#hes not a pacifist he actually has a very complicated relationship with violence that ill probably talk about when the sun is actually up
soullessjack · 30 days
rewatching the jackisodes of s14 and can i just say. every. single. time that i go back to the show, it makes all the fanon/fandom jack stuff so much funnier to me bcuz fanon jack is some flanderized steven-universe ass pacifist who cries when he sees his shadow and wants everyone to be friends all the time and canon jack is like. "dean you dont understand if i dont go on a hunt [and kill something] soon im actually going to rip my teeth out okay" and then he uses sams buddy system to blackmail dean into doing a zombie case with him while fully going behind sams back about the whole thing and being just a little too excited about a corpse with human bite marks and missing people
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disformer · 2 years
Genuine question but like, do u have any general Protectobots headcanons u wanna talk about? I just never see anything w them for the most part /gen
Yeah! The reason you don’t see them much is they REALLY do not get a chance to shine in any media. Most of their g1 eps feel very ‘oh shit we forgot to sell these toys’; aid and blades are really the only two who get actual character arcs.
Fanon interpretation draws a lot from their official description and the cheesy sweetness of those eps. They’re the only combiner with more defensive capacity than offensive, and they’re built toe to tip to help humans. It lends to this fandom image of the boys as gentler, more comfortable around people than other cybertronians, and much kinder and loving towards each other.
ill chuck some longer takes on each of them under here ⬇️
Hot Spot: Big time dad energy; 25 year old boomer. He’s described as super energetic and invested in his team and they adore him in return. He can be a little out of touch like a high school PE teacher who thinks clapping at you is gonna make you enjoy running, but his heart is never not in the rights place. I don’t have much to say about hot spot mostly because that energy and motivation is a lot more apparent when you see it survive the really dark times. He’s a good boy, big baby blue border collie bot.
Blades: he’s the ‘bad boy’ but literally only because he’s standing next to 4 squeaky clean poster children. He’s like a cat; you need to play with him 3 times a day and give him somewhere high to sit and he’s very funny and sweet. Otherwise? Fight picking time. I like to think they have the aerialbots come over once a week to tussle with him and get all that energy out. LOVES teasing aid in the most pigtail-pulling embarrassing way possible. The cat analogy just works so well here I don’t have much else to add fhdhhdhdb
Groove: AH! This is the pacifist of the protectobots!! The official description that says it’s aid is totally wrong because Groove is the one with the philosophical streak and aid fires guns constantly. Groove sunbathes sideways on the floor in his alt mode; he’s a Garfield who’s read every Ursula Le Guinn essay. He roams and does fuck-all, and he likes to challenge people who take issue with that. Does a cybertronian need a gatling gun to be worth something? Can a mech not just be a motorcycle sitting very stoned on a cliff at sunset? The most frustrating one to argue with.
Streetwise: I’m making streetwise ACAB i’m sorry, i like him too much and he’s so nice. He’s just a dorky little Ford pursuit car and he can switch his insignia around to get past human barriers. Streetwise does the most legwork for human relations; he’s actually learnt the languages, not just auto translated, so he can better grip the cultures he’s interacting with. He talks to humans and lots of them, and he monitors when intervention would be good and when they need to stay out of it. There’s a pretty wobbly ethical issue with having 5 huge aliens just show up when there’s smoke; humanity is more complicated than that, and Streetwise does his best to make sure the Protectobots can keep operating while maintaining the trust of the people.
First Aid: Ok pulling off my kin tentacles for a moment. Aids a very empathetic bot, and in the g1 show that manifested as a lot of gentle motherly behaviour but we also have that IDW characterisation adding an edge to it. He processes his emotions externally, which is to say Aid observes the way he feels very closely in a detached way and uses that to empathise with others/manage the wellbeing of his team. As with many people who do this, it leaves an emotionally organised person; a bit prim a bit polite, very ASD/OCD. Aid also has a complex relationship with violence; he abhors seeing the waste and destruction of war, but he’s trapped himself in ritual. He might not want to be a soldier but he definitely wants to be swept off his feet.
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het-reccers · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls, 4 Recs - Bubbles/Boomer, Blossom/Brick, Buttercup/Butch
As promised, more animated shipping! I'm a straight down the spectrum shipper when it comes to Powerpuff Girls, which means Reds, Blues, and Greens. The Blues (Bubbles/Boomer) are actually my favorite but apparently I'm in the minority so these recommendations won't show my personal preference. These are all stories with aged-up characters to probably high school or beyond.
