#if a dude is legit he'll want to know about you and care for you
wavesoutbeingtossed · 20 days
FYI, if a dude tells you he doesn't want to know about your past, particularly your past relationships, because it would "hurt him too much" or he'd get "too jealous" or whatever excuse, that is a MAJOR FUCKING RED FLAG and you need to run.
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0nez1 · 2 years
I can't wait the manwha reach chapter 100+ (Web novel) just to get the full glorious look at the OP close-knit constant miscommunication misunderstanding chaos incranation of a found-family gang.
#Like cale will always strive for the slacker life#But he change from let's toss the MC and his future companion aside to wait why are you still with me? Oh no I've grown attached and I see#You as my people now so why not I use you guys to the max so that I can built us a safe home so we can live in peacefully#Hmmm?? You say you want to do something that is contradicting my desire to slack off? Alright it better just take a minute#Look#I don't like kids and pitiful people so here's some food money and why don't I help you with this problem so you can get out of my sight#Cale legitly have a reason for all his actions and while he always try to scam people to his advantage he is 100% a good person who#Reallllly cares about his people like he'll do everything in his power for them even if he things it's a pain#Companion: don't do the hard stuff by yourself (hint hint please lean on us)#Cale: what are you taking about? Of course I won't (I have you guys to do it)#Legitly after doing what other people think is wayyyyy beyond just a simple favor or action#Love that dude#Heck yeah#It's really enjoyable to see all the casts interaction#The one manwha I don't mind the rest of the cast feel loyal to the MC#There's even people who knows his a shithead but won't be against him with legit reasons that doesn't seem force#Shady people being shady people#Shady people doesn't like other similar shady people#It's just fun to read#trash of the count's family#Alsoalsoalso love how other characters are just knows he's conning people even his 'people' but just go with the flow#Like I want to have some that plsss😭#This is a longggg tag than the actual text I wrote
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restinslices · 4 months
Omg y’all, my brain let me write again😃
I don’t feel like looking for gifs and my storage space is in hell so I ain’t got photos. Sorry twin
I know I start his parts off with “the haters will tell you” a lot 
IDC. Imma do it again 
The haters will tell you he won't care and he'll do his own speed and yadyadya. No. 
He's an asshole but be fr y'all 
I'm gonna write this as you're both experienced but it's your first time together. If that's not what you meant then lmk but until then-
You're both experienced but he's still careful 
He's the type to pick up speed fast but he's not immediately gonna be aggressive 
You're experienced but not with each other so he's gonna actively try to be slower and softer 
Very observant towards your needs and adapts quickly 
I think he’s observant in general so I think he’d easily notice how you react to certain things 
More of an action guy 
What I mean is he won’t verbally say a lot. Like you know how some people will ask “does this feel good?”? (That looks ugly as fuck-) He won’t 
He won’t because he’s paying attention to how you react and what gets the best reaction. He doesn’t need to say much 
He’s not completely silent but I don’t think he says much in general, so the first time would especially be quiet because he’s focusing 
Do I think he’s rough during sex? Yes. For the first time though? Probably not. He still feeling shit out
When it comes to making him feel good, he makes sure to let you know. He’d never be the type to lie about nutting. That’s just not him. He’s gonna make sure you do it right 
Very handsy 
He’s vocal when it comes to grunting and I think he’d go out of his way to make noise in your ear if it was something you enjoyed 
Pays attention to both your needs 
I could see him wanting to go a couple rounds before stopping 
Leaves tons of marks as a reminder of what happened 
Now that you’ve started now, don’t be surprised when he wants to do it consistently 
Kuai Liang
Mostly pays attention to what you need 
I think he’s way more verbal than Bi-Han so he’d actually verbally ask what feels good and what doesn’t 
He goes slow
Lots of emphasis on foreplay and trying to set the mood 
His lips are everywhere 
Like legit, every part of you has felt his lips or tongue 
I get it, you may think he’s very fast and intense because fire but no
Fire can also symbolize passion and Kuai Liang is a very passionate lover 
Considering it’s the first time, there’s no need to rush
The type to always be pleasing you. Even if you’re talking or making small comments, his fingers are still gonna be working on you 
When it comes to fucking he’s not doing it fast but how hard he’s going makes up for it 
Will go faster if you ask
Is also leaving marks 
Does frequent check ins to make sure everything is ok
He’s a big dude (in the sense he’s swole as fuck) so he’d probably prefer for you to be on top so he won’t crush you 
If I said he pulls on hair will I be booed or cheered?
If you’re bald then ignore that
Offers to give head. Doesn’t matter if you’re laying down or sitting on his face. He’s leaving here with smth-
The ratio when it comes to orgasming is off as fuck because he’s the type to pull out and start eating you out 
Extra points if it’s after you came 
He’s pulling out all the stops. You’re not going anywhere after this
Doesn’t particularly care how many rounds you go for
Main focus is on how many times you cum. There’s some people that try to be sweet and “I didn’t cum but if you’re tired then-“ don’t piss him off 
You’re either stopping because you’re tired or you’re shaking (or you wanting to stop but that’s not a saucy ending)
Tomas Vrbada
He’s always gonna be a sub to me, idc
He would try so hard to be big man on campus and all strong and shit, but bitch one good tug at the hair and he’s folding 
Lets you take the reigns for the first time 
Don’t think just because he likes being tossed around a lil, he ain’t gonna say how he feels. No 
You can be submissive and still assertive. That’s Tomas 
Similar to Kuai Liang in the sense that he is really focused on what you want and what feels good to you 
Already moans a lot and loud as fuck but he’s especially loud once he’s finally inside you 
He wants to go slow but life happens. The wind just kinda blows this way and next thing you know he’s fucking you like he’s saying goodbye. It’s the winds fault fr 
Is also verbal with what he wants and wants you to be too 
You’d think y’all have fucked several times with how comfortable he is when it comes to saying what he’s into. What do you mean “choke me”?
What do you mean you wanna fuck the cum outta someone or vice versa? Let’s take a breather, calm down, gather our thoughts-
Once he’s horny his brain shuts off and the whore comes out. You’d expect it’d be Bi-Han that would become this bold, but no. He’s bold all the time. Tomas gives mfs whiplash. 
Like bro we were just eating dinner 20 minutes ago
Like I said, he’s really focused on what you want since it’s your first time. You gotta leave an impression 
Is his brain cells shutting off? Yes. Will them bitches turn back on if he notices you don’t like something or you say something feels weird? Yes 
He’s attentive 
Probably came before you because he’s sensitive but he’s not the type to roll over and be like “welp, guess it’s a wrap”
He wants your brain to be as fuzzy as his and he’s determined to make that shit happen 
Idk why I changed my profile to this Fear Street aesthetic when I never write for them but here we are. I wanted to change it and this is where I landed.
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riririnnnn · 1 month
Plsplsplsplspls make headcanons for charles if you have the time UR WRITING IS JUST SO GOOD??
