#hsr yaoshi
quimichi · 17 days
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TW: mild obsession
SUMMARY: Oh, how much they love you. How much they want to just be one with you...
CHARACTERS: Yaoshi x F!Reader
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Yaoshi nearly loses themself when they feels your weight in their lap. Their breaths are short and sharp, and a shiver runs down their spine as they struggles to suppress the shudder that runs through their body. Don't you look so cute and tiny in their lap! They can't help but gently caress your face lovingly.
"You're so lovely..." they whispers, barely above a breath, as they caresses your cheek. Even after hundreds of years, millennia even, your beauty still leaves them speechless. They couldn't help themself...they was so greedy...they had to turn you as immortal as they was. Leaving you with iternal pain and horros. But with them by your side, with the aeon of abundance, you have nothing to fear. Even after all those years, the pain that you felt is nothing compared to their ever growing love and adoration.
They continue to lavish your cheek with tiny kisses. They're completely enamored. The scent of your skin drives them into a frenzy, and before they know it, they are already pressing more kisses to your neck. They moans against your skin, their whole body heating up. To think that a aeon like them grows weak for a mere (immortal) human like you...laughable, they can already the other aeons laughing. Do they care? Never...not with their little human in their lap.
"Are you sure you are not the aeon of seduction~?" Yaoshi whispers lowly, their voice thick with emotion. Their eyes are half-lidded, and a fierce blush has spread over their cheeks. A groan rises from their throat as they press more kisses to your neck, moving up to your jaw.
The kisses are gentle, almost worshipful, but as they continues downward, they becomes more desperate, more hungry. It is as though they wants nothing more than to drown themselves in you....
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TAGLIST: @hehothrowawayfae @lucienbarkbark @theblades @rikasurl
@luxbless @thequitekid-moonie @mmeat - did it ;)
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qweaenr · 2 months
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Lan - Hunt / Nanook - Destruction
Xipe - Harmony / Yaoshi - Abundance
Mythus - Enigmata / Fuli - Remembrance
Aha - Elation / Qlipoth - Preservation
Nous - Erudition / IX - Nihility
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vos0q · 10 months
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Other than Stelle only these two caught my eye LOL
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counterspe11 · 5 months
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Me explaining Lan vs Yaoshi lore
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ryuucha · 9 months
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No thoughts, i just want to draw both of them ☺️
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channelinglament · 1 year
For the SAHSR about the player being an 'aeon,' does that mean that the actual aeons are aware of their existence? Would they get obsessed with them like how the playable characters did?
Like despite Yaoshi kissing the trailblazer in the actual game, did they did it bcuz of the player controlling the trailblazer? -‐ if that makes sense,,,
Hey there!
More SAHSR brainrot 👀✨️
(Buckle up-)
I'm pretty sure that Aeons are indeed aware of players, or should I say.. Prime Aeons/Aeon of Aeons existence!
So, hsr load was...kinda long- (at least for me, a phone player)
Imagine if during that the whole "history" was happening? Like while we were patiently (or not) waiting for the game to load and open, they had:
1) Aeons meeting "you" (and maybe getting yandere too)
2) Them getting so obsessed with you, that even old history books talk about you because other Aeons did EVERYTHING they did because they were either INSPIRED by you, either WANTING TO PLEASE you.
3) OH NO??? Where are we? Somehow the traces of Prime Aeon/Aeon of Aeons is..well gone. All the traces. No one knows where you went. All aeons (even the most calm/tranquil ones) are going batshit insane.
4) Now you are known as a legend, and that one day you will definitely return.. no one knows when. They hoped you would return, because you won't abandon them, right?
All this and maybe even more (deaths, wars, sacrifices, and etc) while you were sitting infornt of loading screen (or had it load in the background)
Idk why but I really do think that actual Aeons would be yanderes aswell (gut feeling?)
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Now that we know they're obsessed freaks aswell, I can reply to the other question.
Yes, Yaoshi probably felt your presence in the Trailblazer and decided to show love and devotion through this kiss.
