#gumshoe wants to make edgeworth happy any way possible
gumdefense · 7 months
We have moved past Maya and Franziska wingmanning narumitsu as a society. They would not fucking do that. We need to realise the truth which is that Larry and Gumshoe would try to wingman them and only succeed through failure
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alynnl · 1 year
I’ve cleared the Forgotten Turnabout this morning.  I have quite a few thoughts as always.
It was another one of those bittersweet and actually, very open endings.
Franziska is salty.  Very salty that Edgeworth willingly turned in his prosecutor’s badge so he wouldn’t have to follow orders to turn over Kay immediately for arrest.  This sort of rubbed me the wrong way because she does realize he didn’t have much of a choice, right? Edgeworth was backed into a corner.
Sebastian got totally broken down and he honestly didn’t deserve that.  Yes, he was a brat, and very annoying.  But for Blaise to constantly cut him down, to say “all the awards you got were the result of me bribing your teachers” and to call him an idiot without joking.  To berate Sebastian for “not trying hard enough” when he was honestly giving his best effort.  For him to know that Justine was just getting close to him to get to his dad.  He ran off, and we never did find him.  I wonder if he’ll ever recover from this!
Justine has apparently been a double agent this whole time, in some effort to finally get Blaise arrested because she suspected him of handing von Karma forged evidence 18 years ago in the IS-7 Incident.  She not only used Sebastian but she also used Edgeworth in her schemes and even if she was sort of helpful towards the end of the case I’m not sure her actions leave a good taste in my mouth.  She seems to care more about passing judgement in the name of the Goddess of Law than for the lives of people around her.
Then there’s Gumshoe.  He is in utter shock that Edgeworth forfeited his prosecutor’s badge and hasn’t seen him face-to-face since then.  It’s hard to know what this means.  Was Gumshoe only loyal to Edgeworth as a prosecutor and not as a person?  Or does he somehow blame himself for the way the situation spiraled out of control, leading to Edgeworth having to give up his badge and Kay possibly being arrested?  (Maybe he didn’t want to be there to make the arrest himself or testify in a possible trial.) 
I will honestly be sad if Gumshoe and Edgeworth don’t see each other again in the fifth and final case of Investigations 2 because they have been side-by-side in a lot of their cases.  It’d be like separating Holmes and Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series, or Sam and Frodo from Lord of the Rings!  To keep them apart permanently would be unthinkable!
But on the plus side...
Kay regained her memories!  And it was because she got a hold of her promise book again, which was something she lost in a different case.  In that book was the beginnings of who she is now as the Yatagarasu.  It’s nice to see her usual fire back too.  There’s also some clarity on what happened before she lost her memory.
Edgeworth is free!  He still doesn’t have his badge because Blaise, the chairman of the PIC got arrested and so there can’t be another hearing about whether to bring him back as an official prosecutor any time soon.  But at least he’s not in jail anymore.  He gets to go home, and he’s determined to find the truth behind what really happened in the Grand Tower case, since arresting Blaise apparently wasn’t the end of it.  He got a call from De Killer of all people informing him of this much.
 I have to hand it to him, he is rather resilient.  I’m just hoping the truth doesn’t put him in anymore danger but at least he’s aware of the power of friendship/teamwork and he will have support if he is in some sort of distress.  He’s opening himself up to others, I’m happy for him.
There is only one more case left to wrap up the loose plot threads from the fourth case, along with any new twists that might come up along the way.  I have looked at the “how long does it take to play all the cases” document and this finale will be a long runner at 8 hours, so I imagine there will be a lot of content packed in, interesting twists, and hopefully, if all goes well, an ending credits montage and a candid final photo.
I will take my time with this last case since I know it will be the last time I will see Edgeworth in a major role, and I will miss him when it comes time to play Ace Attorney 4-6.
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4ragon · 3 years
thoughts on dadworth?
Oh? You want to know my thoughts on dadworth? You want to know my thoughts on dadworth? You come into mY HOUSE AND YOU WANT TO KNOW MY THOUGHTS ON nah sorry I don’t know what the fuck this bit is supposed to be but yeah, fuck yes to dadworth.
(Also I’m just assuming this is about Miles and not about Greg. I’ve discussed Greg previously, in case that’s what you wanted. But now I’m writing about Miles Edgeworth and no earthly force can stop me.)
So Miles Edgeworth is such a great and fun and well rounded and three dimensional character even just in the trilogy alone. But one thing that doesn’t really get explored in the main series is this whole new side of him that you don’t see until he just sort of starts taking random teenagers under his wing.
Like. Okay. Miles Edgeworth. When you think of Miles Edgeworth, you don’t really think “Nurturing” or “Kind.” He’s stoicism and logic and cold hard facts. He gets annoyed easily, he snaps at people. And then Kay jumped into his life, and suddenly he also has to be responsible for this overexcited, hotheaded teenage girl who loves to brag about being a criminal. Practically everything about Miles Edgeworth doesn’t seem to line up with this. Yet he feels responsible for her from the outset. He worries about her, cares about her wellbeing. After all, she had saved him from his kidnapping, and earlier than that, she had saved him from Calisto Yew. And maybe he was sort of forced into this situation at first, but he clearly grows to care about Kay so much by the end of AAI, and especially in AAI2.
And it’s such a different dynamic than Maya and Phoenix. Maya and Phoenix are best friends, and they care about each other, and yes Phoenix feels responsible for Maya in a lot of ways, but they’re much more “constantly bickering siblings” than Edgeworth and Kay. They’re goofier with each other, teasing each other. Miles Edgeworth is not nearly as patient as Phoenix is, and yet with Kay, and later on with Sebastian, he starts becoming far more patient and understanding even under that layer of sarcasm. These are kids that annoy him, but he cares about them so much that he’s willing to put everything on the line, especially for Kay. They’re trying their best, and I think he sees a lot of himself in them. He is possibly one of the only people who understands Kay’s loss, and he sees a lot of untapped potential in Sebastian.
And that's just so fun? It’s such a new dynamic. With Gumshoe he’s very short-tempered, and he and Franziska are constantly in competition with one another, but with these teenagers, we see a completely new side of Edgeworth, still very serious and stern but with kids that he can see need his guidance. And unlike with Phoenix with Maya, Miles at least has this preconceived notion of “I am the mature adult” in most any scenario he comes across. He’s the mature one, he’s the responsible one. He was the same with Franziska, especially as a child. And that feeling of responsibility comes out in full force with Kay Faraday, the world’s most rambunctious teenager. And it comes out in full force when he stumbles upon a traumatized Sebastian Debeste and takes the time to talk him through everything that’d just happened to him.
Actually, as I talk about it, I think it’s especially fun just how different these kids are from him. Kay Faraday is this hotheaded, excitable, confident teenage girl who’s perfectly willing to run headfirst straight into danger. And Sebastian is this sort of goofy, ditsy young man whose confidence had been both his defining feature and been casually ripped away from him. And these are not the kinds of people Miles is usually interacting with, which just makes it really neat to see. Past him coming to Phoenix’s defense in the first grade, we don’t get to see him taking on this role of a protector for anyone, let alone people so very different from him in personality.
I just have a lot of feelings about found family, man. No matter what you think about these dynamics, it’s so clear that Miles cares about these kids who keep stumbling into his life. He just cares so fucking much, guys. He constantly tries to act like he doesn’t, but at his core he is a man who cares deeply about the wellbeing of people in his life. He cares about these kids, and wants them to succeed and be happy. And I love that.
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
The AAI Cast Takes On Twitter
Hello! For the release of ace attorney investigations 2 ten years ago, on the official AA twitter account, Capcom posted a bunch of tweets that were made to sound like they came from the characters themselves. You can still find them if you dig far enough, but it’s a bit of a pain to find and especially a pain to understand in English, so I decided to compile them all here and attempt to translate them. (They have also been “localized” in true ace attorney fashion.)
First, a disclaimer: I am absolutely NOT a translator and my understanding of Japanese is abysmal. I put the original tweets through google translate and then went through trying to make them legible, including looking up words and phrases when they didn’t make any sense. As a result, I can’t guarantee that this is completely accurate, and I definitely messed with phrasing a bit to get things to flow better or sound more in character. Hopefully the general gist of things should make sense! I’ll put the original Japanese text below the English one, and if you actually know Japanese and would like to properly translate it, please do so! I just wanted to get this out here as fast as possible.
If you want to view the original tweets, I’ve filtered them (mostly!) here in reverse-chronological order. There are tweets from the game staff at the end that I did not “translate”.
With that said, here are the tweets. (It is long, so most of it is under the cut.) The breaks are things I added that I believe were breaks in time on the actual account, and represent new scenes.
<Edgeworth>: I was told to “tweet” what I usually think about to commemorate the release of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2”... What should I do?
<Kay>: Come on, Mr. Edgeworth! First, you need to introduce yourself!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Miles Edgeworth, a prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office. Kay informed me that this is “Tweeter”. 
<Kay>: No! It’s pronounced "Twitter"!
<Edgeworth>: Is it "Tweeter"? I'm not very good at this kind of thing ...
<Kay>: Okay, moving on. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is about to be released, and Mr. Edgeworth has a lot to say, right?
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Certainly, there are few opportunities like this, so this should be a valuable experience.
<Kay>: Then this Great Thief, Kay Faraday, will teach Mr. Edgeworth the fun of tweeting!
<Edgeworth>: I’m not very interested in that… but alright. More importantly, Kay, do you want to start working soon?
<Kay>: Yes! Then, we can play later!
<Edgeworth>: (Well, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to tweet.)
<Kay>: Mr. Edgeworth ... Your inner voice is in the tweet! Isn't that neat?
<Edgeworth>: Ah! Tweeter… I shouldn’t underestimate it. 
<Edgeworth>: It's already 12 o'clock ... I wanted to take a break for lunch, but it seems that I won’t get the chance. The detective just reported a new case. I'm heading to the scene right now.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe seems to have been in a hurry. He said he “lost something important”... It’s probably not something to worry about. I should concentrate on the investigation first. It takes a careful investigation to find out the truth hidden in the scene. There are many things that cannot be understood from desk work alone.
<Edgeworth>: I've arrived at the scene. Mm? It seems that some pencils have fallen near the victim.
<Edgeworth>: Search for the connection between information. That is the pursuit of "Logic". Assembling "Logic" is the key to the investigation even in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. “Something lost by Detective Gumshoe” and the “pencil left on the scene” ... There is one answer that can be derived from the two pieces of information.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe! It seems that we found your lost pencil. ‥‥ Don’t leave extra evidence on the scene!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... Finally, the truth of the scene has come into view. This case will likely be resolved soon.
<Kay>: Good evening! I came to play as promised!
<Gumshoe>: Welcome, Kay!
<Kay>: Huh? Gummy, are you also on Twitter?
<Gumshoe>: It’s popular among my detective friends. As long as my number of followers keeps increasing, I’m happy!
<Edgeworth>: What is a "follower"?
<Gumshoe>: Well, people who read your tweets. To put it simply, it’s like a friend group.
<Kay>: It seems that there are many people who are watching this tweet! Ehehe. That makes me kind of happy!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm. Friend group...? That sounds a little embarrassing, but thank you, followers.
<Kay>: Hmm. I feel that followers and friends are a little different. Well, as long as he’s happy.
<Edgeworth>: Let’s say that tomorrow we’ll spend more time with our followers on Tweeter.
<Gumshoe>: I've been waiting for you, Prosecutor Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Good morning Detective Gumshoe. It's rare for you to get to court earlier than me.
<Gumshoe>: That’s because I have to set a good example for my followers! I skipped dinner last night so I wouldn't be late.
<Edgeworth>: What does skipping dinner have to do with getting up early?
<Gumshoe>: Well, it sets a “belly clock”, so you wake up at breakfast time!
<Edgeworth>: (There are too many problems with that, and I don't feel like pointing them all out... I’ll just stay silent.)
<Gumshoe>: Mr. Edgeworth ... We can see the tweets of your inner voice, you know…?
<Edgeworth>: It's about time for the court to open. I'm heading into court without any uncertainty today.
<Kay>: Hello everybody! I'm Kay Faraday, also known as the Great Thief Yatagarasu. Fufufu ... I’m actually in the gallery right now! I wanted to see Mr. Edgeworth and Gummy in court, and keep an eye on the enemy!
<Kay>: Oh! Mr. Edgeworth screamed, “Objection!” This is the 5th time today. The other lawyer is sweating now. The judge’s gavel is getting fierce! Eh -- what? “You can’t tweet in the courtroom…?” Hey!
<Kay>: Uh ... I was kicked out of the courtroom. As expected by the new rival of Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Justine Courtney! She seems like a kind judge, but also very observant.
<Kay>: This is an unexpectedly strong enemy! Mr. Edgeworth, are you okay ...?
<Edgeworth>: Kay. What were you doing in the gallery today?
<Gumshoe>: I was surprised to see Kay being kicked out of court!
<Kay>: I didn't think that tweeting was prohibited. As a Great Thief, this is the ultimate mistake!
<Edgeworth>: If you have time to regret breaking the rules of the court, use it to learn a little more about them.
<Kay>: If I had to leave the court anyways, I wanted to have a cooler exit, befitting of a Great Thief!
<Gumshoe>: … I don’t think she regretted breaking the rules. 
<Kay>: Anyway! You’ve already finished your work today, right?
<Edgeworth>: Yes, I finished my work in the courtroom today. It looks like we can have a nice holiday.
<Kay>: So, why don’t the three of us go play together! Bowling, karaoke, game centers, etc.!
<Edgeworth>: No ... I'm not very good at such things.
<Gumshoe>: Since it’s Friday night, why don’t we play around and recover from working hard! I think watching movies would be fun!
<Kay>: Yeah, you worked so hard this week! Now, let’s go play!
<Edgeworth>: *sigh*. Whatever I say, it���ll be a waste of time… If we must, at least make it a movie.
<Gumshoe>: This Saturday morning is a nice time for a walk! I sometimes take a walk with Missile to build strength and give him training. As the “partner” of Prosecutor Edgeworth, I want to be useful in Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Gumshoe>: When investigating with a metal detector or collaborating with Missile, I will be second to none! Hey, Missile! Hmm? Is a scent bothering you? Aaaaa! Mi-Missile has run away! He must’ve smelled food.
<Gumshoe>: When this happens, I have to rely on the odor to chase after it! This is part of the investigation process! Uh… I lost him right away. When this happens, I have to prepare sweets that Missile likes to lure him in! …  I’m so overwhelmed.
<Kay>: It’s a shame to keep Missile as a police dog. He stole away Samurai Dogs from this Great Thief and ate them…! I was trying to eat with Ema.
<Gumshoe>: Sorry about that, pal. By the way, what were you doing together? Collecting fallen leaves…?
<Ema>: We’re grilling Samurai Dogs on this fire we made from scientific chemicals!
<Gumshoe>: Huh. Scientific chemicals, pal…? Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Missile! Do you feel alright?
<Kay>: It’s fine! He ate it before we started the fire.
<Gumshoe>: Oh. I wish I got to have some...
<Edgeworth>: It’s not good to use chemicals to play with fire, Ema. Scientific research is important, but please use moderation.
