#i love tagging tw penis like lol what
unboyfriendable · 2 months
being a trans man who does not want a penis is great actually and very good and if you are one such man I will have you know we are no less men than men born with penises or men who want penises and dont have/get surgery to obtain them ❤️❤️ less dysphoria for me thanks
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llama-head · 3 years
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monstrouslyobsessed · 3 years
hhhhh hi uhm been a bit, huh??
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a lot of not fun shit happened irl but i finally got my furnace fixed! somehow. been very slow going with writing though;; uhm so yeah, like ive said earlier, i might open concepts and / or headcanon back up soon to kickstart my writing again. maybe by sunday?? feel free to send an ask in to remind me then;;
speaking of, i got couple asks to answer!
tw / tags: impregnation, implied noncon, beastfolks minors dni
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Imagine the saintess did understand the language, it wouldn’t be much better. Like, large af creatures discussing impregnating you in your presence, and also that that would be something very likely to happen again >.< I think the saintess would be very stressed out either way lol—anonymous
or perhaps it could be both! the saintess could have endured the language barrier before the alien creatures successfully implanted a language translator gizmo in them somehow and them finally realizing their actual intentions... :3c worse of both worlds!!
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Hey, breeding love if anon here, I had a horny idea for your beast world... so you know how some people have outdoor cats who go get fed at different people’s houses so that eventually a bunch of people think they are the cat’s owner? What if the same happened with a human pet, and the only logical (horny) solution to this is that the first person to impregnate the human pet gets to be their owner ;)—anonymous
hi yes i will have to do smth like this.
those humans are probably homeless seeking shelters and foods. they would probably be called strays or smth the like. although the homeless humans are supposed to be illegal (they were supposed to be shipped off to the human shelter if spotted by either reporters or authority), i wouldnt be surprised if there’s a lot of them slipping through the crack. some cities wouldn’t have enough fundings to hunt after all of them and/or shelters being too full and / or poorly run.
so i pretty much imagined that there would be some beastfolks who liked having their company but not able to provide homes for them or believing that the human(s) already having owners (a couple might’ve a collar still but ultimately lost their owner, home or even got thrown out which sadly does happen. thankfully that is not too common). perhaps they have enough funding and are kind enough to take them to a doctor for a check up as you would to a stray animal (though it is actually illegal to “spay / neuter” any humans unless it’s health complications—because of how important human population is to the beastfolks), but that’s as far as they are able to do.
however, if there’s completing beastfolks over “adopting” one human stray and the said human not having a current owner…first one to get pregnant (if the beastfolk is someone who can get pregnant and the human is a penis owner) / them (the reverse) pregnant wins, generally, in the eye of laws. :))
however, if they’re all of same sex part/no one being able to get pregnant by usual means, that’s a whole other legal complication though. i do imagine the completing beastfolks would’ve pressure the human stray to choose. i’ll let you imagine what i meant lol
lots and lots of fricking
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Could we get more love for the bonehead monsters someday?? I like em....👉👈 Like... Wendigos or sum... There is a character in an anime who is like that, elias ainsworth, I just love the creepy skull faces...—anonymous
does this count?
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this is for the next inktober…lol alien bodyguard is skull faced. this is my art btw.
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Could I ask for a elf x reader smut like an elf prince or friend like a white elf— @nickibunny23​
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please look at my status before sending in a rq. they’re always in my header description in mobile app…
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thanks sm for the asks! its nice having people randomly poking ya and letting you know that your blog still exists and is still getting readers (somehow) <3 hopefully my next post will be an announcement to rqs being open and / or an actual fic…🙏
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