If you were like me, skipping it all and uhh, not noticing it earlier,,,,, I wound say that Yaoshi would try to think of other ways to get to you/get your love. After all, if this wasn't enough.. or maybe you didn't want Yaoshi to kiss you trough Trailblazer, there are def more open doors with ideas to get your love. * hip hop hip hop hop hop hops away into the distance *
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Also I jokingly called reader a Prime Aeon-
I like Aeon of guidance a lot <3
But you can have both titles
It rlly is just up to you ^-^
(I'll probably write as both titles lmaooo)
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tabr1-s · 11 months
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redcallisto · 8 months
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Yaoshi the Abundance
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christopher-ratto · 1 month
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mistawolfie · 11 months
I’ve worked on this for the bit for far too long
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
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❀ ˎˊ- prompt: you question yaoshi after they gift the xianzhou immortality ❀ ˎˊ- yaoshi x gn!reader ❀ ˎˊ- wc: 640 ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: possibly ooc yaoshi, written before yaoshi speaks more than two sentences in the entire game, spoilers for honkai star rail ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: was supposed to start writing for genshin but then yaoshi rizzed me up im sorry guys ❀ ˎˊ- img credits
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"Why did you do that?"
Standing by the Aeon's side, your tone was withdrawn, yet curious. Shrouded in starlit clouds, the two of you watched as the Xianzhou ships sailed off into the distance, blessed and cursed with hope and immortality.
Your Aeon hummed to themselves, their voice sickly sweet as nectar, but did not speak yet. You crossed your arms, fixing them with a steady glare.
"That immortality you gave them," you continued, "you do know its consequences, no?"
Yaoshi raised their head, that ever-sweet smile still on their face. You frowned.
"You gave them a curse," you accused.
Their countless eyes, carved into their skin, flickered to you, fixing you with their eternal gaze. One of their many hands reached out and cradled your face within its hands, careful not to scratch you with their sharpened nails.
"Perhaps," they mused, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. Despite your interrogation, Yaoshi was unphased, tranquil, calm. "Does that displease you?"
You met their gaze, a gaze that would've brought thousands of mortals to their knees, with nothing more than a blank stare.
Yaoshi smiled, something akin to laughter escaping their lips. "Then why question me?"
"Mortals are curious," you replied, watching as Yaoshi took your chin between their fingers, their thumb swiping over your lips. "I may not be one now, but I still retain their traits."
"Mm." Yaoshi tilted their head, watching for even a trace of a reaction. But you gave none. They didn't mind, though. Mortals were fascinating creatures, and you were no different. Getting you to break was always an entertaining game.
"They are resigned to a cruel fate," they spoke gingerly, smooth as silk. "Confined to such a short lifespan, unable to spread their wings and fly across the skies like they were meant to."
"Humans don't have wings," you said, raising a brow.
"Not yet." Yaoshi silenced you, closing your lips with their thumb. "But they can learn to. Now that time is their luxury, those wings can finally begin to unfurl."
Gently, you grabbed their wrist, stilling their fingers so that you could speak.
"Have you tried becoming a playwright?" you asked. "You've gotten quite good at flowery words."
"You think so?" Yaoshi pressed a hand to their cheek, smiling innocently. "A compliment from you is quite rare. I'll treasure this moment for centuries."
"I was calling you a liar," you sighed, exasperated yet used to their antics.
"A cruel claim," they replied, their other arms wrapping around your waist, "for an act of generosity."
"They'll become twisted," you said as they pulled you into their lap, your hand on their chest. "It's a cruel gift."
"But a gift nevertheless." They cradled you against them, looking down so that your noses brushed together. "I merely delivered what was asked of me. Whatever happens now, is a result of the fate they wove with their own hands."
"If you say so," you murmured, tilting your head, your lips almost meeting theirs - but still apart. Yaoshi giggled at your actions, heeding your silent request.
They kissed you softly, holding the back of your head to keep you in place. Pulling away, they licked their lips.
"Insatiable," they whispered. It seemed that every part of you was held in their hands, from the plush of your thighs to the back of your waist, and of course your face. "The Path of Abundance yields boundless grain and dew, and yet it cannot fill in what you have given me."
"Is that a compliment?" you asked, resting your head against their collarbone. Yaoshi did not answer, only stroked your head as you rested against them.
And from your divine throne, you watched. Watched as the Xianzhou ships disappeared into the cosmos, embarked on a future of pain and suffering.
You closed your eyes, content.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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radigalde · 11 months
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Come on, don't be lazy...
