's face.”
One of his hands is still holding on to your thigh to keep you in place. The other one is drawing back to caress the globe of your ass. Then, his large hand comes down to slap it, hard. His actions catch you off-guard. It sends a thrill to your cunt and you moan out way too loudly.
“Fuck, daddy!”
Your pussy tightens around Wonwoo’s tongue as he happily drinks up all the arousal coming out of you. He happily hums against you, loving how vocal you are.
“Such a good little bunny. Let Yerin know that your rubbing this sweet little cunt all over her husband’s face.” Wonwoo whispers filthily, slapping your ass one more time to get you to cry out for him again. “Let her hear how good daddy’s making you feel.”
Honestly, you had been so lost in your pleasure that you forgot his wife was downstairs, passed out. But you don’t fucking care. Part of you almost wants her to wake up and hear how good her husband is making you feel.
You cry out again when you feel long fingers entering your pulsing cunt. Wonwoo roughly pumps his fingers in and out of you, wet slapping sounds filling the room as he continues to suck your clit.
All your senses go into overload when you feel his bare teeth against your bundle of nerves. Wonwoo lightly bites down and nips at the sensitive flesh, making you moan loudly. You throw your head back, prolonging your loud cries not caring that his stupid wife is just downstairs because you’re squirting all over her husband's face.
“Fuh-fuck! Daddy!”
Wonwoo’s strong enough to keep your thigh pinned down with one hand. He keeps you in place even when it gets to be too much. Your pussy is twitching and feels unbearably sensitive. The intensity of your orgasm has your legs feeling boneless like jelly. But this isn't enough for your boss.
“Keep riding my fucking face, baby. Fuck, you’re making daddy so hard right now.”
You look down and a newfound thrill takes over you at the sight of Wonwoo below you, face covered in your juices. His tongue licks all around his lips before he brings them back to your wet cunt. You’re in awe by how much of your cream is on his face, and how much of your slick is still pouring out of your pussy. It’s almost like you’re leaking all for him.
You fist his hair in one of your hands while the other comes up to pinch and pull at one of your nipples. Wonwoo groans into your wet lips as you start to grind and rub your pussy all over his face. He flattens his tongue to lick a long trail up and down your slit before he swirls it around and around your puffy bundle of nerves. Your arousal is leaking on his face and dripping down on the mattress below.
Fuck. Never have you been this wet before.
“Fuck, bunny. You’re so fucking hot.” Wonwoo moans, giving your ass another hard smack.
He keeps slapping your ass, loving how the flesh jiggles softly every time. You’re wriggling against him, but that does is cause delicious friction. Wonwoo’s nose glides over your clit, making you cry out for him. You’re so obscenely wet that you think he might drown in your arousal. Even so, you can’t help grind down on him because the delicious feeling of him fucking you with his tongue is too addicting.
“Feels so fucking good, daddy!” You cry, rocking against him faster, roughly fucking yourself on his tongue.
Your eager moans and whimpers has him clamping down on your clit like before, sucking on it like his life depends on it. Wonwoo slides his hands up from your thighs to your hips to move you forwards and backwards and sideways all over his face. His actions cause a slippery mess that has you moaning and crying screaming his name in abandon as you squirt all over his face for the second time.
“Da-Daddy—ah!” The grip on his hair is probably painful, but you don’t care and Wonwoo doesn’t seem to either as he laps up every drop of your release.
His face is so indecently wet with your arousal as you weakly ride out your high. It’s possibly the most intense orgasm of your life. You swear you can see stars behind your eyes as your entire body shakes with pleasure—red hot waves of pleasure that only Wonwoo has ever made you feel.
A weak whimper tumbles past your lips, completely fucked out when Wonwoo finally releases you from his powerful grip. You sag down to the mattress like a limp doll. You’re completely sated as Wonwoo sits up to caress your tear-stained cheek. It makes a fluttering feeling invade your chest.
“Such a good girl.” He coos, eyes clouded with fondness. “My pretty little bunny.”
Wonwoo swoops down to press his lips to yours so you can taste yourself on him. He starts to make out with you languidly, exploring every inch of your mouth until he can no longer taste your cream.
“Daddy.” You breathe out, cunt still pulsing with need. “You’re gonna give me your cock now, right?”
His eyes are dark as he drinks in your naked body. Truthfully, he had planned to stop since it seemed like your orgasms were pretty intense. But with you asking so prettily and cutely, he can’t deny your wish. Wonwoo feels his desire turn into an insatiable hunger when you watch him with carnal lust as he undresses completely.
Seconds later, he kneels between your open thighs and spreads you apart. Wonwoo spits on your soiled cunt before he sinks into your tonight walls. He lets out a guttural groan, obsessed with the way you’re squeezing him. You moan along with him, wrapping your arms around him as his fat cock splits you open.
Wonwoo’s pace is brutal from the start, deeply ramming into your tight pussy as if he’ll never get the chance again. You know that won’t be the case, though. It seems like he wants to have you more than once, and you already know you’ll let him have you all the times he desires.
“You’ve been keeping this tight little cunt from me, sweetheart.” Wonwoo moans as he hunches over you, one hand beside you head while the other is on your hip, pulling you to meet his harsh thrusts.
You feel like absolute heaven. After months of fantasizing about you, Wonwoo finally has you quivering on his cock. He wants more than just a taste now. He’s completely addicted to you, and he wants to be the only man to have you.
“Fuck, baby. You’re dripping all over me, making a mess on daddy’s cock. Gonna lick it up for me after?”
You moan obscenely at his filthy words. Wonwoo drives his aching cock into you deeper. Lascivious noises fill the room—skin slapping, indecent groans, and of course, the loud squelching coming from your pussy. This is better than any fantasy Wonwoo ever dreamt up. To have you sprawled out on the bed he shares with his wife as he fucks you like he’s always dreamt of doing.
It’s like Wonwoo has tunnel vision. All he can focus on is your mewls and moans as his fat cock disappears into you. Your cream surrounds the base of his dick and makes a carnal haze cloud Wonwoo’s mind. He hooks your left leg on his arm, opening you wider for him. “Juicy cunt taking my cock like the good little bunny you are.”
You’re completely wreaked below him. The sight of your pretty little pussy taking him raw is driving him insane. You’re so gorgeous, and Wonwoo can’t get over it. He feels himself throbbing inside your cunt with every pump of his hips. The risk of being caught by his dumb wife makes him animalistic.
“Fucking love your big cock!” You moan, mouth falling open in pleasure.
Wonwoo moans at your words before he dips down to meet your open lips. His tongue licks into your mouth, tasting you all over again. When you part, his eyes are ravenous but also extremely enamored like he isn’t ravishing you in the bed he shares with his wife.
“Ah!” You cry out when his leaking tip hits your sweet spot. “Feel so full, daddy!”
The smirk he gives you is tantalizing. “You like being stuffed full of daddy’s cock, don’t you, baby? Love it when he splits you open and stretches you out, hm?”
“Love it so much.” You whimper with a nod, cunt tightening on his veiny cock. The drag of his dick feels so good that you can barely think straight.
Wonwoo grunts, fucking his cock into your hungry cunt, filling you so deeply that you can’t breathe. He pounds into your dripping hole relentlessly until your moans turn into nonsensical babbling. His throbbing tip is going so far inside you and ramming against your sweet spot that you feel yourself going dumb on his cock. Drawn out moans fill the room, unintelligible syllables spilling from you between his harsh thrusts.
You can’t even function anymore. Wonwoo took that ability from you the moment his thick cock penetrated your pussy. Your boss’s hand slips down your thighs until they get to where you two are connected. His thumbs part your glistening folds, spreading your lips so he can watch the way his cock is buried inside your tight pussy.
“Don’t stop!” You moan, bucking your hips to meet his powerful thrusts.
Wonwoo starts to rub gentle circles on your puffy nub, turning any remaining thoughts into static. His other hand slips up to your body and covers your mouth. Your whines and mewls are muffled, forcing you to listen to the lewd squelching coming from your cunt taking cock.
“You hear that, sweetheart?” Wonwoo growls, hips snapping. “Fucking soaking my cock like the dirty little bunny you are.”
The cries you’re letting out are quickly stifled when Wonwoo shoves his fingers into your mouth. He moans your name when you happily suck on them, swirling your soft tongue around them as if his digits are your favorite treat. He gently fucks your mouth a bit before yanking them out and smearing the saliva coated fingers on your hardened nipples.
“Daddy!” You moan loudly, body arching into Wonwoo as a familiar euphoric feeling washes over you.
Your orgasm hits so suddenly that Wonwoo is surprised. He doesn’t stop, though. He fucks you through it, juices being forced out of you as his cock splits you open. The tightness of your twitching walls beckon him to fill you up with his cum, but he holds back.
Instead he focuses on marking up your pretty tits. He sucking on your nipples, licking and nipping at them until they’re covered with his love bites. It helps you ride out your high, and all you can do is mewl softly as you run your fingers through his soft hair.
“I want your cum, daddy.” You weakly thrust up, moaning in protest when his cock slips out of your cunt and slides between your folds. “Come inside me. Want it so bad.”
His length is shiny with your release. It’s so hard that it looks almost painful. Wonwoo grits his teeth, lashes fluttering when your hand guides him into your cunt again. The stretch burns deliciously. You’re still not fully used to his size even though he just fucked you like an animal in heat. But you don’t care. All you want is to feel him come inside you.
Wonwoo pulls out of your pussy all the way only to deeply thrust his cock back in to the hold. He repeats this until you’re crying out for him like before. Finally, you clamp your legs around his sides, locking him balls deep. He can’t help but laugh at your determination. Especially when you start to rut against him desperately. God you’re so fucking cute he can’t help but want to ruin you.
“Please, daddy. Fill me up and stuff me full of your cum!”
“Such a desperate little bunny.” Wonwoo coos as he forces your thighs apart, pummeling his dick deeper inside you. “Trying to milk daddy’s cock. You want me to fuck you full of my cum until your pretty little pussy can’t hold any more of it, huh?”
“God—yes. Fuck. Fill me, fill me.” You whine brokenly. “Give me your cum and make me yours!”
You’re close again. Heat washes over your skin as you try to work yourself down on his cock. Wonwoo smirks down at you, pounding into your tight cunt like a starving beast. Another deep roll of his hips has you crying out for him again. Your pussy swallows his cock avidly, drenching him in your cream. Every pound of his thickness sends your juices down to your ass and adds to the soiled mess under you.
Wonwoo’s eyes dart between your fucked out face and your battered cunt. Your arousal coats your thighs and the base of his cock. He can even feel your essence seeping down his balls. Your wet lips are swollen at this point, your aching clit rubbed raw by his fingers. Still, he doesn’t stop.
“Gonna pump you full of my cum, sweet girl. Gonna stuff you full until I’m all you can feel.”
It’s unholy how you're so willingly being split open by his big cock. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, dizziness taking over.
“Fuck.” Wonwoo moans when he looks down to when your tight cunt is gripping his cock. “Cream all over me, bunny. Show daddy how much you love his cock.”
You’re thrown over the edge, cunt gripping his cock even tighter as he relentlessly hammers into you. Wonwoo feels your nails dig into his back, scratching down his spine, no doubt leaving red marks on his skin. Not that he cares. Wonwoo wants you all over him. Craves for you to mark what’s already yours.
Wonwoo grips your hips and lifts you, sheathing his throbbing cock into your cunt right to the hilt. He ruts into your leaking core like an untamed beast, and you let him because you want his cum to fill you up until you can’t think anymore. His gaze is locked on your pretty pussy as you moan out for him to fuck you harder.
Your cute moans have his eyes flickering up to your face, cock twitching wildly when he sees your fucked out expression. “Fuck, Y/N!”
It’s the prettiest sight to see Wonwoo’s euphoric expression as he spills his cum into your awaiting pussy. He’s so deep inside you, claiming you until his seed is gushing out of you and down to your ass. He keeps fucking his warmth into you, spilling more ropes of his cum with every thrust.
Wonwoo relishes in the pretty little whimpers you let out as he fucks his cum back into your hot cunt.
He slowly pulls out of you with a hiss, brows furrowing in dissatisfaction when he sees his cum leaking out of you. You’re not sure how long he stares at your messy cunt, but you’re taken by surprise when he suddenly smashes his face into your sloppy pussy.
You both moan loudly when he starts lapping up your mixed releases. He’s so eager with his movements, obsessed with the taste of you and him mixed together. Wonwoo licks you clean, smirking at you when he leaves you a mewling mess after he’s done. The sight of his chin glistening with your mixed releases turns you on all over again.
It’s how you find yourself being impaled on Wonwoo’s big cock once again. Your moans are filthy and louder than ever. Every tip he slams his hips against your it feels like he’s punching the air out of your lungs. You feel like you can’t breathe let alone think with how deep his cock is fucking into you. The brush of his leaking tip against your sweet spot reduces you to a babbling, moaning mess.
“D-Daddy.” You stutter out with a soft whine. “Don’t stop!”
Wonwoo leans down to press scattered kisses across your jaw before he smashes his lips on yours in a sloppy kiss that swallows all of your moans. You mewl into his mouth as your arms come up to wrap around his neck, back arching with your tits pressed against his chest, nipples grazing his own.
“Pretty pussy’s so fucking tight.” Wonwoo growls, hips snapping at a savage-like pace. “I can barely move.”
It’s true. Despite him drilling his aching cock into the wet heat of your slick pussy, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to move with how much you’re tightening around him. The way your velvety walls hug his cock lights up every single nerve of his body. Wonwoo loves the feeling of the heated friction of his veins dragging along your hot cunt.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck with a loud moan. Wonwoo starts to suck and nip at your sensitive flesh until he sees that he’s successfully left behind dark bruises on your skin. He gently kisses the marks he’s left behind—a great contrast to the way he’s roughly fucking you.
“Feel that, sweetheart?” Wonwoo pants, his snapping hips moving faster than before. “Daddy’s gonna mold your pretty pussy so no one else fits.”
You cry out when his thumbs finds your puffy clit. He runs fast circles on the sensitive nub, loving how your tight cunt spasms around his twitching cock.
“So good!” Your voice slowly starts to break off into wanton moans as your legs wrap around him.
Wonwoo’s weeping tip brushes against that spot inside you that has you arching your back and screaming out in pleasure. His cock twitches when he feels your hot cunt continuously tighten around him. With a guttural groan, he brings his thumb down to your clit to run fast circles on it. It’s almost amazing how fast your cream starts to coat his dick at the stimulation.
“God, sweetheart.” His voice seems to get deeper as he keeps splitting you open. “Pretty pussy was fucking made for me. It’s mine—all mine.”
“Daddy!” You moan in ecstasy. “Feels so good.”
His thumb keeps stroking your clit until you’re shrieking his name like it’s the only thing you know how to say. You choke on a euphoric cry as you come around his cock. Wonwoo lets out a guttural groan bad your wet walls start to spasm around him. His hips slam against yours desperately as he chases his own high.
The tight clench of your cunt forces him into an orgasm of his own. Spurts of his hot cum paint every inch of your walls, filling you up with every twitch of his cock. Thick ropes of cum drip down the sides of your thighs as he fucks his load into you, groaning your name through a strained, cracked voice.
Wonwoo’s hips sloppily rutting into yours as he fucks his cock into your messy cunt. Sticky strings are connecting his girthy base to the lips of your cunt. You're writhing from overstimulation, thighs shaking and tears slipping from the corner of your eyes.
“D-Daddy!” You moan, so far gone on his cock that it’s all you can think about. “Fuh-Fuck. T-Too—ah! Too d-deep!”
You feel so fucking good you can barely speak, toes curling with the ever sharp thrust of his cock. His hard pelvis grinds against your puffy bud as he lifts your legs so they’re resting on his shoulders. The new angle makes his throbbing dick go deeper inside you, and all you can do is pathetically grind up to chase the pleasure that’s consuming your mind and body.
Wonwoo growls lowly when he feels your pussy twitching around him. The fact that you look so fucking pretty beneath him, babbling and choking on your nonsensical words. Wet tears are clinging to your lashes as every thought that’s not about him or his cock being fucked out of you so easily.
You sound so fucked out that Wonwoo has to thrust deeply into you to get you to let out more of those cute moans. His rough pace has your pussy clamping down on him as he angles your hips higher to sink impossibly deeper into your hot cunt.
Wonwoo’s smirk is so attractive that your pussy leaves behind another layer of cream on his hard cock. He licks his lips, playfully slapping your aching clit. “Slutty little bunny. Did daddy already fuck you stupid?”
He’s teasing you because he knows you’ve got more for him. Wonwoo won’t stop ravishing your little cunt until you’re nothing more than dumb, pliant and feeling so fucking good after he’s done using you. Your mind is completely hazed with pleasure that you barely register the filth he’s speaking when hes he's fucking you into the mattress like a wild animal, grunting through his teeth with every needy twitch of his heavy cock.
You’re just as desperate for your release as Wonwoo is to dig it out of you. Somehow, he’s already managed to memorize every single spot that has you creaming around him. Which you do. Like a cute, dumb bunny in heat, you leave a mess around the base of his cock. He moans your name in fondness when your nails leave behind stinging marks along his biceps and shoulders, still begging for another orgasm.
“Cute. Fucking. Bunny.” He grunts between the rough snapping of his hips. Your soiled cunt is squeezing his cock tighter like you’re begging him to fill you up with his cum. “All fucking mine. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
In all your lust and pleasure, you still manage to nod. “Oh-Only yours, da-daddy!”
You have him so fucking close already with the tantalizing little look you’re giving him. Wonwoo leans down so he can admire how pretty you look with tears of pleasure dripping down your cheeks. You cry out when your boss splits you open further, almost folding you in half beneath him.
The sudden force of his hips make your body clap against his, and you feel dizzy from the overwhelming sensation as your eyes close in bliss.
“That’s right, baby. Only daddy can fuck you this good.” His deep voice wavers with the increasing tightness of your cunt.
Wonwoo is practically bouncing his hips into you as his heavy balls smack of your ass with every impact. He’s already fucked you stupid. You’re nothing but a mindless, pretty bunny underneath him as he grinds his cock against the pleading spots inside of you. It feels like your insides curl and ache with need as your orgasm races to burst along your limbs with the next too-deep touch of his cock.
All you can do is cry for him as you come, babbling out mindless mantras and hiccups of his name. Wonwoo moans along with you at the first milking compression of your tight cunt around him, giving him no choice but to spill into you with a low groan that only seems to prolong your blissful state.
The back and forth stutter of his hips is intoxicating, his pelvis pressing tight against your cunt. Wonwoo fucks his load into your eager pussy, not wanting to waste even a drop of his sticky cum. His thrusts slow until you start to whine at the oversensitivity.
You slowly open your eyes and give him a spent smile. Wonwoo returns it, crawling over you to kiss you. It’s sweeter and more gentle this time—just like he is. You gasp into his mouth when his fingers sink into your tender cunt, pushing his cum back into you. You squirm, toes curling at the feeling.
“Such a good little bunny.” Wonwoo praises as his fingers circles your clit before tracing up and slipping them into your mouth. “My pretty, little cockslut.”
“Mhm.” You moan around his fingers, knowing this is only the beginning of your deepest desires.
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“I hear you’re in love.”
Wonwoo doesn’t look away from his glass because he knows Mingyu is giving him a knowing smirk. It’s not a surprise that his best friend already knows about you. After all, you’re good friends with the woman Mingyu is madly in love with.
“As usual, you’ve got me beat in that department.”
Mingyu’s smile doesn’t falter because even if he’s not talking about it, Wonwoo doesn’t deny the feelings he clearly has. “She takes good care of Hana. Don’t act like that’s not all you look for in a woman.”
It’s silly the way Wonwoo can’t fight the fond smile that stretches his face. Every time he thinks to how well you take care of his daughter, he falls for you a little more each time.
“And you?” Wonwoo questions his friend who’s more of a lovesick puppy than he is. “You’ve found the woman of your dreams, but you still haven’t proposed.”
“I’m waiting until she finishes school.” Mingyu has that goofy smile on his face he gets every time he thinks bout his girlfriend. “After she gets closer to achieving her dreams, I’m going to make her my wife.”
Wonwoo can see the stars in his friend’s eyes and lets out a find laugh. “You surprised me. I thought you’d marry her the second you broke things off with her mom.”
Mingyu only gives him an excited smile. “She’s worth waiting for. So hurry up and finalize your divorce. The girls have been dying to go on a double date.”
Wonwoo feels a giddy excitement consume him. For years he had only foreseen a bleak future with a woman who didn’t love him. But now that he knows he’s going to face the future with you by his side, he doesn’t plan on letting you go.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs @asjkdk @dani41 @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @ohwonwoo @dokwiyomie
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2K notes · View notes
nneogram · 1 year
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PAIRING. wonwoo x reader (f)
GENRE. fluff, college!au
WARNINGS. i think there’s one (1) expletive, wonwoo is not good at speaking on the phone
A/N. happy holidays and long time (loooong long time) no see! i can’t believe how quickly time has passed and i don’t know how long i’ll be back (though as always i have multiple works-in-progress rn) but for now enjoy this spur-of-the-moment piece i wrote while avoiding studying for my final that’s today. this is unedited! there could be typos and grammatical errors >.<
LISTEN TO. “hit me up” by omar apollo, dominic fike, & kenny beats.
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Wonwoo knew it wasn’t a good idea to mention you to his roommate. Because now all Soonyoung wants to do is force Wonwoo to make the first move, something that A) wouldn’t end well and B) will never happen in the first place. Wonwoo would rather suffer an untimely death than be the one to initiate anything. And that’s saying something considering this final paper he was working on right now felt pretty much like death.
“Just call her. Hit her up and go, ‘I’m in love with you, please go out with me or else I’ll throw myself out the window.’” Soonyoung purposely pitches his voice up an octave.
“One,” Wonwoo types away on his laptop, paying no attention to his meddling roommate, “My voice sounds nothing like that. And two, throwing myself out the window isn’t as grave of a repercussion when you remember we live on the first floor.”
Soonyoung sighs. “Okay, how about starting small? Ask her out to dinner or something. Something simple and easy.”
Wonwoo fakes a laugh. “Bold of you to assume that’s easy. There’s nothing easy about calling the girl you like and asking her on a date.”
“You don’t even have to do the first part. I can call her, and all you have to do is ask her out.”
Soonyoung’s offer gets ignored as Wonwoo continues to stare at the half-empty word document on his laptop screen. Knowing his roommate won’t let up until he acquiesces in some way, Wonwoo absentmindedly agrees, saying something like, “Sure. Do whatever you want.”
“Okay.” Wonwoo echoes his roommate and the room descends into silence. Ah, peace and quiet. Something that almost never happens with Soonyoung in the room-
It’s too quiet.
The gravity of the situation doesn’t sink in until he spots Soonyoung a few steps away, Wonwoo’s phone in hand, your contact name pulled up. And Soonyoung’s ring-adorned finger hovering over the “Call” button.
Wonwoo fumbles for the phone, but Soonyoung yanks it out of reach. Wonwoo can only stand in frozen terror as his roommate presses the button for speakerphone and the ringing drones on.
He’s further cemented to his spot when you actually pick up.
“Hello? Wonwoo?” The line crackles as your voice fills the room. Your voice sounds different on the phone - a little deeper, a little more hushed as though this was a private conversation. It was supposed to be a private conversation.
Wonwoo’s stunned silence would have continued if it were not for Soonyoung swatting at his shoulder. Talk to her, his roommate mouths. “Uhm, yeah, hi.” His voice threatens to crack at the end of his sentence, and he clears his throat.
“Hey.” There’s a hint of bemusement in your voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. Sorry for the call, I usually don’t do that, -“
“-Yeah, I got a little confused,” you confess with a breathy laugh. “I wasn’t sure if something was wrong, and even if so I would’ve expected a cryptic text first.”
God, he loves your sense of humor. Wonwoo forces a chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. So, uh. What’s up?”
There’s a beat of silence from you. He can hear your amusement when you echo back his question. “‘What’s up?’”
Soonyoung facepalms. But he’s at least brought Wonwoo’s phone down to an attainable level now, so Wonwoo takes the opportunity to retrieve it.
He immediately presses the button to remove you from the speakerphone and brings the phone to his ear. “Sorry, sorry, I got sidetracked. This is why I send my cryptic texts.” Your laugh on the other end affirms Wonwoo in his defusing of the situation, and so he continues. “When did you say you were heading back home again?”
“Saturday afternoon. Why, what’s up?”
Fuck it, here goes nothing. Wonwoo takes a deep breath. “The reason why I was calling you is because I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat before you leave to celebrate the end of finals but if you aren’t able to that’s okay.”
Wonwoo ignores the way Soonyoung is staring him down with an incredulous look on his face. Wonwoo is pretty sure he’s red in the face right now.
Once again, more silence on your end. Wonwoo thinks maybe the call has disconnected (or maybe you were so offended by his proposal that you hung up), and he’s about to bring the phone away from his face to check his screen when you finally respond.
“That’s the most I’ve heard you say in one go.” Once again, you’re laughing, and Wonwoo’s worries dissipate. He’s still nervous, of course, especially considering you haven’t actually answered to his offering yet, but something about your laidback nature really puts him at ease. It almost makes him think that even if you said no, he’d be okay-
“I’d love to grab food with you. Did you want to do Friday night or Saturday morning?”
Wonwoo’s roommate has since crept closer to him, head leaning in on the other side of the phone to listen in on the conversation. Soonyoung is just as shell-shocked as Wonwoo is when you say yes.
“Mm, uh,” Wonwoo clears his throat, “Friday night works for me. I’ll be free from my last final by then.”
“Sick! Me too. I can’t wait to be free from the grips of biochem after Friday afternoon.” There’s rustling on your end, likely you getting up and moving around. “I have to head back to studying right now, but we can text as it gets closer to figure out specifics?”
“Sure. Sounds good.” Wonwoo’s throat has gone dry.
Soonyoung has decided at this point that his job is done, and he walks away from Wonwoo with a fist pumping in the air as though his favorite soccer team just won the World Cup.