<Ema>: Yes! Moderation! By the way, are you going somewhere?
<Edgeworth>: Yes. I have some business. ... I don't have much time, so excuse me.
<Kay>: ... Mr. Edgeworth, where are you going?
<Ema>: Fufufu. In this case, we can follow his footsteps! Using the power of science… in moderation!
<Kay>: Alright! Let's follow him… in moderation!
<Gumshoe>: They both have a strange definition of “moderation”...
<Kay>: That overwhelming scale! I think I’m going to cry! That’s a first for an orchestra concert!
<Ema>: The powerful sound of brass instruments and the splendid melody of woodwind instruments! Scientifically speaking, changing between different sounds is what makes music good.
<Edgeworth>: Umm. While I was looking forward to today, I didn't expect you two to follow me.
<Kay>: I wanted to bring Gummy as well, but he had to walk Missile, so he couldn’t come with us.
<Edgeworth>: The detective can still hear the “Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Orchestra Arrangement Collection” CD. You can pre-order one at E-Capcom.
<Ema>: I already pre-ordered it, of course! I’ll also get the 1:10 figure of Mr. Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: A 1:10 figure of myself? I don't remember measuring my height, but ...
<Kay>: That's because I stole Mr. Edgeworth's height perfectly!
<Edgeworth>: I'm a little hesitant to say it in the orchestra hall, but let me just say one word.
<Kay>: "Objection!"
<Edgeworth>: Wha…? How did you --!
<Ema>: This must be the famous technique of the Great Thief, stealing the words right out of his mouth! How informative!
<Edgeworth>: I have no plans today, so I will spend my time reading at a nearby coffee shop. Naturally, I want to relax on Sundays.
<Edgeworth>: I’m drinking high-quality black tea in a comfortable sunny place. Today is going to be a good day off.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, the other day, a follower named “Wendy” greeted me here on Tweeter. I don’t know how to return messages, so I haven’t done so yet. Let me thank you here. Ms. Wendy, thank you for following me.
<Oldbag>: E… Edgey-pooooooo! I finally found youuuuuuu!
<Edgeworth>: Gah! What are you doing in this coffee shop ...!?
<Oldbag>: No way, Edgey-poo! Just now, didn’t you say this on Twitter? Didn’t you just say “Ms. Wendy, thank you”? You made this old lady so happy! I just ran around all the coffee shops and searched for you everywhere, Edgey-poo. The power of lo
<Edgeworth>: Do you talk too much to fit on Tweeter? So, “Wendy” was you! No matter how many coffee shops you visit, there’s no way you found me so easily… Are you hiding something?
<Oldbag>: If you say that without evidence, you’d tarnish the title of “prosecutor!” I have nothing to hide from my dearest Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm… Even without evidence, if I read your reactions and feelings, I can expose the truth while only using my words.
<Oldbag>: Oh, I heard about this, Edgey-poo! Isn’t it called “Logic Chess”? I know everything about you, Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: What do you mean by “I know everything?”
<Oldbag>: You see, it’s because I’m a security guard. Recently, because the whippersnapper who was there before me got fired, I was temporarily guarding the prosecutor’s office. At that time, I just so happened to see your address, Edgey-poo.
<Edgeworth>: …………… I didn’t even need to pull out information, and you’re already telling me the answer!
<Oldbag>: Oh. It was a slip of the tongue. I thought I would get to see Logic chess.
<Edgeworth>: Well, could you see it in Ace Attorney Investigations 2? Please excuse me, I have very important business to attend to.
<Oldbag>: You mentioned that you have no business today! Today, I will never let you go!
<Edgeworth>: Ngh… That was quite the disaster today.
<Edgeworth>: I was too careful just because it was a holiday. I was neglecting my remarks and wasn’t vigilant of those around me ...
<Edgeworth>: Mm? Now “Tweeter” is showing something from “Wendy”. … “Sorry. - Wendy.” … I’m not going to respond to that!
<Gumshoe>: Prosecutor Edgeworth, did you hear? Agent Lang is coming from the Republic of Zheng Fa!
<Edgeworth>: Hm. Is he also involved in an international case? I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to him for long the last time. If I have time, I’ll go greet him.
<Gumshoe>: The last incident was a difficult one. I couldn’t talk much with Agent Lang’s subordinates, either.
<Gumshoe>: There are 100 people who know about it.
<Edgeworth>: If you tried to talk to everyone, the sun would set before you did.
<Gumshoe>: To be honest, I gave up trying to remember my own face and name.
<Edgeworth>: That’s just being lazy!
<Lang>: Yo, Mr. Prosecutor. It's strange to see you in a place like this.
<Edgeworth>: It's been a long time, Agent Lang. I never thought we would meet again at a restaurant like this.
<Lang>: I just happened to see this place while I was looking for somewhere I could go alone.
<Edgeworth>: Alone ...? That’s unusual for you. Aren’t you usually with your subordinates?
<Lang>: Well… Lang Zi says: “To know the feelings of a lone wolf, you should leave the pack.” Sometimes I do things on my own.
<Edgeworth>: Is that so? However, I see a contradiction right there on your table.
<Lang>: Hah! Is that the prosecutor’s famous “deduction”?
<Edgeworth>: For someone eating alone, you ordered a lot of “platters”, which seem to serve over twenty people.
<Lang>: Arooooooo! ‥‥Oops. It seems I have a habit of ordering too much. If you don’t mind, Mr. Prosecutor, would you take a little?
<Edgeworth>: It seems that you’re not very good at acting alone.
<Kay>: Eh? Agent Lang’s coming here again?
<Edgeworth>: Ah, yes. Unlike before, though, it seems like he’s acting alone for some reason.
<Kay>: Isn’t that because it’s difficult to sneak around with too many people? It’s an important rule for a Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: He is an “international investigator”, not a “Great Thief”. … Anyway, he seemed to come to this country for some purpose.
<Kay>: Then, we might meet him again at a crime scene.
<Edgeworth>: Even if we both desire to pursue the truth, our paths often run counter to each other. If I meet him in the field, we may argue.
<Kay>: That’s nice. I also want a rival that will change me as a person! Ahh… I wonder if they’re out there… the rival who wants to hunt down the Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: If you want to be arrested so badly, ask Detective Gumshoe.
<Kay>: Ugh! You just don’t get it!
<Kay>: It's finally February!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. So it is...
<Gumshoe>: I'm looking forward to February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: At our police station, we will sow beans for the bean-throwing festival! February 3rd is a precious day when you can eat soybeans for free!
<Kay>: Every year, I challenge myself with how many beans I can throw! “Out with the demons, in with the fortune, and in with the Great Thief’s treasure!”
<Edgeworth>: Did you forget the most important thing?
<Kay>: I was just kidding! Of course I remember what’s happening February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: There is no reason to forget the release date of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Mm ... I hope.
<Edgeworth>: It’s three days before the game goes on sale. I hope the followers look forward to it as well.
<Edgeworth>: Investigating in winter is necessary, even if it’s cold, and you can’t catch a cold before the game goes on sale. Ergo, please take proper measures against the cold.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, Detective Gumshoe wears the same coat all year round. Doesn’t that get cold? Ah… maybe it’s just that his salary is too low to buy anything else.
<Edgeworth>: ……… Should I invite Detective Gumshoe for dinner? What little I know about his eating habits worries me. I don’t think he’d eat instant noodles in winter… 
<Edgeworth>: There is a handmade udon restaurant near the prosecutor's office. The taste is satisfying for a reasonable price. ‥‥‥‥‥‥ Though, when it comes to inviting Detective Gumshoe, I shouldn’t limit myself to just noodles.
<Edgeworth>: Mm. I tweeted that it was only 3 days before the game’s release, but it was 2 days. I worked all night in the office yesterday. It seems my sense of time has gone haywire.
<Edgeworth>: What I tweeted then was contradictory… Pardon me. Thank you, followers who pointed that out.
<Gumshoe>: This pork roast is delicious! This is my first one of the year!
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe. Stop eating while tweeting!
<Gumshoe>: I've been eating only plain pasta this year. I couldn’t help myself!
<Kay>: I could, but I still tweeted!
<Edgeworth>: It may not be instant ramen, but his eating habits are always in crisis.
<Gumshoe>: Ugh... every time I make a mistake while investigating, the cost of living becomes a crisis.
<Kay>: But the one who is in the most danger right now is Mr. Edgeworth, isn't it? I saw it in a commercial! He’s having his “biggest crisis!”
<Gumshoe>: I heard it too ... What kind of mistake did you make, sir?
<Edgeworth>: Don’t compare me to you! I don’t know what it is, but I’m not afraid of any crisis. No matter what happens, I simply do what I think is right.
<Kay>: As expected of Mr. Edgeworth! Well, you can always count on this Great Thief to help you in an emergency!
<Gumshoe>: Of course, I will help too! If you want to manage your living expenses in a crisis, sir, just leave it to me!
<Edgeworth>: First, could you try helping me as a detective?
<Kay>: By the way, Mr. Edgeworth, what kind of person is your father?
<Edgeworth>: … Why would you suddenly ask such a question?
<Kay>: I just asked Mr. Shields. He said your father was a very good person! I also respect my dad, so I was a little curious about yours.
<Edgeworth>: When I was a child, he was someone I highly respected, and… the kind of man I aspired to be.
<Kay>: Huh? Is it different now?
<Edgeworth>: ……… About that… It’s difficult to explain. If you want to know the answer, please wait until tomorrow.
<Kay>: I see! The answer is hidden in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. I’ll be sure to steal the truth about Mr. Edgeworth!
<Kay>: Gummy! Please decorate it from the right side!
<Gumshoe>: Here it is! Oh no, the decoration fell!
<Edgeworth>: What are you doing in my office in the middle of my workday?
<Gumshoe>: I’m off duty, but since today’s the eve of the release date, I’m preparing a party!
<Kay>: It's almost time to tweet! Mr. Edgeworth, please work and just ignore us!
<Edgeworth>: If you truly want that, then please stop climbing on my desk. … I’ll finish work soon, so please wait until then. 
<Kay>: Eh! Are you going to help us?
<Edgeworth>: I would like to celebrate.
<Gumshoe>: That’s helpful, sir! Then, I’ll be sitting on the sofa and waiting until it’s time!
<Edgeworth>: ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Just wait in the corridor.
<Gumshoe>: Cheers for the release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... This party for the eve of the release is rather nice.
<Kay>: Ehehe. Tomorrow, we’ll give it our all!
<Edgeworth>: Umm. Thank you very much.
<Kay>: This is the last of our tweets ... It's a little regrettable.
<Edgeworth>: But I’m glad I had this opportunity to directly express my gratitude for the week. Those who were watching our tweets… let me thank you again.
<Gumshoe>: I still have something to talk about, but we’re already out of time!
<Kay>: But the eve of the release has only just begun! After this, you can talk to the development staff of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2” directly!
<Gumshoe>: Oh! Is that the plan?
<Kay>: I’m certain, because it’s information I stole from Capcom! It seems like it will start around 18:00!
<Edgeworth>: I do have a lot to ask, but let's leave that to the followers. Well then, excuse us for now.
<Edgeworth>: If you have any questions for the development staff, please quickly send them in!
Translation notes first:
The localized foods are as follows: 
dorayaki -> Samurai Dogs (since Missile also has a habit of eating those, though I don’t believe the original was dorayaki?)
somen -> instant ramen
katsudon -> pork roast
shirataki -> plain pasta
The “bean-throwing festival” is Setsubun, a festival where you toss soybeans and eat some in order to toss out bad luck and bring in good luck (to my understanding, please correct me if I’m wrong). What Kay said (minus the Great Thief part) is one translation of  a phrase you shout while throwing the beans. I obviously gave up on trying to localize this.
Original Japanese (minus breaks):
〈ミツルギ〉:『逆転検事2 発売直前記念』として、私が日頃思っていることを“つぶやく”ように言われたのだが‥‥どうすればいいのだろうか?
〈ミクモ〉:はーい! それじゃ、また後で遊びに来ますね!
〈ミクモ〉:ううう‥‥‥‥法廷内から追い出されちゃいました。さすがは逆転検事2の新ライバル“水鏡 秤”さん!優しそうな裁判官だと思ってユダンしていました。
〈ミクモ〉:それはともかく! 今日はもうお仕事終わりなんですよね?
〈アカネ〉:ヒゾウのカガク薬品でおこした火を利用して、あったか~い “焼きどら焼き”を作ろうかと!
〈ミツルギ〉:刑事には、サウンドトラックCD「オーケストラ・アレンジ楽曲集 〜奏でられし逆転〜」を聞かせるとしよう。いまからでもイーカプコンで予約出来るだろう。
〈ミツルギ〉:ム?また“カオルさん”から私あてに“ついーと”が来ているな。『残念無念 カオル』‥‥と言われても、断じて誘いに乗るつもりはない!
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Great Departure (Part 1)
So it’s finally here, The Great Ace Attorney! I know practically nothing about this game, except that it’s a) set in Victorian London, b) has the themes of racism and xenophobia you’d expect from a game where you play a Japanese immigrant in Victorian London, and c) features Herlock Sholmes the himbo detective! (Also I think there might be a cereal killer plot, but I’m not too sure.)
Right away I’m being given a lot of very useful information regarding the historical setting for this game. Unfortunately I’m unable to fully process it because two seconds in and I’ve already been accused of murder!
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Oh Ace Attorney how I’ve missed you.
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Hello Kazuma! I like the way your headband billows even though there’s no wind, and I hope you have a much longer and fuller life than my last Ace Attorney mentor.
Ok so it seems like we’re both students at the same university, but Kazuma is the protégé golden boy, who’s about to be sent abroad because he’s just That Good. Fortunately I (Ryunosuke) am his beloved best friend, and will therefore be allowed to tag along (which is a really damn good job because I’m the one front and centre of the box).
Say what you will about incredible aura, but I’m pretty sure Kazuma’s just set up some sort of fan mechanism under there.
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Hello Pink Lady from the box!
As a seasoned Ace Attorney player I am immediately suspicious of anyone from the first case who isn’t a main character. I’m watching you professor!
Ok so from what I can gather from our exchange the Professor Mikotoba is the forensics pathology professor at the university (I wonder if his daughter, or whoever the pink lady is, will be our Ema Skye), and if Kazuma the golden boy takes our case an loses he won’t get to go fulfill his dream of studying abroad.
Frankly, from all their idealistic chatter about jolly old Britain, I feel like these boys might be in for a bit of a rude awakening once they actually make it to London. And I’m not sure Ryunosuke, with all his beautiful naïve innocence, is going to do too well.
And speaking of beautiful naïve innocence...
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No Ryunosuke! Don’t agree to things like that!
I’m beginning to suspect Ryunosuke’s just being used as bait for Kazuma. Like someone out there really doesn’t want Kazuma to go abroad for some reason, and so they’re using his less good best friend to trap him in the country.
Oh Ryunosuke...
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In all my years playing Ace Attorney I have never been more torn by a suggestion box. On one hand, the first time I play an Ace Attorney game, I try and play it in the way it should be played. And so, even though this is an UNBELIEVABLY STUPID DECISION, I feel like Ryunosuke, a man who doesn’t seem to have the words ‘Set Up’ in his dictionary, would not even hesitate to bellow I do because Professor Mikiller told him to.
