#ff net
puraiuddo · 1 year
FanFiction.net is not gone.
Right now it's a victim of DNS (Domain Name Service) spoofing. This means that a malicious party is trying to steal traffic from FFn by purchasing a very similar domain.
The new "fake" site that people are seeing still belongs to FanFiction.net—they just misconfigured their servers and are not redirecting traffic from the bare fanfiction.net to the main site at www.fanfiction.net. There is likely no malicious agent. Didn't mean to scare anyone! Just wanted to let people know the site wasn't deleted!
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So if you want to read fanfiction and not see leaves, you have have to type out "www.fanfiction.net".
Please share so people stop panicking.
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ineffable-ezra · 2 months
COMMENT ON FANFICTION!!!!! I'M AN AO3 AUTHOR, AND COMMENTS ARE MY LIFEBLOOD. When I get a comment, it make my entire week. Because that's roughly how often I get them: Once a week. If I'm lucky. I comment a lot on other people's fics, so most of my inbox notifs are 'thank you's from authors (which i also appreciate) which just go to show how much comments are wanted. You can even just leave a heart emoji or a "very nice". Or, you can write three paragraphs about how you would replace your lungs with this fic, several lines you like from it, and all your thoughts about our work. If you enjoyed a fic, leave kudos, AND a comment. I DONT CARE HOW OLD THE FIC IS.
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Question- why do I never see anyone mention fanfiction.net on here? It’s as if some people think that AO3 is the only valid place to put your fanfic. I actually have more fanfic on ff.net than I do on AO3, because that was the main fic archive when I was writing Gilmore Girls fic and some other fandoms around the same time, and I never moved them to AO3.
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mywitchcultblr · 2 months
I think obsessing over your fanfic engagement THIS much is unhealthy
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This author having a 'comment milestone goal' is just weird?? And will only update if a chapter has 100 comment?? Like why are you imposing such a strict standard to yourself and your readers? Why so obsessed over the numbers and graphic chart?
You are not a youtuber who try to make ends meet, you are writing a fanfic... Now I understand feeling discouraged if your story is not doing well. But this author's story is very popular and at the end of the day what's matter wen it comes to fanfic writing is: Fun
I think this is what the algorithmic based and popularity obsessed modern internet has brought upon fandom: Anxiety, FOMO, stress, and tying your self worth to engagement. I know obsessing over number is always been a thing but I think it has gotten worse in recent years. TDLR: Author held story hostage/guilt trip readers and wont update unless they got 50/100 comments per chapter
I mean they can do whatever with their fanfic but I think stressing over comment that much is not healthy, also they could have handled it better. Their grievances over plagiarism is valid tho
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Do you ever read a fic that makes you really sad but not in a “wow that story was heartbreaking” way but in a “wow this person hates the character I relate to on a personal level” way because that just happened to me and now I’m sad lol
The short answer is: oh yeah
Long answer is I've been reading fic since the era of character bashing. I feel like this has mostly gone out of fashion as a standardized thing that warrants a warning or a tag, but back in my Harry Potter fic days esp back on ff net you would be scrolling through your selected tag and a fic would be like, more preoccupied with shitting on a character you love (usually the canon love interest) than actually dealing with the ship you want to be reading. I have a pretty good theory as to why it was happening at the time - shipping and fic as a whole wasn't nearly as accepted, and so if you were to deviate from canon, ESPECIALLY if you were writing something that isn't heterosexual, you need to bash the canon love interest to "excuse" your non canon ship.
The place I personally still see this the most is in marvel comics fic for some reason? Although it no longer is limited to shitting on canon love interests, and often takes shots at other popular ships. Like I'll be reading a spideypool fic and they'll either be shitting on Cable as an abusive ex, or I'll be reading a spideydevil fic and Johnny Storm will be a clingy mess causing problems for both of them, and meanwhile mattfoggy fics will often bash Elektra or (in fic for the show specifically) Marci, etc etc. The difference is this will no longer get tagged as character bashing, because the practice has fallen out of popularity, which is unfortunate because you can't prepare yourself for it. I personally tagged my recent spideybpool tag warning that this fic wasn't nice about Harry Osborn because I wanted to use him as the Green Goblin for the dramatic twist, but I feel like I'm the exception for plotty fics nowadays.
