Requested by the wonderful @harlowcomehome
Warnings: language, suggestive talk
A/N: based on the TikTok trend where you call your boyfriend your husband or in this case, your homeboy lol
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You propped your phone on the dash of Jack's Jeep as he approached a red light. He rung the leather of the steering wheel between his hands as he watched you fix your hair and makeup in the camera, a little on edge from a stressful day in the studio. You were headed to dinner at Black Rabbit to celebrate your third wedding anniversary.
The last couple of weeks had been stressful in their own right, with Jack's schedule occupying almost all of his time, and taking care of a newborn Brooklyn, so even though both of you just wanted to do nothing but sleep for the next 48 hours straight, you knew you needed to get out to celebrate, even if it was just a quick dinner.
Still, Jack just seemed out of it, and you knew he needed a laugh to get out of his head.
You decided to pull a harmless prank on him that you'd seen on TikTok, where a partner calls their husband their "homeboy" when recording a video to get their reaction. You weren't exactly sure how Jack was going to react, but you were willing to try anyway to get your goofy best friend back.
"What're you doing?", Jack asked between gritted teeth as he floored it at the green light. "Just recording a video", you bit your lip to stifle a laugh, "something quick for Insta."
"Just post a photo or something", he said with a sigh, his eyes darting between the road and your setup.
"That's no fun", you were this close to breaking so you quickly pressed record on the screen.
"Hey everyone!", you addressed the camera, "I just wanted to do a quick outfit of the day. I'm on the way to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants with Jack." You made sure to point to your husband, who was in view. "Its crazy to think that I've known my homeboy for almost a decade, and that the two of us-".
The laugh that left Jack's mouth startled you. "Homeboy?" He looked at you, straight faced, with an eyebrow cocked. "Yeah, please don't interrupt", you popped your lips as you turned back to your phone. "The dress is from Dior-"
"I'm your homeboy?!", Jack repeated in an incredulous tone. "What does that make you to me?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I dunno, I'm your homegirl", you couldn't even make eye contact you were trying so hard not to laugh. "What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that I don't remember saying my vows to one of my homegirls." Jack ran a shaky hand through his messy curls. "Best friends, partners for life, maybe, but homeboy, definitely fuckin' not." You knew he was getting irritated, the back of his neck turning a dark red, but you were also thoroughly enjoying him putting his foot down with you.
"Yeah, but that's what we are. I'm your homegirl, you're my homeboy."
"Homeboy", he kept repeating the word in between scoffs, it didn't make any sense to him.
"Why do you keep repeating it?" At this point you couldn't hide the smile creeping on your face. "You're the love of my life. I don't love any of my "homegirls" the way I love you", he bit back, trying to remain calm.
"I love you too", you leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek. "I got love for all of my homeboys." You stopped the video before Jack could get another word in.
Dinner was quiet, and you could tell that your joke didn't land with Jack the way you thought it would. His focus was on his phone for most of the night, scrolling through emails. He broke the silence when the waiter came around with the check. Just as they laid the bill in front of Jack, he placed a hand down on the table.
"My homegirl's got it." He quickly muttered the four words, his face illuminated by the backlight of his phone as it captured his attention again. You quietly pulled out your credit card, giving it to the waiter with a small smile.
The house was eerily quiet as you took off your makeup in the bathroom mirror, getting ready for bed. You tracked Jack's movements as he walked in behind you, Brooklyn in his arms. He peppered kisses on her tiny face as he threw his laundry in the hamper and walked back out. Jack had been giving you the silent treatment since dinner, and you knew it was time to come clean and apologize.
"Jack, baby?" You waited for him to put Brooklyn in her bassinet by the bed before continuing. He hummed for you to speak as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry about this evening. I saw this stupid trend on TikTok and thought it would be funny to pull a prank on you. I was just trying to get you to loosen up, but it backfired and I'm sorry."
He pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at you. "Ok."
"That's it? Okay?"
"What else do you want me to say?" He moved to stroke at his beard and you could tell he was still upset. "I don't know, that you forgive me?"
"I forgive you." He gave you a hard lined smile. "I forgive all of my homegirls."
"Jack", you whined, "it was a joke! I don't really think of you as one of my homeboys."
"Am I supposed to believe that?" His voice rose an octave. "That the mother of my child doesn't see me as more than a friend? That I mean more to you than that? That you sent me that video yesterday so I always knew you were pulling a prank on me?!"
"Yes", your stomach turned. "Of course! Wait-", you held up a hand once you realized what he said.
"Wait, what?" You shook your head as Jack let out a loud chuckle. He crossed the room to you in two steps and pulled you into his body.
"Baby, you send me like 100 TikToks a day, one of those being that prank trend. I knew what you were doing from the start." You playfully swatted at his chest. "Fuck, that's not funny!" He pulled you in for a hug, your hands wrapping around his neck, his finding your lower back.
"So you're not mad at me?" You mumbled against his shoulder, your lips pressed to his skin. "No, I thought it was funny, but I had to dust off those acting skills and show you who can really pull off a prank." You felt a sense of relief wash over you that he wasn't mad.
Jack pressed a kiss to your temple. "Plus, you weren't very convincing." You felt his hot breath against your ear as he ducked down, pulling you by the back of the neck closer to his mouth.
"I know none of your "homeboys" are fucking you like me every night."
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baurbiediv · 7 months
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big head
authors note: just a lil sum sum for my man since i haven’t written anything for him in a while 🤗 + blurb is inspired by this pic
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“jack please back away from the screen before your big headed ass goes cross eyed.” you told him as you sat on the couch watching your tv show.
the side eye he gave you was almost as bad as yours, “what show you watching?”
“vanderpump rules.”
“what’s it about?” he said purposefully dragging his feet across the floor to annoy you, watching as he plopped down on the spot next to you, before laying his head on your thigh, on the large couch placed in your living room.
“boy, you’re not about to interrupt me while i’m watching my show.” you said glancing down at him.
he smacked his lips as he sat up, resting on his elbow, “first off,” he said fully sitting up. he held his finger up by your face as you just looked at him. “and second of all, girl, i can bother you all i want.”
you laughed and moved his hand out of your face, “okay, you’re not about to bother me while i’m watching my show.” you said reaching for the remote, but not before he lays his entire body on top of you.
you started laughing as you just laid there, “you need to get off me.”
“nah, cause you think i’m playing with you girl.” he said, his kentucky accent noticeable.
“you must think this is a game huh.”
“y/n, swear to god, you push me off this couch i’m taking your ass with me.” he warned you, you knew he’d do it if he wanted to.
nothing but silence momentarily filled the air, “that’s what i thought.” he said before getting off you, you quickly tried to lightly kick him, but he moved out the way in time.
he swiftly, in one move, slapped your ass as the smack echoed loudly. you screamed as your hands quickly came to the spot to cover it.
“got that ass! next time you try and hit me, it’s gonna be something completely different.”
“whatever, just be lucky my foot didn’t connect.”
“whatever my ass y/n, you’re just mad cause you can’t get me back. i’m too quick.” he said as he shrugged.
“jack, baby, shh. thank you! i love you stink!” you said, turning up the volume to the tv.
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jackharloww · 9 months
“It’s not nice to scream��
Summary: The one where you and Jack get into a heated argument and the kids wake up. - Angst to fluff
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Jack was working on his album, which meant he was away in the studio for hours every day for the past few weeks. When the weekend came you thought he would stay at home with you, but at first, he had to go to the studio to finish a track, after that, it was a work lunch and after that, he went out with the boys. Meanwhile, you were at home with both your kids, feeling exhausted.
Your children were good and nice kids, but with Nathaniel teething and being attached to you and Grace being an energetic 4-year-old, you felt overwhelmed. You had tried to get ahold of Jack, but he wasn't picking up, It wasn't until you called Clay that you knew where Jack was.
"Look who finally decides to come home" You rolled your eyes as you walked past him and into the kitchen to put Nathaniel's chewing toy in the freezer. Grace and Nathaniel had just fallen asleep when Jack walked into the house.
"What's with the attitude?" Jack asked, confused. He followed you into the kitchen and stood there with a hand on his hip.
"Well let's see, my husband has apparently forgotten he has a family at home"
"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows. You walked past him, going to the living room to clean the toys that were scattered all over the floor.
"Let me remind you. You have two kids at home that would love to spend time with their father" You roughly said as you picked up one of Grace's dolls before shoving it in her toy basket.
"I've been working Y/N" Jack tensed his jaw, his hand was balled up in a fist and it was clear he was getting worked up. He was already in a bad mood before he came home, there was this one track that didn't turn out the way he wanted it. He just wanted to go home and relax for the rest of the night, not expecting his wife to blow up on him.
“I just find it funny you..” you were speaking but Jack's loud sigh interrupted you
“Here we go” he mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall, rolling his eyes in the process.
“Excuse me?” You could practically feel your blood pumping into your veins, You couldn't believe the audacity. "What the actual fuck has gotten into you?" you lashed out, your voice getting louder with every word.
"Y/N I have a lot to do at work" Jack couldn't help but raise his voice as well.
