iichaeyj · 2 days
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shuamorollss · 17 days
wtf bruh.
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amoryeonjun · 2 years
hi! i just saw all the comments u left on ur reblogs 😭 tysm for reading! i enjoyed looking through everything u said lol 🙏
ahh, the creator of beomgyuphobia /j
kidding BUT i love love alarm so much 🥺🥺 makes me smile seeing yeonjun (cutely) fail at trying to flirt with yn. if it's not a bother, can i be added to the tag list
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iichaeyj · 10 days
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the wind was gently blowing your hair behind you as you walked to the concert venue. the warm spring breeze only added to your happiness. you could hardly believe you were finally going to see your favorite idol in concert after spending months saving up for tickets.
after an accident had left you hospitalized for nearly two years, you found it difficult to get back into your life. you couldn't finish college or find a stable job due to the incident, but it all seemed worth it as you saw the concert venue in the far distance. you sighed in relief, finding happiness in the fact that you would soon be seeing your favorite idol.
however, the sudden sound of a notification distracted you. pulling out your phone, you see a new tweet from dispatch, causing you to click it out of curiosity while waiting to cross the street.
the news you see causes your heart to drop.
you read the simple tweet over and over again, struggling to comprehend if it was a joke or not. your heart starts beating rapidly and you fall to your knees, clutching onto your phone as you feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
your breathing gets harsher as you close your eyes, struggling to gain composure. you can hear cars stopping to check on you and people running towards you, all worried about the young adult kneeling on the ground.
"hey, are you okay?"
"somebody call an ambulance!"
"miss, do you need some assistance?"
voices called out to you, but your thoughts were far louder than anything else. and no matter how many people tried to reach out to you, their faces were blurry from your tears that never seemed to end.
it didn't make sense to you. how was it possible that sunghoon died? he had posted just an hour earlier and he should've been preparing for the concert. surely he had a security team with him, or at the very least his manager. all these thoughts flood your mind as you feel your heart beating faster than it ever has before.
'i could save him' you think to yourself as you fall into unconsciousness. you might not be the smartest or strongest person in the world, but you wholeheartedly believed you could do it. when it came to sunghoon, you were just about ready to do anything for him. after he saved your life, the least you could do was return the favor.
the sound that you wake up to is the sound of somebody tapping.
"hey, y/n! no sleeping in class!" a familiar voice shouts at you from your left.
you stir awake, blinking your eyes as you try and focus on the person next to you. you sit up slowly, looking around slowly.
"'class'?" you mumble out quietly, looking around as your eyes adjust to the light. despite the tears you must've shed, your eyes felt strangely fine, albeit tired.
"are you daydreaming? you need to focus up if you want to get good grades," the man says, shaking his head in disappointment.
as you look clearly at the man, looking up at him from your seat with wide eyes, you notice his bald head and short stature. you could never forget the way his head glistened whenever it became hotter than 60 degrees fahrenheit. this was your 12th grade calculus teacher, somebody you hadn't seen in 6 years. and when you turn your head to see dell, your face pales at the sight.
dell was sitting there wearing a t-shirt she had claimed to lose about 6 years ago right after high school.
"hey, are you alright? why are you looking at me like that?" dell questions you, raising an eyebrow as you look at her with wide eyes.
as you look around the classroom, you try and find an explanation for everything. this could've been a dream or it could've been an unfunny prank somebody had pulled on you.
however, when you look down at yourself, you find something that couldn't have been possible.
you were wearing the exact same friendship bracelet dell had made for you back in middle school, something that was, or at least should've been, destroyed in your accident. nobody knew about the bracelet besides you and dell, and dell would never play such a horrible prank on you.
there was only one explanation—you had gone back in time.
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iichaeyj · 1 year
PAIRING: best friend!jake x f!reader GENRE: fluff, mutual pining WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol (both jake and the reader are overage!), not proof read WORD COUNT: 3.3k
A/N: inspired by "You Are In Love" by taylor swift !!
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You look around the room filled with flashing lights and people dancing around each other in search for a familiar face. Turning your head side to side, you scan the room until your eyes land on a set of brown hair that you've known since you were in middle school. You smile immediately upon sighting Jake and you squeeze your way through the crowd of people to go to him.
"Jake!" you shout above the music as you wave your right hand fervently in the air as you get closer to him.
Hearing your voice, his eyes meet yours and instantly brings a smile to his face. "You ready to leave?" he shouts back.
As you approach your best friend, he grabs your outstretched hand and pulls you to him. His hand holds yours as he's done many times before, and you're lucky that the red lighting in the room hides the growing blush on your face.
In response to his question, you nod quickly. "I think I've had as much fun as I could have," you say as he leans in closer to hear.
Jake quickly finishes the red solo cup in his hand and sets it down next to the table, his left hand not letting go of yours. He nods his head towards the front door and leads you out of the party. The cold air relieves you after the hours of dancing with random strangers that left you feeling hot. The music begins to fade into the background and all you can hear is the owl of the night and your ever-growing heartbeat as you look down at the hand Jake still has hold of.
"Did you have fun?" you ask your best friend who has slowed down to match your pace.
He thinks for a moment, his eyes fixed on the night sky before looking back at you. "It was alright," he shrugs. "I think you enjoy these things more than I do."
You think back on the night you've just had. Ever since you two arrived, you've spent the night talking with your friends, playing games, and dancing with people you're probably never going to see again. However, Jake had spent his entire night standing behind you, drinking water in the corner of the room, or occasionally talking to Heeseung whenever he was nearby.
You frown at the realization that the night might've been less than exciting for Jake. "You didn't have to take me here, you know," you say. "I didn't want you to have a bad time."
"I never said I had a bad time," Jake retorts with a small shrug. "I got to see how bad you are at dancing."
You roll your eyes as you give him a small shove, earning a laugh from the boy next to you. "I'm a wonderful dancer, even Niki said so!" you argue.
"Well Niki has also once said that he doesn't believe in global warming, so I'm not sure you wanna take his word for it," he teases further with his signature grin on his face.
"Whether I'm a good dancer or not," you say, shooting him a glare, "you still shouldn't have come if you weren't gonna do anything! We could've stayed in and watched a movie or something."
