#interview with the vampire s2
nalyra-dreaming · 16 hours
I cannot get over Louis calling Armand a "manipulative gremlin" via his inner Lestat.
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hoomanbeaning · 2 days
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"... a lot of it has to do with what's going on between us, he is sort of my uh ... nemesis throughout the thing. which builds through the whole season and comes to a big climax ..."
eric bogosian about 'armandaniel' in this interview
no because FFGGHHK 💀 imagine if we get devil's minion arc but like on a more modern-day nemeses (one-sided?) to lovers plane *wiggles eyebrows*
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goldfish-inhaler · 20 hours
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who are you, Louis
more iwtv tarot.
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 days
Raleigh Ritchie aka Jacob Anderson drops the Louis de Pointe du Lac song of the summer "Love is Dumb".
Always great to hear Jacob release new music.
TBT one of my favourite concert experiences.
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If you're watching the current series of AMC+/AMC's INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (its second series), you will see how bad Louis is at handling matters of the heart.
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Minor thoughts about S2 so far (spoilers)
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I love Louis and Armand as a couple! Do I know the other shoe is going to drop? Of course, but I do not care. I'm enjoying them.
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I see so many people say Assad Zaman and Jacob Anderson lack chemistry, and to each it their own, but I feel a lot of people are Sam Reid/Lestat fans and are peeved at his decrease presence this season and (to them) the lack of Louis and Lestat so they're not even interested in Louis and Armand and try to wrap this disinterest up into saying the show "is off".
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Tis nothing wrong with the series. To me it's richer. And yeah, I do miss Lestat, who wouldn't?
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Him still bewitching Louis, leaving Louis to grapple with his grief and his love for Lestat? The pain is exquisite!
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Not just visions, but Louis coming up with a remix to "Come to Me" where Lestat calls him a little whore?
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I wonder what's the next outfit Louis imagines DreamStat in?
We already got Lestat's white death outfit
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, the clean green suit that he wore to dinner with Louis' family,
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The outfit he wore when Lestat turned Louis.
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Louis needs to imagine him in the suit from this moment.
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-Next time Sam and Jacob do Zoom press, I need them to get a device with a better camera.
I need to see your face clearly, babes.
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Jacob looking at Sam like the side-eye dog.
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-When I first read the end sentence it took me two minutes to realize who Jake was. I've never heard this man referred to as Jake. It's like he's return from a gap year and declared, "Mum, dad, everyone. I'm Jake now."
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sillybillytime · 4 hours
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LOOK AT THEM!! Louis standing closer to his guilt, Dreamstat, than to a real person, Armand. Louis and Lestat looking the same, standing the same, being one. Even as Armand gives Louis his time, his love, and his past.
I’m gnawing at the bars of my enclosure, I CANT BE NORMAL ABOUT THEM
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rabidlestat · 2 months
"I want to know what happened between us" gay sex, Daniel. It's always gay sex.
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z0ongoil · 7 days
im losing my fucking mind here y'all the way claudia wants to grow up the way she hates being a child forever the way she tries to make herself older by dressing more mature n wearing makeup and trying to make her own life in the world and the way everyone else wants to keep her as she is forever the way her role in the new play after being initiated into the coven is the role of a child when they tell her she'll be the lead for the next fifty years THAT'S HER NIGHTMARE. the way her face falls immediately when they tell her her role is a little girl. she wants her body to match her mind and they all see her as a child. im really tired so this is probably incoherent but please it hurts so bad
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lestatthevamp · 6 days
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Lestat when he reads the BS Armand's been saying
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loustat-0 · 6 months
Interview with the vampire Season 2 officially wrapped up . 😭😍 Plus I'm trying to find the cast
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nalyra-dreaming · 16 hours
COMMENTS on 2x04 - SPOILERS ahead, obviously^^
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
God that play is really…. and to see the joy just leave Claudia
And the foreshadowing with her soul leaving her body!!!!!! Holy shit.
Louis’ face mirroring the disillusionment.
Lol, Santiago getting a BJ while getting ready and bitching about the play. 💀
Armand and Louis in Dubai saying different things about that time…
Armand’s notes threw😬 me - and to call her lack of enjoyment of this play after 500 performances sabotage? Definitely a choice.
Ah, I see that is where that Santiago outfit comes in^^ - I would not have expected it to be Claudia there. I so feel for her there, it is so bitter. And Santiago having her back there and challenging Armand (and his relationship with Louis) damn. Also, Louis being so… IDK. Happy to ignore the warning signs now??? Ouch.
The coven going at each other, lol
That discussion “after”. And Louis’ “inner Lestat” commenting on it all - bitter
“Do you notice how hot the room gets”!!!!! FUCK
“I try to find the vulnerability in the object.” DAMN
The laughter. And Louis calling himself out there lmao.
They didn’t like Daniel changing track that’s for sure^^.
Santiago and Claudia 😭 - god I wished. And his warning her… damn.
Oh…. so THAT is where the “tender” comes in. Ouch again.