"And I have a lot to do at home. I understand you having to be at the studio or going to work dinners, but I can't comprehend you going out with the boys instead of coming home to us"
"Well, maybe I just want some time alone and be with my boys" He retaliated.
"And I don't?" your shoulders slumped down as your voice got caught in your throat. You swallowed and took a deep breath, looking down at your feet before meeting his, now, dark eyes, "I can't do this alone Jack"
"You could've just asked me for help" he shrugged, his tone still filled with anger
"I shouldn't have to ask you Jack" you spoke sharply, closing your eyes for a second, moving your hand to your forehead. "But I called you multiple times this morning, but you of course have it on fucking airplane mode"
"Well that's how I work in the studio, you know that already" He spat out, not even trying to understand your point of view.
"Well maybe fucking change that now that you have a family and wife that needs to come in contact with you" You didn't know he was acting like this, and it broke your heart.
"I can't deal with this right now" Jack snapped back, he walked to the foyer with you in tow.
"So you're just going to leave?" you whispered, not trusting your voice anymore. Jack grabbed his car keys and turned around to look at you,
"Better than being here" he mumbled and walked out, slamming the door in the process. The words he said cut deep, and you couldn't stop the tears from falling.
Just as the door closed, you heard cries coming from Nathaniel's room, he must have woken up from all the screaming and shouting. You wiped away the tears that were falling from your face and walked to Nathaniel's room. You picked him up and brought him closer to your chest as you rocked him back and forth, trying to calm him down.
"Mommy" You heard Grace's tiny voice say from behind you. She was standing next to Nathaniel's door with tears in her eyes, "Where's Daddy?" she asked. She had also woken up to the screaming and gotten sad.
You took a deep breath and quickly dried your own tears, for her sake, "He forgot something at Uncle Urby's place" you lied. You sat down in the chair you had in Nathaniel's room and motioned for her, "Come here". She sat down in your lap and you hugged her and Nathaniel.
"Why were you and Daddy screaming?" Grace sniffled. You looked at her for a few seconds, not knowing what to tell her.
"We got a little angry with each other, but it was not right of us to scream, I'm sorry baby"
"It's not nice to scream," she said, scrunching her nose and wiping away the snot.
"You're totally right, It's not nice" You gave her a kiss on the head. You looked down and saw that Nathaniel had fallen asleep, so you put him back in his crib before picking Grace up.
"Do you want to sleep in Mommy's bed?" you asked her, receiving excited nods. The both of you laid down in bed, and you played with her hair as she fell asleep.
Meanwhile, Jack had gone to Urban's place. His friend could clearly note the anger on his face. "What's up" Urban stepped aside and let him walk in.
"I don't even want to talk about it" He walked straight to the living room and slumped down on the couch. Urban looked at him, confusion written all over his face.
"Weren't you going home? Did something happen there?" Urban didn't let it go
"I said I didn't want to talk about it" Jack groaned
"Well, I don't give a fuck. Does Y/N know you're here?" he asked him, sitting down next to him
"No, I just walked out" Jack looked down, he knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn't stay there and scream at you, his blood was boiling and he needed to get out of there to calm down.
"That's low" Urban was completely honest with him, "I'm telling her you're here, you know how worried she can get," Urban said and picked up his phone to text you. Jack could only nod, even though he was angry he knew Urban was right, he didn't want you to worry and overthink the situation.
Urban: Jack's here, I think it's best he stays the night
You: Thank you.
"Now speak, what happened" Urban gave Jack a little time before he made him talk. Jack told him everything, and Urban was furious at him.
"Dude, I know you're my brother and all that, but that was fucked up of you. Y/N didn't say anything wrong. You out of everyone know how important family is, and that they come first"
"I know, It's just all been too much and I guess I took it out on her" Jack ran his fingers through his hair, "I fucked up didn't I?"
"Just talk to her tomorrow, but yes you fucked up bro" Urban patted his shoulder, "I'll go with you tomorrow, I can take the kids out for breakfast, I know a place Grace will love and you two can talk it out"
"Thank you" Jack gave him a hug, thankful he had Urban by his side.
They both got ready for bed and Jack walked into Urban's guest bedroom. He picked up his phone and decided to send you a message.
Jack: I'm sorry. I love you always.
You were thankful that Urban had sent you a message last night, letting you know Jack was there. It made you calm down, and you fell asleep shortly after.
You woke up with Grace's feet in your face and chuckled as you moved her around so she was lying normally. You checked your phone and saw Jack's message from last night and your chest tightened. At least he calmed down, you thought.
You had just gotten out of the bathroom when you heard the front door being unlocked. You took a deep breath and quickly fixed your hair before going to meet him.
And there he was, He was standing there a guilty look on his face with Urban standing next to him.
"Hi" you said, Urban walked up to you and gave you a hug.
"Good morning, I'm taking the kids out for breakfast," He told you with a gentle smile.
"Let me just get them ready" you didn't even acknowledge Jack, not having the energy to talk to him just yet.
"I'll help," Jack mumbled. When you didn't respond, he nodded to himself and went to get Nathaniel ready, who had just woken up. You woke Grace up. She got very excited to see her dad and uncle and became even more excited when you told her she was going out to breakfast with Urban. After half an hour, both kids were ready, and Urban took them out.
You took a shaky breath as you walked into the living room. Jack sat awkwardly on the sofa, like a guest in his own home, waiting for the two of you to talk.
As soon as you sat down, Jack apologized, saying, "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He rubbed his hands on his legs, a nervous habit of his, before running his fingers through his curls. However, his anxiety only increased when you remained silent. "Please say something," he whispered and reached out to hold your hand.
You pulled your hand away and finally looked at him, "Sorry? That's all you have to say?"
"I know I fucked up, but please let me make it up to you" he begged
"You hurt me," you expressed, looking down at your fidgeting hands, twisting your wedding ring as you often do when anxious. "You promised that work would never take priority over our family, yet that's exactly what happened."
"I never meant to hurt you, I know what I did was wrong" he spoke, his voice getting caught in his throat. Jack was really regretting his actions and the way he spoke to you last night.
"I know you didn't mean to hurt me" you sighed, "but you did, and you made me feel neglected. It's not only been hard for me, but the kids as well"
Jack nodded, taking a deep breath before speaking, "I understand. I've had so much at work that I let it consume me. I took my frustration out on you, and for that, I'm truly sorry. I messed up" He spoke, and his eyes glistened with tears. "Please let me make it up to you. You and the kids mean the world to me, I don't want to lose you"
You reached forward and grabbed his hand, in that moment he closed his eyes and a tear slipped down his cheek. "I don't want to lose you either" you couldn't hold back your own tears, "But something has got to change Jack, We barely see you at home"
Jack squeezed your hand "I promise you I will be better, You, Grace and Nathaniel are my one and only priority, and I'm sorry I ever made you doubt that. I regret everything I said last night, you don't deserve that"
"You’re right, I didn’t deserve that. But I'm glad you came to your senses" you gave him a gentle smile as you reached out and wiped away his tears, "We just want our Jack back"
"Oh he's back" Jack chuckled. He grabbed the hand you had on his face and pulled it closer to his lips, he planted a kiss in the palm of your hand as you now cradled his cheek. "Thank you for grounding me, I love you" He whispered
"I love you too" You leaned in and kissed him.
Okay damn, It's been more than a month since I posted a concept. Glad to be back I guess
This has been in the draft for months….. so sorry if the ending seems rushed… it is
Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux , @killatravtramp , @middlechild404 , @harlowcomehome , @harlowsbby , @neon-lights-and-glitter , @nattinatalia , @itsyagirljaz , @hoodharlow
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Court Side Butterflies Part 1 - Jack Harlow x f!reader
this actually SUCKS but oh well. Might make a part 2
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photo credit to @a-moment-captured !!
You walk under the tunnel with your best friend, making your way through the swarms of people to get your court side seat. Your best friend was dating a player on the Boston Celtics—Jaylen Brown to be exact, which warranted the both of you sitting court side to support her man.
With it being a game 7, you knew this game was going to be tense and you only hoped the Celtics would win so that your best friend could celebrate with her boyfriend. If it were up to you, you didn’t really care who wins—only wishing for an exciting game.
“I’m gonna go speak with Jaylen real quick,” your friend mused. “Wish him luck and all.” You nod and smirk at your love sick friend. “Wish him luck for me too!” you exclaim as she walks away.
There was still about 15 minutes until the game officially started so you decided to take your seat and chill on your phone in the meantime.
While you’re scrolling through Instagram, two quite large people walk in front of you—one of them nearly stepping on your toes.
“Oh sweetheart I’m sorry!” the man exclaimed. “Did I step on your toes?—”
You look up at the bald man and shake your head with a laugh. “No no you’re good,” you reassure. Your line of sight trails to see the man going to take a seat next to him, your eyes going slightly wide when you realize it was Jack Harlow.
Jack’s dad sits next you, prompting him to make small talk. “Routing for the Celtics?”
“Yeah,” you confirm with a nod. “Here with my best friend—she’s dating Jaylen so I guess I gotta be supportive of the both of them,” you joke.
