#he didn't know there was a meeting taking place
hoshifighting · 2 days
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New in the Suburbs – New Neighboor! Joshua
Warnings: Smut, fingering, pussy eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, lots of flirting and dirty talk, hair pulling, clit stimulation, g'spot stimulation, overstimulation, oversensitivity, good first impression (both).
Word Count: 4.5k
On a bright and sunny day, you found yourself outside your house, taking advantage of the weather to give your car a well-deserved wash. The gentle breeze carried the scent of soap and water as you stood there, hose in hand, working diligently to make your car shine. The vehicle was parked just outside the garage, basking in the warmth of the sun.
The water gushed from the hose, soaking both you and the car. You leaned casually on the hood, propping your feet up on the tall tire to ensure you reached every nook and cranny with the rinse. Your skin glistened under the sun, creating a glow that seemed to catch the attention of anyone passing by. 
As you immerse yourself in the task, a voice interrupted your thoughts. Glancing over your shoulder, you spotted Dokyeom, Jihoon, and a new face you had never seen before. The unfamiliar guy wore khaki shorts and a crisp white buttoned shirt, adorned with the subtle elegance of the ARMANI logo. He radiated a captivating charm that caught you off guard.
To his eyes, you likely appeared enchanting—looking like the movie cover of a hot summer full of tanned, toned people. Your white tank top clung to your form, its transparency accentuated by the water, and your shorts molded against your body, creating a silhouette that seemed straight out of a summer fantasy. With your wet hair tousled from the refreshing shower you gave yourself, the trio approached, curious and captivated.
Dokyeom, noticing the enchantment in Joshua's gaze, decided to take the initiative and introduce his friend to you. With a playful smile, he nudged Joshua and gestured towards you.
"Y/N, meet Joshua," Dokyeom announced, his tone carrying a hint of mischief. "He just moved into the neighborhood."
You turned your attention to Joshua, and your eyes met his. There was a warmth in his gaze, and you couldn't help but return his friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Joshua," 
He extended his hand, shaking yours with a firm grip that lingered longer than the usual greeting. A subtle connection sparked in that moment as you exchanged smiles.
 "The pleasure is all mine, Y/N. I must say, Dokyeom has been singing the praises of this neighborhood, but meeting you adds a whole new level of charm."
Dokyeom chuckled, nudging Joshua playfully. "Told you it's a great place. And Y/N here is one of the reasons why."
Feeling a playful embarrassment, you couldn't help but blush as you lightly hit Dokyeom's chest in response to his teasing. He laughed, clearly enjoying the lighthearted moment.
"Alright, alright, I see what's going on here," Dokyeom teased, exchanging knowing glances with Joshua. "We'll leave you to do your car wash duties. But Joshua, make sure you get settled in properly, alright?"
Joshua nodded with a smile, still holding a lingering gaze that didn't go unnoticed. "Absolutely. Thanks for the warm welcome, Y/N. I'll catch you around."
As they turned to leave, you bid them farewell with a wave. "Sure thing! Nice meeting you, Joshua. And Dokyeom, don't you dare make this a neighborhood gossip!"
Dokyeom laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I won't say a word! Have fun, Y/N."
As you resumed attending to the car, thoughts swirled in your mind. You wondered what it was about Joshua that made him so captivating. While you couldn't quite put a finger on it, there was a magnetic draw to his presence.
As the day went by, you continued your routine, occasionally stealing glances toward the house where Joshua had moved in. The encounter replayed in your memory, leaving you curious to see him again.
The next day, as you lounged in your backyard, basking in the sunshine while you wore your bikinis, a familiar figure caught your eye. Joshua, his athletic frame glistening with a touch of sweat, ran past your house.
Just as he passed by, he suddenly stopped and turned towards you, leaning against the fence that separated your yards. His eyes widened slightly, as if he hadn't expected to find you there in such a relaxed state. A warm smile spread across his face as he gave you a friendly wave.
Joshua leaned against the fence, his breath slightly labored from the run. He looked at you and grinned. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise. You look absolutely glowing in the sun."
You chuckled softly, a slight blush creeping up your cheeks. "Thanks, I suppose the sun has a way of bringing out the best in everyone, including you. Running, I see. You always this energetic in the mornings?"
Joshua shrugged playfully, raking a hand through his sweat-soaked hair.
 "Ah, you know it's part of my morning routine. Gotta get the blood pumping before the day begins. But I must say, the sight of you basking in the sun has added a few extra beats to my heart."
You grinned, a mix of surprise and amusement dancing in your eyes. "Is this your way of flirting with me, Mr. Energetic? Or are those "extra beats" just from your run?"
Joshua chuckled, a playful glint in his gaze. "Ah, you caught me. It's a bit of both, I suppose. Can you blame me for being flirty when faced with such a captivating view?"
As you walked toward him swaying your hips, Joshua's eyes tracked you as you approached, his smile widening in response. Once you reached the fence and leaned against it, Joshua's eyes flicked up to meet yours.
"You know, it's the second day and you're already flirting with me? My friends will surely enjoy hearing about this!" you taunted, your voice laced with a hint of teasing challenge.
Joshua's eyes tracked you as you approached, his smile widening in response. Once you reached the fence and leaned against it, he responded with a teasing tone.
"Oh, am I making such a strong impression already?" He teased, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "If my flirting is that obvious, I guess I can't keep it a secret from your friends for long. They'll find out real quick that I can't help but flirt with the beautiful girl next door."
A soft laugh escaped your lips, enjoying the light-hearted banter between you. You leaned in a little closer, keeping your gaze locked with his. "Well, I'll make sure to let them know. But don't worry, I won't tell them how eagerly you've been eyeing me in my bikinis."
Joshua's cheeks flushed slightly, a hint of embarrassment creeping onto his face. He quickly regained his composure and grinned. "Fair enough. I'll keep it subtle, or at least I'll try to. No promises, though."
You couldn't help but smile at his response. The chemistry between you was palpable, leaving a flutter in your chest. Leaning back a bit, you teased, "Well, if you can't resist your eyes wandering, I might have to start wearing something more... revealing. I'm sure you wouldn't mind that, right?"
Joshua's eyes widened, a blush deepening on his cheeks. He stuttered slightly before mustering a playful reply. "Ah, now you're just doing it to torment me, aren't you? But you won't hear any complaints from me."
Your smirk widened, enjoying his flustered reaction. "Oh, not tormenting, just giving you a little taste."
Joshua's eyes glimmered with anticipation as he played along. "Just a taste? I'm starting to think you're a master of teasing." He paused for a moment, his gaze shifting to your lips before meeting your eyes again. "But I can play that game too."
Joshua took a step closer, his body nearly against yours. His eyes held a mixture of playfulness and desire. You looked back at him, a hint of a smile on your face. "Can you?"
He nods, his voice low and husky. "Oh, I definitely can."
You stepped back, creating a small gap between you, and glanced back at him with a sultry gaze. You turned back around and laid back on the lounger, giving him a teasing look over your shoulder.
Joshua paused for a moment, his gaze roving over you before leaving a casual comment. "You know, I might have to run near your house more often if this is the view I get." He chuckled softly, his eyes meeting yours one more time before he started to walk back towards his house.
You watched him leave, the events of the conversation replaying in your mind. The chemistry between you was undeniable, leaving you curious about what the future might hold.
As the week progressed, you observed the hustle and bustle next door, catching glimpses of Joshua moving into his new home. From time to time, you would spot him jogging past your house during his morning runs. The sight of him sent a flutter in your chest, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was intentionally passing by your place on his runs.
Today was Friday, and after a long day at work, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel. As you padded into the kitchen, there was a sudden knock on the door. Surprised, you hesitated for a moment, wondering who could be visiting at this hour.
You approached the door and peered through the peephole, curiosity piqued. To your surprise, you saw Joshua standing there, wearing a casual outfit and a friendly smile.
You widened your eyes slightly, a mix of surprise and excitement flooding your senses. Quickly, you adjusted your towel and took a breath to compose yourself. Opening the door, you greeted Joshua with a warm smile, quickly running a hand through your damp hair
"Hey there, Joshua. What brings you there?" You asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Joshua's smile widened as he saw you, taking in the sight of you in your towel. his eyes momentarily flickering down before returning to meet yours. He ran a hand through his hair in a casual gesture.
"Ah, I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time," he stuttered slightly, clearly trying to keep his mind from wandering to the sight of you in a towel.
You chuckled softly, not missing the momentary distraction in his eyes.
"Not at all. You just caught me right after a shower."
"I noticed you just got home a while ago, so I thought I'd drop by to see how your day was and maybe..." he hesitated for a moment, a playful glint in his gaze. "Maybe invite you to hang out tonight. If you're not too tired, that is."
"I just wanted to invite you to my housewarming party tonight. It's nothing grand, just some friends chilling and having a good time."
You nodded with a small smile, appreciative of the invite, but feeling slightly embarrassed in your impromptu outfit.
"Sure, that sounds great! Let me just change real quick and I’ll be right over."
Joshua’s expression turned playfully sulky as he responded with a touch of disappointment. “Ah, do you really have to change? I quite liked the sight of you in that towel.”
As his sulky expression intensified, you couldn't help but tease him a bit. You laughed playfully, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Ah, now you really want me to wear just a towel?” You teased, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. “Well, I suppose I could give everyone a treat, but then again, where's the fun in having me all to yourself if there's a crowd?"
Joshua's disappointment melted away, replaced by a sly smile that matched your own. He took a step closer, the distance between you growing increasingly intimate.
"You're right," he mused, his voice low and suggestive. "Crowds are overrated, especially when there's a chance to have you all to myself." His gaze fixated on your lips, a hint of desire in his eyes.
As he stepped inside, the air thick with tension and desire, you found yourself leaning against the wall for support. His closeness sent a shiver down your spine, and as he closed the door, the moment grew even more intimate.
Your breath hitched slightly, and your eyes widened, meeting his intense gaze. You could feel the wetness between your legs growing, and the desire within you intensifying, despite your best attempts to hide it.
"You sure' you want to change?" 
Your breath hitched as his mouth hovered near your lips, anticipating a kiss. But instead, Joshua planted a kiss on your neck, gently nibbling and sending a bolt of electricity through you. A moan escaped your lips, the sensation causing your chest to heave.
His body pressed against yours, and he pressed his lips into your skin, trailing a path of kisses down your neck and collarbone.
"You've been on my mind all week, you know that? Every time I ran past your house, it took every ounce of restraint not to come knock on your door and finish what I started that first day." His mouth then traveled up to your earlobe, nibbling it gently.
As his hands gripped your waist, you were flush against the wall and his body, the towel doing little to shield you from the heat of his touch. His breath mingled with yours, warm and tantalizing. You parted your lips just as his caressed yours in a soft tease.
Joshua took advantage of your parted lips, gently coaxing his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. His other hand found its way under the towel, tracing the curve of your ass possessively. You gasped softly, the pleasure intensifying.
His hand caressing your breast was both gentle and masterful, with a slight shift in movement, the knot of the towel gave way, and you gasped against his mouth. He took the opportunity to pull you closer and explore further.
With you even more exposed, the feel of your bodies pressed together without barriers intensified the sensations. Joshua kissed his way down your jaw and neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses in their wake. You could feel his arousal pressing into you, a delicious friction that made you ache for more. The sound of your moans and heavy breathing filled the air, adding to the wanton atmosphere.
He guided you to the dining table, the surface cool against your heated skin. You sat on its edge, the cool sensation only adding to the contrast of sensations. As he pushed your legs apart, exposing your wet dripping pussy to him.
His attention and touch on your thighs were both possessive and admiring, leaving behind a trail of shivers with every caress. He whispered words of praise, telling you how much enjoyed the sight of you like this, vulnerable and naked before him.
His thumb brushed against your sensitive bundle of nerves, and your back arched in response. You gasped as jolts of pleasure shot through you, leaving you breathless. 
''Joshua! Hmm…"
"Oh, that's right. Say my name, sweetheart. Let me hear how much you want me," he whispered against your skin, his voice low and seductive. You gasped, arching further under the ministrations of his touch.
"Joshua..." You moaned softly, your body shivering with pleasure. "Yes..." he murmured, his thumb circling your sensitive clit.
Joshua continued with his thumb moving in slow circles, driving you closer to the edge. "You sound so lovely when you’re all needy." 
You let him do with you what he pleased, lying back on the table, with chest rising and falling fast, you arch your back as he continued to tease you. His touch grew more insistent, determined to bring you to the brink. 
Joshua penetrates two of his fingers inside your pussy, your cunt swallowing his fingers eagerly continued their work, stroking and gently rubbing, while his other hand moved up to caress your belly and chest.
You moaned softly, a desperate edge to your voice. "I’m close," you murmur, every syllable quivering with pleasure. He picked up on your need, his breath warm against your ear. "I know," he whispered, a teasing lilt in his tone. "I can feel how close you are." His touch against you intensified, determined to take you over the edge.
He worked you to the brink of ecstasy, his touch and whispers driving you wild. Your body arched and trembled under his ministrations. "Let go," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "Cum for me."
You grabbed onto his forearm, holding on tight as you came undone. Your body tensed and arched, a strangled scream escaping your lips as waves of pleasure washed over you. His hand continued to move gently as you rode it out, coaxing every last spasm from your trembling body.
Even as you began to come down from the high, Joshua continued his ministrations, not giving you a moment reprieve. You writhed and squirmed on the table, oversensitive and breathless. "Wait," you stuttered, your voice strained. "I can't take it anymore."
"Shh," he whispered, his hand cupping your cheek. "Just let me take care of you." His touch gently persisted, pushing you to another edge.
Your gasp was followed by a plea, his name falling from your lips like a desperate refrain. The pleasure was overwhelming, verging on the edge of pain, and the knot tightened in your belly, the sensations building again. "Joshua," you gasped again, tears welling in your eyes as he continued to coax you towards your second climax.
Joshua kneeled down between your thighs, his gaze darkened with desire. The proximity of his mouth to your sensitive clit was enough to drive you wild, even before he touched you. And when he did, you let out a sharp cry, the heat of his tongue adding to the intense sensations.
