#he is honing his photography skills against his will
musubiki · 2 months
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danmarch 🐉💎
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melanieph321 · 2 months
You and Jude met a few days before going to SGP for international duty in a club or something.
You guys click right away and there’s so much chemistry and you end up spending the whoooooole night together, you have breakfast in bed the morning after and off he goes to SGP. You start texting and there’s more attraction between you two and he keep saying that he can’t stop thinking about you and it’s the same for you.
He invites you to the first friendly with Brazil and you don’t know if it’s appropriate going as families and partners will be there and ofc his parents.
You end up going and he introduces you as his friend but most of the guys know each one of his friends and they had never heard of you so they know there’s more, same for his parents as they catch you talking deep and they notice his soft look for you.
This is so good! 😭
Jude Bellingham x Reader - Capture Me Part 1/2
Part 2
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You had always been passionate about photography, and as a photography student, you were always on the lookout for opportunities to hone your skills and earn some extra money. So when your teacher asked you to help her out with a shoot, you did not hesitate to take the job. However, when she gave you the adress to where the shoot would be happening, you had to read the text message twice, one time out loud,  just to make sure that you hadn't gotten it wrong.
"Wembley Stadium?" You frowned. "What the fuck am I doing at Wembley Stadium?"
Turns out that your teacher had a life outside of teaching university kids how to adjust their lenses. Apparently she owned her own model agency that specialized in Sports photography, hence today's job - shooting England's national men's football team ahead of their fixture against Brazil.
You were a bit nervous at first. You had never photographed for a sporting event before. Thankfully your teacher put you on portrait duty whilst she took care of capturing the players in action. It turned out to be a really fun shoot. One of the best gigs you've ever gotten. The football players were a fun and energetic bunch, and they were eager to show off their skills and personalities to your camera. Some of them were constantly moving around, striking poses even though you didn't ask them to. It was helpful at times but not always.
Despite the chaos, the football players were incredibly friendly and curious about you and your job. You found yourself laughing and joking with the players, all of them except for one.
"Is this gonna take all day, or what?" Said Jude Bellingham. He was called in to stand behind your camera but seemed a bit on the edge to.
"Just chill out, Jude, she'll just be a minute." Said one of his teamsmates, telling him off. Jude took it as a joke, though. "Yeah, but you lot get to go to lunch already whilst I'm still stuck here."
You had just gotten to readjusting the lighting but was immediately struck by his confidence and charisma. However, you were determined to focus on your work rather than letting his cocky demeanor distract you.
You snapped a shot.
Jude had his eyes closed in that one so you snapped another shot.
"Hey, I wasn't ready."
You snapped another shot. And another.
"For fuck sakes...Now I know you're joking with me."
You ignored him, eyes narrowed at your laptop screen.
"Fascinating." You muttered.
Jude frowned.  "What is?" 
Looking at your computer screen you couldn't help but notice the way the light reflected off his muscles and the way Judes smile lit up his entire face.
"Is something wrong?"
You looked up. Jude was looking at you with a bit of concern in his eyes. Heat rose to your face. "No. Of course not."
"Oh. Okay." He nodded. "So am I done?"
"No. It's just..." You were blushing now. Blushing like a fool. "I meant to say that you are really photogenic."
"And what does that mean. That I'm hot?"
"No, and yes." You laughed, avoiding snorting like a pig. "I guess you can say that you're photos are good looking, but it's more about the fact that you are totally made to be behind the camera." You said, cringing internally.
"Aren't you the one behind the camera?" Jude smirked.
You shook your head. A sign to hold back on the compliments towards a guy who probably gets them everyday.
"But you are." He said, still with his eyes curiously checking you out.
"I am what?"
"Technically you are the one behind the camera not me."
You sighed. "Yes, maybe I am."
He smiled, having proven his point.
It was a sweet moment. A brief moment that you share with Jude, where the two of you were shyly glancing at each other, not really saying anything. Nevertheless, the shoot continued with Jude posing behind the camera, showing of the men's football kit for this year.
Despite his initial arrogance, Jude turned out to be a lot of fun to work with, and you found yourself enjoying the shoot more than you expected. Perhaps that's what led you to take up his offer when he asked....
"So are you having lunch with us or...?"
"Um...I don't know?" You said, not sure if your teacher mentioned that lunch would be included today.
"Come on." Jude waved. "I'm sure the guys can spare you a sausage."
"Thanks Jude, that's really sweet of you." But you had yet packed away all of your photography tools. They were supposed to be loaded onto your teachers van and taken back to her agency. "I don't think I'm gonna make it to lunch, I still have a job to do."
"Okay." He said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door frame. "If not lunch, how about dinner?"
He smiled at your reaction. "I'm asking you to dinner. Are you free tonight?"
You frowned. "Do you even know my name?"
"Do I have to?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Fine." He sighed. "I'm Jude Bellingham, what's your name?" He offered you a hand.
You took it and shook it firmly. "It's Y/N."
His eyes widened in suprise, a slight twitch in the corner of his lips. "Hello Y/N, are you free to go out to dinner with me tonight?"
"Oh, come on."
You laughed. "Fine. But nothing fancy."
"Why not?" He frowned.
"Why not? Don't people follow you with cameras everywhere you go? I don't want to be a part of that."
"Too bad." He shrugged. "I've been told that that I'm very photogenic."
"Shut up." You laughed and shoved him out of the room, shouting: "I'll leave my number with the people at the ticket outlet!"
"Alright, talk to you later Y/N."
"Bye, Jude."
Part 2
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clamorbelli · 5 years
whaddup . it’s ya boy , skinny penis . ok so there’s not much to put here except hi to any new people that might’ve not seen my intro for noelle & angelo ( CLICK HERE ). i’m jaz, & this here is my newest babe, sebastian higgings. i’ve definitely missed stuff, but underneath the cut u’ll find plenty of fun stuff abt him. and by fun i mean tragic , bc sebastian is a piece of shit. ; )
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TRIGGER WARNINGS  :  death, drugs, alcohol, emotional instability, therapy mentions, unhealthy habits, blood mention.
◟ * ◊ ─  keith powers + cismale + he/him » * believe it or not sebastian belongs to the higgings family. they are 26 years of age and are known to usually spend their time around buena vista apartments. the photographer has been living in victoria for 22 years. the people closest to them describe the bisexual + aquarius to be +inspired and +autonomous as well as -callous and -debauched.
sebastian is the ( current ) eldest son of the late johnathan and sasha higgings, born to the couple when they were happy, in love, and a shining example of what marriage should be. sebastian was a momma’s boy through and through from the day he was born, severe separation issues plaguing his infantdom, only rectified through intense therapy. his bond with his mother, even after finally being convinced she wasn’t the only nice person in the world, never wavered however. they were thick as thieves.
there was never anything remarkable about seb’s childhood except his fondness for the family camera whenever they went on holiday. his parents first believed it was a desire to model, but they soon came to understand it wasn’t being in front of it that seb wanted, he wished to be behind it. from then on they gave him a disposable on every trip, and before long the house was full of his amateur photography.
when he was ten, the unthinkable and unfathomable happened. his mother died. seb had been an entirely normal, average kid up until that point, but part of him died the day his mother slipped away forever. it was impossible for it not too, with the amount of time they’d spent together, his dependency on her at birth, the fact she was his best friend and it didn’t matter what the kids at school thought. as a child, he was ruined, affected for the rest of his life in ways he didn’t quite understand yet.
seb was sixteen by the time victoria was adopted into the family, and his reign of terror on victoria had long since begun. he came home with bloody noses and bruises more times than he could count, he sneered and spat at other kids in the playground, knowing they could do little except beat him to a pulp and have their parents foot the bill. he started drinking all too early, dabbled in drugs no sixteen year old should’ve touched, spent nights away from home, uninterested in the new woman in his father’s life.
victoria, however, was a different story. the pair got on like a house on fire, likely because of their bratty, conniving ways. at that age sebastian was like gasoline and his newfound sister was the match. natalya still had seb’s heart from when they were kids, his sister being the one thing in life he still felt warmth for, but victoria had managed to form a relationship of her own with him. for a while it was them against the world, until cassandra stepped in, pitted the girls against each other, and made life infinitely harder for a boy already on the brink.
he and his father argued daily. blazing rows that ended in smashed kitchenware. seb was losing it but the higgings patriarch failed to see his behaviour as anything more than childish cries for attention. seb didn’t know the empty feeling in his chest wasn’t normal. he didn’t know he shouldn’t play with girls emotions until they cried. he didn’t understand why he only felt things when he was getting into schoolyard fights or looking through the lens of a camera.
seb graduated high school and chose to do an online course for photography, honing his skills whilst remaining close by until his sisters graduated. when they did, he only managed a year without natalya before leaving the city himself, he would miss victoria dearly, but they facetimed every day and skyped properly at the weekends. before he left he told his father to stick his businesses up his ass. he was disconnecting from his legacy. his final words to his father were full of toxicity and rage, as they had been for 12 years now.
he went to new york, cliché and crazy as it may have been, and found a surprisingly immense amount of success. through some ridiculous means, his shots were picked up by a local, renowned photography blog, the owner of the blog also owning a gallery, wishing to display his work. from then on it was up and up. seb travelled the globe, was able to shoot the most incredible places, spent his weeks on planes and trains and on his feet. he had his dream, he made a name for himself, he didn’t need his father.
seb may have had the career of his dreams, but his personal life was a shambles. full of one night stands with no substance, exes that hated his guts, friends who’d found it too unbearable to be around him. he was arrogant, confident in himself to a fault, unable to connect with passion on any level except with his work. he was a riot, a fun guy to be around who was willing to try anything once, but he lacked the ability to form meaningful relationships. people came and went and seb was left, alone, in his fancy apartment somewhere in manhattan. he was as lonely as he was the day his mother had died, things in that regard had never changed.
the phone call he received when victoria died shook him to his core, the male feeling something other than debauchery for the first time in a long time. his father? a fucking waste of space who failed to keep his children safe, but victoria? he flew home just days ago, having one emotional instinct left in him – his brotherly instinct. natalya was still alive and god knows seb was going to lose another member of his family. 
ok so yeah, seb’s an dick. when i say emotionally unavailable i mean . . . highly, on an unhealthy level that requires some serious therapy. seb lost himself when his mother died and since then he’s been trying to find some solace in these flings he always has but, of course, he never will. he’s apathetic when it comes to people becoming attached to him so tends to be particularly cruel with ppl who get involved w him.
asshole . like, just not . .. a nice person . will point out someone’s faults, will tell u if ur skirt is ugly as fuck, willing to laugh in your face if he thinks what you said is stupid. just doesn’t . . give a f. needs to grow up.
hOWEVERRRR R rr. ofc if he was like that 24/7 he’d never even get people into bed in the first place so he can, of course, turn on the charm. he’s very flirtatious, loves sex and sexually charged conversations. flirting is a hobby for him and it’s one he has fun with. if ur not looking for anything deeper, seb isn’t too bad ig . if you can engage him on things he wants to talk about, keep things chill, not take his dickheadedness to heart, etc, he can be manageable. sort of.
massively confident, but unfortunately it’s justified. he’s beautiful, he’s talented, he’s rich of his own accord, and he’s successful. he’s massively independent, but finds it hard to work in a team.
he’s ! lowkey ! a visionary !!! when it comes to photography he really is that bitch and is genuinely incredible at his job because it’s something he’s actually passionate about. he never turns down the opportunity to photograph, so even though usually he loves money, he’d be willing to do a lot of photography for free whilst he’s back bc ? he just loves doing it, and it reminds him of his mom and how she encouraged him.
uHhh bad habits to the max. the only one of my charas who regularly takes hard drugs and drinks, has a penchant for mdma and is looking into microdosing to help his artistic ability. 
exes from before he moved away
best friend, probably only 1 bc . . . intolerable
any kind of connection from before he moved, bc it’s always exciting to see someone again after four years right
enemies lmao
people he knew in new york, if anyone has charas who’ve been there recently
people that were friends with vic
i dunno i’m not good at these y’aLL KNO I LIKE BRAINSTORMING DOMFDOD
give me some angsty shit too
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nanowrimo · 6 years
30 Covers, 30 Days 2018: Day One
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Every November, during National Novel Writing Month, thirty professional designers volunteer to create book cover art inspired by novels being written by aspiring authors from around the globe. Why? To encourage new, diverse voices, and help build a more creative world.  
30 Covers, 30 Days is presented in partnership with designer and author Debbie Millman. Read more about these NaNoWriMo 2018 novels-in-progress, and the cover designers, below.
Enemy Music
A Historical novel being written this November by NaNo participant J. Ducusin Hay in Canada.
Two siblings, one driven by anger and the other driven by his passions, find themselves on opposite sides of the same war. While rival jazz musicians meet racism and fascism in their pursuit of success and artistic freedom in 1930s Osaka and struggle to survive the battlefields of Okinawa, a girl seeking revenge joins the guerrillas against the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. 
Cover designer John Hamilton had this to share about the design process:
I usually start with a list of words that will be springboards. For this title, "Enemy Music," those words were jazz, 1930s, Japan, Filipino, conflict, culture, invasion, anger, peacetime, resolve, modern art, the Jazz Age, influence, and some others. Some of the design elements could be contrast between music, art, and war; contrast of cultures; symbols for Japan; symbols for the Philippines; 1930s Japanese photography or art. I also found out that jazz music was introduced to Japan in the 1920s, and as a result jazz clubs started popping up.