YO??? This was unexpected since I rarely write here. Well, I can't understand what type of headcanons you want, so I'm writing all three: Silly; As a romantic partner, and Red Flags.
-> Silly
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He doesn't mind farting in front of everyone in the locker's room and then blames whoever he feels like for blaming. He'd even add a top-notch acting of being grossed out like, "What are you doing, dude? Have some manners!"
He has definitely pulled down someone's pants right in the middle of the Blue Lock's cafeteria and then ran away cackling like the little shit he is.
He pulls prank on a daily basis and the main victim of them is Tokimitsu. He tried pranking Zantetsu, but lost interest because that fake glasses boy never even understood his pranks in the first place.
He has never quietly entered that communal bathhouse bathtub (or whatever that is). He always dives or bodyslams into the water—he once nearly cracked open his skull while doing a summersault, but he never learns his lessons.
Loki put him on a child leash during the flight to Japan. He also threw a tantrum to sit on a window seat, but then whined later because he could only see clouds.
-> As a romantic partner
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Loyal. Very loyal. In fact, he is so loyal that he legit finds every other person ugly except you. He is so, so whipped for you to the point he physically gags thinking about someone else.
He is definitely the guy to be at a party or anywhere else and suddenly, he misses you and drops everything to go running back to wherever you are.
Just forget personal space and breathing when you are with him because he is going to shower you with so many kisses on your face that you'll actually suffocate.
Little spoon or big spoon? He doesn't care as long as he can have his head on your chest. Your calming lub-dub of your heartbeat is the mellowest lullaby for him.
If you cook or bake something and send it for his WHOLE team, then I promise you, he isn't giving a single crumb to anyone. He is inhaling everything doesn't matter if he gets stomachache later because of overeating—it's worth it, according to him.
-> Red Flags
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Be honest, we all saw it coming—yes, he is very immature. Everything is a joke to him and though at first, his personality may prevent fights and arguements, but in a longer run, it becomes draining because he doesn't take anything seriously.
If you don't find any of his 'interests' as interesting, then he'll whine and whine until you give in to his demands. However, he won't do the same for you if he isn't interested in your 'interests'. He'll just act indifferent.
He doesn't know anything about periods and he actually doesn't even try to learn about it. Even when you'll try to educate him about it, he would show no efforts and might even say that, "Girls are so dramatic."
He might indirectly, and maybe even unintentionally, humiliate you in public by talking about you in a crude or inappropriate way. Even when he is called out for it, he just thinks he is being funny.
When you'll break up with him, he'll defame your character in public. He'll make you look like the bad person, spread false rumours about you being unfaithful and will make sure his fans harasses you.
That's all, I guess.
It's a bit tough to write about him without making him seem OOC, to be honest.
I hope the above headcanons make sense.
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
hi! Could I have some Bad Sanses headcannons with a new member (crush or future s/o) who has the power to control time but doesn't think that power is a big deal?
Like, he thinks it's not a big deal because he only knows how to see the future and that's it (because the power isn't trained yet)
(please make reader male or gender neutral)
Sorry if it's confusing, english is not my first language :(
Nah, you don't have to worry. Your English is fine! I understood you very well ^^
I'll do male reader, since there's not many for my guys out there! But as I know myself, I think that it won't be mentioned much, so I guess that you can still take it as gender neutral?
Bad Sanses with a time manipulator reader (male)
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Error)
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The only thing he's thinking right now, is; This dude can benefit me so much!!
Yeah... You just got yourself in a trap 😀
He doesn't listen to you when you tell him how you think your power is useless. He's literally ordering the others to train you while you're yapping.. wants to see your powers immediately.
He's kinda- disappointed when he finds out that you can only see the future. (Mf should've listened when you were telling him that 🙄)
These thoughts immediately disappear when he figures out that you can literally tell them the exact time the Star Sanses attack them.
Overall.. really manipulative.. constantly manipulates you into doing so many things for them- and they're not for the greater good either. 💀
Mf does NOT believe you. (At first I mean)
You get bored of him asking you to prove your powers so fast 💀
"If you can read the future, then tell me what I'm going to do next!!" Immediately followed by your answer: "You're gonna call me a liar." "I KNEW IT!! YOU LIAR!!" "......" "You just had luck.." mhm. Yeah, sure. Luck.
His mouth literally dropped when he finds out that you in fact wasn't lying..
Now that he knows your powers are legit... Oh boy... He's gonna abuse the shit out of that..
And I don't mean it in the same way as the way Nightmare's using you, no! More like a.... Goofy way??
Bro's gonna be asking you about the next time he falls down the stairs, so he'll be prepared for that and not fall down. (He still will fall down.)
He will feel sympathy for you after Nightmare starts using you.. but he can do nothing with that. So... He cuddles you! (As a way of comfort) Only if you want to of course.
Oh this nerd... He'll absolutely believe you! Like- the first time you tell them, he believes you. Wants to know more, actually.
He's probably the one you get close to the first, because he talks to you so often. I mean- they never really met anyone like you before!
He wants to document every single thing about you. Huh? Why are you asking him why your favorite food is important for this? That's only for him to know! (The dude is just a *closeted* hopeless romantic)
Wants to help you with the fact you can only see the future.
Visibly rolls his eyes whenever Nightmare is ordering you around.
Literally cannot stand the fact Nightmare is just using you, but he can't do anything about it... I mean, who in their right mind would argue with NIGHTMARE? Not him. That's for sure. But he will offer you comfort.
Doesn't really care about your powers, but he does find it interesting.
Doesn't ask you as much questions as Dust does, but he does ask a bit about it.
He's probably the second one you get close to, and that's mainly because he sticks to Dust a lot, so he's basically a part of y'all's conversations. (Except he doesn't say anything 💀)
He doesn't want to use you for your powers, simply because it doesn't benefit him. (And he also doesn't think it's right.)
He WILL be pretty mad that Nightmare's using you. Will try to fight with Nightmare over this, but Dust stops him. (We all know that that wouldn't end good.)
From now on, Horror will always stick by your side, ready to defend you or help you out whenever! (Congratulations)
He actually thinks that your powers are dope.
He also wants to see your powers in action, similar to Nightmare, but he doesn't want to use you.
You might be asking, why? Well, his ego is bigger than the fucking sky, so he comes to the conclusion that he doesn't need for you to tell him the future, because he.."can predict Ink's move", he's also technically not part of Nightmare's team, it's basically just a part-time for him. (Whenever he's needed, or he's bored🤷‍♀️).
He's probably the last one, (not counting Nightmare), you get closer to. It's mainly because you don't see him often though.
He still lives in the anti-void, and spends a lot of time there, that's why. But you're not on bad terms either. (Don't have any reason to.. yet.)
