#i didn't include the screaming one even though i have it because i'm not that much of a monster
abiatackerman · 2 days
Red Date
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Warnings: Description of sexual arousal (MDNI)
You look up from your paperwork as you hear Levi's stern voice. You were so consumed in your work that you didn't even notice him entering.
"Hey Levi! Sorry, didn't notice you. Need anything?"
You speak, smiling sweetly as always.
“I want to take you out tonight”
Levi says with a straight up blunt tone making you look up at him with shock. His face shows no emotion on it. He stares at you waiting for your answer. Though, on the inside, the nerves and butterflies were going crazy.
"Take out? Where?"
You ask with shock, confusion and curiosity.
“Dinner. Somewhere with no people. Somewhere nice”
Levi says as he shifts the weight between both his legs.
He is nervous. He has never dated anyone. Hell, he has barely been around any women. Yet you… He wants to keep, and never let go.
You smile at his slightly nervous expression.
"Well, I'm free tonight. Also it's boring just to eat the regular bread and soup of the regiment... So why not?"
Levi’s eyes brighten when he hears your answer. Yes! You said yes! Yet the excitement is hidden behind a stoic poker face.
“Meet me behind HQ an hour after the sunset, and wear something fancy”
"No, I can't, Levi... I don't have anything fancy with me here. Just casual clothes. Also why behind the hq?"
You ask with confusion.
“Then wear the most formal thing you have”
Levi speaks bluntly as he answers your question simply.
“And that’s for me to know and for you to find out”
You chuckle at his straight forward answer.
"Since you saved my life twice... I guess I'll trust you."
Levi says nothing, but inside he is screaming with excitement. You trust him!
Levi nods his head to your answer. His face is still expressionless.
“Now…keep preparing your papers. I shall take my leave.”
Levi says before he turns and leaves the infirmary.
An hour after sunset, as promised, Levi is behind HQ, waiting on you. His usual expression on his face, and his hands shoved into his pockets. A slight look of boredom in his eyes as he waited for you to show.
Something red catches his eyes and he looks at the gate. His eyes widened slightly seeing you in your red dress. You're wearing a simple round necked wine red dress which reaches upto your knee. As always no makeup on your face without that damn wine red lipstick of yours. Your hair is tied up in a loose bun, revealing your soft addictive neck.
On the other side, your eyes are widened too. The wholes place is nicely decorated by candles and in the middle there's a red blanket on the green grass which has a table on the corner of it. The table is decorated nicely too. With dinner set and by the smell you can tell it's spaghetti hidden under those legent utensils.
You look around and gasp again.
“You look beautiful Abiat. Now, come sit.”
Levi speaks as he gestured for her to come over to the blanket. His eyes taking you all in.
"Ahhh thank you."
You gasp again as he compliments you. I walk towards the blanket and sit down on the chair Levi pulls out for you.
"You know, I thought you wanted no one to know that we're going out. So you told me to come here... But I never even imagined these arrangements! How many people helped you?"
Levi shrugs his shoulders before he sits down, across from her. He seems pleased with himself at your expression.
“Four people. Hange included.”
Levi says simply and calmly. He gestures to the rose near you, then to the food and wine before them.
"Who are the three others? Erwin is one of em I'm sure... But the other two?
You chuckle softly, taking the rose, sniffing it.
“Miche, and Eld. They’re trustworthy. They’ll keep their mouth shut. Now, eat. There’s plenty to share, and don’t even think of complaining about the food, because I won’t listen”
You ignore him as you take a deep breath and gather your courage. Leaning forward,  you softly press a kiss on his cheeks, letting your lips linger on his cheek for a bit as you close your eyes and take in his scent.
The small gesture is more than enough to light a fire in his lower regions. He gulps as he feels himself getting hard.
Not now, damnit!
He curses himself as his heart beats crazily.
“Now…if you would sit back, we shall eat”
Levi speaks, his mind is reeling.
"Sorry there's uh... Lipstick stains on your cheek."
You say as your lips are pressed into a thin line and your cheeks are pink.
“It’s fine… It’ll wash off.”
Levi says as he grabs the glass of wine and took a small sip to calm his mind down. He sets the wine down on the edge of the table. His eyes go to the food.
"I wanted to thank you. It's so romantic. I never thought you would do something for me."
You smile shyly as you speak.
“You can thank me properly later. Now eat your food and keep those gorgeous lips off of me until you finish eating. I’m not complaining either way.…”
Levi says with a shrug of his shoulders. He takes another small sip of wine. You sigh and look up at the sky.
"These types of moments..... In a silent place, in between nature... Heaven."
Levi looks up at the sky as well at your words. It is relaxing. So quiet and pretty. He can forget there are any titans, or people in the outer world who wanted them dead.
Just him, and you.
“Yes…it’s nice. To not think or have a worry in the world, even if momentarily…”
"Yeah right. Anyway who cooked them?
You look at the delicious spaghetti as you ask.
“Eld cooked it. Miche made sure it was cooked right. And no, they didn’t spit in the food before they gave it to me. I’m not that cruel for that.”
"Spit in the food? That's hilarious, Levi!"
You laugh loudly.
“Shut it. Now eat up. You look like you’re about to faint from no food.”
He mutters before he pushes a plate full of spaghetti towards you. You roll your eyes.
"You know I don't eat much. I have a petite body. I need a little food."
You say as you take the spaghetti and start eating. Your eyes widened at it's delicious taste. Also not to mention you are hungry.
“You eat like a small bird…”
Levi says as he watches you dig into the food. You furrow your eyebrows.
"Do you want me to eat like a pig and look like a mini elephant?"
You say as you take another spoonful of spaghetti.
“No, I’m not saying you have to eat like a pig. Just eat a normal meal every once and a while. Learn from  Hange and Erwin. They eat like animals”
"Erwin's gonna love to hear that. Eat like an animal? Levi... I really love talking to you. You're funny."
“Just eat. Don’t be picky. You’re skinny as a stick as it is”
"No, I'm not."
You protest, still smiling. Levi smiles a little too. It is entertaining watching your sarcastic way to get back at him for insulting you. The way you insulted him was cute and bravely to him. When everyone gets scared and despise him because of his rude words, you enjoy them.
He loves it. Addicted to it.....
“You’re the only woman I know who’s attracted to being insulted and intimidated by someone.
"You're the only man I know who is attracted to a girl like that."
You talk back, immediately.
“True. I can’t imagine other men being attracted to a woman who’s as small as a stick”
"I had a lot of men wanting me. You can be sure of it."
Levi raises an eyebrow at your cocky smile.
”Then go ahead. Name them”
Levi says with a pissed tone and a slight jealousy in his face.
"I don't want you to beat them up."
You chuckle as you hold a spoonful of spaghetti in front of his mouth.
“You’re not feeding me”
He says as he reaches forward and shoves a large portion of pasta in your mouth, that way you can’t speak… Or protest. You groan and gulp the pasta and glare at him.
'It's my turn!"
You say and without any hesitation, you suddenly get on his lap with the spoon.
”What are you doing?”
He asks, as he feels himself getting slightly harder. Not to mention you are sitting right on his bulge. The softness of your ass almost made him moan.
"Feeding you. Say aaaaaa...."
You say as you hold his chin and the spoonful of spaghetti in front of his lips ignoring the large hardened cock under you.
Levi opened up his mouth and leaned forward to take the food in. You can't help but laugh loudly as he says "aaaah" sarcastically.
"I just wanted you to open your mouth, fool. Not to say aaaaa..."
You laugh louder.
”Shut it.”
Levi says as his hands holds your hips in place as he looks at you.
“How about I shut up that mouth of yours?”
Levi says before he crashes his lips against yours in a heated kiss. You smile against his lips and hug his neck and kiss him back passionately. You part your lips as soon as he licks them. His tongue slips inside of your mouth as you part your lips. He deepens the kiss, taking in everything about you. He had been craving this for so long.
His arousal grows and he groans slightly at the feeling of your core pressed against his hard, clothed length. He runs his tongue over every inch of your mouth before he finally breaks the kiss, needing a break for air.
“That should shut you up…"
You breathe heavily as you smile.
"Your mouth is a mess, Levi! With my lipstick... And you're hard."
You say chuckling softly as you take a paper napkin to clean his face.
“Your fault. Not mine. You’re the one who straddled my lap and put your lipstick everywhere”
Levi mutters as he looks at you, staring at the way your chest rises with every breath you take.
You say smacking the napkin on his face as you catch him staring at your chest.
“You’re the one who’s sitting on my hardening member and you’re calling me the pervert?”
Levi’s breath is hot against your skin as he leans in and places a few hungry, open-mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulders. You chuckle moaning, grab his hair and pull his head backwards to make him look into your eyes.
"I didn't know you were hard when I got in your lap."
You say staring into his eyes as you take the bowl of spaghetti again and get off his lap.
“It’s called the hormones of an aroused male. You’re wearing red lipstick and a red dress. It’s almost like you are begging me to devour you."
Later, after finishing eating and talking about nothing important, you two sit on the blanket. You sit between his legs and lean your back on his chest as you yawn tiredly.
"Levi... I'm really tired. I might fall asleep here, yk..."
You say sighing as you sip your wine.
“We can stay here for a little while longer. Not too long though or else the idiots are going to snoop around”
Levi mutters as he sighs.
"Why do I feel like the brat's are already watching us while blushing and giggling?"
Levi sighs. He can almost hear the little brat's giggles. He has a few ideas of what he would do to them later but now he couldn’t focus on that. Not when the girl of his dreams is pressed up against him and holding his hands.
“Shut it. Stop reminding me that they’re probably watching us”
Levi mutters, slightly glaring off to the side before wrapping his arms around her.
"Thank you, Levi. I really enjoyed tonight."
You mumble as you slowly start to doze off in his arms.
“Me too…”
Levi says softly as he stares down at you. He is slightly jealous of your ability to fall asleep so fast. He runs his fingers through your hair and gently plays with the strands.
“Rest up, Doll.”
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grayintogreen · 1 year
I painstakingly used snipping tool to take these caps, please cry about baby Rocket with me.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
one of my fave things bout minedai is that daigo could do Literally Anything- even the most benign, innocuous thing yet it could unintentionally cause mine to short circuit for the next five hours
#snap chats#ive been having minedai brainrot all day but i dont have the energy or ideas to execute any ideas#so i will simply just ramble bout it until something comes to me#prob wont draw anythin for a bit tho- ive drawn a lot lately and im busy with stuff. Of Which Include Drawing LMAO#listen thats comm stuff its different but anyways let me continue my ramble#i think of a lot of silly lil comics and drawings but the punchline is inevitably Mine Has A Heart Attack Over Daigo Existing#i wouldnt mind drawing that all day but man i cant imagine it'd be fun to see over and over- i guess it depends on execution#but no fr i just keep thinkin of simple shit like. like idk maybe they're walkin in the street together#and just the way they have to shuffle around other people daigo has to press against him for a hot minute#And It Is A Hot Minute mine's screaming internally because daigo's so close and even if theyre in the middle of the city#he's all he can focus on somehow- the way his suit feels and the subtle ways the muscles /under/ his suit shift and move#meanwhile daigo's just I'm So Sorry Mine :( I Didn't Think It'd Be This Crowded Today :(#brb gotta reread some of my fave fics cause they capture this aspect i love so well#god i gotta start writing my own shit though i just love talking about and explorin this idea If Not Just Them In General#but im Not Good at writing <:) or at least it's hard for me to think of an idea idk#once i have an idea then i can pump something out but alas nothing's come to mind#ok i'ma wrap up this ramble because i went all over the place by accident oops </3#i'll be back in one way or another
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QUILQUILQUIL i just hit a whole ass new level of “mutual on the dash”
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Mutual on the pinterest! Hi from your pinterest feed :3--I wonder if this is the same post on pinterest someone else saw or if it's been reposted multiple times. I suppose both are possible
The fun thing about this post is that every so often I'll get notes on it, a series of people having deep, emotional damage moments in my tags meanwhile I'm seeing those tags in my notifs while I'm like. laughing my ass off making the stupidest shitposts imaginable. I feel like that awkward glance monkey puppet meme. They're all having this moment and I'm just here in a totally different mood because I've come to terms with many of the feelings this post was inspired by
But enough about that! I love when people encounter this post in the wild so thank you very much for telling me. It's cool to see how far its spread. hope you're doing well!
#quil's queries#even-if-in-another-time#all caps#another thing is every time I see this post I feel bad about including the part about my mom yelling#because like. its true but I feel like only knowing that mischaracterizes her#and every time I see it I wanna go my mother is a wonderful supportive kind attentive person#like yes she yelled at me when I was little but when I kept telling her not to (she didn't think she was yelling#because she grew up in a household with screaming and she thought /that/ was yelling. she realized that little me#didn't have that experience so to me she /was/ yelling at me)#she listened and reflected and went yeah you know what? I don't like that I'm doing that I'm going to change. and she did!#she is a very. how do I explain. she's always open to criticism and actually enacting it to be a better person#both my parents ended cycles from their childhoods and I'm very grateful for it. they're wonderful#and i feel like that one line makes her sound so much worse and i feel so bad about it i'm sorry mom#i was in a mood when I wrote it I'm sorry :(#anyway. i got way off track here#love my parents. willing to share because some of y'all post worrying things#also love my sister. though she's at the age where she withdraws from the world and finds herself and sorts herself out#so like. waiting patiently for her to do so to hopefully forge a better bond :)#I'm still getting off track damn#i'm in a chatty mood i have a lot of energy with no direction hmm#this could end badly
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lilirari · 5 months
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🫧 basically just going on different kinds of dates with lando <3
💌 lando norris x fem! reader (social media au)
💭 author's note : i loved making this fr !! i was going to include some writing parts but.. i kinda got lazy 🧍‍♀️ if you guys want the writing part though, i'll work on it and post it. the part two to this + oscar's version is also in the works !
