#i had originally posted this cap to my main but i. deleted it. sorry. it's here now?
sistersofsilver · 16 days
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of all my screencaps this has GOT to be my favorite of hers. my gaslight gatekeep girlboss wife
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absolutebl · 2 years
First, I love all your reviews and recommendations but now my list of watched shows is getting too long and I need to organise them. Can you please give me more information on how you set up your spreadsheet. I have name, country, year, number of episodes, run time, my rating, what else should I include? Please help me organise this BL list nightmare.
BL Tracking! 
OMG you're so cute. And I am SO SORRY. 
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The spreadsheet of doom has columns for the following:
code - that’s a short search code for me personally so I can find screen caps stored on my hd, but also the one you see @heretherebedork and I (in particular) using as shorthand when we chat, e.g. UWMA & FUTS.
MDL - whether the show is on My Drama List or not (Y, N, na, and R) na = Vietnam & Cambodia, R = I reviewed it. (I also use MDL as a kind of back up and because I track all the other Asian dramas I watch there, although I don’t rate the het stuff) - you probubly don’t need this one if you don’t watch VBL or use MDL. I’m considering deleting this column since it’s redundant. 
year - generally the year the show is given on MDL (release year, rather than completed year), which conflicts with when I post and talk about shows - i.e. Bad Buddy I consider a 2022 show (when it ended), MDL lists it as 2021 (when it started) 
title - generally the one we talk about it here (as opposed to whatever MDL or Viki decides on)
subtitle (or alternate title) - the other one 
origin - who produced it, I pick the dominant language for those co-produced, so Korea got Peach of Time, Taiwan got Because of You, Thailand got Present Perfect (there are so few of these I keep track of them in a post rather then on the spreadsheet) 
rating - in my case, out of 10, i dislike an out of 5 rating system
apx hrs - so this is my best guess at the finished hour total FRESH content for each series, since (for me) length of treatment is important to track when answering wave data and exponential growth questions 
length - this is the column needed to calculate the previous one, so it’s: number of episodes X length of episode - average % of credits/recaps/stingers sponsors (usually around 22%)  
main trope - so like the major romance trope foundation of the story, enemies to lovers etc... 
sub trope - cohabitation, paranormal, etc... 
setting - home, office, r&b (restaurant & beverage), university, high school, historical 
pair tone - pining, crush, soft, hard, etc... 
main pair - grumpy/sunshine, sunshine/tsundere etc... AKA archetypes in play 
couple - the names of the two lead characters 
heat - rated from 0-3
kiss - graded from 1-10 
sub paring - side dishes 
sub pairing couple - names of the side dishes 
kiss - the side couple’s rating 
source - which platform is hosting the show
link - to that show at it’s current source (that I know of) 
MDL - a link to the show on My Drama List 
R - whether I personally have digital hard copy or not, and whether I want to 
trigger - any notes I have about traumatic elements 
pitch - my short paragraph summation, if I wrote one 
review link - a link to my review on tumblr 
more - anything I don’t have a column for 
Things I wish I included from the start!
DATE I FINISHED WATCHING IT - because I didn't track this I failed to track my own taste and journey through the genre (MDL tracks this for me, now, but I didn’t have an MDL account at the start) 
actor couple/ship name - like OffGun etc... only recently has become necessary since prior to this they had maxed out at 3 
language or caption/translation notes/links etc... - this would mostly be for the Thai stuff for me, but like there’s a great convo about the language used in DNA on one of my blog posts right now and I wish I had a place to store that info 
directors - specifically because of Vietnamese BL, otherwise MDL mostly tracks this so not necessarily except for sorting reasons 
native language title - as in, in the script of the country of origin, or in the case of Japan YET ANOTHER title (I could also use this column to track things like MAMEverse, or Japan’s linked movies) - again MDL has this info 
adaptation - if it was from a manga, manwha, or y-novel and who wrote it - MDL has this info tho 
OTS - not me, but you might want to consider this since it’s a popular topic, if you happen to be into the audio side of BL tracking the MV of the theme songs might be useful  
Production house/studio - used to be there were so few it didn’t matter what their records was, now it does 
My memory is SO SO bad ya’ll. Now the spreadsheet acts as a brain back up devise too. 