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
Pairing: Bubbles/Boomer for sure but there is definitely something going on with Blossom/Brick and even some interesting moments with Buttercup/Butch
Title:  Misconceptions
Author: Sandstorm3D
Link: ff.net
Rating/Warning(s): T/blood, gore, violence, death, child death, major character death, torture, injury, paralyzation, child abuse, tyranny, dystopian future, swearing, disabilist language, sexism, illness, malnutrition, (basically anything you can imagine happening if the world went to heck in a handbasket)
Genre: Adventure
Word Count/WIP?:  1,101,470; complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow
Special Rec: 6 of ?
Why This Must Be Read: First of all let me say I'm a pacifist. I normally avoid anything that involves a lot of fighting. I find it not only upsetting but also often uninteresting to read/watch. I dozed off during some of Captain America: The Winter Soldier's fight scenes (I was watching it on DVD). What makes this fic so good is that there is an incredible amount of character growth and relationship building during the fighting. It's the character growth and relationship building that make this fic, and they make it very, very well. The focus is, of course, on the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys but we get some wonderful father-daughter support with the Professor as well as some great appearances of other known and loved characters (and some terrifying appearances of a few others). The Girls face a very grimdark future, without their powers, and this is the story of the alliances they make as they face the climactic battle for the future of the world. Sandstorm3D is working on a sequel which this world can fully support but trust me, the ending is pretty epic on its own.
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
Pairing:  Blossom/Brick, with a little bit of Bubbles/Boomer interaction and some tragic shades of Buttercup/Butch
Title:  28
Author:  mintbanana
Link: ff.net
Rating/Warning(s): T/violence, injury, emotional trauma
Genre: Drama/Romance
Word Count/WIP?:   64,758; complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow
Special Rec: 7 of ?
Why This Must Be Read: Brick bets Blossom he can get her to fall for him in 28 days. However the fic is just as much about Blossom's relationships with her sisters as it is about her relationship with Brick, or more precisely it's about how her evolving relationship with Brick influences her relationship with her sisters. The girls all get new powers which complicate things a good deal and ratchet up the intensity of Blossom having her world view rattled. At its heart, beyond the romance, this fic is about Blossom learning to chill, at least a little bit, and finding out it helps in all sorts of ways but especially in her interactions with others.
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
Pairing:  Blossom/Brick
Title: LBD
Author:   sbj
Link: ff.net
Rating/Warning(s): T/mild swearing, drinking, the "male gaze"
Genre: Vignette
Word Count/WIP?:    1,230; complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow
Special Rec: 8 of ?
Why This Must Be Read: It's sbj. I don't think it's possible to be in the PPG fandom and not know sbj. However, she has written others fics besides the epic More Than Human and this is a great one. It's a brief moment but it's fraught with UST and it's evocatively written. Like a dark chocolate truffle, it is best enjoyed in this small dose.
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
Pairing:  Buttercup/Butch
Title:  Best Kept Secret 
Author:   sbj
Link: ff.net
Rating/Warning(s): T/swearing, drinking, the "male gaze," property damage, emotional infidelity
Genre: Romance
Word Count/WIP?:     14,507; complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow
Special Rec: 9 of ?
Why This Must Be Read: If romantic angst is your thing, Best Kept Secret is made to order. It is chock-full of Butch internally struggling with his unrequited (or so he thinks) love for his best friend, Buttercup, over something like a decade. The moments highlighted are handled with a deft touch and evoke the tumultuous emotions of the young and in love. I should also mention this is an epilogue to another of sbj's stories, A Skirt for Sunday Evening. Why didn't I recommend the both of them? Well, sbj herself has said she's uncomfortable with the attempted rape trope she used in A Skirt for Sunday Evening. It's also pretty obvious that A Skirt for Sunday Evening was written seven years before Best Kept Secret . We all, hopefully, become better writers with time. You won't completely understand Best Kept Secret without A Skirt for Sunday Evening so my advice is to skim A Skirt for Sunday Evening and then if anything comes up in Best Kept Secret that confuses you or makes you want to know more, go back and find the scene it refers to in A Skirt for Sunday Evening.
Originally Posted At: http://het-reccers.livejournal.com/1131643.html
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