Wonwoo returns his full attention to you. He can hear your grin when you say, “Great. Oh, and Wonwoo?”
He expects there to be a caveat, a “but” at the end of your acceptance. “Hm?”
“You should call me more often.”
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facioleeknow · 6 months
Wonwoo. Eating. You know.
Hey for this I combined this and another ask:
Pls pls pls some wonwoo with fluff and random smut plssds
I hope you like it babe!
Never have I ever • Jeon Wonwoo
Tw: smut, suggestive, not proofread, drinking, drunk hoshi
The atmosphere around you was cheerful. It was Jihoon’s birthday and the members plus you were having a little celebration, which meant pizza and never ending soju. Hoshi was obviously already drunk and in his state he thought the best thing you could do was play never have I ever. As soon as he proposed it, you and Minghao gave him one of the nastiest side eye ever and Jihoon said something about being too old to play a kids’ game. Hoshi didn't take it lightly, his eyes starting filling up with tears and as soon as everybody noticed, you all screamed about how excited you were to play never have I ever and DK scrambled to get up and pat his friend on the back lightly.
“We avoided the crying but at what cost,” you mumbled under your breath, making your boyfriend Wonwoo laugh silently.
Your relationship was very new, you met through Jihoon, you had been friends for a while and when you complained about having been single forever, he introduced you to Wonwoo insisting you would be perfect for each other. And you were. You clicked really well but you still were in your honeymoon phase and a bit shy around each other because of your introverted nature.
“Never have I ever received oral,” Jeonghan smirked. Little devil.
Your stomach dropped, you had never been with men that cared about your pleasure so giving oral for them was out of the question. Your fingers stayed still and the group widened their eyes at you, but kept quiet because of your glare.
“Wonwoo what are you doing? You're not treating your girlfriend right man, to keep a woman happy you need to have your face between their thighs regularly,” Josh slutted. You sighed, this was precisely why you didn't want to play this game.
Seeing your face, Jihoon quickly shushed Hoshi and sent you an apologetic look. Wonwoo on the other hand wouldn't let that information go so easily, he was shocked that nobody had ever done that for you. His warm and soft hand found place on the plush of your thigh and gently kneaded the flesh to comfort you. You smiled at him and put your hand on top of his. He was such a good boyfriend. 
The rest of the evening passed without incidents and you had almost forgotten about the dreaded question until you were in the car with your boyfriend.
“You truly have never been eaten out?” He asked without looking at you.
“Yes,” you felt silly to admit it.
“Would you like me to do it?”
“YES!” you answered very enthusiastically which made Wonwoo chuckle. 
The rest of the car ride went by smoothly and silently. To you it felt like an eternity. When you pulled up in front of Wonwoo’s house, he opened the car door for you like the gentleman he was and then let you get in first when he opened the front door. Your heart was racing when you were taking off your shoes, you could feel Wonwoo's presence behind you, anticipation hung in the air. Your underwear started to feel damp and you thought that whoever said that to await pleasure was pleasure itself was right. 
Wonwoo lips made contact with your neck and a broken sigh escaped you. He spun you around, his mouth crashing on your with a intensity you never felt before. His body pressed you to the wall and his hands fumbled to open your belt and jeans. He hastily pulled your jeans down along with your underwear and got on his knees.
His eyes locked with your wet pussy and then looked up. He looked sinful and you could almost cum from that sight alone.
His tongue darted out and he licked a long strip from your entrance to your clit while maintaining eye contact. A high pitched moan fell from your open mouth, it was like nothing you've ever felt. 
Wonwoo grabbed his glasses and put them on the floor before spreading your lips and fully diving in. He was licking and sucking like his life depended on it. A string of moans and incoherent words came out of your mouth which seemed to encourage him even more. You're knees buckledz unable to stand your weight anymore. Fortunately for you, you had a strong boyfriend. Wonwoo's arm snaked around your waist to keep you pinned against the wall.
“Don't go weak on me now baby, we're just getting started,” he smirked from between your legs.
You were in for one hell of a night.
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because-of-a-friend · 8 months
A Day At The Library
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Thanks for the request friend! This is a very cute idea!
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.9k
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The call of the guards announcing that Prince Wonwoo is approaching has nearly become a daily occurence in your life. He will stop in your library at any moment, he always does. It used to puzzle you, how often he came. But then you remembered he lived in a castle. The library he had there was sure to never be overwhelmed by any number of books he purchased from your shop.
It also explained why he came so often. That wing of the castle had only just been built. He had plenty of shelves to fill with books. You had found yourself admiring the fact that he came to handpick his own books himself. You knew there were many scholars and tutors within the castle who the prince could have sent out to fill the library instead.
Although, the first time he had come to your little shop, he had come on his own after sneaking out of the castle. You had heard the little bell above your door ding, signaling someone had entered. "Welcome!" you called, "I'll be right with you!" You had quickened your pace in stocking the shelves with a new shipment of the books, wanting to be available for your customer.
You had bent over to grab another stack and stood up only to meet eyes with someone through the shelves. His eyes had widened for a second before his they crinkled in the tell-tale sign of a smile. You let the stack of books collect in your arms as you smiled back, "Hello, there. I'll be right here if you need me!" You assured.
"I'm just looking, but thank you," the man said. You nodded and continued your work. Once the shipment of books had been completely sorted into the correct places, you took your place behind the counter. The man looked carefully at each of the books that made their home in your little shop. Although he gave attention to all of them, you could see his gaze consistently drawn back to a red, leather bound book with gold lettering. It was an astronomy book, one of the most beautiful in the shop. Also one of the most expensive, which was what kept most people from buying it.
But eventually the man picked it up and ran his fingers over it carefully. He gazed so lovingly over the pages that you couldn't help but stare at him with a smile on your face.
"This one, please," he asked, setting the book gently on your counter.
"I'll be sad to part with this one, but I'm happy it has finally found a home," you state, taking the man's coin from his hand.
"You talk about the book as though it's your friend," he chuckled.
"All these books are my friends," you gestured around your shop. "If I didn't think they could be, I'd get rather lonely around here."
The man smiled while taking the small coins he received in change from your hand, "Well feel free to come visit your friend anytime." He held the astronomy book up. "But for now, we must both take our leave." He looked out the shop window at two palace guards passing by then quickly walked in the opposite direction of them.
"Librarian! Librarian!" three children ran into your shop.
"What is it?" you had asked, alarmed by their volume and suddenness.
"What business did Prince Wonwoo have in your shop?"
You had been shocked to learn that it had been the Crowned Prince himself in your shop, mortified that you hadn't realized it was him, and worried after finding out he had snuck out of the castle that day. But then he had started visiting town more often on adventures that had actually been permitted by his parents.
His purchases from the bookshop had given you a journey through the interests of the prince. First it was all astronomy. Then he had gone through a phase of clearing out your poetry section nearly every week. He had dabbled a bit in cartography books. In his current phase, he had been buying up your botany catalogues.
You wouldn't admit it, but you had been stocking up based on what had been sparking his interests.
And Prince Wonwoo would never admit it, but the reason he came to a small bookshop in the town instead of getting someone in the castle to fill his library, was because of you.
Prince Wonwoo felt light and airy as he stepped into your shop to be greeted by your smile, "Welcome, Your Majesty."
"Good afternoon [Y/N]," he gave a smile back, only hoping his could be as radiant as yours. "How is my favorite librarian?"
You laughed softly at the comment, a sound that always made Wonwoo's smile grow even larger. "I'm doing better than ever. The future of my bookshop is promised since it has become the main vendor for a certain prince."
Wonwoo hoped he wasn't blushing. "Well that's a relief. I would be quite disappointed if this place were to shut down." He was already amongst the shelves of books. He noticed that you had already restocked the botony shelf, the fact made the tips of his fingers tingle. He reached immediately for one with light green binding.
"I figured you would like that one," your sweet voice sang through the shelves of the shop. "It includes plants out of our region. I thought you might have enough books documenting our native selection."
Wonwoo flipped through the pages, his eyes taking in the sights of flowers he couldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams. "I do like it," he confirmed. He paused before deciding to take a bit of a risk. "I also like having a librarian that seems to cater so carefully to her clients." There was silence for a moment, Wonwoo felt his heartbeat all the way down to the tip of his toes.
"I do my best," you responded, a laugh accompanying your words. You always laughed around him, that was good, right?
"You wouldn't happen to have a zoology section?" Wonwoo asks, the light green book now held firmly in his grip. It would certainly be going home with him.
"Zoology now, huh?" you call, stretching your arms to stock books on the highest shelves.
"My professor was telling me of incredible creatures from other lands. It sparked an interest, I suppose," Wonwoo offers shyly. You appear from around a bookcase, ever-present smile on your face.
"Exotic zoology. My, what incredible studies our prince takes part in," you say. Wonwoo notices that your tone is not one of mocking, but of genuine praise and awe. He uses an imaginary scratch on the back of his head as excuse to duck down. Hopefully it will keep you from noticing the way his face flushes. "I figured this was coming, so..."
Wonwoo watches as you walk a few bookshelves over and then place yourself in front of a specific section. He tries not to read too much into how you seem to already have books in mind for him as you pluck them from the shelves. There's three books in your arms making a sizable stack of themselves as you make your way back too them.
There's a thick one with deep black leather bound to it, "This one covers just about everything. Although, it is a more difficult read. I haven't forgotten that you like a challenge."
Next there's a red one. Slightly muted in pigmentation compared to the astrology book he first bought, but still beautiful, "This is exotic animals."
The last is a light yellow one. Wonwoo thinks every time you pick a book for him, the cover becomes his favorite color. He's commissioned several paintings based on the hues you've made him see. "This one is local fauna, since I know you'll want it eventually." He had been careful taking the other two books from you. But after you explained the third, he let his finger slide over yours as he accepted it.
You don't react, just smile at him the way you always do.
Wonwoo doesn't know what this means, but he hopes to find out.
The seasons pass and Wonwoo finds subject after subject to study. In reality, his professors have told him many times that he is a well-rounded student who is knowledgable on many subjects. But he insists that he needs to learn more. There's always more and there are still empty library shelves.
After some time, Wonwoo's parents send his professors off to take a break. Wonwoo is devastated. His parents think he may really just love learning that much. But truthfully, Wonwoo now has no excuse to go to the librabry without subjects to learn. He stares at the number of empty shelves in his own library. He can find one, he's sure.
The shop door dings as someone enters. "What is it today?" you say as you see the prince's ruffled black hair. "Are we off of local history and onto history of foreign lands? Or have we moved off of history entirely?"
"I actually came for fiction today," he grins.
You pause dramatically in your movements, "I'm sorry? Our prince of many interests is looking for simple fiction?"
Wonwoo laughs before he nods, "I'll need much to entertain myself while my professors take an extended break."
"Then let me introduce you to all of my favorites," you say excitedly. Wonwoo has the largest stack of books that he's ever had in your store by the end.
"You have a lot of favorites," Wonwoo admires each and every title, excited to follow behind you on the adventures you've taken before.
"Well I wouldn't keep a shop full of books if I didn't like them," you shrug. You take a moment to study Wonwoo and the pile. "Would you like help taking those back?" His head snaps up. "I don't mean to intrude," you back off immediately, "it's just a lot for one person to carry."
"Oh I didn't feel any intrustion. I was just surprised," his expression softens as he realizes he looks like he took offense. "Technically visitors are only allowed in the palace on invitation from the King and Queen."
"Ah, I understand," you stew with him in silence for too long. "Well you could also store some here for the time being and take them back overtime. I don't mind holding them for you. You could even read them here if you like."
"That's a nice offer."
"Well, we should enjoy it while it lasts, right?"
"What do you mean 'while it lasts?'" Wonwoo looks concerned up at you.
"Once your library is filled, you won't be coming around here anymore," you share a look with him. "I hope I'm not out of line if I say that I will miss your company when that day comes."
Wonwoo feels content. He has his answer. You gave it to him willingly. Without saying words. Without him having to ask.
"Well you don't have to worry about that," he says nonchalantly.
"Oh?" you inquire.
"No, I mean, once my librabry is complete, I'll need someone to help me tend to it," Wonwoo hesitates before he lays his hand over yours where it rests on the books. The ones you handpicked just for him.
"If I didn't know any better," you say, "I'd say you wanted to keep me around for awhile longer."
"Yes [Y/N], I'd like to keep you around for as long as possible."
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inkedobsidian · 8 months
~Interview Process~
summary: Y/N helps her current boss find his replacement through a trick, and it goes exactly to plan
pairing: CEO!WonwooxPA!Reader
warnings: mentions of businessmen being assholes, fluffy otherwise
word count: 2,592
a/n: This is my first post for a SVT member so it had to be Wonwoo. The CEO's name and his wife's name are all fictional I just thought of them on the spot. Also since I just finished Business Proposal I thought the world could use a little more CEO!Wonwoo. Requests are open and I have a prompt list too if you want any ideas! @celestialpearls
Master-list - Prompts
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The day Kim Seung-Woo, the CEO of a popular tech company and also your direct boss announced his retirement the tech world was shocked. Seung-Woo was barely in his late 30’s but the net worth he’d created had allowed him enough freedom to retire as soon as his wife was about to give birth to their first child. You had been his receptionist/assistant in the first few years of the company but as the company grew your responsibilities became more focused on being a personal assistant to Kim Seung-Woo. This had given you a close bond with him and his wife Hwang Sun Hee, you’d started working there at 17 and here you were nearly a decade later at 25.
This meant that you were treated a lot more personally than every other employee but that also meant you were pulled into Kim Seung-Woo’s ‘antics’ a lot. Considering he had built the company from a garage to a multi-billion won company it was also commented on how ‘normal’ he remained. Kim Sun Hee was the same woman he started dating as a teenager, being through broke times together they always kept each other in the mind set to not take anything they had for granted. This made Seung-Woo dead set on not letting someone run his company who would only respect the top players and not everyone in the company.
“I don’t understand what me dressing up as a janitor is going to do to help, surely how they treat me as your assistant will be enough?” You spoke candidly to Seung-Woo and Sun Hee as they sat across from you at the coffee table. Sun Hee laughed as she knew Seung-Woo had thought of a new ‘test’ for the candidates to replace him.
“See dumb people would disrespect you not thinking you had any influence, but smart and crafty people will be fake kind and then mistreat you once I leave. Only a special and deserving kind of person will be nice to even the lowest person in the building aka. the cleaner.” Seung-Woo spoke so informally and calmly that you almost wanted to burst into laughter at how confident he was in himself and his idea. Sun Hee just patted his hand in an ‘of-course’ dear kind of way that made you look at them both with such adoration, they genuinely have become extended family to you over these years.
So the next day you were here waiting for Seokmin to arrive as he was covering for you for the few hours of interviews. Why Seung-Woo picked the most un-serious person for an entire day of essentially tricking people was beyond you, Seokmin could barely hold in his laughter at the idea.
“All of the calls are just being sent to the phone in the other office for the time period for me to answer all you have to do is do your normal job from my desk, then call me 10 minutes for a candidate is due for me to come out then call Seung-Woo when candidates are here. I know need to go change…” You gave Seokmin a pat on his back as you slowly walked away, you could already hear his laugh as you walked to the staff room on your.
“It’s fine, it’s only 5 hours and they promised BBQ…” You whispered to yourself. You weren’t completely against wearing comfy clothes for 5 hours of your shift but the whole premise did seem rather strange. However, it proved to work perfectly.
Your entire role was to do your job from the empty COO office, then when a candidate was due you were supposed to ‘clean’ around the waiting room and ask the candidate to move politely so you could clean where they are to gauge their reaction. You had to admit 3 hours in it was working amazingly. Every single candidate that had walked in had been amazingly polite to Seokmin, then more than 50% were rude to you just for even being in the room while they were “trying to focus”. Every single time it happened Seokmin would write a red circle next to their name.
You couldn’t lie after 3 1/2 hours of this you were tired and you were also tired of being randomly shouted at by men in suits that you couldn’t help but laugh at internally. If only they knew that the hiring decisions were based almost entirely on their interaction with you. You’d almost zoned out when the phone rang again and it was Seokmin.
“You got 10 minutes until the next one if you wanna head down.” He had the same tone in his voice that he was smiling as he spoke and it made you feel a little better that at least someone you got along with was in the same space. You began to plug your headphones back in and made your way out of the office pushing the cleaning cart. As you were about to turn the corner you felt a small tap on your shoulder. As you unplugged your headphones you saw a man almost the same age as you staring back at you with an awkward lopsided smile. He immediately introduced himself and bowed which shocked you, that didn’t even happen when you were dressed normally by a lot of people.
“I'm sorry to interrupt you are probably very busy but do you know the way to Kim Seung-Woo’s office? I’m here for an interview.” His voice was deep and smooth and for a second you forgot yourself how to get there. His tall and wide frame made him look imposing especially the full black suit and slicked-back hair but his politeness made the energy around him feel calm.
“I’m actually heading that way now if you’d like to follow me!” You were just finally glad you weren’t dealing with snide or sometimes pure rude comments. You walked around the few corners in comfortable silence and when you reached the doors that had “Kim Seung-Woo’s Office” etched into the plate the candidate actually jogged ahead to grab the door for the cart. He stood to the side as you pushed the cart through and you gave a curt bow of the head as you walked past. You decided to just go to the opposite side of the room and let him speak to Seokmin then sit down.
“Jeon Wonwoo here for an interview at 4 pm.” He spoke in the same soft and calm voice to Seokmin who just beamed back positivity and offered him a drink before telling him to take a seat. This was your cue, Seokmin would leave the room and you would ask them to move. Just in case anyone held their tongue around Seokmin, you didn’t expect anything from this candidate so you weren’t as nervous.
Seokmin waited 2 minutes for him to sit down before he left to make whatever drink he’d asked for. This was your cue, you tried to nonchalantly walk up to him but as he noticed you approach he stood up already and moved to the side. This shocked you as most people weren’t aware you were even there until you spoke to them.
“Ah, I’m sorry I’ll be very quick and you can take a seat.” You smiled politely and very quickly swept underneath the chair as he stood there holding both hands behind his back, just waiting. As you stood up again to move back you gave another bow for a brief apology.
“Nonsense you have a job to do I understand.” He spoke as he gave you the same bow in return and took the same seat again. Now you understood Seung-woo's point, you couldn’t tell him that though it would give him far too much ego as Sun Hee would say.
Finally, Seokmin returned, gave Mr. Jeon his drink, and went into the interview room for the second part of his interview. He was the only candidate that day to leave with a green tick against his name, which was good enough for Seung-Woo but you didn’t hear anything else about the process after that day. You just feared having to do that for a whole day again.
A whole month later you were finally at that BBQ that was offered for your fun day of dress-up. It was at the same BBQ place you had joined the Kims for dinner once a month every month since you joined the company. It was a small family-owned restaurant in the same area where Seung-Woo and Sun Hee used to have their first house, you guys had never moved to a different restaurant this place was too loved. You always dressed and spoke casually here that was just how the 3 of you worked. However, this time the table was for 4.
You were waiting at the front of the restaurant for the couple to arrive when someone tapped you on the shoulder again. As you turned you saw Mr. Jeon again, he was giving the same smile but this time his hair wasn’t slicked back and he was in a much more casual outfit, he was also wearing glasses this time. He must have worn contacts for the interview, you didn’t know why though the glasses looked great.
“Excuse me, have we met before?” He asked almost unsure of himself. It had been a month since so his voice was almost certain but he also didn’t know your name to be certain. Just as you were about to speak you heard Kim Seung-Woo’s voice to your right.
“Ah yes this is Y/N L/N, she’s my assistant. You however met her in her lovely janitor outfit, which will be explained I promise but let’s sit down first.” He said pulling you into a side hug and then Sun Hee embraced you as well. Wonwoo was confused, he couldn’t deny that, it was rare for a CEO to treat people with this much kindness. It was a nice change for him.
As you all took your seats are your regular table the entire situation was explained to Wonwoo who you could tell was holding in laughter at certain points of the story, especially every time you interrupted Seung-Woo with a small anecdote about something someone said to you. It was nice to see the relationship you had built over the years. Wonwoo was still unsure why he was invited considering he hadn’t been offered the job or even contacted about it.
“Before we get to the enjoyed part of this evening, I wanted to talk about the topic at hand.” Seung-Woo all of a sudden became very serious, it was almost like the music in the restaurant lowered itself so he could be heard. “Mr Jeon, May I call you Wonwoo?”
“Of course, sir.” He replied quickly, it was honestly a massive honor.
“Wonwoo, I would like to offer you this jo-my job. However, this job offer is conditional,” You had no idea what the conditions were, it was never something discussed but then again you didn’t discuss everything, “The obvious one is the shares of the company I keep which we already discussed in the interview if you’re comfortable with them and we already spoke that they could be discussed should you have children of your own.”
Wonwoo nodded along as he spoke, the conditions were more than generous considering the job Wonwoo would be taking, it was almost too good to be true.
“Now this is the most un-conditional one and it will actually be drafted into the contract. Y/N L/N’s job is secure. She will always serve the CEO as the assistant and her salary will never drop from where it is, it will only ever be increased should her job increase,” Now this took you by surprise. You knew the Kim’s treated you like family over this past decade but this really put the icing on the cake of it all, the emotions almost overwhelmed you and then you felt Sun Hee reach for your hand, “She’s worked for us since the beginning and frankly she was the person that made us realize we wanted to raise a child, and I want to protect her as I leave.”
This entire gesture made Wonwoo smile in a way he couldn’t describe, the spot he was taking was big shoes to fill and he knew that but the idea that the person in charge cared about people so heavily warmed his heart. Wonwoo had absolutely no protests to keeping Y/N around but why would he, if Seung-Woo had nothing but good things to say about her then she would be a brilliant help to Wonwoo as he got settled.
“Okay now before I cry can we finally..” Y/N said as she held up her glass of soju and looked down at the grilling meat. Seung-Woo laughed at this as it was very typical and he grabbed his own glass, and then everyone followed suit. It immediately all became a celebration for Wonwoo and his new position and the drinks flowed in accordance. Maybe since it was Monday the next day you think everyone would have drank significantly less…
However here you were at 8:50 in the elevator going up to your floor, today the diary was all clear just to get Wonwoo used to the floor and his space then Seung-Woo would be here for the next month the do a full cross-train of every floor and section they have before he finally retires 3 months before Kim JR. is born. The walk to the office was easy and surprisingly the door to Wonwoo’s office was already open so he must have found his way this time.
“Good morning, Mr. Jeon. I just got you a regular coffee for this morning but if you let me know what you prefer then I can grab it for you tomorrow.” You say giving a curt bow. He returned the action immediately.
“Please Ms. L/N call me Wonwoo. I know you called Mr. Kim by his name I’d like to keep it casual and comfortable like before.” He said smiling at you, he also wore his glasses today instead of contacts. Maybe it was because of the off-handed, maybe tipsy comment you made about the glasses suiting his face whatever you meant by that.
“Well then, Wonwoo. Feel free to call me Y/N. You have a really easy time this morning before the parade of media in the afternoon. All your log-ins are in the diary you just need to get logged onto everything this morning and just settle in. If you want you can check your calendar to see what’s set and just give me a call when you need me.” You smiled back, you knew the vibe would be different from Seung-Woo but you’re hopeful for the future.
“Thank you, Y/N. I look forward to working with you.” His face almost transformed when he smiled, he was usually so stern looking but the moment he smiled it was like everything softened. Seung-Woo had made the perfect choice to continue his legacy with smarts and kindness at even levels.
“I look forward to working with you too Wonwoo.” You said as you closed the door and took a seat at your desk again. Wonwoo looked down at the cup you placed on his desk that had “Happy 1st day!!” scribbled onto the cardboard cup and he couldn’t help but smile again as he took a photo of it to save in his phone.
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wooawrites · 2 years
love or letter: wonwoo version
pairing: j. wonwoo x fem! reader
summary: hopeless in her endeavors, [name] turns to a radio show for love advice and somehow causes her situation to become worse.
word count: 10k+
genre: childhood friends to lovers, fluff
love or letter series
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“Welcome to Love or Letter, a segment of BSS Radio Show dedicated to answering and advising our very own university students with their current (and maybe even future) romantic ailments! Depending on your story, we’ll either deem it a success by claiming it as a love or will call it a letter if our experts believe the sender should reconsider.”
Collective clapping could be heard in the background, courtesy of the grainy mics provided by the university. “Our first sender seems to have a pretty big problem—the paper is almost three pages long!”
Chuckles could be heard. “Wow, I’ve never had someone even send me a paragraph through text message.”
“That’s because you don’t have anyone to let them do that to you, DK.”
A chorus of shouting soon followed after, though a sharp hush ended the argument before it could continue, prompting the previous host to start speaking. “Dear Love or Letter team, my name is Sender A (F22) and I’m undoubtedly in love with my childhood friend (M22). He has always been a part of my life—from the minute he helped me to the bench when I scraped my knee at the local park to even now, where we both attend the university.”
“That’s so disgustingly cute.”
“...But I think my childhood friend sees me more as a sister than he does a girl friend.”
“No. Girl space friend. Do you think Sender A would be writing to us if she was already his girlfriend, Seungkwan?” The host reading clears throat, ready to continue the note. “Whenever we go out, people always assume we’re related in some way since we’re roommates and apparently the only explanation for opposite sexes to become roommates is if one or both are gay or if they’re related.”
A hiss of annoyance followed soon after. “So outdated.”
“I know.”
“While I tend to correct people that we’re actually childhood friends, he, on the other hand, doesn't bother to correct anyone. In fact, he even seems to like that idea by mentioning that ‘it’s practically the same thing’ when I asked him why he never bothered correcting it to anyone.”
“On top of this, he has a tendency to lean on me when it comes to relationship advice. He’s only dated a few girls casually here and there throughout our years of knowing each other all these years, however it's become more frequent ever since we started attending the university. While it’s not by much, I’ve heard enough of his stories about his previous girlfriends more than I’d like to admit and it doesn’t help with my situation.”
“Talk about a punch to the gut.”