"You wanted to go, though," he says in a soft tone, giving your hand a squeeze. "You know I'd go anywhere you want me to, as long as it's with you."
The cold air does nothing to help your burning face and you turn your face away from him to stare at the ground instead. As you make your way closer to his car, you think about the feelings you've been harboring for your best friend for over a year now. Having been by your side since the 6th grade, Jake knows every single little detail about you. From what kind of clothes you like to what each of your sighs mean, it seems impossible to keep things from him. However, the inevitable realization of how he's grown over the years and how he takes care of you, and seemingly only you, has made you keep a secret that you're too afraid to share.
You wake up with a pounding headache in a familiar room that's not yours. You instantly sit up after realizing you weren't in your house, quickly glancing around the room. However, the smell of cologne and the science textbooks laid on the desk next to the bed tells you enough and puts you at ease once again. You groan from the headache threatening to split your skull.
"Here, take this," you hear as the door opens with a loud creak. You look up to be met by Jake staring down at you with a hangover cure in one hand and a plate of eggs and bacon in the other.
You gratefully take the hangover cure, downing it in one go and muttering a "thanks" as you take the plate from his hands. Jake sits down in front of you in the bed, watching your every move as you eat the breakfast with the fork he had also provided.
"Are you feeling better?" Jake asks with a soft smile once you finish eating.
You nod slowly as you set the plate down on the desk next to you. "What happened?" you ask with a sheepish grin, your hands fumbling with the gray sheets of his bed.
"Well Jay drove you over here after you had too many drinks at a party, claiming that he didn't know where you lived and you refused to tell him your address, so he took you here," Jake says, then pointing at the plate he had made you, "and I just nursed you back to health."
You blush in embarrassment, looking down at the hoodie you had on over your clothes from last night.
Noticing your gaze, Jake comments, "And you also asked for all of my clothes, including undergarments, but considering I have to go to a lecture later today, I just gave you a hoodie in hopes that you'd be satisfied."
Jake smiles cheekily as you get more embarrassed, fragments of the night before now coming back to you. "I feel like I owe you dinner," you finally say with a sigh.
"You know I never decline free food, but you don't really 'owe' me anything," Jake replies.
You let out a loud groan as you hide your face with your hands. "This is so embarrassing, Jake!" you complain, face pink at the horrifying realization that you had asked your best friend for his underwear for no reason whatsoever.
Jake takes your hands off your face with his, smiling as he sees your flushed face. "It isn't that bad. Remember that time we had a lecture and the teacher heard you talking about how you wanted to shine his bald head?"
You give Jake a push as you're forced to relive your worst memories right in front of him, your face heating up again. However, Jake, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying your suffering. "Come on, it isn't that bad," he says with a softer voice when he sees your flushed cheeks. "It was just me."
"It's still so embarrassing, though," you complain.
"I've known you since you had that bowl cut in middle school," Jake says with a convincing smile, raising his hand to tuck your hair behind your ear. "Trust me when I say that nothing could ever make me see you in any way that's not endearing."
His words tickle your ear as you hear them, the gentle tone of his voice mixed with his hand that lingers by your face hitting you harder than it should've. You look up and see his face already looking at you, eyes big just as they always are, but somehow holding more meaning to them than they ever did before. You find yourself subconsciously memorizing the way his hands feel against your skin and the way his lips are coated in a smile whenever he talks to you. You knew that Jake was attractive, but this feeling was something that shouldn't be happening to you, not with your best friend.
You let out a small gasp and snap away from your trance, the realization of the thoughts you just had hitting you all at once. "I should get going, my roommate is probably wondering where I am," you say as you make your way to the door.
Jake nods as you grab your bag he had kept for you by the side of the bed. "I'll see you later then?" he asks.
"Yeah, of course," you reply with a faint smile as you leave. "Come over whenever you want."
"Alright," he says as he waves you off. "I'll make sure to buy you some men's underwear for the next visit!" he says as you leave, and you could hear the smile in his voice that left you feeling more vulnerable than it should've.
Ever since that morning, you've become increasingly aware of yourself around your best friend. Being affectionate since you two were kids, it wasn't abnormal for Jake to have his arm around your shoulders or his hand to be intertwined with yours. You've heard your friends joke about the romance that could spark between you two, but you didn't take it seriously until you came to the realization that he spoke words to you that you've never heard from anyone else.
Jake holds the door open for you as you near his car, the music from the party now barely being able to be heard. "After you, princess," Jake says, bowing slightly to which you feel the need to roll your eyes again. You let go of his hand to get in his passenger's seat and watch as Jake strides over to the driver's seat. Your eyes catch the way the moonlight hits his face and the way his hair moves slightly in the wind and you feel the same feeling you first had in his apartment that morning and have been feeling ever since.
"Can I ask you something?" Jake asks as he drives off, turning the radio on.
"Yeah, what is it?" you ask as the music begins to fill the quiet sound of the night.
"Did I do something wrong?"
Silence sets in. You couldn't think of anything he had done that remotely insulted or hurt you in any way. In fact, Jake being too kind to you was the only problem you had concerning him.
"I feel like you've been growing distant since last month," he says as he stops at the red light. He turns to look at you and the sheer sorrow in his eyes make you hold your breath. You've never seen him look so sad and it both pains and delights you in a strange way. You feel sorry for your best friend who's done nothing wrong, but seeing how you incite such emotion in him that you know no one else can makes you hopeful for a bigger role in his life.
Remembering last month, however, makes you dread the conversation you know you were bound to have.
You sit on the steps of a house hosting a frat party. You could hear people in the background whispering amongst themselves about things you had no idea about. You sit on the concrete and you barely get a chance alone until you hear footsteps come and halt in front of you.
"I was wondering where you went," Jake says as he sits down next to you. "I heard that your ex is here, too."
You let out a small sigh as you look down at the ground, the pebbles lining the ground garnering all your attention. The truth was that you've been over your ex ever since you realized your feelings for Jake. Seeing your ex didn't hurt, but seeing Jake talking to a pretty senior did.
