#ferran torres x reader
vscabarca · 1 month
could you write a fic ab ferran being super jealous, you guys aren’t together only friends but you seem to be getting super close to one of the other barca boys and he doesn’t like that. so when you’re at a party one time he gets a bit drunk and pulls you away from everyone to confess his feelings for you
jealousy, jealousy - ferran torres
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summary: ferran caught feelings for his childhood friend and gets jealous once he hears you might be seeing someone.
genre: fluff
a/n: thank you for the request anon💕
„dude you can’t just stare at her and do nothing about it.“ Gavi nudged Ferran‘s shoulder as they were walking onto the pitch before the game against Villareal. You sat at your usual spot, the one Ferran got for you, waving at the two boys with a smile once you saw them already looking at you.
Ferran had been a close friend of yours ever since your brother met him with fourteen during a tryout at the Valencian football academy. Sadly your brother didn’t make it into the team but Ferran never stopped coming over, even though his schedule was extremely busy.
You always had a different relationship with him than your brother, one that was much calmer and more gentle. Throughout the years, friends teased you two of becoming a couple eventually and you almost believed it, until Ferran moved to Manchester to pursue his dream. You couldn’t be more proud of him and even flew over to watch his games, but it just wasn’t the same anymore. So when you heard he‘d transfer to Barcelona, the city you moved to years ago, you were so happy to finally be spending more time with him. Then, you were told he had a girlfriend.
Sira, a gorgeous girl and Luis Enrique’s daughter. Your heart sunk once he‘d told you, not because of jealousy, but because you always thought he had feelings for you too. Seemed like you misinterpreted his words and actions when you were a teenager.
For a bit more than a year you gave him and Sira more space, not wanting her to think you were jealous and tried to distract yourself with other guys. You dated one here and there, but your mind never could stop thinking about the boy you knew since you were fourteen.
„I can’t. I think she’s seeing Moha from the Barça B team.“ Ferran explained to Gavi, his hand covering his mouth to avoid lip reading.
„I don’t know him too well but I‘ve never seen him with Y/n. Balde‘s throwing a party next weekend, then you‘ll see if you fucked up or not.“ Gavi snorted but gave his friend an encouraging tap onto his back.
Even though Ferran had been happy while he was together with Sira, his feelings for you came back once she had broken up with him over a year ago. He always had been attracted towards you, having a crush as a teenager which turned into real feelings over the years you were his friend. Sira made him forget those feelings when they were together, but once the relationship started to crumble, he knew you were made to be his. The thought of you seeing Moha made his gut wrench. Sure he was a great guy, but he couldn’t let you go for a second time.
Barça won the game 3:1 with Ferran even scoring a goal. He made his signature celebration, then pointed towards the stands where you sat at. After realizing the goal was dedicated towards you, a shy smile spread across your face.
„Great game Fer!“ You complemented him once you sat in his car and drove you home.
„Thank you, hermosa. Are you busy next Saturday? Balde‘s throwing a birthday party. He told me to bring a plus one.“ Ferran grinned, still on a high from the victory and having you in his passenger seat.
„Sure I‘d love to!“ You agreed with a smile.
Saturday rolled around quickly and throughout the day your thoughts wandered back to what Ferran would like you to wear. Eventually you decided on something comfortable and were just done with getting ready as you heard a car honk outside.
„You look pretty.“ He said as you sat down and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
Throughout the party you felt Ferran‘s eyes on you, leaving you all flustered when he made eye contact from across the room.
Your heart beat faster when you saw him smile or when you felt him put his arm around your shoulder. Ferran wasn’t much different. He wanted to impress you, to leave you wanting him as much as he wanted you. There was for sure jealousy behind it, silently wanting to show off how good you two got along.
All went great until Moha showed up. He immediately spotted you and you two immersed into light conversation, laughing together as he whispered something into your ear. Ferran didn’t think it was funny. After he saw you two so close, laughing, you touching his shoulder, he felt the jealousy build up in his system. Maybe it was also the alcohol he drank, but something about seeing you with Moha just wasn’t right. Especially not how the two of you seemed to be so close.
Gavi came up behind Ferran, immediately knowing what his friend was thinking.
„I swear Ferran if you don’t do something tonight and tell her, she‘ll leave with him.“ He threatened but Ferran knew he was right. He put his cup down after Gavi‘s words and walked up to you, interrupting the conversation you held with the Barça B player.
„Can I talk to you? It’s urgent.“ You sensed something was up. Usually he was talkative and smiled but now he looked distressed and upset, his gaze flickering between you and Moha. Moha awkwardly smiled after greeting Ferran and stepped a bit away to give you more space.
You nodded and gave your friend an appreciative smile, when Ferran took your hand and led you outside. Even though the atmosphere between you two was tense and irritating, your cheeks heated up once his hand grabbed yours.
He sat down on a bench, secluded from the other guests and motioned for you to sit down next to him.
„I can’t pretend anymore Y/n.“ Ferran said, his voice shaking once he turned his head to face you. You became nervous even though you didn’t know what he was saying.
„Pretend what?“ You softly spoke, trying to ease the unsettling tension around you two. Your hand wandered to the back of his neck like it often did before, and played with the short ends of his hair.
„pretend that I don’t love you.“ His word made you stop, his eyes never leaving yours once he said the words.
„I‘ve caught feelings for you when we were fifteen, going on vacation together with our families, sneaking out to the pool, telling each other the most embarrassing stories. I never had the courage to tell you because I was so scared. I was scared you‘d reject me and once I moved to England, I tried to forget you. When Sira broke up with me last year, I realized all I wanted is you. For you to be my girlfriend, not my best friend. It always had been you. Please tell me there’s nothing going on with Moha, and if yes, then I‘ll let you alone, but please think about this. About us.“ Ferran took your hands in his, silently hoping you’d say something, anything. The shocked expression on your face scared him even more, already wanting to apologize for his rambling, thinking he had officially messed things up. But you on the other hand could feel your heart beat out of your chest. The teenage love just confessed his feelings for you, but mixed Moha up for one of your potential lovers.
You couldn’t put your feelings into words, so you just grabbed Ferran by the back of his neck and crushed your lips lovingly against his. He was surprised at first, then immediately kissed you back, holding you by your waist and pulling you towards him. Forehead against forehead, you smiled sweetly at each other, both cheeks flushed from the kiss you just shared.
„I love you Ferran. And I don’t want to let you go too, I want to be with you.“ You whispered, feeling the butterflies in your stomach.
„So there’s nothing going on with Moha?“ He asked rather surprised. You did understand why he would think that, but you guessed it was time to tell him.
„I‘ve spend so much time with him lately because I babysit his little sister. His parents are out of town for a while and he knew I babysit besides university.“ You grinned, gladly clearing up the misunderstanding.
„He came to me tonight to tell me his sister had a crush on my brother. That’s why we laughed so much.“
Ferran‘s eyes went wide once he realized everything was a big misunderstanding, but was even more glad that you always waited for him too.
„Oh.“ Was the only answer he could muster to which you only shook your head.
„Stick to football, you’re still not the smartest.“ You joked but Ferran acted offended.
„Hey!“ He laughed, but was quick enough to lean back in again to kiss you passionately.
„But I was smart enough to make you mine, hermosa.“
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iaeriy · 6 months
nurses office // fermin lopez x ferran torres x reader
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summary: new job new experiences ❦
warnings; spanish sentences translated, threesome, blowjob;oral sex! f&m recieving.
a/n; NOT PROOFREAD YET AGAIN. this was in my mind but it was also for a friend, so so so sorry if this is short! i’m working on two more fics :,(, hope y’all enjoy this! 🎀
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you were currently organizing stuff for your office and the room, barçelona had just hired you as their new medic on their team. sure it was a fun job but sometimes it was a bit difficult, as of right now you finished the room. half the team almost being finished with their training, you saw both fermin and ferran just staring over at you, watching you work the entire time. everybody knew you as the new medic trainer, but both of the boys knew you as their crush. you saw everybody wrapping up the training for the morning session, you looked over and looked at the both boys that somewhat liked you, you obviously knew they both liked you. but the work must come first and for what the president assigned you, you must not be in any sort of relation with the fc players. sure a tiny glance, convo or even a smile didnt mean anything. you pushed that away as you were about to leave, you saw both fermin and ferran playing with the ball, catching it with their head. just as you were leaving you saw both boys bump their head onto each other, you chuckled shaking your head before pedri approached to you as you looked up at him, “oye, fermin y fer necesitan..” (hey, fermin & fer need your assistance..) he said as you cut him off smiling, “ya se..ay voy..” (yea i know.. i’ll be there in a few..) you said smiling before walking to the training site as you walked over to the boys. they were both fighting each other playfully or what so ever. you walked over to them as they were sitting on the benches, as you looked at them.