I also color code:
blue for ones I am going to try to get hold of hc,
red for ones in progress (currently airing),
grey for short works (anything that’s fh total is under 45min).
pink for ones I just can not find
So my spreadsheet was designed originally for tracking wave data, hence my prioritized intersted in calculating length and run times of fresh content, then I evolved it to be a review tracking system. But that wasn’t how it started. So it’s messier and less comprehensive than I’d like for its current use. (But honestly, that’s the nature of ALL long running data sets.) 
But at 400+ is now too large for me to modify from memory, and 80% of BL I never want to watch again, so it takes a lot to add a new column now. 
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I also have a tab where I track my rating system. 
And a tab where I track my tumblr posts and reviews and such. I started doing that because I am terrible at tagging (and tumblr keeps shadow banning tags and I can never remember which ones are “safe”) so I just could never find anything in my own blog. I needed to do this because people would ask the same question here. 
Speaking of which, I’ve actually answered this question before. But I didn’t track it, to my shame. 
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When I do this:
at the bottom of a post it means I am tracking that post for reuse/update. 
Other tabs that might have been useful
A tracking tab for announced/never made BLs with notes and sources of information. Or for the “coming next year” BLs. 
Currently I keep this info as part of my big end of year summation post as a draft here on this platform, but I’m petrified Tumblr will delete that or otherwise crash. It’s a MONSTER post while it’s in progress. 
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unforth · 3 years
I was tagged by @leonzhng​ (which definitely gave me a happy tingle of “omg senpai noticed me”) to do a few memes!
Playlist Tag Game
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs (including music only stuff like OSTs as well as songs) and then choose 10 victims.
Total number of tracks: 464
(My playlist rn is on Pandora...which means it leans Western music...back when I was still using my own music there was way more Japanese stuff on it, but most of that isn’t on Pandora, sigh...I’ve only been able to find a couple anime OSTs and a single album by L’arc en Ciel...)
Owl City - The Tip of the Iceberg
Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman
They Might Be Giants - Letterbox
The 1975 - Chocolate
They Might Be Giants - The Edison Museum
Eminem - Lose Yourself
Kesha - Raising Hell
Rise Against - Swing Life Away
Moana - Dwayne Johnson - You’re Welcome
Motion City Soundtrack - Stand Too Close
This is...so not representative...there are literally zero tracks by either of my favorite bands...wut...oh well, what can you do?
Get to Know Me
Why did you choose your URL? I’ve been unforth everywhere since 1994 so it was kinda a no brainer? When I was first signing up for AOL back in the dial up dark ages, I wanted a Star Trek related username but everything I tried was taken. My mom suggested unforth...it was the name of the male dwarf fighter she played in D&D in the 70s...and now, almost 30 years later, here I still am...
Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
@mdzsartreblogs​, @tgcfartreblogs​ and @svsssartreblogs​ - art source blogs that I run
@destielficarchive​ - a Tumblr home for my archive of deleted and hard-to-find Destiel fanfiction (and a lot of easy to find stuff...never know when someone will delete and something online now will be hard to find tomorrow...)...15k stories and counting!
@ao3spnkinkmeme​ - theoretically I crosspost kink meme posts there, but the kink meme goes so slow and I have so little time that I’ve hardly been modding except to make sure new stuff gets de-anoned, sorry...
@memesforwriters​ - I see a meme aimed at writers, I reblog it there, that’s it really.
@mcukinkbingo-archive​ - what it says on the tin, the original blog for mcukinkbingo from when I was the head mod, now it’s no longer used, and even the main one is on hiatus (I’m no longer a mod, but I advise sometimes)
@unforth-ninawaters​ - that was my username during the purge. I deleted that account, but I grabbed the username since it’s still inked places and I didn’t want anyone to yoink it or pretend to be me, that’d be awkward.
(and that’s it, though I do have access to two other Tumblrs that have their own accounts - @destielharlequinchallenge​, which I co-mod, and @duckprintspress​, which is my business.)
