#i suggested omniverse but that's a ben 10 thing
My mom is a self-published author and she's working on a sci-fi story about traveling to parallel universes. She asked me to help her come up with a word for something beyond the concept of the multiverse, a series of separate multiverses that cannot be reached from one another, the totality of everything that was, is, will be, and could have been, and I had to talk her down from choosing the word "omegaverse."
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tennfoldassailant · 28 days
Back on my bullshit.
With the Ben 10/Danny/DC crossover thing [which I should probably find a name for at some point: suggestions appreciated] I was thinking about timelines as I always do, so for some clarifications;
-Ben is Omniverse age with the completed onmitrix, his story more or less happens as usual but we'll say the League was off in space and The Team was helping offscreen with the Highbreed invasion and during the ultimate alien finale.
-Danny is also end of series, was unable to save the world from the meteor and as a final resort Amity Park was shunted into the Ghost Zone before landing off shore of Gotham.
-The Young Justice team is just after Kid Flash's Sacrifice
-Justice League knows of Ben because come on, he's not going to be able to hide his powers from them, It was Tim who figured it out 1st.
-Danny is still heroing in Amity Park but because ghost sightings are very sparse currently, he's been helping out in Gotham much to the Bat Families annoyance.
-Plumbers are a non-ring police force created by the gaurdians.
-Ben and Danny have heard of eachother but thinks they could take one another in a fight no problem, their 1st meeting reflects this
If anyone has any other headcanons or additions to suggest; Feel free to add!
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kuphulwho · 29 days
The Biggest Plot Hole in Ben 10 That Nobody Talks About
So I saw this post by @sparkleresthold and it reminded me of something, but I didn't want to derail their post with a wall of text. Anyways, you can go on and on about the plot holes and retcons in Ben 10, but I hardly ever see people talk about this specific one.
Yeah, Ghost Town happened. That was a thing. But, enter Omniverse. From Hedorium to Eternity Happened, and it's suggested that this is when Zs'Skayr got trapped in Ledgerdomain, but there's just one problem. He doesn't escape Ledgerdomain until the Galactic Monsters arc in Omniverse, which leaves you wondering how the fuck he can possibly be in two places at the same time in Ghost Town.
Enter this lesser-known theory, the "two Zs'Skayrs" theory. In essence, it's theorized that the Zs'Skayr we see in Ghost Town isn't the original Zs'Skayr, but rather a clone created by the Omnitrix. It would certainly explain why this Zs'Skayr only knows himself as Ghostfreak, and how even Vilgax calls him Ghostfreak instead. Meanwhile, the Omniverse Zs'Skayr very pointedly doesn't answer to "Ghostfreak," which solidifies him as the actual original.
Watch Ben 10, everyone!
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twin-books · 2 years
This is an ask directly related to this and I'm finally here to answer it. Or at least part of it. Tagging @non-canon-central because they also asked for Adrien but I was unable to get to him at the time. For some reason Tumblr doesn't want me actually tagging them I guess, so hopefully this freaking works??? So let's make one thing pretty clear; I don't hate Adrien but I do hate his character. That sounds like an oxymoron, I am aware. The best way I can describe this is, it's like the opposite of liking a villain's character but fundamentally hating them as a person. Like I love the idea of Adrien. I think he has plenty of fun potential and it wouldn't take much to make him more intriguing but I just hate how he's written. I'm sure that comes as a shock to absolutely no one. I say this about almost every Miraculous character. I wanted to clear this up because a lot of people seem to believe that if you talk bad about a character, and it isn't some kind of joke, that you just hate that character entirely. This isn't the case with me. Now I mentioned a while back that the only way I believe I could ever hope to explain my frustration with Adrien's character is by comparing him to other similar characters or similar character arcs. My goal is to compare him to a few characters. I tried to keep it to characters within his age range but there are one or two on here that are adults (though I would be referencing a lot of their childhood for at least one). Since I will be comparing Adrien to these characters this means spoilers will be very hard to avoid so I'm just going to warn you now. If you don't want spoilers for the following I suggest looking into these things yourself; Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics, Sonic Universe Archie comics, Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comics, Mr Love: Queen's Choice the Gavin and Kiro story arc, Koi to Producer: Evol X Love the Mr Love: Queen's Choice anime, Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Omniverse, and Miraculous Ladybug. I was initially going to include Raven Saga from Webtoon but decided against it since it's not nearly a big enough franchise as compared to the others and the author would most definitely not benefit from it. I highly recommend reading it and then you can guess what character in there I found similarities to Adrien in but was just actively done better. I will most likely be splitting this into parts just to make it an easier read. Part 1: Mr Love: Queen's Choice and/or Koi to Producer: Evol X Love - Kiro (Helios)
One of the reasons I believe Mr Love: Queen's Choice's characters are comparable examples to Adrien (despite all the characters presented are adults through most of the story) is because it is an otome game, which means its primary focus is romance much like Miraculous. But also, much like Miraculous, it involves high actions scenes and beings with superpowers. It balances these things quite well whereas Miraculous (in my opinion) does not. And unlike Miraculous, it presents itself as a romance first and foremost, making it clear where their primary focus is whereas Miraculous doesn't really do that. In fact, most of its marketing is pointing at girl power. At least MLQC knows what it's about. Since MLQC knows exactly what it's about it may not come as a shock at all to you that they know exactly what their characters are. And there are two characters in this game that share quite a few similarities to Adrien. However a main difference is that both characters have a clear direction their headed towards but Adrien doesn't.
So let's talk about Kiro (Helios). This is the character I know the least as compared to the others. Most of what I have learned about him I got from the anime which I have learned is not entirely accurate but I will be referencing most of that (sorry die-hard MLQC fans, I am a very slow reader) as well as some scenes from the game.
Who is Kiro, exactly? And who the heck is Helios? Let's define him. Kiro is a mega popular popstar (so popular that girls practically fall at his feet) with a love for junk food and sweets (despite his agent forbids him from eating them). He's musically gifted, being able to pick up and play any instrument after a very short period of trial and error. He is also known to moonlight as a movie actor and a model. He's got a child-like wonder to him and a huge appreciation for superheroes, specifically ones without powers (Batmen, for instance). He shows affection and comfort through cute gestures and physical touch. He's, in essence, a big teddy bear. He's such a teddy bear that the narrative often compares him to one. This perfect teddy bear like nature is easily comparable to Adrien's perfect sunshine character. They both are hugely popular and beloved by their fans. They both show incredible talent, able to take on many tasks given to them such as modeling, acting, and instrument playing with ease. They both show comfort and affection through cute gestures (though Adrien's can be more grandiose) and physical touch. Pretty similar, right? Here's the massive difference; Kiro has flaws. Kiro has secrets. There are things he actively keeps from the MC and behavior one wouldn't associate with his supposedly perfect teddy bear likeness. There's actually a narrative reason why Kiro is presented to be so perfect. There's a reason why it's shoved in your face. We're gonna get into huge spoiler territory here for Kiro. This is your only warning.
