#itzy fanfictions
macaroonff · 6 months
This Autumn, - Shin Ryujin
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Genre: Roommates x lovers, College +Domestic Au, Autumn feels Pairing: Shin Ryujin x fem! Reader ↪Content warnings: Mentions of a dysfunctional families, slight angst, mentions of homophobia, mention of insecurities Word Count: 7k+ words Suggested Songs: We found Love in October- Girl In Red I wanna be your girlfriend- Girl in Red Bubble gum- Clairo Duvet- Bôa October Passed Me By- Girl in Red Girls-Girl in Red Softly- Clairo You know where this playlist is heading- feel free to recommend more ↪not proofread
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Sometimes fall meant that the clarity of summer had ended, and that the dryness wasn't accompanied by sweat, but by the heaviness of hoodies and the bareness of barks. A bore compared to the freedom and excitement that summer offered; a dispirited time when you look back to the last three months. 
Of course autumn wasn't all bad. The colours took on a warmer palette as the trees bore themselves devoid of its warmth: warmth which could be found in campfires and cosy sheets; in people's hugs and weighted blankets; in hot lattes, crunchy leaves and early sunsets.
But when assignments piled up from the start of the season, finding opportunities to revel in such warmth seemed unsuccessful. You hurriedly tried composing yourself from last month's activities: internships, staycations and pool parties, returning from a whirlwind of adrenaline. It was exhausting, and you were burnt out before the semester even started. 
But a student you were; a decent one you tried to be, as you file your assignments, albeit slowly due to sleep deprivation. The first week of autumn went by with professors dumping assignments immediately as you try to ease the pace at which you deal with it. Clearly, autumn had you drained from day one.
Autumn hated you more than you hated it.
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Autumn, two weeks in wasn't too bad. You took time to catch up on deadlines, you made plans with friends, went on walks and you got especially close to your new roommate. Her name was Ryujin, a dark haired divinity with prominent features that meshed gently. Someone who never forgot to get you your daily dose of iced latte and her favourite mocha bread from the café opposite your dorm.
It started when she came back from her evening lectures on a Thursday, holding one mug in her hand, a woolly scarf tucked into her shirt. She came in to see you with hands knitted in your hair, frustrated at the work you had, feet bobbing in concentration. 
A small 'hi' was all that you returned when you noticed her presence.
"Another stressful assignment?," she asks, concerned. Her low timbre is soothing and takes you out of your sums for a brief moment, a sigh escaping your chapped lips.
"It’s calculus." You make eye contact for the first time since she entered, a polite smile greeting her, though the frown almost tilted the other way. 
She waved her hands in a light motion acknowledging your concern, the room key in her palm dangling in it to make a soft clack. 
"Understandable, it's a real headache, especially since you're in Mr Lee’s course. Anything I could help you with?"
"I just need a break," you reply dejectedly, hoping to get away from your monotonous, monstrous tasks. 
"Wanna watch a movie?" she asks, a soft grin hiding on her face. She watches your ears perk up and your eyes shine at the suggestion, to which a chuckle remains stuck in her throat.
"Why don't you choose something and I'll join you after I'm done freshening up." she hands you the remote before walking into her room, grabbing her white towel from the laundry rack.
You sit in silence and wallow in contemplation. Choosing a movie, should be easy. 
Would a sappy rom-com distracting you from your lamentable, gapingly non-existent love life suffice? Or did you need another of those poorly directed and filmed action ones, which would, undoubtedly help you fix your sleep schedule. But then again, would Ryujin watch it? What’s a movie she’d like? Slice of life? Coming of age? Horror?
A change in the lighting of the room, and Ryujin’s tap on your shoulder was what eventually brought you out of your dilemma, and you take your vacant stare off of the blank tv screen towards your roommate instead.
The warm lights had blurred everything in the background in a way that it brought Ryujin’s face into focus, a soft glow emanating from her cheeks. Her hair was wet, the towel lazily wrapped around her supple hair, doing a measly job at keeping it from seeping into her t-shirt. Her oversized black t-shirt had patches of darker spots that clinged to her because of it, making you worried she might catch a cold. You rush to hand her a new towel, one that would actually help. 
“Don’t catch a cold, not the best time of the year to fall sick.” you whisper.
She smiles in appreciation and holds your arm, accepting the fabric for you. "You're cold too y/n. It'd probably be best for us to grab some blankets." 
After ten minutes of rummaging through your creaky cabinets and five minutes of popping corn, you were ready to distance yourself from your headaches, with new-found warmth in your newly washed duvets. 
Snug and pressed against the cushions of the sofa, with your head on her shoulder. Snug as she pats your back until the television's whisper no longer has your attention and you find your heavy eyelids closing on their own. 
Snug as you embrace sleep after months of running away from it.
Snug, however, wasn't what you felt when you woke up in the morning, blankets tangled between your legs, and an annoying ache in your ribs, due to the crushing weight of your favourite cushion. 
Snugness was replaced by the bitterness of another new day, and your long forgotten assignments weighed heavier than they did before. 
All of a sudden last night's peace was something you regretted. And you regret having been swayed by someone you considered an acquaintance.
If Shin Ryujin hadn’t offered, you'd never have taken a break. You'd never have given yourself the opportunity to be wasteful with time. You shouldn't have been tempted by the thought of a moment's freedom. 
Freedom that remained a mirage. A mirage that showed you a time of comfort. Comfort that would last one evening until you'd have to revisit everything you ran away from.
What's the point in having comfort if it's given by someone you interact with for three hours a day? What was the point in comfort if it was momentary?
Shin Ryujin was a roommate you'd have for only two more months until her grandparent's apartment was done with renovations.
Shin Ryujin was temporary.
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Autumn three weeks in, was no different. Except that your backlog had increased, your sleep schedule got worse and all that you cared about was getting over with your to-do lists. How you had energy to do everything one by one remained a mystery, but you soon realised that it wasn’t energy that drove you to finish work, but the fear of running out of it sooner or later. As if it wasn’t already obvious, you were on the brink of burnout.
Not that you hated burnout. For some reason being burnt out meant that you'd be forced to take time out for mental health sooner or later. You would be forced to slow down like you did last week. 
Sitting down and finally looking back, last week felt like a distant memory so far away from your reality. It was a privilege you gave yourself, and it was so worth it, contrary to what you felt immediately. She was right, the movie did help, the movie did get you back into a safe space from your anxiety; and you never cared to thank her for it. 
You’d do it today. Thanking her. You absolutely had to.
You spent the next ninety minutes planning the best way to return the favour. Essentially, you spent the next ninety minutes going back on all the little things Ryujin did for you. Which led to the realisation that her love language was a careful amalgamation of acts of service, quality time and physical touch. 
“Maybe I’ll just bake mocha bread. I couldn’t go wrong with that,” you contemplate. You weren’t the best baker on earth, however you had enough experience to go ahead with it.
All you needed was milk, eggs, flour, yeast, sugar and coffee. Everything you had at home, really not much could go wrong.
Until it did. There was no way the universe would let you have anything good before your semester tests. Of course it had to sabotage you when you tried to do one thing with actual love behind it.
The microwave oven she brought in with her beeped once before a loud pop stopped you in your tracks. It was overheated, and nothing you did brought the irksome device back to life. No matter how many buttons you pushed vigorously, or hit the back of it tiresomely, the empty  black box on the door showed no sign of the tiny numbers signalling time left.
Time left. You look at the Ikea clock hung on the wall. Ten minutes more for the bread to be baked until completion, and thirty minutes until she’d come back and discover this mess and the damage to her microwave.
And boy does she love that microwave.
Shin Ryujin knew something was wrong when she entered later at night, almost too late for you to be up right now, just a little before midnight, the smell of sweet coffee greeting her. She’d gone to visit the apartment her grandparents had bought for her, a half hour from here. She was so caught up in finalising the layout that she forgot to mention that she’d be late home. What’s worse was that she had got caught in heavy traffic, and her phone lost charge in the middle of dialling you. 
And when she got up here, completely spent from the work, it took very little for her to be consumed by frustration. Not particularly because of you. None of it had to do with you. She knew that the tedious microwave was ancient and that her parents only gave it to her to get rid of it. She also knew that she should’ve told you about it sooner, before it actually became a problem. So no, in no way was this your fault. 
She looked at your head buried under your arm on the dining table with a mitten on one hand and a post-it under your elbow. The post-it didn’t say much, just scribbled and crossed out words that all seemed to resemble different “I’m sorrys" and “microwaves". You had multiple other post-its crumpled nearby and she picked all of them up and carefully opened them one by one. Between the creases, one said, “I’m so sorry for the microwave Ryujin, ik you treasure it because your parents lent it to you. I just wanted to thank you for last week and I thought I’d bake your favourite but -” it stopped there at which point you must’ve crumpled it. 
Ryujin let her sight wander across the baking utensils washed and stacked neatly on the drying rack and a box of half baked, burnt dough nearby. She smiles, both grateful and apologetic, an urge to caress your head settling in. She takes a closer look at you, trying to figure how she could deposit you to your bed. 
She slowly lifts your head up, wiping excess dough from near your frowning mouth, and her eyes wander up, to your slightly fluttering eyelids facing the yellow lights. It was then under the warm lights that she noticed semi-dried tears under your lashes. Another surge of guilt ran through her, thinking of how worried you must’ve been. 
In the cold kitchen, she lifts you off the chair as carefully as she can and gently drags you across the living room. It was when she’d propped you against the headboard that you stir awake.
Through half-lidded eyes, you take in whatever you can. Ryujin was holding on to your hand gasping slightly.
“Ryujin?” you whisper.
“Shit I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she looks at you a little surprised.
“I’m so sorry-” you mumble in desperation.
“Shh," she places a palm over your eyes, "don’t worry about it love. Go to bed, we’ll talk in the morning”
You aren’t convinced but you also realise that now isn’t the best time to talk. Ryujin’s eyebags seemed deeper in the warm light and you knew both of you needed a decent rest. It had been a hectic time for the two of you, and all you needed was sleep.
Ryujin still had the benevolence to pull the blanket over you and stroke your hair until you fell asleep.
It was the second time you fell asleep in her arms.
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The following weekend you were on a shopping trip.
At a semi-large Ikea warehouse about forty minutes away from the campus. It was Ryujin's idea to come out here despite you convincing her to find a shop closer, but she insisted.
"Trust me, it'll be fun. We can look at furniture too."
Of course, she needed new furniture. It slowly dawns on you that you have very little time to spend with her in your home. Home.
You don't remember the last time you called your dorm a home. For all that you knew, it was a messy damp space that you couldn't wait to escape from, an absolute nightmare with it's cramped furniture. But it was cosy, something you couldn't deny now.
Maybe because you were with her. All her little habits that grew on you, her impeccable daily routine that had become a source of stability in your life, even her lesser known quirks such as keeping a picture of her two cats at home framed on her desk and kissing the before going to her classes in the morning.
You admired all of it, and it wouldn't have been the same if it were someone else. You never felt like this with your previous room mates. They were just people who lived in their own solitary spaces. But with Ryujin, somehow you were involved in most housework together. You felt involved, and somewhere more loved than in your own home.
Your family wasn't bad, at least on the surface. They never compromised when it came to your education or your standard of living. But somewhere between those lines were impossible expectations they wouldn't hold themselves to either. And you got tired of them easily. They hid toxicity behind "criticism", where criticism only meant negatives beyond your control. Your last year of high school, particularly faced extreme criticism, and you felt your confidence dipping. You managed though. You're not entirely sure how you coped, but with support from school, you managed a scholarship, a meagre one but still enough to get away from your family.
You hadn't seen them in three years.
Ryujin, on the other hand, had a lovely family, and you were, at times jealous of how perfect she seemed; how perfect everything around her seemed.
She seemed to have every aspect of her life in order. Whether it be top of the class majoring in Business, or being captain of the girl's football team, or the fact that she could spare three hours to stay with her paint brushes and that they would come out having the entire beauty of the universe encompassed in them. She could manage being both a homebody, while still being popular in school, she could be assertive when she needed to be without actually disturbing the fragile ego of most in her class.
She surpassed every definition of balance mentioned in the dictionary. She was living it, breathing it. Stability.
You admired her, a lot, but you couldn't stop this ridiculously miniscule base of malevolence in your heart. And every day you were scared it would become worse.
Especially now, when all she wanted was to spend precious time with you, constantly putting effort into your friendship whereas you were held back by bitter thoughts. And you hated yourself for it.
You force back your envy, distracting yourself by browsing through the shelves of cutlery displayed. You notice the absence of Ryujin's presence, and slowly find yourself lost in this maze of a shop. Maybe it was better that she wasn't in this aisle now, or else you wouldn't be able to face her with the guilt of having thought of her so poorly.
You find yourself interested in the array of pretty pink melamine plates stacked in front of you, in the stainless steel spoons with animal handles, and little napkin holders shaped like boats. You pick up different pans, weighing how heavy each is, looking to keep your brain unnecessarily busy. If you spend a second more comparing yourself with Ryujin, you knew you wouldn't be able to think of anything else for the entire day, or week.
You remember what your therapist told you, all the comfort and validation that you needed pouring in through words. You open up your notes, all the affirmations typed out one by one. You repeat them in your mind, with a new goal in sight.
You wouldn't let your insecurity ruin another good relationship. Especially not with Ryujin.
She emerges after some time, holding in her hand, a grey device, and a grin painted on her face. "I think this is the one. It's a cool toaster cum oven sort of thing, and it's cheap," she winks at you.
How was she so decisive? you think again. It had only taken her fifteen minutes. If it were you, you'd have taken forty minutes more.
"I trust your decision," you reply, giving her a soft smile. You notice her eyebrows raise a little. "You sure?," she asks. "You usually don't agree this fast. You have this terrible habit of sitting on decisions for ages." she rambles on.
You take a moment to process this. You knew it was true, and she probably didn't mean malice, but it was not something you'd accept easily.
Ryujin never had to think twice about what she wanted. She knew exactly what she wanted, and she always got it. Whereas every decision you seemed to make bore consequences you didn't want. And often, the times you didn't heavily weight them out was when things backfired. The last time being with the microwave oven.
It was the only way you knew to trust yourself.
So it irks you greatly when Ryujin calls it a "terrible habit". Because for you, it was a habit that gave you security. Certainty wasn't achievable, but you'd try as fucking close as you could get, and Shin Ryujin won't tell you otherwise.
She'd never understand how imperfect you were. She'd never understand the little complexities that hold you back. For the most part, she had life easy. What would she ever understand?
You ignore her comment, instead picking up a ceramic mug from the shelf, thumbing on the floral patterns glazed onto it.
Ryujin barely senses your predicament, instead grabbing onto the mug placed besides the one you hold onto. "These are pretty, it's like a cute matching set. We should get them," she winks.
The rest of the day follows with more furniture in your cart, and mostly unnecessary plushies plaguing your living room. New pillows, potted plants, wardrobe organisers, a work desk and the biggest Djungelskog bear lying near the couch.
It dawns on you the next morning, after waking up to the chaos, that she was shifting out in two weeks.
On the first of October.
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All of a sudden she was busy, very busy, and the two of you barely met, with bigger gaps in your schedule. Part of it was because of Ryujin arranging her main furniture in her new house, and part of it was because you were busy with academics, only that it was voluntary this time. It just so happened that you needed a few more credits to retain your scholarship, the only thing weighing your new found freedom. Along with that, you busied yourself so that you didn't have to face Ryujin later at night.
You were scared. Other than the obvious rent that you'd have to pay by yourself, you also avoided other parts of this change that bothered you. Which was spending time with her. You were scared you'd miss her a bit too much.
Sure, you were friends who were only half an hour away, but now that her colourful room started fading into a bleak white, the emptiness of it reminded you of why you hated autumn. The fall orange left you feeling lonely, and like the very leaves that craved pigmentation, you craved more life. Regardless of the minimal time you spent with her in the evenings, she slowly integrated herself into your life in the smaller ways.
Now they weigh too much in your life for you to be able to cope without it. You ended up distancing yourself from her, in a pathetic attempt to cope with the anticipation of absence. Maybe you just needed more friends, the thought crossing your mind a lot more these days. But you had plenty of them at uni, most of who you loved. But none of them were Ryujin.
None of them cared for you as much as she did. None of them taught you how to care for yourself like she did. None of them held you in their arms throughout the night, until you felt rested and loved. Nobody inspired you as much as Ryujin did.
Maybe Ryujin wasn't just a friend, something you were scared to consider in the past few weeks. It was a feeling completely new. Other than a failed situation-ship in high school, you never considered the possibility of a relationship, much less exploring your sexuality.
It was an intimidating prospect that you hadn't considered. Something that initiated urgency more than curiosity. Unlike the diverse spectrum that your feelings for Shin Ryujin belonged to, your thoughts focused on just one. She was important in more ways than platonic, and the distance that was to be would be extremely difficult to cope with. The distance that you had created seemed silly, but at the same time there was nothing you could think to resolve the conflict. You were going against this wall you'd built for yourself, and the facade of distance only grew day by day. So much so that at one point, Ryujin stopped approaching you first.
In a way, you deserved it. For someone who had been so unreceptive to her life as a coping method, this is the least you deserved for being a little jerk. Why would someone pursue any relationship, even platonic if you'd put yourself back into the mega cage you thought you'd escaped from. Something you'd escaped from only temporarily in her presence. Something you're going back to by the next week when she's gone.
You suffer multiple sleepless nights, the mid terms only a catalyst to your loneliness, when all you remember is Ryujin and her quirks.
You do accept another roommate later on, a mutual contact in your friend group, someone who was introduced to you by Ryujin herself. She'd dropped in a small text at 8 in the morning, on the way to class, you'd assumed. All it did was talk about how a common friend, Yeji needed a room to stay.
You accepted it of course, because you didn't have to foot the entire month's bill but also because you thought having someone else would curb your loneliness. And this loneliness was stupid. Ryujin wasn't the only thing you had in your entire life, and she should've been inconsequential, the same way the daylight hours gradually decreased. But it isn't too hard to notice once the sun's gone down.
The new roommate was like a transition from summer to winter, but unlike Ryujin , who helped ease the transition between the seasons, this one only reminded you that it would be cold. She wasn't a bad roommate, no she was perfect, did the laundry on Wednesdays, did the evening dishes at 6 and gave you lots of personal space. She was nice, but not like Ryujin.
You hated how you compared her to Ryujin, how you compared everything to her. "She isn't your entire world," you remind yourself. "Shin Ryujin was only temporary."
You'd decided that your feelings for her were only a means for you to be validated. That was all you'd craved from her, and that was all she'd given you- validation.
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On October 15th, you feel relieved. Your mid terms were over with and you had a little bit of free time. Were you going to spend it wisely? Of course not.
You were going to sit in bed all day, scrolling through Youtube, a luxury you'd afford yourself rarely in the last month. You went home early, to a somewhat excitable Yeji. Another rare sight.
"What's up?" you ask her, noticing her vibrant demeanour.
"Nothing much, Ryujin's coming over today."
You're surprised to hear this, and a little disappointed that Ryujin never told you herself. Or maybe there was no reason to, it's not like you kept in touch with her.
"That's cool, are you guys ordering something? Or should I make food for you two?" you offer, realising the amount of free time you had.
"We'll just order pizza," she replies. She hesitates for sometime, as if she has something to say. "Y/n?" she calls out slowly.
"Hmm?" "...you're nothing like what Ryujin described you as."
You still in your spot.
"It's just that you're really kind you know. I thought you'd be more distant, and cold."
"Ryujin said that? About me?"
She nods her head.
Is that really how she saw you? Distant and cold? Sure you were closed off towards the end, but is that really who you were to her? After all the good memories? You weren't sure anymore, insecurity creeping inside you.
It hurt. Was it this easy for people to be unforgiving? But then again, you never apologised, so in a weird way what Yeji relayed sounded justified.
You offer her a stiff smile.
"I'll be in my room then, tell me if you need anything."
Dejected, you go back to your blank room, where even the orange of autumn feels comforting, something you hated previously. You stay inside the entire evening, occasional sounds of muffled laughter behind your walls being all that you focus on for the duration. Every time you heard her laugh loudly from behind the door, you wondered if she ever laughed like that in front of you. Did you ever make her feel happy? The same way she did to you?
You want to go out and say hi, but after what Yeji said, you stop yourself. She must hate you now, there was no other way.
It isn't later at night, after you're sure the laughter was no more, and only when the silence of the room becomes comforting, you step out to see a dim blue light in the darkness of the living room, Yeji working on the dining table. "Y/n, didn't come out to say hi to Ryujin?" she asks, with pity that sounds forced.
"Yeah, no I was just napping," you lie, "did anything fun happen?"