How long have you been on Tumblr? I initially signed up as unforth in December, 2012. That account became unforth-ninawaters, and then was deleted about a month after the purge. I’ve been basically active continually since then, though I did take a year hiatus after the purge.
Do you have a queue tag? I used to use a queue on the unforth-ninawaters and my queue tag was q hoo hoo. Now I don’t bother with a queue...eh, whatevs.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? I started dating @ramblingandpie​ in November 2012, and she used Tumblr as one of her main things, and she kept showing me stuff, and it just seemed easier to make my own account. Then we kept dating. Then we got married. Then we had kids. And now here we are.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? I’m a simple person with simple tastes; I just wanted Jeremy Renner to look fascinated by everything I say.
Why did you choose your header? I...literally can’t remember what my header is...ah, I don’t have one, lmfao. Well, that answers that question I guess. (the more sensitive I’ve gotten to copyright and repost concerns, the less I’ve done things like that, I don’t want to steal anyone’s work, and asking would require, ya know, talking to people.)
What’s your post with the most notes? Uh...according to the top posts, it’s this one where I babble about how much I love fandom - it has 510. I kinda thought my last promo for the Destiel favs survey had more than that? But I rarely get lots of notes. Most I ever had was 2k on an unforth-ninawaters post, and that was a call out, so. Awkward. And led to a lot of anon hate.
How many people do you follow? 93, though at least four of those are actually side blogs of other people I follow.
Have you ever made a shitpost? Hell yeah. Has anyone CARED about the shitpost? Not so much.
How often do you use Tumblr? Hahahahahaaa is that joke?
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? Who won? I’ve been involved in...at least three...drama storms that I can remember? Probably that 2k post call out was the biggest, and while really no one wins when that kinda shit goes down, I think I got the better of it, and I stand by the things I said then, so...yeah. The others, no one wins or loses, everyone suffers, no one is happy, then it blows over and we all move on with our lives. Honestly I’d just as soon it never happen again.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”? Instantly guarantees I will not reblog it.
Do you like tag games? Yes, though I use them as distractions from other things I should be doing. (case in point: right now)
Do you like ask games? Yes, though it can feel crappy when I get no asks, even from people I sent asks to.
Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? @leonzhng​, @winchester-reload​, @ltleflrt​, @mojoflower​, @c-kaeru​, @diminuel​, @armitageshux​ (okay we’re not exactly mutuals, but you follow me and I follow your side blog, that counts right? Actually screw it why DON’T I follow your main? I’ll just...do that...now I’m following 94 people, lol...).
Do you have a crush on a mutual? pfft my ace ass doesn’t get crushes on anyone, but I’m literally married to one of my mutuals, so that counts I guess?
Phone Photo Meme Game:
Uh, I’m on desktop rn, but lemme see...I don’t generally have many reaction type things on my phone, but I do have a lot of screen caps from the danmei stuff I’ve been watching...
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I’d say this is me basically all the time, lmao...
Tagging, um... @candicewright​ @xiejie-liubo​, @ryugarika​, @ramblingandpie​, @casbakespie​, @combeferret​, @slytherkins​, @tryslora​, anyone else who feels like playing!
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internetdetectives · 5 years
8/30/19 - Chat with Moonman and GHOSTBABEL
moonman31 2:11 PM: "the weather is crazy right now”
Xenquility 2:12 PM: "Rain?”
moonman31 2:12 PM: "nah not yet, soon though”
moonman31 2:12 PM: "Everything was cool here and suddenly we got all these hurricane warnings today”
Slinky stinks 2:13 PM: "its because it was 10hour version”
Xenquility 2:13 PM: "Think you'll be okay?”
moonman31 2:13 PM: "I should be?”
moonman31 2:13 PM: "Florida is used to hurricanes”
moonman31 2:13 PM: "just not so unexpectedly as this”
Mr t series good 2:13 PM: "You dumbasses”
Slinky stinks 2:13 PM: "yeah but an hurricane is a hurricane g”
otherLiam 2:13 PM: "As a fellow Floridian, he'll be okay.”
Slinky stinks 2:14 PM: "take care just in case”
otherLiam 2:14 PM: "The state's infrastructure is built for hurricanes.”
otherLiam 2:14 PM: "That being said, did Wolfcat actually play a song?”
