#i want it to be pretty and perfect but at this rate it wont be done til summer 😭
lovemeafterhrs · 2 months
so im still working on the 10k aki fic but i’ve realized it might be better to break it up into separate chapters
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starniolosposts · 2 months
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invite (1)
part one, part two
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: the popular frat boy, chris sturniolo, unexpectedly invites you, the shy and quiet girl, to his frat party.
warnings: shy/unpopular reader, confident/frat boy chris (but he’s still sweet), chris defends you 🤩, pretty long and will have a part two which is the final part
notes: SMUT IS IN THE NEXT PART (you could just read the next part for the smut but this one has all the tension leading up to it hehe;) )
not proofread/edited
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you practically jump out of your seat from the voice in front of you, interrupting your study time in the silent library. you shrink into yourself in embarrassment at your reaction, and are even more mortified when its chris sturniolo standing in front of you.
chris grins and leans over the table, hair falling into his face as he scans the study page your on. “seems hard. whats your major again?”
you gulp, throat suddenly turning dry. you don’t answer, honestly kind of scared of saying the wrong or humiliating thing to the one boy you’ve been admiring from afar since college started.
he tilts his head and locks eyes with you, “so you don’t really speak, do you? i’ve never heard you talk before.” he observes, and you bit your lip.
“…i do talk.” you finally manage to say, avoiding anymore eye contact.
chris chuckles before pulling out the chair across from you and sitting down.
your heart rate picks up and you pray that he wont be staying for long. not because of him, but because then you have less of a chance of embarrassing yourself in front of him.
“so, whats your major?” he asks again, and he actually seems interested.
“oh, its animal science. i also minor in biology.” you whisper, seeing the librarian glance over at you both. chris obviously doesn’t care if he’s loud, since he responds with his normal volume.
“oh shit, so you’re smart smart.”
you blush and shrug, tapping your pencil on your notebook. “not really.”
chris smirks. “how humble of you. anyway, i have another question. what are you doing this saturday?”
your eyes widen as you glance up at him, stomach tingling with butterflies. why did that sound like he was asking you out? you bit the inside of your cheek in thought. you should study for an upcoming exam… you shake your head, “i don’t have anything on saturday.”
“perfect. i have a frat party that starts at 7 pm, but show up whenever you want.” chris exclaims, seemingly very pleased as he leans back in his chair.
you blink and then feel a sense of dread in your stomach instead of butterflies. “oh—uhm… i don’t really do parties.” you sheepishly mutter. what you didn’t want to admit was how you have never even gone to a party, nor have been invited to one.
chris smiles charmingly as he looks at you, and you feel so exposed and flustered. “i can tell. its alright if you don’t want to go, i just thought it’d invite you. you seem to study to much, your big brain needs a break.” he taps your study book as he tries to act unbothered.
you think for a moment, then blush blossoms your cheeks. “if i go, uhm, will i be able to stick by you then? i know i won’t really know anyone there.”
chris stares at you with an unreadable expression, his jaw squared and his eyes gleam. he finally nods. “of course. you can follow me around.”
you sigh through your nose and nod, the nerves already flowing through you. “okay.”
“you’ll go?”
“yeah, i think.”
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saturday comes faster than normal, the anticipation of the frat party buzzing through you, and it even floats around the lectures you have. apparently a lot of people were going and it was going to be a huge party, everyone was looking forward to it.
while people were excited, you were kind of dreading it. what if chris abandons you and you’re left alone in a group of strangers? what if you trip and face-plant and everyone laughs at you? you shake your head, knowing you were overthinking.
you take a deep breath as you look at yourself in the mirror. this is the most you’ve ever dressed up, and you thought you looked okay. you wore a short, sparkly, black dress and your hair was curly down your back. no one had ever seen you with your hair down, so this was a big step. in the back of your mind you knew you were just trying to capture chris’ attention at least a little bit.
gathering up the courage, you grab your phone and make your way across campus and to the frat house. you can hear the music from a mile away and the flashing lights are prominent the more you get closer.
you glance at the time on your phone, 8 pm. you thought it was weird to show up exactly when the party started at 7, so you waited around for a while.
you tried not to think about how skin tight your dress was, or how short it was, or how your makeup looked. you pushed down your anxiety and tried to convince yourself you would have a good night. you walked inside, wincing slightly as the music was now clear and blaring in your ears.
your number one objective was to find chris, and fast. you looked around swiftly, dodging drunk people and catty girls side-eyeing you.
you spun around and nervously wrung your wrists behind you, staring at chris as he walked up to you. “hi.”
chris’ jaw clenched as his eyes darted all over you. your hair, your face, your body. he blinked, wondering how you were the same person at the library a couple days ago. “you look great.” he finally says.
you smile shyly and look at his outfit. he wears baggy camo pants with a black long sleeve, a chain, and doesn’t wear his signature hat, so his hair is out and fluffy. he looks handsome as always, but you cant say that. “you too.” you meek out.
“i thought you skipped out, i was worried i would have to go to your dorm and drag you here.” he jokes and smiles, gesturing you to follow him.
you laugh softly and nod, following him into the kitchen with less people and muffled music. he grabs two red solo cups and fills both of them with something. he hands you one, then takes a sip of his.
you look at the contents inside the cup suspiciously, hesitate to try it.
chris looks down at you staring into your cup and chuckles. “don’t worry, i figured you don’t drink so its just lemonade.” he reassured, and you sigh in relief as you sip on it.
“thank you.”
“mhm. what made you agree to come?” chris asks suddenly, leaning against the counter, arms crossed with his cup still in his hand.
you gulp nervously, flustered as you stare at him. “can i be honest?” you ask, doing the same thing as him beside him.
he grins down at you and nods, “yeah.”
you fidget with your cup. “i’ve never been to a party, or invited to one. so when you asked i was nervous, but knowing i had you i was okay.” you blurt out, and you mentally slap yourself for saying so much.
chris is silent for a moment, and you want to run away and go back to your dorm, but then he nudges your shoulder with his elbow.
you look up at him and he smiles warmly. “hey, now that we talked and you came to my party, we’re best friends now. no need to be nervous when i’m here.”
you both stare at each other, and you swore he was leaning closer and glancing at your lips. unfortunately, a voice spoke up.
“chris, i love this party! beer pong was so much fun!” a girl strides in, b-lining straight towards him. she then looks at you weirdly, glancing at how close you were standing next to him.
chris nods at her and looks a little irritated, “good, it’s supposed to be fun.”
you awkwardly look down at your aching feet as they continue talking, this was your first time wearing heals for a long period of time.
the girl glances at you and then looks at chris with a look. “so, who’s she?” she asks as if your not there and she can ask you.
chris sighs and puts an arm around your back and his hand on your arm, making your eyes widen as heat filled you and goosebumps rise on your exposed skin. his hands are rough, but they are gentle with you. “this is y/n l/n, shes in our biology lecture. i convinced her to come.” your face feels hot as he says your full name, did you ever even tell him your last name? how did he know?
the girl hums and looks at you with a confused expression, “oh, i don’t remember ever seeing her. anywhere. but alright, i’m tory.” she smiles concededly. you try and smile back and nod at her in acknowledgment, “nice to meet you, tory. i like your dress.” you say. socializing and making friends is a little difficult for you, but you try your hardest. it didn’t seem to work as she looks you up and down and doesn’t say anything.
chris clears his throat and recognizes the tense situation and dislike from tory towards you, “tory, maybe we could ease off of her, yeah?” his eyes narrow at her, and you see his hand gripping onto his cup harder. you feel embarrassed, but at the same time you feel grateful and appreciated by chris, and its nice.
tory stares at chris in shock before scoffing under her breath, “whatever.” she walks away after that, going into the living room where the party is at.
chris finally takes his hand off of your arm, and you both don’t realize it but you think the same thing.
i miss his touch.
i miss touching her.
“…thanks for that.” you mutter, swirling your lemonade in your cup. chris nods and glares in the direction that tory walked off in. “i never liked her.” he explains, “in high school she dated my brother, matt. totally broke his heart and was so mentally draining towards everyone.”
you furrow your brows and frown, now wishing you weren’t nice to her in the first place. “i’m sorry.”
chris shakes his head and smirks down at you, making you slightly flush. “oh, don’t you worry. we got her back. pranked her for years on end and held blackmail against her.”
your eyes widen and then you laugh, an actual belly laugh. chris stares at you and then starts laughing as well. its just easy when it comes to you.
