#fyolai fanfic
diary-ofamadwoman · 9 months
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that is simply not true, nikolai! you've actually exchanged many words with your fedya, just check out my fics, you silly! your memory is not good either ig but they'd help you remember
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s1ckstvr0s · 17 days
There are mainly two types of bsd fanfic authors:
Soukoku authors: who give regular updates and interact with readers a lot on every social platform
Then comes [Dramatic song enter]
Fyolai authors: depressed, drops a dazzling work of poetry [+ horny fic] and disappears. [Comes back after days, months or perhaps even years]
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the-caged-jester · 2 months
One-shot of Nikolai meeting Fyodor but if they were like teens
I hope this is to your liking, I kinda just winged it tbh
putting the edit here: it’s on ao3 now
It was snowing again. It snows a lot. But that doesn’t stop Nikolai from going outside to climb the tree that has his favorite birds nesting there. The pine tree offered some shelter against the winds that were blowing in, biting at his skin. He’s been sitting there for a few hours now, his face numb at this point as he swings his legs that are dangling from the branch he’s perched on. Nikolai has always loved birds, and he was lucky enough to stumble upon this small family of birds a week ago.   He likes to come sit and watch the birds, like he’s doing now, absent-mindedly fiddling the cross necklace his mother had given him for his first birthday.
At some point, he hears the crunching of snow, but he can’t really see very well past the snow covered pine tree he’s inside. Eventually, a black haired boy comes into view and sits right at the base of the tree, seemingly unaware of Nikolai. Nikolai recognizes the boy, Fyodor, as one of his classmates from school. 
Nikolai decides to climb down and greet him, having always been intrigued in the boy since he first saw him. Nikolai was a little careless though and accidentally kicked some snow on his way down, which landed on top of Fyodor. Fyodor let out a startled sound and jumped a bit as Nikolai giggled, amused. Fyodor looked up at him, glaring as hard as he could and scowling slightly once he recognized his perpetrator as the weird kid from school.
Nikolai lands in front of Fyodor with a crunch, the snow going half way up his calves. He stretches out a hand as he beams down at Fyodor. “Hello! I’m Nikolai! Nikolai Gogol! And your Fyodor, yes?”
Fyodor doesn’t move to accept his handshake, so Nikolai pulls his hand back, instead plopping down next to Fyodor in the snow. “So, what’re you reading?” He asks as he leans over Fyodor’s shoulder. Fyodor stays silent for a bit before responding, “I’m reading the Bible.”
Nikolai always had an odd, dull ache in his body whenever religion was involved. This time is no different. He just smiles and nods as he watches Fyodor read. After a few minutes Fyodor sighs and closes his book, turning to look at Nikolai. “Do you need something or are you just going to sit and watch?” Fyodor’s voice is monotone, but there’s a hint of annoyance.
Fyodor really looks at Nikolai for once, and wow. He’s a little caught off guard when the first thing that comes to his mind is “pretty.” Nikolai’s skin was extremely pale and looked smooth. His lips were a nice rosy color, a little chapped, but still soft looking. His cheeks were very red from the cold, along with the tip of his nose. He had beautiful heterochromia eyes, one a piercing grey-blue, the other a dazzling green. He had long, shiny, white hair held back in a loose braid that was being blown in the wind. He looked perfect.
Fyodor frowned at his thoughts. His parents would kill him if he found out he thought another boy was pretty. It was gross and unnatural. Nikolai really was weird, making him feel such a way. He’ll make sure he prays a little longer tonight, in the hopes God will forgive him for his horrific thoughts.
“Now you’re staring! How could you accuse me of staring when you are too!” Nikolai pouted, though mostly just teasing. Fyodor gives him an unimpressed look as he responds, “I wasn’t staring, I was simply observing.” Nikolai crosses his arms as he retorts, “That’s literally staring!” Fyodor just hums in response.
