#i only put cut audios for the onward motif bc the others cant rlly be cut like that
themes and motifs in the side order ost
youve been promised this post and i shall deliver. others may have done this before me but im having fun so WHY NOT. thanks @mettaglam for helping me. the audios im inserting here are from this collection by @ardnin
this will probz be longer (and contain spoilers) so im putting a cut here
lets start with my favorite, which ive already pointed out here
the onward! motif
marina agitando:
pinging marciale:
asynchronous rhondo:
next up weve got some off the hook songs!
acid hues in origin of order
pinging marciale singing fly octo fly
asynchronous rhondo singing ebb n flow
and then weve got the tracks that're remixes of old music!
color pulse -> leaving with pearl and the tune that plays when u enter the elevator after defeating order
#0 shell -> #0.1 style
#12 awake -> #12.2 awakened and the slightly different version that plays before it
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