Kiro is secretly a vigilante code-named Key (a name passed down to him by his father figure that taught him everything he knows). Key is an expert hacker. Able to hack through almost anything. There's very few things he cannot bypass. He likes to think of himself as a hero and loves to play the hero role (much like how Adrien took to Chat Noir so comfortably). Kiro prefers to use his own wits and hacking skills rather than his evol. That's right, he has evol, which in MLQC is the equivalent to superpowers. His evol is absolute charm. This was actually not fully a secret to us, the reader, but it's a shock to MC. It's heavily implied that Kiro used this power almost unintentionally purely because he's selfish. He longs for people to love him and his power responds to his wants. It's implied he's not aware how much he may use it but it could only be at his concerts. In fact, Kiro may have only been made aware of it when evolvers control over their evol was lost due to tampering with, I believe, electro-magnetic waves. Where, at one of his concerts, his fans began to tear each other apart to prove they loved him more. This is such a shock to him he quits being a popstar immediately because he can't bare the idea he caused that, even if it wasn't his fault he lost control. Now here's the really annoying thing about Adrien; I could totally believe he secretly has absolute charm with the way people just fall in love with him and he's just totally unaware of it but the problem is it's also pretty clear Adrien doesn't even want the attention he gets. And despite how obvious he makes that people blatantly choose to ignore it. This includes Kagami, Chloe, Wayhem, and nearly the entire class! He's not trying to hide it guys! It's pretty obvious he's unhappy with it! What is the purpose of this? To show he's so unfairly treated? How none of this is his fault? He couldn't possibly be unintentionally feeding into some of this because he's perfect and that would be too interesting of an idea. /s Ah, yeah, but I guess it ain't totally obvious because he's totally cool with Ladybug and his best friends giving him that same attention (except in season 4 I guess). Double standards much? What the freak do you want, Adrien?
But let's get back to Kiro because we aren't near done yet. Now here's a fun thing, Kiro actually possesses another evol. This evol he tends to refuse to use unless he has to. It is revealed to us and to MC at the same time. It's important to note that neither of us were aware of it until he had absolutely no choice. I'm gonna try to explain this without giving away too many spoilers because this game is awesome; Kiro refuses to use this power probably because it goes against what being a hero means to him. I should also mention that over using evol can be harmful and even deadly to the evolver. This is also why Kiro probably only ever used absolute charm. Keeping this all in mind, Kiro only decides to use it when he and MC are being chased by the bad guys and there's no way to escape. He has to painfully make the choice to use it on her when they reach the door to the heart of the issue which buys her some time while he fends them off. He risks her hating him just to buy her time so she can destroy the machine and save everyone. He also risks dying due to the sudden amplification of evol power. This self-sacrificing may slightly remind you of Chat Noir but the main difference being... Kiro actually had a reason. There is only about 2 or 3 times Chat Noir's sacrifices had ever made sense in the narrative and were presented as possibly the only action to take in that moment. I cannot stress enough to you how horrifying it is that almost every time Chat Noir self-sacrifices there are clear other avenues they could take and yet he immediately just jumps to the extreme. It makes you think Adrien just wants to die but something as serious as that is never at all focused on beyond one small comment from Ladybug in Lies! For Kiro there was no other option. If they entered the room together they would almost certainly be caught and since in this world they use guns, MC or himself could be dead before he ever got the chance to use his powers. And because MC effectively believes him to be dead after this Kiro takes on a new identity. An identity that isn't the perfect cuddly teddy bear Kiro or the heroic Key but rather someone akin to an anti-hero. Kiro becomes Helios; a cold, methodical man not afraid to use guns and his own power against the enemy. Helios even tricks MC into believing that he has no idea who Kiro is. He actively tricks her just to preserve her good memories of Kiro because there's no way MC could like this cold man, there's no way she could like who he really is. And he does state this a few times, that Helios is the real him even though he seems to almost fear this side of himself. It is MC who had to help him learn to connect Kiro and Helios and to not separate himself. He is Kiro and Helios.
This could almost be compared to Adrien's relationship to Chat Noir. Expect, rather than fearing this other side, he actively chooses Chat Noir over Adrien in most instances. He actively believes Chat Noir to be his true self and does not respond well to being turned away as Chat. This could be interesting and a great way to cause, not only outside conflict, but inner conflict. But this is not even explored. One could argue Kuro Neko did it explore it. But it really didn't. Instead of focusing on who Chat Noir is it, instead, chose to focus on how much Chat Noir loves Ladybug and how she needs him there for... no reason? No, seriously. They give absolutely no good arguments as to why she shouldn't just keep Catwalker around. The one good argument they possibly had they didn't even use. And that was that he freaking distracts her. No, instead their argument here is that he's "too perfect", whatever that freaking means. Excuse me? I believe, since your whole city is at freaking risk, that's exactly the kind of individual you'd want for the job. Never mind you want Chat Noir back for your own personal reasons (whatever those are because they do a very poor job communicating it). Why the freak would anyone turn away someone that's "too perfect"? The only reason I can think of is if she's suspicious of him but she so obviously isn't. They don't even try to explain why Adrien should even keep Chat Noir around if he's apparently only argumentive, not taking anything seriously, and effectively just another member of the team based on the visuals alone. The only thing keeping Chat around is cataclysm. That is it. And that's such a weak argument to stand on when literally anyone else could wear that ring. But no, that can't happen because we have to keep the status quo, I guess. That Ladybug is awesome and Chat is there to just make us laugh and give her an inspiring speech every season finale.
You know what's great about Kiro and Helios? That the narrative doesn't demonize Helios like Kiro does. It goes out of its way to show you how Helios is just as important as Kiro!
I don't get why it's so hard to just show that Chat Noir is just as important to Ladybug as Adrien without having to reference cataclysm or that it's because he's Adrien. How about it's because he's Adrien and Chat Noir? Why are the writers so afraid to merge these two together as if they aren't the same person. Heck, you even have one episode where you do just that but it's a what if episode so it's therefore non-consequential! And I hated Ephemeral but at least it bothered to do that despite pretty much every other episode tackling a similar issue absolutely refusing to do so! But this also required Marinette finding out he was Adrien and then only coming to love Chat that way. Which isn't entirely horrible but it just feels kind of shallow. I would have much preferred she realized she liked Chat but didn't want to "betray" Adrien in her mind so she refused to acknowledge it and then this reveal allowed her to combine the two and except that she has the best of both worlds. In many ways the romance of MLQC lends itself well to the character of Kiro/Helios but the romance of Miraculous seems to fight against the character of Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir. Probably because Kiro and MC's relationship feels like she (and the writers) have fully accepted and loved who he is where Adrien and Marinette's relationship feels like her (and the writers) love only one side of him and the other part is kind of just a small bonus. Oh, but don't worry this works the exact opposite way. Where Kiro actively loves MC, all of her (even though she can be kind of stupid), Adrien over here seems to only freaking like Ladybug. Like, yeah, he's nice to Marinette and he blushes around her occasionally but oftentimes that just feels like he's only blushing because their in oddly intimate positions often for some unknown reason. And also because he likes her as a friend. In Chat Blanc it feels like as soon as he realizes Marinette is Ladybug he suddenly recognizes this out of no where crush (that was barely hinted at). With Kiro he fell in love with MC first, before he found out she was a badass and then he fell even harder. Which makes it all the more ironic that he's willing to except all of her, even her flaws, but he can't seem to do the same for himself. In fact, Kiro even fell in love with MC in a similar way Chat did for Ladybug. MC was his hero. Someone who saved him and others by constantly being around to cheer people up despite the very dark situations of their childhood (which I won't get into because again, I'm trying not to spoil too much here). But that went from just outright admiration to genuine love. Chat's crush feels like he's just been holding Ladybug up on a pedestal the whole time except for kind of near the end of season 4 which I'm not sure why it had to take him that long.