Mr t series good 2:14 PM: "Yeah”
Mr t series good 2:14 PM: "That madlad”
Slinky stinks 2:14 PM: "he did a "Pro slinky move"”
Slinky stinks 2:14 PM: "and posted the 10h version of the SoS”
otherLiam 2:15 PM: "hmm”
moonman31 2:15 PM: "???”
moonman31 2:15 PM: "what are you guys talking about”
Jos 2:15 PM: "Hello, resume?”
Jos 2:15 PM: "Also my moonman”
moonman31 2:15 PM: "it's hurricane season…”
Slinky stinks 2:15 PM: "wait is there a hurricane season?”
otherLiam 2:15 PM: "there is”
Xenquility 2:16 PM: "There's a good chance it wasn't wolfcat”
moonman31 2:16 PM: "you think the song of storms summoned a hurricane?”
Jos 2:16 PM: "(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅m̲̅a̲̅r̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅a̲̅n̲̅a̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅() this one after "death" should be gret”
Xenquility 2:16 PM: "There's literally a hurricane heading to Florida right now”
Jos 2:16 PM: "NOW that you mention that”
moonman31 2:16 PM: "wait”
moonman31 2:16 PM: "what is the name of that hurricane”
Slinky stinks 2:16 PM: "its an alternate universe hurricane”
Xenquility 2:16 PM: "Dorian”
Slinky stinks 2:16 PM: "imagine its called john lol”
moonman31 2:17 PM: "Weird”
moonman31 2:17 PM: "no ours is Helena”
Slinky stinks 2:17 PM: "Helena???”
moonman31 2:17 PM: "it feels like its not a coincidence though”
moonman31 2:17 PM: “the timing is too perfect”
moonman31 2:17 PM: “do you think someone is trying to get us?”
otherLiam 2:17 PM: "You said you just got hurricane warnings, right?”
moonman31 2:17 PM: "I mean all of us?”
Mr t series good 2:18 PM: "Wolf caused it moonman”
Slinky stinks 2:18 PM: "damn…”
moonman31 2:18 PM: "There's a lot of us in the various Floridas…”
moonman31 2:18 PM: "Wolf?”
otherLiam 2:18 PM: "We've known about Dorian for awhile, so it suddenly appearing out of nowhere for you seems pretty bad.”
moonman31 2:18 PM: "doesn't seem like Wolf would do that :\”
Jos 2:18 PM: "Wolf has been weird the past week.”
Xenquility 2:18 PM: "How long ago did the warnings appear?”
Slinky stinks 2:18 PM: "i mean”
Jos 2:18 PM: "i have a lot of proof”
Xenquility 2:18 PM: "(Wolf is always weird)”
Slinky stinks 2:18 PM: "helena sounds familiar”
Jos 2:18 PM: "no no”
Jos 2:18 PM: "weird stuff”
Jos 2:18 PM: "but”
otherLiam 2:18 PM: "...That reminds me. Moonman, it was mentioned to us that you think there's a traitor in our midst. Why do you think that?”
moonman31 2:19 PM: "Because they were posting your discord convos in the truth”
Mr t series good 2:19 PM: "What If Wolfs the traitor”
Slinky stinks 2:19 PM: "Wait what”
moonman31 2:19 PM: "that's all gone now though”
Mr t series good 2:19 PM: "Would Match with him Posting Songs”
moonman31 2:19 PM: "it was in the Internet Detectives thread”
Jos 2:19 PM: "@otherLiam accept friend”
otherLiam 2:19 PM: "we are now frens”
Mr t series good 2:20 PM: "Nice”
Slinky stinks 2:20 PM: "accept frend too liam”
otherLiam 2:20 PM: "did it”
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: "i posted the song of storms in reference to the actual hurricane hitting florida right now”
Mr t series good 2:21 PM: "Oh”
otherLiam 2:21 PM: "Were they posting discord convos from here, or the main ID discord?”