"Mhm, we were discussing Ryujin's blind date tomorrow with a senior from the engineering department. Apparently, he's handsome," she shrugs her shoulder.
"Ryujin likes boys?" you ask without realising.
"Hmm, I'm not sure actually."
A small part of you feels dejected as you get a glass of water, all while contemplating if you should have reached out.
"You like her don't you?" Yeji whispers, looking up from her laptop.
It's the second time you still in your spot. Yeji had brought up something you never thought was prominent.
"Your lights were on, I could tell from your slightly ajar door. You weren't sleeping were you?" she gives you a knowing smile.
"I'm not judging you- it's just that it's obvious that you miss her. It may or not may be romantic- but you do miss her don't you?". You don't know how to reply to her. You barely knew Yeji, but somehow she very accurately read your emotions.
As if she knows what you're thinking, she continues.
"You know, every time that I've tried bringing up Ryujin, you've always changed the conversation, instead isolating yourself in your room."
Looking back, it made sense. You didn't want to think about her anymore. Your meeting with Ryujin's was temporary and never mattered. It was almost crazy how dependent you were on her within just a few months.
" I realised that I don't know much about Ryujin, nor does she about me. Sure I know she loves mocha bread, she loves her big Ikea Djungelskog soft toy, that she's watched the perks of being a wallflower more times than she can count; but I don't think I could be truly vulnerable with her. I'm scared to be vulnerable with her."
Yeji sighs, almost disappointed. She went back to working, despite her twitching lips, like she had more to say.
That night, you reflect for longer. Why was it that you felt scared to lean on Ryujin? Technically you told her about troubles with academics, problems with some of your classmates- that is considered being vulnerable right? Then what was it that you wanted her to know, but you never wanted to admit? Was it your insecurities? Was it the thought she'd never understand it?
It was like your mind had accepted that you and Ryujin had come from two different worlds, and if you invited her into yours, she would run away, like your family. Despite you coming to terms with it, the distance with your family was a wound still fresh. And nothing would change, until you could put it behind you.
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25th October, Yeji handed you an invite to one of her friend's Halloween parties.
After your confession, she'd been a little nicer; she was more active in initiating conversations, and you realised she was more extroverted than your first impression. Eventually, you did watch the Maze Runner with her again, and you appreciated how she gushed about Dylan O'Brien throughout it, dispelling any awkward moments.
"I designed this invitation by the way, cool isn't it?", she asks about the party invitation in your hand. It had black bat details engraved in a glossy reflective paper. "Please come, we've had a difficult week, one party won't hurt will it?" she states, the question more rhetorical.
You agree quietly, excitement bubbling in you.
Until it did hurt, a week later.
Barely five minutes after you enter the loud, congested apartment, with strangers in costumes, you felt a part of your heart drop. There was a tight feeling in your chest, something you were sure wasn't because of the new corset you wore. Because you felt comfortable seconds before you saw Ryujin with her hands wrapped around this guys neck, kissing him on the couch as if he were her entire life. At first, you weren't even sure it was her- her hair was shorter, dyed a platinum blonde. She wore a leather jacket and a white skater dress, dressed so differently than what you were used to seeing her in.
You weren't able to comprehend how good she looked in his arms, with all her attention focused on him, smiling. The same smile that you'd missed for a month. When she does look away from the vampire- you assumed was her boyfriend, her eyes scan the crowd and she almost looks bewildered. You were stood so motionless near the entrance from where you could see them, that even the crowd that pushed past you couldn't bring you to move. It was suffocating, and unconsciously you head for the exit, looking to get away.
But fate wouldn't be so kind would it? The universe wouldn't just let you be would it? "Are you leaving already y/n?" Yeji screams from across the room, which you were sure was audible to everyone. She finds her way to you, a smile on her face. "You just came in, why are you leaving? Cool outfit by the way."
"Thanks," you offer her a stiff smile, eyes going back to Ryujin, who because of Yeji, had finally found you.
Yeji, who just noticed the tension, holds your hand and pulls you towards Ryujin.
"Atleast say hi, y/n, it won't hurt."
Yeji's assurance of "it won't hurt" was what brought you here, it was indeed what hurt you. Her saying this now wasn't helping, and you scoff. It was almost like Yeji knew this was going to happen. It was like she knew how much it hurt you, and may even enjoy it.
"Why did you invite me Yeji? You knew about this didn't you? It hurts, I..I shouldn't have come." you spit out, trembling.
"Y/n, there's something you need to know."
"What? that she has a boyfriend?" you spat, annoyed by her deception.
Yeji sighs, holding onto your shoulders, somewhat urgent.
"No, it's something only Ryujin can tell you. Please, just talk to her. This once."
At this point, you couldn't trust anyone, neither Yeji, Ryujin, nor yourself. It was like you were at different crossroads- to run away, or to confront her again. She hadn't even done anything wrong, all she did was kiss a guy. She didn't owe you anything.
You choose to run away, until you notice Ryujin approaching you with her boyfriend. It's like she withheld any decision you make, with her forcing you into a circumstance you would not choose for yourself.
"Y/n?" she asks softly. Her otherwise comforting voice now made you uncomfortable, almost bringing you to tears by how much you missed it.
"It's been so long," she holds your hand gently.
Her hands felt colder than before, and before you could say anything, the tall, matching vampire spoke up.
"Hi y/n, I'm Jason, her boyfriend. I've heard a lot about you." he looks friendly, and he doesn't seem to hold any malice. But you still hated this guy.
"You have?" you ask saltily. "...good things I hope." you couldn't help but say drily, hands fiddling with the witch hat you'd worn.
"A moment please love," Ryujin signs to her boyfriend, who goes towards the bar with Yeji.
Ryujin takes your hand and drags you towards what you assume to be the bedroom, away from the crowd.
You enter the bedroom with her, with your head ringing because of the way she called him love. You remember how she'd called you love the day you'd tried baking, the day you'd fallen asleep in her arms. You thought the word "love" meant nothing, that it was an endearing term with no implications. But if that was the case- why did she address him as love?
Jealousy eventually overrode the confusion, and the hurt that stained you previously had multiplied. You couldn't feel more stressed, it was so much more than any calculus assignment you'd ever come across.
"Are you crying?" she eventually speaks, eyes concerned. You didn't even realise the visible tears falling down your cheek slowly, your mascara ruined in the reflection of the mirror behind her.
"What do you wanna talk about Ryujin?" you huff. "Y/n, do you need time to calm down? I don't think you're in the mood to talk."
"I'm fine. Just get to the point please." you say, barely concentrating on what was going on. She comes in to hug you, but you step back.
She looks upset by this, seemingly as confused as you. "I...I thought we were friends y/n," she whispers in the same tone she'd always used to comfort you. "We weren't this far apart were we? Why do you hate me?" she raises her voice in desperation.
This was an accusation you could not believe she had made, hate was too strong for what you felt for her.
"I don't hate you Ryujin." you speak, resigned. "Then why do you look so upset, why can't you even say hi?" she emphasises, her voice breaking in between.
"Because it hurts... I can't"
You fall against the bed post. Eyes finding the bear plushie you bought her. You slowly realise that this is her bedroom, and that you were in her new house- the apartment you'd never come to before. You were barely able to process all of this when she speaks up again.
"You can't what y/n? You can't accept the fact that you like me?" You look back at her, eyes widened, as though whatever little sanity you had remaining was destroyed like the branches of an autumn tree- fallen, and weak. It was almost humiliating.
"I don't like you Ryujin," you hide behind your words like a coward. "Don't lie to yourself y/n, is it that difficult to accept that you like me?"
You don't know where this was coming from. If she knew you liked her, couldn't she just let you down gently?
"What does it matter? You have a boyfriend. Even if I did like you; no even if I loved you, nothing would change." you say dejectedly. It must have been true, because there was silence that persisted for longer than you wished it would be.
"What if it did change? What if I said I liked you too? Would you believe me?" she asks quietly, reverting back to her calm persona as she takes a big breath. You scoff, noticing how different she had become in a month. The audacity she had to ask you if you believed her, right after making out with her boyfriend in front of everyone in the room disgusted you, something you don't think you'd ever be able to comprehend.
"Why would I believe you? I saw your boyfriend. Besides, if you did like me, you'd be honest with me. I think that's the least I'd expect from you, so don't play with my feelings; because unlike yours, I can say with conviction that mine are real."
You see her expression change, her eyes becoming teary.
She sits beside you, against the wooden footboard. "I can't be honest, because I'm scared. There's so many people watching me- so many people who my family knows. I barely had, or still have any privacy in my life. Do you know why my grandparents left me this apartment? Because they don't trust me." she pauses for a minute. Taking another deep breath, eyes now fixed on to the floor.
You don't know where she's going with this, but don't say anything because this may be the last time you'd get any closure.
"There was a girl I really liked in high school, but we could never be together, because my family refused to let me meet her. They pretend to be liberal in their thoughts- but they're as homophobic as they get. There's no way they'd understand. The only time I felt safe was in our dorm, because there was no one who would snitch on me, nobody who cared. It was utopia- where you were my solace, and I just basked in the temporary peace.
But when my grandparents asked about you, they'd worry I'd gotten too close to you, refusing to believe you could be just a friend. Two months after I shifted in to our dorm, they made preparations to isolate me in this house of theirs."
She couldn't continue, as tears you'd never seen from her before, collected as a tiny stream between the cracks of the tiles on the cold floor. You understood what she meant. In an evening's moment, you realised that she wasn't this perfect being that she always projected. Yes, she was amazing, but she had her own challenges, something you thought she'd never had. Unlike the two different worlds you thought you were in, your access into her world made you realise you were more similar than you could've imagine. All of a sudden you hated your past self for being so mean to her, for harbouring insecurities that in hindsight were not worth the pain.
"Jason, is my neighbourhood friend, and he's the one of the few people I can trust. He's pretending to be my boyfriend, so that if my family ever found out, they wouldn't doubt me." she explains, trying to resolve your distrust.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper, leaning your head against her shoulder, gently holding onto her hand."
The two of you sit their in silence, reflective, though relieved.
She gently kisses your forehead, arms wrapping around your waist.
"I missed you y/n. So much. But I'm also scared to go back to you, to our place. I don't know what we're going to do. I'm sorry too, for the situation I put you in. For the situation I've put both of us in."
You rub her arms gently,
"It's ok, we'll figure it out slowly. I'm sorry too . You were always there for me- and I, like the coward I am was scared of being attached to you, your generous love . I was also so insecure of how perfect you were- but now it's all so inconsequential."
To this Ryujin laughs, and she wipes her tears. "It's funny how both of our insecurities hurt us in the end. I promise, I wont' let it affect us in the future. I won't ever hurt you again y/n. I love you, so much."
"I love you too Ryujin."
You know that it's going to be a long road ahead of the two of you, but you'll be alright. You comb through her hair, leaning in to meet her lips. Her quivering lips are not soft as you expected, but slightly chapped, brushing against yours. She drags a cold finger down your spine, causing you to lose your breath. Her pulling you closer, slipping behind your corset, unzipping it. Your hands are tangled in her short locks, and you pull away in between to breathe.
With the kiss, and this new path, the autumn you hated so had come to an end. Autumn had become easier to think about, among the loneliness of the dry leaves and the warmth devoid in the air, you'd treasure the warmth that she provided. Shin Ryujin, unlike autumn wasn't temporary. Autumn will come and go, but Shin Ryujin would always stay, and you'd treasure her in every season. In the end, autumn didn't hate you as much you did, because despite everything, autumn gifted you Shin Ryujin.
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Am I actually posting an autumn fic when its almost summer? Yes, yes I am. This is long overdue and idk why it took me this long to finish it ahhhh.
I appreciate any feedback, feel free to interact with this post!
Thanks for reading <3
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sinswithpleasure · 11 months
Bucket List Interlude — Five.Six [Queen & Princess]
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Proud to release my second (technically first, but our actual second released first) collab with @co-reborn set in the Bucket List universe.
Enjoy this (mostly unedited) little gift before NNN.
[Im Squirtle has sent a message:]
Oi, Pervert.
Let's try something new later on.
I know you’ll like it too
Head to the audi after your class ends
Come over quick :)
You keep your books in the locker once you’re done for the day. With these types of Nayeon texts, you know you're definitely not studying for the next few hours. 
You shuffle past the crowd of students heading to their next class as you make your way to the auditorium. There shouldn’t be anyone using it at this hour, so why would she ask you…?
With the door to the auditorium right in front of you, you reach for the handle. The door swings open smoothly, and as expected, it is empty, lights off. You step in and place your bag onto one of the chairs, before grabbing your phone from your pocket. 
[To: Im Squirtle]
I'm here, where ar |
In the middle of typing your message, the lights switch on. First, the room is dimly lit, but it begins to brighten slowly. You look around, and that's when you spot Nayeon at the bottom, on the stage. You scan her outfit—open blouse paired with a bright pink crop top, hearts and lines and other designs printed on the cloth,  coupled with jeans, deliberately left open and rolled around her waist. Cute pigtails, by far your favourite style on her, steel rimmed glasses perched atop her nose, and a loose tie hanging around her neck.
She looks like a star. Maybe in another world…
"Yah, Pervert!" Nayeon waves enthusiastically, the brightest grin across her ethereal features. Even at the bottom of the auditorium, you're blown away by her beauty. Not that it's a surprise any more, but her beauty is definitely one of a kind. 
"Say hi to our junior!"
Behind her, another girl steps out. You wonder how you haven't noticed her hiding behind Nayeon.
"Eh, Shin Yuna?"
Shin Yuna—the next Queen of Seoul U, currently nicknamed "Princess". You've seen her around a lot—it's quite hard not to notice the other beauty of Seoul U. Nayeon is easily #1, but Yuna's a damned close second, and she'll ascend the ranking once Nayeon graduates, you're sure of it. 
"Hi, Oppa."
"Come down! Come say hi!"
You oblige, and take quick steps down. At the bottom, you awkwardly nod towards the younger girl, causing Nayeon to giggle. She steps closer to her "successor" and lightly grabs her shoulders. 
Peeking from the side, she asks, “What do you think of her?”
You gulp. You can’t deny Yuna’s beauty. “Yeah… she’s pretty.”
Nayeon then steps behind Yuna before running her hands over her chest. The younger girl visibly tenses up, even more so when Nayeon begins to pop open the buttons on her blouse. 
“I, for one, think she’s beautiful.” 
The white top is pulled open, Yuna's bare breasts now exposed for your viewing pleasure. Nayeon lightly kneads the soft flesh of Yuna’s breasts, eliciting light gasps from her. Her hands continue to move down Yuna’s body down to her hips, halting at her tight abs to run circles atop the defined muscles. 
"She's got such a perfect body, doesn't she?"
Nayeon gives Yuna a soft kiss on the cheek, before she licks a long stripe from the younger's shoulder up to her left ear. Reaching her skirt, Nayeon undoes the clasp and zipper at the back, a small push all it needs for the cloth to fall down her long legs, leaving the girl in white panties. You stare at the big damp spot right at the crotch of her underwear, and you gulp as your cock twitches beneath your pants.
"Go on, tell Oppa what we're doing today."
Nayeon's hands roam Yuna's body again. Her fingers ghost over the younger's smooth milky skin again, paying special attention to her nipples. 
"Come on, Yuna-ya~"
Nayeon's fingers softly knead the soft flesh of Yuna's nubile body, her fingers expertly drawing the primal lust out of Yuna. You can't help but watch as Nayeon literally plays with the new toy in her hands, Yuna having all but submitted willingly to her senior. 
Yuna's call dripped pure sex. You couldn't help the rush of primal lust at her moan, and as Nayeon slides her fingers underneath the waistband of Yuna's panties, you wish you were the one in Nayeon's place instead.
"Mmh, Daddy, she's so wet, oh my God."
Yuna's loud moan paired with the buck of her hips is all you need to know that Nayeon has penetrated her with her long fingers.
"Yuna-ya, go on, tell Oppa what you're here for."
"Oppa… mmgh—I…"
"I…?" Nayeon prompts.
"I'm—ohGod—I'm here to, fuck, I'm here to…"
Yuna shudders, her words temporarily halted by the waves of pleasure that wrecks her body with Nayeon's fingers deep in her. 
"Oppa, I'm here to have sex, Oppa, I'm here to have sex with you and Nayeon-unnie, please… please take care of me, please…"
"That's right Daddy, Yuna's here to join us today."
Nayeon withdraws her fingers from Yuna, who moans at the loss of contact. Her fingers are drenched—not one inch of her middle and ring fingers, as well as the surrounding skin, is dry. Strands of slick cling to Nayeon's skin as she plays around with it, and she giggles. 
"Ehe, Yuna-ya, you're so wet…"
She holds her fingers in front of the younger bunny's lips. Yuna takes it in without any hesitation, tasting her own pussy off her unnie's fingers.
"Good girl." Nayeon strokes the younger girl's hair. She melts under her unnie's touch and praise, and the smile across her face widens when Nayeon kisses her cheek.
"Sit back and relax Daddy, I'm going to show you how our good girl cums under my touch."
Nayeon smirks at you when you curse under your breath. You're so fucking hard—a tent has formed under the zipper of your jeans, and you've had to undo your pants so you could be more comfortable. Yuna's eyes are locked on to your bulge, and she stares with dripping lust.
"Daddy, Yuna wants to see that cock. Show her what you'll be fucking her with?"
Phrased like that, there's no way you'd say no. You undo the button and zipper, then reach beneath the waistband of your briefs to fish out your hard shaft, exposing yourself to the younger bunny. Yuna's gasp is all it takes to stoke your ego—you look up to see Yuna's eyes fixated on your hard cock, but what seals the ego boost is Nayeon's hand back to rubbing Yuna's clit, and you watch in slow-motion as Yuna's pussy drips, wetting the floor with her lust. 
"Isn't it big, Yuna? That's the cock that fucks my pussy. Daddy always fills me up so well…"
Yuna chokes back a moan as Nayeon penetrates her again. This time, her knees buckle when Nayeon's skilled fingers glide between her drenched walls, and you watch as Nayeon curls her fingers within Yuna as she thrusts in and out of the younger girl's pussy. 
"Doesn't it feel good, Yuna? You're doing so well for me, so well for us. Look at your Oppa, look at how hard he's jerking his cock for you."
You're unable to resist the urge—the sight of Nayeon masturbating Yuna might be one of the hottest sights of your entire sex life so far in college. Yuna can't tear her eyes off your cock, and similarly, you can't tear your eyes off Nayeon's fingers plunging deeply into Yuna's cunt as well, her other hand firmly kneading the younger girl's right breast, fingers tweaking her nipple. The wet sounds of Nayeon fingerfucking Yuna echoes around the empty auditorium, and so do her moans. Yuna's lustful, sultry moans go straight down to your cock, and you take a bit of time to spread the beads of precum at your tip all over your cock.
"Oh, Yuna-ya, come on, moan louder. Let Oppa hear how much you want him.”
Yuna moans softly, her words muffled. Nayeon tuts disapprovingly.
“No, no, louder. Oppa wants to hear you. Let everyone hear you.”
"—ppa, Oppa, Oppa, Oppa~!"
Yuna’s broken moans go straight to your cock, and you have to pinch the head to resist the urge to cum. Her high-pitched whines for you have you nearly blowing your load, and you’re not about to cum before she does—you want to watch her come undone right in front of your very eyes. The wet sounds of Nayeon’s fingers thrusting deep into Yuna’s cunt get louder, and stray droplets of Yuna’s slick fly off Nayeon’s knuckles. The younger girl in question is breathless, her eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure wracks her body. Nayeon’s hot breath brushes against her ear, whispering pure filth to push her closer and closer.
“That’s right, you’re doing so well Yuna, Oppa’s so happy watching you. Look, look at how hard he’s jerking, look at how hard and wet his cock is…”
“Imagine how good you’d feel with Oppa’s cock fucking this tight cunt of yours.”
“Yes, yes, YES!”
“Mm, go on, think about how big the stretch is, think about how good it’d feel when he empties his balls deep in your cunt.”
“Oh my God, Unnie, Nayeon-unnie, I’m—I’m gonna cum, I’m—!”
Everything seems to move in slow motion—Yuna’s loud cry of pleasure, her back arching, her body shuddering, her knees buckling. You gasp as a huge gush of squirt splashes all over the stage, and your eyes widen in shock as Yuna's gushes keeps on going. She doesn't orgasm in bursts like Nayeon does—with every buck of her hips, the stream only seems to get stronger as she cums in one continuous gush. Yuna thoroughly showers the stage with her cum, almost as if she is urinating. It overflows down over the fake plant boxes below, and that's when the stream tapers off, and Yuna collapses backwards against her Nayeon-unnie, sweaty, exhausted, but blissed out.