Not much to say, really. You two don't interact much. But you can change that 😏
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sunnyx07 · 2 years
Hello I have a request for BSD about them having a dead s/o and they are like a ghost who can float and do stuff ghost can and stuff if that makes sense if you can good day/night <3
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Request?: Yes Summery: Characters having a dead S/O Characters: Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Akutagawa Genre: Fluff, slightly angsty (mostly Dazai's and Chuuya's part, Mentions of death (Atsushi), be warned spoilers of Storm-bringer!)
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I had lots of fun to write this request ^^ Hope you enjoy it and I'll see you next time! <3
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Dazai Osamu:
holy hell will this man make you help him with his pranks on poor kunikida-
like for real, this dude will grab u by the waist, look at you with the brightest puppy eyes and you can't help but to cave in.
He finds it so interesting you have the exact same traits as a real ghost, and for a ghost, you are the prettiest person he has ever seen.
He sometimes beg you to scare people by going through the wall and exit like you never existed (You also love to scare people its honestly very funny-
When you do it to him though, He'll dramatically scream like a little girl, making you embarrassed and him very amused (Cocky bastard-)
He does, however, when you two are alone in his apartment, Looking at you all admired as he hears all kinds of stories of people you meet.
If he told you about his past, He will slowly but surely give hints to let you know that he wants to know about Odasaku
You always smile gently while talking about Odasaku and what he told you to pass onto Dazai.
He will be very grateful to you if you ever did that.
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Chuuya Nakahara:
Just like Dazai, He will be very interested into seeing you suddenly float around the mafia headquarters and see your ghostly powers in action
You tried scaring him once, did not end to well Poor boy legit broke his favourite wine glass, You had to fly away if you didn't wanna be a ghost twice-
He gently strokes your hair, even if it goes straight through, he really doesn't care at this point
Your ghost kisses always makes him chuckle
He does however, wonder about his friends, if you could see them too. He's to stubborn to ask though, but at some point, you figure it out and leave little things behind for him to find, Giving it as a signal that they are always with him and supporting his every decision
He always smile softly seeing those messages, making a mental note to Thank you for your hard work
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Atsushi Nakajima:
This boy finds it so sad-
He loves you very much, but he just gets sad thinking you died cause of some stupid asshole or accident that caused your death.
He does however, always try to make you the happiest you've ever been when you were alive
You do help him out with missions, He doesn't get worried about you getting hurt since everything can go through you, so you always go first, Looking around the area if he's not in danger by any sort of threats.
At home you guys always talk about whatever you want to talk about, It sometimes leads to Atsushi Falling asleep while you gently tucks him in.
This boy has a whole lot of love in store for you
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Akutagawa Ryunosuke:
Honestly, would be slightly surprised you would date him, and more surprised you would stick to him even when your dead
Little cold in the beginning, doesn't trust you too much. but slowly he warms up to you, trusting you a little bit more in life
But he definitely hates you when you scare him
His ability would've killed you by now if you weren't a ghost-
Besides that, he would ask you to check on anything that isn't suppose to happen, and you happily obey
Besides his cold Façade, you saw his sadness about you being dead, but luckily for both of you guys, You always had each other
He loves you, in his own stubborn way.
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iridescentdove · 5 months
Dazai & Sigma x Ichika Nito! Reader
You were a quiet person who enjoys playing your music in silence. Just you, the guitar, and the dimly lit night of twinkling stars. However, it seems your lover as well was fascinated.
Your skills being unbelievable to the naked eye, they began to wonder whether you were human. However, as much as the eye can see, you were still their cute lover, kind and peaceful.
(Slight NSFW under the cut! Because ... well ... Dazai.)
Ichika Nito's Music For Reference: https://youtu.be/DRfzittQ4Wc (WATCH IT IT'S HEAVEN.)
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Asked you to choke him w/ your fingers
Jokes aside, he really does think you're the real deal and is in love with you even more.
Whenever you pick up the guitar dude will legit stop whatever he's doing and watches you beginning to end. Because bbg, he knows those fingers do not dissapoint.
God forbid you bring your guitar in the agency, he will get distracted and get yelled at by Kunikida LMAO
But honestly, he doesn't care. He only cares about you.
The way you effortlessly tap the guitar and slide your fingers across so fast, this man will soon be on his knees. Asking you to maybe use those skills on sumn else hoho
If ya'll were doing the dirty in bed he's in heaven. Just saying. He doesn't want to stop. Lmao–
But again, when he's feeling sad or stressed, he'll always ask you to play something for him. You know exactly how to get his mood up and going ... more calm.
A beautiful song fit for the gates of heaven, with that Ibanez ICHI10.
His worries dissapear, the pain - of Oda dissapears.
It was as if your music healed his heart. He won't forget that, and always pays you back will all the love in the world.
If you're all around the agency just chilling he forces the other members to just watch you as you play. Now, they have their own source of stress relief and entertainment.
Dazai is literally so in love. You tried to teach him how to play and he got fairly good at it <3
When the two of you are just messing around, you play random ass songs for babies NO JOKE it's all freaking cocomelon and shit
Except yassified as you somehow turned 'the wheels on the bus' into a fucking mozart masterpiece somehow
You never fail to amaze Dazai. Hearts in eyes
One time on his birthday, you had always realized he never celebrated it at all. Well, he never really had the thoughts of staying alive for long - not until you came along.
On that special day, you and the agency threw him a peaceful, quiet birthday party.
You played him a song, one you composed yourself. It was filled with sadness, love. As if you had written his entire life into that one small composition. He was ... shocked.
But it was filled with love. As you narrated it with your very own fingers, your own way of seeing his beauty.
You named the song after him, playing it every single day.
He cried so much that night. He loves you so much.
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You bet your ass he absolutely loves you. Just imagine him and you in his office together chilling, as you strum that guitar effortlessly while he works in a calm manner.
Sometimes you'd even play in front of the casino, with all eyes on you and admiring your talent.
And he's honestly just proud of what you can do. Bffr.
'Cause he's just melting at this point, he has such a soft, introverted lover and they can play the guitar so well– like let's be real, he's head over heels.
He enjoys your music a lot, listening with a peaceful smile as he leans back and enjoys it.
In some cases, it really does relieve stress.
And he's SO fucking thankful like omg after a big headache from the casino and the DOA's bullshits he can now lie down next to you and rest his worries.
Even gets a little curious and you teach him UwU ♡
Bro imagine you started with sumn like twinkle twinkle little star and that's all he plays the entire day HELP well at least babygorl is happy 😭
Just that simple twinkle of happiness and satisfaction in his eyes and I would gladly listen to that infamous song 24/7
You sometimes play and smile softly at him, as if urging him to sing along if the song has lyrics. He's a bit shy and not sure about it at first, but warms up to the idea.
Singer! AU Sigma? Fuck yea
He's quite fond of you. From your personality, to your appearance and to your skills. He's floored that he even managed to get an s/o such as you <3
When you're both alone, you often play relaxing, yet somewhat nostalgic tunes.