I am not asking for Adrien to be exactly like Kiro. I am asking for him to feel like a sturdy character like Kiro. I am just trying to show that despite the similarities Kiro's character was able to find success where Adrien's character seems to only find failure. Kiro is most definitely not a perfect character. No character is ever perfect. But that's why we love them, isn't it? Because they're imperfect? So why can't the ml writer's seem to pull Adrien out of that bubble? Just let him be selfish without somehow justifying it! Also, keep in mind that this is just my interpretation of Kiro based on my experience with the game and anime. Some of this could totally be wrong or misinterpreted but it speaks volumes I am able to come up with all of this about his character based on what little I know yet for Adrien I have to compare him to characters to even try to explain why he annoys me! But that's just one of the successful characters I could compare Adrien to. The next part I'm going to talk about Gavin, also from Mr Love: Queen's Choice, and see how he also compares to Adrien.
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joltrify · 3 years
Do you think you could draw Water Hazard, Echo Echo, or XLR8 again? If not, that's totally cool!
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Why not all 3?
I hope you like!
Also- the aliens I usually draw are not Ben- they're just from their respective species!
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ben-101-rewrite · 2 years
Do you think you'll ever write out the series from an episode to episode basis? Not necessarily writing it out fully, but describing events in a level of detail. 'Ben transforms into Four Arms and charges at Eon', for example.
Honestly I would love to do episode to episode story writing, like through AO3 or something. Would be the best way for me to showcase more of my rewrite and how I'd handle the characters and story. But shows have a whole team of writer, while I am merely one person who already has so much to work on, lol. Which is sad to think about, but it is what it is I suppose. Perhaps one day I can do something like that, or something similar like a video or comic. But for now, life is merely too busy for me to write a full series. Eventually, though I do plan on adding writing to certain art pieces to showcase scenes in the rewrite, such as the one you suggested. Lets people glimpse into the rewrite world. I would probably even have people suggest or vote what they'd like to see me write if I eventually get there. So far the only proper story I've written for the rewrite is "Close Call" which is part of my personal series post Omniverse, where I tie up loose ends and give the characters their final big arcs. This one-shot (Which I want to expand on eventually) is basically the aftermath of Ben's arm being replaced by the omnitrix, after losing it to Vilgax. Give it a read if you want! Let me know what you think to. But while I can't do full-on story writing yet, people are still of course free to ask for more details on things in the rewrite, or about characters and other ideas from the Ben 10 series. 💚
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
Hi! I want to watch Ben10 bc of your AWESOME blog but they're so many and I don't know what order to watch them in? If you could help me that'd be great!
There is quite a bit of content for Ben 10, so that is understandable, haha. Thankfully, most wikis for the series is are well organized, and I would recommend searching through those if you're lost. Ben 10 itself has five series of it, four of which are part of the same continuity. Ben 10 Original Series, which is the first Ben 10 series that started the whole thing, being aired on December 27th, 2005. This focuses on Ben when he first gets the watch, is ten years old, and is on a roadtrip. This also had three movies/specials, being the Secret Of The Omnitrix, a live action one called Race Against Time, and eventually got one much later on called Destroy All Aliens, which is a cartoon CGI film. Ben 10 Alien Force, which is a series time skip after the first one ended, now taking place when Ben is 15, and for the rest of the original continuity we focus on a teenage Ben. Alien Force focuses on on Ben learning to lead, pulling together a team, as he uncovers an alien invasion going on across the galaxy. This one also had a live action film called Alien Swarm. Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, which is set right after Alien Force, the main idea behind it being that Ben now has a new watch that gives him ultimate forms, basically making his aliens either having new powers, or stronger. This part of the series starts off with Ben having to face a new villain named Aggregor, while dealing with his new watch. This version of the series also had a crossover with Generator Rex. Ben 10 Omniverse, which is set right after Ultimate Alien, and had one of the biggest art changes for the original Ben 10. Omniverse has the most arcs and stories, each very different to one another. One of the first storylines is about a rogue Mechamorph named Malware, and about Ben learning to work with a new partner named Rook. This version of the series also had a crossover with The Secret Saturdays. Ben 10 Reboot, which is it's own thing ever since the original continuity ended. The reboot retakes the idea of making Ben a ten year old, and going on a road trip, but changes things up enough to be it's own thing. It had three specials, one about an older Ben meeting his younger self, another Generator Rex crossover, and then one about all versions of Ben meeting up with each other. It also got a movie called Versus the Universe. That is the Ben 10 series in order, and for new comers I tend to suggest watching from the start. However, a good thing to also keep in mind is that despite them all being Ben 10, each version of the series is quite different to one another, even ones that share the same world. The original was a mix of comedic, light hearted fun, action and some serious moments. Alien Force for a while took the approach of making the characters mature and more serious, though by the third season Cartoon Network stepped in and caused a tone whiplash by trying to be like the original series in not the best way. Ultimate Alien mostly calmed itself and become more of a comedic and serious blend. Omniverse mostly when for a fun route, though does still have its serious moment. The reboot was designed for a younger audience, in order to introduce a new generation to the series, but it has a charming style to it and does get better as it goes on. So in the end, depending on what you like, you'll most likely enjoy one version of the series better than others. It's not a perfect show, with a lot of changes over the years, but it's still a lovely show with many ideas to get into. And again, if you need it, use the wiki or google. There are plenty of list and resources out there that can help you understand the order of things. 💚
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aziulpre · 3 years
Opening analysis
I'm tired and in 3 days my Ben's comic will be released so I'll not draw for now (?
So I'll do a little analysis of Ben's openings.
I'll only analyze the opening, probably at the end I will add things about the series.
Well, continue reading...
The original Ben 10 Opening has "galactic", "ghostly" and "alien" tones. The voice (english ver) has a modified voice that makes it sound like an "alien".
It's simple, like it visualization (Look the simple animation, recycled scenes, and recycled images) but YES I love it. It look young/kid, like a cartoon for kids.
It simply explains the beginning and what we will watch. A dark show, but simple and for the whole family.
Oh yeah and, Although Ben is relatively lonely, it does seem a bit like he has friendly help.
Here my favorite... The opening of Ben 10 Alien Force is short, but it has very "heroic" and "fast" sounds (really superhero). The visualization is fast and shows you "what happened" and "what will happen", this gives you to understand that it is a continuation and will be long. It look as a teen or young adult series.
Looks dark, not very serious, but there will be emotional moments.
Despite having recycled images and scenes, it has a good editing. Very dynamic and technological.
Ben is not alone at all, this may suggest that we will see more situations about more characters, friends, etc. Friendship, problems and thing.
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien... I didn't remember it that long despite being short. It’s really bad, but iconic final sound. 
It look as "We are back" and "we'll continue this". "New return" I think. It shows you all the aliens used, it is implied that you will see more of space and even the universe (that's because it looks like a ship).
Oh yeah, really looks so dark and serious.
It only has a new animation, everything else is recycled and edited. 
It look as "youthful" but maturing, teen/young adult series to adult.
It shows as if Ben handles things more alone but if there will be people behind him helping him.
Oh damn... Seeing others this breaks my head and sentiments.
Well, this is shown as "we have returned after a long time". It's a bit quick, it's like "you've seen this before but we'll show you things you didn't see”.
In the English version, small sound effects voice... Looks nothing serious, very lively and there will be a lot of jokes and fun.
