#gxg fluff
herlv3r · 4 months
yes or no
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୨୧ synopsis: your best friend, yunjin, constantly expresses her attraction towards you. as her best friend, you struggle and question whether she’s being serious or not. it's not easy as your lingering feelings for the girl doesn’t help either, when her actions and words only feed your delusions. 
୨୧ pairing: bestfriend!yunjin x fem!reader
୨୧ genre: fluff
୨୧ a/n: been obsessing over yes or no because it makes me feel things. listening isn't enough, i need it in my soul. sorry if there's mistakes, i proofread like once lol. anyway first fic finally done wooo!
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you've known yunjin for awhile, and you just can't wrap your head around when she began acting like this. the sweet nicknames, loving gestures, constant physical touch. you're not complaining but you shouldn't allow yourself to give in to her wicked spells.
a knock is heard on your door. "yeah, come in," a tall ginger walks into your room and closes the door gently behind her. "hi pretty girl," she looks in your direction and walks towards your bed with a cute eye smile. you gawk at her too long for your liking.
you snap out of her trance, "hi jen what's up?" she stops and flops her whole body down on your bed, slightly wrinkling your sheets beneath her. "mhmm, nothing much. i just wanted to ask if your busy." you giggle at her action, admiring how comfortable she is around you. she stares at you waiting for your response. "why bother asking me when you already know my answer?" you give her a confident look as you raise your brow.
"oh yeah right, forgot you don't have any friends other than me." you sat on your chair, dumbfounded and disbelieving with what just came out of her mouth. you pout at her, tears forming in your eyes. she bursts out laughing at your cute reaction. "ahh, you're so cute." she gets up from her position and heads towards you.
heat rushes through your face as she approaches closer. she forces you up and fixes your hair. "awh, i'm sorry baby." that was the final straw, you thought to yourself. it's unfair honestly. you hate feeling vulnerable especially for something you can't control. you don't even remember when you developed feelings for the taller girl. all you know is that you realized it too late that cupid slapped you right in the face, when you found yourself blushing even with the lightest touch from the ginger. you've held on hiding it deep down, but you don't know whether that's something to be proud of.
she snaps her fingers in front of your face, trying to get you out of your thoughts. "hey, you okay?" you come back to your senses, as you walk past her heading somewhere that's not in her proximity, but you can't avoid her forever. "yeah i'm fine"
she pulls out two tickets from her jacket's pocket, waving it in the air, "since you're not busy... how bout we go see a drive-in movie?" you thought, for the sake of your own feelings, you should turn her down. but at the end of the day, you're still her best friend. you force a smile, "sure thing!"
as you entered her car, you noticed how prepared she was. a neatly folded blanket rests on the backseats, along with a picnic basket and two bottles of sparkling drinks. smells good you thought. you secure the seat belt around you and get comfortable on your seat. "soo, what's the movie going to be?" she smiles brightly at you as she starts the engine. "mhm you'll see."
you both sat in comfortable silence for awhile, until she pulls up in an empty parking lot with a big screen in the middle. "where's everyone else?" yunjin turns to you and a slight smirk forms on the corner of her plump lip. "i don't know, i guess we're early?" you look at her with a suspicious face. "girl.. you're not planning on killing me right" she lets out a loud laugh, "pfft shut up, of course not."
she exists the car first, jogging around the front to reach your door before you stepped out. she opens the door for you while bowing as if you were a princess getting off your chariot. you chuckle, "thank you pretty lady." she winks at you in response.
you shiver as the cold night breeze passes through the thin fabric of your shirt. without a word, yunjin immediately removes her jacket and covers you up with its warmth. the scent of her perfume engulfs your senses causing butterflies to kick in. you stare at her gathering everything from the backseat as your cheeks turn bright red.
"jen this is honestly so freaky. you sure we're at the right place?" she drops everything, and intertwines your hands as she smiles. "it's okay, trust me, just relax." you listen to her and wait until she finishes setting up.
"okay sit please~" you look around and admire the scenery she created. you turn to face her "wow jen.. it's so pretty, you did so good." a slight blush of pink appears on her cheeks, "are you cold? do you want your jacket back?" attempting to remove it, she stops you and awkwardly coughs, "no it’s okay, keep it on." she shifts her body closer to you. “thought it’s a good idea to share body heat,” she gives you a small wink. your body stiffens as she leans even more closer.
eventually, the film started rolling. you smacked yunjin’s arm after realizing it’s your favourite ghibli film that’s being projected. she jokingly winces from your sudden action. you give her a side eye, “you think your slick huh, yunjin". she hums in response.
as the credits play out, she takes your hand and plays with your fingers. “so.. did you enjoy today?” you let out a tired sigh. she looks up at you. “what’s wrong?” your gaze glued to her eyes, not knowing how to explain that she’s the problem from the very beginning. how her small gestures and words freezes the time around you. how her genuine smiles turns her eyes into crescent moons and the silly faces she makes whenever she tastes something delicious. everything about her makes you feel like you’re a ticking time bomb ready to explode any second. however, she’s your best friend. it’s harder to let her go than to dump all your feelings on her. when in reality, she probably only sees you platonically.
“nothing, i’m just a little worn out,” you force a reassuring smile. “okay then, let’s get you home before you pass out,” she pats your head. as you both got up, you stop her and pull her into a hug. you feel her stiffen around your arms but she eventually wraps her arms around your waist, drawing you in closer. “thank you jen, i mean it,” you say into the hug. she grips the fabric of your clothes, “anything for you.” you let go of her embrace, knowing if you’ve held on longer you’ll combust. after packing up, you entered her car and sat in comfortable silence again.
shortly after she pulls into your driveway and parks her car. she gazes at you but doesn't say anything. you should say something, you thought. but your throat's dry and you can't spit anything out. "have a good night honey," her sweet nicknames again, but she sounds a little disappointed. "you too jen, and drive safe." you got out of the vehicle but felt like she expected something more from you.
before you could walk any farther, she gets out of her car and grabs you by the arm. "i'm sorry.. i.." you just stare at her, confused. is there something she needs? did you take something from her? she just sighs. "god.. you're so oblivious aren't you?" she lets go of you. she takes her hands and ruffles her perfect orange hair out of frustration. "what are you talking about." you stood there dumbfounded. "i call you all these cute nicknames, i let you be my passenger princess, i take you out on dates, i cancel all my plans just so i can spend my time with you. but why can't you still see it.." you just stare at her. she sighs heavily. "why can't you see... that i like you?"
a blush of pink immediately rushes on your face and you feel like steam is escaping from the top of your head. you couldn't process what came out of her pretty lips. she likes you. did you hear that right? you pull her in a tight hug. "you're an asshole" you smack her back. "for the longest time.. you made me feel all these feelings for you thinking that if i did something with them, i'd lose you." she lets out her cute chuckle as she wraps her arms around you. your heart loosens, letting go of that burden you hold of crushing on your best friend.
she gently pats your head, "soo.. will you go out with me?" you let her go and fix her hair, "yes, of course." a big grin forms on her face and takes your hand, leading you to your door. "okay, i'll call you later." a dumb smile creeps on your face. "yup, drive safe jennifer." she leans forward with her cheek facing towards you. "a kiss on the cheek will protect me," she smirks. you lean forward about to kiss her until she quickly turns her head, connecting your lips with hers.
you pull back and smack her arm. "wow! you witch." you both burst out laughing. "okay, okay now get in." as you slip inside and close the door, you watch her pull out the driveway and drive off. you lean your back against the door and flop to the ground, punching and kicking the air with excitement.
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fandomsfanatic · 1 year
Can't hear you
Deaf Wednesday AU
Enid: wens, you need to stop leaving your old used knives everywhere!
Wednesday: When I leave things in certain places, I expect to return to them at a later time, in hopes that my narrow minded girlfriend won't move them from the spot I expected them to be in.
Enid gasping, moving infront of Wednesday : I am not narrow minded okay! You cannot leave thing all over the place-
Wednesday, taking out her hearing aid: Forgive me, due to my diagnoses of hard of hearing I am struggling to hear your argument.
Enid in sign language: You can't just Take your hearing aid when you hear something you don't like...
Wednesday closing her eyes:..???
Eenid: Wednesday!
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wwandaslover · 3 months
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x F! Reader, PAST R x Natasha Romanoff (mentioned), WandaNat (mentioned)
Warnings: R is a little bit of a drug addict, rivals to lovers, angst, cheating, R is a home wrecker, swearing, very little fluff, top!wanda, smut, oral sex (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), little mention of masturbation?
(Minors and men DNI please!!)
You never randomly decide to fall in love with the person you so desperately try to hate. Especially when that person happens to be entirely unattainable and dating one of your best friends.
Wanda and Natasha started dating a few months ago and of course you and Wanda immediately didn’t get along. Natasha and you had dated for over a year before those two began dating, and that apparently drove Wanda mad.
Wanda hated how you and Natasha were so close, as if your relationship never happened and the two of you never had sex or wanted to marry one another. You on the other hand were unfazed by the “serious” relationship your ex was in.
You were high as shit more than half the time you were around them so you didn’t care even half as much as you would’ve while sober. You mostly just ignored Wanda or made dry remarks on how much of a bitch she was being when in reality she was trying to be nice, you were just pissed she was messing up your high.
Wanda quickly picked up on your drug addiction but she didn’t utter a word about it, she always tried to be polite with you for Natasha. In your mind, she was a snarky little witch who was quiet in a bothersome way. You would never acknowledge the fact she was a nice person and you were the problem.
You would never dare to admit that a simple glance from her light green eyes made you blush profusely, or that her soft voice comforted you like no other voice could, and you would most definitely never ever admit that you snuck small glances at her ass now and then.
Wanda was perfect and it deeply angered you because she was seeing one of your closest friends. You wanted to be with her but you didn’t realize it, you thought that it simply was just you getting annoyed at yet another person.
Wanda was deeply addictive, she was a drug you wanted over and over again. Despite constantly making your “hatred” for her more obvious, you still ended up going everywhere Wanda went when you, her, and Nat hung out.
Today was different though, because Natasha said she wouldn’t be tagging along. You and Wanda were alone in her room, you sat at her bay window, smoking a joint as Wanda put on music. You stayed there simply because Natasha asked you to try and get along for once, or at least that’s what you told yourself.
Wanda suddenly got off her bed and took the joint away from you, flicking it out her window and you immediately stood up and pushed her away. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You furrowed your eyebrows out of frustration.
Wanda scoffed, “You need to stop smoking that shit, you’re gonna destroy your lungs.” You didn’t respond, you simply glared at her and sat back down with your arms crossed while still glaring at her as if she was in the wrong but you knew you were.
Wanda continued, “Sorry, I forgot you don’t care about your health.” She walked away while shaking her head. She was a lot more pissed at you than usual which was probably because Natasha wasn’t there to be a buffer. You finally decided to speak up, “what’s your deal today? You’re being a dick.”
Wanda raised her eyebrows, feigning surprise that you actually spoke to her. “Natasha never says anything because she doesn’t want to upset you, but you’re getting out of control. How many days has it been since you didn’t take something?” Wanda’s tone was more concerned than anything at the end and you felt a pang of guilt for worrying her.
“I dont know, it hasn’t been that long.” You tried to sound convincing but it was clear you knew it had been a while. Wanda frowned slightly and sat next to you, curling her knees to her chest. “How long has it been since you were sober?”
You looked away momentarily, her tone saddened you even more. “I.. I think maybe uhm, five months..” Wanda’s expression grew even more worried. You just avoided her gaze and stared out the window at the rain and fog.
“You haven’t been sober since March?” Her voice softened and she gently grabbed your hand, “you need to try to get sober, you can’t keep going like this. If you don’t stop, you’re going to end up overdosing.”
You felt tears threatening to fall simply at how caring and sweet she was being. You wanted to hug her and bury your face in her neck or her chest, you just wanted to feel her embrace even more and yet you knew you couldn’t. You had gone over this a million times before with other people and yet somehow this time you decided to start crying.
You bit your lip nervously as tears ran down your cheeks, and Wanda felt her heart breaking at the sight. She immediately hugged you without thinking of Natasha, or any other reason why she shouldn’t be hugging you. You rested your forehead on her shoulder, allowing her to hold you. “I dont know why I’m crying.” You muttered, sniffling a little.
You pulled away a few moments later, still close to Wanda. She gave you a small yet sweet smile, hoping it would give you a bit of comfort. “It’s alright.” You took her polite smile and sweet words completely wrong, and leaned forward until your lips were pressing against hers. Wanda’s eyes widened and she hesitantly pulled away, staring at you in disbelief.
You looked almost just as shocked at the fact you just did that, and you felt a little sickened by yourself. You kissed one of your best friends girlfriend. You immediately felt terrible, the realization that this was your friend’s girlfriend and you just kissed her definitely didn’t make you seem like a very good friend.
Wanda didn’t know what to say or what to do, or how to feel considering the fact she didn’t dislike the small kiss, and the fact she wanted to kiss you again but less chastely. Wanda’s heart pounded as well, she felt so confused and worried at the same time. She just kissed her girlfriend’s friend. Once she realized you were standing up and about to leave she pulled you back and kissed you once again, sighing softly against your lips.
You froze since you half expected Wanda to slap you or scold you, but you didn’t expect a kiss whatsoever. You cupped Wanda’s cheeks gently even as the kiss ended and just lingered, your lips still centimeters from hers and your soft breathing mixing with hers. You couldn’t even say anything before she pulled you into yet another intoxicating kiss, this one lasting much longer.
The innocent kiss quickly turned into something more as the two of you began kissing deeply, her tongue swiping over your bottom lip and you immediately accepted it. Wanda’s lips were too soft and inviting to not let this happen, she was irresistible and you’d secretly dreamt of this too many times. All of your concerns for kissing Natasha’s girlfriend had fled your mind at this point.
Wanda pulled you onto her lap, pulling away momentarily. “Is— Is this okay?” Wanda was clearly nervous, not quite because she was cheating on her girlfriend but because she wanted you to be comfortable. You nodded a little too eager for your own liking but it made Wanda crack a small smile as she continued kissing you.
You never would’ve imagined being on Wanda’s lap, straddling her and making out with her and enjoying it so much. Her hands felt so good, slipping under your shirt and gliding along the skin of your back then slipping your shirt off. You whined slightly when she pulled away from your lips but quickly gasped as her lips went to your neck.
Wanda sucked dark hickeys on your lower neck as well as your collarbone while she unclasped your bra and tossed it to the ground. You whimpered as Wanda marked your skin, cursing under your breath when she’d occasionally nip and bite at your sensitive skin. Wanda loved how you squirmed underneath her and she abused it as much as she could. When Wanda began to unbutton and unzip your jeans then slide them down your legs, you felt your heart beating faster than before despite the fact that felt almost impossible now.
Once your jeans were on the floor along with your bra and shirt, Wanda marveled at how gorgeous your body was. “Can I take off your panties, baby?” You nearly groaned at the pet name Wanda called you, and nodded but Wanda raised a brow and spoke once again, “Use your words like a smart girl.” Wanda’s tone alone was enough to turn you on.
“Please..” you muttered, you weren’t used to being on the receiving end and it showed in your embarrassed expression. Wanda smirked, deciding that she wouldn’t tease you too much but that was mainly because she was growing impatient and just wanted to fuck you. Wanda pulled your panties down slow enough to make you whine, which Wanda found even more amusing.
Wanda finally got your panties off and couldn’t tear her gaze away from your cunt, you were perfect and so were your imperfections. Wanda put her hair back into a ponytail and lowered herself to the ground on her knees in front of you, not giving you a moment to think before burying her tongue inside of you.