John shared several alternate cover versions:
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Stay tuned for more covers every day of the month!
Cover Designed by John Hamilton
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John Hamilton Design is a Fort Collins, Colorado graphic design studio specializing in book cover design with clients nationwide. John began his publishing career more than twenty years ago as the Art Director of Wycliffe Associates in Orange County, California. Prior to working with Wycliffe, John honed his skills with Ampersand in Pasadena, then led the design direction of Virtue magazine for three years. He has worked with many publishers since going out on his own in 2006, and his work has been featured several times in Communication Arts.
You can follow John on Twitter @johnhamiltondzn.
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nomanwalksalone · 6 years
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by Réginald-Jérôme de Mans
The late fashion snapper Bill Cunningham left nothing if not good will with his passing. Long before his death, the originator of street style photography was already a wraith in a blue work coat, haunting a few preferred corners of Manhattan to touch, through his camera lens, the favored of his eyes, elevating them as if he really was some supernatural being to the pages of The New York Times. His spritely or sprightly touch seemed even more magical in that his eye and philosophy – contrary to those of the many who followed him – were waspishly anti-commercial.  He favored those who dressed for themselves, following their own tastes and spending their own money.  
Fashion Climbing, Cunningham’s posthumously published memoir, shows that Cunningham had crafted that philosophy and honed his sharp views many decades before becoming the sunny, silent sprite of the NYT.  In fact, a reader expecting to learn more about Cunningham’s experience as the camera-toting street style photographer will be left wondering and waiting as the pages turn all the way to the end.  Instead, Fashion Climbing is the origin story of Cunningham the groundbreaking style photojournalist, setting out the traumas, deeply rooted motivations, unusually helpful character traits and formative influences – both mentors and early nemeses – that formed the Cunningham today’s pop culture remembers and informed his eye and pen. While this origin story, in its way, is as eventful as today’s portentous cinematic comic book adaptations, I hope Zach Snyder won’t be directing.
Fashion Climbing opens with a vividly described formative cataclysm that, like those in comic book movies, involves the explosive combination of all those elements. Young Bill’s first memory, wearing his sister’s dress because he was driven to find something of beauty and flamboyant splendor, followed by his mother’s violent punishment for such a transgressive act in a post-World War II middle-class Boston Catholic household, each last word a brutal conformist clobber.  What follows are young Bill’s continued transgressions against norms of gender conformity, of drabness, of class ambition: childhood jobs whose earnings he channels into buying clothes for his mother and sister, the only ways to introduce beauty, even glamor, into the house. Jobs at Boston department store Jordan Marsh and New York interloper Bonwit Teller, where he thrived so much that Bonwit’s actually gave him a scholarship to Harvard University (imagine the days when an employer would pay for an employee’s Ivy League liberal arts degree…).  
Dropping out of Harvard, Cunningham made his way to New York, where he did not yet become the flitting photographer the reader is expecting to see emerge at any moment from these pages, but instead devoted himself to… millinery.  The word is Cunningham’s, not mine; its meaning, women’s hatmaking, as forgotten as that craft itself.  His creative talents, his inspirations, nay, urges for glamor and theatricality flowered, festooned, cascaded in sculptural, even architectural headgear madness, rendered out of found items, remainder cloth, and other often humble materials.  Madcap adventures, no pun intended, followed the young designer that do indeed recall the parties and tenants of the building in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, as Hilton Als notes in his introduction to this book.  Cunningham encounters a New York demimonde of chancers and pretenders, of shameless clothing industry pirates who would place small orders simply to steal all his ideas, and of hidden, uninhibited splendors and debauchery behind doors closed to all but an entitled upper class... and to a resourceful Boston boy and his beautiful (platonic?) “girlfriends” who would crash them, not for sordid sex, but for the opportunity to dress up in the most outlandish costumes and to observe the small number of people who shopped and dressed only for themselves…
An observer almost like a thief, Cunningham reminisces that he knew dozens of illicit ways into certain elegant venues he’d never entered through the front door, all for the sake of viewing others in their outfits, often, in his words, from behind a curtain.  Drafted during the Korean War, he somehow finds himself assigned to the French backwoods, where the same resourceful pluck he used to finagle his way into New York venues serves to organize tours all over Europe with his fellow GIs, including and especially to Paris. Paris was the center of couture, in Cunningham’s view because it alone among London, New York or Los Angeles had the craftspeople who could devote time and skill to the many, many individual tasks and trades involved in haute couture.  
Today, as I've learned and written, that may still be the case in Paris, but it’s certainly not easy to find.  The old customers who maintained the enormously complicated, enormously expensive craft industry of haute couture are gone, as are the customers who had kept millinery barely going along in Cunningham’s era.  He notes he saw the business die by 1960.  That step, too, still does not bring us Cunningham the iconic photographer.  Instead, Fashion Climbing describes Bill’s recruitment to fashion writer for Women’s Wear Daily, among others, and provides several of his contemporary writeups from the couture shows of Chanel, Molyneux, Balenciaga, Galanos and others. Cunningham punctuates each with what is ferocious, career-threatening anti-commerciality for the fashion press: he refuses to follow the accepted conventional wisdom about the reigning couturiers du jour, threatening his publications’ access to those designers’ shows and the lucrative advertising buys those labels and their backers and associates were responsible for.  Going further, he criticizes acidly the airs of the fashion press itself, the folk who dictate to the rest of the world what to wear in every situation while horribly dressed and horribly unprepared themselves.  
Fashion Climbing ends without Bill ever shouldering his famous bleu de travail to haunt Fifth Avenue.  However, like the best origin stories, it shows us the organic and natural assembly of the qualities and conditions that create an icon: the love of beauty for its own sake, not for what it supposedly signals about power, wealth, or sex; the stubborn sincerity to pursue the expression of that beauty and criticize its absence; the remarkable persistence even in the face of starvation (and the resourcefulness to survive those deprivations); the unique eye for the exotic and the whimsical that make beauty personal; and perhaps most amazingly, a sunniness that never seemed to fade or set. 
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hollandtomholland · 6 years
Something More
- A Tom Holland oneshot.
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(A/N): Happy Valentines day, loves! Technically it’s over where I’m from (it’s 4:05 am)  but I might just get there in time for all of you guys in the US. I thought I’d celebrate today and christen this blog with a not-so-little something I’ve been working on for the past week. It clocks in at just under 6k, twice as much as I’d intended, but you know what it’s like when you really get into something. I haven’t written anything like this in about three and a half years, so I’m a little rusty - bear with me! I hope you enjoy and I’d really appreciate any feedback if you’re willing. Also - my formatting keeps messing up in the mobile app and removing the read more, so sorry to everyone who has to scroll through this massive wall of text. Much love xo
Summary:  Everyone has that one person who seems to dip in and out of their lives, reappearing when they least expect it , and for you that was Tom. He was as mysterious as he was charming, and the chemistry between you was electric - but he was never around for very long. When he appears on one of the most important nights of your life, nothing is certain. Is this just another fleeting chapter in your shared history? Or is it something more?
Warnings: Very mild angst, but mostly pure fluff.
There was something thoroughly magical about a gallery opening that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Perhaps it was the sheer amount of creative talent gathered in one space, sharing ideas and murmuring their appreciation, or the powerful energy of never-before-seen artworks that were finally able to inspire and move those who looked upon them. Or maybe, you thought, it was just the champagne. Whatever it was, you were grateful to be there.
Tonight, you were finally able to stand in that space and feel proud of yourself. Three of your portraits hung on the wall before you, beautifully framed and looking way more professional than they’d ever done before. Many people would consider photography to require less skill, less artistry than painting, but you wholeheartedly disagreed. Even after years of experience, you still marvelled at how even the tiniest change in angle, the most imperceptible shift in lighting, or the most minor adjustment of focus could produce the greatest of results. Every single person you photographed was different, and so was your approach to photographing each one. You put the utmost effort into creating something that would reflect their personality in a single shot; soft lighting to bring out someone’s warmth, a low angle to convey their confidence, blue tones to communicate some inner melancholy. Each little detail you tweaked was like the stroke of a painter’s brush, and you’d honed your craft to perfection. 
Appearing behind you with a glass of champagne in each hand, Jocelyn regarded you warmly. “How are you feeling?” she asked, handing you the fuller of the two glasses. You took a long sip, feeling the bubbles fizzing against the roof of your mouth. “Kinda like this” you remarked, holding up your glass with a wry smile. She laughed. “Is that because you’re nervous? Or because you’ve seen him?”
You followed her pointed gaze to the far corner of the room.  A well dressed man was stood by the coat check, handing his coat to the attendant. As he turned to survey the room, you caught sight of his face.
Ah, you thought.
Everyone has that one person who seems to dip in and out of their lives, reappearing when they least expect it , and for you that was Tom. The first time you’d met him was five years ago, at a friend’s housewarming party. He was charismatic, strikingly polite, and full of sparkling conversation that charmed everyone around him in an instant - including you. You’d barely had the chance to speak to him properly that night, exchanging one or two words across group discussions, but from that moment on he was to become something of a recurring character in your life. This second time you met, several months later, he appeared as the friend of a work colleague, joining your team for the weekly pub quiz. This time the two of you were able to engage one on one, and you were struck by how this near-stranger could make you feel like the only person in what was a very crowded room. Maybe it was the way he made intense eye contact when he listened, or maybe it was the warmth in his voice as he spoke to you. Whatever it was that he had, you missed it very much when he failed to return the following week… and the week after that. “He’s a busy guy” your colleague had told you, when you finally brought up the subject of his absence, “We were lucky to get him just the once”
The following year, you saw him several times, including once in a restaurant where you both happened to be on a first date set up by the same person. You acknowledged each other politely from across the room, and you found yourself much more interested in him than in the guy sitting in front of you. His name still escapes you… Kevin, was it? Or maybe Scott… Regardless, the date was not a success. You had excused yourself to the ladies’ after the main course, bumping into a slightly frazzled looking Tom on the way out. “Everything okay?” you had asked him, and he’d glanced furtively back into the dining room. “Never go on a blind date” he’d told you earnestly as his eyes met yours, “This girl… she doesn’t like dogs”. 
“I know the feeling” you’d replied, gesturing towards your table where what’s his name was currently picking his teeth with a knife. Tom had taken one look at him and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, eyes fixed onto yours once again. “May we both escape this alive” he’d said solemnly, before a broad grin lit up his face. With that he turned and walked away, fingertips brushing down your arm as you parted. You’d watched him for a moment, and were about to return to your own table when he suddenly looked back at you. The conspiratorial wink he’d proceeded to give you sent a delicious shiver down your spine, and for the rest of the night all you could think about was him. 
And so it went on, the two of you bumping into each other every so often and never in the same place twice. He was never with the same people either, but the two of you had a mutual friend so often that you wondered if everyone in the city knew him. There was the time you met by the stage door of a theatre, both knowing the lead actress in the play. Once he was at a birthday party of an old school friend, having worked with them a few years back. Only last year he’d turned up at your college friend’s wedding, having known the groom since they were children. The last time you’d seen him, he’d appeared at a garden party with a friend of a friend, introduced as the guy she’d been seeing for a few weeks. You’d watched him sitting close to this girl you vaguely knew, laughing and sharing in-jokes you didn’t quite understand as a tight knot formed in your stomach. The burning stare he’d given you across the table, however, was the same as it had always been, as was the warmth in his voice as he said your name. You left early that night, excusing yourself over a fictional headache. By the following week the girl was seeing a different guy, and you hadn’t seen him since.
No matter how many times you met him, though, you never seemed to make any sort of progress. You got on like a house on fire when you were together, the chemistry electric, but as soon as you parted it was like he’d never existed. No way of contacting him, and no idea of when you’d see him again. On many occasions you’d berated yourself for not asking for his number, something which seemed so easy and yet proved so hard. It seemed you were stuck in this awkward ‘more than acquaintances but less than friends’ position permanently, unable to make a break through. The only exception to this was the night of the wedding, but you’d done your best to never think about that again. 
Jocelyn was one of the few people who you’d mentioned Tom to. You’d tried to keep it as casual as possible, telling the tale of your many meetings as if it was just a funny story that meant very little - she’d seen right through you. After that, she’d pressed you for details every time you saw him, treating the whole situation like the most exciting thing she’d ever heard.  Last year, he’d appeared at the opening of her husband’s last business venture, and she could barely contain her excitement at finally getting to see the Mysterious Tom. She greeted him with the same polite interest she offered everyone else, but as soon as he was gone she’d sidled up to you with a knowing glint in her eye; “I get it” she’d told you. “He’s cute, charming, and a little bit mysterious. No wonder you’re so hooked”. 
So here he was now, at one of the most important events in your life so far. It made a strange kind of sense, if you really thought about it. Jocelyn watched you with interest, trying to decipher the expression you were just about managing to keep neutral. “You weren’t expecting him” she surmised, as you took another long sip of champagne. You shrugged nonchalantly, feeling more bemused than anything else. A small part of you had actually wondered if he’d be there, but a bigger part of you had brushed that off as wishful thinking. “Who invited him?”
