#indie ttrpgs
TTRPGs For Palestine
I'll do a proper post when I'm not on my way to a con, but the itch bundle is out! Money raised goes to Medical Aid For Palestinians!
Loads of great games in here by a lot of very talented people supporting a good cause (I also submitted several of my games/creations to it)!
Get it here:
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Yo, I am under the impression there’s a flourishing market for “campaign supplement” games that can be played as like slice of life side-bars to another campaign? My play group just finished an Ebberon campaign but we still love these characters and I’m wondering what’s out there? I’m curious for whatever but stuff with a focus on settling down or running your new dukedom would be lovely.
THEME: Fantasy After-Campaign Games.
Hello there! Yes, there are a number of games that you can probably use to keep your characters around and explore other parts of their life! I've got a few games that might be somewhere in the realm of what you're thinking, and then I've got some other ideas that popped up in my brain as I was writing this out.
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Peace in the Land, by JunkyardTornado.
Peace in the Land is a cozy one page fantasy ttrpg about solving some regular kinds of problems in a fantasy town. There is a very simple character creation process based off a simple system, the Quick and Dirty System, originally designed for one-page rpgs. 
If you want low-stakes problems and quick rules, you might want to check out Peace in the Land. The rules are pretty standard, with a typical success threshold and differently-sized dice according to player abilities. You can probably place the simple rules into a setting that you’re already familiar with, and then generate problems that the townspeople might turn to the player characters to solve. If the group wants to settle down in one location but still go on minor adventures, this might be a game for you.
Pour One Out For Her, by MrPluckyComicRelief.
She was the greatest hero the world had ever seen. She slayed the Beast of Artenfield, rescued every princess north of the Green River, outgambled the demon Jav-Urok The Bold, and she never paid for a drink. All those years ago, all of you stood by her side, as her faithful companions. You supported her through thick and thin, through triumph and tragedy. You thought she would live forever.
But in a cruel twist of fate, you’re all here, standing at her funeral. For her last great prank, she stated, in her last will and testament, that you would all give a joint eulogy.
Pour One Out For Her is a gm-less RPG for any number of players. It's about good times with old friends, reckless adventures, and a celebration of a the greatest hero to ever live, who was taken too soon.
This is more of a one-shot kind of game for a solemn, last goodbye to a character that didn’t make it. Because it’s GM-less, if you traditionally had a GM in the game, this might be a chance for them to embody an important NPC who saw the characters through the bulk of the story.
Pour One Out For Her assumes that the dead companion had a dying wish, and that the companion was a team-player. Apart from that, I think you could use it to remember the ending of a character that meant a lot to the party.
Stewpot: Tales From A Fantasy Tavern, by Takuma Okada.
The adventurer’s life is tough. It's time to call it quits. For years you stumbled through hostile lands, living off stale rations, and struggling to get a few hours’ sleep. Now it’s time to hang up your weapons, sell off your armor, and settle down. If only it were that easy…
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern by Takuma Okada is a collection of cozy mini-games that tell the story of a tavern run by former adventurers. Gather your dice, pick up a deck of cards, set aside a shiny coin, and get ready for a new set of challenges. Only this time… your adventures start behind the bar.
Stewpot is divided into a series of slice-of-life scenes, with a different set of simple rules and prompts helping adjudicate each scene. You might be scrambling to cook something edible with random ingredients, bartending for troubled souls, calming down a tavern brawl, going shopping for all the things a tavern needs, and more! Work to upgrade your tavern's cuisine, atmosphere, and service. In the process, you might just learn a little bit about yourself - and your fellow party members.
Takuma Okada is known for a number of thoughtful games, including Alone Among the Stars, a solo roleplaying game of introspection in space. Stewpot looks to deliver a cozy, retrospective experience, probably similar to Dungeon Meshi and Legends & Lattes. Stewpot recently finished funding on Backerkit, so if you’re willing to wait for a little bit, you should be able to order a copy of it from Evil Hat’s website! If you’re not willing to wait, there’s a Sampler PDF available on DriveThruRPG.