“que paso?” (what happened?) you said as fermin looked up at you, you smiled before ferran shrugged, “no puedo mirar..” (i cant see..) he said as you looked at him, “y tu?” (and you?) you said as he gulped, “me puedes oír?” (can you hear me?) you said as he shook his head, “poquito? o no?” (a little bit or no?) you said as he said “poquito.” (a little bit) you smiled before you grabbed fermins hand, “vamonos entonces, y tu te quedas, por mientras no mires mucho el sol..” (let’s go then, and you stay here, for now don’t look too much at the sun..) you said smiling as he smiled at you before looking down at your ass. who knew what this boy really thought in his mind, meanwhile fermin followed you to the medic room, you sat fermin down on the small bed as you looked at him. “does it hurt?” you said as he nodded his head, you stood infront of him as your boobs were on his face. literally, your cleavage infront of his face as you put your hand on his forehead. he blushed heavily as you smiled at him before you held your finger up, “okay, follow the line with my finger, vale?” you said as he nodded his head, you moved your finger across as you did so. fermin followed the trace of your finger before he tripped you with his cleat as you fell on him. you blushed heavily as he looked up at you, “i-i’m sorry-“ you said before he grabbed your chin, a small gasp coming out your mouth before he began kissing you. you widened your eyes before kissing back as he slid his hand inside your shirt, you blushed heavily as your cheeks warmed up at the warmth of his touch soothing your skin. small little “mmms” being heard in between the kiss, you cupped his cheeks before he held your waist pushing you down onto his lap. you held onto the back of his neck, you bit down on his lip before ferran was standing by the door, watching you. “so, taking care of us means making out with your patients?” he said crossing his arm as you pulled away startled, shaking your head as you wiped the saliva off your bottom lip. “n-no..y-you were supposed to wait..” you said as he walked over to you, “you sure? or are you flirting with us because you know about the rumors?” he said as you gulped looking up at him, and there it was. he catched you but you couldn’t think at this moment.
“i-i don’t get it..” you said as he pinned you against the wall, you saw fermin smirking shaking his head, “you do.. you just want to play a little dumb with us.” he said as you gulped before he grabbed your chin, before he kissed you as you whimpered. you held onto his cheek as you saw a sneaky fermin closing and locking the door, you slapped ferrans hand as you shook your head. “this i-is.. so wrong..” you murmured as he shook his head, “it’s not, not when you decided to be all over him? right?” he said as you shook your head, “th-that’s not true! what are you saying! you weren’t even here to even begin with!” you said as fermin walked over, your legs shaking as you felt yourself pool in your panties. he pulled you to the bed that was there for the patients, “hmm, what should we do with you now that you decided to mess around.” ferran said as you swallowed nervously, “i thinkk..we should teach her a few manners. don’t you think fer?” ferran said chuckling as fermin nodded his head smirking at you, you whimpered as you rubbed on your thighs before fermin sat on the other bed and ferran sat on the chair. “stand up.” he said as you stood up right away, “you’ll listen to us today and that’s about it, not that complicated right missy?” he said as you nodded your head in agreement, “good girl, now..strip.” he said as your breath hitched, your hands finding the hem of your black long sleeve as you pulled it up above your head before tossing it to the side, your bra still on you before you stretched your arms out going towards your back as you unclipped your bra, letting it fall to the floor as you kicked it to the side. you looked at both boys as you giggled before you pulled down your leggings, your panties were matching with your bra making ferran chuckle as fermin was gazing your body. the moment you tried to pull down your panties ferran stopped you as you looked at him, “come here.” he said as you walked over to him, you stood infront of him as you blushed heavily before he held your hand pushing you down to his lap, you looked at him then fermin. “don’t feel bad, he’s the one that led himself to this.” he said cupping your cheeks as he kissed you, you kissed back giggling as his hands cupped your ass. meanwhile for fermin only a step away from you, he was palming himself to the sight of your body. god who knew what these boys thought about you once you got the job. your fingers tracing onto ferrans biceps as you tugged on his training shirt, “t-take it off..” you murmured quietly as he pulled away from the kiss, connecting a string of saliva before you scooted yourself back, sitting on his inner thighs as you watched him take his shirt off before he pulled you closer against his crotch as he began kissing you yet again. the kiss being very sloppy and needy, ferrans hands groping your boobs as you wrapped your arms around his neck, meanwhile your ass was slightly rubbing against his clothed hardened length. you continued rubbing yourself against the fabric material as you whimpered into his mouth, a loud smack echoed the room as his hand slapped your ass cheek. you pulled away as your cheeks were all red, your lips plumped and your breathing accelerating.
you giggled biting his neck as you removed yourself from his lap before walking to fermin as you hovered above him slapping his hand off his member, he hissed at the sudden slap as you giggled towering over him, “naughty little boy..you know what you got yourself into..” you whispered in his ear as he bit on his lip before you looked at him, your hand touching the tip of his cock, as his length laid against his tummy, your finger slightly drawing a line against it as he moaned at the touch. “needy.. aren’t you?” you said as he rolled his eyes before you sat above his crotch, he winced at the sudden interaction as you kissed him deeply as he kissed back, your hand slowly reaching for his length as you began to stroke him slowly, he whined in between the kiss as you giggled. his hand holding onto your ass-cheek as he whispered, “please..” you giggled shaking your head before you continued stroking him slowly, your hand moving up and down as he watched your hand, his hands fidgeting with the flesh of your ass as he squeezed and slapped your ass once he almost blew himself, suddenly he thrusted his hips up slightly as you giggled watching him fuck himself against the palm of your hand, you pushed his tummy down for him to stop as he whined in between the kiss. suddenly you pushed him down fully as you sat above his crotch, sitting on top of his length. you began to move your hips around him as you moaned in the kiss, fermin began to move your hips slightly as you whined.
you pulled your panties down, winking at ferming before ferran called you over, “y/n. come here.” you heard ferran as you pulled away from the kiss, your thumb brushing over his lip picking up the saliva before you got off the bed walking over to ferran as he was laying on the bed. “get on top..” he said as you moved your knee to the side of his lap, caging his thighs before he chuckled, “come closer..” he said as you shook your head, “what are you..” you said as he looked at you, “get over here now.” he said as you nodded your head before you moved closer, your pussy being infront of his face as you blushed. “this is so w-wrong..” you murmured as he caged your thighs with his hands as you squealed at the grip before he pushed you down, his tongue being in contact with your pussy, you moaned out as you bit down on your lip before he began to suck against your clit, sucking and collecting your wetness as you moaned out again leaning your head back. “f-fuck..” you breathed out. his tongue exploring every little sweet inch of you as he moaned in happiness. you continued to moan out as he slapped your ass cheek, you whined out between your moan as you closed your eyes enjoying the spread of the pleasure consuming your body. your body began to lean forward as ferran gripped onto your thighs, holding onto you tightly not letting go of you. you heard footsteps as you ignored it due to your mind in cloud nine, his tongue bringing you on the edge before you opened your eyes and saw fermin.