You had to watch as a gorgeous brunette strutted over to Jake from across the room, smiling at him so brightly that Jake smiled back. Watching the two of them, even for a moment, as an outsider made you feel scared for the future you two held if your feelings continued. At the end of the day all you want is what's best for Jake, but the lump in your throat everytime he gets near you is becoming increasingly hard to ignore. And when Jake makes eye contact with you as he's talking to the girl, you suddenly couldn't handle the tension in the room.
"You know, he really isn't worth your time," Jake says in a gentle voice. "He looks much worse without you, and honestly, I think you could've done much better."
You nod and turn your head to give him a bitter smile. You didn't have the courage to tell him that he was the reason you had to leave.
"You deserve someone who takes care of you," Jake says. "Someone who knows you well and would never abandon you."
Hearing no response from you, Jake takes the initiative to move and crouch in front you, forcing you to meet his gaze. "Look at how lucky I am," Jake says with a smile, "to be able to be by your side like this. There's nothing more I could ask for and your ex is an idiot to think otherwise."
The blatant staring contest you two were having matched the same one you had in his room almost a year ago. Your breath still hitched the same way it had the first time, but this time you could focus on the way he looked back at you. His gaze never faltered as he looked into your eyes, almost as if he was searching for something inside your heart. The way he looked at you had never felt so different, but the familiarity of Jake told you that you were safe.
You never had the chance to tell Jake that you weren't jealous over your ex, but him instead. Ever since that night, you've grown increasingly worried about your growing feelings for him and the nagging uncertainty of whether he felt the same. Due to this, you've found yourself taking time away from Jake and going out more. If it weren't for Jake's insistence that he come tonight, you weren't sure when you'd feel able to see him again.
The silence becomes worse as Jake glances at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. However, the temptation to tell him how you truly feel about him is one that you don't wish to give into. The burden of putting your entire relationship with him was on the line and it could snap depending on how Jake felt. With three words, you could possibly end things with the one person you truly love and have loved since you were a kid.
"I wasn't upset because of my ex," you finally say after a decade of silence. "I've been over him for over a year now."
Jake drives in silence as he waits for you to continue, but the line between friendship and whatever would come next was being increasingly shaky.
"Do you have somebody you love?" you ask, your eyes never diverging from the empty road in front of you.
"I do," Jake says as he makes a turn and goes down your street.
"Do you know how it feels when you're constantly scared that the person you love might not love you back and that maybe they'll find love within someone else," you say, not so much as a question but a statement, as Jake pulls onto the sidewalk right in front of your house.
Jake pauses.
You could hear the gears turning in his head. He thinks about the party from a month ago, the way his gaze fluttered from the senior girl to you. He thinks about the moments you two had shared eye contact that never seemed to truly break. He thinks about the times you two sat in silence with nothing being said between you two, but the simple feeling of being in your presence being enough for him. He thinks about you in the way you finally want him to, and the way he's been thinking about you for years now.
"I do," he says in a whisper.
He looks at you and you look back. He knew every detail about you and he understood what your words meant.
"You're my best friend," Jake says, this time barely above a whisper.
His words don't confuse you. Though many may misinterpret his words to be a way of rejecting you, you know that he doesn't feel that way. You could feel it in the way his hand inches closer to you and the way his eyes fall on every detail of your face.
Being someone's best friend meant that they were your home. You two have been each other's safe place since you two first met many years ago. Being best friends didn't mean to Jake Sim that he wanted to keep it that way. Being best friends meant that he was reassuring you that nothing you could say would change how he felt about you and that you felt safe enough for him to finally admit what he wants.
His hand finally reaches you, giving your hand a small squeeze before he reaches up to touch the side of your face. The air is warm and the song from the radio still plays as he looks at you in a way that finally offers an answer.
You knew what it meant.
You knew what it was.
He is in love.
He looks at you again and you give him a small nod. He leans in the same time you do and you share the kiss you've been dreaming about. His hand cups your face and your hand reaches out to hold his. His lips are soft and kiss you gently in a way that tells you that you're safe and that he's been waiting for this moment just as much as you have. His eyes flutter open as you two pull away, his hand still cupping your face and looking at you no differently than how he previously had.
Nothing had changed. Although you two were now classified as something more than just friends, the title of being best friends still remain. You would still see him during class and you were bound to embarrass yourself many more times in front of him, but now you two could share a kiss after every moment and share hugs that meant more than just friendship.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" you say quietly, not wanting to break the atmosphere between you two.
"Yeah, I'll pick you up at 8 AM for class," Jake says, his tone matching yours.
The walk back into your house carries the moment you just had. From the moment you unbuckled your seatbelt to you leaving the car to entering your place, the feeling of Jake Sim didn't leave. The kiss left you breathless even after you had placed your bag on the floor and thrown your jacket onto your couch, and it almost left you from hearing the knocking on the door.
You open the door slightly to find Jake standing there. You stare at him and he doesn't answer.
"I thought you were picking me up tomorrow." you say.
"I can't just leave like this," Jake mutters as he steps forward and closes the gap between you two, cupping your face as he pulls you closer for another kiss.
The feeling of his denim jacket hitting your skin and the ecstasy of his hands on your face hits you with the same feeling again. You felt light on your feet and he left you breathless once again. The feeling of Jake Sim being yours and standing in your front door gave you reassurance of what everything was.
You are in love.
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taglist: @seungiepup @kim-liv @enhasengene @pshchives @lyric23 @strwberrydinosaur @jvngwvnlvr @captain-satan @duolingofanaccount @thaaiss89 @wccycc @enhacolor @luv4vernon @raikea10 @luv4dream @vatterie @kenqki @bibinnieposts @velvet-chuu @kaislovergirl @luv4dream @nvertheless @jwitaro @bloosoobs @aloosefangirl @minty3sunoo
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iichaeyj · 8 days
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the old me
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iichaeyj · 8 days
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taglist: @pshcomforts @zyvlxqht @forlovvers @lilyuwon @juyuppang @nanaheex @hotsforikeu @leep0ems @hexoolio @heejkae @thesassy-mia @in-somnias-world @lisaswifey @tr4ppola @xiaoderrrr @lost-leopard-beanie @papichulomacy @sasfransisco @tobiosbbyghorl @liumoonlight @shinrjj @powerpuffstuts @literallyags @seunghancore @whois-miki @moonlighthoon @lilifiedeans @cupidhoons @chaewonshoney @realrintaro @toomanybiasz @nctislifue @viagumi @ramenoil @shaniandme
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iichaeyj · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: park sunghoon, being one of the school's heartthrobs, knew a lot about love. he knew that your stomach would feel weird around your crush. he knew that your face would get red at the mere thought of the person you love. and he also knew that if you liked someone, your pupils would expand upon seeing them. so when he spots you looking at him with big eyes that seem to be extremely dilated, he figures you've fallen for him at first sight. however, as far as you were concerned, you had just come back from an eye appointment and couldn't even see the man in front of you clearly.
or wherein, you had just gotten your eyes checked and park sunghoon believes you’re another girl he has to reject.