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🧩 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ lego date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 19,444,127 others
yourinstagram lego date with the loml ! he gave me that bouquet of lego flowers in the morning 🥹🤍 last pic is him trying to find that one missing lego piece.
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landonorris pretty flowers for my pretty flower ♡
liked by yourinstagram
landonorris ok but did you take that piece 🤨
-> yourinstagram no oscar ate it
-> oscarpiastri i did what
-> landonorris oscar regurgitate my lego piece
charles_leclerc what a fun idea ! 🤍
carlossainz55 😍
lilymhe @/alex_albon where's my lego bouquet 😒
-> alex_albon you can make your own
-> lilymhe wtf
danielricciardo very cute
pierregasly je devrais en faire un pour kika 🥰
-> yourinstagram yes you should 🫡 she'd love it
oscarpiastri i'm surprised he has the attention span to build a whole lego bouquet
-> alex_albon right ???
-> landonorris STFU
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🎡 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ amusement park date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, lnfour and 16,999,345 others
yourinstagram third-wheeled my boyfriend and his boy space friend today. i would've included the video i took of lan screaming while we were on the rollercoaster but i'll have mercy on your ears for the time being 😞
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landonorris wdym boy space friend he's literally my boyfriend
-> yourinstagram ... wow ok didn't expect you to come out of the closet this soon 😦📸
-> landonorris sorry love, it's always been max 🫣🤞
-> maxfewtrell .. um yeah no y/n take him away i don't want him
landonorris baby, istg if you show anyone that video...
-> yourinstagram i promise i won't show it to anyone dw pookie 😘
lnfour 🫶🫶🫶
oscarpiastri send me that video of lando
-> yourinstagram i already did
-> oscarpiastri nice
-> landonorris ???
-> landonorris whatever happened to 'i promise i won't show it to anyone' ?
-> yourinstagram ... oops 😅
-> landonorris 😃
riabish aww wish i could've joined you today ☹️
carmenmmundt the cutest couple ! ❤️
alex_albon i desperately need that video
-> yourinstagram sent 🫡
-> landonorris Y/N !!!!
-> yourinstagram oops i gtg🏃‍♀️
quadrant our parents ! (and max)
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🍣 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ sushi date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, yukitsunoda0511 and 17,888,645 others
yourinstagram hey guys i have some news... lando and i have recently separated ways because of the contrast in our interests. i wish him nothing but the worst and i hope all his christmas gifts will be fish related xx
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landonorris STOP
landonorris all this because i won't eat sushi for you..
-> yourinstagram if you won't eat sushi for me i don't want you get away !!
-> landonorris ... if i eat One (1) sushi for you will you stop this madness
-> yourinstagram maybe.. maybe not ☺️
-> landonorris baby give me a definite answer
-> yourinstagram ok ok i'll stop if you eat one
-> landonorris .. fine i'm doing this only for you
-> yourinstagram hehe i love u
landonorris guys we're still together don't worry she's just spreading fake news like a LIAR
-> yourinstagram girl spelt backwards it's liar 🤭
carlossainz55 sushi... war flashbacks
-> yourinstagram " iT's nEaR a fiSh "
-> yourinstagram i got him to eat an actual sushi though i won
-> carlossainz55 damn you did the impossible it must be true love
yukitsunoda0511 please get back together i'll make fishless sushi for you lando please just get back with y/n 😭
-> yukitsunoda0511 oh ok that's good.. please don't worry me like this again
-> yourinstagram yessir i'm sorry 😞🫡
pierregasly not the two of you worrying yuki.. it's on sight 🔫
-> yourinstagram i'm not scared of a hon hon hon baguette frenchie
-> landonorris yeah what she said go water your baguettes or sumn pierre
-> pierregasly i take pride in being a french man you guys are just haters 😒
-> yourinstagram that we are 🫶
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ⛳ 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ golf date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, georgerussell63 and 20,349,444 others
yourinstagram once a third wheel, always a third wheel. i need someone to look at me the way carlos looks at my boyfriend 😞
ps the staff handed me that merc golf ball since they're sponsoring this golf course @/mclaren i promise i'm still loyal to you guys
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landonorris i already look at you the way carlos looks at me 😞
landonorris baby i love you but was it really necessary to post that picture in the sixth slide 🥲
-> yourinstagram yes it was !! it's like a preview of spiderlando
-> landonorris you and your love for spider-man.. should we dress up as peter and gwen/mj the next halloween ?
-> yourinstagram OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK !! a thousand times yes 🥹🥹
oscarpiastri the replies under lando's comment got me thinking y'all were getting married 🧍
-> yourinstagram i mean that'd be my reaction if he proposed to me anyways
-> landonorris marriage proposal coming up in a few years 😁
carlossainz55 i need someone to look at me the way i look at lando 😭
alex_albon what is he doing in that sixth slide...
-> landonorris that's how pro golfers play, you rookie
mercedesamgf1 you got great choice in golf courses and golf balls, y/n 🤭
mclaren please take y/n to a mclaren sponsored golf course next time @/landonorris ☺️
-> landonorris you got it boss
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🧸 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ babysitting date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, savnorris, maxverstappen1 and 18,839,222 others
yourinstagram babysitting my nephew and little mila with uncle la-la ! feat baby lan (even after all these years, nothing's changed 🥹)
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yourinstagram baby fever went off the charts today
-> danielricciardo when are you and lando going to have a baby 😁
-> landonorris we can make one now if you want, y/n 😏
-> yourinstagram LANDO !! 😭😭 but yeah i can't wait to get married and have children soon...
-> landonorris you'd be the bestest mum 🫶
-> danielricciardo can i be the cool uncle
-> yourinstagram ofc danny no one's as cool as you !!
-> danielricciardo great 😁😁
landonorris i'm the best babysitter in the world
landonorris where did you find that baby picture of me
-> yourinstagram your mum sent it to me 🥹 you were so cute back then
-> landonorris am i not cute now
-> yourinstagram no 🤍
-> landonorris i hate u
-> yourinstagram love u too xx
savnorris thanks for babysitting mila today ! she loves you both so much ! 🫶 (auntie y/n a little bit more 🤭)
-> yourinstagram aww, no need savvy !! i had so much fun babysitting mila she's the cutest :( please call me the next time you need a babysitter i genuinely love spending time with her <3
-> yourinstagram also in your face @/landonorris mila loves me more than u 😝
-> landonorris ... mila how could you betray your uncle la-la 🤭😞
alexandrasaintmleux the matching shoes ☹️❤️
yoursister life savers !! thanks for babysitting kai on such a short notice, sis & lando ! 🤍
-> landonorris anytime (soon to be) sister in law 🫡
oscarpiastri can lily and i babysit them with you guys the next time
-> yourinstagram ofc pastry <3
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🛏️ 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ nap date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, mclaren, and 21,929,345 others
yourinstagram and it's all too much for little lando norris.
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landonorris my girlfriend's hotter than all of you
-> yourinstagram my boyfriend's hotter than all of you
landonorris why do you have so many pictures of me sleeping..
-> yourinstagram because you're always falling asleep everywhere
-> landonorris fair point
landonorris come back to bed i wanna cuddle you
-> yourinstagram coming !! 🏃‍♀️
carlossainz55 😴❤️
charles_leclerc silly lando 😆
alex_albon is he really sleeping on the floor 😭
danielricciardo wake up babe new lando sleeping content just dropped
maxfewtrell god he's such a simp for you
oscarpiastri saving these for future purposes (blackmail)
-> landonorris wtf man
mclaren our favourite papaya couple 🧡
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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astonmartinii · 6 months
ballad of lovebirds and puppy dogs | lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x fem actress!reader
face claim: rachel zegler
everyone is a hunger games fan, even if you say you're not a hunger games fan you are. this includes lando norris.
based on this request: could you please do a lando norris smau with rachel zegler as the fc!! where the ballad of songbirds and snakes recently came out, twitter could be freaking out over it, and then someone spots her with lando or something!! take it from there queen that’s just my like base plot‼️‼️ - @inejghafawifesblog
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liked by tomblyth, landonorris and 1,231,866 others
tagged: tomblyth
yourusername: kinda have a movie coming out, have yall seen it?
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user2: friendships can exist between men and women you know?
user3: look at her holding his arm though that shit ain't platonic
hunterschafer: my favourite girl in the whole world
yourusername: that's crazy because you're my favourite girl in the whole world too
hunterschafer: crazy when that happens huh
tomblyth: does that mean i'm your favourite man in the whole world
yourusername: my lawyer said i can't answer this question
tomblyth: god you get a boyfriend and all of a sudden i don't mean shit
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tomblyth: does our frolicks in the woods mean nothing to you?
user5: sooooo. there is a man.
user6: and it's not tom :( so disappointing their chemistry was insane
user7: babe that's called acting
user8: lando norris in the likes i knew my man had TASTE
user9: i knew there was a reason i liked that man
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liked by user13, user14 and 12,309 others
tagged: yourusername, landonorris
f1gossipandtea: lando norris was spotted multiple times out in monaco with y/n y/ln !! this comes after his appearance at the premiere of her new film the ballad of songbirds and snakes. do you think they're a cute couple?
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user15: try not to say parents challenge (impossible)
user16: has someone looked into my brain and pulled out my dream threesome and made them a couple
user17: i need them to give me a chance for real
user18: i am defo anti-paparazzi but thank you for these absolute gems xx
user19: those motherfuckers must've been camped out cause literally got the whole itinerary
user20: this feels like such a random couple but after watching the BTS of tbosas they defo have very similar personalities
user21: i did a lil bit of sleuthing and tom has posts of him at races? so do we think he suggested lando? or showed him to y/n?
user22: i also had a wee look and y/n follows basically all of the grid and a couple of the retired drivers so that tells me she likes the sport? like if she just liked lando surely she'd only follow him and maybe some of his friends?
user23: so like my vision is y/n y/ln either performing or singing the national anthem at one of the american races
user24: someone get this gal in the fia stat
user25: who is this girl? she's too irrelevant for lando ...
user26: and who are YOU? he's not going to pick you girly
user27: she's in the top film in the world for weeks now ... let's not be silly
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,833,209 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: what the paps didn't get ...
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user28: screaming, crying, throwing up i did not know i needed this so much
user29: i am so unwell this is so cute
user30: i was so on the y/n and tom train but i am happy to say it has been hijacked by lando
yourusername: paps didn't get our good angles :(
landonorris: i'd like to keep the best angles to ourselves
yourusername: no for real, for MY eyes only
maxfewtrell: god you people are obnoxious...
landonorris: you literally told me to stop complaining about being lonely and now i'm being attacked 🤨
yourusername: fuck them kids
landonorris: what y/n said
danielricciardo: free enchante promotion, y/n you're invited to my wedding
yourusername: the girlfriend effect x enchante goes crazy tbf
landonorris: are you saying i didn't dress well?
yourusername: you either didn't dress well or can't pack for shit you came to GEORGIA IN THE SUMMER WITH A SUITCASE FULL OF HOODIES
landonorris: but that's my brand :(
georgerussell63: the twitch quartet formally announce our disappointment about finding out about this relationship via @f1gossipandtea, we expect a big apology and perhaps and visit from tom
tomblyth: i am THERE
yourusername: eh i think that's on lando .... but real question is who follows @f1gossipandtea
georgerussell63: me duh, i need to check for potential GDPA incidents
alexalbon: i also follow it 👍 no real reason i just like the drama thanks @charles_leclerc and @carlossainz55
yourusername: LMAO
charles_leclerc: i am disappointed in you lando. ALEX WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN
carlossainz55: ???
landonorris: lol would you have even believed me ?
georgerussell63: no
alexalbon: no
charles_leclerc: no
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liked by hunterschafer, landonorris and 1,339,309 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: some cheeky behind the scenes pics, including lando demanding to be pampered while i was in hair and make up
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user31: i hope lando can fight (i have brass knuckles on, sorry not sorry)
landonorris: UMMMM ???
yourusername: soz babe they're just passionate
landonorris: how dare you !! the makeup girlies LOVE ME
yourusername: sure, if that's what you wanna believe
landonorris: they liked me better than you they said so :p
yourusername: they were just being nice i told them you're fragile
user33: okay now i get them 100%
maxverstappen1: so this is why you didn't play fifa with me 🤨
oscarpiastri: so this is why you abandoned me at the airport 🤨
danielricciardo: so this is why you blocked me after i called you seven times in a row it was an emergency you ASSHOLE 🤨
carlossainz55: so this is why you've ditched golf dates the last couple months 🤨
alexalbon: so this is why you didn't come to watch tbosas with me and lily 🤨
georgerussell63: so this is why the GDPA chat was muted on your phone 🤨
yourusername: i ain't reading alla that, i'm happy for you or i'm sorry that happened, i'll see you all in the parking lot at the vegas gp
landonorris: ...sorry?
maxfewtrell: actually could you have him more often?
landonorris: AHAHAHAA :(
yourusername: gladly :)
landonorris: :)
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 1,441,723 others
tagged: landonorris
f1: lando's new helmet for vegas... we wonder where this inspiration came from?