You grasped onto his hair, needing something to anchor you, as the pleasure built with each movement of his tongue. Your vision blurred at the edges, the world starting to lose focus as the climax approached again. Joshua's groaned against you, the sound reverberating through your body and sending more waves of pleasure through you.
In the aftermath of your climax, you lay on the table, your body boneless and breathless. Joshua ran his hands gently over your trembling form, coaxing you back from the heights of pleasure.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He murmured, his voice soft and tender.
You nodded, your gaze hazy and satisfied. Joshua continued to caress your skin, his touch light and soothing.
As he tended to you, Joshua's kisses and caresses became increasingly needy. His mouth on your neck, biting and nibbling, while his hands roamed your body possessively. 
You could feel the hardness of his cock pressing against you, the contact sending a wave of heat through you. Despite your recent climax, his touch reignited your desire and set your nerves aflame.
His mouth moved lower, trailing down your chest to reach your sensitive nipples. He teased, his tongue swirling around each hard bud. You gasped at the sensitivity of it, your hand grasping at his hair.
His tongue flicking against them teasingly, as he looks at you.
As Joshua's lips continued to explore your body and his actions grew more intense, you couldn't help but notice the evident bulge in his pants. His control, usually so steadfast, seemed to falter slightly, the desire between you overwhelming his restraint.
"J-Joshua," you managed to gasp out, your voice thick with desire. "You're... so hard." 
He lifted his head, meeting your gaze, his eyes darkened with need.
Joshua's gaze darkened further as you mentioned his arousal, the words only serving to heighten his desire. "Can you feel what you did to me?" he managed to say, his voice strained with restraint. 
He shifted slightly, his body pressing more firmly against yours, letting you feel the full extent of his need. Heat pulsed between you, leaving no room for doubt about how much he wanted you.
You responded to his words with an ardent sigh, the sound dripping with need. "I want– " you gasped as his mouth found your neck again, planting a hot kiss. "I want to feel you. All of you." Your words were barely above a whisper, but their meaning, clear.
His control slipped further, the hunger in his gaze deepening as he looked up at you. "You'll have me," he promised, his voice filled with desire. "Every inch."
As your hand strayed down your belly, your fingers teasing your throbbing clit, Joshua watched in awe and desire. The sight was almost too much, his breath catching in his throat as he tried to resist the urge to take control.
He tried to focus on breathing as he watched your actions, his own desire straining against the confines of his pants. Your eyes met his, and he could do nothing to resist his lust. He quickly unstrapped his belt, tossing it on the ground.
As you caressed yourself, Joshua's control shattered. His pants hit the floor moments before he closed the distance between you, his hands finding your wrists, gently drawing them away from your body.
"No," he said breathlessly. "Let me."
In that moment, all rational thought faded away, replaced only by sensation and heat. The feeling of him pressing his cock against your slit, sent shivers through your body, your breath catching in your throat as you waited for him to fully enter you.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart." Joshua commands.
You tried to focus on his gaze as he entered you, but the sensation of his size stretching you was overwhelming. Your eyes rolled back slightly, the pleasure and slight twinge of pain sending your mind to another multiverse.
With every slow and sharp rock of his hips, your whole body trembled, the sensations overwhelming. Joshua's moans echoed through the room as he held your gaze, the heat between you intensifying with each moment. Feeling him fight to hold back, to prolong the moment, ignited a fire within you.
As you clenched and unclenched around him, his expression grew more and more strained, the struggle to hold back evident in his gritted teeth and sweaty face.
"Is it good Joshua?" You ask between gasps and thrusts.
You watched as his eyes closed, his expression contorting with the effort to hold on for you, a tortured groan escaping his throat.
"Yes–," he managed to gasp out, the word leaving his lips in a rush of breath. "It's so good, so good. I can't–"
You knew the pleasure he was experiencing was immense, his body trembling as he fought to maintain control for your sake.
Each time you clenched around him, his body tensed in response, the feeling of him inside you driving him closer and closer to the edge.
Joshua's eyes met yours as you felt a sudden surge of moisture between your folds, his expression shifting from a mixture of ecstasy to amazement. "You're so wet," he gasped, his voice dripping with desire. 
He increased his pace, his gaze never leaving yours, his hands finding purchase on your hips. His grip was firm, as if pulling you closer only deepened the pleasure. 
The sounds of flesh against flesh echoing in the room, as your hands roamed over his chest, needing something to anchor you in the waves of sensation. 
His thumb finds your sensitive bud again, a wave of pleasure washes over you, making your entire body convulse beneath him. You curse, writhing helplessly as he continues to tease and caress you, pushing you closer to the edge. Your voice is a breathy mix of pleasure and desire, the only words leaving your lips a pleading, "Don't stop."
With a swift move, he turns you, your body now braced against the table, and then, he thrust into you again, the table scraping against the floor as he pulls your hair roughly. 
Joshua's grip on your hair tightened as he pulled your head back, exposing your neck to his kisses. 
A strangled moan escaped your lips as your breath came in pants, the intensity building with each passing moment, as if you could feel him deeper from this angle.
His cock finds the spot, and you sobbed, the sensation almost overwhelming, and he chuckled softly against your skin, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Is this it?" he whispered, his words husky and seductive. "I think I found it." 
Each time he repeated the motion, you could only gasp out a choked, "Yes!"
You felt him hit against that sensitive spot again and again, each time eliciting a sharp gasp or moan from your parted lips. He knew exactly where to touch you, his touch teasing and expert.
With each hit of that spot, your legs trembled, threatening to give out completely and your body went limp. A mixture of pleasure and pain surged through you, your tears mixing with the sensations as he roughly grasped your hair. "Don't hold back," he muttered, his voice low and full of need. "Let me hear you."
"Joshua," you gasped between sobs and moans, his name a broken plea on your lips. your body had lost all control, helpless against the torrent of sensations and his masterful touch. "J-Joshua," you gasped, your voice breaking. "Please... I can't... I'm going to..."
Your words ended in a strangled groan, the intensity of the pleasure too much. You felt yourself clench around him, your body beginning to unravel, pushed over the edge by his relentless pace. "Oh god–" you managed to gasp out, your nails digging into the table.
And then it hits you, waves of ecstasy crashing over you like a tidal wave, drowning out all coherent thought. You arched your back, head thrown back as you cried out, the intensity overwhelming. 
Your pussy tightened around him, drawing him closer to cum as well.
Through it all, Joshua held you, one hand steadying your hips while the other still gripped your hair, grounding you through the storm of pleasure. He rode out the waves with you, his own breath growing ragged as he fought to hold back his own release.
The tears fell faster now, blurring your vision as you lost yourself to the raw lust and desire. Your body convulsed and trembled as you whispered, "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."
He loosened his grip on your hair as you sagged against the table, and you nearly fell forward onto the table face-first. Joshua steadied you quickly, supporting you with one strong arm while he turned you to sit on the table. He gathered you, holding you close in a soothing embrace, allowing you to catch your breath.
''Take your time. I've got you." he murmured softly as he caressed your scalp.
You finally managed to find your voice, albeit somewhat raspy and breathless. "Joshua," you whispered, lifting your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze. "You know your friends will be wondering what's taking so long."
"Let them wonder," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of humor. He brushed a stray lock of hair from your forehead, his touch gentle. "I'm in no rush to leave. Besides, I'm far more interested in tending to your needs than worrying about them."
You chuckle.
Joshua chuckled softly, still holding you close. "They'll be fine," he said, "What's a few more minutes?" 
As if on cue, a sudden knock sounded on your door, followed by the sound of a familiar voice. "Joshua? You in there, man?"
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exhaslo · 3 days
Its the coldest day of the year so villain!miguel uses it as an exuse to cuddle with reader naked.
“its cold, we need to keep warm“ and you know miguel as a good heater he just keeps it off and his exuse is that ’he wants to save money’ but you know he can afford it.
lmao anything for the plot haha.
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut
It had only been a couple of weeks since Miguel finally because Spider-Man.
The city's new tyrant.
Life for the two of you was great. You were Miguel's pretty little fiance, staying in his penthouse being a good girl. You didn't want to disappoint him. You just wanted to help him do good and accomplish his goals.
However, Miguel was abusing your easily manipulated mind to do his crimes. He would find every excuse in the book to get you pregnant. To load you with his seed and make the perfect offspring.
Not like you complained or pushed away his advances. Miguel knew that every little bit of affection he gave you just kept you in the palm of his hand.
"Coldest day of the year?" Miguel muttered as he checked the weather in his office, "(Y/N) is going to be freezing,"
Concerned for you, Miguel summoned you to his office. You still worked for him at Alchemax. After all, no one could ever do as good as a job as you.
"Yes, Miguel?" You entered the office, "I was working on your schedule for the week. You have a lot-"
"Come here,"
You tilted your head but smiled as you hurried to Miguel's desk. Taking your spot, you tried to hide your excitement as Miguel rested his head against your lap. His hands rubbing circles around your waist.
"I don't feel any layers," Miguel said with a grunt, pulling you onto his lap, "It's cold outside."
"I know," You snuggled against his chest, "I'm trying on those thermal clothes you suggested."
"Hn," Miguel was quick to take your shirt off, checking the thermal technology as you shivered.
"Still not enough," He grunted, putting the shirt back on you, "Cancel my next meeting and met me in my private lab."
You reached for your tablet, cancelling Miguel's appointment while you sat on his lap. Miguel rubbed your head before placing you back on his desk and leaving the office.
He had an idea. A devilish idea.
You hummed happily as you approached Miguel's private lab. It was on a floor of its own since Miguel liked his quiet. Entering the main room, you gasped and shivered towards the temperature. It was freezing inside the lab.
"I may have suggested the thermal clothing, but nothing is ever good enough for my woman." Miguel spat as he approached you, "Come, let's get you warm."
"B-But...i-it's so...so....c-c-cold." You stuttered.
"Needed to save money somewhere," Miguel lied casually as he pulled you into his embrace, "Besides, you won't be cold for long."
"M-Miguel-" You whimpered.
Miguel picked you up and brought you over to the experiment seat. He laid you down and hovered over your body. His hands already resting against your pussy, rubbing circles against your clothes.
"Your body is going to focus on keeping warm. I'm sure it will be easier for your body to accept my seed."
"M-Miggy," You whined, squirming slightly.
"You've been naughty. Only wearing one layer. Can't go easy on a bad girl,"
You shuddered towards his words as Miguel undid your pants. He threw them on the side and proceeded to rip your panties, claiming that he told you to stop wearing them. You just put them on because you were cold.
You went to reach for Miguel, but he proceeded to nibble on your hand in response. With a whine, you gripped your shirt as Miguel thrusted his dick inside you. You arched your back, having to wait for him to give you permission to hold him.
"Always so wet for me, now that's a good girl," Miguel said with a dark chuckle.
You moaned in response as Miguel started to slap his hips into you. The sheer force of his dick making use of your pussy so hasty made your mind fuzzy. You were used to Miguel having sex with you, but it still felt amazing each time.
How every thrust made you feel like butterflies were fluttering in your stomach. How he made you cum with barely any effort. Or how Miguel would always fill you to the brim, making you feel so full that you couldn't move.
Everything felt like a dream.
Your body started to warm up as you cam against Miguel's dick. Panting heavily as you squeezed around his cock, you tried to reach out for Miguel again.
"I suppose you deserve to now," Miguel grunted as he kept thrusting inside of you.
Holding onto Miguel, you moaned in his ear happily as you melted against his touch. Surrendering your body to him as he made a sloppy mess of your cunt.
You wanted to apologize for dirtying his lab chair, but you knew that Miguel didn't care. He brought you in here to make a baby. Shivering as you felt Miguel bottom out inside you, you clenched against him, wanting to enjoy the moment.
"You're still shivering. Can't stop until that changes, now can we?" Miguel asked with a chuckle.
You just agreed, gasping as he kept his charade of thrusts. The lab echoed with the slapping sound of skin. The gushing noises of your juices mixing with his cum. Your moans getting louder as your body grew more sensitive to his movements.
Your body was warm now for sure.
Miguel sighed softly as he turned the heat back on in the lab. Now he felt relaxed and ready to get back to work. Glancing at you on the chair, Miguel withheld a chuckle. You were sleeping soundly with his lab coat over you.
His cum pouring out of your cunt. Another fine job. Approaching you, Miguel fixed the chair so that your lower body was raised, wanting to keep his seed inside you.
"Mhpm," You whined in your sleep.
"All for the sake of the future, (Y/N)." Miguel whispered, kissing your head before grabbing your tablet.
Miguel pulled a seat beside you, wanting to get back to work while you slept. He had Lyla checking on your stats, making sure that you wouldn't get too cold.
"Hm, now what excuse will I use tomorrow?"
UGH I NEED VILLAIN!Miguel in my life.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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permanentswaps · 2 days
Hello, Dad
Read Part 1 by @possessionbodythief.
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Two years have passed since that fateful night, and I’ve settled into my new life as Jake with surprising ease. Watching the residents of the house over the years has proven invaluable in adapting to the modern world. My mannerisms have changed, but since the real Jake had always been uncertain about how his dad would react to being in a new body, it didn’t matter much. People around me simply chalk it up to growing up and finding myself.
After some time living with "my dad" - or Jake now in Robert's body - in the old house, I realized I needed my own space to truly embrace this new life. Moving out was a big step, but one I knew I had to take. I found a small apartment downtown with a view of the city skyline, a far cry from the haunted house I was confined to for decades. This place, with its modern amenities and vibrant surroundings, felt like a breath of fresh air. The sense of freedom and independence was exhilarating, something I had never known in my previous life.
"It's so good to be free," I whisper to myself, a smile spreading across my face.
My phone buzzes, pulling me out of my reverie. It's a text from "my dad."
"Hey Jake, you wanna grab dinner tonight? Been missing you."
My smile widens. I quickly text back.
"Sure, Dad. There's a new spot near here I've been meaning to try, wanna meet at 7?"
"Perfect. See you then, kiddo."