And it reminds Sigma of the time he doesn't even have a a family or an actual home. He was alone, born out of nothing. From a book.
A page, a mirage. Well, until you came into his life.
He's happy. He breathes in, pretending he wasn't just about to start tearing up a little.
Sigma is so in love, and he adores you so much. He loves that you always have his back and know how to comfort him. It was too good to be true.
He's so precious pls let me hold him
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shysublimecoffee · 5 months
Tsuna Sawada will always be a loser and even towards the end of the manga he still is one and I will always love him for not changing. Face it all those reunion fics I used to read back in the day really be enjoying giving every person who bullied or were mean to him give everyone face slaps as if i'm reading a chinese revenge dogblood danmei novel lol. This is pre-2017 I belive when I binged a lot of fics in the previous years of that particular KHR era lol. So take it in mind my knowledge was from back then.
Hell this shit is even applied to his parents especially Nana like maybe I can go more indepth if I have time in another post but like this women certainly loves her child. I know the infamous chapter really got me heated not gonna lie I don't think the way she treats her kid is fine but damn sometimes I feel she be villainzed too much. From the way I see their relationship it's one of love but I don't think Tsuna could rely on his mom when it comes to emotions and feelings hell he avoid it together it's kinda why he was a little shit if I remember correctly in the beginning of the manga but what 13 year old isn't. Like their relationship is more she wants her child to be like his manly father and hopes he can grow out of his ugly ducking dame tsuna phase but he can't because it's more than that the dude whole school normalizes calling him dame tsuna instead of his actual birth name and the way the faculty treat him and his peers who go back and forth in their treatment of him if he surpasss their expectations they acknowledge him if he doesn't he goes back to being just lame old tsuna. So tsuna gives right up at the start then even try because he's afraid at the attempt he'll just fail. Iemitsu I get 100% because he prioritzes work over family and expects his son to be like his mother and be fine he shows up out of nowhere. I'd be pissed too. Ironic he's the 1 shounen protagnsit with 2 parents that just aren't that great as role models or when it comes to teaching him but they do love him certainly. It's why when it comes to the basis of how their characters are written yes there are defintlly problametic things going on because of how dysfuncitional they are as a family but they do love each other so I really dislike it a lot back in the past since a lot of the times writers really try to up and take it to a 100 to make both of them more hurtful or cruel in fics than they are in canon just to really give them faceslaps X double. And the result is Tsuna being a depressed sucidal kid to really get it and the fic writer just blackening the parents even more lol. Like please a little nuance would be appreatied in their family dynamic would be nice.
Tsuna no matter what anyone says is a strong kid. He really doesn't get bothered like I don't recall him talking shit about the students in his school who bully him like yamamato and him are straight parells in their treatment because I'm damn sure yamamato has to be aware of others treatment of Tsuna because it's a refelection of how he could end up if he becomes a failure too. One tries their hardest to be the best and tries to jump because he can't handle it no more. But Tsuna the other isn't even bother by his mistreatment wtf he's just Tsuna he's normalized it but he isn't a sucidal depressed mess he's just accepts he can't do it and says welp whatever and he's fine. My boi is strong.
I know some can't accept how the ending is. But, You're reading KHR so many weird things are in the manga that make 0 logical sense and I just go through with the motions accepting it. A baby for a tutor, oh Mukuro went through literal hell, oh what do you mean fucking time travel is involved. You really expect me to care that much how the ending went lol. KHR is a legit a parody telling of a shonen manga, which evolved into a real shonen later on.
I get the appeal but Tsuna is Tsuna. I think he's a normal boy who doesn't fit the shounen mold and himnot fiting the package kinda fit the bill because he doesn't suit the audience fantasy on how they want their MC's to be. They want him to be a Naruto how everyone who hurt him apologize or acknwledge his awesomeness but nah Akira Amano really just sticked to this dude core character from start to finish. Tsuna grew when it comes to areas he lacked but he never changed about his personhood because that sorta what makes him define the story. Tsuna being himself got him allies and people who rely and look towards him and what made Reborn impressed with his student. He defines the genre he's like is a Deku from BNHA reversed when it comes to their development.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
aww dude sorry you're not feeling great! i am hugging you but i am also bringing you more sugar baby hob thoughts because... yeah
so. every once in a while, hob misses an inspection for a very good reason. hob's students know he's caring and helpful and good to talk to and sometimes that means he has a particularly stressed and upset student crying in his office and the last thing he's going to do is kick them out or run off to the bathroom to take a picture of his hole.
which leaves dream wondering what to do in those situations. because it's not like he actually wants to punish hob -- hob being a caring teacher who puts his students first is one of the many things dream loves about him. but at the same time... the inspections are a rule, they agreed on them, and dream knows that hob's been absolutely thriving under the structure. so he needs to punish hob for breaking a rule without actually punishing him.
luckily for both of them, dream's got just the thing. because when they were first working out punishment options, dream had tried out nipple torture before rejecting it because hob loved it too much to actually be a punishment. so it works perfectly for this. once hob's free he'll send dream the requested picture along with a litany of apologies. and then dream will appear in his office, lay him down on his desk, and make hob hold his shirt out of the way while he's punished. dream loves torturing hob's sensitive little nipples, he loves the way hob whimpers and cries and leaks through his cock cage. sometimes dream will give him a nice lascy bra to wear after, because as soft as the lace is it's still textured enough that it feels rough on his raw skin. sometimes dream will leave his nipples clamped, not to be removed until dream comes back that evening.
it works nicely for both of them. hob gets the punishment for breaking a rule that helps keep him settled, but he loves the pain and it leaves him so turned on he's got the extra ache of his cock pressing against its cage. and then once evening rolls around, he knows he's going to be pampered so sweetly for taking his punishment so well.
Oh my love this is perfect!!! Thank you for sending this, it legit cheered me up. Love me a Hob with sensitive tiddies. ALSO love me a dom Dream who respects his lover’s career and the fact that life is just Like That sometimes. A respectful king.
I feel like Hob loves routine more than he’s ever willing to admit?? So when things get a little bit skewed he’s much more likely to feel upset or uncomfortable. He needs a proper reset from Dream to set him back on course. He’s practically begging Dream to give him something, and Dream just thinks he’s the sweetest little thing in the entire universe. He’s always clear to make sure that Hob hasn’t done anything bad, the fact that he broke a rule isn’t the end of the world, Dream isn’t mad at him (this makes a sub-drop less likely and Dream just loves praising his little one).
Hob just lies there on his back and takes everything obediently. He’s practically crying before Dream is even half way through finished, his nipples are hella sensitive especially since Dream plays with them so much these days. The flesh around his nipples is such a pretty red from the slaps that Dream inflicts across his chest. He’s biting his lip to stop himself from whining cause it hurts so good, and his poor trapped cock is trying so hard to twitch against the cage. He’s making such a mess with all the precum and tears leaking onto his desk. Dream never stops telling him what a good slut he is the whole time, reminding him that his pretty little nipples belong to his daddy now, and he’d better remember that.