you choked on your moan as his cock was infront of you, “r-really..t-this is what..y-you two..planned f-for?” you said moaning as fermin chuckled nodding his head, you grabbed his length stroking him slowly before your tongue laid around his tip, licking the precum that was slightly oozing out as he groaned at the pleasure, your tongue swirling around the blushing red tip, before you pushed your mouth further in as he groaned loudly. you looked up at him as your moans were suddenly muffled by his cock, you began to bobble your head up and down slowly. ferran held onto your hips spanking your ass as you squealed, “ride my face missy.” he murmured as you moaned in response, causing a vibration against fermin as he moaned at the feeling before you began to move your hips against his tongue and precisely his mouth, you moaned uncontrollably as you moved your hips sloppily and messy. your wetness spreading all over his mouth as you gripped onto his hair, you moaned around fermin as your stomach clenched in at the pleasure. your mouth working its way up and down against his member as fermin held onto the back of your head slightly pulling on your hair. “tan hermosa te miras de ayí abajo..” (how gorgeous you look under there..) he said as you giggled choking on your moan before you bobbled your head quickly around him, your hips still grinding against ferrans mouth almost blowing your orgasm.
your hands lowered underneath to ferrans shorts slightly pulling them off before you pulled his cock out, you didn’t know what you were doing but from him groaning beneath you, you knew you were in the right place. your hand began to stroke him as he groaned loudly underneath you, you giggled as he slapped your hand off before he began to palm himself at the sound of your moans and the view of yourself ontop of him. as you continued moving your hips against his mouth as you felt your lower stomach began warming and heating up as you felt yourself near your orgasm, you felt fermin twitch in your mouth before he began thrusting inside your mouth as you gagged around him, your hands running through ferrans hair as you began to tear up from the burning sensation in your throat, your hips still moving against his tongue as you moaned uncontrollably around him, your body almost giving up as you continued to move your hips everytime. “fuuckkkk, i’m going to-“ fermin said as his seed shot up into your throat, you gagged before he pulled himself out your mouth, his cum landing on your face and cheek as you were moaning uncontrollably from being eaten out. you gripped onto ferrans hair tighter as he moaned against your clit, knowing he was close himself. you moaned loudly than you already were, “c-close!” you said as ferran slapped your boob groping it, you choked on your moan as you came down from your high, your hips still moving against his mouth. you moaned at the over sensitivity before you moved off his face, you sat on his torso as you giggled, your ass suddenly touching something sticky as you crawled off his torso. “awww..you cummed all over yourself..” you said as he slapped your head before you licked the cum off his chest as you lowered down to suck the rest of his cum. “go on you’re free to go.” you said giggling as you kissed his cheek before you walked over to fermin squatting down to suck on the rest of his cum as well as you giggled at him grunting at the over sensitivity, you kissed his cheek as he smiled. as both boys changed back into their training kits, you put your pantie & bra back on as you waved at both of them.
“come back whenever you cuties are injured~”
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loviingpedri · 5 months
happy new year - f. torres
prompt: new years with your favorite bae
warning: grammar issues
credits to owners for all images.
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ferran wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. he wanted to see you in all of his years.
“fer! are you ready?” it was currently 10 pm. his legs shaking as he carefully put the ring box in his pocket. he did a deep breath.
“yeah, i’m ready.” you planned to watch fireworks for new year’s. he wanted to turn it into something special. he kissed you on your lips as he fixed your hair.
“you look nice in that hoodie.” he could watch you smile all day. you fixed his hood as he stared at you in awe.
“you’re so pretty. i could tell you that all day.”
“you never fail to remind me. come on, we gotta go.” sparks were going off in your relationship. peak memories were forming everyday. he was anticipating for this.
getting into the car, he made sure to hide the ring carefully. he protected it with his whole soul. he wanted this night to be perfect.
and it was already perfect for you.
you’ve been dreaming to go see a firework show with the love of your life. your younger self would already be screaming how you’re going to be marrying such a talented and caring person. torres was truly perfection.
arriving to the park where multiple couples or friend groups were gathered, it was a beautiful spot he chose. somewhere not too crowded, near the river where the fireworks can also reflect on the waters.
going near the waters which was blocked by fences, you admired how red his nose got from how cold it was. his smile couldn’t warm you up enough though.
it was almost midnight. you couldn’t shake off the feeling of another successful year.
“you ready?” he whispered to you as you stared at the moon. two minutes before midnight and the fireworks were starting.
looking at ferran before getting a reply, he let go of your arm. he seemed to pull something out of his pocket.
your hands were definitely freezing without him holding it. you were confused, until he slowly got down on one knee.
“y/n, make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
people screaming happy new year around you made it hard to hear. but he definitely couldn’t miss when you yelled yes and hugged him immediately. what a great way to start off your year as a fiancée.
finally, you found someone who looked at you like how someone looked at fireworks.
author’s note: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! i am so happy to be a writer on tumblr and have your unconditional support. thank you so much for all of your love. have a great 2024, and safe reads!
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didishawn · 1 year
Can we get one where the reader is riding Ferran and size kink with it <3 Love You ❤️‍🔥
Height difference (Ferran x Reader) smut
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Warnings: smut, mentions of reader being small, Internet people going feral at the size difference between you and your boyfriend, some breeding kink
From the very first moment you met you boyfriend, you took notice of how big he is.
I mean -how could you not? The man is literally double your size, shoulders so broad, taller than the average Spanish men, and let's not talk about his thighs -a true blessing in your opinion, countless times have you found yourself riding them.
Your boyfriend has taken notice too of how little you are next to him, a bit shorter that the average woman. Back when you were just friends, he would do that shit about comparing hand sizes -it made him feral when you did those little comments about his hand enveloping yours. He can carry you everywhere, his little pocket sized girlfriend, and when he fucks you, he moves you however he likes it, as if you truly weighted nothing.
It's not only you two who have noticed the size difference, lots of times have you entered twitter and besides people laughing at your boyfriend's past tweets (author note: read them, they are totally worth it), you have encountered people talking about how sex between you two must be like, you so tiny, he so big, pictures all around about the height difference.
You don't care, how could you? They are totally right, sex with your boyfriend is amazing.
You might be on top, but Ferran is always in control, his hands tight on your waist as he moves you up and down, impaling you on his big cock that reaches so deep inside you.
You are salivating, mumbling thing not even you can understand, body trembling as you are fucked dumb, hands playing with you tits and head pushed back.
"You can take it, can't you, darling?" he tauntingly asks, smirking even if truly he feels so fucking sensitive inside your pretty, little pussy "So fucking brave, taking my cock, so big for you yet here you are, like a champ taking it all"
You whine, mumbling something that he guesses to be affirmations about you being able to take him.
His hips push up into yours, balls hitting your ass, whines louder, your eyes hazed with pleasure as you try to move as best as you can, yet there is no strength on your legs, so you just let him do all the work, one finger teasing your clit, he knows how to work you.
"Gonna take me all, right? Let me fill you up, breed you with my kids, you would like that, wouldn't you? So small, stomach carrying my child, waddling around, letting me bend you over whenever I like and filling you up one time, and another, and another... "
He is moaning too, your walls incredibly tighter, he knows the effect his words have on you.
"Joder, vas a hacer que me corra pronto. Gonna folk you up, my pretty, little doll, so cute for me" (fuck, you are going to make me cum soon)
He sits up, taking full control -even if he has always had it, rutting into you, harsh thrusts and skin slapping and becoming red, you are like a doll, taking him without complain, so dumb, his lips around your nipple, one hand burying on his hair.
He fucks you however he wants, so small it's so easy for him, he takes what he wants, you wouldn't have it any other way.
He fills you up with his cum, makes sure you take it all, before starting again.
Fuck days with Ferran are always long, he takes it how he likes it, enjoying the control you give him as you cry for his cock, promise you can take it even if it's giant for your tiny self, it makes him feral, you make him feral.
One day, he will confirm the rumours, because Ferran Torres sure knows how to pleasure his little girlfriend.
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mehrsdigitaldiary · 9 days
Mehr’s Library ⋆𐙚。⋆🎞️.✧˚
Football Masterlist ˙✧˖°⚽️🥅 ⋆。°
🪩- smut, 🎧- fluff, 🪐- angst
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coming soon <3
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bf! headcannons 🎧,🪩
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domi as boyfriend 🎧
aftercare w domi 🪩,🎧
coming soon <3
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။l‌၊|• 0:10
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jude5bellingham · 3 months
imsg ౨ৎ ferran torres
pairing : ferran torres x f!reader
notes: this is for @lochnoch !!! hope you enjoy 🤍🤍
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httpsdana · 2 months
𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬~𝐀 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐭 𝟏
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summary: Barça players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
next part
Football runs in the family they say. Pedri Gonzalez was one of the new star boys of this generation. No one cares about his family or past, they just acknowledge the present.