On the other hand this is an UNBELIEVABLY STUPID DECISION and Kazuma should clearly be in charge.
Ok, I’ve decided I’m going to press it (partly because I think the game might punish me if I don’t) but I will have my head in my hands as I do so.
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See Kazuma agrees with me.
Oh fuck, the victims John Watson Wilson!!!
Ok, so I’m re-evaluating my assumption that I (Ryunosuke) was simply bait for Kazuma, it looks like I was instead the poor expendable mug who can be pinned with causing an international incident. Is it bad that I feel like I’ve been promoted?
My god, everyone must have had a heart attack when Kazuma the Golden Boy stepped up to defend me. No wonder they didn’t want him involved!
Ok let’s bring out Professor Mikotoba the witness, so he can explain how he’s played us like a damn fiddle-
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I would like to take this opportunity to apologies to Professor Mikotoba, who is I can only assume a beloved recurring character. I’m very sorry sir but I did not see you on the box. Yes I understand that, as someone who’s favorite character is Gumshoe, this was no excuse. Please forgive me.
Side note though: Satoru’s whole *hacks up blood* ‘It’s nothing, this just happens sometimes, please ignore it and continue’ thing is the most relatable thing I’ve seen so far. As someone with a chest condition whose lungs sometimes just bleed, this is literally the response you develop. I know this guys probably a murderer and that’s probably Crime Related Blood, but for now the two of us understand each other.
Ok, so from that cross examination we’ve got one mysterious lady the waiter says he never saw, one unwillingly received Buisness card from Satoru Hosonaga, and one coughing fit my lungs started after watching Satoru wheezing away.
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This is a neat mechanic though, and one I’ve been hoping would make it to a cannon Ace Attorney game since the Professor Layton crossover. It seems like we’re just sticking to standard testimony listening for now, rather than checking between reactions, but I’m very happy to see it’s return.
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(Kazuma’s quickly becoming my favourite, it’s a lot of fun to have the Edgeworth over your side of the courtroom for once)
Ok, so Kazuma (who’s name my iPad now autocorrects into all caps) has shown me how to examine evidence, meaning that if I had, shall we say, a receipt with the word Maya written on it, I could turn it over to see what was written on the other side.
So, while I now know that Dr Watson Wilson wasn’t able to have tucked into that big juicy steak behind him, I just want to check that business card Satoru was so unhappy to give away...
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I don’t know what this means, but it sure is interesting...
Now back to slamming an old man with a stolen coin (that was probably taken by the penniless guy next to him)
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I’m not sure how he’s managed it, but Auchi has somehow become the most slapable of the Pains.
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(I like how his desk slam’s changed as he gets more confident)
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So there’s been a coverup! Well that explains the detective posing as a waiter, but it still leaves a huge question mark over the identity of the woman in question. Other than possibly Satoru, who I can’t see as having any reason to dress up, I don’t feel like any of the current witnesses could fit the bill. Whoever she is, though, it must be someone who’s involvement could cause more problems if she was found out, which would mean that she’s either someone with a lot of political influence in Japan, or she’s someone who followed the good Dr from England (and might well have a lot of influence there).
Either way I’m beginning to suspect that, in great break from Ace Attorney tradition, NONE OF THE WITNESSES COMMITTED THE CRIME!!! (Or at least not this one.)
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Don’t worry Kazuma, I turned the receipt business card over this time!
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Screenshots don’t do this justice.
I don’t know what makes this better, Ryunosuke’s cheerful mile wide supposition, or the speed at which Satoru cut him off.
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...are they Satoru? Are they really?
At this point I would apologies to Satoru Hosonaga, however I feel like he might have been using me as the scape goat for this murder, so I’m going to say that I’m not sorry. (We still have a weird blood related understanding though, and for that reason I am not as hostile as I might have been)
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Yeah, that’s fair Ryunosuke.
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Oh, it’s just a flash back gunshot. I thought someone had just whipped out a gun and shot the detective before he could say another word!
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Oh dear, this goes all the way to the top doesn’t it?
Poor Ryunosuke though, he’s not even made it to the stinky rainy streets of London and already his illusions about justice are being shattered. Given that this is effectively the prologue case, I dread to see what comes next.
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‘So it won’t be a problem?’ Ryunosuke, weren’t you listening, it’s going to be a massive problem! Fortunately everyone else in this courtroom has just decided that you know what fuck the government actually, and so we’re doing it anyway!
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Hosonaga’s trying really hard to win me back over folks, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t working.
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I like this hardass judge! I’ll send him a Christmas card too.
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Anonymous,
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I appreciate all the thanks and appreciation, but, uh...no need to pile it on so heavy.  X }
As a rule, I don’t make friends with strangers on the internet, at least until I get to know them (fool me once, as they say), but I’m always happy to chat with anyone who shares my interests, whether it be video games, art, video game art, etc.  I do have a Discord, which I’ll share privately with anyone wants to chat with me there, but that’s as far as my online communication goes with people I don’t know.  I’m also “nobodyuknow,” so please don’t be disappointed if it turns out I’m not as cool as you thought.  X )
Thanks for following my art blog, by the way!  I know it’s not as interesting as a video game ask blog, so any attention I get there is always appreciated.  Art’s a lot of fun, but also a lot of work.
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And to everyone who shares your sentiment:
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And I hope things work out for the best for all of you as well.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: It’s been my pleasure.
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And I’ll gladly repeat myself by saying that it was only made possible by fun-loving letter-writers like you.  I’m glad I could help to make things enjoyable while I was here, and hope to be able to do the same wherever I end up going next (both on the worldwide web and in the real world), so thanks a bunch for the well wishes!
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well, and to everyone reading this.  Heck, I’ll settle for a non-miserable year this point.
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Dear gumshoe-letty-fan,
Co-Mod: I’m not too familiar with that anime, so let me just do some quick research...
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Confirmed.  They’re definitely related, at the very least.
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(Video in Letter -- Disturbing Image Warning)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: .........................
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Mod Edgeworth: Remember when Adult Swim actually had good adult animated content? Good times. Good times.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: By the time we get at least two or three new mods. So far, I only have one new mod I’m getting in and someone else we are still interviewing at the moment. 
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I will introduce the first mod by the 18th of January.
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(Picture in Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
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Now, that's a sight for any Ace Attorney fan’s sore eyes.
I especially love how the similar characters from the Chronicles and non-Chronicles games are on symmetrically opposite sides of the picture (ex. Gant and Stronghart, Auchi and Payne, Edgeworth and Kazuma, etc.), and how there are so many subtle things going on at once, like in a Where’s Waldo? picture -- Missile running off with a Blue Badger doll in his mouth, Soseki’s cat playing with Espella’s, Larry getting smacked in the face, and probably a lot more I haven’t noticed yet.  Beautiful!
One question I have, though -- how did Maya holding Susato’s hand not cause a rift in the time-space continuum?
Mod Edgeworth: I like how Phoenix and Ryunosuke are reflecting off of each other, including the cast from their own story. It’s like it’s subtly hinting who the character types are without giving it away and I love it!
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Why do I get the feeling Edgeworth got some inspiration from Kazuma?
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Don’t worry, we will.  Forget, that is.
Mod Edgeworth: Just like how everyone forgot Halloween was the day Tobias Gregson died.
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(Referenced Letter)
Mod Edgeworth: Fixed it!
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Mod Justice:
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Superior to ours? I think not.
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If we take a look at the first post ever made on our AskBlog... we can see that it dates back to July 15th, 2011...
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...while the other blog’s first post was only created on December 26th of this year.
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Tell me, how can our AskBlog - one that has been around for over ten years and counting - be “inferior” to yours...
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...when it hasn’t even been around for two full days?!
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Furthermore, there are other points to consider on why your logic is flawed.
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If you would please, Co-Mod and Mod Edgeworth?
Mod Edgeworth: 
Huh? Oh um... 
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..... yeah, this one looks new that focuses on asks and reblogs. 
Also, I don’t see why I should care what blog is or isn’t superior to ours. There are a plethora of ask blogs on Tumblr. Ours just happens to be one of the oldest ones that grew over a period of time. We’ve gotta start somewhere, don’t we?
Let’s not make this into a competition. If it’s a new blog, then let them be.
Co-Mod: I, uh...didn’t realize there was a competition going on here.  What’s the score so far?
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In all seriousness, I wish that blog success, but I hope they’ll remember to keep it about Ace Attorney and its fun characters.  That strategy always seemed to work out the best for us.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks a bunch!  I know that feeling, by the way.  Awesome people are hard to find these days, but they’re out there, and I often get the urge to let one of them know it when I find them.  That’s one of the upsides of the worldwide web, I suppose.
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you very much. You are too kind.
-The Mods
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lunawritesaa · 4 years
Holy cow! I those cuddle headcanons are adorable (especially Simon’s 🥰) if you haven’t written anything similar, would it be possible to get the same for the prosecutor siblings and Gumshoe? Please and thank you. I’ll understand if you decide not to write.
characters: franziska von karma, miles edgeworth, dick gumshoe
warnings: none
genre: fluff
a/n: by prosecutor siblings im assuming you mean fran and miles, so sorry if i’m wrong!
[requests are open, rules are pinned]
{franziska von karma}
Franziska is one of those people who will always say that they dislike physical affection and cuddling in general. 
But this, in fact, is a lie. 
She really loves cuddling with you, she’s just very touched starved and doesn’t know how to do it! So she tends to say no whenever you ask to cuddle with her. 
Mostly because she doesn’t like admitting her faults. Especially when it comes to something as simple as cuddles. 
Just beg and pester her for a bit and she’ll say yes. She has trouble saying no to you at times. 
Rather stiff and rigid the first few times you cuddle mostly because, as I said, she’s very unused to physical affection. 
She needs some guidance! Tell her to relax and do what comes naturally and she’ll slowly ease into it. 
Really lets you take the lead with it. 
Because of this, she often falls into the small spoon role very easily. 
She finds comfort in being taken care of by you, and REALLY likes laying her head on your chest. It makes her feel safe and protected. 
It’s one of the few times where she feels like she doesn’t need to keep up the tough persona she puts out. She really relaxes into cuddles and unwinds. 
It’s also one of the rare times in which she acts on pure instinct.
She’ll nuzzle her face into your chest and then become a blushing mess because yes, she just did that. 
{miles edgeworth}
ive written cuddle hcs for miles! its actually one of the first things i wrote on this blog lol! they can be found here
theyre really short in comparison to everything i write now, sorry about that!
{dick gumshoe}
Gumshoe is a huge teddy bear. He is so soft and loving and an absolute KING when it comes to cuddling. 
They’re his favorite past time with you. There’s nothing he enjoys more than just coming home and pulling you into his chest. 
It’s a huge stress relief for him because being a detective is hard work. Especially with all the prosecutors he has to deal with and his coworkers yelling at him. 
So you don’t even need to ask him twice to cuddle. 
He is always down to cuddle with you. 
Always feels like he has to be the big spoon and whatnot because he wants to be your protector. Plus he’s so big that he feels like it’s more comfortable for the both of you if he’s the big spoon.
But please let him be the small spoon. Please hold him. 
He won’t outwardly ask for you to hold him because he’s rather embarrassed by the idea, but if you suggest it he is SO down. 
He absolutely loves when you wrap your arms around him and just hug him tightly and??? He’s so happy!! 
But he could cuddle with you any way you want to and be happy tbh. He just loves being close to you. 
Loves it when you pepper his face with kisses whenever you’re cuddling!!
He will absolutely melt. 
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synnefo-nefeli · 3 years
I really love the scene in Heard Your Heart Beating when Apollo and Klavier sleep after drinking and Apollo wakes up at some point and looks at Klavier and thinks about him and Daryan and Kristoph. Idk I really like the vibe of it and also Apollo is really fond of him and you can see it lol
This is for the DVD Commentary Author Ask if there is a scene from any of my works you’d like to see a DVD commentary on, send me an ask!
Yesss this one of my favorite scenes so far in HYHB.
So there are two things going on in this scene- one is a payoff moment when Apollo figures out the significance of Valentine's Day is to Klavier, and the other is the emergence of the theme of " Safety". This chapter also functions as a transition point from Klavier and Apollo moving from work colleagues into a closer friendship. There is still a giddy nervousness at the beginning of this chapter that is usually associated with moving to the next step.
I wanted to express that almost frenetic nervous energy when inviting a new friend/date/etc into your personal space for the first time. And Apollo, despite him stating repeatedly that the hangout is platonic/feeling guilty about appearing to move on from Clay /trying to keep that boundary that’s existed so far between them, allows that boundary to fall.
By the end of the chapter there is now a comfort and deeper trust between them so that their relationship can continue to develope organically over the next few chapters without Apollo being constantly flustered every time Klavier teases him or there still being awkward feelings between them. They’re still in the “getting to know you” phase of their friendship but they’re at the point where coffee breaks and after work drinks no longer suffice. They now want to hang out as much as possible.
More under the cut so I don't spoil people for this chapter
Before I get back into the Safety theme I want to reiterate the meaning of the story’s title. It comes from Florence + The Machine’s song, “Cosmic Love”. The lyric goes:
“ I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too-So I stayed in the darkness with you”
This lyric aside from Comic Love being a big mood inspiration for the story, this lyric refers to Klavier and Apollo finding eachother after going through a really shitty and traumatic year and a half.
They recognize that the other is a source of some comfort as each of them understand what the other is going through a little bit better than the others around them.
This scene is the first confirmation to the reader that yes, Klavier is actively seeking out Apollo for comfort.
So far in this story we know *something* is bothering Klavier- he’s actively avoiding someone and he’s been kinda timid in reaching out to people without having his glimmerous persona constantly on. In the following chapter, Klavier mentions that he’s been asked to be in Edgeworth’s wedding.
Apollo attempts to commiserate with Klavier about this as Phoenix has just asked Apollo to be his best man.
Klavier tells Apollo that Apollo shouldn’t be shocked about being asked to be Phoenix’s best man- considering how much Apollo means to Phoenix. He has to point out to Apollo how much Apollo means to Phoenix and Trucy as well as how Apollo impacted Klavier’s choice to return to the legal world full-time.
And while Klavier is honored that he’s been asked by Edgeworth, his being asked is more of a surprise than Apollo being included in the Wright-Edgeworth nuptials. There is no way that Apollo wouldn’t be included after all he’s done for Phoenix and Trucy and how close he is to the WAA. Klavier had a different dynamic with Edgeworth. Part of this because, well, it’s Edgeworth. But Edgeworth has formed close bonds with Gumshoe and Kay...but Edgeworth just spent the last few years chasing down a Phantom Criminal in order to save Simon from Death Row. So Miles and Simon had a closer dynamic.
Klavier unfortunately comes with a lot of baggage-most of it being from things beyond his control. It was his debut that resulted in Miles’ partner from being disbarred and disgraced. There is everything with Kristoph. Combine the canon stuff along with this story establishing that the Gavins and the von Karmas have a bit of a family feud going on, it’s no wonder why Klavier admits to feeling that he’s still needs to figure out if and where he belongs.