“its so bad, but i love it.” you giggle, then you ask, “you have a brother? does he go here?”
chris is ecstatic and proud, since he can tell your coming out of your shell around him. he likes it… he likes you. “kind of, i’m a triplet. both of them chose different colleges though.”
you tilt your head in shock, “really? thats so cool, are you all identical?”
his heart skips a beat at the sparkle in your eye and the curiosity in your voice. “sure are. they look exactly like me, but we all have our differences.”
you nod, “i understand.”
suddenly a guy shouts into the kitchen, “hey chris! come play a game with us!”
chris looks at you, and you shrug even if your freaking out inside. you liked hanging out and talking with chris, but with a huge group of people? not your thing.
chris scrutinizes you and states, “you don’t want to, i can tell.”
you silently nod but then shrug again, “i’m fine with playing, only if its with you though.” you look away from him to hide your blush.
he grins and nods before pushing off of the counter, setting his cup down. you do the same and closely follow behind him into the living room. the music is low now, and a group of people are in a circle on the ground or sitting in chairs/couches.
chris dabs people up and nods in acknowledgment at others, and you feel like everyone is staring at you as you follow him like a lost puppy. no one says hi to you.
you sit down next to chris on a loveseat, scooting down your dress uncomfortably. chris notices and swiftly gets up, goes to the front door, grabs his jacket off the hook, and then walks back over. you look at him confused until he laid his jacket over your legs and sat back down like he didn’t just do the nicest thing ever for you.
you feel your heart pumping fast and your veins turn hot. the little gesture made your thighs clench underneath the jacket that smelled like his cologne. glancing over at chris, it only makes you more aware of your attraction towards him. his arm is over the back of the loveseat, his legs spread slightly open as he leans back comfortably.
you feel dirty and flustered thinking about him like this, then snap out of it when someone speaks up from the group.
“alright, lets play the classic truth or dare.” a guy grins. everyone agrees and they start going around in a circle, asking random people. some of them do dares, but they aren’t regular dares, they are sexual. there was a three way kiss, stripping, and licking whip cream off of someones stomach.
your lower stomach only got hotter, the undeniable ache between your legs getting stronger. your mind always went back to chris for some reason, wondering what kissing him felt like, or how his tongue would feel licking whip cream off your skin. you shift, and your thankful for the jacket covering your legs since it blocked the view of your thighs clenching.
chris notices though . he always notices the little things about you. believe or not, he had been admiring you from afar as well. he couldn’t help it, he was drawn to you, the quiet girl in the back of the class. whenever he was in lecture, his eyes would drift to you and observe. he knows you bite your lip when your nervous or thinking, and he knows your leg bounces when your anxious. he knows that you secretly laugh at his jokes behind your hand and that you feed the stray cat that roams around campus. yeah, it was safe to say he liked you a lot, and he notices you.
“the girl beside chris.”
your head snaps up and you gulp nervously. its a blonde guy that smirks at you. “y-yeah?”
“truth or dare?”
“uhm, truth?” you say, but its more like a question. you really prayed it wasn’t anything embarrassing.
he thinks for a moment. “whats the worst thing that has happened to you during sex.”
chris clenched his jaw at the thought of you having sex with someone. its a weird thought, thinking of you with someone else other than himself.
your face immediately is red as you look down at chris’ jacket. you pick at the thread on it and clear your throat. “u-uhm… thats a little personal?”
“come on, don’t be a buzzkill!”
chris glared at the guy, “cut it out, clayton. if she doesn’t feel comfortable saying then don’t pressure her.” he glowers slightly, making clayton raise his eyebrows.
“its truth or dare, man. no outs. she has to answer.”
chris furrows his eyebrows and opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “i’ve never had sex, so i can’t answer.” your eyes are squeezed shut in embarrassment as you grip onto the jacket for comfort. everyone goes silent and you think this is the moment you want the ground to swallow you whole.
chris blinks at you with wide eyes then his jaw is set and his eyes turn dark. his pants are starting to get tighter than before and his hand clutches onto the back of the loveseat. “fuck.” he hisses out, but he made sure he was quiet.
“wait, so you’re a virgin in college? have you even had your first kiss?” tory asks, crossing her arms in amusement. she was milking your humiliation for all its worth.
you tilt your head down and dont answer, which makes her laugh slightly. “wow, so your really inexperienced. how are you even here at this party?”
“tory, stop. i’m serious. i still have those screenshots in my hard drive.” chris speaks up and threatens, looking her straight in the eyes. it makes you peak your eyes open to look over at him. he smiled reassuringly at you, and it makes you feel a lot better, and a lot more needy.
“…lets just move on.” a random girl says, chuckling nervously.
the game continues, and chris lowers his voice to speak to you with no one listening. “are you okay? im sorry that was pressured out of you, ill kill clayton.”
you shake your head, “its fine.” you whisper.
“no, its not. especially with what tory said.” he grunts out then sighs. “i’m sorry.”
you hesitate, but scoot closer to him and smile gently. “its alright. thank you for defending me, not a lot of people do.” you hadn’t meant for it to come out so sad and lonely sounding.
chris bites his lip before nodding, “yeah, of course.” he breaths out.
your eyes dart to his, and you catch a glimpse of desire you had been looking for. your chest heaves slightly harder, your stomach burns, and your eyes glance to his lips.
“…follow me.” he abruptly stands and holds out his hand for you. you knew what would happen if you took his hand and followed him, but you wanted it too happen. you’ve never felt such an easy and instant connection as you have with him, so you don’t hesitate to grab his hand and leave his jacket behind.
some people stare in shock as he takes you up the stairs, but you can only stare at him.
chris quickly takes you to a bedroom and closed/locks the door behind the both of you. he backs you into the wall, hands coming up to slowly grip onto your hips. you nervously look up at him, not knowing what to say or do. you’ve never been touched like this by someone you liked, and it was building up a fire in you that burned your core. the desire for him was too much, you wanted him now.
he gazes down at you with dark eyes. “i’m so glad you came to this party.” he sighs out, his hands slithering around to rest on your lower back, sinfully close to your ass.
your breathing heavily, your hands clenching onto his biceps as you lean into his touch. “me too.” you whisper, your head tilted back onto the wall to look up at him.
it silent for a moment, letting you feel his hands travel over your dress and to your waist. "i really like you, you know?" he whispers, and for the first time you see him slightly bashful but still confident, and your stomach tingles in the best way.
your heart jumps to your throat at his confession and your legs tremble, a shaky but content smile reaches your lips, "really?"
chris nods slightly before leaning into your neck and lowly muttering into your skin, "and i really want to fuck you, too." his lips come into contact with your neck, pressing feather light kisses onto your sensitive spots. he moved closer to you, caging you against the wall.
your heavy gasps and panting mixed together, and the bedroom got hotter by the second. then, he hiked your dress up to your hips and traced his fingertips on the lace of your panties, getting closer and closer to where you were desperate for him.
you gasped and clung onto him, whimpering as his fingers lightly brushed your clothed clit, but then teasingly moved back to tracing the edge of your panties. “chris…”
“hm? what is it, baby?” chris smirked into your neck, his tone teasing and amused. he loved your needy little gasp and wanton whimpers flowing from your lips. his cock was pressing against his jeans at how sensitive you were, knowing that you were this way because he was the first to ever touch you like this.
“i’m nervous.” you murmur, shivering as hands go to your hips to softly grip them. you look up at him and bite your lip.
chris glances at your plump, wet lips and wishes he could ravish them. but then he reminds himself that he has to go slow and teach you some things. “no need to be nervous, i’m right here.” his thumbs massage right beneath your lace on your hips.
you gulp and look to the side, contemplating what you were about to do. “…are you just saying all of this so you can have sex with me?” you blurt out your insecure thoughts, and frown at the silence heavy in the air. did you ruin the mood?
“hey, look at me.” chris demands gently, hooking your chin and making you lock eyes with him. “i never say anything i don’t mean. i know we only met a couple days ago, but i’ve always noticed you.”
your face flushes even more than it already was, your hands hesitantly running up his stomach to his chest. “i noticed you too.” you whisper. he shivers at your touch and words before sighing contently, “i know, i see you staring.” he teases, chuckling as you look away in embarrassment once again.
“on a serious note, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. but if you want to continue, i wanna set a rule first.”
your eyes dart to him, searching for any sign on him lying about anything. there is none, only lust and fondness in his blue eyes as he looks at you. you nod, “alright, what is the rule?” you ask curiously, getting more bold and sliding your hands up his shoulders and around to his nape. you play with his hair slightly and see that he holds back a groan, which you save for later use.
“if you say yes, you’re mine.” his tone is serious and low, it makes your thighs clench and the burning in your stomach feelings like molten. “no dating, fucking, or seeing other guys. we would be exclusively only seeing each other, i don’t just do random hookups on a saturday night.”
you softly smile and nod, “me neither, obviously.” you mutter with slight embarrassment. he laughs and grins at you, “so, do you want to continue, baby?” he asks teasingly, leaning down closer to your lips.
you lick your lips and nod shyly, “yeah. i really do.”
chris hums and one of his rough hands travels to the top of your panties. his fingertips dip into the fabric, trailing across your lower stomach slowly. his eyes stare into yours, savoring your reactions and small noises.
your pussy clenched as his lips suddenly grazed your ear and he lowly whispered, “do you want my fingers, y/n?”
you whine shamelessly and nod, too worked up from a simple whisper and some light touching.
“yeah? then beg.”
holy fuck.
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to be continued with actual smut… sorry its so long! i cant help but like the tension leading up to it
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superstarz9 · 25 days
So y’all fw some MORE Mr. Puzzles headcanons?
Cause I got some :]
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Even though he streams his content, Mr. Puzzles hates streaming over normal television and believes it ruins the momentum. The only thing he appreciates about streaming is the lack of ads. No matter how bad the ratings are, Puzzlevision is an ad-free service!