A few knew that he had a sister. She called herself 'the forgotten child'. No one knew that she was a barça femeni player. Because simply no one cares about women's football.
The talent she had only bloomed in La Masia. The football dream academy. She was there alongside many other ladies that are well known. Aitana Bonmati and Salma Paralluelo were two of the players she played with when she was younger, but they got the chance to play for the first team before her, which only motivated her to push herself more, now reserving a spot in the starting line up of the women's team.
So there she was now, with the most g/a in Liga F, and the star of her team. Still no one knew her blood relations with the star boy Pedri, as she preferred to have her own name, rather than be hidden in the shadows of her twin.
What she didn't know was that she had some admirers from the men's team. She knew all of the players of course, unlike others she watched men's football and followed the barça men team. She admired the youngsters, got inspired by the experts, and found motivations in players who have seemed to come back from the death. The Shark Ferran Torres.
The number 7 has caught her attention after seeing the change in his mentality from the previous season to the current one. He seemed more stable and determined to prove others wrong, just like she did.
She didn't know that he secretly praised her, and watched her highlights through out the years. He began watching the women's team's matches because of her. He even learned some stuff from her, making him appreciate her even more, without anyone knowing.
No one needed to know that half the reason behind his change of mentality, was a 20 year old lady who played football and inspired him more than anyone else could.
He didn't know she was the twin of his best friend. Which is what causes the twist in their futures.
"y/n you are the star of your team, people knowing about you being my twin now isn't gonna change anything" Pedri said, annoyed by the thoughts his sister had.
"who told you so Pedro? I prefer to stay like this than get more attention for being your sister" she rolled her eyes and flopped on the couch next to Fernando, who seemed unbothered while he watched a movie and ate some popcorn.
"god I wanna know who put these thoughts in your head. I miss going out with you" he let out a sigh, sitting next to her on the couch
y/n shook her head and focused on the movie that was being played.
"how about you meet my best friends? you literally don't have any social skills or friends" he complained making her roll her eyes
"Aita is my friend" she shrugged, knowing this was partially a lie. they were just teammates, not the type to go out on free days
"yeah and Ronaldo is better than Messi. you know she's not your friend" he rolled his eyes
"why are you so bothered anyways?" she asked, stealing some popcorn from Fer, making him hit her hand.
"you may not notice it now, but this will slowly destroy your mental health later on. you should go out and meet some new people. look beyond football and enjoy your free days" Pedri said.
He was slowly getting in her head, and she knew he was right. She let out a sigh and nodded her head.
"I'll think about it. how about I beat your ass in fifa now?" she smirked, making him gasp jokily.
"yeah as if you can do that" he scoffed, turning Fer's movie off to turn his PS5
"hey what the fuck?" Fernando said, making them laugh. Fer shook his head and glanced on his phone before getting up.
"mom texted she needs some help at home, I'm gonna go now" he said, taking his stuff and walking out of Pedri's apartment.
"haha! that's 3-1 to me. you're such a loser" y/n slapped the back of Pedri's head, making him glare at her
"whatever I let you win anyways" he shrugged, making her laugh
they were interrupted by a knock on the door of the apartment. y/n looked at Pedri, who shrugged and got up to open the door.
She turned off the PS5 and put the movie back on, before Pedri walked awkwardly to the room. y/n stood up confused, before someone appeared behind Pedri.
"y/n, this Ferran. Ferran, y/n..my sister"
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gadriezmannsgirl · 3 months
Don't you think this deserves a Ferran's fic of him teasing his girl?
Kitchen Disaster -F.T7
Summary: Your boyfriend has found a new hobby, teasing you non-stop
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"Que va a explotar" (It's going to explode)
"Nada va a explotar" (Nothing is going to explode)
"Tendré que buscar nueva casa" (I'll have to look for a new home)
"Ferran!" You say putting the timer to the oven "Stop saying those things and stop trying to sabotage our dinner!" He laughs and winks at you
"I'll wait for you, preciosa" He said before leaving the kitchen towards the living room. You giggled before grabbing two glasses of lemon juice and bring them over. You laying on top of Ferran as you both watched Encanto
Both of you singing to the songs in the movie and being surprised by every single little fact as if you haven't seen it ever when Ferran stopped signing "What Else Can I Do?"
"Amor" You hum looking at him "Is the time over?" You look at your watch and shake your head
"No why?"
"Smells like burning" He said
"There are fifteen minutes left but still let me go and check" And with that you two stood up to watch the food and when you opened the oven both of you let out curses
"Puta madre"
"Joder!" You quickly get the pan out
"I thought you knew how to cook!"
"Shut up, you know I do!" You complain slightly when you see that the dough you did for your dinner had overflowed from the pan and that the oven was now full of dough.
"Pero..." (But)
"There's no but, I don't know what happened. I have added the same amount as usual!" You cry out watching the dirty oven and thinking of the hard work you had to do to clean it up
"I told you we were fine with just a pizza, preciosa"
"Bueno amor, you were in the mood for a meat filling and I wanted to do it for you" He grabs your hand to pull you into him
"Well, next time, listen to me when I tell you to order food, in that waiting time I can do little things."
"Mira tu" (Look at you) You hit him with the kitchen towel while he was laughing at you.
"The good thing about this is that I'll see you in a maid's outfit while you clean everything. Maybe something else will come out of it" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down as you laughed.
"In your life you will"
"Señorita, señorita, traiga la crema por favor, es hora de mi masaje" (Miss, miss; bring the cream please, it's time for my massage)
"Idiot, shut up" He laughed while you sighed knowing that your destiny was already written, maybe not with the maid outfit as your boyfriend of 1 year and a half wanted, but you did have to clean the whole oven again.
"Am I still cooking?" You asked looking at the dough that was left in the pan.
"Definitely not, I'm placing the order"
"Fer" You call him out as he looks at you. "Do you think…?"
"I'm not going to clean that up, honey"
"Come on Fer, I need you to help me remove the grease"
"You need me but not necessarily to clean up" He smirks
"Are you horny? I'm serious!"
"Look I think you should stop this" He made gestures for the dough. "Let me order the pizza and don't try this anymore… Or at least not without supervision"
"But I do know how to cook!"
"That's what Gusteau says, right?"
"Come on, I think you've put something on the side or you've overdone it with something… Yeast, maybe?"
"Amor," you complain. "I really don't know what happened, I've done it as usual, it's just that I wanted to make a very nice gesture to you. You always please me and-" He cut you off.
"And nothing. That you please me too, very much, more than I need. I know you wanted to make me a meal that I wanted and I thank you, it's the thought that counts. I appreciate it very much. But it's not necessary, maybe today is not the day to eat a meat filling, it doesn't matter. Don't be sad there will be plenty of time to be able to make that roll up that I know will be delicious for you."
"You're not mad?" he shook his head smiling as he kissed your forehead.
"Of course not, love. Accidents happen and it's just a little dough that can be removed with soap and degreaser" He placed a hand on your chin to make you look at him and gave you a soft kiss on the lips "Next time, I'll call my mom so you can do it together."
"No es muy divertido" (That's not very funny)
"Well, it's just that anyone can't cook, some people are terrible at it, Gusteau must change that, don't you see Pedri? fua, he almost burned his kitchen. Anyway, we don't want that to happen here. I'll be right back, you want it familiar with bacon and anchovies, right?" He winked at you
"I hate you sometimes, Torres" You sighed with a smile at his teasing "And yes, double cheese too"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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xxtaneria · 5 months
cookies °*✦ ferran torres
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summary: y/n teaches ferran how to bake.
you and ferran have been in a relationship for 3 months now, and his looks can be deceiving.
you might think that ferran is that aggressive, dominant, type of guy. He is, but most of the time, he really is a big, cute, soft ass dude.
whenever you make cookies, ferran goes crazy over them.
he just loves them, a bit too much.
he constantly plays football so, he always comes home in a tired mess. and you always surround him with cuddles so he wouldn't have too.
you were chilling on your bed, when you hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen. you get out of bed and put on your favorite pair of slippers and rushed out the room, down the stairs.