It wants look like a reboot because for the song almost recycled from the original, but it doesn't seem like it. But maybe the song has "distorted" sounds and this could imply that it is "another universe", "we’ll see the same but different and different continuation"
It looks complicated... It isn’t for teens, youngs, kids or adults audiences. It doesn't really show anything. But with the cleanest and "cute" design and more linear animation it would mean that it is for female audiences or people "who have not matured (young adults, adults)". Oh well, It can also be seen as "Oh did you have children? You have to do this with them”. The song has very "youthful" sounds but it is still difficult to know what audience it is intended for. I would agree that it is for a young female audience for adding an unmodified female voice to the song, but it doesn't look like something like that either. Maybe “this really is for female and male audience!” but it doesn't really show it, it doesn't show anything. 
It's confusing, I recently saw the full linear series and it's just as confusing~ Has direction and writing problems and YES, the opening gives you to understand that: "this is not clear, just look at it".
Yeah, the opening is really bad and the series a little even though I love it.
It's a total reset, we don't need it. Try to imitate the same as the original Ben 10 (song). What is shown is very very simple, looks like it's an animation test.
I forgot that the Opening of Ben 10 Omniverse Galactic Monsters was very different.
Added "ghostly"/alien sound (reminds of the original Ben 10) and despite having almost the same as the previous version, it feels more like "we'll see something great!".
The female voice is more notable, which further supports my theory that the series seems aimed at a female audience. And the colors are more careful.
This is less confusing because they had a better idea of what they wanted to show. It looks darkness but not dark enough (not horror, not adult or serious situations) Yeah, it looks more like "aimed at nostalgic people who want to see something new". But I still think it doesn't look like something for kids or teens. 
It doesn't look very "masculine", it's hard to explain. Original Ben 10 clearly is for children of the time (boys and girls) is very neutral, they travel a lot and there are many scenarios! and there are many people (remember how childhood, you see new places and many people). Ben Alien Force was clearly more for youngsters (men and women) due to the fact that it has a college series look. They are kept in established places, sometimes we can see new things, there are fewer people but more limited (like teen, you go back to the same places, you see fewer people and you coexist with the same people or few new ones).
If we talk about the Omniverse series, Galactic Monsters is the best part of all, after this the series does not know where to go and changes the personalities of the characters.
Well, I can't give a good opinion of the times because I was so much younger when each series came out. When the original Ben 10 came out I was 5 years old not 8-10. When Alien Force and Ultimate Alien came out I was 8-10 not 12-15. When Omniverse came out I was 12 not 16-18 or more, I could probably think of Omniverse better but actually lived the likes of Ben 10 Alien Force, at that time we didn’t watch TV much. I took a bigger liking to Omniverse now that I'm 21. Yeah, my high school classmates knew Ben 10 Omniverse but it's because it appeared on public TV (many people watched that channel and I live in Mexico, many TV are on the street).
Thanks Albert head.
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cat-scarr · 4 years
Ben Is Too Good For His Own Good
Aka a "cinnamon roll", if you will. Yes, I'm writing an essay on this. 
So it's nothing new that Ben has this "second chances" philosophy, but that is indicative of the possibility that he would let himself be in damaging relationships in hopes that the other person would change or improve. 
There have been various instances of Ben kind of just brushing off being treated poorly. I wouldn't say that this makes him a push over or anything like that, but I never see any of these things being pointed out. They're just kind of laughed off.
Just the other day, in fact, I had someone privately DM me saying that they don't believe Ben ever had any trauma or side effects from his lifestyle, even questioning “what nightmares” I was even referring to. 
On top of that, it's a very common thing in this fandom to state things like "the girls deserved better than Ben." I'll always be of the opinion that Ben is the one that deserved better, and I have plenty (logical) reasons why, but that’s besides the point. 
Even though Ben is so forgiving and cooperative, giving everyone a second chance to change, it just doesn't sit right with me that we should just be okay with some of the horrible things that are being justified here. That doesn't mean you should hate these characters. I mean, Ben clearly doesn't. But it honestly says more about him than any of them. 
It says a lot to me when I see Ben seeing the best in someone, even when they've done horrible things in the past or are in the midst of doing something bad to him. 
One example, which I keep bringing up on this blog, is the episode "Vilgax Must Croak." Besides everything else that Vilgax had done to him in the past, in addition to throughout the episode up until this point, Ben was still shown believing that Vilgax could have tried to save him by jumping in front of Ben to shield him from a (seemingly extremely destructive) blast from Attea. 
Things like this also explain why I don’t support shipping Ben with Attea, but that’s besides the point too...
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Of course, even if he did save Ben by doing this, Vilgax was only manipulating the situation to make it look like he was trying to save Ben when he was really taking the chance to break himself free of the handcuffs. 
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But, even so, this seems to mean that Ben believes that Vilgax does have it in him to do something good. Ben was admittedly shocked by what had happened at first, but by the next scene where he turns back to human, he's got his guard down enough for Vilgax to take advantage of the situation again and shoot him in the back. Because, please realize, if Vilgax didn’t “save” him, he wouldn’t be able to shoot him in the back. 
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But anyway, in conclusion, as the title states, he's too good for his own good. 
The next unfair circumstance which displays the same thing happens in the episode "No Honor Among Bros." I am aware that the following is uncharacteristic of Rook and had only happened because Rook was under the influence of a substance, so I want to acknowledge that, but I am mostly focusing on Ben's actions here.
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Ben and Rook eventually are set up against each other in the tournament, and, besides the fact that Ben already doesn't want to fight anyone needlessly, as shown by his previous match against Malice where he was BEAT UP FOR THREE HOURS...
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...he clearly holds back while fighting Rook in this match, too. 
The one time he actually hits Rook with a decent shot, which knocks Rook out temporarily, not only does he immediately go check on him to make sure he's not badly hurt, but also turns back to human, leaving him somewhat more vulnerable then he would be as Upchuck. 
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This seems to mean that he trusted Rook wouldn't take that chance to hit him right back. And unnecessarily hard too, at that. 
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This knocks Ben down, making him lose the fight. The important thing to take away from this is that, regardless if he just chalked it up to Rook not being himself, he still didn't seem to hold it against him, besides just being slightly annoyed. 
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So, basically, he got his ass beat multiple times only because he was holding back for the other person's sake. He's too good for his own good. 
Then there's also Kevin and Tetrax. Both are former "criminals", albeit for different reasons, and Ben still had it in him to befriend both of them. This is probably due to the fact that they've built trust over time, and fought evil together to protect others, including each other. 
I don't like to look past the fact that Kevin, while admittedly not entirely in control of his powers at the time, has tried to kill Ben on multiple occasions. But, like I said, Ben has grown to trust him and they have each other's back, so there’s no need to really expand on those two all that much. 
Then there's the sad story of Elena. 
You could argue that the reason it's difficult for me to look past Elena's “mistakes” is because she was given little to no chances to redeem herself. And perhaps there is some truth to that. 
However, there has been a scene which seems to be what is considered "redeeming" - when she attempts to sacrifice herself to save Ben. 
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And while Ben himself seemed extremely moved by this at the time, clearly not holding any hard feelings towards what she had just done to him throughout "Revenge of the Swarm", I can't say that I feel the same. 
I can't say that I feel the same because Ben's life would not even be in danger at this point if she didn't attempt to suffocate him. Should I see her as a “hero” for saving Ben from herself? 
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Especially when it’s evident that she had enough self control to attempt to commit suicide, but somehow not enough to not attempt to kill Ben again once she realized that her suicide attempt failed. 
Ben: “Elena! They’ve been controlling you! You’ve got to fight them!”