“Oh—are you not a basketball fan?” he chuckled in question.
“I am! It’s just been a long day,” you laugh.
“Jeez Dad—leave the poor girl alone. Probably doesn’t wanna talk to you all night,” Jack teased, causing his Dad to scoff playfully and for you to giggle.
“Jack,” he introduced, extending his hand towards you. “Y/N. It’s nice to meet you…and your Dad ” you reply with a smile.
Jack’s Dad smiled at the interaction before he leaned in close to his son, his voice low. “Wanna sit next to her?” he whispered in question. “She’s pretty—maybe you could get her number,” he mused, playing wingman.
Jack’s face heated up, his cheeks blushing with a tint of red. “Uh…not now. It’ll be too obvious. Plus she’s a model…to many eyes on us,” he whispered back a bit bashfully. He couldn’t deny that you were indeed beautiful and he would’ve loved the opportunity to talk more and get to know you— but there were simply too many eyes and cameras around to risk any annoying rumours that frankly he didn’t wanna deal with.
Soon enough, your friend makes her way back to her seat, leaning in close with a knowing smirk. “Jayson asked about youuuu,” she hummed matter of factly which Jack couldn’t help but overhear. While he loved Jayson and considered him a friend, the jealousy still bubbled within him. He knew it wasn't warranted--after all he barely knew you but it didn't stop his feelings.
He was still intrigued to hear your response so he sat quietly, his dad also unknowingly doing the same.
You scoff at your friends remark. “He's too hot and cold with me...until he wants to commit then I'm not doing anything," you shrug.
You friend groaned, “oh come on y/n! He likes you—you like him—the sex is great apparently—”
“Oh my god!” you interrupt exclaiming. “Shut up! Just please shut up,” you groan, shaking your head in embarrassment. “That’s not something you can say in public with media and fans everywhere,” you mutter lowly.
Your friend shrugged. “I just want you to be happy.”
“How about I worry about that and you worry about cheering on your boyfriend,” you deadpan.
“Suite yourself.”
You sit quietly for the remainder of quarter, your arms crossed as you stared ahead with a stoic expression. You loved your friend but she can be a bit much at times.
When half time finally came around, your friend got up to comfort Jaylen for being down a couple points. “You coming?”she asked, more so wanting to know if you were going to talk to Jayson.
“Nah—I’m gonna stick here.” She simply nodded and headed off.
“Your friend seems like a handful,” Brian spoke to you with a chuckle, causing Jack’s eyes to widen. “Dad!” he scolded.
You however thought it was funny and began laughing. “She…she really is. I’m sorry you guys had to um…hear that,” you breath out shyly.
Jack licked his lips with a kind smile. “Don’t worry about it…my best friend Urban would’ve said worse,” he mused, trying to lighten the mood.
“Ok good to know it’s a universal experience,” you hum.
Brian smirked. “Hm—why don’t you two kiddos go grab us some drinks?” he suggested. Jack’s head snapped towards his dad, glaring at him while his cheeks turned red.
“Yeah why not,” you replied.
You and Jack walked side by side to the concession stand, him walking with his hands awkwardly in his pocket. “Your dad is very nice,” you began.
Jack scoffed playfully. “Nah—he’s tryna play matchmaker,” he laughed, shaking his head shamefully.
“Ohhhh I see,” you hum teasingly. “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t working,” you confess, your cheeks burning up.
Jack grinned. “Damn—might need to have him work his magic more often,” he hummed.
You scoff in feigned offence. “Only if it works in my favour. Wouldn’t want him helping you get other girls.”
“Oh so you’re territorial huh?”
“What if I am?” you taunt in question.
“Fuuuck,” he laughed, his dimple appearing as he ran his hand through his hair. “I cant lie—that’s hot.”
“So tell me…if I ask you out,” Jack began nervously as he scratching the back of his neck. “Am I gonna have to worry about Jayson and his ‘great sex?’”
“I’m not seeing him anymore.”
Jack shook his head. “That’s not what you implied back there…if he committed…are you gonna commit back?” he asked, reiterating what you said to your friend earlier.
You sighed. “I’m sure I could ask you the same thing—with all the girls around you,” you point out.
“Nahhh—don’t do that. Don’t gaslight me and twist it back on me,” Jack laughed while shaking his head. “When you figure it out—I really would love to take you out…maybe even show you what great sex really is,” he smirked.
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neverlookatthisblog · 2 months
Harlow’s Easter
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A/N:Happy Easter I’m trying to get back into writing cause I miss it so here’s this hope you all have a wonderful time today 🐰🤍
You and Jack packed up all the kids and went straight to Maggie’s house being the perfectionist you are you made sure they all matched with their outfits
“Mommy I don’t want a side pony I want my hair to be in a bun” Mae demanded as you were helping her get ready
“Okay we can do that” you said getting the supplies you need
When you arrived you were greeted by Maggie like always you all talked and talked catching up with everyone
“So y/n are we expecting anything grand child” Brian asked you
“Soon” Jack said
“Don’t lie probably not anytime soon because I’m too busy with work right now my business is doing so good I don’t have time to sit around all day” you said you did want another child just not right now They understood switching the conversation knowing that the answer
The kids had a blast playing around you knew not to make them wear white because one thing about your kids is that they’re gonna have fun no matter where they go
Soon enough it was time for them to do egg hunting
“Jack what are you doing you’re not a kid” his mom said
“So that’s not stopping me from getting my candy” he said you shook your head
You watched them all run around searching for eggs by the end of it Jack had more eggs than the kids
“Honey I know you wanted to do this for fun but look at the kids basket’s” Jack took a look and looked back at you
You gave him your mom stare before he gave up
“Fine” you gave the kids most of the eggs
“Jack next time let the kids get them” you said Jack rolled his eyes at you he knew you had a point
You had Spent the next few hours taking family pictures,eating dinner by the end of it all the kids were worn out and tired you were about get ready to leave when Maggie pulled you to the side
“Go ahead and leave them here for the night I’ll bring them back in the morning” she reassured you
Both you and agreed waisted no time leaving the kids getting a night to yourselves felt so peaceful without them for one night.
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etoroma · 8 months
“You were losing me inch by inch when you were leaving me alone to meet the dawns”
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Jack Harlow x fem!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend became cold and distant, he just doesn’t see you anymore. How long can you last? Disclaimer: English is not my first language and lately I've started to forget it, so I decided to write stories to practice. I really love and respect your language so I apologize if I’ve made a lot of mistakes, I will try my best! Feel free to give feedback and correct mistakes A/N: it’s my first imagine hope it’s not that bad✊🏻😔 Warnings: language, angst, open ending Word count: 1986
“I’m positive that I’ve made the right decision, but not a day passes that I don’t wish I’ve made a different choice”. You were laying on a grass in your best friend’s backyard, your fingers and legs intertwined, eyes closed, wind was gently playing with your hair but the pleasure of such an intimate moment that you’ve missed for so long is overshadowed by past events. 
Y/bf/n moved in a different country and you never managed to find time to visit her, you were too immersed in your relationships, work and daily routine that the best you could do was calling her once a week. Now when you were finally together, you feel extremely guilty for showing up only because you’re a wreck but both of you are too mature to make a big deal out of it.
“He left you no choice, Y/N” she sighed and squeezed your hand “It wasn’t even a choice…I mean..” y/bf/n let go of you and rolled over on her belly to find you trying your best to hold the tears since crying was the only thing you’ve been doing for the entire time of your stay.
“He took your hand in his and promised you to walk this vicious world by your side but instead he walked you to a blind alley and left you there alone. He knew about every apprehension of yours, how scared you was to even think about the relationships, but still he did everything to make you believe that he’ll become your safe space, your home, your man that can be trusted, that will always be there for you… He put you in a fairytale just to make you look crazy for thinking they exist. He made you vulnerable, Y/N”. She gently caressed your face studying your emotions. “And you know what pisses me off even more? That you still think that all of this is your fault”.
“You know what pisses me off even more?” you finally found the guts to look into her eyes “That I still love him, y/bf/n”.
*two weeks earlier*
4 am.
You stood leaning to a kitchen counter draining a bottle of wine that soon was thrown to a garbage. You were skimming the living room. Each corner, each piece of furniture held so many memories of the time you and Jack were crazy in love. It used to warm your heart but now the sight of your shared home shredded it into million pieces. You even refused to drink from glasses he brought you from Czech a couple years ago just because you mentioned you always wanted glasses made of Czech crystal in your dream house. These glasses were a reminder of his attentiveness to the smallest details that made you happy, now they are clear evidence that he could do anything for you but he just doesn’t want to anymore.
What did you do wrong? What did you do to deserve this type of treatment? Was there anything you could do to prevent it? Aren’t you enough? When coming home from a studio and hovering you in kisses turned to a kiss on a cheek with a face expression like this action takes a year of life from him?
You were taken out of your thoughts by the sound of keys. Wow…Your man of the night found his way home.
Tired sight.
Kiss on a cheek.
Pain in your chest.
And your favorite part “I’m going to bed. Night”.