To add, product placement is a no-go. Any products he might advertise on a show are all Puzzlevision branded, not that he’d advertise much. He’s a smart business man, which I’ll go in-depth with another time.
He’s all about authenticity with his actors an really hates big-time celebrities. Celebrities are snobbish and aren’t easy for Puzzles to handle. He also doesn’t want people to engage with his shows solely because of famous names. The day he hires a celebrity is the day he becomes a sellout, and the idea of selling out terrifies him.
Mr. Puzzles does an extensive background check of every single cast member he recruits. Not just because he’s trying to find the perfect actors, but because he’s trying to find people that wont be missed if they mysteriously disappear for long periods of time. After a cast’s likability begin to dwindle, Puzzles brings them back as if nothing happened. Previous cast members won’t remember their time at Puzzlevision and have a hazy memory for a bit before they adjust to normal. If they watch a show that they’ve been in, they’re so disconnected from the show that they won’t recognize themselves. However, Puzzles is careful to avoid reruns after switching casts.
He absolutely hates reality tv for multiple reasons. It’s the farthest thing from reality, everything is so fake, and the writing is HORRIBLE! If the audience demands it, he’ll make a reality tv show, but it would be one of the few things he wouldn’t mind not hitting 5 stars. The less creative impact he has on the show, the less he cares for it.
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He prefers live-action over animation, but highly respects animated shows.
He likes movies but heavily prefers tv since television has always been frowned upon within Hollywood and the entertainment industry (It’s actually interesting to know the beef between movie studios and tv, I recommend checking it out. To put in into perspective, picture the Disney theatre movies vs the straight to video movies: there’s a huge difference and it’s somewhat obvious of the cash-grab tv movies/shows are. The purpose of tv has always been a quick cash grab, actually. Kinda like the first content farm, to an extent). Puzzles wants to prove that television is a respectable media outlet and shouldn’t be frowned upon within the industry.
He is familiar with almost any televised language. The only major issue is that, yes, he needs subtitles to completely understand. However, he can hold a relatively decent conversation in most languages, he’d just need a few refreshers.
Already talked about it last post but he likes to cook and really enjoys cooking/baking shows. Y’know that thing where you’re good at one but not as good at the other cause they’re so different (you cook to your liking vs following a strict recipe for the best dessert outcome)? I feel like Puzzles would be perfect at baking alone but any baking show he does goes to absolute shit. However, he’s not as great at cooking alone (since he can’t taste) but it much better with a sous-chef guiding him.
This was someone else’s hc (I don’t remember who’s, I’m srry), but they brought up that the order of shows Mr. Puzzles makes with the SMG4 crew reflect the shows he watched growing up (the kids-y shows, family disney-type movies, teen stuff like Scooby-doo, and gameshows). I’d like to add that he enjoys making gameshows the most because he can be the main character in every episode, and everyone’s reactions are the most genuine. The only thing I can see Puzzles not liking is the lack of creativity (similar to reality tv). However, it would be pretty fitting for a production company called Puzzlevision to make game shows.
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This one’s gonna be a little bit more depressing. No matter how hard he tries or how good he thinks his writing is, Mr. Puzzles cannot write anything original. It’s the curse of seeing every piece of televised media to ever be produced. He tries his best to be original but as the puzzlevision arc continues, he gradually stops trying to be original, which is what ultimately causes him to lose. While Puzzles keeps trying to copy other successful media and failing, it’s the originality the SMG4 crew produce that gets them to 5 stars (and extremely quickly, too). Puzzles fails to realize that the shows he loves and tries to replicate were original, too, and that’s what got them to succeed in the first place. I feel like this success from SMG4’s originality is what sparked Mr. Puzzles’ envy in the first place.
To add to this, Puzzles has been canonically spying and interfering with the SMG4 crew for a while (selling them the showgrounds, the cursed keyboard in the ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT arc, the Western Spaghetti arc), and is almost a direct parallel to SMG4. They both was to succeed and produce original content, striving for perfection. The only major difference is that Mr. Puzzles has been alone for the majority of his life whereas SMG4 has his crew. Despite this, however, SMG4 still snaps and isolates himself similarly to how Puzzles takes complete creative control.
Not having a proper friend/support group is also what causes Puzzles to fail, isolating himself from the rest of the world. Even though we don’t see much of the studio, it’s still pretty run down and barren, implying that Puzzles doesn’t spend much time there, if at all. Puzzles spends most of his time in the shows, directing/acting/ect, and avoiding the real world where he doesn’t have control. When he’s in the real world and bored, he dissociates a lot, planning out his next big projects.
To add, he’s not a big fan of modern technology as a whole, and sticks to older tech (like the older computer model in the teaser between the scooby episode and the gameshow episode and his head being an older computer). Same goes for the studio. I can totally see him walking into the decrepit building with the real estate agent being like “this building hasn’t seen the light of day since 200 b.c,” and Mr. Puzzles ecstatically goes “I’ll TAKE IT!” He’d also do his own renovations and film it for an abandoned house-flipping series, scrapping it later because he sucks at renovating.
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He can’t take constructive criticism if his life depended on it. He tries, but all he thinks is “well these people just don’t understand TRUE art in this world!”
He can play shows/movies in the back of his mind whenever, and often does if he’s not on set. Y’know that reddit/tumblr post about the kid who memorized Shrek so much that he could just watch it from memory and his dad would catch him at the 37:14 mark and be like “stop watching shrek and go to bed,”? Yeah, Puzzles is like that. Only difference is that he can’t pause it, only tune it out.
He’ll watch them, but found-family sit-coms depress him. Shows like Friends, It’s Always Sunny in Philly, etc remind him of what his life could’ve been if he could’ve made friends properly.
To add to this, y’know how he projects himself in his shows? What if he did that with shows like Friends, where he’s a part of the cast and laughing along. He’d do it in his sleep and not even realize it’s a dream until the episode ends and he wakes up alone. :,]
On a lighter note, older tvs release a light frequency that gets louder the older it gets. Mr. Puzzles probably hums a frequency without realizing it that people can only hear if they’re close and he isn’t babbling away. Older tvs also kinds adjust(?) where they slightly creek a lil. Mr. Puzzles probably does, to, and it’s the equivalent of him cracking his neck.
He’s also more prone to shock people slightly, depending on how manic he is. If he rubs his gloves together he’s practically a battery.
He has a daily care routine that involves him carefully wiping his screen with windex.
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These ones are more show/content based. If these continue to do well I’ll post some more general and maybe relationship hcs :]. If you guys have any suggestions/questions/critiques please let me know!
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wormdebut · 6 months
67 if the steddies is still open!!!
HELLO THERE! Hi! Sorry this took a second, but it is here. And it certainly is something. #67 on my Spotify Wrapped is Judas by Lady Gaga The following blurb is rated a Hard M/Soft E. There is religious fuckery, daddy kink, hand kink, and spit. (Isn't there always with me?) Anywhozle, minors DNI. Everyone else, Enjoy.
Eddie loves Sundays. Sundays are great. He has time to lay down a few new guitar tracks, he gets high at noon, lounges around his house in his boxers. Sundays are great. Lately, Eddie gets something better than all of that though.
He gets Steve Harrington, pent up and in his Sunday best.
Eddie fucking loves Sundays.
He checks his watch, 12:15. Lovely. Steve should be here any--Eddie smiles to himself when he hears the soft knock at his front door. His soft boy.
Eddie waltzes over, pulling the front door open and Steve's eyes--big and wide--meet his own.
"Hi." Steve breathes as his eyes run up and down Eddie's shirtless tattooed chest. Eddie holds back a laugh, but can't stop the smirk when Steve's eyes go wider when he drags his gaze over Eddie's half hard cock in his boxer--He was tracking a bad ass song. So he got a little excited. Kill him. Steve's eyes snap back up to Eddie's.
He has a staring problem, Eddie's boy does. Eddie grabs him by the waist, Steve letting out a soft hum as Eddie pulls him inside. Sweet little thing.
"Hi baby boy." He says before pulling Steve in for a kiss. It's not even anything, a quick thing. Eddie has done much worse to his baby, but Steve whimpers. Melts into it.
So, church was rough today then.
Eddie can work with this.
He deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue into Steve's soft mouth, past his pink lips. Steve's lets out a noise between a sigh and a moan. Whines when Eddie pulls away, chasing after his lips.
Eddie leans back, grabbing Steve's face. Steve leans into his hand, hums. Eddie runs his finger over his cheekbone, delighting in the red blush running over his pretty face. He cocks his head, "Rough service?"
Steve shakes his head, still leaning into Eddie's touch. "D'wanna talk about it. Just want you." Steve jerks his head out of Eddie's hold and leans forward, trying for a kiss and Eddie clicks his tongue against his teeth, dropping his hold of Steve completely.
Eddie makes his way back to his sofa and Steve just stands by the door, eyes wide, frown wider. "I--Eds please." He breathes.
Eddie throws the strap of his guitar over his back and levels Steve with a sharp look. "Please what baby boy?"
