#gonna make one for drug dealer Mika too
chrollohearttags · 10 months
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numba99 · 4 years
Fatal Attraction - Part 8
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
summary: When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 2k
Song: My Favorite Part // Mac Miller
warning; light smut, also sorry if things are repetitive or if their or contingency errors as y'all know I took a bit of a break from writing so if something is a little off apologies just go with with it!!
When you woke up the next morning, your head was still pounding, though it was much lighter than the night before. Truthfully, you were more bothered by the pounding in your chest. You used to wake up like this a lot, feeling incredibly anxious and like your heart could beat out of your chest. It first started after your parents were killed and plagued you almost every morning for the month following. You hadn’t experienced it in quite sometime, but you guessed kidnapping would do that to you.
You reached out beside you, instantly soothed that Mika was there. You rolled over, finding that he was already awake and watching you. He looked worried and you began to wonder if he could actually hear how hard your heart had been pounding.
“Did you sleep okay?” he asked, though it sounded like he already knew the answer.
“Yes,” you lied. You didn’t want him to be anymore worried about you than he already was. Mika didn’t seem too fully believe you, but he didn’t question you either.
“I think we need some time away,” he said sitting up.
“What? I thought last night we agreed we weren't going to leave each other?” you questioned as a rush of anxiety flooded you.
“Sweetheart, no that’s not what I meant,” Mika insisted, taking your hand in his. You settled down, feeling silly for your overreaction. You couldn’t help it, the thought of being away from Mika scared you more than you knew it should. “I’m sorry I scared you with that last night, I really didn’t mean it.”
“It’s okay,” you replied, squeezing his hand and feeling your heart slow.
“No it isn’t,” Mika replied, “I don’t want you to think I ever think about leaving you. I just want to keep you safe and that was me speaking out of fear that I couldn’t protect you anymore. But I can and I will. I promise I’m yours forever, y/n.”
You rested your hand on his cheek, knowing he needed the comforting now. You smiled softly, feeling the familiar scratch of his beard on your palm. “I know Mika. I love you for that.”
“I love you too,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “What I was trying to say was that I want us to go away for a little. Get away from the city and... everything. I have a place upstate thats pretty secluded, we could just have some alone time.”
“That sounds amazing,” you replied, “but don’t they need you here? For the - uh - business stuff?” “They can manage a few days without me,” Mika replied, “I’ve put Chris in charge while I’m gone, it’s not the first time hes had to take things over for me for a few days. Speaking of which, I had him go to your apartment and get some extra clothes and things for the trip. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course,” you nodded, silently hoping Chris didn’t find anything you wouldn’t want him to. Like clockwork, Chris walked in.
“Everything’s packed and in the car for you guys,” Chris told Mika. 
“We are going now?” you asked.
“Do you have better plans?” he raised a brow at you.
“Guess not,” you chuckled. Before you left, Mika checked you again for concussion symptoms like the doctor ordered. Both of you were relieved to find that you had escaped sans concussion.
“We’ll be back in a few days,” Mika said to Chris as you slid into the car, “Call me if you need me, but try not to need me.”
Chris chuckled, “I've got it don't worry. You two enjoy yourselves.” You both replied with a thanks said goodbye.
You settled into Mika’s side surprised by how giddy you were feeling about a whole weekend alone with Mika. You realized you never really had much alone time with him, there was almost always someone else with you. You savored the idea of it just being you and him, even if it was just for a few days.
You rested comfortably against Mika, watching as the skyscrapers of the city melted, giving away to greenery that sprung up on the sides of the road. You weren’t sure how long you were in the car for - it had to be awhile - but it didn’t feel long or boring. You could have spent all day in the car, just cuddled up to Mika, but eventually you arrive.
The house was beautiful, which didn’t shock you knowing Mika’s taste. It was the perfect cozy looking modern cabin, framed by gorgeous evergreens and looking over a little lake. It wasn’t huge, well not huge for Mika. It would be more than enough space for the two of you, but you imagined multiple people could spend the weekend there comfortably.
“This place is amazing,” you smiled, practically sprinting up the front steps. You breathed deeply, invigorated by the fresh air. You realized you couldn't remember the last time you had been out of the city, let alone somewhere as lush and remote as this. It had only been a few minutes, but you could already feel a sense of peace washing over you.
“Let’s get unpacked a bit and then I can show you around,” Mika replied. And you did just that. Though your unpacking was really just haphazardly throwing clothes into a draw so you could explore the place with him. Everything about the place was so cozy and inviting, feeling less like a vacation house and more like a home.
You and Mika both agreed on what you wanted to do - nothing. The two of you curled up on the couch and binged Netflix for quite sometime and you couldn't have been more thrilled. It felt normal, you felt normal and it was nice. You hadn't felt normal in quite some time, dating a prolific drug dealer would do that to you. Not that you regretted your choice to be with Mika in the slightest, but it was nice to just do something so average and have it feel so special.
After ordering in some food (well ordered to the driver’s hotel room who then delivered the food to you, Mika still didn't want anyone coming directly to his place even up here) Mika suggested you hang out in the hot tub in the back. The sun was setting, casting a soft pinky-violet haze across the sky as you slipped into the warm water. Mika’s arm wrapped around you and you both sat quietly for a while, the only sound being the soft bubbled of the hot tub and a symphony of crickets.
“What are you thinking about?” Mika broke the silence, his finger tips tracing shapes lazily on your arm.
“How I’m so lucky to be here with you,” you replied, “I didn’t realize how much I needed something like this, so thank you for bringing me here. It’s so beautiful.”
Mika leaned into you and even though you weren’t looking at him you could tell he was smiling. “I’m glad you like it. This was one of the first things my dad bought when he got money to his name. He wanted us to have somewhere to go to just be a family.”
“You can feel that here,” you replied, “It’s so homey.”
Mika nodded, “It’s special to me. That’s why I bought up all the land plots around the lake, I wanted to just be a place for me... Though I’v considered building houses on them and giving to the people I work with for them and their families. I think they deserve it.”
“You have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met,” you told him, resting your head on his shoulder and looking up at him.
“You must not have met a lot of people with big hearts,” Mika joked, but there was an edge in his voice. You knew he didn’t see himself as a good person.
“I have actually,” you replied, “And no one is anywhere near yours. You’re a good person Mika, I hope you know that.” Mika kissed the top of your forehead instead of replying and you fell back into a short silence until you spoke again. “Do you ever thing about that? A family I mean?”
Mika shrugged, “I mean, yes I would love one, but I don't know. I don’t think I’d make a great dad.”
You shot up, turning to him with a scowl. “Mika you’re crazy. You would be an amazing father.”
“Not when my sheer existence put the kid in danger. I couldn’t risk that,” he replied sadly.
“Have you ever considered... I don’t know the right word, but stepping down? I mean do you see yourself doing this forever?” you asked, hoping you didn’t sound judgmental. 
“No, but if I don’t who will? If I stopped my trade the Russians would take over everything. The way they run things... let’s just say the city would be a lot less safe. I don’t want that. I mean I’m no hero, I know that I’m sitting on a drug empire, but I try to run things the right way. No killing for the sake of killing, women and children are off limits, at least there is some sort of code. This probably sounds stupid.”
“Not at all,” you shook your head, “You’re a good man Mika. It pains me you don’t see that. And that you don’t think you deserve a family.”
“I guess I just never thought I would find someone who would make me feel like I could have one,” Mika replied, looking at you with heart-melting fondness.
“At the risk of being forward, I would love to have a family with you someday,” you told him,  you hand resting on his cheek.
Mika’s forehead pressed to yours, “Someday.” It was spoken like a promise and sealed with kiss.
“I love you,” you breathed, locking your arms his neck.
“I love you more,” Mika replied, kissing you again. Mika pulled you on top of him and lifted the two of you out of the water with ease. 
“Mika you’re gonna get water all over,” you said between kisses as he carried you into the house.
“It’ll dry,” he replied.
“The bed won’t.”
“That’s why I'm taking you to a guest room,” he punctuated his response with a nip at your lip and you giggled before returning to his kiss. 
The second you hit the bed you were pulling at each other’s bathing suits. Normally foreplay was always on the table, in fact Mika pretty much insists on pleasuring you until you could barely take it, but tonight you just wanted him. By the look in his eye you could he wanted the same.
Mika slid into you slowly, your nails digging into his back with every inch. It was the sweetest sensation to feel him filling you up so completely. Neither of you were in a rush; Mika working you up with slow lazy thrusts while you kissed and touched. It took a while to finish, not because it didn’t feel good, but because you two just wanted to enjoy each other. 
“Mika,” you moaned softly as the warm feeling of bliss washed over you. He was right there with you, low moans escaping his lips while he peppered kisses all over you. Even after you both finished, Mika stayed inside you, knowing you loved the feeling of having him in you. He held you close and you buried your face in his neck, breathing in his familiar scent.
“I love you so much Mika,” you said, “So much.” You weren’t sure what it was, but something about being here with Mika after everything was making you emotional. You were realizing just how fragile everything was, but even when you were in danger no one made you feel safer or stronger than Mika. You had never been a big believer in fate or destiny, but something inside you told you that you were meant to meet Mika. He was the only person for you and you couldn't bare the idea of being with anyone else.
“I love you too y/n,” he replied, kissing the top of you head, “More than you could ever know.” His voice was the last thing you heard before drifting to sleep.
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smores100 · 4 years
once again we’re in full agreement lol. What’s your take on s3 remakes you’ve watched? Wondering how you feel about Skam FR as it’s kind of a similar situation to me where the chemistry & beauty is there but the writing and style is iffy (overwrought &overdramatic). My favorite s3 is druck. As a wlw I had high hopes for españa but it was p slow/v desexualized—a whole discussion, but my other gay friend & I were disappointed given how remakes with guys don’t hold back in that respect.. Thoughts?
Honestly re: wtfock tho I really do wonder if they had like one good writer in the room surrounded by fools. Bc it really does feel like some group projects I’ve been in where I feel like I’m the only one who’s not a fucking fool and carry the whole thing while having to fend off bad ideas (but when the majority rules, those bad ideas/execution get put in). I wonder if that’s what happened w wtfock.
re: wtfock, lol group projects are the worst….idk what wtfock’s writing process was like, but i’d love to know it. according to their wiki there were 3 writers this season? all seem to be male, naturally. did the two other writers have good ideas but there was a main writer who overruled them and did his own thing? or maybe they’re the rl one brain cell squad, that would explain a lot :p in any case, i’m unimpressed (friday’s clips did not help with that).
as for the other part of your ask….oh damn i have so many Thoughts on that, lol. this is probably gonna get long and messy, but you asked for it!
