#is a catchphrase i started using a lot lately
b9horpet · 10 months
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I think about this post every time i have some difficulties with my linux setup (basically daily)
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riality-check · 1 year
#42 with any ship you want for the “100 ways to say I love you” prompts?
VERY late but here we go!
42. "Is this okay?"
The weirdest thing about Steve Harrington is that he's weird.
Since the spring break from hell, Eddie has learned that he's been a bit of a dick. For all his railing against stereotyping and conformity, he subscribed to a lot of it under the logic of shielding his little sheep. He's had his assumptions proven wrong again and again since by people like Better Wheeler and Better Sinclair and Steve, and he thinks he's probably a better person for it.
His personal growth isn't the point, however monumental.
He's grown past the point of thinking Steve was just another brainless, clone-like jock, but he's still learning new things about him.
Like, Steve is really loud sometimes. He talks to himself like he forgets that other people can hear him, and one time he started singing "Hammer to Fall" before he realized that the D&D session in the next room over quieted down specifically to hear him. It's more common when they're at his house than anywhere else, but it still happens.
And Steve is a really good cook, but he makes the strangest things. He can make delicious meals out of the most random ingredient combinations - Sinclair and Henderson have, indeed, put this particular skill to the test time and time again - but when Eddie asked if he could make chocolate chip cookies, he looked at him like he had three heads.
But the weirdest thing about Steve, by far, is his thing with touch.
He oscillates wildly between being the clingiest motherfucker on the planet and actively avoiding all human contact. Sometimes, Eddie can see the switch happen in real time, can see how he seeks out contact from Buckley one moment and freezes at a hug from Henderson in the next.
It's weird. Steve Harrington is weird.
But, while Eddie is a touchy guy, he's not a dick. So, he's come up with a new catchphrase, at this point, around Steve.
"Is this okay?" Eddie asks, putting an arm around his shoulders.
"Is this okay?" he asks, grabbing for Steve's hand.
"Is this okay?" he asks, kicking his feet up into his lap.
Steve says "yes" most of the time, and when he says "no," Eddie calmly moves away.
It's that simple, because Eddie isn't a dick.
He's not the only one who does this. Buckley, Better Wheeler, Better Sinclair, and Henderson all do the same thing. They all check first, albeit in different ways.
But Eddie starts to notice a pattern. Soon, he becomes the person Steve asks the most often.
He lightly shuts it down the first time it happens. Tells Steve he doesn't need to ask. Eddie has always been touchy, practically hanging off of all the friends who are okay with him using them like personal jungle gyms.
Steve shrugs, plays it off the way he plays off everything because he's still cool, just not an asshole. But Eddie can see the relief in his face.
There's nothing special about this time. Steve curls into his side without asking, without preamble, as has become more common, while they engage in the weekly pastime of watching a tape Steve "borrowed" from work.
Robin is usually there with them, but she and Nancy finally figured their shit out. They're off doing god knows what.
Probably each other, Steve suggested dryly when Eddie brought it up, causing him to spray Coke out of his nose right when the movie started.
But now? Westley isn't dead, and as he's threatening Humperdinck, Steve whispers, "Is this okay?"
Eddie turns to the side just in time for their lips to meet softly.
And that's when he realizes that months and months of "is this okay" and gentle touches have been his own personal "as you wish."
He's been in love with Steve Harrington for months.
And he thinks that this kiss, and the next, and the next, and the next, are more perfect than anything Westley and Buttercup could ever dream of.
Prompts here.
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xoxotifia · 2 months
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OCTONAUTS HEADCANONS + canon sprinkles part 2
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— late 50s or early 60s
— speaks Russian and English (with a Russian accent, like he replaces “w” with “v” like “vas” and “z” like “zat”)
— if he gets pissed off, he’ll have the craziest Russian accent that you’ll think he’s trying to summon an ancient devil or something
— isn’t usually a drinker but flavored vodka hits different (he’s Russian, like be fr)
— Calico Jack and him are chaotic besties
— sometimes, if he doesn’t know what to respond, he just kind of goes 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
— taught Barnacles how to do field research when he was a Polar Bear Scout (canon ofc)
— always carries at least two forms of radio/some kind of long range communication on him at all times after being stranded in the Antarctic; he does not risk sh*t .
— when he lost connection to the radios he spent hours freaking out, while trying to fix the connection, causing him to slightly go insane + due to being alone for so long
— befriended the penguins in the Antarctic and they got him food and such (here)
— has ✨trauma✨ (he’s in need of therapy)
— a bit paranoid
— his fear response, fight or flight, is fight
— can’t sleep with noise; a lot of sounds keeps him alert since his ears are sensitive and therefore he wouldn’t be able to sleep, he’s used to the silence of the Antarctic
— a father figure to Barnacles (and Bianca)
— adding: Barnacles gave him a father’s day present as a cub once and they both cried
— any even just slightly traumatized child he comes across, he adopts (that’s his kid now)
— if he sees someone that he cares about cry he becomes a Dad™
— the only one who has seen Barnacles lose his temper / have a full-on breakdown
— gets frustrated quite easily
— hasn’t had a home-cooked meal in YEARS; if you gave him, like, hot soup, he’d cry pt.1
— part of the Old Mens Squad™
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— in his 50s
— ✨a Florida man✨, need I say more?
— has definitely wrestled an alligator before at least once and then acted like it’s normal (“why are you shocked? this is a typical tuesday”)
— sleeps like a brick no matter what; could possibly sleep through an earthquake
— uses the same catchphrases as Tweak; he’s the one she got them from!
— has no idea how advanced technology works but is learning and doing his Best™
— Tweak wants to fix his radio because it’s falling apart but he insists that it works fine (“I can’t even hear you when you call!” “That’s because you live in the ocean” “LET ME FIX IT”) .