Wolves & Spices, by A.Tian.
Wolves & Spices is a simple tabletop roleplaying game, based on the traveling mercantile adventures of the light novel/anime series Spice & Wolf.
You are traveling merchants in the medieval country of Feldland. Your shared dream is to earn enough money and goodwill to open a business as a permanent part of a community.
You could use Wolves & Spices if you feel like your characters wouldn’t necessarily settle down in one place, but rather would be more likely to turn to trade as a way to earn their keep while still travelling from town to town. Your goals will probably be more focused around meeting other people’s needs, using your earnings to help meet your heart’s desires (also called your Wolves). If you want a game where the quest didn’t bring about the happy ending your characters hoped for, you might want to try out Wolves & Spices.
Some Other Thoughts
Another way you could possibly re-visit your character’s stories is to re-visit them in a different genre or setting. There’s a lot of possibilities if you’re up to remixing a game or two! For example, you could re-cast your characters as fantasy investigators, such as in Swords of the Serpentine, or follow their attempts at romance, such as in Passion of the Jukebox or Thirsty Sword Lesbians. You could also follow up with the adventures of your characters’ children; my group followed up our Spectaculars game with a game of MASKS, playing as the children of our characters. Games like Kids on Bikes or Kids and Spirits could also work if you want to combine solving mysteries with passing adventure down a generation!
Games You Can Also Check Out
Merchants & Monsters, by AndieSanade.
Dungeon Mart, by May Day.
So, the Beast is Dead, by Prepared Heathen.
Back Again, from the Broken Land, by Cloven Pine Games.
The Laughing Kobold, by therabidbanana.
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sprintingowl · 1 day
TTRPGs Bundle
Gargantuan mega superbundle alert!
If you want a ridiculous number of TTRPGs---and also for your money to be donated in full to a medical aid charity that is attempting to tend to the victims of an ongoing crisis---games in this bundle include:
Wanderhome, FIST, Gubat Banwa, Caltrop Core, Eyes On The Prize, Gun & Slinger, Maharlika, Karanduun Make God Bleed, Oldhome, Cuticorium, Gravemire, Moonlight On Roseville Beach, Hypermall Unlimited Violence, Killotine, Mourn, Beacon, Sunfish Sitting There, Mashed, Kernel, Star & City, and a great many more.
That's nearly 700 TTRPGs, all bangers, something for every genre and table, available until end of June 2024.
(in this post I have avoided saying certain words in case they algorithmically influence its reach and visibility, please feel free to say those words in the reblogs)
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psychhound · 3 days
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[ID: a banner for a game system advertising "horseshoe system game trio". the banner is on a tan background with a brown gradient at the bottom. it shows three images: 1) two men in suits, one of them about to stab the other in the back, 2) a vw van driving through water with camping gear tied to the top, 3) a cowboy on a horse holding a rifle. there is a horseshoe outline next to the words. end ID]
what is horseshoe system?
horseshoe system is a new ttrpg system to run rollercoaster, wacky one shots on. its a multiplayer ttrpg for a dm and a few players that fits front and back on a single page. it includes roll tables for no-prep sessions and countdown clocks to keep things moving and interesting, as well as medium-crunch character creation with options for stats
the key feature of horseshoe system is the rolls:
a low roll doesn't mean nothing happens
in horseshoe system, a middling roll is actually where nothing happens. if you roll well, that's your YES, AND! however, if you roll badly ... that's your YES, BUT.... when you roll low, you use the skill you rolled with, but there's a consequence, curveball, or unintended effect
what are the games?
so, this kickstarter is funding three new games on the horseshoe system. after the kickstarter is over and the games are finalized and released, an srd will be released so people can make their own games on the system, and then there's gonna be a game jam!! but, firstly, the three games:
crescent smile: an eldritch noir game. play as detectives and colleagues in a city where horrors lurk in the shadows and your own powers might be driving you mad
interstate 10 1/2: a weird roadtrip game. play as friends on a long roadtrip in a world similar to ours but where the roadside attraction is alive and the voice on the radio keeps telling you secrets about your friends
the pyrite bullet: a spaghetti western game. play as a posse of wild west bandits trying to catch your big break and outrun the law
kickstarter will be launched on tuesday june 4th and run for three weeks!! you can get an individual game for less than a soda or all three for only five bucks!!
check it out!!