The thing is while this is a perfectly sound explanation for some character bashing, I also have to admit that sometimes people just... Don't like a character and let that influence their work. There's historically a lot of sexism and racism in fandom, so that's often a factor, but also people have personal preferences and that's okay! The main problem is just that people no longer feel obligated to tag for it. They'll write a character as an abusive because that's their genuine reading of the text, but they won't think to warn audiences that that's the kind of content they're walking into. And the thing is except for bashing, we have high expectations of trigger and content warnings nowadays! Whereas on ff.net you'd click on a fic and essentially have no idea what you were going to end up reading, nowadays most ao3 fics will have extremely thorough content warnings in the tags and if they forget something the comments will literally tell the author to add that warning (I have no idea what wattpad is like don't ask or tell me). I wish that character bashing tags or at least freeform tags warning for a certain character being more villainous than in canon would come back into fashion, but unfortunately it's not and we just have to deal with it, which sucks.
Anyway, like I said above, in short: yep.
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seasononesam · 2 months
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how """"am""""" I?
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manchesterau · 2 months
nord - a fan fiction by dan howell
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beca-mitchell · 4 months
fics taste better when you read them on your phone
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roxannepolice · 7 months
Mate, do you have any tensimm fic recs? I need them. Preferably on ao3 but like if there is gold on ff.net then by all means share it
Oooh, boy, do I. The real question is those not off the top of my head won't be cross I haven't mentioned them.
First, everything by @veraynes-blog is purest gold in existence
As is everything by @hobgoblinns
And I've been sobbing myself to sleep with @ten-simm one shot jewel
There's what I fully believe is a secret 60th anniversary part for all saxteen girlies
Bits of pure fluff and crack: https://archiveofourown.org/works/584794
This one's for all the fellow catmaster messes
Bit more angst: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7198295
Longer stories: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49869301/chapters/125892082
And of course them being straight up married: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29185431
And I guess I might self-advertise 😶
If anyone I haven't mentioned recognizes their work, please claim it and of course feel free to add your own works and favourites!
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powdermelonkeg · 1 month
Pls pls pls start saving your work somewhere that isn't ao3 drafts. They are not designed to hold yr work for long periods of time. (also, it's just best practice to save things you care about in multiple places)
I know, I know (roommate just told me the same thing) but also: Ao3 text editor so good for ADHD
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tricksterlatte · 15 days
I've always been fascinated by fandom history, and I know I'm not the only one. It's interesting to see how fans of pop culture can create a culture of their own, and in the modern age of social media and the internet in general, that culture is as widespread as ever. Unfortunately, that also means downsides are becoming bigger as this culture becomes widespread, and it's saddening to watch, maybe even concerning.
I don't discuss these things to be preachy, especially considering how I've fallen into several of these pitfalls before, and have perpetuated some of this behavior in the past. To say otherwise would make me a hypocrite and a liar, and I firmly believe this goes for most people in any fandom. I was just thinking about this recently, and how a lot of the biggest stressors in what should be our stress relief really can be pinned mostly into a few central talking points, which I would love to discuss to know if I'm not just going crazy here
The concept of Big Name Fan has evolved into a position of authority on fandom, which does not fall to anyone regarding subjectivity. No one in a fandom is an authority except the creators themselves, who have every right to stay away from the fandoms they have birthed.
Popularity in general being conflated to intellectual authority as well, especially on websites with public stats, particularly following counts. The algorithm is no benevolent god, but people will sometimes see someone with 30k followers and think they are correct on a minor non-issue that has spiraled into discourse, especially when compared to someone with 30 followers. This also is just...a bummer when fanon evolves into perceived canon, and newcomers to the fandom can't post even innocuous meta or headcanons without it being perceived as morally/intellectually incorrect.