— Tweak chewed on his hat when she was a kid and that’s why his hat has that bite mark (he refuses to buy a new hat because this one carries a memory of Tweak and he adores it)
— lowkey a dad to 90% of the Everglades creatures; they’re like family to him
— enjoys Florida Man memes; when he sees one he just goes “haha, I did that once,” and Tweak nods along knowingly and the others are like “???” (except Dashi, who is the one sending them to him either herself or through Tweak)
— sometimes sounds the Octo-alert just to talk to Tweak; free Tweak button
— part of the Old Mens Squad™
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— late 60s
— the oldest Octo-Agent (may or may not deny it)
— has a Caribbean origin
— his mom was a Calico cat, hence his name Calico Jack
— his fear response, fight or flight, is flight; tends to panic when he realizes he made a mistake (lets out curses when no one’s around)
— kind, but not nice: before Kwazii was born, he was a merciless pirate like the others, but once Kwazii was born? Dude did a total 180° and always tried to positively influence his grandson, wanting him to be kind
— adding: since Kwazii was already starting to take after the pirate side of him and does get mistaken for his grandfather Calico Jack most likely got scared that something would happen to Kwazii, so mayhaps Jack went on a spree finding all his enemies (thinking they might mistake Kwazii for him and attack) like Whitebeard, Pirate King, all of em and ‘took care of them’ so to speak
— has seen some truly weird and scary sh*t
— can’t sleep without noise; if it’s quiet he assumes that he’s in danger and therefore cannot sleep
— has ✨trauma✨
— adding: possibly in denial about it
— Pete is his Emotional Support Birb™
— hasn’t had a home-cooked meal in YEARS; if you gave him, like, hot soup, he’d cry pt.2
— Tweak tried to offer him a new, modern prosthetic but he refused because “it isn’t the pirate way”
— considered the greatest cat pirate ever; but what actually has meaning to Jack, is that Kwazii thinks he’s the greatest
— adding: definitely cried when he learnt that Kwazii thinks he’s great
— actually has a bad eye (unlike Kwazii) but can still see with it, just not very well
— has a sea-farer’s accent like his grandson, only deeper and gruffer in tone
— also, slightly less quick to blame mythical creatures for strange things that he and the Octonauts encounter
— since Kwazii originally thought that Jack died a long time ago, but found him alive in the Amazon, and pretty much able to leave whenever he wanted, Jack was most likely just hiding from the world (a mood tbh)
— like Ranger Marsh, pretends to sound the Octo-alert on accident to talk to Kwazii; free Kwazii button (he blames it on Pete)
— part of the Old Mens Squad™
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— late 20s
— Indian (canon but like, adding it anyway)
— a hydrologist (again, canon, but anyway)
— autistic? possibly.
— can sometimes take others too literally or not catch certain social cues immediately
— has a tendency to get attached to inanimate objects very easily
— despite how acquainted he becomes with most creatures on his travels, he struggles to keep closer friendships— probably has some kind of attachment issues
— has a habit of doing things without asking first, or like, considering how his actions may indirectly affect others before doing them, in the name of The Greater Good™
— is a lot like Kwazii but also has a lot of the same qualities as Barnacles ; the reason why he ends up in trouble is because he jumps in to protect creatures (without thinking much)
— definitely imitates Kwazii’s sea-farer’s accent and is actually kind of good
— taller than Kwazii (and teases him about it)
— gay or demiromantic demisexual
— impulsive and acrobatic
— sleeps in the most random positions that make you think how the f is he comfortable
— makes Kwazii reflect on his own actions because Paani does the same kind of stupid reckless sh*t that he does, so now it’s Kwazii who’s gotta to be like “you should have asked for help!” while Paani’s just like “I didn’t think I’d need it :3” (truly a Barnacles moment /hj)
— adding: Kwazii and Paani have a shared love for cooking, eating snacks, tiny/baby animals and telling stories
— sometimes visits Kwazii on the Octopod, holds story-telling nights with him and the Vegimals, and bakes with them
— enjoys surfing and paddle boarding a lot; goes with Dashi sometimes
— skilled at tracking storms and usually wants to see it up close (Kwazii agrees)
— likes birds a lot and has some kind of ability to bond with them easily
— got some sort of trauma; may or may not be aware of this (either in denial or has accepted it)
— favorite food is the jackfruit
— his comfort food is his Paani’s Patties and he brings them literally everywhere he goes
— when he gets excited about water, he kind of just forgets his surroundings and just talks and talks until someone stops him— because otherwise he’ll just keep going
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— in her 60s? (I mean she’s in the same age range as Inkling since they’re old friends so)
— Chinese (canon, but adding it anyway)
— canon, but met Inkling when he got stuck clinging to bamboo after a storm, and saved him by carrying him down
— extremely flexible and talented when it comes to climbing trees/jumping through bamboo; she can jump high and flip while climbing rocky cliffs
— precise and accurate when drawing maps that it’s like black magic or something
— hosts tea parties with Inkling sometimes (and sometimes the others tag along!)
— sometimes hangs out with Ranger Marsh, Natquik and Calico Jack (the Old Mens Squad™)
— adding: she’s an honorary member of the Old Mens Squad™
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— mid 30s or late 30s, the younger twin
— Canadian; she and her cubs live in a den in the Arctic, Northern Canada
— sometimes visits Pearl or has calls with her
— strong but nowdays isn’t just as strong as Barnacles; doesn’t stop her from calling him ‘Feather Paws’ though
— grew up with Barnacles as her only family
— learned independence and self-reliance at a young age, especially in the Polar Scouts
— when she heard the ship MV Manitoba, that Barnacles was on, crashed during a big storm she immediately went to look for him
— knows Russian because of Natquik
— doesn’t really admit it, but in a way, also sees Natquik as a father figure (maybe not as much as Barnacles does, but nevertheless)
— polar bears are the most carnivorous of the bear family, so she eats a lot of meat
— can handle a hot climate but not for very long; so she usually stays in the Arctic with the cubs (also since they can’t handle hot climate)
— sleeps with a picture of her and Barnacles
— when Barnacles comes to visit them in the Arctic and stays the night or two, Bianca and the cubs cuddle with him
— tells stories to Orson and Ursa about their Uncle Barnacles’ and her childhood
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— early 30s, older than Shellington
— a marine biologist
— has knowledge to everything there is to know about kelp forests and kelp plants
— looked after Shellington a lot when they were kids (has slight Older Sister Syndrome™)
— Scottish (yes I know otters don’t live there but idc, she and Shellington were born there end of discussion)
— now lives in British Columbia, Canada
— sometimes visits Bianca in the Arctic or has calls with her
— a bit more serious than Shellington and not as clumsy
— facetimes Shellington every week or Shellington facetimes her
— unlike Shellington, she’s not allergic to anything and also eats almost anything
— the Vegimals call her aunt (she finds it cute)
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bossymarmalade · 1 year
I generally don’t write much in the way of serious topics on tumblr because I don’t find it a useful platform for that, but I’ve seen a number of posts/talked with mutuals lately about what we’ve been noticing in the erosion of feminist theory and how it’s discussed.
To me the culprit is the nature of tumblr itself. There’s no one stationary place for a conversation; people reblog a conversation that has branched off in a bunch of directions. They argue a point that could’ve been addressed by the OP except the conversation continued without the OP. They end up in places that were never intended.
Add to that: a) the way a pithy phrase captures attention faster than a thoughtful analysis and b) the number of ppl reblogging to point out that their particular group was not specifically taken into account, and you have an attempt at discussion that’s hobbled from the start.
I wish we could have discussions here like we used to on lj/dw but we can’t. So instead any discussion of feminism has its teeth cracked out one at a time with “but men can be abused too” and “what about transmen” and “eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man” and “WOMEN!! She!! Her!!” and look. All of these things have their place in the discussion. 
But when people generally don’t even know what the core tenets of feminism are, don’t understand the kyriarchy, or multiple axes of oppression, don’t understand second- and third-wave feminism, and just choose to make everything binary all over again? Right now in tumblr discourse, either critique of Men is wrong bc it doesn’t take into account these particular men, or All Women are Right All the Time Actually. And neither of these is useful in dismantling what feminism is intended to dismantle.
