#hellsite detective
hellsite-detective · 4 months
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heyftinally · 5 months
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To show my thanks to @hellsite-detective for the IMMENSE help in finding an old friend here on tumblr, I drew a bit of a personification (while still maintaining the signature mystery, of course).
Thank you again for all of your help, detective. Your skills (and that of your community) are truly amazing!
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enon-ymous · 4 months
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@hellsite-detective probably nothing what you look like, but sue me lmao
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You thought I was done, didn’t you…
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when i went down to the shop, i was lookin’ for a brand new filing cabinet. something that would fit a large amount of files. i’m a busy woman, so obviously i was gonna need something big. i found the perfect one there too. i looked inside every drawer, and it was perfectly empty. i bought it, took it back to the office, and set it up. i checked the drawers once again, still empty.
a few days later, i came back from the office from my holiday break. finally home. i was goin’ to file away my first case when i saw a slip of paper sittin’ at the bottom of the drawer. i picked it up and flipped it over. i stood, in complete horror, and dropped it to the floor. they were back. the Dog Photoer had returned…
no, pal… welcome home to you…
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Fanart for @hellsite-detective
Thanks for finding the posts that we have lost. We would be lost without you!
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artnew8 · 3 months
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🧶🌺🌸🧵🌹 Rose crescent embroidery 🧶🪡🌺🌸
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sasakisniko · 13 days
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Dead Boy Detectives 105 | 108
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hellsitepfpgrabber · 4 months
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
what's that one post with the shadow the hedgehog models that is just like
🦔 someusername
resting bitch face autism vs O_O autism
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dragonboots · 5 days
So today i was watching philosophers stone (pirated copy, we hate the hag in this house and my dad hates netflix so we pirate everything anyway), minding my own business when i am called downstairs to watch a show with my parents they think ill like. To quote them directly, "Its got gay people and they do something with ghosts" and "it has a guy who wears a waistcoat and he does magic."
I ask if its dead boy detectives. I am about to watch dead boy detectives with my parents.
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totallyaces · 1 month
I am definitely not spending all my time imagining Niko showing Edwin the internet (especially Tumblr)
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hellsite-detective · 6 months
me? i'm just a private eye trying to make a difference here in this hellscape we call a city. folks come into my office, beggin' me to track down some long forgotten shitpost. and it's my job to oblige. my name is Hellsite Detective, Tumblr Private Eye.
you lookin' for a post? whether it's a recent post, or a long forgotten cold case from a decade ago, anything goes in this business. so long as you provide me with a lead to follow, be it a quote from the post, a detailed description, or a screenshot, i'll do what i can to chase leads and track that sucker down.
for any of you saps that can't figure this one out: send in an ask requesting a post to be found, and include a quote, description of the post, or a screenshot, and i'll find it and tag you with the results
disclaimer: i'm only takin' on one case at a time. so you fellas are gonna have to wait your turn.
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llynwen · 2 months
Hiii love ur rustposting one thing that has recently made me crazy are how in the interrogation scenes there are these moments where rust drops some comment toward each person where the subtext is like, are I can read this off you because I’m the same/felt the same as you/done the same as you and how often it reveals this little devastating nugget of information about him……like the first b&e kid where he says “you were drug down by that same weight that wouldn’t let you have a mom” (oh. oh.) to the pharmacy shooter “how you gonna say a guy that’s on nothing is crazy but a guy that took something that made him crazy isn’t” (OH.) to the Charmaine character, “some people mistake a child for an answer to something, a way to change their own story” (Oh. OH. AAAAH). What the fuck. How dare they do this
hello noonie! i've been thinking about this quite a lot, actually, so thank you for bringing it up!
i've talked about this before, but i think rusty is extremely sensitive and hopeful, and the way he is is a direct result of him trying to squash those aspects of himself. ironically, i think his sensitivity is what makes him such a good detective.
he greatly downplays his interrogation skills in the 2012 interviews, saying that he can just see it in their eyes (if i recall correctly), but i think his real talent lies in being able to Connect to people. now, we all know how awkward he is in interpersonal relationships, but what i mean by connect here is Sympathize. even though the wast majority of the people he interrogates are bad people, they are still People. so be it on the basis of a shared experience/perspective, as you've mentioned, or just being able to put himself in their shoes, so to speak, he is able to make accurate predictions. he Empathizes with the suspects and murderers, and by doing so can understand them better, understand their motives and mindsets.the most interesting case of him doing this is, to me, the munchausen lady (who i am not sure actually even has munchausen. i've had a looksie at this medical journal (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17970367/), and it doesn't really fit. we don't hear about her taking her kids to the doctor's or the hospital, or them presenting with suspicious tummy aches/suspicious symptoms before their deaths. but i have no medical training, so what do i know). even though killing children is The Worst Possible Crime to him for obvious reasons, he is still able to sympathize with her. he expresses compassion, comforts her as she writes her confession down, and even though he is visibly disgusted by it (which results in him telling her to kill herself), he is able to, on some level, connect to her. he brings up munchausen to, in a way, excuse her actions, which makes her more willing to confess (since it's not really her fault.)(you know what i mean).
this behavior does reveal a lot about rust as a person. it drives home the point of just how Vulnerable he is, how Sensitive. he is painfully human, has a fluffy soft underbelly, and all of his crass behaviors and personal philosophies are just an attempt at concealing it, not allowing himself to be hurt again. this is why the ending is so Positive to me. him finally opening up and Showing himself to another person. now That's growth. this is just my take on the situation, and i'd love to hear what you think about this. i'm sorry for dropping another essay in an ask reply, i guess my academic conditioning is stronger than me. thank you again for letting me talk about this, love you mwah
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ehhbop · 2 years
Okay, with the rediscovery of our beloved Goncharov (unreality) I want to once again push my love of Comrade Detective (reality, Amazon Prime 2017)
Because it’s all this dumb bullshit that tumblr is doing right now (fake movie is touted as real, Soviet era motif, shockingly famous actors involved) BUT IT EXISTS.
You cannot stream it anymore. You have to sail the high internet seas to watch it.
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scavengedluxury · 2 years
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This was clearly intended for use as a reaction image on other social media
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uniheadsstuff · 1 year
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