#hyrule rambles
hyrulehearts1123 · 16 days
Love when a new app goes around, letting people upload your fucking fic, to have an ai give it the text to speech treatment for pseudo-podfics, without ever asking for permission from the writer.
I'm locking all of my fics down to only allowing registered readers. I highly suggest you all do the same.
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treasure-goblin · 3 months
Links parents spelling his name like Leighinck
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skyward-floored · 1 month
I think in any sort of modern setting Hyrule probably wouldn’t use a phone very much but when he does he texts Wild stuff like this with zero explanation
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raycatzdraws · 4 months
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ixtaek · 4 months
Who in the Chain pays taxes?
Twilight - Twilight has helped finance two separate businesses, one of which is right under the castle’s nose. There’s no way he can play the “I don’t have money” card. But he’s also from Ordon, which seems to be its own semi-autonomous region. So I suspect he pays some village taxes but Dusk keeps him from having to pay Hyrulian taxes. She also hired someone to audit MaloMart so it evens out in the end.
Warriors - He definitely pays taxes. Taxes, in turn, pay his salary.
Time - Time does not pay taxes and complains about taxes often. Malon actually is the one paying.
Wild - Pre-Calamity he paid taxes like Warriors. Now, there are no taxes. It’s better this way.
Four - Pays his taxes but sends them with a bill for all the swords he makes the Royal guard which is always, curiously, about twice the amount he just paid in taxes. Picking up the refund is an excuse to see Dot. He uses the fact he pays taxes as evidence he’s an adult when people mistake him for a child.
Hyrule - I am convinced that Hyrule doesn’t really understand money. He does not pay taxes.
Legend - He would not pay taxes except the Hylian equivalent of the IRS has been side-eyeing Ravio’s shop a long time, so to avoid an audit or raid while he’s away, he pays both of their taxes and hates every second. Ravio has never paid taxes in his life and won’t start now.
Sky - You don’t have to pay taxes if you’re married to a goddess~
Wind - In spite of being a literal child he is wanted for tax evasion.
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flaskuwu · 11 days
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A puppet Zelda fight could have been cool…
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almost-an-artist · 5 months
Late night fairy 'Rulie Doodle <3
Make the mind rats happy
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majorproblems77 · 26 days
LU Update! So welcome back to the analysis corner with me!
We have another LU update! Called Moving forward we see the heroes leave the town and make their way to the location that Sky found. With learning a little more about the team as a whole.
With 10 pages there's a lot of information to work through so I hope you are sitting comfortably
As always Linked universe (LU) belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
And as always there are spoilers abound for the most recent update!
Now sit back, grab some water and snacks and let's do this!
So before we get started im just gonna say that the brain cell is pinging around this lot so much that I'm bound to miss some stuff. But I shall try my best to get everything I wanna say said.
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It was only some of you, captain, dont forget that.
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(Oblatory look at my blorbo picture, he's so sweet. Blorbo blorbo blorbo)
Okay I'll behave this time
(No i won't)
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I can understand the concern from the captain, as a captain from the army during a time of war secrets are dangerous. He's probably thinking if Twilight has concealed this what else has he concealed.
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And then we get snarky wars again
I missed the snarky captain, he's wonderful.
Also the line about double duty, Come on captain, you know full well that patrol is an important part of a group dynamic like this.
This also confirms that the group have had encounters with monsters outside of what we've seen. As the line from wars about missing fights implies that they've fought a bunch of stuff. But we've only really seen wolfie in a fight back in the sunset arc.
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Twilight fondly mentioning Midna, I'm so proud of him.
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These two are the goddamn brothers ever and I love them dearly. Also, the knowledge we are about to be given about how this works is very exciting.
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The brothers ever
All of them
Twilight thinking Wild had more than two brain cells. I love him. And the hug? The hug gives me life.
Also the captain, the captain is a point to talk about here. This feels like an accusatory sentence. The "You dont say?"
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Me trying to figure out how time travel works in LU.
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Legend, why are you so grumpy about this? Like he looks angry to hear this.