“I don’t know,” she replied, “Could be any number of people”. A moment of silence passed as you both watched him, before Jocelyn turned to you again. “You should go say hi” she suggested, earning a vigorous shake of the head from you. “What would difference would it make” you sighed, before turning back to your portraits. “Besides, I don’t want to ruin tonight by making it all about him. I want to enjoy this moment fully and properly”
This was true. Every time you saw Tom, you were left feeling disappointed regardless of anything else that had happened. You could be at the most amazing party and have the greatest time, but the rush of warmth and excitement you felt in his presence left everything feeling cold and dull as soon as he was gone. It led to you resenting yourself, hating how one person could have such a strong effect on you when you probably meant nothing to them. Just this once, you wanted to avoid all of that. Everything had been perfect thus far, so why would you want to risk ruining it? 
“That’s fair enough” Jocelyn commented, unable to argue with your sound logic. “It’s a big enough space, you should be able to avoid him without too much difficulty”.
And she was right. The following hours passed by without incident, though the thought of him still lingered at the back of your mind. A few brief glances in his direction were all you allowed yourself, unable to stop yourself from indulging no matter how strong your resolve was. He still had the same intense effect on you, even from afar. Jocelyn acted as a lookout, barely leaving your side and hurrying you away to another area once or twice when she spotted him rounding the corner. Still, you managed to make it effortless, mingling with everyone in a way which made you feel like you fitted in for once. To your surprise and delight your work had attracted much praise from artists and patrons alike. Even more encouraging, by the end of the night a ‘sold’ sticker had appeared on one of your portraits: a self portrait you’d taken last year, something very personal that you’d been hesitant to show. 
“What did I tell you,” Jocelyn reminded you, as the two of you stood by the coat check. “It’s some of your best work”. It was late in the evening, and she was preparing to leave. Only a handful of people remained in the gallery, and Tom had not been sighted for at least the past half hour. “Are you sure you don’t want us to drop you back?” she asked you, and you shook your head.
“It’s a kind offer, but I want to stay here just a little while longer. Really make the most of it, you know?”
“Of course. You’ve earned it” 
She gave you a parting hug before exiting the gallery, joining her husband who was waiting outside. You gave them a wave as they left, noticing for the first time that snow had begun to settle on the pavement. It snowed every winter in the city, but tonight it seemed even more magical than usual. The ‘sold’ sticker on your portrait drew your eyes again, and you walked over to fully take it in. Your first show, and you’d already sold something. It wasn’t the money that excited you, in fact that hadn’t even crossed you mind. Just the knowledge that someone liked your work enough to purchase it for themselves was reward enough, and you couldn’t stop the enormous smile from taking over your face. 
“You should be incredibly proud of yourself” 
You knew exactly who that voice belonged to. Slowly, you turned to face the speaker, face fixed with an expression that you hoped conveyed pleasant surprise rather the strange mix of emotions you were currently feeling. 
“Tom! I didn’t expect to see you here” you addressed him casually, as he stepped forward to greet you with a kiss on the cheek. His lips were warm against your skin, his hand resting on your bare arm, and you tried to ignore the sensation this stirred up in your stomach. “Wouldn’t miss it” he replied softly, his eyes meeting yours as you parted. In that moment you wished it was possible to suppress a blush, feeling the scarlet heat creeping onto your cheeks. Hopefully, he wouldn’t notice. 
You took his words to mean that he was here by the invitation of one of the other artists. “Who did you come for?” you asked him. Who was your mutual friend this time? Who was the lucky person who’d earned his support, whose presence had drawn him there tonight? 
He spoke the word so casually, as if it should’ve been completely obvious. This was clearly no big deal to him, but you, on the other hand, were slightly thrown. You looked at him with genuine surprise this time. “Really?”
“Of course. I passed by earlier this week and your name on the poster caught my eye. I knew I had to come, I’ve been wanting to see your work ever since you mentioned you were a photographer”
This was new territory. For once, Tom was not here as someone’s friend, or someone’s colleague. He was here for you and you alone, a situation you had never dared imagine would occur. 
“And I must say, it was worth the wait. These are simply magical” he said earnestly, turning his attention to your portraits. “The way you capture your subjects… it’s beautiful”. 
You were momentarily lost for words. Tom looked at your work the way no one else ever had, with such intense wonder and fascination. You could tell that he really meant what he said. 
“Thank you. Really, thank you, that means a lot to me” 
He shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing. “I suspect you’ve heard that a lot tonight, though” he added, seemingly unaware of the effect his words were having on you. “People have certainly been very kind” you admitted. 
“I’m not surprised, talent like yours is hard to ignore” he enthused. “You’ve really blown me away” 
He turned his gaze back to you as he said this, his eyes bright and intense as they locked on to yours. His voice was soft and low, the last sentence laced with an undertone that hinted at a deeper meaning. Part of you wished he’d stop doing that; you were trying to keep your feelings out of this, and the fire he ignited in your stomach betrayed you entirely. Another part of you craved the familiar thrill. This was not what you’d intended to happen at all, but you should’ve known it was inevitable. Silently you berated yourself for letting him get to you so easily, just like you did every time. You decided then that you should take your leave, whilst it was still early enough to avoid that dreaded crash from a Tom-induced high. 
“Well, it’s getting late, isn’t it? I suppose I should be heading home for some rest after all the excitement of tonight” you began, fixing a smile onto your face. Conversely, Tom’s smile faltered at your words. “Oh, that’s shame”. His voice was less sure than usual, and this sparked your curiosity. “How so?”
“I was hoping that you’d let me take you out for a drink or two, perhaps, to celebrate your achievements” he confessed. The intensity in his eyes gave way to a hopeful softness, before his gaze dropped from yours. Suddenly his confidence was replaced with a vulnerability that you’d never seen before, a whole new side of Tom revealed to you that you’d never expected. “I found a great little bar that I thought you might like, but I wouldn’t want to keep you from anything”
In that moment, your resolve crumbled. He had you entirely. 
“I’m sure I have a couple more hours left in me” you said softly, any previous hesitations forgotten. Tom looked up at you, his eyes full of hope. “Are you sure?” he asked, and you nodded. 
“Of course. It’s a lovely idea, thank you for thinking of me”. 
His whole face lit up at your words, that familiar confidence and cool composure restored. “It’s my pleasure. I’ll just go get my coat then, shall I? Oh, and let me get yours too”. 
With that he was off, striding through the gallery to the coat check. You watched him, very aware that you should be angry at yourself right now. You’d intended to avoid Tom at all costs, and yet here you were, agreeing to go out for a drink with him. Somehow, though, you didn’t mind. Something about tonight felt different, it was undeniable. Unlike every other time you were with him, this time, it was just you and Tom. More than that, he’d expressed explicit interest in spending time with you, all of the effort coming from his own free will. This wasn’t just another coincidental crossing of paths - this was deliberate, and filled with potential that both excited and intimidated you. Part of you knew that you were opening yourself up possible disappointment, but a bigger part couldn’t bear to cut the evening short. 
You met Tom at the door, where he helped you on with your coat. His fingertips brushed across your neck as he pulled it over your shoulders, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. He turned to you with a smile as he opened the door. “It’s barely a five minute walk away, we should be back in the warm in no time”. 
Five minutes or fifty, you wouldn’t have cared either way. You barely noticed the cold as you walked, as swept up as you were in Tom’s sparkling conversation. He had this way of making you feel as if you’d never been apart, picking things up where you left off no matter how long it had been since you last saw each other. “It’s just here” Tom said as you approached the bar, holding the door open and gesturing for you to step inside. It was a beautiful little place, decorated with 1920’s style flair and softly lit with elegant chandeliers. It wasn’t as busy as most bars in this part of the city, with just a gentle hum of conversation and plenty of space to sit; he’d chosen well.
“This is lovely” you told him, as he led you over to a table tucked away in the corner.
“A friend of mine had his birthday drinks here a few weeks ago,” Tom replied, “And for some reason it made me think of you”. He spoke so casually, unaware of flutter this drew from your stomach. The very idea that you were on his mind when you were apart had never occurred to you until he’d mentioned seeing your name on the poster earlier, and now this… perhaps you’d underestimated his perception of your connection.
Tom pulled out your chair for you, and then went up to the bar to order some drinks. “I remember your usual: double whiskey, neat” he assured you, and moments later he was back with a glass for each of you. He waited until you’d had a sip before he spoke again, gaze fixed onto yours. “So,” he began, “Are you going to tell me why you were avoiding me earlier?”
The whiskey burned in your throat as you swallowed suddenly. Up to this point you thought you’d got away with it, but it appeared you weren’t as subtle as you thought. He didn’t seem annoyed, though – just curious. “Avoiding you?” you weakly replied, willing your mind to formulate a convincing excuse that never seemed to come. “It certainly seemed like it. Every time I tried to approach you, your friend – Jocelyn, isn’t it – hurried you away. At first I thought it was her who was trying to keep us apart, so I stopped trying and waited until you were alone. It was the expression on your face when you turned around that told me you’d known I was here the whole time. You weren’t unhappy, I think, just… uncomfortable”.
He looked at you earnestly, searching for answers in your face that you were trying to hide. It was no good; something about him made it impossible for you to lie. You let out a deep sigh and hid your face in your hands. “I’m sorry, it was… yeah, I just… ughhh”. You let your voice trail off, words failing you entirely.  You didn’t dare look at him, feeling completely and utterly ashamed of yourself. How could you possibly explain away this one without sounding thoroughly pathetic?
“Hey, hey…”
A gentle hand reached out and took hold of your wrist, drawing your own hand away from your face. “Look at me”.
Reluctantly you shifted your gaze upwards. Tom’s expression was one of sympathy and reassurance, which only served to make you feel worse somehow. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, I’m sorry” he said softly, his fingertips lingering on your skin for a moment before he let your hand rest on the table. And then, even softer still - “I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable”.
Sitting up a little straighter, you gathered together the little composure you had left and chose your words carefully. “No, you don’t need to be sorry for anything. You were right, I was avoiding you, which was a childish thing to do”.
“Can I ask why?”
Honesty was, scarily, the best policy in this case. Time to put your feelings into coherent sentences, whether you felt ready or not. 
“It’s just that… look, tonight has been great. And we’ve met at lots of other great nights, right? But sometimes when you’re around, and I can’t explain why… I overthink, and suddenly things aren’t so great”
You chanced a look at him, hoping that your words made some sort of sense. It appeared they did; Tom nodded. “And you wanted tonight to stay great. I understand that” he said calmly, his brow furrowed slightly. 
Both of you were silent for a moment. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking underneath that cool exterior, and suddenly the atmosphere felt unbearably heavy. You missed the fun, amiable repartee that you usually shared with Tom, and you scrambled to return to it’s familiarity. “And look at how things have turned out now, still great! I was just being silly, classic me” you babbled, taking on a tone that you hoped was convincingly light. 
“I made it weird, didn’t I” Tom murmured, still unreadable.
“What? When?”
“At the wedding”
“Oh, well we don’t need to -”
“When I kissed you”
And there it was.
The one topic that you’d banished from your mind, the one thing that you refused to dwell on, was out in the open. Tom’s voice was thick with emotion, but exactly which emotion it was you could not tell. Longing, maybe? Perhaps that was too far. Or was it regret? You hoped not. Your best tactic, you decided, was to play it as cool as possible. “These things happen, people make mistakes -”
“It wasn’t a mistake” he interjected, his eyes suddenly burning into yours. “Kissing you was not a mistake, I don’t regret it. Do you regret kissing me back?”
Although it was true that you’d tried to forget the kiss, the one thing you could never do was regret it. It was, without a doubt, the best kiss of your life. It was a warm summer’s evening, on a balcony looking out onto the lush gardens of a stately home. One minute the two of you had been talking, and the next his hands were on your waist and his lips were on yours. You could still remember the raw energy between you, how nothing had ever felt more natural or instinctive than to kiss him and be kissed back. No, you could never regret that. 
You did, however, regret the way you’d sprung back inside without another word, the second you heard someone calling your name. You regretted that when someone later mentioned that Tom was looking for you, you’d spent the rest of the night holed up in your hotel room overthinking. And you regretted the immediate shut down you went into after convincing yourself that he hadn’t meant it, that you were nothing more than a potential fling to him. That was the easy option, you realised. You hadn’t needed to confront your own feelings, you could remain in denial and avoid reality. 
“No, I don’t regret it” you asserted, watching as Tom’s gaze softened almost imperceptibly. He took a sip of his drink, swallowing hard. “I tried to find you afterwards, but no one had seen you. I asked your friend for your number, but I guess it was outdated cause when I tried to call it, it was disconnected. We seem to have so many friends in common, and yet when I wanted to reach you I couldn’t find a single person who could help me do that”. 
“You tried to find me?”
“Of course, but nothing seemed to work out. It was as if I had to wait for pure luck to put us in the same place again, just like every other time we’d met” he explained. “I held out hope that we’d cross paths again soon and the next time would be different”. 
You couldn’t suppress the bitter laugh that bubbled up from your throat. “It was different” you reminded him, taking another sip of whiskey to dull the uncomfortable memories that were resurfacing. The look on his face told you that he knew exactly what you were talking about. “I know,” he began, rubbing his cheek self- consciously, “I was with another girl”. 
Back then, you’d expected the next time you saw Tom to be full of unspoken awkwardness  - the fact that he turned up with a date was a full on gut punch that confirmed your worst suspicions. The night of the garden party, you’d told yourself that you truly meant nothing to Tom. Any feelings you had for him were one sided, you’d determined, and it was stupid to hope for anything more. “That was… not a great evening” you admitted, with a wry smile. 
Tom let out a gentle chuckle. “Not for me either. I’d spent so long thinking of what I was going to say to you, making up my mind to do things properly, and the minute I gave up hope and tried to move on, there you were”. 
