bjornkram · 3 hours
This pride month, steam is going to push a lot of queer games, a way you figure out which games are worth your time and money is asking yourself, is it T4T?
If it isn't T4T, then it isn't worth your time.
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sunfoxfic · 7 months
We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore. We were so close. Then they flavored it mango and now it's taboo to criticize it anymore. People don't ask if they're allowed to vape indoors, they aren't considerate of people who may have health problems that are triggered by the chemicals or if it just bothers them, people don't care that they're supporting an industry built on corruption and greed, they can't see it draining their pockets and much less their health. We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore.
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imaginary-alchemy · 17 days
Showed my work to family and the response was, well, let's just go with less than enthusiastic... Not unkind, but it left me feeling like a child seeking validation, which is stupid. I'm not, I'm just (apparently) really bad at reading people. I don't pick up on the subtleties so if someone says they like a thing, I share more of it, not realizing that maybe they were just being polite.
Take this blanket (pattern: cosmic cal by Helen Shrimpton), for example . A while back, I gifted it to my mother only for her to immediately give it away. If I'd realized she wouldn't value it, I'd have kept it for myself. And yet still, here I am, trying to share things with people who clearly are not interested. 😒 Am I a hopeful optimist, an idiot or just a slow learner?
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Rhetorical question, by the way. This really is just a long winded way of venting into the void and saying, sod it. From now on I'm going to do this stuff for myself. My art. My enjoyment. The way I should have approached it from the start.
Edit: thank you to everyone here who has commented, liked or reblogged my work. It warms my dark and brittle soul to see that people *do* like what I do. I know I'm just bitching here about how the people close to me don't seem to care about it, but I know there are many, many other people who do and that matters to me. I appreciate you all. 💕
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eightyonekilograms · 1 month
One major shift in my politics is that, 5-6 years ago, if you'd asked me for my opinion on the animosity between Big Tech and the mainstream media, and to opine on who the heroes and villains were, I would've said something like "they're both fundamentally well-meaning folks; this is the result of a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, combined with some bad incentives in both industries."
Today I still think there's no clear hero and villain, but now it's because I think they're both awful and the worst stereotypes about them are all true; a pox on both their houses.
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
you mean this
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sulkybender · 4 months
The curled hands just make no sense
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giraffeseatingcake · 14 days
I just saw someone use the phrase "girlies (gender neutral)" no one gets to complain about being called "dude" in a gender neutral way ever again
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bubblesandtingles · 3 months
i have to be up in 6 hours yet here i am searching for the best belching vids to masturbate to
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moft-man · 10 months
I LIVE!! :)))
Lovebugged my Narry, just for the silly :3
and of course, the lovebug AU is by @things1do !! ^^
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gonna drop a closeup + a version with no glitchy stuff under the cut!!!
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sinfullapis · 3 months
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Sybil's Appetite
All that running around and third-dimensional platforming is hard INTENSIVE work for Sybil! She's always burning energy and getting hungry really fast... Castle Sansa seems to have a handy surplus of cakes and sweets at least! To the detriment of her waistline~
Posted using PostyBirb
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bjornkram · 1 year
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sunfoxfic · 11 months
Enough with "taking care of children and treating them with respect and dignity is easy." It's hard. It's so, so hard in a society like our own. We are unnaturally segregated by age in a way never really seen before, we're taught from our own upbringing that we need to do anything but that, and there aren't enough hours in a day for many people to raise kids in the way they deserve. It's so much work - many people don't have the time, energy, training. Most people need to relearn their entire worldview of what it means to be a child and what it means to be an adult.
It's not easy to take care of children and treat them with respect and dignity - but it is worth it. It is worth it to put in the work. And it will be hard, but it is necessary.
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gumnut-logic · 9 months
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Tried writing tonight. Too tired, drat it.
This is all that happened and it ain't good, but I'm throwing it up here because othrwise, I'm throwing it in the bin.
I'll try again at some point ::hugs the lot of you::
His brother doubled and Virgil had to blink to clear his eyes.
“Aw, man, Virg you are such a sop.”
That had Virgil blinking again and turning away.
“I think it is understandable, Gordon.” Scott’s rich voice was full of its usual command, but was just that little higher pitched.
“Not you, too?”
Virgil threw caution to the wind and threw himself at Gordon, wrapping his brother in a hug enough to express everything.
“Vir-oh, g-od, breeeathe, need to breeeathe.”
Virgil clenched his eyes shut, relaxed his grip just a little, but buried his face in his brother’s shoulder.
To his further embarrassment he was shaking.
Gordon’s arms wrapped around him slowly. “Hey, I’m okay. It was close and scary, but I’m still here.”
“I thought I’d lost you.” The words fell out of his mouth and into the soft cotton of Gordon’s shirt. “Again.”
It was stupid. It was close. But this was the first time since Gordon’s accident where…where it had nearly happened again!
A strong hand landed on Virgil’s shoulder and slid around the both of them. Big brother wrapping them in safety.
Okay, maybe Virgil was being stupid, but he had been on the Island, after having sworn never to let Gordon out on his own again…and he hadn’t been able to do anything but watch!
“I’m okay, I promise.”
He just hugged his brother more.
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eightyonekilograms · 5 months
We should never have allowed normal people to learn about either evopsych or epigenetics. They can’t handle it.
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Hands hurt, can't draw. Head hurts, can't consume media. Wallet hurts, can't buy lil trinket. Boo.
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fall3ncupid · 26 days
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