#i feel it in my soul
bakubunny · 16 days
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(gross) mini hc: katsuki gets hard when he sees you smelling his sweaty workout tank. if he catches you huffing his boxer briefs with your hand between your legs? he moans as blood rushes to his dick. he’s turning you over that instant, shoving your face into the sheets, and telling you to put your ass up while he takes his cock out. soon, all you can process is the snap of his hips and his scent being shoved back into your drooling face.
“y’r a nasty bitch, huh?… so fuckin’ filthy, usin’ my dirty boxers to get off like a bitch in heat….”
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mini gremlins: @dcsiremc @bookcluberror @zazter-den @i-literally-cant-with-this @r4td0lll @naughtygobbo
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don’t know how to break it to you guy but vedek bareil? He/they
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 2 months
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hand on the shoulder, finger in the face. things are getting serious.
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fagtron2000 · 2 months
transfem radford. You agree? Reblog
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
If Tsu'tey had lived, how do you think he'd feel about Spider?
On one hand, Spider human and the son of Quaritch but on the other hand, you can't deny he has the heart and soul of a true Na'vi.
Also I can see Spider, especially as a little kid, hero-worshipping Tsu'tey. Even if Tsu'tey doesn't like the human boy, you can't tell me he wouldn't enjoy the attention, especially if Spider snubs the great Toruk Makto to hear about one of Tsu'tey's stories.
its definitely a chaotic mix of "jake get you fucking kid away from me", "jake if you don't stop neglecting your kid I'm gonna fucking take him", and "jake your kid is literally fucking cooler then you"
like the kid is definitely not his favorite person in the world, but he is still a child, a child that will kiss the floor he walks on. he is also a gift from eywa, it doesn't take a tsahik to see that, it's clear as day. so tsu'tey can't bring himself to actually hate him, he's too young and innocent to be deserving of that sort of treatment.
and it rubs him the wrong way how he's treated like he's less than some animal, cause even the animals are treated better than him at times, and he'd give jake some serious shit for that.
plus, this kid fucking loves him, always wants to be around him, and actually admires him, more than other kids in a way tsu'tey can't really put a finger on. he can't help but like the kid a little, enough to show him the ropes of life, and pat him on the back every once and a while.
its like a reluctant caretaker in the way that he'll like, make sure he doesn't die and isn't completely emotionally fucked, and they just kinda keep that vibe even when spiders 16. they 'hate' each other, but there's a mutual understanding that if spider needs anything, he can go to tsu'tey.
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jklovesfandoms · 4 months
What if I say that Stephanie Lauter's love languages are physical touch and doing acts of service, huh?
What if I say that Peter Spankoffski's are infodumping and gift giving?
What if I say that Grace Chasity's love languages are quality time and words of affirmation?
What if-?
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overseer-picard · 1 year
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Don't mind me, just crying over the fact that Picard and Beverly's love is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken and bears it out even to the edge of doom.
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
And so what if I teared up over a radio from 14 years, so what??? And if I had to hold my head in my hands???? And if I actually had to sob???
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blacktofade · 2 months
yeah! impulse’s stream from monday, he’s in his storage room talking to pearl and gem!
the gist of it is impulse saying “no there was no kissing, none of us kissed” (no context for why he said it lmao) gem responding “i dunno, you and skizz seemed pretty close” and pearl going “oh gem has seen some stuff”
which. you can see. why specifically gem making that comment about specifically skizz and impulse. would make me. crazy in a silly way.
♦️ anon
[Impulse voice] hoh my god! Thank you for this information, anon! This is one of those moments where I feel like they're taking our jobs. WE'RE meant to be the perverts making stuff up about them!
Gem absolutely made them kiss. No doubt no doubt no doubt!!
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torchickentacos · 1 year
anyways barbie movies are unironically actually great and i will not stand any slander on this topic
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hemmohaze · 2 months
i truly feel like no one understands motion like i do.
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rhaegnarokmidwinter · 2 years
weird bleach headcanons part 5:  we’re in too deep now buckos
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apropos of nothing I have more bullshit. in honour of our boy coming back, he’s up first. welcome, grimmjow. we missed you and your hole.
Grimmjow Jaegerjacquez: The universal headcanons for this man seems to be that he’s either a choke-me-like-you-hate-me-but-you-love me one night stand blow me in an alley guy, or absolute goblin in the streets softie in the sheets hard as hell shell but ooey gooey center guy.  Enter the variant, properly feral kitty cat Grimmjow. You don’t run into Grimmjow in a bar, in an alley, in a fight, or in a fucking coffeeshop. No. One day you’re taking out the trash when you run into this teal-headed juicehead who can’t keep his shirt on, digging through the dumpster cause the babushka down the hall threw out a whole ass rack of lamb when the power went out and it defrosted too quick, but hey he’s a Hollow and its free real estate free dinner. Prolonged eye contact ensues cause Grimmjow don’t give a fuck when he’s hungry but its kinda weird for you when all you wanted to do was take out the trash and now you’re having the worlds weirdest fucking meet-cute. And then he just? Walks away? With the lamb leg? You shrug it off because urban cryptids are the least of your worries except this one is persistent and you see him kinda going to and fro at random points of the day? Where does he work? DOES he work? You don’t know, he seems remotely put together and fucking shredded so he presumably works out and has the means to clothe himself. Then again you did come across him eyeing up a dubious piece of expired dumpster meat like he won the million dollar jackpot so its anyone’s guess how sane or employed he is. He’s like a stray street cat that does what he wants, and like a stray cat, its not that you’ve chosen to take in Grimmjow, Grimmjow has chosen you to take him in. Ichigo Kurosaki: Will never admit it, but he’s a fucking dom. The polite, respectful kind of dom who makes sure you drink your water, go to bed at a semi-reasonable hour and doesn’t run out of toothpaste, but who will also consensually spank and fuck the absolute brains out of you if you forget said toothpaste even though it was right on top of the list. Not like you’re complaining though. Jushiro Ukitake: An actual cinnamon roll and there’s no precise way of getting around this, or the gentle fatherly vibes he gives off. He is pure, he is daddy. The more attainable, tamer DILF to Isshin’s “unattainable DILF” thing. Gives off insane vibes that he’s into ropeplay but like, shibari. Like he’s more interested in the aesthetics of it. Cinnamon roll with a tiny hint of cayenne not too much though or it aggravates his throat! Kenpachi Zaraki: Alright uh, the obvious headcanon route for Kenpachi suggests he’s into hard and fast and the trope of feeling the dick in your lungs. Cooo. Coolcoolcool. I can respect that. Except we.. know Kenpachi likes to fight. And he likes to really enjoy the fight. If its over too fast he’s bored.  Consider if you will, Kenpachi, really getting off on edging.
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take your time with that one I know its a lot.
Ikkaku Madarame: is a Manchester United supporter. I can’t explain this one.
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wonderart-kun · 1 year
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"Actions have consequences"
Ok ok ok I'm not actually at that part yet but I KNOW THIS IS NOT GONNA END WELL. Tommy just mess around too much, Tubbo will have to exile him for sure.
(If you are wondering: yes, I'm avoiding spoilers like a PLAGUE)
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onmy127thlemonade · 6 months
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kaminocasey · 1 year
If Echo had been there with Fives on Umbara, he would have 100% told Krell to go fuck himself.
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After the recent interviews with Jason & Hannah, I'm fairly confident the third truth bomb will be Ted & Rebecca admitting their feelings for each other, but agreeing that maybe it's just not the right time for them...yet. And if that's what we get, then I'll happily take it.
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