“I hope you didn’t break up with her on my account” was all you could say, more than a little overwhelmed by everything you were hearing. 
“She broke up with me. It was fairly amicable, she sensed something was off and cut it short before I could” he recounted, running a hand through his hair. 
“I guess that’s a good thing”
“It was. It wasn’t right for me to be with her when I was…”
He trailed off, letting out a deep sigh. He let his gaze drop, rubbing his cheek again in a gesture that betrayed his usual self-assurance. You watched him, unsure of what to say, as he stared into the bottom of his whiskey glass. The stare turned into a wistful smile, and his eyes met yours once more. When he spoke again, his voice was full of conviction and raw emotion:
“When I was in love with someone else”.
You felt like the breath had been knocked out of you. Your mind reeled at this statement, so plain and simple and yet so full of complex implications.
“You were in love with me?” you asked, your hand gripping tightly around your whiskey glass.
“I still am”
His voice was barely more than a whisper, but the intensity in his brown eyes revealed the passion behind his words. You didn’t know what to say. What could you say? All you could do was stare at him in stunned silence, and he seemed to appreciate the effect his declaration had on you.
“When I saw your name on that poster, I knew that I had one more chance to do this properly… to tell you how I felt. I came to terms with my feelings a long time ago, and I’m not going to apologise for them, but if you don’t feel the same I will respect that and walk away”.
The look in his eyes cut you to the core; vulnerability, with a tinge of hope. 
“Just please, say something,” he implored, “Anything”.
There was only one thing you could say: “I’m in love with you too”.
Because after all, you were in love with Tom. You’d never said it out loud before, not to yourself, not even to Jocelyn, but it was the undeniable truth. You were in love with the man sitting in front of you, the man who had poured out his feelings and confirmed that that two of you felt exactly the same way. You had been wrong all along; your connection was than more than just acquaintances, much more than friendship, and went far beyond anything you’d ever imagined. 
The sheer joy and relief on Tom’s face was immediately apparent.“That’s… more than I ever could’ve hoped for” he breathed. You sat in silence for a short while, just smiling at each other and basking in the pure exhilaration of the moment. Your bubble was burst by a pointed cough from the bartender; it was only then that you realised you were the only customers left, chairs stacked onto the tables around you. 
“Whoops” Tom chuckled, flashing the guy an apologetic smile. 
“We should probably go” you added, and the pair of you stood up hurriedly. Tom helped you on with your coat, before offering you his arm. “Shall we?” he asked, that familiar glint of confidence back in his eyes. You slipped your arm into his, and he led you out into the street. For a while you walked along in comfortable silence, sharing a euphoric high. It was Tom who spoke first. 
“By the way, I hope it didn’t seem too forward that I bought the portrait of you” he said warily, shooting you a sideways glance.
“I didn’t even realise that was you”
“Part of me thought it was a strange thing to do, but the other part… well, it was just enchanting. You looked beautiful, ethereal, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I was going to give it back to you, see. I remembered you saying that it was a shame you had to sell all your work to make money, because you’d love to keep some pieces, and that one is definitely worth keeping”. 
You felt the hot blush creeping in as he spoke, overwhelmed yet again by his kind words. “Thank you” you mumbled, marvelling at how he still had the power to surprise even after everything that had already been said. Tom turned to look at you, and a grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Are you blushing?” he asked, stopping in the middle of the pavement. Stepping in front of you, he brushed a hand across your cheek. “You are! Is this because I told you that you looked beautiful? You always do, I thought that the first time we met. You look even more beautiful now”. He gently cupped your face with one hand as the other came to rest on your waist, and then his lips were on yours. 
Up until this point, you’d considered the kiss at the wedding to be the best kiss of your life; this one blew it out of the water. His lips moved fervently against your own, warm and soft but more and more urgent as the kiss deepened. Your hands were in his hair, and the hand on your waist pulled you into him, your bodies pressed close together. Breathing became irrelevant; to kiss and only to kiss was the all consuming thought. You’d both been waiting for this moment, and were making the most of every single second. It didn’t matter that you were in the middle of the street, in full view of every passer by. This kiss was intimate, euphoric, everything you felt for each conveyed better in actions than in words. This was the type of kiss that took over your mind, your body, and it couldn’t have been more perfect,
You don’t know how long you kissed for, and you didn’t care. When your lips finally parted, Tom held you close to him, unwilling to let you go just yet. “Wow” he whispered, his breath ghosting across your lips.
“Wow” you agreed, as you smiled up at him. He looked perfect, softly lit by the streetlamps with tiny wisps of snow settling in his hair and eyelashes. “I’ve been invited to a housewarming party tomorrow night, and I want you to come with me” he began, and you couldn’t help but let out a gentle laugh.
“What?” he asked, his nose wrinkling adorably.
“Is it Allie and Connor’s party, by any chance?”
It was Tom’s turn to laugh. “Don’t tell me, you’re invited too”.
You nodded, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “That doesn’t surprise me one bit” he added, shaking his head in wonder. “But would you like to go together? As a couple?” 
“Of course I would” you assured him, “It would be a welcome change”
“I wholeheartedly agree with that”
The two of you began walking again, arms interlinked as the snow sparkled around you. Tom grinned charmingly at you. “Just one thing, though”
“What is it?”
“I’m going to need your number”.
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glaivenoct · 6 years
string lights
For the winter theme of HellionHolidays from @nyxnoctocalypse
Title: String Lights
Rating: Gen
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Relationship: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Nyx Ulric
Additional tags: Established Relationship, Fluff
Words: 1543
read on ao3. Also here’s to my first contribution to this pairing! Bear with me? Still trying to get a grasp on writing these two. Mostly testing the waters with this~
Summary: Nyx always knows what to expect when he comes home to Noctis. At least he thought he did. Noctis has some fun with lights.
At this point in their relationship, it’s not abnormal for Nyx to come home and find Noctis already there. If he’s not watching TV, then he’s usually playing games on his phone or trying to focus on some report he needs to look over. Nyx’s personal favorite is when he comes home and finds Noctis lying in bed pretending he didn’t just rouse from a nap. Typical, normal Noct things. The most abnormal thing Nyx ever came home to was the time he found Noctis poking around in the kitchen for a pot.
“I’m not hopeless, asshole. I know how to boil an egg,” the prince had said after Nyx did an overexaggerated double take to tease him. Granted, Noctis ended up overcooking the egg but Nyx isn’t allowed to mention that ever again.
Noctis never stops by without telling Nyx prior. The few times Nyx came home surprised at the company were times he was stuck with late night guard duty. Times where Noctis was too caught up in his own head. Times where he was drowning in crippling thoughts and anxiety that made it hard for him to sleep. Otherwise, Nyx is never surprised and always knows what to expect.
At least he thought he did.
“Um, Noct?”
Noctis looks up at him from his spot on the floor with all the clueless innocence of a child. He’s sat in the center of Nyx’s apartment, legs bunched to his chest, phone in hand. Typical, normal Noct things. Except for the mess of glittering white lights he’s tangled in.
Wait, Nyx quickly realizes it’s not a mess of lights per se. It’s a deliberate mess. One string drapes over his shoulders, wrapping neat around his arms all the way down to his wrists. More are around his torso and legs, from his knees to his ankles till the rest piles at his feet. Not the oddest thing. Yet, also one of the last things he expects to come home to. Nyx closes the door behind him and tilts his head. A brow arches as he waits for an explanation, but he can’t help grinning at his—quite literally—shining prince.
“Hi.” Noctis cracks a sheepish smile. The glow of lights isn’t enough to hide the subtle blush in his cheeks.
“Hi. Watcha doing there?”
“You know… just hanging out.”
“Uh-huh,” Nyx nods, “and the lights?”
“It looked like it’d make a good aesthetic shot.” Noctis looks down to his socks and curls his toes among the clutter of lights. Nyx notices the camera open on his phone. “Thought about sending it to Prompto.”
Nyx recalls that the socks themselves happened to be a gift from Prompto. Black with red at the heel and toes. Adorned with snowflakes around the head of a cartoon Chocobo that wears a holiday scarf.
“You wrapped more than half of your body in lights for an aesthetically pleasing picture of your socks?”
Nyx chuckles and shrugs off the coat of his uniform to toss it onto the couch, stepping around Noctis to sit next to him. “Alright then. Don’t let me stop you from honing your photography skills.”
“I have none.” Noctis readies his phone and hunches over his knees again.
Nyx leans in close to rest his head on Noct’s shoulders, watching him fiddle with camera for the perfect focus. “Don’t be modest. You’re taking this shot so seriously. Prompto would be proud of you.”
Noctis laughs as he takes the photo and prods an elbow into Nyx’s side. “Shut up.”
“You never fully answered my question, by the way. Pictures and aesthetic aside, what’s with the lights?”
Noctis sets his phone down and rests his head against Nyx’s. “Just extras from my place. I put them up every winter. My dad used to help me with it when I was a kid. When he couldn’t anymore, Iggy or Gladio did… but, um, I was putting them up earlier and I thought they’d look nice in here.”
Nyx lifts his head to look over the lights again. The warm, flickering glow reminds him a little of home. Selena was always eager to decorate around the winter holidays and he was the one she pestered about putting up lights. He remembers her mentioning every year she loved how cozy they made their home feel. Though, Nyx never expected to feel a similar coziness again once he left Galahd. Certainly not around this time of year.
Nyx pinches at one of the small bulbs from Noct’s arm with a thoughtful hum. “They do add a nice touch to the place.”
“I know you never really decorate for any holidays, but-”
“First time for everything, right?”
There’s uncertainty in the Prince’s eyes when they meet his own. Nyx has seen it so many times before. He knows it means Noctis is regretting bringing the idea up. Fearing it was stupid or pointless to in the first place. So, Nyx smiles to reassure him it isn't, bright and warm as the lights Noctis wrapped himself in. True, he never bothered to decorate for anything in all his years residing in Insomnia. Not even when it was his turn to host the small holiday get togethers for the glaives. It’s not that he minds the idea or purposely abstains from it.
In truth, Nyx never gets around to it because no one pushes him to anymore. Selena isn’t here to urge him about lights. His mother isn’t here to ask him to pull out handmade, Galahdian styled wreaths from the top shelf of a small storage closet. Libertus and Crowe haven’t waged their classic tinsel war in years. Decorating for the holidays just didn’t hold any significance. Not in the city that would toss him out if he wasn’t such a key asset to its peace.
This time it feels different, though. This time there’s Noctis. Noctis, who Nyx has surrendered his hear to in the past year they’ve been together. Noctis, who’s somehow made this less-than-mediocre apartment feel like their own little haven. Noctis, who’s now the next person in Nyx’s life to make something as simple as decorating significant. There’s no reason not to. Especially since Noctis fucking wrapped himself in string lights for aesthetic.
Noctis averts his eyes down to his lap and tries to hide an embarrassed smile. “I should’ve asked before I brought these over. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Nyx rolls his eyes and traps Noctis in his arms, getting a yelp out of him as he pulls them both down to the floor. Nyx lies flat on his back, squeezing Noctis close to his chest while he kisses the side of his head.
“Babe.” he runs his hands down Noct’s sides to mess with the tiny light bulbs. “I can’t get these lights up if you don’t stop wearing them.”
Noctis bites back a fit of giggles under Nyx’s wandering hands, reaching to grab them. “In my defense…” he tilts his head against Nyx’s chest and looks up at him, “you were never supposed to see me like this.”
“Add more lights and I won’t. You’ll blind me.”
Noctis wriggles in Nyx’s hold, maneuvering onto his stomach to properly face him. That sight right there, the twinkle in the Prince’s eyes framed by the shadow of his bangs. The slow curve of his lips highlighted by the glow between them. Nyx swears that could blind him, too.
“Do you think… while we put these up you could tell me what the winter holidays are like back in Galahd? I liked hearing all those stories about the fall traditions. The festivals, the bonfires… and gods the food at the markets! And-” He blushes as soon as he notices Nyx’s amused smirk and hides his face in the glaive’s chest, peeking at him with one eye. “Sorry. I-”
Nyx shakes his head and brushes a thumb along Noct’s illuminated cheek. “Don’t be. I’m chalk full of stories for you.”
“You don’t mind?”
“Never.” He gives Noct’s back a pat and starts to sit up. “Come on. As much as I like this new look of yours, we need these. Then I’ll enlighten you all on my own.”
Noctis snorts at the pun and starts slipping off the lights around his shoulders.
And for the rest of the night, they talk. Nyx does most of it at first while Noctis listens and asks him questions about Galahd. Once the lights are up, Nyx drags his prince into a dopey, clumsy slow dance with nothing but the hum of his voice. It’s for no real reason other than how gorgeous he claims Noctis looks beneath the tinge of lights around them.
Later, they warm themselves from the drafty chill of the apartment with steaming mugs cocoa. The night ends with Noctis curling close to his glaive’s side in bed.
“Thank you,” Nyx whispers to him, placing a tender kiss to his forehead as he pulls a blanket over them both. Thank you for making this place feel a little homier. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you. Gods, I love you so much.
He gets nothing but a sleepy hum in response, but Nyx still smiles like a lovesick idiot.
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wherespacepooh · 7 years
Yuzuru Hanyu Interview at 2017-18 Media Day (Kiss&Cry): On SEIMEI, goals, and shortcoming
An exclusive interview from Kiss&Cry (TOKYO NEWS MOOK #639). On SEIMEI, goals, and shortcoming.