He didn’t even noticed that you’re fully dressed. Well, there’s a plenty things he didn’t pay attention to and tonight he’ll have to acknowledge all of them. His loving girlfriend will help him, right? Right.
“Jack” no response. “Jackman!” you raised your voice. It was the first time you called him like that but you needed him to listen.
“Y/N, if you wanna make a scene you’ve picked the wrong time” he simply sighed and kept going upstairs.
“That’s the only time I’ve got! Fucking 3 minutes in the am before you go to bed and disappear before I wake up!” You could feel your blood boiling in your veins, just a few moments and you’ll be ready to whistle like a soviet kettle. “Why are you wasting my time like that? You think that you are an alfa kind of a man who’s in charge and keeps everything under his control but in fact you’re a wuss with a lack of guts to say straight to my face that you don’t love me anymore or cheating on me or both. But you have enough courage to act like a dick!”
Now you captured his attention.
He turned around on his heels with an explicit anger written on his face “What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not cheating on you! Why are you always have to be such an attention seeker?” he rushed to you and only kitchen counter separated you both. 
“Attention seeker? For real? Since when wanting the bare minimum of a relationship makes me an attention seeker?”
“Since I working my ass off for BOTH of us and have more important things than …”
“Than being with me?” you interrupted him holding eye contact
“That’s not what I wanted to say.. Fuck can’t you show care and support at least for once or you’re gonna explode once you do?”
“WHEN?” at this moment you’ve lost it. Understanding that he doesn’t see any problem in his behavior hits you. You’re done. Enough holding everything inside and pretend that nothing’s going on. For all these 3 months, you tried to convince yourself that you’re overreacting, that it’s your traumas are talking. Every day and night that you spent by your own you told yourself that he’s trying his best, he’ll make it up to you, he sees the problem but just can’t fix things yet, but you were wrong, delusional to be exactly.
“I see you for a couple of minutes and not even every day. All of my texts left on read, you NEVER text me back. I find out that you’re fine from Urban! Every time I try to talk to you, to check on you, to figure the reason you just brush me off telling me you don’t want to have this conversation and I’m too clingy”
Jack opened his mouth to fight back but you raised your pointing finger in front of you to shut him. There goes the hardest part. You’re about to say something that was too painful to even acknowledge but you have to open his eyes.
“So I gave you space, Jack. I was away for a whole week” once you said it your anger was replaced by stone cold sight. It’s like you had to say it out loud more for yourself to realize than for him to understand
“I texted you about it but the message wasn’t sent. When saw it, I got curious when you would notice that I was gone” looking at his puzzled face you gave him an ironic smile “you didn’t. That’s how you care”
“Y/N..Baby..I” oh your boy begins to understand how your monologue will end but you haven’t finished yet so you shut him up again
“When I came back, I packed my things but I was still hoping we’ll work things out so I decided to divide my stuff into several parts and transport each one after every failed conversation with you, after every night you left me alone, after every “why don’t you stop fucking my brain out and just let me sleep”…so” you took a step back pushing the suitcase out from behind the kitchen counter “you can guess that that’s my last one”
Jack looked at you terrified catching the air in attempts to say something. He nervously spun around to find with his eyes at least something that belongs to you in the living room but it was all in vain.
“Y/N..Please..” he returned his gaze to you “listen..I’m so sorry. Let me fix this mess I’ve created, please” his voice begin to shake, eyes blinking fast to stop the tears. He finally woke up and grasped what kind of treatment he was giving to you all these months. The realization of what you about to do made him freeze on a spot. 
“Please give me the last chance, fight for us, baby please let’s talk things out” Panic began to slowly crawling towards him like a tsunami
“I gave you thousands chances. I was fighting for us alone for too long, it’s exhausting” you grab a suitcase handle walking to the front door “Now I’m tired and you’re the one who have picked the wrong time to make a scene”
“I don’t wanna lose you please let me make it up to you!” Jack ran outside after you watching you place your suitcase in a back of your car. You stopped for a second to look at him for the last time. Tears streaming down his cheeks, you could barely see in the dark but you could tell his face were bright red, lips shaking.
The sight of him made it even harder to leave, you wanted to kiss him so bad, you wished you could forgive him, hold him, believe him… but you remember how many nights you’ve spent in a state he is in now. You can’t let him do it to you again. You don’t trust him anymore.
“You haven’t figured it yet? You’ve already lost me. You were losing me inch by inch when you were leaving me alone to meet the dawns. It’s too late, Jackman” you got in the car just to find Jack knocking your window. You tried so hard to ignore him and focus but gave up and lowered the car window, which Jack immediately clung to
“Listen I know I’m an asshole. I fucked everything up, I was the worst boyfriend and I understand why you wanna leave, but I’ll change. I’ll do anything to make you trust me again, because I love you. I don’t see anyone else by my side, only you! Forgive me please, let me explain and fix this, I love you so bad it hurts” you squeezed the steering wheel holding your emotions and trying to think straight. You loved him still but the wound on your heart is still too fresh and deep for you to change your decision.
“Well…You have really weird ways to show it” and with this words you escaped from his life. 
He watched your car getting out of his sight and couldn’t believe that it wasn’t just a nightmare. Well, actually, it was. but he is living in it now. It was his personal hell that made him reliving this night over and over again. You’re gone. You’re not his woman anymore.
*present time*
“I know girl, it takes time, but I swear” Y/bf/n genially smiled at you playing with your hair “one month with your hot, EXTREEEEEMLY cool, UNBELIIIIEVABLY hilarious and adventurous friend and you won’t remember his name!” you were laughing for the first time in a while at your friend’s silliness when a doorbell caught your attention
“C'mon! I’ve already forgot it! Jake? Check?” Y/bf/n was so existed to see you smile that haven’t heard anything
“Firstly, Check is not even a name and secondly, are you expecting someone?”
“Aha, triplets. Don’t know who their dad is though it was a rough night” you laughed again and pushed her slightly
“Stop fucking with me, I heard the doorbell” You knew that it’s impossible. You blocked him everywhere and he didn’t know anything about y/bf/n, but something deep inside of you made you think it was him.
“Oh, it must be Mary, my neighbor, she’s an old lady and gets lonely sometimes so she comes to talk” y/bf/n stood up and headed to the front door “I’ll be quick”
__________________________ p.s i wanted to give this story an open ending for you to decide whether he found you or it was just a neighbor and your story is over. But now I'm thinking of doing part 2. What do you think? Should I? Do you forgive this cute asshole?
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halfmoondaze · 5 months
That’s amazing I’m proud of you 💗
I’m the same anon talking about how stressed I am about my tough situation. Right now, I’m trying to be patient with myself and be hopeful about things
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
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Y/n walked through the front door of their shared apartment. She didn’t want to admit it to herself but she was going through it.
For the past couple of days, she had been working on this group project. Everything was running smoothly at first, communication was going smoothly and everyone had agreed to do their part. And in hopes of being able to get it out of the way, managed to complete her part in three days. 
Having less than two weeks until finals week, she moved on to do her finals for her other classes. 
But then she started worrying the next day, after no one responded to her on the group chat, when she asked how the work was going. Things only got worse from there, because after the chat was crickets even after Y/N finished her Human Anatomy class, her efforts to text and call each individual of the group separately, she realized it was no use as no one was answering her calls and ignoring her messages even though they were on read.
The following day was no different, and she found herself starting to spiral, at least on the inside. She had no choice but to pull as many all-nighters as needed to finish completing the group project and the rest of her final projects.
Jack on the other hand, was worried for her. He could tell something was bothering her by how all the sudden she had stopped talking to him unless it was to acknowledge his presence with the occasional “Hi”, “Hey” or “Good morning”. 
One night, Jack got home from the studio. It was around 11:45, and the only light that was still on, was coming from Y/N’s home office. 
Jack quietly opened the door and was met by Y/N’s intense angry glare at him. 
“No!” she looked down at him. 
Jack turned to look down and realized there was a pile of written papers scattered across the floor and he had accidently stepped on one of them.
“I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s fine.” She said coldly taking the paper from his hand and just carried on working on her project like if nothing happened. 
“I just wanted to see how you were doing” 
“Better than ever” she responded unenthusiastically. 
“Did you eat today?” 
“What?” she turned to him. 
“I asked you if you ate today” 
“Can we not do this right now? I still have so much to get done” She dismissed him and put her focus back on her project.
“I know. I’m sorry” he scratches the back of his head finding the right words. “I’m just worried that……. you’re wearing yourself out. You should take a break” 
“No, I can’t do that. I need to get this done” 
“You don’t understand. I’m already behind on a lot of my classes” 
“It’s not up for discussion baby” 
“For fucks sake! Can you get off my ass for two fucking seconds?!” she spat fire from her mouth as she glared at him. 
Jack was taken back but remained calm and unbothered. 
Then she turned away and remained in the same spot, with her back towards Jack. 
Jack pulled her into a hug and she broke crying into him arms. 
“Shhh shhh its ok” he held her and rubbed her back.
It was like all the stress she had accumulated for the past weeks hit her like a truck.