After a beat of silence, Nikolai starts to poke at his arm. Fyodor pays him no mind as he sits there, drawing random shapes in the snow. “God, you’re boring!” Nikolai whines. Fyodor presses his lips into a thin line as he looks back at Nikolai. “You shouldn’t say His name in vain,” is what he decides to respond with. Nikolai just sighs before standing up and twirling around to face Fyodor, smiling at him as he says, “Okay, I want say God’s name in vain as long as you promise to be my friend!”
Fyodor is not amused. He contemplates it though. He’d pretend to be the town weirdo’s friend and in return, Nikolai would respect God. If he didn’t, it would just be another worthless sinner doomed to Hell. Fyodor normally wouldn’t care, but for some reason, he feels inclined to accept. “Very well,” he finally responds.
Nikolai is ecstatic. A new friend! Or, more accurately, his first friend! He quickly pulls Fyodor up, who was a bit startled, and starts to drag him as he walks back towards the town. “Well then, come on Fedya, friends gotta get to know each other you know? So let’s go get something to eat and talk over lunch!” Nikolai beams as he continues to drag Fyodor. 
Fyodor smiles lightly. He, surprisingly, doesn’t mind the nickname. Nikolai isn’t as bad as everyone says, if anything he’s just misunderstood. Maybe, just this once, he will indulge in another human being.
also cus I have no idea if you’re this person or not, I’m gonna tag em. Uhh I don’t think I used any of your headcanons? But thought you’d appreciate being tagged still @fedya-the-rat-god
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infernalmelancholy · 5 months
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don't mind me just leaving a lil' something here
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juniper-bunch · 1 month
Fyolai fanfic
I wanna make a Fyolai fic that’s an actual story and not a one shot for once but idk what I wanna do so uhhh what sounds the best?
Uhhh just so I can get more input, gonna @ people, sorry (not sorry)!! @utterlybrainwrecked @heartbeatfromunderthefloorboards @shopping-for-a-russian-rat @fedya-the-rat-god @fem-ranpo @dreamsicle262 @syunkiss @fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency
(Ok actually kinda sorry for @ -ing some of y’all, just looked at our mutuals and y’all fell victim to this)
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u-angel · 28 days
Dearest Fedya, my fated journey, where thy cold ashes lie, a word aptly uttered, the consequence of my ardent age:
Everywhere across whatever sorrows of which our life is woven,
I fucking hate you.
  ever thine ever mine ever ours
"See, I want that book." Nikolai props one hand on his hip and the other pointing the dagger to Dazai's throat. "Moreover, I want to bring dear Dos-kun back from death. In order to gain my freedom— to achieve unmitigated insanity— I need to form an even stronger bond with Dos-kun before I kill him myself!"
Or, in which Nikolai Gogol realizes that fate is inevitable.
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owls-and-bees · 9 months
This is the only Fyolai fic I’ve ever written but I’d love to write more for them
Title: the eccentricities of flirting with a customer
Words: 1,713
Nikolai Gogol's pathetic attempt to win over his reserved customer.
In his many years of writing, fyodor found that he got the best work done in the quaint cafe down the street from his apartment. The place was small and rather quiet, and unlike his own apartment, there were no loud neighbors to distract him from his work.
It held the constant scent of fresh baked pastries and coffee, and the only distraction to be seen was the oddly dressed barista who always seemed ecstatic that fyodor had come back once again.
The man had long white hair, tied into a braid behind him. With some shorter pieces in the front to frame his face.
One eye was bright green, the other a pale gray, with a scar across it. Fyodor found himself wondering how exactly that scar was created. And his clothing, despite being mostly black and white, had red accents mixed in which fyodor took to be his favorite color.
From time to time, fyodor felt the man’s eyes on him. The place never seemed to have many customers, so he assumed there wasn’t much else to do besides check up on whoever came in.
The interesting thing about the barista, was that he never seemed to mind being caught staring.
Fyodor would occasionally feel those eyes burning into him. He'd look up, expecting to see the man’s mismatched eyes darting away, for him to pretend to be working instead of watching.
