#headcannon idea idk
supertrxshwrites · 8 months
Thinking about how Jason only comes over as Red Hood so through your window/ up your fire escape so he doesn’t have to buzz in. When your ex finds out you’ve been seeing a guy named “Jason” he decides to come over one day screaming and banging on your door Jay takes it into his own hands and opens the door in full gear holding a gun pointed at said ex threatening to shoot him.
“Are you sure you want to do that” he says tilting his head pointing the gun at your ex
‘Y-you’re the r-‘
“ don’t come back here or I’m afraid I’ll have to shoot you” Jason says smugly
‘Youre bluffing’
“Okay” Jason shoots a near by pillar causing your ex to basically piss himself
“-fuck outta here”
Your ex just tripping over himself to leave
Jay acting like nothing happened and when you ask about hearing a gunshot he acts like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about with a smirk omg aaa
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 5 months
Gravekeeper!Draco who just wanted to be left alone after the war, who takes a respectable job that no one could disparage, who ends up befriending ghosts who have nothing to fear of him, who ends up forgotten to the world because the news can't drum up anything to blame on him, who has forgotten the warmth of the human touch,
Gravekeeper!Draco who takes his job so seriously that he keeps each tombstone looking pristine, each grave decorated according to their ghost's preference, who measures out the next plot with precision--- who, upon seeing one Harry Potter collecting grave dirt for whatever reason feels compelled to confront him. Because the fact that he's the saviour, the Boy Who Lived, the stupid Scar-Head who was somehow grown taller and broader, doesn't mean that he can just be that rude and not ask for permission first
Draco, who confuses Harry on multiple levels because, 'Wait, this is where you've been the whole time?' and 'Ask permission, how would I even begin-?' with a side of 'When did you get this pretty?'
(the ghosts in the background, gossiping and giggling and scheming of ways to push the two of them together)
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pfhwrittes · 1 month
look i said something about it in the tags of this post by @391780 but the ONLY way i can see price x laswell being a thing is in any universe is where price and laswell were married before john transitioned.
like john and kate were those married lesbians that made everyone supremely envious of how synchronised they were. neither of them played into the butch-femme thing but if you squinted you could maybe say that kate was the more femme of the two. john would keep his hair short, dress exclusively in masculine clothing, light up at being called “sir” by strangers.
let’s assume they had an active sex life, even if john straight up told kate that he was a stone butch and he didn’t want her to go down on him or fuck him with her clever fingers. it didn’t matter to kate that he didn’t want that, that he would bring himself to orgasm with his own hands after she was left sweaty and panting against the sheets of their shared bed.
but what mattered to kate was when five years into their marriage he sat her down at their kitchen table and told her in his stilted gruff way that he didn’t feel like a woman at all. that he was a man. he was john. it mattered to kate that her heart broke a little because yes, she loved he-him, but she wasn’t straight and didn’t want to be married to man.
through her own lump in her throat she told him that. not quite as bluntly, and with reassurances that she’d support him every step of the way in his transition. she’d move heaven and fucking earth for john just like she vowed on their wedding day.
it’s bittersweet for john. it’s simultaneously the most gut wrenching and gender affirming moment of his life.
but he moves into the spare room. she starts compiling files on reputable surgeons, testosterone hormone therapy, on whether her health insurance or his will cover his transition. they learn to share their home as two separate people, no longer kateandjohn but kate. and john.
kate loves and supports her husband john. she drives him to appointments. she picks him up when he’s discharged after top surgery. she signs endless “change of details” forms on his behalf.
and then three years later, at the same kitchen table where john had told her who he truly was, who he truly needed to be, they sign their divorce papers with minimal fuss and two matching tumblers of his favourite scotch to commiserate celebrate the occasion.
john, for what it is worth, loves and respects his ex-wife. he refuses to entertain any badmouthing. he also shuts down any whispers that he still loves her before they can reach her sharp ears because of course he does, he’ll always love her in a way. he’s thrilled when she tells him that she’s met someone new, that it’s serious. she’s delighted when her new fiancée suggests inviting him to the wedding, even if he does miss it because he’s chasing down a terrorist organisation on her intel, knowing that he’d never decline the invitation but he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to attend.
eventually, they fall into a comfortable routine where john pops over for shared dinners at kate’s and she teases him for surrounding himself with pretty young men in the task force.
so they may not be johnandkate or kateandjohn any more, but they are still kate and john. and heaven help anyone that tries to separate the two of them.