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user39: maybe men do deserve rights
landonorris: the ballad of songbirds and snakes is out in cinemas everywhere now !!
yourusername: i knew they should've given you a cameo
yourusername: no, but it would've been funny tho
landonorris: don't get me excited like that :(
danielricciardo: maybe you could have a cameo in snow white, you are what the kids call a short king... sorry
yourusername: LMAO
landonorris: can we stop bullying me on my special post :(
yourusername: sorry babe, i love you and i love your helmet, thank you xxx
landonorris: THANK YOU :)))))
maxverstappen1: so you're telling me i sat through whatever the fuck that opening ceremony was when you could've had y/n perform the whole time?
yourusername: new agent incoming?
maxverstappen1: i am a supportive friend?
landonorris: you didn't even know her?
maxverstappen1: i saw you at the premiere, went through your instagram, saw you only followed her, put two and two together, went to see the film because we're friends by proxy now 👍
yourusername: i am scared and impressed
landonorris: fine... that's kinda cute
user40: okay soz i love this relationship and all the friendships starting
user41: okay but @yourusername who is winning the games
yourusername: fernando or valterri they scare me
fernandoalo_oficial: compliment!
valterribottas: i'll take it
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liked by maxfewtrell, yourusername and 1,723,990 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: i wanted to impress her :( she's a lot better at her day job
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user46: (i'm glad he's okay) lando really was the 'this one is for you babe' and misses meme this weekend
landonorris: not wrong
user47: currently picturing y/n whisper yelling positive affirmations at lando
yourusername: yes !! baby boy is way too hard on himself and NOT on my watch
landonorris: :)))
yourusername: you did so well this weekend, i loved watching you do what you love - don't be too hard on yourself !!
landonorris: i just wanted to do your helmet proud :(
yourusername: i am more than proud
landonorris: can you sing to me in your country accent again?
yourusername: of course
maxverstappen1: is this a kink?
landonorris: 1. no it's not a kink 2. ASK ME IF I'M OKAY BEFORE YOU TRY TO KINK SHAME ME
maxverstappen1: you're actually spelling even better maybe a concussion was what you needed
yourusername: TOO SOON MAX
maxverstappen1: did you just send me a picture of lando pouting
yourusername: yes ! say sorry now !!!!!
maxverstappen1: fine. i'm sorry lando. i'm glad you aren't hurt and that you don't have a country accent fetish
user48: are these the new terror trio?
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liked by alexalbon, landonorris and 1,552,589 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: don't listen to this bozo, he's the most talented boy in the world
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user50: that's a dog...
yourusername: just because i didn't birth him, doesn't mean mr. fluffy isn't my biological child
landonorris: i'm not a step dad i'm the dad who stepped up 🆙
tomblyth: tom blyth erasure
yourusername: boo you whore
tomblyth: ermmm EXCUSE ME?
yourusername: lando appreciation post must be mean to all other men, sorry !!
tomblyth: understandable, continue.
landonorris: the most talented??? coming from you??? this is high praise
yourusername: and you BETTER take it
landonorris: yes ma'am
maxverstappen1: is this another kink?
landonorris: MAX?
maxverstappen1: it's winter break i'm bored and you have a GIRLFRIEND so i can't terrorise you in person :(
yourusername: attempt to kink shame us one more time and i'm sending mr fluffy at your ankles
yourusername: fuck it i'll send ankle biter yuki in as well
yukitsunoda0511: i'll do it
yourusername: @landonorris i see why he's your favourite now
landonorris: yuki-san!! can we give mr. fluffy a brother?
yukitsunoda0511: i love you guys but i see you way too much as it is
yourusername: harsh crowd
landonorris: at least you have me?
yourusername: TRUE
user51: my life pre and post y/nxlando was so vastly different - i love them
note: thank you for the request !! i have been swamped with work... and recovering from my birthday weekend. i hope you enjoyed it!! i love the hunger games and i can't wait to see tbosas !!
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redbullgirly · 4 months
Hi, how are you? I saw your requests are open so can you please write a social media au where charles leclerc is dating a singer similar to Taylor and Travis's relationship and just the internet reactions to it the rest is up to you, thank you 🫶🏻
sabrina carpenter as face claims if you're okay with it
Charles Leclerc x singer!reader
Summary: Everybody wants to attend Y/N's world tour and that clearly includes the Ferrari star driver, Charles Leclerc. Though when at a concert, he doesn't get the chance to speak with the famous singer and ask her out, and then gets asked about it in an interview, he isn't shy to admit what his intentions were. Maybe that'll bring Y/N's attention to him... and it definitely will bring the fan's attention. Soon enough, rumors about the couple dating start running around.
Warnings: I worked on this for like 8 hours straight so it's very much possible there are some mistakes or spelling errors I didn't even notice after all that time XD.
Author's Note: Here you go Anon, hope you'll like it! I used Sabrina Carpenter as face claim because let's be honest, she has great photos for this type of social media au and is a singer as well. I made this more like a story of how Y/N and Charles started dating and the fans reaction to that and also somehow tried to replicate Taylor's and Travis' way of meeting, some events and timelines, but to match it with Formula 1 world. Thanks for the request and enjoy! :)
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by arianagrande, charles_leclerc, blakelively and 7,230,197 others
yourusername It's always great to be home, even if you're on a world tour!🇺🇸 Thank you LA for having me, singing in the rain with me and creating special atmosphere I'll remember my whole life!❤️‍🔥 And now Rio de Janeiro is waiting as the next stop of my Heart On Tour!✨🎤
view all 15,492 comments
user1 NO ONE looks that good in the rain except her
arianagrande perfect💋
liked by the author
user2 the concert was so good y'all don't understand now I can't live without knowing I'll see her sing again 😭💔
user4 Real angel right here 🤍
taylorswift Nothing screams girl power more than you honey!❤️‍🔥
yourusername thx sm taylor!!! you're literally my biggest inspo ever, love youu 🥰
user5 I love how they're fighting for the most successful and profitable tour ever but still support each other!
user6 omg stop it this is so sweet🥹
user7 The tabloids that constantly try to pit them against each other should be embarrassed XD
user9 taylor swift & y/n y/l/n... the best celebrity duo ever😻
user10 ur literally the people‘s pop princess
charles_leclerc Great concert!😍
user12 lol user11 the fact that Ariana herself is under this post as well 😭
user13 not charles trying to shoot his shot with your queen
user14 Why is my fav f1 driver randomly commenting under Y/N's post?!🤠
user15 waiiittt does this mean he's been at the concert???
user16 omg NO WAYYYY🫢
user17 guys I think he was trying to flirt w her and you kinda ruined it💀
liked by charles_leclerc
user17 what the hell-
user18 you left a whole country speechless💗
user19 More like the whole world!!!
spotify WOW 🤩
user20 I wanna be Y/N so baaad
victoriassecret If you ever retire from singing, come and be our angel!💘
user21 so who's here just to first handedly look at charle's sus comment? admit it🤨
user22 meeee
user23 I thought I'm the only one 😭
user24 well when you put it like that user21...
user25 I wish I could repost comments on ig 😃
user26 🫢🫢
user27 Yeah me too guys
user28 honestly i'm not even ashamed🤷‍♀️
user29 Models are lucky you’re not a model
user30 FR
user32 i seriously dont get the hype she has 🖕
user33 Then go away lol
user34 I can sense the formula one side of twitter is going to eat this upppp
user35 It's so funny how the crazy fan girls can get hyped over one comment... like be fr yn is a world famous singer ofc charles knows about her and can be her fan 🙄
user36 yeah plus I think she said herself she knows him too and is f1 fan bc she watched it with her dad or smth
user37 OMG they're each other's fans?!🥺 Idgaf about being crazy fan girly if it means we'll get this romance story!!!
user39 maybe i'm broke now but this concert was worth the money
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interview with Charles
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instagram direct messages between Y/N and Charles
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charles_leclerc posted on instagram
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc, yourusername, shawnmendes and 2,590,231 others
charles_leclerc Good days off. ❤️
view all 4,385 comments
user1 no way a woman made it to his babygirl filter instagram feed😧
user2 it's not a woman anymore... it's THE woman
user3 Uhmm...who is that girl?? In the second picture??
user4 I have a feeling that it's Y/N Y/L/N 🤭
user4 No way oh my god?!
user5 calm down guys it isn't confirmed or anything😑
carlossainz55 You are giving everybody a headache mate
liked by the author and yourusername
user6 you tell him carlito!!!!!
user7 OMG look at who liked his comment😃
user9 ehm charlie honey... who is that???🧐
user10 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/NNNN
user11 Manifesting in real life lmao
user12 whats hapeningggggg
user13 he isn't single anymore 💔💔
user14 but it's y/n ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
user15 I hope so 😔❤️‍🩹
user16 What a way to start my day
user17 i literally spat out my morning coffee
user18 this is such a random soft launch help😭
user19 You see, I know that blonde hair from somewhere... 😏
user20 DAMN
user21 sorry not sorry but that's clearly y/n in the third pic🤷‍♀️
user22 💯💯💯🥇🏆
scuderiaferrari Let's rock the next Grand Prix!❤️‍🔥
liked by the author
charles_leclerc ❤️‍🔥
user24 interesting choice of emoji that's associated with y/n and the heart on tour 🥸🥸
user23 SUS
user24 Hard smash
user25 i love that even while soft launching he can't let go of the aesthetic filter he uses for his whole ig💀
joris__trouche lol true
user25 ohhh hi joris😭
user26 Idk who she is and tbh idgaf 'cause she's hooot 🥵😩
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by charlec_leclerc, f1, emilia_clarke, pascale.leclerc.355 and 8,016,555 others
tagged: scuderiaferrari
yourusername cruising down the street in my red car, feeling the wind whisper secrets, oh so far. 💄🎸🏎
view all 19,120 comments
user1 i never knew i needed ferrari coded y/n to live till we got her 😩
yourusername me neither babes
user1 oh my god what does that meeaaannn???!!!
user2 pop princess is living the dream so happy for you and all of your success
scuderiaferrari Everybody is a Ferrari fan ❤️
yourusername ofc!!🫡
user3 Yes we are... just pls stop giving us depression
user4 ohhh the caption screams NEW SONG
user5 right?! it's giving ��lyrics✨
user6 let's pray for a release soon
user7 🙏🙏🙏
charles_leclerc Red suits you ❤️
liked by the author
user8 omg
yourusername wonder why ❤️
user8 OMG
user9 i dont want to be delusional... but c'mmon they gotta be dating
user11 ...so we're not talking about how the gp ended (or started) for charles, right?🥲
user12 idk what you're talking about🥲
user13 formation lap? naaaah it didn't happen🥲
user14 um so like you’re actually perfect
spotify you are GLOWING 🤩
user15 mommy- sorry... mommy-sorry... MOTHER
lilymhe my girl crush strikes again
liked by the author
user16 she's just like us xd
user17 I can't blame you Lily😌
user19 Yall think she's real?😍
user20 congrats on dating our babygirl driver y/n!
user20 (delulu is the solulu if you're wondering)
user21 Does Charles' mom in the likes mean something??🤔
user22 i bet he talks about y/n at home 😏
user23 you two are making me too obsessed with this couple that isn't even couple and their family relationships
user22 isn't couple YET!
user24 That's the thinking I like user22 😂
user25 ICONIC❤️‍🔥
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by maxverstappen1, sophiet, charles_leclerc, kellypiquet and 11,920,374 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername secret's out i guess... love u with my whole heart and i'll be forever glad you went to my concert!💝
speaking of music, he's also my muse y'all so be prepared for new album coming soon 😚
view all 20,199 comments
user2 only acceptable reaction
user2 again, only acceptable reaction
charles_leclerc Proud of you mi amor!😘
liked by the author
yourusername and i'm proud of you too honey 🥹🫶
user3 they're so sweet I caaaaan't
user4 FINALLY!!!! big congrats to you both
arthur_leclerc How did he even get you to date him?😆
yourusername let's say your big bro can be charming when he wants to... 😌
arthur_leclerc Okay NO NEED for details😅
yourusername xdd
user6 everybody's roman empire im afraid😍
user7 how can you both be so damn hot?!
carlossainz55 Does this mean free tickets? 😏
yourusername we'll se about that
landonorris pls y/n
danielricciardo hiiii y/n
alex_albon think of my gf y/n
yourusername okay okay you convinced me
maxverstappen1 I bet it was Alex's comment that convinced you
yourusername ...no need to expose me like that max emilian ☹️
user8 they're the IT couple
user9 Look at how cute Charlie looks in the 5th photo🥰
user10 OMG YEEES
user11 hey am I the only one who's instagram is glitching and not working???
user12 loool Y/N and Charles broke the internet😭
user13 Yeah and they took it too literally 'cause my ig is acting weird as well 💀
user15 look at my fav couple 😻
user16 I hope she'll bring him luck in the next f1 season
scuderiaferrari Everybody is an Y/N fan ❤️
liked by the author
charles_leclerc 🫡
user17 FACTS!!!
user18 mommy and daddy right there
user19 idgaf about her and Charles THE QUEEN IS WORKING ON MORE SONGS YEEEES
f1 Welcome to the family Y/N! 🫶
liked by the author and charles_leclerc
user20 she's the best wag ever 💕
user22 I'm looking at the third photo respectfully 🤭
user23 i love this soft side of Charles omg🥺
user24 righttt? he should post photos like this as well, its better than those professional ones on his profile
user25 Totally agree with this
user26 my jaw dropped but I'm happy about it
user27 idk but charles & y/n definitely won my heart
user28 😍😍
user30 Y/N Y/L/N you'll be forever famous!❤️‍🔥
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Enchanted Wheels by Y/N Y/L/N (lyrics):
Cruising down the street in my red car,
Feeling the wind whisper secrets, oh so far.