Four thinking about the implications of this sentence. I can literally hear the brain cell bouncing as it pings from hero to hero as they try to figure out this time travel thing.
Wind is a small bean as well look at him. The youngest I love the eyes.
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Ahh, so thats the explanation. A spirit wolf that helped guide him on his journey which he trusted so much that he thought that the wolf he saw here was just another spirit until twi changed in front of him.
But this line from him is so sad. "Right after my resurrection" and "we both would have known the grave." This feels like as a person wild is at peace with it but doesn't want others to have to go through what he did. He's a chill dude and i love him for that to be honest.
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Meanwhile, my blorbo Sky is out here trying to get actual work done. This is 10/10 the sksw dousing experience if you've not played it. You just swing the sword around while it pings at you until you eventually find what you are looking for.
Fi is trying her best.
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Lads all of you need to remember that not all of you have had things that perform transformation magic. Im surprised (But also not surprised) That Time doesn't have anything to say about this. Like my man has used a tone of different transformation masks that change him into various different things and has one that turns him into a god.
The magic users ganging up on the non-magic users, like please behave.
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Ahh Time, Time is the disappointed old man that has to coral a bunch of kids. And Wild is like the most kid of them all. (Tell me why I'd love to know! :D) (Which makes sense if we take LU to be at most a few months after the end of his game. Wild would be 18 at most.)
the sort of conversation you dont want to involve yourself in Time trust me on this one.
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Feels bad for twi man he earned that title and to have it reduced to just some guy.
Wild is gonna get told off by Time if he ain't careful, that's his blood descendant right there and we all know he has a soft spot for him.
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This is important, because I'm pretty sure most of them did at one point.
Another thing that appears to be a constant amongst the team is the need to conceal an identity. Either from them or them to others.
I'm not versed in all of their games so I can't go into full details but these guys ain't the only ones. Pretty much all of them have. The spirit of courage does love secrets, doesn't it?
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Thats my blorbo and he's so sad help he
Blorbo blorbo blorbo
Give him a hug and reboot Fi and it'll be fine.
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To echo the words of Time.
Now this depends on what exactly Sky was dousing, was he dousing the portal, the helmet outside the portal? The postman even?
My money is on the helmet outside the portal, so that Dink came back into this timeline to retrieve it before leaving. But I may be incorrect on that account because Fi is able to track people as well as objects (Sksw would often have you tracking Zelda directly)
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I was wondering how they were going to do it. But with Twilight able to track it they'll be able to use a combination of dousing and him sniffing out Dink's scent to be able to find him no matter where he might be.
It's so distinct, twilight you know by saying that you're gonna have some of these guys asking questions. Just wait for the next campfire story time it's gonna come up.
I can see Wind and Twilight having a conversation like this.
"What does Dink smell like?" "What?" "You heard me."
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Oh he's so excited look at him!
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Oh four.
I wonder if we are gonna have a four and Twilight conversation about this, with four's past he's understandably worried about the use of dark magic in one of his friends.
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Oh come on legend lighten up, the child has never seen something like this before.
I'm glad Hyrule is coming in for his defence and all but 5 minutes ago Hyrule you were with Legend and saying to Wild that there's a load of items that do it.
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Why is wind just so wonderful?
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Look at him go!
Thats gotta be Wind, He's been so excited about this I can't see it being anyone else.
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Bark Bark!
Wolfie beloved.
Im here for more brotherly content from the team, they are wonderful.
Now lets go find us a Lizard, or iron knuckle or whatever he transforms into next.
And thats all from me! I loved this update and there was so much to unpack I know I've missed stuff! But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
(Also apologies for spelling mistakes I'm sick rn but wanted to get this done)
Have a great day!
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lu headcanons thatve been plaguing us;
☆ Four has been arrested a couple times
☆ Legend considers Impa as the closest thing he has to a legal guardian now
☆ Legend pierces Sky's nose for him, bc Sky really wanted it done.
☆ Wind carries Four around if given the chance.
☆ Warriors is good at sewing. He and Legend bond over it.