And Dream picks out a nice black bralet for him to wear afterwards, which definitely shows teasingly through his white cotton t-shirt. He spends the rest of the day shivering and wincing, desperately hanging on in anticipation of the end of the day when Dream will help him take a nice warm bath.
When he’s due for a proper punishment for disobedient behaviour, though… that’s when Dream gets mean for real. Almost too much for Hob to get enjoyment from it. Almost ;D
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yttsimp · 2 years
I love love LOVE Kai Satou. May I have some cute autumn-themed romantic relationship headcanons with Kai please?
One Kai headcanons coming up 👍
Kai Satou Autumn Headcanons
Flavor: Gn!reader x Kai Satou
Warnings: None
Headcanons under the cut v
Okay, hear me out, you and Kai redecorating the house for autumn.
Just, hanging up paintings, putting up little autumn-themed decorations like leaf garlands and hanging flowers to dry....so pleasant,,
Kai's certainly an acts of service man, so he will knit you some cozy sweaters to make sure you're staying warm as the weather starts to get colder
BAKING WITH HIM!!!! Oh my god, baking stuff like bread with him is such a good bonding experience. Plus, he really loves spending time with you like this!!
Coffee dates? Coffee dates. He'll take you out to a coffee shop so you two can just relax.
He's certainly one for comfortable silence. Don't get me wrong, he loves talking to you and hearing your voice, but he also really appreciates a comfortable silence where you two can just enjoy each other's presence. In a way, it makes him feel safe.
But if you would rather continue talking, he won't complain. If anything, it means he can keep listening to your lovely voice.
Speaking of, if you're the chatty sort, he will *always* listen to you. He loves hearing your voice and listening to you talk about the things you're passionate about.
He tends to be silent while you're talking, but that certainly doesn't mean he's not listening. He is, he's just not incredibly chatty himself.
Listen, this guy is not the best when it comes to physical affection, so if you're wanting to cuddle with him he'll be a little stiff at first. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he has No Experience when it comes to physical affection so he just doesn't know what to do, where to place his hands, and what have you.
You'll have to guide him through any sort of physical affection.
He'll get better with it as time goes on, but cuddling with him is not the comfiest at first.
Between you and me, he is very shy in the affection department. It's very hard to see, but when you are affectionate with him he'll have a very tiny blush dusting his cheeks.
Best way to get him to smile? Shitty jokes. Tell him the worst fuckin dumbass joke he'll ever hear, he will genuinely find it funny and a very small smile will cross his features. Man has the worst sense of humor.
Like dude, hit him with a "Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? Because he had noBODY to go with" and he WILL find it amusing.
I just realized I've been getting off the original subject oops let's get back on that
Okay come here. Closer. A lil closer. Yeah that's good. Now listen. Listen. Bake some bread for him. It doesn't matter the quality, he will SWOON. He will do that cartoon thing where his heart starts beating out of his chest istg.
It could be the shittiest fuckin bread anyone could have ever made but he won't care because you care enough about him and his interests to try and take a crack at it yourself for him.
It's one of the only times he'll end up dropping that normally stoic exterior. He will legit start tearing up and trying so hard not to smile like an idiot.
Oho, and don't think you are free from his own acts of service, oh no no.
If you're a fan of mushrooms, he'll make a lot of mushroom-based foods for you.
If not, I hope you like pie because he'll be baking a lot of it for you.
Apple pie, blueberry pie, pumpkin pie, you name it, he'll make it for you.
Yeah, during autumn he kinda gets into a baking frenzy. There's just something about the season that makes him want to bake anything and everything for you.
He will make you the best god damn coffee you've ever had if you're into that.
I said this earlier, but he will definitely knit sweaters for you so you stay warm. He'll also make it exactly how you want it, no demand is too much for him. Even if you're the kinda person who doesn't want to bother him with what you really want, he will insist you share all of your ideas with him.
Yeah, he really likes personalizing the things he makes for you. He just loves you so much, he wants to make sure everything he makes for you is exactly how you'd want it.
By the way, this boy does tend to overwork himself so be sure to tell him to take breaks! He's a bit stubborn with working, so drag him over to the couch for some cuddling if you have to, just make sure he doesn't overwork himself and he will appreciate it so much.
A good break for him is to take him out for a walk. Hold his hand as you walk beneath the colorful trees, he loves it. Maybe bring a warm drink as well to make it even better.
So in short, autumn with Kai is so so cozy!! He'll bake for you and knit sweaters for you and is oh so sweet to you!!
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starg1rlie · 2 years
Hiya, if you don't mind, 💍 with Tartaglia. I'm very shy and quiet and only really talk when someone starts talking to me. I'm also a bit awkward haha so I just kinda keep my head down and work in class. Hmm a hobby of mine would probably be playing the piano or playing genshin lmao. Thanks in advance! :D
[ 💍 new message ! : tartaglia ]
★ lowkey think that he would play the piano w/you; like he's just as good with his hands as he is w/his words, iywim hehe. would sit next to you on the piano (cus i know there are some songs that you can do w/another person, i think- i wouldn't know lol, i havent gotten to playing the piano yet) and play along with you, or if he's feeling silly, he'll lean over and mess up your song with the occasional note 'till he screws up the whole thing.
★ he's very obviously the opposite of your personality; my dude's out-going AF, and will legit launch into a full conversation of how much he adores his little siblings, not even caring if they want to hear about it or not. (genshinverse)
★ would literally flirt w/you any chance he gets. in his words, he likes a good "silent type", and it's true. doesn't mind your awkwardness, in fact, he finds it adorable, and will make it a daily habit of his to ruffle your hair up, or toss a balled up note saying "you're cute :)" when you're in class. of course, the teacher catches him, and of course, he weasels his way out of it as per usual...
★ you wanna play a game (i'm not specifying genshin, cause, that's knocking down the fourth wall kinda), he's down. in fact, he'll bring his whole squad of video game buddies w/him in any game that you'd like to play, bc he loves being the little social butterfly he is.
