#fuck genAI users
morvantmortuary · 3 months
I sent a feedback request to staff/support telling them that their blatant theft of independent queer writing and art to sell to the highest bidder makes their support for being “the queerest place on the internet” quirky copywriting at absolute most.
which we knew already, after how they treated trans women on the platform, but at this point they really are just like. openly hostile to any sort of queer creativity and growth that they can’t find a way to steal and sell
anyway. I’m gonna start pulling things and reposting them to AO3 this weekend. my account there is protected, so that’s… something. maybe not enough, with the state of greedy entitled fucks these days, but something
yeah, they may already have it, but like. I don’t have to leave it up for them still, yknow.
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raraeavesmoriendi · 3 months
let me preface this by saying that my migraine is going on day 4 so I’m not going to be the most articulate
but I can’t get over how the wonka experience/house of illuminati bullshit really is just incredibly symbolic of genAI and the people who use it.
> someone steals the legitimate creations of the effort, time, and talent of other people (look at all the stolen photos on that website that aren’t genAI, jesus christ)
> carelessly mashes them together to create some meaningless slurry with no real care for the “product,” because they’re too entitled to place real value in the creative process and the decision-making inherent therein.
> misrepresents themselves with skills they don’t have, that they also don’t value enough to actually learn or hire real craftspeople to perform
> (ime because their ego is so inflated they can’t let themselves be allowed to be seen as a beginner at something, much less making an effort)
> all for the sake of greed - usually for cash, sometimes just for unearned recognition - while cutting as many corners as possible to get to the end result. with no consideration for the people they’re taking advantage of at any stage of their dipshit scheme, or even the ridiculously huge amount of natural resources these things suck up and burn.
and these companies keep making money bc the lowest common denominator keeps poking the shiny button to jingle the keys, which is how scumsuckers like Matt over there make a quick buck by selling out.
it’s excusing theft from real artists/writers/etc. who have dedicated time and discipline to hone their skills, for the sake of the lowest possible effort distraction that isn’t worth the water or air or electricity it burns up.
it’s hard not to feel disgusted. idc if that makes me pretentious or a snob. I hope those people are forever associated with the hideous fake drivel they produce.
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makkon · 3 months
hey just wanted to say that if that tumblr partnership with midjourney thing goes through, I will stop posting here entirely. I'm also considering deleting my blog. I know this doesn't remove my data from the site due to reblogs. I also understand that my data exists outside of this site too, and that it can't really be deleted. I know how this shit works. it's the principle of the thing. I deleted my instagram and deviantart accounts for the same reason. I'd say find me on bluesky, but it's only a matter of time before they pull that shit too. the era of the free and open internet is coming to an end.
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local-diavolo-anon · 1 month
after weeks i show up again and i offer you this
"A God And A Child"
Words 3,309
Chapters 1/1 (completed, one shot) Warnings for manipulation, self mutilation, memory alteration and overall dark themes
ships: Nahida/Dottore
rating: mature
inspired by this fanart here!
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kyle-steen · 3 months
Tumblr media
Attention to everyone!!!
Tumblr is apparently planning on selling scraped user data from blogs and sell them to dumb af A/I companies. You know the ones. And it’s opt-in by default.
I highly suggest going to your settings, on each individual blog you may have mind you, go down to Visibility, and click that 3rd option shown above!
The CEO was already being weird on Twitter, this is just another massive disappointment. Fuck Genai, fuck these companies trying to steal peoples work, and fuck Tumblr for agreeing join in.
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the4rcanist · 3 months
I guess I'm disappointed but not surprised there's rumors Tumblr will sell user data to train AI models
So, I might reiterate, if you're an artist, use Glaze and Nightshade, and if your PC can't run it or if you're on mobile, subscribe to Cara.app, the social media for artists cause they have 10 uses of Glaze for free per day on their website (and no you don't need to post anything there to use it, but I do recommend it cause they filter out the AI garbage)
If you want to know more about Cara.app, I'll link the tweet of it's founder explaining it a bit
And least I forget, fuck genAI, the "future" y'all are "building" fucking sucks
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rose-reblogs · 3 months
Anyways, fuck you Tumblr, and every site just giving into Midjourney and letting them get away with stealing our shit for this genAI BS 💢
What happened to protecting the users from AI, huh?
Not even hiding the fact that they'll allow those AI companies to take over anyway despite your words
Fuck you, I hope every site crashes and then you will be the ones begging US to deal with your BS like the cowards you are
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vinkumakkara · 3 months
according to the Verge article the data has indeed already changed hands with no regard to any "opting out" - not a surprise since that is how all similar companies seem to have done this - and it sure sounds like that included the blogs that were actually automatically opted out now, at the very least. most probably they just sold absolutely everything, dms, privated blogs, etc. they don't give a fuck because they didnt give a fuck about it before either, everything is fair game to these companies. genai is about quantity not quality and little things like the users' privacy or comfort mean nothing
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