Rather, the small, oblivious smile that always seemed to rest on his face just widened and he kept those eyes trained on fyodor.
Most might find this behavior disconcerting, but fyodor found it interesting. He couldn’t help but smile to himself at the eccentricity of the man behind the counter. The Baristas stare was in no way creepy or uncomfortable. It didn’t feel like the gaze of a person undressing another with their eyes.
Rather, it was that of someone who found the actions of the other interesting, it was simply observation in its purest form. And that burning gaze that followed him so often served as a comfort in some sense. Like no matter how much changed in fyodor's own life, he would still have that one constant of those pretty eyes observing his every move.
The barista of course, had his own reasons for this watching.
Nikolai had worked in this coffee shop for quite a while, generally with little to no care about the patrons of the place
It was just a good way to make some money.
That is, until the reserved author he now knew to be named Fyodor began visiting regularly.
The man had a peculiar air about him, which was only partly on account of his appearance. He had shoulder length black hair which fell into his face, clearly often enough he didn’t care much to fix it. His eyes were an enchantingly deep shade of purple, one that Nikolai got quite lost in. And he wore simple clothing, black slacks and a white button down which draped over his thin frame.
He seemed tense simply being around other people, and always made sure to sit in the furthest corner of the cafe. Despite the fact that the cafe had more than enough seating everywhere else, and rarely had other patrons to take them up.
Nikolai figured he chose that seat specifically, because it had the windows, doors, and barista all in sight. And he was sure to never sit in the seat directly against the wall, but one over, as it made getting in and out quicker.
The barista never could help himself when it came to socializing with the unsocial. It was, more than anything, the need to know what it would take to win them over. Unfortunately, fyodor had made this exceptionally difficult for him.
He had no interest in small talk, usually ignoring Nikolai’s feeble attempts to ask about his day. He sat far from Nikolai, and occasionally looked up at him from behind his laptop with those sharp eyes, like he could see right through Nikolai’s schemes, like he could read his thoughts. Maybe he could, maybe that’s why after all this time coming to the cafe, fyodor never once looked at the cup in front of him.
The cup that every day, Nikolai wrote his phone number on. Often along with a small doodle of some sort, Todays was of a small cat, with a Cheshire grin, drawn in a bright pink marker Nikolai bought with only the hope it would draw the others eye.
Yet every day, fyodor would take the coffee from him, sit down across the room, and stare at that laptop of his.
He only ever drank about half of it, seemingly getting too caught up in whatever he was writing to finish it.
Nikolai once tried to ask what he wrote, but the man gave him a sour look and didn’t answer.
In fact, in all this time, the only thing fyodor had ever said to him was “a small black coffee, please and thank you.”
That was it.
Yet Nikolai felt, for the most part, content with this routine of theirs. Fyodor would come in, and order a small black coffee. Nikolai would try his best to start a conversation, or even make a stupid joke in hopes that fyodor would laugh…
He never laughed.
But that was alright, Nikolai didn’t mind.
Then fyodor would take his coffee, sit far away, and spare Nikolai an occasional glance with those heart stopping eyes.
And Nikolai would wait, in hopes that his strange new companion would finally notice what he wrote on the cup.
He never noticed.
This, Nikolai did seem to mind as time went on.
So, he thought up a plan. One that he thought himself a genius for. The next time fyodor came in, he gave him the wrong drink. He figured that fyodor would take a sip, notice the difference, and finally look at the cup.
However, Nikolai miscalculated something in his plan. The slight affection that fyodor had grown to hold for the odd, foolish, barista who always tried to make him laugh, and stared at him like he was the first person he’d seen in years.
Fyodor took a sip from the overly sweet coffee he had been given in place of the bitter drink he’d become used to. He scowled slightly at the taste, and his eyes shifted off of his computer screen. Not to the cup, and instead to the barista. He noticed the oblivious smile on the man's face, and looked back down to his computer. And maybe it was just the poor cafe lighting, or the reflection of the screens light on his face.