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visibleclosedeyes · 10 months
✧𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖔𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘✧
Yaoshi x reader
1k words AO3 version here
Very slightly yandere
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Many years ago—possibly millennia, you were simply a small and insignificant mortal living on a planet that could only be described as desolate. It used to be full of life and vegetation—and the crystal clear water in the river always reflected the light from the sun like a valuable stone. But then it was all gone, the meteor had stroked your world; leaving nothing but a crater, a charred living being and the remains of the land and the river slowly but surely disappear. This world is dying—wasting away among the stars which share no empathy. The survivors live their life on a fragile veil of hope.
They said that the only relationship possible between mortals and Aeons is that of distant and fleeting gazes from the divines. Like a gentle yet frightening gust of invisible force and a pair ( or several pairs) of eyes staring down at them from a distance of several thousand light-years away. So you, too, assumed that to be true. Even if you pray to the Abundance, you didn’t expect anything in return–you didn’t expect answers. Even if Yaoshi was described as the most empathetic being in the universe; you believed that it has to take more than a small prayer to get their attention. Yet, you pray every day, just so you didn’t feel alone. Just so you and your family would feel better. Like a lie, parents would tell children so they would stop worrying and go to bed. 
And one day you feel it; a million miles away from here—someone or something, with thousands of pairs of eyes, has glanced at you. In a small millisecond, you feel like you have seen something; the image and feelings have been imprinted into your brain like a footprint on a dry-out concrete. What WAS that? Is that what you think it is? That thing which mortal legends have claimed to be true? Aeon’s gaze. But you put no mind on it since nothing happened immediately after; you have dismissed it as a sudden hallucination from heat then go on with your day.
Little did you know that the magnificent being exists several light years away from your home planet, that entity has always been listening to your prayers. Aeons do not really answer pathstriders, and if they do that was a chance lower than finding a planet that has no sun and moon. For Yaoshi, they only converse and answer mortals only when they have met face to face. Prayers; they can hear but they do not have enough time for all the little prayers erupting from different corners of the universe. And here they thought being an Aeon would provide all the reach they needed. Still, sometimes some individuals cannot simply be ignored and you happen to be one of those individuals. Maybe it’s because of the scale of your sufferings or the constant prayers over and over again—the Aeon of the Abundance decided to glance you a visit. 
That night after you have fulfilled your tasks for the day you go to sleep, drifting into the realm of dreams which stretches beyond the limitations of the universe. In dreams, mortals like yourself are boundless. To every corner of the crafted universe they go, sink themselves into the realm of thousand possibilities. You wake up in some sort of wild garden—too wild and too abundant to be any realistic garden you have ever seen from your home planet. The light shines on trees and grass seems to almost be golden but the sunlight itself doesn’t feel too hot nor does it feel too cool. Looking up ahead of yourself, a light sensation touches your cheek, you catch it, and… the object seems to be a leaf you learned from the elders as ‘gringko’. Every tree that can bear fruits bears that cannot, however, spread their large branches and lush green-yellow-golden leaves to compete. You can hear animals—like a deer and even the growling of a tiger but they seem to be far away. Critters busied themselves with harvesting fruits and nuts which seemed to never run out. What IS this place? This place doesn’t even resemble anything you have seen in your homeland. Is it possible for a mortal to imagine and dream about the thing they never experienced in their lifetime?
You follow the path forward where the grass seems to be shortened and mulled over like many have walked over them for a very long time—so this must have been the main road to whatever was waiting for you. After some walking, you see a large tree forward. A golden ray of light emits from it seems to be the culprit who dyes the scenery golden. Grinko leaves dancing in the air also seem to be let go from this very tree. On its foot, there is a figure that sitting on a throne which seems to be fabricated from all manners of barks and roots 
On that throne, a figure with several arms resigns. One of their legs crossed with the other is free—in several of their palms, each one of the fruit and grain is being held. They all look freshly picked; the water drop can practically be seen dripping down the curve of plump healthy-looking fruit. You have no idea when you have been close to them enough for the strange entity to reach out to you. Your eyes went shut instinctively when one of their fingers reached toward you—a long nail scratched your left cheek with utmost care. When you opened your eyes, you were there; sat right in front of them on your knees. They were and felt larger than life, behind them was a golden tree shining its benevolent light on all creatures and critters alike, it shined through you too. Hm, how…considerate. And then you realized, that pattern, how their body isn’t pattern… they are moving, staring eyes…all over their body. Whatever they are…is far removed from what you know.