"You came so much, baby… such a good girl~."
Nayeon raises her fingers to her eyes, and she admires the glossy sheen of Yuna's slick and squirt covering her fingers and her palm. Her eyes glint in satisfaction, and she licks the stray droplets of cum that run down her arm, all while she stares deep into your eyes. Her next action is to wave her fingers in front of Yuna's lips. 
"Have a taste, baby."
Yuna obliges, her lips wrapping around Nayeon's digits. 
"Good girl."
The praise draws something out of Yuna, something more submissive, more eager. You watch as her eyes soften, and she becomes more pliant, more obedient. She sucks on her Nayeon-unnie's fingers, her hand holding her unnie's at the wrist to steady it as she licks it clean of her cum, all while Nayeon praises her with every swipe of her tongue. Yuna seems to beam under the praise, and you watch breathlessly as you take note of this new information. 
"Did I do good, Nayeon-unnie?"
"I think you did a very good job, baby. How about you, Oppa?"
You rise to your feet and smirk. 
"I think you've been a very good girl, Yuna."
The younger girl beams tiredly, the blush evident across her face. She squeezes her legs together unknowingly, a fact that doesn't escape Nayeon's and your notice. 
"Do you want a break, baby?"
"Yes, please, unnie."
“Take your break, Yuna. Sit right here so you can get a good view of how Daddy fucks me.”
Your cock is desperately aching for action at this point, and you hastily respond to Nayeon’s words. You take off your pants before hopping onto stage and moving towards her. She kisses you harshly and pulls you closer into her. Both your hands work instinctively on undressing each other. You push the blouse off her shoulders while she works on the button on her jeans. You break the kiss momentarily to remove your shirt and her crop top, before immediately diving back into her mouth. You feel up each other’s body, your hands choosing to fondle her tits while she focuses on your abs. Heat builds up between both of you, and the kiss intensifies until she cannot take it anymore. 
When Nayeon pulls away from you, you begin to plant a trail of kisses down her neck, shoulders and chest until you reach her waist. With the button undone already, you simply pull it down her legs. Nayeon is just left standing on stage in her ruined panties. A touch on her inner thighs is enough to make her shiver. You then pull down her panties and expose her dripping pussy for you and Yuna to see. The confident Nayeon from moments ago fades away, replaced by a quivering mess in need of you. You move behind her and push her closer towards the younger girl, fingers rubbing across her nether lips a few times before they dive into her pussy. She leans on your chest as her legs lose their strength. Her walls tighten around you and you feel more of her juices staining your fingers. You withdraw your fingers and hold them in front of Nayeon, and she licks it up without hesitation. Yuna looks in awe as the Nayeon she’s familiar with is stripped away, replaced with a Nayeon utterly overwhelmed with lust. 
When she’s done cleaning your fingers, she looks over her shoulder to face you, whispering, “Fuck me hard, Daddy. Let’s give our good girl a show.”
You oblige, hurriedly bringing your shaft by her entrance. Slick immediately stains your tip as you make first contact with her pussy, and Nayeon’s body reacts to you immediately. She sinks herself backwards on your shaft and takes in the first few inches of your cock. With her snug flesh already clenching around you, you can’t help but to thrust your hips to insert the rest of your length into her.
The instant you’re hilt deep, three moans ring across the auditorium—yours, Nayeon’s and Yuna’s. Having watched the two girls indulge in sin earlier, it’s about time for you to have your own fun. Familiar with Nayeon’s body, you begin to pound and use her without hesitance. She’s quickly reduced to a mumbling and cursing mess, unable to form coherent words other than “Fuck!” and “Daddy!”. 
You briefly look over Nayeon’s shoulder to see the younger girl’s reaction. Yuna’s eyes quiver, yet they remain laser-focused on your cock and Nayeon’s pussy. She’s biting down on her finger, saliva beginning to pool and seep out the corner of her mouth. Her other hand gently works between her legs, seeking out the pleasure she was bestowed by her unnie earlier. 
You’re glad she’s enjoying the show, but what about the main actress?
Leaning over to her shoulder, you sigh, “You naughty slut. You want to be watched getting fucked so bad that you brought someone, mm?"
“Yes, Daddy, yes, I did—mmgh!”
Nayeon's admission amidst loud moans of pleasure has you fucking her harder.
"Fuck, yes, fuck, Daddy, you—hngh~!—feel so good inside me!"
While Nayeon takes your cock, you're more than aware of the younger girl paying her full attention to the erotic scene in front of her. An idea pops into your head, and you pause for a split second, to Nayeon’s disappointment, and wrap a hand underneath her thighs. Lifting it up, you give Yuna a clearer view of your cock spearing Nayeon’s pussy. 
“Unnie, y-you’re so wet.” Yuna's voice is raspy with lust, and you field a glance at the Princess. She has her bottom lip between her teeth, a hand dangerously close to the dripping slit between her legs. You know it's only a matter of time before she breaks.
“Your cute little protege has her eyes glued on you, on your body, on your perfect pussy taking my cock. You like that, hmm?”
A deep moan is all that comes out of her mouth. She’s incapable of thinking, unable to process your words, fully concentrated on you and your cock and how good you’re making her feel. The thought of being watched whilst getting fucked hard all the times you teasingly whispered the possibilities of someone stumbling upon the dirty side of her have always been a turn on. Now, she has made her fantasy become reality—her featured guest sits by the side, having had her own fun, Yuna watches her, stares at her getting pounded hard, and Nayeon gets off from it, more than ever. 
However, Nayeon isn’t the only one enjoying this precarious situation. You’re sure many would kill to be in your position—not only are you a part of Nayeon's closest circle, you're regularly fucking her as and when she wants it. You're even more aware of this now—Nayeon has introduced Yuna to the mix for today, and with her widely reputed to be Nayeon's "successor, she's not unpopular herself. Yet, here you are, with both of them naked, fucking one of them while the other watches. You love it when Nayeon is reduced into this crumbling mess, far from her prim and proper self. This side of her is yours to admire and enjoy, and enjoy it you definitely will. 
You have the perfect view—Nayeon’s body rocks back and forth as you relentlessly pound her, cheeks flushed while she drowns in ecstasy, and from the corner of your eyes, you catch Yuna with her legs spread wide open, fingers driving in and out of herself. You’re immensely turned on, your balls aching and about to explode at any moment, but not yet, your job’s still not done. 
Yuna has her eyes glued to your bodies the whole time, mouth gaped open in awe at how rough you’re being with Nayeon and how well she’s taking it. Heart beating in anticipation, she can’t help but to wonder how good it will be when it’s her turn to be fucked like that. Nayeon did promise her it’ll be mind blowing and she’s now getting a live preview. She subconsciously starts to thumb her clit as well for more pleasure, her gasps growing in volume. “Fuck unnie…”
You lean over and whisper into Nayeon’s ear. “Open your eyes, baby girl. Look at your precious junior.” She barely registers your words and struggles to do so with the immense rush of pleasure in her head. Through half lidded eyes, she sees what you see—Shin Yuna deeply engrossed in the show you’re putting out, her face red, fingers and thighs thoroughly stained with her slick. 
“Look at her. She’s so wet and it’s all thanks to you.”
“Yes, you. Such a pretty slut taking cock so nicely. Maybe you should have invited more people to join. Maybe you should've called the entire school to gather here to watch you take this fucking cock like the slut you are.”
The thought of the auditorium filled to the brim with the school population, thousands of eyes watching her true self has Nayeon moaning louder. Maybe that’s what she wants all along. Such wild thoughts continue to fill her head, more ideas of how to push her fantasy further. 
“Cum for me, Nayeon-ah. Let Yuna see how beautiful you can be when you cum.”
Nayeon doesn't last longer than your sentence. With a scream, her legs buckle under the pressure and you hold her up by her hips as you keep thrusting into her orgasming pussy. Bursts of squirt shoot out and make a mess of your bodies and the stage. You persist with your fucking and maintain your thrusts into the tight, sensitive pussy, eliciting moan after moan from Nayeon. The auditorium echoes with her cries—any passerby could easily hear them, check it out and catch the three of you in this illicit act, but that’s the least of your concerns at the moment.
A few more pumps into Nayeon later, you tumble out of control and your orgasm hits you. You cum inside her, mindlessly thrusting and burying your load deeper into her pussy until you’re properly drained. Shot after shot of thick cum fills Nayeon's tight pussy, and you pull her close and tight, softly cursing at the pleasure you enjoy right into her ear.
When everything subsides, you hear Nayeon's soft "Thank you, Daddy", and you give her a soft peck on the cheek before pulling out of her. Thick white drops of semen drip out of Nayeon's pussy onto the floor, and Yuna gasps at the sight. Both of you turn to look at the younger girl, and you're both so turned on at the sight that greets your eyes: the Princess of Seoul U is a mess. Yuna is pent-up—she clearly hadn't orgasmed, probably saving herself for the inevitable fucking she knew she'd get. Her eyes burn with lust, chest heaving with every deep breath she takes, nipples taut with arousal. The blush on her face hasn't left, and a puddle of her juices pools between her legs. When she pulls out her fingers from within her, slick drips from her digits onto the stage. 
"Oppa, Unnie… that was so hot…"
Both you and Nayeon admire the sight in front of you for a second more. You're still fully hard, already wanting to fuck Yuna for the first time. However, Nayeon has different plans. 
"Come here, Yuna-ya~"
The younger girl almost lunges for her senior, the desperate look in her eyes akin to that of a feral puppy compared to the bunny she commonly is likened to. She crashes her lips against her senior's, and you swear your cock gets harder watching both women make out with each other. Yuna can't resist kneading Nayeon's breasts, and Nayeon has a palmful of Yuna's plump ass, her fingers kneading the soft flesh. The lustful moans from both girls echo around the empty auditorium, and you can't help but stroke your slick cock in anticipation of what happens next. 
"Mm, Yuna, baby, you kiss so well."
The younger girl only blushes at the praise. She looks down at Nayeon's body shyly, a bright smile across her features.
"I have a little something for you to taste, baby girl~." Nayeon runs two fingers over her pussy, her voice shaking as the pleasure of her own touch creeps into her system. When she retrieves her digits, they're coated in a thick sheen of your semen, and with a push of Yuna's shoulders, the younger girl kneels almost immediately. She looks up, eyes wide in desire, lust, anticipation, and Nayeon gently lowers her cum-soaked fingers to Yuna's mouth. The younger bunny immediately takes them into her mouth, her tongue thoroughly cleaning her unnie's fingers of the mixture of her juices and yours. When the taste hits her, you watch as her eyes roll back and she moans, almost as if your cum was a delicacy. 
"If you want more of Oppa's cum, baby, come eat it out of unnie's pussy."
You're more than happy to put aside your desire to fuck Yuna—the sight of her eating your cum out of Nayeon's cunt is a worthy substitute. The blonde girl looks up at her unnie as her lips get closer and closer to Nayeon's cunt, and Nayeon smiles down at her junior, stroking her hair ever so gently. When Yuna's tongue first touches Nayeon's pussy, the older girl lets out a sultry moan, her hands gripping Yuna's head and pushing her crotch against the younger girl's face. The younger bunny sticks her tongue out and begins to lick along her unnie's slit, and she herself moans when your excess cum drips all over her tongue. It is at that moment where she wraps her lips around her unnie's pussy, and Nayeon throws her head back, enjoying the pleasure of her junior eating her out. Yuna fervently eats your cum out of Nayeon's cunt—when she pulls herself back to catch her breath, your semen and Nayeon's juices stain her lips and chin. 
"Oppa's cum tastes so nice, unnie." Yuna's tongue glides across her lips to collect the mixed fluids across her face, and you bite your bottom lip when she gives you a lustful stare, her eyes lingering especially on your hard cock. She even leans over to lick the precum off your tip, and you curse when she gives you a few strokes along the length with every swipe of her tongue.
"It does, doesn't it?" Nayeon strokes her junior's head, and when Yuna looks up at the both of you again, Nayeon gives her next instructions. "You'll get to taste it again later, baby. Oppa's been waiting so long for that pussy, your tight virgin pussy, and I don't think you should make him wait much longer~."
When Yuna rises from the floor, her eyes meet yours in a blazing gaze of lust. She bites down on her lip, her eyes travelling to your hard, twitching cock and back up, the desperation behind her eyes only further adding to your desire for her. You watch in burning anticipation as the lithe girl in front of you turns around. Your eyes follow her hourglass figure, from the soft curves of her neck to the sharp juts of her shoulders, down her thin waist. You drool at the sight of her hips swaying as she takes steps towards the podium, at the sight of her long legs, and best of all, at her supple ass as she bends over when she reaches her destination. Your eyes immediately lock onto her pussy, drenched and dripping, her thighs glistening with arousal, the floor beneath her wet as well. The killing blow Yuna delivers is through her next few actions—she turns back to you, her puppy eyes pleading with you to finally fuck her, and she spreads her pussy open with her right middle and ring fingers. Fresh slick drips and runs down her skin, along her hand. 
"Oppa, I'm ready for my fucking."
Yuna doesn't expect how quick you can be.
In two steps, you cover the distance between you and her. You grab your cock and aim it right for Yuna's spread hole, and the younger girl squeals in surprise when your pussy breaches the opening of her cunt. Before she can even speak, your hands grip her hips tight, and you send one hard thrust right into her cunt as you pull her right onto your cock, your pelvis slapping right against her ass. 
Yuna cries out when your thick cock stretches her virgin pussy out with your one stroke. You waste no moment—you're already pulling out until your tip is left in her before thrusting back in. As you begin to fuck the younger girl, you forcefully grab her by her face to watch her reaction, and you begin to pound her harder when you see her eyes roll back in pleasure, unintelligible moans echoing around the auditorium with each stroke. 
Yuna's pussy is tight, so damn tight, tighter than Nayeon's. Her walls quiver around your cock, the first she's ever taken, and they squeeze you so perfectly you swear you're in heaven. A rush of slick runs along your cock—did she just have a mini-orgasm or something, you wonder—and her body shakes as she attempts to take deep breaths. You knock the air out of her with every thrust you send into her, each stroke ending with you hilted deep in her, just like how you'd fucked Nayeon earlier. Yuna takes it all—she wants it, needs it just as much as you do.
"Oppa, Oppa, Oppa!!!!" Yuna can't stop repeating the word like a mantra—she can't seem to remember anything else. 
Next to both you and Yuna, Nayeon has her fingers in her pussy again, fucking herself at the sight of you railing Yuna. Your semen drips from her fingers as she plunges then into her cunt over and over, her free hand kneading her own breasts for pleasure. She moans just as unrestrainedly as Yuna does, and Nayeon swears you almost seem to rail Yuna harder knowing she's watching. As your cock appears and disappears into Yuna's tight body, Nayeon fixes her eyes on how Yuna looks—like a proper slut. Her junior's eyes are rolled back, jaw slack, tongue sticking out of her mouth. The ahegao fixed upon Yuna's face draws Nayeon towards her, and the older girl steps up to pull her close. You shift Yuna back to create space for Nayeon, and you watch as the older girl pulls Yuna into a torrid kiss. The hot sounds of both women kissing mixed with their moans leads you to groan as well, and you fuck Yuna harder to satiate your lust. Nayeon holds Yuna's head close to her chest with one hand, and you watch as the older girl reaches between her legs to masturbate again. 
"Unnie, uhn—!" Yuna's eyes are glazed over from pleasure, her speech broken up by moans and loud claps of your flesh against hers. The girl can't seem to hold steady—she almost falls over a few times as her hips buck on every brush of your cock against her G-spot. "Oppa fucks me so well, Oppa's fucking my pussy so good!"
"That's right, he is, because you're such a good girl. Good, pretty girls like you deserve poundings like that." Nayeon bites her lip at the pleasure she brings herself. "In fact, a good girl like you should suck on Unnie's tits."
Almost instantly, Yuna has her lips on one of Nayeon's breasts. She is completely pliant to any instruction—the praise is all she craves. Nayeon moans out loud as her junior helps to pleasure her, and you hear another set of wet thrusts join with the sounds of your sex with Yuna as Nayeon resumes fucking herself. 
"That's right, Yuna, keep sucking Unnie's tits like that, fuck, fuck!"
You can't believe how blessed you are. Just like that, you're balls deep in the Princess of Seoul U and thoroughly pounding her freshly deflowered cunt, fucking it hard and using it like you've used Nayeon's so many times before. Both girls are similarly wet and messy—your shaft glides against Yuna's walls just like how it would in Nayeon's, and Nayeon's thighs always glisten with slick during sex, just like Yuna's are right now as well. The entire situation right now is obscenely hot—many dream to fuck both Nayeon and Yuna, and here you are living it, with both women desiring your cock so much they're having sex with you together. Yuna's been fucked almost entirely silly, and Nayeon's enjoying it as she fucks herself with Yuna's help. 
Nayeon is the first to crack—Yuna's tongue, teeth, and hands are her undoing. The younger girl pinches and tugs at the older girl's nipples, occasionally playing with them between her fingers while her tongue flicks the sensitive nubs, and Nayeon's moans only get louder, whinier, her fingers plunging and thrusting harder, deeper—
"Daddy, I'm going to cum!"
Nayeon barely makes it to the end of her sentence before squirt explodes out of her. You watch in pure lust as the older bunny throws her head back, her guttural moans, the hiss of her squirt gushing from her cunt, and the loud splatters of her cum forming puddles on the floor echoing around the empty auditorium. Jet after jet of girl cum drenches the floor, and you feel Yuna tighten around you when she watches Nayeon orgasm. The younger girl begins to whine seeing her senior's body buck and writhe as she orgasms, her legs unstable, breasts jiggling with every shift of her body. 
"Oppa, Unnie, Yuna's gonna—"
Yuna's sentence ends in a scream as her hips buck, and squirt sprays out of her freshly-fucked pussy. Your cock is forcefully ejected from her cunt, and you have to hold the younger girl up as her legs buckle, the pleasure of her orgasm washing over her entire body. Both Nayeon's and Yuna's cum mix on the floor beneath them, the huge puddle of squirt evidence of how much pleasure they drew from this session.  You enjoy the sight of both girls orgasming together in each other's embrace, but that doesn't last for long—you have yet to get your release yourself, and Yuna's pussy was the only hole you hadn't filled with your cum. With one hard thrust after lining yourself up, you draw another scream from Yuna as you plunge your hard shaft into her still-orgasming pussy, and you pound her right through it, chasing your own high and prolonging hers. 
"Yuna, baby, I'm going to fill you."
"Yes, Oppa, yes~!"
When you begin to thrust hard into Yuna, Nayeon pulls her into a sloppy kiss. Both girls' bodies rock with your thrusts as they engage in a hot, sloppy makeout—tongues swirl, moans escape their kiss, and hands roam across bodies to further pleasure each other. Even as Nayeon's orgasm subsides, Yuna doesn't relent in rubbing her Unnie's clit and playing with her breasts, drawing more pleasure from her body.  You feast on the sight in front of you, enjoying the show that your two partners are putting up for you, and you work towards your own sweet release with every thrust. The friction that Yuna's tight, heavenly walls provide pushes you closer and closer, until… 
"Fuck, Yuna, fuck!"
Your cock twitches and pulsates before the first burst of semen is fired deep into Yuna's cunt. Yuna moans at the feeling of you firing shot after shot of semen into her at the tail end of her orgasm, and you squeeze your eyes shut as white-hot pleasure washes over you with each rush of cum that you leave in the younger girl. You never stop thrusting throughout your orgasm, every upstroke fucking your cum deeper and deeper into her.  
When you pull out of Yuna, a thick stream of cum leaks from her pussy, down her thighs. Some of it drips to the floor, mixing with the puddle of cum beneath you and her, and you stagger back, your cock softening after the intense sex session you've just had. However, the glint in Nayeon's eye tells you that it isn't over—you're not done for the day yet.
"Yuna, baby, now that we both have your Oppa's cum in our pussies…" Nayeon begins, pulling Yuna against her, their sweaty bodies flushed together. "...we should thank Oppa, mm?"
You're just as confused as Yuna is, but you're also willing to play along. Nayeon leads Yuna to a dry spot on stage, and she directs you to step back. Nayeon leans to whisper a few words into Yuna's ear, and you know you're in for a world of trouble when Yuna's face turns red, and she bites her lip in arousal, her eyes locked onto you, lust burning once more.  When both girls begin to lower themselves to the floor, Nayeon leaves you with her new instructions.
"Enjoy the show, Daddy~"
When each girl crosses a leg over the other's, and both of them shift closer to each other, it clicks. Your cock begins to stir once more as you watch Nayeon and Yuna meet each other in the middle, moaning out loud as they grind their pussies together. 
"Oppa, look at us, Oppa!"