I put my phone down, thinking about how much has changed. Lately, I've been working out a lot. I feel a bit bad for Jake; he was just kinda impatient. It would've happened for him eventually if he had kept with a routine. I mean look at the transformation from then to now:
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But hey, his impatience is my gain. I'm still more lean than buff right now, but that's how I like it. There are a bunch of cute guys checking me out all the time. I've even managed to get a hot boyfriend.
But it seems Jake has noticed the changes the most. He even jokingly muses, "Damn, what I would've done to have a body like yours at that age." He's kidding, of course. He never experienced this age. In fact, we still have never mentioned the swap – thank God, 'cause I don't want to risk him finding out who I really am in this body. Jake seems to be completely comfortable in his new body, never showing any signs of sadness or jealousy. He truly embraces his role as Robert and appears genuinely happy.
But sometimes, he throws in these playful comments that catch me off guard. Like the other day, I was stretching after a workout, and he walks in, giving me an exaggerated once-over.
"Look at you, all limber and toned. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to impress someone," he said with a wink.
He smirked, leaning against the doorframe. "Well, you're definitely turning heads. Just make sure you don't break too many hearts."
I grinned back at him. "And look at you, Dad. You're in fantastic shape. You've got those muscles everyone dreams of."
Jake's eyes gleamed with pride as he flexed his bicep. "Damn right. I know I've got it going on."
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Another time, we were out for dinner, and I mentioned I was thinking of getting a new wardrobe.
"Oh really?" he replied, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Trying to show off those gains? I can't blame you. If I had your body, I'd probably never wear a shirt."
I chuckled, feeling a flush creep up my neck. "Maybe I'll take your advice and start a new trend."
It's not just my body that's improved, though. Jake has also been hitting the gym hard. He's in fantastic shape, even better than when I first took over this body. His muscles are more defined, and his confidence radiates in every movement.
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As I step into the upscale restaurant, the blend of modern design and rustic charm immediately catches my eye. String lights are draped across the space, casting a warm, inviting glow over the wooden tables and cushioned benches. The walls are adorned with lush greenery and vibrant flower arrangements, creating a serene and picturesque ambiance. The gentle sound of a nearby water fountain adds to the tranquil atmosphere. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pizzas and herbed garlic bread fills the air, making my mouth water.
Jake is already there, waiting at our table. He looks up and grins when he sees me.
"Hey, kiddo," he says, standing up to give me a hug.
"Hey, Dad," I reply, embracing him warmly. "This place looks amazing. Ready for a feast?"
"You bet," he says with a laugh as we take our seats.
We start by ordering a variety of appetizers: bruschetta topped with fresh tomatoes and basil, crispy calamari, and a charcuterie board that looks almost too good to eat.
"These bruschettas are amazing," Jake says, biting into one.
I nod. "Definitely. This place is awesome."
As we work our way through the appetizers and move on to the main course, a handsome waiter catches Jake's eye. He can't help but flirt, turning on the charm with every word. The waiter, clearly interested, flirts back, and by the time dessert arrives, Jake has the waiter's phone number scrawled on a napkin.
I can't help but laugh. "Wow, Dad, you're really on fire tonight."
Jake grins, waving the napkin. "What can I say? When you've got it, you've got it."
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We finish our meal with splitting a tiramisu. As we're wrapping up, Jake leans over, a serious look in his eyes. "Hey, why don't you come back home tonight? I've missed having you around recently. I'd really like it if you stayed over."
"Sure, Dad," I say, smiling. "I'd love to."
When we get home, he catches me looking at myself in the mirror, admiring my progress. The muscles I've worked so hard to develop are finally starting to show, and there's a newfound confidence in my reflection. Jake walks up behind me, his presence warm and reassuring.
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"You know, you've got this whole 'boy-next-door' vibe going, but with an edge. It's... intriguing."
I chuckle, a bit embarrassed but also pleased by his words. He steps closer and grabs my waist, his hands firm yet gentle.
He looks at me in the mirror, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "See, I told you," he says with a twinge of irony, "You just needed to wait for your growth spurt."
I turn to face him, our eyes meeting. "I guess you were right," I say, with a knowing smile. "It just took a little time."
A look of lust flashes over his eyes, and I feel a thrill run down my spine. He moves closer, his hands sliding up to my shoulders, giving them a firm, appreciative squeeze.
"And now you’re all grown up," he murmurs, his voice low and husky.
Before I can respond, his lips are on mine, capturing me in a deep, passionate kiss. My body reacts instantly, pressing against him, the heat between us igniting something primal and intense. It's been two years since we last shared this kind of intimacy, and the hunger in his eyes tells me he’s been waiting just as long.
He guides me to the bedroom, our kisses growing more urgent, our touches more desperate. The anticipation builds as we shed our clothes, revealing the bodies we’ve both worked so hard to perfect. The air is charged with electricity, the desire between us palpable.
Jake pushes me gently onto the bed, his eyes roaming over my body with a mix of pride and lust. "You're perfect," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.
He joins me on the bed, his hands exploring every inch of my skin, rekindling the flames of our past encounters. I gasp as his lips find the sensitive spots on my neck, my chest, my inner thighs. The pleasure is overwhelming, each touch sending waves of ecstasy through me.
When he finally enters me, it’s like coming home. The connection between us is deeper than ever, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. Every thrust brings us closer to the edge, the intensity building until it’s almost unbearable. I grip his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin as I match his rhythm, our breaths coming in ragged gasps.
"It's been too long," Jake groans, his breath hot against my ear. "I’ve missed this."
"Me too," I gasp, my hands clutching at his back, urging him deeper. "God, I've missed this."
His pace quickens, each thrust more powerful than the last. The room is filled with the sounds of our passion—the slap of skin against skin, the low moans and gasps, the whispered words of desire. I can feel myself getting closer, the tension coiling tighter and tighter in my core.
Jake's hands grip my hips, pulling me closer, deeper. "You're mine," he whispers fiercely, his eyes locked on mine. "Always."
"Yes, Daddy," I moan, the words slipping out naturally, a thrill of submission coursing through me. "I'm yours."
The intensity of his gaze, the possessiveness in his voice, sends me over the edge. I cry out, my body arching beneath him as pleasure crashes over me, wave after wave. He follows moments later, a guttural groan tearing from his throat as he finds his release, collapsing onto me, spent and sated.
We lie there, tangled in each other’s arms, the afterglow of our lovemaking still shimmering around us. His weight is comforting, his presence a soothing balm. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against mine.
"That was incredible," I murmur, my voice soft and breathless.
He leans down to kiss me again, slow and sweet, a promise of more to come.
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creedslove · 2 days
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: the reason why I love Pedro so much is that he always makes me feel alive no matter how bad the situation is 💟
A/N #2: besties I'm so sorry about this Headcanon, I know it's sooooo bad, but I had the idea several weeks ago I think I don't really remember and I've been writing a little bit every day since but I went through a lot in a short time and I lost inspiration but at the same time it was really bothering me to see it lying in my drafts unfinished, I'm sorry it sucks, but I love you all 💕
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• you met Sarah Miller when she was only a freshman girl, completely lost in her first day of college after she was dropped off and looking like a scared little deer even if she tried assuring you she was alright
• you were a few years older than her and you'd been there, so you pretended to believe she was alright but still offered her some help to get her dorm organized and simply find herself around campus; she quickly accepted it and that was how your friendship had started
• during the semester, you became one of Sarah's best friends; as you were always there to help her out, advise her or simply offer her some company or comfort the days she felt lonely and missed her family too much - you knew she didn't know her mom and she was raised by her dad and her uncle which you thought it was pretty awesome of them, but other than that, you didn't actually hear much about them, as you both often talked about other stuff
• and so the years passed and soon enough Sarah was graduating and marrying her college sweetheart, Ben, who'd been introduced to her by you during a party, so it was more than exciting to be invited to that beautiful party
• so you packed your bags, got yourself a decent place on Airbnb and went to Austin, to celebrate the wedding of your beloved friend, due to conflicting schedules, you could only get there a few days before the wedding, which ruined your plans of meeting Sarah's family, having dinner together and getting to the city, since the most you were able to do was just handle the last adjustment and details for your dress, help Sarah with the arrangements for the party and of course, party hard in her bachelorette party
• the bachelorette party was partially organized by you, as you never really knew how those things were supposed to go, other than just the scenes you saw in several movies, should you go to a male strip club? Should there be men half naked rubbing themselves against you and your friends? You weren't so sure, so you talked to Sarah and you picked a nice nightclub to dance and drink
• so you and your group of friends hit the club, all in your best clothes, nice heels and Sarah wearing a cute little party veil so everyone would know she was the bride to be. The night was perfect and you danced and drank as much as you wanted, knowing you could just call yourself a Uber to go home
• you stayed until the end of the party, your group of friends had all left home in different Uber rides and Sarah was picked up by Ben just some moments ago, so you grabbed your purse, paid for your part of your check and went to the parking lot, since your uber wouldn't take much to get there
• and that was when you saw him: easily the most handsome man you'd ever seen, older than you of course, tall, broad, brown hair salt and peppered and leaning against his truck. He seemed to be waiting for someone, but his attention was immediately shifted towards you, and he couldn't pay attention to anything else
• you just caught Joel's attention as you walked out of that bar; you didn't seem drunk or wasted, but definitely a little tipsy and while he wasn't a creep - Sarah had accidentally called him and asked him to pick her up and there was no way in the world he wouldn't come for his little girl, even if she wasn't little anymore and was going to be a married girl in a couple of days
• and even when she explained to her dad that she didn't mean to call him and he didn't need to pick her up because she was already going home with Ben - clearly drunk, which bothered Joel but he couldn't actually do anything about it - he said he was just going back to sleep, omitting the fact he was already at the parking lot waiting for her. She wasn't a child anymore, but he really missed when she was one because then, she would still be his sweet little Sarah wearing her cute star PJs to bed, and not exiting the club completely drunk like she did a while ago
• but all that whining went away in the blink of an eye once Joel spotted you, because he couldn't recall seeing a better looking woman at a bar in so fucking long, that or it was because he hadn't gotten laid in so long, his balls might've been blue but he wasn't just gonna empty them on the first woman he saw, so he just kept using his hand for it
• but you... He swallowed hard and decided to take a few steps towards you, after all, it wouldn't hurt just to make sure you were doing okay and no creeps were bothering you, because he wasn't a creep, he just wanted to make sure you were alright
• and when you saw Joel walking towards you, you felt your breath caught in your chest. He was so freaking handsome, big and manly, the kind of man to put you on all fours and fuck you while he whispers into your ear what a good girl for him you really are
• and you didn't remember much of your interaction with him, when you realized what you were doing, you were pressed against the hood of his truck, kissing him hungrily while his strong hands squeezed your body and roamed all over you; your hands messing up with his curls, tugging at them slightly as you moaned into his mouth, against better judgement you could let yourself be fucked by him at that moment
• however, you didn't even know his name, it was a dangerous game your body begged you to play, but your rational side was still too alert for it, so when you managed to see your Uber had arrived, you found strength in yourself to get rid of his intoxicating touch in your body and simply run to the car, you should've asked his name, but you didn't
• and the following days after that night at the bar, as much as you tried thinking of something else, all you could focus on, was that handsome man and the way he held you, he gripped your body and kissed you; it was different from any kind of touch you'd experienced, that mysterious man seemed addictive to you
• but as the wedding approached, your lustful thoughts had to be placed aside so you could focus on all the tasks you had to do: help Sarah get ready, check the venue for her and so on, not to mention getting ready yourself for the event, being so busy you totally skipped the part where you'd meet her family
• as you waited in church for her with the rest of your friends, you couldn't help but being extremely shocked to see Sarah walking down the aisle by her father, whom you had never actually seen before that night at the bar, but he happened to be your mysterious fling from the parking lot
• Joel also couldn't believe the hot girl he'd made out with was his daughter's best friend, he knew he was older than you even if you both hadn't much time to talk, but he didn't expect that
• you two had to stop those feelings aside so you could focus on the ceremony, but the way Joel kept glancing at you, made it pretty obvious you'd have a very interesting wedding reception afterwards 😉
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juanarc-thethird · 3 days
Hi I have a question are you still doing I have a license for that?
Yes I do ------------
I have a license for that! Part 3
Jaune is in the library using one of the computers checking flights to return home.
Jaune: Dammit, why is everything so expensive?
Winter: Is everything all right?
Jaune: Hm?
He looks back and looks at Winter standing near him.
Jaune: Oh, hello Winter. Everything is fine, thanks.
Winter: From the tone you had for a moment it didn't sound like everything was fine.
Jaune: It's nothing important. I just can't find flights to go home for a family thing, but I haven't given up. But thanks for asking.
Winter: If you want I can take you there. I have my own airship.
Jaune: Really?!
He says excitedly, but immediately takes it back.
Jaune: Oh no, no, no, I can't ask you that. It's too much. Thanks but I can't accept your help.
Winter then turns to the screen Jaune is using and sees where he is going.
Winter: You know, I was already heading to my family's villa and where you're trying to go is close by. If you don't mind making that short stop, I can drop you off there later. Also, so that you don't feel like it's too much, it would help me a lot to have some extra hands.
Jaune: For real?
Winter: Mm-hm, It's just a routine stop and then I'll leave you wherever you want.
Jaune: *Happy* Ok, cool! Thank you!
Winter: No problem. I leave early tomorrow at 7am.
Jaune: Great! I'll be there at 6:30am.
Winter: Understood. See you there. *Walks away*
Jaune: See you there! And thank you again!
The next day...
Jaune meets Winter at the airship port with his suitcase.
Jaune: Good morning Winter, I'm ready to go.
Winter: Good morning Jaune. You can put your suitcase in the back of the ship.
Jaune: Thank you.
He started to walk towards the back of the aircraft but then he stopped.
Jaune: You know, I never told you what kind of help you need in your family's villa.
Winter: Really? I thought I did.
Jaune: No, you didn't. What kind of help do you need?
Winter: I'm just going to clean the house a little. Nothing big.