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: "i never meant for it to be an actual submission”
Mr t series good 2:21 PM: "Sorry then wolf”
otherLiam 2:21 PM: "Well, Slinky didn't mean the Elegy to be an actual submission”
moonman31 2:21 PM: "they were from the ID discord”
moonman31 2:21 PM: "mainly”
otherLiam 2:21 PM: "but here we are”
Slinky stinks 2:21 PM: "lol”
Slinky stinks 2:21 PM: "okay”
Slinky stinks 2:21 PM: "prolly it was the first post”
Slinky stinks 2:21 PM: "it was made by nocta”
otherLiam 2:21 PM: "Then that doesn't necessarily mean we have a traitor, anyone can join that thing and take screenshots.”
Slinky stinks 2:22 PM: "but its deleted”
Wolfcat 2:22 PM: "nocta was also spying on our tumblr if im remebering correctly”
Slinky stinks 2:22 PM: "and a lot of people joined and quitted recently”
moonman31 2:22 PM: "uh well i thought you need special perms to go beyond the welcome area”
moonman31 2:22 PM: "but this was going on for a while”
Slinky stinks 2:23 PM: "oh yeah”
Slinky stinks 2:23 PM: "the ID role”
Slinky stinks 2:23 PM: "i couldn't see the general with my Side Acc”
otherLiam 2:23 PM: "Hrm.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 2:26 PM: "ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛᴡᴏ ʜᴜʀʀɪᴄᴀɴᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɪɴɪᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ? sᴇᴇᴍs ꜰɪsʜʏ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ.”
Jos 2:27 PM: "I don't think so”
Mr t series good 2:27 PM: "Babel you think the Song caused it”
Slinky stinks 2:27 PM: "i mean now everything its a coincidence”
Jos 2:27 PM: "I mean”
Slinky stinks 2:27 PM: "we cant asume stuff now bc we dont have Any info”
ARGdov 2:28 PM: "God shit is bad”
ARGdov 2:28 PM: "Sadly Im prepccupied”
Mr t series good 2:28 PM: "Oof”
ARGdov 2:28 PM: "Dont do anything stupid you guys”
Wolfcat 2:29 PM: "who do you think we are?”
Slinky stinks 2:29 PM: "dont post songs as memes”
Mr t series good 2:29 PM: ":moonman:”
Slinky stinks 2:29 PM: "thats what you guys told me lol”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 2:29 PM: "ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴘᴜʟʟᴇᴅ ᴏꜰꜰ sᴏᴍᴇ ʀɪsᴋʏ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ. ɪ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴘᴏssɪʙʟʏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴇǫᴜᴇɴᴄᴇs. sʜᴏʀᴛʟʏ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀsᴛ sᴛᴏʀᴍ ᴅᴇᴠᴇʟᴏᴘᴇᴅ. ᴅᴏᴇsɴ'ᴛ sᴇᴇᴍ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɪɴɪᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏs.”
Slinky stinks 2:29 PM: "and it happened again”
Jos 2:30 PM: "yeah, as i said, it is not, but i can't speak much”
Slinky stinks 2:30 PM: "does the length of the song also means sum
lime if i post a 10 hour version of something it would mean more effectively”
ARGdov 2:30 PM: "I doubt it”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 2:31 PM: "ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ɴᴏᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴛᴀᴍᴘᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴꜰɪɴɪᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ᴛᴀᴍᴘᴇʀᴇᴅ ʙᴀᴄᴋ. ᴏʀ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ʙᴀʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴏꜰ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ ɪs ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ.”
moonman31 2:32 PM: ":neutral_face:”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 2:33 PM: "ᴄᴀʟʟ ɪᴛ ᴀ ᴛʜᴇᴏʀʏ ᴛʜᴇɴ. ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴘᴇssɪᴍɪsᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀᴇ sᴇʀɪᴏᴜsʟʏ, ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ sʜᴏᴇs. ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ.”
Slinky stinks 2:33 PM: "moonman poker faces”
Jos 2:33 PM: "We are”
ARGdov 2:33 PM: "We’re concerned”
Slinky stinks 2:34 PM: "take care moony, we dont know how interdimensional  hurricanes can be”
moonman31 2:34 PM: "meh”
Slinky stinks 2:34 PM: "just asking”
Slinky stinks 2:34 PM: "how was that hurricane that fucked up A LOT called?”