Feminism is for everyone, yes. But feminism is also an ideology intended to make people uncomfortable with and outraged at the status quo, the kyriarchical messages we grow up with and live under. It’s all right if your feminism isn’t mine, but if yours doesn’t actually stand for anything and is more concerned with empty virtue signaling or pat catchphrases, then does it actually benefit the cause? Or is it just lip service in between nitpicking? Is it just window dressing for oppressive systems? Is it doing those institutional systems’ work for them?
I don’t have any concrete suggestions about this; like I said, I don’t think tumblr as a platform can provide any repair. But who knows. Maybe a bunch of like-minded feminists talking about it more (and by like-minded, I just mean “invested”; the faces of feminism are legion) will help rejuvenate something that’s been pretty good to a lot of us (or at least offered a helpful framework to build our senses of self on). Maybe I’ll go back to talking about feminist topics myself. Maybe that’s not quite a bridge called our backs but it’s more than being the second sex. Maybe maybe may be.
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cherrieguroo · 1 month
Animal crossing new horizons headcanons for the nerd bunch
- normcore I think that's what people call it but it's basically just like. a normal town with no specific style. but her house is decorated to her liking and she has her villager's home in a forest she planted herself. she also has mods and she has just a part near the top of her island where there's just a shit ton of bells just dropped on the floor.
-steph definitely gives me black tulip door wreath vibes.
-steph's favorite villager is cherry and she changed cherry's catchphrase to 'bitch' so now she says stuff like "Yeah, go for it, bitch. This oughta be good…’
-steph has a room in her house purely for 'summonings' after she found out if you combine a specific wall and flooring you can create a summoning circle.
-steph refuses to pay tom nook, so her house isn't upgraded that much.
-steph set up a small space in her island for the nerds to fool around in whenever they visited. that space now mostly consists of pit falls and stumps. someone also left a switch there and steph didn't even try to figure out who put it there and just kept it as decor for her house. also Steph has green mums outside her house which she says is supposed to be a weed farm.
-grace definitely has meticulously designed her island and it's fairycore. rip star fragment trees grace would have loved those. her island has a shit ton of pink tulips everywhere too. grace has a part of her island which is just a forest with a lot of flowers. she also has those like custom design paintings in said forest that read 'god is good' or some shit and she thinks every island should have a god forest.
-grace has the pink wedding event door thingy.
-grace has two tricycles she put outside of nook's cranny that she pretends belong to timmy and tommy
-favorite villager is ruby sorry
-grace loves the wedding event items and her island and house are full of them
-her island is a mess to me lmao. her island tune is the iconic part in careless whisper and tiffany is her favorite villager. none of her island is actually decorated btw. and she constantly wears one of those custom design dresses that make it look like the villager has a bikini. ruth collects gyroids after she was taught how to get them by Richie. she just collects the little guys and has them outside her airport as a welcome thingy. ruth uses the effects feature a lot, mainly putting hearts on stuff. only decorating Ruth really did on her island is make a rainbow flower field which she and the rest of the nerds call the gay flower trail. ruth seems to be eternally broke. Richie offers her money and she accepts and ten minutes later she somehow managed to waste it all on the most useless decor
-his island is littered with references to animes. he has two godzilla statues outside his house. has definitely gotten much more advancements than the others. wishes he could have started out on a modded island but it's too late. his house is made to be his dream home and his room has custom designs of anime posters on the walls. he completed his museum and probably has most furniture items in his catalog. he also completed happy home designer and has a lot of amiibos. richie redecorated all of his villager's homes, both interior and exterior. richie made a crab rave on his beach. richie also collects gyroids and uses them to decorate. he also likes setting up little songs with them for specific rooms in his house.
richie's island flag is this.
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-somehow the one with the best looking island. it's five stars somehow and each villager gets custom personalized yards. pete is really into flower breeding. he's also trying to complete the museum but keeps forgetting to catch some seasonal creatures and fish. pete NEVER skips blather's fun facts. in fact he writes all of them down and annoys Ruth and Richie with them. he's even memorized some for the more common fish and bugs that especially pissed Richie off when he was collecting everything (like sea basses)
petes house has the highest happy home academy rating
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neoncaptor · 1 month
I've been happy with the improved quality of language in the recent English kuroshitsuji chapters, which led me to wonder whether Yen had changed the translator since what I'll dub the "Late 2022 - Early 2023 Oopsie Woopsie Era"
so if anyone else is at all interested, I did some digging:
The same translator has been working on kuro since 2009 - however she's not a native English speaker and not entirely fluent.
A lot of manga companies used to do this, where a native Japanese speaker would do the initial translation and then other people would edit it into English that makes sense (these people are called adapters). Nowadays, most manga companies just hire native English translators who are fluent in JP. I think Yen must've skipped the adapting process on kuro for some time between 2022-23 because otherwise the sudden increase in mistakes makes no sense for someone who's been working on the series for so long (Doll's pronouns, Sebastian's literal catchphrase, phrasing that makes no sense in eng, etc). For this translator they definitely should've still kept an adapter... but it seems like they must've started adapting the translations again recently, which I really appreciate <3
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
Headcanons about Njano specifically bc he is mine now
- He was born with his tongue sticking out, a trait none of the other skinks have. That and his eyes being wider apart led to everyone assuming he was an idiot. This obviously couldn’t be farther from the truth. He may not be as quick-witted as the other skinks, but he’s still very smart
- While he’s not an idiot, he’s still very much a little goofball when not spying on other animals and out of all the skinks, he’s probably the nicest one
- He was a lot less confident than he is now. Very unsure of his decisions and having to rely on others to tell him what to do
- He had an older brother, Danganya (cheat, deceive), who taught him everything he knows. Danganya saw right through his little brother. He knows very well he’s capable of deceiving other animals, he just had to get Njano to believe it.
- Danganya was an awesome mentor/brother. He was so sweet and always used to reassure Njano that he’s smarter than he looks. It was cuz of him that Njano finally saw his goofy look as an advantage. He’d pretend to be innocent and a little bit dumb, but when the animal least expects it, he’s already stolen your food and ditched you. His brother was so proud
- His main catchphrase was “You trust me, don’t you?”
- Njano was absolutely distraught when Danganya died (probably in a mini stampede or rock slide). He was originally the victim, but was pushed out of the way by Danganya. From then on, Njano followed his brother’s footsteps and became the crafty little skink we all know now. It was also the same day Njano said his signature “Trust me!” (“Don’t worry, I can take care of myself….Trust me…”)
- Every season, he goes to his late brother’s grave in front of his favorite tree and talks to it as if he were still alive. He wants to make sure his bro is all caught up. Sometimes he forgets to go back and you could find him sleeping right next to the grave, looking all peaceful
- He and Shupavu met at a young age, where they were both all alone. Shupavu randomly bumped into Njano and he refused to leave her alone after that lmao. Like that one annoying sidekick trope. They soon hit it off, befriended more skinks, and the rest was history
- He’s liked her from the start, he was just too shy to admit it
- He was her rock through Shuoavu’s grieving process after Ushari’s death. He knew all too well what it was like to lose someone close to you, so he did everything he could to comfort her. Then one day, it happened. Njano was comforting Shupavu, she mentioned how sweet he’s always been, they hugged which turned to a nose boop (the skink version of a kiss) which ultimately turned into a badly kept “secret” relationship
They were basically this meme:
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- It ain’t no lie, he is bi bi bi
- He was the first skink to befriend Hodari, genuinely being nice to him and showing him around the Outlands. They’re best friends now :)
- He’s somehow the most desired male in skink standards. AKA he’s “the cute one”. He’s been hit on several times and he has no clue how.