* druck - my absolute favorite. it’s the only one i’ve watched since s1, so that definitely played a part in my emotional investment and attachment. still, there was more to it than that. it was the closest to og imo in vibe and style (it felt small, real, lowkey, quiet, natural like og, as opposed to - as you said - overwrought and overdramatic + overproduced like the others); they cast an actual trans guy to play a trans character, if you wanna talk about a skam remake doing something REVOLUTIONARY? druck is the one; i loved matteo’s and david’s characterizations, how they both had a bit of isak and even in them, and the role reversal in some scenes, made things feel fresh *and* fit their characters/story; i LOVE that teens matteo and david were played by actual teens michi and lukas!! they’ve completely ruined me for all other remakes, bc thissssss is how it’s supposed to be! thisssss is how it should look like! THEY ARE KIDDOS. and they (druck and michi/lukas) truly captured what it’s like to be young and fall in love for the first time, the awkwardness and the nervousness and stuttering and fumbling around, the softness and pureness and innocence of it all!!! also they have THE BEST dynamic - other people might prefer all the hot kissing and steamy making out and the smouldering looks, but me? i just couldn’t get enough of their dumb chaotic energy, best friends who love each other deeply and are also constantly little shits to one another. gimme them pranking each other and playfighting every day! and then being soft and THE HANDS and matteo being a clingy koala basking in david’s affection :3 i also loved how for the most part they didn’t just copy/paste og’s storyline, they made some changes and knew how to make *other* changes accordingly for it to make sense and fit the story *they* were telling - for example, replacing the ‘call your gf’ scene with matteo’s panic attack/breakdown (one of my fave scenes), or their reunion at the end of ep 7 (replacing the desperate kissing + sex with a comforting and relieved yet also bittersweet and melancholic hug), or even matteo getting advice from his drug dealer instead of the school’s doctor, lol. also THE BEST BOY SQUAD, hands down. and matteo is my favorite isak bc to me he felt like his own character instead of just another isak, he was different and reletable and a constant Mood. that being said - it wasn’t perfect and it had its issues. there were a few times when i did feel they stuck too close to og scenes and it didn’t *entirely* work for me, just felt a bit off; i will forever be disappointed that they didn’t directly address and acknowledge matteo’s mental state/depression, bc there were enough signs imo to indicate that he did suffer from something. they mentioned ‘therapy’ in mia’s, alex’s and kiki’s cases, i truly thought they would with matteo as well, but alas, they dropped the ball on that one; i was extremely upset with david’s outing, but i’ve since calmed down and have managed to see it in a more positive light, tho i still have mixed feelings about it and am not fully on board with that decision, still wish it had been done differently (but at least! it wasn’t brushed off and was addressed immediately and eventually led to david having agency and yelling out his pain!!! which was good and important and cathartic); also eps 8 and 9 were pretty messy writing-wise, things either didn’t make sense or would’ve made more sense had the clips were organized differently (that random ping pong clip….?). overall tho, the good outweighed the bad, and it remains my fave
* skam france - now that’s a tricky one. the way i felt about it in the first half of the season, is different from the way i felt about it in the second half of the season, is different from the way i feel about ever since watching druck’s s3. it’s funny you should say how similar it is to wtfock for you, bc i’ve been thinking the same thing for quite some time. those neighboring countries sure have a shared flair for the dramatic! fr’s s3 was pretty much the first s3 i watched (i gif-watched half of skamit, couldn’t get into it). i wasn’t planning to (i was extremely unimpressed by the couple of s1 eps i tried watching, and same by axel’s acting in those first two seasons), but even is the loml and they got me gooood with their eliott pov trailer, which might have affected my excitement over it during the first half. back then i really enjoyed it for the most part, despite some clips being rushed or missing the point thus not fully having the required effect (their locker room scene, for example, or the ‘generalizations are bad’ convo), or how much i hated basile (a character so obviously written by a man it’s amazing), or the cheesy piano music. there were enough good things for me to focus on instead (more in a bit) that i could ignore the things i didn’t like or weren’t as good imo. however, all the positivity got sucked out of me when yann noped tf out after lucas came out to him bc WAY TO MISS THE POINT OF SKAM!!! and things went downhill after the director’s IT’S NOT DISNEYLAND IT’S FRANCE 2019 comment. i’m getting all upset just thinking about it, but to say *that*, to explain that horrendous decision bc lowkey homophobic reactions are realistic!!! only to THEN be all ‘haha jk yann isn’t homophobic! we just wanted you to *think* he was! he’s actually an awesome friend who took several days to reflect on all his past wrongdoings while his bff was at home having a nervous breakdown bc he believed his bff hated him!’ ughhhhhhhhh, miss me with that shit. great that they had yann apologizing for his past comments, but the way in which it was done was for pure shock value and angst, completely ooc for his character (all season he was all ‘tell me tell me tell me let me help let me help let me help’ only to do *that*?? nahh), and interesting how out of everyone the only black character was the only one with a negative reaction (remind you of anyone), highlighted even more during ep 7 aka the ott lucas coming out tour. then ep 8, that should have been 100% all lucas and eliott and building up to eliott’s manic episode suddenly had that weird random pov changing clip in the middle of it which truly wtf, basile was still basile, lucas thanked chloe for outing him, more scenes felt rushed, they had sex in school where people could come and go in front of huge windows in broad daylight and luckily didn’t get poisoned from licking all that paint! and i did not like the flatshare, i absolutely hated mika and lisa kicking lucas out of his room - which he pays rent for! - and manon not even trying to put up a fight, and them being like ‘roommate isn’t just a place, it’s a way of living. that’s a family, and you’re more like a cousin.’ ‘a second cousin.’ ughhhhhh and then when eliott was recovering from his depressive episode, they *still* didn’t give lucas his room back or at least let eliott stay there, he was sleeping on the couch, i’m aldjlajdafj. can’t believe i’m gonna say it, but TAKE NOTES FROM WTFOCK. tl;dr there were some good moments in the second half, but i was feeling bitter more often than not about certain things, so my enjoyment wasn’t as high as when it first started. and after watching druck, druck’s brand is definitely much more my style. plus, i was already struggling with making myself believe axel and maxence were in their teens, but after druck it’s completely impossible, so i just pretend they’re in college or something lol. all my issues with it aside, i’d still rate it higher than wtfock, bc overall the writing was better, more coherent, and made much more sense. i also liked lucas’ friendship with the girls; i loved that instead of copying the underwater kiss + 21:21 like some others have, they came up with their own thing i.e. polaris, which i thought was lovely; the lucas/manon crying in the middle of the night together in front of the tv was one of my fave scenes of the season; also love how we were introduced to eliott on the first week! and they spent time together! and specifically the piano playing scene, ohhhh; and in general elu are sweet and i reeeeally like axel and maxence and their friendship. so yeah, it had some major issues, but i’d rather have a coherent story with something done for shock value and drama ONCE than an incoherent story with several shock value moments.
* skam espana - sorry to hear you girls were disappointed! i only watched half of it, so i can only comment on what i saw. i decided to binge watch s1 and give s2 a shot when i heard they were giving cris isak’s story - it felt a bit weird to me, but it was also something different and new, and i did have an appreciation for their decision to have a wlw season (also much more revolutionary to me than showing a gay bashing), so i was intrigued and willing to try it. sadly i didn’t really vibe with s1? it’s totally a personal preference i think, maybe even a cultural thing idk, but it felt very fast and loud and hectic to me, idrk how to explain it. i was just more into the chill more lowkey vibe of druck and skamnl. but i still gave s2 a shot, and idk, it still wasn’t my cup of tea. i thought it was ok for the most part, but there were some things that bothered me - joana/cris felt underdeveloped to me? and things b/w them felt like they were moving so fast from the second they met, like jona was so intense and forward ALL THE TIME, they had like 6 almost kisses in a really short time, like shhh slow down. i remember disliking their ‘call your gf’ scene, it felt really petty and kinda mean to me? bc i felt like joana came on to cris *really* strongly and *very* frequently, so cris was more than entitled to feel hurt and betrayed when she found out joana had a bf, but then cris was kissing a dude and joana positioned herself and her bf in front of cris so she’d see them kissing too, and i just didn’t like bc seriously?? cris is valid, just apologize to her and explain?? idr much else tbh, they had some really cute and sweet scenes afterwards, i’m still against doing the underwater kiss + 21:21 so i was kinda meh about that (tho aesthetically speaking it was BEAUTIFUL, and i’m like, fiiiiine girls deserve an underwater kiss too, i’ll allow it just this once!), and that cuddling clip in ep 6 i think was sweet and the last one i watched. like i said, i was less vibing with this remake, and iirc it was going on during druck’s s3 and skamnl’s s2 - which were my faves, plus skamfr was on too i think and i was lowkey following it too, so….there was just too much all at once and something had to go, and it was skamesp. it was also around the time when panaphobia-gate happened, so *shrugs* i’m not wlw myself so your opinion on it being desexualized is probably more valid than mine? i just know when i did watch, there was a lot of kissing and making out and being cute and touchy with each other, so i thought it was ok? as i’ve mentioned before, i don’t need to see a naked butt or anything like that to *get* it lol, i thought they were lovely! but that’s just me. i will say that my faaaave part was most definitely the cris/amira friendship. they were so wonderful! one of the best skam friendships imo. i might one day go back and finish the season just for the heck of it, but they didn’t do anything major or highly offensive that made me have negative feelings towards it, it was just a personal preference + circumstances (too many remakes!) that made me be less into it and drop it before the end.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Lose To Win Chapter 1: The Reunion (HLITF & KBTBB )
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 1 Fandom: Her Love In The Force & Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Metro PD: Close To You Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut HLITF & MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Ishigami, Soma, Ayumu, Namba, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Kirisawa Summary: Smut with Kaga! Fans of HLITF / Kaga, the game needs more love. Background: This series occurs (6 months) after the previous series Switching Places , click on the link if you’re interested or confused at any point.
Mika first encounter with them again 2 months after the fail operation, it was Baba’s birthday and it led to a 4 parts Epilogue with 3 parts smut. At last, Mika had moved and avoided all contacts with the bidders, making it clear to Mia that she couldn’t meet them under any circumstances.
Another 6 months later, she was back at the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order) Notes: sunflowerblackrabbit / ladystar0710 / medievalbingeprincess69 / silver-red-rose / makingastar / ayaka-oh / mirandaflamel / dms-903 / vmendoza1901 / tsuki-tsundere
Special thanks to my beta reader- @nitelotus​
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[ Another 6 months have passed since you last saw the bidders, they recently returned to Tokyo from Dubai ]
Slowly lifting your head up from a bow to another guest, you let out a sigh and impatiently pace around the lobby. It’s a quiet day at the hotel and it’s boring the hell out of you, given the fact that this isn’t even an actual mission. Six months, you’ve had complete control of you life again, solving cases, arresting criminals, interrogating suspects and occasional one night stands.