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sadiecoocoo · 1 month
Thinking about a scenario where Anakin gets hurt, is cornered, and is about to die, and Rex shows up, grabs Anakin’s lightsaber, and gets his own murder spree. Then, when there literally isn’t a single opponent left, all have been cut down or were smart enough to get tf outta there, Rex runs over to Anakin, throwing the lightsaber to the ground cuz he’s got his priorities and doesn’t care if it’s a sacred thing it’s all just space wizard mumbo jumbo shit to him, and then he treats Anakin’s wounds to the best of his abilities, then carries him off to get help bridal style while Anakin cuddles up to him and stares up to him because he is now smitten and this near death experience was his gay awakening
Now to decide which fic to put it in��� or if it should have its own, or if I should put it in both Rexwalker fics I’m working on 🤔
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23and05 · 1 month
If I was to write a Merlin season 6/spin off, it'd look like this:
Firstly it's set now. Merlin has been moving around different places when he grows out of them (i.e. needs to move on because he's immortal) he's currently working in a library and that's where he meets 'Arthur'. Oh he'd also have an Irish accent because one of the worst things BBC Merlin did was not allow Colin to keep his accent.
I picture him having a different name so when 'Arthur' catches him staring and Merlin introduces himself using his real name 'Arthur' is confused because that's not the name on his badge. Merlin says he feels like he knows 'Arthur' and it turns out to be a reincarnation type thing. Does that make sense ??? So it is Arthur, but he doesn't know it, cue Merlin having to draw the memories out of him.
I feel like a cute detail could be Arthur had a child who's flown the nest so there's loads of pictures of them together in his flat.
Other details, Merlin freaks out waking up for the first time in Arthur's bed.
They go skinning dipping in the lake of Avalon, because Merlin says its where he comes when he's overwhelmed, it's like his little spot. Arthur maybe remembers here ? Or at least feels something. Like a pull, something like that ??
The series would end with a pull back shot of some piece of art in a museum/gallery of merlin and Arthur (idk if one exists, there is surely some of king Arthur, but you get the gist) where we see merlin ans arthur holding hands stood in front of it.
There are so many song potentials, but I feel like ii hands ii heaven by Beyoncé playing in the background when they first remeet would be so perfect. Just catching the end of the song where 'I've been waiting my whole life, for you and I' is sung in stunning harmonies.
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birdybellicose · 1 year
Okay but like, what if Lark and Nick grew up to be the D.A.D.D.I.E.S.HQ wildcards and Grant's constant headache?
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dp1250 · 2 years
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Spamton Omori AU or something
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n1sonicfan · 3 months
why does sonic underground feel british
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Fluffcember #5: Dante x Reader
You frowned thoughtfully, biting your lip as you stared down at the array of foodstuffs that lay on the table before you. Today was the weekend; you were packing a picnic for yourself and Dante--the latter was nowhere to be seen at the moment. "That's good," You thought to yourself. "Gives me time to prepare the food without him butting in." As you were painfully aware, Dante was a foodie. A huge foodie. The moment he caught wind of an appetizing dish, he would track the scent like a dog until he found it's source; a quirk that often hindered your attempts to make surprise meals for him. However, today was a completely different day! Dante was "busy" at Devil May Cry, most likely browsing through pinup magazines or chatting away to the others rather than doing work, but who cared? He was out of the house, which gave you time to pack your picnic. The dishes you'd prepared were all of Dante's favorites:Four pepporoni pizzas with NO olives, strawberry sundaes (in a cooler, obviously), and Coca Colas. Nodding satisfactorily to yourself, you carefully plastic-wrapped the pizzas and loaded them into the picnic "basket", which was more of a large plastic container than a basket, double checked the cooler to make sure the lid was on right and the ice packs inside hadn't warmed up yet, and loaded everything into your car. The preparations had been made--all you had to do now was get Dante himself to come with you and the picnic day would offically kick off. You pulled out your phone and dialed Dante's number. "Heya, babe," Came the greeting. "Hi, Dante." You responded, smiling in anticipation. "Can you meet me at the park at lunchtime?" Dante chuckled, "Yeah, sure. I'll see ya there." After a brief goodbye, the both of you hung up and you drove yourself (and the picnic) to the park so you'd have a little more time to set up and get things looking just so.