“Right? Sender A continues by mentioning that she’s been wanting to say something to him but all these signals are pointing to a completely opposite direction and believes she might need to move out if something doesn’t get done. Sender A ends it with ‘I usually don’t ask three random strangers on a radio show to help make decisions like this, however none of my friends know about my situation. Please help me out, BSS Radio hosts. Sincerely, a hopeless romantic’. Man…”
“That’s tough. Thank you for choosing us to help you out though!”
“Dokyeom, you punk! They clearly said we were her last resort so speak carefully.” Seungkwan’s voice chimes in, followed by an irritated sigh. “From the sounds of things Sender A, you sound like you’re at odds with this situation at the moment. You want to tell someone you’ve known your whole life something serious while also keeping whatever dynamic it is you have the same, which will no doubt change if you do end up following through with your plans. In my opinion, I’d consider this a Letter, since you aren’t entirely sure how he feels yet.”
A hum followed, clearly agreeing with Seungkwan’s response. “I think this feels like this might be a Letter, too—but that doesn’t mean you should give up! Afterall, just because you don’t know how he feels doesn’t mean anything, right Hoshi?”
The host who had read let out a strained cough. “Y-Yeah… Definitely not the end of it just because we deemed it a Letter. Like Seungkwan said, you just seem unsure of your decisions and this Letter can turn into Love with the right course of action. This has been the Love or Letter segment of BSS Radio Show, onto other campus news—”
The quick shut down of the radio show invited the bustling noise coming from the cafe that [Name] had forgotten she was even in. Frustration bubbled up in her stomach as she thought back on the declaration of her current predicament. For a moment, she had the childish belief that the BooSeokSoon Radio hosts had the answer she actually wanted; that all came crumbling down as she listened to her submission being read out loud.
Embarrassment flooded through her as the story relayed in her head. Had it sounded that obvious he wasn’t into her? If it was, then why did she even bother sending that kind of message for a huge crowd to hear? [Name] could only ponder this question as she took a sip of her coffee, mouth pursing as the bitterness washed the piece of cake she had eaten just a few minutes ago.
Her eyes glanced over at the cafe’s door, body shaking in anticipation. She felt as if she had been at the cafe for hours on end, though she was sure it was only less than an hour. The radio show had taken up the majority of her time, her term paper long forgotten the minute she noticed an email saying BooSeokSoon would present her message for this week’s segment.
“A waste of time that is…” [Name] hissed under her breath, blowing at a fallen stray of hair.
“What’s a waste of time?” A voice asked. [Name] nearly froze in her spot, eyes flicking back to the door before going back to the owner of the voice, who stood so close, her face nearly ran into his stomach. [Name] gave him a slight shove, ignoring his humored chuckle and the fact he clenched his abdomen when her hand made contact with him.
“Being here and waiting for your class to end.” [Name] responded, motioning for him to sit across from her, a cup of coffee similar to her’s waiting for him. “I don’t know how you can enjoy that coffee so much. It tastes like sadness and dead poets.”
Wonwoo laughed. God it’s a cute laugh. “That’s… Actually a good way of putting it. How’d you figure out I was a tortured artist?”
[Name] watched him sit down, his larger frame towering over the small chair as he shifted. She almost laughed at how he hunched himself over, something he always had done since they were children to appear smaller than he originally would. However, it looked as if something was poking at his lower back and he was avoiding it.
No matter how many times [Name] pointed out to Wonwoo how strange he looked, he never failed to put himself into that position. She wasn’t sure if it was to be considerate of others or just to make her laugh at this point.
“Maybe because we’ve known each other for 15 years of our lives? Or you’re a literature major. And you dress like someone’s grandpa. You even sit like one—”
“I get it, I get it.” Wonwoo replied, raising his arms in surrender. He shuffled through his bag, pulling out his laptop and notebook, casting a glance at [Name]’s unopened laptop and earbuds. “Did you get any far with your paper?”
“Huh? Yeah, yeah…” [Name] said dismissively, looking away as she snatched her phone. Wonwoo narrowed his eyes at the action. As if on instinct, he offered his hand. “Won—”
“Phone. Now.” He commanded, face stern for a second before a pacifying smile made its way to his face. “Please. We made a deal, remember? No phone until you get a page done.”
“Yeah, yeah.” [Name] grumbled, handing her phone over to him, breath hitching for a second when she felt the tips of his fingers grazed her wrist lightly. Wonwoo let out a gentle thank you before shoving the phone into his pocket, a smile still settled on his face. He pulled out an earbud, handing one half over to [Name] as he played one of her favorite songs for the both of them.
Work followed soon after, [Name] typing furiously at her term paper while Wonwoo flicked through pages of a book written by some writer older than their own grandmothers. Every now and then, [Name] glanced across, taking in her friend’s appearance.
His hair was windswept from the autumn breeze, clearly slicked back just a few moments ago before entering the cafe. He had just recently changed his glasses prescription, finally listening to [Name] when she suggested a pair of circular glasses instead of his usual blocky choice. It framed his face nicely, highlighting his cheekbones whenever he smiled, though it always drew [Name] to look at his lips right afterward.
How can someone be so… Wonwoo? A strange way of putting it, yes, but what else was [Name] supposed to compare him to? She could imagine all the beautiful and fascinating things possible and all of that pales in comparison to him. For some reason she couldn’t make up her mind if he was one or the other at this point.
“Were you listening to the BSS Radio Show again?” He asked all of a sudden, making [Name] jump back to look at her paper again just in case he looked away from his book.
“It’s scary how well you know me so well.” [Name] commented with a shiver.
“What’s so interesting about their radio show anyways? I’ve never seen you pay attention to that until now.”
[Name] knocked her fingers against his, a smirk etched on her face. “Maybe I think one of the hosts is cute. Y’know one of them, Seokmin, is in my Speech 101 class?”
Wonwoo frowned at the notion, gently flicking his fingers at the tips of her’s as a response. “You can’t even talk to someone if you find them remotely attractive.
That’s what you think. [Name] stuck her tongue out at him. “They’ve got… Insightful moments.”
Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. “They only say insightful things when they’re doing Love or Letter, which I know you definitely don’t listen to.”
[Name] almost threw up at the mention of that dreaded segment. She straightened her back at the comment, however. “What’s that supposed to mean? That I’m not romantically available?”
Wonwoo gave her a shocked look. “No—like, I mean like you’re not the type to be into listening to that kind of show.”
“What type of person do you see me as then?” [Name] challenged, eyes glinting for a moment as she gave Wonwoo a pointed look as he opened and closed his mouth for a second. For a second she wondered if he understood her double meaning, her thoughts completely flying out the window when he let out a sigh of defeat.
“I offended you, didn’t I?” Wonwoo asked. “Sorry, I just meant to say that you usually don’t pay attention to people’s plights for entertainment, especially if it’s personal like romantic issues.”
This idiot. Maybe [Name] shouldn’t stick to dropping hints. If she continues on with this kind of confession style, Wonwoo would most likely be in a grave by the time she has the courage to confess her feelings. [Name]’s stomach dropped at the idea. She wasn’t sure she wanted to wait that long; she’s waited long enough.
“Oh my God, Wonwoo is that you?” A new voice chimed in, making [Name] stop her words, glancing over at a girl—a pretty girl—waving her hand at the lines their way. [Name]’s stomach nearly dropped as she watched Wonwoo’s face light up and wave an arm in return, pushing himself off his seat.
“I’ll be right back.” Wonwoo said quietly, making sure to be quick with his strides as went up to talk to the girl. A frown settled on [Name]’s face as she recalled him never being so hasty with his actions with her like he had with the girl. She did her best to go back to the paper instead of putting all her attention on the two people in front of her, who looked painfully good together.
His mouth was quirked up, being attentive to whatever the pretty girl was telling him by providing a nod or simple response to her as they spoke. They didn’t speak for long, Wonwoo pointing at their shared table. [Name] cast her eyes back at the screen, pretending to be focused on her essay instead of them. Her eyes didn’t let up from the screen until she noticed Wonwoo come back, a content look etched on his face.
“Friend of yours?” [Name] teased, half hoping he’d give her information and the other half to dispel the drop in her gut as she thought of the best and worst things possible.
Wonwoo only let out a hum, smiling down at his work. That certainly wasn’t an answer [Name] expected. Or wanted, for that matter. She wasn’t sure what to respond with so she made sure to look back at her own work, typing nonsense instead of actual meaningful words that might help affect the course of her grade.
The silence lasted for only a moment, however, as Wonwoo’s gaze lifted towards her, eyes alight as he asked, “What did you wanna ask me again?”
“Before I went up to Chaewon. You had something to say to me, right?”
[Name]’s mouth fell open for a moment, unsure of her circumstances anymore. If it had been just a moment ago, she was sure to have told Wonwoo about her affection. After witnessing his reaction to that girl—Chaewon—though…
“I… Can’t remember.” [Name] said, feigning an apologetic smile. Wonwoo only let a hesitant nod, eyes not leaving her face. Unwavering, [Name] motioned to his book. “You better keep reading unless you expect the book to write your analysis, do you?”
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An exhausted sigh escaped [Name]’s lips once she found herself shutting the door of her apartment. If she hadn’t been at school or studying for exams, she found herself working on campus, a task that is almost as exhausting as studying and attending classes.
If it hadn’t been for the millions of accidents coupled with the slow coworkers, maybe her work day wouldn’t have been as stressful as it had been that day. [Name] could already feel her eyes drop heavily as soon as she stepped foot into the comforts of her home. She had almost missed Wonwoo lounging in the living room had she been any more tired.
“Welcome back.” Wonwoo greeted, a smile erupting when [Name] groaned in reply. She wasted no time tossing herself over the couch he was sitting on, staring at the ceiling as she felt Wonwoo’s leg shake beneath her head from the laugh he let out. For a second, [Name] shut her eyes, relishing in the laugh. “That tired, huh?”
“You don’t even know. How can someone be in their twenties and not know how to be an effective worker? Am I in some alternate universe where I’m in a constant state of being Punk’d?” [Name] complained, not stopping to take a breath as she let her bottled up irritation finally burst. A hum could only be heard from her friend, urging her to continue. 
“Not to mention how irritating customers can be—ugh, don’t even get me started on them, Woo. One of them got mad when I asked if she already purchased an item that was set aside and started grilling me on some bullshit about ‘not believing her’. I was just making sure she bought the item! The nerve of some people…”
“That sounds frustrating.” Wonwoo agreed, reaching out to grasp at the hair tie on [Name]’s head and gently pulling it off. A hand ran through her hair, putting a pause on [Name]’s rambles. She wasn’t sure how long they stayed that way—Wonwoo basically giving her a massage to help destress. She kept her eyes closed either way. She was unsure if she wanted to risk getting a good look at her best friend, who was most definitely staring at her right now.
She wasn’t sure why it was such a habit of his—the incessant staring. It was a bad habit Wonwoo had; [Name] lost count of how many times she had to drag him out from places when his staring habit put him into unnecessary trouble.
[Name] hadn’t minded his staring—he was usually lost in his own thoughts and not bothering her since he was so quiet. Not to mention he had killer massaging skills.
She opted to let the silence continue. Wonwoo seemed to not mind, equally enjoying her presence as much as she had with him. His fingers, deft and soft, worked out the tangles in her hair. He was careful to be gentle when facing harsh knots, massaging at the tender spots if he tugged too hard, earning a small hum in appreciation of his efforts.
“You’re spoiled, you know that right?” Wonwoo suddenly commented. [Name] responded with a sharp slap to his knee. “Ow! I’m just saying! Who gets treated like this by their roommate?”
“Oh so we’re just roommates now, huh?” [Name] teased, opening her eyes. “Let’s just throw away a decade worth of friendship. I see how it is, you heartless jerk.”
“Ahh, you gaslighter.” Wonwoo groaned, poking her side in retaliation. A laugh escaped from [Name], fighting off his hands as she tried to get herself off of her friend. He seemed to have known what she was doing, though, from the way he dropped his other arm to wrap around her shoulders and bring her to his side to keep poking at her sides with his other one.
“Woo, I swear to God—AH!” [Name] shrieked, smacking at his arms to get him away from her after his fingers coincidentally found its way to a certain spot that made her laugh a little harder than she liked. “I swear if you tickle me anymore I will be putting honey in your hair while you’re sleeping.”
“Oh really?” Wonwoo asked, turning her over and holding her arms in place.
“Yes really—”
Her voice caught in her throat as Wonwoo looked down to stare at her. Usually, she had been pretty good at hiding her feelings toward him—a quick change in facial expressions when she caught herself smiling for too long when he was failing at cooking eggs in the mornings, keeping her glances fleeting when they studied together, opting to tease him instead of complimenting his appearance to keep up with appearances.
[Name] wasn’t exactly sure how she could evade this moment. Or if she even wanted to move at the sight in front of her. Wonwoo had clearly been home hours before [Name] came home. Besides the soft pajamas underneath her head, his hair had not been touched and was angled every which way. His glasses looked like they were on the verge of falling as he kept his gaze down toward her. It didn’t help that his chest—Jesus, did his chest always feel that muscular?—was taking deep breaths, clearly just as winded as she was of their wrestling match.
The sight was endearing. She was more than sure Wonwoo could do anything and make it look beautiful in her eyes, though, so she might have a bit of a bias. [Name] chewed at her lip as an all too familiar thought passed through her head. Now’s your chance. Her mouth opened for a split second, trying to form the words she’s been so desperate to let out for the past few months.
“I’d consider this a Letter, since you aren’t entirely sure how he feels yet.”
A Letter. A chance of rejection is probably high. Should she really risk a friendship over a love confession? Maybe. It’s highly tempting, especially with how he looks right now—so effortlessly handsome, it was irritating, honestly.
Wonwoo’s eyes softened for a brief moment. Carefully, he brushed the tips of his fingers against her cheek to grab her attention. “You good?”
[Name] felt her throat dry up, immediately getting up from her spot. “Y-Yeah. Just remembered I need to take a shower. I’ll make dinner tonight!”
Wonwoo looked as if he were ready to reach out a hand to stop her, but [Name] made sure to keep a distance from him. “Are you sure? You seemed pretty worn out today, though. I can make—”
“No, it's fine! I’ll get my energy back after I wash the stink out of me. I’ll be back soon!” [Name] interrupted, making her steps quick as she turned around to run to the bathroom.
Once she found herself in their shared bathroom, [Name] slid down the door in a huff. Her heart was nearly ready to jump out of her chest as the moment replayed in her head. She could feel her face heat up as she remembered her original task of confessing, which was a complete failure again.
“I’m so screwed…” She whispered to herself.
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Three weeks. It had been three weeks since [Name]’s embarrassing attempt of admitting her feelings to Wonwoo. The moment replayed in her head more times than she’d like to admit, constantly beating herself up at missing the opportunity of confessing again.
“Hey, if you’re going to have that lovesick look on your face all day, you might as well take the rest of the day off. You’re gonna scare the customers.” Chan chastised, words harsh, but the smile on his face indicated he wasn’t at all irritated in the slightest.
[Name] huffed. “I do not look lovesick.”
Chan snorted in response. “You must think I’m stupid then.” A crumpled up coffee filter found its way bouncing off his dark hair and a blank stare from the girl as a response. Chan let out a sigh. “You don’t have to talk about it if you’re not comfortable. You just seem… Sad lately.”
“Sad?” [Name] inquired, Chan nodding. It had only been a week and half since [Name]’s second failed attempt at her confession and if she were to be honest, [Name] was a little upset with herself after she managed to overcome her embarrassment. The moments continued to relay in her head, letting her self pity overtake at times.
But was she that obvious? [Name] worried if Wonwoo ever caught on; he always had a tendency to read the room, especially when it came to her. He always seemed to understand when she was overdoing or uncomfortable before she was even able to comprehend her emotions. What’s the possibilities if he picked up on her recent habits? A high chance, only making her question why hadn’t he mentioned anything to her?
This only sparked her worrisome behavior even more, eyebrows furrowing further, though she wasn’t able to spiral any further when the sensation of a sharp poke to her forehead brought her back down to reality. “Ow?” [Name] prompted, hand covering her forehead as she looked at Chan.
“You’re doing it again.” He admonished, frowning too. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Honestly? No, not really.” [Name] admitted, leaning back to watch the entrance of the café to see if anyone had walked in yet. “It’s kinda complicated.”
“Complicated how?”
“A guy kind of complicated.”
“Ah…” Chan hummed. “I have no idea what that means.”
[Name] only groaned quietly, fighting off the urge to waste any more work products to throw at her younger coworker’s head. “Nevermind. It’s hard to explain.”
“We’ve got five hours until our shift ends. I think I can grasp difficult concepts.” Chan reassures, chest puffing up proudly
“Fine, fine. I don’t even know where to start. There’s this guy…”
[Name] wasted no time explaining her hopeless conundrum—her seemingly unrequited love to the Love or Letter segment and even the embarrassing, half-hearted attempts of her confessions. 
Surprisingly, Chan managed to keep up with her, despite her lack of tracking with the timeline and needing to run back and forth between explanations. She’d pause for a second, watching to see if he was even hearing her despite his nods, receiving encouraging hums whenever they made eye contact. 
For some reason, this brought her to relax more as she began to speak freely. At one point, she even brought up the Chaewon girl from their study session (or study “date” from Chan’s point of view—again, he was served a hit to the leg with [Name]’s towel). Chan had been kind enough to provide a third party viewpoint, mentioning that she could more likely have been a project partner with Wonwoo and nothing more.
By the time she finished, [Name] could almost feel the tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She hadn’t exactly expected herself to pour her thoughts and feelings into one night, albeit someone she hadn’t really expected—the sarcastic first year Lee Chan who always seemed to keep himself guarded with his own feelings despite having the most expressive display of emotions.
“Wow…” Chan said. “That sounds like a lot of unnecessary stress.”
“Lee Chan…”
“But I can see why you’re so caught up on your feelings about him.” Chan said, making [Name] raise her eyebrows at him. “Trust me, I’m having similar issues. I’m honestly making more mistakes than you.”
[Name] only nodded as a response, knowing when to not ask questions.  “Idiots in love.” She sighed out in despair, Chan holding out a fist for her to bump in solidarity.
“Idiots in love.” The younger man chanted back. “I think you should tell him, though. Despite getting a Letter.”
“...Why though?” [Name] asked, a look of horror crossing her face.
“Because you’re undeniably in love with this guy and from the sounds of things he’s acting like you’re the center of his universe.”
Chan was quick to dodge the towel thrown at his head. [Name] could only watch as the towel dropped on the ground, not ready to move just yet as she fought off the embarrassment rising from her neck.
“You—I—What part of me saying anything to you made you think that?" [Name] asked.
Chan only patted her shoulder. "You're literally hopeless. How are you about to graduate in less than a year?"
"I'm being practical."
"You're being in denial." Dino corrected, head turning when the sound of a door squeaking came to life. "If you're not going to accept it, let's just go back to work."
[Name] didn't respond, only watching as Chan walked up to the register to greet customers. Her? The center of Wonwoo's universe? In what way did she make it sound like that? [Name] could only scoff at the comment, turning away to continue with work, doing her best to find herself engrained in her tasks instead of Chan's words.
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From [Name] 😒:
at the location. where are you? Sent 07:50 PM
From Wonwoo:
close by. why did i have to grab the blanket? hao was already at the apartment looking for something you asked him to get 😭 Sent 07:50 PM
From [Name] 😒:
wasnt answering my text. where now? Sent 07:52 PM
Wonwoo let out a sigh at the last text. Impatient as always. Especially when she was excited about something, It’s almost as bad as her memory when she’s in a hurry, which also seems to be something she does when she’s excited. 
He wasn’t exactly sure how many times he had to head back to their apartment to retrieve whatever it was [Name] forgot on her way to the campus grass but he hadn’t bothered to count after she frowned at him when a refusal almost slipped off the tip of his tongue.
“You’re lucky we’re friends.” Wonwoo grumbled as he handed off his backpack to [Name], who was gracious enough to offer to hold it so he didn’t need to drag it back to their home. He watched as [Name] hiked the large bag onto her shoulders, a smile forming when he noticed how much the bag stuck out from her, reminding him of a snail.
He was careful to tug off a strand of hair that was trapped under a strap as [Name] smiled up at him. “Don’t act like you don’t treat everyone with the same fake courtesies.” She teased, knocking her fist onto his arm.
Wonwoo rolled his eyes in response. “With you, I don’t think I can treat you the same way as everyone else.”
He had left shortly after that, not wanting to see [Name]’s face when he said the last part, which almost sounded as awkward as when he thought of it. Wonwoo could have died right then and there if he didn’t turn to run back to their apartment. His brain hadn’t allowed him to stop thinking about it until he got a call from Minghao, who they both deemed trustworthy enough to have a key for their apartment, mentioning he was inside to retrieve another item [Name] left behind and needed to have.
They had spent less than five minutes looking for the items before trudging back, Wonwoo with a bag full of chips and blanket and Minghao with [Name]’s portable charger in their hands. Wonwoo struggled to text [Name] back, mentioning they were nearing the clearing on campus where they agreed to meet everyone else.
“You know she can wait on that text, right?” Minghao reminded him. “Your chips are about to fall.”
Wonwoo was quick to hit send before readjusting his hold on the chips. “Yeah I know. I guess I’m just used to responding so quickly to [Name] I don’t want her to think I’m ignoring her or anything.”
Minghao hummed. “[Name] always takes forever to respond with my messages.”
“Yeah. It took her a day to respond to a message from me asking what she wanted from the nearby bakery.”
The last time [Name] had taken so long to respond to him was only an hour because she was out on a lecture. “Huh…”
Minghao only opted to shoot an expressionless smile at Wonwoo’s curious hum, speeding up when he took notice of Jun’s towering figure next to [Name]. Minghao muttered something to Jun quickly in Mandarin, prompting the older man to land a slight nudge to his shoulder as a wordless response.
[Name] let out a laugh at the banter, making Jun offer an embarrassed smile in response. Wonwoo couldn’t help but frown at the small interaction, a feeling in his gut dropping. It disappeared once [Name] recognized him moving closer to them, the grin on her face never leaving as she ran up to him.
She tugged the blanket off his hand. “I promise I don’t need anything anymore.”
Wonwoo only shot her a doubtful look as they spread the blanket out together. Once all four were settled down, [Name] was quick to make the center of the blanket her spot, laying down as she stared up at the empty sky.
“How much longer?” She grumbled at Wonwoo, who settled himself to her right.
“So impatient.” Wonwoo jokes, prodding her side. [Name] squeaked, though she didn’t bother moving away from him, only keeping a hand on his wrist to keep him from doing anything else. “Vernon said they’ll start at 8:30. It’s still 8:20.”
[Name] groaned in response, rubbing her eyes. “I might be asleep by then…”
“Stay awake.” Wonwoo reprimanded, tugging her eyelid up.
“Gahhh.” [Name] grumbled, earning a “Gahh” back from Wonwoo. Regardless, she kept her eyes closed for a moment, breathing in the air. "When was the last time I laid down like this?"
"Summer before we started high school. Your brother threw a mud pie at your face and you went to my house for some reason to cry about it." Wonwoo responded. From beside them, he spotted Jun and Minghao engrossed in their own conversation, both their eyes shifting to a pair of girls on their phones a few blankets away.
"That's because I knew you'd  let me play your games out of pity." [Name] responded, laughing at the memory. "I can't believe you even remember that."
"I remember a lot of things."
"Hopefully I'm in most of them." [Name] respondes cheekily, scooting closer to Wonwoo to nudge his shoulder.
Actually you're all of them. Wonwoo wanted to say, but he wasn't stupid enough to say that, despite it being the truth. No matter how far back he can fish for memory, [Name] was always a constant in every single one of them.
 In every good or bad moment Wonwoo experienced, he always managed to remember that [Name] was with him and would do something so spectacularly outrageous or kind that he couldn't help but etch her into his mind.
His stomach turned again, all those memories rushing back in, hyperfocused on [Name]'s presence than whatever life lesson he was supposed to learn from them. He kept his gaze up at the sky, hearing a loud whizzing noise shoot up before colors burst out of seemingly thin air.
Everyone gasped. Jun's mouth dropped open wider and wider at the fireworks, grinning excitedly at Wonwoo when their eyes met for a brief period. Minghao was nowhere to be seen—Wonwoo guessed it might have to do with one of the girls he and Jun were eyeing.
Wonwoo let himself get lost at the bright skyline, marveling at the colors illuminating the campus fields. Whistles from other groups were heard, making Wonwoo laugh at their amusement.
“Ahhh, there’s always fireworks for any event the university hosts and everyone acts like it’s the first time anyone’s seen them.” Wonwoo jokes.
He had half expected [Name] to just hum or say a joke in passing, too occupied with the fireworks to hear what he’s saying. No such actions were made. Wonwoo turned his head down, curious to her silence, but was quick to learn why.
“Of course you fall asleep before the fireworks.” Wonwoo whispers to her, brushing off the curtain of hair that fell over her face. Everything was completely still for him, the sounds of cheering and fireworks falling deaf to Wonwoo’s ears as he watched a newer, more fascinating sight.
[Name]’s breathing was heavy and deep; a clear sign she hadn’t been sleeping too well. Wonwoo should be concerned at the thought, but he couldn’t help but appreciate the chance to see her this way—so relaxed, so unguarded around him. 
Recently, [Name] seemed so… Distant. Wonwoo wasn’t sure if it was something he had done and she was just waiting for him to acknowledge any mistake he made or if she was just preoccupied with school and he was reading too much into her actions. Regardless, he felt as if he hadn’t seen his best friend in forever and he was just seeing her now—beautifully flawless despite her antics.
A breeze passed by, making [Name] shiver. She stirred only slightly, though, turning her body to the closest heat source: him. Wonwoo didn’t fight against her as she curled herself into his side, letting out a sigh of relief once her head pushed itself to his shoulder.
Wonwoo froze only for a second—majority of that second consisting of him internally screaming like some lovesick school girl—before he maneuvered his arm carefully around her back, pulling her closer to him as he wrapped his arms around her.