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PAIRING: popular!sunghoon x f!reader
GENRE: fluff, angst, crack, university!au, smau
WARNINGS: cursing, (more to be added soon)
TAGLIST: open! reply to this post or send a message to my inbox to be added!
STATUS: updating!
STARTED: 09/01/22
ENDED: ???
A/N: rts and likes are appreciated!! ty for reading!!
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PROFILES: 1 | 2 | 3
001 . . . eyes
002 . . . caramel cappuccino
003 . . . lecture
004 . . . raiphobic
005 . . . plan
006 . . . partners
007 . . . "date"
prompt generator ask !!
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taglist: @lcv3lies @abdiitcryy @viagumi @beans-and-jeanes @wonieleles @soobnism @ilvsoup @del-logs @bigtoewinwin @kaislovergirl @msxflower @jiawji @lhsng @lovelypitasworld @muigogis @yunki4evr @h0ney-el @bluesoobinnie @artstaeh @liliansun @lyric23 @jksecret @itboyfit @s1mplyinii @esuilinfoster @sophhloaff @arizejkt19 @sunoik @sha-aesthic @yejiimg @wonzone @jaymp3 @mimaisiomai @iamminnie @julesssssssssssssssss @loves0ft @belle643 @bibinnieposts @yagetintoit @sunghoonsblackgf @dionsuzuki @notdrunkbutdazed @sabbiii @leeis @sooyul @cuteyeonnie23 @nomniki @tzyuki @realorionv @ilovemi-kkura @notrosemary @hyuckscore @shoooobin @lumineeee @qimmylol @sungookie @babystrlla @sbnchaos @captivq @xyxlyn @butterflyy-ningg @kyuusung @injngg @90sni-ki @jaylaxies @meinapricity @ahnneyong @miercerise @enhasengene @maemarahuya @nyfwyeonjun @3ggieyolk @bakubae000 @fairybangtan @josuyay @ilovewonyo @jaxavance @wondering-out-loud @jipuroshi @kyanmeai @duolingofanaccount @zuhaful @pb-n-juju @ghostfacefricker6959 @boanhi @yeonimii @faelyncore @naheeyounga @cass1814 @singforyoursupper @02zluvbot @ihoonbrry @cloudcutter @viscoolreal @hoonsbaer @judeduartewannabe @chaechae-23 @hoonhe4rts @cursedcursives @15yroldwholikesrockstars @boanhi @sunswoonie @jeno-smilez @diestheticu @lulusfzy @zonked-times @bejewelledgirl @chaerybae @strwberrydinosaur @yumilovesloona @hoon0logy
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iichaeyj · 12 days
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profiles (2030)
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before | masterlist | next
unemployed, optimistic, energetic, confident, has been sunghoon's number one fan for years
popular soloist, kind, well-liked, is seen by the general public as very cool and sophisticated
dell (inspired by @shuamorollss)
y/n's best friend since high school, office worker, supportive, caring
popular soloist, has been sunghoon's friend since high school, dramatic, supportive
y/n's brother, office worker, ambitious, hates his job
went to the same high school as y/n, releases music sometimes
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taglist: @pshcomforts @zyvlxqht @forlovvers @lilyuwon @juyuppang @nanaheex @hotsforikeu @leep0ems @hexoolio @heejkae @thesassy-mia @in-somnias-world @lisaswifey @tr4ppola @xiaoderrrr @lost-leopard-beanie @papichulomacy @sasfransisco @tobiosbbyghorl @liumoonlight @shinrjj @powerpuffstuts @literallyags @seunghancore
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iichaeyj · 2 years
nicknames enhypen would call you . . . ♡
PAIRING: enhypen x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: not proof read (at all)
A/N: this thread does include nicknames that are typically used in a feminine way, but the reader's gender is not stated !! also yes, this is a follow up to this txt post !!
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i think he just goes with a classic nickname yk??
like he calls you that all the time
whenever you need something, he just rushes over to you and goes "yes, baby?"
i also feel like he just likes nicknames in general
he loves calling you by them and vice versa
like he Loves when you call him by a nickname
call him babe or smth and he will literally do anything for you
he'll be stumbling and stuttering the first time you call him by a nickname i swear
he's just so whipped for u
"what are you doing, pretty?"
him watching you with his little smirk askfsjdgj
also just adds pretty to all his nicknames like
"i miss you, my pretty baby"
honestly like i think his main goal is to just see you blush
and when u call him by a nickname, he gets all smiley and bombards you with kisses
"my ______"
okay okay
tbh i feel like he likes calling you using my ?? if that makes sense ??
like he calls you "my baby" and "my princess"
like sometimes he gets sorta whiny if he hasn't seen you in a while
and just pulls you into a hug and goes "i missed you, sweetheart"
he just adores u :(
also he'd get so happy whenever you call him a nickname like
call him baby and he goes all :D
he's just a puppy honestly :(
ok ok ik he isn't really the affectionate type
but smth about the nickname just suits him
"what are you up to, princess"
he probably only uses it when you two are alone tho
idk i feel like he wouldn't use nicknames often
might call you by them if he wants to tease you though
like if he's feeling playful he goes like
"come on, sweetheart! my love! the apple of my eye!"
but again, probably only when you two are alone
but it's still very cute :((
he is so cute im so afsdkfskgk
it just suits him so well
like him coming up from behind you and giving you a hug and going "hi, darling"
he giggles when he says it too
he's so shy but he also loves being romantic and making you feel shy, too
he's honestly so cute im so upset
likes holding your face in his hands and saying it too <3
he just gives off the energy
i just picture him waving at you from a distance and calling out "honey!"