Six wonderful months with no bidders, no auctions, no Eisuke the ass or the mobster you’d finally stop thinking of. Mia has moved to Dubai with them for the new hotel and you couldn’t be happier. Until the moment Eisuke is sitting in the chief’s office and “requires” your assistance- the lucky bastard just always gets his way. However, it concerns Mia and it’s a rather easy task so why not? As long as the pervert isn’t laying his hands on her, following him and sees what he’s hiding would be a piece of cake.
Half an hour later, the target has arrived, giving you a big unpleasant grin and hugs as soon as he spots you. “I’ve got some business to attend love, then I’ll see ya at the penthouse. Would be best if we’re alone, if ya know what I mean?” You force a smile and head to his floor shortly after.  Looking through the peephole from the room across his since Eisuke has given you a master key, it doesn’t take long til he has a visitor- a man you actually recognize.
Nishimura, a drug dealer you’ve arrested quite a few times. Eisuke’s target is buying and selling drugs in his hotel, the guy must have a death wish. Just as your hands reach the doorknob, a figure appears from the shadow and kneels down in front of the door opposite, sliding a spy camera underneath. The tall man moves quickly but you’d partly make out of his face structure, those determined eyes and messy dark brown hair. You know this man, you’d recognize his back anywhere, since you’ve dug your nails into it so many times, embracing it from behind for years- his back has been your sanctuary, your very own safe place. How could you ever forget?
Returning his camera back to his inner pocket, he enters the room in no time. Seconds later, you go in to find them lying unconscious on the floor while the only man standing points a gun at you. “Hello, Kaga.”
He stares at you blankly, clearly struggles to find the right words and before you could the door is burst open, your heart almost stop. “What da fuck did ya do kid?” Soryu has already drawn his gun out and Kaga quickly aims his at the mobster, “Okay clam down, don’t shoot!” You step in between, arms out and reach for both their guns. “Eisuke ain’t gonna be happy.” Mamoru sighs while few men from the Ice Dragons comes in to carry the two unconscious men. “Please, he’s hardly ever happy.” You can’t help with the comment, Mamoru grins, “Who’s this?”
Expressionlessly as usual, Kaga sets his eyes on them, particularly Soryu. Anyone in the force would know his face, “A friend.” You mutter, “He’s coming with us obviously.” Kaga averts his questioning gaze at you with Mamoru’s words and you respond with a nod, indicating that it will be okay, what’d possibly happen now since you’ve already gone through the worst? Soryu remains silent throughout the entire time, only whispers the basics to Eisuke upon their arrival. As expected, the King is not amused. Ota and Baba’s eyes sparkle when they see you but their instinct is right, this isn’t the time to cheer and welcome you. “What happened?” His cold eyes scanning both you and Kaga, clearly irritated.
“Give me 5 minute,” You suggest, “can we borrow your office?” Pulling Kaga’s elbow towards upstairs as you hear Eisuke clicks his tongue but agrees. “5 minute, sharp.”
“Make it 10.” Kaga shrugs, “It’s a long story.”
Eisuke rolls his eyes then focuses back to his laptop, “You better get on with it then.”
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Before the door has even closed Kaga holds your wrist high and spins you around, wrapping his arms around you. One inhale of his musky scent which can easily make you cry so you shake your head instead and break away, “What the hell are you doing?”
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” His tongue slides into your mouth, seizing your voice with a wicked grin on his face. Hmmmm is the only sound you’d made, what a weak way to protest. With hands down your ass, he lifts you up and slams you against the window, making you gasp as the cool window’s glass hits your back with his lips trailing down your neck. Breaking away shortly, he rips your blouse open leaving you feeling exposed in your purple lace bra. Musing out with a smirk, his hands gropes your breasts and kisses them furiously, holding nothing back. “Fuck, I miss them!”
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A dry laugh leave your mouth and your hands reach his messy hair, “We’ve only got 10 minutes.”
“Plenty of time then, we have done it in much shorter time.” His lips are moist and warm against your skin and it reminds you how much you’ve longed for this, no one else ever touches or kisses you the way he does. So rough and yet so gentle, so full of affection. Tilting your head to make way for him to kiss further down while his hands travels up and down your waist. There is no time to waste, he pulls up your skirt which you know for sure that he’d much prefer to see you fully naked, well today is not the day.
You can’t move, his fingers have somehow short circuited your mind in the best possible way, you have done it so many times and still, never a dull moment. He losses his belt as you open his shirt, revealing his toned abs. And you secretly curse in your head, that’s what you seriously miss!!! He’s so fucking hot! It’s impossible not to notice his bulge which is growing by the second, Hyogo Kaga is truly a sight to behold.
He kisses you hungrily, pushing his tongue between your lips, your body is writhing beneath his. One touch and that’s all it takes, it has always been this way with him. You feel electricity runs through your body, all there is left is passion, intense and intoxicating. Your eyes lock and you see the devilish satisfaction in his before dipping his head and licks your nipples. The motion sends a wave of desire through your very core and the next thing you know, he’s already slammed into you hard. The wave of pleasure hit you and after the first thrust he allows you some time to adjust right before he pulls out and thrusts back in.
His thrusts become faster and harder, impossible for you to keep quiet and by the looks of it, he’s doing it on purpose. “Your moan still turn me on so much.” “Harder.” You moan.
Swiping your hair to one side and bite your neck, daring to leave his mark. His thrusts become erratic and you’d hear him breathing heavily.“Are you close?” You whimper with all the strength you’ve left because he isn’t and you know it. Moving one hand down, Kaga begins circling your clit. “Let’s make you cum first.” He grins as he speeds up and that’s all you need to come undone. The orgasm is so intense that your whole body keep shivering. You give out a loud cry which he soons muffles with a rough kiss.
He keeps on thrusting but not for his own release, the on going stimulation send your mind to go blank. “Wait, I just ..”
“You haven’t moan my name yet,” he hisses and fucks harder.
“Oh god!” Squeezing your eyes shut as each thrust hits your sensitive spot over and over, “Kaga!!!” The one word put you over the edge and you come again, harder than the first. “Good to see you too, Mika.” He teases. With your legs wrap around his hip and his hands cupping your face for a long steamy kiss, the door flies open with three pair of angry eyes glaring at your direction.
Kaga gently lowers you down but your knees are failing, you’d collapse without him holding you tight. “Our 10 minutes up, I suppose?” You pinch Kaga on the arm to shut him up but the three bidders are obviously pissed. Feeling mortified and awkward, you mutter a sorry. Not entirely sure if you’re apologizing for the turn of events or the fact that your moan have proven how much more you enjoy this 10 minutes quickie than your previous encounters with these three men staring by the door.
Kaga turns around as you button up behind him, you sense the strong hostility between their gazes. And by the time you all return downstairs, a familiar cheerful voice calls out in surprise. “Oniisan ?!” (brother/brother in law)
Chapter 2 Here
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numba99 · 4 years
Fatal Attraction
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Summary: When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 2.7k
Song (new thing I wanna try for this series first song is the general ~vibe~ im going for with this) Him & I by Halsey and G-eazy
Warnings: OKAY SO this is gonna be a long one. Obviously this whole fic is going to have drug mentions in it. I want to be clear that I am not trying to glamorize/condone drug usage. We are all adults and can make decisions on how we feel about that kind of stuff on our own. This is merely a work of fiction and I completely respect you choosing not to read it for whatever reason. I am not 100% sure what’s going to come out as a I write this but I imagine there will be mentions of violence (though I have no plans nor interests in writing about violence explicitly), smut, weapons, etc. I will put more specific warnings on each part, but I wanted to give a general idea so you don’t start something you wouldn’t be comfortable finishing. okay thats enough of that, let’s get to the good stuff.
It was a Friday night like any other. You stepped out on to your personal stage for the night, wrapping you hand around the silver pole in the center. It was cold and familiar, the sensation always flipped a switch in you. It was time to work. A slow, sexy R&B song spilled out of the speakers as you began a sultry walk around the pole. You noted the faces in the crowd, painted blue by the clubs low, mood lighting. They all melted together, a sea of desperate men with fantasies playing in their heads. Then you spotted him.
He showed up a little over a month ago, and since then has came in week after week. He always sat in the back, always by your stage. You had some frequent flyers, but no one like this, no one like him. He didn’t so much as look at any of the other dancers. He was there for you, you could feel that even from across the room.
And yet, you never felt uncomfortable by his presence. In fact, you looked forward to it. You couldn’t be certain, but you thought he was keeping at an eye out for you. You noticed he was always with another man, who was suited and stood behind him. If a patron got too in your face, he’d whisper to the man he was with, who’d then pull aside whoever was bothering you. Without fail they scampered away every time. You never heard what was said, but the look on the other guys face told you it wasn’t very kind.
He tipped handsomely as well, though he never put the money on you. While the other men would clamor to slide single dollar bills in your lingerie, he’d have his “sidekick,” as you dubbed him, lay a single hundred dollar bill stage after every song... and then drop off a few hundreds before he left for the night. Some nights he'd tip you more than you could make in a week.
Though his presence seemed benevolent enough, you were a bit cautious of him. You wondered what this mystery man wanted, why he was watching you. In this industry, you learn to become suspicious of men that pay too much attention to you. You’ve dealt with many creeps in your time stripping, and you wondered if he was just rich and shy, waiting to build up the nerve to make a move on you and hoping the money he was dropping would soften you up.
As fate would have it, tonight would be the night you’d get your answer.
Your club’s manager Rick, who was as sleazy as sleazy gets called you off the stage for a private room booking. When you were lucky, or unlucky depending on how you looked at it, a man would book you for some time in one of the private areas. During this time you were either giving him a lap dance, or worse, acting like his therapist. You lost count of the amount of times you got alone with a man and he just broke down crying about his wife or shitty life or something you didn’t care about. It was a 50/50, but you put up with because they made you good money.
“Who’s the lucky man?” you deadpanned. 
“The dude back there,” Rick replied, nodded to your mystery man. You cocked a brow, shocked that he was requesting alone time with you when he hasn’t so much as sat front row for one of your dances. You had no idea what to expect, but you had a strange feeling growing in your stomach that there was more than meets the eye with this man. You never really got nervous for these things anymore, it was just part of the job, but something about finally being face to face with him was making your heart thud.
“Put on a good show for him would ya? Man spends a lot when he is here. Don’t need you fucking it up,” Rick said as he chomped on a stale-smelling sandwich.
“What room?” you asked, ignoring his stupid comments.
“Three. Get naked if he wants, I want that money y/n,” Rick replied. You turned around flipping him the middle finger as you walked away. It was supposed to be club rules that your bottoms always stay on... and it was also supposed to be club rules that guys weren’t allowed to touch you outside the private rooms. However, Rick could turn a blind eye if money was being made for him.