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Time to check in at the No-Tell Motel
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My new single-player TTRPG, No-Tell Motel, is now available! Come on over and grab a PDF, or throw in $5 more to pre-order your physical copy.
In No-Tell Motel, you play the overnight clerk at a sleazy motel. One of your guests murders another one, and no one much seems to care who did it or why. No one but you, that is.
Playing the game only requires a standard deck of playing cards and a six-sided die. You use the face cards to identify your motel's regular guests (yes, the book comes ready with 16), and the numbers cards to randomly generate things that happen between them.
And unlike most build-as-you-go mystery games, you can make your best guess and still get it very, very wrong.
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The nightly spread of the game looks a bit like a hand of Solitaire, and that's on purpose. I wanted playing the game to feel a little bit like something you'd do to pass the time in the small hours of the morning.
Here's how it works.
The rules generate different murder victims and methods, a highly randomized yet still coherent matrix of guest gossip, actions and conflict, and most importantly: a way to find out if your accusation was correct, and what the consequences are for pointing the finger.
If you like pulp crime, The Conversation, or Errol Morris's Tabloid, you should check out No-Tell Motel.
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crtgirl · 2 months
my wife’s game, stewpot, is finally crowdfunding today!!
it’s an incredible game about adventurers settling down and starting a tavern. if you have been enjoying dungeon meshi this is a game for you!
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theinstagrahame · 9 months
Announcing: Restful Actions
(It's here. You can go get it now!)
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Restful Actions is a collection of 10 minigames for downtime periods in any TTRPG. They're designed to help players resolve character conflicts, complete goals, heal or explore, and take much shorter shopping trips. (You can, in fact, download the shopping trip minigame as a demo!)
For GMs, the goal is to give you a break, so you can start preparing the next Big Event. The minigames invite players to fill in some details of the world, creating shops, landmarks, even creatures.
You can pick up your copy here:
I've talked about this thing in more detail here:
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goblinmixtape · 1 year
I recorded a new intro video to my channel, which is all about indie TTRPGs!
TikTok / YouTube
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sandypuggames · 7 months
Monster Care Squad Is Free
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You've heard of Monster Care Squad, of course, the TTRPG where you play as unstoppably cool elite veterinarians traveling a world unlike any fantasy land you've set foot in? The one that's about investigating a mysterious sickness that sends the guardians of this world berserk? It's the one with dozens and dozens of unique towns and magical creatures, illustrated by @leafie-draws? It's like pacifist and communal and all about those small stories but with a big actiony set piece? It's the one with the space station and the lil goat with opposable thumbs Anyway, it's free, right here https://monstercaresquad.web.app/
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 10 months
I’m done. I fucking did it. I spent like 30-40 hours making a video essay and it was terrible and also something im prouder of than anything i did in grad school. Holy shit that took forever
If you are interested in
Spire: The City Must Fall, by Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor
Babel: An Arcane History, by RF Kuang
Portrayals of imperialism in fiction
Textual analysis of tabletop games and the implications of their settings
The futility of moderate resistance to liberal governments
please check out this video, oh my god i worked so hard on it and i think its pretty good, and i know im not the only person in ttrpgs doing cool projects but i do think this essay is special!!!
Transcript here if you just wanna read it
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 month
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A quickly doodled fan comic from @umbraldame featuring a thing from beyond A.K.A. "The Blanket" and her ability to absorb not only nutrition but information from the people she digests! That would be pretty handy for investigating a mystery, if you could get past the question of morality.
This is one of the five playable monster types in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, and a fan favorite around here!