"I--I need--" He stutters and Eddie raises an eyebrow. "I need you, daddy."
Oh. Steve only pulls that out when he's particularly down. Eddie tries his best not to smirk. His pretty baby will get what he needs, always does.
"I know you do, precious. But, I need to get this guitar tracking finished. So why don't you come over here and wait while I do?"
Eddie watches as Steve pouts. Perfect pink lip jutting out. Eddie sighs, "Stevie, you better put that bratty little lip away right now. You wanna be good, don't you?"
Steve straightens up and nods. Lets out a breathy "Yes."
Eddie smiles at that. "There's my good boy. C'mere, kneel in front of me. I want you to watch."
Steve is quick, doesn't even bother to take off his suit jacket as he rushes over. Eddie is quicker, throws a pillow down, before Steve can hurt himself on the damn hardwood.
"Jesus, baby." Eddie breathes. "Be nice to yourself."
Steve just kneels, eyes locked on Eddie's, doesn't speak. Doesn't want to. He is a man of little words on Sunday afternoons. His stupid fucking church ruse takes everything out of him.
Eddie hums, leaning forward to run a hand through Steve's hair, before he settles back into the sofa and hit the record button on his mac. This song is intense. Heavy guitar, he loses himself in it, like he is wont to do. Things couldn't be better for Eddie, he's got a successful music career and a fucking angel at his feet.
It's over before he knows it. He looks to Steve, still dutifully kneeling on his pillow. Eddie expects Steve's eyes to find his, like they always do, but Steve isn't looking for eye contact. He's looking at Eddie's hands. He watches as Steve's eyes track his fingers as he pulls off the guitar, sets it on the couch. Steve's eyes follow. Eddie smirks.
He snaps his fingers and that's what does it. Steve's eyes jerk up.
"Whatcha thinking about baby?" Eddie asks.
Steve just hums. "Your hands--fingers. Want 'em."
Eddie smirks, patting his lap, come here baby boy."
His boy scrambles up, quickly sitting in Eddie's lap, he leans forward for a kiss, which Eddie allows, before he leans back running his thumb across spit slicked lips. Steve's mouth drops open, tongue lolling out and Eddie--well.
Eddie pulls, forcing Steve's mouth to open wider and spits. Steve moans, but doesn't swallow. Knows not to.
"God, you are such a good boy." Eddie growls as he plunges to fingers into Steve's mouth, running them over his tongue, mixing his and Steve's spit. He pushes them back, into Steve's throat, "Swallow baby."
Steve groans as he swallows around the fingers in his mouth. Eddie can feel his cock through his dress pants. Today will be fun.
Eddie pulls his fingers out, watches as Steve's tries to lean forward, pull them back in. He taps at Steve's cheek, rubbing the spit up and down his pretty cheek.
Steve whimpers. "Oh my god."
Eddie laughs, darkly. "Mm no baby, God's not here."
Jesus is my virtue, and Judas is the demon I cling to.
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loaksloversblog · 7 months
Gentle pt. 1
pt. 2 here
WARNINGS : Handjob , Oral (F receiving) , Praise , SMUT !!
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PAIRINGS : softdom!lo’ak x brat/switch!fem human to omaticaya reader .
You and the sully were always close , since you were too young for a cryopod when the sky people left. You and spider were close too, but he was never one to be super compassionate. You and Lo'ak were super close , he always understood how you felt. everyone noticed he was particularly sweet to you. You both felt unbelievably misunderstood, like outcasts. Neteyam was sweet too, but you never felt he understood you as he was always this perfect boy. You loved all of them to death, and they were your home. Ever since you were a kid, you've been begging norm for an avatar body, to be in forever. Most of the clan accepted you, but obviously some didnt. It took Neytiri a while to accept you fully, and even she had her moments sometimes.
As you and lo’ak grew , so did your feelings for eachother . You started your sweet , innocent relationship with him when you were around 16 . On your 18th birthday , Norm announced to you and the Sullys that for the past 3 years , he has been working on an avatar for you that will be ready within the next few months. You were so excited , you counted down the days until you were finally in the right body . You were so excited to smell all the smells of pandora , and be completely in sync with your world . And post importantly , experience the less gentle side of lo’ak .
Lo’ak was always gentle with you . You appreciated this greatly when you were kids , but you’re 18 now . You’re craving something more than hugs and kisses , something more than cuddles and massages when you were sore . You wanted him , all of him .
You guys loved having date nights every Friday . This time , you decided to go to the secluded hot springs together . It started out with just cuddling , until you mounted him , pressing your lips against his . He didn’t stop you , because he craved this just as much as you did . It took everything out of him to hold back , because as much as he wanted to fuck you senseless , he didn’t want to hurt your tiny human body .
The kissing got more and more passionate , harder , more tongue , and you felt a rush of heat move from your core to in between your legs . You wanted more . You felt his cock grow hard under his loincloth , amused by his excitement , you place hard kisses down his neck . His breathing starts getting heavier , sending shivers down your spine . You grabbed his cock , feeling it twitch in the warm water you both are submerged in . “Tanhì , what are- what are you doing ?” he says , while breathing heavy as you grip his cock hard mid sentence . “I want you , lo. i’ve waited so long just to get my hands on you .” you respond , with a glimmer of mischief in your eyes . “I- we can’t . i don’t want to hurt you . you’re too small .” he attempted to say as you untie his loincloth . He wasn’t wrong though . you were even smaller than an average human . “shh , this wont hurt me .” you stroke his dick , slow but with a grip on it . Watching him close his eyes and lean his head back is the most liberating feeling .
You continue to stroke faster , and faster , feeling his heart rate speed up , and his breathing get shakier . The knot in his stomach continues to grow , and you can feel his dick contract in your hands , so you pull away . He looks at you with such confusion . “Not yet sweet boy , you look pretty like this . I want to see you like this for a little bit longer , okay ?” you say with a smile on your face . he hisses in response , but allowing you to have your fun , because he’ll have his soon .
Both of your hands stroking his dick up and down , sometimes just holding it in place to feel his warmth . When you’ve had for fun , you finally give him the feeling he wants . fast , hard strokes . “Tanhì , can i- can i cum now ? please?” he says hissing though his teeth . “yes , you can my love.” you continue to go faster . “FUCK- fuck i’m cumming .” he says , spilling his seed in the water you’re in . You look at him , with such an innocent look on your eyes , giving him a kiss . He places his hands on your hips , picking up your tiny body and throwing it onto the towel behind you , while he stays in the water . FINALLY . finally he isn’t being gentle . “Lo , what are you doing ?” “shh Tahnì , you’re going to be strong for me, yeah ?”
He kisses your stomach , untying your loincloth , and sending tingles throughout your whole body . He lightly parts your folds with his fingers , noticing your breathing getting heavier already . His fingers are huge , taking up the whole length of your pussy . He lowers his mouth down to your clit , placing light licks on it . He moves slowly , building up the tension and your frustration . You grind on his fingers , trying to chase the friction . He smirks seeing how desperate you are for him . He gives in , fingering you faster and circling your bundle of nerves with his tongue , and sucking . “aaah fu- fuck lo.” you moan out , you feel dizzy and in a completely euphoric state . He curls his fingers hitting your spongy spot on the inside of your walls , making you squirm and clench around him . “FUCK LO’AK . you- you’re gunna make-“ “no . not yet . you said you’d be strong yeah ? just a little longer pretty girl.”
You do as he wishes , and hold back from undoing yourself on him . You’re so close . So close , and he can tell . He continues to finger fuck you faster , sucking harder as you tighten your thighs around his head . “Lo , PLEASE . please let me cum !!” you yell out . “your adorable when you beg” he says in between licks . “beg for me again and maybe i’ll let you” He continues these fast motions making you to absolutely insane . “Lo’ak please !! pl- please let me cum ! i- i beg you!!” your screaming at this point , eyes fold with tears and desperate for permission to release . “okay tanhì , cum for me okay ?” as soon as he grants you permission , you undo yourself squirting all over his face , neck , and his chest . He laps up your juices like a starving animal . You’re out of breath and dizzy , not able to form a single word , only able to let out shaky breaths . “you were so good for me” he says , kissing you on the forehead while rubbing your stomach . “Just wait till you are na’vi , tanhì , so i don’t have to be as gentle .” he says . he carry’s you back into the water , rinses you off , and helps you put back on your top and loincloth . Still a little hazey , you crawl on top of his chest , entangling yourself with him , suddenly a little greatful he was always so gentle with you in your body , since you could barely keep up with only his fingers .