Monaco lights, they dance in the night,
As I search for a love that feels so right.
In this city so bright, I'm lost in the haze,
But I know deep inside, I'll find my soul's maze.
I'm chasing dreams, like chasing the moon,
In this journey, I'll find my love soon.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
Driving through the streets, past midnight's hour,
Looking for heartbeats that give me the power.
In every stranger's eyes, I see fleeting sparks,
But I won't settle for less, only love from the heart.
Monaco's captivating, but love's the real deal,
I won't let go until my heart can finally heal.
The city's alive with endless possibilities,
Somewhere out here, there's a love meant for me.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
I've been searching high and low,
Through the crowds, I hope you'll show.
I believe in fate, destiny's plan,
Perhaps you're just one turn away, my soul's lifeline.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
With every passing mile, my hope grows stronger,
In this journey for love, I won't wait any longer.
Enchanted wheels, lead me to my greatest win,
In Monaco, I'll find my soulmate, love from within.
Author's Note: Wow, this took m longer than expected (and the worst part was finding that one picture that somehow matches Charles' instagram filter), but I'm really satisfied with the result. Hope you liked this social media au and once again, I'll be grateful for likes, comments, reblogs, follows and every other way of showing your support. Also a little disclaimer: I didn't write the whole song, just a part of it and then helped myself with AI because I'm not really good in songwriting. Though I'm still curious if you liked the bonus, so let me know. Good night! :)
709 notes · View notes
demonsword586 · 2 months
Leviathan Attacker part 5
(Out of context,I am a bit afraid of getting taken down. Since I'm pretty sure we all heard what happened to whb wiki and the person in charge of it. As of now there is ln't too much info but apperantly someone reported them and they had to take down all the pics and audios and their blog is also down?! I dunno,I'm just a bit nervous for everyone who is posting a lot of PB's work in case we also get reported and all of this would go to hell.I really hope the person who arcvhived everything for the public isn't in a lot of trouble. It hurts seeing someone who worked so hard for this fandom get ghosted out of existence. Anyway enjoy your horny deer boy)
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Leviathan: Ku,urgh...
Leviathan stiffened for moment.
Not because he had calmed down,but because he had ejaculated largly inside !ou again.
A great rush of pleasure,washed over you as you felt your stomach fill with his fluids again. At the same time,you began to feel something else fill you.
MC: How....Why...are you getting harder?!
As you screamed,Leviathan began thrusting inside you roughly,as though the tightwned grip on his throat has made him more than pleased.
You tried to calm Leviathan down somehow,placing a hand over your hole to stop his cock but it backfired.
He buckled his hips harder,as if your touch has made him even more excited.
Each time he did so,the rattling balls beneath his cock,slapped against your bottom
Unable to resist the pleasure that had taken over your head,your hand that was holding the curtain ribbon finally let go.
Wheter you passed out or died while having sex with him,it would be a death of luxury that would make the former devils of Hades jealous.
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With those thoughts,you began to mark Leviathan's entire body as if in a final act of death.
You pulled yourself up by placing one hand behind your back and with your free hand you frantically grabbed Leviathan's shoulders,forearms and chest,punching and slapping,embracing the pleasure that was driving you.
In the meantime,your soften and swollen hole and Leviathan's fully hardened flesh were rubbing against each other,producing an endless stream of moisture.
You had a feeling that Leviathan was about to ejaculate again.
This time however,you wanted him to call out your name,rather than to come inside you in a daze.
MC: Leviathan...ugh..Levi...ah!..than...Who am I?
Leviathan: Shut up.....
MC: Look properly...mmgh...Who am I?
Leviathan: Urgh...fuck...Mc
Your fingertips and toes twiched and your eyes narrowed as the perfect auditory stimulus was applied.
It was like a bull running downhill after being kicked in the bottom and then being lifted back up in the air.
In a moment that felt very long,you tightened your inner walls with all the strenght your body could mutter, in your almost unconscious state.
Leviathan: Kurgh?!
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Leviathan's eyes seem to turn bright red,and then he buckled his hips harder than you expected,spewing a massive load of cum into you.
MC: No...there's...no more space inside my stomach...I think it will come out of my mouth!
You uttered something,you didn't even know you were saying.
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At the same time,a large fountain splashed unknowingly between your legs.
You felt giddy,like you had just ejaculated for the first time in your life and your whole body tingled.
You had a lot of expectations and fantasies about love and sex in your life,including a variety of diffrent and somewhat bizzare,if you will,delusions as well.
Like the clinches that weren't used that much these days even in the K-dramas that Minhyeoks family enjoyed watching.
Sex with Leviathan however,went far beyond that and fulfilled your most basic desires.
The feeling of being a female,being completely owned and held by the strongest male in the world.
That was an expwrience you would never felt on Earth.
MC: Ha...ha...ha...
A feeling of exaustion beyond a pleasant langour washed over you.
MC:( Will I...really die like this?...From coition death?!)
That was a death that was very becoming of you in itself. But...
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MC: ( I'd feel a little bad for Minhyeok if I died like that...)
The moment the thought struck,Leviathan's eyes which seemed to be locked in a state of perfect pleasure flashed with frightwning intensity.
The half-dazed,half-crazed look he had before was now nowhere to be seen.
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Leviathan: Who are you thinking of,when me is infront of you?
Leviathan: When I am filling you to the brim like this!
The aura of jealousy dripping from his eyes rwminded you of cum drippi g from his cock.
MC: Levi..ahtan...are you,ugh..awake,agh?!
For a moment you wondered if Levoathan had come to his senses and was done with this act.
He was rubbing his penis that was dripping wirh cum over your genitals.
You were already feeling lanquid,but as he gently rubbed himself on you,you felt sleep wash over you with a faint sense of pleasure.
The cum he'd ejaculated was dripping down but he coudn't be bothered.
MC: Leviathan...
Leviathan: What?
MC: Are you still cold?
Leviathan: !
Leviathan widened his eyes in slight suprise,before returning to his normal expression.
And then he carefully brushed the wet hair off your cheek with a hot hand.
Leviathan:....It's warm.
MC: That's a relief.
You said and completely fell asleep.
You opened your bleary eyes,feeling the sun gently warm your cheeks.
MC: Leviathan...?
You were laying on Leviathan's bed alone.
Barbatos: Ah,are you awake? MC? I understand that you would suddenly open your eyes because the sun makes you feep good!
Foras: ...But it may have been to keep your eyes closed for longer.
Foras said kindly,seriously approaching the bed.
There was already a blanket someone put on top of you,but Foras pulled it up some more,covering you snugly to the base of your neck.
Foras: His Majesty Leviathan is away on urgent state affairs. And he assured us to take good care of you.
You were dissapointed not to see Leviathan when you opened your eyes,but you were pleased that he assured them to take good care of you.
Glasyal La Bolas: Keke,Foras. I think it was too much for his Majesty Leviathan instead! You really must have intended on squezzing out all of the seeds inside his Majesty Leviathan.
Said Glasyal La Bolas,pointing to the curtain ribbon which still smelled thickly of Leviathan.
MC: Huh? What do you mean?
Glasyal La Bolas: Did you know that when they hang death-row convicts,they place a bucket under them?
MC: No? Why do they do that?
Glasyal La Bolas: Because men ejaculate a massive amount just before they die whrn they're hung. They ejaculate all the remaining cum inside of their bodies.
Glasyal La Bolas: They're trying to plant a seed somehow just before they die.
Foras: It doesn't have to be strangluation,but creatures have an instinctive reaction to death.
Foras: For example,ejaculating when stiching up a severed arm that's incredibly painful or when your throat is slit.
MC: !
You suddenly realized why strangling Leviathan has backfired.
Hanging already made you instinctevly ejaculate and Leviathan was a devil who even had a fetish for strangulation.
MC: ( I was out of my mind! I didn't think of that before...)
You felt embarrassed realizing in hindsight ypu had encouraged Leviathan.
And at the same time Glasyal La Bolas's words felt like a clue.
MC:....Today,Leviathan was strange. He was immensely....
Barbatos: I know.
MC: Why is Leviathan...
Why did Leviathan look sad? Why did he say unintelligible things? Why did he indulge himself so much? They were questions with many answers,but Barbatos's wistful face prevented you from saying more.
Foras began to speak as though he understood the meaning behind your question.
Foras: Rather than being today,but today a long time ago.
Foras: Is the day he escaped the farm in Heaven.
Foras: That day he only had two choices: to live or to die.
MC: Oh..!
Only then did you understand the unintelligible words Leviathan had been muttering.
MC: (Having to avoid cold,dangerous places to somewhere safe and warm...)
Glasyal La Bolas: He would only have one thought "I have to survive because I ran at the price of everyone else's lives".
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Barbatos: On the same day every year,survival instincts are expressed as trauma.
Barbatos: He doesn't like to be around a lot of devils at this time of year. Yes,agoraphobia in human terms.
Too many thoughts filled your mind,and you went blank for a moment.
Foras: This time MC,I think we have something to thank you for. The beautiful palace is intact.
Barbatos: True! The palace that doesn't need repairs is the best! The architect devil will be happy
MC: What do you mean by that?
Foras: Normally...Theres no telling what his Majesty Leviathan will do with his overflowing lust and rage for the angels on this day,and it usually results in the destruction of the palace.
MC: He destroys the palace?
Glasyal La Bolas: The main hall is submerged up to the ankles in cum.
Foras: Sometimes a coffin will appear and he summon an apostle,and we have to risk our lives to stop it.
Foras: The grief,fear,anger and responisbility he feels today would be hard for even God to handle.
Barbatos: You're the first one ever to accept it all.
Barbatos spoke proudly,but he had a subtle look on his face.
MC: (He's like Leviathan when he's jelaous...)
You sat up and thought of the many expressions Leviathan pulled a while ago. Just then...
When Glasyal La Bolas stomped his feet with a grin,the liquid on the floor of Leviathan's bedroom that was about a finger's lenght high belatedly caught your eyes.
MC: Why is the floor in the bedroom so splashy?..
Glasyal La Bolas: (dark grin) It's the liquid you and his Majesty squirted.
Glasyal La Bolas said flippantly and Foras glared at him fiercly.
Foras: Anyway,its all thanks to you that this beautiful palace wasn't destroyed.
Foras: I'm glad that the landscape is the same now as it was when you came here today.
Barbatos: It's like a sword that's been cutting through everything it touches because it doesn't have a sheat now has a sheat!
At Barbatos's words,you felt your stomach tightened involuntarily as though you could feel Leviathans presence again,filling your insides.
Some of the liquid that still filled your stomach to the brim dribbled out.
Noticing the subtle change in your expression,Foras stepped closer and laid you back down.
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Foras: Sleep some more now. We'll clean this up.
Foras's soft voice and warm touch drew on the languor you had forgotten about.
The moment you nodded and lay back down,Leviathan's thick scent on the sheets enveloped you.
When you opened your eyes again,you were in Gehenna.
And that night you had a good dream.
A dream of walking on the beautiful streets of Hell with younger Leviathan,his flesh smooth and unblemished.
There,Leviathan didn't have cold,cramped or dangerous memories.
As you smiled in your sleep,Leviathan also had the same expression as he slept in Hades.
As the two were dreaming the same dream.
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theblackestswan · 7 months
Silent Desires | #1
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Synopsis — There was a time when you pondered how you'd ever let it be known how much you desired Jungkook. But now? He’s back. And he’s not being silent with his desires anymore.
• Jungkook x F!Reader
• Brothers best friend, childhood friends to somewhat strangers to lovers, smut, fluff, and a bit of angst
• explicit language
• word count: 1.5k+
"God fucking damnit!"
You screamed as you tried to calm yourself down. Was it working? Absolutely not. But it felt good, right?
The phone rang a couple rings before the person you were not looking for, answered. "Hello sister!" Gross. The sound of anyones happiness, pissed you off right now.
"Jimin, is dad home? I really need him." You said exhaustingly. Please let your dad be home. You need him right now.
You sighed, "It's... just my car. It stopped and won't go into gear..."
"Hey, everything's okay. I'll come get you and check it out. I have someone who might know a thing or two about cars... we'll be there soon."
"Jimin who is-?" Before you could ever ask, he hang up. Probably one of his buddies or a coworker. You honestly didn't care. You just needed to get you and your car home.
You just sat in the drivers seat holding back tears. This car is a piece of junk. Honestly. It's old, lots of miles, but you've done your best to take care of it. The thought of being without a car was scary. How are you gonna get to work? You guess you could rent a car. But that's a lot, and who knows how long you'd need one for. You could buy a new one, but that's even more money. Everyone in your family has jobs, and needs their own car. So you couldn't borrow one. Fuck.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
You didn't have much time to overthink more before you could see Jimin's car pulling up behind yours, off the side of the road.
Curse your brother for having tinted windows, and curse the sun for starting to set, because you had no clue who was in the passenger seat.
You hopped out of your car and popped the hood. You could at least do that much.
"Hey sis! You okay?" No. No I'm not.
"Yeah I'm fine, cold and anxious, but I'm fine." Not a total lie.
You walked Jimin to the hood of your car and gave him a play by play of what happened. He checked all your fluids, and looked at the engine as much as he could. He knew a little about cars, but not as much as your dad did.