What else can I say? I remember the title of another piece, “Confidence without Conceit.” That describes Hanyu perfectly, and I think we’re in for a feast this season. - gladi
Translated by gladi. Please do not repost without permission. Images belong to Kiss & Cry (Tokyo News Mook) - ideally don’t cut out credits from the pictures :)
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Text by Satoko Sawada. Photography by Nobuaki Tanaki (SHUTTERZ)
(Introduction skipped––same old, same old)
I would like to show a “Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu”
SEIMEI uses music from Onmyoji, a movie set in the Heian period. Last season’s free skate, Hope & Legacy, was also said to have been chosen due to [Hanyu’s] desire to “go wa style” (t/n - Wa is Japan, Japanese-style. But also harmony, peace, soften). Why is Hanyu insistent upon “programs of wa”?
“Well first, number one is the great feedback when I tried SEIMEI. Before I did SEIMEI, I didn’t have the sense that ‘wa’ would absolutely be a good fit for me. But when I did SEIMEI, a program that is faithful to ‘wa', I received excellent evaluations, and for sure, the program also felt good to me. Now, I see 'wa' as [my] weapon."
According to Hanyu, he and “programs of wa” are on the same wavelength.
“Of course, there is a somewhat retrospective aspect in ‘evaluations,’ but more than anything, I personally was immensely interested in traditional performance arts. And then, there was also the meeting with Mr. Mansai Nomura. So first, my interest towards “wa”, followed by the feeling that “programs of wa” and I have come to be a good fit.”
All eyes are on the Olympics, so what is he like––the Yuzuru Hanyu he intends to show there?
“Since Ballade No.1, my short program, is classical music and has nothing to do with ‘wa,’ with SEIMEI, I hope to bring out its contrast to that. To add to that, SEIMEI’s protagonist, Abe no Seimei, is a character who existed in reality and is also widely known through movies, et cetera. Not only do I want to be true to that, I would also like to show a ‘Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu’ through my performance.”
(Skipping paragraph on thoughts about SP choice. More details in Kateigaho interview here)
(Photo below: I already see SEIMEI in this, actually.)
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I want to show greater depth in both programs
As a milestone event, [results from] the Japanese Nationals in December will greatly influence the selection of Japanese representatives for the Olympics. What are some goals he would like to accomplish by then?  
“I would like to finish [my programs] sooner, and lessen the time I take to arrive at a high level of completion, such as during the free skate at last season’s World Championships. That’s what I see as my biggest goal right now. And then, performance that is polished and infused into the skating, in both the short and the free… To be able to pull that off no matter where I am––I think that’s yet another goal.”
Were past programs chosen for this season due to “wanting to finish [the programs] sooner”?
“Well that, is not quite right. Not only do I want to finish [the programs] more quickly, I also want to show greater depth. I think, it’s quite a waste for both of these programs to end here (without having had everything teased out). That is why, I chose Ballade No.1 and SEIMEI.”
(Skipping author description about Hanyu’s confidence in surpassing records, as they have been widely reported.)
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The important thing this season––to be rid of weaknesses
Hanyu. He will be contending for a second Olympic victory in the Men’s Singles, a first in 66 years since Dick Button of USA pulled it off in 1948 and 1952. What would his thoughts be like should he accomplish this feat?
“I don’t know. But the process of getting there––to do each and every bit with care, well I think that’s my stance at the moment.”
Recent years have seen an explosion in the type and count of quads in the hyper-competitive field of men’s singles. [Quads] aside, in skating skills, expressive capability, the performances’ level of completion, too, skaters continue to explore avenues to leverage their own, respective strengths.
Against [such competition], when asked about his strength, Hanyu’s immediate reply was “Everything.” Not only in jumps, which command considerable attention, Hanyu aims to hone his skills in all aspects for a “perfect performance.” In order to reach such lofty heights, what are the tasks and challenges he hopes the overcome from hereon?
“Still, jumps. It’s not about being able to land a jump or not, rather, it’s most important to jump beautifully. In that sense, I want to keep refining the quality of my jumps. There is still some way to go in terms of stability, and amongst everything, that is my biggest shortcoming on my mind––How much, to what degree, can I crush and obliterate that weakness? I think that’s the most critical this season.”
(The rest skipped. Fin.)
Link to this issue of Kiss&Cry at Amazon.co.jp. Kiss&Cry has traditionally been light on text and heavy on photos. This time, they teamed up with Nobuaki Tanaka, who did a beautiful job here (as you can see) + takes my favorite photos of Yuzuru + is the photographer for the two Season Photobooks. The exclusive interview was quite interesting and well done as well, by Satoko Sawada. I highly recommend when they come back in stock ;)
(Look at Yuzuru reaching out to grasp Briand’s hand :)) 
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tmbacorbett · 6 years
Audio Blitz: Maggie by Mya O’Malley
Title: Maggie
Author: Mya O’Malley
Narrator: Emily Ember
Genre: Paranormal Mystery/ Romance
Cover Designer: Jena Brignola
Producer: The Audio Flow, LLC
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to share your home with an unearthly spirit who can’t find closure? Living on the edge of a cemetery with souls dating back to the 1700s would be enough to spook anyone, but Naomi finds it oddly romantic, and becomes inspired to write her next novel. Why not, when her muse, Maggie, calls to her from beyond her own window?
After all, the story couldn't possibly be as complicated as Naomi's own love life. Torn between Ryan, the mysterious and seemingly perfect man she just started dating, and Bryce, the sexy single dad who recently moved in next door, Naomi must navigate the tangled web of dating—all while trying to solve the mystery of Maggie's death.
When things turn dangerous, Naomi quickly learns whom she can trust and, more importantly, whom she can’t. Will she be able to write Maggie’s story and finally give Maggie the peace she deserves?
Mya O'Malley was born and raised in the suburbs of New York City, where she currently resides with her family.
Mya's passion is writing; she has been creating stories and poetry since she was a child. She earned her undergraduate degree in special education and a graduate degree in reading and literacy.
Mya is a published writer of contemporary romance,young adult, and paranormal romance/mysteries. Presently, Mya's novels have been published by Solstice Publishing, Clean Reads, TouchPoint Press, and Blue Tulip Publishing.
Mya spends her free time honing her skills in photography, painting, and reading just about anything she can get her hands on. Mya loves to travel; she has visited several amazing locations such as Aruba, St. Lucia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, and Australia. Mya is currently working on her twelfth novel.
Author Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CJ20ri
Facebook: www.facebook.com/myaomalley
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyaOMalley
Web: www.myaomalley.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8432603.Mya_O_Malley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myaomalley/
Audio Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CJ1Jog
Sky high cliffs, the serene Hudson River, and blue skies
surrounded them. Seagulls screeched overhead as they made their
way up the wide, winding path. Maggie jumped out of the way as
a cyclist whizzed past.
     He grabbed her waist, holding her tight. “You need to watch
out for those guys. They can be relentless around here.”
     Didn’t she know it. The local roads were dominated by the
cyclists in the warm weather. More than once in the past few
weeks, Maggie had to pull over to the side of the road to allow
them to pass.
     “This is nice.” Maggie followed the sound of the gulls’ cries
overhead. Not a cloud in the sky.
     “It is, but then again, anything would be nice with you by
my side.”
     “Thanks.” She snuggled her head against his shoulder for a
moment as they walked hand in hand further up the path.
     Walking in a companionable silence, Maggie was happy. This
was nice, being here with him.
     “Would you look at that?” He pointed up toward the edge of
the cliff. Maggie could just about make out the tiny figures of two
people. She swayed slightly. They had to be nuts to get that close
to the edge. They had to be nuts period.
     “Yeah, well if you ask me, they’re crazy.”
     “Crazy? How do you figure?” His eyes bore into hers.
     “Going way up there? They must have a death wish.” Maggie
nearly shivered even though the temperature was mild.
     He stopped her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’re
afraid of heights?”
     “No, don’t be ridiculous.”
     “You are, aren’t you?” His eyes lit up.
     “If I’m not mistaken, it seems as if you’re deriving some kind
of sick pleasure from this,” Maggie mumbled, head down.
     “No, honey. No.” He wrapped his arms around her as more
cyclists scurried by. “I didn’t mean to react that way. It’s just that
in my eyes you’re perfect. I didn’t imagine you’d have a fear in
the world.”
     If only he knew. She had plenty of fears, but Maggie figured
most people did.
     “Really? That’s nice of you to say. Untrue, but nice.”
     “Come on. Say, what’s your greatest fear? Top fear of all
     Strange turn in conversation. “Where are you going with this
line of questioning?”
     He blew out a hearty chuckle. “Come on, it’s all in good fun.
I’m just trying to get to know you.”
     “Okay. Heights. My top fear is heights.” She wished to change
the subject but wondered what his own fears were now that the
topic was on the table.
     “What about you? What are you afraid of?”
     “I guess it would be drowning.” Yes, drowning was also high
on her list.
     He was uncharacteristically quiet. Now would be a good time
to lighten the mood.
     “Enough of this macabre talk. Back to the beautiful day before
us.” Maggie stepped away from him to spread her arms wide. His
face remained serious.
     “Yes, it would be drowning.”
     A dark look passed over his brown eyes. He had already
mentioned the fact.
     “Okay. Can we move on? Maybe talk about something else?”
     “Since you’re the one who brought it up, I guess so.”
     “I didn’t…” He was the one who had pointed out the hikers
up high on the cliff.
     “Yes, you actually did. But I suppose that’s neither here nor
there. I never learned how to swim, did you know that?”
     “No, I didn’t.” Maggie took a step away from his reach. She
felt uncomfortable with the vibe he was creating. More than
anything, Maggie wished he would just stop talking about his
fears, her fears.
     “Can you imagine that? Being raised without swimming
     Maggie could almost taste the hostility that was radiating off
him. Someone had unresolved issues from his childhood, it seemed.
     Now wasn’t the time to inquire about his past, though. Maggie
slipped her hands into her light sweatshirt, wondering if it was
time they should be heading back.
     “It’s getting late. What do you say we head back?”
     It was as if a switch had been flipped. There was no other
way to describe it. As suddenly as his mood had become dark and
brooding, he was now light and charming once more.
     “What? And miss out on sharing this spectacular day with
you?” He leaned over and kissed her. Hard.
     It was a bit uncomfortable, standing there in the middle of the
path, in plain view, being kissed with such intensity.
     “Come.” He led her off the path and into the thick of the woods.
She had no choice but to follow.
     He chuckled as he led her to a large boulder. “Here.”
     He scooped her up and placed her on top of the large rock.
Following suit, he climbed up the slight incline and joined Maggie.
Kissing her again, he cupped her head in his hands. Moments
later, his hands smoothed over her body.
     Maggie stiffened, pulling away. He sat back, eyes wide. “What
is it, Maggie? What the hell is the problem now?”
     “I’m just not ready.”
     Placing his head in his hands, he sighed dramatically. “You’re
not ready.” His laugh was sharp.
     “Why not? Didn’t I just tell you I love you?” His tone rose
in agitation.
     Was that why he had declared his love for her? Her face must
have given away her thoughts.
     “Are you kidding me? You think that’s why I shared my
feelings with you?” He stood and paced on the boulder. “Let’s go.
Time to go.”
     What had just happened here? How had everything
deteriorated in a matter of mere minutes? And how much of it
was her fault?
     “No. Don’t. Sit down. Please.” Her eyes looked up at his
height, pleading for him to stay.
     “I don’t get you, Maggie. I have to be honest here with you.
You’re kind of driving me crazy. Pushing my limits, you know?”
His face flushed red as he paced.
     How was she pushing him? “Sit, please just come back and sit
beside me.” Maggie patted the spot beside her, her lip trembling.
She didn’t know why he was so upset, only that she wanted things
to return to how they were prior to this walk by the river.
     “Fine.” He plopped himself beside her, leaving at least a foot
between them.
     Maggie reached over for him, taking his hand in hers. He
didn’t move closer but didn’t pull away either.
     “Maggie. You’re killing me. I love you. I freaking love you,
and I feel you not returning my feelings.”
     “Let me finish. I open up to you, try to show you how much I
love you and I’m met with a slam of the door.” His hands moved
dramatically. Maggie leaned back so that he wouldn’t swipe her
as he spoke.
     “No response from you, telling me that you love me back, and
now I can’t even show you how I feel.” He was upon her, grabbing
her face, his eyes intense.
     It was true. She hadn’t said she loved him back. She hadn’t
been ready. What she definitely wasn’t ready for was showing
him. The words slipped out of her mouth before she could think.
source https://www.tmbacorbett.com/2018/10/audio-blitz-maggie-by-mya-omalley.html
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Food Wars! The Fifth Plate - Crunchyroll Spring 2020 Spotlight
  Crunchyroll is serving up more delicious culinary action as part of its Spring 2020 Simulcast Lineup. Spicing up the new season is none other than Food Wars! The Fifth Plate, which kicks off this April to adapt more of the hit manga written by Yūto Tsukuda and illustrated by Shun Saeki. Read on for an overview of the upcoming return! 
  Official website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
    Launch Info
Launch Time: TBA
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS
Show Page
  Official Trailers
  Is there any better way to get ready for the new season than watching Crunchyroll's documentary on the making of Food Wars!? Nope! 
Soma Yukihira has been helping out his family diner, honing his skills.
With his father’s recommendation, he decides to enroll into “Totsuki Saryo Culinary Institute”, a school for the most elites of the culinary world.