You gasped and it quickly turned into a breathy moan as Wanda continued eating you out with fervor. When Wanda’s tongue was accompanied by two fingers you grasped her hair and tugged it to try and get Wanda’s face even closer to your core. Wanda placed her free hand on your hips to keep you from grinding against her tongue as she continued licking and sucking on your clit while her fingers stretched you out.
You leaned your head back against the cool glass of the bay window, the soft tapping of rain against said glass was drowned out by your moans and the lewd sounds coming from your pussy each time Wanda thrusted her fingers back into you. You were in complete bliss at that point, Wanda’s tongue worked your clit as her fingers hit deep within your cunt. Your moans grew louder and louder as the coil in your stomach was tightening each second, ready to snap at any moment. “Hold it.” Wanda mumbled against your pussy, the small vibrations causing you to whimper. “No.. please..” you could barely even speak. You glanced down at her to see her free hand had moved from your hips to between her own legs. She wanted to cum at the same time.
Your legs trembled, it felt almost impossible but you held back. When Wanda finally muttered “Now” you both came but Wanda didn’t quit. Wanda continued fucking you through your high, and continued even as you began feeling overstimulated. You didn’t stop her though, you would’ve let her stay between your thighs all day if you could’ve.
Wanda eventually stopped after she felt you had enough orgasms. She helped you back into your clothes from before despite her efforts to have you put on some of her clothes instead and she laid in bed with you next to her. The two of you laid there while listening to Wanda’s playlist, but were interrupted when you received a text from Natasha.
You felt guilt rising up in your chest the second Natasha texted. You responded and took a deep breath before turning your phone off, Wanda could tell what was stressing you out so much. “I’ll break up with her soon.” She kissed your temple softly. “You’ll hurt her.” You sighed, knowing how much Natasha liked Wanda. “We’ve only been together a few months, we haven’t even said I love you.” Wanda spoke softly.
You knew Natasha would be alright, but you still felt bad. You decided against focusing on that though, instead you buried your face into Wanda’s chest and relaxed into her embrace. You kept reminding yourself it was gonna be fine as long as Natasha never found out about it.
You spent the rest of the day hanging out at Wanda’s, your location turned off so Natasha wouldn’t suspect anything.
A/N - Sorry this is a little short and the ending sucks, also sorry for disappearing for I don’t even know how many months, I’ve been swamped with work and college, and I also really had no inspiration to write but let’s hope I post again within a month.
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angelicvity · 5 months
unspoken longing, minatozaki sana x fem reader.
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genre : fluff, angst, friends to lovers
sypnosis : constant rejection makes you decide to avoid sana at any cost. what will happen if sana realizes your absence and confronts you for it?
a/n : happy belated birthday to our sana, i was supposed to post this yesterday but something comes up. anyway this is really shitty but pls enjoy <3
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it was another ordinary day at college, but for yn, it felt anything but ordinary. the weight of unrequited love had become a burden she could no longer bear. countless times, she had confessed her feelings to her friend — sana, only to be met with rejection. but today, yet again yn determine to confess her feelings towards the latter.
yn's heart pounded in her chest as she stood in front of sana's class, waiting for the beauty to finish her class, her hands trembling with anticipation. she had gathered all her courage to confess her feelings once again, hoping that maybe — just maybe this time sana would finally reciprocate it.
after what feels like years, sana's figure finally appeared and yn approached her. "hey sana, there's something i need to tell you," yn began, her voice filled with nervousness. "oh, hey yn, what is it?"
"i've been carrying these feelings for you for a long time, and i can't keep them to myself any longer. i... i like you, sana."
sana's eyes widened slightly, her brows furrowing as she processed yn's words. she let out a soft chuckle, assuming it was another lighthearted moment between friends. "oh, yn, you're always so sweet. i really like you too! you're an amazing friend."
yn's heart sank, the weight of sana's continuous obliviousness hitting her hard. she tried to hide her disappointment, forcing a smile to mask her true feelings. "haha... yeah. anyway, i've got to go, see you sana."
with mixed emotions, yn turned and walked away, her heart aching from the unrequited feelings. yn was exhausted, tired of pouring her heart out and yet again receiving nothing in return. so she had made a difficult decision to finally move on from sana, which is by — distancing herself from sana. and so the process of moving on started.
in the days that followed, yn focused on avoiding minatozaki sana at all cost. from ignoring sana's hellos to avoiding eyes contact with sana.
as yn walked through the bustling hallways, her eyes caught a glimpse of sana chatting and laughing with their mutual friends — myoui mina and hirai momo. the ache in her chest grew stronger. she missed the warmth of sana's presence, the way her smile could brighten even the darkest of days. but yn remind herself that she couldn't continue living in a cycle of heartache anymore.
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days turned into weeks, and yn's absence did not go unnoticed by sana. her heart felt heavy and her mind felt confused with yn's sudden distance.
"did i do something wrong?" sana huffed. "quit complaining and just confront her about it sana" mina said. "yeah, you should do that instead of whining about it to us every damn time." momo complained.
the trio are currently in mina's apartment — having a study session that quickly turned into sana pouring her life problem session.
"you don't get it, its just so sudden you know? did she find out about my feelings towards her?. is that why she started avoiding me? she won't even look at me anymore. guys please help me." sana continued rambling. "like i said sana, confront her about it. you won't know what happens to her if you keep complaining and do nothing about it." mina said frustrated with sana's whining.
"fine ugh, i guess i will." sana rolled her eyes as her mind kept wandering about yn.
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the next day, sana mustered her courage to confront yn. she found the latter sitting alone in the campus library, her gaze fixed on a book but her mind clearly elsewhere.
"sana?" yn looked up, surprise evident in her eyes.
sana took a deep breath, her voice laced with vulnerability. "yn, why do you keep avoiding me? did i do something wrong to you? please tell me if i did something wrong to you. i miss you yn."
yn couldn't ignore the longing in sana's voice, but her heart was guarded. "sana, you did nothing wrong. i've been busy with assignments and projects, that's all. "
sana's brows furrowed, her eyes searching yn's face for any signs of deception. "yn, i know you well enough to sense when something is bothering you. jt feels like there's a wall between us, and i don't know why so please, be honest with me."
yn's gaze faltered, her heart feeling heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. she took a deep breath, gathering her courage to share her true feelings.
"sana, i can't bear this distance between us any longer," yn confessed, her voice filled with a mix of nervousness and determination. "the truth is, i have feelings for you. more than just friendship. every time we're apart, i feel a void in my heart, and i miss you more than words can express."
"and i've been avoiding you because i thought we couldn't be more than friend, with your constant rejection, moving on is the only thing i could do."
sana's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. she hadn't expected yn to have the same feelings. a sense of relief filled her chest.
"y-yn, i didn't know... i didn't think you'd felt the same way," sana stammered, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and joy. " and i'm so sorry, i've been rejecting you because i never thought you would like me back, its just too good to be true."
sana took a step closer, her eyes shining with sincerity. "yn if you're willing, please let me take you out on a date."
yn's guarded heart melted, her voice filled with a newfound happiness. "sana, i'd be crazy if i said I don't want to."
a smile spread across sana's face, her hand reaching out to gently touch yn's cheek. "i'm glad we're on the same page, yn. i promise i will take you on the best ever date you've ever had in your life."
and so, in the quiet corners of the college library, yn and sana embarked on a new chapter of their relationship. and in each other's presence, yn and sana found solace, blissfully content in the knowledge that their unspoken longing had finally found its voice — a love that would flourish and endure for a lifetime.
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badasgirl · 7 months
accidentally fell in love
bada lee x fem!reader
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when you’re in love with your best friend who constantly goes on date after date, what do you do? what if that best friend also happens to be oblivious as can be?
genre: fluff, angst (my bad), suggestive, best friends to lovers
warnings: oblivious!bada x jealous!reader, bada calls reader her princess, some tension, suggestive with a makeout scene towards the end, no caps on purpose (booo ik terrible grammar).
author’s note: this was not proofread so please be easy on me. anyways, yayyy! i am finally back after a while 🤭 rewriting this made me cry so it took a while and the finale made me really emotional (i still am emotional LMAO) so i ended up pushing this back. thank you for being patient! i hope you all enjoy!
word count: ~3.2k
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you and bada lee have been best friends since one faithful day in middle school. it was a simple mistake really, you had forgotten a pencil for an exam and the teacher refused to give you one. you had to take the exam or else you could possibly fail the class. you had began to tear up and panic as the exam was about to begin and there was no pencil insight for you. luckily amidst your panic, the tall girl behind you tapped your shoulder and quickly snuck you a pencil to use. since that day, you vowed to be by her side and be her best friend forever.
and trust me, since that day you never left each other’s sides. you two were inseparable. you both were now in your final year of university and of course you shared an apartment together. bada majored in dance and you majored in art, specifically focusing in photography. naturally, a lot of the photos you took included bada, she was like your muse. if you ever needed to do a last minute project, she was always down to help. for bada, you too were like her muse for dance, but in a different way. whenever she had difficulties creating or finishing a choreography, she had to see you. she claimed that just by seeing you, you cleared her foggy mind and gave her so much inspiration. how could someone not fall for her? you did.
unfortunately for you, you were deeply in love with your best friend. in fact, she was your lesbian awakening in high school. you knew she liked anyone regardless of gender, however she never seemed to show interest in you at all. well, never directly.
recently, she was always going on dates with guys and coming back home complaining to you. today was one of those days. you were laying down on the couch in your pajama shorts and your (bada’s) t-shirt, watching something on your phone when bada entered the apartment with a loud sigh. she kicked off her shoes and threw her bag on the floor before taking her tall body and laying on top of you, basically smothering you.
“bada, what happened? also you’re crushing me” you said as you tried to push her off you slightly. the girl just snuggled into you more before loudly whining like a kicked puppy.
“princess, it was so terrible. he was sooo full of himself.” bada said tiredly. “he acted like he was doing me a favor by going on a date! i was the one doing him a favor if anything!” she complained passionately as she finally sat up a bit, just to give you enough room to sit up and hold the big human-sized puppy in your lap.
you patted her head softly as you said “bada, i have told you to stop going on every single date that someone asks you out on. especially this guy, seojun is a literal known asshole.”
the tall girl sighed knowing you were right. “i know, but i thought maybe it was just gossip you know? god, i wish these guys were like you y/n…so sweet and caring, never full of themselves. if they were like you, they’d be perfect. i’d immediately fall for them and make them mine.”
you blushed slightly but your heart broke at the same time. you slightly balled up your fists out of jealousy, but bada didn’t notice. you honestly hated hearing about your best friend’s dates. not only did they make you jealous, but bada always said if they were more like you she’d actually date them. “what does she even mean by that?” is something you’ve always wondered. if you’re so perfect for her, why won’t she date you?
you pushed your feelings aside as you smiled at bada and tapped her thigh signaling her to get up. “bada, you’ll find someone perfect for you, trust me. you just need to give it time and going on every date possible won’t help you.” you told her sincerely as you both got up from the couch.
bada nodded in agreement with you before pulling you in a hug. she rested her head atop yours before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “thank you y/n, you’re right. what would i do without you, my best friend.” she smiled at you before taking her bag from the floor and heading to her room to get ready for bed.
however, all you could do was just stand there in the middle of the living room. of course, you were friendzoned time and time again. you hated how bada could make you feel like you were only person she wanted or needed one second and then remind you of your place the next. you let a few tears fall down your face before quickly wiping them and going to your room to sulk over being stuck in the friendzone.
the next day was definitely one of the shittiest days you’ve had in a while. to begin, you overslept and missed your first class because you were up all night thinking about bada and how much it hurt your heart to see her with shitty people and not you. then if that wasn’t enough, you spilled your energy drink all over your computer in the middle of your second class. fortunately for you, it wasn’t damaged. however, there was nothing to clean it with in the class and the closest bathroom had no paper towels to wipe it clean with. you were running out of time to make it to your last class, so you had to end up carrying a sticky computer in your bag halfway across campus so wouldn’t be late. then to top everything off, when you finally went to one of the dining halls after your last class, they ran out of the one meal you like there. you sat in defeat at one of the tables with arms on the table and your head resting on your arms.
bada currently had 20 minutes before her next practice started up, so she decided to head to the dining hall. she figured you’d also be there after a long day of classes, she knew your schedule like the back of her hand. bada spotted you at one of the tables with your head down, she immediately went over and patted your head softly.
your head lifted up slowly and your eyes met hers. “hey sleepyhead, why are you napping here?” bada asked grinning at you as she sat down next to you.
you sighed and fixed your hair. “i’m not napping, just drained” was all you could really say. you didn’t really feel like explaining the whole timeline of events that occurred. bada nodded her head in response before giggling to herself.
you looked at her with a confused face. “what’s so funny?” you asked her curiously.
“nothing really, it’s just i’m going on the blind date later after practice and i think the guy might be daehyun! you know the guy from your major.” bada explained while chuckling about thinking of going on a date with a fairly popular guy you know due to being in the same major and working together before.
this was your last straw. not only had you had a very terrible day, but now bada’s going on another date. you guess nothing you said last night mattered to her at all. you felt as if you don’t matter to her at all. you had began to accept being friendzoned, but now she’s completely ignoring what you tell her? what will happen when she starts actually dating someone, will she just ignore you all together?
tears brimmed your eyes as you quickly got up from the table and harshly grabbed your bag. you looked at her, your voice unsteady before saying “i don’t care, do what you want. have fun on your date bada, don’t bother complaining about it to me later because i’m not listening anymore.”
you walked off before bada could register what was even happening. she stood up once she finally realized what was going on and went to look for you, however you had walked far enough away for her to not see you anymore. she immediately pulled out her phone to text you.
you made your way back to your shared apartment, crying your eyes out on the way home. “why are you so emotional? were you too hard on bada?” were the things you thought of on your walk back home. once you reached the complex, you quickly made it to your unit and went inside. all you could manage to do was take your shoes off before slowly walking over to your room, throwing your bag to the side, and flopping face first onto your bed. you curled up in a ball and cried your eyes out again. every insecurity you had about your friendship with bada came to the surface. even if she didn’t love you romantically, how could she just ignore your advice time after time if you’re her supposed best friend. how could she not realize the right choice has been in-front of her the whole time. she wanted every quality about you in the person she dated, so why not just date you? did she find you that repulsive?
you were wallowing in your thoughts for a while before you decided to check your phone. you felt it buzz as you walked home, but you were too focused on just making it home to check. your notifications revealed 4 missed calls and 10 texts in a row, all from bada. they all happened about 20 minutes ago.
my sea 🌊
are you okay???
did i upset you??
where did you go?
are you going home?
y/n princess please tell me you’re home safely, i’m worried.
i hope you’re alright, please don’t cry anymore.
i’m sorry i don’t know what i did, but that doesn’t matter i just need you to be okay
please let me know when you see this, let me know you’re safe.
you felt like crying even more after reading bada’s texts. maybe you were the one who fucked up. you didn’t want the girl to panic too much and actually call the police, so you mustered up all your energy to text her back.
i’m home, i’m fine.
you shut off your phone and threw it to the side as you slowly let more tears fall and sleep over take you. the day was so draining, your body couldn’t help but want to give into sleeping.
the moment bada received your text, she immediately grabbed her stuff and ran out of practice. she ran over to the nearest convenience store to grab a bunch of all of your favorite snacks and drink: fruit jellies, potato chips, and strawberry milk. she had no idea as to why you suddenly became so upset, but the only thing on her mind was to make you feel better. once she purchased everything, bada rushed to your shared apartment quickly.
after you had barely fallen asleep for maybe 45 minutes, you heard a knock at your bedroom door and someone softly calling your name. you assumed it must be bada. you sighed deeply, rubbing your eyes awake. you honestly didn’t know how to react or what to do at this point.