Shupavu trusts that he would never cheat on her. Other female lizards aren’t so lucky
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scotianostra · 8 months
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October 12th 1929 saw the birth of Magnus Magnusson, writer, broadcaster and quiznmaster in TV programme “Mastermind”.
Aye ah know he wasn’t born in Scotland but -I’ve started so I’ll finish!
Magnus was born in Reykjavík but grew up in Edinburgh, where his father, Sigursteinn Magnússon, was the Icelandic consul. Magnus’ Icelandic name at birth was Magnús Sigursteinsson, but in Scotland his family adopted British naming conventions and from childhood he used his father’s patronymic as a surname. Living in Joppa, he was educated at the Edinburgh Academy and was in the school’s marching brass band. So to those saying he’s not Scottish, he did live almost his entire life here.
After graduating from Jesus College, Oxford, Magnusson became a reporter with the Scottish Daily Express and The Scotsman. He went freelance in 1967, then joined the British Broadcasting Corporation, presenting programmes on history and archaeology as well as appearing in news programmes.
He retained his academic connections, however, and was Lord Rector of Edinburgh University from 1975 to 1978 from 2002 served as chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University. The Magnus Magnusson Fellowship, an intellectual group based at the Glasgow Caledonian University, was named in his honour. Magnusson’s books included I’ve Started so I’ll Finish, a memoir of his years on Mastermind, and Scotland: The Story of a Nation.
Magnus of course is most famous for the quiz show, Mastermind, it was originally broadcast late on a Sunday night and was not expected to receive a huge audience. In 1973 it was moved to a prime-time slot as an emergency replacement for a Leslie Phillips sitcom, Casanova ‘73, which had been moved to a later time following complaints about its risqué content. The quiz subsequently became one of the most-watched shows on television. Magnusson was famous for his catchphrase “I’ve started so I’ll finish,” which was also the title of his history of the show. The original series was also noted for the variety of venues where filming took place—often including academic and ecclesiastical buildings. The last programme of the original series was filmed at St Magnus Cathedral in Orkney.
To further add to Magnus’s credentials for being a Scot he married Glasgow lass Mamie Ian Baird and they had 5 children together, including Reporting Scotland presenter Sally.
On 12th October 2006, his 77th birthday, Magnusson was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Magnusson mordantly noted that “This has to be one of my worst birthdays ever”. His condition forced him to cancel a string of public appearances. He died on 7th January 2007.The Aigas Field Centre a nature centre near Beauly has a building named in his honour.
In 2014 an auction sold off a lot of his belongings for the Scottish based Balmore Trust, a fair trade charity which sells fairly-traded goods in its shop The Coach House and supports projects in Africa, India and the west of Scotland.
Magnus Magnusson, Icelandic by birth Scottish through choice. Anyone still not convinced of his Scottish & Proud credentials, check out this quote from the man “I have got the best of both worlds; growing up in Edinburgh and now living outside Glasgow.”
Scotland is a welcoming country and have a rich culture which comes from all round the world, with his writing and knowledge Magnus brought so much to our country
Magnus Magnusson is buried in Baldernock Churchyard, East Dunbartonshire.
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
22 and 23 for Canada or America or both? I adore your writing so much.
🥺🥺🥺 thank you!! I'll do both.
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
With a very low tolerance for boredom, America snatches the paper before Canada has a chance to react. His first instinct is to make a paper airplane and doodle some designs on it; an eagle on one wing, perhaps a catchphrase on the other, and a wreath of flames as an outline. Before letting it soar, he asks Canada if he wants to add something to the little plane. Canada draws a maple leaf and he paper airplane flies perfectly.
But I'd be wary of leaving America with nothing to do for too long. Now, Canada? Not a problem. He can easily slip into dreamland and imagine himself in a canoe, fishing for rainbow trout along freshwater, backcountry rivers for hours at an end. But America craves stimulation and if he's in a rather bad mood, he'll try playing Five Finger Filet with the pencil and his own hand. He's immortal and if he makes a mistake, it'll heal quickly anyways, right? Canada nags him as soon as he starts playing, and with enough passive aggressive fuss, America rolls his eyes and flips the pencil eraser-side down.
However, if America's in a good mood, and there's still nothing to do, he'll explain how worm holes work, by folding the paper in half and poking the pencil through it; a trademark method that appears in every Hollywood sci-fi film. Slightly forgetful, he doesn't realise that he's explained this to Canada many times before, but Canada doesn't interrupt. Instead, he offers up a few questions and lets his brother babble about the spacetime continuum until the sun goes down, not because it keeps America occupied, but because America loves the topic, and has a wonderful habit of turning anything he loves into something genuinely interesting through his own sheer excitement. Even when said topic involves a lot of heavy math.
23: How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
I'd give them both a 5/10 when it comes to their organizational skills. Part of this is because they're physically younger than their Old World counterparts; college-aged nations with some college-aged habits. However, I think it's also woven into their personalities a bit.
⭐ America ⭐
Leaves empty soda bottles in his pickup truck
100+ tabs open in his internet browser
No sorting system to the catalogue of video games on his shelves
Bad habit of buying gadgets he won't use
Sports & Hollywood memorabilia cluttering the walls
Unpaid credit card bills
Low-priority government docs MUST be labeled, otherwise he'll lose them
"It's fine, I'll clean it later," and "I know where everything is," are his mantras. His mess doesn't bother him and it rarely impacts his daily life. However, if certain people are coming to visit, (senators, the President, certain nations that make him uncomfortable, etc.,) then America will definitely tidy up.
🍁 Canada 🍁
Often 5 - 20 minutes late to everything
Forgets to do his laundry; wears dirty blue jeans
Some fresh fruits and veggies go bad before he uses them
Cannot fit a car in his garage because it's filled with hiking gear and old woodworking tools
Too many canoes
Unless it's important, he forgets to respond to text messages
Spaces out during meetings, asks for notes, misplaces the notes
Unlike his brother, Canada's disorganization gives him anxiety and he chastises himself for it. He'll tidy up in a panic at the last minute when guests are on their way.* Then, he's the type to say, "Sorry, my place is a mess right now," even if he just finished cleaning and only forgot to dust one bookshelf. Truly, he should cut himself some slack once in a while.
*The only exception is America. If he's the guest, Canada won't panic-clean. He'll just sort a few things out and welcome his brother inside no matter the state of his house.
Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1057: In the End (It Doesn’t Even Matter)
No regrets for the Linkin Park lyric in the title. (RIP Chester.)