I HOPE U ENJOYED IM NEW TO THIS !! send recommendations please , and there will be a part 2 !! love you 💙
-shay out 😽
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sawtual · 1 year
do you have any nica pierce and tiffany valentine headcanons?
letting this ask age like fine wine until i got to the perfect point to answer it which is right now i guess <3
im not sure if you were asking for them separately or as a ship but uhhhh ill just cover all my bases ^_^
when nica was in college she was kind of a heart breaker. she hadn’t dated very much in highschool, probably just some boy for a few months, mainly out of a feeling of obligation, but she really hits her stride in college. it helps because shes finally on her own, she can spread her wings without the burden of feeling like the pitiful disabled girl with the mentally ill mother. in college she gets to be witty and charming and make friends who dont know her dreary backstory. also in college she realizes she is in fact a lesbian.. <3 (insert obligatory changing my major reference thank you kora)
nica’s kind of reveling in the discovery of women and kissing women and being with women and well she is all about that but i fear that she is a huge commitmentphobe is the problem. the list of messy exes and ghosted one night stands is something that honestly embarrasses nica but well you see they were too clingy ! (wanted to sleep over after having sex) they were too pushy and nosey! (asked about her childhood)
basically um. well imagine growing up and your mother drills it into you over and over again that the scariest most dangerous thing you can do is fall in love with someone. that no matter what nica does, dont love another person. dont open yourself up to the hurt, the pain, the loss. and nica rebuffs it because of course she does. she resents her mother for thinking nica cant handle herself, handle possible loss or pain, but she grew up on this, this fear and anguish seeped into her brain and now she herself is terrified of that possible loss. so she simply does not open herself up to that! which is actually what is so funny but also perfect about tiffanica to me. nica so resistent and fearful of commitment and mutual love that it takes another woman literally keeping her in their house like a wounded bird for her to get the kind of exposure therapy she needed to see that maybe being loved is not the terrible thing she grew up thinking it would be
oh also i really believe that sarah pierce has had a few suicide scares in the past, and that was particularly hard when barb was away from home (nica would be 12-18 all by herself with her mother). nica feels extremely responsible for her mothers mental health and keeping her safe. in fact i genuinely believe that the reason nica is at home in curse is not because of her own health reasons but because sarahs mental health took a pretty drastic drip and, of course barb refused to take care of her (she wanted to send her to a care home/or a ward), so nica swallowed her pride and gave up her independence to move back with her mother and keep an eye on her while she got better. i genuinely believe this is canon i wont lie, i feel like its very well supported in the text and implications of the movie.. but im just throwing it in here because i like spreading the good word
so for tiffany its pretty much canon that she meets chucky when shes uhhh 19 if we are being generous. shes very young. and hes in his late 20s </3. so well for tiffany i think she had a very messy time in her teenage years. a lot of intense relationships that were not good for her at all, she wanted to feel something, feel alive and in control but these men dont really wake that feeling up in her. she’s not careful with herself, i wouldnt call her suicidal but shes not very concerned with her life. visiting bars and hooking up with dangerous looking men for a thrill, shes kind of just waiting to get murdered about it the rate shes going. but when she meets chucky the pieces just fall into place. their relationship is so turbulent and exciting and dangerous and everything tiffany thought she wanted. but chucky is on a level above tiffany, hes colder, more calculating, more manipulative and dangerous, despite how badly tiffany wants to be just as despicable as him.
this isnt so much a headcanon but uhhhh. the fact that tiffany and chucky are together for 2 years before he dies. the fact that chucky kills her mother.. ^_^ um well i think that was probably just about the most fucked up thing. you have no one but me. she was holding you back. she wanted to stop you, but i want to set you free. etc etc etc… AGHH. when youre wrapped up so tightly in another person like that, in such a twisted and desperate and unhealthy way, it really does make sense that tiffany is obsessed with chucky ten years later. especially the fact that in that time she had idealized him so severely, i really believe that tiffany had completely twisted their relationship up in her head in the 10 years he was gone. she convinces herself that what they had was magical, that he was the one for her, that he was more loving than he actually was, that he held a certain amount of tenderness for her that shes emphasized in her mind. that she was the villain in their relationship, the desperate jealous bitch who hurt her loving boyfriend, without even giving him a chance. she gets the chucky heart tattoo when she finds out he dies, revels in the pain. she deserves to hurt after what she did. its less of a tattoo and more of a brand
hmmm kind of headcanon but also kind of implied canon due to jennifer and fiona’s machinations.. but i really like the concept of tiffany and nica having a very complicated and interesting dynamic post cult. the first time tiffany meets nica properly, is after chucky has hurt her. maybe he hit her or said something particularly hurtful, but she swings back and hits him across the face and well. out comes nica. this is how they meet the first few times. nica manages to wrangle her anxiety and panic under control, seeing the way that tiffany is so hysterically upset and anguished. and she comforts her. she doesnt know what else to do, she hates tiffany, cant look at her without hearing “she’s dead, miss pierce” ringing in her ears but the longer tiffany spends sobbing in nicas arms, she doesnt feel that burning hatred in the pit of her stomach. the fear kind of subsides a little too, not by much, but its not the overwhelming blind panic she felt the first time this happened. shes realizing that tiffany is not the cold calculating villain that she had believed her to be. that shes broken, hurting and scared, and desperately in love with chucky, someone who cant love her back the way she wants, the way she needs.. nica pities her
also the rest of my tiffanica thoughts lie squarely in the alternate but better reality where nica never gets dismembered and tiffany exorcises chucky from her body, so them living in tiffanys house together is a lot more like. focused on their dynamic and how they learn to care for each other in a way that makes sense to both of them. its kind of everything to me.. ^_^
OH one additional silly headcanon i have is that barb owned a copy of bound, but she left it at home after leaving to college, and a young nica ends up stumbling upon it and well um. it in fact does affect her in ways.
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 6 months
BG3 AU Circle of Decay: Dammon Headcannons
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hey hi it's me, again, currently dying from food poisoning at 1am
So I was sitting in my office thinking about how much I love this Tiefling and I realized. . . . .as a character you probably never want to hear that from ANY writer, because that means you'll get emotional damage for breakfast.
🌟 These headcannons are for a BG3 AU called "Circle of Decay", all the content for this AU can be found here -> (Link)
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So we all know that Dammon and Karlach are kind of an item/ its kind of like puppy love - that being said, I dont think the game eludes to it being more than that
BELIEVE ME I WANT THAT TO HAPPEN - ahem - but in this AU it does not happen
Karlach is so busy that Dammon is just doing his own thing and perfecting his craft - he's not the best blacksmith in Faerune for no reason, and while I'm sure he would wait on her - people just be on different paths, you know?
While his main shop is in Baulder's Gate - he will ocassionally go to the rebuilt town of what was once the shadowfell realm - to sell and work on more items
Since the town's form of payment is primarily services and goods and not money - he does get some pretty sweet kickbacks and of course clients who can pay will get their armor and weapons done at a faster rate
His blacksmithing there is not permenant - they just needed someone with services there every once in a while until the town could officially get their own. Think of it as his 2nd base, his vacation forge, 2nd store location if you will.
The Night They Met
When he met Faeryl - the man was like Oh Shit
The poor girl was half naked / covered in blood and hyperventaliting in the corner of his forge
"I'm so sorry. Please don't freak out. I didn't have anywhere else to hide and I don't want my father knowing. "
He asks her if he should grab the local healer and she quickly responds "No. Please don't. The locals already don't like me and they especially won't after this. I don't want to give my father anymore grief "
He brings her a blanket and a dish with warm water and a rag. He kindly asks if he can clean up the cuts and wounds on her back
As he wipes the blood off of her right shoulder he's almost taken aback - The Symbol of House Vandree is branded there in her skin.
"Please don't tell anyone" she's almost crying. He calms her down and assures he wont - perhaps he could walk her home.
"Where are you staying at? I could deliver you to your father"
"Oh. Yeah I'm staying at the old MoonRise Towers "
"Oh you and your father are staying with Halsin?"
"Uh haha technically? Halsin IS my father"
"Oh you must be one of the adopted children"
"I wish. I would've had a less traumatic childhood. Also, I'm 90 years old - so I'm not a child"
Dammon just looks at her for a second. His brain is malfunctioning. It's currently in the endless loading screen circle and playing weird dial up noises. "I didn't know Halsin had biological children"
"Yeah neither did he, nor I - Quiet frankly when that weird mummy said something I thought he was playing a joke"
"But. . . you're drow? Also you have the marking of House Vandree - one of their slaves?"
"Wow you look more confused and scared than I am, and I'm the one who just accidently murdered a family of deer. Look, It's a long, long story. I also hate to ask this - but I'm not too keen on heading back home and getting a lecture"
Dammon aggrees to let her stay for the rest of the evening - only walking her home after all the villager's had fallen alseep and gotten over the commotion of finding deer entrails near town
He does want an explanation of what all is going on if she's going to stay - so she spills everything.
He seems to be charmed by her - she's wrapped herself up in the blanket and has curled up on a cushion next to the fire. The cup of tea he's given her looks so large in her hands
Since that day - she visits him in the morning to bring him honey buns, cinnamon rolls, etc. More or less it's an excuse to see him.
Faeryl ends up visiting him in the middle of the night every so often when she can't sleep - he's normally up still working anyways
Emotional Damage Headcannons
Faeryl does NOT initally tell him that she's pregnant with is child - she's in disbelief. As far as she knew she couldn't conceive - Fey'ri are normally born when Sun Elves and Tieflings interbred.