Yuna's desperate call for your attention has your cock twitching as it hardens to its full length. The younger girl has a wanton look of lust all over her features, and Nayeon's expressions mirror Yuna's as well. You watch as both women's pussies get messier—they "share" your creampies in them through sex, their skin coated in a mixture of their slick and your semen. Yuna is the more eager one—she actively grinds down on Nayeon's pussy as if this would be the last time she'd be having sex, and Nayeon reciprocates with the same effort, pleasuring herself and her junior well as they put on a show for you. You can't resist stroking your cock anymore with the live sex show right in front of you. 
"Fuck, Daddy, it feels so good, I feel so good~!" Nayeon's loud moans for you have you jerking harder. "Look at us sharing your cum, look at us having sex!"
With how sensitive both women are—Nayeon having orgasmed a short while earlier, and Yuna only finishing recently, it doesn't take too long before they're both close, desperately grinding against each other as they chase their highs together. 
"Unnie, unnie, I'm going to cum soon, unnie!"
"Me too, Yuna-ya, let's cum for Daddy, let's cum for him to watch!"
You feast your eyes on how the Queen and Princess bring each other to orgasm—Yuna and Nayeon both grind down on each other hard, and Yuna is the first to scream before a huge gush of squirt sprays from her pussy, showering both herself and Nayeon in her cum. Nayeon takes a short while longer—she rubs her clit with her hands before her hips buck, and her own spray of squirt jets out to cover Yuna. Both girls drench each other's bodies with their cum, and you watch while pinching the tip of your shaft, unwilling to cum just yet. A short jet of white spurts from your cock as you watch, your semen dripping to the floor as you enjoy the deliciously wanton sight in front of you. You're almost delirious with pleasure, partially physical, partially from the almost unreal situation you're in. You enjoy the sight of both Nayeon and Yuna making messes of each other as well as the stage, their cum pooling into a massive puddle beneath them. 
When both girls finally come down from their highs, they move themselves towards you. 
"Oppa, it's time for you to cum too."
Nayeon wastes no time in taking your shaft into her mouth, her hand reaching to jerk you off. Yuna's lips and tongue reach for your balls, and you rest a hand on both of their heads as they please you together as a team. Both women share your cock as if it were a delicacy—when Nayeon would release you from her warm, slick mouth, Yuna would take over with a gentle suction and her tongue gliding under your cock, leaving you twitching. It doesn't take long for the familiar feeling to bubble back up. 
"Fuck, Nayeon, Yuna, I'm close."
Both girls immediately focus their efforts right at your tip. Their tongues glide up and down on your cock before they make out with each other at the head of your cock, pushing you closer and closer.
"Cum over our faces, Daddy. You've earned it for fucking us so well."
With a loud groan, a thick burst of cum erupts from your cock, and Yuna immediately aims your cock right at herself. You watch in ecstasy as your hot load paints Yuna's pretty features, a smile wide on her face as your hot white semen lands on her face and breasts. Immediately, Nayeon pulls your cock over to her, and it's her turn to receive bursts of your cum all over her pretty face and body. You swear you're cumming forever—burst after burst of semen showers over Nayeon and Yuna, and when you inevitably come down from your high, you're greeted with the hottest sight of the night—the Queen and Princess of Seoul U, covered in a mixture of semen and squirt, servicing you and cleaning your cock with their mouths after rounds of hot sex where you'd filled their pussies full of your hot cum.
There's nowhere else you'd rather be at this very moment.
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enhypencores · 4 months
Bleed Me Dry
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Lee Heeseung X Y/N
Genre: Yandere Romance/ Thriller/ Stalker
Prompt: "If I carve you into my blood, will you believe my love?"
Word Count: 7K+
WARNING⚠️: Explicit content, profanity, sexual harassment, heated make outs, female stereotyping, use of a derogatory word, violence, lots of blood, aggression, toxic masculinity, yandre, manipulation, mentions of self exit, unhealthy relationships and mental health issues. Y/N described with long hair and brown eyes.
Cameos: Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Yeji, Karina, Jaemin and Jisung
A/N: Please read the warnings carefully before proceeding. There's heavy discussions and complex character dynamics. None of it is healthy. This is a work of fiction, please read it as such. If I missed out any, lemme know.
Heeseung watched you, mentally tracing the curve of your bottom lip as you awaited the bus, your nose scrunching in disgust at the passing smokers. The fullness of your cheeks flushed red as the scorching heat streamed through your hand’s barrier, and the silky strands of brown hair cascaded down your neck as you climbed up the bus. Your forehead wrinkled as you leaned down to scan your card, and your nimble steps took you to the end row. Sweat drops trickled down the bony line of your collarbone, dipping into your white collar, dampening the fabric as your eyes rolled back and your head fell slack against the teetering glass window.
This was his sign.
He strutted through the door and beelined towards the back. He was so close to settling down, just another step, and he'd be enveloped in your presence when all his plans fell through the window. He halted, his eyes widening in disbelief as a boy settled beside you, unaware of the fury he had just unleashed within Heeseung's blood. Heeseung swallowed the colourful words itching up his throat and forced himself into the seat behind, away from you.
He stared at the gap between your shoulders, bitterness pooling in his chest. Each time the boy's arm brushed against yours, Heeseung's restraint wavered, his nails digging into his palm as he envisioned tearing the boy's joint off for daring to feel you. His temper flared when he spotted your oblivious frame, still, sound asleep like a princess in the comfort of her sheets. You were so perplexingly naive, falling asleep in a bus full of men waiting to pounce on meek girls like yourself. It usually took around forty-five minutes for you to reach home, but you could've at least placed your bag on the vacant seat so no one—except him—would take the spot beside you.
Heeseung trained his gaze on his wristwatch, every tick of the short hand's movement making him lose his mind. He could've been the one pressed against your shoulders, bathing in your essence, had that loser found another spot. Fortunately, he didn't have to dwell in misery for long because at the very next stop, the loser grabbed his bag from the floor, preparing to leave. Heeseung analysed his watch.
Ten minutes. Gone.
Ten minutes he could've spent right beside you.
The boy stood alert, pressing the button, and the bus came to a standstill. As he stepped through the aisle, his foot landed against a round object, throwing him off balance and sending him tumbling to the ground with his jawline scraping against the hard floor. The entire bus gasped in unison as the boy sat up, his frantic gaze searching for the perpetrator.
A round basketball swirled by his feet.
"Shit, that slipped. My bad," Heeseung muttered, standing from his seat and holding out his hand with an apologetic smile, which the unsuspecting boy accepted with an embarrassed grin.
Heeseung watched the boy rub at his injured chin, confused at the ball's magical appearance as he tugged on his bag's strap and stammered out of the bus with an obvious limp.
Hopefully, that injury lasted ten days to account for the ten precious minutes of Heeseung's life.
Immediately, Heeseung turned back, glancing at your limp frame. His heart raced at the sight. He took small, calculated steps before gently lowering himself into the seat beside you. At the first brush of your elbow, Heeseung's body grew warm, heart drumming faster within his chest. He itched to press his entire body against yours. For now, however, he slightly edged closer, letting your clothed shoulder graze his arm, his eyes rolling shut at the subtle contact.
For the past month, he was a silent observer, watching you walk from your university to the bus, bus to your house in a disciplined schedule. It became part of his very routine. He would wait around your campus at 3:00 sharp to follow you onto the bus and spend the next blissful forty-five minutes watching you sleep away. Heeseung would climb off at your stop, ensuring you crossed the road safely. Only when your back disappeared into the villa and yellow lights at the right-end corner flickered to life would Heeseung return to get a bus back.
He was watching over you to keep you safe. The world lurked with dangers, and you were so innocent, so beautiful, so mesmerizing, so agonizingly weak like a frail flower in a garden full of cacti. He had no option but to take on the role of a silent guardian, protecting you from the world. He told himself he valued your safety. But deep down, he knew it was more than that. He needed to be near you, to feel your presence, to submerge within your life and become a part woven for your pleasure.
Usually, he stayed a safe distance away to admire your presence. A week ago, he stared at the empty seat with longing. Like an addiction, his tolerance had grown. Seeing you from afar wasn't enough. He wanted to feel your presence. His body automatically followed his yearning, getting up and climbing into the seat beside yours.
And since then, he couldn't get enough.
All of a sudden, Heeseung's focus wavered as the bus came to an abrupt halt. He impulsively brought his arm around your frame, viciously eyeing the driver for his rash turn. As he felt something drop against his shoulder, Heeseung froze. He gulped carefully, turning to inspect you.
His insides twisted in joy. The sight of your sleeping frame leaning against him with your head on his shoulder was enough to make him forget his annoyance at the bus driver. Heeseung shifted closer to let your head rest in the crevice of his neck.
His breath hitched at the contact; your face pressed firmly into his bare neck. Flesh on flesh. His hand clenched into a strained fist, nails digging into his palm, leaving indents as your warm breath nuzzled down his collarbone and spread to his chest. He looked down at your unresponsive frame and realised he had never seen you so up close.
With the closer angle, he noticed washed-out freckles like sand dust trailing down your nose. Your eyelashes were curled black, resting low on your cheeks angelically. Your mouth was cutely pressed into a light pout against his top, your nose squished into his collarbones, making his hairs rise.
Heeseung urged himself to calm down. If you heard the frantic pacing of his heart, you'd wake up before he had the chance to revel in your skin's warmth. He breathed in the scent of fresh vanilla, something inside his abdomen stirring as he realised how you might leave him smelling like yourself, like a protective feline, marking their territory. Heeseung smiled, his body automatically turning towards you, eyes shining in anticipation.
Your body craved him just as badly as he craved you.
Thirty-five minutes passed by in the blink of an eye. He didn't even register the familiar streets treading along the window, his sight and mind filled with images of your pretty face when suddenly your phone beeped, jerking you awake. Heeseung swore under his breath, body recoiling in complaint as you pulled away, grabbing the phone in your jeans pocket and shutting off the alarm. He forced himself to look the other way, his breathing unsteady as he restrained the urge to yank you back.
Roused awake, you quickly stood alert, pressing the button, your knees accidentally bumping into the stranger's legs as you proceeded to step out of the aisle. You turned back to look at the masked man. 
He watched, breath-held, heart thudding.
His wide eyes met yours, and you gave him a suppressed smile before walking off.
Goosebumps. His head felt like jelly, mind straining to grasp at the smile you sent his way—a smile meant for him—not the kind one you give the shopkeeper when he hands you your groceries—not the empathetic one you flash to the older citizens slowly climbing the bus—not the patient one you give to the raucous bikers outside the campus—a soft, sweet, and memorable smile. Only for him.
Heeseung was so dazed that he simply forgot to get off at the stop with you. Instead, he sat rigid, attempting to process the burst of emotions within his chest. He looked down and—thank fuck he did because he might’ve missed it if he was preoccupied in following behind. There, on his grey flannel, an inch lower from his collar, was a wet mark that belonged to you. Not only did you leave him smelling like your vanilla body wash, but you also stained him with your saliva.
His heart thrummed. He pulled his mask down. With his lower region tingling, his hand instinctively grabbed at the collar to pull the wet fabric into his mouth. Head dropping back, his vision blurred, his body tightening at the first taste of your mouth.
He lapped at the spot like a starved man, his legs pressing together to relieve some of the tension in his painfully hard centre. Sweat built up in his clenched fist as he sucked the fabric and rolled his tongue against it, wishing he could feel it directly from your mouth rather than the brittle cotton of his shirt. His desires had climbed up a new ladder; nothing was enough anymore. He needed to lap at the delicate roundness of your lips, suck off your taste from inside, and drown his tongue in its heat.
He needed you, physically, emotionally—unabashed and unhidden.
It was time.
Extracurriculars were starting to take a toll on your mental health. You were already part of the university’s student advisory council and head of the reading club. With exams looming and Miss Sol’s exhaustive dance training sessions, you were certain you would either fail all your exams or get home on a stretcher. For the past week, you had been getting home around sunset, but today, you finished training earlier. Giddily, you jumped onto the bus, excited to get home and munch on ramen before your older brother got his hands on it.
You sat in your usual backseat and immediately fell asleep.
When your alarm blared, you quickly silenced your phone and got up, pressing the button to alert the bus driver. You glanced to your side, expecting to see the masked man who had unknowingly become your bus ride companion, but his seat was vacant. Confused, you glanced around, but only saw aged faces and school students. 
Strange. You assumed he was a college student like yourself, never skipping a day.
You shrugged, climbed off the bus and made your way across the main road toward your house. As you strutted inside the villa, a blinding object flashed past your vision, clashing against your torso and shoving you to the floor. You looked up furiously.
The culprit, your smug brother with his blonde hair falling against his eyes, kneeled down to grab the basketball. “Weren’t you supposed to get home late?” His accusatory tone made you want to scratch the smirk off his mouth.
“Oh, sorry for colliding into your ball.” You smiled sarcastically, standing up. His sardonic smile widened.
“Don’t do it again, little sis,” he grinned, and your patience flew out the window. You jumped up to grab his hair, but as if anticipating your attack, he dodged, sprinting down the hallway with the ball cocooned in his embrace.
“Sim Jaeyun!” You screeched, chasing him through the lounge and out the backdoor toward the inbuilt basketball court. 
You never hated your short height, but in moments like these, you wished you had inherited your father’s long legs. As you watched him speed up beside the basketball court, you frustratedly changed your route, dashing into the square-shaped arena, running diagonally, hoping the Pythagorean theorem would help you reach Jake faster.
With your gaze trained on your target, you saw Jake dribble the ball ahead as you blindly ran down the court, so blind that you didn’t notice a taller figure standing in your way. You collided into a frame, slamming against a hard chest, sending you both tumbling to the ground. You gasped, eyes bulging out as a pair of brown eyes stared at you, wide with panic.
You muttered a rushed apology, attempting to get up when you noticed his arms were locked around your waist protectively.
“Get off Heeseung, you midget!” Jake yelled, nearing your limp frame. You gave him a scorned glare, sitting up as the man’s arms slowly fell away. You stood up together as Jake dribbled his basketball, an amused grin on his features.
Sourly glaring, you didn’t hesitate to whip Jake with your bag. He groaned, almost flinging the basketball at you when the black-haired man pushed ahead immediately, blocking your brother’s aggression.
“She’s a menace. Let me deal with it,” Jake bitterly told the stranger.
“Shut up, Jake! You’re the menace in this household,” you huffed, glaring at him.
Then, your gaze settled back on the brown-eyed man, and your cheeks flushed red as you surveyed the stranger’s features. Ethereal. Big eyes as naïve as a deer’s, a peculiarly sharp nose, plump, wet lips, and dark ebony hair—the man was majestic. Dressed in a grey tank top and trousers, sweat clung to his tan skin, dripping down his well-built biceps like honey. He seemed to have walked straight out of a sports tournament.
“Who’s this?” You blurted out, eyeing the handsome man with flushed cheeks.
“Heeseung, a friend. Heeseung, this is Y/N, unfortunately, related to me.” You smacked your bag into his stomach, pushing him back as he doubled over and clutched his torso, glaring at you through his gold bangs. 
“That’s no way to treat your younger sister, Jake,” Heeseung's stern voice oozed masculine charm—almost giving you whiplash. His reprimanding made your brother’s temper dissolve, and he unclenched his jaw, nodding obediently. You stared, baffled at the sudden shift in his demeanour.
You had never seen your older brother submissively agree with anyone—not even your parents. Having a one-year age gap, the older child's privilege, and spoiled treatment from your parents really did a number on him. His friend group consisted of boys who worked like dogs to gain his acceptance, and your brother bathed in the glory. He wasn’t overtly arrogant, but good grades and amazing basketball performances would make anyone feel like they owned the world. Not to mention, his faked kind personality had everyone running laps. You can’t even count how many hearts he’d broken from middle school to university. 
Watching him listen to Heeseung, you could tell he was someone important to your brother.
You glanced back at the towering man. He even carried himself with an air of indifference, intimidating yet undeniably attractive, commanding everyone’s interest. Under the sunlight, his pupils glowed like lit candles, growing small into a crescent shape as a warm smile grazed his lips, his gaze softening. Tousled strands fell into his dreamy eyes as he nodded. Baffled, you wondered how one second, he seemed like an intimidating adult, reprimanding the kids, and the other moment, he appeared boyish and charming, his eyes brimming with youthful energy. 
“Y/N.” Your name rolled off his tongue like butter, making your insides curl.
The night you met him, you stalked your brother’s account to find that intriguing man. You scoured through hundreds of Jake’s irrelevant followers, desperately searching for an account starting with the letter H. To your disappointment, no such account existed.
You wondered if Heeseung was old school and went down a rabbit hole, searching through the depths of Facebook. Lee Heeseung—his name in itself was traditional and old, so you didn’t even come across any likely accounts. You gave up and tried asking Jake; however, your brother rarely answered any of your questions. You had no choice but to wait for another encounter. 
Like a surprising miracle, the next encounter came earlier than expected. A week later, you were buried in exam questions, struggling to absorb the entire pharmacology textbook, when the doorbell rang. You tried to ignore it, but after several insistent rings, you begrudgingly stomped to the door. You weren’t expecting anyone; your parents were at a dinner party, and Jake was at a cram class. You mentally prepared yourself to scream at the neighbour’s kids who frequently stood outside your door to mess around. 
You flung the door open, ready to unleash your frustrations, when your jaw dropped. The familiar round eyes met yours, kickstarting a joyous flutter of butterflies in your stomach. Heeseung stood as handsome as the first day, wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He carried a bunch of hefty books, his gaze searching behind you.
“Y/N,” he called your name, and your ears reddened. He enunciated each syllable as if he knew you for ages, called you it for ages.
“Jaeyun left some astrophysics books at my place.” He peered at the stack in his hold.
You smiled apologetically because, of course, your forgetful brother did. 
“He’s out right now,” you told him. “But that’s alright, I’ll take these.” His smile softened as he held out the books. You stepped closer, circling your arm around the stack, but your weak arms failed to carry the weight, embarrassingly almost dropping them to the floor. 
Heeseung quickly tightened his hold on the books, pulling back with a teasing smile. “I’ll take them in,” he stated. Before you could reject his kindness, he stepped inside, pausing in the hallway.
You led him to the lounge, where he kept the books on the wooden table. You offered him a smile as your heart beat frantically. Watching him stand close in your vicinity when you were home alone felt like all your prayers had been answered.
He turned to look at you, pulling back the strands that had fallen against his vision. A smile stretched his lips. “You were studying?” He asked, his voice low yet echoing in the empty hall. Your lips parted, eyes wide in shock.
“How’d you know?” You questioned incredulously.
His smile morphed into a grin. Wordlessly, he reached out and gently pulled the pencil from your hair. The hair bun unravelled, brown strands running down your neck, grazing his fingertips as something flickered in his gaze. He watched the soft layers frame your face. You giggled, face warming up. You tried to grab the pencil, but Heeseung pulled it away, smirking at your embarrassment.
“Let me guess, pharmacology is kicking your ass?” He scoffed, and you gasped in retaliation.
“Now, how do you know my degree?” You stared in confusion.
He chuckled. “Your brother says it’s your worst decision.”
Fucking Sim Jaeyun. Always ruining your reputation everywhere with his big ass mouth.
You sighed, rolling your eyes in frustration. You somewhat disliked your crush knowing about your crisis with that god-awful degree.
“I’m doing fine,” you bitterly claimed. “I ace Biochem and almost every other module. Anatomy is just from the depths of hell,” you spewed some irrelevant achievements, immediately cringing at how self-indulgent you sounded.
God, you were pathetic. You wondered if Heeseung saw through your façade.
Heeseung shifted his weight onto his right leg. “I can help,” he offered, a flamboyant grin flashing across his features as he nodded at your shocked expression. “I ace Anatomy all the time,” he mocked your tone, lips twisting in a teasing smile.
You huffed. Guys usually scored seventy per cent and flaunted it like they won a Nobel prize. “What’s your highest test score?” Your overconfident-self asked, folding your arms over your chest with an egoistic smile.
He watched silently for a moment before returning that sharp smile.
Pfft. You rolled your eyes, grabbing at your hair in frustration. Was Heeseung as annoying as Jake? “Real funny,” you scoffed, wishing you could erase the smugness off his handsome face.
“3.9 GPA in premed.”
Your overconfidence deflated like a balloon. Heeseung smirked and stepped closer, arms folded over his lean chest, mocking your demeanour.
You nervously gulped, stepping back from his overwhelming presence. This tall, gorgeous man had casually revealed his Einstein-level intelligence, and now, you felt utterly stupid, crying over some basic anatomy. Even Jake struggled to maintain a decent 3.5.