[Name] was quick to move her head onto his chest instead of his shoulder at the new position, her arms wrapping around his middle and her legs tangling with his by the time Wonwoo finished adjusting himself. Again, Wonwoo let himself stop moving for a moment to internally wonder what life he saved in his past life to put himself into this position.
“Oh?” A voice beside him says. Wonwoo peaks over the mass of hair in front of him to see Jun grinning their way, not paying attention to the fireworks anymore.
“Shut up.” Wonwoo warned, eyes narrowing behind his glasses.
“I didn’t say anything.” Jun defended.
“Just shut up anyways.”
Jun rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the fireworks with a smirk. “Whatever. Text me once you tell her how you feel by the way. I made a bet with Hao and I wanna pool in my prize money.”
Wonwoo felt his jaw drop. “You made a bet on my love life?”
“Yeah,” Jun admitted with a shrug. “Don’t worry, though. Once you’re done with your little pining we can make a bet against Hao and that one girl he’s working with. Something tells me he’s worse than you about admitting his feelings to someone.”
“You—”A groan could be heard beside Wonwoo as he started talking. [Name] was stirring in her sleep, clearly feeling his voice reverberating against his chest as he spoke. Wonwoo was quick to stop himself, squeezing [Name] gently to keep her from waking up. “You’re lucky she’s asleep.”
Jun chuckled. “You’re lucky she’s asleep.”
Damn Jun. Was the only thought that went through Wonwoo’s head. He gave up on his argument with Jun, half afraid of waking [Name] and half afraid of admitting the truth that, yes, he’s the biggest idiot alive for not realizing until now just how undeniably in love he is with his childhood friend and all those years of him watching her back wasn’t just out of friendly courtesy.
By the time the fireworks died out, Wonwoo was still pondering on his next move. Minghao came back, a small smile edging on his usually stoic face. He made no argument against Jun as they helped pack Wonwoo and [Name]’s stuff while the taller of the three men woke [Name] up.
“Hey, come on.” Wonwoo urged, grinning when [Name] opened her eyes. “We have to go back home.”
“Did I miss the fireworks?” [Name] grumbled, staring at the nearly empty field. Wonwoo nodded. “Damn…” She knocked her head against his chest. “At least you’re a really comfortable pillow.”
God take him now. “Thanks.”
[Name] groaned as she picked herself up, offering a hand to Wonwoo to help him up. She only offered small conversation with Jun and Minghao, too focused on trying to find her footing after napping for so long. Wonwoo was quick to put an arm on her shoulder, leading as best as possible.
He shot Jun and Minghao a warning look when he heard one of them snicker to one another, conversing in Mandarin through hushed whispers (though, he was more than sure he heard [Name] and the word money be passed around a bit).
“You okay?” [Name] asked suddenly, making Wonwoo jump at her sudden concern. [Name] gave him a funny look. “You look constipated.”
“I’m fine.” Wonwoo said, voice a little too stiff for his liking. [Name] didn’t seem to buy into it either, though she didn’t bother to push further, most likely for privacy’s sake.
“Whatever you say…”
Wonwoo let a comfortable silence they were familiar with wave through them, the scraping of their sneakers against the pavement being the only sounds to come from them. Every now and then, he shot glances their way, watching as [Name]’s eyes blinked a little too hard at street lights.
Heh. Cute.
“Huh?” Wonwoo asked, heart hammering out of his chest as he realized he just verbalized a very, very private thought. “I said, ‘Huh. Cool.’ at that star over there.”
[Name] glanced up at the sky, a frown on her face as she attempted to find whatever star it was Wonwoo was pointing at. “I don’t see a star—”
“You’re just blind then.”
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She was about to cry. He didn’t even need to look at her to tell that she was crying; he could hear her sniveling all the way from the kitchen. Peaking over the window counter, Wonwoo glanced over at [Name] narrowing her eyes at her computer screen.
Yeah, she's definitely going to cry. And she definitely hadn’t eaten yet. No matter how many times Wonwoo warns her about her health, [Name] had a tendency to avoid eating until she was finished with whatever assignment it was she was working on. And crying was just a natural response out of her for papers at this point—meaning she was dehydrating and starving herself at this point.
Wonwoo glanced at his plate, which consisted of a sloppy looking burger at what Mingyu had attempted to teach him earlier.
“How can someone so independent be so useless at something like cooking?” He remembered Mingyu complaining after another failed attempt at making a burger with him the other night. Wonwoo had essentially trapped his poor underclassman, under the guise of offering to edit his literature papers for the rest of the next semester if he helped him achieve the impossible: cooking a decent meal.
“What even made you want to do this in the first place? You never found it interesting until now.”
“Something came over me.”
“Well let’s hope it passes over soon because you’re an impossible student at this point.”
Wonwoo was surprised he hadn’t managed to burn down a portion of their kitchen when he made the meal. Still, it didn’t stop the fact it looked like it was going to come to life at some point.
He sighed. “Even I wouldn’t eat something like this…” He mumbled, looking over at [Name], who is still engrossed in her paper. Her hair was down, a sight he was the only one he was able to see often since she kept it tied up and away when they weren’t at home. Her eyes were watering, from the computer screen or tears of frustration, Wonwoo wasn't sure anymore. 
[Name]’s lips were chapped too, obviously neglecting any water despite the water gathering behind her eyes. She licked at them in an attempt to ignore the growing sahara in her throat. Wonwoo swallowed down his nervousness, the burger thrown into the trash and a cold glass of water in his hand as he made his way to [Name].
Gently, he placed the water against the back of her neck, causing her to jump up with a scream. [Name] gripped at her laptop screen as she spun around, eyes wide awake now. Wonwoo could only offer a dismantling smile, offering the water to her wordlessly. [Name], still quite offended at his sudden presence, took it gratefully, chugging the water without question and setting it down on the table.
“Let’s get some food.” Wonwoo suggested, nudging her arm with his hand gently.
Surprisingly, those words alone were enough (or it could have been the part when Wonwoo offered to pay for her meal). Wonwoo could only watch in amazement as [Name] seemed to have some sort of skip to her step as they made their way to their favorite restaurant, a hole in the wall noodle shop known to be open in the late hours.
The server, an older woman who seemed to practically live there, offered a smile and wave to the both of them as she set a bowl down to a table where a lone man sat. “It’s been a while.”
“It’s the time for finals.” [Name] admitted, flinching when Wonwoo placed his large hand on her head.
“I’m just dragging her out to eat.”
The older woman smiled. “How sweet of you. I’ll get your usuals out and you can take a seat anywhere.”
Both nodded, situating themselves against a wall as they sat and waited for their food. [Name] mindlessly tapped at the table, humming an English song—Taylor Swift?—to herself as she examined the people in the restaurant. Her eyes stopped a little longer at the table the woman stopped at earlier, eyes narrowing slightly as she examined the man.
Wonwoo recognized him, but wasn’t entirely sure where exactly he was from. Regardless, it’s hard to even notice him with the copious amounts of black he’s covered himself in, making him blend into the dark wall. A red watch was around his wrist, which seemed to constantly light up with messages he didn’t bother to look at as he sipped mindlessly at his noodles.
A frown settled on his face as [Name] continued to stare, though he bit back whatever jealousy was bubbling up in him. “You think he’s cute?” Wonwoo teased, hoping the smile on his face didn’t match the bitterness he bit back.
[Name]’s widened, face morphing to embarrassment. Clearly, she wasn’t expecting him to be watching her long enough to notice. “No! Nothing like that; I just know him. He’s one of the producers for BooSeokSoon Radio. I can’t remember his name. Lee Jimin?”
“Jihoon.” Wonwoo corrected, finally remembering him. “Isn’t he the one that got popular around campus because Hoshi posted a selfie with him when he wasn’t looking?”
“Yeah and everyone thought he was hot?” [Name] whispered quietly. They both looked back this time, examining the man’s side profile. “I mean, they aren’t wrong.”
She laughed when she felt Wonwoo tug at a strand of her hair. “Superficial.”
“I’m just saying something we’re all thinking, Woo.” [Name] answered with a cheeky grin. Wonwoo rolled his eyes, though the bitterness was well pushed aside in favor of the easy going conversation.
Time flew by as they continued to speak, most of it being meaningless conversations, though Wonwoo hadn’t minded. He wasn’t much of a talker, meaning [Name] was the one who continued with the rambles and he was more than willing to not talk if it meant just watching and listening to her.
It seemed like forever when the food arrived. Wonwoo wasn’t exactly concerned with however long it took, if he were to be honest, but something in his stomach flipped when he watched [Name]’s eyes widen in excitement when favorite noodles were placed in front of them. [Name] made sure to smile up at the old woman and provided a grateful thank you before turning to her food.
Wonwoo watched her push her loose hair out of the way as she slurped at the noodles, not caring how messy it looked. She had been hungry and clearly hadn’t realized until now. A laugh almost escaped him at how her cheeks looked filled with noodles. Kind of like a chipmunk. A very cute chipmunk.
[Name] turned her eyes up, nearly making Wonwoo’s eyes widen when he realized two things: 1) He had yet to put his head down to eat his own noodles and 2) he was definitely smiling like an idiot right now.
“You okay?” [Name] asked curiously.
Wonwoo only nodded, wordlessly dipping down to eat his meal, so he wouldn’t be able to say no, he most definitely wasn’t okay. Especially when someone like her was always around him and he couldn’t seem to find any sort of courage to do anything about it.
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“Wonwoo’s acting weird.” [Name] muttered. She was currently frowning at her paper, eyes practically glued to her computer. Chan nodded, clicking at his keyboard loudly as he listened to her.
After [Name]’s cry session with him, their friendship had graduated past the usual ones co-workers fall into—polite conversations turned into confession nights about their respective tumultuous love lives. Chan liked to call it a newly found kinship, while [Name] liked to call this an emotional support coworker situation.
There were even a few times both met outside of work settings to study together when no one else was able to come with them, like right now. They were sitting in a library, [Name] mulling over her research paper while Chan studied for his physiology final.
“What do you mean by that?” Chan inquired.
“He’s just been… Weird.” [Name] frowned at the word, not liking the sound of it to describe the taller man, though she hadn’t been wrong.
It was no secret that Wonwoo was quiet. But not as quiet as he’s been as of recent. [Name] could be sitting in their living room or eating whatever was left in their fridge in the kitchen and she wouldn’t notice him suddenly standing behind her, which frightened her a little too much.
Naturally, she would chastise him for making her jump, but he’d only reply with a quiet apology with a follow of silence afterwards once he made himself comfortable. 
His eyes were always seemingly focused elsewhere, too. Wandering or gliding somewhere else whenever she found herself staring at him. Usually [Name] would come to some kind of conclusion as to why he was acting so differently, but even after a week of trying to figure him out, she couldn’t figure him out.
“Maybe he’s mad at you.” Chan suggested, eyes still trained on his notes.
“Mad at me for what?” [Name] muttered, mainly to herself. A buzz from her phone brought her back, looking down and sighing as she read her text. “Speak of the devil.”
Chan lifted his head, eyes trained on [Name] as she typed a response to Wonwoo. A grin spread on her face as her phone buzzed again from whatever message it was Wonwoo sent back to her. “Jesus, just date the man already. You’re grinning like an idiot. Also, you said no phones until 7:00PM.”
[Name] rolled her eyes. “It’s 6:54.”
“Yeah. Still not 7:00PM.” Dino responded, holding his hand out, to which [Name] maneuvered herself away from him. “Hey, you can’t break the rules!”
“It was a roommate situation.”
“A roommate situation or a Wonwoo is the one texting situation?”
[Name] offered a glare his way. “Roommate. Apparently something happened with the air conditioning in our apartment and we need to talk to our landlord, like, right now.”
Chan narrowed his eyes, clearly trying to see if she was fibbing. He let out a sigh, waving his hand away. “Yeah, yeah. Go deal with it then. You better be finished with your paper by the time I see you again.”
“Yeah, yeah…” [Name] said dismissively, packing her bag quickly. 
She nearly lost her grip on the bag, however, when Chan added. “And you better turn that Wonwoo texting situation into a Wonwoo kissing situation.”
Chan turned his head down, popping an earbud into his ear, visibly turning the volume up on his laptop so he couldn’t hear her anymore. [Name] muttered a quiet groan, face heating up as she stomped out to make her way to her shared apartment with Wonwoo.
From [Name]:
how exactly bad is the a/c situation? Sent 06:58PM
From Wonwoo 😶:
tundra. Sent 06:59PM
From [Name]:
…what? Sent 06:59PM
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“Yeah, your A/C is broken.” The landlord commented. [Name] only blinked at him while Wonwoo could only respond with a stiff nod.
“Well… Duh.” [Name] said, motioning to her and Wonwoo, who were both covered head to toe in the fuzziest blankets known to man. By the time [Name] made her way home, Wonwoo had been near the door to drape a blanket over her and offer a warning that it was too cold to not have one on at the moment. “How long do you think it’ll take for the system to be fixed?”
The landlord hummed, not taking his eyes off his phone. An annoyed irk stung through [Name], only fighting off the urge to argue with him when Wonwoo placed a comforting hand on her lower back. Their eyes met briefly, [Name] clearly a bit confused but Wonwoo spoke up, albeit calmer in comparison to [Name].
“We just need to know so we can take precautions.” Wonwoo explained. “It’s starting to become colder outside and we’re at a higher part of the apartment complex…”
“I’d say maybe a week then.” The landlord said.
“A week…” [Name] mumbled to herself, wondering how they could possibly deal with something that long.
“I’d suggest maybe finding a friend to stay with for the time being or maybe even just rent a hotel room for now.” The landlord, making both only stare at him as a response. Clearly, he forgot they were college students living on a budget.
“We’ll manage.” Wonwoo said, proceeding to speak with the landlord while [Name] sat off to the side, doing her best to will the cold away with her blanket. She waited to say something until their front door closed and Wonwoo’s soft footsteps found themselves making their way toward [Name].
[Name] didn’t fight back when Wonwoo sat as close as possible to her, enjoying the heat that radiated off of him. “So… What now?”
Wonwoo only sighed, rubbing at the spot where his glasses sat as he tried to think. “I mean, if you’re really cold I’d say maybe follow the landlord’s suggestions? I can stay here and wait for when the electrician comes next week—”
“I’ll stay.” [Name] responded. “I’d feel bad if I left you alone here in the cold.”
Wonwoo nodded and they both slipped into an awkward silence. [Name] shifted slightly, not sure what to do next. Some part of her wanted to confront him, ready to ask him what was up with him for the past few weeks. Another part of her wanted to do something she’s been holding back on for so long: to confess.
From the corner of her eye, she can feel Wonwoo staring at her, as if anticipating something as well. [Name] bit at her tongue, deciding on neither as she picked herself up. “I’m going to get ready for bed. I’ll make sure to get you more blankets after I’m done.”
She walked off before she could hear Wonwoo talk. As much as she enjoyed his presence, the unaddressed pressure felt like it would have suffocated her if she stayed any longer. Maybe a warm shower might help calm her down? Maybe. [Name] wasn’t sure if something physical like that would help her in any way but it definitely was better than sitting and waiting for one of them to talk.
[Name] wasn’t sure how long she was in shower, but by the time she had been out, Wonwoo was already in his pajamas, pouring hot chocolate into two cups when she trudged into the kitchen. “Here. Drink it before you sleep.” Wonwoo offered, handing the warm cup into her hands.
Wonwoo was mesmerized. Well, for the past few weeks he’s been like that, a little mystified for his liking, but he couldn’t help it. No matter how small of a task she did, [Name] somehow managed to do it in her own kind of quirky way and Wonwoo picked up on every single habit.
Even when she was drinking the hot chocolate, he couldn’t help but notice the way [Name]’s fingers tapping at the ceramic cup every time she tilted the cup to tske a sip. He was sure his mouth dropped a little at the sight, but he was quick to close it when [Name] looked up at him. He averted his eyes to something else as well, not sure how he would react if she found him gaping at her like some lost puppy.
[Name] motioned a quick thank you, breathing in the sweet scent coming from the chocolate as she eyed the stovetop. “Did you try cooking again?”
Wonwoo was quick to hide the pan of eggs he accidentally burned earlier. “...No.”
“Jeon Wonwoo, what is with you and cooking these days?” [Name] chastised, walking around him, eyes widening in shock at the destruction behind his tall frame. She looked up at him, eyes filled with concern. “Are you sick of my cooking or something?”
“Wha—No!” Wonwoo countered. “I was just trying to learn so I could—”
He stopped mid sentence, biting back his next words. So I could impress you.
[Name] raised an eyebrow. “So you could…?”
“...cook for myself while you’re gone?” He said, hoping it sounded convincing enough.
[Name] examined him for a moment, eyebrows knit together as she processed his words.
“Are you sure?”
At this moment in time, Wonwoo wished he could just turn back time and not make up a lie like that again. “Mhm.”
“Okay then…” [Name] said, turning away, cup still in her hands. “Well, I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight.”
“‘Night.” Wonwoo said, keeping a stiff smile one his face until he couldn’t see her anymore. He dropped his head into his hands as he muttered to himself. “Jeon Wonwoo, you big idiot.”
[Name] wasn’t sure what else to do besides sleep. The energy meant for her paper flew out the window once she made it to her home. Most of it went into trying to think of their plan and the rest went into figuring out the mystery that is Jeon Wonwoo. If it hadn’t been so cold in her room, [Name] would have gotten a headache by now.
“Is he mad at me? Maybe he’s upset that I scolded him for the eggs?” She whispered to herself, thinking of Chan’s words. She shook her head. No, definitely not. But then why lie about his reasoning to start cooking?
Again, maybe it was a good thing the A/C wasn’t working for them. She’d rather focus on trying to get as warm as possible instead of what was beyond her door at this moment. She closed her eyes, thinking warm thoughts and warm places until she felt herself succumb to sleep.
At least, she tried to at least for the next two hours. She wasn’t sure how, but the cold managed to find its way under her large pile of blankets. [Name] could feel her own bones shaking at this point. She stayed under there for what felt like hours, feeling as if her body was going to freeze any time soon if she didn’t do anything about it.
A thought crossed her mind; a thought so seeded in desperation and exhaustion that [Name] thought she might be going crazy. She shook her head the minute an image flooded her mind.
If the circumstances weren’t so strange, [Name] wouldn’t even think twice in her decisions. Right now, [Name] was more than happy to stay curled up in a ball instead of whatever idea she just thought of.
[Name] was resolute with her ideas for several minutes, trying to convince herself it was warmer to stay where she was instead of ruining the little cocoon she made for herself. She had only given up when she felt a final cold breeze making its way through her back, causing goosebumps to erupt in her arms. She was quick to kick off her sheets and wrap them around her as she picked herself up and walked out her room and into Wonwoo’s.
He hadn’t been sleeping when she barged in, his glasses still attached to his face and whatever book he was reading was currently hanging off his fingertips as he looked up at [Name].
“What are you—” Wonwoo started, but was greeted with [Name] essentially flinging herself onto him.
“I’m cold and you’re the only other heater left in this place. Now, stay quiet and let me sleep because my bones won’t be as iced over when I wake up tomorrow.” [Name] responded in a rush, body pushed close enough to his body to the point that her cheek was resting against her shoulder.
Wonwoo could only look, not sure what to do next as she pulled her own blankets over his, trying to trap in as much warmth between them as possible. He set his book aside, hands hovering over her body as he tried to figure out what they should be doing next.
He decided to keep them at his sides, body barely moving as a million thoughts rounded off in his head. Why is she suddenly here? Was she that cold? God, what if he needs to use the bathroom? Her hair smells nice—
A slap to Wonwoo’s chest brought him back to reality. [Name] glared up at him. “Stop tapping your arm so much.” She grumbled, grabbing the arm against her’s. He hadn’t known it was moving so much. “Aren’t you uncomfortable laying like that? I know you sleep like you’re strapped to some target.”
“I’m fine like this,” Wonwoo answered. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
[Name] offered him an amused look. “I’m never uncomfortable if it’s you, Woo.” She responded honestly. A warm feeling erupted from his chest at that confession. “Even if you’ve been acting weird lately.”
Wonwoo laughed. “Who said I was being weird?”
He yelped when a painful sting came to his forehead. [Name] sat up onto her elbows, glaring at the tall man as if he said something offensive. “Don’t play dumb. I don’t get why, but you’ve been staring off into space lately and won’t look me in the eye sometimes. It’s a miracle we’re talking right now.”
His playful gaze softened immediately when they met her sharp ones. “Sorry, I didn’t know I was doing that so much lately. It’s just… I’m a coward.”
“A coward?” [Name] asked, raising an eyebrow.
Wonwoo nodded. “A big, fat coward.” He echoed back. “Call me an idiot, but why did it take me twenty-two years to realize I was in love with someone I’ve known my whole life?” [Name]’s eyes widened, but not a sound came from her. Wonwoo took it as his chance to keep going. “We grew up together, now we’ve lived together for almost four years so how come now is it that I realized that I’ve been hopelessly in love with you?”
“Even before I realized, I was so annoyed when guys came up to you and I never once felt like I had to put something up whenever you’re around. And it took me this long to realize it wasn’t just because you were my best friend.” Wonwoo continued, not sure when he’ll have another opportunity to say something like this. He was scared, especially since this was so spontaneous—a trait he wasn’t exactly known for.
“Look, you can reject me tomorrow but can we just stay like this—”
He wasn’t able to finish his sentence. How could he? A pair of lips slotted against his stopped him before he could utter his last words. Wonwoo stared up in shock. Half because he just confessed and half because oh my God, [Name] is kissing him. His mind blanked when she let up, a grin evident on her face.
“We can stay like this however long you want.” She offered, smiling. “Just, at least let me say that I do wonder, too, why it took you so long to figure that out when I’ve been waiting for a while now.”
Wonwoo’s jaw dropped. “You—Like romantically?”
“Would I have kissed you if it wasn’t?” [Name] countered, the pretty smile never leaving her face as she spoke.  “If it makes you feel better, I didn’t really pick up on your actions either; but that’s just because you’re a big oaf with no sense of emotional direction sometimes.”
“How long have you been waiting?” Wonwoo interrogated, turning his body fully towards her,
“Last year of high school. You earned high awards for all of high school and your parents threw you a party for high achievements. You didn’t even hesitate to take out that permanent marker and write my name down next to yours on that congratulations banner.” [Name] revealed, pushing some strands of hair out of his space as she spoke.
Wonwoo groaned. “That long?” He asked, embarrassment running through him. He laid his forehead against her shoulder, which shook from her laugh.
“Better late than never.” [Name] offered, though she wasn’t sure if she should be saying much either. She was more than ready to let her feelings for him die with her if he wasn’t going to say anything. Not to mention, she hadn’t exactly listened to anyone when they were pointing things out about him either (she had a feeling Chan was going to say something snarky when they meet again).
Wonwoo pulled her down to him, pressing himself as close to her as possible as he hugged her tightly. “Well, I guess I’ll have to make up for the four years of leaving you hanging like that.”
“That’s fine with me.” [Name] agreed, humming when she felt his lips press at the top of her head.
“That is, after you finish your essay, I mean.”
“Why do you like ruining nice moments…”
1K notes · View notes
ksyongi · 2 years
chapter one: falling for him
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pairing: ceo!wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: fake dating to lovers, mutual pining 
warnings: mentions of food and rain, lowercase post, cursing, kissing, (adding as the chapters go) 
word count: 3.1k
series masterlist
note: please do not copy my works, reblogs and notes are appreciated<3</p>
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synopsis: having to work at a 'jeon' company was already stressful as it was, what about dating the ceo, jeon wonwoo? what would happen in this unexpected situation? would both of you come out as enemies? friends? lovers? unexpected situations occur, and you two would have to encounter them together.
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  joining the jeon company was a hard decision, however your parents convinced you to join it. but you didn’t expect your first few weeks to be a whole mess. from papers getting thrown in your face for the rather poor work done or being called to get others coffee. it was pushing you and you could not handle it after getting screamed at from your boss due to getting their order wrong. tears were threatening to drop as you ran through the hallways, trying to get to the closest empty room. people were staring but that was not your main concern at that point. you then realized what they were staring at when you bumped into a firm chest. falling onto the ground with a thud you heard a low voice say “watch where you are going.” squinting your eyes to see that it was jeon wonwoo himself. his glasses propped at the tip of his nose, his brown eyes boring into yours. you could stare at his face for hours, that perfect jawline, that silky hair and those plump lips, slightly glossy from the angle you were at. before you could admire him more, he walked off. one of the men walking with him stopped in front of you and reached out his hand, gesturing to help you up. brushing off the dirt off your outfit, you then smiled at him, thanking him for his help. “hey i’m chwe hansol, sorry about how cold mr jeon was just now, he’s usually like that, i have to go now, i’ll see you around.” your mood got lifted at hansol’s small act of kindness, maybe it’ll not be so bad with a familiar face around. 
  months after that incident, you were familiar with your job already, wonwoo kept giving you glances that looked like glares whenever he went past you in the hallways but you just brushed it off. currently you are in your office, jae by your side.“i swear to god, could you just go away, jae. i am not interested in dating or hooking up with you.” “could you give me a chance, i’ve liked you ever since you joined” he pleaded. “never jae, there is no such thing as us. i already have a boyfriend.” it all went quiet due to that white lie you told. as you turned your head back to the computer screen he shook his head “i don’t believe you, never, you have it prove it” you raised your eyebrows “believe it or not, i have a boyfriend now, i’ll be meeting him tonight so i have to finish everything so please let me do my work in peace,” he sighed before dragging his feet out of your office,,
  you. were. doomed. you can bet that he was going to follow you to meet your so called ‘boyfriend’. you have to come up with an idea quickly. 
  walking down the quiet corridor, trying to get it over and done with asap, taking frequent glaces behind your back and seeing a shadow that must have been jae’s. stopping and waiting for a whole two minutes. jae started to get impatient and he wanted to ask you out again. seeing his silhouette approach you, you started to panic. a figure in the distance saved you and you quickly approached it, closing your eyes as you did so, “oppa!!” you voiced out trying your best not to cringe. you sucked in a sharp breath before pulling his collar towards you and kissing him, trying to get jae to fuck off at this point. the man was frozen, but realized before his lips started moving against yours too. the minty feeling of his mouth was addicting, you heard the sound of footsteps reside as you were getting lulled into the scent of this random man’s scent. the man came to his senses before he harshly pulled away. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO” he used his tongue to swipe against his lips, as if trying to get the taste off his mouth. your eyes widened when you realized it was jeon wonwoo. fucking. jeon. wonwoo. in front of you, how could you be so unlucky? “i’m so so sorry sir, i just wanted to get jae- a guy, you probably don't know him, he keeps bothering me and my work takes a long time to complete. i am so sorry.” a sigh could be heard as you stared at your feet, playing with the hem of your shirt. “at this point, do i fire you or help you with your problem as well.” he tapped his foot on the ground at a steady beat, while he was thinking of a solution. “sir please please don’t fire me i am a good worker- wait sir what do you mean?” “you heard me, fake date. my father wants me to settle down with a girl and i can’t do anything other than date to get him to stop. so…” he paused, raising his eyebrow at you as if trying to figure out your name. “lee y/n” “ah yes lee y/n, i will not fire you on the condition you be my fake girlfriend.” “sir.. you must be joking,” “its wonwoo for you now if you want to keep that job of yours,” you sighed in defeat before agreeing. “give me your phone, i need your number” he reached out his palm. after entering each other’s numbers, “i’ll text you soon sir, see you.” 
  staring at the polaroid's at the corner of your room, wondering how you got into this mess. it has been two days since that incident. you haven’t seen wonwoo nor texted him, to be honest, you had no intention of doing so either. you were brought out of your train of thought when you heard a buzzing indicating you got a message. picking it up and opening the chat, and reading the messages one after another.