You knew you were at the right room, the sidekick was standing outside like a guard. He stepped aside for you without word, allowing you inside. Odd, but you’ve seen enough weird shit here that it didn't phase you. The door clicked shut and you spun around, finding the mystery man alone on the cushioned booth. The lights were low, but you could see him so much better now. His hair was slicked back into a low bun, face framed by a well taken care of beard. You couldn’t tell the exact color of his eyes in the lighting, but they were mesmerizing even from a distance.
“Sit,” he said softly, patting the spot next to him. You approached cautiously, keeping your eyes on him the entire time. It always raised your suspicion when a man didn’t ask you get on top of him right away.
“Please don’t tell me you’re one of those dudes who’s going to tell me I’m too good for this and you want to save my soul,” you said as you sat next to them. You’ve gotten a few of those holier-than-thou types in your time here. It was funny how when you told them you were not interested in being “saved” they still wanted a lap dance.
“I don’t think you’re someone who needs to be saved,” the stranger replied simply. Interesting.
“What do you want then?” you questioned.
“I’d love to know your name,” he replied, “ Your real name.”
You weren’t supposed to give out your real name at the club, but Rick never followed his own rules, why should you. Besides, he did say to give him what he wants.“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
He cocked a grin, laughing lightly. “I’m Mika.”
“Mika,” you repeated, your voice just above a whisper. You weren’t sure why, but it felt like such a victory to know this man’s name.
“Sounds a lot prettier coming from you,” He commented, “And yours?” He tilted his head slightly as he looked at you, sending your stomach to your feet. Closer up you could see his eyes were a rich hazel. They seemed to pierce through you; you felt exposed under his gaze... and not just because you were in lingerie and he was fully dressed. You almost felt as if he knew what you were going to say before you could get the words out.
“Y/n,” you told him.
“Beautiful name,” he replied, “Fitting.” Mika had an innate charm to him, making all his words sound so much sweeter. His comment was simple, cliché really, yet it brought a blush to your cheeks.
“Is there something I can do for you?” you asked, trying to remember why you were here.
“I’d like to take you out,” Mika replied, “If you’d like of course.”
Of course you would, but it wasn’t that easy. “I’m on shift for another couple hours,” you told him. 
“Let me see what I can do,” Mika replied. Before you had a chance to ask what he meant by that, he called in his sidekick, who’s name you learned was Chris. Mika whispered something in his ear, handing him a thick wad of cash. Chris walked away without a word and Mika smiled at you. “Give it a minute.”
You weren’t sure what to make of all this, but you didn't really have time to process it. Just moments later Chris was back. “You're free to go whenever you want y/n,” Chris informed you. Of course, Rick never met a pile of cash he didn’t like.
“So what do you say?” Mika asked, flashing a warm smile. How could say no?
“Let me get changed,” You replied, standing up, “But just so you know, this club is filled with cameras. If you’re planning to take me somewhere and kill me or something, everyone is going to know it was you so don’t bother.” Felt like good measure to add that in.
Mika chuckled, “You’re smart, I like that. But don’t worry y/n, you’re safe with me.” You had no reason to believe him, but for some reason you did. He told you he’d be waiting outside his car for you, and with that you went back to the dressing room. You wished you had worn something nicer than just a pair of jeans and an old tee, but nothing you could do about that now.
You hurried out, not wanting to bump into Rick and deal with any of his stupidity. You were giddy as you stepped out on to the street, feeling like you were playing hooky in high school. Mika was right where he said he would be, leaning against a blacked out SUV. It looked sleek and expensive, much like him.
“Uber black?” You questioned.
Mika chuckled, “No, it’s mine.” Damn, who the hell had room for a car like this in the city? Mika helped you into the back of the car, the front occupied by the driver and Chris.
“Do you always travel with a pose?” you asked.
Mika pressed a button in side panel of the door and a divider went up, separating the two of you from the pair in the front. “Now it’s just me and you.”
“Still doesn’t answer my question,” you noted.
“Fair enough,” Mika replied with a hint of a smirk, “Typically Chris is always with me and the driver comes with the car so if you consider that a pose, then yes.”
“More people than I travel with,” you replied, “And who is Chris to you?” 
“A friend,” he replied simply. Right, because everyone’s friends follow them around like a guard dog, you thought. You didn't want to push him too much, he was still a stranger after all.
“You’re good at not answering questions,” you noted, looking out the window. “Do I at least get to know where we are going?”
“Well the only places open right now are-”
“Bars and strip clubs,” you answered for him.
“Right,” Mika nodded.
“Well if it doesn’t make a difference to you I’d prefer a bar,” you replied.
“I had a feeling you were going to say that,” Mika smiled, “How about one drink at the next bar we pass? I don’t want to keep you too late.”
“I’m good with that,” you nodded. Being that it was New York, the next bar popped up right away. Mika had the driver pull over and let told him to wait here as he helped you out of the car. Chris asked if he should come in with you guys, which you thought was a bit strange, but thankfully Mika told him he’d be fine on his own.
The bar was a small, a real hole-the-wall type place. The guests didn’t look too savory, but they were all far into their drinks to notice you. Mika sat you down at the furthest end of the bar, away from everyone else. The bar tendered begrudgingly asked what you two wanted, though you didn’t blame him for the attitude. You guessed you met similar people in your lines of work, so you totally understood.
“Just a vodka soda with extra lime, please,” you told him.
“Have you a got a vodka preference?” Mika asked.
You let out a short laugh, “Whatever’s cheapest.”
Mika bit back a smile, turning back to the bartender, “Whiskey neat for me. Give us whatever the best stuff on your top shelf is.” He tossed down a hundred on the bar top. That changed the guy’s mood.
“Of course, sir,” he scooped up the bill and scurried off. 
“You toss around hundreds like they’re single dollar bills,” you said.
Mika shrugged, “I like to be generous.”
“A generous man with a great job,” you replied as the bartender placed the drinks in front of you two. 
Mika smirked as his lips touched the glass, as if you’d shared some inside joke. “You could say that.”
“So what is it then? What do you do?” you asked, sipping your drink. You knew you were supposed to think it was so much better because it was the fancy stuff but to you vodka was well... vodka.
“I’m in business,” he replied simply.
“Oh come on,” you rolled your eyes, “That’s like me just saying I dance.”
“Does the distinction really matter?” Mika asked.
“Yeah, because people might assume I’m a Rockette meanwhile I’m just a stripper in a shitty club,” you replied before taking another long sip. Okay maybe there was something to this fancy shit.
“But either way you are still a dancer, so the statement isn’t false. Why not let people believe what they want?” Mika replied.
You let out a groan, “You’re impossible. But you are good at that thing you’re doing.”
“What thing I’m doing?” Mikas asked laughing lightly.
“The whole dodging questions with other questions thing,” you replied taking a swig of your drink. You were almost done with it; it went down smooth despite the familiar burn.
“But not good enough for you not to notice,” Mika pointed out.
“Definitely not,” you shook your head, “Nothing gets past me.”
“We’ll see about that,” Mika mumbled into his glass.
“Will we?”
“Maybe,” Mika replied, “If you go out with me again.”
“So I have to go out with you to get answers?” you questioned.
“You don’t have to do anything,” Mika replied, “But if you want to get to know me more, a second date would be a good place to start. That’s typically how these things work.” He added the last part in with a teasing grin.
“Touché,” you replied, “I’ll go out with you again.” Not just because you wanted to know more about what he does, though that was a motivator, you were just so intrigued by him.
“Lucky me,” he smiled. With that you both finished up and Mika left another generous tip. As you walked out of the bar, his hand found your lower back. You could feel the warmth through your shirt; it spread through your body weakening you in the knees.
He settled next to you in the car, closer than he had before. You suddenly caught a whiff of his scent, an intoxicating mix of earthy-warmth with just the slightest hint of sweetness. You found yourself staring at his neck, wishing you could burry your face into it and drink in the scent as you kissed at his skin.
“Your number?” You shook yourself back to reality, realizing Mika had been speaking to you. The way he looked at you made you feel like he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, a blush rising to your cheeks as you took the phone from his hands. You tapped in your name and number before handing it back to him, resolving to not let yourself get so wrapped up in him like that. At least not while he was there to witness it.
“Well it was nice to finally meet you,” Mika said as the car came to a stop outside your apartment.
“Likewise,” you replied, hopping out. You turned around, allowing yourself one last look at him.
“I’ll be in touch about our date. Have a nice night y/n,” Mika replied.
“You too, Mika.”
You let out a long sigh as you made your way up to your place. You felt like you needed a drink more now than you did before that date. There was something about Mika that you couldn’t quite put your finger on that felt dangerous. Not that you ever felt unsafe with him, it was the opposite actually, but being with him felt like an adrenaline rush almost. Like you were doing something you weren't supposed to. Whatever it was, you knew there was more to this man than meets the eye. And you were determined to find out exactly what that was.
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numba99 · 4 years
Fatal Attraction Part 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary:  When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 3.7k 
Song: Loft Music // The Weeknd 
Warning: this part may kinda intense? idk??  some physical fighting and some light smut
When you woke up, your bed was empty. For a split second you thought you dreamt everything from the night before, however, the noises coming from the kitchen told you it had to have been real. You crept out of bed, stepping over Mika’s clothes, which you were happy to see were still on the floor.
You found him at the stove, his back to you as he was cooking up breakfast. You slid your arms around him from behind, on your tip toes so you could rest your head on his shoulder. “Morning,” you murmured into him.
“Morning,” Mika replied, snuggling his head against yours. He stirred some eggs in a frying pan, while you just clung to him, not wanting to let go. “I have to say, your food supply is severely lacking. It’s a miracle I could get this together.”
You rolled your eyes, playfully pushing him, “Give me a break I missed my grocery shopping day this week.” You were a little preoccupied with figuring out if Mika had ghosted you or gotten himself killed, but you thought it was best not to make him feel bad by saying that.
You sat down at the tiny table you use as a kitchen table while Mika plated the eggs. You were pretty sure this table was supposed to be a beside table, but it managed to fit two plates so it didn’t really matter. Mika sat in the creaky little chair across from you and you couldn't help but smile. It was weird, seeing him here with you like this. It almost felt out of place and yet, you couldn’t imagine ever eating there alone again.
“Damn these are good,” you said as you swallowed a forkful. You thought the scrambled eggs you made were good, but these were fancy brunch restaurant level. “Successful, good looking, and you can cook? You really might be the Prince Charming I’ve been dreaming of,” you teased.
“Was your Prince Charming also a drug dealer?” Mika asked, a smile playing at his lips. 