“I’m so sorry” she said with her voice muffled.
“Don’t mention it” he kissed the top of her head.
Eventually, she calmed down and stopped crying. 
“You ok?” he looked at her.
She nodded.
“You want to talk about it?” 
“No” she softly said. 
“Ok. I’m going to run you a bath and then I’m going to order some takeout” he said wiping away her tears. “Does Chinese sound good?”
“Yeah” she softly said. 
Jack ran her a bath with her favorite body wash and ordered her favorite from their local Chinese restaurant. By the time she exited the bathroom, Jack had laid her favorite sweatpants and one of his oversized t-shirts on the bed for her to get changed.
When she got to the dining room, the food was already served. 
Y/N quietly took a seat. 
“Feeling better?” 
“Yeah, thanks” 
He smiled at her. 
“Got your favorite” 
“I’m sorry….for snapping at you” she said looking down.
Jack gently squeezed her hand.
“Do you want to talk about what’s bothering you?”
Y/n hesitated, but ultimately told him everything. 
“I’m so sorry” he paused. “Can you still drop the classes?”
“I can’t. Finals week is just around the corner”
“I understand” he paused. “Maybe we could get you a tutor, so you can manage the workload” 
“A tutor?”
“Yeah. I would tell you to drop the semester, but I suppose it’s too late for that now. But I also wouldn’t want you to see all your efforts and hard work to waste just because some morons didn’t want to put in the effort” 
“Thank you” she was relieved. 
“It’s ok”
“No seriously. You’ve been so kind and helpful to me. And I’ve been nothing but-”
“Great. You’ve been great. You’re just going through a lot right now, and I understand that. Yeah, I was taken back by your reaction. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you angry” he let a small laugh. “But I won’t hold it against you. I just wanna help you”
Y/n got up from her seat, walked over to Jack and hugged him. 
Jack hugged her back. 
“I love you so much” she whispered. 
Jack smiled to himself.
“I love you too bubs” 
Y/N pulled away and smiled at him.
“….but I think I’ll love you even more if you eat” he pointed at her untouched plate of food.
Y/N smiled at him.
That night, Y/N relaxed for once, knowing that with Jack’s help, she would find her way out of this problem. Today was a bad day but tomorrow will be kinder.
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itsyagirljaz · 6 months
Im late on posting these but my concert footage from NPLH Pikeville,KY
My cousin was recording the video and i was right next to her and HE POINTED AT ME AND SAID “I SEE YOU” 😭❤️‍🔥🤭🫣😅
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middlechild404 · 11 months
Taking care of sick Jack
Summary: You come home to find a sick jack laying on your couch and you can't help yourself from trying to take care of him.
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I walked in through the front door expecting to be alone in my apartment, but instead, was met by a wide figure that was sprawled on my couch. I was treading lightly, because he didn't seem to move when I closed the door, meaning he was sound asleep.
I didn't expect to find him here because it had been a while since we'd seen each other last. Technically, we lived together in my apartment but he still stayed at his apartment most days because it was closer to the studio.
Having him in my space was still a bit unfamiliar, due to the short amount of time he has had the keys. Aside from the unfamiliarity, I still felt the fuzzy feeling at the pit of my stomach whenever he was here.
My hands went unconsciously toward his hair as I was towering over him. I could feel the heat radiating off from his body as my palm touched his forehead.
"Jack.." I whispered, trying to wake him up.
He only moaned and turned to his side, not giving me an answer. I started rubbing his back, continuing my attempt to wake him up. At last, he slightly opened one of his eyes to look at me.
“You're burning up” I stated. “How are you babe?” I questioned worriedly.
“I don't know, I don't feel so good.” He said, trying to get up.
I quickly pushed his shoulders down, insisting that he needed to rest. He didn't fight against it as his eyes closed once his head touched one of the pillows that was on the couch. I swiftly went to the main bedroom and brought a comforter to cover him with.
I've never been a great caregiver due to my many failed prior relationships and my mom continuously preaching “the world is female” throughout my upbringing. My mother didn't take my dad leaving us lightly, therefore she had sworn that she would never prioritize a man's needs over her own. That's something she's been trying to drill in my head ever since I was a kid, attempting to teach me about being independent.
Independent, was a word I'd easily use to describe myself. Although, being independent doesn't mean not helping the people you love, which is something my mother would never let into her thick head.
I had this heart wrenching feeling of worry. All I wanted was for Jack to feel better. Therefore I summoned my non-existent talent of cooking and followed a recipe of tomato soup i'd saved on instagram. While the soup was boiling on the stove, I put some garlic bread in the oven.
When everything was ready and I had poured the soup in a bowl I made my way to the living room, setting everything on the table in front of the sofa.
“Babe.. Wake up. I've made you some soup.” I said as my fingers were playing with his curls.
As he was eating away at the food that I'd made, I walked up to find some ibuprofen to bring down his fever and prepare a concoction with tea, ginger and honey that I found on google.
When coming with everything, he had managed to lick the plate clean. He was now leaning back against the sofa and looking up at the ceiling. I interrupted his thoughts when I placed everything on the table. He gave me a gracious smile as he downed the pill and water.
I encouraged him to lie down on the sofa again as I took the remote and put on his favorite show “Succession”. He grabbed the tea and gave me a scrunched look as he took a sip.
“What is this? poison?” he asked with a look of disgust.
“Haha yes, but the good kind.” I winked as he laughed at my remark.
I motioned for him to lift his head so I could sit down on the couch. His head was now in my lap as I kept going through his hair with my fingers, with succession on the TV. All I could think about was that I could do this forever. I couldn't help myself from smiling and looking down at his face. He eventually noticed me staring, which made him look up at me with a tired grin.
“Thank you for taking care of me, there is no other place I'd rather be right now than in your arms. I love you babe.” He said lovingly.
“I love you too.” I answered while my cheeks were hurting due to the grin my face made at his words.
I know that it's been a while lovies, hope you like this one! I have had a few hectic months but I'm back now so stay tuned for more content❤️❤️
Taglist: @jackharloww , @j-worlds-blog @itsyagirljaz , @harlowcomehome , @neon-lights-and-glitter
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jacksverse · 8 months
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i love when men (jack harlow)
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pixiedust0 · 2 years
❥𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 - 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚛𝚞𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚠𝚒𝚛𝚕
❥𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟼𝟶𝟹
❥𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - 𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎
❥𝙰/𝙽 - 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝙸 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊, 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚎𝚑.
Y/n l/n responds to rumors about her and Jack Harlow dating
By: Christian rose
Published November 21, 2022 9:15 pm
The singer recently went on BFFS, a bar stool podcast where she opened up about her rumored relationship with jack Harlow.
Host Dave Portnoy asked all the hard hitting questions fans were dying to know. The rumors began when jack was spotted at her birthday dinner back in January, which she claimed was family only.
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He was then seen arriving at her birthday party with her. As well as many other celebs such as Kylie Jenner, Justin Bieber, Pete Davidson, Lil nas x, Timothée Chalamet and more.
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They were then caught by paparazzi together publicly, October in Chicago before one of Jack’s shows for the touring of his new album ‘Come home the kids miss you’ (multiple songs are rumored to be about her)
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They were also caught by bystanders kissing that night after the show
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When Portnoy asked the singer about all the claims she said “Me and jack our friends *laughs* we have been for two years.” When she was asked about the kissing she claimed that it was not her in the photo.
“That’s not me, like I said we are friends.” Anymore questions about jack after that she became dismissive trying to steer more towards her album ‘The things I wish I said’ that came out this weekend.
All of her songs hit the billboard charts taking over the top twelve spots, but her song in the no.1 spot ‘Can’t you see’ has fans stirring that it could be about our favorite Kentucky rapper.
In the song she says alot of things we picked out some of our favorite lyrics
“loving you never was in the plan,stuck in your ways, i sink in your sand”
“It's a shame boys like you don't know how to love,Try to give you my all but it's not enough,Can't you see that I'm falling,Show me where your heart is”
“Should've left when I could, can't get out, I don't know what to do”
“You can dig my grave, 'cause I can't be saved, Like a grain of sand that's in a tidal wave, In a broken place, no I can't be traced, Wish you had known my feelings, ain't that a waste?”
It has fans asking one question. If it’s not about Jack who is it about?
After the interview she got a private jet to Milan where the last the spot on jacks Tour is. Where the duo were both seen going into the same restaurant separately and leaving together.
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A source from inside the restaurant claims when Harlow walked in he greeted her with a hug and a long kiss. “It was very sweet actually as soon as she noticed him she got up from her chair and jumped into his arms, they were pretty much all over eachother being affectionate in someway throughout the meal.”
Representatives for both stars did not respond to Our request for comment.