???: hey, its wonwoo here. thought that you would try to escape and not text me thinking i’ll forget about it so i decided to text you first.
  seeing his activity status go offline, you decided to text him back and not let him wait
y/n: hi, i wanted to text you but it just slipped my mind,, so how do you wanna go about this whole fake dating thingy?
  you saw him come online, the three bubbles now appearing to show he was typing appeared.
wonwoo: i guess just act like a couple, i’m not experienced so let's do what you want to do.
y/n: sir, i’m not experienced too, but first off, we should get to know each other more and to get the publicity of our ‘relationship’, we must spend time together in the open. 
wonwoo: so what are you implying?
y/n: how about lunch together every week on thursday at 2pm when it’s crowded, we have to eat in the cafeteria on some of those days though.
wonwoo: why?
y/n: how else do you want to get that recognition?
wonwoo: right…see you next thursday.
  that thursday came quicker than expected, you literally had to drag yourself out of your home to go to work. however, you were finally happy that jae decided to stay away. he did not have the guts to go up to you after what he saw. when you were about to pick up your phone to text wonwoo, the sudden murmurs in the office got you to shift your attention to the cause of it, and of course it was jeon wonwoo. jeon. fucking. wonwoo. at the entrance leaning against the wall, trying to find a person, that person being you. you quickly rush towards him and leave the room before you could hear the gossip and rumors. you two walked side by side, his hands in his pockets as yours were together in front of you, fidgeting and trying to get the nerves away. he took a glance down at your hands before ignoring it and continued walking. then the sudden realization came to you, “wait wait, where are we even walking?” “i was just following you,” wonwoo nonchalantly said. “well i was following you till i realized this isn’t the way to the cafeteria,” you replied. “well, let's go there then,” wonwoo said. he just stood there, as if lost, you came to the realization that he didn’t know where it was. your lips quirked up at the slightest before deciding to tease him “well? aren’t you going to lead me there wonwoo?” he sighed before backtracking and turning to the right he stopped, trying to think before you tiptoed to whisper to him “it's the other way,” he flinched before grunting “just lead the way” you smile annoyingly at him before quickly walking to the cafeteria, trying to avoid the incoming lunch crowd but wonwoo decided to take his time. you got irritated before grabbing his arm and intertwining your hands and pulling him towards the cafeteria. “ugh see now the queue is long” you turn around and look at wonwoo, but he was looking at your intertwined hands. he had a faint blush on his face but you were too hungry to notice. “oh sorry” you quickly released his hands and went to the queue whilst wonwoo went to get a table. surprisingly being able to get your food quickly due to going on a ‘lunch date’ with wonwoo. you walked to wonwoo, seeing him seated uncomfortably with his hands joined on the table, unsure of where to look at…cute…you placed your food down, him looking at your food with disgust before pushing himself slightly away from it. “aren’t you going to eat?” you ask, looking at your food. “no. the food is disgusting here, i think i want to redo this area. how do you survive with this environment…" “please don't do that, the food here is amazing, try!!” you hold up your chopsticks to his mouth, and he jerks his head backward with a frown on his face. “trust me, its amazing,” he hesitantly opened his mouth and you placed your chopsticks in his mouth. the flavors melted on his tongue, you could see the slight widening of his eyes before it turned back to the normal bored expression on his face. “admit it, you like it, i can see it in your features,” “no, i’d buy a better meal from a restaurant. next time, let’s go somewhere where i can actually tolerate the food.” you slumped back into your chair with a huff and a silent “fine”. “so tell me about you, all i know is that you are jeon wonwoo who has a scary aura and cannot handle cafeterias '' you say, munching on your food as you do. you see him wince at you before saying “that’s all you need to know” “no its not, what are your likes and dislikes?” “i like books, sleep and coffee. i hate slackers, seafood since i’m allergic, that’s all” you nod your head “yeah at least that's progress, i need to tell you about me in-case jae decides to ask you questions about me, so…basically i have like nobody to talk at work, i hate work and i love staying home or anywhere away from work” wonwoo places his elbows on the table before saying “you must really hate work huh?” “yea because i was and still am getting treated like shit here” wonwoo raises an eyebrow at you before saying “do you want me to fire your bosses or do you want me to move your office up near mine? you could directly work under me,” you frantically shake your head before replying “no no i think that would be favoritism, others also go through the same thing as i do so it's okay” he nods his head before your phone rings. it's your boss again, picking it up as wonwoo leans back in his seat. “LEE Y/N WHERE ARE YOU. DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE MEETING THAT STARTED 10 MINUTES AGO?” you grimace before apologizing and turning to wonwoo “sorry this little get to know session has to end, we could continue another time” he bites his lip as he nods you stare at that for a while before standing up. he follows you to return your plate and you two walk side by side out of the cafeteria. wonwoo stops walking before picking up his phone, pressing some keys before putting it to his ear. “hansol, cancel my meetings that run from now till an hour's time, i have something to do.” you cock your head in confusion before he answers you before you manage to ask “what? i am going to follow you to the meeting, i want to check your group’s process as the ceo, not as your ‘boyfriend’.” your mouth forms an ‘o’ in realization before walking with him. “do you need me to lead you there again?” you could feel he was rolling his eyes when a “SHUT UP” could be heard.  you giggle before you hear a soft “yes…” you link arms, walking to the allocated room. you walk in, your boss slamming the table “LEE Y/N. THIS BEHAVIOR IS UNACCEPTABLE- oh mr jeon is here uhm.. too..” “yes i am, how about you continue with what you were saying?” wonwoo places his hand on your shoulder, gently and firmly. “no nevermind sir. it's not important,” wonwoo lowers his arm to rest it on the firm of your back and leads you two to two empty seats at the corner of the room. you take a seat, followed by wonwoo. unfortunately, jae was directly across from you. you watched how the woman next to wonwoo kept glancing at him and propping her boobs to look more enticing, ‘slut…’ you say to yourself feeling something, pushing you to be slightly clingy with wonwoo. you lean onto his bicep as he side glances you, the girl getting annoyed at his attention on you “somebody don’t like other girls falling for my charm?” he murmurs “shut up and listen” you snap back, you both then face your attention on the screen. 
  walking out of the room and saying your goodbyes, wonwoo followed you out and of course, jae had to be there. he was watching the two of you for the whole time and he didn’t peel his gaze away for a second. you wave to him as he walks off, jae being the suspicious bitch he is, decides to go and say “aren’t you going to kiss him goodbye?” “uh no, i’ll see him tomorrow or so,” jae gives you a questioning look before you give in “fine,” you quickly walk towards him. he turns in your direction you explain, “before you can say anything, jae wanted me to kiss you goodbye so sorry” before planting your lips on his. before he could kiss back, you separated and went back to jae, giving a slight wave before fully turning your back to him. 
  nightfall arrived, people from all buildings flooding out, trying to reach home before the approaching thunderstorm. you were packing up, the office getting quieter with every passing minute. when you finally managed to reach the lobby, the rain started pouring. you pouted at the weather, unable to go home by public transport due to you forgetting your umbrella at home. the thought of you taking a taxi home with their overpriced prices made you grimace too. that leaves you one option, walk home. sighing as you walk to the exit, you were stopped in your tracks by a car. the window slid down and revealed wonwoo. "get in" he says, "no this car is too expensive, i cannot-" "i said, get in, quick." you sighed for the severalth time that day as you carefully sat in the passenger seat. "let me drive you home, give me your address" "no it's okay, just drop me off at the train station" "stop being so stubborn and give me your address." nothing was going your way, giving up and slouching in your seat, trying to evaporate, you gave him your address. 
  when you reached your house, he turned to say his goodbyes but the rain became heavier, too heavy for him to drive in. it made him let a sound of annoyance come out of his mouth. "why don't you stay over, i have an extra room if you'd like, my brother comes over sometimes so you can use his shirts too," you offered. wonwoo hesitated before giving in. trying your best to not murder yourself for inviting him, you quickly go and get his things ready. 
  after showering, you flopped yourself onto the couch, letting out a sigh of relaxation. you opened your eyes realizing wonwoo was looking at you, his hair wet, drops dripping down his face perfectly tracing it. he wasn't using his glasses, making him look a whole new level of hotness. you could just stare at him. same for wonwoo, you looked so cute in that oversized shirt, shorts and hair in a mess. you somehow managed to bring yourself out of that trance, before inviting wonwoo onto the couch. deciding to watch a movie, you browse through the genres before deciding to pick a romance drama. "are you actually serious?" wonwoo comments. you actually forgot he was there for a second. "well, if not, how about you pick a movie, mr romance hater." he grabs the remote before selecting sci-fi. you slap a palm on your forehead, knowing it'll bore you into sleep but going with it. wonwoo picks a movie before setting down the remote. the first 10 minutes of the movie was easy, but when it got to the filler scenes, your head started to get heavy and by the time you both were 50 minutes into the movie, you finally decided to give in to the sleep that had been trying to get to you. slowly and unconsciously changing positions, you end up lying onto something firm but you ignore it, you feel something shift under you but you ignore it before going into slumber. "shit." wonwoo curses under his breath after feeling you lie onto him. your head was lying on his torso, very closely and dangerously close to his dick. he was so thankful when you managed to fall asleep before you managed to see or feel that boner, now… what is he going to do?
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tags: @dinosbestie @odetoyeonjun @sdoulc @sunggasm
an: chapter 1!! let me know if i can improve on anything or if i have any spelling errors! i’ll be posting the next chapter soon so stay tuned~
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blue-jisungs · 23 days
soft-hearted jealousy
#author's note ... i love wonwoo so fucking much did i ever guys tell u that. anywho this one is for zanzan bc i got inspired when we watched the kode ep <//3 and big big biiiig shout out to my beloved @l3visbby for proofreading <3 love u mother
#summary ... you're a little jealous of wonwoo n kerias frienship<//3
#word count ... 986
pssst the fic is referencing this cute vid:( wonwoo looked so good in it btw like what the actual fuck. also keria is my height and i fainted when i saw them hug bye
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the door opened with a soft click and then all you could hear was soft patting of wonwoo’s footsteps against the wooden floor. 
sighing, you switched youtube to instagram and tried to act unbothered. but how could you? a reel of a new video featuring your fiancé popped out. a video you have just watched and it made you… a little jealous. 
“bedroom?” wonwoo called, trying to locate you. 
“yea” you hummed back, loudly enough for him to hear you. scrolling down, you noticed another reel. 
the love of your life with a cute, gamer boy. 
puffing your cheeks, you decided to exit instagram as well and check if you had any mails or texts. 
wonwoo entered the room, a small crease between his brows. 
“is everything alright, darling?” he asked, voice smooth as honey. which pissed you off even more. how dares he sound so attractive when you’re mad at him? 
“yes” you grunted a little too sulkily, drawing his attention. 
“oh really? because you didn’t run up to me once i entered the house” wonwoo teased and walked up to the bed, stretching his arms. you lost the battle with yourself and watched him, biting the inside of your cheek. how could one look so good in a plain white t-shirt and jeans? 
“yeah, im fine. how was your day?” you sighed and looked away once you saw he noticed your gaze. with a small smirk, he laid down next to you. the mattress dipped under his weight but that restored the balance – it somehow felt empty when he wasn’t there before. 
“it was good. me and mingyu did a live… i talked to my new friend… we might play a bit today” he answered, eyes tracing your face “oh, the video is out! did you see it?”
you hated how excited he was. and how much you liked it. keria is… 
“cute. i liked it” you mumbled and turned his back to him, fighting a smile. this is ridiculous. 
but it’s just not fair that wonwoo looked so handsome in that video and threw some flirty comments. he was so cocky in it too… 
“cute? yeah, keria is so adorable” wonwoo chuckled and you looked at him through your arm, shooting him a glare “what? what is it?” 
“nothing” you grunted. wonwoo’s lips broke into a grin, finally figuring you out. 
“something is clearly wrong. come on, talk to me” he purred, his hand sneaking its way under your t-shirt. 
“you looked good in the vid” grunting, you tried to surpass a smile. the warmth of his skin on yours sent shivers down your spine but your tried to remain calm. and not fold. 
“really? thank you, darling. keria said he liked my jacket” your fiancé hummed and leaned a bit closer, fingers tapping gently against your ribs. 
you couldn’t control the huff that left your lips. 
“we got along really well, i like his company. he’s so sweet” wonwoo continued to tease you and apparently that did the trick. 
“if he’s so sweet why don’t you date him, hm?” murmuring, you tried to hide your face in the pillow. wonwoo’s fingers ghosting over your skin in a circular motion made you melt, making it impossible not to crack.
“forget it. go play your stupid games” you scoffed and wanted to move further away from him but wonwoo was quicker. he pulled you closer, calloused hands resting on your hips. 
“are you, perhaps… and i might be wrong here… jealous?” wonwoo’s cat-like adorned his features and you turned around, finally facing him. ebony eyes looking at you with amusement but also love, so much love, in them.
“yes, you’re wrong” you finally broke and cracked a smile, poking his buff chest. wonwoo tenderly grabbed your hand, placing it flat against his chest. his heartbeat softly drummed beneath your palm, making heat rise to your cheeks.
“come on, you know i would never…” he started and you shook your head. 
“it’s stupid and not that serious” you whined, covering your face with your other hand “it’s not the way you were… so flirty… and charming…”
“oh, pretty” wonwoo laughed wholeheartedly, the warm sound of his laughter bouncing off the walls of your shared bedroom. 
you leaned closer and hid your face in his chest, the smell of cologne filling your nostrils. his tender hands moved to the back of your neck, massaging it gently. 
“i made my angel jealous… by talking to my friend?” wonwoo sighed dramatically and you could hear the smile blooming on his lips. 
“it wasn’t just talking! you were so flirty…” your voice was a bit muffled by the material of his t-shirt “or i just… don’t know. you were really something that day, you know? so what if i’m a little jealous, i just don’t want to share you with the world… that much” 
wonwoo’s heart skipped a beat and he observed how you raised your head up. eyes meeting his, cheeks dusted with pink. you were so cute like that… cuter than keria. 
“can i make it up to you?” he hummed, hands trailing to cup your face. 
“a kiss. and no flirting with others, even if it’s a cute guy” you pouted and wonwoo leaned, capturing your soft lips in a sweet kiss. 
before you had a chance to deepen the kiss, he leaned away with a small frown. 
“but you do admit he’s cute, right?” your fiancé asked and you smacked his chest lightly.
“i wish we could adopt him” you laughed, and a grin formed on wonwoo’s face. 
“i’m afraid he’s a little too old for that…'' hiding his face in your hair, you decided to wrap your arms around his waist. 
“he’s 21… still a baby…” you huffed and shortly after, the sound of your laughs mixed in harmony. you guessed you might forgive him, it wasn’t really serious in the first place. 
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,,@mine-gyu ,, @nonononranghaee
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wheeboo · 7 months
catnaps (with you) | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which you revisit the cat shelter with wonwoo during autumn break. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader (ft. best friend!wen junhui) GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, humour? idk i'm unfunny, established relationship, slice of life, college au WARNINGS. kissing (reader has their first kiss 🤭), reader is shorter than wonwoo, cursing, terms of endearment, reader has some insecurity issues n overthinks, reader's parents puts academic pressure on them, a lil allusion to sex but it's cuz jun can't word things properly n reader assumes he's talking abt it 😭, reader is just oblivious to wonwoo being hella whipped for them, this is hella self-indulgent kflgfgsdf WORD COUNT. 10.1k
notes: no one asked for this, and i couldn't help it. enjoy this glimpse into our fav introverted couple whom i missed so much 💘 this could prob be read as separate but i recommend reading the first part for any scenes regarding the cat shelter :) ty to my moot group (i love u guys sm it hurts) for being supportive and eating up all the spoilers i would give cuz i get too excited 💞
← part 1 | part 2 
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[07:41pm | wonu 💘] y/n, are you still in the library? i got you some ice cream :)
The message remains on delivered, though Wonwoo knows you're still in the library. You've been studying continuously for the past two weeks, and since trying to survive in your own dorm room was already hard enough, you decided to romanticise your studying sessions by going to the library. And frankly, it's been working. Sort of.
Wonwoo opens the door into the library, footsteps muted by the soft carpeting that fills the floors. Rows and shelves of books and study materials line the walls and desks with school computers dot the open spaces. As he heads deeper inside, his gaze sweeps across the spacious room, searching for you among the hushed whispers and occasional rustle of pages.
When he finally spots you tucked in a peaceful corner, a gentle smile tugs at his lips. Though he half-expected to see your face buried in a textbook, he sees nothing but your sleepy head laying against the open page, your hand loosely holding a pen, an open notebook at the side displaying half-finished notes, and your laptop which displayed a numerous amount of tabs.
The smile to his face fades just slightly, though his heart still blooms with affection in his chest. He approaches up to you, being as quiet as he can, setting his bag down on the empty chair across from you and your frozen ice cream on the table.
He carefully reaches over to close your laptop, its screen dimming to black as he does so. Cautiously, he takes the pen from your hand and places it on top of your notebook. Then, with utmost care, he starts to organise your scattered notes, aligning them neatly beside your laptop.
Once everything is in order, he takes a moment to admire your slumbering form, over your peaceful expression, which spreads some warmth through him. The dim lighting in the library casts a gentle glow on your features, highlighting the subtle lines of exhaustion to your face.
You always look so cute, he always tells himself, and it reminds of him of the days during senior year when he'd glance in your direction, seeing your napping form and feeling this sudden surge of curiosity, sometimes even protectiveness to watch over you. He recalls how he would often find himself wanting to make sure you were comfortable and well-rested, even back then.
As he begins to pack your belongings into your backpack, you finally stir awake, lowly groaning and blinking as you slowly come back to consciousness. Your gaze meets Wonwoo's as you notice he's been taking care of your things, and a faint blush spreads across your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and tenderness.
"You... you didn't have to," You mumble sheepishly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
He chuckles softly, the deep sound resonating in your chest. "The library's about to close, and I couldn't just let you sleep here all night."
His words only deepen your blush, still feeling that lingering embarrassment course through you. You sit up, still feeling a bit disoriented from your small nap, watching as Wonwoo helps you pack the rest of your belongings before closing up your backpack.
"Ice cream?" he asks, offering you the small cup and spoon.
You feel a slap of panic hit you as you hurl your backpack over your shoulders. "Oh, it-it's not melted, right? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to nap for so long𑁋"
"Angel, it's okay." His laughter is melodic, comforting and reassuring. "I made sure to get it right before I came here."
Gosh, it's so tragically easy for your heart to feel like it might implode, and him calling you angel does nothing but send all those butterflies to your stomach. It's a simple term of endearment, but when he says it, it feels like the most meaningful and affectionate word in the world. He uses those little nicknames in sparse times, mainly to give you comfort, yet you won't deny that it works every time.
You take the cup and spoon from his hand in yours, facing away a little as you take a spoonful of the ice cream in your mouth. The sweet, cold treat soothes your senses and brings a small, contented smile to your lips, and when you glance back at Wonwoo, he's already gazing at you.
There's a certain warmth in the way he looks at you, an intensity that goes beyond words, and a manner that makes you feel almost overwhelmed. He also looks adorably comfortable in the grey sweater that he wore, accentuating his broad shoulders and the subtle strength of his frame.
"What?" You choke out.
Wonwoo moves closer, slowly bringing a hand up, letting a thumb wipe away some ice cream that had escaped from the corner of your lips. His touch sends shivers down your spine.
"Nothing," he says, voice a soft murmur, but his expression turns slightly teasing. "You're just cute."
A playful glint dances in his eyes as he continues to watch your flustered reaction.
"I'm not cute," You protest, though the corners of your lips betray your attempt at seriousness.
"You saying that means you even more cuter."
You almost gag (in a good way, don’t worry). If your ice cream hasn't melted yet, then you sure as hell did.
"You're actually ridiculous," You mutter, trying to hide your flushed cheeks with another scoop of your ice cream in your mouth.
"But you like me," he argues playfully, a sulkiness to his face that you just can't resist.
I do. I really do. You can't deny that. It hasn't even been long since you both came to that realisation; it hasn't even been long since the two of you have graduated high school and started this whole relationship... ordeal, thing (seriously, what the fuck are relationships?). But, in a strange way, it felt like it has been an eternity, yet the feelings haven't changed. Not one bit, and you'd really question your entire being if something were to shift.
Before you can respond, though, a yawn escapes your lips, and it finally dawns on you just how tired you are. Your recent studying marathons have taken a toll on your energy levels, and it's starting to catch up with you. Wonwoo notices the exhaustion engraved into your features and warily takes your almost-finished ice cream from your hand.
"Hey," he encourages delicately, taking your hand and helping you up. "The library is about to close. Let me walk you back."
You don't object, the weariness seeping into your bones, and together you walk out of the library. The campus is quiet under the rays of moonlight, and the air is slowly becoming chilly. He carries your backpack for you, and you hold on to your ice cream, savouring the last few spoonfuls before disposing it in a nearby bin.
It's almost instinctive in the way your hand easily finds his, knowing that it had taken nearly the entirety of summer break to finally get used to that step. Every time your fingers intertwine, there was often that flicker of doubt dancing at the edges of your mind. It's not just the thrill of his touch, but the unshakable uncertainty that lingers beneath the surface.
Sometimes, you wonder if he can sense the hesitation in your grip𑁋the way your fingers tremble slightly as they clasp onto his, if your grip feels too hesitant or too unsure. It's not that you aren't ready, because you are, it's just that it's all so new, so different, and you're afraid that you might mess up.
Holding hands is perhaps one of the most mundane acts in a relationship, yet here you are, almost feeling like you're treading on uncharted territory, taking it in like a historical moment bound for the textbooks. It's the deeper feelings within yourself that are beginning to settle, just like the leaves falling around you as autumn approaches.
"Do you... want to visit home for autumn break?" Wonwoo's question breaks you out of your thoughts, and you look up at him, surprise flickering across your face. "We can also go to the cat shelter too."
"Really?" You question, and the thought of seeing the cats again brings that joy back to your face. It brings you back to all the clear memories you've made in that small little shelter that somehow made the world feel even bigger. However, the thought of visiting home in general makes you feel a bit queasy.
You feel Wonwoo's thumb caress against your knuckles, a smile of his own tugging at his lips. "My grandmother wonders about you, you know."
"Does she miss me that much?" You ask bashfully.
As you arms start to swing back and forth lightly, Wonwoo only chuckles. "Hmm, I think you've become one of her favourites."
Your eyes widen comically. "No way, more favoured than you?"
"You know I can't compete with you," Wonwoo admits cheekily.
The words send a tingle of warmth up your spine, and you can't help but let out a quiet laugh. It's the kind that feels light and easy, the kind that only he seems to be able to coax out of you effortlessly, and the kind that Wonwoo also feels effect himself𑁋seeing you all smiley and happy is enough to send that heat up crawling up his own neck.
As you walk side by side, the cool, crisp evening air envelops you, and the campus falls into a peaceful hush. Your steps echo faintly against the pavement, the sound of your breaths mingling with the rustle of leaves as you pass by. The familiarity of the journey back to your dormitory grounds you.
But then, as you approach the intersection that leads to your dormitory, Wonwoo hesitates for a moment and gently tugs your hand, causing you to stop.
"You know, uh..." he begins, voice a little softer, shyer, than before. "If you want, you can... sleep over at mine? Since I know that your roommates aren't the best."
He's not wrong𑁋your roommates aren't the best at respecting your need for a quiet and peaceful place to study. You've often found your dorm room filled with noise, distractions, and the constant coming and going of people you don't even know. It's a small, cramped space that makes it difficult to focus, and you've had more than a few sleepless nights because of it.
But as his offer hangs in the air, you feel a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. You know that he is being genuinely considerate and kind, but the idea of spending the night at his place makes your heart race with anxiety.
And those thoughts begin to creep in.
You can't help but fidget, and the familiar knot of self-doubt forms in your chest. You want to say yes𑁋to be able to spend more time with him, but the nerves and insecurities gnaw at the back of your mind.
"I..." You murmur, voice barely above a whisper. "I-I think I'll be fine by myself."
Wonwoo's eyes flicker with concern, yet his face only softens. He reaches a hand over, pushing away a stray strand of hair that has fallen over your eyes. There's a pang of guilt that hits him in the chest for asking.
