#i want One Single Fic of them. one. im dying in this drought of content
suntails · 2 years
Hey, I noticed that you ship Vil x Silver and was wondering what exactly got you into that pairing? I'm a huge fan of them, too ^^
GRAGHGGHHG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! gripping ur shoulders. join me in silvil hell pls im begging im so lonely on this island of Peak Ideas
okay it def started just as the Peak Comedic Ship bc of silver's PE vignette. like. vil looks at him and SEES the potential. silver is so pretty and graceful and powerful but then he walks around washing his hair with bar soap and has never washed his face with more than water, and you would FEEL vil simmering in confusion and the Need to give him better habits. silver's bday card (i think?) supports this, bc he mentioned how vil gifted him fancy products and insisted he use them, but bc it was a lot of maintenance, silver only used them till he ran out and never got more. he KNOWS the products would give improved results, but doesn't care abt it enough personally to do it, i think its so funny i want them in a room together
but then! THEN! the Epic Twst Silver Sadness Saga of 2022 happened this week and i've thought abt them more than just the surface level comedy or the 'mashing two pretty boys together like barbie dolls' angle. i think it'd be interesting to consider silver's lack of care for things like his looks or like, the health of skin/hair, from the angle that it isn't important to his abilities (or it doesn't matter in the long run, he's gonna die anyways [but that's me being dramatic.]) vil emphasizes taking care of oneself and goes out of his way to cater healthy habits to the people around him (his dorm vignette talks abt how he made like, individualized plans for his dormmates in prep for an interview or w/e.) i think if the situation ever arose for silver to explain why he doesn't maintain the habits, they could have a real fuckgn moment. i think vil could essentially sit him down and say the shit we're all screaming abt in the tags, that he should value his own wellbeing more and that can start with healthy habits, with the expectation of a LONG and happy healthy life. i think vil would do well having someone who would inherently see the good in him based on actions rather than appearances (his whole typecast villain dilemma), and silver has a really calm vibe that i do think would just. mesh well. im gesturing vaguely by now but i do think they have potential both from the 'haha funny' side and the genuine ability to work well for each other i love them so dearly
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