During his time there, he has grown so much as a chef through studying hard with friends and competing against rivals in shokugeki battles.
Soma has now moved up a grade and he has finally grasped what he has always hoped for; the first seat at the Totsuki Ten Masters Council.
In the meantime, an invitation to a world-class cooking competition known as “BLUE” arrives to Totsuki. “BLUE” is one of the most authentic gastronomic tournaments for young chefs seeking fame.
However, there’s been a change to this year’s system and themes are all out of ordinary!
There’s spark in the air as the new rivals appears from the shadow!
Where will the “BLUE” lead them!?
The shokugeki to determine the new bearers of culinary world is about to begin! 
  Characters and Cast
  Soma Yukihira
VA: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Bell in Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?) 
    Erina Nakiri
VA: Hisako Kanemoto (Sailor Mercury in Sailor Moon Crystal)
Megumi Tadokoro
VA: Minami Takahashi (Sora in Aikatsu!)
Yoshitomo Yonetani (Brigadoon, Food Wars! seasons 1-3)
Series Composition
Shogo Yasukawa (Mitsuboshi Colors)
Tatsuya Katō (Dr. STONE)
Character Design
Tomoyuki Shitaya (Bakuman.)
Art Director
Kōichirō Bizen (DATE A LIVE III)
Sound Director
Jin Aketagawa (Golden Kamuy)
Director of Photography
Yutaka Kurosawa (Hayate the Combat Butler!)
  Assistant Director
Youhei Suzuki 
Color design
Yukiko Itou
Yūji Kondō
OP Theme Performer
  ED Theme Performer
Mai Fuchigami
  Animation Production
  Additional Info
  The cooking battle manga started its serialization in the magazine’s 52nd issue of 2012, and its 36th tankobon volume was released in Japan in October of 2019. The series’ total print run reached 15 million copies by July 2018. Its TV anime adaptation produced by J.C.STAFF was aired for four seasons in Japan from 2015 to 2019, with the fifth kicking off in April of 2020.
  1st and 35th volume covers of the Japanese tankobon releases:
    Viz Media publishes the manga in North America.   
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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solenne730-blog · 6 years
Lucas Foglia - Blog №3
    For my third blog, I have chosen to examine the work of contemporary artist Lucas Foglia.  He is a photographer whose work is currently being featured at the Museum of Contemporary Photography.  On his website, Foglia’s work is described as challenging the idea that humans and nature work in opposition to one another.  He is also illustrating the interesting, and sometimes humorous ways in our technological pursuits come into contact with the natural world.  One of the first sections of the exhibit that caught my attention was Foglia’s images of two Rikers Island inmates, Jonathan and Troy, that are part of a project at the prison called GreenHouse.  The program teaches the inmates how to grow flowers, fruits, and vegetables.  
    Benefits of the program include improving team-building skills and earning a certification in horticulture that can help them with future employment.  Furthermore, individuals in the program are encouraged to provide care for a variety of plants that require gentle handling.  The poses Foglia chooses for the men in the pictures are very innocent and childlike.  This helps to reinforce the layered nature of the people in the photos and remind the viewer of their youth, vulnerability, and capacity for tenderness.
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    Another purpose served by the Rikers pieces is as a link to other works in Foglia’s collection that emphasize nature as rehabilitative force.  The following piece captures both the analysis of the effects of nature on human beings as well as showing advanced human technology against a natural and ancient backdrop.
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    In this piece, the subject, Kate, is wearing an EEG cap designed to measure the cognitive effects of her experience in a fully natural environment.  The work is being carried out by Dr. David Strayer of the University of Utah, who is working to assess the effect of experiences in nature on the human attention span.  He is one of several scientists Lucas Foglia sought out in an effort to understand and document the study of climate change in our world.  This next piece is an example of a win for sustainable urban design.  It showcases the Parkroyal on Pickering building in Singapore.
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    The entire population of Singapore lives in an urban environment, and they have made great strides in blending wild and natural spaces into their lives.  The tiny figure in the lower right center of the photo is Esme, seen floating peacefully in a pool amid serene greenery, while the traffic of the city moves on far below.  I appreciate Foglia’s decision to highlight positive and scalable changes that are being made in our world to address the reality of climate change.  Singapore is a model for the world on how to transform an urban environment from one of overcrowded slums with sanitation concerns, to one of clean, healthy spaces for its citizens to thrive in, all in a span of fifty years.  Their work is so commendable, and it is great to see an artist perfectly capture this marvelous transformation in a photograph.
    In an interview for itsnicethat.com, Foglia describes how his recollections of his childhood home on a Long Island farm, and the later damage done to the area by Hurricane Sandy, influenced his creation of the Human Nature exhibition.  He points out that, despite humans spending “93% of their time indoors,” they are affecting the world and climate around them, which is adversely affecting the impact of nature on humans as well as threatening the positive experiences they are able to have out in the wild.  He says we have both a human right and a responsibility to a healthy environment, and adds that, while our technology can help us to a degree, it cannot save us if we don’t demonstrate that we care.
    An earlier collection of work by Lucas Foglia is called A Natural Order, and features photos that he had taken from 2006-2010 of individuals who had chosen to live off the grid.  He spoke of the various motivations of the people he photographed and of their desire to not fully reject the modern world, but step away from it and choose the parts that they wished to hold onto in their lives.  This sentiment reminded me of the excerpt we read in class by Roy Stanton, where he quoted philosopher Peter Sloterdijk as saying, “ ..I am free only to the extent that I interrupt escalations and that I am able to immunize myself against infections of opinion.”  By removing themselves from the modern societal stream and assessing what they wish to retain from that flow of experience, the individuals in this series have attained a degree of this freedom Sloterdijk speaks of.
    I think that in comparing the two collections to one another, one shift in focus that Foglia seemed to make was in panning out to a broader theme in Human Nature and highlighting the balance between larger concepts. Nature and technology balance in the EEG photo, destruction and rehabilitation in the Rikers Island photos, and urban and wild environments balance in the Singapore photo. In A Natural Order, Foglia seems to hone in more on individuals and families and the personal effects the natural and modern worlds have had on their lives and decisions.  
    What I find most interesting about his work and the interdisciplinary connections that I see are actually bound together in a sense.  As a science major in a fine arts course, I was initially hopeful, but also uncertain about where I would be able to find overlapping points between the two areas of study.  Through Lucas Foglia’s work on documenting climate change, the interface between nature and technology, and the primal connection between man and the wild, I can see the bonds formed with the study of life and behavioral sciences.  Any criticism likely to be found with regard to his work would likely originate within the same body of thought that doubts the existence of climate change and man’s effect on the natural world.  
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boldbravery-blog · 6 years
Child - Godric’s life during his childhood, up until he leaves his home to begin traveling.
Traveler - Godric’s life as he wanders the world, up until he opens Hogwarts with his friends.
Professor - Godric’s life as he teaches at his school, up until his death.
Immortal - Through a magical accident, Godric ended up becoming immortal, and in modern times he is a photographer.
Reincarnation - After Godric’s death, he is reincarnated as Gabriel Hayder, and attends Hogwarts as a student and attempts to understand himself.
Time Turner - Godric was sent to another time period through an accident with a time turner.
Ghost - After Godric’s death, the founder became a ghost, feeling as though he had a lot of unfinished business.
Portrait - Godric Gryffindor’s portrait guards a secret passage in Hogwarts, but that doesn’t stop the founder from wandering through the rest of the school’s portraits.
Merlin - Born a wizard, Godric had to hide his magic from the world and honed his skills as a warrior as a result better than his magic. The commoner then began traveling the world to explore and adventure, in addition to learning more about his gifts and perhaps expand them.
Avatar - A firebender, Godric was always opposed to his nation’s tyranny over the rest of the world and actively fought against them at every opportunity. He travel across the world doing this, especially when word of the Avatar’s return is heard. Eventually, he passes on and is reincarnated when Korra is avatar, as Gabriel Hayder.
Pacific Rim - A mech pilot who had a falling out with his previous drift partner who now teaches at the Jaeger Academy as a Jaeger Assault Specialist.
Dragon Age - A mage born in Ferelden to a human mother and elven father, the latter of whom was a mage, Godric was quickly left alone as a child when his father was taken to the Circle and his mother was killed when he was very young. He learned enough to know that his magic was dangerous, and so he did not use it often. Eventually, he decided that he would not be ashamed of the gifts his father gave him, and began using them as he left the cities for his own safety. He eventually combined his physical and magical gifts as an arcane warrior (a skill he picked up from a Dalish clan that was willing to take him in for a time) and a blood mage (a skill he thought worth the risk, as his reckless curiosity got the better of him when he met a rogue blood mage). He fights darkspawn regardless of whether or not he is made a Warden companion, and eventually travels to Kirkwall, knowing that the refugees there may want first-hand information about the end of the Blight, and because his magic is very much noticed and so he wants Ferelden Templar suspicion off of him. He stays there as he is draw in by the conflicts there, and stays when the Chantry explodes, because he has matured some and wants to help rebuild more than he wants to avoid the Templars. When he hears about the Inquisition forming, he heads there immediately to join up.
Inquisition Advisor - A sub verse of the above, when Godric arrives, he proves himself to be a valuable asset as both a warrior and a mage. As a result he is made an advisor as a commander of the mages under the Inquisition’s banner. His official title is Commander, but he is sometimes referred to more specifically as Arcane Commander.
Fallout - A wandering mercenary, Godric alternates between melee, unarmed, and the occasional big gun to fight. He primary deals in the discovery and armed escort business, but does not always work in the same place.
Dishonored - Born in the streets of Dunwall, Godric eventually joined the Bottle Street Gang for protection. He works rather well with them, despite his morals clashing somewhat with his need for survival. The young adult tries to help the residents of the city, especially when the Rat Plague hits. During this time, he ends up working as an underground fighter before he becomes a professional one as the state of the city improves.
Zombies - Gabriel is a photographer who had come home for a brief respite ended up staying there as the zombie apocalypse broke out. He began traveling when the town ran out of supplies and everyone started to turn on one another.
Space - A wandering human mercenary, Godric travels the galaxies finding work where he can and doing good when he’s able to.
Pirates - Godric joined up with a band of pirates when he was young, as an orphan boy had very little prospects in his old town. Eventually, he overthrew the captain when the captain began selling slaves. Now the crew of the Lion’s Maw travels the sea in search of treasure, adventure, and slavers they intend to hunt down.
Teacher - Gabriel Hayder is either a history, art, or music teacher either in a high school or college, and his known for his unconventional teaching methods.
Photographer - Gabriel Hayder longed for adventure his whole life, and found in it photography. Traveling around the world and seeing exotic sights is perhaps his favorite part about his job.
Musician - Gabriel had always loved music growing up, and had dabbled for a very long time. Given he was a tactile learner, he picked up the guitar very quickly. When he was accidentally discovered by a talent scout through his town’s talent show posting a video of him playing on stage when he was in his twenties, he began playing professionally. His style is mostly acoustic, and can be compared to artists like Hozier in sound.
Spy - Upon leaving high school, Gabriel was convinced to join the military for some time. After six years of service, he is then recruited for MI6 as an agent.
Wizard - Gabriel is a wizard in modern times, and his profession depends on the thread, though default is one of the other modern verses.
High School - Gabriel is a young, reckless orphan in high school trying to live out his rebellious teenage years. He plays soccer, and is involved in the photography club.
College - Gabriel is attending university either for history, art, or music, depending on the thread. He is also in the photography club.
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How Flickr improves your photography skills?
One of the advises that I offer to any beginner in photography is to create an account in flickr.com. The intent of this article is that beginners and casual photographers, who don’t have a Flickr account, would come to know the absolute purpose of the same after reading this article.
Why Flickr, why not facebook??
One common practice among beginners in photography is that they upload their photographs in Facebook rather than flickr. The reason is pretty simple: they want their friends to see it, appreciate it and comment on it. This is always fun. But if you had noticed, most of the friends always have something very nice to say about the pictures: “good, awesome!”, “mind blowing”.
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What they don’t offer is suggestions or minor improvements that you can make in the picture to make it a better one. Flickr does that. This, to me, is the biggest USP of Flickr – the ability to connect to a vast pool of professional photographers, who can appreciate, comment and share their knowledge with you. What more can you expect! A gain, I’m not against uploading pictures in facebook. But also upload them to Flickr, so that you can learn and as well as entertain your friends with your photography skills.
Flickr gives you a chance to get inspired:
A common trait that runs among photographers (or for that matter, any person in the creative business) is inspiration. Even the best in the business have been inspired by legends & geniuses who went before them. So, inspiration is extremely crucial for beginners who can use as many ideas and techniques to get inspired from, that serves as learning tools in their quest to become better photographers. Flickr gives that opportunity like no other photo sharing site. By looking at others’ works, one can learn a lot about composition, post processing, perspective and what not.
By adding your favorite photographers into their contact list, a user can send mail to another photographer appreciating his work and gain knowledge from his experience. The user can also mail their work to other photographers and get comments and suggestion. By providing such avenues for learning, Flickr acts as a powerful platform for beginners and amateur photographers to hone their budding skills.
Weekend Photo Groups and photo walks:
Beginners can look out for Weekend groups on Flickr that give them the much-needed opportunity to learn from other photographers, in person. Beginners can find photo groups specific to their city by defining the search appropriately in Flickr. There are also specific groups available for every camera model, where users generally discuss issues they are facing, features of the equipment, improvisations they were able to perform and pictures that were taken with their camera.