Madeleine and Claudia
The mimicry at the banquet. Ohhhhh it’s going to go SO BAD
But it’s nice to see that when Louis snaps… he snaps^^. Canon, baby, canon.
I felt so bad for him at the photography evaluation…
The fragility comment re Armand.
The photographs mixed in!!!! Holy shit. What is going on there - has been going on there????
“This is a Stein”. LOL Armand… “Probably Rashid”. Yeah, sure.
The body in the plastic!!!! Oh we are going full horror next episode, aren’t we.
Louis letting his “inner Lestat” criticize him. Aw sweetie. “I end up eating them”…. yeah.
The laughter again. And ”Lestat” mocking Armand as being “barely Balthasar”. 💀 Oh Louis. (I do feel bad for Armand. He wants love so badly.)
Madeleine’s story. One of many I would think. I … liked how they did it.
The Louvre.
“Vintage Lioncourt” - and then his “inner Lestat”!!! That expression, lol. And also the “ha” later… that is interesting.
In sync. “Okay” Argh.
The coven abandoned by Magnus(??). And “Lestat” shaking his head.” Interesting.
I ALMOST thought we would get a Memnoch-type event!!!!! Damn, I wanted them to go there :))))
Armand threatening Claudia -.- . And letting her know. Talk about making things clear.
The thing about Santiago’s maker again...
Practicing the fire gift I see. Ah yisssss. *rubs hands*
“manipulative gremlin” LOOOOOLLLL LOUIS HOLY SHIT
God that scene with Claudia. Me and you, indeed.
“Bad decisions”. “Love makes you stupid”. “The wilderness that is our daughter”. 😭😭😭😭
Louis trying to say goodbye to Lestat there… heartbreaking. “An elicit couple out for the cheat”. Yeah. No double meaning at all. NONE. Their theme.The initials stitched in. Letting the rain pour down. Summoning Armand. “Mutiny brewing”. 😭 God Louis, why didn’t you just leave. “I used to be real good at running things”. Louis geeeeeeeeezzzzzz you are playing with FIRE. (Yes, I know, foreshadowing.)
And Santiago and the others using that moment to get the evidence they “need”. 💀
“You sure about that, Arun?” “Yes, Maitre.” Ohhhhh fuck. So fucking dangerous. “He is Louis’ creature indeed.” DAMN. Louis dammit you beeeeep Sorry, but honestly, that was… STUPID. You make your only protection look WEAK.
And them arguing in the bedroom. Louis probably having done that himself??!?!!!
Daniel using the time to go through the material - and remember. Oh the FORESHADOWING
And cut.
So in total:
Loved it, lots of very bitter foreshadowing once more. Loved all the little flashback hints. Knowing where the “tender” as a description for them comes from is… 😬. Louis trying to let Lestat go - I KNEW that would be a breakup scene, but I had guessed it would be another one that came later in the book^^, loved this change though. Unfortunately we already know it won’t quite work… Louis deciding to (try to) let Lestat go (which we know won’t work), and trying to take the “bull by its horns”… god. I mean. I get him. But that made my teeth hurt I clenched them so hard because that is literally… like, I said it above, but ARMAND calling HIM “maitre”? When the coven is already plotting? Oh boy. Not good in the long run. Not good.
So yeah. Loved it. So much in it!!!
And... my heart breaks for Armand.
And the EPISODE INSIDER. Spelling it out once more: (A gag order definitely dropped away^^)
“Lestat is just ruining Armand’s and Louis’ romantic evenings together.”
“He almost takes on the Lestat role in his relationship with Armand.” 😬
“Louis’ relationship is a response to his relationship with Lestat.” “Armand is a rebound. A rebound that lasts for 70 to 80 years.” 💀
“I think Louis knows he can get away with more.” “Like Armand is maybe a bit of a pushover. He realizes he can manipulate that relationship a little bit more.” (LOOOOOOL JACOB)
“Ghost Lestat [] is also like Louis’ doubts about Armand.” “He tries to accept Armand the way he is.”
“Armand will always see a little bit of Lestat in Louis.” “His paranoia is all encompassing.”(!!!!)
“It’s this really sad aspect of his life.” (indeed.)
And last, but not least:
“But it’s also seeing Louis slip faster with Armand than she had planned.”(!!)
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hoomanbeaning · 4 hours
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"... 'make you one of us?' the accent thickened, giving a fine lilt to the words. 'why would i do that?' eyes narrowing. 'i would not do that to those whom i find to be despicable, whom i would see burning in hell as a matter of course. so why should i do it to an innocent fool-like you?' ..."
anne rice's the story of daniel / the devil's minion / or the boy from the interview with the vampire
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goldfish-inhaler · 26 days
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quite literally the first thing i thought of when i saw the original
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 months
We have many sleeps until May 12th, but until then AMC+ has released a new extended trailer for series two of INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE to sate your appetite.
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milfromanroy · 22 days
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rabidlestat · 3 months
We've had Devil's Minion on screen. Y'all are just weak minded and can't accept the fuckability of that old man.
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z0ongoil · 2 months
daniel is like I need to know what happened between us.. boy cant you guess.. Gay ass
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