★ i can imagine him just, laying his head on your tummy while you're reading a book, doing whatever it is he does on his phone lmao-
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pissmoon · 1 year
I am so fucking pissed at this guy. He thinks we are bffs because we went to one music fest together and we were smoking when i had nothing better to do. He bothered me and whined and begged that i cover 2 of his shifts so he can go to Berlin with family. I almost always agree to shifts exchanges with coworkers when i can but in this case there was a huuuge joint bday party 2 coworkers were throwing and i told him i want to go and he was offended (i was invited and he was not🙃)...? And it pissed me off how like... He planned an abroad trip with family but he didnt bother to take paid vacations leave he just assumed i'll always exchange shifts with him whenever he asks because i cant possibly have plans and life of my own and he felt entitled to it?? I ended up agreeing tho bc there was 1 shift he could take so i have 5 days off in a row. If its sooooo important to him that he's been bothering me for 1 fucking week. So, 1 hour after we and our manager signed our exchange shifts paper he told me he is too depressed to go to work and cover one of those two shifts of mine and he'll be taking sick leave 'but dont worry you will not get in trouble because i'll 100% be on the second one'. Yea we had a shift together and he didnt tell me that before i signed the shit even tho he already knew! I was so pissed but I believed him and i was kinda too excited about having 5 days off in a row. Next fucking day he tells me he's not going to Berlin with family on that date and if i wanna go with him for 1 or 2 days on my 5 days off. At first i thot well if u dragged me in the middle of this mess you can take me to Berlin in exchange for the hussle. But after 1 day i realized wait ill be on the first day of my period no way i am going to sit in a car/train for hours and then walk around Berlin when its all windy and cold and told him that. He came to my apt uninvited as he always does and kept being like pls pls pls pls go with me. I was like dude idk if i feel right yea maybe but ill probably wont even be able to get out of bed. He took that as a yes i guess and went to a pub with the main gossiper coworker and a MANAGER as he was on sick leave and BRAGGED about how he is going to Berlin with me. On sick leave when he was supposed to cover my shift. Like he made it look like i intentionally exchanged knowing he wont come to work so we can go together? Of course i didnt even feel like going anywhere on my period but he had to tell everyone. And bam big fucking surprise. He promised i wont get in trouble because he 100% will cover that second shift right. He fucking forgot about it and went to Ukraine of all places and called in with some 'my kid is sick' bullshit to work. And he bragged to me about all the trips he had to be on because he was too sad to go to work as i was getting in trouble at work because of him!! He knows damn well our workplace puts bans on exchanging shifts on ppl who fool around like this. I dont give a shit if he gets not so legit sick leaves but he dragged me in the middle of this mess like what for? He fucking gets 4 sick leaves a week to get out of work he can travel whenever he wants. To be petty and selfish now - I didnt go to that coworkers party, i was banned from exchanging shifts along with him. I talked to the boss and they unbanned me after 1 week, but before that happened uhh. I missed the concert by patriarchy and spit mask because i could not exchange a shift with anyone. God i hate this dude so much now how can one be this immature and selfish like what are you 11. I told him it him it was selfish and entitled behavior and i feel like he used me and didnt care ill get in trouble and he didnt reply since. He didnt even say fucking sorry
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shinydixon · 1 year
hey anon, i'm sorry you found your words have been mocked and misconducted. but the things is that joe himself has already stated about wes us that the man is his best friend in the entire world. they got drunk and got botched poke tattoos together and they know each other for a long time now. and since we do have an explanation from joe himself on his and wes' relationship, unless he comes back and says otherwise, there's very little room to imagine there's something else happening. we also have statements and actions from joe that so far can lead us to believe he's just majorly open minded but not at all seeking a male partner. he flirts with basically anyone but he goes strong on it when he sees a cute woman. there's a report somewhere that two lads invited him and a female friends of theirs to a bar and the lads absolutely hate joe's guts 'cause he only spoke to the girl lol which means whenever rabid, jealous joe fans see him and wes together, they sigh in relief he's with him and not some woman, and when he's with a woman, these fans who have constructed this very unhealthy parasocial relationship with him will always freak out. they go absolutely crazy to the point of stalking even the unknown ones. sending death threats to the ones in the public eyes like models and costars is easy, but if he's sweet with a fan and flirts with her and she gushes about it as anyone of us would, she's hunted down. it's sad. the point you're trying to make is a legit one. no matter the progress we've made, society still clings to the 'oh, a man with a man? BUDDIES FOR SURE!' 'JUST GUYS BEING DUDES'. take it from historians. dudes will find out to royalty men had constructed tunnels so their bedrooms could meet and the'll write down 'aaaaahhhh what a strong friendship <3 <3' and it's very sad and i think it's gonna take us on the lgbtq community a long time to win this battle this and i honestly don't think we will without straight people jumping in and helping too. it's the reason steddie gets demonized and hellcheer doesn't. it's the reason our steddie questions were cut from an event because the venue that held the even was homophobic. it's the reason i'll be avoiding twitter like the plague this weekend because i know it'll be a hellcheer event and if they find a way to shit on steddie, they will. i'm really , really, sorry you got hurt, anon. that was not the point. i think the best anons who made a case about this situation was that the one that they were happy joe got to spend time with his friends and was absolutely sick of the same things you are, and the one who made sure we knew that yeah, a man who has had girlfriends doesn't negate a possible male partner in the future. i hope you can forgive us who have hurt you and i hope i could at least explain how the majority of us are on your side. you're not wrong in your opinion but you're wrong on the situation? in the end, it's a waiting game for those care about his love life. i personally find him charming and just fucking funny and i needed a public figure like that. do i also crush on the man? hell yeah. but i also know we will never meet and life isn't a move and all i got that i can show him for real is my respect. but like i said, tho those desperately wanting to know if he'll date, it's a waiting game. and it's a miserable one because it takes you down to rabbit holes full of misogyny and homophobia. best thing we can do right now is support the man and you know, one day he'll introduce a partner and that will be it.
Yeah you said everything I think🤍
I'm sorry that nonnie felt hurt 😔
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the-devils-girl94 · 3 years
When MC Is Mad At Them And Ignores Them: Demon Brothers
((I should've said I would post this past midnight because I'm so much of a night owl. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. I immediately thought of some make up smutty scenes and some bratty silent treatment smutty scenes that are like a sequel to this.))
Being a prideful demon such as Lucifer, he can put up with it for a while, but he will soon come to you because he can't stand it any longer. Just tell him what's wrong, because he can't take you not speaking to him and ignoring him. Seeing you interact normally with his brothers and the others makes him feel so left out and the tension grows knowing that you two are fighting and Lucifer is on the losing side. He may pull you off to the side or even corner you if you've tried to escape him before. And he will make you talk because the silent treatment can not go on.
Mammon will crack after the first day you start ignoring him. He deserves it for trying to steal your stuff and selling it. He needs to know that shit ain't gonna fly. Mammon will beg, buy you gifts, and even stand outside your door just to have you talk to him. He may even cry (he will). You may open up after you're done or when you see him cry, because you just needed the time and space to put into words how hurtful his actions were.
He would like to think that he can match your level of silence and ignore you right back, but he will ultimately crack since he misses gaming with you and being around you. He'll get insanely jealous about how you're having fun chatting away with his brothers but won't spare a glance towards him. He honestly will just hole himself up in his room, until you knock on his door, and you see that his eyes are red from crying, his face is gaunt like he hasn't been taking care of himself, instead just drowning in his sorrows by gaming and binge-watching sad anime and anime songs.
Satan doesn't like being ignored. It has happened way too many times and he is sick of it. He will plead with you to talk to him or at the very least acknowledge his presence. Dude will go through the 5 stages of grief before you decide to talk to him again.