As far as she knows she was Drow/Wood Elf - it never occured to her that she had Sun Elf in her blood, although she does have noble blood
One day he notices that Faeryl hasn't come to visit in about 2 days - which was unusual
He heads to Halsin's home to see if she's okay; Mol, Arabella, Halsin, and Greta are all in the kitchen looking STRESSED
They explain that Malice and Alistair came for her and took her back home to Menzobarranzan - forcefully - they fucking just kidnapped her and threatened to slaughter the whole town; she didn't have a choice
Halsin is pacing - worried, he explained that she can't hide her belly for long. It's already starting to show a little bit
Dammon is like "Um what?!"
Gretta sits him down at the table "She hasn't told you? She's carrying your babe."
If he were standing up his knees wouldve buckled and he wouldve hit the ground
The man wants to grab a sword and run towards the underdark - but Mol stops him and points out that hes NOT a fighter (MF ACT 2 WAS SO STRESSFUL BECAUSE HE KEPT WANTING TO JOIN IN ON THE FIGHTS AND HIS ASS KEPT DYING - I RELOADED LIKE 17 TIMES)
If House Vandree were to find out that they have a possible Fey'ri in their possession it's over - they're killing her and taking the babe. The child would be the perfect killing machine - Infernal Blood, Noble Blood, Magic Abilities
Eventually it plays out to where they do get a hold of Dammon and force him to forge Armor for House Vandree (for an upcoming war)
they only allow him to see Faeryl for a mere few minutes before they tear them apart
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Anyways - that's all i have for tonight <3 I am currently in the process of writing some scripts to voice act so stay tuned for that.
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bismuthburnsblue · 7 months
pre project write up: the coat!
ill keep this short (for me) because i worked through most the details with the wearable mockup from last year, but i wanted to reintroduce this project & the fabrics ill be using :)
This is the final version of my winter coat project, which i am starting at a great time (ill probably finish this well after its gotten cold!) Ive started with a base of McCalls M6800, because im not super confident in my ability to draft a pattern with the correct ease for this type of garment. Ive made some minor fittings (far too much room in one of the front seams for me, and i took some volume out of the skirt area. the shoulders were. weird. i honestly wouldnt rate this pattern super highly it had some grading issues that should have been caught, but it serves my purposes) and now i should be ready to go! i wont be following the instructions very much but theyre pretty basic anyway, so ill just go my own way and see where i end up!
this is kind of the inspo if you want a visual!
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the main body of the coat will be made out of this gorgeous, velvet like wool (i think its a blend?). In true Nyx fashion, its black and absolutely impossible to photograph. its probably one of the most expensive fabrics ive ever bought but i looked through dozens of options and this was by far the best one i found. im really particular about textures and this one is just, so nice, and its quite thin for a wool (not in a bad way, its just compact rather than fluffy) which is something im going to appreciate with the amount of fabric in this coat.
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Next: the lining! given that i was going to all this effort to make my own coat, i wanted this to be a completely unique garment, in every aspect, including the lining. I knew i wanted something with a design on it, and something that was a dramatic contrast to the outside, so when i saw this gorgeous 'chinese brocade' fabric i knew it was the perfect thing. Its very much. not a lining fabric and was past the budget i had in mind for my lining but i didnt see anything that came even remotely close to this in my mind so i caved and bought it. Even a year on im still enamoured with it and hope i have some left over to use for other things! I did get extra of the slippery black satin i used to line the mock up coat and i plan to use that to line the sleeves just for the extra glide, but ill use this for the main body.
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one last fabric! one of the changes i wanted to make from the red version was to add a fur collar so i tracked down the softest faux fur you have ever touched! again awful to photograph, but its perfect, and it was by weight, so now i have a huge piece of this :D
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i do also want to make note of the buttons i picked! theyre absolutely gorgeous and i, once again, hunted for ages to find the perfect option and here they are! they photograph a lovely colour but irl the gold is a little pink toned so my extra ass has bought some rub n buff to tone them into a better shade. yes. the buttons. for my coat. listen.
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im generally happy with my mock up, but there are a few changes i want to make. the obvious one was one that was in the plans from before i even started the red one, which was changing the collar. i wasnt super sold on it in the first place and the further in i got, the more i wanted a fur collar! since i have so much of my fur, im also planning on adding it around the cuffs and i do keep tossing up doing the whole hem but i think that might be a little much.
The other major change i want to make is to how i finished the coat. im actually pretty happy with the hemming method i chose for the reasons i chose it, but for this version i want to do something different. the plan this time is to do a facing in the outer fabric on the lining pieces and have that completely attached through the inside, removing any opportunities for the lining to show unintentionally.
Theres also a couple of minor fit things i want to change, i want to add more width to the back in case this fabric is tougher than my mockup, i want to rethink how i did my buttons because that made me miserable last time, and i want to add a little length to the hem. oh and better pockets! i need to give it my mega pockets. but overall im pretty much ready to go straight into it! im so nervous
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 years
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Happiest of Fridays and Warmest of Welcomes to our guest, @softlystarstruck. I am so excited for them to join us in the library today!
I first loved Bee for their own brilliant prose, but quickly fell in love with their softly reading weekly rec lists (due to time constraints they aren't currently creating new lists - understandable! But be sure to search their tag “softly reading” to find their previous lists) Bee's blog is aptly named because they bring a sense of soft love and acceptance to everything they write or rec - everytime I visit their blog I feel like my heart is taking a deep breath and I'm able to find a moment of peace. I knew they'd be a great guest for the library and I've been so excited to see what lovely fic they'd share with us. They didn't disappoint me, and they wont disappoint you either, so without further ado, I'll let Bee give their fic rec!
Hello and happy Friday!
I’m so excited the Librarian asked me to collaborate on a rec–I’ve found so many fantastic fics through their thoughtful rec lists. When they reached out to me, I was at a loss for what to talk about, because I read a lot of fic. But then I started thinking about fics that hold a special place in my heart, fics that I come back to over and over like I’m reaching for a hand-knit blanket in the winter, and I knew exactly which one I wanted to bring to Happy Hour:
To Vanish Into Something Better by the fantastic @m0srael (35,094 words, rated E)
Harry Potter thought he could outrun the burden of infamy by isolating himself in the Muggle world. Draco Malfoy hasn’t been seen or heard from since his trial. Will a top-secret Ministry project, a beautiful garden, and a little heat carry them both home?
This fic was written for H/D Erised 2021, and I was lucky enough to help with it and see Mose build this story from the ground up. Through careful plot points and beautiful prose, Mose creates a lush, evocative, and mysterious environment at the Manor that stands in stark contrast to Harry’s life at the beginning of the story. Here are just a few reasons this fic is one of my favorites: 
⭑ The magical theory is absolutely stunning.
Mose never fails to write creative magical theory, and this fic is no exception. As Harry grows into his career as a magical architect, we get to experience the possibilities of magical structures, like these charms that can be built into a home: “a laundry charm specifically designed to sort clean clothes by owner, a charm for the entryway that recognizes each family member’s magical signature and announces their arrival.” Additionally, the natural magic that Harry encounters is so vivid you can nearly smell the blossoms and feel the soft grass underfoot. Magic works in distinct and varied ways throughout this story, always humming underneath the characters' daily lives or surging to the surface at critical moments. 
⭑ Harry’s growth as a character is wonderfully hopeful.
At the beginning of this story, Harry is not in contact with his loved ones and has just broken up with his Muggle boyfriend. He’s at a low point, overwhelmed and alone, and focuses on his work to stay afloat. However, as the storyline of this fic flourishes, so does Harry’s happiness. Mose writes Harry realistically struggling to find his place, but it is always threaded through with a tenacious sense of hope for something better. If you need the comfort of a hard-earned happy ending, this fic is perfect– Mose guides you through the highs and lows with a steady, careful hand.
⭑ There is mystery! And intrigue!
I won’t elaborate too much on this point for fear of spoilers, but if you love a Ministry with obscure intentions and Harry being absolutely baffled by a reclusive (and long-haired and gorgeous) Draco, this is the fic for you. It’s so satisfying to uncover the truth of everything right alongside Harry, and the climax of this story absolutely blows me away no matter how many times I reread it. 
⭑ The prose is stunning. 
Pretty much all I’ve got for this is a quote: “The early morning sun streams over the horizon and in through the window above the kitchen sink, warm and honey-gold. Draco squints his eyes as the long, drooping catkins of the hazel tree outside waver on the wind like dancing caterpillars and send showers of light dripping across his face.” This story is full of beautiful, sense-filled imagery that lingers like warmth on a late spring afternoon. 
I could go on and on about this fic, but instead you should just go and experience it for yourself! If you love it as much as I do, don’t forget to leave kudos, drop a comment, and check out Mose’s many other works. Also, take a look at this beautiful artwork by the talented @helle-bored! Thank you again to the Librarian for inviting me to Happy Hour, and for all the hard work they do 💖
If you enjoyed this rec and want to find more recs by guests, check out the Friends of the Library page at the top of my blog!
A big thank you again to @softlystarstruck for this incredible rec - one that I haven't read yet (but am eager to start!)
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Friday!
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ash-and-books · 8 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb:Away games, back seats, and the locker room after hours...New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas is back with this spicy new adult romance, now with bonus material.