Well, it’s happened. Wano is officially over. I have some mixed feelings on how this final chapter plays out.
So, let’s start with the elephant (or wolf? considering his DF) in the room: Yamato decides not to leave Wano with the Straw Hats.
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I’ve made no secret of the fact I’m not a Yamato fan, so on a personal level, I’m relieved he’s not joining the crew. Plus, the fact his DF is of the guardian deity of Wano was a flashing neon sign that he would probably stay as well as the way he was with Momo for basically the entire raid connects him to Wano. 
But on a storytelling note, this is such a strange choice for a few reasons. 
First, it seems like every third sentence Yamato has said is about wanting to go to sea and wanting to join Luffy. What was the point of all that build up if Yamato decides to stay -- and the conversation he has with Luffy about it is off-screened!
Second, in hindsight, what is the point of the character at all? One of the reasons I wasn’t a big Yamato fan was his late entrance to the story and sudden screen time despite... not really doing all that much. But if he joins the Straw Hats, there’s at least some kind of payoff to that. 
With Yamato staying behind, well, you can remove him from the story and very little actually changes. The functions he does perform, like help hide Momo or delay Kaido, could have been performed by myriad other characters. That’s panel space that could have been given to a lot of other interesting plotlines that were going.
I don’t doubt we’ll be seeing Yamato again before the end -- maybe with Pluton? -- but for now, everything surrounding this character’s portrayal has been... odd.
Then we get Momo’s farewell to Luffy. The Straw Hats head to the port in the last chapter without saying anything to Momo or Kin’emon, and they’re both upset about this.
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(Side note: I think too much space was spent on flashbacks to other moments in the manga; this would be a great place for the anime to flesh out but to save page space in the chapter.)
Something that makes zero sense to me is that everyone left without saying anything to Momo or Kin’emon but then Luffy says they’ve been waiting so they could give Momo their flag? 
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Why would they be waiting if there was no way to know if Momo would realize they’d left before they actually set off?
Luffy’s response is just “we’re meeting now, aren’t we?”
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Zero sense.
Still, this is a great panel. Luffy is truly an Emperor. He’s come so far from that barrel in the East Blue.
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And Momo’s tearful farewell. Despite his adult body, he’s still a boy and is going to miss his hero. I’m glad we got such a lovely farewell for a character who has been with us for so long.
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Sticking with the Kozuki, we see the story of the raid being told to the people of Wano with some dramatic flourishes. Hiyori gets a lot of focus (ironic considering how she was sidelined).
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This panel is absolutely gorgeous...
But that is a weird message. I get the parallel to the “I am Oden, and I was born to boil” catchphrase but switching from Oden’s first name to the Kurozumi clan name and saying they were born to burn when the Kurozumi had been persecuted for the actions of a few, leading to festering hatred in people like Orochi and Kanjuro, and making it a motto for people to cheer along to...
Feels like lessons were not learned.
ANYWAY. Poor Raizo didn’t get the same glow-up that Shinobu did from Greenbull’s attack, and that makes makes the latter turning tall and thin even worse. Oda, c’mon.
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AND. Saving the best for last: the departure of the crews. 
The Straw-Heart alliance is over (I cry), and Law continues to be tsundere AF.
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Everyone else:
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Side note: I love Nami’s outfit here.
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But we can’t end Wano without one final round of Captain Trio shenanigans. I never get tired of the way these three bring out the chaos demons in each other.
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This gave me a flashback to the Sabaody auction house. Even the sound effect is the same for Luffy and Law.
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Some things never change XD
The ships going over the waterfall is a great panel.
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Dumbasses, all three of them.
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Get you a man who can do both?
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I love this trio so much. I miss them already.
So, that’s it for Wano. Gotta say, somehow it was both rushed and slow, stretched and overfull. I feel like Oda may have bitten off more than he could chew with the scope here, and the rushed ending was the result. Lots of good stuff but also a lot of questionable things as well.
And now... hopefully we’ll see more about what’s happening around the world. 
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shamelesslymkp · 6 months
weird post, but I promise I haven't been hacked or whatever
(I mean. as far as I know.)
I've been thinking lately about all the things I or friends or family found that cost a bit of money but have legitimately made tangible differences in my quality of life, and how I always want to recommend them to people, and then I thought about how it's the xian holiday season and people are buying things for each other and making wish lists, so this just sort of seemed like a good excuse!
MKP'S List of Literally Life-Improving Things That Can Be Bought
Flare Calmer earbuds - these are astonishingly life changing if you're sensitive to certain types of noise; it doesn't dampen overall volume of sounds but specifically targets certain frequencies that are the most painful for people, like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, or a buzzing overhead light. you still hear them, but they're somehow magically not as bad? I don't understand how it works but I know it does - I can use the vacuum with these in, instead of having the immediate urge to cover my ears.
Flare earshades - their catchphrase is something about turning down the volume on your life and like. that's literally what it does - it doesn't block as much sound as actual earplugs (which they also sell), it just lightens it a little. for reference, I wore mine during my brother's graduation, where a pipe organ was playing in a not huge chapel, so loudly I thought they couldn't possibly be doing anything, as I could hear everyone talking clearly and normally, but then I took them off and no yeah they were doing some major heavy lifting there
Capeables weighted cape - it's a weighted blanket that you wear! they have a whole bunch of other weighted products but this one was ideal for me
Brita Rapidstream filter-as-you-pour water pitcher - so Kate kept hearing me complaining about periodically not really drinking water because my brita filter tank would be out of filtered water and it would take me forever to refill it, and she pointed me in the direction of this thing, which - full disclosure, I still sometimes get in a cycle of not drinking water because the sink's too full to fill the pitcher, but it's a lot better - allows me to fill the pitcher at the same time I use it to drink water, so it's done a lot to keep me hydrated
Revlon Hair Dryer Brush - YMMV here, depending on hair type. I have very thick but very fine hair, which hairdressers and my mother assure me they'd kill for, but is also an incredible pain in many ways. I am ... not precisely coordinated, and I have a lot of trouble drying my hair with a normal hairdryer - it takes forever, so my arms start to hurt, and I usually hit myself in the head with the thing at least once, and it's just kind of a long embarrassing ordeal, ok? so I don't do it. THIS hairdryer is also a brush, and can get my hair almost completely dry (and looking great!) in under ten minutes. It also detangles super tangled hair with very little pain and hair-breakage? I guess because of the bristles? so there's that too!
Deskcycle - a... bicycle for your desk?? yeah, that's all I got in terms of funny description here; it's literally a little pedaling machine you can put under your desk or in front of your couch or wherever and use as an exercise bike, without the full uncomfortable bike seat or anything like that. (OK this one only works if you actually use it, so like. this is only intermittently life-improving)
Warmies Microwavable Stuffed Animals - smol friend! heavy from lavender-scented flaxseed filling! can be warmed up in microwave or cooled down in freezer! also available in long friend style, which can wrap around your neck!