Elena: “They’re not controlling me, they are me! And I am them!”
Another thing about her predicament that I don't understand is whether or not her choices are voluntary. The other characters say outwardly that "the chips are controlling her", while she, in response, claims that they are not controlling her and instead, that they "are her." 
Elena: “They give me what I want! They fulfil my deepest desires! Even the ones I don’t know I have!”
She also claims that the chips want what she wants, and because they “are her” they give her the ability to get everything she might want. By that logic, she would want everything that had happened up until this point, which is crazy and inexcusable. 
If she is the chips, implying there is no other Elena inside that is the “true” Elena, and she genuinely wants to do things like stalk Ben and attempt to kill him, then I don’t see a way to excuse or justify that.  
But then, in the midst of choking Ben to death, Julie tells her that she couldn't seriously want Ben to die, which Elena responds to seemingly confused or unsure for the first time, and only states it must be what she wants, before claiming that she really did care about Ben. 
I’m sure Ben would agree that she could still be redeemed at this point. He would probably still agree she could be redeemed after all that I’m about to go over as well.
And, while this is evident since he did state the following, believing, once again, that there is still good in someone who had done horrible things:
Ben: “There was enough of my friend left to save my life.”
She still came back to make the situation worse instead of taking the chance to redeem herself. 
Unfortunately, unlike I suggested earlier, and instead of leaving it at that after surviving her suicide attempt and traumatizing everyone in the process, she returns in "The Perfect Girlfriend" impersonating Julie, being the cause of Gwen suffering a pretty significant injury, and, let’s not forget, attempting to kill Ben once again. 
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It’s even worse that she chose to do so at such a vulnerable point in Ben and Julie’s relationship, considering that they had been arguing lately, even in the beginning of that very episode. I’ve actually had someone claim that this episode proves that Ben’s idea of the “perfect” girlfriend is someone who does everything he says and may as well have no individual personality. And, because someone I think is credible enough to speak on Ben’s behalf believes that to some extent, it just shows me that it’s possible many other people in this fandom might believe the same thing.
To me, it simply seemed as if he believed that his relationship with his girlfriend was finally improving, which is a good thing. It doesn’t seem all that unreasonable for him to not question why they were suddenly getting along much more than before. Why would anyone question their relationship with their significant other going well, especially after going through a rough patch? 
Regardless, after realizing the reason why this was the case, he must have also felt horrible about not noticing sooner, which sucks. He’d be seen as a jerk for questioning why his girlfriend was being so nice to him had he done so, but he’d be seen as a jerk for not noticing that it wasn’t really her all this time anyway.
I hate to keep flaming her, but Elena chose to put him in that position since the chips allow her to fulfil “all her deepest desires”, apparently. Because that's what you do to someone you "love." 
While Elena's story wasn't continued past Ultimate Alien, the Ben 10: Omniverse comic "Parallel Paradox" did attempt to tie up loose ends. 
Before I continue, I have to state that the comics are not technically "canon.” However they are official source material and therefore should be accurate to canon. So, for clarity, and for those who haven't read this comic, Elena here is basically presented as if she is voluntarily a criminal. She's apparently stealing tech for money, working for some other higher level bad guy, and clearly has a grudge against Ben after what had happened. 
I’ll provide the relevant pages below, but Elena states that Ben was “rude” to her the last time they saw each other...when, in the moment she is reffering to, she had impersonated her way into Ben’s living room and had the nerve to get into an argument with him when she was clearly in the wrong. 
But Ben himself wasn’t even being rude to her in that particular scene, either. He was trying to explain why what she was doing was wrong. He only resorted to using the Ultimatrix once Elena resorted to violence herself.
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At the end of "Parallel Paradox", it's revealed that Ben feels like Elena hates him, despite all that she's done to him. Which is interesting, since it doesn't seem to me like he's done anything to her to give her a reason to hate him. Not even supposedly being “rude.” It seems like it should be the other way around, really. 
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I know that I wouldn't hesitate considering filing a restraining order against someone who stalked me, attacked my friends, kidnapped my significant other, lied to me, and then attempted to kill me twice. 
But Ben? No, AFTER ALL THAT...he actually wants to help her and wishes she didn't hate him for no reason. 
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Or maybe she doesn't have a grudge against him for what he did do, but rather what he didn't do, in her view. The irony is that Ben clearly would do anything he could to help her, she just isn't accepting that help. She just wants what she wants and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. 
She seems to constantly be putting the blame on everyone but herself. And the first step to changing for the better starts with changing oneself by changing old habits and actively working to do better. It's even more sad that she doesn't seem to realize just how much faith Ben does have in her, despite the horrific stuff in Ultimate Alien. 
If she really loved him, she shouldn't let him down. But at this point, I don't know if that's the case anymore. 
Anyway, at the end of the day, what astounds me the most is that Ben isn't mad at her. I mean, he should at least have serious trust issues by now! It really puts things into perspective and explains why there even is an alternate future where a pairing like Benkai can happen. 
If someone like Kevin, who hated Ben as a kid and actively tried to kill him, can become his best friend, and if someone like Elena can also get away with causing so much unnecessary harm to Ben without so much as a displeased glance, why wouldn't he give a girl who just likes to bully and pick on him another chance? 
I still don't believe he deserves that, but I fear that is it is extremely likely, even if it comes from a good place.
And because he gives everyone 764845786448578 chances. 
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themattress · 6 years
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One thing that always interests and amuses me is that for all the hoopla behind the scenes about Matt Youngberg and Derrick Wyatt’s need for Omniverse to restore the Ben 10,000 future of the Original Series, it only did that for the actual “Ben 10,000″ episode.The episode “Ken 10″, which takes plays over a decade after “Ben 10,000″, is a different story entirely. 
- In “Ken 10″, as in “Ben 10,000″, Omnitrix City is a regular city filled with regular people of all species. And yet in Omniverse, it appears to be a Plumbers-operated place, similar to the one beneath Bellwood. This is due to the retcon applied to the Plumbers in the sequel shows.
- The “Ken 10″ and Omniverse versions of Ben 10,000 are remarkably similar in appearance and personality. The main difference is the coloring of their uniforms - the former wears white and black, while the latter wears white and green. Personally, I think the former looks better.
- Ken in “Ken 10″ is characterized as a smarter, more responsible version of Ben when he was a kid, who also has an Omnitrix. Ken in Omniverse is just as irresponsible as Ben was as a kid, and rather than using an Omnitrix, he moonlights as a masked, time-travelling superhero called Spanner who doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of multiple timelines.
- The implication of “Ken 10″ is that Ben 10,000 is a single father to Ken and divorced from his mother Kai. The fact that we never see Kai in the episode, nor do we see Ken’s sister Gwen outside of with the other birthday party guests leans heavily toward Ben and Kai being splitsville, with Kai having custody of Gwen and Ben having custody of Ken. In Omniverse, Ben and Kai are happily married following a forced teen romance, with Ken as their only child (and as a result he appears to be the same age as Gwen was in the “Ken 10″ timeline).
- In “Ken 10″, Grandpa Max has still been long-past retired from his Plumber occupation, and is now much skinnier and doesn’t expend energy speaking very often. While just as old when seen in Omniverse, he is still a large man here and still with the Plumbers (again, retcon.)
- Gwendolyn in “Ken 10″ has traded in her short hair with Charmcaster-style bangs for long hair with a ponytail, and no longer wears a high-collared cape. In Omniverse, she hasn’t, and still has her “Ben 10,000″ look. Both versions are heroic mages, but the precise nature of their work appears to differ due to the shows’ different portrayals of the magical elements.