"Okay." His voice is as soothing as a snuggly blanket on a chilly night. "Just... make sure to get some rest, alright? I don't want you to push yourself too hard."
There's a weak smile that crosses your face, and you feel your eyes flutter shut when you feel the press of his lips against your forehead.
When you open your eyes and look up at him, he's still smiling down at you, grabbing your hand back into his and giving a light squeeze.
The silence between you two is comfortable while making your way in the direction of your dorm. It's always like this when you're with him, like a feeling that's become as familiar as breathing. There's an intimacy in the way the world seems to hush itself when you're together and the outside noises dim, becoming irrelevant.
Wonwoo kisses your forehead again before he lets you go, and you're starting to think that maybe, just maybe, you can take that step.
Not tonight, maybe, but someday soon.
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Jeon Wonwoo asked to be your boyfriend on the last day of school of senior year. It happened, conveniently, within the walls of his family-owned cat shelter where at that point, you probably invested more than an entire year's worth of hours needed for school.
It wasn't anything particularly extravagant, nor did it need to be. It was just the two of you, surrounded by the mellow purring of cats after sharing your uneventful summer plans that Wonwoo had asked the question, which left you utterly speechless for a minute or two. Time had stood still, your heart was racing, and you stole a glance at the cats nearby, as if seeking for their approval. Their inquisitive eyes were fixed curiously on the two of you, like witnesses of a love that had just shifted its stem enough to soak in the sunlight.
The moment you accepted with an awfully quiet, heartfelt yes, a shy smile spread across his face, and the tips of his ears flushed a soft pink that matched the colour of delicate cherry blossoms. You remembered the quietness that followed afterward was nothing short of a slightly awkward, giddy jump to your hearts, but that's what made it more endearing, to be honest.
And magically from there, your uneventful summer plans weren't so uneventful after all.
You still had your countless visits to the shelter during summer break, so coming back always felt like a familiar and comforting routine. You've even watched a bunch of your little cat friends getting adopted𑁋Miko was adopted by a single mother seeking for a companion in her studio, and Mochi found her home with an elderly couple who lost their previous cat𑁋yet there's always new ones who capture your heart.
The cat shelter looks more lively with the arrival of autumn. It's been renovated slightly, brightened like the fallen leaves, and the cozy hues of the fall season have been incorporated into the shelter's aesthetic. Small pumpkin decorations fill the shelves, and the walls are showered with maple leaf garlands.
The cats seem to sense the changing season too, some of them basking in the soft light filtering into the shelter.
"Y/N, dear, it's so good to see you!" Wonwoo's grandmother greets you warmly, placing her hands on top of your shoulders and getting a good look at you. "Ah, and you look as beautiful as ever."
You feel your cheeks heat up with her compliment as you hear Wonwoo close the door behind and step up next to you. "It's great to be back. The place looks amazing."
The older woman's eyes twinkle as she looks between the two of you. "It hasn't been the same without both of you around, that's for sure."
She gestures for you both to follow her, and you head deeper into the shelter, joining the cats in their comfortable space as the familiar comfort of the shelter washes over you. It feels like a second home to you.
When Wonwoo's grandmother leaves to tend to some errands, it's just the two of you in the shelter. You and Wonwoo find yourselves sitting on the floor right across from each other, and you watch the way he cradles an affectionate orange tabby named Butter in his arms, a small smile playing on his lips as he gently scratches behind the cat's ear. The cat purrs blissfully, its eyes half-closed, and Wonwoo's expression mirrors the same peacefulness.
But just then, another cat emerges from behind you which startles you. Yet when you look closely, you seem to recognise the familiar pattern of the black and white coating of its fur.
"Loki?" You run a hand through the cat's fur, watching as he curls himself into a comfortable ball on your lap, purring contentedly under your touch. Loki, as you were told before, is one of the oldest residents of the shelter. You remember Wonwoo telling you the struggles of him finding a loving place to go home to, so seeing him right now gives you a bittersweet feeling.
"Ah, I forgot to tell you." Wonwoo's voice pops up as Butter hops off his hold and towards the other cats nearby. "My grandmother decided to adopt him."
That announcement brings a wide smile to your face as you continue to stroke Loki's soft fur. "Really?" Then you softly scratch behind the cat's ear, pressing a small kiss to the top of his head and grinning from the sheer happiness pouring out of you. "You hear that, Loki? You're in good, loving hands now."
Loki only responds by letting out a soft meow, lightly clawing at the sleeves of your sweater.
Wonwoo only grins. He watches the way you shower Loki with attentiveness, fondness, love, and it warms his heart at your caring and gentle nature, to see you so joyful in a place you belong. It's one of the reasons why he had been drawn to you in the first place, one of many things he cherishes about you.
"Have I ever told you how much I love watching you with the cats?"
You pick your head up to look at him, catching the way he's gazing at you with an adoring and almost entranced expression.
"Um." You clear your throat, feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through your chest. "You... may have mentioned it once or twice before."
The curve at his lips only grow bigger. He scoots a bit closer to you, so your knees are almost touching, and he continues to watch you. "I'll make sure to keep reminding you, then."
You chuckle at this. "Have you always been so cheesy and sappy?"
"What? You don't like it?" He pouts at this, and you can't help but let out a giggle. "I'm just speaking the truth."
It isn't his fault that he has the urge to shower you with the utmost, not-so-subtle, horribly cheesy praises whenever he sees you. You bring that side out of him, to simply put, and he can't help it. When he's with you, it's like this new side of himself emerges, one that's unguarded, affectionate, and unapologetically... captivated by you. And he'd probably do anything to keep you smiling, to see your eyes light up, to hear your laughter.
He's always adored watching you interact with the cats, even from the first day you stepped foot in this place, nothing but all awkward charm and eagerness. You've always had this natural affinity for animals, always so patient and kind, so reassuring and compassionate. It's a part of you that he finds incredibly admiring.
After some time passes, the door to the shelter dings, and when you pick your head up, you find your eyes widening to the sight of your best friend entering inside.
"What's up, fellas! I'm not missing the party, right?" His presence is unusually loud, but that still doesn't stop the grin at your face.
"Jun!" You quickly yet carefully scramble up from the floor, careful not to disturb Loki, before dashing in the boy's direction. "What the hell? I thought you said you had a competition."
Jun scratches the back of his neck bashfully. "Yeah, uh... I lied."
This earns him a playful, but slightly annoyed shove, shooting him a brief glare that he just smirks about. But then he wraps you in a tight hug, the kind that feels like you haven't seen each other in years, before pulling back to flash a grin at Wonwoo, who only offers a wave since he was busy tending to something in the back.
"You should have told me you were coming," You scold him lightly, knocking your shoulder against his. "I would have met up with you earlier."
Jun only shrugs, giving you a look of disbelief. He ruffles your hair playfully, and you swat his hand away with a frown. "Where's the fun in that? I wanted to surprise you."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever, I'm glad you're here, dingus."
"You better be," the taller boy teases, before gazing past your shoulders and looking back at you. "Wanna head out for a bit? You need to spill."
You scoff lightly, giving a nod. You head to the back to tell Wonwoo, who had been helping out with some tasks in the shelter, that you're going to step out with Jun for a while. He tells you to take your time and be careful, watching as you and Jun step out of the shelter together, a boyish smile crossing over his face.
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"So, spill," Jun prompts as the street vendor hands you a warm cup of street tteokbokki. You both find a cozy spot on a nearby bench, the crisp autumn air nipping at your cheeks as you blow on the food to help cool it down. The warmth spreads through your fingers, seeping into your bones, and you feel a sense of comfort settling in as you take a bite.
"What do you want me to spill?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at Jun as you lean back against the bench.
"You know exactly what I mean. Wonwoo, duh." Ugh, he's nosy and infuriating as always, but it's been a while since you've had a heart-to-heart talk with your best friend.
There's a very faint, dreamy curve that plays at your lips at the mention of Wonwoo's name.
"Well, um... He's... he's amazing, you know? He's patient, caring, considerate," You say, picking at the steaming tteokbokki absentmindedly. Amazing doesn't even begin to describe him, but you find yourself struggling to put your thoughts into words. "but it's also kind of scary because he's so amazing. Like, he's smart, talented, and he comes from a really good family..."
"Ah, those thoughts again," Jun remarks knowingly as your voice trails off.
"Yeah." Those thoughts is right, unfortunately. "It's... just me, I guess. I feel like I don't deserve him sometimes."
"Hey, it's normal to feel that way," Jun says, pointing his chopsticks at you. "But honestly, I think you're underestimating yourself. If he didn't see something special in you, he wouldn't be with you."
You lift a brow at him. "Since when did you get so wise to use your brain for once?"
"Dude, we're in college. Everyone's having love problems and shit." Jun smirks, and you can't help but snicker. "I mean, you're lucky you found someone. There's people I know out there swiping right on dating apps and getting ghosted."
You shake your head, a hint of amusement on your face. "Yeah, it's just... I-I don't know. It's all so new, and he's so patient, but what if between all that... I'm not, um... making him happy?"
"Trust me, you make him happy," Jun reassures boldly, his words making your chest feel lighter, yet you know it might not take long for your thoughts to say otherwise. "But have you both...?"
You stare at him, trying to decipher the odd way he's looking at you, and suddenly it clicks.
"Jun, seriously?" You frown, a flush creeping onto your cheeks, resisting the urge to yank a piece of tteokbokki in his face.
"What?" Jun asks innocently, but there's a sly grin on his face. "Did you think... Oh my gosh, that's not what I meant, you weirdo! Have you two kissed?"
It still doesn't help the way your face grows even warmer out of embarrassment and from the spice of the tteokbokki. You've never kissed kissed before, but he has kissed you𑁋on the cheek, the knuckles of your hand, your forehead, the top of your head. You like those kinds of kisses that he gives you, but the thought of a real one, that heart-pounding, butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of kiss, has always been both thrilling and terrifying to you.
There were a few times where it nearly happened𑁋a few times where, at that moment, you wanted it to happen𑁋where your faces were inches apart after he walks you back your dorm, standing in front of the door, but then a burst of awkward laughter, or your own nerves would break the spell. He'd end up placing a simple, lingering kiss to your hair like he always does, yet that alone is enough to make you feel on cloud nine.
"No, we haven't... yet." You swallow another piece of tteokbokki, feeling a little self-conscious. "I... I guess I've just been a little nervous. What if I mess it up?"
"Y/N!" Jun exclaims dramatically, peering at you incredulously. "How could you mess up a first kiss?"
You laugh airily at his reaction. "I-I don't know! What if it's not what he expects, or... it's bad? I just don't want to disappoint him or anything."
"Y/N fucking L/N𑁋"
"Yeah, I'm overthinking again, aren't I?" Gosh, why are you like this? You bite down another piece of tteokbokki in shame. "Sorry."
"You'll be fine! Trust me, it's not as complicated as you think. If anything, he's probably just as nervous as you are."
"What do you know? You haven't kissed anyone yet," You mumble lowly, and when you notice the quietness after your words and catch sight of Jun's reddening face, you let out a gasp this time, literally dropping a piece of tteokbokki on your pants. "Yah, Wen Junhui!"
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[11:59pm | y/n 🤍] wonu?? are u awake?
[12:00am | wonu 💘] no i'm asleep
[12:00am | y/n 🤍] oh 😔
[12:01am | wonu 💘] but i'm awake now are you okay?
[12:02am | y/n 🤍] do you... feel happy when you're with me? (NOT DELIVERED!)
[12:02am | y/n 🤍] i just feel like i don't deserve you sometimes (NOT DELIVERED!)
[12:04am | wonu 💘] is it just one of those nights again?
[12:04am | y/n 🤍] yeah, i'm sorry
[12:05 | wonu 💘] you know i'm here for you, right?
[12:05am | y/n 🤍] i don't want you to deal with my stupid insecurities (NOT DELIVERED!)
[12:06am | y/n 🤍] i know, i'm sorry i woke you up i'll be okay, just need some time
[12:06am | wonu 💘] take your time, angel we can talk when you're ready, yeah? no rush?
[12:07am | y/n 🤍] yeah, okay i'll try and sleep now goodnight wonu :)
[12:07am | wonu 💘] goodnight, y/n :) dream of something beautiful, okay?
You do. You dream of him holding you one day, arms wrapped around you like a protective cocoon and the warmth of his breath hitting your skin.
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Knowing you have an entire week without the stress of school is a bit daunting. It feels incredibly liberating, yet still doesn't clear away the cloud of uncertainties flying around your head.
Being back in your own home isn't your favourite place in the world, as inconsiderate that might sound. It's always met with merely the same conversations as always with your parents: how have your grades been? Have you been studying enough? It's always same fucking cycle.
And it's not that your parents are unkind or don't care about you; they just have their own way of showing it, a way that often feels overbearing and suffocating. You love being home, but you don't love the shadows lurking in the corners of the room that whisper doubt into your ears.
It's hard to shake off this feeling of inadequacy, especially when you're constantly reminded of it, even in the most subtle ways. Sometimes it feels like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, constantly striving for perfection, for approval, for validation, only for that effort to be met with indifference, slipping through your fingers like grains of sand. There is always that tiny, critical voice in your head telling you that it's not enough𑁋that you're not enough.
It's exhausting.
So it isn't surprising that your mood is far from upbeat as you stroll down the street, taking in the slightly musky air, grey clouds in the sky threatening potential rain, and the sight of yellow, orange, and red leaves falling to the ground. It's around evening time, and you find yourself slowly trailing in the direction of the cat shelter, which is where Wonwoo is, since he's allowing his grandmother to rest while he takes care of the shelter for the time being.
He's such a sweetheart, honestly.
There's a droplet that lands on your head, but you don't seem to exactly notice, or really care. You kick a dry leaf down the cracked, barren pavement and it skitters way in the cool breeze, sending a chill running down your skin even through the sweater you had, which may be a bit too thin.
The rain starts to come down more steadily, and for a moment, helps ease the weight of your thoughts. It's not a heavy rain, but it's enough to make you shiver and really wish you had brought an umbrella. A disappointed sigh leaves your lips at the thought as you're about to approach the outskirts of your neighbourhood, knowing well enough that heading back to your house is a much farther walk than the shelter.
You're about to turn back anyway, thinking it's not the best time to visit, when you hear a familiar, awfully faint sound𑁋a meow.
The sound tugs at your heartstrings, some panic crawling into your veins as your gaze flickers around. Your eyes scan anywhere they can reach, and your insistent feet take you in every place that they can, but you don't see any sign of a cat. The rain continues to drizzle even harder, beginning to feel the water starting to seep through the material of your sweater, and you feel a pang of worry settle in your chest, hoping the cat isn't caught out in the cold.
As you take a few steps forward, your ears catch the sound again, a bit louder this time, coming from behind the thick bushes at the side of the road. Cautiously, you part the wet branches and peer through the leaves, and there, sheltered beneath the foliage, you find a small, shivering, and completely drenched kitten.
The kitten is probably no older than a few months, and stares up at you with wide, frightened bright green eyes. Its tiny, wet body is trembling in the cold, and you can't help but feel your heart break at the sight. It lets out another weak whimper at the sight of you, with big, frightened eyes gazing up at you. When you crouch down and attempt to extend a hand out, the kitten only steps back.
"Hey, it-it's okay," You reassure softly, reaching your hand again. "I just want to help you. You can't be out here like this."
But to your avail, the kitten lets out a pitiful mewl, only retreating further into the bush, and you can feel the branches trying to poke at your skin through your sweater. You see the way its tiny body is shivering, and its fur clings to its skin, drenched by the rain which was only getting stronger. You take a deep breath.
"I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" You take a step back, feeling the uncomfortable shift of your position. "I promise I'll keep you safe and warm."
The kitten watches you with apprehensive eyes as you continue to speak softly. Then you extend an arm out again, and slowly, carefully, the kitten inches forward, its movements cautious and wary, and you let it take a sniff of your hand, hoping that your scent is able to coax it out of hiding.
The kitten sniffs your hand tentatively, and after a few long moments, it decides to take a chance. It moves closer, tiny, pink nose nuzzling against your damp fingers as if searching for comfort, and you notice the limp in one of its legs as well. You can see how frightened and vulnerable it is, and your heart aches even more, but you're determined𑁋determined to help this poor kitten.
Slowly, you start to pet the kitten, keeping your touch gentle and soothing.
"There you go, little one," You murmur, continuing to stroke the kitten's wet fur. "You're safe now. Let's get you out of this rain, okay? I'm going to make sure you're taken care of."
The kitten is so light, its body small and fragile, and its fur is a soggy mess. You carefully cradle it in your arms, seemingly fitting perfectly within your hold while trying to shield it from the rain, and the trembling starts to subside just a little as it feels the warmth of your body. You find yourself shivering even more as you step out of the bush, the sweater you're wearing sticking to your skin, but you don't care.
It nuzzles closer to your warmth, and you can feel the rapid, erratic beating of its heart𑁋a heart that has probably never known safety or comfort until now.
You hold the kitten close to your chest, quickly making your way to the shelter as the rain pours down heavily around you.
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The door to the shelter chimes and bounces off the walls of the quiet shelter, making Wonwoo's brows knit together dazedly𑁋who could be here at this hour? He overhears the strong pitter-patter of rain outside hitting the windows as he puts down the metal bowl in his hands before making his way to the front of the shelter.
What he doesn't expect is to be greeted with the sight of you𑁋pretty much drenched from head to toe, hair plastered to your face and the colours of your sweater practically dark, all the water absorbed within its fibres. Rainwater drips from your nose, and your teeth chatter together from the cold. You're trembling as you hold the tiny, trembling kitten in your arms, cradling it close to your chest.
"Y/N?" Wonwoo calls out to you, noticing the way you're shivering in place.
"Um, I-I... I found a kitten," You stutter shakily, holding out the tiny, trembling kitten in your arms, eyes noticeably red as if you've been crying. "It-It's hurt, and I couldn't just let it stay out there..."
"You're shivering," Wonwoo points out worriedly.
"I-I'm fine, but the kitten𑁋"
Wonwoo doesn't let you finish your sentence; instead, he takes one of your hands into his and drags you to the back of the shelter. Instinctively, he's quick to retrieve a towel to wrap around the kitten as he brings it into his arms from yours. He creates a cozy, makeshift area on the table to set the kitten down before wrapping the kitten in the towel, being extra cautious of its injured leg. The kitten only lets out curious meows, eyes closing to the feeling of Wonwoo delicately drying its fur. It doesn't take long for the colours of its fur to start blooming back.
On the other hand, you grab yourself a towel of your own to wrap around you, pacing back and forth anxiously. When Wonwoo emerges back, his face only softens when he catches sight of you.
"She'll be okay," he says, approaching up to you. "I'll take her to the vet first thing in the morning."
"Can I come?" You ask, though the answer is already somewhat obvious𑁋you asking makes him let out a soft chuckle, which was enough to tell you of course.
Wonwoo just nods, keeping his gaze locked on you as if in contemplation, before he approaches and carefully wraps you in his arms, knowing that you must be cold and shaken from the rain. At first, you shift in his hold, but as you feel the warmth from his body seep into your skin, you find yourself relaxing.
He holds you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you bury your face into his chest, some water from your hair dripping onto his clothes. The scent of the shelter, a mix of disinfectant and the familiar musk of the cats, as well as Wonwoo, suspend in the air, and you find comfort in the familiarity of it all.
Outside, the rain still pours, yet could only listen to the the comforting hum of the heater, the soft purring of the cats, and the oddly soothing way you can listen to Wonwoo's steady, yet also somewhat unsteady heartbeat.
"It's going to be okay," he murmurs against your hair, his breath sending a shiver down your spine, but this time, it's not from the cold.
"She was... she was so scared," You mutter into his chest. "Who could've done this to her? Who could've... just left her there?" There's a hint of anger and sadness in your voice that makes it quiver, and Wonwoo could only tighten his hold around you.
He doesn't have all the answers, but he knows that what matters right now is that you're here, and you're okay, and that the kitten is safe.
When you pull back, you find yourself looking at him, and time stands still. Despite the intensity of his eyes on you, you barely catch the way his breath seems to hitch when you blink up at him, his hands falling down to plant at your waist lightly. Your faces𑁋lips𑁋are merely inches apart, and you can feel the warmth of his slightly shaky breath hit your skin.
You've never been this close to someone, never felt the warmth of their breath, never stared into their eyes with such intimacy. It's almost overwhelming how vulnerable this closeness makes you feel.
Wonwoo's eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips, and there's a moment of hesitation. You feel the soft, hesitant pressure of his hands on your waist, and his thumbs draw slow circles against your sides. He's silently asking for your consent from the way he lingers, waiting for any sign that you might want this as much as he does, any sign that you might object. Your breath hitches as he leans in just a fraction closer, your heart pounding painfully against your ribs. You're both aware of the moment, how close you are to each other, as your lips hover so tantalisingly close to each other.
And a faint, almost imperceptible nod from you is all it takes.
The look of surprise in his eyes isn't hard to miss, along with the way he seems to swallow a nervous lump in his throat. When he draws his lips closer to yours, you find your eyes fluttering shut.
But just as the distance between you both shortens, a sudden, loud crash of thunder shakes the shelter, making both of you jump back. A wave of meows fill the room, and the startled reaction of the cats snaps you both back to reality. Your arms remain around each other, and the moment is broken, and it doesn't take long for the two of you to exchange a nervous chuckle.
"We… we should probably get you dried off properly," he says ruefully, softly, voice barely above a whisper as he pushes his glasses back up, the tips of his ears reddening. "Wouldn't want you catching a cold."
You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding, the heat in your face still lingering. "Y-Yeah."
You both share another awkward laugh, though the lingering tension between you doesn't quite disappear. Wonwoo retrieves another towel, this time for you, and helps you dry off your hair and clothes as best as he can. There's a gentle tenderness in his actions, like in the way he brushes a strand of wet hair away from your face and the warmth in his eyes as he looks at you, as if he's treating something fragile and precious. The soft touch of his hands against your skin sends shivers down your spine, but you try to focus on getting warm and dry.
Afterward, he insists that you change into something dry, which ended up with him taking off the button-up cardigan that he was wearing and lending it to you even though it's a bit too big, but is incredibly warm and smells like him, which left him in sporting just a large, plain white t-shirt.
You change quickly in a more private area of the shelter, and when you return to the main room, you see Wonwoo hovering above the kitten.
"She's asleep," he tells you when you come close, not before briefly taking in the sight of you in his cardigan. He looks away, a shy grin that he has to bite back. "I think she'll be okay until we take her to the vet in the morning."
You glance down at the kitten, seeing the way she's perfectly curled up in a snug bed he prepared, the towel wrapped around her small body as a makeshift blanket. The colour of her fur is that of a deep solid space grey𑁋a colour heavily associated with the Russian Blue cats. One of her little legs is wrapped in a small plaster, and she seems much more comfortable now. Wonwoo reaches out to stroke the kitten's fur, and the purring starts again, but her eyes don't open.
"She seems so much safer now," You murmur, watching her for a moment longer. You also let your fingers run over her fur, you and Wonwoo's hands brushing against each other briefly, a simple touch that sends a jolt of electricity through your body. You're still holding onto that moment from earlier, and you can tell that Wonwoo feels it too by the way he hesitates before pulling his hand away.
In the background, the rain has gotten lighter, the sound more of a calming, rhythmic patter against the roof. Most of the cats seemed to have settled back down, and the shelter feels warm and cozy despite the gloomy weather outside.
"Do you want to name her?" Wonwoo asks you, nudging his index finger against her little hand.
You look down at the peacefully sleeping kitten, her soft breaths making her seem even more fragile. After a small pause, you smile softly.
"Mmmh..." You tilt your head, observing the sleeping kitten once more, scanning over her grey fur and the tranquil expression on her cute, tiny face. "How about... 'Luna'?"
Wonwoo's eyes only light up even brighter, just like moon itself. "Luna it is, then."
You rest your head on the table as if trying to get to Luna's eye level.
"Hi, Luna," You coo quietly, careful not to startle her. "I'm going to make sure you find a loving home, alright? I'll make sure of it. You deserve all the happiness in the world."
Luna stirs ever so slightly, her little paws kneading the air as if responding to the name and the happiness you promise.
If someone were to stand far away from you, they would probably only see the weariness that passes through your eyes and the relaxed curve to your lips. But Wonwoo likes this up close view of you𑁋the way your pupils seem to be filled with comfort that rivals the soft glow of the morning sun, the way your smile radiates nothing but warmth, and all this love you carry within yourself that makes his heart just a bit more weak. He sees the way your gaze lingers, the way you seem to see a story in Luna's closed eyes, a story that you want to rewrite with just the word home.
And while you keep your eyes on Luna, Wonwoo's eyes only remain on you.
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"Do you seriously have to work on your photography project now?"
Your voice catches Wonwoo's attention, causing him to glance up from the camera in his hands and look at you. You had both of your hands in your pockets, encased comfortably in a sweater that still somehow brought some chills up your skin, and a pout to your face with your eyes narrowed in his direction.
"Well, the point of the project is to catch something beautiful and write an analysis about it, and it’s a beautiful day, so…" Wonwoo specifies playfully, before putting his eye back on eyepiece and directing the camera towards you, and he captures a few of you in your cute, somewhat disheveled glory, and there's a couple of pictures of you attempting to hide your face and the shy smile that running across it.
As he continues to snap photos, you swear you catch a glimpse of the fondness in his eyes. He's not just capturing a random moment; he's capturing you, and it's bringing back that warm and fuzzy feeling to your chest. Your cheeks flush, unsure if it's from the cold grazing your face or Wonwoo himself, and you look down, suddenly feeling all too bashful.
When he finally lowers it, he turns to you with a soft smile.
"Perfect," he murmurs, securing the camera back around his neck and under his scarf.
"You're not going use those for your project, right?"
"Nope," he replies simply as he runs up to catch up to you, your shoulders brushing up against each other. "These are just for me."