When you got to kitchen, you were not suprised.
Yeah I caught yo ass red handed in that cookie jar
you sighed when you found the valencian eating your cookies, straight from the jar, again.
"really ferran? again? you know you gotta ask me first." you sighed, with a small chuckle at the end, but yet still disappointed.
"sorry amor.. you know i can't resist the cookies. they give me life, third to football." he replied, taking one more cookie and putting the jar back in the cabinet.
you looked at him one more time, before smiling again and walking up to him, giving a small kiss on cheek.
"if you want cookies, you need to learn on how to make them yourself." you told him, leaning on his chest.
"how do I do that?" the valencian questioned you, sounding confused.
"you don't know how to bake?"
"no amor." he replied, giving a small kiss on your neck.
"Well, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
it was the next day, you were going to teach your football player boyfriend how to bake.
you wore an oversized beige t-shirt, with a pair of sweatpants, with your hair in a messy ponytail.
ferran got the day off, so you were pretty much good to go. you didn't worry, because you had all the necessary ingredients to make the cookies.
you were sitting in the kitchen, and ferran came inside, wearing a black t-shirt, with navy blue shorts, and wearing shark slippers.
the moment you saw him, you pulled him in and gave him an apron. you too put one on, and you stared at the materials.
"Well fer, we've got some baking to do." pulling the bowl near him, and your boyfriend stared, observing on how to make them.
"Alright amor, I'm watching." he responded, still watching you make the cookies.
he wanted to help, and it ended up getting messy, but you successfully made the heart-shaped cookies.
you were eating the cookies you made, and they tasted amazing.
"so, now you know how to make them cookies now?" you asked ferran, still eating the cookies.
"yes i do. I promise i won't your cookies again." He replied, eating one last cookie.
"promise." he told you pulling you into a hug, and kissing you softly.
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leviscolwill · 5 months
i know i'm annoying, and i deeply apologise for that. but you have no idea how happy it'd make me if you wrote for ferran. I KNOW, i am a mad woman, i am aware..
i would die for this prompt
dialogue 9 : "are you wearing chapstick?"
i love you
cherry flavoured conversations ★
pairing: childhood bsf!ferran x reader
note: my lovely zowa, this is my first time writing for ferran, it’s quite short but i hope you’ll still like it. i love u so very much xx
now playing cherry flavoured by the neighbourhood…
winter holidays at the torres’ family house were always fun. you got to spend two entire weeks with your best friend and both your families, and your only concern was whether you should go ice skating, sledging, or just spend the day by the fireplace watching movies.
on the other hand, this time of the year was the hardest for you to hide your ever-growing feelings for your best friend. it was becoming increasingly harder to pretend you didn't feel anything past friendship while he was by your side pretty much 24/7.
it was one of those chilly nights, and you were having dinner with your families. ferran immediately got up when arantxa asked you to bring dessert to the table. his gentleman manners taking over, even though you clearly didn't need any help with the task.
ferran noticed you were significantly quieter than usual during dinner, lost in your own thoughts. your feelings were eating you alive, his smile, the sparkle in his eyes whenever he was talking to you only made your thoughts grow louder, and the irrevocable need to grab his shoulders and scream ‘can’t you see how much you mean to me?’ was only getting stronger.
his hand met yours before you could grab the plate, your eyes instinctively met his, filled with worry. “what did i do wrong y/n?”
ferran’s eyes didn't leave yours for a second, desperately searching for an answer in them. his hand was still on yours, his thumb drawing small circles on your skin.
“you didn't do anything wrong, i’m just feeling down tonight. please don’t worry fer.” from the look he gave you, you could tell he knew there was something else going on, but he didn't add a word.
when his eyes finally left yours, you let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding, and noticed his eyes focused somewhere else; the ceiling.
ferran’s gaze fell back on you. he let go of your hand to point at where he was staring, right above the two of you.
mistletoe. you could tell it had been taped to the ceiling not so long ago, and you already had an idea of who was behind this idea. and what a cruel idea that was, what if ferran just outwardly expressed his disgust at the mere thought of kissing you? you didn't know if you’d be able to hold back the tears if it happened.
his hand tilted your chin up to make your eyes meet once again. his face was dangerously close to yours, so close you could count every beauty mark, every freckle on the face you adored.
“we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” his voice was soft, almost whisper-like. if you were to kiss, which ferran really wanted, he wished to share this moment with you and not with both your families eavesdropping on you like they always did around you.
unable to find the words to answer him, you stood on your tiptoes to close the gap between your lips. softly at first, afraid he would vanish into thin air like when you’d wake up from another vivid dream with him as the main character.
but none of that happened. ferran’s grip on your jaw only got tighter. yet his touch was still loving, just enough strength to show his yearning for you. when you finally pulled back from his enticing hold, ferran had a puzzled look on his face.
“are you wearing chapstick? it tastes like…” ferran licked his lips, trying to guess the flavour of your chapstick still lingering on his own lips.
he took the opportunity to kiss you again, lips meeting yours once again in a quick peck. “raspberry?”
you shake your head, faking a disappointed expression on your face. “cherry, close enough though.”
“can i get another cherry kiss before going back?” this unexpected chain of events almost made you forget what you were here for in the first place. you grabbed the plate, before kissing the corner of ferran's mouth. which brought a frown on his face, before remembering he’ll get other opportunities to get a better taste of your chapstick later.
when you both stepped back to the dining room, arantxa looked at you both with a knowing look before winking at you, not trying to hide her implication in the mysterious case of the mistletoe. while your parents were still in a deep conversation. unaware of the moment you just shared, the heat rushing on your face and ferran’s beet-red ears.
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vscabarca · 2 months
could u do something really angsty with ferran torres
the Ibiza incident - Ferran Torres
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summary: Ferran cheats on you during vacation, but tries to fix the mess he made.
genre: angst
warnings: cheating, swearing
a/n: anon you made it really hard to write something angsty about ferran lol, I just see him as fluff in person.
Your throat grew tight, your eyes started watering. This couldn’t be true.
You just came home from work, absolutely exhausted, wanting to relax in your shared home when your friend, Lucia, send you a TikTok link.
Not knowing what you were about to see, you opened the link, putting your feet onto the coffee table in the meantime.
It was a video recorded by a random girl, showing a guy a few feet away heavily making out with another woman. At first you didn’t understand why your friend would send you this, not until you looked at the hashtags. #ferrantorres #eltiburon #cheater #y/nandferran
Your heart stopped. Could this man really be your boyfriend of four years? Like hypnotized you rewatched the video about ten times until you finally spotted the tattoo on his upper arm. It really was your boyfriend, sticking his tongue into another girl’s mouth.
Ferran had told you he would go to Ibiza with a few of his friends, just enjoying his freetime. He had actually asked you to tag along, but due to work you couldn’t come with him. You trused him, you always had. There was never a time where you didn’t trust him, your relationship seemed to be healthy until now.
You felt sick, your head was spinning and tears were flowing freely.
"I‘m so sorry, I‘m already on my way.“ Your friend texted. You just laid there on the couch, head in your hands while you sobbed uncontrollably. You didn’t even realize your friend entered the shared apartment, not until she engulfed you in her arms.
„I thought he loved me.“ You sobbed, clinging onto Lucia’s sweater.
„I‘m so sorry Y/n, I don’t know why he would do something like that.“
That night ended in a blurr, you were so tired from all the crying that you just passed out on the couch.
The next morning came crashing down and you woke up to numerous texts and phone calls from Ferran.
„Baby answer me please“
„I know it looks bad but I can explain“
„I love you“
„please don’t ignore me baby“
7 missed calls by fer💕
„I‘m coming home today“
„we can talk things through“
The tears were already welling up in your eyes. How could someone who swore their love for you, who bought you a promise ring, who you experienced every firsts with, just throw all away for some minutes of pleasure? Lucia came with a cup of coffee and helped you calm down again.
„He doesn’t deserve you, you’re too good for him.“
You just sniffled but agreed with what she said.