BeKool Migraine Gel Cooling Sheets (& Roll-On!) - these are not as good as a full-on headache hat or even most ice packs, but they are incredibly portable, DO stick in place somewhat (if upright and doing things, I recommend using a cloth headband on top to keep it in place - if you're lying down you'll probably be fine), and last a surprisingly long time! it's not actual cold, just the cooling sensation, and you may need to remove it briefly intermittently to continue getting relief from it. the roll-on is cool, because you can target specific places (the strip is kinda.. limited in that respect), but be careful about using it on your temples because you can easily accidentally get close enough to your eyes to make them start watering from the menthol effect!
Shower chair - if you get dizzy in the shower! if you have migraines or cramps and use long hot showers to deal with them! if you sometimes can't sleep and take a hot shower in the middle of the night but are so tired you find yourself wobbling! then a shower chair might be right for you!
Weighted blanket(s) - there's a lot of mass-produced ones on the market now, at reasonable prices and with reasonable quality, but I have to shout out to mozaic weighted blankets specifically for being the source of my first and dearest weighted blanket, handmade to my directions. (note: in general, getting a weighted blanket cover is a good idea and will prolong the life of your weighted blanket, but if you DON'T use a cover, you can often get a secondary benefit of a cooling effect from the blanket itself! the heavier the blanket, the more effective this is - it has to do with the volume of weighted beads or pellets and how long it takes them to warm through from your body heat.) (I think.)
Migraine glasses lenses - what calmer earbuds do for your ears, these do for your eyes! (note: Zenni optical now offers ROSE TINTED migraine glasses as well as YELLOW TINTED anti-bluelight glasses)
Hammock and/or Hammock Chair - this one really depends a lot on your sensory needs but they provide some of the Best Sensory Input possible for me. I have this lightweight convertible hammock/hammock-chair stand which I adore. [amazon link, with apologies]
Headache Hat - an icepack that you wear! there are many different versions out there, with variations on how/where the cold is applied to your skull; since I like having cold on the top of my head and not just around the sides, I usually get the FOMI brand - more specifically, I like to get the one with neck coverage, because I flip the neck part up to layer on top of the head part and it makes the hat as a whole stay colder longer. [amazon link, with apologies]
10 ft+ Charging Cords - look, they seem silly when you look at them, why would you get a ten foot charging cable, but once you've used them you'll never want to go back, you can charge your phone from your bed, from your desk, in your indoor hammock, wherever, it really does just cut down on the nuisance of it all
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paulinedorchester · 5 months
London, 50 years ago today: another trip to the theater, another brush with the Troubles
On Boxing Day 1973, my parents and I went to see a revue, Carry On London, at the Victoria Palace Theatre.
You read that correctly: at just 12 years of age, I was taken to see a Carry On show. I was exposed to a lot as a child. The following autumn we saw the national tour of A Little Night Music, which is pretty racy stuff when you get right down to it. A couple of years later it was Design for Living, which is arguably racier.
I don't think that it did me any harm. A great deal went over my head. Here, for example, is a speech from Design for Living: "I love you. You love me. You love Otto. I love Otto. Otto loves you. Otto loves me. There now! Start to unravel from there." That left me utterly mystified at the time: everyone loves everyone else, so what's the problem? Not until I was most of the way through college and had had certain unfortunate real-world experiences did it dawn on me that sex was somehow involved in this.
The main thing that I remember from Carry On London was the topless dancers. They actually weren't completely topless, as they wore gold lamé coverings over the tips of their breasts. I had begun to get a sense of what a human female breast was supposed expected to look like, and I knew that these weren't it: they were conical rather than hemispherical, and they drooped.
At any rate: it was a fairly brief show, and there were two performances each night. We went to the early one and then tried to hail a cab. There were none to be had. Someone advised us that we'd do better at the end of the second show.
There was some discussion about going into the neighboring pub, the Stage Door. My parents weren't too sure about that: was it legal for me to be in a pub? Besides which, people smoked in pubs — forget it! There were still no cabs, so after half an hour or so we set out on foot.
I'm not sure where we were staying: during the first part of our visit we were in a borrowed apartment in Marylebone High Street, the home of a family friend (Nina Froud, if that name means anything to anyone); when she returned and needed her space back, we moved to a hotel in Montague Street. (I remember it as a wonderful place; then known as the the White Hall, it's still a going concern.) Either way, the walk took about an hour.
On arrival, we learned that during the late performance of Carry On London a bomb had gone off in the Stage Door pub! (My memory is that we knew this as soon as we walked in the door, which suggests to me that we were at the hotel.) It was one of two bombs that went off in London that night, as The Times reported on the following day:
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Unsurprisingly, Fleet Street covered this story extensively, although there wasn't complete agreement about the details: whether anyone was injured, whether there was any advance warning, and — some things never change, apparently — whether or not to use the word "terrorism" in describing these incidents. Proceeding roughly from right to left, here's a sample:
From the Daily Telegraph:
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The Daily Mail:
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The Guardian:
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The Daily Mirror (Image ©The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved):
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Even the Financial Times carried the news:
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More than two dozen American newspapers (and the Jerusalem Post) picked up the story, via United Press International. Here's the fullest version I found, in the Houston (Texas) Chronicle:
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"I was a war baby, you know." My father was much taken with that remark. It became a catchphrase of his for years afterwards.
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fattlestacks · 2 years
A Baxter question! Is he oblivious to his weight gain, embarrassed by it, or secretely enjoying it?
I have been doing a little thinking on Baxter the past few days and here's some thoughts I have (nothing concrete yet, just playing with ideas):
As far as his weight gain is concerned, I think he's mostly indifferent to it? He was a chubby lil' baby bun when he became the mascot for his parent's company (not super fat or anything but you know... cherubic). He was ridiculously cute. The confections are really good, they could honestly sell themselves but Baxter definitely helped them become a household name.
He had a catchphrase in his early adverts where he'd say "Conejo Confections, Mmm-mmm! They're yummy in my bunny tummy!" while rubbing his belly. He continues to this day to do adverts for the company (as such everyone knows his face) and while his catchphrase still appears on the packaging, it hasn't been used in the adverts since he was little. (His adverts now are usually just him in various outfits introducing new products and such). This doesn't stop people from approaching him in the street for pictures and the like and rubbing his tummy/saying his catchphrase though. He's gotten pretty used to strangers pawing at his belly, haha.
There was a period of time (mostly through his teen years) where he was super active with sports/working out some and he was on the slim side. Now that he's in his late twenties somewhere, he's gotten a little more sedentary, a lot more hungry and started gaining a bit of weight. Like I said before, he probably doesn't feel one way or the other about it but it does get pointed out to him a lot by his parents and other higher ups working at the company who would prefer he stayed slim while representing the company. But they can't really argue about it too much given that he's an adult and he can do what he wants and also the customers/fans seem to really like his fat tummy (and are often encouraging him to eat when they see him).
That's about all I have so far. If y'all have thoughts, I'd love to hear 'em.
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Hey, it's me, Aniket Dhar!! And Welcome to my Blog - Aniket's Animation Blog!!
I have something to say, which I know, a lot of people don't even know about, but I think it's good to be said before it's too late!! And it's regarding Animation in a Global Scale!!