Your stomach jumps at his response, feeling a sense of warmth enveloping within you despite the chilly air. The crisp breeze tugs at your sweater, making you shiver, and you huddle deeper into it as much as you can. As you continue walking, Wonwoo's gaze keeps flickering to you, his brows furrowing slightly, and he glances down at the navy blue scarf wrapped around his own neck.
It wasn't until you feel something warm and soft drape around your shoulders, and you look over to find that Wonwoo has smoothly wrapped his scarf around you, his own neck now exposed to the cold breeze.
"What are you doing?" You ask, voice filled with surprise and a hint of concern. "Wonwoo, you'll get cold."
All he does is shake his head. "I'll be fine. I want you to be warm."
You're about to protest, but you can only freeze as he secures the scarf around your neck. The gesture warms not only your body but also your heart, yet you're aware of his susceptibility to the cold as well. The scarf also, once again, smells like him, a mixture of a subtle musky cologne, a comforting hint of fresh laundry, and a trace of his natural scent, which is uniquely his own.
But as you peer at him, seeing the way he's shivering and how his hands slip into his pockets, you could only frown.
So being as stubborn as you can be, you step up to him, making sure to move the camera around his neck out of the way before allowing your arms to wrap around him as if trying to share your own warmth with him. You press yourself as close to him as possible, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. You're shorter than him, but it doesn't matter to you at all (though, admittedly, Wonwoo loves it).
For a moment, you both stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the chill of the air is momentarily forgotten.
"Sorry, I just..." You start, voice slightly muffled against his chest. "Don't want you to be cold either."
Wonwoo's laughter rumbles through his chest as he holds you closer, even though he's still shivering a bit, which only made you more determined to keep him warm. He tightens his embrace around you, holding you close, letting his head rest on top of yours.
After a few moments, you pull back a bit, meeting his gaze as you look up at him diffidently, briefly catching sight of his soft lips. A moment of temptation washes over you as you gaze at his mouth, and you feel the urge to lean in just like back in the shelter the other day.
But your fucking nerves and anxiety hold you back once again.
So instead, you tip-toe just a bit and press a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, which was dusted with pink from the cold, instinctively seeing the way he cutely scrunches it. Wonwoo blinks in surprise, his lips parting slightly, and before he can react, you quickly pull away, a playful grin on your face.
You were never usually the one to initiate physical affection, but in this moment, something in you shifted, and it felt... right.
"What..." Wonwoo mumbles under his breath. "What was that for?"
It's the way you shrug almost innocently that gets his head spinning.
"Your nose looked cold," You respond impishly.
Oh, he's gone. You don't exactly know it but he is𑁋irrevocably smitten, enamoured, completely caught under your web. In just that single second, he swears he's reduced to an atom, a small, insignificant particle bound to your gravitational pull.
He still can't get himself to respond even from the way your face seems to brighten.
"Come on, let's get to the shelter. I want to see Luna." You reach down to grab his hand, tugging lightly, before dragging him in the direction of the shelter before it gets too cold.
And he just lets you drag him, still caught in a daze the entire way.
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Fortunately, the vet found that Luna's injury was not too severe; it only a small sprain in her leg and with proper care, she would recover just fine. This still didn't stop you from spending time with her though, and there are times where Wonwoo would find you in the back of the shelter, where Luna was sprawled sleepily on the table and you would be dozed off right next to her. The two of you resemble each other a lot, a thought that often entertains Wonwoo.
"It's only just a little catnap!" You had claimed, but both you and Wonwoo knew that it was much more than that.
(He also just really likes seeing how cute you are draped in a blanket𑁋or draped in something owned by him in general).
Luna is settled in your lap on the floor, and Loki doesn't seem exactly fond with the new addition to the shelter who had stolen away your attention. So he trails over to Wonwoo instead, who easily picks him up without any hesitation, stroking the grumpy cat's fur as he sits down right next to you. Loki purrs appreciatively in Wonwoo's arms, occasionally casting a slightly jealous glance in Luna's direction.
"I can't believe that we have to go back to school tomorrow," You mutter disappointingly, watching Luna play with a loose thread on your sweater, batting at it with her tiny paw.
"Time flies, doesn't it?" Wonwoo acknowledges sympathetically.
"Yeah, it does," You muse lowly. "But if I could spend all my time here, I would."
"You know that you're welcome here anytime, right?" Wonwoo reassures you. "You could even come here without me, if you want."
You tilt your head at him, scowling playfully. "But... I'd rather be here with you."
A warm blush creeps onto Wonwoo's cheeks at your words. He looks down at Loki, who's comfortably settled in his arms, and then back at you, a fond smile playing on his lips.
"Did you have a good break though?" he asks. "I never got the chance to ask."
You fret out a sigh. Aside from the times you spent with Wonwoo and in the shelter, thinking about how you felt during the break was all too unnerving. "It's... what I expected, you know? Just... you know how my parents are. They always find a way to kind of just... I don't know... make me feel like I'm not enough, I guess?"
Wonwoo only hums in response, quietly listening as you seem to find the voice to spill the thoughts you've been holding in for the longest time.
"and... it's been like this for years. They never change, and so whenever something good happens, I feel like I don't deserve it." Then you pause, taking in a deep breath. "I-I feel like I don't deserve you sometimes."
This makes Wonwoo bring his attention back up, and he's met with your faint smile and eyes that seemed to be filled with guilt.
"I get scared if I show too much, I'll... I don't know, drive you away? Or if I let myself be too happy, I... end up pushing everyone away, and I can't help it because I don't want to push you away𑁋"
"Then pull me in." Wonwoo's voice is soft yet determined. "You know I'm not going anywhere, right? I'm not running away from you, not now, I don’t plan to.”
You could only stare at him; not blankly, but with an intensity that reflects the emotions swirling around your head.
In this world, you never quite felt good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. You often questioned why someone as amazing as Wonwoo would be interested in someone like you𑁋someone who constantly felt like they were fumbling through life unnoticeably, someone who listened to their head more than their heart, searching for a place to belong, as you felt like you never fit in anywhere.
In this world, you cherished being alone, so you could burden yourself with your own thoughts. It’s different now𑁋being able to crave someone else’s company more than your own, grappling with the thought that another person wants to get to know you, and you’re giving them the chance to unravel you.
"You're more than enough for me, because you’re you, and I like you," he continues. "You can pull me in, and let me share even a small percentage of your thoughts, because that's with this is, right? We're a team."
A team, the words echo in your mind.
"Have you seen how big your heart is?" Wonwoo questions empathetically. "You give so much of yourself, to the cats, to me. It's no wonder they adore you, and... it's no wonder I do too."
He takes a moment to let his words sink in, giving you the space to process the weight of his sentiment. As you look at him, you notice the genuine affection in his eyes, and a flicker of hope ignites within you. Perhaps there is more to you than you allow yourself to believe.
"And... I hope one day I'll be able to get you to see yourself the way I see you, that a part of your heart will have a space for yourself too, because it's okay to be happy,” he says. "You deserve me. I have worries too, you know, but... being with you makes it all a little easier. Maybe I can make it a little easier for you too, if you'll let me in. We can make it easy together."
We can make it easy together, because not every heart can love itself so simply.
There's a few minutes of silence that passes, and you feel all too tongue-tied to think of a proper response, but it's comforting this way. It's the simple act of being there, existing right next to each other, of accepting each other for who you are, and sharing your vulnerabilities that truly matter.
Luna shifts in your hold, and when you peer down at her, you swear you can see yourself in her tiny, sleepy form: someone so fragile, someone deserving of care, someone deserving of the same care that you give her.
It's the silence alone that feels enough to convey that yeah, everything will be alright as long as you have each other.
"She kind of looks like you."
You take a moment to glance up at Wonwoo, giving him an affectionate smile, before bringing Luna up closer to your face.
"You think so?" You ask as you gently stroke Luna's soft fur, and he nods with a soft grin. "I guess we do look alike."
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[03:41am | y/n] hi um i think i want to kiss wonwoo now
[10:03am | mf jerry wen] did u srsly just fucking text me at 3am that u want to kiss ur boyfriend u goddamn insomniac also TMI ew gross 🤮🤮 get a room
[10:05am | mf jerry wen] actually ridiculous ANYWAY (ATTACHMENT: 4 VIDEOS)
[10:13am | mf jerry wen] okay wait r u being like fr serious rn like u want to do the whole mouth to mouth resuscitation shebang
[10:18am | y/n] whatever the hell that means also how tf do u know the word resuscitation
[10:19am | mf jerry wen] i'm cpr certified 🥰
[10:19am | y/n] when the fuck ykw i'm not even gonna question it i'm going back to sleep
[10:20am | mf jerry wen] HAPPY KISSING BESTIE 💞🤭🥰🫶💘❣️😍😻
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"Ready to head out?" Wonwoo asks, standing patiently while you dispose of some trash.
"Yeah, just about to be," You tell him as you throw away your empty cup into the trash bin. When you walk in Wonwoo's direction, he already has his hand out for you, and you take it with a shy, grateful smile.
Outside, the world is hushed and peaceful, still like in a singular picture frame, but in an odd way, a bit brighter than before𑁋perhaps from all the streetlights being on, or perhaps from the quiet excitement of the evening. The weather has been slowly getting colder, and you're both finally bundled up enough to handle the chill. The walk back to your dorm is as quiet as ever, only the occasional sound of leaves rustling and your own footsteps the only disruptions to the silence.
Mid-term season is finally over, and you both managed to find the time to celebrate together by going to a new café that had opened near campus. It was a simple, yet incredibly needed escape from the life of university, or life in general. You haven't felt so relaxed and contented in a while, the weight of exams and assignments lifting from your shoulders.
As the sight of your dorm comes up though, you feel a wave of reluctance hit over you.
You don't want the evening to end just yet.
So when you both finally pause in front of the doors to your dorm, you turn to face him. It's about to be that familiar scene of goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow with him, but something inside of you is telling you that you'd rather see tomorrow... with him right next to you.
"I had a good time tonight," Wonwoo says softly, his gaze lingering on your face. His eyes reflect the dimly lit surroundings, and his fingers gently squeeze your hand.
You smile at him, feeling your cheeks warm at his words. "Me too."
Another round of silence passes as you glance between him and the doors to your dorm. You take in a deep breath.
"I... I was wondering..." You start, already trailing off your words and mentally face-palming yourself from the nerves coursing within. "if... if that offer to stay at your place is still open?"
His eyes widen ever so slightly.
"Are you sure?" he asks. "You don't have to if you don't want𑁋"
"I do," You quickly assure him, interrupting his hesitations. "I really want to."
With that, you both continue walking past your dorm, leaving behind the familiar in exchange for the unknown. The walk is brisk, the chill in the air making you huddle closer together. Every now and then, your eyes meet, and the corners of your lips quirk up from excitement, and most obviously, nervousness.
Because, in fact, you're both equally as nervous.
That nervousness lingers like a quiet undercurrent as you approach Wonwoo's apartment. You can feel your heart beating a little faster, and you're sure he can sense it too. It's the kind of nervousness that accompanies with something new and exciting.
Wonwoo was lucky enough to not have to deal with the absolute insanity it comes with living in a dormitory. The peace and quietness was something you loved right away, and when he finally leads you up the front door, you feel the nerves resurface once again knowing you're here, and there's no going back now.
You watch amusedly as Wonwoo fumbles with opening the door to his place, and when it unlocks, he steps back to stand right next to you, as if allowing you to make the decision of going in yourself.
However, you could only keep looking at him, and you can see the anticipation in his eyes, the same nervous energy that was coursing through you. It was just the two of you, standing in front of his apartment door, aware of this next step into the unknown.
Wonwoo has been nothing but patient with you. He's told and showed you more times than you can count on your hands and feet that he respects your pace and that he's willing to wait for you to be ready. But there's something about tonight, standing here on the edge of something new, that makes you want to take that leap of faith.
Because you're a team, and you're together.
"I-I really want to kiss you right now," You blurt out, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you can even think about it, and you feel your face flush out of embarrassment.
Wonwoo swears that simple statement just knocked the life out of him, clearly taken aback, but the surprise soon transforms into a soft, adoring smile. His glance switches from your eyes and settles on your lips and back up to your eyes again. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, and you wonder if he can hear it too.
"But I'm uh... really nervous," You stammer out shakily, feeling overwhelmingly vulnerable and exposed that you feel like you can probably burst. "I don't... really know how..."
"It's okay." Wonwoo just chuckles, stepping closer to you and leaning in, lips just a breath away from yours. "I'm nervous too."
You feel him put both of his hands at your waist, drawing you closer to him, and the warmth of his touch radiates through the layers of clothing. The soft glow of the hallway light casts on his face, illuminating his warm smile and the sparkle in his eyes. He leans in slowly, giving you time to adjust, stopping right before your lips can meet.
"Can I?" he whispers, his warm breath brushing against your lips, eyes searching yours for consent.
Your heart skips a beat as you nod slightly. The nervousness is still there, evident in the way your fingers twitch lightly, but it's now laced with sweet anticipation. Wonwoo closes the distance between you both, eyes closing as he lets his lips brush against yours a bit hesitantly and tentatively. It's a soft, cautious kiss at first, a testing of waters, and you aren't sure what to do with your hands or how to respond. But as you relax into it, and you kiss him back a bit unconfidently, your hands find their place on his chest, and you can feel the erratic pace of his heart.
His lips taste of comfort and the lingering sweetness of the hot chocolate you both ordered earlier at the café. The world seems to come to a halt; nothing else seems to matter. The hallway light flickers briefly, before shining down like a spotlight on the two of you, highlighting this moment into something incredibly special, a memory etched in your heart. Your initial nervous thoughts had become completely invaded by the thought of only Wonwoo, his lips, his touch, his presence𑁋everything else simply fades into the background.
You can feel the way he smiles under the kiss, the subtle curve of his lips against yours as the kiss deepens ever so slightly, and you can't help but smile too, the corners of your lips turning up as well. There's a gentle urgency in the way his lips move against yours, but he keeps it tender, careful not to rush. Your fingers press gently into Wonwoo's chest as you feel his heartbeat racing under your touch, and his hands on your waist tighten ever so slightly, pulling you even closer.
Yet it isn't until you can feel the way his glasses are slightly pressed against your face that makes you giggle into the kiss.
"Won𑁋" Another bubble of muffled laughter escapes you as he continues to kiss you, his lips teasingly chasing yours and cutting your words off.
Then after a moment, he pulls back to catch some air, and you couldn't help but softly laugh at the way his glasses are endearingly crooked on his face.
"I'm sorry, it's just... Your glasses," You manage to say between breathless, light chuckles, bringing a hand up to readjust them for him on his nose.
He's staring at you with a starry-eyed look as you fix his glasses for him, adoring your concentrated face, and the moment you pull back to look at him, he can't help but press another brief kiss to your lips once more, catching you off-guard.
"Sorry, I..." he mutters apologetically. "Are you... are you okay?"
He tries to scan over your face, searching for any telltale signs of discomfort or hesitation, but all he finds is nothing but the warmth in your eyes and the smile on your lips.
"I'm more than okay," You assure him, pecking him on the lips swiftly, even though your heart is pounding and your head is spinning in circles. You could say that you're absolutely freaking the fuck out and that you might go into cardiac arrest, but you don't, because this is okay𑁋you're okay. "I'm very okay."
You both stand there for a moment, listening to the sounds of each other's heavy breathing as if you're sharing the same rhythm, the same heartbeat. There's that look in his face again𑁋an earnest look of admiration, affection, and longing, like he's trying to engrave every detail of your face, of this moment, into his memory, or like you’ve hung up all the stars in the sky above.
It isn't until a sudden chill makes you both shiver that the two of you notice you're still standing outside in the hallway.
"We should probably head inside," he suggests coyly, and you nod in agreement.
"Yeah." You giddily reach down to grab his hand right away. "We should."
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another note: hehe ty for reading 🫶
taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @wqnwoos @freshmint54
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fairyhaos · 2 months
❖ no such thing as too perfect // jeon wonwoo
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wonwoo x gn!reader, 2k+ words
tags: office au, established relationship, fluff, kinda crack, junhui is the best work bestieTM ever, yn is Dramatic and In Love
warnings: none
notes: this was only meant to be like, 1.2k.... idk what happened but im not apologising. also there are a couple of pov switches which i hope make sense!!
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“I think I need to break up with him,” you say, and Junhui blinks around a mouthful of salad. 
“Who?” he asks, spraying pieces of feta cheese all over the table, and you wrinkle your nose and brush away a few bits that get too close to you and your bento box. He frowns, and then his eyes widen. “Oh my god, you need to break up with Jeon Wonwoo? Why do you need to break up with Jeon Wonwoo?”
You wince as Junhui's loud exclamation rings throughout the office canteen, making several heads turn to look at the two of you. 
“Don't yell it so loud—and why are you saying his name in italics?”
“Because this is Jeon Wonwoo,” Junhui emphasises again, shoving salad passionately into his mouth before carrying on talking. “He's the only one of your boyfriends that I've actually ever approved of. Which is crazy, because Soonyoung introduced him to you, and I've never pinned Soonyoung as a guy that knows boyfriend-material guys.”
You reach over and lower Junhui’s fork, preventing him from eating and talking at the same time. “I don't know,” you sigh. “I just… I don't think this is going to work.”
“What did he do?” Junhui asks. His face morphs into a more serious look. “Do I need to murder him for you?”
“No, I— no! Don't murder him!” you say quickly, shaking your head. “He hasn't done anything wrong. It's just. I think I need to break up with him.”
The grave look melts from Junhui's face, and then he frowns. “You need to break up with him… even though he hasn't done anything wrong?”
Junhui stares at you, mystified, then snatches back his fork to keep eating his salad. “Okay, so you've gone insane. Nice to know.”
You sigh at Junhui's response, rubbing your temples. 
Whilst it does sound insane for you to break up with Wonwoo even though he's done nothing wrong, in your eyes, it's actually quite understandable. 
Nothing has gone wrong, per se: you've been dating Wonwoo for about ten months now, and everything has been perfect. He's been perfect. 
Maybe… a little too perfect. 
He's always being so gentle and courteous, silently reading your emotions and knowing exactly how you're feeling at any given moment. He knows what you need before you even know that you need it—giving you little cheek kisses to remind you that you're loved, pushing a chocolate bar into your hand when you're all dizzy and tired, hugging you to sleep when you've had a bad day. 
The bento box that you're opening and having for lunch? That was prepared by him too. 
Jeon Wonwoo is just so goddamn perfect, and it worries you. 
“I don't think I'm good enough for him,” you admit whilst Junhui is busily sipping his water. 
It's fascinating how he manages to eat so frantically whilst eating so slowly at the same time, you think idly, as Junhui chokes on the tiny sip he was taking. He sets down the glass, wiping his mouth and blinking at you. 
“Sorry, what?”
“Come on, Junhui, do I really have to say it again?” you complain, beginning to open your bento box. “You heard me.”
“Yeah, and I couldn't believe my ears,” he says, tilting his head sideways. “You? Not good enough for him? Please. That's crazy.”
You make a questioning noise. “You just said that he's the only boyfriend of mine that you approved of.”
“Exactly.” Junhui stabbed his fork in your direction, before going back to shovelling leaves into his mouth. “You're perfect for him, and he's perfect for you. I predicted it from the moment you met.”
“I don't know about me being perfect for him, but he really is just too perfect for me,” you whine. “Him and his stupidly warm eyes and that smile… oh, Junhui, he makes me feel like the most beautiful person in this entire universe.” You look down at your bento box, pouting. “Wonwoo's just so perfect.”
Junhui makes a face. “Gross, but okay. I still don't see your point, though. Wonwoo's perfect, and you're both good enough for each other. I don't see why you think you need to break up with him.”
Still looking down at the bento box, you let out a sigh. All of the food is neatly packed away into the separate compartments, and he's even arranged the sesame seeds on your rice into a little heart. It's an awfully goofy but also an awfully Wonwoo thing to do, and you can feel your heart squeezing painfully in your chest, the longer you stare at it. 
This is not good. You are far too in love with Wonwoo. 
That's what you tell Junhui, and he stares at you with utter disbelief as if you've finally admitted that you really have lost your mind. 
“And what makes you think that he's not far too in love with you?” Junhui asks. “You know, one of the reasons that I approve of Wonwoo is because he's just so so in love with you. Like, almost disgustingly in love with you.”
“What?” You blink at him, before shaking your head. “Junhui, no, this is serious. Wonwoo's just so perfect and I'm so in love with him and—and it's actually getting dangerous now. I've literally fallen in love with him.”
Junhui stares at you for a long moment, wondering whether you're actually being serious about all of this. 
“That's not a bad thing,” he insists, and then chomps on his salad in frustration. “Y/N, that's not a bad thing at all.”
“Yes it is,” you say, despairingly, looking forlorn as you prop your chin on your hand. “I love him too much. It's gonna—it's gonna get too overwhelming, soon, and then he'll start thinking I'm weird, and he'll distance himself from me, and then we'll break up and I should end this before that happens.”
Junhui shakes his head. “I don't think that's true.”
“Yes it is.”
“No it isn't. He won't break up with you.”
“Not yet.”
Junhui looks away exasperatedly, because you're adamant in wallowing in your despair over having to break up with Wonwoo because “he's too perfect” even while quite happily eating the lunch that Junhui knows Wonwoo probably prepared for you. 
It's insane, he thinks, because it's obvious to him that Wonwoo loves you a lot. But he knows you and your negative thinking, and short of Wonwoo walking in here and professing his love to you all by himself, Junhui can't think of anything that could possibly convince you otherwise. 
As he looks past your shoulder to the glass doors of the office canteen, however, he blinks. 
There's a tall man entering the canteen, his dark hair all fluffy and his glasses-rimmed eyes scanning the area, lips pursed into a look that could almost be described as bored. He has his hands in his coat pockets, wearing the most simple casual fit ever, but he exudes such cold model energy that even Junhui blinks again. 
And then he watches as the man catches sight of you and Junhui, and his entire demeanour just softens. 
Junhui bites back a grin. 
Wow. Maybe he’s, like, actually psychic. 
“Wonwoo's here,” he says abruptly, and your head snaps up so fast that he can hear the audible click that sounds in your neck. 
Junhui doesn't get to say anything, however, because he sees the moment that your eyes clock the tall man that's striding into the canteen, the light catching the frames of his glasses, and watches as you positively melt, in much the same way that the man had done when he saw you. 
He can almost hear every infatuated thought that runs through your mind. 
“Wonwoo,” you breathe, once Wonwoo steps close enough to the table that you and Junhui are eating at. His hair is all fluffy and windswept, and you resist the urge to smooth it down with your fingers. 
“Hello.” Wonwoo bends down, presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “You weren't answering your phone.”
“Hm? I didn't get any text notifs from you.” You check your phone, trying to turn it on, only for the screen to remain black. “Oh. Is it dead?”
“I suspected as much,” Wonwoo says dryly, but there's a fondness in his voice as he pulls out a power bank from his pocket. “Here.”
Your eyes light up. “Oh, you're a life saver!” You look up at Wonwoo, smiling at the way his eyes look so warm as he gazes down at you. “Thank you.”
Junhui slurps his water loudly. 
“Sorry,” he says, sounding not sorry at all when the two of you look over at him. “Don't mind me.”
He's grinning mischievously, for reasons that you cannot fathom, and when he leans forward to peer up at Wonwoo with curious eyes, the mischief in his grin only increases. 
“So, Wonwoo, why are you here?”
Wonwoo tilts his head, pushing his glasses up at the same time. “You're Junhui.”
“The one and only,” Junhui says brightly. “I'm Y/N's work bestie. I've heard loads about you.”
You hiss in annoyance, kicking Junhui under the table even as Wonwoo laughs amusedly, placing a hand on your shoulder affectionately. 
“Wen Junhui! Why would you say that?”
“Do you talk about me that often?” Wonwoo asks, and his tone is somewhere between genuinely curious and adoring and you kind of just wanna sit there and listen to his voice forever. 
“Oh, all the time,” Junhui says, eyes gleaming, and you snap your gaze back to him, exasperated. “Y/N loves you so much. I hear about the extent of it every day.”
Wonwoo looks down at you, raising an eyebrow. “Really?”
You kind of want to deny it, but then that would mean lying to Wonwoo, so you don't. 
“Maybe?” you say weakly, cheeks burning as you smile sheepishly up at him. “You're just, uh. Really really lovely. And, um, I kind of love you. A lot.”
Wonwoo laughs, a full and endeared laugh, twinkling with the light of a thousand suns. “I'm glad. Because you're really lovely, and I love you a lot too.”
Your eyes widen, and suddenly it's like it's just you and Wonwoo in the canteen now, him with his hand on your shoulder and those eyes, holding your very soul in place as he just smiles so lovingly and oh God you really do love him. 
“Oh,” you say, soft. “Wonwoo…”
Wonwoo just smiles again. “Anyways, I came by to let you know that I'll be finishing work a bit earlier today, so call me when you're done and I'll drive by to pick you up, okay?”
You nod, mute, stunned by the gentlest words of “I love you” that had left Wonwoo's mouth just seconds before. 
“It was nice meeting you,” Junhui chirps, but Wonwoo doesn't seem to hear, because he's looking down at you again, before swooping in and placing the lightest kiss on your nose and you feel like you could combust on the spot right there. 
“I'll see you later?” he says. 
You nod. “I'll see you later.”
Wonwoo smiles, and then the hand slides off your shoulder and he walks away. 
You watch him go, watch him walk through the tables and then get to the glass doors, where he turns around one last time to wave goodbye before disappearing outside, and really, it's insane how much you love him. 
And how much he loves you, it seems. 
“So. He took time out of his own lunch break and came all the way here to give you a charger because he knew that you'd forgotten one and to tell you that he's picking you up later?” Junhui says, making you reluctantly turn back to him. “Y/N. If this doesn’t make you see just how in love with you Wonwoo is, then I’m gonna kick you.”
“Hey, no need for violence,” you say, raising an eyebrow, and Junhui pulls a face. 
“So do you see it or do you not?”
You look over your shoulder again, out at the doors. Wonwoo’s no longer there, but you can still imagine the imprint of his warmth, lingering like the softest lavender scent over the entire area. 