Jaune: Ok, wait, let me see if I understand. Your family is the richest in all the four kingdoms, but they do not have a cleaning staff in their villa. Forgive me but it sounds a bit suspicious.
Winter: You're overthinking it. The reason we don't have Staff is because-
Jaune: *Interrupts her* Are you a member of my mom's club?
Winter: *Surprise* What?! What club? I don't know what you're talking about?
Jaune: That reaction makes me think the opposite. You know what, I'm just going to play it safe. Thank you very much for your help, but I will find another way to get there.
Jaune starts to leave but Winter stops him by grabbing his suitcase.
Winter: *Panic* Wait!
Jaune: Hey! Let go!
Winter: I swear I'm not part of your mom's club!
Jaune: Fine, you are not! Can you let me go now?!
Winter: Can I still take you home?!
Jaune: No!
Winter: Then I can't let you go!
Jaune: Winter!... *pulls* Let!... *Pulls* Me!... *PULLS* Go!... *PULLS!* now!... *PULLS!!!!!*
And with the last pull, they both lost their balance and fell to the ground. As a card fell, it came out of Winter's jacket and slid over to where Jaune was lying. They both get up and Jaune notices the card.
Jaune: What is this?
Winter: *Gasp!* Don't look!!
He takes the card and…
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Jaune: What the fuck?!
Winter immediately lunges towards Jaune taking the card from his hands. She pushes him to the ground and using her Semblance, she leaves him stuck there.
Jaune: I knew it! I knew you were part of that weird club!
Winter: *She gets into her airship* I'm sorry, my love, but I didn't expect you to find out so quickly.
Jaune: Can you at least explain to me why my mom created this club?!
Winter: I'm sorry, but it's not my place to say. Look for the Witch, she may give you the answers you are looking for.
Jaune: The Witch?!
Winter: Goodbye.
Jaune: Hey! Wait!!
She starts the engines of her airship and flies away. After some distance, Jaune is freed.
Jaune: *Upset* Fuck, back to square one.
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wineauntie · 21 hours
OUR DAUGHTER — family is family au
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You, Quinn and Evie were out grocery shopping for the week. The grocery store was quiet enough with it being later in the evening, the sun fading in the distance. Five-year-old Evie sat in the cart's child seat, happily munching on a cracker as you and Quinn discussed dinner plans.
"I think we should try that new pasta recipe tonight," Quinn suggested, his eyes scanning the shelves for the right ingredients.
"Sounds good," you replied, reaching for a jar of sauce. Just as you were about to place it in the cart, you froze. There, not even ten feet away, was a face that haunted your nightmares, one you never wished to see again.
James, your ex-boyfriend and Evie's biological father. The same guy who had cheated on you and dumped you at the news of your pregnancy. His sudden appearance sent a jolt through you, your feet locked in place as your heart raced.
“Hey, you okay?” Quinn’s eyes flitted to you before his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
You remained rooted to the spot as James approached with a smirk that didn't reach his eyes, his expression a mix of surprise and something more sinister.
"Well, if it isn't y/n and the happy family," he drawled, his gaze flicking between you, Quinn, and Evie.
"James," you fought to keep your voice steady as you felt a chill run down your spine. Quinn's hand found its way to your back becoming the only thing grounding you.
James glanced down at Evie, who had turned towards the stranger with wide curious eyes.
“So, this is the kid," he said, his tone mocking. "Looks like she got your eyes."
"Yes, she did," you said firmly, anger bubbling beneath the surface. "And she’s not 'the kid’, she's my daughter."
“Our daughter,” James corrected with a sly smile.
“Our daughter, actually,” Quinn stepped forward, his presence steady but protective. he shot a hesitant look at you, who nodded subtly. "I'm Quinn," he spoke as extending a hand.
James glanced at Quinn's hand but didn't take it. "A hockey player stepfather, huh? Moving up in the world, aren't we?" he said with a derisive chuckle.
“Is there a problem here?” Quinn's expression hardened, but he kept his voice even.
“With me?” James scoffed, meeting your eyes once again. “Nope.”
“Good,” Quinn stared down the man in distaste. “Then I think you should keep walking.”
James shrugged, his smirk widening. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," he said dismissively. He turned back to you, his eyes cold.
James's eyes flickered with something darker. "I suppose now you think you’ve got it all figured out. A happy little family, just like that," he said, snapping his fingers. "But now that I’ve finally seen her, I want to get to know my daughter."
“If you want to know her just to try get under my skin, that stops right here.” Your voice shook ever so slightly. You felt Quinn's reassuring hand squeeze your shoulder. "We can talk, if you truly do, but it will be on our terms. Evie’s happiness and well-being will always come first."
James snorted. "We'll see about that," he muttered, scribbling down his number on a scrap of paper and shoving it into your hand.
As he walked away, he threw one last mocking glance over his shoulder. You turned to Quinn, who wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as your eyes fluttered shut and your held breath expelled.
“Are you okay?" he asked gently, running a hand over your hair in comfort.
"Yeah," you sighed, exhaling deeply. "I think so. That was just... a lot."
Quinn kissed the top of your head. "We'll handle it together," he assured you. "I promise you."
You looked at Evie, who was blissfully unaware of the tension, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looked at the colorful cereal boxes nearby. "Yeah," you agreed, smiling softly. "Together."
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mangostarjam · 2 days
silent reading time — kaiju no. 8, hoshina soshiro x reader, use of foods as nicknames, childhood best friends dynamic, biting, 1.4k words
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Hoshina Soshiro is staring at your thighs.
... you think.
It's hard to tell, since you aren't looking at him. Quick, fleeting glances out of the corner of your eye aren't enough to discern the true aim of his line of sight, but it really kinda looks like... he's looking at your thighs.
Why, though?
It's just a typical weekday night. You dropped by his room the way you have for the past twenty-odd years, holding a paperback book with a purple pen tucked behind your ear, ready to indulge in your favorite pastime of silent reading in your best friend's company. Soshiro has his own paperback in hand, green pen spinning around his fingers. The two of you jot little notes as you read, and once you finish you swap books. Later, you'll go to one of your favorite cafes together to talk about them. Soshiro's neat scrawl is as familiar to you as the back of your own hand.
For a brief moment you debate calling him out on his staring. But — nah, it's probably nothing. Maybe your pajama shorts are a little worn and he's just appalled you're wearing something so flimsy.
"What's up, beansprout?"
You glance up from the words you haven't been reading and meet your best friend's gaze. "Huh?"
Soshiro closes his book but keeps his finger tucked to hold his place. His green pen spins in a blur. "You've been starin' at that page for ages. You sleepy or somethin'?"
"Nooo..." you draw out the word as you think of something to say. "Just wondering if I should get new pajamas."
Well — you didn't call him a creep, but now he's blatantly staring at your thighs and maybe this is... worse? You can feel a flush rising up your body at his scrutiny.
"What's wrong with these?"
"... Nothing?"
Soshiro gives you a doubtful look and before you have a chance to retreat, he's caught you against the bed, pinning you down with his elbows on either side of your shoulders. Your books and pens go flying across the mattress, landing with a thunk and a clatter as the room settles back to stillness. The sudden proximity of him looming above you takes your breath away. You squirm a little at the abrupt weight. Soshiro chuckles, his breath warm by your ear as his legs press yours into the mattress.
"Tell me, egg tart."
He's close enough that the strands of his purple hair tickle your forehead. You know you have no chance of getting away from the Vice Captain of the Third Division in close quarters, but you wiggle half-heartedly anyway. "Get off of me, you big oaf!"
"Oh? That's not very nice," Soshiro's grin is playful. He eyes you for a second, and then he pouts. "I just wanna know what's runnin' through that pretty lil head."
Well that's just unfair. He knows you're weak to him when he makes that face. You scrunch your nose at him and giggle when he mimics you. He's steady, hovering above you, as if it's nothing for him to basically hold a modified plank pose on the soft surface of his mattress. Something about that makes you feel... a little warm.
But he's your best friend. You've known him since you were toddlers, training in swordsmanship together at the Hoshina estate, following him into the Defense Force until you hit a wall and pivoted to research instead — you know Hoshina Soshiro, and he does not make you feel warm like this.
You gather your wits about you slowly, like your braincells are moving through molasses. Soshiro seems content to hold his position, familiar grin still firmly in place. You can feel the warmth radiating from him, the careful way he keeps from squishing you entirely, even though he's stopping you from running away from the question.
"It's really nothing, promise," you say, "I just thought maybe you kept looking at my pajamas because they're so old."
There's a moment of silence as Soshiro digests this. You listen to him breathing above you, the thick fabric of his sweats warm where his legs press into your bare skin, the overhead light haloing his purple strands and casting his carefully blank expression in a faint shadow.
"Dontcha think you're a lil too comfy 'round me?" His voice comes out low, almost missed beneath the sound of your rapidly accelerating heartbeat. "I'm a man, too, y'know."
You blink. Soshiro's now wearing the vaguely amused smile he always seems to have on when you're around, but there's something lingering along the edges that sends a shiver up your spine.
Forget molasses. Your brain shuts down entirely, bluescreening as you frantically try to reconcile his words and his meaning and why is he looking at you like that? Like he wants to — to eat you, to swallow you whole — and why does he keep glancing at your lips? Do you have something between your teeth?
But, no, wait — Soshiro is a man. You know this. You've known this for ages. It's impossible to train with the strongest close quarters combatant in the entire Defense Force and not realize this simple fact. You've seen Soshiro take down more miniature and mid-sized kaiju than you can count, and he's a brilliant leader of his platoon and division. Everyone respects him and works hard to live up to his expectations, though you know he works three times as hard in the shadows.
Your childhood friend is certainly not a child any longer. One glance at the densely packed muscle on Soshiro's body is enough proof of that. You peek at his biceps tensing as he shifts above you and gulp.
Yeah, he's definitely a man.
But what does that have to do with anything...?
"Of course I'm comfy with you, Soshiro-kun," you say. Why does your voice sound like that? All... breathy and soft? You clear your throat and try to inject some normalcy in your tone. "You're my best friend! You'd tell me if my pajamas are too worn out, right?"
Soshiro just looks at you blankly. This is where he's supposed to crack a joke, this is where he flicks your forehead and calls you 'sugarplum' and rolls off of you, this is not where he suddenly leans down close enough that you can feel his breaths puff against your ear before everything narrows down to the singular point on your neck where he bites you.
"S-Soshiro-kun, what the hell?!"
"What's wrong? We're best friends, ain't we?"
"Yeah, but why'd you bite me?"
Soshiro's laugh is pressed into your neck like honey dripping from the comb. He's not... He hasn't moved away. You haven't moved away.
You could. He's left you room to move.
But you don't.
It's warm. His legs are still pressing against yours. The faintly woodsy smell of him is all around you, seeping into your skin as you shift amidst his blankets. "No reason," he says airily, lips brushing your temple as he brings himself to hover above you again. "Just takin' advantage of my best friend privileges."
"By... biting me?"
"By showin' ya I'm comfy 'round you, too."
The tension pops. You can't help but laugh, something like relief and the bittersweet tinge of regret flushing through your bloodstream. "What are you, an animal? Who the heck bites people and calls it comfortable?"
"Are ya uncomfy?"
"Well, no, but—"
"I've always wanted to bite you," Soshiro says. You can read the truth in the curve of his smile as his purple strands waver above you. "Ya look like you'd taste good, chestnut."
"That's it," you wrinkle your nose at him. "You've gotta come up with other nicknames for me, or else you'll keep thinking of me as food!"
Soshiro hums in thought. You can feel the sting and the faint imprint of teeth along the sensitive skin of your neck. Something about it makes you feel fuzzy inside, like a tv antenna struggling to search for a signal. You shift anxiously as the silence stretches, yearning for something unknown.
"No can do," he says brightly. His red eyes gleam as he leans down again. "But we're comfy with each other, yeah? Want me to inspect these old pjs for ya?"
The blush blooms beneath your skin with a force that startles you. "Uh, what—? No, Soshiro-kun, definitely not—"
He grins and it's bright, but a little strained. You reach up unthinkingly to cup his face in your hands, smoothing your thumbs along his jawline and cheekbones and smiling when he leans into the touch. The knot in your chest loosens. The two of you bask in the comfort of each other for a moment.
"You should really tell me off," he breathes, tilting his head. "You should tell me ta quit messin' around."
"Are you messing around?" you ask.
Soshiro laughs, a quiet sound in the stillness of the room. "I'm never messin' around when it comes to you."
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It's A Wonderful World
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Princess!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: fluff, ominous ending
Summary: You didn't think you'd meet someone like Spencer while staying in America, and you can't seem to stay away from him. No one, not even your uncle, can keep you from him no matter how dangerous it might be for you.
Play Pretend Masterlist
Square Filled: magic for @acrosstheuniversebingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Like with anything in life, if you keep at it, you’ll excel. Except for this. You never had to work a day in your life but you are willing to try. Making coffee for people is a lot harder than people make it seem. You’re good at reading people and learning by what they’re doing but this is on a whole other level.
It’s only your second day so there is still room for improvement, but it’s like you’re working with no training. Cindy gave you proper training yesterday so you’ve been tasked to making drinks rather than stocking items. Spencer walks into the shop at the same time as yesterday, and he smiles when he sees you.
“Still having trouble?” Spencer asks after putting his order in.
“It’s obvious, huh?” you chuckle. You grab his cup and look at the cashier’s handwriting. You get to work on making his drink as best as you can. Spencer tries to help where he can which you appreciate. You’re trying not to look like someone who has never seen the inside of a coffee shop before but it’s hard when this is all so new for you. “So, where is there to get good food? I’m new to town and I don’t want to be stuck eating this food.”
You look at your coworker who has a confused look on her face.
“No offense.”
“Why don’t I pick you up on my lunch break? I can show you a good place to eat.”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Okay, that would be great,” you smile.
Spencer grabs his drink when it’s ready and leaves the coffee shop. The next few hours go by quickly because you’re so busy trying to learn all that you can. When Spencer walks into the coffee shop around lunch time, you look at the clock in shock.
“Is it that time already?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles.