„How about you spend some time at my place? I‘ll prepare everything and you pack some stuff to take with you, then I‘ll pick you up again.“ She suggested. Lucia really was a lifesaver, you didn’t know what you would’ve done without her.
You broke down again in the bedroom while putting some clothes into a small luggage. All those moments spent here, were it intimate nights, early morning cuddles or just napping together, it felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest once again.
The pictures of you two on the wall didn’t make it any better. Your fingers traced over a selfie of you and Ferran. It had been the night where he asked you to move in with him and of course you said yes.
The door of the bedroom suddenly was pushed open and a distressed Ferran stood in the doorway, the travelbag thrown onto the floor.
„Baby what are you doing?! I can explain.“ He stumbled towards you, but you only backed up, the tears flowing freely again. Was he really thinking you would forget what he had done?
„What the fuck do you think I‘m doing?! Why Ferran? I thought it was going well between us.“ You sobbed, clothes clutched tightly in your hand.
„I‘m so sorry, I messed up. She means nothing to me I swear. I love you.“ He tried to come closer but you just pushed him away.
„Who is she?“ At least knowing the truth would be nice.
„Just a random girl from instagram, she texted me to meet up and it just happened but-”
„How long? How long had this been going on?“ You interrupted, not believing any of this was really happening right now.
„Three weeks, but it only happened once in Ibiza, then I realized what a mistake I‘ve made.“ Only three weeks.
You didn’t listen to any of his bullshit but brushed past him, not really knowing where to go.
„Baby I swear I‘m so sorry.“ He chased after you, trying to grab your wrist to stop you from walking away.
„Don’t fucking touch me. You‘ve been cheating on me for three weeks, texting random girls. Did you sleep with her too?“ If he would answer yes, it would’ve been over for good, no „let me explain“ and „I only love you“ shit.
„I took her back to our house, yes“
You felt like you were about to faint, starting to cry once again. With an impulsive decision you slapped him across the cheek. It didn’t seem to hurt much, but he still couldn’t bare to look at you.
„We‘re over. You’re a fucking asshole and don’t try to apologize if you don’t mean it, otherwise you wouldn’t have cheated.“
You looked at him one last time, pulling off the ring he gifted you and placed it on the kitchen counter. You grabbed your luggage and walked through the door one last time that day.
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leclercloml · 5 months
Bunny? It's MIFFY | FT7
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Pairing: Ferran Torres x french!reader
Summary: in which ferran's girlfriend is obsessed with the miffy plushie.
Genre: SMAU
Warninga: grammar mistakes probably, google translated spanish & french
Author's note: this one is made specially for @zowanew the og miffy girl, ilysm and i hope you like it 🤍 (most of the pics contains Sira Martinez and I know she's not french but for the fic let's pretend she is)
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liked by ferrantorres, pablogavi, mikkykiemeny and 234,638 others
yourinstagram the love of my life and Ferran 🐰🤍
view comments
ferrantorres WOW, thank you??
⤷yourinstagram you're welcome.
⤷username lmfao 😭
ferrantorres did I just got replaced my a literal stuff toy?
⤷yourinstagram stuff toy? STUFF TOY??! her name's MIFFY.
⤷ferrantorres stuff toy.
⤷yourinstagram blocked.
⤷username Ferran ilysm but don't you dare call miffy a stuff toy ever again.
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username she liked 😭😭
mikkykiemeny my girl 🤍
⤷yourinstagram ILY !!!
⤷username the IT wags.
username they're so cute tho 😭🩷
ferrantorres I love you ❤️
⤷yourinstagram I love you too I guess.
⤷ferrantorres you guess?!!
⤷pedri 😂🫵🏻
⤷username LMAO 😭😭
pablogavi i could use that as a punching bag.
⤷ferrantorres please do, you're doing everyone a favour
⤷yourinstagram DON'T YOU DARE GAVIRA.
⤷username that's something gavi would definitely do.
username okay but can we talk about how cute these two are?? No?? Anyone??
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liked by yourinstagram, pedri, pablogavi and 2,629,729 others
ferrantorres Mi novia 🩷
view comments
yourinstagram he won a banana for me cause there was no game which winning prize was miffy 😔☝🏻
⤷ferrantorres be grateful?!
⤷yourinstagram I AM.
⤷username y/n would choose miffy over Ferran anyday
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username she liked the comments lmfao, poor Ferran.
pedri why was I not invited?
⤷ferrantorres as if you don't thirdwheel us 6/7 times a week.
⤷pedri exactly. It should be 7/7
⤷yourinstagram no. give us a break.
⤷pedri R U D E.
⤷pablogavi it's ok bro, we both can hangout 🫂
⤷pedri i would rather chew on a glass.
⤷username HELPP
⤷username golden retriever gavi x black cat pedri>>>
⤷username my man was tired of driving him to training everyday 😭
username okay but the 2nd slide, I might kms.
⤷username ikr they both are WAY TOO adorable
username can someone kiss me? with a gun? down on my throat?
⤷username ayo chill 💀
username still can't believe how Ferran bagged her.
⤷mikkykiemeny me too.
⤷username mikkyyyy lmaoo 😭😭
username everyday i open Instagram, saw these fuckers on my feed, wonder when it'll be me, cry myself to sleep, and then repeat.
⤷username us moment 🫂
yourinstagram added to story 10 mins ago
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caption: Ma vie 🩷 (my life)
view replies
ferrantorres thought that was that rabbit but okay te amo ❤️
⤷yourinstagram for the last time ferran torres garcia it's MIFFY.
⤷ferrantorres rabbit.
⤷yourinstagram sleep at Pedri's today.
⤷ferrantorres I'M JOKING.
mikkykiemeny can't believe I got replaced by a basic white boy 😔.
⤷yourinstagram OFCOURSE NOT, you're my no.1
⤷mikkykiemeny I better be
pedri why was I not invited again.
⤷yourinstagram can you shut the fuck up?
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look what I just found
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Ferran mfing Torres!!!!
You better bring one of em home
One? Nah.
Je t'aime tellement!!! (I love you so much)
Come home as soon as you can.
I love you too!!!
On my way
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liked by ferrantorres, mikkykiemeny, sophiawebber and 2,638,920 others
yourinstagram the gift giver vs the gifts, Je t'aime 😭🩷
view comments
ferrantorres te amo ❤️
⤷yourinstagram je t'aime aussi ❤️(i love you too)
⤷pedri ew.
⤷yourinstagram go away hater.
ferrantorres the gift giver>>>
⤷yourinstagram get over yourself
⤷pablogavi fr fr and give pedri back
⤷ferrantorres no.
⤷pablo kys.
⤷username I'm dying lmaaaooo
username cuties 😭🫶🏻
username i would die for them but that's just me tho.
⤷username me too girl me too
mikkykiemeny I'm better than both
⤷yourinstagram ofcourse you are wifey 🤭💍
⤷frenkiedejong no.
⤷ferrantorres no.
⤷username the real couple is actually mikky and y/n, Ferran and Frenkie are the side chicks here.
username I want what they have.
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Grace's note: this one was quite fun, I hope you like it @zowanew and Ferran literally loves you.
146 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 9 months
Wrong first impression, Part 2 (Ferran Torres x Reader)
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**I wrote part 1, which you can find here, a while ago and a few people asked me to either write more for Ferran in general or to do a part 2. Well, both things will happen 😅 but part 2 comes first. I actually adore this little story, so I hope you all like it too ❤️**
Word count: 4182
A month has passed since Ferran and I met in Valencia. I started to follow him on Instagram and sent him a DM like he asked. And we've texted ever since but…it's just weird. First, he was on holiday and then left for pre-season. And I've been so busy getting ready for the next competitions I'll be a part of that the excitement of our first meetings sort of fizzled out. Until now.
My brother Jorge and I are currently at the train station waiting to go to Barcelona for a small competition. It's below my level but I'm still recovering from my injury so baby steps.
"What are you waiting for?"
"You're staring at your phone. Are you waiting for a call or something?"
"No, just checking the time".