Many active groups organize weekly photo walks around your city or town and this will be a great learning experience for a beginner or any one who wonders what to do with a newly bought camera. Photo walks play a very important role in learning because, as a beginner he/she will be joining other amateurs and professionals who can help them gain knowledge in real time. They can see others framing and composing shots and learn the techniques in a practical way than learning them from YouTube videos. A beginner can also learn other things like interacting with the subjects, staying inconspicuous while shooting photos and lot more. You learn something new from each photo walk and you are a better photographer at the end of every single photo walk.
Tumblr media
I want to be clear here that I’m not advocating beginners to go all out and get themselves a pro account (as Flickr is a premium service and you have to pay for the pro account). The free account is a good starting point, as you can most of these Flickr features discussed above. And when you are ready to that next big step, you can always upgrade to the pro account.
Happy Flickring!
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brendagilliam2 · 7 years
New talent 2017: Best graduates outside London
We’ve already brought you our favourite graduates from two corners of the UK: Edinburgh and Falmouth. Now discover the rest of our picks of the very best graphic design, illustration and animation graduates outside of London.
Whether you’re looking for new creative talent for your studio or collaborative opportunities, the talented graduates here boast exceptional final year projects that excel in both concept and execution – and are worth keeping an eye on. 
And don’t forget to head over to D&AD New Blood at London’s Old Truman Brewery, Shoreditch, from 5-6 July to get a closer look at the work from the class of 2017 and meet the graduates in person.
How to shine at your degree show
Want to search by university instead of scrolling through? Just hit the drop-down menu below to skip to: Manchester School of Art, Arts University Bournemouth, Glasgow School of Art, Sheffield Institute of Arts or Leeds College of Art. 
First up, Plymouth College of Art…
Jake Williams 
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration
Project: Resilient Reptiles
Plymouth-based illustrator, designer and occasional animator Jake Williams produced a fully illustrated 26-page non-fiction children’s book for his final major piece. Focusing on the unique ways that reptiles of the world have adapted to survive, the publication showcases Williams’ shape-based vector style and considered use of bold, vibrant colours.
“This was a challenging project because I’d never created a book before, but an enjoyable one,” says Williams, who will be showing his work at New Designers 2017. 
“I created Resilient Reptiles alongside a range of conceptual editorial images about a range of topical and political issues. At university I spent some time at a placement with Creative Hub, working on illustrations for Cornwall Today magazine. It was great experience and has helped me to hone my style for editorial work.”
Josh Fathers 
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Social Fabric
Cornwall-based graduate Josh Fathers created a tactile journal to document the “quirks of how people talk in the real world” for his final year project. “I live in a little seaside village and my community is very important to me. Essentially, Social Fabric is about the ways that people communicate when talking to other people is a choice and not a necessity.”
As well as being part of the team that designed the ‘Breaking Through’ concept behind Plymouth College of Art’s 2017 graduate shows, Fathers is also communications director of a community interest company in Cornwall. 
He travelled far and wide to record anonymous conversations for the project, putting himself in situations he wouldn’t ordinarily have found himself in. “I hope that the end result is a testament to the varied skills I’ve developed during my time at the college, but also gives an idea of what community means to me.”
Penny Chan
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Fashion Media & Marketing
Project: Girlhood
Penny Chan combined her love of graphic design with her magazine-house experience to create the zine GIRLHOOD. “The concept behind the zine is ‘disrupt the system’; inspired by the punk movement and in protest against the highly polished photography and film in the fashion industry,” explains Chan, who’s currently working as a freelance fashion assistant for GQ Style, and has interned at Dazed & Confused as a junior designer. 
She’s helped style, plan and assist two major international Topman campaigns; worked on a Dr. Martens Spring/Summer ’18 campaign and a few British GQ and GQ Style editorials; and assisted on Take That’s latest UK Arena tour, helping to dress the band.
“I’m currently taking time out from work at GQ Style to focus on my final major project but I’ll be back in a few weeks to help style a few London Fashion Week Men’s shows,” she says.
Sarah Damo 
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Game Arts
Project: Wonder Seekers
Italian game artist and illustrator Sarah Damo specialises in concept art. For her final major project, she created Wonder Seekers – a game concept set in a near-future, post-apocalyptic world. The story revolves around a girl who runs a robot repair shop and travels on adventures with her best friend, a mutated parrot that has grown too big to fly. Together the pair collect materials that they use to fix robots, working to find a clean energy source that can make the planet habitable by humans again. 
Damo created concepts for the environments, assets and characters, including 3D models for the characters and machinery within the game. “My personal style is greatly influenced by Renaissance art – in the use of composition, colours and imagery – and impressionism, in the use of light and different types of brush stroke,” she says.
“For Wonder Seekers, I combined these influences and tried to add more vibrant tonality to the colours, alongside restrictive palettes for certain environments. I hope that the end result communicates a strong story and mood with the viewer.”
Damo wants to work as concept or character artist in the gaming industry, “creating adventures that people can connect with and jump into” – and she looks set to achieve her aim. 
“Sarah Damo’s work is truly unique,” says Martial Bugliolo, programme leader BA (Hons) Game Arts. “The way that she merges traditional and digital illustration styles with 3D and VR mark her out as somebody with a bright career in the games industry ahead of her.” 
Greg Johnson
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Game Arts
Project: Game environment and characters
Greg Johnson has a background in sculpture, but has spent the last three years specialising in game arts, honing his skills in VR, digital sculpting and modelling, and becoming proficient in software including 3ds Max, ZBrush, Substance Painter and Unreal Engine 4. 
For his final major project, Johnson produced an environment and characters for a game in which global warming has created a permanent layer of greenhouse gas, which has wiped out most of the life on the planet. With this dystopian world crumbling into a junkyard, the machines have evolved to hunt down the remaining humans on the planet. All of the assets have been modelled and textured for an Unreal 4 Environment.
Johnson drew inspiration from the work of Tim Burton and Shane Acker’s movie 9. “I used real-world objects, combining them to create my machines,” he says. “The way the machines move and are constructed takes influence from animals – for example, the way a raptor moves was used to animate a creature made from wind turbines, cranes and CCTV cameras.”
“I’ve always liked MMOs, historical games, and strategy games. Total War is my favourite game series to date, and I also really enjoy League of Legends, and the Fallout series has been a big influence on me.”
“The dream is to one day work for Creative Assembly as a 3D artist,” he says. “Character art and asset creation are the areas I’m most interested in.”
Jessica Mehler
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Animation
Project: BabaY
A graduate of the European Film College in Denmark, Jessica Mehler specialised in traditional 2D and 3D printed models with stop motion animation at Plymouth College of Art. Her final project animation film is based on the Slavic folktale of Baba Yaga, an old witch who lives in a house which can walk around on chicken legs. To produce this piece she created an intricate miniature set in her studio.
“Adam Elliot’s film Mary and Max is one of the films that made me want to be an animator, along with Yuriy Norshteyn’s Hedgehog in the fog,” says Mehler, who represented Plymouth College of Art at the Creative Europe programme Euranim in Belgium. “I feel very inspired by comic books, particularly the work of Moebius and Enki bilal, but I am also a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes.”
Briony Difford 
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration
Project: Asian Folktales
Graduate Briony Difford uses a combination of traditional ink painting and digital colouring in her illustrations, focusing on themes of the natural world. Often working with narrative-driven projects, Difford creates Japanese-inspired linework and composition, striving for detail and elegance in her illustrations.
For Asian Folktales, her final major project, she depicted her chosen stories in a way that respects traditional Asian artwork, while also bringing them into a contemporary setting and to a new audience. 
“I wanted to capture the distinct charm that has always interested me in these folk tales,” she says. “After graduating I plan to work more in publishing, creating illustrations for magazines and books as well as making and selling my work at exhibitions and events. I always want to be open to new projects and different experiences.” 
Warren Curry
University: Plymouth College of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration
Projects: An Illustrator’s Guide To Surviving The Internet; and The Millennial Man
Working in a range of different styles during his third year at the college, Warren Curry illustrated two graphic novels: one a non-fiction title, focusing on the pros and cons of illustrators having an online presence; the other a collaboration with writer James Trotter. 

“It was a real challenge to create a complete body of sequential artwork that did justice to a story written by a collaborator, and a great learning experience,” says Curry, who will be exhibiting his work at New Designers. 
“My plans for the next year are to look for in-house illustration jobs, ideally around the Bristol-Cheltenham area,” he adds. “I’m also open to agency offers or freelance work.”
Next page: Our pick of the graduates from Manchester School of Art
Get 5 issues of Computer Arts for £5!
Computer Arts will be bringing you the cream of the 2017 graduate crop in a special new talent issue, on sale 21 July. Subscribe now to make sure you get your copy – and get five issues for just £5.
01. Tayia Dussie 
University: Manchester School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration with Animation
Project: When I’m 6
For her final year project, Tayia Dussie wrote and illustrated a children’s narrative, looking at colour, shape, pattern and character to communicate fun while telling different stories. 
Recently, she’s been working on a dark tale, O’l Higue, based on West Indian folklore from the villain’s point of view, which was highly commended by The Macmillan Prize for illustration. “In contrast to this,” she says, “When I’m 6 is a brighter, happier tale set in a circus. It depicts a child’s wonder at all they see and their desire to become what they admire.” 
After graduating, Dussie hopes to create commercial work and further her education.
02. Ben Grimes
University: Manchester School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: MOFO
“MOFO – Mock Font – is a project that explores and challenges the stereotypes associated with the Japanese aesthetic,” explains graphic design graduate Ben Grimes. An Eastern-inspired typeface, MOFO is legible as English when viewed from a different angle. “The work highlights the danger of using aesthetic references from foreign cultures in a superficial way,” he says.
Grimes fell in love with the Japanese language after studying it as part of his degree. “In the Western world, we often receive a very stylised version of Eastern language and culture, with the language being exploited by fashion brands for its cool and trendy aesthetic. I wanted to protest this by manipulating the fluid forms of Japanese characters and making people think twice about what they are actually looking at.” 
In a year’s time, Grimes hopes to be continuing to explore the connections between language and design, and combing this with his interest in theatre and set design. 
03. Lily Soltanahmadi 
University: Manchester School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Assembly
Graphic design graduate Lily Soltanahmadi put together concept branding for a new creative space during her final year. Tasked with turning a historic building into something beneficial to a city, she chose York’s former fire station – which is under threat of being demolished – and crafted the branding for a café bar, Assembly. 
“Assembly celebrates the history of the building and provides a creative atmosphere to help bring the community together,” Soltanahmadi explains. “In a year’s time I hope to be working for a branding agency.”
04. Luke Rowland
University: Manchester School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Projects: Posters; Europa Std typeface
Inspired by modern European typography, Europa Std features a larger contrast than standard sans-serif typefaces, while remaining clean and accessible. “Throughout Scandinavia and many other European countries, clean, bold typography is widely prominent within the cities,” explains Luke Rowland. 
“Typefaces are often very basic, but retain a style that’s intrinsic to their surroundings. Europa Std aims to explore and highlight these subtle styles and express them enough so that the typeface holds the same aesthetic value, wherever its use may be.”
05. Lauren Dugan
University: Manchester School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Love Letters to Gaia
“My final year project was centred around the theory that Earth is a living, breathing organism,” explains graduate Lauren Dugan. She produced a set of powerful, large-scale monoprints depicting mankind’s dismissive, passive attitude to the damage humans are doing. Dugan also created a series of letters written by ‘the last human alive’, lamenting the loss of the Earth’s spirit.  
“I spent a lot of time investigating the relationship we have with Gaia [the personification of the Earth] and finding ways to portray this as being as important as the connections we have with one another,” she says.
“If my Love Letters can make at least one person more mindful about their treatment of Earth, then my work has been a success.” 
Next page: Our pick of the graduates from Arts University Bournemouth
Perry Rowe and Steve O’Neil
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Net identity
For their final year project, graduates Perry Rowe and Steve O’Neil created a flexible identity for an innovative business idea. The concept? Just as different nets are able to define various enclosed spaces, so an experimental division of Crowne Plaza could provide different hotel experiences that could reinvigorate the brand as a whole.
Emily Regan
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Visual Communication
Project: Dance Type
This experimental project explores the theme of collaboration through the disciplines of dance and typography, resulting in a dynamic, animated typeface. Graduate Emily Regan worked with a dancer to create a ‘dance code’, choreographing dance motifs from the breakdown of letterforms, before recreating the motifs using animated vectors and reconstructing them into final type design. 
“In a year’s time I hope to be working in a creative agency, constantly expanding and refining my skill set as a creative designer,” says Regan. “My ideal career path is a designer at a fashion magazine or an in-house designer at a fashion brand.”
Saul Kaplin
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Searchlight
At a time where film audiences might be over-saturated by Hollywood’s slick, perfect CGI, graduate Saul Kaplin’s refreshing final year project revisits and celebrates the quirky qualities of analogue stop-frame methods, suggestive of early cinema. His project – a D&AD New Blood-awarded promotional video for a MUBI advertising campaign – captures the atmosphere of this era, connecting with the movie-literate MUBI audience by using elements of its logo.
Izzi Hays
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Facebook Fortunes
What better way to commemorate a long-term virtual relationship than with something tangible? Facebook Fortunes looks backwards at the memories shared, and forwards to those yet to come, through beautifully crafted and packaged fortune cookies. 