“princess? you awake?” bada asked softly while gripping onto the plastic bag holding the things she got for you.
“go away bada, i’m fine” you mumbled at the door praying she could hear you.
that answer wasn’t good enough for bada. she may be oblivious to a lot of things, but she always knew when you didn’t feel okay. she slowly opened the door and looked at you balled up figure on your bed. the tall girl placed the bag of snacks on your desk and went to sit next to you on your bed. you huffed, sat up, and turned to face the taller girl.
“bada what don’t you understand about “go away” or “i’m fine”?” you asked the girl next to you tiredly. “i’m so tired just leave okay?” you pleaded.
“y/n i can tell you’re not fine, don’t lie to me now. we’re best friends.” bada said seriously looking you in your eyes.
you scoffed and rolled your eyes at her statement. bada tilted her head in confusion at your actions.
“what does that mean?” the oblivious girl asked.
“bada, if we’re seriously best friends…then why do you ignore and throw away every piece of advice i give you?” you started to get worked up, tears already brimming at your eyes again. “you act like you listen to what i say and you cherish it, but in reality you never do.” you said with your voice beginning to get shaky.
“y/n what-“
you cut off your best friend immediately. “don’t ask me what i mean because you know what i’m talking about. i tell you that going on a bunch of dates won’t help you find the one who deserves your love, you agree, say you appreciate me so much and wish you dated someone like me, and then turn around a few days later to go on dates.” you said as tears slowly began to fall down your face. you could barely think about what you were saying at the point, you were just speaking. bada sat there silently in shock listening to you explain everything.
“and bada you always do this. sure, it’s my fault that i accidentally fell in love with my best friend, so yeah seeing you go on all these failed dates and you saying you wish they were like me always make me jealous. but as your best friend it breaks my heart ten times more to see you just waste your time on these losers and just tossing me to the side.” you said as you were fully crying at this point. you were so deep in your emotions you didn’t even realize you just confessed your love to your best friend.
it took bada a while to understand what you had just said but once she did, she immediately started crying with you. you were very confused to see bada cry along with you. you were going to ask why she had began crying but she had said “you’re in love with me y/n?”
you were so shocked as you didn’t even realize what you had said until she said something, you gasped at the realization and looked up at bada, now you were afraid. even though you were upset with bada, you didn’t want to lose her all together.
“bada wait i-“
“no y/n, be honest with me…are you seriously in love with me?” bada asked looking into your eyes, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly in hers.
you looked down, unable to face her. “yes bada, i’ve been in love with you for years. you were even the reason why i realized i was a lesbian, since i’m telling you everything…” you laughed slightly out of embarrassment.
bada couldn’t help but to smile at your confession through her tears “y/n- no my princess, i should have just been honest with you and myself. i also fell in love with my best friend. i thought going on all these dates wishing they were you would maybe help. i never knew you could feel the same way, i was so oblivious. i am so so sorry i hurt you in the process, i never wanted to do that. you are the most important person to me. i love you so much princess.” bada confessed to you while still holding onto your hands. your head shot up at her confession and you looked at her in her eyes to make sure she was being serious. you could tell she was being serious so you couldn’t help but cry out of happiness.
bada pulled you into her and hugged you tightly. you wrapped your arms around her waist and cried into her chest. she let her tears fall freely as well as she held you in her arms as her own.
once you both calmed down, bada pulled away to look at your pretty face and admire the girl she loved so much. she tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and smiled at you. you smiled back at bada and giggled.
“does this mean…we’re girlfriends?” you questioned shyly.
bada chuckled at your shyness before nodding. “yes, yes you’re my girlfriend and i’m yours princess.”
you giggled and placed a quick peck to bada’s lips, still holding her close. bada blushed at the peck before bringing you back into her and kissing your lips softly. you both sat there letting that kiss make up for the lost time that you could’ve been together.
when bada pulled away from the kiss, you whined and looked up at the taller girl with puppy eyes. bada laughed at your actions before smirking down at you.
“why? does my princess want more?” your girlfriend teased you while rubbing her hands up and down your sides. you nodded quickly in response before stretching your neck back up to meet her lips.
bada deepened the kiss, biting your lips softly. your kisses got messier and filled with more and more passion. you were holding onto bada for dear life as she licked across your lips, signaling you that she wanted in. you let her have access so easily, her tongue easily dominated yours as you both continued to hold each other close and make out on your bed. the whimpers and moans you both let out were swallowed by the other within your kisses.
eventually after you both pulled away to catch your breaths, you spotted the plastic grocery bag on your desk.
“baby what’s that?” you questioned softly while pointing at the bag with your finger.
bada blushed at the pet name you gave her before answering you. “it’s all of your favorites princess! fruit jellies, strawberry milk, and potato chips. i bought them earlier to try to make you feel better.”
you smiled up at your girlfriend giggling at the sweet action. “you’re perfect, oblivious as hell, but perfect. i’m so lucky” you said sweetly while getting up to get the bag of snacks.
bada watched you get up as she shook her head in disagreement. “princess, i’m definitely the lucky one, you’re the best girlfriend i could have asked for. i should have really just dated you from the start…” bada trailed off as her face turned into a pout.
you returned to the bed with your snacks acquired and kissed the cute pout off of bada’s face. after that quick kiss, she was nothing but smiles.
“now hush you big puppy, let’s not focus on the lost time. let’s just focus on us now.” you stated as you snuggled into bada.
bada held you close as you snuggled into her. she knew you were right, there’s no use in dwelling on what already happened. all she wanted to do now was create new amazing memories with you.
bada looked at you while smiling and said “so a movie and snacks?”
you chuckled and smiled back at her “you read my mind baby.”
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
Behind Closed Doors | Bada Lee Short Imagine
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pairings: bada lee x f!idol reader
genre: secret/private relationship, fluff
a/n: sorry this is a short one also can u tell that i suck at titles
"Breaking news! Y/N, one of South Korea's most desired soloist, has finally been linked to someone romantically! After keeping her personal life hidden for years, the celebrity has been spotted with a mysterious man on multiple occasions.
The two have been sighted entering Y/N's apartment on multiple occasions by insiders. Who could the lucky man be that has finally captured Nation's Girlfriend's heart?"
Y/N and Bada laughed together while reading the article, finding it hilarious.
"Mysterious man? Pffft," Y/N snorted. Whoever saw Bada must have assumed her to be a man based on the hoodie and cap she's always wearing.
She was thankful that Dispatch - and other such news outlets - wouldn't be constantly harassing and bothering them. The media is a ruthless beast, and Y/N was just thankful she and Bada didn't need to deal with it as a couple.
"If only they knew," Bada chuckled softly, wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist. She gently placed her chin on Y/N's shoulder as her girlfriend's fingers danced through her hair.
Their love story began back when Y/N first stepped into the K-pop industry as a newbie from a small company, in need of a choreographer.
Bada was already a skilled choreographer looking for groups to create dances for, but she was hesitant at first to take up the job offer since Y/N was from an unknown company.
Still, something inside told her to give it a chance
Bada was relieved she hadn't turned that job offer down, for who knows how much she'd have missed out on if she had. A year later, Bada and Y/N decided to take their relationship a step further after realizing there was something more between them. For the time being, their romance remained a secret - hidden from the eyes of public scrutiny and the media.
Their story was one of overcoming odds and triumphing against all challenges. From two aspiring young girls who first met and supported each other on their way to stardom.
Bada and Y/N became the embodiment of success in the K-pop world, with Bada as a choreographer and Y/N as a soloist.
They were each others' "rocks" as they supported one another and rose together to fame and success. Their success would not be possible without each other, and it felt surreal to think that just a year ago, they were just some unknown faces trying to break out in the industry.
Y/N pecked Bada's face with affection, her love for her girlfriend flowing freely. A blush rose on Bada's face as she felt each peck, a smile forming as she took her girlfriend's hands in hers and pulled her in for a deeper kiss.
The two girls' lips met passionately in an act of love. Their tongues twisted and danced together with each other, the sweet taste of love on their mouths. They felt each other's body heat, their hearts beating in sync on their skin as their bodies drew together, their movements slow and sensual.
After a while, they broke the kiss, looking at each other and smiling. "I love you so much," Bada said,
"I love you too," Y/N replied.
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notacelestialbeing · 10 months
still with you (yunjin x f!reader)
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synopsis: a memory leads you to the present. an interaction that changes everything in you and yunjin’s life. the moon being your biggest fan, decides it has been too long.
warnings: pretty angsty but gets better. tons of fluff/emotional fluff. soft love making, passionate, or4l, tons of kissing. basically a kdrama moment but make it wlw and smutty. yunjin is insecure about her body at one point.
songs used: still with you by jungkook.
word count: 2.2k
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
“hamkke utgo hamkke ulgo,
i dansunhan gamjeongdeuri,
naegen jeonbuyeonna bwa,
dashi geudael majuhandamyeon,
nuneul bogo marhallaeyo,
‘bogo shipeosseoyo’”
you loved yunjin, emphasis on the loved. there was no way you were going to fall for her ever again. isn’t that the promise you made to yourself? neither of you wanted this relationship to come to an end but what choice did you two have?
she still lurked in your mind even if you told yourself that you were over her. the laughs you shared together, and the tears that soaked both of your shoulders. you would never complain when it comes to yunjin. she still held a small part of your heart, even if she tore it apart, you knew better than to take it back.
you’d continue to love yunjin, even if it meant your blood would drain. at least, the blood would color a beautiful scarlet sky for her to stare into. or maybe the moon. the moon might’ve kept her company for all these years you’ve been away from her.
you were all too young when the two of you fell into what you considered love. a part of you always wished to run back into yunjin’s arms, or even the relationship you two had. you just wanted her aroma to fill your lungs again. her arms to securely embrace every insecurity you had. to kiss every fear you had, away.
perhaps for a lover like you, these things could only happen in your dreams. you wish you could find your way back to her and tell her how much your heart misses her. how it stares at the moon, wondering if she’s looking back at it. a messenger between the two of you.
“hwangholhaetteon gieok soge,
na hollo chumeul chweodo biga naerijana,
i angaega geotil ttaejjeum,
jeojeun ballo dallyeogal ge,
geuttae nal anajweo.”
all your memories led you to this moment. the universe was playing tricks on you, there was no way you had just seen yunjin on the bus. you wanted to believe she wasn’t real; a figment of your imagination. music played through your headphones as you stared out into the evening glow of the sky.
cherry blossoms were flying around the city, like they were trying to speak to you. staring into your eyes, was the moon peeking from the falling evening sky. seeing yunjin was like all the memories were playing in front of you. thinking of times when being young meant being careless. you two were meant to love.
you saw how her black luscious hair flew around as the wind coming from the open bus window complimented her hair. beauty had reached her skin, an afterglow of growing up, visible whenever she smiled. your heart was aching to grab her and show her that what you felt wasn’t a joke, perhaps it was the wrong time when you two were young.
the bus came to a halt as yunjin got up to get off at her stop.
life couldn’t have gotten any crazier than this. you two first held hands at the incheon bus stop, back in high school.
you grabbed your tote bag and got off of the bus, after all, you two lived in the same neighborhood ever since you two were kids. a few raindrops had begun to fall from the overwhelmed evening sky. perhaps, it felt what you felt. the sound of cars honking and speeding filled your ears.
you walked behind yunjin, not knowing if talking was going to do anything. it had been years since you two last spoke. the evening breeze lightly kissed your skin as you guys walked in silence, the rain beginning to pour with thunder following. kind of like you and yunjin.
yunjin was the rain, you were the thunder. you two were always meant to be.
“jeo dari weroweo boyeoseo,
bamhaneure hwanage ulgo inneun geot gataseo,
eonjenga achimi oneun geol almyeonseodo,
byeolcheoreom neoye haneure meomulgo shipeosseo”
“the moon looks incredibly lonely tonight.” a simple sentence left her mouth, your heart couldn’t help but swoon over her matured voice.
“so does the star next to it.” you two spoke to each other like a language that only the two of you could understand.
you gazed far into the moon. you two had stopped walking and stared at the moon in awe, it shone a tad bit brighter tonight. like his tears were glimmering with hope for your love for yunjin. you couldn’t help but notice how the star next to it, shone even brighter in her eyes.
“how have you been yunjin?” you broke the moment with a question.
“i’ve been good. i’ve grown into a better human. i have.” her lips wanted to say so much more but her heart could only handle so much when it saw you.
“harureul geu sunganeul,
ireoke dwel geol arattamyeon,
deo damadweoteul tende,
dashi geudael majuhandamyeon,
nuneul bogo marhallaeyo,
‘bogo shipeosseoyo’”
“i’ve missed you yunjin. oh so much.” your voice quivered as you spoke the words of your heart.
she stared at you with a sad smile, holding a lot of meaning.
the rain had completely drenched the two of you. tears filled yunjin’s eyes as her feelings came rushing back in. she had waited years for you to say this. maybe then, the universe had wanted something different. but tonight, the universe wanted nothing but to see the two of you with each other.
she smiled through the gust of downpour that raided your moment. the moon stared into her eyes, being the best wingman she could ask for. she grabbed your face in her delicate hands, and leant in. a kiss that lasted forever.
the world around you had come to a halt. even the rain had changed directions, letting you two savor what was yet to come. the wind blew around you two, blowing the wet cherry blossoms out of your way. birds chirped into the sky, a melody forming between them from all the happiness.
you pulled back and rested your forehead on her. you two chuckled as the world continued to move again. you grabbed yunjin’s hand and ran under the rain. there was no reason to go home, when your home was right next to you. you guys laughed as the cars splashed you with water.
not a care in your minds, just the thought of the universe giving you two with this moment.
you guys ran until you had reached your neighboring houses. pants fell from your mouth. you were gazing at yunjin. she looked beautiful no matter how much rain had worn off her lightly covered makeup. you put your keys in the lock, twisting it as quickly as possible. your parents had gone out of town for work matters.
there was no time to waste tonight. it had been seven years since you talked to her. you were going to show her how much love was pent up inside your little heart for her. you two walked up the stairs quietly. no conversation took place, a passionate silence fell between you guys.
you opened the door to your bedroom, which had changed a lot ever since you grew up. the walls were coated with a thick indigo color. the seat by your window which was once covered with a mess of your clothes, was now replaced with a neatly placed white blanket and blue pillows.
the light in your room was dimmed as the rainstorm outside took the entire show. you reached for yunjin’s hand and clasped it into yours as you led her to your bed. it was decorated with white silk sheets. the room felt more like you to her. it held the comfort you gave her racing heart.
“wow, your room has changed so much. even you, you’ve changed so much. you’re so mature now.” she spoke her thoughts out loud.
“it has been seven years my love.” her cheeks were coated with a deep red.
she reached for the back of your neck with her hands and pulled you on top of her by the collar of your plaid shirt. her eyes were soaking with a desire that made your knees weak.
“eoduunbang jomyeong hana eopshi,
iksugaejimyeon an dweneunde,
geuge tto iksugae,
najimagi deullineun,
i eeokeon sori,
igeorado eopseumyeon,
na jeongmal muneojil geot gata.”
the dark room held you two sanely close. your hands felt around her skin, touching ever so lightly. you wanted her to feel what you were feeling. you two couldn’t keep your lips off of each other. her hands lifted off the tank top you were wearing, only wanting to feel your skin on hers.