Your eyes widened as you registered the situation again. Heeseung was offering his help. Even if he thought you were stupid, you could change that, prove him wrong and possibly gather more information about him through a tutoring session, for example, unearth his socials. You could probably get closer and know more.
With your decision made, you nodded at him.
Heeseung felt like he’d plummet to the floor in relief. He watched the curiosity in your doe eyes gleam as you determinedly stepped towards the hallway, walking up the stairs. He took the first step, his knees trembling as he watched you peppily jump to the right-end door. You were showing him the way to your bedroom.
Your bedroom.
Heeseung’s body fired up like an overheated kettle, his muscles tensing against the railing. You pushed the door open and stepped inside, turning to wait for him. How naïve. How fucking naïve. You had opened up your home, welcomed him inside, and now you were leading him into your personal space, the small corner in this massive house that belonged solely to you, the corner he was used to seeing from outside the house. 
Were you that stupid?
He had seen your parents leave in glamorous attire with a bouquet of flowers, indicating they'd be gone for a substantial time. Jake wasn’t home, attending cram school from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. That left you… vulnerable and alone.
Despite his resolve to wait a good two weeks before visiting again, Heeseung’s patience had worn thin. That initial meeting, feeling your soft curves press into his chest as you toppled over him, had ignited a craving in him. Your scent mingled with his, your body fitting perfectly against him—it had all transcended his tolerance. He had felt his internal organs shift with momentary bliss, his body reacting as if you were made to be felt by him.
Now he was here, in your house, in your presence.
He knew the moment he stepped into your room, he couldn’t leave until he made you his, in some way, in any way. Anticipation bubbled in his veins as he rushed up the stairs.
He froze, his body whipping around to face the intruder. His gaze turned to steel, jaw tightening at the sight of a confused Jake standing in the doorway.
Sim—Fucking—Jaeyun, the brother who wasn’t supposed to be home for at least another hour.
“Jake?” you inquired, stepping back out and shutting your door. Heeseung’s fists clenched as he stared at the closed door, frustration churning in his stomach. So close. He had been just a step away from entering your room.
Beneath that door lay the key to your heart. Access to your room meant understanding your interests, habits, likes, and dislikes, transforming himself into the man you dreamed of. Jake was a limited source. How much does a brother really talk about his sister?
“What’re you doing here?” Jake questioned as Heeseung and you descended the stairs.
“He was here to drop off the books you read as a useless hobby, so I asked for help with Anatomy,” you explained, smiling at Heeseung, who now seemed oddly stern.
Jake snickered, pulling off his baseball cap to let blonde locks fall into his eyes. “You’re pestering my friend for anatomy?” He chuckled as you rolled your eyes.
“No, I offered,” Heeseung replied, his tone sharp and cutting through. You turned your head in confusion at his sudden change in demeanour. “Don’t you stay for an extra lesson?” Heeseung raised his brow, seemingly well-versed in Jake’s schedule.
“Yeah, but they let us out early since we’ve covered the semester,” Jake responded, indifferent to Heeseung’s tone, as he tossed his bag onto the floor.
“Up for a round of LOL?” Jake rubbed his palms together in excitement.
Heeseung’s cold gaze changed with a hint of amusement as he nodded. He turned to you, his smile languid. “Sorry Y/N, League of Legends will always be my first choice,” he declared.
“It’s cool, I’ll survive,” you scoffed, jogging back up the stairs and closing your door to resume studying.
Dropping into the armchair, your thoughts drifted to the sudden shift in atmosphere at Jake’s arrival. Jake and Heeseung’s friendship seemed...strange. Your brother followed Heeseung’s lead without question, even overlooking his friend's occasional indifference. Jake, a softie, who would give you the silent treatment for calling him a nerd, yapping about ‘she called me a bad word’ to your mother, seemed unfazed by Heeseung’s intimidating nature.
Shaking your head, you forced your attention back to your studies, determined to focus despite the lingering curiosity.
Another round. 
Another one.
One more.
Heeseung was losing patience, hectically pressing buttons on the Nintendo Switch, his fingers straining to match his brain’s pace. With a hazy vision, Heeseung turned to inspect Jake. Finally, the blonde had lost his will to play, dropping to the couch as snores wracked his frame. It had taken five gruelling hours of continuous rounds, but it would all be worth it.
The opportunity had presented itself, Heeseung internally reasoned. He didn’t sneak into your house or anything— he had greeted your parents when they returned and even ate some snacks your mother had lovingly offered. He was not an intruder. He was a guest, and now the guest was wandering in search of a bathroom. He knew Jake’s bathroom was down the hall, but he purposely overlooked that route, opting instead to tread up the staircase. With every step, rugged creaks whispered in the darkness, but Jake’s tumultuous snores helped mask his motives. 
Soon, he was standing before your door. And this time, he was unstoppable because no one would bother you at 3 AM.
Breath held, lips pressed in silent tension, he pulled at the handle and slipped inside. A thicker blanket of darkness clouded his vision. Freezing against the door, Heeseung blinked rapidly, determined to accommodate his vision. Streaks of streetlight treaded inside from the edge of the curtain, letting him finally see his surroundings, and he turned to inspect the room.
A study desk toppled with bulks of books and papers with sharpies and pens laid at the edge. Heeseung quietly stepped towards it, his finger grazing the neat text, written with keen attention. His chest tingled when he imagined you pepped up on the swivelling chair, jotting down intricate notes with such pretty handwriting. By the look of it, he could tell you were at the top of your studies, a beauty with brains.
Heeseung noticed your phone charging on the edge of the table and quickly grabbed a hold of it. He didn’t know enough to unlock your phone, but he could easily download his new software without a fuss. Heeseung pulled out his phone, automatically airdropping the relevant file to yours. The new software wasn’t an ordinary tracking device, but it even synced your live activity. Now onwards, all your texts and calls would go through him. The only drawback? He needed time for the syncing to finalise.
He put your phone down, but his gaze caught the back cover, and he immediately inspected it. You kept a Polaroid inside the cover, a beautiful smile lighting up your features as you stood next to your best friend at what seemed like Disneyland. Heeseung wanted to cherish your smile, but noticing the arm your friend easily draped across your waist, fury seethed beyond his pupils.
Why were people so effortlessly a part of your life? Why did it come so easily to everyone but him? To him, you were so distant like a dream. He had to bide his time, pretend to be patient, and even befriend a narcissist like Jake, just to make you aware of his existence.
Why couldn’t he just have you?
Heeseung turned away, his mood soured, his gaze searching for something to get his mind off the bitterness. The room was… perplexingly simple. Most of your personality was huddled on that desk; the walls were empty with just a cuckoo clock in the centre and a bean bag resting against the wardrobe. Dispiritedly, he allowed himself to gaze at the bed.
A master bed served with your petite frame wrapped like a sushi roll on a platter.
Heeseung’s body grew warm at the sight. You were in dreamland, the sound of slow breathing now clearer to his ears as he crept closer. He stood at the edge of the bed, his gaze running over your frame. To his displeasure, your face was hidden from his prying eyes, strands disorderly shadowing your features, evoking his irritation.
He couldn’t help it. He found himself getting nearer, your scent getting stronger, soft vanilla teasing his nostrils. Placing his knee on the white sheets, he leaned forward and brushed the strands off your face.
Long lashes rested against your tinted cheeks, round parted lips with a hint of drool running past the corner. Heeseung didn’t even notice when he had dropped himself on the sheets’, his torso completely resting beside your sleeping frame. 
Heaven. The sheets were warm and immersed in your scent, giving him the illusion of your embrace. 
His palms itched to touch. His tongue felt heavy with appetite. He had memorised every inch of your beauty to see you behind his eyelids, but his hands still didn’t know your touch.
Heeseung impulsively reached out, his index finger grazing your bottom lip. Instantly, heat spread from his chest down to his centre. His fingers trembled as he traced the rose petals. Your slow breaths coupled with the softness of your lips made his hunger flare up. He trailed the finger down your chin, collecting your drool, and he transferred it to his mouth, impatiently sucking in your taste. 
He couldn’t help the urge to lower himself, stick his tongue out and slide it against your bottom lip.
His toes curled, his eyes falling shut.
Suddenly, he felt like a teenager sharing his first kiss. Your saliva was like sugar melting on his tongue, a taste so delectable that his insides curled in starvation. Heeseung wasn’t a fan of desserts, but your flavour humbled him, making him realise what he’d been missing all his life. He preferred the taste of wine and burnt spices, believing his palate was too mature for anything so juvenile. Yet, god—your lips were like the first shot of his high. Suddenly, sweet things became irresistible.
His lower region tingled as his flicks became harsher, his mouth wide open in mindless hunger, his drool messily spilling on your lips. His mind buzzed, body twisting into the sheet in urgency; your taste had rendered him so weak that he was willing to disrupt his entire plan just from the heat of your mouth.
He felt his arousal strain through his trousers as he tried sliding his tongue in the small gleaming gap in your lips when suddenly he felt you stir. He jerked away, breath heaving, lips drenched with spit. Narrow-eyed, he surveyed your features.
Please not yet. Please, baby.
Instead of ruining his plans, you simply tugged the blanket low. He saw your tongue peek out and run over your bottom lip and gulp down his saliva. It was unintentional and child-like, maybe, one of your sleeping habits. But Heeseung’s blood burned at the sight, his mouth drying up, pupils darkening.
His gaze chased lower, and he spotted a silver of skin, peaking through the cover. The blanket was tangled low on your waist, exposing your brunched-up shirt to his hungry eyes. He didn’t even bother fighting his lascivious thoughts, abruptly tugging up your shirt to reveal your stomach. Heeseung crawled down, his lips immediately pressing into the golden skin, trailing restrained kisses up your waistline. His restrain wavered when he was presented with the sight of your tiny belly button. His mouth salivated as he observed the little hole. Instantly his tongue lashed out, dipping into the curve. His body hummed, his vision blurring as his hips involuntarily thrust into the sheets. He wanted to fill—every hole—every crevice that let him invade. If there was a part he couldn’t physically access, he wanted to stab holes and punch his essence in every corner to mark you as his.
Saliva pooled down his jawline, drenching your abdomen as he protruded his needy tongue into your warm button. He flicks become hungrier, needier, his hands scrambling to grope something—anything. With cheeks pressed flat against your damp stomach, he bit down on his lip to silence the groan itching up his throat as he squeezed your waist.
Fuck. You were made to be touched. You were made to be his clay. You were made to mould into his favourite plaything. You were made for him to love.
Heeseung’s gaze darted to your face, his muscles tensing at the sharp inhale.
Fuck—shit—fuck—your eyes were half open.
Survival instincts kicked in, and Heeseung rolled off the bed at lightning speed, slithering beneath it, pressing his lips together to steady his breathing. The bed creaked as you shifted and sat up. He could almost picture it: your heavy-lidded eyes widening in alarm, the image of a flushed Heeseung gazing up at you—poof—gone, like a mystical encounter. You’d wonder if seeing him there was a figment of your imagination. You’d gulp and rub your template, accepting your insanity.
Heeseung envisioned it all—and he was right.
You were going crazy, thinking about Heeseung, your brother’s best friend, doing sickening, revolting, absolutely heavenly things to you. You didn’t recall dreaming of him, but you might be a stage two schizophrenic because you were now hallucinating his presence. Your body was overly indulged in the hallucination, feverish and covered in goosebumps. You kicked off the blanket, noticing your shirt pooled up, your stomach warm, limbs shaking.
Heeseung waited, his heartbeat steadying as you showed no sign of suspicion. Just like he had imagined. Your insecure mind probably convinced you otherwise. Sometimes, even seeing doesn’t translate to believing—especially for someone as pure-hearted as you. You’d rather doubt your own soul than accuse anyone else of foul play. He’d have to teach you to believe in yourself more than this world—he’d force you to grow a thorn in that beautiful heart, so no one could taint it. Except him.
He lay there, flushed—dazed. He laid there for hours until your laborious breaths morphed into sweet lullabies.
As he slid out the bed, he turned towards you, his heart throbbing with adoration.
You were back to being a little sushi roll, covered with a blanket, your hair sticking to your face as you slept like a log. The mere thought of someone else seeing you innocently asleep made his blood boil. He'd gladly crack open their skulls, extract their hippocampi, and flush them down the toilet to erase any trace of you from their minds.
Heeseung stepped closer and gently kissed your head. He inhaled deeply, savouring your scent from your flushed frame. Reluctantly, he stepped back, grabbed his phone and ensured the sync was complete before heading out the door.
He had to speed things up; the wait was becoming unbearable.
Straight away, Heeseung took a cab home. There was a solid hour before his morning lecture, so he immediately threw himself into his bed and analysed the synced files on his phone.
Details from your phone helped him understand you, but he didn’t know everything just yet. He scrolled through your notes. You liked watching dramatic sitcoms about housewives and divorces. Your YouTube was just a diverse cookbook: most watched clips were recipes ranging from brownies to egg soufflé to Arabic hummus. He chuckled as he noticed some dance tutorials. He would love to see you dance one day.
Your social media presence was barely a drop in his research. You had zero posts, and mostly followed celebrities and high school girlfriends. Looking into your teenage years, to Heeseung’s relief, you had been to an all-girls school. He scoured your followers for any guys, but except for some male actors, you didn’t seem to have anyone worth noting.
The syncing only allowed access to a specific set of photos you had downloaded from your PC onto the mobile. There was a total of six pictures— three of those were of the fucking sunset. The rage he felt as he patiently waited for the pictures to download only to be met with an ugly ball of yellow light was unfathomable.
As he scrolled, he found a picture of a younger girl in a white sundress sitting beside a boy who proudly held up a fishing net, occupied with three mackerels, a memory of Jake and your childhood. His heart felt warm as he zoomed into your features. Unknowingly, he was tracing the line of your smile, the shape of your eyes on the screen, a dumb smile playing on his own lips.
He snapped out of it and scrolled ahead. The following picture was a group photo from— high school. You were the centre of attention, your hair up in a ponytail, a vivid smile glossing your features as girls huddled around you. He felt the magnetic pull exuding your frame even from lifeless photos— making him wish he had opted for your area, so he could have found you earlier. He believed whatever time frame he found you, he would have pounced to get you to himself.
Heeseung forcibly clicked off and opened the last photo in the synced album. His smile wiped off, his body sitting alert, his gaze narrowed and fixated on the screen. Your university’s back entrance had a swing where he noticed couples hanging and making out.
In the snapped photo, you were perched on top of the wooden swing, eating an ice lolly with a man behind you, his hands on your shoulders, a shit-eating grin on his face whilst pointing at the camera.
Heeseung’s grip on his phone tightened. From the outskirts, he hadn’t seen that face anywhere near you, but then again, how much could one know as an outsider. 
Jake’s mocking insults about your love life were proof of your singularity.
He hated knowing such little about your world. He hated someone so undeserving and irrelevant could touch you so easily when he had to watch you from the shadows, dwell on small encounters.
He had to find this guy and ensure your protection before he could even think of disclosing his love for you. Whatever this man was, Heeseung had to know more.
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hwangyeddeongie · 25 days
top 5 ryeji fics? 👀
hello anon!
okay so this is kind of an impossible question but I'll do my best to answer 🫡
(not in any particular order)
1. there's a demon in my home (and it's here to stay) by qaisal
i wanted to put more fics by qaisal here, but I’ll keep it at one lol. all I’ll say is that there’s a reason this person has the top 3 fics in the ryeji tag! the witch school setting, the shapeshifting, the enemies to lovers….i love this fic so much
2. among the sea’s salt by ForTheFlowers
I remember this being one of the first long ryeji fic I read and I was just completely blown away by first, the amount of research put into it to make it a believable historical fiction, second, the amazing set up and characterisation, third, the perfect evolution of an enemies to lovers arc, and fourth, just the sheer quality of writing. this is definitely one of THE best ryeji fics on ao3
3. what’s in a name? by snowandwolves
I don’t have a single bad thing to say about this fic. the worldbuilding is absolutely PHENOMENAL, the writing is superb, the angst and ensuing fluff (and smut) WILL make you cry. I have it downloaded so y’all will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands
4. indigo by khevzs
I cried more than once reading indigo and I am NOT ashamed to admit it. literally the slowest of burns and yet IT’S DONE SO WELL. parent ryeji my loves…..the perfect balance of angst and fluff is 👩‍🍳💋
5. champion of the geunhwayang by khevzs
THE ryeji fic of all time. like cmon. once again, im a sucker for historical fiction and khevzs pulled this off so well!! the setting, the cultural undertones and traditions displayed, like this fic should make the list for just the research put into it alone. would have paid a LOT more attention in school when learning about this time period if it was done in this format. also, the characterisation is just perfect. the transitions into different phases of ryeji’s relationship is so believable and done perfectly. we can only pray khevzs will come back to finish this masterpiece
made for loving you by gazwashere — actress yeji I will always love you
when she looks at me by snowddeong — I revisit this one so much….RYU FRECKLES
the face poets always talk about by khevzs — yes khevzs is in this list 3 times what about it
unfinished business by ddeongies — choreo my beloved…HOT STUFF WITH (eventual) FLUFF + the perfect amount of friends to strangers/enemies to lovers angst, literal perfection
wheel, snipe, celly by lonewolflink — I cannot wait for link to give us more of hockey ryeji because I am OBSESSED
take a chance on us unfortunately orphaned 😭 — once again, parent ryeji….i love them
믿어 trust by haegum — not for the faint of heart! this fic is on the darker side, but the world building and quality of writing is a 10/10
love in the modern day (the modern way) by westhyo — so hot and so funny! this is just smut but it’s super well written and I love ryeji’s dynamic here and the ending always cracks me up ++we love traumatising chaeryeong in this house
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wonilye · 9 months
kingmaker | p.sh
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As an assassin working for the Hwangs, you have proven your loyalty to your benefactors for more than a decade. But when Lady Hwang's plans for a rebellion land you in a bride selection for the Crown Prince, you find yourself at a loss. Unfamiliar with the ways of the gentry, your reliance on a previously unknown informant is your only source of hope. And yet, you learn very quickly that no one in high society can be trusted, including yourself. Because who else but you is there to assassinate the King?
➢ pairing — prince's attendant sunghoon x undercover assassin reader
➢ genre — sunghoon royalty au (sort of), angst, crossovers with various members of different groups (enhypen, itzy, skz, aespa, nmixx, ive, nwjns)
➢ status — ongoing
➢ warnings — graphic depictions of violence and blood, characters have pretty bad trauma, morally grey decision-making, social hierarchies, dynamics similar to slavery. if this were ao3 i’d say DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
➢ disclaimers - most characters are depicted as very manipulative, and there are themes that are not acceptable in today’s society. this is NOT meant to reflect the idols’ real-life personalities. this is a work of fiction! let's be clear i do NOT condone most of what's written here irl! don't try this at home.
➢ a/n — not my first rodeo but we die like it is💀 cross posted on ao3 n wattpad by the same names :D go check em out if u want
➢ chapters (updated every other sunday)
chapter I | chapter II | chapter III | chapter IV | chapter V | chapter VI
➢ taglist (open) via asks!
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lillotus17 · 3 months
INTERTWINED Headcanons (Spidermen!ENHA)
"All right, let's do this one more time."
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hyung line's personal background story! TBH, it's literally a summary of the Spider-Man movies. Heeseung's summary is based on Tom Holland's Spider-Man... etc. So if you've watched any of the Spider-Man movies then you get the gist of it! I added some twists though! I also didn't intend for Sunghoon's part to be that long but here we are LOL. This was actually because Gwen's background in spider verse was short so I wanted to fill in the gaps as I pleased!
NOT PROOF READ: Apologies for any grammatical errors, my loves!
In Heeseung's universe, he was approached by Kim Namjoon (Tony Stark) and recruited into the Avengers temporarily.
He went through literal hell and back. He blipped the five years in his universe.
After the death of Mr. Kim, he did everything he could to be the friendly neighborhood spider-man.
Then the whole Mysterio scandal happened and his identity was revealed.
Nothing seemed to work out for him though. He lost his older brother, Seokmin, trying to save his universe from clashing with other universes.
That's how he met Jay. Heeseung's best friend Jeongin accidentally summoned the wrong spider-man from a different universe.
Yunjin, their other best friend (and Jeongin's girlfriend), had to take away the sling ring from him.
Heeseung's one-sided feelings for her didn't go unnoticed by Jeongin but Heeseung was nothing but supportive for his best friends.
Innie was so grateful to have a best friend like Seung.
Which is why Yunjin and Jeongin were devastated when Heeseung told him what he had to do in order to save the universe.
He had to make everyone forget about him.
After a few months, he finds Jay inside of his apartment. And Hee wonders how Jay managed to get back into his universe.