- Kevin 11,000 is possibly the biggest difference since he is tied to both shows’ development paths for him. In “Ken 10″, he is a psychopathic criminal who has killed thousands upon thousands of aliens through absorbing their life energy and storing it in his DNA, adding their power to his own. He also has fathered a son, Devlin, whom he abuses in order to escape the Null Void, only to be fittingly recaptured when Devlin finally sees his dad’s true colors. While in Omniverse, he is a good guy and the new leader of the Rooters faction of the Plumbers. It is suggested that his mental illness still causes him trouble from time to time, but now he has a support system to help him manage it. He also does not appear to have a son.
So, which future do you prefer? The one from “Ken 10″, or the one from Omniverse?
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tech2guides · 5 years
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pbaen · 7 years
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I’m doing a thing with my friends where they give me a Ben 10 alien and a color pallet from here: http://color-palettes.tumblr.com/  Their all really aesthetically pleasing to me and have a wide variety so go check this tumblr out! but one of my friends suggested Ripjaws and I like both the original and Omniverse designs. So why not both?
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cat-scarr · 5 years
A Rebuttal of Ohvist Small’s "Modesty vs Arrogance" Video
My first issue with this video clip compilation is the context of the scenes depicting the events in Ben's life. The “modest” and the “arrogant” clips go back and forth through different contexts. The actions which are considered as his "modesty" happen as he watches, what he was made to believe was, his Grandpa literally dying in an explosion, as well as before he even knew Max was still alive. This how any real person should react in that situation because it is traumatic. You can not compare a person's behaviour directly following a traumatic event to a later circumstance where the has likely recovered and is in a better state of mind. 
His "arrogance" is not as malicious as it is made out to be. 
Not only that, but this “shift” in attitude is shown to happen to Ben’s character frequently throughout the series, and specifically when something traumatic occurs or is brought up. He takes on this very “mature” and “adult” behaviour, but this is obviously his way of coping with situations kids his age generally do not have to deal with. He has to deal with grown up problems, so he better act like one. 
In the Original Series’ “Ben 10,000″ episode, future Ben was shown to do this exact thing, albeit to a bit of an extreme since he actually was an adult. 
In Ultimate Alien, Ben reverted to his part of his character during times such as the Ultimate Kevin arc situation, as well as the episodes “The Ultimate Sacrifice”, and “The Ultimate Enemy.” 
In Omniverse, we are introduced to Malware -  a villain who traumatized Ben at the age of 11 and returns to cause him even more trouble at 16. When Ben is faced with the trauma Malware inflicts upon him, this triggers him to go into that “mature” and “serious” character. 
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The Omniverse episode “Malfactor” showcases the way these types of triggers affect the way Ben acts. One of the Nemetrix aliens, a predator to Ben’s chosen alien (Big Chill), manages to hypnotize him in order to distract him from Malware. This predator manipulates Ben’s mind to find what he truly wants deep down and manufactures a hallucination which displays Ben’s reaction that hypothetical situation. 
Crowd (chanting): “Ben 10! Ben 10! Ben 10! We love you, Ben 10!”
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Ben (inside the hallucination): “Yeah! Thank you! I love you all, too! But not as much as you love me...”
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Ben (outside the hallucination): “No. This isn’t what it’s about. I'm a hero.”
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Ben (controlling inside the hallucination from the outside): “Being a hero isn’t about fame. It’s about putting other people before yourself or what you want. It’s about doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do. It’s about about making a difference.” 
From this scenario, we are shown that all Ben truly wants is some recognition for his deeds. He could very well have dreamed of more, considering there is an alternate Ben (23) who is rich and famous. But, because he has been criticized for being proud of himself in the past (for “saving the whole entire universe”), once he begins to enjoy receiving the credit and love he deserves, he doesn’t even allow himself to feel good about it. 
But what he does say in the end is still very admirable, smart, and “mature.”
The rest of the time, when he is not faced with these stressors, Ben is his regular optimistic, confident self. This is not a flaw. This is him in a positive state of mind. He does not lose this “mature” outlook. He knows very well why he continues to do his job. 
Moving on to clips included in the compilation:
“Vengeance of Vilgax”
Gwen: "I'm not kidding, Ben. I'm really mad at you! Kevin and I could have been killed!"
The reason Gwen and Kevin are mad is because they weren't capable enough to take down Sserpent on their own. They really should be, but, apparently, they've been fighting him for an hour since Ben wasn't there. 
And, reasonably, you might think, 'oh, how insensitive of him to forget.' 
What makes him seem like the bad guy is the fact that he does not seem very apologetic when he does arrive. The reality is that he was not there to see Gwen and Kevin having an usually hard time fighting Ssperpent in the first place, and probably assumed that they were capable enough to do so, or at least hold him off until Ben did get there. 
But the fact that Gwen and Kevin are mostly mad at him for not showing up earlier proves that they need him. They need him to ultimately solve the problem because they know he is most capable of that. Seemingly more so than either Gwen or Kevin. Even if this is slightly strange considering both of them have gone through their own battles and won, if Ben is just that good at problem solving...should he not have good reason to be proud of himself?
That is exactly how he stopped the Highbreed invasion. He didn't “win.” Nobody “won” that war. Ben only stopped the Invasion by solving their problem in a creative way and therefore saving everyone’s lives.
Why is Ben "obnoxious" when he is no longer suffering as much as before, and when he has a good reason to be happy now? 
Granted, perhaps it is slightly premature since other threats will be coming up in his near future, so he shouldn't get too comfortable. But, the most important motivating factor behind Ben’s choice of actions and perception of his hero duty in the previous two seasons was his Grandpa Max’s disappearance. Now, he has Max back and that is no longer emotionally weighing him down. 
But even though forgetting to do something is not a good thing to do, showing up late to a mission unintentionally is not a big deal in comparison to the way some other characters are portrayed throughout this season. Everyone harps on about how terrible they think Ben is, however, whether you like it or not, Ben’s point of view can be explained.
Multiple times in this season, Kevin actually seems to stray from the motivation he had to help Ben in the first two seasons. 
Coercing the team into hacking the Omnitrix...
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Blaming Gwen for not helping him when it all backfired and hit him the hardest...
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Having an increased interest in sneaking petty crime in wherever he could...
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I am not saying that he has regressed, because I have no interest in jumping to conclusions such as those everyone seems to have concluded about Ben. But, these things are just never spoken about even though they happened. 
In the beginning, it was Kevin's idea to hack the Omnitrix. Ben agreed to do it as well, but Kevin had all the necessary equipment ready. He got hit the hardest by it as a cause of his own bad suggestion. Some have made the argument that it was Ben's fault because it was his Omnitrix. 
But...who put him in that position? 
By doing what Kevin thought was “helping”, he was actually setting them all up for this catastrophe to happen. He brought them to the garage, he set up the machines and devices, he hooked Ben up to it, and then it overloaded. He caused this mess for himself. 
“Con of Rath” 
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Ben: "Don’t worry, Ambassador. We’ll get the Tiffin to his destination.You have the word of Ben Tennyson"  
Gwen: You’re talking about yourself in the third person now? 
Gwen has a problem with the fact that Ben is talking about himself in the third person. But, Ben, being in such a position of authority where these aliens trust him enough to put their baby's life and safety into his hands is saying a whole lot about how the Galaxy sees him now. He has to reassure them that he will, without a doubt, be able to do what they expect of him. 