he looks at you all happily with a big smile, too :(
"wanna come over, honey?"
he just wants to be romantic for you <3
oml just imagining him calling you honey and lowkey getting shy is so
he just loves u idk
idk i cant really see him using nicknames often
if he does, it'll probably be like something simple
and he probably does it when he wants your attention
he shouts it when he's excited
like if he hasn't seen you in a long time or wants to show you something he finds cool, he probably calls you that :(
when he gets excited, he gets Excited , yk??
so he might not even realize he's said it
but it's cute :((
will probably get rlly rlly shy once he realizes he's said it (especially if it was in front of the rest of the members)
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iichaeyj · 12 days
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high school senior at decelis academy, optimistic, studious, loves coffee, planning on going to college, is known to have a massive crush on jay
high school senior at decelis academy, practices singing and playing the guitar, likes writing music, hates studying, athletic, popular
dell (inspired by @shuamorollss)
high school senior at decelis academy, y/n's best friend, artistic, supportive
high school senior at decelis academy, sunghoon's best friend, friends with jay, likes to play the drums
unemployed, y/n's older brother by one year, ambitious, usually confused by y/n's actions, sort of protective over y/n
high school senior at decelis academy, popular, friends with jake, has many admirers, plays the bass
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taglist: @pshcomforts @zyvlxqht @forlovvers @lilyuwon @juyuppang @nanaheex @hotsforikeu @leep0ems @hexoolio @heejkae @thesassy-mia @in-somnias-world @lisaswifey @tr4ppola @xiaoderrrr @lost-leopard-beanie @papichulomacy @sasfransisco @tobiosbbyghorl @liumoonlight @shinrjj @powerpuffstuts @literallyags @seunghancore
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iichaeyj · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: in a world where love rules the world with the help of the love alarm, choi yeonjun lives a life in which he receives attention wherever he goes. with his handsome features and charming personality, his alarm never stops ringing. but when he meets the one person who doesn’t seem to care about him at all, how far will he go to have her ring his alarm back?
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PAIRING: popular!yeonjun x female!reader
GENRE: fluff, smau, crack, angst, lovealarm!au
WARNINGS: jokes about death, cursing, (more to be added soon)
TAGLIST: open! reply to this post or send a message to my inbox to be added!
STATUS: ongoing . . . ! (slow updates!!)
STARTED: 06/15/22
ENDED: ???
A/N: based on the kdrama "love alarm" !! also please ignore the timestamps!!!!! they're not relevant to the plot and i usually write at night so
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001 . . . ego
002 . . . poor girl
003 . . . #BEOMGYU_OUT
004 . . . playboy
005 . . . woo
006 . . . chemistry
007 . . . menace
008 . . . choi (0.5k)
009 . . . tutor
010 . . . yes or no?
011 . . . drooling (0.8k)
012 . . . delusion
013 . . . flowers
014 . . . gifts
014.5 . . . dare
015 . . . soobin
016 . . . sugar daddy
017 . . . snookums
018 . . . ferris wheel (1.2k)
018.5 . . . view
019 . . . jungkook
020 . . . cute
021 . . . interested
022 . . . love feelings
023 . . . date
prompt generator ask !!
prompt generator ask (2) !!
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taglist: @sooyul @velvet-chuu @highly-functioning-mitochondria @gu8ki @hyuneyeon @soobsfairy444 @uncoveredsun @wonvelvet @najaemin138 @ksunwooqt @sunasjellyfruit @baejinswrld @blahbluhblahbluh @333zuru @j4d @etherealcherrie @melodymyangel @lycheehyuka @jaxavance @lovnayeon @dollydayoung @tiinytete @pink-blushers @stalecheetodust @magicalstudentwhispers @sunooslayes @luv4cheol @cherrybeomm @prettysung @makiswrld @sha-aesthic @cherrybeomgyu @y4wnzki @mystiicturtle @ioszzn @zurimochi @pockychuwu @3choiswife @sana-within-you @leafyshroom @lavayeon @yeppeudau @bibinnieposts @0x1lovesong1 @ghiblijoons @hueofjamjam @moaberryjjunie @alexayoonlee @verbctim @cha0thicpisces @adorhyuck @gzeebo @ilynaevis @smg-valeria @yagetintoit @vatterie @luvdokja @rlajjunie @rionah @nobodyshallenter @sbnchaos @prettybakubae @unclassifiedwhore @chanjaybahiyyihjamie @coffeewon @atzlena @faiirybread @xyxlyn @happxme @violet-mizune @wildflower-tae @hannabugblog @vixensss @raikea10 @lulumimi @precioussoulofmine @spiderlilyfics @lovebeamsandstars @mushroomkwan @jaycheoluwu @soobsdoobs @wondering-out-loud @hyuckscore @imgabs-blog1 @yeonjuns-earring @sadbixth11 @butterflyy-ningg @meiiiwa @fairybangtan @yeonyeonyeonjun @sansluvr @stayblinkskz @yirenswifey @pb-n-juju @ameliesaysshoo @luv-quinn @delightfulpeacetaco @yejis-biggest-simp @kuleo26 @apsrk2040 @ktttwwn @amoryeonjun @mxlsmith @peachhiii @arizejkt19 @lazysmushi @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @sunooslayes @alzkc @wonywiki @loudpeachdetective @beomgyuswhorewife @m00njnh @squishy-maimon @bejewelledgirl @hyuckcupids @mik-ro-kosmos @marekmybeloved @ahnneyong @ka143 @atinyidea @smuchsmut @w4nyoung @pinkhwaaa @bailies-me @tatanbin @lazysmushi @yenqa @lixie-phoria
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iichaeyj · 2 years
I Wanna Be Yours
PAIRING: best friend's older brother!heeseung x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff, angst (pretty mild), featuring soobin of txt and winter of aespa
WARNINGS: i did not proof read this at all, heeseung gets jealous (?)
A/N: titled after i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys!! i did not proof read this but gigi said this was fine so <3
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Your relationship with Heeseung was complicated, to say the least.