You totally forgot about the person in the passenger seat. "Chim, who did..."
Oh fuck.
"Hi Y/N. Car troubles I see?"
You knew that voice anywhere. The boy you befriended when you were 9. The  boy who eventually became better friends with your brother, than you. The boy who moved away when he was 16, but still kept in touch with Jimin, at least.
The boy who turned into a hot fucking man, who is now standing in front of you.
You were sure your jaw was on the ground. The last time you seen him, in the flesh, was 5 years ago at Jimin's 21st birthday dinner. Sure, you'd see his pictures on social media, and what not, but not in person. Holy shit, is he even real?
Of course he is. Jimin talks all the time about him. Even though he moved, him and Jimin still hang out all the time. Usually they meet somewhere in the middle. He only moved two hours away.
"Ah, you still remember my nickname?" There was that stupid bunny smile. Stupid. Stupidly cute.
"Of course I do. How could I forget?" You flashed him a smile right back. How could you ever forget Jungkook? You only crushed on him for half your life. He was cute. He had always been cute. But once he became more of Jimin's friend, you knew your chances were out the window.
Jimin had one hard rule for his friends. "Leave my little sister alone." He loved being a big brother. He loved being your big brother, even more. He would do anything for you. And that includes keeping you safe. Especially from his friends.
As you got older, you understood that rule, more. Especially when Taehyung was around. Another cute friend of Jimin's, but an absolute flirt, and dare you say, playboy. All of his friends would flirt with you from time to time. Although, you didn't know if it was them actually flirting, or just trying to rile up your brother.
Before you could daydream even more about he man in front of you, Jimin caught you out of your thoughts.
"So, Y/N. Tell Jungkook what happened. He knows cars more than I do."
Suddenly you forgot your words. Jungkook was intimidating. He wasn't the boy you once knew. "I- uh... it was going down the road just fine, t-then, it started j-jerking and I pulled over and it wouldn't switch gears. And now it won't d-do anything."
That felt like it took you 3 weeks to say. You just explained all of this to Jimin in 15 seconds. Pull yourself together.
He just nodded at you, and then started looking over your car more.
God he was hot. You were kinda glad your dad didn't answer.
"It looks like it's your transmission. I'm guessing it probably went out, and you'll need a new one. I can look at it more tomorrow when I can get it off the ground and have more light." He looked at your softly. Surely that's not news anyone wants.
"I'd appreciate that. Thank you."
Jimin rubbed your back to calm you down, "Let's call a tow truck and get it home. Kook can look at it in the morning. He's staying over this weekend."
You sat inside your car while you called your insurance company to see if they could get a tow truck for you. Thankfully they could, and it was on it's way.
Jimin had walked back to his car to call your parents and let them know what was going on. You were just left with the sexy man in front of you.
Do you speak? What is there to say?
"Thank you again for coming with Chim. I really appreciate it. I was hoping my dad was home but... I guess you're okay too." Now what the fuck do you call that?
He chuckled as he looked at the ground, "I'm glad I could help. I'm sorry about all this. Car problems suck."
"It's all good. Had my fair share with this car..." You really didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him. Anyone with a brain would have gotten rid of this car a long time ago. "So uh... what are you doing all the way down here?"
He stared at you blankly. God his eyes alone could ruin you. It was like he was in a trance. He didn't even blink. "Jungkook?" He stared a few seconds longer before he snapped out of whatever it was he was in.
"Sorry, uh... why I'm here... oh! I moved down here actually. Closer to work and I miss you guys." If there was any day light right now, you would see his ears are red. Something that happened when he's embarrassed. Kind of his way of blushing.
"Miss you 'guys'? You mean Jimin?" Surely just Jimin. He had long forgotten about you.
"No, you too."
Huh? 'You too'?
You gulped. There was two ways you could go about this. One, you could tell him off about how he obviously didn't miss you when he left and never really spoke to you. Ever. Or you could play into it and see what exactly he means by that. Before you could even tell yourself which one to go with, your mouth already spoke for you.
"Didn't seem like you missed me too much." You couldn't do this. You didn't even want to continue this conversation. You walked over to Jimin in his car and just listened to the phone call he was having with your parents.
Soon enough, the tow truck was there, and before you, yourself could greet the driver, Jungkook already had it handled. He gave the driver the keys and told him your address. He grabbed your stuff out of your passenger seat and waved the driver off.
"Here, thought you might want these." Again with a soft smile that could destroy you, and he handed you your bag, and jacket.
What the fuck was he doing? Trying to make it up to you?
"I could have done all that by myself. I'm not the little girl you once knew." You gave him the tiniest smirk. What the fuck were you doing? Surely he couldn't see that, this late at night. You walked off and left him while you got in the back of your brothers car.
Thank god it was dark, and you were out of distance, otherwise what Jungkook said would end it all.
"Guess I should find out exactly what that means, Miss Y/N."
He had the same smirk you had, only a lot bigger.
next chapter
A note from our sponsor: OMGGEEEEE you guys it’s finally happening!! I’ve always been a writer and wanted to post my own fic, but there’s just so many incredible ones on here already and I didn’t think I could bring anything good to the table. Buttttt I got in the mood to write, and came across this fic that I started 2 years ago. I got the first 10 chapters wrote out, and so I’ve gone through and edited and will be posting my first fic!! Since I started this on Wattpad, that’s where I’ll be posting chapters first. A few days after I post on there, I’ll post them on here. I just enjoy writing on Wattpad a bit more, but Tumblr is my favorite place to read fics. If you’re interested in my Wattpad, it’s hokookin (also linked). I hope you enjoy reading 🖤
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glitterinmycrimson · 6 months
johnnie guilbert x reader headcanons
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₊ ⊹ i know zero lore i'm just thinking with my clitorus :P ⊹ ₊
·:¨ ༺ ♱ ✮ ♱ ༻ ¨:·
johnnie is definitely the type of guy who's ideal date is a night in. he loves a good movie night with some take out and snacks. he prefers spending time with you in private because then he can really be himself. he likes being able to show you how much he loves you without being one of those gross guys who make out with their girlfriends in public.
he's pretty introverted unless he's around people he knows well so if you're out in public he'll mostly just stick by your side. he's not really into pda that much but he will hold your hand whenever he can. it's comforting for him to know that you're right there. he'll stroke the back of your hand with his thumb while you're sitting or swing your arm while you two walk.
i think him including you in his content could go either way. because he's shy, i fell like he'd want to keep majority of your relationship out of the public eye but he also can't help but show you off sometimes. especially after a while into the relationship when things start to get more serious. he'd never force the camera on you if you didn't want to though.
he gets a little nervous when he's filming around you, even if you're in the video, so he'll have to do like a million takes if you're in the room. no matter how long you guys are together he still gets embarrassed about being a youtuber. if he's just recording a chill video where he's not screaming or shooting shit with his friends, you'll take a nap in his filming room. listening to the sound of his voice is really soothing, even if he's talking about emo pedophiles. eventually he'll move like a couch or a beanbag in there so you don't have to sleep on the floor.
he buys jewellery for his piercings in your favourite colour and wears it whenever he misses you. so whenever he looks in the mirror he can be reminded of all the little pieces of you that make him happy.
when he gets comfortable around you, he'll start singing. he'll softly croon the lyrics to a love song he wrote about you or any tune that's on his mind. you're his muse for his music and he can't help but think of melodies when you're around.
·:¨ ༺ ♱ ✮ ♱ ༻ ¨:·
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Love You Like I'm Never Gonna Love You Again
Evan 'Buck' Buckley x Fem!Reader
angst with a happy ending
summary: Reader gets shot on a job. When she flatlines on the way to the hospital, Buck is worried she won't make it out alive.
POTENTIAL TW : : mentions of gsw, blood, grief, guns? I think? If there's any I missed or should add lmk! Enjoy 🫡
I only have one thing to say for this... sorry 🥲
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It was times like this that Buck wondered why he did what he did. Everyone was silent as they sat at the dinner table. No one bothered to try and say anything, and no one looked up either. They all focused on their polished black shoes, not having the stomach to look up and see her empty chair.
He hears people say, "it all happened so fast," but when the shot rang out and he watched the blood spread on her shirt, everything was in slow motion. The shot echoed in his ears. He was too shocked to scream as her body fell slowly to the ground. Realization hit when he felt her blood on his face, and everyone rushed to her aid. It was like someone shocked him, like he jolted awake from a nightmare. Only, when he woke up, she wasn't better.
"No..." He said. "No, no, no!" He screamed, rushing to her.
Bobby and Eddie held him back as he fought to get to her, Hen and Chim working with shaky hands.
"This can't be happening..." He whimpered.
She looked at him, a weak smile on her bloody face, blood pouring from her wound."It's okay. It'll be okay." She muttered fraily.
She nodded, as if trying to convince herself as well.
"Please- let me go!" He yelled desperately, "please! I need to go to her!" His eyes watered as he begged Bobby and Eddie to let him go.
They, too, were on the verge of tears, trying to hold them back for his sake. It wouldn't have made much of a difference, though. All his focus was on her.
Once they got her loaded into the ambulance, they let him go. He ran to her side and sat down. He took her hand, brushing the stray hairs that fell from her braid away from her eyes. She looked up at him with watery eyes, swallowing thickly because she knew it wasn't good. A bullet wound is supposed to hurt. It isn't good when it doesn't.
"Try not to move, okay?" He said shakily.
She nodded, squeezing his hand to assure him. She felt somewhat guilty that she was even trying when she knew she probably wouldn't make it to the hospital. She couldn't bring herself to lie to him. She couldn't find the words to tell him how much she loved him either.
"You're gonna be okay. You have to be." He said firmly, denial dripping from his tongue.
She shook her head. "No." She whimpered. "I'm not."
He shook his head defiantly. "Don't say that. Say anything but that." He said, his voice cracking.
Hen and Chim had to choke back the words 'she's right' because they themselves didn't want to believe she wasn't going to be okay. They wanted to believe she'd be okay like Buck did.
"Okay." She said. "Then I need to tell you something. Before I don't get the chance. I-" She started.
But he cut her off with a shake of his head. "No, you can tell me when you're better." He said.
They all knew what she was going to say, but no one said anything. Everyone, including each other, knew about their feelings for each other. Y/n was afraid of it all going sour, however, and she didn't have the courage to take the plunge and risk losing her best friend. Evan, he wanted to save them both the heartache in case it didn't last. Mostly himself, if he was honest. He knew they'd come back from it, but it'd never be the same. They didn't want to take that chance, and everyone thought it was stupid. Anyone with eyes could see they were crazy for each other. Absolutely head over heels.
"You can't leave me. Please don't leave me." He said desperately, tears streaming down his blood stained cheeks.
She reached up and wiped away his tears, her hand lingering when he leaned into her. "You'll be okay." She said sadly.
"No." He croaked. "I won't." He shook his head, placing his hand on hers.
"You'll have Maddie, Bobby, Chimney, Hen, Eddie, and Christopher. You'll be okay." She tried to convince him.
"But I won't have you." He whispered. "You can't give up yet. You have to fight." He said defeated.
"I'm so tired." She said weakly. "I'm sorry." She said, struggling to get the words out.
"I know it hurts-" He said, but she cut him off.
"It doesn't. It doesn't hurt." She whispered.
"Please, it's not supposed to end this way, I still need you. We still need you." He said.
She smiled weakly, wiping his tears once more. She gasped, her chest heaving, before she stilled, her eyes going blank. For a moment, her hand remained against his cheek, but he knew she was gone. Her smile faded, her mouth agape as blood spilled from the corners. Her hand fell, and Buck never knew silence could be so loud. The constant beep, the solid line, seemed to taunt them. Hen angrily shut it off. Chimney slowly took his hands from her wound where he attempted to stop the bleeding.
"No." Buck said, getting up and starting cpr.
He wasn't ready to give up on her. Henrietta shut her eyes tightly, fighting back tears of her own. Chimney shook his head, determined to see her smile again. To see them finally happy together. To see her in a white gown as he watched his best friends say their vows. To see little baby Buckleys running around with Jee-yun. He reached into her wound, closing off the source of the bleed. Hen sniffled as she turned the machine back on, the consistent beep sounding again. What was a taunt became motivation to them, and Buck continued to try recesutate her.
"C'mon..." He said. "C'mon!" He yelled desperately.
Tears mixed with the dried blood on his face, but he hardly noticed either. Hen tried not to look because seeing one of her best friends lay lifeless on the gurney, while another desperately tried to bring her back, would be too much. She knew that would break her. Break her faith in the job. She needed to try to remember why she did it instead of seeing a reason not to.
As Chimney ran beside the gurney, Hen filled in the doctors and nurses, but Buck didn't hear. He just heard a ringing in his ears, the gun shot echoing in his head. Her lifeless eyes stared back at him, the blood still spilling from her mouth. It gave him a little hope, though, because if she was totally gone she wouldn't be bleeding... right?
"Sir, we can take it from here." A nurse said, easing Buck from his position above her as he tried to get her heart beating again.
Chim was eased into paper blue covers as they rolled them into surgery.
They hadn't been ushered away yet. They could see nurses starting chest compressions and giving her O2. They could see the doctors gently ease Chim's hand from her wound. They could see the blood pour from the wound as a result. As the minutes droned on and her heart didn't start, he felt his own shatter.
It wasn't quick. It was slow. Painful.
Hen could see her blood spilling onto the floor. Her hope quickly diminished seeing the amount.