Monetization of fanworks, but especially zines, have led to a hypercompetitive atmosphere that only escalates the bitterness and resentment. This is not a universal problem, but many zines across all fandoms habitually accept the same artists and writers, or diminish the value of fanfic due to the limitations of physical printing. The application process has devolved into such a disheartening debacle for a majority of people I see, and the way it is often framed as "your work just wasn't good enough" when it's really about what the mods deem mass marketable will destroy just about anyone's self-esteem after repetitive rejections, and will give some frequent zine runners a false sense of final say over the community (not usually, but it can happen).
The level of distrust for anyone new attempting to start a fan project is just so depressing nowadays (and this one we sadly can blame on a few people by name, but the ones who have sent this issue spiraling still don't care and that just sucks. I feel horrible for everyone who has been tricked).
Somehow comment and anonymous asks have gone backwards from "don't feed the trolls" to "suck it up, at least you're getting comments." I have seen some of these comments people have been told to suck up. It's not okay in general. It's particularly gross when it's an anonymous hate message unrelated to the fanworks themselves, perhaps born out of resentment or bearing an ulterior motive. And some will even attack and defame character due to identity. It's not subtle. It's not okay. People should absolutely be dunked on for this, and I gotta say I'm sick of unsolicited concrit being enforced as positive either. If they didn't ask, don't give it. There's a reason a lot of fic writers some people adore suddenly go ghost, and they can't even talk about it.
Don't like, don't read has been discarded in favor of don't like, tell others don't read and also don't write. Transformative works don't have to fit into a canon or even in character mold. That's why they're transformative! It's a different type of artistic expression. If you don't like it, chances are good it simply wasn't meant for you. It's not bad. Don't shame others, god especially not for non-issues such as a t/b preference or a different gender hc, preferred haircuts, types of animal you imagine them as in another lifetime, I could list literally anything here and I bet there has been a fandom fight over it.
Exclusive yet publicly advertised community Discords that will bar you from invite if you're not one of the cool kids. I have unfortunately fallen into this trap before, and refuse to ever enable or endorse that behavior ever again. This isn't about friend groups either, it's about fandom-dedicated servers that flaunt themselves as a VIP club instead of what they are: a friend group. I also don't even know how to broach the subject of private accounts that turn into fandom tea accounts with dozens if not hundreds of followers, only for people to be angry if someone isn't exactly okay with horrific stuff being said in general, let alone about their mutuals or friends.
I know none of this will likely ever change, and tbh i'm so tired of it all, but...does anyone else know what I mean? I'm stressed out whenever I try to enjoy myself, because popularity and a strange business mindset is steadily taking over fandom spaces. I'm not saying people should stop trying to make stuff that sells, or that people universally do any of this, but fandom is evolving into a thing I'm not sure is good. idk anymore
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exosmutfactory · 10 months
Wanna Be Yours 001
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Originally posted by tipannies
Maybe not all good girls are good, and not all bad boys are bad. It’s all about perspective and experience, for not everything in life is a clear black or white. Sometimes you will find gray, brown, or silver… Possibilities are endless. And Byun Baekhyun is too god damn fine to resist.
◤“Stop smoking, it isn’t attractive.” “Stop swearing, it isn’t either.” “Fuck you.” “When.”◢
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 1✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x Monica (OC)
word count — 3.8k
genre — biker! baekhyun, bad boy! baekhyun, enemies to lovers! romance, slight angst, fluff, smut (one chap - eventually)
[ This chapter contains: an introduction 🚲 ]
A/N: Hello! I'm introducing one of my AFF-exclusive, BBH stories to Tumblr! I'm posting this chapter to see if readers on here want to read it 🥰 This story doesn't have a tag list, so let me know if you wanna be tagged for future chapters either in my ask box or the comment section! 🌸 I'll continue writing this when I finish my other story: Only Forever 🌊
Chapter 1
Look around, lovely
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I’ve been through many things in my life. From my ex leaving me for a “slim thick” girl who lived three blocks away to my best friend, making it their goal to break my spirit from the inside out. I had to cut ties with my treacherous family. I had to change my name, eye color, and wear a purple wig to flee from another crazy ex to Hawaii. I almost had to file for bankruptcy when my twin sister bought three foreign sports cars in my name.
—I’ve been through a lot, but I never expected to find myself in the middle of this shitstorm.