He’s always looked up to Phoenix and Miles and wants to spend his career under them, but he thinks he needs more chances to prove himself to rebuild trust.
Of course- the obvious signal Klavier is missing, is “Hi, the Chief Prosecutor has asked you to be in his wedding party. If the grooms didn’t like you, you wouldn’t have been invited let alone asked to be IN THEIR WEDDING PARTY” ...and he misses it right after he’s finished telling Apollo, “how could youthink you’d wouldn’t be included, Herr Forehead. Jeeze.”
Like I said- Klavier is shit at taking his own advice. I’m not being mean to Klavier, but because Klavier is anxious about trusting people and letting people in, he prefers to do things on his own terms and under his control just in case he needs to get out if he gets rejected.
And even though he reached out to Apollo first with his condolences for Clay’s death he didn’t expect anything more than a thank you note, but Apollo not only acknowledging him, hunting him down to his apartment and even offering his company to Klavier, was a happy surprise to someone who has been very lonely.
He’s been wanting to get to know Apollo but he’s felt awkward due to the fallout with Kristoph and the continuing dark age of the law of which he was apart of the two major catalysts.
Apollo over the last few weeks is appearing to be a safe space for Klavier.
However Klavier wants more confirmation and a chance to suss things out (re: Kristoph). So when Apollo says he doesn’t have plans and was oblivious about Valentine’s, Klavier pounces on it. He spent Valentine’s alone the previous year and it spiraled his depression so he was not in the mood to again this year.
This scene was meant to be that very comfortable state between two people with a budding friendship. Once you get drunk with someone while having deep conversations, it tends to push you more into the friendship category.
It was also important to get some of the serious topics out rather than dragging it out. Having this quiet evening is something they both needed, and it allowed them be vulnerable. Especially since Apollo was already upset from the phone conversation he had with the Terrans earlier in the chapter.
Apollo needed a night in with the only person who has never treated him with kid gloves, even before Clay’s death. And Klavier needed a night in with the only person who has never put him on a pedestal.
When discussing Kristoph, it was important to remind the reader that Kristoph is a human being- it’s what makes him a compelling villain and why his betrayal of both Apollo and Klavier’s trust strikes an emotional chord with the player. Before the events of AA4, there was a time where Kristoph gained Apollo and Klavier’s love and loyalty, where he was a normal boss, a dog-dad, a good older brother. There were good times and happy memories- which is why when Kristoph is exposed, Apollo and Klavier are disillusioned- Klavier moreso. But another reason as to why Klavier finds Apollo to be a safe haven, is because, Apollo knew the Kristoph Klavier loved. They both wanted Kristoph to be proud of them. They respected him and wanted Kristoph to be proud of and acknowledge them.
Klavier has been wanting to talk to Apollo about this for awhile and I believe so has Apollo. Apollo is never going to say to Phoenix, “hey Mr. Wright, Mr. Gavin was a good mentor to me too-“ it wouldn’t go over well, even though Kristoph was a good mentor to Apollo-his only flaw was thinking that Apollo would happily be a lickspittle and easy to manipulate. So when Apollo gives Klavier that reassurance that Klavier can talk about those happier moments of his life involving Kristoph, Klavier sees that Apollo wants to take that awkward stress away from Klavier but also Apollo wants to get to know Klavier better.
Klavier is so used to people researching his celebrity persona and forming opinions based off of his former lifestyle, that it’s refreshing to find someone who wants to organically grow their relationship without preconceptions.
Yes, Apollo initially wrote Klavier off as being a fop and glimmorous- but those thoughts were due to Apollo being self-conscious. By the end of Turnabout Serenade, Apollo admits that Klavier is pretty cool and in DD, Apollo remarks that Klavier is different than most prosecutors and how dedicated Klavier is towards his job.
It was also important in this chapter to allow for Apollo to discuss Clay and his relationship with Clay’s family. You’ll notice in this story that Klavier is the only person Apollo will share anecdotes about Clay with and freely grieve about Clay. It’s not that Apollo hides it from The WAA, he does share some things with them, but right now, Klavier is the only close peer Apollo has, and this comfortable vulnerability they’ve trusted eachother with allows Apollo to express himself with out him fearing that he’ll appear fragile. He’s tired of people walking on eggshells around him, but Klavier hasn’t and never will.
Likewise, I made sure to have Klavier fish for information about Apollo. Yes they’ve been hanging out for weeks at this point and worked a case together (sorta), but those coffee dates have been more talking about work, general topics like Trucy’s shows, etc.. they’ve been light in topic. So dinner and drinks at someone’s home gives way to deeper conversations about value-systems, love lives (even though Apollo isn’t entirely truthful lol), etc. And it works really well to the point they get more comfortable than either had anticipated.
I loved writing the discussion about how Klavier will never ever do a performance of “The Guitar’s Serenade” where he’s singing Lamiror’s words. It was such an organic moment while writing too- Klavier just started talking about how he’s feel like an imposter to sing those words because he’s never experienced a lost true love...and he hopes that he’ll never know what that feels like. It’s an honest moment that puts to rest any assumptions Apollo may have had about if Klavier is just a flirt not to be taken seriously in the romance department.
Hearing that Klavier is pretty private in his love life, isn’t a player, and has pretty much admitted that he tries to date with the intention of marriage, shows Apollo more into Klavier’s serious and introspective side. A side that Apollo’s only known in the context of their work. It makes Apollo realize that Klavier is human and is wanting of things like love and companionship. More importantly, Klavier will take those things seriously should he be so lucky to receive them.
There is also a bit of humor here- because c’mon Klavier lives to be playful when he can, and he wants to know more about Apollo’s views on love and relationships. Apollo is adorably flustered because he doesn’t want to admit he’s still a virgin. But in this portion I wanted to start laying down the idea that Apollo is demisexual. Part of the reason he hasn’t fallen in love or felt desire is because he’s fullfilled by his relationships with those he holds dear, but also no one has been interested in Apollo and stayed long enough to bond with Apollo in a way for desire to to bloom.
Because they’re starting as friends-particularly a friendship made as adults- this is going to give Apollo that chance to realize he wants more from Klavier. And for Klavier who wants a true friend and companion after the betrayals he’s suffered, Apollo is a perfect match for him.
The most important thing for me while writing this scene was to show Apollo and the reader that Klavier is suffering and grieving just like Apollo is, (and to establish early that Klavier is super bad at taking any of his own advice) and for Apollo to start drawing parallels to himself while wanting to dig into what’s going on with Klavier.
Apollo is interesting because he’s more likely to say what’s exactly bothering him but fails to realize his feelings about others.
Whereas Klavier is very aware of his own feelings but will hide what’s bothering him from others.
They’re also two people who now need reassurance about where they fit in and how others consider them in their lives.
And if you were wondering: yes, at this point Klavier does have a crush on Apollo haha. So getting invited to sleep over was a bonus for him...despite it being labeled as a “platonic sleep-over”, because at this point in the story, it is a platonic sleep over. Klavier is good at reading the room (even when drunk) to know that Apollo isn’t making a move on him and neither should he.
The comment Klavier makes about Apollo’s bed’s size is a homage to my favorite BL manga, FAKE. In the manga, Ryo who has just started as a detective at a new precinct and met his new partner, Dee- has Dee over that same day for dinner and Dee winds up staying the night. Ryo has a large bed for a single guy (according to Dee) and Dee makes a comment “that’s a big bed you got there, do you have a girl to go with it?” because Dee the little shit that he is, is trying to see if Ryo is single (and yes, they sleep in the same bed that night. How is that fir team building haha...it’s totally platonic. It takes Dee 7 volumes to get that. Please read it it’s a classic). Klavier is totally asking to get a rise out of Apollo because Klavier suspects that Apollo exaggerated his experience because Apollo’s pivot was not smooth at all XD.
Finally the last aspect of showing safety is them sleeping in the same bed together. We know from descriptions of Klavier that Klavier has not been sleeping well. Something is keeping him up at night and his mood has been less glimmerous. When he arrives at Apollo’s that evening; he wasn’t able to really conceal the dark circles under his eyes. Apollo has been missing Clay, who would usually sleep over and share the bed with Apollo,’s company.
Sleeping next to someone, especially falling into a deep sleep in a bed that is not your own, is a sign of trust. Yes they were sleepy from the alcohol, but they went to bed together easily, slept for hours, had brunch, and went BACK to sleep. Neither minded, nor did Klavier feel that he should leave after they ate. They are comfortable and too hungover to even think about anything except getting more sleep XD Also it’s not as if Klavier is in a hurry to get home when he eventually saw the text from his land lady.
Sorry if that was a rambling response but I have a lot of love for this scene in particularly and I’m so excited to give a behind the scenes look at it!
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turnaboutimagines · 4 years
A murder happens and s/o tries to save the victim but fails and gets injured in the process. I want to see how that'll affect Gumshoe, Miles, and Simon when investigating and how they'd treat the prime suspect and culprit (prime suspect doesn't have to be innocent btw). Maybe some light hurt/comfort between them too when the case is over.
For the sake of writing, Reader was injured to the point of being rendered unconscious for the initial day (an investigation day!) and doesn’t come to until late into the first trial day.  For Gumshoe’s and Edgeworth’s, they serve as a decisive witness in terms of testimony on day two after coming straight to the courthouse from the hospital.  Prime suspect is the culprit in each one!  Wanted to keep these consistent.  ^^Hope you enjoy, pal!  Miles and Simon are under the cut!
Dick Gumshoe.
Detective Gumshoe is very protective of his friends and especially so of his romantic partner.
So when a bad guy not only kills somebody, but hurts his partner in the process, too?  It’s personal, pal.
Will not rest until the person who did such a terrible thing is locked up and you’re safe again.
He uses his height and stature to try and intimidate the culprit because he’s convinced of their guilt (all of the evidence points to them, after all!).  Additionally, he’ll be harsher on the subordinate officers on scene, as well, yelling at them and ordering them around as if it was second nature to him.
He’s just very much on edge and uncharacteristically prone to snapping, like a certain K-9 unit.  The junior officers steer clear of him as much as possible when he’s like this, not wanting to get yelled at.
Edgeworth has to scold him and remind him that he needs to keep his act together if they want to get this villain locked up.
This poor man gets absolutely no sleep as he juggles between spending as much time with you in the hospital during your short stay there.
He looks exhausted and worn down whenever he’s at the hospital, just holds onto your hand like it’s his lifeline.
After he gets the call that you’ve woken up, he rushes down to the hospital after picking up a bouquet of discounted flowers.  Cries upon seeing you really are all right and scoops you into a hug, careful of your injuries (but not mindful of the bouquet, which he crushes, oops).
Once the conviction is handed down, Gumshoe sweeps you out of the courtroom and back home.
He is very big on comfort cuddles and will probably take the first day afterwards off just to spend it sleeping and cuddling in bed with you.
Will make you weenies and attempt to make any of your other favorite foods (or try to!  they’re always made with love!).
He picks you up from work and is just always escorting you places, wanting to be there for you in case something like that ever happens again.  His worry slowly eases as things stay normal, though, but he’ll keep up with it as long as you need to feel safe.
Probably encourages you to maybe take a self-defense class or at least let him teach you some moves from police training for some peace of mind in the future.
Miles Edgeworth.
Prosecutor Edgeworth remains focused on finding the truth, as always, but with a greater urgency because he needs to get to the bottom to what happened to you.
Is thoroughly convinced that the defendant committed this heinous crime, hurting you in the process, but he does his best to not let his biases color the investigation.
The more evidence he finds, the more convinced he becomes that the police have the correct individual.
And thus, the colder he becomes toward the suspect in question as he engages them in games of logic.  Trying to find holes in their narratives and logic.
Despite looking like he’s keeping it together, those close to him can tell that he’s having a rough time.  The furrow between his brow is deep and he tends to stare off, lost in thought more regularly.  
As much as he hates not being able to be with you in the hospital, he needs this investigation to be overseen with great care.
When he is there the first night, he simply stares at you feeling utterly helpless.
Once the first day of the trial is finished and he checks his phone to see a notice that you’ve woken up, he makes his way to the hospital posthaste.
The sentimentalities come after he makes sure you are absolutely okay and hears what happened from you.  Presses a gentle kiss to your brow as he brushes some hair out of your face, promising you that justice will be served.
He makes it very clear to the defense that there will be no badgering of the witness tolerated, given the fact that you came directly from the hospital to testify.  He’s not happy about it, but a decisive witness is the key to winning this case.
Afterwards, the two of you go home together and he just… holds you.  It takes you a while to realize it, but he’s crying.  It’s a call that’s too close for comfort, another loved one potentially being ripped away from him.  Leaving him behind.  Unbearable.
Dotes on you afterwards, despite his job taking such a high priority in his life he’ll make as much time for you as you request.
Touchier than usual for a time afterwards, it’s reassuring to the both of you.  You may even be able to squeeze out a bit of PDA from him.
Will scold you at any hint of self-sacrificial behavior going forward, not wanting you to risk yourself like that again.
Encourages you to get therapy and recommends you to his therapist, wants to make sure that you heal from the trauma and is there for you every step of the way.
Simon Blackquill.
Simon has suffered too much loss, he takes this crime against you.  Because he could have lost you, too.  And that’s unacceptable.
Really, he takes this whole ordeal very hard personally.  Protecting the ones he loves is one of his most deeply held and important core values.
He feels like he’s deeply failed you (the one he loves) on that front.
Given the suspect’s psychological background and the evidence, he’s quick to figure out that this is, indeed, his culprit.
You think he’s bad in the courtroom?  He’s hell in the interrogation room.  Psychological manipulation and intense, drawn out interrogations to try and break down the suspect or trick him into confessing or slipping up.
He is merciless and all steely edges, there is no ‘good cop’ to save this cretin.  The threats are less empty than usual…
Enjoys making them squirm a bit too much, it’s honestly a way for him to take out his own frustration.
By the time you’ve come to, the case is already closed.  A single day in court is all it took.  He spent the first day in interrogation, but doing so allowed for him to be there for you consistently not long after.
Simon’s by your side, arms crossed over his chest as he stares off into space—lost in thought.  He doesn’t notice you’re awake immediately and you get to see that he’s lost in thought.
He looks like hell.  He’s got bags under his eyes and the stains on his face seem more pronounced than before.
After the nurses and doctors run their tests, he’s quick to hold onto your hand once you’re alone once again.
“Tsk.  Don’t do something so brainless ever again.  I won’t forgive you if you do.”
You both know he would’ve done the same in your situation though.  And you sense there’s some underlying meaning behind his words that isn’t directed at you.
He becomes like a shadow afterwards, a bit too reminiscent of an overbearing mother hen with her chicks.  However, he’s simultaneously emotionally distant.  It’s a strange, contrasting combination and it can be confusing to navigate with him.
If you weren’t learning swordplay with him before, you are now!  He passes on his iaijutsu technique onto you.
Tries to find the humor and encourages you in his own snarky way.  It’s familiar and comforting in its own and he lives for seeing more of your smile.
Takes a few days off work to spend time with you, has his arms wrapped around you as much as he can and treats you to as much comfort food takeout as you want.  It’s the least he can do...
