#its good
deoidesign · 4 hours
I can't wait for this to come back!!! >>> when is this coming back?
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insufferablemod · 3 months
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You watch him hem and haw over answering, feet shifting, same beat up black shoes, scuffing the gravel, cape swishing behind him in a one-two step. The halo of his hair, bleached eery white in the street lamp, how the light never seems to catch the rim of his shades. You missed this, you think. The bits of him that are so unsettlingly inhuman, how he's so close to you, but just far enough that you couldn't reach to touch. - Metempsychosis
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 months
“Whatcha reading?”
Satan snaps the book out of your hands and raises his arms over his head, making you unable to get it back. “Satan, please-“ you say, reaching for the book, but he’s already way out of your grasp.
“What’s this, let me see,” he grins, flipping the pages of your book curiously. “Give it back!” you whine, but he places a hand on your collarbone, keeping you away while he reads the backside, eyes gleaming.
“A human girl is abducted to the fae world?” he snorts and you huff. He looks at you with a delighted look, loving your pink cheeks and removes his hand. The sudden move surprises you, causing you to collide with his chest. You wrap your arms around him and look up at him with flushed cheeks and a pout. “I didn’t know you read this kind of stuff,” he says, tilting his head and you shrug. “I like it. It’s not that different from my own situation, ya know.” you say and he hums.
“Yeah, but I hope you’re not planning on marrying Diavolo and becoming the new ruler of the Devildom.” he says and you gasp. “You’ve read it?” you exclaim and Satan gives you a lopsided grin.
“Yeah, I like a human fantasy book every once in a while,” he says you hug him tighter. He feels a blush creeping up his neck. “I’m not gonna lie, I kind of thought you only read classics and Devildom novels,” You mumble into his shirt and he wraps one arm around you while still holding the book, the other ruffling your hair, before running his fingers through it.
“I started reading more human literature when I met you,” he mumbles and you giggle. “What did you say? Didn’t hear you properly,” you tease. He groans and shakes his head. “Come on, you heard me perfectly,” he says.
You feel a change in the air suddenly and there’s a flash of light. You look up to find Satan looking back at you, mischief evident in his eyes. Black horns stick out between his blond hair and you feel something scaly wrap around your leg. Your breath hitches when his tail tightens around you slightly, but not painfully.
“If I remember correctly, the love interest has a tail in this one…” Satan says and his green eyes seem to pierce through you. “You into that?”
a/n: thanks for reading! <3 find my other stuff here.
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felixfeliccis · 4 months
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So I started reading a thing.................
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theyhitthepentagon · 2 months
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syrupyyyart · 9 months
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read @nothingdoingcomic
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obviouschild2014 · 1 year
You guys seen this show mash?
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btw someone earlier today was kind enough to share some han sooyoung drawings by the novel's illustrator. im a certified han sooyoung enjoyer so i loved all of them and i feel generous enough to share them with you guys in return
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beaulesbian · 8 months
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ok ok. ok.
luffy making that punch against helmeppo while his back was open and vulnarable, but zoro - (knowing luffy for only a short while, literally a few hours max, which already included: luffy trying to sus out if zoro is a good guy and realized he was when he ate the rice balls just so that girl who made them for him knew he liked them. then luffy taking the bullets which were meant to kill zoro, bringing him his swords back and then trying to talk him into joining his crew; and zoro learning from koby that luffy already punched helmeppo before because he lied to zoro about the promise of his release from the prison), so knowing each other for that short time, zoro already steps in to cover him, without any words of coordination whatsoever.
"no sweat, captain!" yeah ok. ok
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7cfc00 · 1 month
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"I better get going... I'm showing him the Grotto, early tomorrow... I love you, mom. To the moon and back."
[The Grotto- Episode 5. Milestones]
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mari-the-dreamer · 19 days
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New game, new obsession Tee hee~ (✿◠‿◠)
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critdeeznuts · 4 months
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felixfeliccis · 8 months
My fellow Americans I am in need of your help.
As you may or may not noticed my series on webtoons suddenly disappeared because of mysterious forces known only by God herself. I have already reached out to webtoon support but I am yet to receive a response. Because of that I have decided to take it upon myself and just re-upload it immediately, sadly that means I'd lose all my followers, comments, likes and such like. What I'm asking for is, if you'd be so kind, reblog this lovely post everywhere you can, and also (if you want) manufacture superficial engagement. What that means is try to like some of the comics there, write some comments, they don't even need to make sense just go crazy. Please do engage in great amount of tomfoolery in the comment sections, make up inside jokes, reference things that don't exist I don't care. I'm not even sure if that'll help the algorithm I just think it'd be humorous :)
Tl;dr: Comic is back please reblog this post and also leave likes and silly comics under comics because algorithm and also I because I think it's be funni
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beheldandcompelled · 3 months
Elias always found excuses to touch Jon.
When Jon was first hired, Elias welcomed him with a soft touch to his elbow. He saw Jon's arrival as his gift from the web and had to reach out, almost to see if it was real. Jon wasn't a fan, but let it slide.
As Head Archivist, Jon met frequently to go over progress reports with Elias, who'd often find a way to touch Jon's arm. Jon started finding a weird comfort from it, knowing he was in good standing when Elias found an excuse to make physical contact.
After the discovery of Gertrude's body, Jon's paranoia escalated. Elias read Jon's mind, learning that his slight contact was enough to bring him out of a spiral. Jon would barge into his office, blaming the staff for any reason at all for any suspicious acitivities in the Archives. Elias would stand up, thank him for his time, and place a hand lightly on Jon's back to guide him out the door. He felt the worry in Jon's mind ease, and he knew his Archivist had no idea why.
Jon's powers grew so strong so quick. Every time he accidentally compelled someone, Elias rewarded him with physical contact. His touches were always subtle, a pat on his back, a light touch to his arm, or on rare occasions he would find a way to move Jon's hair out of his face. Reading into his mind, Elias saw Jon still had no idea why he was so comforted by the gestures. But he knew they told Jon he was good. Even after Elias confessed to killing Gertrude and Leitner, Jon still sought out Elias' approval.
Not being able to touch his Archivist while in prison was torture for Elias. He saw that Jon's hair had gotten so long, and he was desperate to comb his fingers through the unkept mess.
When Elias revealed to Jon how perfectly his plan worked, what he made him, and he couldn't touch him, it almost soured the bringing of their new world.
Elias watched Jon make his way to London, seeing how beautiful he'd become. It still hurt that he was so out of reach. When Jon finally woke Elias up, he couldn't help himself but to reach out and touch his Archivist.
Of course Jon finally returned the contact. And although it was Elias' last moments in his perfect world, it finally felt complete.
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squidkid15 · 1 year
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Have i put this here yet? I dunno, don’t care, have it anyways.
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