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Liked by Jackharlow, Urbanwyattt, Druski2funny, lilnasx and 1,065,873 others
Y/nL/n Come home the kids miss you🤍
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Liked by Y/nL/n, urbanwyatt, Druski2funny, Champagnepapi and 1,147,412 others
Jackharlow The things I wish I said❤️‍🔥
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Jack fluff concept request pls
Jack has been really clingy with reader after being apart for a couple days. When they’re finally together he can’t stop following her around. When reader walks from the living room to kitchen Jack is speed walking behind her with a big smile on his face. When reader moves to a different spot on the sofa he automatically gathers his stuff and moves right next to her. When y/n is in the restroom doing her business he opens the door ajar and forced her to hold his hand through the little crack💀💀 basically giving her no personal space. Jack gets offended when y/n asks him why he’s acting this way all clingy and more obsessed than usual
I love you
My Baby Love
A/N: I love you too, anon!
Warning: suggestive
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You let out a sweet hum as you felt Jack's cold hands slip around your waist, his chest resting against your back. You felt him sink into the bed against your body, letting out a deep sigh.
"You're home", you whispered with a smile, turning in his hold to face him. "Shhh", he mumbled against your forehead in between gentle kisses. "Go back to sleep, babe." You gave him a quick kiss, your fingers finding his beard as you snuggled into his hold, Jack's chin resting on your head.
You woke up a few hours later to the sun in your face, Jack's body heat warming you up against the cold of the room. You didn't want to get up- two weeks away from Jack was way too long, and you knew in the back of your mind the two of you only had a couple of days together before he was traveling again, and you wanted to soak up as much time together as possible.
You laid gentle kisses along his jawline as you watched him sleep, his lashes fluttering as he dreamt, messy curls hanging low in his face. He barely stirred, only pulling you in tighter.
"Jack, I need to get up." You felt a hand move to cup your bottom. "Mhm, no you don't."
"Someone needs to let Lou out." You countered back, trying to wriggle from his hold to no avail. Jack peeked out of one eye, letting out a sharp whistle that immediately got Lou's attention at the end of the bed. "Lou Lou, go potty." You giggled, moving to tickle Jack underneath his arms so he was forced to let you go with a chuckle.
"That's not fair", he whined as he followed you out of the bedroom, his gruff voice was extra scratchy after a night of performing. You could hear the shuffle of his socked feet as he trailed behind you to the kitchen, his hands never leaving your hips.
Everywhere you moved, he moved as well, resting his head against yours as you worked around the kitchen making breakfast.
You enjoyed his touch, having missed it over the last fourteen days, and knowing that Jack's love language was physical touch, you didn't dare object to him holding you. At least- at first you didn't.
Jack followed you everywhere on that quiet Sunday morning. When you went to do laundry, he was right there with you, holding the laundry basket as you loaded the dryer. You enjoyed the company as he told you every detail of his trip; you loved hearing about everything you missed when you couldn't be with him.
As you moved through your to-do list, Jack was like you personal assistant. First, cleaning out your closet. You modeled new pieces and old ones you were thinking of donating, for Jack, and he eagerly gave his opinion on each one. Next, as you answered your work emails, Jack pulled up a chair next to you, watching your every move, his hands moving between massaging your lower back and thighs as you worked.
The closeness really didn't bother you as you moved through your list, crossing one thing after another off with his help. It wasn't until you went to the bathroom to shower and get ready to run errands that you noticed something was different in his behavior.
"JACK!", you screeched when he busted into the bathroom as you were taking care of business. "What are you doing, baby?" You tried your best to cover yourself up, but he was unfazed. Jack moved across the room, settling on the rim of the tub with his phone in hand, scrolling through his texts. "What?", he looked up at you straight faced. You gestured wildly at your current position, pressing your legs together.
"Its nothing I haven't seen before", he said with a shrug. "Do you like these sneakers?" He showed you his phone screen.
"Jack! Its not about that. Can I have a little privacy, please?" You quickly got up from the toilet, moving to the shower and turning the water to the hottest setting. The steam billowed into the room as you stripped down.
"Oh good, I needed to shower anyway", Jack remarked, pulling his shirt over his head, his ab muscles flexing as he worked at his belt buckle. You placed a gentle hand on his bare chest, stopping him.
"Baby, I'm taking an everything shower. I think you'll just be in the way." You needed to shave, wash your hair, exfoliate your skin, and you knew it'd take at least 45 minutes, even without Jack stopping you multiple times in between to make out. You watched as his face dropped with disappointment, quickly backtracking. "I'm sorry, of course you can join me. Can you help me wash my hair?"
Jack immediately perked up, giving you a kiss to the temple. "Of course, whatever you need."
True to Jack's temperament, what was supposed to be your everything shower, quickly turned into an extra curricular activity that found both of you tired enough to head back to bed, both comfy in Jack's hoodie and sweatpants. When Jack woke an hour later to an empty bed, he gingerly got up to find you, spotting you on the couch with a book in your hand.
"Where'd you go?", he asked with more worry than he intended. You looked up from the pages of your novel with a smile. "You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you."
"Next time, wake me, okay?" His voice was calm but stern, which got your attention. You grunted as he laid his full body weight on top of you. "Baby, I-", you couldn't get out any more words as he tried his best to hide himself underneath your hoodie, his cheek resting against your stomach. You rubbed his back as he settled, knowing you needed to ask him if something was wrong, but not wanting to upset him. As you felt his breaths even, you broached the subject.
"Is something wrong, babe?"
"Nope", he mumbled against your skin, his beard rough across your skin.
"Are you sure? You seem clingier than usual." Jack pulled his head from underneath your sweatshirt. "I didn't know loving my girlfriend was such an inconvenience for you." You could tell he was offended by your questions.
"That's not what I mean, J." You grabbed at his chin, forcing him to look at you. "I love spending time with you, but usually we spend a little bit of time apart during the day. You do your thing, I do mind. I thought we both liked that."
"I do, I just-", he hesitated, "Nevermind. I'll give you some space." Jack pushed up from the couch, but you grabbed his hand before he could walk away. "Talk to me."
He let out a sigh, sitting back down, placing your legs over his lap. "I had a dream a couple nights ago, that you were just gone. It was like a nightmare for me, and the only thing I could think about was getting back to you and making sure you never left my sight."
You could feel a lump building in your throat as he spoke. "I don't know where you went or anything." He shook his head like he was trying to rid his mind of the thought. "I just know I never want to feel like that ever again." He ran a hand through his messy locks, looking at you with watery eyes.
You interlaced your fingers with his, running your thumb over his knuckles. "I'm not going anywhere, Jack. Not ever, okay?" He gave you a quiet nod, and a soft smile. "Okay."
You leaned back against the couch, motioning for him to join you. "C'mere, babe." Jack wasted no time falling into your arms, resting his head against your chest.
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baurbiediv · 2 years
“jack please stop touching my ass.” you muffled into the pillow, laying down on your stomach.
jack continued his ‘reign of terror’ on your behind. you attempted to swat his hand away, but much to his dismay, you accidentally slapped him in his face.
you heard him yell dramatically, you quickly sat up to turn around and look at him as he was sprawled out on the bed, right hand on his face, left hand on his heart.
“i’m dying, please call 911, y/n this is no joke, you just took my most prized possession away from me.” he cried out.
it took a minute to register what he said, “wait a damn minute, did you just say my ass was your most prized possession?” you huffed, crossing your arms. the look on his face quickly changed and he swore his heart dropped.
he fixed himself before sitting up and grabbing your face, “i didn’t mean it like that, i swear, i love you for more than your booty.” he faked a sob as he kissed all over your face.
you squealed and put your hands on his chest, in an attempt to get him off of you. “okay! okay! i swear i’m not mad!” you giggled.
he stopped as his blue eyes bored into yours as his thumb lightly caressed your cheek with his thumb.
you felt yourself starting to get flustered as you couldn’t look him in the eyes. “jack don’t get all gushy on me now.” you rolled your eyes and laughed then kissed his nose, as he smiled.
“i love you mama.” he responded, watching your move, he waited for you to say say something and you know how he’d get if you didn’t say anything,
“and i love you too handsome.” you replied
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jackharloww · 1 year
Request: Making Jack laugh when he’s in a bad mood 🤪
Tickles and laughs
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Jack had woken up with a lot of missed calls from his management, someone had messed up his schedule, and that led to him having to be out of town for your birthday. You didn't have anything planned but he still didn't want to leave you on your birthday.
That was the reason why he was in a very bad mood and grumpy when you finally woke up. "Good morning baby" You rolled over and put your hands on his chest
"Morning" he mumbled and continued to text furiously on his phone.
"What's up" You fully sat up, noticing he wasn't his usual self.
"Nothing" he answered with a sigh as he put his phone down, throwing his head back and pulling his hands up to rub his face.
"Well it doesn't look like nothing," you said, receiving a look from Jack, "Fine, tell me when you feel like it" you mumbled, knowing he sometimes needed time to process things before talking about it. In the meantime, you got up to make the two of you breakfast.
"Jack, breakfast is ready" you yelled out for him as you plated the sandwiches you had made the both of you.
"I'm here" he chuckled from behind you, making you jump.
"Oh, you scared me" you giggled, receiving a small smile from him but nothing more than that. Jack was clearly still in a bad mood, but you didn't push it, instead, you handed him his plate and the both of you walked to the living room to watch your series as you ate.