But Nikolai could have sworn there was a small hint of pink on the pale man’s skin. A trick of the eye, he could only assume.
Fyodor didn’t look at the cup, though he did take another sip. Trying his best not to grimace at the taste. Nikolai watched on in pure confusion. As the man who had so pointedly ignored him for so long, for the first time, finished the drink he clearly disliked.
Fyodor then stood up, offered Nikolai a polite smile, and left without a word.
Nikolai let out a loud sigh as soon as the door closed, leaning against the wall and letting himself sink down onto the ground.
‘Is he oblivious or just stupid?’
Despite his frustration, Nikolai couldn’t help the smile that crossed his lips, nor the heat that burned at his face, when fyodor came to mind. He couldn’t help but wonder if fyodor even bothered to learn his name, and truthfully he didn’t care all that much. Because getting even a tiny smile out of that sheltered new friend of his was an achievement.
Friend… that probably isn’t the right word.
What they had could never be described as a friendship… but there was something there.
Regardless, weeks passed and their routine has returned to normal. Nikolai decided not to change Fyodor's drink again, as fascinating as it was to watch the man drink something he hated.
But once again, Nikolai found himself getting bored of their routine. Wanting quite desperately for Fyodor to just look at the cup. At this point he didn’t care much whether fyodor completely ignored his advances, however he at least wanted some sort of attention from the man. Anything to tell him fyodor knew about the writing on his cup.
So, finally reaching his wits end, Nikolai decided on a less subtle course of action to demand a response. Nikolai walked up to the table, and placed a sticky note right onto the face of Fyodor's laptop. Receiving a confused and rather annoyed look from the man.
“I have written my number on your cup every day since you started coming here. Not once have you even glanced at it.”
Nikolai huffed, letting his frustration get the better of him to a man who he hardly knew. But as strange as this approach was, it finally seemed to all click in fyodor's mind. His eyes finally flickered to his cup, and scanned over the numbers, as well as the small drawing of a mouse which sat next to them.
Then, he looked at the note placed on a laptop which he had previously been too shocked to pay any real attention to. It read “go on a date with me.” In a large font, and chicken scratch handwriting.
Without a word, fyodor pushed his laptop in front of the seat closer to the wall, and moved to the further seat.
For a moment, Nikolai thought this was Fyodor's silent way of rejecting his offer, which in retrospect seemed more like a demand. However fyodor looked back up to the man and with the slight tilt of his head, for the first time, spoke something other than his order.
“Well, are you going to sit?” Flicking his eyes from Nikolai, to the empty chair he had previously sat in, and back to Nikolai. And once again, Nikolai could swear that in the poor lighting of the coffee shops Fyodor's face looked slightly red. Though he was sure he looked about the same, as he sat next to the man he’d been observing for so long.
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sundersaint · 1 year
Let them eat cake.
Nikolai wanted his freedom, and Fyodor wanted him. The cake on the table had two secret ingredients unbeknownst to each other, as they had individually slipped something in while the other wasn't looking.
Poison, and an aphrodisiac.
Smiles were plastered on their faces, Fyodor sat in front of the cake and felt Nikolais hands on his shoulders. Fyodors' delicate bites wouldn't do the job, Nikolai needed him to dig in.
The next time his mouth opened, before he could eat from his own fork, Nikolai shoved a handful of cake in his mouth, smiling wildly.
Fyodor looked up at him with amusement, and brought his fork up to Nikolai's mouth.
Fyodor watched as Nikolai ate obediently, as he tried not to gag with Nikolai's fingers pushing further into his mouth. He felt oddly warm, sensations stirred within him.
His body was tingling with heat, and his head was dizzy. He at least knew what the heat was from.
He was taking small bites before for obvious reasons, this cake was supposed to mainly be eaten by Nikolai. The pace wouldn't work in his favor now, so he set down his fork to grab his own handful of cake. Shoving it into Nikolai's mouth just as had been done to him.
Their senses were both being slowly overtaken, Nikolai couldn't stop himself from sitting in Fyodor's lap.