“please show me how much you love me tonight. i trust you. i love you so much and i always will.” she hushed out. you softly undressed her, not wanting to scare her. kissing down her body with every garment you took off.
she was like a swan. an angel. a celestial in your bed.
her body was like the most gorgeous piece of art. you slowly leant down and kissed inside her thighs. the rain hit the windows faintly.
you saw yunjin cover her body with her arms. a saddening feeling settled in your stomach. she was like a painting yet afraid of everything she was.
“my love. you never have to hide in front of me. i love you for who you are. i love all the flaws you think you have because you’re flawless. i love any imperfections you think you have. we aren’t born perfect and we never will be born perfect. perhaps that’s what makes us humans so perfect. let me kiss every insecurity you have, away.” you saw her eyes fill with tears, her arms slowly inched away from her body.
“i love you, to the milky way and beyond.” you two chuckled at what she said.
you took off her white panties and kissed her pussy with so much love. it was your first time just like it was her first time. your hearts were racing but in synchronization. you made love to her like no other. your hands held hers as you took your time playing around with her clit.
you dipped your tongue into her wetness, feeling a sudden rush down your spine. you were going insane over her sweet pineapple-ly taste. a flavor you loved and savored ever since you had first met yunjin. her body smelt like pineapples whenever she was with you.
“just like that baby. you’re doing so good for me.” yunjin moaned politely. it was like a siren’s call. like the sweet sound of a flute in the early morning. it was everything you needed to show her how much you missed her.
you could feel how close she was from the way her legs shook around your head. her hips were bucking into your face, wanting everything from you but wanting to give you back just as much. her whimpers heightened in volume as she orgasmed.
her orgasm was like a new beginning, a new dawn. so unfamiliar yet it felt just like it belonged to you. your body filled with pride and heat as you felt a sense of accomplishment. you wanted to show your love and you did just that.
yunjin breathed out from her euphoric state of mind and pulled you up by the hand, laying you beside her. an adorable sight settled in front of you as you saw how in love she looked. her fingers traced your lips, wanting a taste of what you had. she inched closer to you and took in your bottom lip as she moaned at her taste.
“nothing could ever make me feel like you, my love. even your love makes me feel high, just like that orgasm did earlier.” she quietly spoke as she continued to stare at your big brown eyes.
“nothing could’ve made me happier. i’m so happy we finally spoke with one another. maybe it wasn’t us that had the courage, but the moon. it spoke to me everyday until i finally saw you. it made me realize how much i love you. i’ve missed you since the beginning of time and i promise to stay next to you till the end of the time. back then, it felt right but the time was wrong. but today, something inched you and i closer. everything felt right, even the time.” you confessed to yunjin who couldn’t help but wrap you up in her arms.
your words felt like heaven to her. she had never been so happy. hell, even her heart was leaping inside her chest. you both stared out into the stormy night, the moon catching your eye. realizing, it was truly the moon’s doing. you guys were his favorite lovers after all.
“even if the both of us had gone different ways, i hope you would know that i’d still be with you.” a thought swam around your mind.
“i’m still with you. till the end of time.” yunjin felt you smile into her chest.
the moon smiled to himself, knowing his job here was done. he shone brighter to show you guys that he’s still with you. till the end of time.
“nal baraboneun himihan miso dwipyeone,
areumdaun borasbicheul geuryeobollaeyo,
seoro balgeoreumi an majeul sudo itjiman,
geudaewa hamkke i gireul geotgo shipeoyo,
still with you.”
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call-me-a-simp · 8 months
I'll always be here for you!
Rhea Ripley X Fem Reader Oneshot
Summary: You're at an amusement park with your girlfriend Rhea and decide to join her on a horror roller-coaster. Although you're easily scared you think it can't be that bad. Well you were wrong and a long night full of problems is waiting for you..
Tw: social anxiety, panic attack, selfharm, crying, screaming/shouting, blood, fear of loosing someone
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"You okay?" Your girlfriend asks you, looking a little concerned. "You haven't said anything since we're waiting in line here"
You were at an amusement park and currently waiting in line for a crazy horror roller coaster.
You nod slightly and continue starring at the floor and picking at the skin around your nails. Rhea notices and takes your hands in hers, trying to stop you from hurting yourself any further.
You try to pull your hands away from her but she doesn't let go. "Let go, please!" You complain quietly. "Only if you stop picking at your skin. I don't want you to bleed again." Rhea says in a soft voice and loosens her grip. You sigh and let your hands slip out of hers
"I'm sorry, it's just my social anxiety again, sorry for ruining this" you mumble. "Oh no you didn't ruin anything baby!" Rhea reassures you, and pulls you close to give you a little kiss on your temple. You smile to yourself. *What in the world did I do to deserve this girl* you think.
The gates open and you're allowed to pick your seats on the roller coaster. The two of you managed to get the two places in the very front. You know how much your girlfriend loves horror and although you don't, you join the ride because you want to make her happy.
The ride starts and you immediately regret getting in. You're easily scared and there are so many jumpscares and other stuff that just freak you out. At the end you are crying and hyperventilating. Rhea helps you get out and tries to calm you but you break down into a panic attack.
"I'm so sorry darling, I- you didn't have to- oh I'm so sorry" she stumbles over her words and hugs tight. She holds you for a while, not bothering about the weird looks from strangers that are passing by.
After a few minutes your heavy crying and shaking slowly subsides and Rhea slightly pulls away to look at you. She cups your cheek, wiping away the tears with her thumb. "Let's get home" she whispers and helps you get up.
Wrapping your hands around her neck you bury your head in her shoulder, still sobbing. Rhea picks you up and you wrap your legs around her waist. She then easily carries you all the way to the car.
Once in the car Rhea softly asks you:"Was that a panic attack?" and you nod. The drive home was silent, your girlfriend kept her hand on you thigh the entire time, stroking it with her thumb or tracing patterns with her fingers to calm you down some more.
About an hour later you're home. It's already 7:30 pm. Rhea offers you the best princess treatment, carring you inside bridal style and running you a hot bath to relax, while cooking your favorite meal.
After eating she helps you undress so you could take your bath. "..can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone right now" you ask her, holding her by her hand as she was about to leave. Rhea turns back around with a warm smile "of course i can baby, I'd do anything for you!" She sits down next to the bath tub, holding your hand.
The room is silent for some time, but it's a comfortable silence. In fact, some of your favorite memories with your girlfriend are moments like these, where you just sit together and cuddle in silence or watch a movie.
"What's going on inside your beautiful, little head right now, hm?" Rhea whispers. She'd been stroking your hand with her thumb for the past few minutes, lost in her thoughts. "I don't know, just been thinking about what happened at the park.." you mumble in response.
"Hey if it's because you think you ruined something then no, you absolutely did not!" Rhea says and turns to look at you. She cups your cheek again and strokes it with her thumb. You lean into her touch and close your eyes. "It's hard to believe although I know you would never lie to me" you finally respond. You then chuckle to yourself, thinking how stupid this must sound to your girlfriend.
Rhea offers you an understanding smile. "Let's get ready for bed. We could turn on your favorite movie, what do you think?" She suggests. You nod, "I'd love that!" You smile back at her. She helps you get up and out of the slippery bath tub before grabbing a towel for you to dry off.
"Be right back" she says and hurries off in the direction of your bedroom.She returns with your favorite fluffy blanket and wraps you in it, including your arms so you can't move any anymore. "Burritobaby" she giggles. She's holding you tight from behind to keep the blanket from falling. "You idiot" you laugh and try to wiggle free. "You don't have a chance against me" Rhea jokes and picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom.
"Hey, you forgot my Pyjamas" you cackle. "Don't need your pjs, they're just another useless layer of fabric on your beautiful body" Rhea states and grins.She drops you on the bed before getting in herself.
"I love you just the way you are, burrito" she mocks you lovingly and kisses your cheek. You finally managed to free your hands and punch her jokingly. You both giggle until Rhea turns to grab the tv remote.
"Can we watch 'Finding Nemo' ?" You ask hopefully. "Sure we can" Rhea shrugs. "If it helps you then I'm open for anything" she smirks and kisses you softly.
The movie begins and your partner holds her arms open for you to snuggle up to her. It doesn't take you long to fall asleep in her comfortable embrace that makes you feel so safe and at peace.
It's about half past two in the morning as you wake up from a bad nightmare. You're crying, shaking, but you didn't dare to wake your girlfriend. She was in desperate need of sleep due to travelling so much in her businesses and watching her lay there so peacefully, you didn't want to take that from her.
Trying to muffle your cries you press your hand over your mouth as you sneak into the bathroom. You're feeling uncomfortable still being naked so you quickly grab your pajamas and put them on. They're just shorts and a t-shirt but better than nothing.
Giving the door behind you a little push in order to close it, you walk over to the sink. Your vision is blurry and you're so focused on being quiet that you don't notice the door not fully closing.
You hastily open the first drawer. With shaking hands you look for the extra blades of your razor. There not there. *shit where did I put them??* your mind is racing. You're panicking. "Fuck!" You cry out and immediately curse yourself afterwards for not keeping quiet. *Great, now I woke Rhea* you think.
Opening the second drawer you don't even bother too much anymore with being quiet, thinking your girlfriend is awake now anyway. Rubbing the back of your hand across your eyes you manage to wipe away some tears to get a clearer vision.
Finding the blades you were looking for you try to take one out quickly, but struggle with your shaking hands. You finally get one out and start using it to cut your upper thigh. You're hoping for some kind of relief from all these bad feelings and thoughts and in the past it worked, but only for a few minutes.
Rhea knew about your past, and now you remember the promise you gave her. You promised her to try and talk to her first before taking matters into your own hands.You only cry harder, now that you know you broke your promise.
You didn't deserve her. She didn't deserve you, she deserved someone that she could do anything with, someone that would keep their promises and would be able to focus more on her instead of always being afraid of their own actions. Your mind fools you, just making it worse and worse.
You're kneeling on the floor, blood and tears streaming down your face and thighs and staining the rug in front of the sink. You're crying so hard you don't notice the person standing in the doorway.
Rhea was shocked to see you like this, she never once thought that the ride in the horror roller coaster would traumatise you so much. "Y/n?" She whispers and you flinch in surprise.
"God baby why didn't you wake me? We could have talked, I could have helped you" her voice is full of sorrow. She was blaming herself. Rhea slowly makes her way over to you, wanting to kneel besides you, hug you, take the blade from you. Anything to stop you from hurting yourself.
"Go away" you sob and your hand that's holding the blade begins to shake again as it's gripping it so hard. "Y/n, baby.." Rhea mumbles and reaches out to touch your shoulder.
"Go away, don't touch me" you repeat quietly. But Rhea doesn't hear you, or she does but decides to ignore it. Her fingers slightly graze you skin at that's when everything get's too much.
"I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME RHEA!" you yell at her and jump up. Your girlfriend looks at you, mouth agape and eyes wide with shock. You never screamed at her before, not like that.
She slowly gets to her feet and tries to reach out to you once again. "Y/n hey, let's talk about this. I'm sure we can-" but you cut her off.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" You yell and throw the next best thing you could grab at her. A bar of soap that was lying on the sink. Rhea stumbles back but it hits her right above her left eye. Tears form in her eyes. She's crying.
You break down again. What have you done. You're sure you've lost her now, surely she's gonna leave you after this. "I- I'm so sorry! I- I just can't handle this anymore I don't know what to do" you cry out.
"Come here" Rhea whispers sobbing. You hesitate a moment but then agree and take a small step towards her. A sigh of relief leaves Rhea's lips and she immediately rushes towards you and hugs you tight. You accept it and even hug her back.
You're standing there for at least a few minutes, just holding onto each other and sobbing. "It's okay darling, it's okay I've got you, I'll always be here for you!" Rhea whispers against your skin in the crook of your neck.
"I love you so much!" You sob in her shirt and cling onto her even tighter. "I love you too!" She murmurs back and kisses your neck. "And as much as I hate to let go of you now but we need to clean those wounds" she sighs.
You grumble, but you know it's necessary. You've already stained most of the small rug and since it's a white one it'll probably never wash out again. You slowly let go of each other.
"Sit down on the edge of the bath tub okay? I'll take care of you" Rhea says and let her hand glide down your arm as she turns to get her first aid kit. You do as she tells you to and wait patiently.
It's embarrassing, but on the other hand you truly feel safe and taken care of now. You feel loved but also guilty.
Your girlfriend stops the bleeding, disinfects everything and then bandages you. "You better now?" She asks with a warm smile. You smile back at her and nod. "Thank you! I really don't know what I'd do without you. Probably wouldn't even be here anymore.." you mumble the last part but she still hears you.
"Well, I'm glad you're here and many more surely are too!" She tries to convince you. You only nod again, keeping your eyes locked on the ground. "It's 4am now" Rhea says with a look at the watch. "We should get back to bed". She takes your hand and you stand up sighing.
Back in bed you snuggle really close to her, loving the warmth and the feeling of her skin against yours. "Thanks for making me feel loved" you whisper. "I'll do my best to keep that feeling" she replies and although neither of you can see it, you both fall back asleep with a smile on your face.
Alright, got a new oneshot done. Hope you enjoy :D
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animealways · 1 year
Surprise, i'm married bitch!
Natasha x fem!stark!reader/ contains making out, semi-public sex, strap on, marking, spanking, daddy kink, paparazzi (you set the internet on blaze by not only revealing you're married but to none other then black widow herself.)
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Y/n stark potential suitor
A new stark family member?
Shadowcap is real?
All titles of gossip blogs articles about your love life. You couldn't help but chuckle at the last one. Its your and steve superhero ship name.
Captain america + iron shadow
"Oh this is some top noch comedy" you said to yourself. "What is 'top noch comedy'?" You lifted your phone showing the shadowcap article to nat and how it mentioned all the times you went shopping with steve to find the perfect decorations for the wedding and more. She shook her head at the article with a amused smile. "What people won't do just for some clicks. What are you doing?"
She raised a eyebrow at your smile. Natasha has learned thanks to you there are more then one way to smile and that includes mischievous smile. One you're wearing right now. "Ohhh nothing just giving them some light criticism."
Ohh sooooo~ close 🙃
You got the wrong avenger tho-
you commented and nat rolled her eyes at you. You always loved messing with the media. They always were a pain in the ass for as long as you can remember. Not surprising since your father is tony stark after all. He is often in the news either because of drama he causes or because of a new invention and that was BEFORE he became iron man. Oh yeah your step-mom is pepper the fucking co-ceo of the biggest company on earth that you run together. Literally anything happens that even semi involves your family aaaaand your face ends up on the fucking news.
The sec you post the comment you see fans going 'omg what!!!????' 'Nooooo my ship😭' 'dcvsxvjgxvbcf7gkg' 'wowowowow WHAT WHO IS IT THEN?!?!"
You laughed at the way your fans freaked out. "You know you should probably let everyone know were a thing." You looked up at your wife having your head against her thigh.
"Anything particulaire in mind?" "No you're better at that sort of thing, remember your last interview?"
You chuckled remembering jimmy fallon face when you told him about a particulier snowboarding vacation with your dad. When neither you or your dad realise the hill you were on was actually the end of a small cliff causing both of you to fall into a thick layer of snow. The only reason you didn't tell this to pepper was because your dad bought you a massive chocolate cake to shut you up. Oh man was she angryyyyy when she found out.
"I will never forget that scolding." You laughed while natasha shook her head but didn't bother hiding her smile. That damn near divine smile.
"Btw there is this gala i got invited to." You mentioned randomly remembering.
You put the finale touch to your eyelashes and felt ready to go. You wore a velvet red button up collar shirt with 3 upper buttons lose to show off your chest with the nanotech container on it. The rest of your suit was black and nothing of it really stood out exactly what you wanted.