Athena conducts a couple of therapy sessions with the two of you.  She’s the only person he trusts enough with you and his own feelings.  It really helps clear up that emotional distance element.
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sevi007 · 3 years
GUYS I’M SCREAMING. I just finished “Bridge to the Turnabout” and I’m FLASHED, people, I’m still jittery with adrenaline the likes I would not expect from a damn courtroom-simulator, but from a literal action game! WHAT A GOOD CASE and what a great game, tying all those old and new cases and even past-games cases together in this big bang of an ending.
I’m not able to put everything into a coherent text right now, so I took some notes during the game, quick summarizations of big events, to make sure I wrote my thoughts down. Right now, I’m too busy fluttering around the room because I’m still so excited, so have these notes, instead:
  * I honestly kind of expected to meet Dahlia again. This whole game built up on her, did it not? Her trials against Mia. Her connection to Phoenix. Her poisoning of Armando – or Godot, as he goes by now. This entire game introduced her, built up her story, and made it very clear that this is not the last we have seen of her. I just did not expect HOW they reintroduced her. That she would already be dead, and simply summoned back into this world. While that is of course a possibility in this universe, it still took me by surprise! And also, who summoned her in the last trial – Maya!
What a great twist! I almost jumped off my chair yelling!
(Also, please, lady – just stay as dead as a literally dead person can. Don’t EVER come back)  
  * Morgan had Pearl summon someone to kill Maya? What the… listen. How dare you. How freaking… in the last trial with Morgan, I could somewhat excuse her actions as “wanting her daughter to succeed”. But this time? She wanted a 9 year old, her OWN DAUGHTER, to carry out a murderous plot. Indirectly, she would have allowed – wanted – Pearl’s hand painted with the blood of her own beloved cousin. I don’t care if the summoned Dahlia would have been the driving force behind it; Pearl would have lived on with the knowledge that she did the summoning, and her own two hands had down the killing. This woman cared more about power than her sweet, kindhearted daughter, and she DARED risk Pearl’s mental and emotional health for some shitty position of power??? Lemme at her! I’m gonna scratch out her eyes!
(Also, sign Pearl up for adoption. I know a whole cast of characters who would jump into action at the opportunity. Heck I would jump too!) 
  * I don’t know what to say about Godot, not really. He’s a very, very complicated character. On one hand, he tried to protect Maya. I’m sure he did – that was part of the reason why he stabbed Elise / Misty while she was channeling Dhalia. That was why Maya tried to protect him, in the end. But good intentions or not, his main motivation? Revenge and hatred. If he only had GOOD intentions, then he would have told someone what was going to happen. He would have warned them. He did not. He even says so himself (I wrote the first part of this rant before he said so, so, yeah, sorry for basically just saying what we all already know XD)
But that does not mean he’s an inherently bad person. I would say, he was at his core, a good person, and pieces of that person still exist. But waking up from that coma, he had not only lost his eyesight, his girlfriend – he had also lost that core of himself, didn’t he? Part of Armando was really dead, dead through poison as much as through regret and hatred. He wasn’t just blind to colors, he was also blind to what really mattered.
In the end, he’s likely one of the, if not the, most tragic characters of AA. I cannot say he’s entirely good – I cannot say he’s bad. He’s a very complex and interesting case. One which I like a lot, flaws or not!
(Also I wished he could meet – a channeled – Mia one last time. So they can properly say goodbye, this time)
  * I would like to be able to say I’m reeling over the fact that Iris was the girl who was in a “relationship” with Phoenix the whole time but – in the end, I’m not. It makes too much sense, the moment she says it. How Phoenix never once suspected Dahlia of being anything else than being sweet and kind – obviously because he only ever met Iris for a longer period of time. What Iris wanted to tell him ever since meeting him again in the present. How she got flustered and blushed and looked at him all the time. No, I’m not surprised, in the end. I’m just awed by how well this entire story was set up, and happy that in the end, Phoenix was right – the girl he knew back then would never have hurt anybody. It was Iris, after all, all along.  
 What a great, great game. What great trilogy, in fact! Damn, that was fun and exciting. Whew! If anybody has not noticed it yet, I’m utterly in love with this series now, and there’s no way I’m not going to play the entire rest of it. (Already planned everything out and got the games!) It’s just so good! =D And I’m happy to be – somewhat – part of such a nice fandom! Hope y’all will have me!
 In the end, some other, smaller things of note that I really liked, in no particular order, under the cut:
 * Mia appearing next to Phoenix, only for Godot to see, literally broke my heart.
 * Maya titling herself “director of Wright and Partner” instead of a Fey-Medium hurt as much as it made me smile. Wright and his office where all she felt she still HAD in that moment, wasn’t it?
 * Franziska staying on an icy mountain all night to help figure out how to get Maya out of that damn locked room
 * Edgeworth flying across the ocean, posing as a defense attorney and that all to help his friends - -mainly Phoenix – out. His only condition for helping Iris being “tell Phoenix the entire truth, so he can get over everything in his past”. He even called Phoenix “partner”. Look at how far we’ve come! “Unnecessary feelings”, who is that?! Never even heard of them! XD
 * Once again, Gumshoe dropping everything to come and help in any capacity he could, the utter sweetheart.
 * Godot having his own friggin’ theme as his ringtone. I want to punch him like Mia punched Grossberg. Damn you, you dork! XD
 * Larry asked if there is space for him in the group hug so there was a group hug with Maya, Edgeworth, and Franziska. I would give a whole damn lot to see a picture of that! Gimme! XD (Also, Maya staring Franziska down hahaha!)
 * Nick yelling “Objection” while everyone anticipates it was a nice way to top the whole thing off was a great way to end this trilogy! (Also please tell me you’re not really going to make him take part in that hellish training? Please? Has this man not suffered enough already!)
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youngbounty · 4 years
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I can't tell you how long I've had this in my Pictures and never posted it. It was something I noticed about these characters. Phoenix's loneliness is the reason he became a Defense Attorney. He mentions how the class trial was the moment he realized what it truely was like to be alone. Originally, Phoenix wanted to become an artist, but the experience of being alone in his life made him one of the kindest people in Ace Attorney.
Maya Fey had dealt with sadness in her life from her mother disappearing at a very young age, to being forced to live on her own, to her sister being murdered before being framed for it, then her Aunt tried to kill her that was like her second mother and her Aunt tried to use her cousin to kill her. Maya never gets a break in her life, yet she's always bright and cheerful, trying to make other's days the brightest. This is because Maya doesn't want anyone to feel sad and miserable when things don't go their way. She knows the feeling of being sad and miserable, feeling like everyone is against you and that there is no hope. Her bright and cheerful personality is her way of making sure no one else has to feel that misery when things go wrong. It’s the reason I believe she’s the Master of her village. She wants to use her powers to make everyone happy, knowing it would bring joy to someone who has lost their loved one and wants to see them one last time.
With Miles Edgeworth, while he might not be the kindest or the brightest, he is very wise. His pursue for the truth, despite its painful reproduction, comes from experience. As a child, he was truamatized by DL-6 that resulted in his father being murdered in front of him, believing he murdered his father for 15 years with little to no help, developing the fear of earthquakes and possibly elevators, then realizing his mentor that taught him the ways of Prosecution was the one that murdered his father and ruined his life. Miles Edgeworth knows what pain feels like and to be damaged to the point of wishing his own death. It took three years, after finding his father's killer, to heal and even then, he was never completely recovered. It's because of this that he continues as a Prosecutor. After seeing Simon Keyes, Edgeworth realized that there are those that have been damaged to with no one to help them pave a path to healing. Simon never had a Phoenix Wright, Dick Gumshoe, Franziska Von Karma or anyone in his life that could help him, besides a blind assassin. Edgeworth realizes that even murderers look to him for guidance. He is responsible for their fate, after all. He uses his position to help others pave their own path, so that they may move on and heal from their pain. It’s for that reason why he always stands for the truth, even as painful as it is.
These experiences have resulted in helping others in their own lives through kindness, bringing cheer and providing wisdom. Because of what they've given to other characters, we can see characters like Apollo, Athena, Trucy, Pearl, Kay, Sebastian, Raymond and Justine being impacted by them and become better people. Apollo is still a Defense Attorney thanks to Phoenix taking him in, despite being disbarred and barely having any money. Trucy lived in a stable home with a loving father thanks to Phoenix taking her in after being out of a job. Pearl was able to live a much happier childhood despite her mother and sister being murders thanks to Maya always making her day brighter. Phoenix never feels lonely, because Maya is always there even when she’s not around. Kay is able to follow her dream thanks to Edgeworth helping her pave a path. Sebastian was able to face his father thanks to Edgeworth’s guidance. Even Athena was able to face her past thanks to Miles Edgeworth, which resulted in her black psyche-locks breaking. I’m certain there are more than what’s seen, but yeah.
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blue-mood-blue · 4 years
Some thoughts about Sebastian Debeste:
Sebastian can play the piano. It’s one of the few things his father couldn’t dissuade him from; it was the one thing that was always just for him. He hoarded sheet music like a guilty pleasure, and played whenever the house was empty.
Sebastian has always had a habit of conducting while talking. It doesn’t matter what’s in his hand - a pencil, a straw, a twig - anything nearby is at risk of being picked up swung around a bit. When Justine gets to know him better, she gives him a genuine conductor’s baton as a gift. He carries it everywhere; it’s the best gift he’s received in a long time.
He wondered about the grades. Nothing seemed to click the way it did for his classmates, and he passed anyway. He didn’t feel like he really understood what the teachers were talking about, and he passed anyway. A steady thread of anxiety hummed under everything he did, hand in hand with the worry in the back of his mind that if he questioned too much, his constructed happiness would fall apart.
He doesn’t go back to school. He takes correspondence courses and shadows Miles Edgeworth in court. He relearns everything he thought he knew; he takes the bar exam again, and when he walks out of the test, there’s a feeling of real accomplishment that’s unfamiliar and exhilarating. He doesn’t learn the way most people do - his needs are different, something about himself that he never had the chance to know before and would have buried in shame if he did. 
(He ignores that little hint of sadness Miles and Justine have behind their eyes when he explains the way he understands things now. They think he deserved better, and he did, but it’s too late for that. He has better now.)
Sebastian hates fire. He hates the smell of it, the look of it, the heat of it. He hates matches and lighters, he hates the smell of gasoline, he hates the toomuchtooquicktoofast feel of it licking on his skin.
Sebastian grows out his hair. It’s long, and he likes to wear it in a ponytail over one shoulder. He likes to wear coats with long sleeves and gloves, even on hot days. It’s the look he prefers, and it has nothing to do with the complications surrounding his father’s arrest. Only a handful of people know any different.
There was a collection of old cds under his bed when he was younger. Another guilty pleasure, a few memories he wasn’t ready to let go. Sebastian has a lasting fondness of music from another era, loud and happy and fun.
He still gets words wrong in court. He still has strange turns of logic. But he follows his own logic, and while it may take an unusual path sometimes, it’s still a path towards the truth. He doesn’t seem to mind being proven wrong in court - instead, he takes great interest in the arguments of his opponents. When they correct him, he listens with careful attention. He’s easy to underestimate - plenty of unsuspecting defense attorneys have left the courtroom in a daze, having spent most of the trial assured of their victory and only having it pulled out from under them at the last minute.
Logic doesn’t go from Point A to Point B by the shortest route like a map in his mind; the points are all there, a mess of possibilities that seem as likely as the others until the whole starts to come together into something greater. It’s like an orchestra, and only when he knows the whole song, every instrument, can he pick out the sour refrain or find the instrument responsible for a missed note. The words are that way, too - sometimes there are so many, so close, so many possibilities that he lands on the wrong one. But the cases, at least, he can lay out like a song and pick out the melodies he needs.
He still flinches sometimes. If the movement is too swift or two close or too sudden, he still sometimes raises an arm to protect himself. He’s getting better about that, though.
After the arrest and everything that followed, Sebastian insisted on being the one to go through his father’s papers and records. He wanted to reveal the truth of every ghost in his father’s, and his own, past. When he stopped answering phone calls, Kay was the first to do something; she broke into his house and refused to leave until he left with her. The rest of the papers were distributed between Miles and Justine to handle, and they carefully avoided discussing what they found.
Sebastian’s office is relatively small, which was his preference. He never wanted to give anyone any reason to accuse him of special treatment again. It’s usually cluttered, but in a controlled-chaos way. There’s a window seat, which makes Kay’s preferred mode of entrance easier, and a small, upright piano that Miles insisted he should have. When he needs a break from whatever case he’s investigating, music can be heard coming from Sebastian’s office; so far, no one has requested sound-proofing.
It’s harder to play the piano, after everything. Sebastian still does; his father could never take that from him before, and he can’t take it from him now.
Kay is usually the detective helping Sebastian with his investigations. The only exception is when Franziska is in town, which leaves Sebastian with Gumshoe or Ema. Ema will tease him or slip him snacks, depending on his mood. Sebastian and Gumshoe is a combination that has required Miles’ intervention on more than one occasion.
Sebastian has met the Wrights. He’s a regular fixture there, absorbed along with Kay into family dinners and activities. He’s the only one who has never asked Trucy to explain a trick, and sometimes Phoenix worries that he believes she’s actually magical. He’s offered to teach Phoenix to actually play, which is always met with a grinning Phoenix insisting he already can. Sometimes, Sebastian wishes he could tell Trucy that a father who would leave her behind isn’t worth missing - but he thinks maybe she already knows, behind that smile.
Justine reaches out a lot - the mother in her can’t see him alone and not want to help. It’s hard at first, to remember that her goal of seeing his father put away and her affection for him can and does exist in the same person. It’s hard to remember that she’s not a parent like his parents, that he’s not just something to be used and then put aside in her mind. Getting to know John helps - John has no reason to like him, but eventually he does anyway.
Sebastian notices the way any conversation about Gregory Edgeworth or Byrne Faraday is carefully cut off around him. He tells him he doesn’t mind hearing it. He doesn’t; it doesn’t hurt the way people might think it would. Instead, it makes him wonder what a world where Blaise Debeste loved his son might have looked like. He’ll never see it. He thinks he’s okay with that.
After looking at the papers, Sebastian knows all the things Blaise Debeste meant by saying a person "disappeared.” He doesn’t know which of those happened to his mother. He doesn’t know when he’ll be ready to find out. It’s a question for another day, when he feels steadier on his feet.
He doesn’t like being called Debeste. He doesn’t like being called “the best” either. Kay starts to call him “nightingale,” then “lark,” and finally just “songbird.” He needs a new nickname, she explains. And he’s always listening to music she can’t hear, and if he’s a bird they can be birds together.
Sebastian is never alone if he doesn’t want to be. Miles is several floors up, and Kay is a phone call away. Justine, Phoenix and Trucy, Franziska, Gumshoe, and Ray have all kept him company on bad days. It’s a revelation and a gift, to be surrounded by people who want to be around him. He holds the feeling close.
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
A Second Chance: Chapter 10
An Ace Attorney fanfic. Available to read on both AO3 and Fanfiction.net!
Summary: Miles learns the identity of his “dead” mother, and the aftermath of that revelation is a tricky one. Especially when his newfound little sister is trying to turn him into a spirit medium.