“Cindy, I’m taking my lunch break. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, hon, that’s fine. You get an hour.”
“Thank you!”
You go to the back and take off your apron before grabbing your purse. Spencer waits patiently for you by the door and smiles when you join his side. There is no need to drive anywhere since The Coffee Shop is located in the strip where there are shops and restaurants all within walking distance of each other. Spencer takes you to one of the fast food places called The Charred Grill that serves brugers, hot dogs, and good old American comfort food.
As soon as you walk in, Spencer walks to the end of the line, but you keep walking toward the kitchen. Before you can cross the threshold into the kitchen, Spencer quickly pulls you back.
“What are you doing?”
“What?  Isn’t the kitchen where food is normlally made?”
“Yeah, but… Have you never been inside the restaurant?”
“Oh, God,” you chuckle and cover your face in embarrassment. “I did it again, didn’t I? I have never been in a place like this before.”
“It’s okay,” Spencer chuckles. “Let’s get in line.”
You two move to the back of the line and wait patiently until it’s your turn to order. You have never had this type of food before since the family chef always made five-course meals. None of them have ever been hot dogs and burgers. You’re not sure what to order and Spencer sees the uncertainty in your eyes. Thankfully, he orders for you, and the two of you take a seat to wait for the food to be ready.
“So, you know what I do for work. What do you do?” you ask and cross your legs.
“I’m in the FBI. The BAU to get technical. I’m a profiler.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. I bet you see all kinds of things.”
“That’s one way to put it,” he chuckles.
“Have you lived in Virginia all your life?”
“No, I’m from Las Vegas. I moved here when I was sixteen after my college graduation.”
You’re not familiar with the American school system at all, but you know that college isn’t meant for teenagers.
“College at sixteen? What are you, some kind of genius?”
“Yes, actually,” he laughs. “I have an IQ of 187, can read twenty thousand words per minute, and I have three PhDs and two Bachelors.”
“I’m impressed.”
“Thank you. What about you? Where did you move from?”
You freeze at his question because you aren’t expecting it. The only place in the United States you know of is Los Angeles and New York. You didn't really have much time to study the place before you came here.
“Oh, you know. Around,” you chuckle nervously. “I don’t like to talk about it.”
“I get it.”
Once the food is ready, Spencer grabs it from the counter and returns to the table. The food looks greasy and delicious, and you can’t wait to try it all. Spencer got you their classic cheeseburger and an All-American hot dog with fries.
“Where are the utensils?” you ask.
“What do you mean?”
“You expect me to eat this with my hands?”
“Have you never had a cheeseburger before?”
Shit, you really need to do research when you get home. This is so fucking embarrassing. Plus, he’s an FBI profiler. He’ll see right through you if you keep acting like this, and you would have ruined this before you two could ever get to know each other.
“No, sorry.”
“Don’t be ashamed. Here, grab it like this.” You copy his movements and grab the burger with both hands. He takes a bite out of the side of it, and you do exactly what he did. “There you go.”
Flavors explode inside your mouth, flavors you’ve never experienced before.
“This is delicious,” you mumble with your mouth full. You grab a napkin and cover your mouth until you’re done chewing. After swallowing, you dab the napkin on your face. “It’s magical. I’ve never had anything like this before.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
You only get an hour and the waiting around took half that time. After lunch is over, Spencer walks you back to The Coffee Shop. You need to get back to work and he needs to return to the BAU.
“Well, that was one of the weirdest dates I’ve been on.” You look at him with confusion. “A good weird.”
“This was a date?”
“Only if you want it to be.”
“Then I guess it’s a date,” you smile.
Spencer shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Can I see you again?”
“Yes. You know where to find me. I’d give you my phone number but I don’t have a phone.” You think of an excuse as to why you don’t. “It broke and I’m trying to get a new one.”
“That’s fine. It’ll give me an excuse to come visit you. Plus, I like hanging out more than texting anyway.”
“Okay,” you smile.
Spencer leaves and you finish the rest of your shift quickly. When you get home later that night, Don is waiting for you in the kitchen with a glass of whiskey in his hands.
“I saw you with that boy today.”
“It’s nothing, Don,” you sigh. “He doesn’t know anything.”
“Good.” He downs the alcohol and stands up. “It’s going to stay that way. The more people know about you, the sooner they’ll find you.”
Fear pricks the back of your mind. You can’t go home. You can’t marry Henry because you don’t love him.
“I have it under control.”
“You better. You don’t want me getting involved.”
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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sukunastoy · 3 days
The “Businessman”
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Sukuna
Cw/Tw: Violence, mentions of murder, torture, none of this is towards reader though.
WC: 1221
Note: I wrote something similar to this a long time ago, but I can’t find it on here, so I’m redoing it with more detail. 🫶 I might make this into a series at some point.
~Your CEO husband doesn’t like it when someone makes you cry. They’ll never be a problem for you or anyone else ever again.~
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated!! ✨
You're having a shitty day work, your boss being a complete asshole as usual. It's like he deliberately called you out in front of everyone else for the smallest of errors. Regrettably, you end up leaving early so you can go home and decompress. In other words, take a hot bath and cry. You didn't tell your husband, and you just wanted to sleep and not disturb him while he was at work, managing his own company. You didn't have to work, but you didn't like the idea of being just a stay at home wife with nothing to do. You liked a bit of a challenge, but this job was becoming too much of a stress factor in your life. When your boss wasn't being a complete dick, the work was nice, and you truly enjoyed the company of your coworkers. Talking gossip and having friends to go out on lunch dates with were the main perks of this job. Everyone was starting to get fed up with the boss though, and you often thought about quitting, since you didn't need this job, but you didn't want to give up your individuality.
As you pulled into your driveway, you sighed heavily into the steering wheel. It was barely after 10 am. Much too early to be home, but today was just too much to bear. Sulking inside, you kicked off your shoes and shed most of your clothing on the way to your lavish bathroom. You didn't need to tell Sukuna, your petty problems aren't something you wanted to burden him with.
But of course, your husband has tracking on your phone. And while he's in the middle of a meeting, letting his other associates talk about company improvements, his phone vibrates with your change of location. Glancing to the clock, he realizes, it's too early for you to be home. Not that he cares, you're free to do as you wish, but it was abnormal for his wife to be home so early on a work day. He isn't questioned as he stands and leaves the meeting, others knowing his personal affairs aren't to be pried into. This part of his job can wait. He has his driver make a few stops on the way home before he arrives, and he finds you curled into the large bed beneath the blankets. Feeling the mattress sink in next to you, your eyes flutter open to the gorgeous face looking down to you. Sukuna's warm hand is cupping your cheek gently, his thumb rubbing over the small dried tear streak from your eye. His gaze focused on it momentarily before lifting his eyes to yours.
"Hey, princess." he chuckles and kisses your forehead before placing something soft and velvety against your lips. The familiar scent of a rose filled your senses and you smiled weakly to him.
"Is it already after 5..?" You ask through a small yawn, assuming it was the end of his work day. "Not even close." He chuckles, his large hand rubbing across your hip, caressing you softly.
"Saw you went home. Came to check on my darling."
Ah, that's right. You sometimes forgot your husband knew your every move. Others thought it was severely controlling and an invasion to your privacy, but you honestly didn't care. He had his possessive traits, but you knew he'd never interfere into something innocent unless it was to benefit you. Like now. It was little moments like this you enjoyed. You didn't want to bother him, and he could see your location was heading towards home. So, not like you were straying away to a place he didn't know. But, he chose to come on his own. And the rose and small basket of your favorite treats he had got on the way home made it even more endearing.
"Just having a rough day?" His deep voice spoke against your skin as you now cuddled with him, his warm lips gracing your neck in kisses.
"Yeah, my boss can be such an asshole. I swear, he likes to insult everyone in front of a crowd for no reason. Its so embarrassing and I just wasn't in the mood today for his antics."
"Want me to kill him for you?" His serious sounding response made you laugh while shoving his arm playfully. "Ha, I wish."
Oh sweet innocent thing...your husband would do anything for you. With the money and power he possesses, a simple task as that would be nothing. You may have joked and laughed about a crazy fantasy that many wished upon their shitty bosses, but in your case, it would be taken care of.
This wasn't the first time Sukuna heard you complain about your boss, nor the first time you came home early and had been obviously crying. Sukuna was the endearing CEO husband who you loved and trusted with all your heart. At least, to you he was. To others, he was a terrifying sight, especially if anyone crossed him. Or you.
Sukuna hummed in delight while slipping on a pair of black latex gloves, a slight twitch in his lips, pulling them to a grin across his face.
"If you keep trying to break out of those cuffs, I'm going to bash in your kneecaps." He said nonchalantly to his victim in the chair before him.
"You're fucking crazy! Just let me go man! I didn't do anything to you!"
Sukuna only hummed louder to himself to drown out the pathetic cries of desperation. Again, his victim wrestled with the cuffs, groaning and cussing while trying to slip his hands out of them.
Picking up the sledge hammer that was leaning against his prep table, Sukuna twisted it in his hands briefly, looking at the blunt end of the tool with delight. "Left, or right?" He simply asked, finally looking to the restrained man.
"You're gonna rot in jail for this shit!"
"Left it is."
Taking a step forward, Sukuna swung the sledge hammer swiftly into the mans left knee, and the sickening crunch of bones echoed through the concrete room. It only took one hit to completely destroy the man's knee, and Sukuna laughed in unison with the gargled screams from his victim. The man might eventually pass out from pain, but he'd wake him up again. This wasn't going to be quick and easy. He had too many tools laid out to have his fun for the next several hours. Pulling teeth and prying off fingernails were some of his favorite forms of slow torture.
Going into work the next day, the news of your boss quitting abruptly with no notice was shocking. You thanked luck, just happy he was finally out of here, and someone more respectable took his place. Perhaps he finally got enough complaints against him. Sukuna would rejoice in the lucky news with you later in the day after he made you an amazing dinner. And when he took you to bed, he made love so passionately to you, his large hands so gentle and tender to your body. You were clueless to his true nature, and he preferred it that way. He took pride in knowing the remains of your old boss were never going to be found. No one was allowed to make his darling cry.
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lemonmaid · 19 hours
Imagine Alpha BootHill....
Warnings: gender neutral reader, pregnant reader. Fluff with small angst.
He meets you, a single unmated pregnant omega working like a dog at a saloon in the middle of nowhere, on a dusty abandoned old mining planet.
He is very interested in you right on the bat, I mean, you can say the same thing about him. It's not every day you see a cyborg.
He comes in everyday for the past month, from noon to closing. Always asking for you to serve him.
One night he asked you out for a date.
"Oh, come on, it will be fun! Just us two- three, I mean. " He smiles down at your stomach.
You hummed, "I mean if it meets your fancy... but where? Boothill, we are in the middle of a desert.....".
He smirks, "I know a good spot."
You raise an eyebrow at him, "you know a spot but you been here almost everyday?".
"Can't I be a gentleman?"
"Can't you do your job?".
Before Boothill could reply, a blonde hair man came storming in; blabbering about Boothill taking too long and dragging the cyborg out of the Saloon.
For the next week, Boothill didn't show up to the saloon, making your omega whine at the fact. One night after closing, you noticed him waiting for you at the door.
"Let me walk you home".
You nodded, taking his hand.
Thanks to the planet's atmosphere, the sky shined bright of stars and cosmos. It was so beautiful. What was more beautiful is how the three moons reflected off Boothill's metal body, the soft white glow, it brought out the white streaks in his hair.
"Here" you say in a trance.
Silence between you too, it was kinda awkward, I mean, here you are in the presence of an alpha.
"I wanna court you-"
"But, I'm-".
"I don't care about that, I wanna give you what you deserve".
You bit your lip, your scent filled with anxiety, "what about your job with the Galaxy Rangers?".
"I want you to come with".
"Space is no place for a pup to live in, it's too dangerous and unstructured".
"I still want you, that will never change love". Boothill sighed before taking off his hat, "I may be... a quarter of the alpha I used to be. I'm reckless, pin-headed, hell I don't even got a scent anymore, I can't even feel anything anymore. But I do damn know that you... your scent... it's making me feel something I haven't felt in a hot minute... so please... let me court you... we can make this work". Boothill grabs your hands, putting them on his face, wanting to finally feel ya, "please just think about it".
You nodded your head, allowing him inside of your small home. He wrapped his arms around you hugging you, almost crushing. "Thank you, thank you thank you". He mumbled. You rubbed his head, noticing a faint smell, you laugh.
You smile, before taking a deeper whiff os the small and faint scent, "You say you don't have a scent, but right behind ya ear.... I smell you..... your scent is... comforting... stuipd cyborg".
Boothill went stiff before letting small tears poke the corner of his eye. He laughs too, joining your fit of laughter.
This was rushed, I had the idea had to write it down fast lol and I'm now getting into honkai 😭
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goth-mami-writer · 3 days
umm that recent fic u posted (love it btw) got me heated ngl. So would it be okay if I could request one where reader broke things off with Leon (cuz of Ada/during the re4 era) and years later they see each other at Claire’s get together?? But reader is with fiancé and u can decided the ending—thank you
♡Wet Wedding Dress♡
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader work
《 You bursted into Claire's party that night and winced to the number of people already present and on-time unlike you. You carefully brushed past some of the crowd as Claire in her red cocktail dress crossed her green lawn to greet you.
“Geez, I am so sorry I'm late. Traffic was crazy..” You said apologizing but Claire in her usual, perpetual kindness hugged your neck, only caring that you came at all on her birthday.
“Don't worry! Ugh, the stupid caterers were late anyhow. You haven't missed a thing.”
You went ahead and gave her the small gift you'd picked up on the way over, having boxed it up in the car and she smiled appreciatively and promised she'd place it with the others back on the dessert table.
You felt a little overwhelmed by the people already here when she walked away. You wove ‘hi’ to a few of them asking how they've been since basic. The conversation was nice but you noticed yourself wandering in the hopes of finding someone else.
Leon was in the back of the living room out of your gaze. He sat with his back to the wall, talking over a game of pool with a few acquaintances from the past. He noticed a new silhouette in the room suddenly and then felt a racing flutter in his heart as you crept closer.