It would bring more attention not only to the nanotech container on your chest but also your jewelry. Specificly the necklace with your wedding ring around it. For the longest time you and natasha would hide your relationship but now that you're married her both of you wanted let the world know who the 2 of you belonged to.
You put the edith sunglasses on before looking to your left admiring natasha beauty. You recognised the dress she wore, the same one she wore as 'natalie rushman'.
You walked behind her, hugging her from behind and putting your chin on her shoulder.
"Well if this doesn't remind you of something?" Natasha smirked remembers the first time she met you. "Yeah, i remember how you couldn't take your eyes off of me." She teased, you merrily shrugged. "What can i say? I have good taste. Common, lets go." She took her you hand once done with make-up.
You drove to the gala with happy in a another car behind you for safety measures. It didn't matter both of you we're avengers. You knew better then go to such a big event without any back up. Too many goddamn memories of parties going wrong.
As you arrived to the event. You ran around the car opening the door and unbuckled the seat belt for natasha. She took your arm and walked out together with your bodyguards right behind the 2 of you.
Paparazzi were, well they were annoying as always. They're shouting for you to either turn their way or about your life. You swear on your mother's grave the paparazzi brought a bonus level of anger out of you. Maybe its the belief your mother taught you that respect should be earn, not given. Maybe its that you had to deal with them your entire life or maybe its because they're basicly paid stalkers that made your blood boil either way to you a street fighter deseveres more respect then the paparazzi, atleast that took more then just being a invasive asshole to do it right.
But atleast you had natasha to keep you company. ''You know...'' you turned your attention to the red head trying you best to hear her over all the shouting. ''I have seen childeren that are quieter then them.'' you chuckled at the commentary.
''You think this is bad? You should be glad you didn't have to deal with them in the early 2000's they were 500 times worse.''
''You can't be serious.''
''I am. 1 of them actually got so close to me they pushed me and caused me to fall face first into the pavement.''
''Really, wow i can't imagine tony reaction.''
You smiled remembering how happy carried you to the car while your dad cussed everyone out. ''Ahhh yeah, good memories. I remember my dad calling them 'motherfucking disrespectful uncultered dipshits'.'' natasha laughed at the mental image.
''Hey, atleast he taught me how to protect the important things in life. Isn't that right misses stark?'' You looked lovingly at your wife.
Your wife
Misses stark
Man, you can't get enough off of those words. Natasha didn't say anything but the look she gave you said more then enough. Its funny really, this is the same woman that use to have a probleem with you hugging her once a day but now she had her last name changed for you. You took her hand and kissed her knuckles.
right under the wedding ring
As soon as you realised what you just did you immediately covered your wifes ears. Good thing too cause less then a second later you physically cringed at the shouting from the crowd.
how long have you been married!?
did you take each others last name?!
stark/black widow are offically off the marked!?
That last one caused both you and tash to glare at the crowd. Sure your relationship was a massive secret for the longest time but who would want to inmagine their partner getting flirted with?
''Lets go inside before we getting hearing damage or start a fight.''
''You took the words right out of my mouth.''
You followed natasha as the noise died down. Luckily for the both of you the night went fairly well. You went around and introduce natasha as your wife. People we're naturally curious about your relationship how long you have been together, who asked who, who proposed normale things you gladly answer. Then were the questions that would make your eyes tired from barrel rolling so much.
''So who is the man in the relationship?''
''Dude, thats like asking wich chop stick is the fork.''
Natasha giggled at the surprisingly accurate comparison. The other people at the table also had a good chuckled out of it. ''Ahh, s-sorry didn't mean to come over insensitive. I just don't know alot about these things.''
''Its fine but call me or my wife a dyke and i will start a fight.'' you joked causing the man to let out a nervous chuckle knowing you're capable of it and would gladly do it. After all its not every day you meet a woman that kicked a grown ass man at 18 years old but you did after the pap tried to take a pic under your skirt. You swear that the news didn't let go of it for a month long.
while natasha drank her vodka you stood right behind her pressing your crotch. She pressed back feeling the bulge in your pants while smirking.
''ты хочешь трахаться в ванной, детка?''
''you want to fuck in the bathroom baby?''
You whisperd softly in her ear while having tight grip on her hips. You had learned russian in the periode where the avengers broke.
Fuck are you happy she's back in your arms
''let me enjoy my drink first''
You smirked at her responds. You knew the alcohol would make her a shameless, horny mess. You didn't miss the way people looked at your wife though. You couldn't blame them natasha beauty was something to die for but there was no way you were walking out of this place without making clear who belonged to who. She continued to have more drinks as you whispered nothing but sweet compliments and in return she kissed you teasing about the people who must be watching the 2 of you being in love.
''good, the more people watch faster the news travels.''
Tash turned around wrapping her arms around your neck and kissed you. You hummed being able to taste all the different drinks she had from vodka to tequila. You pulled away and dragged her to the nearest bathroom. The second the door was closed she practically pounced you. Your hands immediately went to her ass giving it a tight squeeze. Her legs wrapped around you hips and started to grind against the bulge. You put her on the sink and pushed her dress up revealing the black lingerie with a wet spot in the middle.
You rubbed her tight, not quite touching her where she needs it.
''y/n i ne-''
You cut her by slapping her pussy making her jump and grabbed her by the throat. ''whats my name?'' You growled into ear. She pushed her breast forward close enough for them you the feel them against your own.
''i'm sorry daddy''
''better, now show me how much of a slut you are''
You put the palm of your hand against her pussy and she immediately started to grind against it. Your free hand went to her cheek forcing her to look into your eyes.
fuck those gorgeous green eyes
You kissed her softly, something natasha always loved is how gentle your touch was her even in moments like these she could feel the love behind the action. She whined against your lips making you smirk. 'awww baby do you need something?' You put you thumb against her lips . 'daddy please fuck me~' She whined her hands going under you shirt looking for skin to skin to contact. 'you want my cock, baby? you want daddy cock inside of you?' You used your index finger to pull on the thin fabric then let it go making it snap against her.
''hmm, please daddy claim me. i want you to mark me.''
''then get on your knees.''
She did as you demanded getting and loosened the belt pulling your pants down revealing the red strap. Natasha wasn't full on drunk, was she getting there? Oh for sure but not to the point she couldn't notice it was the strapon wanda magicly enhanced so you could feel everything like it was a real cock. She started to kiss the tip while holding eye contact with you.
this woman is gonna be the death of you and you couldn't care less
You sighed out of relieve at the feeling. As she slowly took the fake cock into her mouth you gentle went with your hands thru her hair the smile on your face never leaving love the sight and feeling knowing. ''who is daddy good little slu- ahhh you are baby FUCK!''
You used one hand to hold the sink while the other was still natasha soft red hair. You could feel her take the entire length, humming to please you as much as possible and her tongue moving around. You let this happen for abit enjoying how skillfull you wife mouth is before pulling her of. You panted while looking her messy face lipstick ruined by all the drool. You pulled her her up to and kissed her quick but passionate kiss.
''bend over for me and beg maybe then i let you cum over my cock''
She did as you said making sure her ass was on full display for you and wiggled it abit. You pulled the lingerie off of her and put them in you pocket. ''don't hold back on the noises. i want everyone near us to hear how much of a whore you are, understood?'' ''yes daddy''
You hummed before the upper half of you body was covered in nanotech and you didn't miss the way natasha started to move her ass more when she saw it reflected back in the mirror. 'keep looking in the mirror i want you to see everything' As soon the words left you mouth you started to spank her with the back of your hand now covered in metal hand. She yelped with every hit and you didn't stop until her ass was bright red. You didn't bother with giving her a warning just slamming your cock into her since she was dripping so much. Natasha screamed and you penetrated her at a animalistic pace. You threw you head back at the warm tight feeling of pussy and her moans sound divine. If she let you, you would do this for the entire night.
You grabbed her by the throat pulling her close enough for you to mark her entire back of her neck with hickey. Out of no where you stop your movement making natasha whine for more. You groaned feeling her squeez around.
''please daddy i need you! i'm a good girl please just let me cum over your perfect cock!'' She kept begging while you looked at her like she was a piece of meat for you to devour. You eventually flipped her over and started all over again. You made sure to cover her neck and breast with hickey while she clung on you. 'ahh daddy you're making me cum' she shouted and you were sure anyone in the same hall as the bathroom could hear her. You pulled her closer so your foreheads were touching each other while you used your right hand to keep her close you left hand went to her clit. Your left hand turned into a clit sucking vibrator sending natasha over the egde. You made sure to prolong her pleasure for as long as possible.
As soon as your left hand was off of her she grabbed it and sucked it. The pretty sight made you groan and natasha smirked. She let go of you hand with a pop sound while you gentle pulled out her of making her moan and leaving her pussy cleching around nothing. You pulled your pants back up covering the fake cock before natasha grabbed it.
''you haven't cummed yet'' A devilish smile made its way onto your face. ''oh im not done with you yet baby'' Natasha bite her bottoms lips in anticipation. Then the door opened , you first instinct is to cover up tash with your body as somone ran past straight to the toilet.
''i'm sorry i couldn't hold it. i swear i didn't see anything!''
You rolled your eyes as nat hide her blushing face in you neck. You made sure to clean her up fast and the nanotech went back into the container. She however didn't move from the sink. 'i-i cant walk...' You laughed at how shy she sounded in return she glared and pouted at you. 'don't laugh at me'
''sorry sorry babe you just look so cute'' You giggled before carring bride style. You walked out and people were staring at you and tash after all none of them ever seen black widow this... soft. As soon as happy saw it he rolled his eyes and told the other bodyguards they could take the rest of the night off knowing you murder them if they ever interrupted your kinky time with nat. ''please just make sure your naked ass doesn't end up on the news like your dad did.'' Happy said and you laughed at how your dad ended up drunk butt naked on the roof top after a wild party.
''don't worry about it i wouldn't let a media shit head near my wife''
You walked out to your car as people were shouting for your attention. Natasha had her head nuzzled into your neck making you smile. You gentle put her in the passenger seat and you drove off to a calm and quite place in the woods.
maybe i will write a part 2?
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zyrineasworld · 11 months
*Alcina and Y/N arguing*
Alcina: At least I don't need a chair when I have to reach something.
Y/N: it's because you kneel when you want to reach something. *With a smug smile*
Alcina: *blush immensely*
Bela *who's in her room*: I'm glad I'm not near the-
Daniela: *goes inside Bela's room* Guess what? Y/N said mother kneel in front of her every time they-
Bela *cover her ears with pillows*: shut the fuck up!!
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diaryujin · 5 months
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summary: You were at the nearby convenience store, searching for pads that Soyeon desperately needed. At last, when your ego couldn’t overpower your desperation any longer, you asked a worker there.
Little did you know that she’d make you feel in ways you’d never imagined.
includes: periods, late night outings, breakdowns, crying, stress, mentions of feeling empty, gxg, yeah that’s it ig
genre: fluff
pairing: non idol! store worker! yuqi x fem! reader
word count: 4.2k
a/n: bro i realized that i reserve fluff for gidle is that counted as favoritism orrrrr…why is this so long it was nawt meant to be this long you’d think yuqi was my bias HELP. anyway this was stuck in my drafts incompleted for a while it’s out of the dungeon yay?? this was inspired by escape + paradise (gidle) + off the record (ive) so tell me why i looped groove back (jaywhypee) while writing this
taglist: @kflixnet
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You were standing in the middle of the store like a lost child. Your eyes scanned the aisle of sanitary items, but you just couldn’t find it.
The thing in question?
The brand of pads that your friend and roommate Soyeon wanted. 
Her legs were too weak to walk for ten minutes, let alone thirty, and you knew how painful her cramps could be, considering how many times she ranted to you about them.
Every month for three days nonstop.
You had no other option but to swallow your pride and ask one of the store workers. You looked around the aisle, searching for a friendly face in uniform. You noticed an old man, but you passed on talking to him since he looked too grumpy for your liking.
Suddenly, your eyes fell on her.
She looked just like a dream, the prettiest girl you’d ever seen.
She was adorable and had this cheery attitude around her. She looked like she genuinely enjoyed her work and talking to customers.
You should definitely learn something from her.
You shuffled over to her, a bit more nervous than you’d like to admit.
“Excuse me?”
She was busy stocking items until you spoke to her. She turned her face to look at you, still holding a shampoo bottle. She flashed a bright smile at you, and it was contagious.
“Hello miss, how may I help you?”
She had a deep voice, which contrasted with her face and caught you a bit off guard. 
“Yeah, uh- um- do you happen to know where the…XXX brand of pads is?”
“Right this way, miss!”
She quickly placed the shampoo bottle on its respective shelf before taking a few steps forward, waiting for you to follow.
You walked slightly behind her, admiring her side profile. You seemed to like this particular store worker more than normal.
“Do you not usually get that brand?”
“Nope, I buy another one.”
“This is for a friend, I assume?”
She hummed in response, looking straight ahead again. You both reached a shelf, and it was familiar- wait, you were here just now…
She pointed to one of the stacks of pads which was directly in your line of sight, and you stared in disbelief. Was it there this whole time?
“That makes sense. If you were using it, you’d recognize it and know that it was in the place you were standing earlier.”
She chuckled as your eyes widened in embarrassment.
“Oh. Yeah. Thanks…”
You looked at her nametag quickly, not wanting to seem like you were checking her out.
“...Yuqi. Thank you for your help.”
Her name rolled off your tongue so prettily that she couldn’t help but replay it in her head like a broken record.
“No problem, miss. It’s my job after all.”
She went away to continue her work, and you realized that she basically called you dumb and sorta blind for not seeing something in front of you.
Pause. Hold on.
How did she know that you were in front of that section?
This was your first time seeing her, and she was in another aisle.
Was she staring at you?
You shrugged it off before going to the cashier to pay. You didn’t want to keep Soyeon waiting more than she had to — she was already struggling.
As you rushed to the exit, you saw her out of the corner of your eye. You waved at her quickly. She reciprocated the gesture and smiled at you, and you swore you heard birds chirping and flowers growing. You managed a half-assed grin back at her before rushing off, feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
Why were you so flustered?
You reached your shared apartment with your friend, holding the bags of groceries in both hands. Soyeon was sitting in the living room watching TV.
“What took you so long?”
“Your pads.”
“What, you had a walk with them or something?”
You rolled your eyes at her.
“I was about to give up and buy you another brand, be grateful to that one cashier?”
“Name? I’ll send them a bottle of juice, a thank you, and an apology for helping my idiot friend.”
She grinned at you as you closed the door and locked it.
“Might as well. Her name was Yuqi.”
She suddenly paused the movie she was matching before she turned to you.
“Yuqi? Song Yuqi?”
“I think-?”
“Oh, you went to the store she works in?”
“I gue- wait, you know her?”
“She’s one of my friends.’
“Really? You should introduce her to me sometime soon, then.”
“I will.”
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It had been three months since that day. You visited the store she worked in four times a week with the pretense of shopping, but the outcome was you buying one or two small trinkets and spending three hours chatting away with Yuqi. You both connected instantly, her sense of humor pulling you in as soon as you talked with her more. Her smile brightened your day, and her laugh commanded your stomach to do somersaults.
Yuqi being in your life felt so natural that you couldn’t believe you once existed without her as your friend.
You had been going to that store late at night a lot recently to satisfy your midnight cravings. The place had everything you wanted, including your new best friend.
There was a problem, though, and it was the fact that she was almost always there.
Not for you (if you thought selfishly, then maybe), but for herself.
She was having both day and night shifts, which was obviously unhealthy. When you asked her about it as tactfully as you could, she brushed it off as ‘earning more’.
More money was good, but not at the cost of her health.