Having known him for years now, anyone would have guessed that you two knew each other pretty well by this point, and people couldn't have been more right nor wrong.
You couldn't have felt further away from your best friend's older brother despite the amount of time you had spent in the same room as him, and yet, something about the way he looked at you even when you were trying to make your presence unknown made your head spin in ways you couldn't understand.
It was about 2 years since you first met Lee Heeseung. You remember how your best friend had abruptly invited you to her place for the first time, and how that was the first day of many that you would begin coming over.
"You can take your shoes off and come in, Y/n!" Minjeong, your best friend, tells you as you both arrive at her house.
The place was big, but cozy. You were surrounded by minimalistic art pieces placed on grey coffee tables and golden trophies that lined the shelves on the walls.
"Those are all my brother's awards," Minjeong comments as she notices your staring. "And speaking of the devil..."
You hear heavy footsteps approach from the top of the stairwell, getting closer to where you were currently standing. A boy with messy brown hair in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie comes into view. He had the same sparkle in his eyes that Minjeong did, but he also had an air of mystery around him that you couldn't quite find in your friend. And when he looked into your eyes with his, you felt yourself unknowingly holding your breath.
You knew that Minjeong was popular in your grade for being pretty, but her brother was attractive in a way that put you in a completely dazed state. From the way he walked to the way he simply glanced at you, you almost cursed yourself for finding everything attractive in a boy you had just met.
However, Minjeong stares unimpressed at the sudden presence, pointing to him as she turns her attention back towards you. "This is Heeseung," she says before begrudgingly turning back to the boy, "and this is Y/n. Say hi."
Before you could laugh at the sudden unpleasant frown that was now gracing your friend's face, Heeseung captures your attention as he steps closer. His eyes seemed to be analyzing your face, staring at your jawline then your lips then your nose, before settling on your eyes. His gaze never faltered, and despite your previous nervousness when he first walked in, you couldn't look away.
"You really could afford to be more friendly," Minjeong says to him, the frown on her face only growing. She suddenly grabs your hand, breaking the tense atmosphere that you hadn't even noticed was present, and rushes past him with you trailing behind. "We're leaving. Don't bother us, Hee!" Minjeong shouts as she leads you to her room.
You look behind for a second at the same spot where Heeseung was continuing to stand, only to find that he was still looking at you with an unreadable facial expression. You return the same nod he had given you earlier, and if your eyes didn't deceive you, you could've sworn that he had given you a smile before you completely left his sight.
However, your relationship with Heeseung hadn't progressed much since then. You've had conversations with him before, but it was mostly about whether you wanted to eat something or if you were enjoying your classes. It also didn't help that you typically responded with a simple "no" to both of those questions, and Heeseung never pressed for an explanation. That was why you were never close with him.
But despite that, the way he stared at you had never faltered since then, either. Nearly everyday, you went over to your friend's house after school, and without missing a single beat, Heeseung would come down the stairs and greet you with the same smile, to which you returned with a similar grin, before you headed upstairs with Minjeong.
You had also found that Heeseung would do the same thing everyday at school after lunch. With him being a year older than you, none of your classes matched up with his. However, the one time you would see Heeseung was when he would stroll down the hallways. People would automatically move aside for him and his popular friends, almost like they were royalty. Despite this, his eyes were never locked onto anything but you at your locker, and when your eyes met his, you were greeted with the same smile he had reserved only for you (or at least, that's what you liked to tell yourself). That was why you felt that maybe, you were close to him.
It might've looked like a normal, friendly greeting to others, but it was much more than that to you. Although embarrassing for you to admit, that 10 second eye contact was something that you looked forward to everyday. Those brief seconds you had with Heeseung made it seem like you were the only person he could see. Of course, you weren't delusional enough to convince yourself that he felt the same, but you held onto that feeling nonetheless.
That was what you were used to. Nothing had ever changed your typical schedule of exchanging smiles with Heeseung. Nothing had made you want more from your complex relationship because you were convinced that the boy you liked didn't like you back. So why did yesterday happen?
It had been a normal day. As usual, you headed to Minjeong's house after a long, tiring day of school. And as usual, you were greeted by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.
However, you didn't expect to be greeted by Heeseung immediately walking up to you before you could even close the door after you.
"Did you go to school today?" he asks. You scan his face, finding that he looked unusually distressed.
"Yeah, I did," you reply as calmly as possible with your crush standing closer to you than he'd ever had before. Despite the sudden question, you were certain that Heeseung would walk off like he normally did after one of your dry replies.
"Did you go to lunch?" he asks, unlike what you expected.
"I did."
"Did you go to your locker after?"
"Yeah, I always do."
"Where were you when I walked by?"
You knew that Heeseung was aware of your little habit of seeing him everyday in the hallways, after all, you did do it everyday, but you didn't expect him to ask about it the one time you missed it.
Truthfully, today hadn't been exactly the same as other days. You had been caught up talking to a new student in your english class that you didn't even notice when Heeseung was walking by. By the time you had noticed, he had already gone down the hallway and to his next class. It sounded like a silly thing to care about, but when it came to your best friend's older brother who you had been crushing on for the past two years with no sign of reciprocation, your feelings tended to be overwhelming.
"I was just talking to a friend," you say, beginning to lose your composure under the pressure of Heeseung's eyes staring into yours.
"Y/n!" you hear from behind Heeseung. Minjeong happily rushes over to you, once again, breaking the tense atmosphere between you and her older brother. She throws a quick glare at her brother, shoving him aside as she takes you by the hand and takes you away. "You have to tell me all about the new boy in your class!" she giggles as she heads upstairs.
You look back again, as you always do, but Heeseung doesn't greet you with a smile on his face. Instead, he looks at you with a displeased frown, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration that you couldn't figure out the reason for.
And that was brought you to the present. That all happened yesterday, but you could feel Heeseung looking at you with the same expression he had the day before.
After Heeseung and Minjeong's parents left for a small vacation to celebrate their anniversary, it was Minjeong's idea to throw a party at their house. You had arrived early to help set up, and you couldn't help but notice the way Heeseung seemed to be avoiding you. It wasn't your first time helping your friend throw a party at her house, but it was the first time things had been this awkward between you and her older brother.