He thought the heat must just be a side effect from the poison, but that it was making it all the more fun nonetheless.
Frantic motions between them smeared icing over cloth and skin.
They were dying in the act of love.
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eden-loves-sigma · 8 months
I’m not sure how to make these, but here’s a thread of my current fics!
Skk, angst with happy ending, TW FOR SUICIDE ATTEMPT: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50011831
Fyolai fluff because they’ve been making me sad lately: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50091610
Sigzai sharing the experience of Sigma’s first time seeing snow (t4t Sigzai): https://archiveofourown.org/works/51865612
Rimbaud confessing his love to Verlaine and it goes horribly wrong (Chapter 1 of 2): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52560571
Sigskk having a cute aquarium date together : https://archiveofourown.org/works/53757832
Sigma’s first mission with the ADA goes terribly and Mushitaro comforts her: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53798104
Fem soukoku reuniting a year after Dazai left the Port Mafia (porn with plot): https://archiveofourown.org/works/54279403
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queencorgo · 6 months
Chapter 2 of my new fyolai fic is up!! Getting more unhinged as we go tbh—I am actively writing chapter 3 so I’m here to say I won’t be leaving you hanging!!
Chapter 2 Preview: I Started a Joke
“For a moment, he pondered the idea that the gun inside his overcoat was a part of a larger crucible—a test of the limits of his desperation. Just how frantic was he to escape from the cage…? What was he willing to do? In a flash of euphoria he thought about the gun inside his overcoat, Fyodor’s gun, and the simple fact that he would have to be released from his prison and unchained in order to be passed off to his owner (if he were to cooperate)—and then, inevitably, he would be separated from the poison that nullified his special ability. And now he had a gun inside his overcoat. He had a gun.
In a frenzy, he searched the crowd again for Fyodor, wanting to share this divine revelation with him. Effortlessly, he caught his violet eyes, and held his stare. Don’t take your eyes off me, he thought.”
Rating: mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
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anzadosara · 5 months
yeah just wanted to put my child here and leave
please be gentle with him, he's small
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diary-ofamadwoman · 9 months
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this is my villain origin story unless it turns out it's been yet another of kolya's magic tricks and actually they'll escape through the overcoat and kiss under the full moon and live in peace AZSXDCFVGBHJNKL
this is actually my fix it fic origin story and i'm opening the new word document just wait!!!!!!!!!
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s1ckstvr0s · 2 months
Content: Smut, mild plot, mild romance.
Relationship: Fyodor Dostoevsky/Nikolai Gogol.
Nikolai an artistic writer intoxicated with, carnality and delusion meets Fyodor, an inquisitive, calm demeanoured [prostitute (?)] at Dolores, a whorehouse on the fifth anniversary of his successful notorious and artistic screenplay. And falls madly in [lust]
Plotless romance, with sex & motels.
[Sex is a performance, an art. And love is self harm; a delusion, a greater art.]
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cashexists · 19 days
BSD Haikyuu au that flopped on Twitter,,,
Reblog if you cried
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infernalmelancholy · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Fyodor Dostoyevsky/Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Unhealthy Relationships, Complicated Relationships, Suicidal Thoughts, Character Death, Murder, Manipulation, Dark, Insanity, Mental Instability, Extended Metaphors, Symbolism, Post-Canon, Character Study, Relationship Study Summary:
Nikolai smiles, laughs at the way Fyodor frowns at the reaction he failed to foresee. Fyodor doesn’t like that which he cannot predict. Yet, he lets Nikolai lay in bed beside him, musing about nonsense, laughing at death.
All he wanted was one choice that was entirely his own.
But the only way an Angel earns its freedom from a God is by comitting the most heinous of betrayals and plunging into the depths of Hell.
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0pancake-mix0 · 2 months
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So apparently fanart for fanfics is cool again so here’s one for ‘The Verglas Over My Heart’ by @cashexists which is the best thing ever written and if you don’t read it rn I will fight you ❤️
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