#if any1 wants to plug fubdraisers and talk about their own stories pertaining to this pls do so
marine-bi-ology · 15 days
The way environmental justice feels so isolated from other forms of justice pisses me off.
Rising temperatures effect the global South more than anyone. Oil pipelines and their spills effect Indigenous communities the most. The pollution from fast fashion is dumped in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Bombings like that in Ghazza are causing wild spikes in emissions (and this point is used so that white people may start to care, which sucks, and conservationists still aren't mentioning the Palestinian genocide). The Hawa'ii fires?? The flooding in Brazil right now and previously so Pakistan and so many other places?? Heatwaves. Earthquakes. Tsunamis. Hurricanes. Typhoons. Who do you see being effected by these the most, really? Don't even get me started on how """green technology""" uses slave labor from Congo, whose people and CHILDREN are being forced to mine for battery materials. And nobody—particularly and especially institutions—who fights for the environment ever really mentions this stuff. Because they care more about securing this sanitized idea of climate activism that tries to work with capitalism rather than focusing on intersectionality and solidarty and fighting the system causing the problems.
White and other priveleged people honestly only really care about environmental justice because it has the potential to harm them too. Either that or they feel bad for animals that are more palatable to them than actual people, as mentioned in a prev post I rbed. It's part of the "humans are the virus" eco-fashy sentiment that is frustratingly pervasive. I have been persuaded by that thinking in the past. It's possible to stop it, and you must stop it in yourself. You can care about animals obviously but don't forget people.
My point is. The movement of environmental justice is SO focused on the global North/the West/whatever else u wanna call colonial powers. We have to change that. Care about the people in "far away" countries who are being effected by climate change. Care about people of color and poor people in your communities effected by these things. Care about indigenous people worldwide. Fight for them. Listen to them. And fight against the ruling class that marginalizes and oppresses them. Everyone needs an Earth without colonial & capitalist caused environmental disaster.
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