Whenever you walked near him to ask him something, he seemed to either walk away just in time or dismiss you to his sister. In all the time you've spent with him, he was never one to back away from you. Whatever relationship you two had seemed to crumble in just over 24 hours, and the cause of it was unknown to you.
However, as the party was now truly getting started, it seemed as though all Heeseung could do was focus on you. As soon as Soobin, the new student, came strolling over to you, Heeseung's gaze had not left your figure. Wherever you went, you felt his eyes trail after you. And when you found the courage to look back, you found him sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. Everyone seemed to be looking at him, but he was only looking at you.
"Are you alright?" Soobin asked you. He was a sweet guy and your new seatmate in English, so it was natural that you two would end up getting along. You didn't know much about him, but considering he was new to your school and didn't seem to know anybody else, you thought that it was normal for him to stick by you. It wasn't like you minded, anyways.
"Yeah, I'm good," you say as you look away from Heeseung, giving Soobin a polite smile. "Sorry, what were you saying again?"
Soobin gives you a gentle smile back, going on to talk about his pet hedgehog that he had mentioned earlier. However, as much as you wanted to pay attention, it was hard to when Minjeong had been walking by and throwing you not-so-subtle winks, to which you shooed her away each time and hoped Soobin hadn't noticed.
"I'm gonna go get a drink. Do you want anything?" Soobin asks you after a lengthy discussion you two just had about your classes.
"Just a water, thanks," you say politely, waving as he leaves.
As soon as he was out of sight, Minjeong pops out of nowhere and starts shouting over the loud music. "He's cute! Is this going to be your first relationship, Y/n?" Minjeong asks, raising her eyebrow as she smirks at you.
You gently shove her away, rolling your eyes. "I don't know about that, we just met," you say with a small shrug. It was true that Soobin was cute, but it was hard to like someone when your heart already belonged to someone else. Obviously, you couldn't say this to the said someone else's younger sister, though.
Minjeong looked like she was about to refute before she got interrupted.
"Why don't you go help Jake with the drinks, Minjeong," Heeseung says, stepping in front of you as he sends Minjeong away.
Minjeong just shrugs before she heads towards the kitchen, turning around to make kissy faces at you before leaving down the hallway.
You laugh at her antics before you turn to see Heeseung still standing in front of you, the tension from yesterday still lingering in the air.
"Do you need something?" you ask, coming out uncharacteristically cold. It's not like you wanted to, but it was only right for you to be upset when Heeseung had been acting weird ever since your small conversation yesterday. He had been acting courteously toward his sister's best friend for the past two years, so why was he suddenly acting out? It wasn't like you did anything wrong.
"I have something to tell you," Heeseung says with a small sigh, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Is it about Minjeong?" you ask, noticing the way he seemed even more distressed than he was yesterday.
"No, it's about you. Or me. Or us?"
Now it was your turn to stare.
As far as you were concerned, Heeseung had no interest in you. Sure, you did make it a point to emphasize the weird eye contact contest you two had going on, but you were also sure that whatever importance it held was entirely made up in your own head. If you were truly being honest with yourself, you were 100% certain that Lee Heeseung did not like you.
But now you weren't so certain.
Heeseung wasn't looking at you with the same polite smile and innocent eyes that he normally did. Instead, they were replaced with determination in his eyes that you hadn't ever seen before.
"What about you? Or me. Or us," you reply back with a sheepish smile on your face. You turn to look away from the boy who seemed to be getting closer to you with every second.
"Look at me," Heeseung says, his hand grazing your forearm as he begs for your attention.
Looking at him now, closer than you've ever been, you notice how there was an underlying worry in his face that you hadn't noticed until now. You could've sworn that he was normally composed and confident, no matter the situation. Or maybe that was just one of the many things you had imagined when it came to Lee Heeseung.
"I am looking at you," you tell him. You had been looking at him and only him since you two first met.
"You weren't yesterday when you were talking to that new guy."
"Why are you so concerned about Soobin?" you ask, a small frown appearing on your face.
"Why are you so concerned about him?" Heeseung retorts back, emphasizing the "you".
"I'm not."
"You are. You keep looking for him in the hallway, but I'm right here. Why can't you focus on me?"
"I am focused on you," you tell him. The reality of the situation was hitting you too hard. It was enough for your crush to be practically towering right over you, but to see him tell you to focus on him? Whatever boundary you two had unknowingly set was being torn apart.
"I just don't get why you can talk to him so freely when all you do is make eye contact with me."
"To be fair, it's not like you talk to me either, Heeseung," you respond. It wasn't like you didn't want to talk to him, but it wasn't like he had made the effort either. You let out a small sigh, contemplating whether you should just go find Soobin yourself considering this conversation didn't seem to be going anywhere.
"I know and I'm sorry. Just hear me out, Y/n." Heeseung says hurriedly after hearing your exasperated sigh. He takes a small breath, looking down at the ground while he collects his thoughts.
"I didn't talk to you because I thought I was okay with whatever we were. I didn't have the courage to go up to you because of how nervous you make me, Y/n. I don't even get this nervous when I have soccer competitions, but when it comes to you, I can barely get a word out," Heeseung says, looking back up at you. "But when I saw you with someone else, I couldn't handle it. I know it's stupid of me to have realized this only after I thought I was losing you, but I need more than whatever we have right now. I need you because I like you, Y/n."
In the span of a minute, your relationship with Heeseung had completely changed. You couldn't go back to making innocent eye contact with your seemingly unrequited crush, not after he had just confessed he liked you so much that he can barely talk around you.
"I like you, too, Heeseung," you say. You remember those romcoms where the main character would be too shocked to respond to a love confession and the love interest would run away, but you couldn't have that. You couldn't lose Lee Heeseung when he was right in front of you, basically asking you to be his.
Heeseung looks at you with a new expression on his face. You had seen him look upset, gentle, and serious in the last few years, but you had never seen him look so thoughtful. The way his eyes bore into yours like he wanted to get to know every corner of your heart made you melt just the way he had in the past.
Heeseung moves closer to you, eyes asking for consent to touch you, to which you nod. His arms find their way around your waist, gently holding you for the first time.