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is still crowdfunding on kickstarter from now until 2:00 PM CST on Friday, May 10th! Back it before it's too late!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida
y'all there is an absolutely bonkers deal going on at itch.io right now
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You can get over 500 rpgs for only *five dollars* right now. That's right, over $2000 worth of games for only five fucking dollars. It's insane. It's unreal. It's totally worth more than any dollar amount you're going to throw at it. And it's all going towards charities that work with trans folx on the ground: specifically Zebra Youth and Transinclusive Group. If you donate more than $10 you get a special bonus - the creators of Action Fiction will send you a PDF copy of the 5E supplement "Monsters of Murka: Chromatic Gamut." Go check it out now!!! Offer lasts until April 6!
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sprintingowl · 1 year
This Discord Has Ghosts In It
It doesn't get talked about enough, but This Discord Has Ghosts In It is a rad example of how you can adapt game design to your surroundings.
Basically, This Discord Has Ghosts In It is a digital larp. It's Phasmophobia played by chat. Your group creates a discord server to function as a haunted house, then you all explore it, building new 'rooms' out of channels as you go.
Some players take the roles of ghosts, and are muted but can affect the environment in the haunted house.
Other players take the roles of explorers, and can talk, but the ghosts are all listening.
Discord wasn't built to be gamified this way, but that doesn't matter.
As long as you can guarantee consistent behavior from a thing, you can build mechanics off of it.
Anything in your environment can be turned into a game.
And in this particular case, it's a really good one!
The mechanics lend themselves well to the kinds of pacing, limited communication, and untrustworthy setting that any good ghost story needs.
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psychhound · 2 months
ttrpg research study survey!!
howdy yall!!
so a lot of yall know me for my games, but by day i'm a grad student studying game studies and researching therapeutic applications for gaming (if you've seen my posts about using ttrpgs in my classroom, you may be familiar already!)
i'm doing a research study through my university looking into long term tabletop roleplay and emotional resilience. essentially, i'm asking the question: does playing tabletop games over a long period of time affect your ability to weather social and emotional challenges? the study is additionally interested if marginalized people have a different experience with roleplay and resilience than non-marginalized folks do
the study will take place in a few stages. the first stage is a survey. there are screening questions to make sure all participants qualify, and then open, short-answer questions asking about both your experiences with roleplay and making characters, and also questions about emotional resilience. you're able to answer questions with little or more depth, depending on what youre comfortable with, or skip questions if you need to. this survey should take about 30 minutes, but depends on how in depth you go with your answers
the next stage is an optional follow-up interview. three participants will be selected after the survey is completed to take place in an opt-in interview, which will last about thirty minutes to an hour. there, we'll talk more in depth about your answers and also talk about the character(s) you've played
the survey will be open from 3/27/24 to 4/12/24
to qualify, you must be a tabletop roleplayer who has played at least 3 roleplay sessions of a multiplayer ttrpg during a span of 6 months or longer. you must be 18 or over and an american citizen
spreading the word or participating is greatly appreciated!!!
you can find the survey here!!
thanks so so much yall!!!
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dungeonofthedragon · 1 month
Non-Violent Adventurous TTRPGS
Today is ANZAC day in Aotearoa New Zealand. It seems a very appropriate time to share some games about helping and healing.
Monster Care Squad by Sandy Pug Games
A game about nurturing monsters and healing them of their pain. In the creator's own words, you play a squad of elite veterinarians. I love games that make you feel you're making a positive difference. I hope to play this one some time.
Ngen Mapu by Helena Real and Evil Hat Productions
This game's gorgeous art is what first caught my eye, but what really drew me in was the premise. Playing as manifested spirits from the dawn of time, you must stop people who are causing serious harm to the natural world without hurting them. What happens if you hurt them? Well, you risk becoming a corrupted ngen called a wekufe.
Wanderhome by Jay Dragon of Possum Creek Games
A game of wandering animal folk. Wanderhome has been on my 'to buy' list since its release. This review sums up a lot of why I love it. The grief and hope of a game that takes place in a world recovering from war appeals to me far more than a game about fighting a war. Plus, my favourite part of roleplaying is exploring a character's internal world, and there are so many chances for that here.
Lunar Echoes is a hack of Wanderhome set in a solarpunk future!
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iraprince · 1 year
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no princes anymore, but we get as close as we can
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