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One night, you entered the convenience store, wanting some instant ramyeon. There was no one there, and you appreciated the quiet.
You searched the shelves before finding the specific flavor you wanted. You went to the little stand near the counter for hot water to cook the noodles. You sat down on the stool before it, drumming your fingers against the table's surface as you waited. As the water finished pouring, the store went silent save for the low buzz of the A/C and coolers.
Suddenly you heard a few muffled sniffles behind you. Your head whipped in the direction of the sound as you realized that you didn’t pay attention to the girl behind the cash register until now. 
It was Yuqi.
Her elbows were propped on the part of the conveyor belt where items would be stuffed into plastic bags. Her face was buried in her hands, trying to hide her tears. Without thinking twice, you went through the small door barring non-employees from entering. You stood behind her and bent your knees a bit so that you could reach her height while she sat on the chair. One of your arms was around her waist, the other hand in her hair, running through it. Her breath caught in her throat and she moved her hands away from her face to look at who was being so affectionate all of a sudden at this hour.
“Yuqi, when does the store close?”
“In…five minutes?”
Her voice was still hoarse from crying as she spoke, so you turned her around fully to face you and hugged her properly.
“Let’s go outside?”
She was confused, but she was also too tired to fight you, so she nodded. You let go of her before giving her money for the ramyeon you bought. It was way more than the actual price. When she pointed that out, you shook your head and smiled at her as you told her to keep the change. She sighed before inserting the price into the cash register and then putting the extra money in her purse. She then entered the employee-only room, and you picked up your chopsticks to eat your ramyeon. She came out of the room after a short while with her bag and her normal clothes. She wore a pair of light blue jeans, a simple black hoodie, and a grey beanie. Her hair was in a bun. Yuqi smiled tiredly at you, and you smiled back, although you were hiding your concern.
You both exited the shop. She then locked it with the keys that she had. She put them in her jeans pocket before turning to look at you.
“Where are we going?”
“Just follow me.”
She tilted her head in confusion, but then she simply shrugged and followed you as you started walking. The night was serene, and the moon and stars were bright in the dark. There was a cool breeze blowing which messed up your and Yuqi’s hair. She smiled as she noticed you struggling to fix your messy strands, this one more broad than the one she gave you earlier in the store.
Suddenly she pulled you a little closer before undoing the ponytail you had and running her hands through your hair. Your eyes widened at the action and you could feel heat creeping up to the back of your neck. She carefully redid your ponytail, her fingers occasionally touching your face as she did. She didn’t notice how she was affecting you, and her face was adorable with how focused she was. Her cheeks were puffed out slightly and her eyes were narrowed at you, making her look more squishy than intimidating. 
Once she was done, she moved back a bit, now looking nervous.
“Um- sorry about that- it’s just…like I just felt like fixing your hair when I- when I saw you struggle, so uh-”
You chuckled as you patted her shoulder.
She grinned, and you understood why Soyeon called her ‘giant puppy’. 
She looked at you so fondly that you felt your stomach twist and turn. In order to distract yourself, you looked away and fiddled with your fingers.
“Let’s go then.”
You started walking again, staring straight ahead, Yuqi a little behind. After around five minutes of walking, you looked back only to see her trying to warm her hands. It wasn’t very cold according to you, but you went over to you.
“Yuqi, Yuqi, are your hands cold?” She looked at you sheepishly.
“Yeah, kinda…it’s fine though, really.
She pulled her beanie more over her head so that she could cover her ears.
“My hands are warm…”
Her eyes widened.
“You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable-”
“I’m fine with it.”
Without warning, you reached out for one of her hands. It was ice compared to yours, but it felt nice for some reason. Her hand fit perfectly in yours, fingers intertwined so gently, leaving no small gaps in between. You were too busy looking down at the pavement in an attempt to hide your blush to notice her warm cheeks — a stark contrast to her hands.
“Thank you Y/N, even though you didn’t have to-”
“Shush. I wanted to.”
You realized that what you said sounded less platonic than how much you’d prefer it to be.
She nudged you playfully with the shoulder closer to you, and you nudged her back. You started walking again, taking her with you. Silence fell upon you both, but it was a comfortable one. Your brain’s cogs were on overdrive, and your thoughts drifted off to Yuqi. 
Why were you suddenly so nervous and extremely flustered around her? You always had skinship with her before, so why were you so awkward now?
You then started going through your memories of your interactions with her in the past three weeks, remembering how you’d blush at her usual actions of affection, how you’d make more jokes and embarrass yourself — in front of only her — just to see her smile and laugh more, how you wanted to take a picture every time you met, how you wanted to treasure everything positive she said about you even if it was dumb, how you’d stare at the pictures you had of her - some with you, some without, and how-
It wasn’t what you thought it was, right?
This wasn’t love, you weren’t-
Did you seriously fall in love with Yuqi?
Holy shit, no, fuck, fuck, fuck-
You couldn’t accept it, you both were just best friends. There was nothing more to it, right?
“Y/N, are you okay? You seem a bit distressed…”
And you were caught.
Your heart couldn’t help but just melt at the tone of soft concern in her voice, and when looked at her face, she had a tiny yet playful pout on it contrasting the serious and questioning gaze she held.
It hit you like a shot in that already mushy organ of yours.
Maybe you were in love.
“I’m okay, Yuqi. I just zoned out.”
You gripped her hand tighter, head swimming in this new thought. Unaware of your internal dilemma, she walked on peacefully. There seemed to be a calm glow in her aura, even though you weren’t a psychic of any kind.
‘Y/N, where are we going?”
Her query made you snap out of your reverie. You scanned your surroundings, and your pace picked up.
“You didn’t answer my question!”
Her voice was all whiny this time, making you grin.
“We’re almost there.”
“My legs are going to die!”
“...we’ve been walking for ten minutes?”
She was about to say something in protest, but you stopped walking and pointed to your left. He turned her head in that direction and her jaw dropped.
You had led her to an empty beach that was known by barely anyone. It had been a safe space for you, and you’d come here when you had to get away from life’s difficulties.
“We’re here.”
“Y/N, this…it’s so pretty.”
“I know.”
She ran to the beach and she dragged you with her, your feet leaving the bricked sidewalk and landing on the sand illuminated by the moonlight. You both reached a pair of swings fixed a little distance away from the shoreline. She let go of your hand, and although you felt a little twinge of disappointment at the loss of warmth, it was replaced instantly by excitement as you saw Yuqi giggling while on the swing. You sat down on the one beside it and started swinging as well. For a while, the only sounds in the dark night were the creaking of the chains holding up the swings, sand flying up as either of your feet accidentally hit the ground and the waves gently crashing against the shore, and it felt like a dream date.
Except, it wasn’t a date, just a hangout with your best friend.
So why were you wishing that it was one?
After a few minutes, you both got tired, and the swings came to a stop. You both just sat there, you staring at the bright moon and twinkling stars, while Yuqi saw them through your eyes, preferring to watch them that way.
“Yuqi, if it’s okay for me to ask…why were you crying earlier?”
You turned to look at her, and she shifted her eyesight to the sand beneath her feet. 
“Well- I was just stressed and broke down, I guess.”
“Why do you have so many shifts?”
She froze, her hand gripping the chains tightly.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine, I’m sorry for prod-”
“No, no, it’s okay.”
She let out a shaky breath, before glancing back at you as she blinked rapidly. You grabbed her hand again, squeezing it a little as if to console her.
“Yuqi, it’s alright to cry. I won’t judge.”
“I do all this work so that I don’t have to go home.”
Your facial features rearranged into an expression mixed between confusion and worry.
“What…what do you mean?”
She held your gaze again, her eyes filled with tears.
“I-I always feel so empty when I’m not at work. I don’t know how else to explain it. Being at the store helps me feel…feel alive. Otherwise, I just go back to my small studio apartment with no one else there, back to a place with nothing interesting to do, back to a place void of life.”
You were stunned by this revelation. You always thought that she enjoyed staying home and that she’d rather be cooped up on her sofa, watching TV or whatnot. You had been to her apartment before, and it was a cozy and sweet place to live in, according to you.
“Seriously. Sometimes I feel like I’m being suffocated in the four walls of my own house.”
“Why do you never call it a home? I always noticed that.”
“According to me…a home is a place where love and comfort can be found, not just a place to live in.”
You squeezed her hand, sighing quietly.
“Frankly speaking, Y/N, you’ve brightened my life so much in the past 3 months and it’s crazy.”
Your eyes widened, and you took a good look at her face. She wore a tiny smile, and her own eyes had gratefulness and peace swimming in them, but there was something else you didn’t recognize. It was a mixture of fondness, almost, mixed with affection, yet more intense than any way she had looked at you before, and you actually liked it. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside — cliché, but still — and you, for some reason, wanted her to stare at you the same way for the rest of your life.
“Yuqi, I- that’s so sweet. I feel the same. Meeting and talking with you is always the highlight of my day.”
You got off the swing, still holding her hand. The sudden movement made her jerk before falling face flat into the sand. Her shriek was cut off by sounds of disgust and gags. Her hand was out of yours at that moment, and watching the whole scene as well as seeing her struggle to recover from the shock and get up was too much for you to handle, and you broke into laughter. She managed to get her face out of the sand and looked up at you, a few grains of sand still in her hair and near the corners of her mouth. She pouted at you, but you couldn’t stop. You squatted down in front of her, laughter reducing into chuckles as you helped her up. 
“Y/N, stop laughing at me!”
She whined as she was on her two feet again, trying to get the sand out of her hair and off her face.
“You looked like a clown! Yuqi, Yuqi, I should have recorded that! I’d send it to Soyeon, and then-”
You erupted into fits of giggles again and she held your shoulders in order to shake you violently.
“Stop it, stop it! You’re so mean! You’re lucky we’re best friends!”
“Oh- really, am- I?”
You were laughing so hard you lost your breath, and at this point, you could do nothing but wheeze. 
She stomped the ground like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.
“Fine, fine, you big baby.”
She pouted again, but you turned your face to look at the sea.
“Let’s go to the shoreline?”
Her eyes lit up instantly.
“Can we?”
“Of course we can, idiot.”
Your fingers laced with hers again as you glanced at her questioningly. She nodded, and you both started running towards the shore, kicking up sand behind your heels and leaving footprints in the sand. You reached a little away from the water, and you both removed your shoes. She led you nearer to the shore, your feet sinking into the soft, damp sand.
“This night is so beautiful. Thank you for getting me out of there, Y/N.”
“Of course. How long could you stay cooped up in there?”
She suddenly lifted your hand to her mouth before placing a gentle kiss on it, her lips lingering there for a few seconds before letting it return back to your side.
Your body froze, but your brain had never worked faster.
“Why did you-?” “Why not?
She grinned at you, although there was a bit of shyness behind it.
“You’re weird. I like it.”
“Of course you do. You should.”
“Oh shut up. Your ego level is higher than your IQ.”
“You love me all the same.”
You did, you truly did.
Looking back up at the sky, you admired the stars and the moon. It seemed to be brighter now, but honestly, you didn’t want the moonlight to shine on you both as if you were the main characters of some romance movie. You wished that it was possible to turn it off and just let the darkness hide you two as you basked in the silent yet sweet moment.
Yuqi’s eyes were focused on you. She took in the sight of your eyes glittering more than the stars, the sight of your lips slightly parted in awe- and all of a sudden, she could look at nothing else. It was just you and her in this world, and she wanted nothing more than that. She was content with being able to be able to hold your hand and stare at you like this, the night enveloping you two as the water lapped at your feet. Her heart was beating faster than it ever did before. 
Sure, she had felt like this around you before, but right now? It was at its peak.
The fluttery, dreamy feeling flooding her entire body from head to toe was something she enjoyed. This euphoria, this high- fuck, she wanted to feel it over and over again.
And then it hit her like a lightning bolt.
She was falling for you.
It was like falling but then landing on soft and fluffy clouds.
The excitement of finally figuring it out got to her, and a small lovesick smile formed on her face as she unconsciously squeezed your hand. This didn’t go unnoticed by you, and you reciprocated her gesture.
When she said the night was beautiful, in hindsight, she meant you.
Suddenly, a small ‘ding’ was heard, and Yuqi pursed her lips together, slightly annoyed that this special moment was interrupted. She fished out her phone from her jeans pocket, and her eyes widened as she checked it.
“We should get going. It’s already 12:15.”
“That early?”
“Oh uh- usually when I come here, I stay until 2 a.m…”
You looked at her sheepishly and she shook her head.
“Well, I can’t afford to do that.”
“What, you get paid for sleeping early? Tell me who’s doing it so that I can join in. Free money.”
“I have a morning shift dumbass.”
“Anyway. Our shoes are nearby right?”
She glanced behind before sighing.
“We’ll get sand stuck on our feet.”
You groaned in frustration.
“My nightmare.”
The two of you started running across the sand, trying to get to your shoes as quickly as you could and to touch as little sand as you could. Unfortunately, both of your feet were covered in sand sticking to them. Yuqi seemed to have it worse though. 
“How am I going to put these feet in my sexy sneakers?”
“I will beat you up with them if you don’t shut up.”
“Take them in your hand. We’ll kick and rub off the clumps on the pavement.”
She rolled her eyes but went along with it. Upon reaching the pavement, you started to stomp your feet against the bricks, creating friction so that the sand stuck would fall off. She copied you, giggling a little.
‘We probably look like maniacs.”
“Of course we do, Yuqi. Especially you.”
“You’re my best friend- that says something.”
“Yeah…best friend.”
Your words were simple, but there were many things left unspoken behind them. You didn’t know whether you wanted her to catch on or not, but it seemed like she didn’t. Shaking your head a bit, you continued stomping.
Once you both were done, you slipped your feet into your shoes. Your head faced hers again, staring silently at her side profile for a few moments.
“So…I guess this is goodbye, Y/N.”
“Just for now.”
You felt a surge of confidence flowing through your veins at that very moment, and you knew it’d disappear quickly if you didn’t do anything.
That’s why you did something.
You pressed a small peck on her cheek, before dashing off in the direction of your house. 
You did it, and you’d wake up the next morning without knowing her reaction.
She froze on the spot until she could feel her cheeks burn. She smiled a dreamy smile after a few seconds, seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
She had seen you before on Soyeon’s Instagram posts and story, and you were just gorgeous. She had to meet you, somehow, without seeming like a stalker. She asked Soyeon about you, and the girl gave her a few basic facts about you, and then she decided that when you and her friend went out together, she’d ‘accidentally’ come to the same place too.
Fate had other plans, however.
She was staring at you that day in the store, yes. The shock of seeing you, the person she thought about so much was so strong that she couldn’t help it. You were prettier in real life, and she was pretty sure that she saw stars.
She loved whatever she had with you, but was it a crime to want more?
Yuqi could only hope.
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herlv3r · 3 months
tip toe
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୨୧ synopsis: as le sserafim’s comeback had just released, your girlfriend is extremely busy with promotions and is under strict supervision. her managers have clearly warned you to stay away for the time being, but is that really going to stop you?
୨୧ pairing: gf!chaewon x fem!reader
୨୧ genre: fluff
୨୧ a/n: stream fimmies new mini album or else i WILL hunt you down
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you grip on your fimbong as anticipation builds up in you like you’re about to explode. sitting in front of your tv, the screen counts down from its final minute. as the countdown nears its end, you can’t help but to stand up, adrenaline filling your veins.
even though your girlfriend already spoiled you their new song, you can’t help the excitement as if you’re hearing it for the first time all over again.
memories begin rushing in from when she first auditioned for woollim entertainment, then her time with izone, and finally le sserafim. you were there with her every step of the way. to say how proud you are is really an understatement.
your eyes gleam seeing chaewon’s outstanding visuals. and hearing her sing through the screen blesses your ears. how’d you get so lucky with her?
your phone rings violently as a call from chaewon comes through. answering it, a soft voice warms your ears.