After a turn of events, he meets Jake and Hoon, along with a few others. Eventually the four of them end up in Y/N's universe.
In Jay's universe, he lost his older sister Jihyo. She went out searching for him after they had a fight. She was stabbed in a robbery gone wrong.
He was is such a dark place after that. He went out every night trying to find his sisters killer.
His best friends, Sunghoon (Harry Osborn) and Jake [Gwen Stacy (platonic)], were so worried about him.
Eventually when he started to get more involved in crime fighting.
During the whole Dr. Connors trying to turn all of New York City into lizards, Jake catches Jay in his Spider suit without his mask.
With the help of Jake they saved New York City (because Jake was an intern at Oscorp).
At the end of graduation, they find out that Sunghoon is sick. Hoon asks Jay to get in contact with Spider-Man because he needs his blood. It doesn't work out though.
Sunghoon finds, what he believes to be, another way (a serum) to live but that also doesn't work out.
And Sunghoon becomes Green goblin.
Jay and Jake try to save Hoon, that's when Hoon figures out that Jay is Spider-Man.
They fight, and Jake gets in between them but he falls off the clock tower doing so.
Before Jay can save Jake it's too late.
Hoon's serum didn't work either, rather it intesified his illness and he eventually succumbed to his sickness.
Jay lost both of his best friends.
A few years later, when he's making his rounds of the city, a bright orange spark just randomly appears in front of him.
Then it moves in a circular motions and become bigger and then next thing he knows its a portal.
That's how he meets Heesung.
Jake is really smart. He earned a spot at Brooklyn Visions Program at NYU. His parents were so proud.
Was really close to his older cousin Felix.
Was bitten by a radioactive spider when he and Lix were messing around in the abandoned subways lines.
Was learning how to to get his powers under control.
Met Sunghoon for the first time in his literature class.
Sunghoon had a leaf in his hair and when Jake went to get it out, his hand was stuck to Hoon's hair...
Like his hand would NOT unstick and it resulted is hoon getting an impromptu undercut at the nurse's office.
Started off on the wrong foot.
Then Jake met Spider-Man!Christopher Bang from a different universe???!!!
Chris finds out that Jake is just like him (spidey-tingle and all) and then offers to teach him how to use his powers.
They also try to figure out what Chris is doing in Jake's universe.
In turn, they find out Hoon also has spider powers and is from another universe.
Upon learning how the merging of different universes started, Jake also finds out, the hard way, that Felix is involved.
Felix is the Prowler, working for King Pin. Just when Lix is about to off Spider-Man!Jake, Jake takes off his mask.
Lix pauses and panics and lets go of Jake and then next thing Jake knows, he hears a bang and Lix is falling into his arms.
Lix doesn't make it :(, Jake's cop dad spot them and Jake has to move quickly.
He goes back to his dorms, Chris and Hoon and are waiting for him with their other spider hero friends and they tell Jake that he shouldn't come and fight with them. But Jake is supposed to be the one that shuts down all the portals so that no one gets left behind and dies from not being back in their own universe.
Jake get webbed down to his chair, not able to move.
While he's struggling to escape, his dad comes to deliver the news about Lix. Cue the emotional and motivational speech from dad.
Jake gets free, powers are under control and he's off to save his spider friends!
Long story short (not really), he wins! Friends? Back home! Portals? Shut down! King Pin? Defeated!
Then a couple months pass of him being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man when randomly, when he's in bed, he hears Sunghoon's voice calling out for him?
In Sunghoon's universe, his dad is the chief of police.
Sunghoon was a well known figure skater!
Hoon just really wanted to make his dad proud.
Then he was bitten by a radioactive spider.
Thus becoming Spider-Hoon!
As chief of police, his dad DID NOT approve of Spider-Hoon!
This made Hoon feel guilty for his double life, so he kept it a secret so as long as he could.
Sunghoon was best friends with Lee Heeseung but because Hoon started to pick up Ice skating they drifted apart for a little bit.
Only talking and hanging out every now and then.
Heeseung would get picked on a lot by his school mates.
Hoon tried his best but Hee asked him not to get involved with his life anymore. This really upset Hoon.
The bullying gets bad and Heeseung snaps. He steals the serum that he and Dr. Connor's were working on at Oscrop and injects himself.
Everyone at school sees him (hee) as worthless and all his life he's just wanted to be seen as something more. Something special. Like Spider-Man.
Hoon was interning at Oscorp and on the day Hee injects himself with the serum.
Then there's crashing and people screaming and running.
Hoon springs into action and bumps in a 9 foot lizard. He doesn't know it's Heeseung.
Hoon gets hurt and Hee retreats. Hoon dips as soon as he hears sirens and his dad's voice.
Heeseung comes up with a plan get revenge on the classmates that have done nothing but torment him. He also planned to turn all of New York City into lizards just like him.
Meanwhile at home, Hoon's dad tells him that Heeseung's aunt contacted him. He tells Hoon that Heeseung and Dr. Connors have been missing since the lizard appeared at Oscorp.
Hoons panics. He remembers talking to Heeseung about the serum that they were working on. How it was supposed genetically repair the human body... like a lizard.
Hoon also remembers that Dr. Connors lost his arm in a car accident.
Hoon suspects that Connors injected himself with the serum to some how regrow his lost arm. He also wonders if Heeseung figured out what Connors was up to and as a result was taken by him.
Did Connors need Heeseung alive? If so, what for?
Too many questions race through Hoon's mind and he's off into New York's sewage system.
He stumbles upon the lizard's lair. He starts to dig around when he hears a groan. He runs and prays its Heeseung but he's shocked when he sees Dr. Connors, severely injured.
Connor's tells Hoon that he was kidnapped by the lizard to make adjustments to the serum and build a diffuser.
Hoon asks about Heeseung but all Dr. Connor's can mumble is "He's gone" to Hoon.
Before Hoon could press any further there's a crash in the lair and he see the lizard.
They fight and the lizard gets the upper hand. It takes the serum and diffuser. Poor Sunghoon is so stresses about saving his beat friend and the city.
Hoon asks Dr. Connor's where the lizard is headed.
That night Heeseung planned to use the diffuser as Oscorp. He thought it would be perfect because Oscorp was host a fundraising Gala to restore and repair damages the building had suffered.
Elite families and honorable guests would be there... includig his tormentors.
Hoon's dad, as chief of police, was an honorable guest and present at the Gala. Hoon was expected to be there as well and he shows up in his suit as a cover.
He's on edge and when his dad asks him what was going on with him their conversation is cut short by screaming and running.
Hoon's dad springs into action and tells Hoon to get out of there. When his dad is out of sight, Hoon changes into his spider suit.
Hoon is searching for the lizard and sees his dad fighting off, then his dad is knocked out by it. Hoon rushed his dad away from the fight then goes back to find the lizard.
Cue more fighting. Hoon manages to get the upper hand this time and web shoots the lizard. It loses it's balance and falls and with it the ceiling and roof falls too.
The lizard is crushed and Hoon watches in horror as the lizard transforms into human. It's Heeseung.
Hoon sprints and is on his knees crying.
"What did you do, Hee?" he's sobbing.
Heeseung tells Spider-Man, "I just wanted to be special like you".
Sunghoon tells Heeseung that it's him, that he's spider-man.
And Hee tells Hoon that he'll be okay. The Heeseung's eyes close and he stops breathing.
And Hoon lets out a heart wrenching sob.
At this point, Hoon's dad is awake again and worried about him so he goes to look for Hoon.
When he enters, he sees spider-man's back and face mask off but he can't quite see Hoon's face.
he tells Hoon to freeze but Hoon quickly grabs hi mask and makes a run for it.
His dad chases after him telling him to stop but then freezes when he sees Heeseung laying in a pile of debris.
Hoon and his dad are mourning. HIs dad blames spider-man for Heeseung's death and swears to get justice for Heeseung.
Hoon is just broken at this point. He feels so helpless and alone.
He doesn't really do the "friend" thing.
Jump to a year later and he's in a different universe.
And he meets Jake.
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TAGLIST (OPEN): @praliliaaa @clara12o @llvrhee
comment if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
A/N: I apologize for the painfully slow updates everyone! I have a lot on my plate and I'm taking summer courses!
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coupsie-daisies · 3 days
Have you ever wanted to join a server for SKZ, ATZ, and various other kpop groups? Are you looking to make more multistan or writer friends? Clownracha may be the server for you!!!!!!!
All of our members work hard to foster a safe and comfortable environment for writers and kpop stans to make friends, talk about kpop and fanfiction, spread our works, and grow and learn as writers and people. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please reach out!
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This server is 20+ ONLY!! We are only accepting people above the age limit
No bigots, terfs, homophobes/transphobes, racists, etc. Just be a good, kind, accepting person
Introduce yourself and try to be active. We do have a 90 day inactivity rule (and request that any hiatuses or breaks be communicated to the hiatus managers). There's no need to be nervous, we're all losers here, we're bonding over fanfiction after all
Anyone and everyone is allowed regardless of race, gender, sexuality, etc. The only requirements are being 20+ and a writer (this server is currently entirely queer)
You must have at least one fic posted on some platform. There's no limit to what you write, be it x reader, x OC, or x member, we accept and write it all
•°☆We often have events throughout the server like game nights, fic exchange, or quarterly prompts. There's never any pressure to partake, but it's a fun time!
•°☆This is a place for all of us to express ourselves and do what we love. So if you're looking for a place to be who you are, come check us out!
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airaibunny · 1 year
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—things i write:
mostly smut, some occasional fluff, angst, etc…
mostly just oneshots, but i’ll do multiple parts of things if requested!
i only write fem!idol x fem!reader (i write poly situations, as long as the reader is involved)
non-idol AU
—things i don’t write:
anything smutty involving idols that are minors
noncon, yandere, ageplay, anything with animals, any other things of that sort
stories with JUST idol x idol
male readers or idols
butt stuff
fetishes(none, like literally none)
i can’t do every single request i receive, but if your req helps me write anything, i will mention it in the a/n
if you are putting prompts along with your request, please don’t put too many
please don’t hesitate to tell me if you think anything is wrong in the story or the tags!
please let me know about grammatical/spelling mistakes in the fics so i can fix them. i try my best to catch them all but sometimes i just don’t notice
bratty/degrading/etc smut
first time/inexperienced smut
praise/soft/etc smut
misc smut
threesome smut
le sserafim
red velvet
fic on my alt (@lenybunny)
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ccallmeyours · 2 months
request are open!!!
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lavenderbexlatte · 1 year
kinktober 2023 masterlist~
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one sexy/nsfw oneshot per day, for the month of october 🎃😈
day 1:  day 2: submission - 🐰 kim yongsun & 🐹 moon byulyi day 3: mirror sex - 🐺 bang chan day 4: blindfolds - 🐼 jeon jiwoo day 5: mile-high club - 🦄 wong kunhang day 6: size difference - 🐝 lee jooheon day 7: in the club - 👑 matthew kim & 🐻 kim taehyung (kard) day 8: seduction - 🐰na jaemin day 9: suspension - 🐭 lee chaeryeong day 10: virginity - 🐑 liu yangyang day 11: 🐧 day 12: 🦊 day 13: threesome - 🐱 johnny suh & 🦁 mark lee day 14: anonymous sex - 🐢 chae hyungwon day 15: lingerie - 🍑 hirai momo day 16:  day 17: oral fixation - 🐶 kim seungmin day 18:  day 19: bath/shower - 🦁 ahn hyejin day 20: only one bed - 👑 matthew kim day 21: exhibitionism - 🐰🍑🐶 nct dojaejung day 22:  day 23:  day 24:  day 25:  day 26:  day 27:  day 28:  day 29:  day 30:  day 31: 
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fizzydrink698 · 2 years
chemistry | yeji
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kinktober day 6: mirror sex
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pairing: hwang yeji x reader
word-count: 4.5k
genre: college au, dance class au, rivals to lovers
warnings: swearing, sexual content (oral sex, masturbation), reader has some pent-up issues regarding inferiority and more than a little fixation on yeji, misplaced feelings that eventually get sorted out healthily with a lil nudging
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It hurt, sometimes, to look at her. In those little moments between run-throughs, when she would drop her performance energy and just be her for a few moments, you found yourself constantly looking over. It felt like you couldn’t help it, she just demanded your attention like that.
You hated it. And her.
You really hated her.
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Five, six, seven, eight.
You hated her.
For the first eighteen years of your life, you had been the best dancer, in every class you took, in every performance you did. You were the one that the teacher would point to and go “like this, everyone, this is perfect.”
And then, you got to university – and met her.
All of a sudden, you weren’t getting the solos. You weren’t the best, you weren’t the example, because you just had to be in the same team as Hwang Yeji.
She was just…perfect. In everything she did, and it fucking infuriated you. It was like she exposed every single weakness you had. You felt so clumsy dancing next to her, you felt like an idiot for ever thinking you could go anywhere with dance. Every new showcase, you went head-to-head for the solo, and nine times out of ten, they went with Yeji.
Your rivalry had taken over your life. You would lie in bed, stare up at the ceiling and all you could think about was her. The way she picked up routines without a second thought, how fluidly she could move, her perfect lines, how she just…
Ugh, fuck her.
She infected every part of your life, even outside of dance. It was like every conversation just couldn’t go on without something forcing you to bring up Yeji. Arranging plans for the evening? You had to practise to beat Yeji. Studying for the next assignment? You were exhausted from staying up and watching recordings of old showcases Yeji danced in.
Anything could be traced back to Yeji. Anything.
“He’s cute,” Aisha, a friend of yours, pointed out over lunch one day. She was referring to a blond guy by the salad bar, trying and failing not to look disgusted as his loud friend loaded his bowl with croutons and pineapple chunks. “I think he’s in my art class.”
He was pretty cute, you supposed. It had been so long since you’d been interested in anyone, it almost felt weird to acknowledge it. But there was something about him that just…
“What’s his name?” You asked, brow furrowing.
Aisha raised an eyebrow, and you realised she looked genuinely surprised. At your question? No, maybe not. Probably the fact that you’d shown interest at all. “Begins with a H, I think. Hyunjin? I can find out if he’s seeing anyone, if you’re interested.”
You looked back over at him, narrowing your eyes. He looked almost familiar, had you seen him before? Somewhere on campus? Something about that bone structure, the body language…
The loud friend suddenly elbowed Hyunjin in the ribs, and when he nodded his head over to you, you realised you had been caught. Hyunjin turned his head, eyes finding you, and there was a brief second when you took his appearance in and thought maybe you would take Aisha up on her offer, look at that face, the little shy smile he was giving you, and–
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, turning your head away sharply to squeeze your eyes shut and pinch the bridge of your nose before you had an aneurysm. “That’s fucking Yeji’s brother.”
With your eyes closed, you didn’t see Aisha’s expression as she paused, but you definitely heard the weird tone in her voice as she replied, almost amused. “Of course it is.”
Why was she everywhere?
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Studio B has been closed for nearly a year for renovations.
Initially, the work was supposed to have been finished in a few months, but the budget had apparently run dry halfway through, and wouldn’t be finished until the start of the next school year when the department got a little more cash to burn.
The studio was deemed unsuitable to hold classes in, thanks to the half-finished flooring and bare concrete walls, and very few people had access to it.
You were one of those people. You’d been lent a key at some point last year when you helped out with the younger students, and apparently everyone had forgotten about it.
For once, you supposed, not being the centre of attention had its perks.
With Studio B, you had access to a practice space whenever you wanted, with no need to book ahead and no one else interrupting. It was the perfect way to catch up to Yeji, especially considering the upcoming showcase looming on the horizon.
That showcase was going to be headlined by duo performance, not a solo. On one hand, you wouldn’t have to compete with Yeji for the same spot. The two of you were the best in your group, you were the obvious choices and you’d passed the audition easily.
On the other hand, you would be sharing a stage with Yeji. Just the two of you alone. Every single move you made would be directly compared to hers.
You needed every bit of practice you could get because you just weren’t a natural like her. She picked up every little detail of choreography so quickly, every run-through she did was clean and fluid and purposeful.
This fact was only made more obvious by The Mirror.
In the initial stages of renovations, Studio B’s mirror had been removed – and revealed, for some inexplicable reason, that Studio A’s mirror was one-way. This wasn’t an issue when the two studio mirrors were back-to-back, but now?
You had a front-row seat to her practice sessions, whenever you came into the studio at the same time. You got to see just how fucking great Yeji could dance, even just rehearsing.
And because that fucking duo piece involved so much synchronisation, you had to dance move-for-move with her. It did wonders for your timing, you’d admit. Your instructor had said just as much, clapping her hands together after your most recent group rehearsal and – for once – complimented you on just how well you could move beat-for-beat with Yeji.
“You make wonderful partners,” she had told you. “The way you interact, the chemistry, it’s fascinating.”
It was infuriating, maybe, that you could only be praised after working so hard for so many hours on something that came to Yeji naturally. It got to you, having to dance in this barely-lit room, exposed timber and sawdust everywhere as your backdrop, copying Yeji’s movements as she danced in the light.
It hurt, sometimes, to look at her. In those little moments between run-throughs, when she would drop her performance energy and just be her for a few moments, you found yourself constantly looking over. It felt like you couldn’t help it, she just demanded your attention like that.
You hated it. And her.
You really hated her.
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One night, you booked a few hours in Studio A. You needed the full-length mirrors, just to double-check your lines, and that was something Studio B just did not have.
Yeji was waiting for you inside.
She was standing in the centre of the room, arms crossed over her chest. For a moment, you thought she might have just finished a session right before yours. She was in her usual dance practice attire – sports bra, comfy sweats, her dark hair tied back in a sleek ponytail – but the absence of any sweat, any flush of exertion to her skin, tipped you off otherwise.
She didn’t just happen to be here. She specifically chose to be here.
For you, apparently.
Yeji shifted her weight from one foot to the other, looking uncharacteristically serious. “I know about Studio B.”
You froze.
“…What, that we have one?” You asked, evasively, shifting your gaze away from her. “Wow, you catch on quick, Hwang.”
She ignored the jab. “You know what I’m talking about.”
“Do I?”
“Yes, you do. You’ve been practising in there.”
You did your best to let the accusation roll off of you, but inside, your stomach clenched. “What makes you say that?”
“I had a weird feeling for a while,” Yeji said, calmly, and when your eyes darted back to her, you found her watching you. “Sometimes when I dance, I thought I could hear an echo. And then yesterday I was going through the floorwork part of the choreography where we hit the ground and…”
Fuck. You remembered that. You had even been happy at the time - the two of you were supposed to smack your hands against the floor at the same time, but Yeji didn’t. It seemed like she’d forgotten the choreo for that tiny portion, and you had been overjoyed.
Now, all you can think about is how loud your slapping the floor might have been. How much of a giveaway had it been?
Enough, apparently.
Your silence was enough to confirm Yeji’s suspicions, and you were surprised to see her jaw set. Her eyes flashed with anger. “It’s dangerous in there. They said they ripped all the flooring out, and…I can’t believe you were dumb enough to even try it. What if you got caught? What if you got injured?”
This was too much. You felt something sick and poisonous building in the pit of your stomach, spreading to your chest, knotting in your throat and choking you. The feeling of being caught out, the humiliation because how could you even explain this? That the only reason you took this stupid risk was because you’d never be as good as her without it? That without practising hours and hours every day, you’d look like an embarrassment next to her?
You tried to swallow down the lump in your throat, and forced a shrug. “I wanted some extra practice time.”
“Then practise with me,” Yeji exclaimed, incredulous. “This is our piece, we should be rehearsing together anyway! You could have just asked to share the studio during my time. I wouldn’t have minded.”
You pictured stumbling around, trying to get the choreography steps into your head, and perfect Yeji smirking to the side as she did every move flawlessly.
“No, thanks,” you retorted bitterly.
Yeji blinked, thrown for a moment, and then visibly stiffened with rage. You almost took a step back, as she shouted. “God, would you just get over yourself?”
“Me?” You said, almost recoiling, your voice rising in volume to match hers. “What about you? Why don’t you get your nose out of my fucking business? Why do you even care?”
“Because I’m worried about you! Especially if you’re doing stupid shit like this.”
You grit your teeth at the way her voice shook, at the way she was staring at you, like she was fucking…disappointed, or something. Fuck her. Fuck this.
“No, you’re not,” you said, dismissing her outright.
She scoffed, as if you were being the unreasonable one, and stepped forward. “Yes, I am.”
“Why?” You asked, matching her with your own step forward, dropping your bag to the floor with a loud thud. “Who cares if I get injured? Someone else gets my part in the routine, and you have nothing to worry about.”
“I don’t want anyone else doing this routine with me, I want you.”
If you were slightly more observant, if the rage-induced (Yeji-induced) blinders dropped for just a fraction of a second, you would have noticed the edge to those last few words.