“Maybe I do,” you say, all wistful and dazed, a smile on your face. “Isn’t he just so perfect?”
Junhui grins, and makes use of your distracted state to steal a carrot stick from your lunch, crunching on it loudly.
“Perfect and in love with you,” he points out. “So do you still feel like you need to break up with him?”
You blink, eyes still all starry from your few minutes of interacting with your boyfriend, his soft smile etched into your mind. It takes a moment for Junhui's words to register, but then they do, and you can't help but laugh. 
“Oh. Oh, no. He and I are perfect.”
Junhui grins. He really is a psychic. 
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @thedensworld @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt @sakufilms @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @raevyng @isabellah29 @hrts4hanniehae @mcu-incorrect
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babyleostuff · 2 months
baby, you’re a drunk mess
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fluff 𐙚 established relationship 𐙚 idol!wonwoo x fem!reader 𐙚 wc: 958
. . . being drunk is not that bad when you have wonwoo to take care of you
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wonwoo knew exactly how this night would end the second he received a message from seungcheol, inviting you over for a drink. it never ended with only a drink. 
„baby, lean on me,” wonwoo grabbed you tighter by your waist, as you stumbled over your own feet, trying to act as if you weren't totally waisted. “i’m going to kill mingyu for making her play that drinking game”. 
„m’ fine,” you mumbled. „see, i can walk on m’ own,” you took his hand that was resting on your hip, and shoved it away, taking a step forward. wonwoo smirked at your weak attempt to push him away, considering you were drunk out of your mind, but your confidence that you were so much stronger than him was truly comical. he knew he shouldn’t have let you go, but maybe if you eventually ran into a wall or something you’d cooperate better because there was no way he’d get you home with you acting like this. 
wonwoo could only shake his head in amusement, while following your every slow step. there was no way he’d actually let you fall. „you’re doing great, sweetie, but let me help you, hm?” you whipped your head around, glaring at him. „i can do it,” you hiccuped, „on m’ own,” you said, but as you took another step, you stumbled once again, falling right back into your boyfriend’s embrace. 
„are you done?” he shifted you around, so he could hold you properly, taking most of your body weight on him. you nodded, and put your hands around his bicep, finally calming down. wonwoo slowly started walking towards your apartment, holding you tenderly, and even though he didn't have to see your drooping eyelids, he could feel your energy dropping with every step. 
somehow he managed to open the door and get you to the bed without either of you falling over. "okay, now let's lie down," he said quietly so as not to startle you, seeing that you were already half asleep. you nodded weakly, and with his help, you finally managed to lie on the bed.
wonwoo stroked your head gently and kissed your slightly sweaty forehead before turning on the bedside lamp next to the bed so he could turn off the main light and enflug your room into soft darkness.
„wonwoo,” you called softly. 
„i’ll be right back baby, we have to wipe your makeup off.”
after turning off the light, he quickly went to the bathroom where he took all the things he would need to put you to sleep. "i'm coming," he said, grabbing one of his t-shirts and hoodies from the closet in case you were cold at night (especially since he knew that when you were drunk you became clingier and wearing his clothes always made you so happy). 
he put all the things on the bed and grabbed your hands. "come on honey, you need to change." happy that you were cooperating so much better than you were fifteen minutes ago, he easily helped you change into his clothes and placed you back on the pillows so he could wash off your makeup.
“you don't have to do this, wonwoo,” you whispered, but when he placed a cotton pad on your face, you closed your eyes and sighed, grateful that you had someone who could take care of you so well. "Was I very insufferable today?"
wonwoo didn’t even move, he just continued to focus on your face, slowly removing more of the makeup from your face. "you're never insufferable," he said. "don't ever say that."
"i know, but i feel like i ruined your night because you have to take care of me and-"
"do you want me to get mad at you?" he asked sharply, looking straight into your tired eyes. "you didn't ruin my night. being with my brothers and you at the same time is the biggest gift from the universe, no matter how drunk you are. i'm your boyfriend, i'm here to take care of you, just like you take care of me ,” he said, throwing out a used cotton pad. "should i remind you how many things you do for me when i'm busy at work? how you prepare my food for rehearsals, and how you do my laundry when i'm too tired to do it? when you listen to me complain for hours about how exhausted i am?"
"baby, drunk or not, i will always take care of you, and not because i have to, or because it's my duty, but because i love you," he said with sincerity in his eyes, and despite your not-so-sober state, you didn't miss his look full of love. "seeing you having fun with my friends means everything to me." you nodded slightly in understanding. what did you do to deserve jeon wonwoo?
"okay, make-up removed, clothes changed, do you need anything else?"
"maybe water?"
"of course, let’s just get you under the covers."
after covering you up, wonwoo went out to the kitchen to get a glass of water and painkillers for tomorrow morning and returned to your bedroom.
“okay, now we can-,” his words faltered when he saw you already asleep, your hand on his pillow, and you snuggled into yours. he placed the glass and pills on your bedside table quietly, and turned off the light before lying on his side of the bed, lifting your hand and placing it on his stomach. almost as if you knew in your sleep that he was next to you, you placed your head on his chest, treating it like your new, comfy pillow.
"i'm a drunk mess," you whispered after a while, kissing his jaw.
"yes. but you're my drunk mess."
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @chillseo @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @aaasia111 @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings
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seungkw1 · 6 months
so fucking pretty — jww
♡ pairing: jeon wonwoo x afab!reader ♡ theme: literally just smut idk ♡ wc: 1.4k ♡ warnings: swearing, softdom!wonwoo, sub!reader, praise kink, size kink, oral (m. & f. receiving), facesitting, unprotected piv sex (stay safe y’all), creampie, petnames (f. receiving - baby, good girl, etc.), gr8 aftercare, fluff at the end ♡ a/n: been having wonwoo brain rot lately and this is the result. enjoy <3
“Look at me.”
You look up at the handsome, bespectacled man you are currently on your knees for. Your teary eyes meet his, your mouth filled with his thick cock. You don’t usually fuck on the first date, but you’ve also never been on a date with someone like Wonwoo before. 
“Good girl.”
His deep voice has become even deeper as your head moves up and down, swallowing him all the way to his base. He places his hand on your head, gently stroking your hair before he laces his fingers through it, pushing down on you so his cock slides into your throat. A moan escapes him as you choke on him, his hips slowly starting to move; the more his cock slides in and out of your mouth, the more he pushes down. Tears are streaming down your cheeks at this point, but that’s nothing compared to how wet you have become. 
Wonwoo grasps onto your hair, pulling your mouth off his spit-covered cock. He rests the head onto your puffy lips; you look up at him, awaiting his next instructions. 
“Mmm, you look so pretty like this,” he says as he places his hand under your chin, carefully but firmly grabbing onto your jaw. 
He lets go, extending his hand to you. “Stand up for me.”
You quickly obey, taking his hand. He pulls you up, his hands falling to your hips as you stand in front of him, wearing only the lacy matching bra and panties you decided to change into last minute before leaving your house - a choice you’re now very glad you made. He unhooks your bra and removes it, tossing it aside. Grabbing your ass he pulls you closer; your boobs now in his face, he begins to kiss them, his mouth making its way to your hardened nipple, swirling his tongue around it ever so softly before suddenly sucking on it. You involuntarily let out a moan at the sensation, your core dripping. 
He grabs the elastic of your underwear, pulling them off. His fingers find your cunt, letting out a low hum as he takes in its wetness. 
“Fuck, so wet for me already baby,” he says as his fingertips lightly caress your clit, sending a chill up your spine. 
You want so badly for his fingers to slip inside you and fill you up, but instead he lays down, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward his head now resting on the pillow. 
“Wanna taste you.” 
You kneel on the bed and swing your leg over, straddling his torso. You barely are on top of him before he’s pulling you toward his face. He quickly discards his glasses onto the nightstand before he grabs your hips and pulls you down onto him. You let out a whimper as his tongue meets your clit, then licks up and down your cunt, lapping up your wetness. 
“Oh fuck,” he groans, the vibrations from his mouth feeling incredible against your clit. “Tastes so fucking good.” 
His arms wrap around you tightly, his face lost in your pussy. As he sticks his tongue into your cunt his nose presses perfectly against your clit, the stimulation driving you crazy. You cry out as he begins to suck on the sensitive bud - the burning sensation in your stomach building rapidly. You grip onto the headboard as you ride his face - you’re doing your best not to completely squish him, but he relentlessly grasps onto you, holding you against him as he eats you out as if he was absolutely starving. You feel so fucking good it’s almost unbearable. 
“Fuck- I’m so close,” you manage to utter. 
“Cum for me baby,” he commands, barely audible as his mouth refuses to leave your cunt. He sucks on your clit with even greater intensity, sending you over the edge. 
“God, fuck- I’m cumm-” You can’t even finish your sentence. You cry out as the white-hot intensity flashes through you, your whole body shaking as you cum over his mouth. You ride out your orgasm on his face - his pace slows as you come down from your high, softly kissing your swollen clit, his chin covered in your juices. You run your hands through his hair before collapsing onto the bed next to him, wrapping your arms around his torso - he strokes your hair, planting a kiss on your forehead. Your fingertips lightly trace his stomach as your hand makes its way down to his cock; you feel it throb as you wrap your hands around its thickness. He groans as you give it a few slow pumps, precum leaking out of him. 
Your eyes meet his, practically begging him to fuck you. He responds immediately by rolling over on top of you, his cock right in front of your entrance. You whine as you try to lower yourself onto him, but he pulls back slightly. 
“So desperate, so fucking pretty,” he says in a low voice as his lips hover above yours. “You want me to fuck you? Fill your pretty pussy up with my cock?”
You nod eagerly. You need him inside you now. 
“Use your words, baby.”
“Please,” you whisper. 
His tongue meets your open mouth, swirling around your lips before kissing you. You feel his tip meet your entrance, slowly pressing into you. You moan as his cock readily slips inside your soaked pussy - he’s cautious, inserting himself into you slowly, but you can’t wait any longer. You push your hips down, taking more of him - you cry out at the overwhelming sensation as he fills you up. 
“God, you’re so big,” you whisper into his mouth, your lips barely apart from his. 
“You take me so well, such a good girl.”
You don’t think you can feel any fuller, but he pushes his cock even further into you, stretching you out even more as his entire length now rests inside you. He slowly begins to fuck you, his tip hitting you in the perfect spot that drives you fucking crazy. As his thrusts increase in speed he laces his fingers into yours, pinning your hands above your head into the pillow. He doesn’t stop kissing you. 
The growing intensity is overpowering. You can’t help but moan his name, which seems to really please him. 
“That’s right, baby.” His voice is deep and gravelly. “Say it louder.”
He fucks you even harder as you are nearly screaming his name now. Every single nerve in your body is on fire. Low grunts escape him as his climax draws closer. 
“Please cum in me,” you beg. He nods, his powerful thrusts taking both of you over the edge. His forehead rests against yours, his mouth slightly agape as he releases - you feel his cock pulsate inside you, filling you up with his cum. He finishes, his body relaxing onto you, his hands still interlaced with yours. He gives you several long, soft kisses, his cock resting inside you still. 
“You’re incredible,” he mutters, his voice low. “So beautiful.”
You lay there, the immense pleasure still flowing through your body. Unable to speak, you wrap your hands around his broad torso, holding him against you. 
You let out a small whimper at the empty feeling as he slowly removes his cock, his cum flowing out of you. 
“Stay right here,” he tells you gently. He gets up, the cool air of the room hitting you in the absence of his body warmth. He comes back quickly with a towel and begins to clean you up, his soft touch relaxing you even further. He finishes and climbs back into bed, pulling the blankets over the both of you as he curls up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around you and drawing you in close. You let out a contented hum as the warmth of his skin greets you again. 
“You’re sleepy,” Wonwoo whispers into your ear, giving you a light squeeze. 
You smile, letting out a quiet giggle. “Maybe just a little.”
He silently plays with your hair for a few moments before he speaks again. 
“I think you should stay.”
Half-asleep already, you nod your head in agreement. You can’t imagine anywhere else you’d want to be in this moment. 
You feel his lips move against your skin as he smiles too. 
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sluttywoozi · 3 months
Interlude No. 5 | jww x reader
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Interlude No. 5: You've been laying in Wonwoo's arms for hours, watching him play video games. Or, more accurately, watching his hands as he plays video games.
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~2.3k | Pairing: jww x reader | Genre: smut
Warnings: dom/sub vibes, hand kink, finger sucking, fingerfucking, squirting, aftercare
Reader Notes: has breasts and a vagina
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“Are you still having a good time, baby?” Wonwoo asks, his chest vibrating against your back and his chin moving on the top of your head with his words. 
You’ve been resting between his legs in bed and watching him play video games for hours, and even though your eyes are tired and your ass is numb, you couldn’t be more content. 
“Yeah,” you sigh happily, squeezing his forearm where it lays on your waist and watching his hands work the controller that sits on your stomach. You’ve been watching his hands more than the games he’s been playing, but who could blame you for that?
They’re just so elegant, his palms broad and his fingers long, the digits agile from years of gaming. They’re cold more often than not, though you can always warm them up by holding them between your own. 
Or sucking on his fingers, as you so often love to do. 
He loves it too, you can tell by how he always sweeps up sweet things for you to taste, whipped cream and frosting and chocolate ganache, and by the look on his face when you take his fingers in your mouth and clean them off with your tongue. 
There’s also the way he uses them to keep you quiet, to keep you pliant and wet and sweet for him, his fingers sliding into your mouth whenever you talk back just a little too much, moan just a little too loud. Most of the time, he doesn’t mind either of those things, but there are occasions in which it’s necessary to keep quiet. 
Like when you fuck somewhere you shouldn’t. 
You’ve got a decent list going of all the places you definitely shouldn’t have had sex: bathrooms at clubs, in his car after a movie date, on his car after a late night drive, at the beach (once, and it’s the only one you regret). All of those times, and a few others, he’s had to keep your mouth busy because you just couldn’t stop running it. 
It’s not like you’re complaining; you love the taste of his skin, the feeling of his fingers pressing down on your tongue, the way his eyes get so deep and dark and desirous when he watches your lips pucker around them. 
Sometimes, his goal isn’t keeping you quiet, but getting his fingers wet to ruin you with them. You’re always soaked enough for him to just dive in, but he likes the added teasing of making you lick his fingers until they’re almost as wet as your pussy before he finally pushes them inside. 
That just gets you hotter, gets you so aroused, they can glide right in. 
Which, of course, makes you think of the way he uses them to make you cum. 
He’s so precise with it, always taking you apart step by step, demolishing you floor by floor. He’s so in tune with your body by now that he can make you cum in minutes, sometimes before you’re ready. Even on days where it’s harder for you to find that release, he doesn’t give up, growing almost methodical in his movements until you finally break for him. 
And that’s always how it feels, like you���re breaking into pieces, like your seams are ripping and your dam is breaking, and when you flood him, he thanks you for it. Then, as if you’re an undone puzzle, he puts you back together, finding the edges that fit and locking them in place with gentle hands and a soothing voice. 
“Y/n? You okay?” Wonwoo asks from behind you, his voice soft and inquisitive.
“Yeah, why?” You answer perhaps a bit too quickly, your heart starting to race as he pauses his game and sets the controller aside. 
“Because your foot is wiggling and you’re breathing fast,” he says, pressing his hands to your abdomen and smoothing them up to rest under your breasts. “And your heart is pounding.”
“Oh, um,” you stall, trying to think of an explanation that actually makes sense. 
“You’re either anxious or turned on, and whichever it is, I wanna help,” he murmurs into your hair, taking a surreptitious sniff and smooching your crown. 
“Well, I’m definitely not anxious,” you mutter under your breath, forgetting that he has ears like a hawk thanks to his poor vision. 
“So if I touched you right now, you’d be wet?” 
Fuck, his voice has taken on that edge, the one that means he’s already thinking about what he wants to do to you, how he wants to make you cum. 
“Maybe,” you squeak, shivering when one hand smooths down over your tummy to rest on your pelvis. 
“If you won’t tell me, should I just touch you and find out for myself?” 
“I mean…,” you fight the urge to tug his hand down between your legs, knowing it’ll find its way there soon enough. “I wouldn’t stop you.” 
He hums thoughtfully, and you just know he’s contemplating whether or not he wants to tease you tonight. You can’t tell what he decides until he reaches down and takes hold of your thigh, pushing and lifting it to put your leg over his. He does the same with your other leg, leaving you splayed open for him. 
Teasing it is, then. 
You’re not wet enough that it’s soaked through to your shorts, but you can feel the lips of your pussy parting with the position, feel your damp underwear rubbing against the sensitive skin, feel your heartbeat as it travels down to your clit. 
His fingers chase it, firmly sliding down the seam of your lounge shorts and back up, rubbing you through two layers until you’re rocking into his hand, ready to beg for more. 
He anticipates your needs, tugging your shorts and panties to the side before dragging his fingers through your folds, hissing a quiet swear at the wetness he finds. 
“Knew it,” he chuckles, making you squirm self consciously. He stills you by wrapping his free arm around your waist, anchoring you to his body and holding you in place as his fingers glide over your clit. 
You want to buck your hips into the pressure but you can’t, not with your legs stuck on either side of his and his heavy, strong arm banded across you. All you can do is take it as he tests different patterns, different speeds, different shapes, as if he doesn’t know the exact combination that will make you fall apart. 
How long he does this, you don’t know. You just know that by the time he finally starts touching you how you like, your eyes are full of tears and your pussy is still fucking empty. 
“Wonwoo, please,” you whine, tilting your head back and to the side so you can stare at his profile, watch his face as he denies you, like you know he will. 
“You want my fingers inside, don’t you?” He asks rhetorically, already well aware of the answer. “This is why you should just tell me when I ask if you’re wet.” 
“I’m shy,” you whimper, your cunt clenching around nothing as he rolls his fingers over your clit. 
“I know you are, baby,” he murmurs in a soothing voice, squeezing your waist in a comforting gesture before letting two of his fingers slip down and notch in your entrance, just up to the first knuckle. 
It’s almost worse than nothing, this little hint of fullness, this small taste of what you need, because you have no way of knowing when he’ll give it to you. Thankfully, there’s no if, you know he’ll take care of you eventually, you just don’t know how much longer you’ll have to wait. 
It feels like it’s been eons, like a lifetime has passed since he spread your legs and pushed your clothes aside, and you don’t know how much patience you have left in you. 
He gives you another inch, sinking his fingers in just a little deeper, your walls clinging to them, forming around them, welcoming them in. You take in a shuddering breath, your muscles tense and your head fuzzy as he slowly works you open. 
He starts rocking his fingers in and out, in and out, giving you more and more with each thrust until finally, they’re as deep as they can reach, thank fuck. You expect him to continue to tease you, to build you up brick by brick, so when he immediately curls them towards your stomach and into your sweet spot, you lose both your breath and your mind. 
“Wonwoo,” you sob, drawing out the end of his name and feeling your inner muscles clamp down on his fingers. He drags them out anyway and sends them back inside, his pace rocketing up until he’s fucking you with them, a slick squelch following every crook of his fingertips into your g-spot. 
“What, baby?” He asks, like he’s not currently two fingers deep and hellbent on sending you to nirvana. 
You don’t say anything, whimpering in response as his fingers grind against your front wall, your arousal seeping out around them and dripping down your ass to the bed. 
“Are you shy again? Or is it that you just can’t talk?” He asks smugly, just a hint of meanness in his voice, though that hint only makes you wetter, makes you needier. 
“You know…,” you gasp, attempting to make your mouth do something other than moan. “You know what you’re- fuck, what you’re doing.” 
The end of your sentence is a whine, but you got all of it out and for that, you’re proud of yourself. Perhaps you shouldn’t be, though, because it just makes him fuck his fingers into you harder, faster, the tips curving into your sweet spot with overwhelming accuracy. 
“I do know what I’m doing, don’t I? If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be this fucking wet,” he laughs, the smartass he is. 
You can’t say he’s wrong though, and soon enough, you can’t say anything, not when the arm holding your waist shifts up between your breasts to hold your throat. He doesn’t linger even though you wish he would, two of his fingers sliding up your chin until they sink between your lips and hook into your mouth. 
He tugs it open, presses his fingertips down on your tongue, making you moan loud enough, it echoes off the walls. Now the sounds escaping your mouth can contend with the sounds he’s drawing from your cunt, your whimpers and sobs and moans almost covering the obscene noise of him fingerfucking you into the afterlife. 
You don’t even think you need anything on your clit, though you do have one hand free, the other gripping his wrist for dear life as you writhe in his hold. You know better than to use that free hand, know he’d slow everything down, wouldn’t let you cum for ages just because you got greedy. 
It’s happened before, and you still have enough mental fortitude to prevent it from happening again. 
You’re nearing the edge anyway, heat gathering in your belly and spreading out through your whole body, blazing along your nerves and finally reaching your brain in a fire so bright, it’s blinding. Your vision whites out, your hearing gets muffled, and your pussy clamps down around his fingers, your walls spasming in overstimulation when he just leaves them inside and digs them into your g-spot. 
He doesn’t stop, his fingers sweeping back and forth inside of you as his hand jerks, drawing out your orgasm and immediately pushing you into another. This one is even more intense somehow, your legs trembling and fighting to snap closed, even with his own legs holding them apart. 
You can feel drool pooling in your mouth, feel his heart racing against your back, feel his breaths puff out on the side of your face, and then you feel nothing except for his fingers deep inside of you. A bubble swells in your pelvis, a pressure building like nothing else, and on the next curl of his fingers, you cum with a veritable flood, arousal spraying out of you as you wail and buck against him. 
“Fuck,” you hear him bite out through the roaring in your ears. His cock twitches at the small of your back, a wet warmth gathering on your tank that can only mean he came with you, and the last thought you have before you black out is God, I’m in love with a fucking menace.
When you wake, you’re at the edge of the bed, which doesn’t seem safe. 
It makes sense when you shift a leg and run into wet cloth, the memory of squirting all over his bed coming back to you in bits and pieces. 
Your hips and your pussy are sore, and so is your jaw, but then Wonwoo appears in the doorway with a glass of juice and a nervous smile, and all is right within you. 
He helps you hobble to the en suite, the bath already drawn for you, and holds your elbows as you carefully lower yourself in. You pout when he leaves, but you know he has to change the sheets so you just sink deeper into the hot water, content to doze until he returns. 
You know that when he does, he’ll sink into the tub with you, and wrap you up tight in his arms, and ask if you’re alright, if he went too far. 
You’ll tell him that he was perfect, and he’ll blush all cute and pretty for you, and then you’ll share a kiss, your first since the one you exchanged when you arrived at his place. 
It’ll be everything you need, just like Wonwoo is. 
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AN: when i was in high school, i knew this guy and i would go over to his house after school and we would just snuggle while he played video games and life was so simple and nice! this is the adult version of that i guess
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boorines · 3 months
bf!wonwoo thoughts
genre: fluff, suggestive
bf!wonwoo who thinks everything is better if he does it with you. playing games on his computer? wordlessly hands you a controller so you can play with him. reading a book? it’s much more enjoyable if you’re resting your head on his shoulder while he turns the pages for you. wonwoo who always has your favourite mug ready when he pours himself a cup of coffee. he refuses to leave bed in the morning if you’re still asleep, only willing to start his day when you start yours. he’ll trace patterns into the skin of your arm or run a finger along the curve of your cheek while you sleep, smiling sheepishly if your eyes blink open. wonwoo who says shopping for groceries is 100%, definitely, always a two person job. doesn’t matter if it’s only to pick up a carton of milk, he’s coming with you. says it’s for ‘moral support’ (he would superglue himself to you if he could).
bf!wonwoo who is so subtly flirty it drives you crazy. eye contact with frequent glances at your lips. sly smiles and once overs, then twice overs, when you try on a new dress. a hand darting out to wipe pasta sauce off the corner of your mouth. two hands wrapping a scarf securely around your neck. wonwoo who takes every opportunity to dote on you. in private or in public. slides your joint hands into his coat pocket as you walk together. opens his coat and pulls you flush against him when you’re not warm enough for his satisfaction. picks fluff out of your hair like it’s second nature. wonwoo who notes the way your cheeks flush pink and laughs, placing a kiss to your nose. wonwoo who follows up with a kiss to your lips when your ears bloom the same shade as your cheeks. “why so shy?” he whispers. but he knows.
bf!wonwoo who thinks the sound of your laughter is the prettiest he’s ever heard. so he does everything that he can to hear it. cheesy pick up lines when you fuss over the stove with him in the morning. stupid dad jokes that make you chuckle with a roll of your eyes. his eyes trained on you as a comedy film plays on tv, praying he catches your soft laughs at the scripted jokes. wonwoo who won’t hesitate to coax them out of you if he has to. soft pokes at your stomach, victorious when you splutter out a laugh. fingers tickling the soles of your feet as they rest on his lap, pulling whiny giggles from your throat. wonwoo who has a deep frown on his features when he sees your face wet with tears and your eyes bloodshot. wipes at your cheeks and places soft kisses to your hair, warm and soothing. relieved when you give him a watery smile. makes a mental note to never let you nip to the corner store alone, even if you relentlessly insist.
bf!wonwoo who gets a little jealous even if he pretends not to. wonwoo who simmers a little when you smile sweetly at the old friend you bump into in the frozen foods aisle. wonwoo who can’t help but let out a gruff sigh when you tell him how that friend had a penchant for cracking the silliest jokes. he mumbles under his breath when you question the change in his demeanour, getting sulkier the longer it takes for you to catch on. and when you do? the shy smirk you give him makes him short circuit. wonwoo who is quick to press his lips against yours the second the door closes behind you. wonwoo who mutters things like ‘mine’, ‘my baby’ and ‘no one but me’ into the crook of your neck. wonwoo who grins smugly when you nod feverishly, pressed against the door. wonwoo who peppers your skin with kisses, returning your need for him tenfold.
written with @waldau in mind! since wonwoo is ur ult <3 thank u for reading and enjoying my work, ur reblogs make my day!!
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