“He wasn’t a dealer, he was the head of an empire,” you threw his words back at him. Mika laughed, continuing to poke at the food with his fork. You didn’t miss the blush that came up to his cheeks, though.
“So I’ve been thinking,” Mika began as he finished up, “If we’re gonna do this, I don’t want there to be secrets between the two of us. I want you to know what’s going on.”
You nodded, “I think that sounds really smart.” You didn’t do well with secrets in normal circumstances, but with something like this it would be a lot more difficult. Plus, it made you feel good the Mika was trusting you this much.
“I’ve got a meeting later with some people who work for me. I’d like you to come, if you’re up for it. I get it though if it’s too overwh-”
“I’d love to be there,” you cut him off. You were already kicking around outfit ideas in your head. If you were gonna be a drug lord’s First Lady, you would need to dress the part. 
“There’s one other thing,” Mika said, taking a long sip of his coffee.
“What’s that?” you asked.
“I’d like you to move in with me.” You choked on your drink, having to cover your mouth to not spray it all over the place. “Don’t act too excited,” he chuckled.
“What happened to taking things slow?” you asked when you finally caught your breath. Not that the idea of moving in with Mika totally turned your off, it just seemed like a complete 180 from last night.
“I know it sounds like a lot,” Mika replied, “I just like the idea of keeping you close to me, so I can make sure you’re safe. You could have your own room, I don’t mind giving you space for yourself.”
 It was a tempting offer, but part of you were attached to your shitty little apartment. It was one of the few things that were your own. You worked really hard for it, and it would be weird to give it up. “Can I think about it?” you asked.
“Of course,” Mika gave your hand a squeeze, “In the mean time I probably should get back to my place and change into new clothes.”
“Can I come? I mean, I probably should be scoping out the place that could be my new home,” you replied, giddy to see where he lived. You could only imagine how nice it would be with he resources he had.
“You should definitely come. And maybe bring an overnight bag? The meeting might end late... and I selfishly want you to sleep over,” Mika replied.
You leaned over the table, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.” You went off to your room, digging out a duffle bag from your closet and filling it with whatever you thought you would need. It was probably a bit much for staying just one night, but you wanted to be prepared. 
“I said a night, not a week,” Mika teased, leaning against your front door.
“Says the dude who asked me to move in with him after dating for like 16 hours,” you shot back.
“Touché. You ready?” You nodded, following him out the door. His driver was waiting for the two of you already. You weren’t self conscious about getting too close to Mika anymore, curling right up to him in the backseat. He lazily ran his hand up and down your side, staring out the window.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, looking up at him.
Mika, smiled looking down, “You.”
You made a fake gagging noise, “Way too cheesy. What are you really thinking about?”
“I was being serious,” Mika chuckled, “I’m thinking about how good you’ll look next to me tonight.” His kissed your forehead, returning his attention to the world outside the window. Even if it was cheesy, it made you blush. You never thought you would be so excited to sit in on a meeting with a bunch of drug dealers.
The car eventually stopped and you got out to find a glass high-rise towering over you. “This is where you live?” you asked incredulously. Sure, you have seen these buildings before, it was hard to ignore these giant, glittering structures that dotted the skyline, but you never really thought about the people who lived there. It seemed impossible, you couldn’t fathom someone living so luxuriously. Not to mention how insane the rent must be.
“Eh, it’s nicer on the outside,” Mika winked. He took your hand and led your inside. The lobby was like a hotel and everyone inside was either dripping in money or taking care of the people dripping in money. A far cry from the creepy old men that sit in first floor of your apartment building to stare at the young girls walking by.
In the elevator, Mika punched in a code on the keypad, which you eyed in confusion. “It’s to get up to my place,” he explained noting the look on your face, “It’s a security code so no one else can get to my floor. Most penthouses have.” Right, like it’s that casual to have a penthouse in New York City.
The elevator kept going up and up, and you wondered if it would ever stop. You guessed you were at the top floor when the ding sounded and the doors slid open.
“Holy shit,” you gasped, stepping into the apartment. Apartment didn’t even feel like the right word, it really was like mansion that happened to be on top of one of the tallest buildings in the city. Everything was sleek and sexy, much like the man standing beside you. The windows were floor to ceiling, allowing natural light to spill into the sprawling rooms making everything seem that much bigger. You walked forward, taking it all in: the luxurious furniture, the private balcony, the fucking second floor in the apartment. Who the hell in Manhattan has a place with two floors?
“This is amazing,” you breathed, looking down at the city. It felt so impossibly small from up here. “God you must of thought my place was a fucking dump.”
“Not at all,” Mika shook his head, “I’m just glad you like it here.” Mika wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek.
“Like it? This... this is like a dream. I can’t even believe it,” you replied. This was making the whole “I wanna stay independent in my own place” thing seemed stupid now.
“Let me show you around,” Mika said and you followed eagerly. Everything seemed more impressive than the room before. The living room had a real wood burning fireplace etched into the marble mantle. His bathroom had a shower and a separate tub, which was positioned right next to a window. That surely gave you some ideas. Up the stairs was his bedroom, which easily fit a king-sized bed. You thought his bedroom was probably bigger than your entire apartment. And his closet looked like a luxury boutique.
“Mika, this is amazing,” you said when he finally led you back down to the main floor. 
“Have I convinced you to move in with me yet?” He smirked, holding you close to him.
“You’re much closer than you were this morning,” you replied. That made him smile brightly. Mika told you to make yourself at home while he made some calls, which was very easy to do. You headed to the kitchen for a snack and now understand Mika’s comments about yours. He basically had a fully stocked food store at his disposal.
After that you wandered around the house a bit. Though Mika gave you a tour, the place was so big there was still so much to discover. Mika found you a while later, marveling again at the spacious bathroom.
“You can use that later, if you’d like,” Mika said as he watched you run your hands over the tub’s edge.
“Seems too big to be in alone,” you heard yourself say. You really need a lesson in taking things slow, you thought to yourself.
Mika laughed though, replying, “I’ve always thought that too.” Mika then let you know you'd be heading out soon, so he set you up in a guest room to get ready. You dug through your duffle bag, trying to put something together from all the clothes you stuffed in there. What does one wear to one of these kinds of things? You certainly didn’t know. 
Eventually you decided on a little black skirt and a silky top that showed off your chest perfectly. Not exactly what you’d wear to a professional business meeting, but you felt like it fit the occasion.
“Wow,” Mika said, watching you descend the stairs. He took you by the hand, spinning you around, “Maybe you shouldn’t come tonight. I need everyone focused and you are one hell of a distraction.”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes, pretending like his comment didn’t make you smitten.
Before Mika could reply, Chris came in. “Ready to go when you are,” he announced. Mika thanked him, lacing his fingers through yours and leading you back to the elevator. 
“So there are some things we should go over,” Mika said as you both settled in to the car, “There are going to be some people with big guns there tonight. It’s a security thing, I don’t want you to freak out.”
“Mika, I’ve walked through Penn Station, I’ve seen big guys with big guns I’ll be fine,” you replied. 
“Okay, okay,” Mika replied, “But I don’t want you to leave my side, okay? Everyone there are part of my closest circle, and trust them, but still I can never be too careful. Especially when it come to you.” 
“Is there anyone you trust completely?” you asked.
“Chris,” he responded simply.
“You hear that Chris, you’re the chosen one,” you called up to Chris, who was in his usual spot in the passenger seat.
He turned around, giving you the first smile you think you’ve ever seen from him. “Lucky me,” he replied, before turning back around. Mika told you it would take a little while to get there. Not that it was that far, but they loop around and take back ways to ensure they aren’t being followed. You hadn’t ever really been scared to be with Mika, but it suddenly dawned on you that this was real. You weren’t in some crazy movie, this was all really happening to you.
You had some time to think about how fucking crazy your life is before you finally arrived. The outside didn’t look like much. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought it was just a run down abandoned warehouse, but you guessed that was the point.
Mika’s arm was wrapped tightly around you as walked inside. After a short walk down a dimly lit hallway, you came to a door way guarded by two of the infamous men with big guns. They let you, Mika, and Chris pass without a word. Behind the doors was a dark, windowless room with a long table populated with 4 men, as well as a couple of other armed guards standing at attention. At the head of the table was an empty chair, the biggest in the room, looking more like a throne. You knew who that was for.
“Now I know why you were late,” one of the men - a blond, who looked fairly young - smirked.
“Relax, Lias,” Mika replied as you walked you to the head of the table. Lias settled back in his seat, but his eyes were still on you. You felt self conscious, realizing as you sat beside Mika that the were all staring at you.
“Who’s this?” asked a well-dressed man, who's looks rivaled Mika’s.
“This is y/n, we’re dating,” Mika replied.
“God finally. You’ve been so uptight lately, I was hoping you’d get laid soon,” a different man piped up, making you blush.
“Mats, please,” Mika replied sternly.
“So we just bring random girls here now? How do we know she’s not working for Dimitri?” the well-dressed cut in.
“I agree with the Henrik, this doesn’t seem smart,” Lias added, “Even if she is hot.”
“Would you all shut up,” Mika snapped, “Do you really think I’m that stupid? To bring someone here I don’t trust?” All of the men shrunk in their seats, shaking their heads. “You all seem to forget who’s in charge here sometimes.”
“Sorry boss,” Mats replied, “It’s nice to meet you, y/n. Happy to have you here.”
“Thanks,” you replied awkwardly, “It’s nice to meet all of you.” The rest of them mumbled greetings back to you. 
“Can we get to business, or do you guys wanna bitch some more?” Mika asked, scanning the men that sat before him. No one contested, so they got to business. You tried to pay attention the best you could; it was a bit of an out of body experience at first. You learned the last man’s name was Jesper, and that each of them were responsible for overseeing different areas of Mika’s coke trade in the city.Right now they were discussing a huge shipment Mika had coming in, one they were sure Dimitri was going to try to sabotage if he found out the details of it.
It was hard for you to focus on this details, however, as you watched Mika at work. He always exuded a strong energy, but the way these men looked at him, followed all of his words without question, the power he had was arousing. Not to mention, he kept his hand on your inner thigh rubbing little circles over the delicate skin, which definitely not helping the stirring between your legs.
“So we all know what are roles are when the shipment comes?” Mika asked. Everyone nodded and Mika continued, “Alright, we’re good here then. You’re free to go.”
The atmosphere broke in the room after that, feeling a lot more like some friends hanging out than a much of guys planning to smuggle millions of dollars of coke into the city. It was comical how swift the shift was.
“Sorry about before,” Henrik said to you, “Can't be too cautious in our line of work, but if Mika trusts you, you’re family.” You smiled as he pulled you in for a hug.
“For the record, I never questioned you,” Mats jumped. You didn’t miss how his eyes scanned your body. Neither did Mika, apparently.