Slinky stinks 2:34 PM: "who is @0118072119”
Slinky stinks 2:34 PM: "is in both servers and it freaks me out a little lol”
Jos 2:36 PM: "Idk just a player”
moonman31 2:43 PM: ((Moonman posts a screenshot of a Google search, showing results for a hurricane named Helena))
Mr t series good 2:43 PM: "Oh shit”
Slinky stinks 2:43 PM: "what the heck”
Jos 2:44 PM: "Do you have google over there?”
moonman31 2:44 PM: "What? Yeah”
ARGdov 2:44 PM: "Daaamn”
ARGdov 2:44 PM: "Weird one thing presicted it coming a couple days ago”
ARGdov 2:44 PM: "Although wait”
ARGdov 2:44 PM: "Category 1 is a weak hurricane right?”
moonman31 2:45 PM: "Uh yeah i guess they announced it as a storm a few days ago but suddenly its like a CAT 4”
ARGdov 2:45 PM: "Jesus fuck ok”
ARGdov 2:45 PM: "Yeah ok so Wolf is responsible”
moonman31 2:46 PM: "wait”
moonman31 2:46 PM: "google your hurricane”
moonman31 2:46 PM: "and see how it compares”
Jos 2:46 PM: ((Jos posts a screenshot of a Google search similar to Moonman’s, only the names are replaced with “Dorian”))
Jos 2:46 PM: “sorry for the spasnih stuff”
moonman31 2:47 PM: "seems the same”
Slinky stinks 2:47 PM: "hmmm”
Slinky stinks 2:47 PM: "yeah”
ARGdov 2:47 PM: "Simmilar but not the same”
Slinky stinks 2:47 PM: "is helena hitting in georgia too?”
otherLiam 2:47 PM: "might just be us being parallel earths, might have been wolfcat posting the song of storms as a meme.”
Slinky stinks 2:47 PM: "Simmilar but not the same”
Slinky stinks 2:47 PM: "LIKE THE WHOLE TIMELINE”
Slinky stinks 2:47 PM: "that caps sorry”
Mr t series good 2:48 PM: "Yes”
ARGdov 2:48 PM: "The hurricane in the other timelie was weak”
Slinky stinks 2:48 PM: "i pressed by accident”
ARGdov 2:48 PM: "And then not so long after Wolf posted it it got absurdly strong”
Jos 2:48 PM: "Actually”
Jos 2:48 PM: "not only song of storm.”
Jos 2:48 PM: "but the healing song”
Jos 2:48 PM: "both hidden as memes”
ARGdov 2:50 PM: "Yeesh”
otherLiam 2:50 PM: "i doubt the song of healing counted”
moonman31 2:51 PM: ((Moonman posts a news article about hurricane Helena))
Xenquility 2:52 PM: ((Xenquility posts the same news article as it appears in our timeline, having the name replaced with “Dorian”))
otherLiam 2:52 PM: "hmmm.”
otherLiam 2:52 PM: "for the record”
otherLiam 2:52 PM: "there has never been a hurricane Helena in our timeline.”
Slinky stinks 2:53 PM: "hmmm”
otherLiam 2:53 PM: "we had a Tropical Storm Helena once. We've had Hurricanes Elena and Helene.”
Slinky stinks 2:53 PM: "i mean yeah”
Slinky stinks 2:53 PM: "it has been a helena tropical storm”
Slinky stinks 2:53 PM: "9 deds”
moonman31 2:55 PM: "Dorian /ˈdɔːriən/ is a unisex given name of Greek origin. In Greek the meaning of the name Dorian is: Of Doris, a district of Greece; or of Doros, a legendary Greek hero. Doros was the son of Hellen of Sparta (who was the daughter of Zeus and Leda). Doros was the founder of the Dorian tribe, and the most likely origin of Doros' name was the Greek word "doron", meaning "gift". The Dorians were an obscure, ancient Hellenic tribe that were supposed to have existed in the north-eastern regions of Greece, ancient Macedonia and Epirus.”
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