Finally, Buck could see her heart re-start and her chest rise, and he released a breath he wasn't aware he was holding.
Then, Buck finally broke down. He fell to his knees, sobbing. Hen knelt down with him, pulling him into her embrace, but it offered neither of them comfort. Bobby, Eddie, and Athena rushed to them.
Athena's face fell. "She flat lined. Didn't she?" She said sadly, defeated.
Hen nodded weakly. Eddie dropped to his knees, hugging Buck as well.
"I'm gonna get this son of a bitch." Athena growled, storming out of the trauma bay. "Call me when she's out of surgery." She said as she determinedly walked away.
Bobby hung his head, unwillingly letting the tears fall. None of them could bring themselves to leave. None of them wanted to.
It wasn't until Chim finally returned, covered in blood, and said they wouldn't know anything for several more hours.
It took some convincing, but they finally got Buck to leave to finish his shift. But none of them truly left the ER.
Buck had an empty plate in front of him, but he couldn't bring himself to eat. Not when he saw her blank expression every time he closed his eyes.
Their families all came out to support them, the community coming together to put out candles and figures of good luck and healing, hoping and praying for the firefighter and her family and team. Praying for good news. The sight was bittersweet.
Buck couldn't stand the silence. He stood abruptly and left, heading to the locker rooms.
He had to choke back a sob. He didn't want to live without her. He didn't want to love anyone else but her. He didn't want to do this job if she wasn't beside him.
"Evan, you were made to save a life."
His mother's voice rang out in his head.
He wanted to scream. He wanted to sob. He wanted her back.
He missed her smile, he missed her laugh, he missed the stupid jokes she'd tell to cheer everyone up on a hard day. He missed her warm hugs and how she smelled like roses and lillies: her favorite perfume. Her hair always smelled fruity, and her skin was always so soft. He missed her giggles and the way she'd gently caress his face. He wanted her back.
He wanted to hear from the damn hospital. Wanted to hear them say she made it through. It was nearing six hours after the shooting, and it felt like the longest six hours of his life.
He stood in the locker room, leaning against the metal doors of the lockers, his head down. He squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to think of her in any way that wasn't the lifeless look in her eyes. Even if she made it, that sight would haunt his nightmares. He mentally kicked himself for not telling her he loved her sooner. He knew she knew. Hell, everyone else did too. But he needed to know she heard it. And right now, he was praying for any miracle. He was praying that he'd get the chance to tell her, kiss her, hold her, anything.
He screamed and stood, hitting the lockers to try to ease the pain in any way. He punched and punched, angry and distraught and so many other things. He wanted order. He needed something to ground him. Right now, that was the stinging pain in his knuckles. He punched the doors again and again until his fist was as numb as he was inside. He fell to his knees, crying weakly.
Maddie came in, silently sitting next to him on the floor. She didn't try reassuring him that she'd be okay because truth be told, she was terrified too. She also knew nothing she said would help ease his pain. So she simply laid a gentle hand on his cheek, turning his face to her. She smiled softly, pulling his head forward and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. He leaned on her, laying his head on her shoulder as he sobbed tiredly.
"I just need to know that she's okay." He croaked weakly. "I just need her to be okay." He sobbed.
"Shh," she cooed softly, "I know." She whispered. She held his shoulders, letting her own tears fall.
"I'm not going to lie to you and say it'll be okay. I don't know if she's going to make it, and I won't try to pretend that I do. But I know one thing: she is incredibly strong." She said, pulling him away just enough to look him in the eye.
"She's got a lot of fire left in her, still got a lot of fight left. She doesn't give up easily, and I refuse to believe that this time is going to be any different. She's too stubborn and bull headed to let someone else decide when it's her time to leave. And I have that to hold onto." She said.
He smiled faintly. "Thank you." He whispered. "That helps." He said, nodding as he closed his eyes.
"You need to go home and rest." She said concerned.
He shook his head. "I can't sleep without knowing she's okay." He said defiantly.
Just then, Chimney ran in, Jee on his hip. "It's the hospital." He panted. "They've got news on Y/n." He said.
Maddie and Buck shot up from the floor, running out to the main floor where Bobby was on the phone with the doctor.
"Here they are, I'm putting you on speaker." He said when Maddie and Buck approached.
"I'm relieved to call with good news. Ms Y/l/n made it." He said relieved.
A collection of cheers sounded throughout the firehouse. And for the first time since she was shot, Buck felt all the tension leave his body. "Thank god." He muttered to himself.
"She suffered slight head trauma when she fell, and with the pain medication she's on, she'll probably be out for a while." He said.
"When can we see her?" Hen asked antsy.
"You can come down now if you'd like. Visiting hours are over, but I'll make an exception this time." He said.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." Bobby said.
Before he even ended the call, Buck was running to his jeep. He sped to the hospital, probably breaking several traffic laws on the way, but at the moment, he could care less. All he could think was, 'She's alive. She's really alive. She's okay.' In that moment, nothing else mattered to him. She was alive. That's all that he cared about.
He ran up to the receptionist, and as soon as he had her room number, he was running up the stairs.
The elevator might've been quicker, but the burn in his legs and the sharp jab in his gut as he took the stairs two at a time reminded him that he was awake, that it was real. She was really okay.
He saw her through the large window in the wall, the door slightly ajar. All the air left his lungs. He couldn't describe the immense relief any other way.
He rushed to her side, dropping into the chair beside her bed. The back of her gown was open, the bandages peeking through. Before he even registered it, he was tucking the blanket over her exposed skin. He took her hand in his, feeling her warm skin against his. He sighed, leaning his forehead against their intertwined hands. Up until now, he hadn't realized just how tired he was. His face was probably all red and puffy from crying, but he didn't care all that much anymore. He'd hang the moon if it meant she would be okay. He'd hold the sky up for her if it meant he would see her smile again. He didn't care. All that mattered to him was that she was safe.
She groaned, squeezing his hand in hers. "Hey, Buckley." She croaked out with a dry throat.
He smiled, remembering when she would call him that when they first got to know each other. At first, it was because she was bad at remembering names and relied on the name tags. Then, it became a way for her to tease him because she knew he didn't like it. He would always respond with her last name, too, but it was only her and a few other people who were allowed to call him that. The few other people being Hen, Chim, Bobby, and Eddie. And of course, his sister, but she only really did when he was about to be reprimanded for something. Other than that, no one else was allowed to use his full name. She was even allowed to call him Evan, but she only used it when it was just them.
"Hey, Y/l/n." He responded softly. He gently handed her the cup of ice water from the table beside her bed, helping her sit up slightly so she could take a drink. She nodded when she was finished and he set it down.
She smiled at him fondly. "You were right." She said. "Maybe I was being a little dramatic." She joked lightheartedly.
Maybe he wasn't in the mood, but that struck a cord with him. "You weren't being dramatic, Y/n, you flatlined. You almost died." He said seriously.
Her eyes widened and she sat forward slightly. "I- what?" She asked shocked.
His eyes began to water, and his had shook slightly. "You were dead. I thought you were gone. I was so scared." He whispered meekly.
She frowned, pulling his face to hers. She rested her forehead against his, gently wiping his tears away. "Hey, I'm right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." She whispered.
"You almost died. I didn't know what I was going to do if you didn't make it. I wasn't sure I could live with myself." He said softly. "I need you here. I've never loved anyone the way I love you." He admitted. He wasn't too particularly happy with the time and place, but he couldn't wait any longer. He needed to know he told her. He needed to know he said it.
She kissed him deeply, putting everything she was trying to tell him in it. That she was real, and she was alive. She wasn't going anywhere. That she loved him too.
"I love you. God, I've wanted to tell you for so long but I was too scared." He said.
"What made you not be scared anymore?" She asked.
"Oh, I'm still scared. I'm scared if we go all in and it ends badly, that I'll lose my best friend and the best thing that's ever happened to me. But seeing you lay lifeless on the gurney scared me way more. I'm still scared, but not as scared as I was when I thought you died." He said.
Her face fell. "Oh, God, you saw me flatline?" She said, a mix of emotions crossing her face. He just nodded sadly.
"I saw through the window. There was so much blood. It's something that's going to haunt my nightmares for the foreseeable future." He said.
She stroked his cheek gently. "You said I could say it when I was better. Can I say it now?" She asked.
He closed his eyes and nodded. "Please."
"I love you, Evan Buckley." She said smiling.
He smiled relieved. She leaned her forehead against his again. "I love you so much." She whispered. "I love you, I love you, I love you." She said, peppering his face with kisses until he finally smiled. "There it is." She said softly.
"I'm never letting you go again." He said, gently pulling her into his chest to hug her, just wanted to hold her for a little while.
"Well, that's good, 'cus I'm never leaving your side." She said, sinking into his embrace.
Eventually, after a grueling 30 minutes of being stuck in traffic due to a pileup, the team finally made it to the hospital, only to find Y/n and Buck asleep.
Y/n lay back, the bed sitting up slightly, but not much. Buck lay right next to her chest, her arm over his shoulders, and their fingers entwined. It looked like they fell asleep talking and watching 'Gone With The Wind' on some channel. They all smiled at the sight, happy to see the two finally relaxed.
Each one took a seat somewhere and eventually fell asleep themselves. They weren't about to leave without giving Y/n a hug and reminding her how much they love her. Besides, they were all exhausted. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. The hospital wasn't the best place to sleep, but they weren't about to leave their youngest member alone in a hospital room, let alone let Buck be there by himself. And maybe it was to make themselves feel better because they were all worried sick about her. Or maybe it was for her and Buck. All they knew: they weren't leaving her alone again.
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alottiegoingon · 8 days
hc!friends to lovers
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lottie matthews x fem!reader
summary: going from friends to lovers with lottie
warnings: lottie mentioned as lesbian once, pure fluff, nsfw at the bottom so MDNI there, not proofread
this was a request so i hope you enjoy it 🤞
@l0tt1emy this is me tagging youu
୨୧ being friends with lottie matthews would include spend your saturday night on her huge house (more like a mansion to you) when her parents were out for work or just so busy that they wouldn't even notice you there
୨୧ you didn't know that, but she would spend the entire day thinking about you when it was a sleepover night
୨୧ sleepovers would be a casual thing for you and it was your favorite moment of the day cause lottie would turn it into a fashion show to model her new clothes for you
୨୧ speaking of it, you would constantly find yourself waiting in fitting rooms and their uncomfortable seats when lottie was trying on thousands of clothes just to buy (steal) one or two
୨୧ "do you think it looks too pink?" lottie comes out from behind the curtains to display the outfit she was trying on, featuring a fluffy pink cropped cardigan with short sleeves paired with a high-waisted, pink skirt that features vertical stripes
୨୧ "no, you look perfect," you say softly, eyes filled with affection while feeling a nervous flutter stirs in your stomach
୨୧ in parties, you would usually stick to her side and even though lottie wasn't extremely popular, people knew who she was. either because her parents had loads of money or cause, let's be honest, she fucking was stunning
୨୧ when offering to get her a drink and she would look at you with those pretty eyes and nod like "okay :)))"
୨୧ if you were part of the yellowjackets, during jackie's idea of telling the girls what you admire about them, you would DEF make her blush on purpose
୨୧ "lottie matthews..." you say lightheartedly and she's already screaming internally "you have the prettiest hair i’ve ever seen and a great fashion sense. and, yeah, you suck at french but you are so good at soccer and you have the biggest and kindest heart ever"
୨୧ and she's giggling and nervously rocking from side to side with her cheeks matching the color of her clothes
୨୧ lottie was a lonely kid and since her parents were always away, she would be taken care of by maids and housekeepers so she was easily anxious when speaking to people her age. luckyfor her, she would hide it quite well and the mean and cutesy lesbian in her would mask it greatly
୨୧ "does someone want to tell kelly kapowski to maybe worry less about prom and more about not fսcking up nationals?" lottie was mumbling in front of the mirror, fixing her bangs and makeup and you were ready to agree with anything she said
୨୧ "i know right?" but you didn't even know what kelly kapowski had said
୨୧ putting her money to good use, one of her favorite ways to show you how grateful she was for your friendship was to buy you things. not like once or twice but ALL. THE. TIME.
୨୧ books, vhs tapes of your favorite movies, vinyl, a cute dress you mentioned once, nice shoes, stuffed animals, things that reminded her of you. all you can possibly think of!!!
୨୧ "lot, you didn't have to. this must have cost a fortune!" and it's just her standing at your front door, hidden behind a huge teddy bear she bought for your birthday and a brand new walkman
୨୧ one night, when lottie's parents were home, she sneaked you in and you almost fell to your death when climbing the walls like fucking spider-man and getting to her room through the window but her perfume lingering around made everything worthy when she hugged you
୨୧ "thank you for coming, i know it's late," she lies in bed and tap the empty space beside her for you to join her. "it's okay, i was just watching a movie. i'm glad you called me"
୨୧ 'movie’ you said, but the flashback of you sleeping buried under the covers and snoring like an old guy comes to your mind...
୨୧ i feel like lottie would have a hard time opening up to people and letting them in but if they were genuine, she would trust them. but def insecure about telling you about her visits to the psychiatrist cause we all know she's just a silly girl with a few issues...