“Alright, back up,” he said, half kidding. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your cheek as if to mark what was his, if it wasn’t already obvious. “If you guys are done drooling, there’s actually something I have for y/n.” They nodded, listening to Mika as always and heading out of the room with a final goodbye.
“What do you have?” you asked Mika when you were alone... well alone with Chris and two guards.
“It would be better to show you,” He nodded to Chris, who whispered something in one of the guards ears. Both of of them disappeared out of the room. “If it’s too much just tell me.”
“What are you- oh my god,” you felt like the air was sucked out of you as the guard returned, dragging in none other than Thomas Holmes. He was more haggard looking than when you last saw him at the trial, but you would never forget his face.
Mika put his hands on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, “I thought you deserved to have some justice of your own.” The two guards held him firmly on his knees before you. You walked forward slowly, seeing him shake with fear as you got closer. You wondered if that was the same fear he saw on your parents face the night they were killed.
And then you snapped. In a fit of rage you blacked out, pounding away at him as half screams half cries left your throat. It was like all the anger, fear, pain, everything you felt since the day your parents died was flooding out of you. You kept going until you got it all out, then backed up, practically stumbling into Mika’s arms.
He held you tightly, letting cry out the last few tears you had, before wiping them off your cheeks. “You okay baby?” he asked, to which you nodded. He hugged you again, saying to the guards, “Take him out back and finish him off. Hide his body where no one will find it.” 
“No please! Please don’t I’m sorry!” Thomas screamed as the guards began to drag him away.
“Wait!” you stopped them. The guards looked to Mika, awaiting instruction from him.
“You answer to her tonight,” Mika told them firmly. The guards wordlessly brought him back over to you.
“I don’t want him dead,” you said.
“Oh bless you, thank you, thank y-”
“Not so fast,” you cut him off, crouching down to look him in the eye, “I don’t want you dead today. My mind may change tomorrow, next month, maybe even next year. And if I do, you better believe you will end up dead. You’ll never really be safe for the rest of your life. As long as you live you’ll be looking over your shoulder, praying I haven’t changed my mind.” You saw the fear in his eyes and you weirdly liked it. It made you feel powerful, and it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve this. 
You told the guards to get him out of your face, before turning back to Mika, who was looking at you stunned. “Would it be wrong to say I thought that was hot,” Mika said.
“Only if it was wrong that I enjoyed it,” you replied. Maybe enjoyed wasn't exactly the right word. It was intensely emotional, but it also felt like such a weight off your chest. You had stored so much hatred and fear in your body because of that man for years now it was all out. You felt ten pounds lighter.
Mika smiled hungrily at you, “Lets go home, yeah?” You nodded taking his hand and heading out. The ride felt quicker, though you took just as many turns and back ways as you did when you came. Maybe it was because your mind was elsewhere, processing everything that took place in these last few hours.
Once back inside Mika’s place, you found yourself walking over to the wall of windows. It was the same view from this morning, of course, but at night with all the lights glimmering below you it was totally different. It was being in like another world.
“You sure you’re okay? I know that must have been... emotional for you,” Mika asked carefully. He slipped his arms around your from behind, kissing your cheek.
“Yeah, it felt good. Like a relief. I just can’t believe you did that for me,” you replied.
“I would do anything for you,” Mika said seriously, his hand squeezing your hips softly. His lips found your neck, peppering kisses over your skin. “I don’t think you realize the power you have.”
“Mmm, and what power is that?” you asked, tilting your head back so Mika had more room to kiss you.
“You could give me a name, any name in this city, and in 24 hours I’d have them in front of you and they’d be at your mercy,” Mika told you between kisses. His hand slipped under your skirt, rubbing you through your underwear. “See this city honey? I run this whole fucking place, and it’s all yours now too. It’s ours.” HIs hand went down the front of your underwear, making your gasp. You hadn’t expected the contact, but you were grateful for it.
“Mika,” you moaned softly. One of your hands pressed against the glass as he ran his fingers through your wetness. He alternated be long, purposeful pumps of his fingers and rubbing circles over your clit. Your free hand reached back and tangled into his hair. You’ve never had a man make you feel so good so fast, and it wasn’t long before he worked you up so much you were cumming all over his fingers. “Fuck,” you whined when you finished, your knees buckled beneath you.
Mika peppered a few more kisses on you before scooping you up. “Let’s get you to bed sweetheart,” Mika murmured, walking with you in his arms. You fell asleep before he even got you to the bedroom.
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numba99 · 4 years
Fatal Attraction - Part 6
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
summary: When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 3.1k
warning: smut, chunk of this isn't proof read don’t hate me
It took all of two mornings waking up to Mika to convince you to move in with him. You were surprised at yourself, usually your resolve was a lot stronger. But Mika was, well, Mika and even though he wasn’t putting any pressure on you to make a decision, the thought of waking up to a bed without him in it was enough to make up your mind.
You didn’t tell him, not yet at least. Mika was bringing out the sentimentality in you, something you haven’t felt in quite some time. You knew you wanted to make it special, you just didn’t know how yet. Mika had already made plans for the two of you today, so you were hoping something might spark your creativity.
“Shopping?” you asked as you fished through your duffle bag for something to wear. Another reason you needed to figure out what you wanted to do quickly: you were running out of outfits in your duffle bag.
“Yeah you know you go into a store and pick out what you li-”
“I know what shopping is,” you rolled your eyes, cutting off his joke, “I meant like I didn't expect that to be on the agenda today. I would have thought you had more important things to do.”
Mika shook his head, “That’s what I pay other people to take care of. They can survive awhile without me. What’s important to me today is that I get to spend time with you.” 
You blushed, leaning into the soft kiss he placed on your forehead. “So where are we gonna go?” you questioned. You remember hearing something about Old Navy having a sale and you were in need of some new sweaters with the cold weather rolling in.
“I was thinking we could hit Madison Avenue, maybe a bit of 5th depending what you wanna get,” Mika replied casually.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “I couldn’t even tell you what stores are there. Even if I could I couldn’t afford a single thing from them.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m buying today,” Mika replied, pulling on a sleek leather jacket. It fit him perfectly and looked incredibly expensive. You guessed you shouldn’t have been shocked that he was not Old Navy bound,
“No way Mika, I can't have you dropping that kind of money on me,” you shook your head.
“What’s the point of having tons of money if I can’t spend it on my beautiful girlfriend?” Mika replied, reaching his hand out for you to take.
“I know but still,” you nibbled your lip, taking his hand. Despite being unsure, you let him lead you out. 
“Would it make you feel better if the first place we go is for me?” he asked.
“Yes actually, I would enjoy that,” you nodded. Watching him try on some expensive clothes? Sounded like a good afternoon to you. 
In the back seat of the car you watched as the city streets morphed in a luxurious outdoor mall. Each storefront was more extravagant than the last, inviting shoppers to come in and spend more than most probably make in a few weeks of work. Luxury stuff had always seemed silly to you, you didn't necessarily believe it was any better than anything else. It was just the name you were paying to flash your status to everyone else. 
Still, you weren’t immune to the lure of it all... the stuff was nice after all. There were a few stores that caught your eye and you memorized the names so you could tell Mika where you wanted to go later. You still planned to be conservative with your purchases, though. There was no need to ring up a crazy bill. Maybe just a sweater (which you needed) and a purse (which you just wanted).
“Here,” Mika broke into you imaginary shopping list. Mika helped you out of the car and led you into the store, which had La Perla in gold script above the doorway. You furrowed your brows when you were met by a store filled entirely with lingerie.
“I thought we were shopping for y- oh.” As the words left your mouth it hit you. The clothes may be for you, but the experience was for him. The smirk on Mika’s face told you you were right.
“Here I was thinking I’d be watching you try a bunch of suits on,” you remarked, running your hand over a lacy bra.
Mika chuckled, “Not exactly.” He wandered away from you, distracted by something red and skimpy in the corner.  You did some wandering yourself, drawn to some of the softer pink items they had. You spent so much time in the overtly sexy stuff as a stripper that you thought it would be a nice change to try some of the more delicate pieces. 
You flipped the price tag over on a pretty pink lace bra and nearly gasped. Over $300 fro a bra?? This place was definitely not your speed. You were about to go find Mika to tell him this place was ridiculous when you found him making a beeline to you. A black lace teddy in hand, of course.
“I need you to try this on,” Mika said, a hint of strain in his voice. You had to know, you grabbed the tag and read the price.
“Mika this is over $400!” you whisper exclaimed. As stupid as you thought it was you didn't the salespeople to hear you say it. “This is ridiculously expensive.”
“No it’s not.” Mika replied.
You picked up the bra you were looking at and shook it at him, “This should not cost $300 dollars. Thats insanity!” 
Mika laughed at your indignation. “Look I know it seems expensive but image the number is off the price. It may say $429 but to me that really like $42 or something. This isn’t a lot to me, so don’t stress about it,” Mika explained, “And I definitely think you should try the pink one too.”
It was weird, you knew Mika had a lot of money - his apartment was more than proof of that - but it was still so foreign to you to have someone talk so nonchalant about spending all that money. It was so far removed from the life you’ve lived, that was for sure.
But the way Mika was looking at you right now... you couldn't resist. You handed him the bra, eliciting a triumphant smile. The two of you shopped a little while longer, which was basically Mika picking out the sexiest things he could find and you ignoring the price tags.
Eventually, the two of you collected an impressive pile and headed for the dressing room. Mika slipped the attendant a couple hundreds and whispered, “We’d like privacy.”
“Of course sir,” she replied quickly, squirreling away the money. Mika wasn’t famous and there was no way the woman even knew who he was aside from being a rich dude with money. Yet, there was a way people regarded Mika, it was like he demanded respect without even having to ask and everyone readily gave it up. His presence alone was powerful and, apparently, very palpable, even to those he has just met. Even with all the time you spent with him, it still made your stomach do flips.
Mika hung up the items he picked out in one of the dressing rooms - which looked nicer than any room in your apartment. “Save the black one for last,” Mika instructed, before pulling the curtain over, leaving you alone to change. 
You stared at the array of luxe fabrics before you, trying to figure out wear to start. You decided on a barely-there red two piece because why not start it off with a bang? 
It was strange, though, staring at yourself in the sexy little set. Sure, you’ve worn more provocative stuff on stage, which Mika had seen. Hell, you just had sex, there wasn’t much he hadn't seen of you. But something about being dressed up for him in the bright dressing room lights, with nothing to hide behind was intimate for you in away that made your heart race.
You couldn’t keep him waiting forever, though. With a deep breath, you pulled aside the curtain dividing the two of you. Mika immediately perked up, drawing in a breath. 
“Fuck,” he said, his voice just above a whisper.
“Oh come on, it’s not like you haven't seen this before,” you brushed him off, as if his reaction to you wasn’t fueling your ego.