Using Arjowiggins paper, graduate Izzy Hays transformed Facebook into a physical entity that serves as a reminder of friendship in the offline world. 
“We all have people we still want to be friends with in five years’ time,” says Izzy Hays. “How can Facebook help us look towards to the future of our friendships instead of just the past and the present?”
Zante Tolley
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Visual Communication
Project: Tower typeface
Graduate Zante Tolley’s Tower typeface takes influence from the proportions of sister brutalist buildings, Balfron and Trellick Tower, designed by Erno Goldfinger. The crossbars or terminals of the letterforms change according to the service bridge on every third floor, as shown through a slick type specimen book and type specimen posters that showcase the two weights.
“The design reflects the dynamic nature of the Brutalist movement,” she explains.
Sarah Wickings
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Let’s Say What We Mean
Graduate Sarah Wickings’ typography-led video campaign attempts to capture the experience of autism by overloading our visual senses while presenting a series of everyday conversational phrases. The aim is to do more than raise awareness or even money – the project seeks to encourage people to communicate more effectively with a call to action: Say what you mean.
“Let’s Say What We Mean focuses on the abstract language we use in everyday scenarios and how people with autism struggle to understand it,” explains Wickings. “The aim of this video is to encourage people to consider their day-to-day language choice more clearly to make it easier for people with autism to take in.”
Kieran O’Sullivan
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Visual Communication
Project: The craft of Northamptonshire
Kieran O’Sullivan’s ISTD-awarded final year project is an editorial piece exploring Northampton’s rich heritage in the shoe industry. Combining original imagery and archival content from the Northampton shoe museum, the book demonstrates several uses of pull outs, dynamic typography and photography to celebrate the history of the recent graduate’s hometown. 
“In the next year I hope to take on a number of internships,” he says. “Design is so broad – I want to continue learning and expanding my knowledge.”
Maarit Koobasm
University: Arts University Bournemouth
Course: BA (Hons) Visual Communication
Project: The Beat
Maarit Koobasm’s project responds to the notion that typefaces are ready for change, and that future discourse should lead to non-referential type design. “How can human qualities be translated into digital textuality – something we see in handwriting and in letterpress typesetting? But, at the same time, how can we challenge typographic choices meant for print, especially the static essence of typography on screen?” asks Koobasm.
Koobasm’s solution was to explore how the rhythms of the heart can interplay with type on screen. “The type is therefore neither bold nor italic, but defined by the human individual. It’s not rigidly set, but develops dynamically.”
In a year’s time Koobasm intends to be continuing to develop in the field of experimental typography. “I’m also keen to secure my first internship.” 
Next page: Our pick of the graduates from Glasgow School of Art
Lucy Watkins
University: Glasgow School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Careful Engagement 150
Careful Engagement150 is a collection of poetry and illustrations that aims to elevate the human traces hidden within the Report of the Iraq Inquiry. “Over 2.6 million words of political jargon make for an incredibly difficult read for anyone mildly interested in the workings behind the Iraq War,” she explains. 
Using various methods of investigation, Watkins was able to surface elements of delicate human nature from the report, and a poetic language developed. “The intention is to challenge preconceptions that the document contains little feeling or emotion, and to create an uncomfortable dichotomy between poetry and politics,” she adds.
Amir Saidani
University: Glasgow School of Art
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Micronation
“We live in a world in which our borders and how we exist within those borders are constantly being brought into question – Scottish Independence, Brexit, Donald Trump to name but a few,” says Amir Saidani. “In response to these hardening borders, I decided to define my own.”
He wrote to Theresa May and declared independence for the Republic of Maktaal’amra, a micronation located at his desk space at GSA. “The project exists as a satirical, yet honest lens refracting current events through my perception. Through that process, I’ve added a little bit of my personality to them.”
Next page: Our pick of the graduates from Sheffield Institute of Arts
Jasmine Welsh
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Projects: Young People in Politics and Ballot Box
Jasmine Welsh spent three months planning and producing a Question Time event that brought five politicians from the major parties face-to-face with Sheffield students. In a packed venue, Nick Clegg, Natalie Bennett, Paul Blomfield, Spencer Pitfield and David Kurten answered questions on education and immigration, and the event generated a great deal of press including an article on the event by Nick Clegg in the Evening Standard. 
“Young People in Politics is a campaign designed to encourage 18-24 year olds – who repeatedly have the lowest voter turnout – to make their voice heard,” says Welsh. 
“I also created Ballot Box, an educational board game intended as a free teaching tool for universities and colleges. It explains current political policies and can be updated with each election to help make voting more clear, combining fun with politics.”
Holly Whetnall
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Explore
Holly Whetnall’s final year project Explore aims to encourage walkers to stick to the footpaths within the Peak District National Park and reduce the impact of erosion on the landscape. “Within my research,” says Whetnall, “I found that positive engagement has a greater effect than negative enforcement, such as ‘keep off the grass’.”
To promote this positive engagement, Whetnall created a series of large letters spelling out the word ‘explore’ to be positioned along designated paths, creating places to stop and take photographs, and subconsciously drawing walkers along the preferred route. “The letters create a feature whilst also blending sensitively into the environment,” she adds. “They have a dark wooden frame and are filled with a species of moss native to the Peak District.”  
Seb Gardner
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration
Project: Narratives in the Everyday
Narratives in the Everyday saw graduate Seb Gardner finding different ways to create a story around ordinary subjects. Taking inspiration from BBC Radio 4’s The Listening Project – which records segments of conversation between ordinary people – the project aims to make visible the “un-noticed and mundane”.
For the Sheffield edition, Gardner focused on the idea of redundancy and identity to develop an animation. “Although very personal subjects are normally only held between family members and friends, being able to visualise this audio conversation brings a whole new perspective to the matter,” he says, “whilst also engaging a still wider audience.”
Anna Terreros-Martin 
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration
Project: Felix the Fox and the Rainy Day children’s book
Graduate Anna Terreros-Martin believes it’s important for all children to have an equal opportunity to read, learn and enjoy illustrated children’s books, so she produced a tactile illustrated storyboard for blind and partially sighted children, and their families. 
Using a range of different fabrics to create raised images, as well as Bare Conductive Electric Paint – which, when touched, triggers sounds – the storyboard brings the story of Felix the Fox and the Rainy Day to life by prompting readers’ senses. The storyboard is also accompanied by an audio version of the story, so children can read and use the storyboard on their own. 
“I have developed a strong interest in children’s book illustrations and how they play an important role in childhood development,” explains  Terreros-Martin, “in particular, their importance in educating children and developing a strong bond between parent and child.”
Ashton Moran
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: By Order of the Committee
By Order of the Committee is a brand and style guide that can be used to recreate the distinctive aesthetic of a Working Men’s Club. Ashton Moran used original photography and a collection of family photographs to understand the unique interiors, decoration and signage of these venues, and the shared memories they hold. 
“This project is important in playing a role in the documentation of this once booming industry, which has a place in so many people’s hearts,” he explains. “It would be a great shame to lose such important places that have their roots in working class culture – although sadly I feel that this will eventually be the case.”
“I’d like to think that this guide will inspire someone to start up a fresh club,” he adds, “or will encourage WMCs of the present to update into the 21st century.”
Oli Wallace 
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Illustration
Revolving around themes of bias, emotive language and censorship, Oli Wallace’s final year project uses editorial illustration to engage and communicate. “I wanted to navigate the reader through the different methods that media outlets use to sway or influence opinion,” he explains. 
“It also serves to contrast the difference in tone from an article that has been deconstructed and stripped of its leading language. The different illustrations were constructed by creating metaphorical concepts that support and further inform the reader.”
Chris Winter
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: For the Love of Books
Chris Winter’s final year project celebrates the format of the book and the pleasure of print through an experimental exploration of ink and paper. Each exploration was documented and designed into a full-colour, large-scale publication, For the Love of Books, which features double-sided folded inserts with duotone images of magnified ink.
“It got lots of people collaborating and needed a lot of tests, failures and research,” recalls Winter. “For one aspect, the unconventional Paper Collection, I created my own paper out of unconventional materials: the ultimate test was if it would print through an inkjet printer, which resulted in nearly breaking the printer several times.”
Nikitha Pankhania and Amy Hart 
University: Sheffield Institute of Arts
Course: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Project: The Chocolate Box Company
Graduates Nikitha Pankhania and Amy Hart collaborated to create The Chocolate Box Company, which addresses a brief to create, brand and package sustainable, Fair Trade chocolate. 
“We wanted to make Fair Trade exciting, interesting, accessible and educational so we developed a personal experience designed to simulate curiosity and excitement,” says Pankhania, adding that the brand ethos extends care to farmers, the people who produce the packaging and those who transport goods.
“The packaging communicates information about the Fair Trade producers through the use of Adinkara Symbols, which are a very important part of the farmer’s Ghanaian history and culture,” explains Hart. 
Next page: Our pick of the graduates from Leeds College of Art
Hattie Windley
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Zero
Zero is a wholefoods store that aims to cut down on packaging and waste by encouraging customers to use their own reusable packaging.
Charles Worrall
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
This project by Charles Worrall highlights the charm of the North of England, listing many of its characteristics to communicate why fracking doesn’t belong in the North.
Isla Pearce
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
Graduate Isla Pearce created a comparative visualisation of the chords in different songs from a range of musical genres for her final year project. Each ring represents an individual chord and its proportional use within the record.
Emily Kaye
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Saltaire Festival branding
This contemporary, eye-catching branding was crafted for Saltaire Festival, an exciting, family friendly 10-day event hosted annually at the local heritage centre.
Florence Packer
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Strong and Stable
Strong and Stable is a screen-printed poster series about items that are strong and stable. According to Florence Packer, the Conservative government based its recent campaign on the idea of this, whereas the poster is based on fact.
Alex Robertson
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Chunk On Limited
Chunk On Limited is a publication that makes you want to go fishing and take along your camera. It showcases the very best of professional and amateur angler’s stories, interviews and photography, from anywhere and everywhere.
Joel Sleet
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
Project: Certain typeface
Certain is a typeface for uncertain times. Designer Joel Sleet aimed to build trust between the communicator and reader by taking a step away from a corporate style, while still remaining visually consistent and grounded.
Taime Newton
University: Leeds College of Art
Course: (BA Hons) Graphic Design
These screenprinted montages utilise a punk aesthetic, with high contrast imagery – both found and original – juxtaposing architecture and retro figurative photography.
Get 5 issues of Computer Arts for £5!
Computer Arts will be bringing you the cream of the 2017 graduate crop in a special new talent issue, on sale 21 July. Subscribe now to make sure you get your copy – and get five issues for just £5.
The post New talent 2017: Best graduates outside London appeared first on Brenda Gilliam.
from Brenda Gilliam http://brendagilliam.com/new-talent-2017-best-graduates-outside-london/
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dearling-diary · 7 years
Testing the waters
Oh goodness I am going to have the hangover from hades tomorrow but it is worth it. I worked and planed and worried but in the end it was like leading a lamb. why did I not do this sooner? He fell for my poor widow disguise without even needing the carefully construed history I made up I bet the skill I honed in crafting it will come in useful later i am sure. He did not expect so delicate a lady to drink him under the table(neither did my darlings the first time.) I didn’t even need the white powder hidden away in my ring. The rest was simple. I helped him in to a cab and then we went off to a discreet photo studio that has been in my pocket since before the war. A male model with very few qualms about posing in the Greek way as long as his face was hidden( and it will remain hidden unless he crosses me) and some rather shocking shots and dear Hardcort was deposited safely home to sleep it off. And then I went out on the town with the secretary until the wee hours. I was in a festive mood and if there are enquires she can vouch for me. I have the the plates have not left my side all evening except for when I developed them in a makeshift dark room down in the basement. I had not understood how useful a tool photography was when I was learning it from uncle Sirius. I should get to bed I do have an empire to build but perhaps a bit more basking in my own cleverness first. I let him wiggle on the line for almost two months while I drained his accounts dry. I was twitching to move on but papa was right waiting helped make the final twist so much sweeter. I really would have thought nearly four thousand dollars would be hard for him to come up with at this point but he surprised me. I had a debate weather to tack on some extra cash or let him think he won and having seen the look of utter relief on his face when the man my proxies hired gave him the photos I think this little game was worth it. Hardcort did not know as he burned them smiling in to the night what today would hold but I did and it was a treat to be savoured. If it could have been arranged I would have loved to have a closer view of his face as he opened his paper this morning but it is better to hear his anguished screams from afar than get my hands visibly dirty. I may have to arrange it for next time Though the newspaper men may have saved me the trouble with they way they swarmed like flies around his home. Oh the powers of the press are mighty indeed I think I understand that smug look that cats get when they knock things off the shelf right in front of you. Hardcort’s life has broken at my feet like a cheep porcelain ornament and I am pleased as punch. i had not realized he had a half sister who was the bell of Washington and a brother in law who looked to be a good candidate for president before the scandal. I must remember next time to be more through in my research. Compilations could be bothersome. The turmoil that has followed from the very first newspaper story to his disbarring from law and running off to the republic of Texas to avoid the charges against him have been illuminating. I thought I knew how the press worked from my own troubled times but I was wrong.. Those reporters are far worse than any bloodhounds and with in days we knew every little infraction that Richard Hardcort made and several that I am sure that were made from whole cloth. I will have to be far more careful if I decide to call that power in again. Things could become quite uncomfortable if I was pinned under that lens.
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