As a way to try and make him laugh, you poked his side, knowing how ticklish he was. He jumped a bit before shaking his head, looking at you. "Stop" he raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face
"You're annoying" you simply said and took a bite from your sandwich. He grabbed your plate and put it down on the table and then he brought you closer to him, "I love you too" he chuckled before kissing you on your head.
"Yeah yeah" you muttered but stayed in his embrace, continuing to watch the series.
After about half an hour, Jack's phone buzzed multiple times making him pick it up to read the messages, this time he didn't bother answering any of them, he just threw it to the side with a sigh.
"Okay there's clearly something bothering you" You gave up waiting for him to tell you
"I'm trying to figure it out" he sighed running his fingers through his hair.
"Well let me help you figure it out" You sat up straight and turned around to look at him better.
"Come on, I don't like seeing you like this" you groaned, "let me at least see that beautiful smile of yours?" you said, and Jack gave you a small smile.
"no, not that smile - a big one, teeth and all that stuff" you giggled and leaned forward to tickle him again.
"Okay fine fine" he laughed and tried to take away your hands, but you didn't give up, instead you straddled him and continued to tickle him, hearing his beautiful laugh.
"I'll tell you, just stop" he was getting out of breath now, the both of you laughing loudly. You stopped tickling him and went to sit down next to him on the couch, but he put his hands on your hips making you stay in that position.
He pulled you closer and embraced you for a few seconds, putting his head on your chest. You hugged him tighter and played with his hair. After a few seconds he looked up at you, his hands still around your waist, "Chris booked in an appearance on your birthday weekend" he said with a big sigh, and you could really tell how sorry he was.
"I'm trying to fix it, but they say it's nothing I can do," he said, "They make me so angry" he continued, waiting for you to say something, and when you got a smile on your face he furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding your reaction.
"You could have just said so silly" you giggled, putting your hands on either side of his face, "I can come with you" you suggested.
"Are you sure?" he looked at you surprised
"Why wouldn't I be? I don't care where we are or what we do, I just want to be with you" you said and leaned in to give him a passionate kiss.
"I love you so damn much," he said as he backed away for a second, before going in for more kisses.
Just a small little blurb <3
taglist: @harlowsbby , @harlowcomehome , @middlechild404 , @neon-lights-and-glitter , @hoodharlow , @heavyhitterheaux , @itsyagirljaz , @mortirolo , @nattinatalia
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Okay jack concept here: the reader & him dated in the past but even though they broke up his family still talks to her & invite her to a gathering in hopes to get her & jack back together because they know how much they both miss each other & whatever they do works because in the end they’re back together
Promises - Jack Harlow x f!reader
note: damn this is looongg😅 sorry but uh i hope y’all enjoy. haven’t written anything in a MINUTE
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When you moved to Louisville in your senior year of highschool, you never expected to fall in love. In fact, that was the last thing on your mind, hoping to stay focused on your studies in preparation for university—but Jack Harlow was one persistent motherfucker.
“Come on Y/N!” Jack exclaimed as he chased you down the long school hallway, his hand reaching for your arm to stop you from walking away. The last bell finally rung and you were desperate to go home. “Why won’t you give me a chance?” he pouted, looking down at you adorably with his big bulky glasses and his curly hair pushed out of his eyes.
You let out a sigh as you stared up at him. You couldn’t deny that you thought he was cute…but he was the popular guy in school. This had to be some sick joke.“Jack…just drop it—”
“No! Tell me why first!” he insisted. “If you don’t like me or if you think I’m ugly then just say that! I can handle rejection.”
Upon hearing that, your eyes widened. “What? No! Of course I don’t think you’re ugly…I just…why me?” you ask with furrowed brows. “Guys don’t usually like me,” you sigh. “Plus I know guys like you. You’re a player. Only intrigued now because I’m new but when I give in you’ll use me then throw me to the curb for the next girl…that’s why I don’t wanna give you a chance.”
Jack licked his lips, his hands rubbing down his smooth face. “Well the guys where you’re from clearly didn’t have good taste…and I promise it’s not just cause you’re new. Just one date? I won’t hurt you…I promise.”
“One date Jack Harlow. We’ll see how it goes.”
And for the most part, Jack kept his promise. The years went on perfectly. You two managed to fall in love and he was all of your major firsts. You supported him all throughout his career but you always chose to stay private, not wanting to be in the spotlight or public eye which he supported.
And since then too, your relationship with his family grew exponentially. At first his Mom was a bit hesitant, fearing that you’d break his heart but the more she got to know you and spend time with you, you easily became the daughter she never had. She loved you like her own and it wasn’t quite a Harlow family gathering without you being there by Jack’s side.
However, it seemed as though everything changed when he did his Chicken Shop date interview. It was no secret that Jack had a major glowup and that interview in particular sparked the internet’s interest in the upcoming rapper, even being deemed as the new ‘white boy of the month’ and the internet’s boyfriend. That’s when the problems started.
Jack bit his lip in contemplation as he watched you get prepared for bed. You were standing in front of the mirror, finishing up your skincare routine by applying your moisturizer. Once done, you made your way into the bed and raised your brow at your boyfriend.
“Why do I feel like you have something you wanna tell me?” you laughed.
Jack took in a breath and ran a loose hand through his curls. “Look ma—the team thinks you should take down all of our photos together on insta.” You furrow your brows as you turn to look at him.
He lets out a sigh. “They think it’ll be better if we stay private for my brand—” You can’t help but scoff at his response. “Is that what you think too?” you ask him.
Jack groans, “baby it’s what’s best for my career at the moment…it’s better if people think I’m single to keep up that persona they’re going for. Plus you don’t even like being in the spotlight—”
“Yeah but I still like posting my boyfriend,” you interrupt with a frown. “Plus I’m already private on Instagram.”
“Ma, fans always find a way to get that shit even if you're super private,” Jack sighed. “Please baby? They really think it’s better this way. And it won’t change anything about us…I love you and it just means we get to be more private about our relationship without fans getting in the way especially with the sudden interest,” he persuaded sweetly—but it was more like manipulation unbeknownst to you.
You sigh before nodding reluctantly. “Okay…I’ll archive all of the photos of us,” you reassure.
Jack grinned as he swiftly cupped your cheeks and placed a soft kiss to your lips. “You’re the best ma.”
While it did partly not sit right with you that he wanted to hide your relationship from the public, you also heard many celebrity stories of relationships ending because of overbearing fans so you decided for the time being, it was the right choice.
As Jack gained more attention within the industry, he also gained much more attention from women which truth be told, was starting to become a difficulty.
Jack sat on the couch with his head in his hands as he rubbed his temples. “Ma you gotta calm down—”
“No I’m not gonna calm down! You were flirting with her on camera! I keep trying to be understanding of how all of this can help your career but you’re constantly direspecting me either by flirting with other girls or having them up all over you!” you exclaim. “It’s not fair to me.”
Jack let out an annoyed groan. “I told you it meant nothing but gaining a connection! Her team literally contacted me to do a song together so it’s obviously for work!” he yelled.
You take in a breath as your eyes collect with tears. “It still hurts to see Jack! You do it too much now--it's like you enjoy that extra attention,” you say with a shaky voice. “I don’t…I don’t wanna be private anymore. I want people to know you have a girl,” you sniffle.
Jack clenched his jaw and his hands balled up into fists. “I’m not doing this right now Y/N!"
“If you keep acting like you’re single then you’re gonna end up single Jack…”
“Yeah well maybe that’s what the both of us need right now.”
And just like that, a relationship that lasted nearly five years went down the drain and it hurt more than anything you’d ever experienced before. His family took it quite hard, having to get adjusted to you not being around anymore.
Whenever his mom would see you around Louisville, she always made the effort to stop you and spend however long just chatting it up with you. You thought it was adorable and it truly warmed your heart that his family still loved you despite the relationship ending but the reminder still hurt.
This time, you bumped into his mom at the grocery store and she wasn’t going to let you go easily.
“Y/N!” she exclaimed. “Haven’t seen you around in a while!” she continued with a hum. You let out a polite chuckle, hoping the conversation would end quickly.
“It’s nice to see you Maggie,” you say genuinely. “And yeah, I’ve been in and out of the city trying to find a job somewhere more exciting,” you chuckle. Since you didn’t really have Jack anymore to tie you to Louisville, you thought it was best to venture out more for work, either in New York or California.
Maggie frowned playfully, “then we’d be missing you,” she rebutted. You let out a laugh before shrugging. “Nothing keeping me here anymore,” you say, hoping she’d catch the tiny hint. “Even my parents moved back to where we’re from.”
Maggie nodded in understanding and the both of you enter a sort of silence before she spoke up again. “He misses you you know?”
You can’t help but scoff, shaking your head at her comment. “No he does not…he’s happy living the single life he’s wanted since he got signed to his label,” you mumble.
“Sweetheart—that isn’t true—”
“Then why hasn’t he reached out since then?” you ask, eyes beginning to tear up. “It’s been months and if he missed me then he would’ve done…something,” you sigh.
Maggie licked her lips and nodded. “Well we miss you,” she said nonchalantly. “I’ve gotten used to you being around so how about you come over this weekend for dinner?” she suggested.