AKA Miles is a Fey. Miles also doesn’t really know how to family properly.
Chapter summary: Franziska Von Karma.
Comments make my day! :D
The Other Sister
She was making history. She was actually making history. People would recognize her on the streets and come up to ask her ‘how did you do it?’. She would laugh and say that she was never going to reveal her secret methods. Nick would be beyond jealous that he wasn’t the one to accomplish such a feat. 
...or maybe nobody would ever believe that she managed to get Miles Edgeworth to t-pose in the middle of his office. 
Maybe it would just be the stuff of legends. It would turn into a rumor, which would quickly dissolve into long-forgotten history.
Nevertheless, this was probably the proudest moment of her life.
“Is this really necessary?” Miles said through gritted teeth as Maya wound the tape measure around his torso. “It would be much easier if I just told you my measurements. I do have them written down-”
Maya pulled back and looked up at him sternly. 
“Yeah, but this isn’t for any of your fancy suits, is it?” She reprimanded with a twinkle in her eyes. “My friend Soma agreed to put a lot of work into this for free so the least you can do is give her the fresh measurements she needs.”
Miles groaned. “Fine, just get it over with quickly.”
Phoenix sniggered from Edgeworth’s fancy maroon couch.
The truth is that Soma in fact did not need specifically new measurements. She’d actually been pretty insistent to make sure that Miles didn’t go out of his way. But what’s the point of having a brother if you don’t get to have a little fun?
She called out the number to Phoenix (who lazily scribbled it down on a notepad) before turning back to Miles with a cheeky smirk.
“Now for the waist.”
Ah, the beautiful, beautiful color his cheeks went as he tensed and glared at her. The moment was short-lived, however, as he soon relaxed and relented. He begrudgingly lifted his arms higher in the glorious t-pose that Maya had put him in.
As soon as she’d had the brilliant idea of getting Edgeworth his own robe a few days before, she’d immediately rushed to the phone to call her friend Soma. Mystic Soma Sheen was a couple of years older than Maya but had been her best friend for many years while her sister was away. She also happened to be one of the most talented seamstresses in the village.
The Sheen family had always been very close to the main Fey family, and therefore Pearl had recently gone into the care of Soma and her mother, Elder Saima Sheen. After all the drama with her aunt, Maya trusted no-one else.
There was a loud knock at the door.
“Do not come in!” Edgeworth shouted desperately.
Poor guy, thought Maya as Miles began to vibrate with anxiousness. Maybe it was time to give him a break.
That being said, she had let him close the curtains, and she still hadn’t gotten revenge for how much he’d hurt her with his words the week before…
“Come in now!” She called happily, just as she moved the tape measure to below Edgeworth’s waist.
In barged Detective Gumshoe, huffing and puffing and leaving the door wide open. Judging by how flustered he looked, Miles was probably never going to forgive her for this betrayal. It was worth it.
Annoyingly for her though, Gumshoe didn’t seem to bat an eye at the questionable positions they were in right now.
“I thought I told you to wait, detective! You don’t take orders from her! Your salary will pay for thi-”
“Look, I’m sorry sir!” Gumshoe wheezed. “But I ran up here to warn you that-”
Click. Click. Click.
In that moment, all the color drained from Edgeworth’s face. He froze, mid-glare. Even Gumshoe cringed.
Phoenix sat up. “What?”
Miles barely managed to whisper “No…” (which Maya only caught because of how close she was to him) before what came the deafening sound of a whip hitting wood.
The second the owner of the voice came into view, her furious expression morphed into one of utter confusion.
Miles just looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Franziska, I-”
“Phoenix Wright.” The new arrival snarled, her voice dripping with venom. 
Her attention focused back onto Edgeworth and she must have realized the extremely questionable position Maya and Miles were standing in. 
“What are you doing?!”
Miles suddenly snapped out of the freeze-frame and pushed Maya away as quickly as he could. He then outstretched a hand to Franziska almost desperately.
“Franziska… I can explain-”
“Explain what, Miles Edgeworth?! You ignore my texts, you make me worry about you, and here you are GALLIVANTING with these FOOLS!”
As her anger increased, so did Edgeworth’s discomfort.
“Maya, Phoenix, detective, can you give us a moment?” He asked through gritted teeth, though without taking his eyes off Franziska.
Maya, who as much as she wanted to know what would happen, was more than happy to almost run out through the large wooden doors of Edgeworth’s office with Gumshoe hot on her heels. Phoenix seemed more hesitant and kept his own eyes on Miles in concern. Maya could have sworn he mouthed ‘You didn’t tell her?’ at him, before also creeping past the furious woman to join her, pulling the heavy doors shut behind him.
Once satisfied that the door had creaked shut and that they were alone, Miles dared to let out a small sigh. Franziska still stood tensely in front of the doorway, though now that the doors were shut there was no light reflecting off her back, making her appear all the more menacing.
“An explanation?” She demanded, bringing her arm closer to her chest in order to hold her whip with both hands.
Miles grimaced. “It’s a rather long story.”
Franziska crossed her arms defiantly and took a step forward. “Then start talking. Now.”
Miles had thought about telling Franziska so many times over the past few weeks, but was ashamed to admit that he’d been terrified to actually do so. There was no doubt that she’d be angry about it (more than usual) and the last thing he wanted was a big confrontation.
But by acting as a coward, that’s what he ended up with anyway.
“You recall the Hazakura Temple case?” He asked, thinking that it would be the best place to start.
“Hmm.” Franziska replied, but he knew her well enough to hear the faintest sliver of nervousness in her voice. That case had been far from normal and had left its scars on every person involved.
“Well,” he continued, “do you remember the name of the victim?”
“Of course I do!” She scoffed, before raising her whip threateningly. “Stop talking to me like a child, Miles Edgeworth! I know what you’re like, so just tell me!”
“Misty Fey was my mother.”
She gasped and stumbled backwards. Miles hung his head in shame.
“What do you mean?” She asked him hesitantly. “What do you-”
“You know what I mean.” Miles confirmed quietly, refusing to look up. He didn’t want to see the emotions on her face- she didn’t show them often, but he knew when she was. Call it… ha, call it brother instinct.
“Gregory Edgeworth-” Franziska began, and he could tell that she was pacing around now.
“-was my father.” He completed. He still didn’t look up. “In the same way that Misty Fey was my mother.”
“Impossible!” She screamed. “That’s- that’s impossible!”
And then she went quiet. Miles only looked up out of curiosity. 
She had her back to him, and her fists were clenched. She’d long dropped her trademark whip, and it lay sprawled out on the polished wooden floor.
“When did you find out?”
He could have lied to save her feelings, but he would never lie to her. If she ever found out at least, he would have to suffer the consequences in the most painful way possible. “A few weeks ago.”
She let out some sort of grunt of frustration, but all Miles saw was her shoulders tense. 
“I pity you, Little Brother.” She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. “You have to carry three legacies on your frail shoulders.”
“What do you mean?” He knew exactly what she meant, but he needed to hear her say it. To try and gauge exactly how she felt.
“The Von Karma legacy, the… Edgeworth legacy, and now the Fey legacy.”
He slowly moved around his desk to sit at his chair. He just… needed to sit down. She must have heard his movement and finally turned to look at him over her shoulder. From what he could see, her eyes were sparkling with passion and pain.
“I don’t believe that’s true.” He said. “I think that two of those roles have already been taken on. You are the Von Karma legacy, my dear, and Maya is the Fey’s.”
Upon hearing Maya’s name, Franziska whirled around and stormed up to his desk.
“She is your sister.” She stated.
“Your little sister.” 
“Is that why she is here?”
“In a sense… yes.”
She slammed her fists on the desk, and he cringed. “So you are spending time with these fools, and you didn’t even think of telling me? ME?!”
“I needed to spend time with my little sister.” He chose his words carefully, but it still felt extremely... wrong saying it to Franziska. 
Her clenched fists were still lingering on the desk. He put his hands over his, covering them completely. “Surely my big sister can understand that?”
This seemed to melt her, and he felt her hands relax under his. Her shoulders began to shake, and the tears began to finally well up in her eyes.
To anyone listening, it would have just been an odd thing to say. But to the two of them, it was more than words. It moved mountains.
“You’re not… you’re not abandoning me?”
“Never, Franziska.”
Not even after your father killed mine, he didn’t say, but he knew that she heard it nonetheless.
“Fool.” She said, wiping any stray tears from her eyes. “Foolish fool.”
Maya must have been rubbing off on him because he instinctively expected a hug ambush to be the next thing to happen. He should have known better though, because instead his sister turned on her heel, gritted her teeth, and picked up her whip as she made for the door.
As she pulled them open, Maya came tumbling forwards and onto the floor with a yelp. Phoenix stood rather guiltily only a few steps behind her. Gumshoe was nowhere in sight.
Franziska looked at them, of course knowing what they had been doing, and glared.
“Make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish.”
And the clicks of her heels faded as she walked away.
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olive-the-olive · 6 years
AA Secret Santa Gift!
Hey y’all! I wrote a fic for @loopsies as part of the Ace Attorney Secret Santa @aasecretsanta2017! You can read it here on Ao3, or below the cut.
Christmas Eve, 2019
When Edgeworth called Detective Gumshoe to inform him that he would be back in the country shortly before Christmas, he expected the detective to offer to pick him up at the airport, as he'd done every other time Edgeworth had a flight.
He was not expecting Gumshoe to say, “Are you sure about flying so close to the holidays, sir?”
The detective had never been the most observant man Miles Edgeworth had known, but he supposed that certain things were obvious after a while. Gumshoe certainly knew more about his personal history than most people. Perhaps more than anyone, at this point. He would know turbulence could trigger an episode, and he was aware that things got worse around Christmas.
“I'll be fine,” said Edgeworth, perhaps more brusquely than he had intended.
“The airport just gets real crowded that time of year!” said Gumshoe, as if that had been his only concern all along. “When do you get in? I can give you a ride home!”
Flying the day before Christmas was perhaps more difficult than he had maintained. The crowd and the noise were endurable, barely, but the other passengers got to him, a little.
It wasn't the lone traveler that affected him. It was the families, flying to visit grandparents probably, or perhaps some other member of their extended family. There was something about seeing a couple explain patiently to their daughter what the seatbelt light signified that reminded him, painfully, of his last Christmas with his father.
Thankfully, there was no turbulence.
It was 6:02 pm on Christmas Eve when Edgeworth recognized Detective Gumshoe's very secondhand car (which was still somehow nicer than the one he'd crashed during State vs. Engarde) pull up in front of the terminal. The detective helped him with his bags without him saying anything, and was infectiously enthusiastic to see him.
“You sure are a sight for sore eyes, Mr Edgeworth. It's just a shame that you being here doesn't automatically make my job easier anymore.”
“It is good to see you too, Detective. How are things down at Criminal Affairs?” asked Edgeworth, mildly interested in keeping up. Gumshoe did tell him these sorts of things over the phone, but it had been a good month since he'd last asked.
“Pretty busy! They're handing out new cases instead of bonuses this year.”
“And the Prosecutor's Office?”
“Well, they're managing. They don't have the kind of win record they do when you're around though, sir. It was a shame to lose you.”
“Hm.” Edgeworth was quite sure the courts here were a mess without him. Wright's recent disbarment had been proof of that. They'd gotten nowhere on that, and whatever clout Edgeworth had he'd shot to hell with the stunts he'd pulled with the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee. It probably didn't help that he'd slowly moved his career overseas as well.
“On that subject, detective, I appreciate you doing me the favor of picking me up, given that I'm not actively working here and it's not part of your job. It isn't taking you away from your actual duties, is it?”
“No sir! And uh, it technically wasn't part of my job before either, sir,” mumbled the detective,
“My point is that this was not a professional obligation, on your part,” said Edgeworth, frustrated with how the words were coming out. “I'm not on a business trip.” Although technically, the trip wasn't exactly for pleasure either. He was here to do research; he wasn't one to hop on planes needlessly, despite what certain people might say about him.
“Well, I guess I never saw it as a professional thing or an obligation or anything,” said Gumshoe, as if he was thinking of this for the first time. “I mean I guess you were kinda hard on me sometimes, but I wouldn't do this kinda stuff for my boss in the actual police department, even if he was a real hard-ass about it.”
“I find that hard to believe,” said Edgeworth.
Gumshoe was just the sort of person who lived to please, and even when he was trying to not do something for someone, he was often easily manipulated into whatever had been asked of him in the first place. Edgeworth had personally witnessed Wright talk Gumshoe into handing over the entire contents of an investigation in under five minutes.
“I'm just saying, I care about you,” said Gumshoe thoughtfully, eyes forward but maybe not as focused on the road as a passenger would want them to be. “Always have.”
“Ah,” said Edgeworth, not knowing precisely what to say. Gumshoe was usually an easy person to talk to, but he felt tense, like anything he said would likely be wrong. “You have... done a lot for me over the years. And you are right that I was hard on you. I am probably not the easiest person to work with. But I appreciate what you have done. I...” He hesitated. “I owe you a lot, I suppose.”
“I owe you too, pal!” insisted Gumshoe. “I mighta been falsely convicted of a double homicide if it weren't for you!”
Edgeworth scoffed. “Oh please. Any competent investigator would've dragged the truth out of you before long.”
“I don't know about that, I was prepared to take the secret of that Swiss roll to my grave.”
They were strangely silent the rest of the drive. Gumshoe pulled into his driveway, and started unloading the luggage for him before Edgeworth could get to it. He held out his hand for his bag, but Gumshoe held on to it, and Edgeworth did not insist.
Edgeworth walked up to his front door, and noticed several things as he unlocked it and entered. One, there was a severe yet festive wreath on the door. Two, the surface of the small table just inside the entrance was completely free of dust. And three, the house was much warmer than the brisk December air outside.
“Have you been cleaning my house?” He'd almost forgotten that Gumshoe had a key.
Gumshoe carefully placed the bags in the hall, so that they would be on the way to the bedroom. “Well, yeah. Didn't want it to be all dusty when you got home. You're always sneezing in the records room.”
Then clean the records room, thought Edgeworth. “And decorating for the holidays?” he asked, although he already had an idea who was responsible for that.
Gumshoe hemmed and hawed a little, but Edgeworth heard a familiar female voice coming from his kitchen. Two of them, in fact. He made his way towards the kitchen.
“-and that is how I apprehended the foolish fool. I secured his extradition and he'll be facing trial in his home country,” Franziska was sitting at the counter, telling Kay something suitably impressive about her adventures as an international prosecutor, no doubt. The two of them had cups and saucers in front of them, and the kitchen smelled slightly of a tea Edgeworth was certain had cost him a lot of money.
“Franziska? Kay? What are you doing in my house?”
Franziska greeted him with her usual bravado, as if to ask him what he could possible be doing in his house. “Miles Edgeworth! It took you long enough to show up. I'll have you know I am apprehending a thief I caught breaking into your home. Do let me know if you will be pressing charges.”
“Aww, he wouldn't!” said Kay, grinning.
“It looks to me like you are having tea with the thief,” said Edgeworth. “And I will not be pressing charges, but I may ask you to replace the tea.”