I reside from India, where Animation has not been great when it comes to original Intellectual Properties (IPs) but great at outsourcing Animation stuffs!! I love Animation ever since I was born and I used to watch a lots of Cartoons and stuff from late 90's and early 2000's!! There were lots of good stuffs we can get from TV, and back then, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and others were used to show good qualities of content, which are now showing bad stuffs of content!! That discussion would be on another day!!
But That's not the topic at all I'm gonna cover!! I am an ardent Animation fan ever since my childhood, watching every single animated content (I mean, Family-friendly animated content, not the adult animation ones) I can consume!! The most vivid memories are from my childhood and there was a show I loved ever since I watched it, and that was Oswald!! Remember, that blue octopus with his pet dog called Weenie, that used to shown on Nick Jr.?? Well, if you remembered, then we're no different!! I used to watch Oswald a lot on weekdays before going to school and on holidays!! That one was my first favorite show at that time!!
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I loved the story, the characters and the Opening and Closing Song, which were soothing to our ears!! And Oswald's Catchphrase, "Oh my gosh!!" and referring Weenie as, "Weenie-girl" And Henry, that Penguin, saying, "Great Scott!!", and Daisy, that Sunflower, saying " Wowie-Kazowie", like yeah!! That was great at that time!! But the show was very limited and it was canceled by Nick Jr. themselves!! At that time, Oswald was underrated in the USA. The show never gone up above 26 episodes!! But it gave me so many memories back then!! There are other shows as well at that time, but Oswald was like a guide for me for how to be a Gentleman!! The show itself was a gem!!
Another Animated show, that I think it should be mentioned, and I think it would be incomplete to post is a preschool show, that I adored and loved so much as I loved and adored the same with Oswald, was a Nick Jr. Series, that should deserve to get mentioned, because it was also underrated as well like Oswald, and it should not get Canceled in the first place after 2 seasons run, because a lot of people backlashed the show, despite I loved that!! And that was, none other than, Peter Rabbit
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Before Digital Video Streaming Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video arrived, there was one show that came on TV and that show got me and I was hooked that I can't afford to miss any single episode of this series!! At that time, I was 14 years old watching Nick Jr. (It might sound funny, but the main thing started there)!! I started watching with curiosity, and it turned out to be the great show I can watch!! Peter Rabbit, which came out in 2012, based on the namesake book by Beatrix Potter, had so much thrills and fun and excitement, that I thought, it's my new favorite show after Oswald, I can watch!! The series revolved around Peter Rabbit, a young, mischievous and smart rabbit, who hops on to the adventures in his woods with his adventure-mates and friends, Benjamin Bunny and Lily Bobtail, for exploring something they think, they can achieve!! But they have to face some enemies, who wants to do bad things around them, like Mr. Tod, that fox who wants to eat them, Tommy Brock the Badger, Old Brown the Owl and most dangerous one, Mr. McGregor!! There were also Sammy Whiskers, that sneaky rat, who wants nothing but giving trouble to the main 3 protagonist rabbits!! But All-in-all, the best thing were when Peter uses his late good ol' dad's journal to solve things and whenever Peter and his friends are in trouble, he used to say his father's catchphrase, "A Good Rabbit Never Gives Up!!" And that catchphrase gives me a vocal tonic to not give up no matter what's the situation!! Just Wow!! But sadly, it would've end a great way, but it was canceled after a couple of seasons, making no bidding farewells whatsoever!!
Years Passed, and I was waiting for another show to be on that same enthusiasm and same greatness as I got in Oswald and Peter Rabbit!! But in 2020's decade, yup, the COVID-19 Pandemic happened!! The world was locked down!! Everyone were watching the content they used to watch in their childhood, whether it's on TV or on Streaming Platforms!! A new content before pandemic were consumed on the Streaming Platforms like Netflix and Prime Video as BINGE-WATCHING became the new norm!! There was Streaming war happened when Disney+ arrived during Pandemic, And all that!! But in 2021, something big happened!! The Beginning Year of Paramount+ in the USA!! And at same year, I have access to Paramount+ (US one), to watch Oswald, Peter Rabbit and other stuff as well!! But in October, a new show arrived and that show is now currently my Favorite show that I have to wait every week for new episode to drop in the afternoon!! And surprisingly, it's not a Preschool show, it's a Nickelodeon produced, Paramount+ original, that I think it is the equivalent to Nick's favorite show by the critics back in the 2000's, which was Avatar: The Last Airbender, of course!! But this isn't Avatar: The Last Airbender!! It is, none other than, from A famous and oldest Sci-fi franchise!! Yup, I'm talking about Star Trek: Prodigy
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At first glance, I was never a Star Trek Fan in the first place!! And I wasn't a nerdy Sci-fi fan whatsoever!! But I saw some promos of it running on Nick US!! And it was a Paramount+ original!! I watched Star Wars: Visions Anime on Disney+ back then, it was good on its own!! But I headed onto Paramount+ and Star Trek: Prodigy was on the banner of the home screen!! That's why I thought it would be a hit or miss, but I thought it's worth a try!! And it turned out to be really good!! Yeah, agreed, at first, it was a bit of Star Wars-esque, and some animation resembling like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which I used to watch in my Childhood, but stopped it early out of interest, anyhow!! The show is likely a sequel to the Star Trek series "Voyager", as per the fans of the esteemed franchise say, because it has Kate Mulgrew reprising her role as Kathryn Janeway, the Captain of USS Voyager and main character in "Star Trek: Voyager" Series!! Again I say, I hadn't watched any Star Trek series or movies until I discovered Prodigy in the first place, so I was new to this Sci-fi franchise!!
At first glance, the series premiere episode was good, per se, but others who are Star Trek fans in general, not all of them, but some of them saying and complaining that this is a cheap knock-off of Star Wars and it's an insult to Star Trek (I'll get to them later on), and people are giving negative reviews around it!! But I think, I would continue on, because the negative reviewers were about to quit the show without continuing any further!! After Episode no. 4, I was hooked, because it was serialized!! And when suddenly after Episode no. 6, some negative reviewers were coming back and continuing further!! And I think it was a game changer by the time episode 8 came out!! And for characters, I loved the main characters in Star Trek: Prodigy, which made a great sense to the show itself!! When most of the popular animated series lacked of character development and story arc, Star Trek: Prodigy gained them by using and executing at proper times!! Like Dal R'El, for example!! At first, fans were annoyed around Dal's character in first few episodes, but after Episode no. 6 or 7 onwards, the complaints were gone, and now he is acclaimed as suitable captain of USS Protostar!! Same for Gwyndala aka. Gwyn!! At first, I thought she would do something worst to Dal and his crew, but in episode 5, she changed her mind and she was wrong about Dal and his crew!! And same for Rok-Tahk, the brikar!! And everyone, including the main antagonist, Gwyn's Father, the Diviner!! Great Redemption Arc by the way at the end of season 1!! For USS Protostar's Hologram Janeway and Vice Admiral Janeway of USS Dauntless, voiced by Kate Mulgrew herself, is an icing on the cake!! Throughout Season 1 spanned from late 2021 to end of 2022, I had no problems around this series, making it the best animated series on the Post-COVID era and my another favorite show, except for one, that it's not even creating a big trendsetting buzz, which I think it should deserve that, among Animation Fans, which is a shame!! I'm not talking about those Animation Fans who watched previous Star Trek series or being a Star Trek Fan!! Animation fans should watch this series regardless of being A Star Trek fan or not!! Because, you've got great Animation, Visuals, great set of characters, New and reprising, great set of Voice Actors like Brett Gray (Dal R'El), Ella Purnell (Gwyn), Rylee Alazraqui (Rok-Tahk), Jason Mantzoukas (Jankom Pog), Dee Bradley Baker (Murf) etc. And Great Plot, Character Arc and Redemption Arc , with great designs, giving lessons and values of Starfleet and everything they boldly gone (No Pun intended)!! But Nickelodeon and Paramount+ should've promoted more of it!! I know, second season is coming later this year!! But they should not cancel way too early like what they did to Oswald and Peter Rabbit!! It feels like they're underrated for some reason or other!!