You instantly shake your head. “I don’t think that’s quite a good idea—”
“You’d be coming for me. Please.”
“But—” as you go to reject once more, you knew that you couldn’t turn Maggie down. “Okay fine.”
Maggie beamed and reached to give you a hug. “I’ll see you Saturday at six then!”
Saturday rolls around and you approach the Harlow house with a heavy and anxious heart. You really didn’t want to be there but you hated to disappoint Maggie. You ring the doorbell and as always, she greets you with the warmest smile and hug.
You cautiously enter and slightly inspect the house for any signs that Jack was home. When you were pretty certain that he wasn’t, you let out a heavy breath of relief and aim to enjoy your time with Maggie.
Meanwhile, Jack, Urban, Druski, and Clay were all sat in the backyard of his home, chatting it up. It was dark out so it wasn’t easy to look out into the backyard from inside the house, but it was much easier to look into the house from the backyard.
“Bro…” Druski began, smacking Jack’s arm to get his attention. “Isn’t that your ex girl?” he asked, pointing towards the window that showed into the kitchen. Jack glanced over and his eyes went wide as he saw you laughing with his mom. “What the fuck?” Jack mumbled under his breath, getting up and storming into the house in frustration.
Upon seeing her son storm in, Maggie smiled knowingly. “Nice of you to join us Jackman,” she hummed.
“What the fuck is she doing here?!” he practically yelled, causing you to wince. Maggie stood her ground and looked at her son sternly. “I invited her to have dinner with us—”
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” you mumble quietly. Jack scoffed. “It’s my parents house—why wouldn’t I be here?” he spat back in question.
You take in a steady breath, your hands slightly shaking from the anxiety you were experiencing. As you go to respond, Maggie steps in. "Mind your manners Jackman. She came out of respect for me because I kept incessantly asking," she stated matter of factly.
Jack could only groan in annoyance, before he waved off his mom. "Whatever man--enjoy your dinner," he mumbled, causing his mother to raise her brows in questions. "Are you not joining us for dinner?"
The curly haired man let out a snarky puff of air before shrugging nonchalantly. "Nah--I've got guests in the backyard," he replied as he walked straight out.
As Jack walked back out through the sliding glass doors to the backyard once again, Urban shot up from his chair with wide eyes. "Dude! What are you doing back out here?" he exclaimed in question and shock. "All you've been doing the past fucking 6 months was sulk around and complain about missing her and now that you've got a chance right in front of you you're psyching yourself out?"
"It's not that easy," Jack mumbled while shaking his head with stubbornness.
“I don’t know what happened in there but this is quite literally your one and only chance to win her back otherwise—”
“Otherwise you’re gonna have to let her go completely,” Druski jumped in matter of factly. “Cos a girl like that sure as hell ain’t gonna wait up on a dude like you forever.” Urban agreed which caused Jack to sigh. He knew they were right—he was just to scared to admit it.
“What if she doesn’t want me? What if she’s been done with me?” he asked.
Urban smirked, “then she wouldn’t be at your house having dinner with your mom dumbass. Now go!” he exclaimed, pushing Jack back towards the back entrance of the house.
Jack slipped in and raised his brow when he saw his mom sitting at the table alone. “Where’s y/n?”
Maggie sighed and pointed towards the front door. “She’s about to leave—said she didn’t feel comfortable staying after upsetting you.”
“Shit,” Jack muttered under his breath, rushing to the front of the house and swinging open the front door. Luckily you hadn’t gotten far, just about to unlock your car and get in. “Y/n can we talk?” he asked exasperatedly, running a hand through his curls that had gotten much longer since the last time you’d seen him.
You let out a sigh and turn to face Jack. “You’ve already said all you needed to. I should’ve respected you and not come and I’m sorry—”
“But I’m glad you came,” Jack interrupted quickly. “I know I didn’t show it in there but I am…y/n I miss you,” he confessed quietly.
You can’t help but scoff. “Yeah well you have a pretty funny way of showing that—”
Jack furrowed his brows, “how did you expect me to react? You showed up unannounced and caught me off guard,” he defended.
You rolled your eyes and the both of you stood silent for a moment before Jack cleared his throat. "Do you miss me too?” he asked, his voice timid.
You let out a sigh. “Even if I did Jack we clearly don’t work.”
“My mindset on all of this has changed. Ever since I dropped the second album and finished up the tour, I realized this life ain’t sustainable and that I needed to be more lowkey…I think part of me needed to experience it first to know,” he explained with a sigh. “I’m sorry it took hurting you to realize that but I know now and I wanna pick up where we left off,” he breathed out, nervous that you’d reject him.
Your brows furrowed at his words. “You’re assuming I haven’t already moved on—”
“You wouldn’t be here if you did,” Jack stated confidently, standing tall as he reiterated what Urban had said earlier.
He had caught you slightly off guard with that statement, causing your face to heat up and for you to be at a loss for words. "T-That doesn't mean I'm ready to jump back into thin--"
"Do you love me?"
"Y/N, do you love me?" Jack asked again, inching his way closer to you. "You're gaslighting me," you mumbled, narrowing your eyes as you peered up at him.
The curly haired man couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "It really is a simple question," he shrugged. You couldn't deny the heat that came from Jack's body as he moved closer to you, his piercing blue eyes fixated on yours. You could feel his breath on your neck as he whispered, "I want to hear you say it...I need to hear you say it," he sighed softly, damn near begging you at that point from fear of losing you.
Your heart was racing, your mind in a whirlwind of emotions. You wanted to say it, to scream it from the rooftops. But something held you back--the thought of him hurting you again or going back to his ways even after he claimed he worked on himself terrified you.
"Of course I love you," you finally confessed, looking away from him as your cheeks flared up with heat.
Jack's hand cupped your chin, turning your face back towards his. "Look at me," he demanded softly. "I want to see it in your eyes."
You met his gaze, and as the intensity of his stare bore into you, you felt a wave of desire wash over you. He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Say it again," he breathed.
"I love you," you whispered, and before you could say another word, Jack's mouth was on yours, his hands roaming freely over your body. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of you, lost in a passion that couldn't be extinguished.
Eventually when the two of you pulled away, Jack kept close, resting his forehead against yours. "I'll be better to you, I promise," he spoke against your lips. "I ain't losing you again."
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neverlookatthisblog · 2 months
Soccer games
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Growing up playing sports wasn’t your thing you never thought that your kids would be interested in it
Jane plays volleyball,Ruth plays flag football and Mae well Mae has yet to figure out what she wants to play if she even wants to do sports
And Ryder,
Jack would take Ryder to the place where he plays soccer at all the time in Louisville eventually it turned into Ryder wanting to play soccer for his school
You and Jack agreed to the idea of him playing soccer you didn’t mind and either did Jack he took it more as bonding opportunity with his son
Jack was so excited and happy you smiled because you knew how much Jack loved playing soccer with his boys
Ryder had a game but with your busy schedule you couldn’t get off work early
“I’m sorry bub I can’t make it”you said to Ryder over the phone you felt bad Ryder didn’t see a problem with it he knew it was work stuff
“It’s okay babe I got this” Jack insisted on the phone you were sad that you couldn’t make it but Jack made you feel better about it
Pulling up to the field Jack turned his head to look at him
“You ready kid” he asked at first Ryder looked unsure it soon changed when he seen his friends get out the car
“Yeah” he smiled they both got out the car Jack met with Ryder’s coach they talked for a bit
“Dad what if I don’t win” he said
“Harlow’s are never quitters don’t doubt yourself you got a whole team behind you helping you through this” Jack said giving his son the motivational speech he needed
“Thanks dad” he said hugging him
“Of course now get out there and make me a proud dad” he said making Ryder laugh
They game started off pretty rough even Jack had some self doubts
“Cmon kid get it together” he said to himself as he watched his kid play the game
Ryder felt himself start to get upset and frustrated because he wasn’t making it in but he remember what his dad told him He took a deep breath and kept trying
If anything Ryder was just like Jack always wanting to win always wanting more when it comes to the things their passionate about
Ryder ran as fast as he could kicking the ball so hard that he felt like his foot would be bruised by the end of it but he didn’t care he wanted to win
He kicked the ball into the net which earned him to win the game
Jack was a screaming mess he was happy jumping around he knew his son could do it
“What did I say??” Jack hugged Ryder tightly he was so happy for his son they got to take a trophy home
“I knew you could do it I never wanna hear you doubt yourself like that ever again you hear me” Jack said
“Yes”Ryder said
When they got home they met with you and the girls you were preparing for dinner
“So how’d it go” you said
“It went great-“ Jack was cut off by Ryder
“I ONE MY FIRST GAME!” He said excitedly
You smiled at how happy your little boy got it reminded you so much of Jack win he plays with soccer with his friends for fun and he comes back to tell you how it goes
“Aww I’m so proud of you bub” you said
You spent the next hour listening to your son ramble on about his game you let him and listened to everything he had to say you knew this was something that he was going to continue to do as he grows up and you had no problems with that.
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