He sat upright in his seat, clutching his beer as a surge of nervousness washed over him. He blinked several times to assure himself that it was you and he handed his long cue to one of them, telling them to take his turns for the rest of the game. He then poured the rest of his beer into a tall houseplant secretively as he needed an excuse to get into the open kitchen area where you were headed.
He couldn't approach you directly. It would be weird for both of you, he was sure. The last meeting you had wasn't exactly a kindred memory. He'd just been caught talking to Ada his ex when he said that they'd parted ways and well within your right to, you had slapped him across the face. You two were dating at the time, and he did love you. But that palm print against his cheek was the mark he needed to know that you loved him too. Enough to cry while telling him that hated his guts.
He never forgot that night. And he wondered now on his approach the beer cooler on the kitchen floor if you remembered it too and now he wanted to ask you if telling him you hated him, stung in your throat like your handprint on his face.
You were oblivious to him reaching down into the cooler while you were scanning the room in fact trying to find…him. You held your hand to your chest, taking a plastic glass premade by Claire's punch bowl to give your hands something to do.
He wanted to get your attention- so nonchalantly, as if he was mistakenly not paying attention, he ‘accidentally’ placed the cold beer bottle to the side of your thigh just below your dress as you stood faced away from him.
“Sorry..” He said feeling you shiver, then felt just as frozen by the first look you gave him. Your eyes lit up brightly and you put down the small plastic glass but..you held your hands together. Your spirit told you to wait and remember to resonate on how much you've missed him.
‘Don't hug him, idiot. Don't you dare hug him.’ you thought in your head.
You crossed your arms, trying not to be awkward when he searched in your gaze as well you did his. He didn't think of the night you slapped him at all when he stood in front of you now, lost for words that were certainly taking their precious time to find him. He thought of that morning before. You had slept over after spending your night together. You laid there only wearing the half smile you wore when you dreamt and he thought of the morning sun in your hair, circling around you like a halo.
“Didn't think I'd run into you.” He said, clearing his throat to break the thoughts in his head that tormented him with the images of you sleeping so beautifully in his bed like you were born to do it.
You shrugged, then mentioned with some added repose to portray that you weren't aching to see him,
“Yeah, I ugh- I forgot you were friends with Claire. Uhm..”
You twined your hands behind your back, mentioning a little more brave after a hard swallow,
“It's nice to see you.”
Leon nodded, telling you the same and he found his mind wandering again. But yours was too. A part of you stayed resigned thinking that he might’ve hated you for the last fight you had. You overreacted and you regretted doing it everyday. After remembering that, you thought about just walking away.
“How've you been?” He asked, trying to keep down all the things he really wanted to say.
When you moved your hair out of your eyes, Leon's heart sank into his stomach and hit the bottom of his feet with a clunk that shook him. He felt a ball wadding up in his throat and his eyes fell down to realize the worst thing had happened while you two were separated.
You had a ring on your finger.
“I've been alright. How about you? Still…federal and working in DC?” You asked, noticing that he stared now at your engagement ring, hating that he'd even seen it.
Leon nodded, trying to avoid sounding like a brag so he merely shrugged while catching another glimpse of that little shiny boat-sinker rested on your ring finger.
“You ugh-” Leon asked, wanting to get this part over with,
“You getting married?”
You froze, hoping he wouldn't try and ask the details of your fiancé so soon. You wanted to reminisce and try to find the normalcy between you. However, you knew that was the overly hopeful part of yourself trying to…..imagine that you two still had a chance at working.
“I am.” You answered, twisting the ring on your finger tensely,
“Here in about three months.”
Fuck, he thought. Feeling like he was talking with a hole carved through his chest now. He had thought about calling you sometime in the year apart. He thought now that maybe if he'd gone through with it, things would be different now. You'd be wearing his ring on your finger.
You heard Claire call out from behind him and she yelled out that “Jacob” was here and you smiled widely, waving him over and you introduced Leon to your fiancé on the spot but felt the air change between you.
Leon looked over his shoulder as this new man approached and not-impressed just didn't fit the bill. Jacob was lanky, wore glasses with curly, boyish hair that just looked to be lackluster. But, Leon shook his hand to be cordial.
Jacob looked to you, a little surprised to be standing in front of the renowned agent Leon S. Kennedy, and he asked you softly as if to be discreet,
“You ugh….you worked together? You've never told me that, honey.”
Your face turned a bright, telling pink, looking back to Leon, then Jacob in this awkward situation you'd found yourself in. Leon tried not to gasp at the feeling of being some kind of secret and more, so he tried not to smile. He put the bottle of beer to his lips, hiding his grin as you backpedaled all the reasons you just so happened to never bring him up before.
“Well-” Leon said, holding back a laugh. He was amused with the way things had turned out, but he laughed also at himself. Even though Jacob looked like a scrub in his eyes, that was your man, and he had no right to make judgment.
But you couldn't tell that to his mind.
“I'll catch you guys later. Nice seeing you.”
You felt the need to pull him back, wanting him to stay, but you told him goodnight as he slipped away back into the crowd. You lost him after only a moment, and yourself and Jacob then gravitated back towards the outside veranda where Claire's cake was being cut already.
The rest of the night, you felt detached from the celebration. You were sunken into your phone, overhearing the conversation from Jacob and his friends that were in attendance. Leon sat against the wall, chugging what had to be the 10th beer he'd gotten ahold of and felt a fire starting when he constantly found himself staring at you.
And him.
When everyone began making their way home, hugging Claire's neck before waving goodnight, he wanted to make sure you didn't leave before he gave you a drunken earful of what exactly he thought of Jacob and how you deserved better. He was stumbling, trying hard to focus as he looked for you in the front yard of people but you had been following him in silence for the past few steps he'd taken.
“Leon-” You said, trying to be gentle knowing he was drunk.
He turned, trying to shake away the warble in his vision and he faced you, leaning on the wall so he wouldn't stumble while you talked. He noticed something in your hands and looked up as you started explaining, somewhat unsurely.
“I just-” You said, beginning to crumble the piece of paper in your palm, knowing you were only doing this so he wouldn't think you were still into him,
“I just wanted to give you this. We had a few extra so I wanted you to have one.” You said handing over an official invite to your wedding in the few short months.
Leon felt a scoff leave his mouth due to the loss of his inhibitions then you mentioned to ease any doubt,
“You don't have to go. We're friends so.. I figured I'd tell you that you were welcome to come. If…you wanted to.”
There was a silence between you after that. You wish you knew what he was thinking. Because the space and the quiet was killing you as you stared at the floor. You started to tell him that Jay seemed to like hearing the stories of you two working together but Leon spouted off quietly,
“I'm happy that you're happy.”
He turned his head, his eyes half lidded partially from the alcohol but also to the tension. You don't know why. But it just sounded like he was…lying. Or at least leaving something out. But you were too, weren't you? There were a million things you couldn't say.
“Me..too..” You said in a hollow tone, feeling nothing but empty after you said it.
You brushed past him, knowing that Jay was waiting in the car then you said over your shoulder, trying not to sound desperate as if you wanted nothing more than the last word,
“Just..text me if you're coming. Just so I know.”
“I will-” Leon said montonely, looking up at the ceiling before mentioning finitely before you were gone,
“Congratulations..by the way.”
You wanted to thank him but instead you just trudged away. On your way home that night, Jacob asked what was keeping you so quiet. Thinking that maybe you had a lot on your mind but you did. You told him you were fine, just tired and wanted to shower before bed. Once you closed the bathroom door and turned on the water, all you could do was cry in the hum of the shower. You were getting married in two months and you were going to be thinking of Leon now, every single day, weren't you? Could you really wear someone else's ring?
~Your Wedding Day
You sat in the dressing room ten minutes before the ceremony. Your makeup was done, and your dress flowed around you with even your veil made of the fine, sheer lace that cost a fortune. Your bridesmaids had been asking all morning if you hadn't slept well. You were irritable, easy to ignite. But they figured it was nerves, and you assured them as much.
When ten minutes became nine, you looked up to the dimly lit vanity mirror and asked the room full of people if you could have a minute alone. Everyone was quick to do as you asked and when you were washed back into a more settling silence, you pulled the phone away from your purse. That morning, unbeknownst to anyone you'd received a text from Leon saying that he was coming today and that he was sorry he didn't rsvp sooner.
You stared at that message longingly while you were alone and in a moment derived from lack of thought and more so grounded in a nostalgic panic, you called him. You held the phone to your ear feeling as if this just wasn't real.
Leon was signing in at the small table in the cathedrals vestibule when you called and he was slow to reach into his jacket pocket to answer. You heard it ring once then quickly ended the call, cursing into the mirror as you tossed your phone down.
“Fuck!” You cried from the feeling of never speaking to him again and you leaned over, trying to save your makeup from tears. You hurried to preserve your mascara, now asking yourself over and over what you were doing.
You were led along by the wedding coordinator in the next few minutes and stood in front of the large double doors, peering inside as your bridesmaids entered the ceremony hall first, waltzing down the aisle along with the lulling accordion music. When the loud, booming bells began to change in arrangement, you heard the sound of everyone standing and you took the last breath you needed to convince yourself that….you weren't making the biggest mistake of your life.
The doors opened and softly you heard the gasps of everyone in attendance to your long, ornate gown that cascaded to the floor in its angelic, blinding white. You stepped forward on the coordinator's cue and began reluctantly down the aisle. You stared at the floor as you began to softly cry with one tear escaping. Leon watched as you moved with a slowness. These were the last images he'd ever have of you before losing you to marriage and he realized it now. His gaze resigned back down and he told himself not to be so goddamn selfish.
As you came to the altar, Jay helped you up to stand across from him. The priest began to read from the traditional verses detailing a bound union made with love and duties to those who dedicate themselves with vows. All of the words felt meaningless as you stood there, staring into the ground with your bouquet ready to break beneath your clawed fingers.
Then, you were prompted to turn for the placing rings. Jacob slid his ring on your trembling finger and you did the same, reciting vows as you both did so to the stone walls that echoed. Jacob said the prolific phrase “I Do” and there in that moment, time felt stuck in place. Unmoving and slow.
You fell quiet when asked the same question that needed an “I Do.”
The church grew at its quietest and waited for you to respond. Leon looked up from his harrowed stare into the floor and watched you hesitate. You held Jacob's hands but felt that nothing would ever leave your throat again without a fight. Your voice shook as well as your legs, and with a breath of air you felt you needed to die for, you instead turned to run.
The congregation gasped sharply, and people even stood to watch as you fled in heavy strides that flowed your dress behind you in long, white billows as you sped down the aisle. Tears flooded your face now as your shaking hands held up the front of your gown, and you screamed curses that probably appalled the stone angels on the walls, but you didn't care.
You begged those who ran after you not to follow as you escaped down the church's side stairs leading to the street but one shadow moved their way through the pathways and side doors to run behind you anyhow. Leon swung his keys into his hand and practically dove through the moving people to get to his car.
As the sky above you darkened in the few minutes it took you to get outside, you hurried across the large cobblestone steps in no clear direction. Tires were heard behind you, and you assumed it was one of the groomsmen trying to change your mind. But you saw Leon roll down his car window right when the rain began to fall. You shook your head, knowing water would ruin this thousand dollar dress, and you just stood now in the somehow fated torrential downpour.
Leon got out of the driver's side, asking you from the road what you were doing as the rain soaked you both now. You raised your hands, asking with a snideness as your shoulders rose in just as much confusion,
“Does it look like I know what I'm doing?”
Leon swung the wet hair away from his face and asked vaguely through the sounds of the water,
“Why'd you never say anything?”
“What?” You asked, getting closer, and he asked again, getting annoyed that he didn't ask this when he needed to,
“Why'd you never tell your little boyfriend about me?...You never told him that I was your partner. That we..worked together for years? That you…slept with me, dated me, screamed at me-”
“I fucking get it-!” You shouted over the rain to stop him but you shook your head, moving your sopping wet dress as you paced tensively to find an answer,
“I don't know, okay?! It just never came up. And don't throw it in my face about that fight. I..think about it all the time.”
“Do you?” He asked shortly, hanging on breath-by-breath for you to say it, and you crumbled, hanging your head to cry in the rain while he put the pieces together himself.
He looked out at the street, watching the water roll in and he knew he needed to make this quick before you both become waterlogged and he said with his voice roaring over the soft thunder and rainfall,
“We didn't talk at Claire's. And we should've.”
“I'm sorry for hitting you that night, Leon.” You said, sputtering with shaking lips as you sobbed, and he only half smiled, telling you that you didn't need to apologize for something like that. He began to laugh contagiously even with rainwater soaking your gown,
“You hit like a princess, come on, that didn't hurt me or my tender feelings.”
You stared at him as you both began to laugh in the rain together. It felt healing but not as healing enough as what you were about to tell him. Words left behind that should've been said years ago.
“I wish-..” Leon said stuttering until you cut him off,
“I love you.”
Leon was halted from even breathing, watching as you stared across the road to him. You knew then that there was just no other way to say it or explain it. You couldn't tell your boyfriend, your friends, or even your fiancé about him because it'd be too damn obvious from the first breath. You loved him too deeply, and it'd be written all over your face. For all to see.
Leon charged towards you after giving into the feeling. After stomping to your side, he lifted you into his arms, rising you above him, wet wedding dress and all to bring your lips to his. It felt like another tireless thing that was left undone on the night you last saw him, and you surrendered into his lips as you did those years ago.
Suddenly you heard voices from up the street and saw as your family and wedding party had found you, yelling over the rain to the others and you looked to Leon in horror, knowing you could never go back now.
“You wanna get me the hell outta here?”
He nodded with a devious smile as he brought you back to your feet, and you remembered that troublemaking look from the many memories of his past antics in your mind. He raced with you back to his car, and you watched behind you as together you both ran with your hearts pounding in the falling rain. He closed you inside the car, hearing as your family began yelling your name, and his foot slammed to the gas pedal once back behind the wheel.
“Hang on tight.” He said as the motor accelerated loudly in a whir.