୨୧ but you were so respectful, reassuring and understanding to her that she doesn't feel ashamed or judged
୨୧ during that specific night when you were just hanging around together in her bed and talking about life, an accidental graze of her nose on yours led to an awkward moment that led to awkward giggles and an awkward and messy kiss and this was all you needed to call her your girlfriend
୨୧ even when dating, lottie would often feel insecure and ask you for help. reassuring her and telling her that there she wasn't broken and there was nothing wrong with her was something you always had to do but it didn't bother you at all. you were lottie's biggest worshiper and could spend hours just telling her how BADLY you loved her
୨୧ hear me out. lottie was a big fan of holding hands. you could be in class, watching a movie, reading together, talking with your group of friends, and even eating, but she was ALWAYS staring at you with pleading eyes and her palm facing up, extended in your direction, ready for you to hold her hand
୨୧ if you think she spoiled you too much already, you better take a seat cause that girl would show up at your place with presents all the time. "i know we agreed on saving money but i know how badly you wanted these..." you're speechless when she gives you something you really wanted
୨୧ but you can't get mad, you just thank her and kiss her adorable pout :(
୨୧ loves loves LOVES to give you small gifts as well like a pretty shell she found when going to the beach once or even her ENTIRE shell collection
୨୧ strongly believe that she would be the greatest big spoon ever and would love to cuddle you but doesn’t complain if you want to hold her
୨୧ lottie is TALL. a three would be afraid of her! im 100% convinced that she would put your stuff in a place you can't reach so you have to ask her for help. "baby, are you busy? can you get that for me?" and she's fighting demons to maintain her composure, resisting the urge to smile as she handles you the book she had just tucked away on the top shelf
୨୧ over protective lottie!!! she isn’t exactly jealous cause she trusted you a lot but is always around and keeping you in her sight. she has her arm around you all the time, drives you EVERYWHERE (makes her driver do that), and is always ready to defend you
୨୧ oh the many things that happened in the backseat that the poor driver had to ignore...
୨୧ if the crash had happened, one single mumble of yours about how hungry you were was ENOUGH for her to call nat and travis out. "lottie, there's no food. we looked everywhere!" "look harder!"
୨୧ lottie spoils you with cute gifts but she’s not innocent. she would buy you the prettiest lingerie in the store just to fuck you in those 🤭
୨୧ she would adore when you face ride her. she just can’t resist to your moans and soft noises or how you feel so shy and dirty about it but just can’t stop. she loves to feel your legs around her face
୨୧ in fact, i’m a strong believer that she could just cum by hearing you moan her name. you can’t believe your eyes when you feel her nails dig into your thighs and lottie desperately closing her legs and rubbing them together, groaning into your pussy :(
୨୧ big fan of overstimulating you!!! holding your hips to keep you riding her face or her strap if she’s under you or rubbing your clit even after you made a mess on her fingers just to watch you squirm and cry for her 🤓
୨୧ i’ve mentioned this before BUT fucking you against a mirror in dressing rooms? she’s all in. even better if she’s fucking you from behind with a strap AND forcing you look at your messy and humiliating reflection in the mirror
୨୧ now when it comes to her, she loves when you suck her but keep your eyes on hers. eye contact is!!!! her fingers go crazy in your hair, pulling and holding so tight that it hurts but you don’t give a damn about it
୨୧ she wouldn't ever say no but she prefers to have her time with you instead of quickies. im a lottie hopeless romantic truther!!!
୨୧ i feel like she's not really loud when you're eating her out or fucking her, she just moans your name and lets lots of soft, weak and breathy noises and whimpers out 😵‍💫
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softboo · 2 months
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love me, ever so gently
pairing: austin butler x reader
summary: you recently moved to a new apartment, making new some eccentric friends along the way. but what you didn't expect was falling in love with a stranger. a stranger you somehow couldn't stop thinking about
words: 2.1k
warnings: depictions of domestic abuse, dark themes of relationships
author's note: i made this on an extremely impulsive whim and i have never been so terrified of posting this. my anxiety of trying to make this story went from writing this for three days straight to now suddenly having multiple parts. i'm literally almost done with part III so we'll see how far this goes. hopefully you like my very first fic... i haven't written in years... ehh... and thank you in advance for reading this :3
next part
part I
"you're either incredibly talented or horribly lousy."
george stated right before you tore down the stack of books from the pile. you groaned in frustration, ignoring that thing buried right under the surface of your heart. if bookstores and libraries could make something aesthetically pleasing, then so could you. just like you were able to do a year ago.
you huffed once more before starting the process over again.
george took your silence as a precautionary warning, tentatively placing a small cup of coffee next to you, hoping maybe a little space and some caffeine couldn't hurt your pride more than he did.
"as long as you don't make a mess, it makes my job a thousand times easier," he offered you a toothy, yet slightly lopsided grin before leaving you to your uncomplicated complicated endeavors.
george circled around the remaining tables that were also still being set up for the fair at the community center. you were a regular volunteer for these events, moreso because your neighbors invited you to them in the first place. one of your neighbors being george, who hobbled right back to where you were, smiling proudly at his empty tray.
"well, my services are done."
he flashed another innocent grin before leaving you be, "make sure you get that done before cass sees you!"
"george I'm going to throw this empty tray at you."
he let out a belly laugh, even though he was as thick as a twig. he pulled you over to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"there she is!"
you rolled your eyes at him, but couldn't help a smile. you still remember when you met him for the first time.
~ ~
your first week at the new apartment building was stressful enough, splitting your belongings in each individualized box and suitcase. and somehow through all that stress, someone as joyous as george just so happened to crash right into you with all of his groceries.
and he had this distinct smell, something between a book you haven't opened in years and an old worn out knitted sweater. at the time, he greeted you like you've been friends for years, something you deeply missed when you moved away from your hometown. from everyone.
"welcome to the neighborhood!!" he screamed in your ear, forgetting his hearing aids before he left for the store. you let out a polite, yet awkward, kind of laugh, thanking him for his very enthusiastic greeting. it's funny to look back on it now, a stranger you would've never imagined becoming friends with. including everyone else you met along the way.
~ ~
evelyn and cassandra peered from the hallway behind you, coming from the kitchen. cassandra with her big box of jewelry for her stand, while evelyn followed suit.
"did george call me cass again? i hate when he calls me cass. it sounds like ass."
"because you are an ass."
cassandra shot him a quick glaring look before he started laughing again, placing her boxes down. she pointed a shaky finger at him.
"you know one of these days, i really hope i end up dying before you. i can't stand that laugh of yours." she grumbled, which made you laugh.
"can't keep a happy man down cass. you're stuck with me forever," he bellowed, leaving a messy kiss on her cheek before she swatted him away. george dramatically saluted them before hobbling away again, wanting to mingle and socialize before the fair officially opens.
cassandra gathered her things once more as she eyed your table with a sense of pride.
"you never cease to amazing me sweetie. i always love how you decorate your books."
her words swelled in your heart and that thing that was buried right under the surface dissipated, only just for a moment. and you were completely and utterly okay with that.
"thanks cassie..." your voice drifting ever so softly. like she was going to catch it in the end like she always does.
~ ~
when you met cassandra last year, you heard her voice before you saw her. you were seated at the lobby of your apartment building, waiting for a blind date that never picked you up. it was about two hours before you decided to call it and when you looked up, you saw her.
she was a bright eyed woman, her grey hair tossed behind a small pink scarf, something you've only seen worn a few times or rather only in movies. she looked at you with a look of concern. you weren't crying of course, why waste tears on some stranger right?
but you got your hopes up immensely high and someone as experienced in her years as she was, she could tell a disappointed look when she saw one.
"oh my dear, what's the matter? are you hurt?"
you shook your head no, having no energy to formally respond with a voice.
"come here love, let's bring you back home. do you live here?"
you nodded.
she waddled her way towards you, keeping you close to her. she was a tiny woman, hunched over slightly as she led you to the elevator. once you were both inside, she asked what floor you were on and pressed the appropriate button for you. her floor being the one below yours.
"sorry we have to stop at mine first..." she began and you shook her head to stop her.
"don't be. it's okay... i was heading up anyway." you finally had strength to talk again, "i should be saying sorry for keeping you from getting home."
she scoffed at your response, displaying one of the warmest smiles you've ever seen.
"sweetie, you're doing me a favor."
the elevator dinged and opened to her floor, the woman turning to walk out.
"i am?" you asked her and she nodded, standing outside the elevator doors.
"yes. because no man deserves to make someone as lovely as you this sad."
your face went from feeling defeated to utter confusion as the woman smiled again. this time knowing exactly what you were going to ask.
"i know disappointment when i see it."
and just like that, the elevator door closed.
~ ~
"how are you feeling otherwise?" cassandra asked you, momentarily glancing over at your beautiful table.
"better. only sometimes," you responded, a lump suddenly appearing in your throat. feeling as if you were half lying somewhere.
"that's okay. just remember that someone who's broken you then doesn't deserve to break you now," she gently held your cheek, looking at you as if for the first time again.
"and besides, who knows who you'll might meet today."
~ ~
cassandra's words rung in your ears, weighing heavy on a hopelessly romantic heart. being alone was easy and you weren't lying if you admitted that to anyone because it was true. that was one of the perks of moving here, along with meeting all of your new friends.
but being lonely... that was difficult. especially when the fall season would blend into the holidays. one night after the other. because everyone seemed to find their someone by the times gifts were supposed to be given. which is why you wanted to put everything into the community fair this year.
and because heartbreak anniversaries were apparently a thing on your calendar.
you glanced over at your table, the last few books lingered for awhile. some people glancing over at them, while others would pick it up just to place it back down again. you didn't really know why seeing a book not being chosen hurt a small part of you. but it did.
or maybe you knew but didn't want to face it.
soon enough, you noticed someone hovering near the entrance, like he was contemplating whether or not to let his curiousity get the best of him. it may have been a little more than an hour or so when he actually approached your table.
you quickly stood up in response, as you noticed him eyeing a few of the older books. his hands lingered on each cover, not saying a word. his hair was blonde, wavy and messy, like he'd just woken up. the rest of him was covered by a black mask.
you did notice the way his hands moved though, hesitating to pick something. shaking a bit, a shadow crossed your peripheral and you could've sworn you saw a bruise somewhere on his knuckles.
"do you need help finding anything?" your voice coming out a lot softer than you had hoped. he looked up and you felt this entire weight lift off of you. like something encapsulating you just shattered into a million pieces and suddenly you could breathe again.
his eyes were so blue, like you were swimming in this endless ocean full of life and somehow you couldn't tell the difference between the stillness of the water or the blueness of the sky.
you could see a slight smiling forming on his face before he shook his head no.
"oh well if you want anything... i really recommend any of the classics."
his eyes glimmered a bit, letting his hand linger on one of the few books he was eyeing before.
"how much is it?" his deep tone caught you by surprise as you hesitated to respond. your own voice catching in your throat.
"oh um... everything is free."
and just like that, you noticed something switch in him, a sense of curiosity filling those calm waters.
"which ones have you read so far?"
you didn't realize it, but your eyes lit up at the question. and he noticed. a small smile forming on his face.
"oh this one is my favorite... i haven't finished it, but it was really good from where i left off," you pointed at pride and prejudice.
you smiled at him, like your excitement was taking over and he could tell how much you loved talking about books. his gaze never wavering as you spoke about the stories that overwhelmed you and the others that never lasted a few pages before you decided to stop. he listened with such intent, such intrigue, it made you feel like you were someone he had known for years.
his aura was beautiful and a part of you wished that something would lead to something which would lead to something else. you didn't even feel anything in that regard, not yet anyway, but that same part. it was pulling... gently. ever so gently tugging at your heart.
"thank you for all of your recommendations," he began, holding on to ever single book you spoke about. you were about to protest that he didn't have to, but he was adament on keeping every single one.
"are you sure you want to get all of them?" your voice wavering on worry, but all he did was smile at you, letting out a soft laugh.
"i'm sure."
his voice was so reassuring, you almost forgot to offer him a bag. there was a slight pause before you realized, eyes widened in embarrassment.
you quickly apologized to him, running to the back to get a bag. you left the table feeling this overwhelming warmness flow through you as you noticed your heart beating against your chest. you tried to hide the excitement, but your heart was already getting your hopes too high.
but when you came back, your heart instantly dropped right into your stomach. a woman was now standing next to him, but something was different in his eyes. the oceans were no longer waves crashing against the seashore. they were climbing under thunderstorms. drowning in its own current.
her hair was dark red in color, flowing to accentuate the curves of her body. she was unbelievably gorgeous and your heart sank even more. but there was something about her that you couldn't figure out.
"here's your bag, i didn't mean to—"
"why your table is absolutely gorgeous, isn't it austin?"
he didn't glance at you or her or anyone. all he did was nod. you noticed the grip she had on his arm. it was tight. suffocating.
you offered the bag to them, but she shooed your hand away, like you were merely just a bug.
"no need sweetie, we were just on our way out. he was just looking anyway."
you tried your best to keep your composure, but you were fuming on the inside. only cassandra could call you that and at least when she did, it was endearing. not spiteful.
she flashed you the biggest smile that fueled your fire even more as she pulled austin away. you noticed him stiffen when they left the table. he couldn't even look at you.
and he couldn't even say goodbye.
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circeyoru · 3 months
It's almost my sleeping time so can I request again.
I just wonder How well the other react to Yandere Alastor go on a date with the reader.
I mean the people in the Hotel.
I know damn well them will be confused.
Especially what's her name again... Mimzy?
I have a feelings that she will be confused then everyone else.
That's all I hope you stay strong and healthy!
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}
Hi hi again!! You're going to be like a regular in my inbox now. Staying strong and healthy, thanks~
How well others react... Hmm.. If we're going with what happened for this ask, then it's gonna be interesting.