As it was, you just kept pressing onward. “Why? Why does it have to be me? Why does it matter?”
Yeji squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head slightly, as if she just couldn’t comprehend your stupidity, and something in you burned at that, spiteful, hurt and–
“Because I like you, you fucking dumbass.”
You stopped in your tracks, faltering. It was like your brain crashed, or something, barely able to do anything more than replay her words, tripping over them, like a scratched record.
“And I know you like me,” Yeji added, challenging you. “Before you say anything.”
You choked, spluttering. “What?”
“You’re constantly looking over at me in class,” she pointed out, taking another step forward. “Like, all the time. It’s cute, how much you’re obsessed with me.”
“I am not obsessed with you–”
“Then, what? If you don’t like me, why are you doing all this?” Yeji asked, gesturing vaguely but animatedly around her. “Is it just jealousy? Is that it?”
You bristled at that, affronted. “I’m not jealous of you. I don’t want to be you, I…I just need to…”
You needed to be better than you were. Because the idea of looking dumb and clumsy and bad was just unthinkable, especially in front of…
In front of…
You stared wide-eyed at Yeji, pieces falling into place. There was a tiny split-second of charged silence, where you were lost for words, where Yeji stared at you with a look of dawning realisation.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Slowly, she took another step forward, closing the distance between the two of you almost entirely. You didn’t step back, but you felt something small starting to flicker inside of you. A new nervousness, an anxiety, an unsurety for what might come next.
Yeji lifted her hand, and the moment it touched the curve of your jaw, you felt a burst of something in your chest. Equal parts apprehension and anticipation.
“Yeji…” you murmured, her name slipping out of your mouth. You weren’t sure what it was. A warning? A confession? The voicing of the one thought that had been tormenting you constantly for months now?
Yeji paused at the uncertainty in your voice, and maybe she would have pulled away, had you not given into the temptation to lower your gaze to her mouth. It was quick, brief, just barely even a look, but she caught it.
Emboldened by it, she leaned in and kissed you.
You expected kissing Yeji to feel weird, or confusing, until your body and brain were able to catch up to this sudden revelation.
Instead, there was a rush of sensation that just felt right. Like a sigh of relief, like your brain was suddenly shouting this is what I was trying to tell you the whole time. It was intoxicating, almost overwhelming, a release of something that had been building for months, if not years.
She must have realised something similar, because for a first kiss, this was astonishingly bold. Instead of a mere peck, Yeji parted her lips slightly, moving her mouth against yours. You followed suit, after a second’s hesitation, your tongue just barely brushing against her lower lip.
Your hands immediately went to her waist, warm and bare under your hands. Your fingers curled inwards, nails scraping gently against her skin. Yeji’s response – a quiet little noise, almost like a hum but not quite – sent something electric coursing through you.
You didn’t know where to go from here. Where did you even start? You wanted everything and anything, you wanted to touch every part of her body that you had stared at in practice, you wanted to slide your hand up and inside of her bra and glimpse what had been hidden to you on a body you’d fixated on for so long that you felt it burned into your mind.
Yeji broke away, and something akin to pride swelled within you when you realised she was breathing just a little heavier. “See? We could have been doing this the whole–”
Impatience overwhelmed you, and you cut Yeji off by pressing your lips to hers once more. She seemed to accept this without complaint, curling an arm around your hips to pull you closer. You stumbled only slightly, just a half-step, in your urgency to draw even closer. One of your hands flew up to the back of her head, and after a second of fumbling, you removed her hair tie.
Fuck, her hair was perfect. You wanted to run your hands through it, you wanted to tangle your fingers in it and pull, you wanted to see what it looked like in your fist. All of it, all at once.
So horribly, unfairly pretty.
She slid the hand that had been cupping your jaw down, along your neck, onto your shoulders. Her palm sat nestled against your collarbone, and you imagined it sliding even lower.
You felt her hand twitch, as if she were thinking the very same thing.
“How long did you book this room for?” Yeji murmured, pulling back only slightly to speak, her lips still brushing yours.
“An hour,” you replied, heat blooming in the pit of your gut at her question, at all it implied.
You felt her grin, felt her open her mouth to say something – before hesitating. “Maybe we should stop here, for now.”
Your response was not a whine, but only through sheer self-restraint. “Why?”
She laughed a little, but it wasn’t unkind. Endeared, maybe. “We’re going kind of fast,” she noted.
“I don’t care,” you retorted. Now that you knew what this had been, just why you’d been so fixated for so long, the idea of holding off whatever was building here – and for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks? – horrified you. You knew what you wanted, waiting wouldn’t change that.
Yeji was proving insistent, however. “We should…like, talk, at least.”
“We can talk,” you argued. “Right now, if you want. Just keep touching me.”
Yeji laughed again, but this laugh was a little less innocent. When she leaned in again, her lips found your neck, and you made the softest of noises. Her hand slid down to your chest, squeezing it just shy of roughly, but enough to draw another noise from you.
“You’re very responsive,” she observed, enjoying the way you shivered when the pad of her thumb brushed your nipple through the fabric of your top.
You swallowed, closing your eyes. “I…I just know what I like.”
“Could have fooled me,” she teased, her hand moving again.
“That was…” you trailed off, inhaling sharply, when her hand slid under your top. “That was different.”
Yeji didn’t respond, content to watch your reactions as she played with you. You felt yourself relaxing under her touch, losing yourself for a few moments, letting your brain finally take a rest from how much you’ve been overthinking…everything, apparently.
Yeji only stopped kissing you when she needed to – when she had your top in both hands, and pulled it up over your head to remove it. You lifted your arms willingly, eyes opening to see Yeji staring completely unashamedly at your chest.
Oh, Yeji wanted you. It still felt surreal, and it only just really clicked, but Yeji really wanted you.
Your eyes met again, and Yeji’s face flushed. Still, she couldn’t help but grin. “I swear, anytime you wore that blue sports bra, I wanted to cry.”
You blinked. You knew the sports bra she was talking about, it was one of your favourites. But you didn’t wear it often, because… “It’s a little small for me.”
She grinned wider. “I know.”
Your face burned.
“So, you…” you mumbled thoughtlessly, tongue two steps ahead of your brain, and you were a little embarrassed to finish this train of thought. You got the feeling, though, judging by Yeji’s expectant expression, that it was a little late to avoid it now. “You, like…actually like me.”
Yeji raised an eyebrow. “Have I not made it very obvious yet?”
“OK, fair-“
“Because I can try harder,” she said, her eyes suddenly gleaming. “Get on the floor.”
An hour ago, if someone had told you that you’d be taking orders from Hwang Yeji without complaint, you would have laughed in their face.
You swallowed, a little nervous and a lot turned on, and lowered yourself to your knees. Maybe, if Yeji had remained standing tall, it would have been a little too much – but she matched you every step of the way, joining you on the floor.
Her knee slotted itself between your legs, and maybe you’d mistake it for an accident, if you hadn’t spent so much of your life noticing how very good Yeji was at making the most subtle of movements look incidental when they were very much deliberate.
For a while, you did nothing more than kiss – which felt like a pretty simplistic description for something so overwhelming. It didn’t account for the way your hands roamed Yeji’s body, the way it felt hearing every noise she made, the expression she made when you bit the bullet and ground against her thigh.
Eventually, though, her hands found the waistband of your leggings.
“Tell me if you change your mind,” Yeji said, very seriously. “No matter when, or what I’m doing. This is…this is fast.”
Not really, you wanted to argue. Not when it felt like the last six months had basically been foreplay between the two of you.
Still, Yeji’s seriousness gave you pause.
“Same goes for you,” you told her. “If you really do want to stop and talk first, we can. I don’t want to just…”
You trailed off, as Yeji’s gaze dragged along your body. You couldn’t imagine what she saw, as you lay under her, but whatever it was made her visibly swallow.
“…Let’s save the talking for later,” she decided, fingers hooking under your waistband. She pulled it down, just a few inches, just enough to expose the lacy edge of your underwear. “Fuck. Maybe talking’s overrated, actually.”
You wanted to laugh. You probably would have, if it weren’t for the distraction of Yeji lifting your hips up, removing your leggings slowly and discarding them to the side with barely a second thought.
She kept hold of your leg, lifting it up just slightly above the floor, and began to press a trail of kisses from your knee upwards. You let your head slump backwards against the floor, eyes closing, breath catching with every other kiss, trying so hard to remain patient as she got agonisingly close to where you needed her most.
Infuriatingly, she got as close as the top of your thighs before diverting away, planting a kiss in the dip of your hipbone. You whined, hands itching to grab her by the head and nudge her back to where she should be. Your head lolled to one side, and it was only when Yeji pushed your underwear to one side that your eyes opened.
To discover the reflection of you and Yeji in that full-length mirror.
You made quite the sight, the pair of you. You couldn’t help but stare, captivated, as Yeji ducked her head, and–
“Fuck, Yeji,” you cried out, torn between closing your eyes and keeping them open and fixed on the sight of Yeji between your legs. You felt yourself clench around her, in part due to that visual of a fully-clothed Yeji, kneeling before your very naked body, face buried between your thighs.
You rocked your hips against your mouth, and a sick little thrill rushed through you when you realised you could watch the way your body moved, the rhythm of it. You could see Yeji’s grip tightening around your thighs just as clearly as you could feel it.
You were so distracted that you didn’t even notice Yeji glance up at you, not until you saw her in the mirror, the way her eyes followed where you were looking, and the way her reflection met your eyes.
You snapped your head back to look upwards, towards the ceiling, but it was too late.
“Are you…staring at yourself?” Yeji asked, pulling away from where she was doing unspeakably wonderful things with her tongue.
“No,” you replied, too quickly, too panicked.
“You are,” she said, vaguely accusing, unable to hide her smirk.
“I’m not, not like…I’m just trying to wrap my brain around this actually happening,” you explained, tripping over your words a little. “And that’s, like…proof that it is.”
Yeji raised an eyebrow, but nodded once, understanding.
And then, her smirk deepened.
“Keep watching, then,” she said. “Let me put on a good show for you.”
Before you could react, Yeji hiked your thigh up over her shoulder, exposing you further, and she ran her tongue along your folds in one slow, long stripe. As she began to swirl the tip of it around your clit, you shuddered, gaze returning to your reflection.
This was almost overwhelming, as Yeji found the exact rhythm and pressure that made your toes curl. Your hand found her hair, carding your fingers through it, letting your fist ball in it as she continued to unravel you. Every breath that left your mouth was accompanied by a whimper, as the sensations began to build and build and build. There was a very strong chance that you were going to cum embarrassingly quickly.
“Yeji,” you breathed, gasping between syllables, and she met your stare through the mirror again. She didn’t look away once, maintaining eye contact, and you couldn’t help but squirm even more under her. “Please…fuck, I…Yeji…”
She held your stare, and you watched her reflection as she slowly, deliberately, slid her own hand into her sweatpants.
You choked, hips jerking up against her, and finally tore your gaze away from the mirror to look at her directly.
She was perfect from this angle, face flushed and slick, dark eyes moving to peek up at you through her lashes. You couldn’t quite see what her hand was doing from here, but you felt the vibrations of her moan against you, and you watched her eyes briefly flutter shut before opening again.
“You’re…fuck, you’re gorgeous,” you admitted, unfiltered thoughts just tumbling out from between your lips. “Perfect. Always…always thought so–Yeji, fuck, please…”
You were going to cum, you were absolutely going to cum.
Yeji seemed to pick up on this, and one particularly ungodly flick of her tongue had you tumbling over the edge. Your vision whited out, like you were almost literally seeing stars, the force of it almost punching your moan out.
It took you a good minute or so to recover, only doing so when Yeji’s increasingly loud whines broke through your orgasm-induced haze. You blinked, brain slowly returning from its temporary mush-like state, to find Yeji with her eyes shut, hand apparently working furiously.
You sat up, room still spinning slightly, and leaned forward to press your mouth to hers. She responded eagerly, sloppily, moaning loudly against your lips. You fumbled with the drawstring of her sweatpants, eager to slide your hand in alongside hers, when she suddenly cried out, her entire body shaking. She collapsed against you, panting, lost in her own climax. You smoothed a hand over her back, rubbing soothing circles into the exposed skin there, and – out of sheer impulse – pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Fuck,” she mumbled, out of breath, burying her face into your neck.
You realised how much you liked her there, how much you liked her curled up against you.
She suddenly laughed, just a little, breathless.
“Wait ‘til they get a load of our fucking chemistry now.”
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writers-ex · 2 years
tangled in your web: a spider-itzy tale
hey guys hannie here ^^ after hearing and seeing about one edit someone sent me @monkeyryunnie I debated and made the rough draft to make a choose your story featuring two special ladies in itzy 🤭 this will be uploaded soon but enjoy the introduction post for our story~
fem reporter!reader x spider!itzy
warnings: g!p itzy, degrading, praise, breeding, exhibition kink, blood and fighting mentioned, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talking and teasing, one night stand (?), some cursing, spelling errors
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Blowing on a sheet of paper you stare blankly at the wall with your head resting on the desk. It’s been four days and still no word or sightings of the exclusive hero that swung around your city. As the main photographer of the daily bugle you couldn’t help but shutter at the fact that if the week finished with no photos to print you were out of a job. Closing your eyes you silently wish for something to happen when the phone across from your desk starts to ring. About to unplug it from the wall you hear the caller go to voicemail and stop in your tracks.
“Um hi…I’m calling the spidey hotline? Wow this is my first time doing something like this- anyways I think I saw a mysterious new ‘black’ spider-girl rush into the sewer after some bad guy? It’s here downtown near Midzy Street. I hope this helps? Do you think i-“ the call hangs up and your mind races. Pinpointing the area in your mind you grab your camera and are about to head out the door when your boss stops you. You’re about to open your mouth to tell him the news when he holds his hand up to stop you.
“Smiley our twitter feed just blew up with a sighting upstate of the red freak fighting some flying bozo on the JYP skyscraper. If you take the company scooter you can be there in no less than half an hour. Now get to it!” Pushing you out of the office you bite your tongue from giving him sass for that horrible nickname he always called you as you stepped into the elevator. Going down your mind debates on what to do- you can either follow that tip you heard on your colleague’s voicemail with the black spider-woman or listen to your boss and rush upstate to the sighting of the red spider-woman. Exiting the elevator you head out the door and-
head upstate to find the red spidey
rush downtown to meet the black spidey
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honey171 · 6 months
*★. sk8er boy moodboard ‹‹
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🛹 he was a punk, she did ballet 🩰
A vida de Lee Chaeryeong sempre foi bem definida e traçada. Pode-se dizer que era bem confortável, como sempre sabia o que aconteceria e o que esperar.
Ainda assim, ela sempre sentiu falta de algo, ainda que não soubesse exatamente o quê. Talvez faltasse um pouco de agitação e emoção em sua vida. O que ela só não contava era que isso se realizaria. E muito menos acompanhado de um belo tombo e um joelho ralado!
Han Jisung era um skatista tagarelo e um tiquinho desastrado. Ele era uma confusão! Mas talvez Chaeryeong gostasse da confusão...
› 📖 ‹
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chaerssss · 1 year
-ˋˏ [When love lasts] ˎˊ
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Pairings:- Choi Beomgyu x Female reader
Synopsis:- Growing up with a friend group was a blessing in a prestigious school. It also contributed to your love life. Everyone went on their own ways, but that one person still resides in your heart. So, what would you do if he showed up again as your neighbour?
Genre:- Friends to lovers, Rom-Com, fluff, more fluff and more fluff, TXT x Itzy friend group.
Type:- Oneshot
Words:- 20k
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"And did you know that the proletariat – were to organise themselves into a politically revolutionary movement to counter the exploitative and unequal effects of capitalism, which were accelerated and expanded by the industrial revolution. This vision of a potential link between the-"
Gosh, you shouldn't have trusted your alcoholic acquaintance who tends to refer to you as a 'friend' for a blind date. It'd be a miracle if she, herself managed to find the right guy. The moment you sat on the table, which by the way was reserved by you, he has been talking non-stop about some guy named Marx and his good deeds. You did not study English literature as a major for this.
But how could you stop him? You had absolutely no idea. One part of you wanted to just walk out and the other felt sympathetic towards this lonely guy who wanted to share information about his interests. No wonder you never had a boyfriend. Your palms held your chin as you tried your best to look focused but who were you kidding, even if you did pay mind to him he wasn't going to accept you.
What a waste of day. "He looked cute though." You mumbled while walking down the streets to your beloved apartment. The sky was clear but you were suspicious of the rain as it was monsoon already. You loved rain. Even if you were given a lifetime to describe the happiness you felt when you saw the droplets falling from the sky, you don't think you could. All you needed was a person who made you feel just as happy. And there was someone, during your high school days. God, the things you'd do just to live those times once again.
You reached your apartment and saw a truck full of furniture and then realised, the people living next to your apartment had left a week ago. New family might be moving in. Reaching the elevator, you pressed the button for 8th floor. The doors of the lift had started to close when a hand stopped their convergence.
You gazed up to find a a blond head hunching down, panting. As he straightened his posture, you met a familiar face. It was difficult to figure out the person when his body was bowed but now it's very clear. "I'm sorry I got late-" he stopped in between, reflecting the same expression on your face. Eyes wide, jaw about to fall off and eyebrows raised up. He had froze in his place.
There was no way you would be in the same lift as this man so with courage you moved your feet and began clicking the close button recklessly while maintaining the eye contact. The people passing you guys were quite surprised and some even laughed thinking your misery was comical. But he didn't even move until the doors to the elevator closed and you finally let out a sigh of relief.
Your knees felt so weak, you almost collapsed if it wasn't for the lift wall behind you. "What the hell is he doing here?"
Wobbling you managed to reach your apartment. Your head completely immersed in Choi Beomgyu. Did he perhaps know where I live? Is he here for me? No that's can't be...and just as you take your keys out, your eyes fall on the empty apartment next to you. A man entered from the lift with a few boxes and went into next door. You bit your lip out of curiosity, wanting to know who was the person moving in.
"Excuse me?" You called out for the man who now came out, "Yes?", stepping closer, "Um, do you have any idea of what kind of people are moving here?"
"What does that mean?" He questioned because of the absurdity and finds your eyes trying to search something inside the apartment. "Just tell me, is it a family?"
"No..it's a fine young man. Somewhere around 22 to 24."
The man revealed and your eyes automatically grew wide. Your highschool crush was moving next to you. Oh, holy land, open yourself and bury me in, save me from the embarassment. Even though it had been 5 years, you had grown beautifully from a teenager to an adult, you still didn't have the guts to face him and you have no idea why.
So lost in thought and fear you didn't notice the man leave. The lift dinged once again and you ran for your life because what if it was Beomgyu? You tried hiding your face with hair and went near your apartment door. But the series of unfortunate events had just started. Your keys disappeared. One moment they were hanging in your fingers and now they're gone.
On top of that, you have no idea if Beomgyu ever came upstairs. So what if you turned around and met with him...again?!? No no, you mustn't turn. You mumbled to yourself and tried finding the keys somewhere. For a second you thought of just walking out of there but then what if you saw him downstairs. Ugh, so frustrating.
As you're frowning and cursing your life, a hand pats you shoulder. You turn around, and your eyes once again expand. It was the person you had been trying to avoid this whole time.
"Looking for these?" He said as he held the keys in hands and shook them, creating sounds because of the pearl keychain attached to them. You froze. You and no idea what to say or do. Beomgyu chuckled at your round eyes, "Why are you so shocked? Hm?" He leaned in which only made you back up, "Don't you remember me, y/n?"
His soft voice let your name out and it sent goosebumps to your skin. 5 years, and yet this man has you under his control. But how could you not react to him? His beautiful brown eyes that reminded you of the nature, the mountains and the other times, looked like warm coffee cups. And his soft features, a spectacular high bridged nose you always wanted to caress. But most of all, his hair..that gracefully complimented his face.
"Y/n?" You snapped out of your thoughts, "I do.." you mumbled. How could I forget you? He smirked, "Guess, you'll have to keep up with me a few years more." He said straightening himself, lost in his eyes you didn't realise your jaw was wide open. And he was staring right back. You could just get lost, drown in his mesmerizing eyes.
Just at the right time your phone rang and saved you from the embarassment of falling right there and then because your legs were literally so weak at this point. You just walked away without saying anything because what could you have said? And then realised you forgot the keys! So you walk back and extend your palm, Beomgyu automatically places the keys in your hand and you awkwardly walk back.
He watches you walk back and it brought back so many memories. Especially the one, during graduation, you were walking back to your house. His hand extended to stop you...but couldn't. A lot of things were left unsaid. Who knew years later, universe would grant him another opportunity. He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles, and disappears into his new apartment.