I'm not waiting for a call but for a text. A text back from Ferran after I told him I'm going to Barcelona. This is what he wanted, right? To meet in Barcelona. To go on a date. Hard to forget when someone like him mentions that word. But now…he doesn't answer back.
Of course, it's been a month. He's been to so many different places, probably promising so many other girls to take them on dates. And they all probably were stupid enough to think they were special like I did.
"I'm going to grab a coffee. Want one?"
"Decaf, please".
I get up to go get our coffees, leaving my phone behind so I keep some of my dignity intact. Me, glued to my phone to see if a guy texts me? Pathetic.
"It's 5.70, please", tells me the barista and I frown.
"Is there some promotion? I think you're charging me less than you should".
He laughs and shakes his head. "I appreciate the honesty but no, no promo. Just me wanting to gift the muffin to a pretty girl".
I blush slightly. "Thank you".
I give him the money, not pointing out the muffin is actually for my brother, and then go back to meet Jorge.
"I got us a free muffin".
"By being pretty, apparently".
"Is that all you can get?"
"Maybe I'm not pretty enough to also get free coffee. I'll brush my hair next time".
He laughs, picking up my coffee instead of his and he shushes me when I complain. "Look", he says, showing me what's underneath the sleeve, "his phone number".
I snort. "Appreciate the effort but I'm not interested".
"Right. Too busy hooking up with Ferran Torres?"
I almost choke on my coffee, which I also spill on my dress. My, thankfully, navy blue dress. The stain won't be that obvious.
"Where is that coming from?"
"Your phone kept getting notifications and I took a little peek because I just did. I'm not going to look for excuses. And I saw Ferran was writing about how happy he was that you were going to be in Barcelona".
He did? "It's not like that".
"Sure, baby sis. Sure".
I'm itching to pick my phone up to read the texts but won't give Jorge the satisfaction.
"Can I have a bite of your muffin? It's technically mine after all".
"Sure", he tells me, bringing the muffin closer to my face. "I'm sure Ferran will also let you take a bite if you ask nicely".
Now I choke on the muffin, getting little crumbs everywhere.
"Stop it!"
"But it's so funny. And also my revenge for not telling me".
"There's nothing to tell".
Jorge gets a tissue and offers it to me.
"Nothing? I left you on the beach with him for 20 minutes and now you text about meeting in Barcelona. When did you even get his phone number?"
"We met the next day by coincidence and he asked me to tell him my number so we could chat. That's it".
"To chat about what? Your favourite beaches in Valencia?"
Well, we actually have chatted about that too. But I won't tell Jorge that. "Just to chat".
"Just not before the competition, ok?"
"You're not making sense. What about before the competition?"
"No sex. Save the energy for competing and then do whatever you want".
I glare at him, thankful I wasn't eating or drinking anything this time.
And then, finally, our train is here. Jorge always buys tickets for us to sit where the tables are so he can do some work on the way to our destination. And that's a perfect moment to check my phone.
[Me]: so I'm actually going to Barcelona. Very last minute but I'll be competing there.
[Me]: just thought I'd mention. Are you in Barcelona at the moment?
I know he is in Barcelona but I try to be a bit subtle at least.
[Ferran]: I am! When will you get here?
[Ferran]: Will your brother travel with you? Be honest. Is he still mad at me?
[Ferran]: we're playing the Gamper on Wednesday. Wanna come?
[Ferran]: actually so happy you're finally visiting Barcelona 😉
Not the winky face. I feel like hiding under the table. My brother definitely saw that emoji.
[Me]: we're on the train now on our way there. And no, he's not mad at you 😅
[Me]: is the Gamper our date?
The moment I press send, I regret it. We've been bantering. And we've definitely been flirting. But we haven't mentioned the "date" again. Now I'll sound desperate. Great.
[Ferran]: I prefer taking you out for dinner or something but if that's what you want 🤷
I bite my lip, looking up to see Jorge is still busy responding to emails or whatever it is he does on his laptop.
[Me]: we could do both? Match and then dinner? Unless you already have plans.
[Ferran]: I just cancelled them.
I can't help the giggle that comes out of me reading that and Jorge stares at me for a few seconds.
"Tell me you're not sexting".
"Oh my God".
My first day in Barcelona is spent training…and texting with Ferran. My second day in Barcelona is spent training…and texting with Ferran. On my third day, it's finally time to compete.
"You got this", tells me Jorge. And I'm not so sure.
But I go out anyway and manage to get 3rd place in the first category. That helps with my confidence and I slowly forget the injury and keep improving. Until I get the results necessary to qualify for the next tournament.
"You were great".
"Thanks. That felt good".
"I bet. What's the plan for today? Do you want to go celebrate somewhere?"
I still didn't tell my brother about my date with Ferran but seeing his face, there might be no need.
"Meeting him today then?"
"He invited me to the match. You can come too".
"I don't want to third wheel my sister".
"It's not like that…", it would totally be like that.
But Jorge just picks up my bag and puts his arm around my shoulders while we walk out of the building.
"Just be careful".
"I always am".
"And remind him he'll have to go back to Valencia at some point. He can't hide forever if he messes up".
I roll my eyes, but I appreciate his concern.
Back at the hotel, I wash my hair again and get ready for the match. I know we'll sort of go on a date after the match but I don't want to wear anything too fancy to a match. So I end up picking some jean shorts that are high-waisted and make my figure look great. And I pair them with a nice pink blouse.
I don't know what to do with my hair but it's pretty hot and humid so a ponytail is probably a good idea. Just to get the hair away from my face. A face that I can't do much with because my makeup knowledge ends at putting on some mascara trying not to poke my eye out and putting some lipstick on.
"This will do", I tell myself while looking in the mirror and I finish the look by spraying some perfume on.
I mean, the first time Ferran saw me I was wearing gym clothes and sweating while working out so…this is a huge improvement.
I went to a match at the Camp Nou once but that's not where today's match will be played. We have to go to Montjuïc and when I get there everyone is complaining about how to get to the stadium. I opt for the escalators and keep looking around at the nice views. It also helps me avoid overthinking what will happen next.
Ferran told me what gate to go to because they'll have my name on a list. The only time that happens to me is when I go to a competition. This feels way fancier. And weirder.
The guy who I have to talk to looks at my ID, then at the list, then back to the ID and then back at me.
"Are you family?"
"No, a friend".
He looks at me with a sceptical look when I say the word friend but gives me a piece of paper with my name on it and points at the area I should go to.
I like football. I really do. Do I enjoy seeing a friendly between Barça and Tottenham? Maybe not so much. But in the second half, Ferran finally plays some minutes so I at least get to see him. It brings back memories of when he played in Mestalla. We had so many hopes for him. But he's here now and, same as during preseason, he's here to score goals.
After a nice little comeback, Barça win the match and I make my way to where I think I'll meet Ferran. He wasn't that clear with his explanation because he hasn't been here before either. So we can only hope he actually finds me.
Even though we've seen each other in person before, and we've been chatting for a while, it's odd to now be face to face again. For both of us. It's not just me being a shy mess.
"Hi. Congrats on the goal".
"Thank you. Did you enjoy the match?"
"Sure. Better than most of Valencia's matches last season", I try to joke.
"Yeah. So…what did you want to do now? I didn't really have time to book a table anywhere nice. But I've got options".
"Tell me the options then".
"It's just two", he laughs. "We could go to my place and order food. Or go get some street food and just walk around the city. I remember you mentioning you liked doing that".
I did mention it. "Option B sounds good".
"Cool. Let's go to my car. And then I can drive you to your hotel or wherever you want to go".
I chuckle. "Let's see how the night goes".
Barcelona has always been one of my favourite cities but walking around it at night truly is something else.
"I'm not sure this is the best food to eat after we've both competed today but…".
"No one needs to know. I won't tell Xavi if you don't tell my brother".
"I'm definitely not telling your brother, he's scary".
My brother is anything but scary. But Ferran doesn't know him.
"Oh", I say, stopping to look at a drinks stand.
"They have horchata".
"You don't like it? They'll kick you out of Valencia if they find out".
"I love it. But it's never good outside of Valencia".
"That's not true".
I look at Ferran offended by his lack of knowledge. "I dare you to try it, then".