“Yo, Chen, move your ass!”
“I’m almost there!” This so-called Chen hisses into his phone, tugging me behind him by my arm. He glares back at me when I stumble over a recycling bin. “Shut it.” His grip turns painful when I slow down my pace. He stomps hurriedly down shaded alleyways and dimly lit streets. I'd scoff at his audacity if I wasn’t so busy trying to form a plan to escape and not fall flat on my face in the process.
“Yo bitch.” He throws another nasty look over his shoulder, “keep up, will ya?”
My eyes narrow as I purposely stomp on the back of his foot. “Oops,” I chirp when he yelps, hiding my smirk while he curses and hobbles on one leg. “Guess that’s too close, eh?”
He bares his teeth at me. The smirk quickly falls off my lips when the ground is suddenly approaching my face at an alarming rate.
I brace my hands against the pavement at the last second, but my right arm buckles under my weight, sliding my frantic hands across the rugged surface, scraping against the sidewalk with a painful burn. I groan at the fire hot pain shooting up my forearm.
“Oops,” he mocks, his leather boots stepping into view. He bends down in front of me with a tilt of his head. “Guess that was too soon, huh?” His victory smirk on his curled lips would have been sexy if I didn’t have the urge to punch him in his pretty face.
I keep my eyes on him, slowly bringing myself back to my feet. It takes everything in me to ignore the pulsing pain in my knees and the warm liquid running down my elbow as he stands back to his full height. His unimpressive 5’8 stature seems intimidating while I’m poorly hiding my injured arm behind my back. It doesn't help that he has a tattoo of a snake on his bicep, the green ink peeking out from under the sleeve of his black t-shirt. He’s not tall, but he is buff, and that is enough for me to keep my mouth shut... for now.
He runs his eyes over my quiet defensive stance, his smirk turning even more cruel before he yanks me forward by my injured arm. “If we’re late, that’s your ass.”
I roll my eyes to distract myself from the tears threatening to fall, biting my tongue. My hands and arm throb painfully in sync. That hurt like a bitch and he’s two seconds away from being smacked like one.
After walking a few more empty blocks, the rev of an engine reaches my ears—and it’s not from a car. My heart plummets when the realization sets in and the beaming headlights of shiny black vehicles come into view. Two motorcycles stop a few feet away from us in a deserted parking lot. The riders are wearing black helmets with matching clothes, blending in with the night. Their faces are shaded under the dim light of the moon when they take their helmets off.
Dusk is on the rise, concealing the moon behind thick clouds as the world waits for the sun to peek over the horizon. The darkest hour of the night… Looking around at the buff asshole and two newcomers, I can only hope that I’ll make it to see the sunrise. I swallow my nerves while Chen impatiently drags me over to the others.
The guy on the left is the first one to notice us. He shakes his hair, the brunette strands catching light before he switches off the headlights. He’s tall with beautifully toned skin, whistling when we step off of the sidewalk. “Damn hyung, took you long enough.”
Chen shrugs. “Catching the prize was a bit of a struggle.” He rattles my arm for emphasis, his smirk visible under a flickering streetlight.
“Oh?” The brunette’s eyes trail over me, focusing on my pulsing arm before shifting back to the prick next to me. “Looks a bit like damaged goods, hyung.”
“That wouldn’t be the case if it had acted accordingly.” He shrugs, nonchalantly looking me over.
My eyes and mouth twitch. It is really taking everything in me not to say something.
“Hopefully hyung doesn’t mind,” The other tall guy speaks up, eyeing me warily while I stare at his unnaturally orange hair.
“Byun won’t do shit,” Chen waves him off, pulling me closer to a parked bike three parking spaces away. “He hasn’t before and he won’t start now.”
The orange-top guy starts to reply until a loudly revved engine fills the air, announcing the arrival of more motorcycles entering the deserted parking lot. I glare at the biker driving in front, from his laid back posture alone he must be the leader.
“Baekhyun!” Chen yells into the still night with a cocky grin, laughing gleefully. “So happy for you to finally join us. I feared we’d start without you.”