“Doesn’t mean you still don’t take my breath away,” he replied, reaching out for you. You obliged, stepping close enough to allow him to run his hands up and down your sides.
“I don’t think you’re gonna make it through all the lingerie I have to try on,” you teased. Honestly, though, if he kept looking at you like that you weren’t going to make it through either.
Mika chuckled, sitting back in his chair, “Don’t worry baby, I’m a patient man. Now try on that pink one, yeah? I think it will suit you perfectly.” As you spun around to he'd back into the dressing room Mika gave your ass a playful slap. You let out a little shriek giggle as you shut the curtain behind that.
And you went on like that for a while, trying on ridiculously expensive lingerie and having Mika all but drool over you every time. Each time it got harder to retreat back into the dressing room and not straddle his lap and kiss that teasing smirk off his face.
Finally you made it to the black lace teddy, which you knew Mika was most excited about. At first you thought it would be nothing special, but when you put it on you never felt sexier. It hugged your body perfectly, accentuating every curve. The delicate lace inked a deep black made it a perfect balance of pretty and sexy. 
“Wow,” was all Mika could manage when you stepped out for him.
“You like?” you arched your brow, a smile playing at your lips.
“Love,” Mika replied, standing up and stepping towards you. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips found yours and it was like a switch flipped. His soft, demure touches were now hungry. He kissed you deeply, as he walked you back into the dressing you. He pulled the curtain over and pushed you agains the wall.
“Mika,” you gasped, surprised his sudden burst of dominance, “What are you doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing?” Mika asked, kiss down your body, his finger ghosting over your clothed core.
“We can’t do this, people are in the store,” you whispered, ignoring how good it felt to have him touching you. You knew it was wrong, but the idea of being caught any moment was getting you even more turned on.
“I told them to leave us alone,” Mika replied, lips still peppering kisses over your skin.
“I don’t think they includes having sex in their store,” you shot back, fighting back a moan.
Mika was eye level with you again, his hand cupping your chin. “You can be quiet for me, right honey?” he asked. His eyes were always so soft looking, but the way they clouded with lust in that moment made it impossible for you to say no. 
You nodded and Mika flashed a dazzling smile before return to work. He was back on his knees, crouching before you. He slipped down the fabric down your body, letting it pool at your feet. You didn’t miss the way he licked his lips before going in for your thighs. 
He kissed there for awhile, alternating between each leg to get you extra needy. His teasing didn't last too long; he was just as eager to taste you as you were to feel him. You pressed your back against the wall as his lips found your core to keep yourself steady. Mika slung a leg over his shoulder to allow him better access to you.
“Fuck, Mika,” you half whispered hand moaned. Your hands tangled through his hair has licked circles around your clit. It felt so good you were almost trying to push him away, but Mika didn’t budge. He kept pressing his face into you, like he couldn’t get enough. It was all too much, the scratch of his beard against your inner thighs, his tongue moving expertly across you, and the sounds of him eating you out. A few moments later you were practically collapsing on top of him as you came.
“Fucking hell,” you said breathlessly as Mika finished you off. He stood back up, wiping off his chin and grinning widely.
“So you enjoyed yourself?” he smirked.
“That’s an understatement,” you replied, “Do you need...” your voice trailed off as you eye his pants.
Mika shook his head, “Today’s all about you. Speaking of which, we are buying all of this.” Mika stepped out to let you change. You laughed to yourself that he was just very intimate with your body and was now acting modest when you had to put your clothes back on.
You tried not to think about what you just did as the two of you brought the lingerie to the register because you were afraid they’d be able to see it on your face. If they had any inclination of what occurred in their dressing room, they weren't showing it. The rung up well over a months worth of rent in lingerie and Mika swiped his card without batting an eye. 
“Thank you, Mika. Everything is beautiful, I appreciate it,” you replied as you walked back out on to the street, “And I cannot wait to wear it all for you.”
“Me too,” he smiled. 
The two of you went around to a bunch of different stores, dropping more than you ever thought was possible in a single day. And that was with you being modest about what you wanted. You knew you could have picked out piles of clothes and Mika wouldn't have cared, but you weren't there yet.
“I've got one more place I wanna go,” Mika told you, taking your hand despite having all the bags on his arms. He refused to let you carry any of them. Mika led you towards a store with rich, red awnings that read Cartier.
You were immediately greeted by a salesperson, whisked away your bags so you could shop unencumbered. Rich people really were indulged. You walked around the glass-encased jewelry, which sparkled magnificently. 
“So many pretty things to put on you,” Mika whispered over your shoulder. You giggled, leaning into the kiss he planted on your cheek.
“What a gorgeous couple,” a salesman noted, smiling brightly at the two of you, “Can I show you some pieces?”
“Please,” Mika replied. The man motioned for you to follow him, and you did, right to a velvet red chair at the end of the counter. He pulled out an array of options, each more impressive than the next.
You spent a decent amount of time trying different pieces on. At one point you thought you could have close to a hundred thousands worth of jewelry on. Mika loved every minute of it, of course. His favorites were always the necklaces, partly because he got to help you put those on, but mostly because he loved how the sparkled by your cleavage.
Everything was beautiful, but the last piece you tried on was your favorite. It was simple, to circles enclosed together, one dotted with diamonds around the entire circumference.  
“That’s our Love necklace,” the salesman told you. That was fitting. You gave Mika a soft smile, and he knew that that was winner piece. Before Mika could tell him you’d take it, his phone rang.
He looked as his phone and a frown flashed across his face. “I’m so sorry, just excuse me for a second.”
“You're a lucky woman,” the salesman said when Mika was out of earshot. You smiled and nodded, watching Mika pace as he listened to the person on the other end. Something was up. 
“You okay?” you asked when he finally returned.
“I’ve gotta go, Chris needs me,” he replied, trying to sound calm but their was an edge of nerves in his voice. That definitely freaked you out.
“Is everything okay?” you asked again.
Mika composed himself for you. “Yes, I’ll explain later,” Mika’s eyes darted to the salesman as if to say he couldn’t speak about it now, “I’ll send a car to take you home.”
“We aren't leaving together?” 
“No, I need to get there right away,” Mika replied, tapping away at his phone. He turned to the salesman, “Can you hold some of these items for us? We’ll be back another day for them. And, here, for your discretion.” He tossed some hundreds down and the salesman nodded eagerly. 
“My other driver isn’t answering and I don’t want you in a random Uber,” Mika frowned at his phone. 
“Mika, I’ll be fine, okay? Take the car and get to wherever you need to go,” you told him.
“How will you get home?”
“This may shock you but below this city there are tons of trains under this city. I’ve heard you can use them to get around,” you joked.
The pulled a smile from him at least. “Never lose your attitude,” he grinned, before turning more serious, “Text me the second you get home. Or if you need anything at all. I’ll drop everything and come to you, okay?” 
“Of course,” you replied, “Go do what you need to do and then we can try out some of these.” You tapped the bag from La Perla.
Mika smiled, “I can’t wait.” With that, he kissed your forehead and was gone. 
You tried not to worry too much as you made your way home. Mika always handled his shit well, and you didn’t wanna make yourself crazy jumping to the most dangerous conclusion. Besides, you needed, to focus on getting home because now it was dark and you weren’t familiar with this part of town. 
You tried to follow a shortcut, but realized you misread the map and didn’t know where you were. No reason to panic, you’ve gotten yourself lost more times than you could count and always made it out. But maybe this time if you hadn’t been so focused on finding your way, you would have noticed the guy who was tailing you since you walked out of Cartier. And maybe if you noticed that, it wouldn’t have been such a shock when the back of your head was hit hard, turning your whole world black.
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numba99 · 4 years
Fatal Attraction - Part 7
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Summary: When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 2.9k
Song: Ultraviolence // Lana Del Rey
Warnings: like getting hit/physical stuff, mentions of blood. There will be some Russian in this ill include the translations next to it if you’re curious typed like this
A throbbing pain in the back of your head pulled you out of a dreamless sleep. If you could even call be knocked out sleep. Your body stiffened, your head snapping up (your head screamed in protest at this movement) trying to figure out where you were and what happened. Your heart was thudding in your chest as you realized you were bound, your hands tied behind your back around a beam in the center of the room. 
You were scanning the room, desperate for any clue at where you were and, more importantly, how you could get out. It was all barren, though. The lighting was dim, which was good for your head but not for your escape. From the looks of it, you were in some abandoned warehouse in the city. At least you hoped you were in the city. There were no windows, no clock, no way of telling what time it was or how long you’d be knocked out. Panic was creeping in.
“Well, well sleeping beauty finally wakes,” a thick Russian accent chirped from the left of you. You craned your neck and your stomach dropped when you found the source. It was Dimitri.
“What do you want?” you choked out, not realizing how dry your throat was.
Dimitri laughed as he approached you, “Oh sweetheart, let’s not play stupid. It will be a lot easier for you. Less painful too.” You’re not sure you did too well at hiding the fear on your face. Mika hadn't given you dirty details about Dimitri, but even from what he was willing to share you knew he wouldn't spare you because you were a girl.
“What’re you-”
“When’s Mika’s big shipment coming in?” Dimitri cut you off.
“I don’t know,” you replied. It was the truth, Mika never told you. Even if he did, you wouldn’t tell Dimitri anyway.
“I’ll ask you one more time nicely,” Dimitri said, voice dripping with feigned nicety. “When is Mika’s shipment coming?”
“I don’t-” Before you could even get the words out his hand came down and struck your cheek. You gasped, shocked by the pain that spread through you face. Dimitri knelt down so he was eye level with you. He gripped your jaw, thumb digging into your stinging skin.
“You’re a pretty girl, y/n,” Dimitri growled. It sent a chill down your spine that he knew your name. “It would be a shame if I had to mess up this pretty face. Mika wouldn’t like his little play thing anymore, now would he?”
“Fuck you,” you spat, besides your best judgement. Dimitri gripped you tighter, pushing your head back against the beam. It hit the spot you’d been hit before and you practically saw stars.
“Feisty, I see why Mika likes you,” he snarled a twisted smile, “I don’t wanna hurt you, honest. Just tell me when it’s coming and I’ll return your safe to Mika.” Looking at Dimitri, it unsettled you just how dark his eyes were. There was no life behind them, not even a spark of kindness. You didn’t have to know him to know that was a bold faced lie. He didn’t intend to return you. You doubted he even intended to keep you alive. 
“He never told me,” you replied, trying to stay calm. Dimitri slapped you again. It hurt, but at least this time you were ready for it.
“I don’t believe you, y/n,” Dimitri said back.
“It’s the fucking truth,” you snapped, “And I wouldn’t fucking tell you if I did know.” He didn’t like that. He hit you again, hard. Your lip caught your teeth and you could taste the coppery tang of blood in your mouth.