“babe did you watch?!?” excitement is evident in her tone. you giggle at her question when it’s obvious you did. “of course i did! i wouldn’t miss even a second of it.”
you hear her small laugh amidst the busy background. “okay i gotta prepare for the showcase. i love you and i miss you.” your stomach fills with butterflies hearing those words escape her mouth. “good luck! i’ll be cheering for you.”
every comeback is always filled with busy schedules and strict rules. you can’t even remember the last time you’ve held her in your arms. you know dating a kpop idol comes with an unspoken requirement of being patient but you long for her.
the last time you attempted to see her during promotions got you banned from stepping in their dorms. as much as you want to see her, you have to do what’s best for your girlfriend.
hours past since the showcase and you haven’t heard anything from chaewon ever since. slumping in your seat, your brows drew together thinking heavily on what she could be doing at the moment.
suddenly a text notification causes your phone to vibrate. “i want to see you. pick me up at my dorm?” that burst of adrenaline comes rushing back to you, as you read word by word. excitedly getting up and gathering everything you need, you rush out the door without looking back.
who cares if you get banned again, it's worth the risk. after all, it's her personal request. how can you pass on something like that?
pulling up to her dorm, you hurriedly park and skipped your way to her room. once reaching her floor, you make eye contact with chaewon, her eyes widen in shock. the dumb smile on your face is quickly replaced with a terrified expression after realizing she's talking to her manager.
making the fastest u-turn in your life, you rush back down the stairs nearly tripping in the process. panting for air, you arrive back at the lobby searching for a place to hide.
several minutes past and you've finally calmed down. that was a close call you thought. as you slowly peek over your hiding place, a hard slap stings your head. looking back to see who it was, you're met with chewon glaring down at you. without saying a word, the expression on her face clearly says, "you're such a dumbass."
swiftly standing up, you engulf her in your arms as you squeeze the air out of her. "chaechae i missed you!!" in response, she pinches your waist causing you to squeal and back away.
attempting to rub the pain away, you look at her in confusion. why is she so violent today? has she finally lost it?
"god that was a close call. if my manager saw you first then our whole sneaking out plan is over." you swear you can see steam escaping from the top of her head as she complains.
tilting your head down, a sly smile forms on your lips. "but he didn't see me, so it's all good." she scoffs at you, rolling her eyes and taking your hand in hers. "come on let's go before we get caught." she drags you behind her as she sneakily makes her way back to your car.
you've been aimlessly driving for the past couple of minutes, unsure if chaewon even notices. you weren't expecting a spontaneous hang out today, so you were severely unprepared.
you're terrible at hiding things from her especially with the occasional side eyes you've been giving. she eventually catches on to you.
"how about a convenience store run, just like old times?" pursing your lips you glance at her as if you already had that thought. "pfft, yeah i was already heading there."
"but you just missed the turn..." staring at you, she furrows her eyebrows. "babe i can't see, it's dark out here." out of habit she smacks your arm causing you to swerve a little bit. too busy laughing uncontrollably to even notice.
arriving at the parking lot, you instruct chaewon to stay in the car hoping to avoid any unwanted attention.
walking in the store, you can't help but feel a little guilty. it's such a big day for chaewon but the only thing you can give her is cheap food. still, it's no excuse to not try to make the best out of the night.
making your way down several isles you surprisingly bump into chaewon already picking out items. stopping in your tracks, you cross your arms and tap your feet in disbelief. you cough deliberately, attempting to gain her attention.
"pfft, what?" she doesn't even bother looking at you. "what do you mean, 'what'?" slowly approaching her, you snatch the kimbap she was holding. quickly turning her head, she raises a brow.
"babe you're such a hypocrite. you got mad at me earlier for almost getting caught but look at you now." she snatches the kimbap back from your grasp. "it's okay, i'm covered up good."
finally acknowledging your disappointed look, she squeezes your cheeks. "baby i'm sorry. i'll be careful." giving in to her soft touch, you let it slide. how can you possibly get mad at her?
luckily you were able to leave without anyone recognizing your girlfriend. you wouldn't know what to do if someone did.
getting in the drivers seat, you're hit with realization of not knowing where to go next. resting your head on the steering wheel, you release an exasperated sigh as you struggle to think of a destination.
"make a right turn and take the next exit."
shooting your head up, you stare at the gps. confused as to why it spoke. your gaze shifts back and forth between chaewon and the route displayed on the car's screen, wondering if she had anything to do with it.
chaewon smiles as she comfortably sinks in her seat, "just drive baby." you study her expression, suspicious of her little scheme. "mhm... should i trust you?" the blank expression sitting on her face hints at you to just go without question. you nod in defeat and turned on the engine.
for what seemed like 30 minutes, you're starting to doubt your gps when it leads you to an isolated road. the only source of light that's surrounding you is the brightness of your headlights. it's like you're in a horror movie where you encounter an eerie girl standing on the side of the road.
an uneasy feeling in your stomach begins to stir just by thinking about it. you quickly glace at chaewon whose face is as pale as snow. "you good? you don't usually look as white." she grips on to her thighs and swallows hard. "why wouldn't i be? hehe..."
you knew what she felt at the moment. she's scared shitless. your heart starts to beat . "hey you can't be scared?! because i'm scared... we can't both be scared!"
her grasp transfers from her thigh to your shirt. "girl, just drive!" you immediately step on the gas without a second thought.
"you have arrived. your destination should be on the left." pulling up to a secluded area, a single bench facing a cliff sits under a soft lit lamp post. not creepy at all...
"welp, ladies first," you laugh awkwardly as you unlock the doors. she shook her head in disagreement. "what, you can't do that! you took me here." you lifted an eyebrow and crossed your arms.
"don't make me go out there first, please baby," the look in chaewon’s eyes has you completely entranced. heat rushes to your face, staining it red. it took you a moment to form a response. “you’re a coward,” you murmured.
you push your car door open and hopped out. stepping foot on the rocky ground, the cool evening breeze sends shivers down your spine. you felt vulnerable being outside the walls of your car. in a snap you hurriedly ran to the other side to open the door for your girlfriend.
chaewon steps out and gently pats your cheeks as a thanks. “okay come with me.” she interlocks your fingers, leaving you no choice but to follow.
as you slowly approach the edge of the cliff, the view of the city lights comes into sight, leaving you mesmerized. who knew such a place existed that overlooks the city. chaewon lets go of your hand, letting you take in the scenery.
gawking for too long, you didn’t even notice the feeling of fear had completely washed away. discovering chaewon’s slipped away from your side, you promptly turned around only to see her resting on the bench behind you. she pats the empty space beside her gesturing you to sit down.
“so how’d you know about this place?” you drop your weight on the old wooden material. chaewon shifts closer to you and rests her head on your shoulder.
“i used to come here a lot with my grandma. we’d clear our heads and just talk.” you’re left speechless as you figure out where this is heading. “i wanted to share it with you for awhile now.” your heart softens at her words, realizing you occupy a special place in her heart.
you chuckle as you start playing with her hair, "thank you."
you both sit in comfortable silence just admiring the night sky. after a short while, you felt chaewon's grip on your hand loosen. turning your head to look at her, her eyes completely closed as her chest rises and falls.
looking at the time, it's nearing 1 in the morning. she must be exhausted after such a busy day. you can't even imagine what she'll have to go through later.
you lightly squeeze her, attempting to not startle her. "baby let's take you home yeah?" she groans in response with her eyes still glued shut.
crouching down, you force her to get on your back. you carried her back to the car and gently placed her in the passenger seat. you slowly walked back to the drivers side, taking in the view one last time. bringing her back here for your anniversary would be lovely, you thought.
as you comfortably sunk in your seat, you removed your jacket and wrapped it around chaewon's small figure. she shifts in her spot, turning in your direction giving you a tired smile.
"i'm sorry, did i wake you?" you rub her cheek with your thumb. she timidly shakes her head no.
"if i had known you'd take me here, i would've prepared much more." she chuckles at your statement. "don't be silly, being here with you is more than enough." shutting her eyes again, she falls back asleep. releasing a satisfied hum, you start the engine once again.
the streetlights illuminated the quiet streets and cars sat empty in parking lots. parking in front of her building, you sat there admiring how peaceful and cute she looked.
you shook her softly, "chaewonie we’re here." she yawns heavily and stretches in her seat. rubbing her cheeks, she slowly opens her eyes taking in her surroundings. taking hold of her soft hand, you walk her inside.
arriving at her front door, she turns to you with her head down. "i don't want you to leave... stay with me a little longer?" she tightly clutches on the hem of your shirt. "please?"
without warning, the door bursts open revealing a fully awake eunchae. she looks at you and chaewon cringing. "damn guys it's late. wrap it up please."
"isn't it past your bed time?" chaewon lifts a brow. eunchae crosses her arms as she leans against the door frame. "do you want me to rat you out."
chaewon's eyes widen at eunchae's response. lifting a fist in the air, she makes a threatening gesture. "i'm your leader, you can't tell me what to do." she pushes eunchae back inside, shutting the door at her face.
rubbing your eyes, you can't help but laugh at their interaction. "what's so funny?" she nudges you. tucking her hair behind her ear, you sigh in contentment. "you're so cute, you know that?" she shyly giggles at your compliment.
wrapping her arms around your waist, she pulls you into her embrace. "well you better go in before she comes back out." moving her hands from your waist to your neck, she brings you in and pecks your lips.
a stupid grin forms on the corner of your lip, "do it again." she laughs at your request. connecting your lips once again, it lasts longer this time. her hands explore your back, drawing you even closer. this is what you longed for.
"maybe i should stay for a bit," you whisper into the kiss. pulling away chuckling, she punches your shoulder. "shut up and go home."
opening the door, she finds eunchae waiting, mocking her with kissy faces. "omg eunchae! didn't i tell you to go to sleep?!" you can hear eunchae hysterically laughing on the other side as she makes a run for her room.
your girlfriend turns back to you, pinching the bridge of her nose. "ugh, kids..."
"text me when you get home and as soon as you wake up. i love you and drive safe. good night my lover girl~" peeking throught the small gap of her door she gives you a cheeky smile.
"i love you too. good night~" leaning in, you shut the door for her.
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goteigirls · 5 months
The morning after
Merry Christmas! These Drabbles are a bit messy please keep in mind! Also It’s hard for me to imagine Soifon with a lover so I tried my hardest with her😭
CW: SUGGESTIVE, flirting, borderline NSFW?
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In her arms, you feel the safest. Her cool, gentle arms that have taken countless lives, and would take many more if it meant your safety. Mornings with her after an intense night of passion were filled with whispered words of praise and love, with a bit of teasing sprinkled in.
“Hnnn…” you blinked awake, rubbing your eyes sleepily. You were still in your lover's arms, who you noticed was watching you silently with a saccharine smile on her face.
“Morning Retsu…” your throat was scratchy and sore from the night before.
She watched you snuggle into her arms weakly, your body ached with every movement, “Good morning sweetheart, it seems you have a sore throat, we could have some tea and herbs to remedy that, I’ll go brew some—.”
You cling tighter to Unohana, “Just a few more minutes... You coulda been a bit more gentle last night… then my throat and body wouldn’t have been killing me right now.” You look up at her, your raspy voice just above a whisper. She held back a giggle at your cute state.
“Sorry dear, you were mewing like a kitten, it was so cute that I couldn’t help but want to make you cry louder.”
The heat that traveled up your neck made its way to your cheeks, “must you be so …” you sighed, “I would love that cup of tea right now.”
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Soifon, being the one to wake up much earlier than you, would be quiet, opting to play with strands of your hair while admiring your face, whether you’re asleep or not. She’d look at your bare frame, taking note of how soft and beautiful it looked. When you wake up, she places a kiss against your lips as a ‘good morning’, rather than with words.
The sight of you sleeping peacefully by her side was enough to soften her battle-hardened heart. Though she didn’t show it on her face, her heart sang for you, and her fingers danced in the strands of hair framing your face.
Once you wake up, she memorizes the way your facial muscles move and the way your body looks as you stretch the tiredness away. You scoot closer to her, “Did you wait for me to wake up again? You know-“
Lips silence your sentences, you don’t protest, immediately closing your eyes and deepening the kiss. Soifon pulled away from the quick kiss, and your eyes fluttered open.
“I don’t have work today, what do you want to do?” She moved a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Spend time with you of course!”
“Obviously! But we can’t stay in bed all day.”
“Hmmm why not!” You pouted.
“It’s not good to laze about, besides you wanted to buy a new kimono right?”
“… Alright then, let’s get ready.”
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Rangiku is usually sprawled out on the futon with you using her arm as a pillow or snuggling you close to her ample chest, to which you almost suffocated on multiple occasions. When you two are awake Rangiku makes teasing remarks about the night before all while tracing the marks she left on your body.
As you wake up, the first thing you notice is Rangiku lying half off the futon and limbs spread all over the place, one of her arms you had been lying on the past night and only the shared blanket covering the last of her modesty.
You sigh like a love-struck fool and lean over your lover’s face to place a tender kiss on her forehead. Unbeknownst to you, a hand creeps up underneath the covers and a finger traces down your spine, which elicits a yelp from you as it travels downward in a quick motion, and a hand cups one of your ass cheeks.
“Rangiku!” As your eyebrows furrowed, you looked down at her.
She opened one of her eyes to look up at you and grinned innocently, “What a beautiful sight to wake up to!”
You huffed, resting your head in the palm of your hand. “We just woke up and you’re already being so handsy.”
“How can I resist?” Her free arm moves up to your chest to trace purplish marks on your supple skin, “They look so cute on you.”
You look down to see what she was referring to, blushing a deep shade of crimson. “There’s so many…” there a was trail of purple that led to part of your body where the blanket covered.
At least there wasn’t a lot on your neck to avoid unwanted attention.
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wwandaslover · 10 months
New Romantics
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taylor swift x fem reader!writer
MDNI! 18+ only
warnings: smut, fingering (r! receiving), making out, taylor praising reader a little
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you woke up next to taylor and both of you were naked. you had hickeys scattered on your neck and collarbone and so did she, you sat up and groaned softly. you looked at her and smiled a little at her peaceful expression and soft breathing.
you got out of her bed and put on some underwear and an oversized t-shirt, you walked through the penthouse to her kitchen and began making coffee. you went to her fridge and put some creamer in your coffee then went out on taylor’s balcony that looked out over the city as you drank the coffee.
as you were drinking the coffee you kept thinking back on the night before and you smiled to yourself.
you were so lost in your thoughts you hadn’t noticed taylor coming out to the balcony until she wrapped her arms around your waist from behind. you leaned your head back against her shoulder and kissed her cheek, she smiled softly and kissed the back of your neck.
you turned around and smiled at her, she smiled back and held you tighter in her arms. you wrapped your arms around her neck and you both stayed silent as you looked at each others faces.
taylor broke the silence after a bit and spoke softly “you’re so beautiful.” you blushed and looked down embarrassedly before replying,“you’re perfect.” then silence fell over the two of you once again. after a minute or so she pulled you closer and kissed you softly.
you instantly kissed back and taylor gently pulled you back inside. once taylor shut the doors to her balcony she brought you back to her bed and you both continued kissing. you were on top of her straddling her as the two of you passionately kissed.
despite you being on top, taylor had complete control over the feverish kiss and you didn’t even try to compete for dominance because you were fully aware you had already lost.
taylor’s hands trailed all over your body before slipping underneath your shirt, she ran her nails up and down the small of your back and one of your hands was on the back of her neck and the other roamed her body. neither of you had any intention of ending the kiss so you both just continued to touch each other and kiss.
eventually your position had switched and you were underneath her, laying down on the bed now shirtless and only wearing your underwear. taylor was on top of you leaving kisses all over you while her hands groped your chest. she had her thigh in between your thighs pressed against your cunt.
you grinded against her thigh roughly trying to ease the tension building up, making your panties increasingly sticky with your slick. taylor noticed your needs and pulled her thigh away then slipped your panties off and threw them to the floor, taylor admired your body on full display.
she ran her middle finger through your folds and pressed it against your clit and then gently rubbed her finger against the bundle of nerves in a circular motion. you gasped at the sensation and bucked your hips against her finger. you mumbled your need for her inside you and she obliged.
she slipped one finger into you with ease and you let out a breathy moan, she pumped her finger into you as you continued to moan for her and then added a second finger with ease, continuing to pump in and out of you. your moans got increasingly louder as taylor fucked you, causing you to get closer and closer to your release.
your embarrassment of already being so close was overpowered by the pleasure you were experiencing. taylor noticed you were close and continued to pump her fingers into you as well as curl them while she rubbed your sensitive clit with her thumb.
taylor’s actions pushed you over the bed and you came all over taylor’s fingers and she kept going. your mind felt fuzzy from the overstimulation and she kept kissing your neck and whispering sweet praises to you. eventually you had another orgasm and she slowly helped you ride it out.
after the two of you finished taylor peppered your face with sweet kisses and she helped you walk to the bathroom and get in the shower, and she got in as well.