The leader calmly parks his bike a couple of feet away, pulling off his helmet while the other five bikers join him. I bite my cheek to hold back my gasp when his face is revealed. What I expected was some forty-year-old gang member with a huge tattoo, crooked beard, and salt/pepper hair. Not a twenty-something-year-old with one of the most attractive faces I’ve ever seen in my life.
His light brown hair ruffles in the wind, the salty scent of the sea rolling in. He shakes his bangs out of his eyes, looking at the man next to me with a blank expression on his face. Baekhyun’s eyes slowly follow Chen’s arm down to my own in his tight grasp. His eyes linger on my injured arm, the clench of his jaw and flare of his nostrils has my eyes shooting down to look at it myself.
The sight of blood steadily dripping from my ripped sleeve has me wincing. I bite my lip hard to hold back a pain-filled whimper.
Baekhyun cuts his eyes back to Chen with a murderous glare, “Jongdae.” He hisses venomously.
Chen stiffens, his grip loosening on my arm, “Byun?” He’s caught off guard, the confusion rings loudly in his uncertain voice.
“What the fuck is this?” Baekhyun looks at my arm then at him again, his voice growing louder by the minute. “Why the hell is she bleeding?”
“She wasn’t…” Willing to come? Willing to follow a stranger? Willing to get pulled out of a store for nothing? “Very compliant.”
“And you brought her here anyway?” Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look, his eyes narrowed at the latter’s silence. “What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do.”
I shift on my feet, highly uncomfortable just witnessing this exchange. The other bikers watching them quietly doesn’t calm my nerves in the slightest. I know one thing for certain—the tension can be cut with a knife, and I’m not about to be in the middle of this hell much longer.
“I was walking with her down the street, and she fell.” Chen chooses to say.
I crack my neck when I whip it around to face him. “Really?” I snap. “You purposely yanked me forward and let go, yet dare say I fucking fell?!”
Chen scowls at me. “Well if you weren’t being such a bi‒” He pales when I sense a dark aura behind me.
I turn around to a furious Baekhyun. His brown eyes blaze brightly in anger amongst the pitch darkness of the night, the wind tousling his hair across his forehead. The urge to take a step back is high until I remember who is right behind me. Baekhyun takes one look at me then turns his fire-filled gaze to the fearful man behind me. “I’ll deal with you later.”
I look down at the sudden hand gently grabbing my uninjured arm, meeting Baekhyun’s eyes before he takes a step back. And for some reason; I follow. He keeps his eyes steady on mine before turning to address the others. “I’m calling it off.” His gaze meets every individual one of theirs. “Any objections?”
No one even so much as moves.
Baekhyun firmly nods, peering down at me with a raised brow. “Come with me?” Even while he asks, I’m already being led over to his bike. He grabs his helmet and pauses, turning to me, the dim street lights reflecting the mysterious glint in his brown eyes. “Have you ridden a motorcycle before?”
I look at the bike then back at him, narrowing my eyes. “Are you planning to kill me with it?”
The corner of his lips twitch up, “that’s a no then. May I?”
Eyeing the helmet in his hands, I nod, quickly muttering, “if I die, I’m suing you,” when he starts to place it on my head.
Baekhyun chuckles. “Don’t worry.” He adjusts the helmet with a teasing little grin, his voice low enough for only me to hear. “You’re in good hands.”
“Uh huh—oof!” I yelp when he suddenly lifts me up and sets me on the back of his vehicle—that seems one hundred times more intimidating now that I’m sitting on it. “I swear, Byun, if I fall‒”
“You won’t.” Baekhyun affirms. He throws his leg over the motorcycle and climbs onto it with grace, throwing one last look back at me before starting the engine. It purrs in a way I’ve never heard before. The low, crispy sound vibrates through my entire body when his deep voice reaches my ears. “Hold on tight.”
When he revs the engine, I wrap my arms tightly around his waist. The fear of death is greater than the pulsing of my bleeding arm. We speed out into the street, the others becoming mere specks of shadowy figures in the distance as we go further down the dirt road.