“Child,  I have heard your prayers, you are in great pain. But not the pain of your—it’s the pain of the dying world and your people,” They spoke. The voice is soft like velvet slowly and gracefully making contact with your consciousness–dripping with an overwhelmingly large amount of empathy. Yet, their voice firmly reeked with confidence. Before you could say anything back a long and elegant finger pressed shut your frail lips. 
“I understand, I, too, was once wondered—’ why do all things need to come to an end? Why does suffering itself have no other end other than death? Their pain, I have seen the world you have saw; through the prayers you’ve delivered to me. You shall be set free by me—and by proxy, carry my blessings to your kinsman. Only…under one condition,” 
You listened to the honeyed words from the fascinating entity as you suddenly forgot how to breathe. It was now clear who this strange entity was. Yaoshi, Aeon of the abundance. But—why? And if they were real does that mean—
“Become mine. Become my Emanator and my consort; then—leave this world behind with me. You shall have to protect your kins, give them my eternal blessings. Just only if you will submit to me,”
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Dividers by cafekitsune
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a-certain-romance · 10 months
One Love, Two Mouths
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Characters/Ships: Raiden Shogun (Puppet) x reader & Yaoshi x reader
Synopsis: Fawning over godly people with more limbs than the average person
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, multiple hands/arms, use of electro (puppet), size kink (puppet), fingering (both), some praise (Yaoshi)
A/N: Yaoshi is written with gn!terms. This idea has plagued me for so long & one of my last reblogs was my breaking point so enjoy :D
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“Hold still…”
The puppet’s aware of certain limitations that your body is unable to withstand. Too much electricity circulating in a human can prove to have fatal consequences. However, the puppet’s curiosity is far too great, and you happen to be the right person to sate it.
The Raiden shogun has waited for an opportunity such as this. Intimacy was not the intended purpose of this form, but neither party has complained about it thus far.
“Mortals can be far too easy to break. I wonder if you are any different.” For the sake of future enjoyment, she hopes for the latter.
She’ll manifest as many arms as she needs; big, electrifying hands pin you to a table as the puppet herself manhandles you in any position she pleases. The hands she summons are anything but ordinary. Each of them are alive on an elemental scale. Its “skin” flickers in electro currents—the raw energy subdued to a bearable sting.
The once nearly emotionless puppet observes you attentively as she lays to the right of you. When the first translucent finger penetrates your depraved cunt, the throbbing electro sensation pulsates against your walls.
It remains still. Perhaps the puppet is showing you mercy by letting you adjust. She leans over to press open mouthed kisses along your neck before it starts to move. The longer it thrusts, the more the puppet commands the size to enlarge. What was once one finger now became two. Two became three and the thickness of those three swelled within you. The puppet’s manifestations continued to hammer as the puppet’s own fingers moved to cup your breasts.
“You’re allowed to cum as many times as needed, but we won’t stop until I’m satisfied. Eventually, you will learn to value this power as much as I do
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Yaoshi would put all those hands to good use by pinning your back against their chest.
“You’re an obedient disciple of this path aren’t you? Devotion like this from such a cute human should be rewarded.”
Rope isn’t necessary when trapping you in their hold. Two hands spreading your legs, another two exploring your chest, one running up and down your waist and another tilts your chin back so they can kiss you.
Their slender fingers work inside you at a sensuous pace. Delicate skin and soothing eyes lull you into a dreamlike state. Yaoshi coos at your dreamy expression, deciding now is the time to start pressing the pad of their finger on your clit. “Relax, little one. Let yourself submit to the gaze of your aeon.”
Your hands, by their own accord, reach behind to circle around Yaoshi’s neck. If you were to graze their horns, they would stiffen but continue their sensual caresses. Their eyes glisten the further you arch into them. They find your reactions so cute, so worthy of their affection. They just have to kiss you gently because of it. When your breathing quickens and your flesh squeezes their fingers just right, they bite lovingly into your neck to mask their wavering self control.
Yaoshi smoothed over the bite mark to ease the pain and moves you to a different position. They must learn to control themself better, it’s far too early to walk the path of an unrestrained aeon.
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kuroshioi · 3 months
Path of the Abundance
Yaoshi's NSFW alphabet
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Coming soon...
Path of the Destruction
Nanook's NSFW alphabet
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Coming soon...
Path of the Harmony
Xipe's NSFW alphabet
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Coming soon...
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shentheauthor · 1 year
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Taps the sign
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