"Does this mean I'm yours now?" he asks into your ear, as if you two were the only ones in the room.
"Only if that means I'm yours, too," you reply.
Heeseung pulls back, his right hand gently moving up to cup one side of your face. He looks into your eyes like he did in the past, and just like then, you communicate exactly what you want through that sole connection.
Heeseung gently removes his left hand from your torso as he fully cups your face in his hands, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. His lips are soft and warm, and they fit yours as if they were made only for you. He's gentle with you, one of his thumbs brushing your cheek and his hands holding you close. He held you like he had been waiting for this moment for years, like you were the star in the distant galaxy that he had finally gotten a hold of.
"Wait," you say as you finally pull away, eliciting a small groan from the boy in front of you, "what are we going to tell your sister?"
"I think she already knows," Heeseung says as he nods to your best friend taking a video and giving you a thumbs up.
You roll your eyes, having realized this was most likely Minjeong's plan all along.
"Now kiss me again," Heeseung says, wanting your attention again. "I waited too long for just a single kiss."
You smile as you wrap your arms around his neck, giving him another kiss that would be the first of many.
So, truthfully, you were wrong. You didn't know Heeseung at all. You didn't know about the way he'd wait for you at the top of the stairs everyday when you came over, just so that he could be the first to greet you. You didn't know that, just like you, he would be counting the moments left until he could see you in the hallways. And you also didn't know that your weird relationship with Heeseung was never one-sided in the first place.
But now, you were sure of one thing. Lee Heeseung was yours and you were his. So even though you may not have known him in the past, you were sure that you were going to know him in the future.
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iichaeyj · 11 months
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iichaeyj · 2 years
txt as cute things they would say to you . . . ♡
PAIRING: txt x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff
A/N: this is a pretty short post but i haven't posted one of these in a while and i miss it!! (also, all of these are things my bf has actually said to me :])
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"you try so hard to do what's best for me, but i don't think you do enough for yourself...take care of yourself and make sure to eat"
i feel like yeonjun lowkey likes being taken care of
like when you pamper him he gets all shy and happy
but he would also love love taking care of you
he already takes care of the rest of the members, and i think he would do even more for u tbh
like he's the type to send good morning texts and ask you if you've eaten <3
also likes showing up unannounced with food in his hands
"you could never be a burden to me...i love you and i just wanna make you comfortable"
i think soobin would definitely be the type to give you reassurance whenever you need it
he would never want for you to overthink or even question his feelings toward you
he's so so in love and he's going to make sure you know it <3
literally calls you everyday or show up in person if he can to make sure he can give you a hug
crying rn he's so sweet
"i've been listening to taylor swift more often because of you...everytime i listen to her romantic songs, i think of you"
it doesn't have to be taylor swift, i just like her music
he would definitely be the type to make you a playlist
and he would send you songs that make him think about you
i'm gonna cry i love him
i also think that he'd be the type to post a pretty picture of you and have song lyrics with it (like the instagram story posts)
would also love just sharing artists and songs with you <3
"you make me act unreasonably sometimes"
i feel like taehyun usually is pretty calm?? like he definitely is calmer than the rest of his members
and i think he would act differently with you
while he may still be pretty calm with you, he would also be more comfortable and be able to break out of his shell more often
and i think that he would say he acts unreasonably with you because he isn't used to how comfortable he feels with you
he would just be able to be himself more often <3
"i'll always be supporting you!"
okay but
he would be your biggest fan
literally no doubt about it
he's the type to call you often just to hear about your day
if you had a bad day, he'll do anything to cheer you up
if you had a good day, he'll make sure everyone knows it
i feel like he'd also just shout his encouragement a lot
i think that if you had a good day, the other members will know just by hearing kai cheering loudly for you
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iichaeyj · 2 years
Niki bf headcanons?
niki boyfriend headcanons . . . ♡
PAIRING: niki x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff
A/N: i did not know if u were just asking in general or wanted a post, but i just made it a post cause i had sm to say,,, i also didn't know if you were curious about anything specific, so i just wrote the things that first came to my mind!!
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i just think he'd be a lot of fun
like ive said it before but niki and the childhood friends/best friends to lovers trope >>>>
and i feel like just in general, he would probably have to get close to and become friends with you before he develops a crush
so even before you two start dating, he's already your best friend
and you two love joking around
and that probably wouldn't change after you two start dating
even though it's a bit awkward at first (transitioning from being best friends to lovers)
i think that niki wouldn't really change from how he normally is
he'd still love teasing you, coming over whenever he wants, stealing your food, and etc etc
so your relationship is still filled with lots of laughs and mischief
but i also think that he'd try his best to be sweet to you
(but also try and be lowkey about it)
like you don't know about this and he'd never tell you, but he'd get one of those apps that tracks your birthday, first date, first kiss, and everything tbh
just so he knows the anniversary for it
and i also think that he'd try and get you gifts
for example, he'd give you flowers
like he fully went out and bought the most beautiful flowers ever with his own money
and give it to you, acting like he just found it somewhere and "figured you might like it"
niki as a shy bf is everything to me tbh
him being too shy to admit he went out of his way to get you a gift, all because he wanted to see you smile <3
and i also think he'd be pretty shy about other things, too
like he wouldn't ever say it with his own words, but he loves when you're affectionate with him
he loves when you surprise him with a back hug or run into his arms after a long day
but when you're not affectionate, i feel like he'd try everything to get you to give him some
like he'd gently brush his hand against yours, wanting you to hold his hand
or he'd casually mention a show or smth and how two characters kiss
and if you're reallyyyy not budging
he'd probably have to muster his courage and give you a hug himself, hiding his face in your shoulder as he receives the affection he's been longing for :(
and he'd be brushing bright red, too
he's so cute im crying
another thing im thinking about is how niki's probably cautious about everything in your relationship
like, even though he still teases you a lot, he makes sure to never do anything that'll actually hurt you
and is also very protective of you in general
like he's the type to give you his jacket as soon as there's a small breeze
and just in general, he's probably not very experienced when it comes to love and relationships, so he's honestly just trying his best
overall, i think he'd be a very fun, shy boyfriend who just wants to make you happy <3
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