My eyes stay partially closed until I remember that I’m wearing a helmet, and if anyone has to do that its Baekhyun. Which is fucking scary considering the fact that he is the one driving! Steering this two-wheeled vehicle that tilts side to side depending on the gravitational pull of the earth and the wind.
I flinch when we roll over a bump in the road, gripping the front of Baekhyun’s shirt. I can’t tell if it’s the motorcycle or his chuckles causing the vibrations in his chest when I rest my head on his back. The sun is slowly rising, pale light peeking over the horizon. It bounces off of the calm ocean water in the distance. It’s fascinating, how the ocean and the cloudy sky meet, like a snowglobe full of cascading sparkles.
The blur of buildings comes into focus when we slow down, Baekhyun resting his feet on the ground when we reach a red light. Recognizing the slightly run-down buildings, my heart rate picks up. “Baekhyun? Where are we going?” I ask warily. Instead of replying, he pats my clenched fist in a pacifying manner and takes off once the light switches to green.
Gulping down my nerves, I make sure to take note of every street we go down in case I have to hightail my ass out of wherever we are headed. The sight of small brick houses and wide front porches brings a wave of nostalgia over me—and not in a good way. All I can do is hold onto him and hope I stay in one piece until we reach our destination. The weight of my knife concealed in my left boot gives me little reassurance.
We start to slow down on a street that welcomes us with the largest maple tree that I’ve ever seen, followed by small but surprisingly well-kept homes. It’s pretty for the infamous neighborhood that we are in, and the house we stop in front of in particular is the nicest one.
Baekhyun drives up the driveway and parks, getting off the motorcycle with grace before helping me down as well. I flinch when I try to straighten my injured arm. It hurts worse than it did earlier, burning every time my denim jacket sways in the wind and brushes against it. I keep my arm bent at the elbow while clutching it to my chest.
Baekhyun notices but doesn’t say anything. He walks up to the house while I linger behind, taking in the flower-filled yard. Pretty pink roses and beautifully bloomed dandelions take up most of the land. Growing steadily alongside the driveway and sidewalk, their healthy petals awaiting the sunlight.
Turning back to Baekhyun, he crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe of the open door. The sun shines down on his caramel-colored coat, black graphic tee shirt, and leather pants. The more I look at him, the more confused I get. How on earth is he in a bike gang? He has no visible tattoos, no piercings. The only things “gangsta” about him are his sharp brown eyes, confident stance, and authoritative aura.
Baekhyun clears his throat, jolting me from my thoughts. He raises a brow with a tilt of his head, the corner of his lips twitching. “Come in.” He disappears into the house before I can give any sort of reply.
Pulling my phone out of my bra, I snap a picture of the street sign and send it to my friend so they know my whereabouts—just in case. I tuck it back under my shirt and take one last look at the quiet neighborhood before entering the house.
The only way I can describe the interior is warm. With light brown walls and darker carpeted floors. The living room alone is full of worn-in couches with pretty throw blankets. When I start to take off my shoes, Baekhyun pops up, shaking his head, “there’s more dirt on this floor than out in the yard.”
He walks off into another part of the house with his heeled boots and loud footsteps. I spot a bright orange crumpled leaf and a patch of dried grass in the center of the room. Heeding his advice, I take a wary glance at the unlocked door before going to look for him. Walking to the other side of the living room, I’m met with a doorway to the kitchen on my left and a hallway to my right. Finding no sign of Baekhyun in the tidy room, I venture down the hall.
“In here,” he calls out just as I pass the first door on the left.
Backtracking a few steps, I look inside the bathroom while he rummages in the cabinet under the sink. My eyes move back to him when he swears.
“I know I left it somewhere,” he mumbles just as his eyes caught sight of something. With a tug, he pulls back to close the doors, standing up with a familiar red box in his hands. “Have a seat,” he beckons me over, gesturing to the closed toilet lid with his chin.
I settle myself on the cold surface, the white porcelain chilling my skin through my jeans. Watching him carefully while he sets the first-aid kit beside the sink and takes out antibacterial wipes. When he reaches for my arm I flinch back.
Baekhyun gives me a look. “May I?”