Oh, you think he's gonna react to your pettiness? You're damn right he is! Asmodeus is someone who craves attention and really loves and drink in your loving gaze. So if you're mad at him and you ignore him, he'll cry. Legit, he will cry and beg for forgiveness. Just talk to him and look at him again with those loving eyes of yours. He wont do that thing that you mad in the first place ever again. Being ignored by the person he loves is the worst possible punishment you could give him.
I can just see Beel just kneeling in front of your door for many nights, trying to gain your forgiveness. Being ignored isnt the end all for Beel but when it's his beloved, it feels like it. He'll always apologize when he sees you, leaves your favorite food near your door, and sends text messages about how much he loves you and that he won't touch your food ever again, if it means he won't get the silent treatment. Once you do talk to him, he'll give you a big hug along with a tirade of apologies.
Honestly, not talking to Belphie won't do anything because he'll just annoy you with small talk. But refusing to be his pillow or even spending nights with him is where he draws the line. He will spend nights outside your bedroom if he has to. He wants to spend nights with you again so please hurry and forgive him.
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dsaf-phone-rehab · 2 years
My motivation comes and goes, but here I am with some phone man headcannons about first dates with their S/Os cause headcannon is 90% of what phone fans have <(=w= )>
Harry, our poor sweet boy, is a perfect gentleman in what he thinks is normal but isn't always exactly clear.
Dinner dates are a classic, and a simple enough starting point for a man that's never been on a date before in his life
He will take you somewhere nice, and DEFINITELY clean. Like, he came in the day before and got weird looks because he was legit just inspecting things because if his sweetheart ever even glanced at a scuttler on a date with him, whatever confidence he has will be obliterated.
Dresses appropriately, nothing overboard but he wants you to know he does care about how much effort he puts in
Opens the door, walks you to a seat, and pretends he doesn't know what he wants until you do so he isn't pressuring you, even though he figured out what he wanted yesterday and is the kind of guy to order the same thing every time he goes out to eat
Looks a little funny using one hand to block your view of his 'mouth' while he eats with the other, but he's very self conscious of the fact phones that choose to eat (as he technically doesn't need to) have to pop open the front panel. Don't ask about it, please, just let him subtly block your view for the sake of his remaining pride
Knows how to drive, but if you live relatively close to the resteraunt will walk you home just to hold your hand and get that extra ten minutes with you, even at the expense of the anxiety it causes him with questioning whether you wanted the same thing or not
Next time he'll offer to bring the car, and he makes a note to ask about where you want to go next should you want another date
Steven knows what he's doing! Wow!
Actually been to other places in town so he knows what's good, he used to work at a Freddy's that was in this town. Boy, he's worked a lot of places, and is pretty good at determining what he could do to impress you. Yes, specifically impress you. He doesn't want this to be boring, he gets teased enough for being too professional even in his off hours, so he wants you to see that he's got more going for him than that
After a long while of considering options... He takes you bowling
Low-key beating himself up over Jake poking fun at him over the choice
"Wow, you're good at the only boring sport I can think of besides golf?"
That comment in particular hit him like a brick and now he's worried you won't like it
Whether you actually like to bowl or not, he'll make sure there's no real competitive nature to the game
Buys both of your guy's way in, helps you pick a ball that will be a good weight for you, gives you pointers on how to aim, and, if you're okay with him being that close to you, will help correct your posture
Okay, that comment from Jake is eating him alive and he's dying
Whether it's that comment or first date jitters or just trying a little bit too hard, he is absolutely sucking right now
You win the game. He feels terrible about it. He took you here to impress you, but really all he did was miss every shot he possibly could and give you advice that he continuously messed up the execution of
Ironically, his advice worked for you just fine, but that's too small a victory to see in the shadow of what seems like a massive faliure
Damn his fear of faliure, he feels awful
But! You can totally fix that!!
Tell him you had fun, accuse him of throwing the game for your sake, even a peck on the 'cheek' or holding hands on the way out and all that insecurity is wiped away in a flash
If you liked the date then it's not faliure! Looking like an idiot for an hour or so is a small price to pay for a chance at another date with you, after all
Peter has seen movies, he knows what he's doing thank you very much
So what if he never really had time for a partner before, it can't be hard if his little orange brother is out there running around with some purple dude
Dress shirt and slacks, some flowers, he has all the confidence! He's gonna take you to the movies, so you won't be judging his every move. It'll be fine
Buys you literally whatever you want, he's taking the path of least resistance here so if he can make you happy with snacks he will
Let's you think he chose the movie, but he cheated because he heard you mention the movie you really wanted to see to a friend of yours a few weeks ago
(if you went and saw it with them, please don't tell him it will kill him and his perfect plan will be completely ruined)
He's going to try to hold your hand. If you don't let him, that's okay, but it'll sure make his whole night if you do
Also, he'll hardly be able to focus on the movie if you do, as he'll be worried his hand is too sweaty or too warm or too cold or slowly melting into yours like some sci-fi horror movie about being absorbed by an alien or conjoined to a space criminal
He decides briefly he's probably the alien. Mist people see him as less than human because of the phone head...
But you don't, so he's happy. Because you're really all he'll need from here on out if things go as well as he hopes they will
Misses most of the movie being a hopeless, cheesy romantic in his own head
After he takes you home, he's eager to say you get to pick next time, so be thinking about that
He's going to be so restless, he's glad that dating is so easy. Last thing he wants to do is be completely stressed over romance
Jake will take you to the park
It allows him to smoke, there's not going to be many more people, the weather is beautiful, he doesn't have to worry about the cleanliness of a kitchen or dressing up. It's perfect for a first date
Not ready to see you in casual clothes
Chances are he met you at work. Co-worker or not, work, the grocery store, and home are the only three places he is at any given time and he doesn't fuck around in the store long enough to meet people
So he's probably never actually seen you in casual clothes. You've either both been in your work clothes or you've at least been dressed for a somewhat special occasion sinse all he knows is resteraunt work and being totally burnt out
All that said, he's finding out a lot about you right now, and realizes it pretty fast
Takes note of how much happier you seem to be able to relax, the style you seem most comfortable in, and even the choice in food you grabbed out of the box. It's little things, but there's a lot of them
He's starting to realize he hasn't been this close to another person in a long time
You accidentally put your hand halfway over his at some point after he asked you about your passions in life
Absolutely short circuits
You're talking with such wild inspiration, hand over his, the natural sunlight bringing out all your best features. He could listen to you forever
His cynical nature is a bit more playful now, his shift in attitude is very slight, but he's softer for you, now. There's so much more to you, after all, he wants to show you there's more to him
Don't expect him to start writing poetry or anything, but you'll find he seeks you out a lot more after this
Does his darndest to show off every redeemable quality he has. Not going to make shit up or outwardly boast to you about stuff he's good at, but he's doing somewhat weird stuff like showing you how far he can throw a rock or only smoking half a cigarette at a time instead of a whole one
Both are things he finds impressive, even if the point doesn't get all the way across
Roger is an entire mess
Got up early, scrubbed himself head to toe, outfit picked out the day before, reservation made, and taking almost two hours just to calm himself down, he's so anxious about this whole thing he's actually scared
Fully intended to take you out to dinner! Made all the plans to do so, made sure the place you two were going was good...