Marymount girls are good girls. Even if they weren't, no one would know, because girls like Clay Collins keep their mouths shut.
Not that Clay has anything to share, anyway. Always in control, she owns the hallways, walking tall on Monday and then dropping to her knees like the good Catholic girl she is on Sunday. What she wants she has to hide.
Liv Jaeger crosses the tracks every day for one reason: to graduate from high school and get into the Ivy League. But Clay—with her beautiful skin, clean shoes, and rich parents—torments her daily and thinks Liv won't fight back.
At least not until Liv gets Clay alone and finds out she's hiding so much more than just what's underneath those pretty clothes.
Liv told Clay to stay on her side of town. But one night, Clay doesn't listen. And once Liv is done with her, she'll never be a good girl again.
An all consuming obsession, cruelty like a game, and two girls who are one moment away from tearing each other apart. Clay is the princess, a beautiful wealthy girl who has one single obsession, getting under Olivia's skin... but what Olivia doesn't know is that Clay wants to hurt her so badly because she wants to be the only thing that Olivia thinks about because for Clay... her mind is consumed by Olivia. Olivia "Liv" is the openly out girl who lives on the poor side of town, all she wants is to get into the theater program at Dartmouth and survive school, she only has a few more months and that means all she has to do is survive Clay's venom for a few months... but Clay is escalating the game... and now Liv has had enough. Liv knows that Clay is obsessed with her, that under her good girl facade, under the spoiled princess, is someone who Liv can't stop thinking about. The more Clay and Olivia ramp up their games the more pain they'll inflict on one another... but as the saying goes... sometimes to best way to deal with venom is with antivenom... which just happens to be more venom. Clay is obsessed with Liv but she isn't out, it's her little secret, she's suppose to be the picture perfect girl for her family, but she wont let Liv escape her, if she can't have Liv no one else can and she'll tear apart anyone who gets in her way. But the question becomes... what if the only person in Clay's way is herself? Clay and Liv were AMAZING. This book was EVERYTHING for me. Morally grey girls who are toxic to each other but deeply obsessed? Check. The "only I can hurt her" and "she's mine" trope? Check. The "You are the only person for me" and "I only think about you" but make it toxic and amazing? Check. Seriously this book was a dream come true. It's giving villain girls romance and I LIVE FOR IT. I had such a blast with this one and I absolutely adored the relationship between Liv and Clay so much. Seriously, I can't stop thinking about this book at all, so DEFINITELY add it to your tbr!
*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Rating The Religion of Loneliness (by syudou) covers.
(Idk have some brain vomit I've been storing for a while but only thought of writing down now bc this song randomly came in while i was shuffling Miy_yuus covers)
Dongdang 10/10
-soft as usual with his covers
-brings out the songs helplessness. I LOVE IT
-i like how his voice blends with the loud, overpowering instrumentals
-THIS cover feels like the characters just, not, resisting. The characters just let themselves be tangled in this abusive relationship. It sounds so dreadful and lifeless
-really beautiful cover in general
Chogakusei 9/10
-did a wonderful job at expressing the aggressiveness of the song, its a nice contrast to Dongdangs cover
-"I’m hoping to be saved by that, like an idiot/Saying that I hate this, that I don’t want to do it anymore" perfectly encompasses the hate Tamo has for the world, or himself, rather
-also a very nicely mixed cover
Miyashita yuu 1000000/10
-perfect as always
-sorry im biased(not really)
-a favourite
-the exaggerations on some parts, the frustrated screams on the "im not lonely! not lonely at all!" Contrasting the soft "even though i get that, this hunger for love wont disappear", even his voice faltering at the "ai"(love), the muffled effect on tamos part, heavenly mixing, once again THE FRUSTRATION!! THE DESPERATION!!! You can hear the characters desperation and frustration! Its amazing what yuu could do with his voice,,, like wtf is that skill
-his attention to detail is also so, so incredible. The way he delivers each line and makes it sound like its the characters are talking. Hes not JUST singing it. Hes TELLING a story.
- of course itd be criminal if i didnt mention these parts: "this little fucker/wont stay obedient forever [..] they're both insane" "sleeping through the night and waking up in the morning, simply repeating that/ i must have had hopes and dreams, but i suddenly realized this was all that was left/but how long can I go on while dedicating I have to that one thing?/ Ah, the world may as well laugh at this coward from the bottom of its heart." actually insane
Syudou (selfcover) 100/10
-2nd fave
-man where do i EVEN start
-syudou has such a distinct voice! He doesnt have Yuu's dramatic range nor chogakusei's powerful growls but his voice alone makes up for it. What i particularly love about this cover is the part "im not lonely!/not lonely at all but...." its SO addictive!!! Hes pretty good at screaming(?) You can also hear it at 3:03 on Herebeke Junkie.
-really fantastic overall.
-once again, round of applause for syudous voice because when i first listened to his selfcovers i was actually flabbergasted. You dont know HOW glad i was that he started using his own vocals for his songs.
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netflixnormalthings · 2 years
in my cliche fandom blog era anyway ship rating (filters for poorly rated ships so as not to bother you guys who do ship those im not fond of. oh except for billy ships i am keeping those uncensored given billy is a racist abuser) also lol no hate i am filtering for a reason (apart from the above mentioned)
milkvan: 2/10 romantic 7/10 platonic. all of their best moments are the ones that arent inherently romantic, like messing with hopper, or like. being the first people to not hate eachother. good duo, kinda toxic as a couple what with communication breakdowns and el not really being given a chance to understand her feelings... yeah i dont like it
lumax: 9/10 i love them so much they communicate have a fun dynamic support eachother i love them i love them. really care deeply about eachother and i love that
elmax: 9/10 so much understanding and girls having fun
elumax: 10/10 oh my god it is everything it is perfect showstopping amazing incredible- but seriously! look at them! understanding! support! theyre just adorable!
byler: 9/10. im chill about them though. endgame truther but i dont really go insane over them
st*ncy: why why excuse me why so bad for both of their characters oh my god uh uh 1/10 i guess very bad i could write an essay on why it is bad im just incoherent right now
j*ncy: uh alright ig??? peak was s1 and s2 but it sorta broke down after s3. they care they just cant and wont communicate and tend to lash out which leads to less care. pretty cute but ah well 6/10
ronance: 10/10 literally so insane about them like the dynamic, the way their characters work well in terms of narrative...
st*ddie: somewhere between 5 and 7 out of 10. idk i dont really interact with st*ddie content given that i ussualy filter it out for the sake of getting to the content i want to, but theyre all right. overhyped, but all right. cute maybe??? idk
jargyle: 10/10 they are weed smoking boyfriends they are funny they care about eachother so much they are supportive they-
stonathan: solid 6 or 7 out of 10, but im more willing to engage with this content than st*ddie lol. better dynamic imo, just ignoring that steve called him a slur one time but he got better about that. i would be willing to see them in the background so yeah ig i ship
jopper: 10/10 that being said i dont go out of my way to find stuff about them. they just kinda exist and i like them
r0ckie: 5/10 sorry. too similar. not really developed. i am biased
harringrove: so far in the negatives. so very far. please seek help if you stan billy
byclair: 7/10 cute ig wont scroll past on my dash just dont really care that much. fun dynamic. lucas would treat him right, i just dont know if they would work as a couple so i sorta ship
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cainightfics · 1 year
these anons are so annoying, it also frustrates me because tyrelliot is nowhere near as bad as some ships that came from this show (like people who shipped elliot and mr robot) and yet some self righteous people compare the two like it's even remotely the same thing. sorry to mention that people who shipped elliot and mr robot even existed but god I really don't understand why people conflate it with tyrelliot. mr robot is the alter that elliot developed because of his sexual abuse growing up, and tyrell is an evil guy who was in love with him. I wish people would direct their attention elsewhere when there are much worse things being written in this fandom. feel free to not share this btw, it's reasonable to not want to make any posts where people might start arguing about mr robot x elliot. just wanted to share my thoughts. TLDR, tyrelliot shouldn't be argued about as being problematic when there are much worse popular ships in this fandom, and your fics are really good
adding more to my message from before sorry; also don't think that I mean anybody deserves harassment, I'm just saying that when there are actual upsetting and distasteful fics about elliot being abused, you of all people definitely don't deserve harassment under the guise of being upset that you write fic about "Elliot and his abuser" when those fics absolutely exist and you do not write them. anyway have a good night
thanks for your input. im pretty much a live and let live sort of person with this, since the internet makes it pretty easy to just block out anything you dont want to see, and i wish other people did the same. i honestly dont think tyrelliot is bad like... AT ALL LMFAO. but i guess some people do, which is fine. i just dont see the point in messaging me about it numerous times a week for over a month lol. thats just so weird and corny to me
but yeah like in the end my issue with this whole thing is that separating ships into morally and objectively "good" vs "bad" leads to this atomization of intent and characterization where 1) the definition of what is "bad" becomes a slippery slope where anything can become "problematic" and 2) it promotes and uplifts pairings or situations where everything is perfect and conflict doesnt exist-- the antithesis of good/interesting writing. like i have literally no interest whatsoever in "good representation" or "wholesome ships" because thats frankly not what i watch tv or read books for lol. it will never be my thing. also i am just SO FUCKING BORED of rating art based off of whether it lives up to someones (very subjective!) ideas of morality. like can we PLEASEEEEE talk about something else
also, i know what that person is trying to do when they call me a proshipper. everybody knows that that word is synonymous with being a pedo these days lmfao, given that thats central to the idea of pro vs anti shipping (besides incest). i think its pretty wild to insinuate im like... aligned with pedophiles in any way given that if you read my fics you would know i have a whole chapter dedicated to tyrell and elliot MURDERING A PEDOPHILE lol.
i could go on and on about how this very lazy way of thinking thats currently dominating fanspaces is the result of neoliberal identity politics, or consumption as morals, or the capitalist drive to increase both social division and profit by making people identify with brands, groups, or media properties. i wont be an annoying marxist rn and get into all that, but ill say im pretty much in agreement with john paul brammer here:
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Mad Dog
by Snatchfer
“Oh god,” the noble groaned, his nose now buried in the point between Tommy’s ear and eye socket. “I really want you.”