☆ Sky's nicknames for his kids are all fruit based. Ravio got a nickname too, once Sky found out about the situationship between him and Legend. Ravio gets called cinnamon, “because apple and cinnamon go well together!”
☆ Vio teaches Time how to read.
☆ Hyrule makes friendship bracelets a lot. Legend, Wild and Twilight are the only ones he's finished, he's still working on the others.
☆ Twilight chews on things a lot. His teeth hurt otherwise.
☆ Legend has a bad habit of chewing on his nails or the skin around them. He's been trying, and failing, to break the habit.
☆ Four's hair is naturally brown. They dye it blond.
☆ Legend and Hyrule both have the curse of curly hair. Legend straightens his, though, and Hyrule doesn't.
☆ Sky always sleeps closest to Four and Legend. His reasoning is so that, if they need him, they won't have to go far
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candy8448 · 11 months
Random details i noticed while rereading random bits of LU:
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1. When going into a new world and asked if anyone recognises this place, Wild pulls out his slate (probably to check if his map is working) to see if they are in his hyrule. Ive seen this a lot in fics before but i never noticed that the idea may hhave come from the comic itself
2. When Wild feeds Epona, it has the same sparkle effect as in BotW!
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3. "Its a secret to everyone" hehe
Wild also said it in that one extra where they discuss who knows about Twilight's wolf form
Intresting how its been used both times to do with dark world forms
4. Twilight looks like a werewolf, almost definetly probably intentional
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5. When Legend reverts back to hylian form and is holding the master sword the tempered sword is also very obviously glowing, just thought it was intresting
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6. "Nice hair" XD
Quote from Skyward Sword, Link says it to Groose at the begining when Groose hides Link's loftwing as one of his dialogue options
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7. The first reactions we see to Wolfie being hit are the four people who know that Wolfie is Twilight
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8. At this point, Warriors knows about Wolfie being Twilight, and probably knows that Wild is very close to him, so he lets Wild run off ahead, understanding that he probably needs to make sure Twilight is okay as soon as possible
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9. "What a terrible fate" 0.0
10. This is probably going a little deep into analysis here, but when Wild starts talking here the pannel has him silhouetted against the background, as if he is laying his feelings plain and bare
11. We see the Link from 100 years ago here as a ghost with the champions, in his soldier armour, Wild probably sees him as a different person
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12. I may be missunderstanding something here, but does Time not know that twilight is his descendant? Because in the Malon comics he does know, but the extra comics always did feel really seperate from the rest of the main story
13. Also! Malink baby!!!!!!!!
14. Also (ran outta space for photos) Hyrule's healing powers look similar to Mipha's healing powers
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raycatz · 22 days
There's a headcanon from a while back that Warriors braids people's hair as an idle / to connect / to decompress. May I propose other small physical connections and comforts, like Legend giving back scritches?
If someone is seated on Legend's bedroll with him during downtime and they're just dozing or he sees someone who's tense and decompressing he'll reach a hand out and rub their back. If they respond well he'll give scritches. He doesn't have to ask or talk about what's bothering someone that way and can still give comfort. I think the motion would be soothing for him as well.
Wild will give scritches too but watch out because he'll start tickling and poking when he gets bored. Good hefty pats and a slight shake. Giving Wolfie / horsie pats to everyone haha!
Sky has the best hugs to sigh troubles away into and he will hold those who need it.
Time's hugs give strength. A hug that fills one with confidence.
Twi will give massages. Also the same kind of pats Wild gives and hair ruffles / scalp massages but he has better control of his own strength when messing with people from being big brother to the kids in Ordon. Wild's pats lean towards playfully riling someone up, and while Twilight's can also be that, they're more secure and comforting as well.
Hyrule and casual touch! Sitting just near enough that something is touching be it an arm or leg or leaning fully into someone. He'll get into the space of those who allow it and will take their hands and massage their palms or press their hands between his to keep them warm. We've seen him in the updates the past year or so grabbing Time's shirt when he made a breakthrough with Twi, and nudging an elbow at Legend when laughing. I think it's something he'd do more often the more comfortable he is with the chain. Resting an elbow on a shoulder, hitting an arm with the back of his hand to get someone's attention, offering a hand for calf stretches, playful rough housing, etc. I love it for him.