You laughed in new joy feeling his car take off in a getaway that spun the tires and throttled the loud engine. He took your hand once the rear view became a blur but you noticed one more thing that needed to be left behind along with the life in the distance. You tossed that wedding ring out the window. It clinked to the road passing you by and you nodded as Leon smiled widely to the sight.
“That's better.” You said in relief to take his hand. 》
I wrote the HELL outta that one. Thank you so, so much. That was fun. Looking forward to more! ✌️
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psychesalcove · 2 days
WHEN YOURE ALL ALONE, ILL REACH FOR YOU (when you're fellin' low, i'll be there too)
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college au! jason grace x gn! reader
yes, from amandamariee
⚠️: reader is a bit of an overachiever, crying, being overwhelmed bc of school work, shitty ass writing (sorry gang) not proofread AT ALL
in which ; jason comforts reader who is overwhelmed by school work due to finals.
a/n: thank you so much for the request babes!! i hope this lives up to your expectations,, i loveee fluff and comfort fics so so much like it's actually scary 😔 ALSO i made the reader have a history major – just in case anyone was wondering :)
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finals season was upon the students of new rome. cafes were filled to the brim with students, workbooks, and the sound of typing on laptops (that were specially made for demigods, of course).
you were one of the studnets who found themselves at the cafe more often than you would like to admit. earlier today you were at a popular cafe downtown with annabeth, but, around two hours into your study session, you wanted a change of scenery.
and that's how you found yourself back at the condo you and jason shared.
your wooden desk that you had gotten at ARC had every surface possible filled with studying items. old assignments, papers your professor handed out, your notes, and every color of highlighter imaginable.
your tea (which jason had made for you) was long forgotten on the edge of the desk, close to tipping over onto the carpeted floor of the bedroom. you had been in the same posion on your chair for about an hour and a half, eyes focused on reading an essay you had wrote a couple months ago.
jason would have already had you take a break by now, but he was downtown. you and jason were supposed to meet with the seven for dinner tonight, but you decided to stay home and study more. jason had insisted on staying with you, but with much persistence on your end, he was out the door and on his way downtown.
and of course, when you're studying for the most important test of this year, your dyslexia decided to act up. you had been stuck on the same sentence for about 5 minutes now. the words kept getting jumbled in your mind, floating from place to place on the page. the monster attacks you could deal with; but not being able to read a simple sentence?
you sighed heavily through your nose, setting down your pen onto the desk. this essay should be easy to read; you were the one who wrote it after all. your eyes shifted from the essay to the rest of your desk. you had no idea how you were going to manage getting all of the information you needed for the test in your head.
you reached for your laptop that was under a folder, because you decided that it might be easier to do work digital instead of on paper. you quickly logged into your laptop, and went to google classroom.
your eyes were drawn to the notification icon, seeing that there was one. you clicked it, mouse hovering over the writing that appeared on the screen: a comment from your professor.
y/n, i've seen you do amazing work in my class this year. what happened with this? i know you have more potential than what you wrote. i'll have to give you a D for this one, but it shouldn't affect your grade to much considering you have an A. it'll bring it down to an A- or a B at the most. i'll hope you gain your skill back in further work.
you quickly changed the screen onto where your grades were shown. there it was. a B. you knew that it wasn't a bad grade or anything, especially remembering when percy showed his grades to you once, but it still didn't sit right with you.
this was your best class, the one you always understood and got at least an 80 or higher on. you've never gotten a D.
tears quickly filled up your eyes, causing you to bink rapidly in an attempt to keep them at bay. you looked at the desk, in hopes of feeling better by now staring at the large B on your screen, but it only made it worse. all the papers and assignments quickly overwhelmed you, seeing how much you still had to do.
how will you even pass this test if you can't write a simple article about an artifact?
with that thought in your head, tears quickly started dripping down your face. a rational part of you told you that a small assignment like that didn't show your worth of the class, but the emotional part of you quickly overtook that thought.
as you sat there, posture rigid and tears freely falling down your face, you were to focused on your own being to register the sound of a door opening and footsteps going down the hall twords the bedroom you were in. you only got out of your head when you felt cold hands rubbing up and down your upper back.
"hey, love, what's wrong?" a voice, that you quickly recognized as jason's, said. you didn't know how to verbally respond, so you coughed hard and brought a hand up to your face to try to remove the tear stains from your face.
jasons hands moved from your back to go over your shoulders, hugging you from behind. "how about we get you into a bed first, hm?" he questioned gently, leaning awkwardly so his face was closer to your ear. after registering what he said, you nodded slightly as you made a move to stand up.
jason aided in getting you up, and then put a hand over your shoulder when the two of you started the short walk to the bed. he let you sit first, and then quickly followed in suit. he sat in front of you, letting you get a clear image of his blonde hair and concerned face.
he grabbed your hands and held onto them lightly, giving you the option to leave his grasp at any point. "love, try to copy my breathing, okay?" he instructed, making eye contact with you. he slowly took a deep breath in through his mouth, waiting for you to follow. once he saw the movement , he slowly exhaled through his nose, again, waiting for to follow his breathing pattern.
this continued until jason deemed you collected enough to talk about whatever made you upset. "want to tell me what got you so worked up, my love?" he asked again, softly smiling at you when you two made eye contact.
you quickly explained your situation in a shaken voice, still getting own crying. his eyebrows knitted in concern as he listen to you, and his thumb started slowly rubbing circles on your knuckles when he noticed your teary eyes.
once you finished speaking, he took you into his arms and held you gently. "how about you take a break. i'll make you tea, and you can eat if you want. then, we'll come back, and i'll help you with whatever you need help with. sound good?" he explained, already making a move to stand up with you.
the two of you quickly found yourself in the kitchen. jason had dimed the lights to emit a soft orange glow from above, and turned on the stove light as he filled the kettle up with water.
"you know, you're amazing at what you do, love." jason said, turning to you as he turned off the sink water after the kettle was filled up. "and, i know that you also know that, somewhere in there," he continued, brining up a finger and pointing at his head. you chucked softly, making jason get a small grin on his face from making you laugh, even if it was only little.
he walked over to the stove and placed the kettle on the stove, turning on the stove top, then moving over to where you sat on the counter. he gently wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you into a gentle embrace. "yknow you could have asked for my help earlier, i would have stayed with you, my love." he said as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"i know, but i wanted you to go out. i didn't want to keep up cooped up in here with me just because i didn't want to have dinner with them." you said as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
"i never feel 'cooped up' with you, love. and i wouldn't have minded not going, although leo and piper seemd very pressed about you not being there tonight. said they wanted to meet up with you tomorrow to 'add to their gossip'." he said, chuckling lightly at the thought of leo and piper.
you smiled softly as you thought about your friends, knowing how much they meant to you. just then, your stomach growled, notifying both you and jason that you were starving.
"how about we make you some toast? then we can go back and start on some flashcards for you, sound good?" jason asked, pulling away from the embrace and walking over to the pantry, signaling with his hands for you to follow.
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Just a sneak peek at a Jaune x Kali fic I'm working on
It was a somber day in Menagerie, as the previous white fang leader and loving husband was found dead with two sword stabs through his head. The entire nation was saddened and mourning the death of Ghira Belladonna. His now Widowed wife had locked herself away in her now empty estate and spent her days crying, that was until she heard a knock at the door. Getting up and walking to the door, she opened it and saw her daughter, and what she would assume was her friend.
“Oh hello Blake sweetheart and this is?” Kali asked as Blake looked at Jaune.
“Mom, this is Jaune, my friend from Beacon.” Blake replied.
“Hello Ms.Belladonna it's nice to meet you” Jaune says with a soft smile.
“Greetings Jaune, Blake I'm assuming you're here for your father's death..?” Kali asked, causing Blake to nod.
“I'm truly sorry to both of you for your loss” Jaune said, placing his hand on his chest.
“Thank you Jaune, I appreciate you coming along with me” Blake says walking inside her house leading Jaune in as well.
Kali led the two into the living room and sat down on the couch, while Blake and Jaune sat on the other couch.
“They still haven't found the murderer of Ghira all they know is that he was stabbed twice by a thin blade.” Kali says with a heavy sigh.
“What about Adam?” Blake asked.
“No he himself came forth and admitted that while he didn't agree with how Ghira ran things when he was in charge, he would never take Ghira's life.” Kali explains causing Blake to sigh and nod.
“Jaune, can you stay with my mom while I track down my father's killer?” Blake asked.
“Yeah of course, you focus on finding who took your dad's life” Jaune says as Blake hugs him.
The hug was short as Blake walked out of the estate and closed the door, leaving Jaune and Kali by themselves.
“I appreciate you staying with me Jaune.” Kali says, wiping a tear away.
“It's no problem Mrs.Belladonna, it's the least I could do” Jaune says, picking up a box of tissues and handing it to Kali, who would take a tissue and wipe her tears.
She smiles and throws the tissue in the trash can and looks back at Jaune, it takes a few seconds before she speaks again.
“Blake told me about how you lost someone during the Fall, are you doing alright?” Kali asked Jaune who was surprised by the question.
“I'm doing my best, it's all we can do. I'm not gonna say I'm over it but I have to move on someday.” Jaune says smiling.
Kali smiles back at him as she stands up and walks over to Jaune.
“I'll show you to the guest room.” Kali says walking to the hall, which Jaune follows her.
Once at the door Kali opens the door and Jaune walks in, setting his bag on the table. He looked around the room smiling and then turned to Kali. “Thank you Ms. Belladonna” Jaune says to her with a smile.
“Of course but please call me Kali” She says leaving the room and going to hers and once he was alone he laid down on the bed and fell asleep.
A few days have passed Jaune helped comfort Kali with the passing of her husband and the two grew a small friendly bond, with Jaune cleaning up the estate and even cooking for Kali and himself. Jaune hummed as he walked past Kali's room and noticed the door was open and knocked on the door, which after a few seconds he was met by Kali. Wearing a nightgown.
“Oh hello Jaune what can I do for you?” Kali asked him with a soft smile.
“Sorry I saw your door open so I wanted to make sure everything was alright” Jaune says with a smile on his face.
“You're sweet” Kali says leaning against her door while staring into his eyes.
“By the way, Blake called saying she's made some headway into finding your husband's killer” Jaune says resulting in a soft smile from Kali.
“That's good” She says looking up at Jaune before looking away.
“No matter what I do Jaune, I can't stop thinking about Ghira…I miss him, I know I need to move on but-” Kali says before she stops feeling Jaune put a hand on her shoulder.
“No no I get it, it's going to be hard but I'll be here no matter what” Jaune says as Kali hugs Jaune tightly.
Jaune wrapped his arms around Kali as the two shared a tender deep hug for a few moments before they broke the hug off looking at each other.
“Jaune, would you mind staying in my room tonight? I could use the company” Kali asked him knowing he probably would say no and she wouldn't blame him if he did.
“Sure I-I don't mind” He said, which took Kali by surprise before she took hold of his hand and led him inside and closed the room door behind him.
Once inside the room he noticed how massive the bed was, then again Jaune remembered Blake told him how big and bulky her father was so his surprise quickly went away. Kali let go of his hand and sat on the bed and untied her robe letting Jaune see her lingerie nightgown making him blush and look away out of respect.
“Jaune, you don't have to look away” She said softly, “Please come and help me..~” She begged him.
“But you're Blake's mom I can't do that with you” Jaune says as Kali grabs his hand and pulls him on top of her.
“You promised you'd help me and what does your family never do?” Kali says, causing Jaune's eyes to widen.
“Never go back on a promise” He says making Kali smile.
“Besides, Jaune you've been nothing but help this past week…and I've couldn't take my eyes off you. I don't know why but you remind me of my husband in so many ways…” Kali says, placing her hands on his cheeks before pulling him in for a deep tender kiss.
Jaune didn't know how to respond until he found himself lost in the kiss as he moves his hands onto Kali's hips and turns causing Kali to down be on top of him as the two continue the tender kiss, while Jaune swirls his tongue around Kali's tongue starting to French kiss her. Kali was enjoying this, she didn't feel lonely anymore, she had someone here with her now and knew how to kiss so well. Kali would break the kiss and get off of Jaune still blushing as she bends over and takes off her lace lingerie panties revealing her slightly wet pussy to Jaune.
“C-Could you eat me out p-please” Kali asked shyly as Jaune stood up and walked over to Kali and put his hand on her kisses her neck while fondling her massive ass.
“Of course Kali” Jaune says guiding Kali back to the bed, laying her down and getting between her legs as he started to lick her milf pussy.
Once she felt his tongue lick her entrance she let out a breath while Jaune gripped her thighs and began to kiss, lick, and suck on Kali's pussy while Kali moaned loudly. He then mainly stuck to sucking on her clit as he shoved his tongue into her pussy making her squirm as she felt Jaune eat her pussy.
“F-Fuck I'm gonnn-!” She started moaning before she squirted over Jaune's mouth.
Jaune moves his lips away from her pussy and stands back up, a hard on in his pants in full view as he wipes his lips.
“T-Thank you for that J-Jaune” She says looking at him before her eyes notice his bulge in his pants.
She sat up and unzipped his pants and pulled down along with his boxers allowing his dick to fling out.
‘Oh God's his dick… it rivals the size and girth of Ghira's… and its scent’ she thought, smelling it as she could get enough.
She didn't wait as she shoved his dick into her mouth and began sucking like a rabbit in heat while she used one hand to jerk Jaune off while she gave him one wild blowjob. Jaune on the other hand bit his lip while watching Kali suck him off, the view of her big milkers bouncing only made him more horny for the Widowed milf. With her other hand she grabbed Jaune's hand and put it on her head, implying he wanted him to guide her, own her.
He put his other hand on her head and began thrusting, causing Kali to gag for a second before she adjusted to the speed Jaune was going at.
‘God's he's even rougher than Ghira was, he is perfect~!’ She thought to herself as she put her hands behind her head as Jaune kept thrusting using her mouth.
Jaune kept thrusting before he held her head against his lower area and cums in her throat and pulls his cock out of her mouth. Kali closes her mouth and swallows his cum and opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out seductively before closing her mouth again.