“Told you!”  Kay got up and nearly knocked him over with a rib crushing hug. He was certain he would die of suffocation, but soon she released him to hug Gumshoe instead. “What took you and Gummy so long?”
“Well the airport's pretty busy around now, pal.”
“Yes,” agreed Franziska. “I myself had a flight less than a week ago and it was quite packed. So many sentimental fools falling over themselves to visit their families.”
“And yet here you are,” said Edgeworth, matching her self-satisfied smirk. It was essential to make it clear that they were each one-upping each other with every exchange. It was the only way they knew how to communicate.
“Apprehending thieves, as I told you. Although I did think that you, being a sentimental fool yourself, might be happy to see me. I hope you weren't expecting presents under a tree?”
Edgeworth could have laughed. He hadn't gotten presents under a tree on Christmas since he was a child. He was fairly certain the only gifts he'd ever received in the Von Karma household were legal texts, and those had not been wrapped.
“Then the wreath on my door in the shape of a prosecutor's badge was not your doing?”
“That is not a gift, Miles Edgeworth. It is a reminder of what you stand for, and of what I expect you to live up to in the coming year. You cannot let me leave you too far behind. Or, at least make an attempt to try and keep up. It will make it all the more satisfying when I leave you in the dust.”
He noted that she had taken to wearing her own badge, although he knew they had both been taught it was more fashionable to keep it in one's pocket. In truth, Edgeworth didn't really care whether Franziska had “surpassed” him. He was quite happy that her career had taken off. She had closed some very high profile international cases in just the last few months (and kept him abreast of all she had accomplished as soon as it was no longer confidential). But she cared about their supposed rivalry, and was likely still worried he might abandon his profession entirely, despite his resolution to remain a prosecutor.
“Thank you, Franziska. I appreciate the reminder. But I'm afraid I haven't gotten you anything.” Looking back at Gumshoe and Kay he said, “I'm afraid I haven't done any gift shopping at all.”
He wanted to say he hadn't been thinking of the holiday season, but of course that would have been a lie. There were few things that weighed on his mind more heavily.
“Aw, that's okay,” said Kay. “You can just buy me something later!”
“Don't count on it,” he replied, knowing perfectly well that he would absolutely buy her whatever poorly made piece of Jammin' Ninja merch she asked for.
He made some more tea for himself and for Gumshoe, and for a while he just caught up on what everyone else was doing with their lives, and they asked him about his research into foreign legal systems. Kay liked to proclaim that this was extremely boring conversational material, but he could tell she was listening closely.
And he realized after a while that there was a sense of peace, in sitting here with people who were important to him, drinking tea and just talking. He knew the next few days would be bad. He might have nightmares. He could even have a flashback while he was awake. Those were rare for him but it had happened before. And it could happen this week. But in this moment and in this place, he felt peace, and none of his usual bitterness towards the impending holiday or the days ahead.
For the first time in 18 years, he had a family to celebrate with.
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
one more ahaha but the cherry blossom scene at the end of catch up game ch 3 because i'm still thinking nonstop about it all the time 👀👉👈
ABSOLUTELY I CAN also for anyone reading this go look at Mika’s art which inspired this scene. It’s the tumblr version so you can reblog it too, which you should do, even if you don’t read my long rambling,
okay once again rambling below...
Traditionally, Larry Butz arrived at any social gathering anywhere from half an hour to three hours later than the time he was told, so all things considered, he was actually early. Phoenix wasted no time informing him of the latest betrayal among their small elementary school friend group.
this is a direct callout to one of my friends from high school, where we started seriously considering telling her that any social event we were planning started an hour earlier than it actually did so that she’d make it there on time. We never did in case this turned out to be the time she actually made it on time, but still.
“Larry, remember that one time we were trying to make that gigantic hopscotch game, and we ran out of chalk?” He pointed an accusatory finger at Edgeworth, who sighed. “It turns out, Edgeworth hid it all along!”
Larry blinked, then shrugged. “Oh yeah, right, that. Well, I kind of had an idea…”
“Wh — You hid this from me too?! D-Death! The death penalty for the both of you!”
“Why does this all sound so familiar,” Edgeworth commented under his breath.
I think this part is mostly there so Larry actually does something because I couldn’t find any real way to fit him into this fic...? Anyways the dialogue there with Phoenix threatening the death penalty on Miles and Larry is pretty much directly lifted from the end of Turnabout Goodbyes, which is why Miles comments on it sounding familiar. 
They continued on in that vein for some time, dredging up old elementary school memories. Phoenix proclaimed to be the only innocent member of that group, before Edgeworth brought up a set of very nice gel pens Phoenix reportedly stole from him. Phoenix and Edgeworth got caught up in their argument, and barely even noticed when Larry wandered away, joining Maggey and Gumshoe at the fishing pond while Franziska critiqued them.
This sort of familiar banter was normal. As Edgeworth teased in that same way he had ever since Phoenix first faced him in court, he had to wonder if he’d just imagined the way Edgeworth had been looking at him during the party. Maybe everything was fine, after all.
Not pictured: Phoenix and Miles leaning in closer to each other as they argue. too close. Larry tries to comment but neither of them hear him. Eventually he just walks away because he’s sick of third-wheeling with these two. It’s my firm belief that if there weren’t the court benches in the way that they need to slam, these two would slowly walk closer and closer to each other as they argue because they. uh. want to “intimidate” each other. that’s why they’re nose to nose like that. the whole courtroom is suddenly very uncomfortable.
Haha anyways also I think these two would pick the dumbest things to argue about all the time? Never seriously arguing, the just like bickering because they don’t know how to hold conversations about their feelings.
“You still haven’t explained exactly what happened to my gel pen set,” Edgeworth accused, as they circled around the argument for the third time.
Phoenix threw his hands up in the air. “I just forgot to return it! I didn’t know you were so bothered by it. You should have brought it up!”
“Back then? You were so sensitive. If I brought up that you might have upset me in the least, you would have burst into tears.”
“I wasn’t that sensitive.”
Edgeworth sighed. “Wright, you cried when I got a question wrong on a spelling test, because you thought I would be sad about it.”
“And you were!” Phoenix retorted. “You cried for like an hour!”
“Because when you started crying, I thought it was something I had to be ashamed of!”
More bickering, pretty much! Also I do think Phoenix cried A Lot and was super sensitive up until the whole Dahlia trial which traumatized him pretty badly... 
Anyways the REAL story behind this incident which I am making up just now is probably that Miles was on the verge of crying because of Getting Something Wrong -- which I totally get, I absolutely almost cried over spelling tests as a baby -- and Phoenix picked up on this and realized his best friend was sad and started crying, which made Miles start to fully cry, and it just became a mess.
Meanwhile Larry with the 3/10 on his spelling test was just like “I don’t get what you guys are so upset about a 9/10 is great” which just makes them cry even more.
(Then Gregory probably found out about this incident and sat Miles down and gave him a speech about “everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay to not be perfect all the time, this is a learning opportunity and it shows you what you need to work on!”
That sentiment didn’t last very long.)
Wow I’m getting off topic, moving on --
Phoenix crossed his arms. “I remember this whole thing very differently than you do. You cried first.”
“I never cried in fourth grade.”
Phoenix leaned in and whispered into his ear, “Origami.”
“Do not bring that up!” Edgeworth hissed as Phoenix reared back, laughing.
I don’t know if you need to lean in super close and whisper that in his ear though Phoenix, that might be a bit unnecessary. Miles got lucky here in that his Eternal Shame over not being able to fold an origami crane in fourth grade overrode whatever reaction he undoubtedly would have had about Phoenix’s face being very close to his face.
Anyways this banter is here in the fic mostly because I really wanted to show them being all comfortable and happy with each other. That was a major thing I wanted to push as much as possible in these earlier chapters, that they do care about each other a lot even before we enter the more outright romantic territory.
“Regardless, I am certain you took my gel pen set, so don’t try to blame faulty memory on that one. I bet you carelessly used them all up, didn’t you?”
“Hardly! I wouldn’t even touch it after you left. It reminded me of you.”
Some of the fight left Edgeworth’s stance. “Really?”
“Well… yeah.” He wasn’t sure why the admission suddenly felt like a confession of an entirely different sort.
aw man Phoenix you brought feelings into your banter NOW what are you going to do.
I’m preeetty sure I have books that I lent to my friends in fourth grade that they never gave back so it’s of course not an inherently romantic thing, they probably just forgot it was mine and obviously aren’t going to bring it back now ten years later, but for Phoenix in this case it was probably more like “I borrowed these gel pens from Miles and then keep forgetting to give them back but was going to after winter break, and then he left, so I need to hold onto them until he comes back”. Miles was taken from his life so suddenly it probably had a huge effect on him, especially since he had few friends at the time and Miles made such a big impact on him.
The two of them sat underneath the tree in a sudden, serene quiet. They’d both discarded their suit jackets at some point, down to their dress shirts and waistcoats. Phoenix pretended not to notice the way Edgeworth’s eyes darted across the line of his shoulders and lingered longer than they should have.
I don’t ever really pay much attention to what people are wearing or what they look like at any particular time when I’m writing, but in this case I took extra care to make sure they were in the same outfits as in the art that inspired this!
Maybe I’ll ramble a bit more about that! Pretty much the “theme” of narumitsu week this year was “cherry blossoms”, so I wanted to find some way to incorporate them into this fic somewhere somehow. I decided to have that as a focus on Free Day because I enjoy having structure and wasn’t sure what to have for the day.
Some of this scene, mainly the picnic, is inspired by that one official art here. The first iteration of this chapter had everyone in it (with the obvious exceptions of Diego and Mia) but then I took out Maya and Pearl for reasons I explained when I was talking about the scene in chapter 6 where I decided to cut a lot of Maya’s scenes out of this fic... even though I love her a lot.
And of course when I thought about cherry blossoms and narumitsu I thought about Mika’s art, yes I am linking it again, which I believe she posted about a month or so before I started planning and I was Thinking About It Constantly. It’s gorgeous and since there was the perfect opportunity to use it here I just couldn’t resist and here we are.
Back to the paragraph: Miles attempted to subtly check Phoenix out. It was not subtle.
“Do you still have those gel pens?” Edgeworth asked, softer. “I think you owe me them, after everything.”
“Oh, shut up,” said Phoenix, but it was difficult to have a heated argument right now, for some unknown reason. “If I still have them, they’re in a box somewhere. Plus, they ought to have dried up by now.”
“I doubt it.” A faint smile was beginning to crawl on Edgeworth’s face. “Those gel pens were state of the art.”
“Sure they were,” Phoenix dismissed. “And, what, you’re going to use them? Sign your fancy prosecutor documents in bright pink?”
“What makes you think I don’t do that already?”
“You wouldn’t — oh, wait, of course you’d have customized ink in the same colour as your entire wardrobe, who am I even talking to…”
“Mhm.” Edgeworth brushed his bangs from his eyes, a motion that Phoenix’s brain decided to fixate on for some reason. “But really, you went to all the trouble of keeping the set, and you never used any of them?”
(Miles voice) “oh so you kept something as trivial as that for so long because they reminded you of me? Tell me more. Why do you want a reminder of me. What exactly do you think of me, Wright,”
hm pretty much as soon as Phoenix brought Feelings into this conversation the atmosphere kind of changed and you can now imagine Miles staring with the most adoring expression at Phoenix while Phoenix is ignoring this with such intensity that it doesn’t even show up in his narration. But he also watches the way Miles brushes his bangs from his eyes, so he’s not much better.
And thinking about it now this scene really went on for too long about gel pens hahaha... 
“Objection!” Phoenix declared. “I used the blue one to write you letters at first.”
“Ah, of course you did. I never got any of those… How many did you send?”
“I don’t even want to know…”
Edgeworth hummed and looked off into the distance, where Gumshoe was demonstrating how to cast a line. “Your level of dedication is something else,” he said, as if to himself.
“Well, yeah. You were my only non-Larry friend. You were…” Phoenix swallowed. “You were important to me, you know? You saved me.”
“You keep bringing that up. You’ve more than returned the favor, you know that, don’t you?”
“I’m inclined to disagree.”
I don’t have a consistent headcanon about whether Miles got or read the letters, in this fic presumably von Karma intercepted them and got rid of them... and then presumably Miles ignored any that were sent to him as an adult.
Also these two are going to have ridiculous arguments about who saved who until they’re on their deathbeds, I’m sure.
Edgeworth turned back towards him as if to retort, but stopped halfway, his eyes widening slightly as he stared at Phoenix.
“... Something on my face?” Phoenix asked, trying to quell the feeling of some sort of anxiety that bubbled up when Edgeworth stared at him like that.
insert mikacherryblossomart.png
Miles turns away for one second and then suddenly oh no he’s even more gorgeous now
Edgeworth was silent for some time. Then, very softly, he said, “You have cherry blossom petals in your hair.”
“What? Do I?” He reached a hand up to brush them out, but Edgeworth stopped him by grabbing his wrist, freezing Phoenix.
“With your hair, you’ll never get them out like that.” With his spare hand, Edgeworth began to pick each individual petal from his hair. “You look so — silly, Wright.”
Partially a callback to the beginning of chapter 3, when they were kids:
“Y-Your hair,” Miles managed to say through stifled laughter. “One of the flowers fell into it.”
Phoenix hands shot up into his hair. “Really?”
“You look so silly, Phoenix.” When Phoenix failed to find the flower, Miles reached out. “Here, let me.” 
 Phoenix remained still as Miles reached up to the top of his head and picked the flower out of his hair. “Your hair’s really soft,” Miles said quietly, before handing it over to Phoenix. “Here you go.”
because Miles apparently remembered that it was difficult for Phoenix to get the petals from his hair the first time, and also, wanted an excuse to touch Phoenix’s hair again.
But also the dialogue and interactions are ONCE AGAIN INSPIRED BY MIKA based on this reply to my reply to the art on twitter. look at that you can go and retweet the art on twitter too!
Overall this gives us an accurate Thoughts to Speech translator for Miles:
Miles: You have cherry blossom petals in your hair and it is going to kill me.
Phoenix: What? Do I?
Miles: No, wait, don’t brush them out, I want to touch your hair because it is soft and this is the perfect excuse. You look so captivating.
if Miles had said that out loud though it would probably have killed both of them.
Phoenix let out an awkward, low laugh, starting somewhere deep within his chest. “R-Really.”
Edgeworth’s eyes locked with Phoenix’s, and time seemed to freeze. There was a sudden thrum of tension in the air, as if Phoenix were in a play and he’d suddenly forgotten his lines, forgotten he was supposed to be in a play at all.
(chanting) “kiss kiss kiSS KISS KISS --”
But before either of them could break the sudden spell over them, a fishing hook whirred through the air, and —
“Ack, I — I think I got it stuck!”
but of course that needs to be interrupted at the worst possible time because this is fanfiction and this is how things work!
“In the tree?! How did you even manage to get it that far?”
“Don’t worry about it, Maggey, I can climb up the tree and get it unstuck, just hang on —”
“No, no, if I just give it a big yank—”
I broke the first rule of writing dialogue because I can’t really remember who’s supposed to be saying what. I think that Maya had a few lines here and then I didn’t change them since there were no dialogue tags...