Meanwhile you shut the door close, leaving a sigh of relief. You pick up your phone that had been ringing this whole time, you never thought changing your ringtone to your favourite love song would turn out this way. "Hello?"
"Choi Beomgyu, your first love is shifting to where you live!" You hear Yeji blurting out through the phone. "How do you know that?!" You yell. "He posted a few pictures on his insta and i recognised the building behind."
"Yeji you could've told this to me like 10 minutes ago?"
"Oh my god! You already met him didn't you?" Yeji predicted right away and it has you pinching your nose bridge in frustration, "Yes, I did Yeji. And I swear to god I've never been this tongue tied. If you were with me you would have gotten second hand embarassment." You say as you plop yourself on the bed. "Wow...that sounds really bad." Yeji sighed and you can't really imagine how you would live with your childhood crush right next door. "How stuck up could I be... Shouldn't I be over it?" You brought up. You should be. You thought to yourself. "It's been five years already. I've never dated anyone because...all of them...they weren't him."
"Our sweet, childish y/n-ah!" Yeji cooes, "it's fate. You were given another chance by the universe. If you truly love him, don't let it go to waste."
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A few hours later you decided to leave your room and try striking a conversation with Beomgyu. And, apologize for your behaviour. You stood in front of his door, still debating if you should knock or not. Deciding twice that you should just run away. But Yeji's words echoed in your head and you took a deep breath, shut your eyes and just knocked.
The door opened, "oh hey y/n.." oh God, why, why do you have to be so magnificently gorgeous that every time you show up I forget how to talk. "Uh..um.." you cleared your throat, "Do you need any help?"
"Yeah...i'd appreciate it."
Deep down you hoped he'd say 'no actually' so you won't have to face him but guess the universe has a plan. You stepped inside his apartment, the same architecture as yours but it looked empty because nothing was in its place.
Beomgyu hadn't unpacked the things. The walls were devoid of any paint, just a plain white colour. How did the previous family even live here? You wondered. The boxes were still scattered around. Your eyes went everywhere and you spotted a similar cover. It was Beomgyu's guitar! He still plays it.
"I'm sorry, The place is a mess right now." Beomgyu said as he moved a few boxes aside. "No that's alright. I can help you with that." You also joined the latter in seperating the cartons. "We should eat something first. I'm ordering chicken, you in?" He asked and you wanted to say yes but will it be alright? He's already having trouble with the setting if you said yes he would have more trouble plus-
"I'll take that as a yes."
Now you were sitting on the floor, eating chicken with your crush. "I'm thinking of painting these walls before setting everything." He chatted. You nod your head, taking a piece of chicken, "That's a really great idea. It'd give more character to this place. Plus, you can add wallpapers too. Have you chosen any colours?" You spoke, realising you said a little too much.
Beomgyu chuckled, "You're still the same y/n..." You observed the way his hair fell perfectly on his face, how his eyes turned into crescents, because of you. "What have you been doing though?" He questioned and you told him about your interest in literature. "Woah...so like you read old books?" You snort, "Something like that. To be honest, i chose this major just so I could read Romeo and Juliet." You went on and on about your fascination with love stories.
Beomgyu on the other hand, observed your face that morphed into so many expressions, trying to explain something about Shakespear. But he didn't get a word of what you said yet could listen to you talk forever. Because you're so happy. "Y/n..", he won't let you go this time, "Would you like to paint these walls tomorrow?"
You stare at the empty walls, your mind running with creative thoughts. Maybe we should pair stars here or much better the universe! That's a bit much...
"What's your pretty little head thinking?" Your over the top ideas are interuppted by Beomgyu. "Nothing, just thinking...what would you like to have here?" You questioned in hopes for an answer but instead you feel a his fingers tugging a few lose hair strands behind your ear, "Anything you want..." He mumbled.
Oh boy, why would he do that? Does he even know the impact he has on you? You were sure your face would turn into a tomato, so you immediately open up a window to let the fresh air slap your face into reality.
"I've got the 7 crucial colours, if we need more we can mix them up to make new ones. And..I have put all the different types of brush there." Beomgyu informed and you were already in your focus mode.
You decided on beige, brown and white as a colour theme. With black doodles of moons, stars and quite possibly a few leaves. Throughout the day you were painting wearing one of your extra large lavender t-shirt and shorts. Beomgyu had something similar, and yet looked like a model.
You were working hard and so was Beomgyu. Honestly, it felt refreshing and you thought it wouldn't hurt to decorate your house yourself. The living room was huge and this would take a day to paint.
You would glance at Beomgyu time to time. Watching him concentrate on his painting, his eyebrows furrowed together and hands carefully giving details. Or you'd basically gawk at his side profile as he stood near the window, the sunshine radiating his sculpted face. Never in a thousand lifetimes you would've thought of spending time with your crush. Dreams and imaginations were different but actually hoping for it and living it.
This seemed like the perfect time to be grateful.
To make it more fun, Beomgyu would threaten to smear the paint on your face and you'd tap his nose with your already paint stained finger. He ran behind you in hopes of catching you but you jumped up the plastic covered couch and Beomgyu stayed behind the line of cartons. You poked your tongue out and teased him neglecting his height. One step and he was already with you on the couch, standing tall.
The proximity was a little too close, he leaned down and you could feel his hot breath. He met your eye level and stared at you for a while which fumbled up your insides. He took that as a chance and swiped the paint brush on your cheek. Or when he messed up his painting and you came to the rescue with paint and other tools. You didn't even realise how fast the time flew.
You started at around 9 AM and it was already 2. Which meant lunch, your stomach was killing you because of the starvation. You suggested to eat lunch at a restaurant nearby, thinking it'd only help him get to know the neighborhood more. In seconds you were off to take a shower and change clothes.
"This neighborhood is cozy..." Beomgyu affirmed, sitting under the huge umbrella of an outdoor restaurant. "This is one of my favourite places. It reminds me so much of home." You say taking a sip of your bubble tea. "Yeah... It sure is nostalgic." He whispered and smiled, "Do you remember back in highschool when all of us bunked class and in the market bumped into Mr Kim who was on a leave from the school?" Your eyes became wide as you recalled the memory of being caught by a teacher, "the first one he spotted was soobin because of his height, so all of us ran for our lives." You laughed and Beomgyu mirrored your reaction. "Those were good times..."
"Are you in touch with the squad?" You asked, "yes, with the boys I still am. What about you?" "The girls, although I lost yuna's number!" A sudden silence fell among you, both of you ran out of words. The wind picked it's pace as well. Your hair danced with the wind and Beomgyu watched you, 'so pretty..'
"How come you're back here? I mean during highschool you wanted to move to USA.."
"I did. I even enrolled in a band but, I just thought that it won't suit me. So I came back where I belonged."
You nodded. A band huh? He was already talented. Being with him, many memories came back to you. Even the ones that weren't all sunshine and daisies. You remember the girls used to be all over him back then. Giving him loads of gifts during valentine's day, or his birthday. So many confession cards and homemade chocolates. It irked you so much yet you couldn't tell him how you truly felt.
Maybe it was the fear of rejection or you didn't want to ruin your friendship.
"So, anything new happened in your life?" This time Beomgyu took the liberty to question. You smiled a little, hoping there was something different in your life, you shook your head, "Not really, it's been the same for as long as I can remember. Just a few tiny changes." You sighed, "oh but you entering my life again, is something new and...exciting."
A smirk shows up on the latter's face, "I'll make sure to make it very thrilling." And you aren't sure why but it made you feel things. You inhaled sharply at his words and took a sip of the drink. Observing his appearance, you realised his hair colour had changed, "You changed your hair colour..was this for the band?" Your eyes lurk around his locks.
"Yeah...and they're shorter." He glanced at you, "Everything about you is the same though.." and it felt as though the time stopped and everyone around you disappeared, only his voice echoed loud and clear, "Your hair, your round eyes, and your silly reactions.." a chuckle escaped through his lips, "Especially when you scrunch your nose, it's..."
His eyes lock with yours, "It's adorable.."
This moment, is like a treasure for you. Because these words make your heart pound so fast, it's as though all your imaginations are coming true. Your stomach is performing gymnastics at this point. And you just can't take your eyes off of him. Maybe he doesn't even mean those words but oh, how can he always win a smile from you?
Just like this, days flew by. Feelings wouldn't stop blooming, it was if they were growing day by day, second by second. Beomgyu's apartment had been decorated, all thanks to your creativity and both of your hardwork. You added little paintings, fairy lights, posters. The shopping was a little crazy though.
Beomgyu sitting in the shopping cart and holding everything you threw in it. He was like a baby in his pram and you were pushing it around the aisle. Or when he told you to film him doing a cartwheel but instead what you got in the video was him falling over a rack and completely destroying it, making loud noises in the dead silent store. And you just quietly walked away.
You still have that video and you're sure you'll use it to your advantage. You were getting used to this. Him being by your side all the time. When you woke up, the first thing you did was knock on his door to wake him up or bring him delicious breakfast that you would eat together in his room, on the floor. Coming back from your university, but stopping by to get some honey rice cakes because Beomgyu loved them.
It was all becoming normal.
The latter was in somewhat of a same situation...or maybe worse. He never understood why his heart took a stride whenever you were near. Why he wanted to pat your head or hug you close. Heck, he almost did hug you but...would that have been right? He can't help but wonder you might have someone for yourself too right? You were not so stuck up like him...still in his past, and refusing to date anyone else.
All he wanted, was to be with you for the rest of his life.
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After a long and tiring day at uni, you decide to cook yourself a warm meal and eat it in the silence of your cozy apartment. You sit by the window, slurping your ramen and gazing outside. Trying to get rid of these thoughts. You guessed it right... thoughts of Choi Beomgyu.
As much as you loved being by his side, you were afraid. In fact, you were terrified of getting your heart broken. What if he already had a love interest? You would be coming between them. What if he saw you as just a friend and not someone he can spend his entire life with?
Your lips leave a scoff and you mumble, "Of course he doesn't feel that way..." Despite his teasing and cheesy lines that sent a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, you tried not to feel too attached to it. To him.
Because what if, the cupid hadn't hit the both of you?
A pat sound makes your ear perk up, your eyes are wide, in hopes, looking out the window and you flinch when a droplet falls over the glass. In seconds the rain pick up it's pace and it was showering. The wind guiding the droplets.
You leaned back in your chair and shut your eyes, relieving a sigh. The sound of the rain. It's peaceful isn't it? Your eyes open to look out in the empty, wet streets. Not one single person in sight. A few vehicles occassionally passing by. The humidity increased and it made the windows a little foggy.
You raised your finger and drew a heart on the stained window. A little while later, when the rain slowed down, a figure appeared in the street, familiar. It was beomgyu, with his skateboard.
It's dangerous, but he has always done it on the day it rains and you fail to understand everytime. Your mind wanders off to when in school, the boys used to either bring roller skates or steel scooters. Beomgyu brought his skateboard.
Just like any other person in love, you used to watch him from the second floor. He was your world. A world you weren't sure you'd achieve.
And so the Déja vú brings goosebumps on your skin. Your eyes softening as your elbow supports your chin and you look at him with hearts as your pupils. "Cookie..." You remember the nickname you used to call him, "I love you.." you whisper, something you may not be able to tell him face to face.
As you're enjoying the view, the lights around you go off. It's the power cut. You get up from your chair to pick an umbrella from the stand and storm out locking your door.
Beomgyu puts his foot on the skate and uses the other to drag it, successfully balancing himslef and skates as the cold air splashes his face. The smell of the rain filled his aroma and he closed his eyes. Although, stopping in between, his hair now drenched in water as wells as his clothes.
A shiver ran down his spine as another gush of wind passes by, he opens his eyes as the feeling of droplets on his skin had stopped. "You'll catch a cold..." He heard you say, as you protect both of you with the rain. Looking wonderful as ever. Eyebrows furrowed in worry, hair flying with the wind. How desperately he just wants to embrace you right now.
"Call me cookie y/n...like you used to."
The thunder struck just at the right time and rain had gotten much worse. None of it affects you, how could it? When the man standing in front of you looked unreal. As much as you'd like to keep your mind out of the lovesickness, you can't. What does he possibly mean 'call me cookie'? There you go, your mind is running in spirals.
The street lights had turned on, the sun had dipped down the horizon already and because of the clouds, the sky was dark. The thunder randomly decided to scare you a few times which gave Beomgyu a chance to laugh.
Under the same umbrella, walking down the wet streets during the rain. Magical.
"I remember you skating in the school grounds, usually when it poured..." Your head down low because you knew he'd understand you used to watch him a little too often. "Yeah.." you feel his gaze on you, "and i saw you on the second floor everytime it rained."
His memory collection made your heart skip a beat. He remembers. "I know you love rain..." He whispers. "Then, can you grant me a wish?" You said fiddling with your fingers, not having any idea if asking the question was alright..or if he'd say yes.
"I'm willing to fulfill your every wish..."
Oh god. Why must you.
You stopped and faced him, his gentle eyes were on you, a few droplets falling from his wet hair. You drop the umbrella and extend your hand, "Care to join me?" A smile decorating your lips when he held yours. It sent a feeling of million fireworks on your skin, more like an electric shock.
His hand sneaked around your waist as he pulled you closed, enough for his nose to be beside your head and you felt his hot breath on your neck. Your eyes now found interest in the ground, because you knew your face was scarlet by now.
"Y/n..look at me." he whispered your name in a deep voice and on god you felt you'd faint. Slowly, having courage you looked at him, and his eyes unlike before were more focused on you and had glint of something, you can't point it.
His hands clasped with yours, while looking straight into your eyes. He brought your hands up till your shoulders and gave them a brief glance, looking right back at you and you can't predict what's about to happen.
"I.." he hesitated, as if thinking something through but still being reckless, "I want a lifetime with you."
You hear him say loud and clear. The raindrops that you felt on yourself were being forgotten, the sound of the rain faded away and the only person you could see was him. The moment couldn't have been more perfect. Five years, and everything worked out in the end.
And you were already pulling him into a kiss. Your hands on his cheeks and your lips on his. The kind of kiss, where none of your lips moved but just stayed there, getting used to the feeling. Gradually, Beomgyu made the kiss much better, and much messier.
Albeit the cold atmosphere you felt like you were burning. Once the kiss broke, you adjoined your forehead with his, his hands placed at your waist, "you're mine.."
"Y/n...I love you."
With a deep breath, you mumbled, "I love you too."
What a moment it was. Hearts beating fast, skin adorned with goosebumps, and lips swollen with kisses. You couldn't believe it was finally happening.
As you're relationship continued, beomgyu became even bolder. Kissing you outside your apartment where you both could get caught or backing you up against a wall and gracing your neck with red spots. And how could you forget the countless times he made you miss uni just because he wanted more cuddles.
From listening to him sing as he played his guitar to going on dates and sharing everything. His clothes, his food, his room, his bed...
Oh and when you told your friends your relationship status, their faces would be engraved in your brain.
Soobin and Taehyun's wide jaw while Kai and Yuna decided to give background laughter, Lia choked on her water and Yeonjun declared his crush on you which led Beomgyu and Yeonjun to argue playfully. Chaeryeong zoned out as usual and Ryujin looked unbothered while Yeji was bawling due to the happiness.
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"Come on don't be embarrassed!" Beomgyu continued to try and convince you to sit behind him on the cycle, "... Are you sure?" You still checked because it was too much. A bicycle, it's so romantic. God, this is the fun of being all vintage. A cycle ride.
Beomgyu really was perfect. He predicted all your wishes and like an angel helped in making them come true. Like the dance in the rain, a trip to Paris, getting Turkish ice cream, caressing his nose, writing letters to each other and just like so, a bicycle ride.
He never disappointed and you did just as much he did for you. Everything was perfect. His little praises every now and then, forehead kisses, and sometimes necks kisses that became a little heated, and...a marriage proposal.
It had already been 3 years of your relationship and now you were ready to settle with the only one. You still remember it vividly when he got on one knee in some restaurant and all your mind thought was his words when he first confessed 'I want a lifetime with you.'
So you said yes. And here you are, fulfilling your yet another wish. You plop on the backseat as your hand curl around his waist, "Hold tight, don't want losing my wife..." He said and once again butterflies conquered you.
One thing was for sure, no matter how many years you spent with this man, he would never fail to make you happy. You placed your head gently on his back as he rode the bicycle and you're sure he hears your heart beat right now.
So this is what happens when love lasts...
The End.
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"Thank you so much for reading this guys. And the person who suggested a beomgyu fic, this is for you!!" @beomstarz
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skzookitchen · 3 months
can we please stop normalizing being so freaking delusional??? Its honestly harmful in the long run and actually super embarrassing
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ryuluvr · 10 months
during the night.
idol ! ryujin x 6th itzy member ! reader (wlw)
warnings: fluff, mentions of nightmares, slight anxiety, intentional all lowercase
word count: 860
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you were almost aware you were dreaming but couldn’t do much about it except wait it out, hoping your body wakes up sooner than later. this was definitely the worst nightmare you’ve experienced in a while, or at least since debuting with itzy a few years back. after multiple minutes of jumpscares within the nightmare you jolt up in bed with a loud gasp, immediately noticing how hot and clammy your body felt. your chest rises and falls rapidly, desperately trying to catch your breath with no success as you grip onto the duvet sheet which is still resting over your lap. you hear a slight rustle coming from across the room and you take another deep breath in.
“ryujin?” you stay pretty quiet despite only one other person being in the same room as you. you wait a few moments for a response.
“are you okay?” your roommates tone is sweet but slightly groggy. she did just wake up after all. ryujin is the member closest to you, emotionally and physically. you love the other members, but it’s different with her. she’s always deeply cared for you, and as much as you love and appreciate it, you simply cannot understand why she goes to the extent she does for you. although, you cannot complain… you have genuine feelings for this woman.
“im… okay.” you reply, your breath slightly shaky. your attention is quickly brought to the sound of movement in the room once more, but it’s too dark to see what’s happening. you jump as ryujin’s gentle hand rests on your shoulder, her whisper that follows being the only thing you can focus on in that moment. “hey, scoot over.” you immediately oblige and move yourself to the side, tapping the empty spot beside you. ryujin slowly slides into bed with you and pulls the duvet up to cover you both up to your chests, her arm then slipping under you and wrapping around your body, pulling you as close as humanly possible.
“you’re okay, i got you.”
after hearing her words you deeply exhale, happily cuddling up to her as your heart races, but now it wasn’t due to the nightmare. ryujin has always been big on touch… always holding onto your arms during dance practice and hugging you tightly every time she spots you in the area. hell, she’s even tried to feed you her food without letting you do it yourself. its confusing for sure, mainly because you’ve never had friends who act this way. her intentions have always been unclear but with every interaction your feelings grow stronger to the point where its truly impossible to ignore, and you have no idea what to do about it. you’re absolutely terrified of ruining the best friendship you have ever experienced.
you hum in content, ryujin’s arms making you feel as safe as always and the last thing you want is to leave her embrace when the morning comes. the silence in the dorm room isn’t awkward at all — it’s comforting. only she can make you feel this way. you eventually notice your breathing going back to a normal pace, and your body is no longer shaking. the discomfort has gone entirely, and this wouldn’t have been the case if you were alone.
ryujin runs her hands gently along the skin on your arms, tracing circles with her index finger while being careful not to catch you with her longer nails. after a few moments you notice the scent of her hair and her perfume too, both of which being coconut, and you cant help but smile to yourself because it suits her perfectly. you’re calm, but at the same time your mind is full — full of her, full of her soft touch and her angelic voice. you feel bad for it but in reality you want more of it, and you want it to be only you who experiences it, not a care in the world how selfish that may sound.
after spending what feels like an eternity contemplating it, you lightly lay your head on your roommates chest and bring your hand up a little to search for hers. once you feel your soft skin brush against hers, you bite down on the inside of your lip, nerves taking over your entire body. this is it, and you’re sure it’s easier in the dark than if you could see her. your fingers completely intertwine, gripping onto each other tightly like your lives depended on it, and you loved it.
“ryu?” you quickly whisper, ryujin’s thumb now lightly rubbing your hand in a comforting way. you so desperately want to ask a million questions such as, what does this mean for us? is this platonic? does she have feelings for me? will we go back to how things usually are in a few hours? you almost feel the need to confess — just let it all out here and now so you won’t have to worry about it any longer, but your thoughts are quickly cut short once the other woman parts her lips to respond. you notice her smile as she speaks.
“it’s okay, i know.”
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eee my first writing post on here!! i was pretty nervous but thought f it!! this honestly reminded me of the hunger games catching fire, you know the “will you stay with me?” “always.” scene… oml. anyways i hope u enjoyed!! <3
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