Four with the back scritches as well. I like a headcanon I've read in sister_dear's works where Four doesn't usually like people messing with his head, ruffling his hair, etc. But, I can see him accepting a palm to his forehead or over his eyes when he has a headache (from Twi specifically!), and doing so for others. He'll press his face to people like a cat and lean. Like Sky, he'll hold people. It's what he's found works. (He is little so finding a way to do so can be awkward but so help him he will protect those he cares for!!!)
Wind ruffles and braids hair as well. Also full out rough housing, play wrestling, trying to pick people up, etc. I can also see him sprawling over those he's comfortable with. They're his pillow now. Whoever he's fallen asleep on is no longer allowed to move. They have to deal with the fact that he heats up in his sleep too. (Space heater Wind.) But I think his slowed breathing and trust would be a comfort.
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hyrulehearts1123 · 7 months
Reaching the St. Frangelico Cathedral: oh hey! This place looks kinda like Anor Londo!
Falling out of the rafters for the 30th time: ah. So it is Anor Londo after all
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occasionallyprosie · 3 months
I've decided that Mask would be a good big brother if he has some Time influence, and Warriors sees these two angsty babies and is like: "is anyone going to adopt them?" and just doesn't wait for an answer.
Sky: I would! I would adopt them!
Warriors: Too late!
Twilight: Keep them, I have to deal with these guys *baby Hyrule, Four, and Wild on leashes*
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skyward-floored · 3 months
In hyrule warriors my theory is that the twilight princess area happens after tp itself based on how things are set up, but this of course begs the question of where exactly tp Link is, and my answer is that Cia goofed up and accidentally blasted him to botw’s time as a wolf
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crazylittlejester · 9 days
video games i think the LU Links would really like
(disclaimer: these are only games that I’ve played/am familiar with, so if you have any you wanna add feel free to reblog or put it in the comments)
Sky and Hyrule: Animal Crossing; and I know they take it so so seriously. They both have like over 1000 hours in it, and they compare islands all the time. Fights have been had, tears have been cried, and it’s all over animal crossing
Legend: Skyrim or Baldur’s Gate, I just really think he’d go crazy over the character design stage, and I think he’d like fantasy games like that
Wind: Minecraft, he loves ‘Building Lakes’ (putting a fuck ton of tnt everywhere and filling in the massive holes with water and calling it a lake)
Four: Resident Evil; I think he’d love the franchise as a whole, but Biohazard and Re2r are definitely his favorites. He takes it very seriously, and he didn’t like re6 but he had fun ripping apart evil lizards with his bare hands (in the game ofc)
Time: Southpark The Fractured But Whole; He doesn’t game much, but when he does he’s helping save coon and friends and he’s doing it with the most fucking dead serious expression on his face. He would call himself a gamer as a joke and the others would think he’s a serious gamer or some shit, and then he’s off playing a fucking south park video game
Wild: Mortal Kombat, he fucking LOVES Mileena and Kitana they are his favorite characters, but he thinks Johnny Cage is hilarious. The other Link’s would get really mad at him for only using Mileena’s roll move, they’d be screaming at him and he’d be sitting there giggling. I also know in my heart he’s almost gotten hit by a bus while playing Pokemon Go
Twilight: STARDEW VALLEY. I can see him coming home from a long day with tears in his eyes and he just grabs his laptop and curls up in his bed and plays that shit for literal hours. Anyone who has him on discord sees him playing that game CONSTANTLY
Warriors: I think he’d love BG3 for the character dressup part (and I KNOW he’d romance Wyll or Lae’zel), but I can also see him really enjoying resident evil as long as he’s playing with a friend
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legendofzoodles · 7 months
Wind: We can handle it, hang back if you wish.
Ravio: Don't you worry, I've had my fair share of tussles.
Wind: Like the mushroom?
Hyrule: Those are truffles.
Wind: Like the sprout?
Twilight: Those are brussels.
Wind: Like the trout?
Legend: THAT'S A FISH!
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