A while later, at lunchtime, you'd finished setting up all the food on a checkered tablecloth on the ground. You sat there, smiling at how tasty it all looked. "Dante's gonna be so happy," You thought, imagining how his pretty blue eyes would light up with excitement when he saw his favorite food--and so much of it--laid out for his enjoyment. You were so lost in your daydreaming, you didn't notice the white-haired devil slayer creep up behind you and wrap his strong arms around your waist, pulling you in for a hug. "What's a gorgeous thing like you doing outside, all alone, without someone to keep you company?" You laughed, leaned into the hug and smiled up at him. "I have a surprise for you." Dante's brow crinkled in curiosity. "Oh really? Like what?" You shimmied out of his grip and gestured to the spread before you two. "Behold! Pizza!" At the sight of those delicious pizza pies, Dante's demonic instincts clicked in. "Aw yeah, pizza!" He cried, practically leaping over you to get to the food. "You have no idea how hungry I am right now!" He seized a slice of pizza and crammed it into his mouth, still talking in between chewing. "You're a lifesaver, babe-" He paused to swallow, then snatched a bottle of Coca Cola from the cooler and guzzled it. "A real lifesaver. I love you." You couldn't help but giggle, watching the way your wacky boyfriend gobbled up pizza and soda the way a dog would consume tasty meat. "I love you too, Dante," You chuckled, taking a bite out of some pizza yourself. "I really do." But of course, Dante didn't hear you--he was way too busy scarfing down a big bowl full of strawberry ice cream and LOTS of whipped cream.
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supertrxshwrites · 8 months
More Jason Todd x reader stuffs
She’s got a really big resting bitch face but Jay knows all the ways to crack it..like instantly make her smile.
She’s just mean mugging when they’re out and he hits her with
“What’s wrong baby? You’re frowning you’re too pretty for that”
She instantly folds giggling and covering her face
Or he hugs her from behind with his chin on her shoulder while she’s pouting with her arms crossed
“What’s wrong pretty girl?”
“We can get out of here I can think of a lot of ways to turn that frown into a smile”
Her eyes widen and she smiles big grabbing her purse and they run to the car to get home Lmaoo
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cookiethebirdthing · 5 months
In the world of Touhou, I figure that humans are probably not the only species that have believed things like youkai into existence. Like, there are tons of extremely intelligent animals. Elephants, at the very least, have fears that spread throughout groups, so there is probably some version of youkai for them. Imagine some youkai created by elephants about their fear of humans that hunt them. So many species have this sort of learned fear of different things that spread through groups and generations that could lead to so many different types of youkai, many of which could be unrecognizable compared to the youkai of Gensokyo.
I also think that youkai can be born by emotions and belief other than fear which is supported by Symposium of Post Mysticism, so there can youkai caused by those too in other species.
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ghost-format · 2 years
Ya’ll can’t convince me the Rise! turtles and Miles Morales aren’t from the same universe
How many series and what nots have a city that looks like that
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(Tmnt on the left, Spider-Man stuff on the right)
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dezzyartz-mh1228 · 8 months
And just thinking about those two comforting each other about their losses makes me tear up. I can just imagine that F!Finn managed to meet F!Leo in his sleep, and they start chatting. I headcannon that F!Finn is still mourning for Jake's loss, and F!Leo (from the bad timeline) has the ability to sense strong emotional mourning from someone in a different dimension and decided to use his ninpo to contact said person. I'll leave the rest for y'all to continue, cuz my mind just went blank and stopped there.
But pls credit me for this idea if you're gonna use it :)
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mint-is-here · 2 months
i love reading about the uncanny because the whole thing of it is everything seems fine, but there's just something that's not quite right, and i love it.
example, once of my favorite characterizations of The Mayor from LMK in fics is in Sunbreak. He looks like a normal human, but his smile is a bit too wide, the skin around it a bit too white because of how strechted it is. He moves a bit too stifly to be considered normal and there's just something not quite right about the way the talks. Sure, he looks human, but there's so many little details about him that makes he look just a bit off. Just enough to make you unsure if he actually is a human or something else.
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wolfram-but-art · 1 year
Did Human!Archimedes come out of the test tube looking like an adult? Or was there a short time that he was baby sized and had to be cared for as such?
Either way, the thought of Baby Archimedes is making me scream.
Btw I love your art! Your Human!Archimedes injects serotonin directly into my brain!! 💕
I'm gonna be honest, i've never actually thought about it too hard.
I always thought Medic made him all grown up, simply because it would've been way easier to take care of a grown man than a baby, so he made Archie to be around 18-20 y/o. (my idea is that he was mostly made "in a tube", and his insides were replaced with exotic animal bits because... Medic funny :P)
Though i like to think there was a period where Archie sort of acted like a baby? i can't imagine suddenly waking up in a new body of a diffrent species being easy :P
I also made him to be around that age simply because it was more fun... It would be silly to draw Scout as a 40 year old man...
I really do like the idea of a baby Archie though... i mean just look at him...
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look... he's baby....
I may play around with his backstory a little more, now that you've brough it up. We'll see where i end up :P
Also thank you :DD i'm glad you enjoy my silly little drawings <33
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marzipanpisser · 3 months
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"Are you and caked siblings or dating?" Hey! Thanks so much for asking! We are actually the plague ❤
Just pretend he's my mother and this is a mother's day gift awww so cute!
I think the plague is based on pathologic but he hasnt told me so i dont know.
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