But Why Am I talking these to you?? Because, in the likes of Popularity of a series, we're missing out some gems, which should've been the trendsetting phenomenon in the first place!! All of these are just examples!!
All of them are my favorites and these shows are wonderful on their own!! But, the problem lies when Animation Fans neglect them for nothing!! No disrespect intended, but Star Trek: Prodigy should've been a buzz around animation fandom on a global scale, regardless of being a Star Trek fan or not!! Same would go for Oswald and Peter Rabbit for great classic storytelling!! It's the Animation Audience's fault for not creating a buzz around them!!
I want to ask a question to everyone who loves Animation, who lives in Animation:
Why don't you support such deserving Gem-like series?? If you give that much attention to Miraculous Ladybug, then why don't you give the same amount of attention or more to those Animated Series, which deserve to get Recognition and Love with some media Buzz??
So, that's it for this post!! Sorry for this long post, but I need to get it off of my chest!! I hope, Animation fandom should realize that with time being!!
Thank you so much for reaching to the end of this post!! Peace!!
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spicyvampire · 2 years
I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but how do you keep your text/captions so sharp in gifs? Especially the 540 ones. It’s like ✨✨✨ in your gifs
Hey, no I don't mind, sorry for the late answer
So this is kinda a difficult question to answer but I'll try my best to just show you what I do, and then I'm sure you can compare your own method and find what you wanna change in your method
So all my gifs are are 540px width, the only thing that changes is the height, and every caption is always on top of the coloring layers, because if not the caption looks ugly
Let's start with my default one which is 540x350
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On top you have my default the size 18px that I use for the caption at the bottom of the gif, bold italic, it’s a rounded font, VA = space between the letters, aa is sharp always, bottom you have my default layer style stroke and drop shadows
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Here are my settings for stroke and drop shadow, I almost always use these settings, my advice for you is to find your own settings that you like
Next there is 540x450, the only thing different is that the caption "Does he normally just lay like that without moving" is 20px instead of 18px because the gif is bigger and I want to keep it easy to read on mobile and on desktop, and the little joke caption is 16px I think
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And then we have the monster that is 540x540
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There is just so much going on in this, first of all everything is in all caps, whats great with that is if everything is all caps, the captions can be smaller and it will still be easy to read, so 12px works, and I added space between the letters with VA and made it bold, also I advise to have a sans serif font if you gonna do this
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Second of all there is part of the gif that are brighter than others, which mean it would be harder to read because my captions are white, so what I did was to play more with drop shadow, I put opacity higher for the lighter parts for example “The braincell actively avoid him, They are afraid” the opacity is 74% cuz it’s straight up in a white part of the gif but for the catchphrase, it’s on Kinn’s grey shirt which is darker so 50% opacity works
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You can also notice that I changed the angle from my default one that is 47 to 138, just because of the lightning of the gif it just looked better to me when I was making it
For the words “Player 2″ and “Kinn”, you can visibly see that the opacity is at 100% because again it just looked better that way to me, a lot of gifmaking is just adjusting stuff to wtv looks better in your eyes the moment you were making it
I’m sure there is a bunch of ways to make captions more sharp but personally I just use stroke and drop shadow 90% of the time
Hope this helps
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
I sing this all the time. Michigan winters especially Detroit,Michigan winters ain’t no joke
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NEWSClassified documents at Pence's home, too, his lawyer says
"It's So Cold in the D" turns 15 — the truth behind the accidental Detroit anthem we can't stop singing
By WWJ Newsroom
January 20, 20234:56 pm
DETROIT (WWJ) -- When it comes to Detroit artists who have made an impact on music and culture, there are truly too many to name.
But there’s one local rapper that Metro Detroiters quote regularly — especially during the winter months — who has never really gotten her due.
We’re talking about T-Baby, who had a massive viral hit 15 years ago this month with her now-iconic song, “It’s So Cold in the D.”
And if you tell us you didn’t just sing the hook as you read that — we don’t believe you.
The unbelievably catchy and quotable song was originally penned as a tribute to T-Baby’s late friend Mason Graham, who was fatally shot while trying to break up a fight at Universal Coney Island on Detroit’s east side in 2006.
The music video, was made with a shoe-string budget of just $300, hit YouTube in January of 2008, and went on to rack up an impressive 11 million views.
In the years that followed, variations of the “It’s So Cold in the D” catchphrase have been included in tracks such as Eminem’s “Detroit vs. Everybody” and Big Sean’s “Story by Snoop Lion,” and the song has been performed in-concert by the likes of New Kids on the Block and Usher during tour stops in Detroit.
"It's So Cold in the D" received new life in 2011 when it was included in an episode of MTV’s “Beavis and Butthead” reboot, and the resurgence later resulted in a 2015 remix of the song (though nothing beats the original.)
But even with all of its popularity, T-Baby says she received so much online hate after releasing the tribute — which she intended to be a commentary on violence in the city — she took an extended hiatus from YouTube and music to avoid the negativity.
Additionally, the rapper and artist, who grew up Latonya Myles on Detroit’s east side, has never really been given much in the way of compensation or credit for her original song.
Most artists who perform or reference it do so without permission, and despite holding a copyright on the “It’s So Cold in the D” phrase, it often appears on t-shirts, mugs and even candles with little to no money going back to T-Baby.
Though she has continued to have a social media presence and create music through the years, T-Baby says she still keeps mainly to herself, and doesn’t put a lot of trust in others.
But regardless of how people feel about the song itself, T-Baby created something that most artists have a difficult time achieving: staying power.
The song is now used on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, meaning a whole new generation is discovering the viral hit.
In another 15 years, you can bet that on a freezing winter day, Detroiters will still be turning to one another and uttering the phrase, “It’s so cold in the D.”
But if we don't start to give T-Baby the credit she deserves right now...well, there's really nothing colder than that.
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It's So Cold in the D
Viral Video
The Daily J
Metro Detroit
Featured Image Photo Credit: T-Baby
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