Tommy snarled and bit again, this time managing a mouthful of perfect hair before it was pulled from his reach. He took satisfaction in spitting a chunk of it onto the ground, even if most drooled onto his chin and down his neck.
Back on the streets of Pogtopia, saying something like that usually had a totally different connotation. Typically aimed at pretty girls, or any girls at all. Here, now, in this arena – it was the sound of a child poking around at the pet store. Daddy, I want that one!
“You’ll have to take my corpse, then,” he panted, eye contact unbreaking with the equanimous grin of his death.
The noble wetted his lips – cherry red and meekly seeping blood; the only thing imperfect about his face. Even his teeth were rigid and flawless, tainted with wine teeth from the cut on his lip as they were. “I will have all of you,” he breathed. “I will have all of you, or no one will have any of you at all.”
Sometimes, fighting a hopeless battle is the only battle you can fight.
Sometimes, Tommy doesn't want to die.
Words: 3632, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mentioned Cannibalism, Alternate Universe - Hunger Games Setting, Hunger Games-Typical Death/Violence, no one dies tho dw, One Shot, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Possessive Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Traumatized TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Blood and Injury, Mild Gore, Fear of Death, Mentioned Toby Smith | Tubbo, Mentioned Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), he's not in the fic tho, Animal Metaphors, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Drug Addict Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot is a Mess, Insane Wilbur Soot, I guess., Methamphetamine, Science Fiction Elements, Vomiting, Dead Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Kills Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Off-screen Relationship(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, (Not Wilbur or Tommy), Creepy Wilbur Soot, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, Dark, this is a scene set in a very long fic which i probably wont write
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10 Best Pokemon Unbound Cheats Of
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 You can even get a few cool things by doing so. Forgot password? Account Name. Password Forgot password? Keep me signed in. Community members will not see the footer advertisement. Seen December 31st, Yo, I need some help, I'm trying to enter the great desert and the game black screens. Same thing happens when I enter the day care. Respond Ignore User Report. Age Originally Posted by ski bum [ Original Post ]. Seen 2 Weeks Ago. Any word on if the gen 8 sprites will be added to the data? Even if Skeli doesn't want to rework the routes, allowing us to trade from Radical Red or BFD would be a decent alternative. Seen March 14th, Hey I completed this hack and I absolutely loved it. The map is gorgeous and the city and town design is also pretty good. I just felt it could be little more darker than it is now. You could throw in some blood Instead of burning during character deaths. Also the story was pretty simple and there is a slight drag in it. Please consider this constructive criticism. Overall, its a pretty good game and I haven't found a single bug or glitch in my entire play through. Very few hacks achieve this. Thank you for giving us Unbound! Is there really no way to gain access to the Pokemon Stunky until late game if you don't have the right rng to get him as an egg early game? Cause I really want one but dont know where to look to access one. Is there any way to obtain stunky other than the egg in Bellin town? Please help! Seen January 29th, I can only get the Battle tower demo to play and the full game comes up as a patch. Originally Posted by Mrlvlup [ Original Post ]. Seen January 2nd, Anyone know if there is a Cinder Volcano raid den? Riddhwimaan Mukherjee. Seen October 9th, Originally Posted by alexthegreat [ Original Post ]. Really enjoying the hack so far, just wanted to pop in to report a bug! Currently in Antisis City, just completed the socks mission and was heading back through a pipe when I realised I could just shortcut back with an escape rope. I did, just to find my sprite is now permanently stuck in the crawling sprite animations. Returning to the pipe instead replaces the spriteset with another character's one - spoilering in case Spoiler :. Seen March 12th, I want to battle the creator of the game and the other guys inside the house at Dahara city but they act like we already battled and they say comeback tommorow but i havent even battle with them. Does anyone know what to do to battle them? I have won the league And after saving mother from the tuins of void is there anything else to do postgame that includes battles. Seen June 13th, I think that gym 2's forced stealth section is badly designed. It's hard to make practically pixel perfect inputs to get into the 1 tile crevices if you're using auto-run and no, I don't think turning it off is going to be helpful. This game looks promising, so maybe I'll use a walk-through-walls code, but I shouldn't have to use a code to get past an unfair and required part of the game. Seen October 6th, Downloaded Unbound yesterday and was having a lot of fun with the game, then I got stuck. Theres 2 trainers on route 5 that are protecting an item. I made it past without battling them, but when leaving they initiated a battle with me and now theyre blocking the exit. Ive tried a noclip cheat, Ive tried exiting and reentering, Ive tried completely closing and reopening my emulator but they wont move. Need help. Dr Dovel. Seen March 22nd, Any info on when next update is? Have very much enjoyed this and still am, keep up the great work! Seen November 27th, Having a bit of trouble with the Treasure Hunter mission, does anyone know where item 2 is? I have found the other 10 items but keep missing this last one. Thanks for the help! The shiny rate have been changed? Because, I catch a shiny zubat in the first cave of the game. Now it is a beautiful crobat at level 70 and I love him. Seen November 12th, Originally Posted by d [ Original Post ]. Oh, then I guess I'm not finishing this then. Any game that makes you savestate scum is a hard pass in my book. Guess I'll watch a Let's Play. Thanks for the heads up. Seen January 5th, Originally Posted by Dieppa3 [ Original Post ].
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Who the hell is Lily?
....Anon I'm so sorry, I'm about to destroy your innocence..... Lily is Lily Orchard, she's....basically a youtuber that I guess does reviews of shows and episodes and games and does what she calls, glass of water videos on stuff. She's pretty infamous though for her Steven Universe video and then her Korra video and it just goes on. But she's also infamous for being very hostile in fandoms, given none of them actually want her around due to how she acts like she's suddenly the boss and we all just doing bad takes and obsessing over this is suddenly bad in Lily land- like, you dare tell her to stop getting like this with Encanto fandom? She'll falsely brand you a racist.
There's also like, a ton of shit I honestly would find it hard to sum up fully- like there's her past with brony youtubers, mainly this one called Josh who....she encouraged apparently, to go after someone underage and made racist Native Jokes apparently that she now defends herself with how she's native....cause that excuses your jokes apparently, and they had some drama I cant remember. And then there's the whole Lizzy deal where even years after the break up, she's still obsessing over Lizzy and trashing her and insisting Lizzy abused her which like....I would believe her, but its hard at this rate, given Lizzy basically admitted both wont perfect, but whose the one who moved on while whose the one who made a Pokemon comic thing where its clearly trashing Lizzy and STILL keeps Lizzys last name of Orchard to the point her current wife has to take it???
Oh, and then there's her fanfiction where....she wrote something called Stockholm....which I can't tell you how bad that one it is, I haven't read it and I wanna keep my mental health in check, but from what I gather: Pedophilia is in it with abuse and other shit, and she's also written like, a Star Wars fic where she basically made a Mary Sue sith the lead to ship with Rey, since according to her she can only ship Finnrey with Lesbians....where she basically makes everyone but Luke and Leia and the bad guys her OCs cheerleaders, and yes, she purposely wrote Luke and Leia OOC as fuck and won't take any critics, so don't even try. There's also so many people she's got beef with, with the most recent one being Cypher, who from what I gather,literally disagreed with Lily over a HC....and that's all it took Lily to act all bitchy and crap.....over a HC, and anyone she dubs a 'vulture', be wary of why she does so, as its likely she's trying to paint herself as the victim and the critic the bad guy.
She's also very uh....violence obsessed, as evident by her drawing a comic where Steven Universe, a minor, is killed just cause he preached, and keeps trying to make Willow from Owl House violent cause why not. Oh and currently, she has a thing for attacking the Encanto Fandom over little things, but don't try to tell her to leave or your a racist. She also has a thing for dubbing all anime fans Weebs basically....judge that what you will really.
And...there's still so much shit I could say, including the whole recent debate if she made up a stalking incident and crap and its just....yeah uh, she's a fucking dumpster fire at this rate with stans that don't know how to chill as sure, she'll say don't attack on her behalf, but will she enforce that??? Nah.
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