Pretty much -- Maggey with her eternal luck tried to fish but released the line too early as she was swinging back so the line went back and got caught in the tree branches directly above Phoenix and Miles.
I think the dialogue progression goes Maggey -> Originally Maya but now either Larry or Franziska -> Gumshoe -> Maggey -> everyone going MAGGEY NO!!!
I remember going fishing with my grandpa once a long time ago and either I or my brother did get the fishing line stuck in a tree. would not recommend.
The branch above Phoenix and Edgeworth jostled, and pink petals burst all around them, fluttering down and catching in their hair and on their clothes. One petal even fell behind Edgeworth’s glasses.
They stared at each other for a moment, stunned, Edgeworth’s hand still loosely wrapped around Phoenix’s wrist, as Maggey shouted apologies from the distance.
There are no cherry blossom trees where I live so I have no idea if we’re even in the right season for this or if cherry blossom trees even behave this way - but I’m basing it off of... you know when it’s that point in fall where if you shake a tree branch leaves will just scatter everywhere? That. 
Also RIP to the other four who were just having a grand old time fishing and then turn around seeing these two sitting really close to each other almost holding hands about two seconds away from a kiss... which they’d just interrupted...
And then — the most incredible thing happened, and Edgeworth began to laugh.
Phoenix could have catalogued all the laughs he heard from Edgeworth: the usual, short laughs often mistaken for a scoff by those who didn’t know him as well as Phoenix did; the triumphant, smug, courtroom laughs when he thought he had Phoenix cornered; to the quiet, restrained ones in private that were more of a hum than anything else. This laugh was new.
This was a full-on fit of laughter bubbling deep in his chest and spilling from his mouth, which Edgeworth quickly covered with his free hand, with the additional bonus of covering his reddening face. It wasn’t something hidden or faked or triumphant, it was genuine, and open, and Phoenix could swear it was one of the most beautiful sounds he ever heard.
Miles here is going through an emotional rollercoaster having been two seconds away from finally kissing the love of his life only to be interrupted at the worst possible time, which is just so on brand for the two of them that he can’t help but start laughing hysterically. Plus Phoenix probably looks absolutely shocked suddenly covered in petals, which doesn’t help.
Then the next two paragraphs are brought on by Phoenix Pining and also me wanting Miles Edgeworth to laugh more... 
From my notes for this scene:
They stare at each other for a moment and laugh, and Miles’ laugh just utterly captivates Phoenix and makes him fall so completely in love immediately and oh no he is screwed he is utterly screwed.
So pretty much I had to encapsulate the “falling so completely in love immediately” part which I decided to do by focusing on Miles laughing. I wanted to draw a lot of attention to that which is why there are so many paragraphs dedicated to Miles laughing and Phoenix thinking about Miles laughing.
Trucy’s laughter always made the world feel a little brighter, and made Phoenix feel stronger. Edgeworth’s laugh did the opposite; it dislodged something inside of him, it weakened him, it made the whole world go soft and fuzzy around him. Instead of illuminating all the good in the world, it turned Phoenix’s world into one person.
More focus on Miles’ laughter but also... kind of drawing attention to Phoenix’s reaction to this being different from his reaction to other people he cares about laughing? Because feeling warm and happy when seeing someone you care about non-romantically laugh is normal, but then I wanted to make it clear that this is a different sort of feeling for Phoenix. 
Also Phoenix has to realize this is a different sort of feeling for him because otherwise he could brush it off like he’s probably dismissed all of his romantic feelings throughout the years as “oh I’m just glad my friend is happy, and I rarely ever hear Edgeworth laugh so him being relaxed enough to laugh like that makes me feel happy too,” but it’s not what he’d expect if he just sees Miles as a friend. And it’s described as weakening in the paragraph because right now the subject of his romantic feelings for Miles isn’t something that Phoenix can fully or easily accept right now (as chapter 5 would indicate).
Edgeworth’s fit of laughter subsided, and he shifted his hand so he could look at Phoenix again, the hints of a shy grin peeking out between his fingers, his hair and his shirt and his face adorned with a sweet, gentle pink. It was like looking at an entirely different person — or, no, the same person, but with all armor off, all guards lowered.
Miles is very embarrassed right now but kind of... in a good way...? Like again, almost kissed the love of his life then rudely interrupted at the last possible moment, plus Phoenix’s whole reaction to the thing gave Miles the impression that Phoenix wanted to kiss him as well, so he’s feeling a little giddy. Plus he was just laughing a lot when he normally doesn’t do that. Overall he’s not used to expressing his emotions so he’s embarrassed and a little shy about it...
The part about Miles’ “hair and shirt and face adorned with a sweet, gentle pink” refers to both the cherry blossom petals (in his hair and clinging to his shirt and a bit on his face) and also him blushing quite a bit.
It all feels a little out of character honestly haha because Miles isn’t really the type to be blushing hardcore like this and be a little shy, buuut in this case I let myself get away with it because he’s dealing with romantic feelings he hasn’t ever dealt with at this level before, and it’s also out of character just enough to really strike Phoenix in the heart. You can just imagine him staring at Miles with the most lovestruck expression on his face because he hasn’t seen this side of Miles before and he loves it.
Phoenix’s heart stuttered in his chest, and may have stopped entirely.
He was screwed.
He was completely and utterly screwed.
And even Phoenix can’t deny that he’s super in love at this point. 
I think I wrote this part, changed the words “screwed” to “doomed” right before posting, and then switched it back again for no particular reason. The Vibe just felt a little off but oh well.
Then the next chapter skips over the rest of this picnic but honestly Phoenix’s brain skipped over the rest of this picnic as well. Imagine the two of them just kind of standing around in a lovestruck daze for a while. I think Franziska had to physically drag Miles out of there. no one knows how Phoenix got home, not even Phoenix and least of all me!
But thank you Mika for requesting this!! And for drawing such incredible art for me to base the chapter around haha!!!
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ramzaes · 7 years
My current thoughts on Ace Attorney’s Future
So by now you are most likely aware of the recent Ace Attorney news Capcom put out, and also some stuff that’s been leaked, ill give a brief rundown before going into my thoughts in case you missed it(excuse the poor grammar , I didn’t have that much time to spell check lol)
-Capcom has announced that Ace Attorney games will be moving to the switch and that they will be releasing one between April 2018-April 2019
-Leaks from Kotaku UK: First half of next year will have two Switch releases of compilations, one for AA123, other AA456. And a third brand new game feat. Phoenix Wright will release before April  2019 worldwide launch for Switch and smartphones
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(ALSO take this with a grain of salt like all leaks, im just more trusting with this once since I don’t Kotaku would try and fake AA news since it is a niche series and there isn’t that much to gain from it, and the person leaking has been correct with that huge Mario Rabbids leak)
Now this news came outta nowhere but here are my brief (not really lol )thoughts on them
-Ace Attorney Games no more on 3ds
This was always in the cards, given franchises like Pokemon, moving away from it and the Switch’s mobility. It was very good of them to announce that they still plan on releasing new games for Ace Attorney and that the series isn’t over in my opinion . 
I personally thought that if AA7 came out on the 3ds it would be the last one in the franchise, like no more AA afterwards(I expand on this below). 
But this Switch news made me reconsider that theory, as now I believe Capcom is going to keep on pumping them out because the profits they make on it must be pretty decent in their eyes., like the cost of making them must not be as expensive as we would believe.  So expect some “brand new” plotlines that will be expanded upon in AA8 etc
Very smart move given the next news on AA7. AA6 led to a big issue, in that, you probably wouldn’t enjoy the game as much if you never played the first 5. If they just released AA7 on the Switch straight away, they would be assuming every switch owner has played the other 6 AA games, so this would at least bring everyone up to speed. 
Given some stuff I go into further below, I would be thinking, Capcom would be looking into the sales of these very closely in regards to DGS and AAi2…
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-what about AJ on 3ds
Apollo Justice is still coming to the 3ds at the end of the month, and now im thinking, what is the point? The above leak is actually incredibly damaging to sales for this as most people can just wait for the compilation on the Switch to then play it. 
There are ofc people who don’t have a switch (like me) and some who want to play AJ on the 3ds but I feel like this leak has made a few people reconsider their purchase of AJ (which is gunna do so much damage to Capcom’s sales forecast for that game…. :/ ). 
Like you know how quiet the AA twitter is usually, they might have announced the compilations early next year after people already bought it (and maybe that might have angered a few more people to rebuy it again lol)
-Featuring Phoenix Wright
Now ill try and keep this spoiler free but the “feat. Feenie” leaves a big question, where is Apollo? Does that mean all 5 cases are playing as Phoenix? Dlc cases with Apollo? Or are they going to release an Apollo game later (because in an interview for SoJ, they were toying with the idea of SoJ being two separate full games like Pokemon Red and Blue, where one only with Phoenix, and the other only with Apollo). So maybe a game featuring just Apollo in 2019? 
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Now im not sure what the reaction to that is on this site, but I know a lot of people on Twitter have been rolling their eyes that the whole game is once again only Phoenix, when they feel his story is done. Me personally, I don’t really mind, as I view AA456 Phoenix as a different character to AA123, so im happy there’s at least an AA7 game coming, regardless of who you play as. 
Earlier I mentioned how I thought AA7 would be the final AA game ever if it was on the 3ds, and with that I was thinking it would be the biggest fanservice game ever (like Gumshoe, Kay, Franziska coming back, and other past characters returning in the biggest best(est) sendoff ever, like maybe even a dlc case where you play as Edgeworth with Kay helping and gumshoe, Franziska all there, and like the crime scenes being old places but with new twists, and just finalising every plotpoint ever (Iris and Kay where are you??). 
But since it ISNT the final game, I think it will be kind of like Dual Destinies, instead of answering questions, they will pose new ones, and introduce even more new characters to the already bloated cast which im not too happy about. Prepare for a new colourful Maya clone that has a new gameplay ability to turn the tide in court! (I still love Athena mmmmmk?),  Also, wanna bet that one dialogue we want between Phoenix, Trucy and Apollo about a certain relationship wont be revealed til postgame AGAIN? :P
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-Worldwide launch
This is probably the ABSOLUTE BEST NEWS to come out of all of this. No longer will we need to wait through the months, wondering if we bought enough copies to make them consider localizing. Now we can play them game at the same time as Japan! Although with this series, I never had a big issue with spoilers unlike Danganronpa, like people weren’t going out of their way to spoil SoJ like they did with V3. But its stil great news that we know that AA7 will be coming west!
-The switch has a big digital only library, -games are not tied to your console anymore, -they are tied to your account, so if you Switch dies, -you wont lose the games purchase. SO yes I do think all 3 of the Switch games will be digital only, this is clearly the route Capcom wants for us westerners and I don’t think anything short of a miracle in sales will change that :(
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Now this is an issue for me personally. Hearing AA7 being on the switch made me so happy, as it opens up the endless possibilities to the gameplay. 
SoJ had so many improvements to character model movements and what they did with the 3ds hardware. So thinking a Switch only AA7 game would be amazing in terms of what they could do with the models, UI, gameplay etc.
 Deep down I always wished Capcom would try and be like Spike Chunsoft and add extra gameplay to their visual novel hybrids, like danganronpa. As in, its honestly absurd at how much extra content is in v3 considering they are both just murder mystery VNs, and they is clearly no reason for them to add so much extra content. Like AA has never even had post game content at all, so maybe on the switch they can try some things like danganronpa, like an AU mode, or some silly board game thing, just stuff that doesn’t harm the main story, but is nice for diehard fans to keep opening up the game. 
HOWEVER since its apparently on mobile I don’t think any of that will happen. Yes Im happy people who like mobile gaming can play it, and yes not everyone can afford consoles, and yes phones are like mini computers these days in terms of power. But from Capcom’s point of view, if they want to sell it to as many people as possible, they need to consider a lot of people will still have old phones, so trying anything amazing in gameplay features might not work on an old phone, leading to loss of sales in the mobile side. And we all know how much Capcom likes money. So personally im disappointed but not that much, this is just a deep feeling ive always wanted from AA, just more in game content and extra things to do. And seeing how SoJ improved SO MUCH on the DD models, I just wanted them to go even beyond that. But hey maybe now at least they can do 3d models for investigating and pretend its an investigation game , RIP Kay’s return :’)
-localizedgs and aai2
And ofc the usual, LOCALIZE DGS AND AAI2. Considering all the news, and given how poorly Marvel vs Capcom Infinite sold(it’s actually shocking at how bad it sold, maybe because no Phoenix in it? :P ), and how long it took for RE7 to reach its sales goal(1.5years), I don’t think DGS will ever be localized, at least not for a few more years. The cost of licensing to Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Estate is clearly too much for Capcom to release an even more niche game than AA(the average person will see it doesn’t have Feenie and wont buy it). 
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HOWEVER given their love of compilations and ports recently, there is STILL a chance they will port a DGS1&2 game to the switch, maybe around 2020. This being after they see the sales to the first 2 compilations. So don’t buy Battlefront 2 and support bad lootbox behaviour, save that money to buy AA on the switch ;) And regarding AAi2, look im probably the biggest fan who wants a new AAI3 more than AA7 (I even made a video about it lol), but considering AA7 will be made by the AAi team, that aint happening. Now all hope would be lost, if not for the simple fact that, in 2017, just recently, AAi had an encore stage play performance in Japan . Meaning even though this play ran last year, they had enough demand to do it again this year. So Capcom clearly has some plans with Miles and crew, and hopefully if the compilations sell well, they will make a Switch port of AAi and AAi2, and hopefully Kay will live once more! :P
And finally to the man himself, Shu Takumi(creator of AA if you didn’t know). After spending time making DGS 1 and 2,  and with how poor their sales were, I don’t think there will be a DGS3. And I don’t think he will come back for AA7 (if it was the final game like my earlier theory, I was hoping he would come back for some fanservice lol, like he would bring his charm back and work it on the new characters which might have been fun). This is disappointing as his writing with the characters is on another level compared to the new games . 
E.g play SoJ and the professor Layton crossover game, back to back, and notice how different the dialogue is with Phoenix and Maya. Takumi (who wrote the Layton game) clearly understands his characters so well, and you can feel Maya and Phoenix’s personality just flow seamlessly with each other, like the professor game honestly felt like a case from the trilogy even though I played it waaaay later.  He has stated he is done with the main line AA games(iirc), and how he would hate making more cases than needed (like him not wanting to make the fifth case in AA1 when Capcom first localized it, since the GBA game had only 4 cases and Capcom wanted him to make one more case to sell again). So I don’t think he will make AA7 or DGS3, which means HOPEFULLY he is free to make what he wants, and we can get another amazing separate game like Ghost Trick ANYWAY that’s been my rambleeeeeeeeeeee
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TL;DR Ace Attorney isn’t dead, Capcom loves the franchise but not as much as you want, please buy the compilation ports, even if you have the games, money speaks to this company that runs our favourite game franchise :/
And final silly point: I don’t have a Nintendo Switch, Zelda BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon2, FE Warriors didn’t convince me to buy a Switch. I will now be buying a Switch for AA7, THIS SERIES WILL BE THE END OF MEEEEEEEEEEE
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