You could look at this as "arrogant", but you could more so look at this as Ben living up too his responsibilities and the Galaxy's expectations of him. The Galaxy treats him like this now out of both gratitude and a realization of what this boy is capable of. 
Would it be unreasonable to assume that some may even fear this over powered human? Individuals such as Vilgax are well known throughout the Galaxy because of how capable and powerful they are. Vilgax even attempted to connect that and compare himself to Ben in Ultimate Alien’s "The Ultimate Enemy." But Ben has defeated Vilgax multiple times at this point. Ben is arguably even more powerful than “the conqueror of ten worlds.”
So, in order for these aliens to not fear him as well, wouldn't he want to reassure them that he is here to use his powers to help them rather than enslave and destroy them? 
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Ben also ends up stuck as Rath the entire episode, which works both for and against them while they pursue their mission. It leads Kevin to this conclusion:
Kevin: “I'm almost starting to appreciate the old Ben.” 
“Ghost Town”
According to Gwen, it was stupid of Ben to jump in front of Vilgax, allowing Ghostfreak to possess him, which then would lead to Ghostfreak being out of Ben's control. Does that not imply that he didn't know what was happening outside his body since he was possessed? 
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And because Ben is no longer in control like he expected to be, Ghostfreak takes that chance to try to kill everyone. This was not Ben’s doing. Even if Ben and Ghostreak were not morphed into one, Ghostfreak would most likely try to do the same thing.
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Even aside from the indication that he could not have known what was going on around him, what if Ben got killed during this series of events?
Ghostfreak and Ben, two of Vilgax’s enemies, are now morphed into one. He has the chance to take them both down. And that is what he tries to do. 
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Previously, Vilgax even asked to use the Omnitrix on his own to save his planet, which obviously Ben wouldn't agree to. Therefore, it seemed there wasn't much else he could do aside from reabsorbing Ghostfreak in the Omnitrix because then he wouldn't be free to cause harm to others. 
Contrary to popular belief, there are moments in Season 3 of Alien Force where Ben was still “mature”:
Ben gave up his three day weekend to voluntarily, and with a good attitude, travel to another planet just to try to solve their problems for them. It was his intention that counted in this episode, and it also portrays how willing he is to live up to the expectations everyone has for him. A little girl asked him to stop their war, and he didn't have a singe doubt that he could it. 
His motivation was good. His outlook was fuelled by his new found confidence. These are good traits for a hero to have. 
Kevin, on the other hand, had done something less than heroic while Ben was actively trying to get the War leaders to come to an understanding. 
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Gwen: “You’re making money off of other people’s misery? I thought you were here to help Ben.”  
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Rather helping Ben find a way to get the War leaders cooperate and stop fighting, he and Argit (who was conveniently on that planet as well) begin to repaint the soldier’s weapons and resell them, encouraging them to keep fighting.
I realize that this may have been because he wasn't in a very good financial situation a this point and still partially relied on this type of business to get by, but is that any excuse to be so indifferent to other people’s problems because they are not your own, and therefore do not affect you directly? 
Kevin’s character had shifted a bit in this arc as well, and, similarly to Ben, it had been as a cause of a traumatic event which occurred to him. Namely, the one in “Vengeance of Vilgax.” 
Being deeply affected by a traumatic experience with lasting psychological, and in Kevin’s case, temporally physical effects, causes one’s character and actions to be affected as well. This can mean for better and for worse. 
“In charm’s Way”
Kevin: Where's Gwen?”
Ben: “Went home. You hurt her pretty bad.”
Kevin: “I hurt her? I'm the one who looks like this, and she hasn't done a thing about it.”
Ben: “You are a giant, rock-faced jerk!”
Kevin: “Yeah, whatever.”
Ben: “Not "whatever. " She's spending every spare moment going through every magic book she can find to try and help you. She's been doing it since the accident.”
Kevin: “She never told me.”
Ben: “Should she have had to?”
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In the end, everyone is capable of doing better and worse. However, this depends on having context in order to come to a logical understanding of where those choice of actions stems from. It does not excuse a bad behaviour, but it does shed light on the factors which have caused it to exist in the first place, and therefore can potentially prevent it in the future. Such as Omniverse Ben correcting his own thinking in “Malfactor” because of what he has learned from his past experiences. 
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tech2guides · 5 years
Free Online Cartoons to Watch and The List of the Free cartoon website in 2019
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In this Guide, we will be going to Discuss Free online cartoons to watch. The Best thing about this guide is that you will simply able to understand each and every point that we are discussing today because of I have Explains how to Free online cartoons to watch with a very simple way to understand every reader of this website.   So Now coming to the Pints that There are the People who love to Remeber there Childwood Life and most of them were might not be enjoyed that wat that thought. Now here is the thing that you have to Make sure when there is a chance that can bring our Childwood life back then it's very simple that you can do it by Following this guide about the cartoons.   But the Problem is about Time, Even if there are the People who love to Watch cartoon. because of the Time schedules of these days lifestyle. Also, you have to remember one thing that When there is no Time for you to Sitting in front of the TV and waiting for one single specific Program.   Then there is the Solution for you, If you are very much interesting about Watching the Cartoon channels or Programs then you have to think one thing and that is the Websites. Yes, Websites are the very Best Options when it comes to Free online cartoons to watch at that time we want.   The problem s about the Websites is that there are Unlimited websites where you can simply get confused and you will end up with surfing the multiple websites and you might not find the best Websites that offer the Very Good service to the Users.   N0w we are here to Guide and Suggest the best Service to you which they can offer the Best service to the people. After you have been in the search option from the Longtime period and cloud not able to find the best website then you can simply able to find the cartoons or animes website by finishing the Website.   Talk n text free app  
25+ Best Website for Free Online Cartoons to watch:
  1. YouTube: When there is a time for talking about the Cartoon then you have to have a thing of about Youtube. Because there the millions of carton creators available online and also you have to make sure that whenever you will simply want to browse any kind of the videos then you will definitely find on this website. You can find all the videos of cartoons and make sure that if you want to watch any one particular video then you have to search in the search box by that cartoon name. You wil also suggested by some of these Similar videos on the side of the youtube.  
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  You can also upload your own videos on the Youtube where you can simply create your own Channel on the carton if you are interested you can watch it here.   2. ToonJet: ToonJet is one of the Best places to watch cartoons online for free. Yes, You doesn't need to pay a single penny on this website. There are some popular and best Cartoon series like Betty Boop, Popeye, Looney Tunes in these Platforms. You can simply browse those list and Enjoy watching them for free. You can simply watch those videos without signing up into the website.   If you want to access more features then you have to Sign up for the website. Once you just got completed the Signup procedure for the ToonJet then it's very simple that you will get a Profile page of the ToonJet. You will also get the feature that you can simply comment on the Cartoons and you will rate them as per your wish and the Level if you have an interest in the Cartoons.   So when you getting all these features with just Signing up with an account then you can simply Fill all the required details and Just Go ahead with an Account. ToonJet also has an Android app where you can easily Download it from the Website www.toonjet.com. You can find the Different types of Cartoon here including the Streaming classic cartoons.   3. Cartoons On: Cartoons On is another Website Which has a very Simple interface to understand by everyone. If you want to watch Cartoon without just Downloading the Videos on the Computer then this is the website which you must give a try without having any second thought.   if you simply search for anime/cartoons in the search bar then you will find the list of the cartoons like them by Studio like Walt Disney, Warner Bros, etc. Characters like Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, etc and  Shows like Family Guy TV Series, Ben 10: Omniverse, etc.    