Dimitri reached back, pulling a pocketknife from his waistband. You didn’t miss the gun tucked beside it. God how the hell am I going to get out of this, you thought. 
Dimitri flicked open the pocketknife, pressing it to your throat. “You’re making me angry, y/n. Tell me when it’s coming,” he was losing his composure, anger creeping into his voice.
“I don’t know!” you groaned. He slashed the knife against your upper arm, creating a little gash. You cried out, feeling the sharp pain. You were finding it hard to breath as panic was gripping you tighter than before. He might actually kill me right here right now, you thought. You were starting to lose focus. All you wanted was to see Mika’s face.
“Last chance before I start cutting things off,” Dimitri growled.
Your eyes brimmed with fearful tears, spilling over your cheeks. You didn't know what to say. There was nothing to say. You had nothing to tell him and he refused to believe you. You tried to focus on bracing yourself for what was coming next, for the pain you were inevitably be in. 
“So that's how it’s going to be?” he replied, leaning ever close to you, knife out. “Maybe we cut off an ear, yeah? Mail it to Mika so he knows he needs to teach his women to listen better. How does that sound?” He asked as if you had any say in it.
You were breaking into a sob as the blade got closer to your skin. Just as you were sure you were about to feel the pain of the first cut, yelling in Russian broke out. Dimitri stopped, his head whipping towards the door. A man rushed in, beaten and bloody.
“Mika здесь,” he cried out. You didn’t know what he was saying, but you caught Mika’s name. You perked up with hope. Could it be Mika? Was he here to save you.
“ты можешь удержать его?” Dimitri shot back. can you hold him off
“Его люди уже убили большинство наших парней.” his men have already killed most of ours. Whatever he said pissed Dimitri off. He threw down his knife and yelled out a Russian curse. Gunshots got closer and Dimitri bolted out of a door that you guessed was behind you. The other guy ran back out the other way in what you guessed was an attempt to hold off whoever was coming, but it didn't work.
“Mika,” you cried out, overcome by joy when he rushed in. He lowered his gun, tucking it away when he realized it was just you in the room. He ran to your side.
“Sweetheart oh my god are you okay?” he checked you over, looking for serious injury. It felt so good to have his loving, gentle hands on you instead of Dimitri’s. 
“Yes please just untie me,” you sniffled, wanting desperately to be free. As Mika worked on the rope around your wrists, Chris ran in.
“Where did he go?” He questioned, looking between the two of you. There was some blood on his shirt, but he didn’t look hurt. You realized it wasn’t his.
“He left though the other door,” you told him. He nodded and ran out in that direction. Finally, the ropes fell from your wrists and you spun around, flinging your arms around Mika. He held you so tightly and you didn't care that you could barely even breath. You tucked your head into his neck, breathing in his familiar scent that managed to usher in some calmness into your body.
“Fuck I can't believe this happened,” Mika said, still holding you tightly. You could hear he was trying not to cry. Before you could respond, Chris came back in.
“He's gone,” he reported.
“We have to find him,” Mika snapped, finally pulling away from you, “We have to find him and I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“Mika we ca’t go after him that’s what he wants,” Chris reasoned with him, “You’d be playing right into his hand.”
“I don’t care, I want him dead for this,” Mika replied.
“Mika, Chris is right” you replied, placing a hand on his face to calm him. Honestly, you wanted Dimitri dead right about now, but in this moment you just wanted to go home with Mika. “Please, Mika, can we just home now?”
Mika soften under your touch. “You’re right, fuck, I’m sorry y/n. We need to get you taken care of, that’s what’s most important now.” Mika put his hand on your arm as he spoke, accidentally touching the gas created by Dimitri. You gasped at the sting of pain from the contact. Mika frowned, looking a the source of your discomfort. 
“Fuck you’re bleeding baby.” He ripped of the sleeve of his shirt without a second thought, tying it tightly around the wound. “Let’s get you out of here.”
You insisted you were okay to walk, but Mika wasn’t hearing it. He scooped you up and you didn’t protest. It honestly felt really good to just wrap your arms around his neck and tuck your face close to him.
“Keep your eyes closed,” Mika told you as he walked towards the door, “I don’t want you to see... the mess.” You did as you were told, keeping your face nuzzled against his neck. You knew what he meant by “the mess,” and you weren’t so much scared or disgusted as you were just exhausted. You were pretty much at sensory overload for the day and didn’t want to take in anymore violence. Plus, you knew Mika hated you seeing this side of what he does, you didn’t want to make him feel any worse about this whole situation. 
“Should I call the doctor?” Chris asked when you finally made it to the shelter of the car. 
“Please. Tell him to meet us at the normal hotel,” Mika replied, buckling you in. He still held you close, gently rubbing your head. It was still pounding, but his touch provided the first sense of relief since you woke up.
“Hotel?” you questioned.
“We need to meet him at a mutual place. Plus it’s not safe for us to go directly home right now, they may still be watching,” Mika told you. You hid your disappointment behind a simple nod. You understood why you had to go to the hotel, but you wanted nothing more than to just be home. 
Mika proceeded to explain to you that the doctor, known only as that or Doc, wouldn’t give his name and that you shouldn’t give him yours. No personal information was to be shared except what pertains to your injury. The purpose was simple, if he didn’t know our names he couldn’t give us up to Dimitri or any of Mika’s foes. If we didn't know his name, we couldn’t put his medical license at risk if Mika was ever investigated. Having the private doctor kept Mika and his people safe without having to create a paper trail at a hospital or something.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed or how far you went, you kept your eyes closed the entire ride, but you finally made it to the hotel. It wasn’t the fancy Mika-esque hotel you were imagining, but you guessed the higher end places would question two people coming in as disheveled as you looked. It wasn’t a dump, though, Mika still had standards. 
Mika pulled out a duffle bag out of the back seat and yanked out two hoodies for you both to wear to cover up, well, everything. He pulled the hood up over your head and kissed your forehead gently before leading you out. Chris had went before you and go the room key, so you were able to go straight up. 
You practically collapsed onto the bed. It wasn’t Mika’s bed, but it was sure as hell better than being bound to a beam by some crazy Russian dude. Mika crawled next to you, gently rubbed your back. He was quiet, which wasn’t completely uncharacteristic of Mika, but you knew he was upset. You didn’t like the look on his face, like he was thinking about saying something you wouldn’t want you to hear.
Before you could ask him what he was thinking about, there was a knock on the door. Chris got up from the armchair across the room and let him in.
“What’s the problem today gentlemen?” he asked looking between Chris and Mika. He was an older man, hair peppered gray.
“We’re fine, she needs the attention,” Mika informed him, “She might have a concussion and she’s got a bad cut on her arm.” The doctor nodded and came over to you, setting his duffle bad down next to you on the bed. He asked you a series of questions about how you were feeling. Your head was hurting, but you weren’t nauseous, which was good. He had you do a few tests, like following a light with your eyes and touching your fingertip to your nose. 
“Well you’re extremely lucky, it seems you may have avoided a concussion. I want you to take it easy, though. Avoid bright lights or anything that will strain your eyes for the next day. Mika I want you to reevaluate her in the morning and tell me how she did. If all is the same, she should be in the clear.” Mika nodded intently and then the doctor moved his attention to your arm.
You winced a little as he removed the make-shift bandage Mika had created. The doctor quickly came to the determination you needed stitches, which he brought supplies to do. You guessed he did a lot of stitching up for Mika in the past. Mika held your other hand as the doctor sutured up your wound. It stung, definitely, but at this point it wasn’t really phasing you. After he finished up, the doctor gave you some Tylenol for your head and left.
“That wasn’t so bad,” you said forcing optimism. Mika still had that sick, stressed look on his face, though.
“Chris, do you mind giving us a minute?” Mika asked, though it definitely was not a question. Chris nodded, stepping out without question. Your stomach churned wondering what Mika was about to say, but to your surprise he started to cry.
“Mika, honey, what’s wrong?” you questioned, rubbing his back.
“Look at yourself, yn. Look at all the pain I caused you,” Mika sniffled. It was an angry, frustrated cry.
“You didn’t do this to me Mika,” you replied.
He shook his head, “But if you weren’t with me this never would have happened. You’re not safe with me.”
“What are you saying?” you questioned, not wanting the answer.
“I just... I don't know if I can be with you knowing this what could happen to you,” he sniffled.
“No,” your heart sunk, “No Mika, you don’t get to make that decision for me. Fuck you can’t just- after everything I just went through? Fuck Mika no, no you can’t leave me. Neither of us want that, it’s what he wants. I won’t fucking let you leave me out of fear.” Tears spilled out of you as you spoke.
Mika pulled you in, hugging you tightly. After a long silence, he spoke, “I’m sorry y/n, you’re right. Jesus I’m just mess right now I don't even know what I’m saying. This was just so fucking horrible. God when I realized you were gone, that Dimitri of all people had you - fuck - I was terrified. I thought I was gonna lose you.” 
“I thought I wasn’t going to see you again,” you admitted. It was scary to say, to acknowledge that you really were close to losing your life. Dimitri would have done it eventually if Mika hadn’t gotten there, you knew that for sure. “But you saved me, Mika. I’m here because of you, you can’t overlook that. I owe you everything.”
“You don’t owe me anything,” he shook his head, “I’d do what I did a million times over to get you back safe. I should have never left your side yesterday, I should have known that was all a set up to get to you.”
“Please stop blaming yourself,” you urged.
“I know, but it just feels that way. It feels awful,” Mika replied, “One things for sure, I’m never leaving you unprotected like that again.”
You nodded, you weren’t too keen on going anywhere on your own right now after all that. It was scary, but at the same time you felt safe with Mika. You knew he was going to do everything to protect you and that brought you comfort.
“Is now a bad time to tell you I want to move in? I wanted to make it special when I told you, but I feel like that’s sort of gone out the window,” you told him with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.
To your delight, Mika cracked a small smile too. “Nows the perfect time because either you were moving in with me or I was moving in with you.”
You laughed, “I sorta would love to see you trying to live in my tiny ass apartment.”
Mika laughed lightly with you, but in the silence he became more serious. “I love you y/n, and I’m never going to let this happen to you again. I promise,” Mika told you. Your heart nearly stopped at the L word. You felt it too, you knew you loved Mika, you just never put the word to it. In any other relationship you would have thought it was crazy to feel that so fast, but with Mika everything existed on a different plane.
“I love you too, Mika,” You replied, squeezing his hand, “I know you're going to keep me safe.”
Mika kissed your hand, “I will, and that’s why I’m going to kill him.”
You took Mika’s face in your hands, kissing him deeply. You pulled away after a few seconds, looking him right in the eye and said, “We are going to kill him.”
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