“Kali I want you to ride my cock and slam that fat ass on it until you can't no more” Jaune says sitting next to her well laying down next to her.
Kali felt herself get hotter from how he ordered her as she got on him immediately and lined his cock with her pussy and slid down on her as she shook her head while moaning loudly before slamming already down on his cock. She felt Jaune grab her head and pull her down into a deep French kiss as she started bouncing her massive ass on his dick just like he asked. She breaks the kiss as their tongues were inches apart as she stared into his eyes with a mix of lust and love while still slamming her pussy down on his dick, she could feel his dick stretching her more just making her bounce faster.
“F-Fuck fuck fuck fuck~!” Kali moaned as she kept riding Jaune's dick while Jaune moved his hands onto her hips making her bounce even more.
“Such an eager woman you are Kali” Jaune says as Kali had imaginary hearts in her eyes as she bounced even harder.
“Y-Yes I am~! Please fill. Me. up~!” She moans as she slammed down once more as Jaune moved his hands from her hips and back to her head and pulled her in for a kiss as he cums in her pussy, filling her womb up.
She slowly slides off his dick and gets off the bed and looks at Jaune's cum covered cock and bites her lip as she watches Jaune stand up and put his hands on her hips and kisses her, making him melt in his touch. She turns around and bends over placing her hands on the wall as she shakes her ass.
“Show me more fun… Daddy~” She said seductively as within a few seconds Jaune was behind her and shoved his dick back into her pussy, gripped her hips and began thrusting quickly and roughly.
Kali couldn't help but moan as Jaune used her pussy, and did she enjoy how rough he was being with her. She didn't care for soft sex she wanted it hard and rough, all boxes Jaune were checking.
“You're so wet, it makes it easier for me to rail this pussy made by the gods!” He moaned as he delivered a harsh smack to one of Kali's ass cheeks making it jiggle and Kali moan louder.
“Yes Oh God's fuck keep going~!” Kali moaned and Jaune did just that and kept thrusting like there was no tomorrow.
Jaune smacked her juicy ass once more, making her moan even louder as she looked back at him with a lustful seductive stare in his eyes. He kept thrusting and her stare only made him go rougher with her and after a few more moments he slammed against her cervix and cummed, filling her womb once again. He pulled out and back up falling onto the bed as Kali walked over to him and laid beside him and pecked his cheek and cuddled up next to him.
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small-z24 · 3 days
One-Shot: The Breaking Point
Summary: A heated exchange between Y/N and Azriel leaves them both broken hearted.
Word Count: 958
Warnings: None but so much angst
The House of Wind stood silent and imposing under the pale light of the moon. Inside, the tension was palpable. The Night Court's inner circle had gathered in the main hall for a meeting that had quickly turned heated.
Y/N stood with her arms crossed, her eyes blazing with defiance as she faced off against Azriel. The usually composed Shadowsinger was visibly agitated, his shadows writhing around him like a storm ready to break.
"You had no right to interfere, Y/N," Azriel snapped, his voice low but filled with anger. "This mission was dangerous, and you put yourself at risk without consulting anyone."
Y/N's eyes narrowed, her own anger flaring. "I did what needed to be done, Azriel. You were taking too long to make a decision, and I couldn’t just sit by and watch people suffer."
Azriel took a step closer, his shadows swirling around him menacingly. "You’re reckless and impulsive. Do you have any idea what could have happened? You could have been killed."
"Reckless?" Y/N scoffed, refusing to back down. "I saved lives, Azriel. While you were hesitating, I took action. Maybe you should thank me instead of berating me."
Azriel's hands clenched into fists at his sides. "This isn't a game, Y/N. Every decision has consequences, and you need to learn to think before you act."
"Don't patronize me," Y/N shot back, her voice rising. "I'm not a child, and I don’t need you or anyone else telling me what I can and cannot do."
The other members of the Night Court watched the exchange with varying degrees of concern and discomfort. Rhysand and Feyre exchanged a worried glance, while Cassian and Mor looked ready to intervene if necessary.
Azriel's jaw tightened, his eyes dark with a mix of frustration and something deeper—something that Y/N couldn't quite place. "You think you know everything, don’t you? You think you're invincible."
Y/N stepped closer, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And you think you can control everything and everyone. Maybe if you trusted people more, you wouldn't feel the need to."
Azriel’s eyes flashed with hurt and anger. "This isn’t about control. This is about keeping you safe. Why can’t you see that?"
Y/N's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest. "Because you don't trust me, Azriel. You never have."
Silence fell over the room, the weight of her words hanging between them. Azriel's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his features.
"I do trust you, Y/N," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't lose you. Not like this."
Y/N's anger ebbed slightly, replaced by a mix of confusion and sorrow. "Why, Azriel? Why does it matter so much to you?"
As she stared into his eyes, she felt a strange pull, a connection that she had never noticed before. It was as if her very soul was reaching out to his, recognizing something profound and unbreakable. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her breathless.
"No," she whispered, her voice trembling. "It couldn’t be. We can’t be... mates."
Azriel's eyes widened slightly, and Y/N could see the truth in them. He had known. He had known all along.
"You knew," she said, her voice rising with a mixture of anger and betrayal. "You knew and you didn't tell me."
Azriel stepped closer, his expression pained. "Y/N, I—"
"How could you?" she interrupted, tears welling in her eyes. "How could you keep something like this from me?"
Azriel reached out, but she took a step back, shaking her head. "I didn’t want to overwhelm you. I didn’t want to risk our friendship, our partnership."
Y/N’s heart ached with the weight of his words. "But you did risk it, Azriel. By not telling me, you made the decision for both of us. You didn’t trust me enough to handle the truth."
Azriel’s shoulders sagged, his shadows wrapping around him protectively. "I thought I was protecting you."
"Protecting me?" Y/N laughed bitterly. "You were protecting yourself. You were afraid of what it would mean for us."
Azriel’s eyes pleaded with her, his voice breaking. "I was afraid of losing you."
Y/N took a deep breath, her anger mingling with the hurt. "Well, you might have just done that."
The room was silent, the tension so thick it was almost suffocating. The other members of the Night Court watched, their expressions a mix of sympathy and concern.
"Y/N," Azriel began, his voice desperate. "Please, I’m sorry. I know I should have told you. I was wrong. But I love you. I’ve loved you for so long, and I didn’t want to ruin everything."
Y/N’s heart twisted at his confession. "Love isn’t about keeping secrets, Azriel. It’s about trust, and you broke that trust."
Azriel’s face crumpled with regret. "I know. And I’ll do whatever it takes to earn it back. Just... don’t walk away."
Y/N closed her eyes, trying to steady her racing heart. "I need time, Azriel. Time to process this, to figure out what it means for us."
Azriel nodded, his expression filled with sorrow. "Take all the time you need. I’ll be here, waiting for you."
With that, Y/N turned and left the room, her emotions in turmoil. The bond had snapped into place, but the road ahead was uncertain and filled with pain. As she walked away, she couldn’t help but wonder if they would ever truly find their way back to each other.
And Azriel, standing in the silent hall, felt the weight of his choices and the fragile hope that one day, they might heal the rift that had formed between them.
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nunalastor · 2 days
AU in which Alastor goes to heaven after he died. Not because he deserves to be there, but because heaven realized something is weird about him and he is going to be extremely powerful. Sera is willing to advocate for genocide if it means keeping hell from having the power to revolt, so she is willing to keep this one sinner close to her if it means making sure he isn't on hell's side. He takes the role of Emily, his skills as a radio host bringing joy to the people of heaven, and he is constantly told he belongs there. Sera is initially cold to him as he is supposed to be a sinner, but eventually finds out what he actually did (killing vile people) and starts seeing him as a younger brother.
Except Alastor knows something is super weird about him being in heaven. He doesn't even like being in heaven, he just enjoys being a radio host and the whole being a powerful seraphim thing is an added bonus. So he doesn't complain, but he does question what it is that Sera is keeping from him.
He finds out when Princess Charlotte first steps into heaven. Alastor is tasked with welcoming her, and he gets to know her over the course of her time there. The council meeting is when he learns of the exterminations Sera allowed. Sera thought given what Alastor did while alive that he would understand, but he is disgusted by her and denounces everything she had done (who would've thought, the mixed man from the 30s might have some opinions on genocide). Because yes they were vile and Alastor didn't believe in redemption, but they were already in hell and upon closer inspection, Alastor found there had been no traces of any kind of rebellion until Sera's exterminations. Even those ones had been mostly led by Lilith, and completely stopped once Lilith went to her beach.
Sera tried the threat of him falling for disobedience, but Alastor didn't care about that, not to mention he had a feeling it was a bluff. He followed Charlie to help her fight against the angels, and because he was curious both about hell and about the princess.
Now Sera is in a race against the clock to get Alastor back. She was bluffing about making Alastor fall, because under no circumstances can she allow him to find out not only his true power if he fell, but the fact he was meant to be a powerful sinner in the first place. He was starting to side with hell, and she had to get him back before he could truly join the battle.
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Cw: 18+ Only! MDNI! Smut!
"The rain is coming down hard. It looks like we'll be spending the night in this cave." I sigh and sit down on the hard ground.
Ghost looks around. "We have no choice.." he sits down beside you, the sound of the rain is loud, the air is damp, and the rocks are slick
"Why are you so distant?" I look at him. it's a question that has been plaguing my mind.
He stays  silent for a moment, his mask covering any emotion that may be displayed. His face, he finally answers you in a monotone, cold voice. "I've seen a lot of things. Some people would break if they saw what I had."
"I understand that, I just wish you weren't so cold towards me, I hate when you make me feel like I'm not a part of the squad." I sigh, but my eyes never leave his.
he gets up and paces around. He's breathing heavily, he's fighting some kind of internal battle, then he finally sits down again. "i can't...... i can't get close to you, i cant do it. "
"What about Captain Soap? Don't you trust him?" I look at him curious.
He hesitates. "Yes, but.. something about you.. I can't figure it out.." He looks away, his cold eyes hidden by the shadow of his mask.
"What do you mean by that?" I was confused.
he looks at you, he's looking at you with eyes of pain, pain he hasnt let out. "I- i dont know,  i feel like i could trust you, but i've been hurt before."
"Don't let fear dictate your actions. I'm sorry if I came on too strong, but I know you can trust me." I smiled and pat his shoulder.
he looks at the ground. "I don't think you know the weight of what you're saying,  the pain i've gone through. It's made me like this." He gestures at himself.
"I know, but you're not alone." I squeeze his hand.
He sighed, "Do you mind if I remove my mask?"
"Go ahead, it's just us two." I smiled.
He reaches up and take off his mask, he turns to look at me, his brown eyes meet yours, there's a small scar above my left eyebrow, his hair is messy, voice is still monotone and cold. "There we go, better?"
"Your hair is messy. "I chuckled.
He rolled his eyes playfully "yeah, I know, I was attacked by a tiger, then I had to get out of a cave and then run all the way here, I didn't have time to brush it!" He chuckled along with you. His eyes still are cold and distant, but they're not as emotionless as before.
Asmile breaks across my face as I laugh, "You're bad at lying."
He laughs, "Yeah, yeah, I'm a liar, but at least I'm a funny liar, unlike Captain Soap, he's got no humor." He teases.
"We should start a fire and get out of these wet clothes." *I was shivering."
We started a fire and a makeshift clothes line.
Slowly undressing, I stopped midway as I looked at ghost, my eyes widened with horror, half of his muscular body was molted, reddish, purple hue overshadows his light skin.
"Oh my god, ghost! Your scars!" He looked over at me, at my reaction. He wonders if I'm disgusted.
Ghost looks away, "I-its fine, please dont worry about it."
"I'm sorry to pry, it's just i've never seen so many scars on someone before.. it must've been hell." I look at him with a face of disdain.
Ghost sighs, "It's a long story, but yes, I've experienced a lot. It's made me who I am today."
my fingertips brushed over the molted flesh, the uneven flesh is taut and slightly bumpy. "They're beautiful, all of them, every inch of you."
He suddenly freezes. He's shocked that you'd call such horrible scars beautiful.
I replaced my fingertips with my lips, kissing the delicate skin, slightly gliding my tongue across the disfigured chest. "Beautiful"
Ghost is stunned by the sudden action. "w-why?.. I'm all.. broken, scarred, not good-looking, I'm a mess."
"You're the only man that I want to be with." I kiss his from his collarbone up to his neck, nipping at his flesh.
Ghost blushes, "You really think that?.. I've never been good enough for anyone."
I kiss his cheek, "You're perfect to me." I place a hand behind his head and pull him in, kissing him passionately.
he kisses back, his heart beating like crazy "I-I thought, you'd find me disgusting."
I pull away slightly, looking up into his eyes
"There's not a single part of you that isn't beautiful."
Ghost hesitates, then pulls you in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around you tightly. Suddenly, I feel my back make contact with the damp ground. I run my hands up and across his chest, sharing a passionate kiss.
Our bodies are one, as our moans fill the cave like a choir as the rain plays like a symphony, The undeniable pleasure rocks both of us to our core. Ghost spread my legs wide open so that his thrusts would go deeper and deeper as I moaned and whimpered.
"Slow down, we have all night."
He didn't slow down. Ghost loved rough sex.
Making sure I'd feel ever inch of his throbbing hard cock stretching my tight velvet walls.
"You're so tight, fuck!" Ghost grunted, not long before I felt the jagged ground of the cave digging into my knees as he fucks me behind in doggy style, having a fistful of my hair as he slaps my ass periodically.
As time progress so did our urge to climax, holding onto him tightly as we reached our peak together, collapsing against his chest.
Ghost smiles as he pulls you back into a kiss, and he whispers, "Promise one thing, y/n."
"Yes, what is it?" I look into his eyes, wondering what he wanted me to promise.
Ghost looks you in the eyes. He seems serious, the smile gone from his face, his voice low and serious. "If anything ever happened, if I was gone or hurt, or something, you'd never leave me, right?
"I promise, whatever happens, you're stuck with me." I whisper.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Simon."
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