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    This website also does not require any Signup Process where you can watch the Unlimited Cartoons for free of cost. You don't need to pay a Single rupee. They will keep Updating the Data of the Cartoons. So you can easily able to Find the new cartoons for free of cost here.   4. Watch Cartoon Online: Watch Cartoon Online is one of the best websites that offer Cartoons for free of cost to the People. If you got into the website and if you see it then you will understand how its simple to understand the Menu bar and everything in very well Structured.   You will find all the Best list of Free online cartoons to watch and also there some Popular Shows like Shark Tale, Atomic Betty, The Super Hero Squad Show, Super Friends and so on. Whenever you get bored and not feeling happy then you can visit this website and Enjoy the cartoons all the time. But the main issue with the Watch Cartoon Online is the Popup ads that you face in the Website.   5. Anime Flavor: The next best app is Anime Flavor, this is another best app where you can easily watch the animes online without paying anything to the Website. Its always for free to watch. You will find all the Free online cartoons to watch on the Home page in a Way that you will simply Find them because of they are all available in a very Organised way. You can also find them In Alphabetical Order.   You can also find the additional Summary on the Hoem page of that Particular Anime. Anime Flavor is one of the websites where you can find Popular Free online cartoons to watch the Hoem page of this website. If you are not good yet reading the text then you can easily find it out by simply Watching the Pictures.   Disney Junior Nick AllMyAnime Anime Toon GO GO Anime Anime Center Hulu New Grounds Side Reel Cartoons8 Watch Online Cartoons Kiss Cartoon/Kiss Anime SuperCartoons Vimeo Disney Video Comedy Central South Park Studios Cartoon Park Boomerang Ovguide Cartoon Network KissPanda Maker. Watch Anime Dub Cartoonito This is the List of the More than 25 websites to For "Free online cartoons to watch". You can simply choose any of these lists and enjoy watching the Cartoons Using these websites online. Also if you want to Use any Specific app you can try also make sure to check about the app and google for review. So finally This is How you can go ahead to watch Cartoons Online.   Read the full article
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tech2guides · 5 years
Free Online Cartoons to Watch and The List of the Free cartoon website in 2019
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In this Guide, we will be going to Discuss Free online cartoons to watch. The Best thing about this guide is that you will simply able to understand each and every point that we are discussing today because of I have Explains how to Free online cartoons to watch with a very simple way to understand every reader of this website.   So Now coming to the Pints that There are the People who love to Remeber there Childwood Life and most of them were might not be enjoyed that wat that thought. Now here is the thing that you have to Make sure when there is a chance that can bring our Childwood life back then it's very simple that you can do it by Following this guide about the cartoons.   But the Problem is about Time, Even if there are the People who love to Watch cartoon. because of the Time schedules of these days lifestyle. Also, you have to remember one thing that When there is no Time for you to Sitting in front of the TV and waiting for one single specific Program.   Then there is the Solution for you, If you are very much interesting about Watching the Cartoon channels or Programs then you have to think one thing and that is the Websites. Yes, Websites are the very Best Options when it comes to Free online cartoons to watch at that time we want.   The problem s about the Websites is that there are Unlimited websites where you can simply get confused and you will end up with surfing the multiple websites and you might not find the best Websites that offer the Very Good service to the Users.   N0w we are here to Guide and Suggest the best Service to you which they can offer the Best service to the people. After you have been in the search option from the Longtime period and cloud not able to find the best website then you can simply able to find the cartoons or animes website by finishing the Website.   Talk n text free app  
25+ Best Website for Free Online Cartoons to watch:
  1. YouTube: When there is a time for talking about the Cartoon then you have to have a thing of about Youtube. Because there the millions of carton creators available online and also you have to make sure that whenever you will simply want to browse any kind of the videos then you will definitely find on this website. You can find all the videos of cartoons and make sure that if you want to watch any one particular video then you have to search in the search box by that cartoon name. You wil also suggested by some of these Similar videos on the side of the youtube.  
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  You can also upload your own videos on the Youtube where you can simply create your own Channel on the carton if you are interested you can watch it here.   2. ToonJet: ToonJet is one of the Best places to watch cartoons online for free. Yes, You doesn't need to pay a single penny on this website. There are some popular and best Cartoon series like Betty Boop, Popeye, Looney Tunes in these Platforms. You can simply browse those list and Enjoy watching them for free. You can simply watch those videos without signing up into the website.   If you want to access more features then you have to Sign up for the website. Once you just got completed the Signup procedure for the ToonJet then it's very simple that you will get a Profile page of the ToonJet. You will also get the feature that you can simply comment on the Cartoons and you will rate them as per your wish and the Level if you have an interest in the Cartoons.   So when you getting all these features with just Signing up with an account then you can simply Fill all the required details and Just Go ahead with an Account. ToonJet also has an Android app where you can easily Download it from the Website www.toonjet.com. You can find the Different types of Cartoon here including the Streaming classic cartoons.   3. Cartoons On: Cartoons On is another Website Which has a very Simple interface to understand by everyone. If you want to watch Cartoon without just Downloading the Videos on the Computer then this is the website which you must give a try without having any second thought.   if you simply search for anime/cartoons in the search bar then you will find the list of the cartoons like them by Studio like Walt Disney, Warner Bros, etc. Characters like Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, etc and  Shows like Family Guy TV Series, Ben 10: Omniverse, etc.    
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    This website also does not require any Signup Process where you can watch the Unlimited Cartoons for free of cost. You don't need to pay a Single rupee. They will keep Updating the Data of the Cartoons. So you can easily able to Find the new cartoons for free of cost here.   4. Watch Cartoon Online: Watch Cartoon Online is one of the best websites that offer Cartoons for free of cost to the People. If you got into the website and if you see it then you will understand how its simple to understand the Menu bar and everything in very well Structured.   You will find all the Best list of Free online cartoons to watch and also there some Popular Shows like Shark Tale, Atomic Betty, The Super Hero Squad Show, Super Friends and so on. Whenever you get bored and not feeling happy then you can visit this website and Enjoy the cartoons all the time. But the main issue with the Watch Cartoon Online is the Popup ads that you face in the Website.   5. Anime Flavor: The next best app is Anime Flavor, this is another best app where you can easily watch the animes online without paying anything to the Website. Its always for free to watch. You will find all the Free online cartoons to watch on the Home page in a Way that you will simply Find them because of they are all available in a very Organised way. You can also find them In Alphabetical Order.   You can also find the additional Summary on the Hoem page of that Particular Anime. Anime Flavor is one of the websites where you can find Popular Free online cartoons to watch the Hoem page of this website. If you are not good yet reading the text then you can easily find it out by simply Watching the Pictures.   Disney Junior Nick AllMyAnime Anime Toon GO GO Anime Anime Center Hulu New Grounds Side Reel Cartoons8 Watch Online Cartoons Kiss Cartoon/Kiss Anime SuperCartoons Vimeo Disney Video Comedy Central South Park Studios Cartoon Park Boomerang Ovguide Cartoon Network KissPanda Maker. Watch Anime Dub Cartoonito This is the List of the More than 25 websites to For "Free online cartoons to watch". You can simply choose any of these lists and enjoy watching the Cartoons Using these websites online. Also if you want to Use any Specific app you can try also make sure to check about the app and google for review. So finally This is How you can go ahead to watch Cartoons Online.   Read the full article
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