Sighing deeply and gritting my teeth, I nod with a roll of my eyes, slowly taking off my ripped jacket and dropping it in the bathtub. I look away when he draws nearer with the wipe, clenching my hand into a fist. The sting brings tears to my eyes.
After what feels like hours, Baekhyun gets to work on the gauze, gently wrapping it around my arm and taping it together. I take a few deep breaths as he moves over to the sink, focusing on the sound of running water instead of the irritated skin of my scratched palms.
“You won’t need stitches,” Baekhyun murmurs thoughtfully, his voice breaking the silence, echoing across the tiled walls of the room. He dries his hands on an indigo blue towel hanging from a high bathroom rack attached to the wall. “...Are you okay?”
The hint of concern in his voice is surprising, it prompts my eyes shift over to him. “Yea—Fuck!” I hiss loudly, quickly bending my elbow back to its position. The tender wound throbs painfully in sync with my racing heartbeat.
His brows raise. He crosses his arms, leaning his hip against the counter and giving me another knowing look. I only glare back at him.
Baekhyun sighs tiredly. “I’ll get you an Advil.” He shakes his head, making his way out of the room and venturing further down the hallway. I clutch my arm to my chest, sending a quick text to my friend to come pick me up. Thankfully she’s right around the block, passing through the neighborhood on her way back home from work.
A smile curls on my lips when she sends a picture of the great maple tree at the nearest red light. The bandages crinkle when I stand up, grabbing my jacket and tentatively closing the first-aid kit before heading back towards the front of the house. Heavy footsteps have my head whipping back around to find Baekhyun in the hallway with a box of Advil in his hands. “Hey,” he cracks an awkward smile, his hair slightly disheveled.
I narrow my eyes at him.
The smile slowly falls off his face. He clears his throat, gesturing to the box in his hand. “I got you the Advil.”
“I see.” I don’t take my eyes off of him for a minute, shifting my weight so I can retrieve my knife if the need arises. His body language is off and his intentions are not clear. I make sure to keep distance between us; I’ve been in this situation a million times before. Whatever he is trying to achieve with this small talk, I am not up for sticking around to find out.
“Do you, uh‒” he runs a hand through his hair. “Do you need a ride?”
“No, I called a friend,” I smile tightly.
“Oh.” His hand falls down to his side. He shoves it into his pocket and outstretches the box in his hand towards me. “Here, half the box is left. You probably need them more than‒” his eyes catch mine and he clears his throat again, “me.”
I look him up and down and carefully take the box from his hand, avoiding making any contact. My lips twitch in a mixture of amusement and annoyance. “Thanks.”
Baekhyun nods, shoving both hands in his pockets, the velvet green underside of his coat showing when he parts his lips again. “About what happened earli‒”
The rev of a sports car engine cuts him off. “Hop in, bitch!” my best friend yells, breaking the tranquil atmosphere of this shady neighborhood in the early hours of the morning. “We’re going home!”
I glance at the open door then shoot him a forced, polite smile. “Thanks um… Baekhyun, was it? But there’s my ride. I got to go.”
Baekhyun nods while I make sure I have everything, tucking the box of medicine under my good arm. “See you around,” he speaks up when I’m halfway through the door.
Darting my eyes back to him with my hand on the screen door, I smile my fakest smile, letting it slam shut behind me. “Bye!” With a roll of my eyes, I match down the driveway to my friend’s car and hop in with a passive-aggressive smile.
“What the hell happened to your arm?” she raises a perfectly arched brow.
“A situation you never want to be in while shopping for hairspray, Alison. Now drive.”
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Part 1✓ | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
A/N: If you would like me to continue posting this story on Tumblr, reblog or comment to let me know! (^-^)
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thatiranianphantom · 11 months
You never realize how many people emotionally rely on AO3 until it goes down.
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
Someone should make Daily My Immortal and send that story chapter by chapter to people email
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
That rarepair bracket got me curious so I went and made a chart of the top 10 pairings in the Torchwood AO3 and uh... well...
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squipdop · 2 years
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haha what if you were an internationally wanted jewel thief and i was the saviour of the japanese police and we kissed and we were both boys haha jk jk ... unless? 😳 😳
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