Everyone saw how you knocked Alastor out of the park with the first date. Angel was commenting on how Alastor should be the one to do that, not you. Husk slapped him upside the head to warn him to keep his mouth shut about that. What if Alastor heard that? He didn't cause all eyes and ears on you.
Later on, the dates were like a rotation between you and Alastor leading. Though it was easy to know who the date was for; if it's Alastor, you two would be out of the hotel; if it's for you, the two of you would be in the hotel but Alastor would be purely focused on you and no one can disturb you two; if it was a compromise for both of you, well, they can't tell. Any scenario, they know NOT to include any of you in their plans.
At first, they are sure as hell confused, but they also witnessed your confession (since it was done in the open). Neither you nor Alastor leaving proves a happy end. Then it was their confusion and shock as to why you picked Alastor and why Alastor was that enamoured with you. Both of you don't explain or humour them, so they just accept it. Now when they know you and Alastor are on a date, Charlie swoons and supports it, Vaggie rolls her eyes but happy that Alastor is more tamed, Niffty waves you two off, Angel teases a bit, Lucifer makes all sort of disgusted faces but wishes you well, and Husk just hope you have Alastor's attention so he's not bothered by his owner.
Now for Mimzy. Alastor will threaten her to mind her tone around you, but he didn't reveal his relationship with you. She was not as important to him now as before, so she didn't need to know about you. Say she goes to the hotel to pass the time, surprisingly there was no one after her this time. Then she sees you, alone. So she takes this chance to harass you for messing with Alastor's head. Alastor was her 'protector', the one to clean her messes because they were acquaintances in the living. Who were you to take that away from her?
Vaggie and Angel tried to get Mimzy to change targets. You and Alastor both said today was a day that the two of you won't be free to help around the hotel under any circumstances. Meaning? You two were going on a date. Distrubing any of you two was the same as a death sentence.
"Let her learn the hard way." Lucifer stopped Vaggie and Angel from their troubles. He heard Mimzy's words to you and he wasn't happy. He'd love to knock this b*tch down a peg or two, but Alastor should be even happier doing it and you'd be satisfied to see it yourself.
"All by your lonesome? Aww, did ol' Al get bored of you so soon?" Mimzy teased with a grin, her hand covering her lips poorly.
You raised a brow at her, your eyes narrowed. "Alastor?"
The colours on Mimzy's prideful face disappeared like it was sucked out of her when Alastor materialized next to you. Yup, the other residents of the hotel were familiar with such a sight; that's why they won't come near you on your dates. Alastor smiled, an arm over your shoulders while his eyes glared at his former friend, "Yes, My Beloved?"
"Beloved!?" Mimzy repeated in shock, her eyes twitched.
Now it was your turn to grin back at Mimzy, "I think I'd like to watch a show for today's date."
Alastor humoured you as he brought you close, his eyes focused solely on you, "What sort of show? I'll provide only the best."
"I'm in the mood for some screams of agony, particularly one that's high-pitched" You faked a thoughtful look.
"I have the perfect demon in mind." Alastor's smile grew to a grin, his eyes slowly directed over to Mimzy, who was cautiously backing up with each step. "My dear friend, I believe your services are required by my lovely romantic partner."
"Actually, I was just leaving." Mimzy chuckled. How was it that you two were an item? Alastor never gave her the time of day, even when he was alive. How did you catch Alastor's eye?! "So..."
Alastor's shadow tendrils appeared out of nowhere and wrapped out Mimzy, "Ah, ah, ah. You know me well. I'll do anything for the love of my life."
In the end, I'd say that Mimzy's reaction would be that of denial, shock, and disbelief. Her pride was hurt, she was with Alsator for so long and he never showed such tendencies. She didn't understand how she lost to you, in a twisted way. She was fine with Husk, because she knew Alastor held him on a leash, so she acts out as much as she wants. But in this case, you held something over her, you held the reason for her brazen actions and attitude, you won before there even was a competition. You didn't even know.
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l0tt1emy · 3 months
🦌 || That doesn't justify
LottieMatthews x F!reader
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Summary: Lottie really wants you
Warnings: SMUT, Dom?Lottie, oral(R receiving)overstimulation
A/n: HI BABYS, I'm back with this obscenity, I promise I'll improve the plots more...😍 If I disappear again they can hunt me
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lottie knows that she was always the most responsible in your relationship, always pulling you when you started a fight, or when you were going to do something that would consequently affect you a lot in the future.
but now she can't think of anything else in her stupid little mind, she knows you're right, and there's something wrong because you're being more mature than she thought, she didn't know she needed so much just to fuck you or feel you on her fingers, but she knew that the shit of her responsibility was going to force her to take drastic measures
she did everything she could, when you were in the cabin looking for a bikini to take a bath in the lake with talassa she was watching you and predictably impossible you saw her and cursed her with words that didn't matter much to her if she could see her pink nipples
She is mentally cursing herself for being stupid and having ruined ALL her chances of having something with you when she was bitten by a small, more powerful insect that made her cough a lot and not want to eat...at least food
She tried to grope your breasts or blatantly kiss your neck and you let her, but when her hand went down to your pants you immediately stopped, and that was frustrating. but now she took the best chance of her life, you couldn't be cruel to her, so when she asked you with her puppy dog eyes to sleep with her you accepted, not knowing what was coming
when all the girls were sleeping including you she knew it was time, she slowly got up and knelt in front of you, when she looked at your face, red from the intense cold and then at your small body in front of her he was so sleepy, just moving through his breathing, the longer she looked the more she noticed, how hard his nipples were even without her doing anything "bitch". that's what lottie thinks
She slowly climbs on top of you, whimpering when she makes contact with one of your thighs, then puts her face on your neck and kisses him. One hand goes under your shirt, making you shiver because her hands were cold.
You whimper and move in your sleep as you feel kisses going to the other side of your body, Lottie drops her hands down to your pants, and finally you're not a stupid bitch and let her reach down to find your clit after years Even though she knew you couldn't, that was the best thought, Lottie reaches your pussy and surprisingly you are wetter than she thought, She takes her index finger and passes it through her entrance and then goes up, rubbing her small and already swollen clitoris while her face reaches your breasts, she wastes no time and her warm, welcoming mouth goes towards one of your sensitive nipples, making you scream in your dream, Lottie sucks him, and pays attention to him while she continues to rub your clitoris, with the other hand she reaches for your other breast and takes one of the nipples between her fingers and twists it until she feels you twitch and murmur, almost waking up.
then she moves away from her nipple and reaches back until she reaches her pants, she gently pulls it back making her skin burn with cold and she is more surprised, her panties are absolutely wet
" you're a bitch...I didn't even do anything...and...you're already like this... " Lottie gives a cocky smile and pulls out her pussy, a thick thread of arousal connecting from her pussy to her panties, lottie screams mentally when she sees how shiny your pussy is, she kneels and licks a stripe up to your clit, making you shudder, she ends up losing herself and puts her lips on your clit desperate for attention she sucks him and inserts two fingers at once into her pussy and inserts them at a fast speed while alternating between sucking her clit and her entrance
lottie feels your clit throb and swell against her lips and sucks harder, until she feels your walls tightening, squeezing your fingers, and feels you rubbing against her face as you whimper, still sleeping
"uh..l-lottie.. what i-...what are you...uhg..." you without thinking pull her face impossibly deeper into your desperate pussy "oh..shit...im.."
" Are you going to cum?..you're a whore..you didn't even know who you were but you're just enjoying this" lottie says muffled by her pussy and puts another finger in her pussy,
with a few more quick thrusts and lottie feels her juices on her lips taking everything with her tongue and sucking it clean, but then he goes up to her clit and sucks more
" It's too much...too much for me lottie" you say as you try to pull her head away from your poor red, overstimulated pussy from the old orgasm.
" Accept it like the bitch you are" lottie says roughly as she sucks your clit harder and raises a hand to your mouth as your moans increase the closer you get to your 2nd orgasm
"lottie...cum..Im coming.." you drawl and quickly while in another moment your back is arched and a silenced scream passes your lips
you are breathing heavily when you feel the hot mouth leave happily close to your poor pussy as you close your eyes and sigh unable to speak, but you feel a weight and a robust and tall body lay down next to you
"why did you do that?"..you ask breathlessly and the question hangs in the air as you only feel Lottie's hands now on your stomach "shh..." lottie silences you and puts her head on your neck" you need to put get your clothes back before anyone wakes up.."
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bedoballoons · 9 months
can We get a very physically hurt/half dying reader x the healers? And by bbg’s wanderer and albedo? Like when we get so hurt that we almost die?🩸💀☠️🩸☠️💀🩸☠️💀🩸☠️💀🩸☠️💀
Absolutely!! I'm not particularly sure which healers you meant though so I hope this is okay and I know Tighnari technically isn't a healer but he's a canon doctor so I figured he could also be in this! If there's characters you wanted to see that weren't in this don't be afraid to ask for them! Also so sorry this took so long!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Readers injured~༺}
CW: Some gore because of injury description, it's my first time writing Kokomi so I'm sorry if it's not the best!, angst and fluff <3
(Includes: Albedo, Baizhu, Tighnari, Wanderer, and Kokomi!)
"Just stay awake."
Albedos words rang in your ears as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, carrying you through the thick white snow to the nearest heat source in hopes of saving you. Your body was already limp against him because of the cold and it made his heart pound in his chest, he was scared...terrified and right now the only thing keeping you alive, your life was in his hands...and he knew it.
He kept telling you it was going to be alright, promising you nothing bad would happen, but it didn't matter...after all you could barely hear him over the loud screams of the wind, each one smacking you both with whips of freezing cold air, some of them harsh enough to make him stumble backwards. You were starting to loose hope, tears staining your cheeks and stinging as they froze against your skin, were you really going to be alright?
Suddenly Albedo fell forward onto his knees, setting you on the ground and pushing you into what appeared to be a cave, just big enough for the both of you. He didn't waste a moment, crawling in after you once he had removed his coat and covering you with it like it was a blanket, his hands busying themself with the start of a fire. The second the flames appeared he pulled you into his lap, forcing you to heat up...and doing everything in his power to save you, the love of his life.
"I'm with you now, don't worry dearest...it's all going to be alright."
Baizhu held your hand tightly, his fingers intertwined with yours while Changsheng used her gifts to perform the ritual...draining his life force right from his body...so you could live to see the next day. If you had been able to stop him...to keep him from shortening his life to lengthen yours, you would have...but you were so weak from your injuries...you could barely keep your eyes open. If he didn't do this...you would have died.
"Changsheng..." He simply said the serpents name, but even in your dazed state you could tell he wanted details...he wanted confirmation you'd be okay and he wouldn't rest till he knew, even as he was rattled with coughs...he had to know if you were going to make it. "Baizhu...they will be alright, your life force wasssss enough. Rest with them now...you both need it."
Baizhu nodded, crawling carefully into the bed with you so you could rest together...his ears tuned in to your breathing, listening for any signs of trouble and kissing your head while you drifted off to sleep.
"Don't die on me now...you're far to important for me to loose."
You could taste blood on your lips, metallic and coppery...dripping down your chin in bright red streaks, all the while you clutched your stomach, hunched over in the most excruciating pain you'd ever felt in your entire life. Your body was riddled with bruises and cuts, your insides screaming at you for medical attention as you frantically scanned the area around you for the one person that you knew could save you, "Tighnari! H-help!"
Suddenly big blue ears twitched in your direction, his movements quick and calculated as he hurried to you, taking down anything that got in his way while you fell to your knees. He could tell this was serious and he didn't wast a single second, as soon as he was close enough you were getting bandaged, his senses on high alert just in case a enemy got to close. "You know when I said, give them a beating, I didn't mean to include yourself."
You couldn't stop yourself from chuckling, which hurt...but his sarcasm...it also made you feel better
"You'll be okay, you have to...y-you can't leave me."
Wanderer couldn't even think correctly, his arms holding you so carefully...like your body was made of the most fragile of material in the world...all the while your crimson red blood dripped down his clothes. His emotions going hay wire and leaving him on a roller coaster, fear like he'd never felt before, anger burning in him like a raging fire and most of all..the lack of understanding.
If someone had went after him...that he would have understood...he would have defended himself, he would have fought against them and he most likely would have won, but who...who the hell would attack you.. and why? Why couldn't he have been there to keep you safe? "Please...I...I love you and I know I don't say it enough because of my stupid pride but I love you and you're not allowed to die on me because some stupid jerk attack you." He hugged you tighter as he spoke before bursting through the doors of Tighnaris house and quickly laying you down on the bed, his hand intertwined with yours even when everyone told him to leave.
He wouldn't let you wake up alone...no matter what he'd be there.
Kokomis hands rested softly on your chest...a faint blue light seeping from the cracks of her fingers while she used her vision to heal your wounds and you tried desperately to keep breathing like she'd instructed you to...,but despite her incredible powers, you were in so much pain...each breath threatened to be your last one.
"It's going to be okay...I'll have you patched up in no time, just concentrate on me...I'll save you, I promise." She leaned in close, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, her sweet calming aura making you feel warm as you struggled to keep your eyes open. That warmth spread all across your body, as if she had hugged you with all the love she could give and just when you'd thought you were going to take your last breath, that love made all the pain fade away.
Your injuries healing till they were nothing more than scratches and your fear replaced with happiness...gratitude. The two of you shared a sweet kiss before she had to hurry away to help someone else.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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