But nothing works out for Roger. His luck is kind of horrendous like that
He's wearing his nice suit, and as soon as you two arrive at the restaurant, it's on fire
I wish I was joking, and he also wishes I was joking, but people are evacuating and smoke is pouring out of the kitchen
So what now? You guys could- oh no.
He gets a text while you're trying to figure it out and, as it turns out, there's an emergency at home, too
Peter was having a day with Jack and Dave at home, just a good family + Dave day when Dave kind of accidentally dropped a knife on his foot. Hospitals don't really treat Dave anymore, but he should be fine, but they're out of bandages
Roger's the only one of them not at work so that errand is now his job today
Tense walking to the store, feeling like shit he couldn't take you on a real date, he's stuttering so badly he gives up on talking two minutes into to walk so he just prompts you to start talking
He dearly wishes he could focus on what you're saying, but there's a million thoughts in his head, none of them are good
You make it to the store and walk around for a little while. Dave died years ago, and has died several times since the first time, so he's probably not going to mind the bandages being a few minutes later than they could have been
When you two leave the store, it's starting to sprinkle, and will definitely start raining if you have to walk . . .
He is embarrassed, but the bus is the best option from here, even if it's a shitty option
Sulking half the ride home, when he finally gets the will to speak, it's broken
"I-I-I'm so sorry..."
He wants to cry. He wanted to be your boyfriend so bad, and the whole thing ended up complicated and unpleasant
When you start laughing, he gets even closer to tears, but with a pat on the shoulder and a grin, you fix the whole thing in just one sentence, a whole day of bad luck and dissapointment completely resolved with little more than words
"Shit happens, I'm open to try again tomorrow. We'll go to that other place you like."
Boy if that doesn't perk him right up
Relief, happiness, admiration for your ability to let things roll off you whenever you could, it's a wonderful mix of good feelings
And one of those feelings is some new love
You're a safe place he desperately needs, and he makes a point to have tomorrow go as perfectly as today was supposed to
But, unlike today, he's not nearly as scared
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ravenadottir · 2 years
just give s4 a go. you’re gonna eventually run out of things to write about for s2 and it’s not that bad tbh. fusebox was just as bad as they were when you played s2.
when you try to convince someone by using the phrase "it's not that bad" you know it's pretty bad.
but here's the thing, season 4 is pretty warm to cold from what i've seen, except for the mistakes they made. i've had over 20 asks talking about the mc's customization alone! like, mate, it's a sign. i'm not even counting the many i got about the problems they've encountered so far, whether about the plot, the characters, the mc's storyline in general.
i have daily asks complaining about s4. if you're curious about it, under the cut contains spoilers for what anons have been bringing to me, or things i learned on youtube playthroughs.
mc has the worst customization.
not worse than season 1 from but comparing one with the other, and the thought of one being almost 4 years ago??? it's worse. they're moving backwards.
black hairstyles behind a paywall?
blantaly racist. i don't care if they released them now; it happened later and that really says black hairstyles was an afterthought. fuck that asbolutely.
mc is the bombshell and her first contact with the boys is to dance on their lap for a challenge.
plus, HOW FUCKING AWKWARD is that? i'll tell you, a lot! rebecca did that on season 6 and i was so uncomfortable by proxy because you could see no one knew what to do. that's not hot nor it's exciting, it's just stupid.
first of all... WHAT? if priya had done that everyone would call her names that i abstain from saying. the first time you're having an interaction and it's grinding on someone? without even knowing their names? and them not knowing yours?? fusebox really went with it for shock value and it didn't go anywhere did it?
there's a girl that legit tells mc to back off from her couple, menacingly.
what people thought hope was on s2 but i don't see anyone calling this lexi out anywhere. GEE, WONDER WHY.
you have to steal someone from a girl and she's left single and pissed (?).
so that's a good thing. but apparently handlebar is not an option so why am i here?!?!?! plus, if you go with will, he'll dump you and go with a girl named thabi.
that's FUCKING AWESOME, it's the best part! i reckon people are complaining but if mc was an og and her boy had dumped the bombshell to stay with her, will would be a hero, but mc is not og so he's a monster? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE, because the math ain't mathing!
AND people gave graham much more shit for a BOAT tattoo but this bitch ass doesn't get anything? again, make it make sense! the dude looks like a public restroom wall, please i'm so tired of the tattoos fusebox decides to give them.
there's two new guys who are boring?
at this point we had bobby, gary and ibrahim, and lucas and henrik were just arriving. now i see people in my inbox absolutely fuming because these new guys couldn't be worse... LUCAS AND HENRIK WOULD NEVER SUCK THIS MAJORLY.
also, i saw the white hair dude and all i could think of was sam winchester's bad wig saga:
Tumblr media
someone had their period and talked about it.
i actually like that! more of period problems because it's 2022 and it has been happening since fore-fucking-ever. i support that!
they didn't make any effort to compensate what people spent on gems in the old platform. they announced the new app WAY later than they should've and that caused people to spend money on the wrong app. now they're bucks shorter and there's nothing fusebox wants to do about it.
the bad publicity has definitely taken a toll on their online presence, consequentially on the volume of players.
the matchmaker look on the islanders is absolutely uncanny valley in the worst way possible. imagine if these hot ass islanders were made into s2 style. nah don't say anything, just picture it! i've seen a playthrough on youtube, they don't emote like they should, like they think something's funny but they don't laugh or smile, it's very weird. and the way they smile or move is just very sophia the robot. i'm not wanda maximoff, i don't fucks with emotional machinery.
the animation is so... meh. it's there, no reason to make a fuss about it because it doesn't make a difference in my opinion. they shouldn't even brag about it.
it's a general consensus that there's only two hot people in there and they're girls. judging by this whole will ordeal i reckon we won't have a girl couple for a very long time, which is... 300 steps backwards.
there's a page leaking everything and i fucks with that.
i would have to be at least ok about playing this shit but i'm really not. i feel more dead inside about this than i felt when i saw s3's art.
this season is not even average, and if it's possible it's just as bad as s3 or worse.
the reason why i'm not talking or playing season 4 is because i don't have anything good to say. for every 1 (one) good thing they did there's a thousand wrong. it becomes aggravating when you see the same person shitting all over something (even though that thing absolutely deserves it), and i don't want to be so negative.
plus, i would rather respond asks about s2 than playing s4, it's pretty simple. there's absolutely no joy in playing season 4 for lots of reasons but the main one? it doesn't look worth my time.
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