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angelicvity · 5 months
mistletoe magic, huh yunjin x fem reader.
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genre : fluff
sypnosis : celebrating christmas has always been lonely for you but this year is different with your roommate celebrating along with you
a/n : merry christmas everyone, wrote this in one seat ( my back hurts ) pls enjoy ☃️❄️
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as the holiday season approached, yn couldn't help but feel a tinge of loneliness. christmas had always been a time of solitude for her, spent in the company of her own thoughts. however, this year seemed different, for she had a new roommate — huh yunjin.
huh yunjin was everything yn admired: kind, funny, and undeniably beautiful. little did yn know, yunjin had been carrying a secret crush, her own heart yearning to bridge the gap between friendship and something more.
unbeknownst to yn, their friends were well aware of the unspoken feelings between yn and yunjin. fueled by mischief and a desire to see their friends find happiness, they devised a plan to push yunjin towards confession.
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as the day approached, the roommates apartment buzzed with festive decorations and the aroma of freshly baked cookies, chaewon pulled yunjin aside, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "yunjin, this is the perfect opportunity," she whispered. "you and yn have been dancing around your feelings for each other for far too long. it's time to take a leap of faith."
yunjin's heart skipped a beat, a mix of excitement and nervousness filling her. "but unnie, what if i ruin our friendship? what if yn doesn't feel the same way?" she fretted.
kazuha, always the voice of reason, chimed in, "yunjin, we've seen the way you two look at each other, the way you care for each other. trust us, the feelings are mutual. and if you don't take a chance, you might regret it."
eunchae, brimming with enthusiasm, joined in. "exactly! unnie it's christmas, the season of love and miracles. what better time to confess your feelings and see where it leads?"
with her friends' words of encouragement echoing in her mind, yunjin took a deep breath and made her way towards yn, who was admiring the twinkling lights on the christmas tree.
yn turned to face her, a smile lighting up her face. "hey there, everything okay?"
yunjin's voice trembled slightly as she replied, "yn, there's something i've been wanting to tell you. i... i've realized that my feelings for you go beyond friendship. you make my heart race, and you've been wandering through my mind all the time. will you give me a chance? will you be my girlfriend?"
yn's eyes widened in surprise, her heart pounding with anticipation. "yunjin, i... i've liked you all this time, you're my solace and yes, i would love to be your girlfriend."
as their eyes locked, the room seemed to fade away, and the friends who had orchestrated this moment exchanged triumphant glances. chaewon discreetly held up a sprig of mistletoe above yn and yunjin, but instead of a typical kiss, the mischievous sakura and eunchae sprang into action.
with a playful twinkle in their eyes, sakura and eunchae pulled out a remote-controlled mistletoe drone, adorned with twinkling lights. the drone hovered above yn and yunjin jin, moving slowly towards them.
yn's laughter filled the room as they watched the whimsical display. "leave it to sakura and eunchae to make this moment even more memorable!"
yunjin, caught up in the joyous atmosphere, couldn't help but laugh along. "they really know how to make a grand gesture, don't they?"
just as the mistletoe drone reached them, it paused in mid-air, its twinkling lights illuminating their faces. yn and yunjin shared a knowing smile before they leaned in, their lips meeting under the magical mistletoe.
as they kissed, time seemed to stand still. The room filled with cheers and applause from their friends, their joy and excitement echoing through the apartment. it was a kiss filled with warmth, tenderness, and the promise of a beautiful future together.
when they finally pulled apart, their smiles mirrored the love that now enveloped them.
"merry christmas jinnie." yn said. "merry christmas my love." yunjin whispered.
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badasgirl · 8 months
oh you want me so bad
bada lee x fem!reader
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bada had the longest day of her life and she needs her girlfriend immediately. you just happen to be the best girlfriend in the world and you let bada do whatever she wants.
genre: established relationship, smut, fluff, slight humor maybe ?
warnings: this specific work is 18+, so ageless blogs/underaged blogs who interact will be blocked, reader is somewhat shorter than bada, reader is called bunny a lot, CLINGY!BADA, no caps on purpose (booo ik terrible grammar).
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smut warnings: dom!bada x sub!reader (sorry i’m weak 🧎‍♀️), making out, fingering, bada with the STRAP, marks, crying but it’s good tears?
author’s note: this was not proofread and i was fighting for my life today so please be easy on me. i combined two reqs for this, so thank you to the anon for this request!! reqs are now CLOSED, but please be patient i’ll open them back up soon enough :)) 🎀.
word count: ~2.4k
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today was a long day for bada. first, she woke up at the ass crack of dawn, 6:00 a.m., to get ready for street woman fighter filming. she eventually met up with her crew before going into the building to film around 8:00 a.m. filming for the show wasn’t easy however, bada was stressed the entire time. she went through a good 15 different emotions every hour. luckily, she was able to push through thanks to the thought of coming home to you. after the 10 hours of filming were over around 6:00 p.m., she immediately had to catch a taxi and hurry over to justjerk studio to teach a class in an hour. she was beat, but the girl loved dancing more than anything.
the whole day all she could think about was you, her pretty girlfriend. you flooded her mind any time she tried to think of anything or anyone else. she missed you so bad, all she wanted to do was kiss you, mark up your pretty body, and maybe make you scream her name til your throat was raw, you know just cute things!
after bada was finished teaching, she thanked all of her students before grabbing her bag and running out of the studio. she took a taxi back to your shared apartment and couldn’t help but to get excited about seeing you. while yes she had constantly been texting you all day, it had been hours without seeing you and if bada’s being real with herself, she can usually only go a good 10 minutes without you before getting “y/n deprived” as she calls it.
she paid the taxi driver once they reached the apartment complex and thanked him for the ride. bada was very tall so, of course she used her long legs to her advantage and she ran into the complex and got in the elevator quickly, she needed you really bad. she eventually reached the door of the specific apartment and typed in the passcode—your anniversary date—as quickly as she could.
you heard the passcode being typed in and you immediately got up from your place on the couch. you knew it was your lovely girlfriend coming home, so you went to the door to greet her. once she finally got in, bada threw her bag to the side as she saw you standing their waiting for her with a bright smile. you instantly ran up to her and wrapped your arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. she returned your hug quickly, wrapping her arms around your body.
“i missed you so much bunny, i thought i was going to die” bada said dramatically while fake crying to emphasize how miserable she was without you. you giggled at your girlfriend’s actions before pulling away from the hug so you could look at her pretty face that you missed.
“i missed you too you big puppy” you joked with her while reaching up to ruffle her hair. you just thought she was the cutest when she was acting clingy and missing you. unfortunately for you though, you didn’t know what truly was going on in bada’s mind at that current moment.
bada finally registered what you were wearing once you pulled away from the hug; you were in her oversized t-shirt with your hair tied up. you didn’t even bother putting on pants because the length of the shirt covered your ass just enough. bada however could immediately tell you didn’t have any on and that sent her right back to the thoughts she was having earlier.
you noticed bada just staring down at you not saying anything, just slightly biting her lip. you chuckled to yourself as you realized exactly what she was thinking. your girlfriend was so easy to read. you knew exactly when she was happy, upset, feeling clingy, and especially when she was feeling needy.
“ohhh you want me sooo bad…” you dragged out your words as you took your right pointer finger and dragged it across her jaw. you attempted to tease her knowing how that works her up easily and oh did it work.
bada easily grabbed your waist with her large hands and turned you so quickly before you knew it, she threw you against the wall. carefully though, as her priority was to make sure you were never hurt. you looked up at the tall girl smirking up at her enjoying the close proximity between you two.
“of course i want you sooo bad bunny” bada mocked your tone of voice and choice of words from earlier. bada then moved her head to be right by your ear before whispering so close to your ear you could feel her lips move.
“don’t be fucking stupid now, i’m crazy over you” bada whispered with seductively with authority. your breath hitched as you heard her voice in your ear. of course you loved to tease bada, but you knew at the end of the day she had complete control over you.
bada moved her head back to look you dead in the eyes. she bit her lip at how submissive you looked already, she loved the effect she had on you. she took one of her hands that rested on your waist and moved it to grip your chin gently. she pecked your lips softly to tease you and you immediately wanted more whining at the fact all she did was peck you.
the taller girl chuckled as she said “good to see you’re just as needy as i am bunny, now will you be my good girl and ride me tonight?” you quickly nodded your head looking up at bada.
“yes yes i’ll do anything for you bada” you said desperately. bada barely even did anything and you were already desperately needy and ready to be at her service all night.
bada smiled at you before taking your hand in hers and leading you to your shared bedroom. she immediately got to work taking off both of your clothes, she honestly needed you so bad that she didn’t want to waste time with clothes. once you both were naked, she guided you to lay down on the bed and she began to place herself above you, legs in between each other’s. the girl then began to kiss you deeply. you sighed contently and kissed her back just as deeply. your kisses with her were filled with passion and need for the other. bada began to bite and suck on your bottom lip, loving the feeling. god she loved kissing you, she almost didn’t stop until she felt you begin to grind yourself against her leg that was placed between your heat. she could feel how wet you already were from just the teasing earlier and kissing.
bada reluctantly pulled herself away as she got off the bed to grab her strap from the closet. you whined her name as she left, not wanting to spend a moment away from her. you couldn’t see it, but she silently laughed at your whining as she was getting herself ready. she came back with the strap fully attached to her and you couldn’t look away, she looked so enticing with that giant piece of silicone strapped to her beautiful body. the sight made you weak in the knees and you almost started whining again, however bada was quickly back on the bed and already tracing her fingers across your inner thighs. she then made you spread your legs open so she could have full access.
“you’re already so wet bunny, still have to make sure you can take me though…” she trailed off as she looked at your pretty soaking wet cunt. she took her fingers and gave you time to relax as she immediately slipped two inside of you. you whimpered at the feeling as bada was giving you no mercy. she fucked you quickly with her two fingers before adding a third one and curling up. the girl already had you seeing stars and she was just prepping you. she kept hitting that spot that made you crazy, you whined out to her as you were feeling too good.
“b-bada i’m going to come if you keep doing that, you should s-stop” you struggled to tell her between your labored breaths and high pitched whines. she looked at you as she continued to finger you at a quick pace. she actually needed you to come so you could be extra ready for her.
“who said i didn’t want you to? come for me y/n, come all over my fingers you needy little bunny” bada commanded, her voice dripping with lust. you immediately came around her fingers as you moaned out her name. she pulled out her fingers slowly and looked at you in your eyes as she used your cum to coat her strap. your eyes could barely leave the sight of how good she looked doing that. how is it possible that bada is able to look so attractive doing anything? the girl in question then got herself on the bed and laid down.
bada looked over at you and told you “now get on top and ride bunny.” that’s all you had to hear for you to immediately straddle her. you grabbed the now wet silicone and lined it up with your entrance. you slowly began to sink down on it, you couldn’t help but to moan at finally feeling full again. you loved when bada pulled out her strap because it let you feel even closer to her. once you were sat down fully on the 6 inches of silicone, bada moved her hands to grip your hips so tightly that you could definitely feel her nails dig into your skin. there were definitely going to be marks, but that was your favorite part. you smiled at your girlfriend as you began to move slowly. you ground your hips around in circles, lifting up every once in a while enjoying the pleasure it gave you.
bada looked up at how beautiful you looked as you rode the hell out of her. your hair starting to get loose, your boobs bouncing at every movement you made, your cute face scrunching up in pleasure, and the pretty sounds that left your mouth sent bada into heaven. she honestly could get off to your voice only, she probably has. every now and then, bada too would let out soft whimpers and moans as the friction from the strap was stimulating her clit.
“god baby you’re so fucking perfect like this, i could come just from having you ride me like this fuck-“ bada said somewhat breathlessly.
as you kept riding her, she kept getting closer and closer. both of you were so close to coming and bada could tell. the dominant girl pushed you down by your hips to keep you fully down on her strap. she didn’t allow you to move up and down anymore, you were only allowed to grind yourself into her.
“that’s my good girl, use those hips- fuck fuck you’re so good” bada praised you as she threw her head back in pleasure, bottom lip in between her teeth as she attempted to have some control over the noises that left her body. it didn’t work very well though because you could hear her moan deeply and it only turned you on more.
you began to cry from the immense amount of pleasure, the whole room was filled with sounds of your wet pussy, skin slapping, and both of your moans. bada smirked seeing you cry because her, because of the pleasure she was able to give you. you were at your limit as you continued to move your hips quickly.
“ a-ah gonna come, bada please fuck can i please?” you begged her not wanting to orgasm without her permission. hearing you beg is what sent bada over the edge, you don’t know how but her grip on you managed to tighten even more.
“i’m going to come too bunny, come with me like the good girl you are yeah? mine, you’re my good girl” bada babbled as she felt her orgasm approach. you cried out with a loud scream of her name as you came first. you shook violently on top of her as your orgasm ran through you and bada immediately came after seeing that. she moaned out a string of curse words mixed with your name.
once you both came down from your high, bada managed to move you off of her strap and her. you whined slightly feeling the silicone leave your body, but bada hushed you while praising you for doing so well and kissing your forehead. she laid you down next to her before stripped herself from the strap. she tossed it to the side quickly and then turned to her side to cuddle you and hold you closely. you felt so tired yet in a state of bliss and happiness after everything. the best part was being with your girlfriend afterwards as she clung onto you.
“baby as much as i love cuddling we should sho-“ you were cut off by bada whining dramatically. you chuckled at her childish actions before turning your body in her arms to face her. she looked down at you with puppy eyes and a giant pout on her face. right now, she didn’t want to spend a single moment without you in her arms.
“just 5 minutes please y/n? just cuddles for 5 minutes then i guess we can shower…” bada attempted to negotiate with you. she’s so lucky you’re in love with her because you of course agreed to her silly little deal. she squealed with happiness as she held you closer once you agreed. neither of you could stop smiling at the other, safe to say you both were very in love.
“i love you my sea” you said to bada softly, voice filled with nothing but love and admiration for your girlfriend.
“i love you most my bunny” she replied back while placing a soft kiss on top of your head.
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