"Ok", he shrugs and we go buy a cup of the famous drink adored by us Valencians.
Ferran looks more sceptical every second. He looks at the liquid on the cup, smells it and then finally takes a little sip.
"It's alright".
"Take another sip then".
"I'm not thirsty".
"Admit it's bad".
"It isn't great…", he concedes. "Wanna try?"
Curiosity killed the cat and might give me a stomachache now but I try it anyway. "God! That's worse than I expected".
"I know".
"I need something to get rid of this taste in my mouth".
"I have an idea".
I have to give it to him. He isn't just inspired on the pitch but out of it too. It was a brilliant idea to kiss me.
"I might need a bit more help".
Our kisses only make me even more hyper-aware of the people around us. I’m a nobody but he plays for Barça and the national team.
"Everyone is looking at us because of you. This is so weird".
"They're looking at you, not me".
"How do you know?"
"Because I can tell and because when people look at me, they either ask for a photo or tell me how shit I am. They are looking at you".
"Why? Do I have something in my face?"
And he didn't think about telling me before? "What is it? Where? Help me clean it. I have tissues…".
"I can't. It's this thing called being really pretty. It’s permanent".
I smack him on the chest but he only laughs at his joke. I don't feel like laughing as much, remembering what he said.
"Does that really happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"People telling you to your face that you aren't good".
"I was exaggerating a bit…", he says, but looks away, which gives me the answer to my question.
"I was going to say you'll prove them wrong soon but you already kind of are doing that…little shark".
"My self-esteem would appreciate it if you removed the little from the nickname".
"You need a few more goals, preferably against Madrid, for me to do that".
"Challenge accepted".
The more time passes, the more I think this night couldn't be more perfect. Gone is the initial awkwardness. Being with Ferran is so…easy.
I even forget to check my phone but when I pick it up to take a photo, I notice some texts from Jorge.
"My brother wants to know if you kidnapped me".
"I did. And no amount of money will convince me to give you back to him".
"I can outrun you, Torres".
"You can't", he says, stepping in front of me so I can't keep walking. "But…what were you thinking about doing now? I could drive you back to the hotel. Or you could come with me".
"What a kind kidnapper you are. Giving me options".
"That's me. So…which one do you choose?"
"Well, since you've been so kind, I guess I should stay with you".
"Perfect choice".
Life as an athlete is too complicated for serious relationships. That's why my life lately has been one-night stand after one-night stand. Easy, non-commitment fun. And this will be the same. Even if this time I don't want it to be the same. But I wasn't born yesterday. I know how football players are. Even those as nice as Ferran. He got what he wanted and now he'll move on. And so will I.
"I thought you had left", he says, joining me in his kitchen.
"I wanted some water".
Ferran comes closer so he can hug me and place his chin on my shoulder. I turn to look at him and see his eyes are closed. Well, this doesn't help me face the reality of the situation.
"I should leave soon".
"Me too. I can drive you to the hotel before going to train. What's your plan for today?"
"I have to do a recovery session".
"Really? After just 10 minutes? And you didn't even do that much".
"I scored a goal…", he says. But his frown turns into a curious look when he sees I'm trying not to laugh.
"I didn't mean your performance on the pitch", I manage to say before I burst out laughing. "Sorry, I had to".
"Did you?", he asks, pretending to be all serious before he starts to tickle me.
When my stomach starts to hurt from laughing so much, I beg for him to stop and he does.
"Can we see each other today at some point then?"
I'm still a little breathless when I answer. "Maybe tonight? We leave tomorrow morning".
"Already", he says more to himself. "Ok, let's meet tonight. I could try and find us a nice place to go to by using the I play for Barça card but I rather stay home and order. Your choice, though".
"I like the staying-in plan".
Not much later, we're on our way to my hotel. And this weird feeling I have only keeps getting worse.
"Here we are. I'll see you later, ok? I can pick you up around 7 if that's ok".
I nod. "Sounds good".
Then I try to leave the car but Ferran grabs my arm and I sit back down.
"You're not going to say goodbye to me?"
"I was going to when I got out of the car…".
"Too far away for a proper goodbye".
"I don't…".
"I meant a kiss".
I laugh nervously before leaning down to kiss him. Yeah, that feeling is getting worse and worse …and worse.
Not even five minutes after I get back to the hotel, Jorge is already knocking on my door.
"Had fun then?"
"You don't look so sure", and here comes the overprotective brother. "Everything ok?"
"Yes. I'm meeting Ferran again later".
"There's no but".
"There is. Tell me".
I sigh, sitting down next to my brother. "But then we leave and I won't see him again".
"Says who? Did he tell you he didn't want to see you again?"
"No", not only did he not do that, he sent me signals that told me he wanted the complete opposite of not seeing me again. "But I don't live here, we are both busy…".
"We don't live that far away. Just don't write this off before it's over. You're always too much of an extremist".
Jorge isn't wrong but I feel like this is different and I have a reason to feel the way I do.
Thankfully, training allows me to distract myself from any thoughts about Ferran. There is time to do that while I get ready to see him again.
"Too cute, too cute, too sexy, too cute…".
Jorge is going through my outfits, helping me pick one. I didn't ask for his opinion but he's here to give the opinion anyway.
"How is this dress too sexy?"
"Too short".
"You do realise he's already seen it all, right?"
"La la la la la laaaa", he says, pretending not to listen.
"You're the one who wants me to see him after this. Don't be dramatic".
"You're still my little sister. I'm aware of what happened but don't need to know more or think about it".
"You were joking about it a couple of days ago!"
"It's ok to joke before it happens. Not after".
"You're so weird".
"Must be a family thing".
I shake my head, picking a dress from the too cute pile and putting it on. And while Jorge is helping me do my hair, and only causing a mess, I get a text from Ferran saying he's waiting for me outside.
"Gotta go!"
"Be safe!"
I roll my eyes and get inside the lift, where I try to fix my hair as much as I can after all the experiments Jorge tried.
Ferran is waiting outside the car and grabs me by the waist to bring me closer and kiss me.
"You look really cute".
I laugh and can see his confusion right away. "Inside joke with my brother. You wouldn't get it".
"Ok …let's go home then".
Even though I thought it was impossible, tonight is even better than the previous night. Because we know each other better and a part of me starts to think Jorge might have a point. But the reality will hit me in the face so better to stay realistic.
That's why sleeping is so hard. For me, anyway. Ferran is sleeping like a baby. But I keep staring at him and then at the ceiling. Trying to think. But I still haven't reached a good conclusion when I finally fall asleep.
In the morning, it's him that wakes up before I do. And then he wakes me up in the most glorious way possible. I feel the kisses on the back of my neck while I start to leave dreamland. And two strong arms hold me closer to him at the same time.
"How about you never leave?"
I can feel the heat in my face at his words. And also the way my stomach almost hurts because I know the answer to that request.
"I can't. I need to be at the train station soon".
"I know", he whines, falling back in the bed and allowing me to take a final peek at him. It'll be a nice memory to have.
The sooner I leave, the better. That's my reasoning. So I start to get dressed quickly.
"Do you know if you'll come to Barcelona again soon?"
"Will you be in Valencia? I need to visit my family soon…".
"Ferran, what are you doing?"
He's still lying down in bed, hands behind his head. "Asking when I'll see you again".
"Why? I mean…this is it, right? We finally saw each other, we slept together, we move on".
"Is that what you want?"
What I want? He almost looks hurt when he says it.
I finish putting on my shoes and gathering my messy hair in a ponytail before I turn to face him again.
"I assumed it would be what you want".
"Me? Have I ever made you feel like that?"
"No, but…".
"So you were letting your wrong assumptions about me get in the way again? I thought we were passed that moment when I made the bad first impression or whatever".
"We are but …we don't live in the same place. And we have to travel for our careers and…".
"And if you want to find excuses, I'm sure you'll find plenty".
"You don't get it".
"I do. And I get your worries but wouldn't it be worth it to at least try?"
Would it? Probably. But I'm not brave enough for this.
"Not right now".
He nods. "I'll make you change your mind".
And with that promise, I leave.
Ferran didn't lie when he said he would try to change my mind. And he seems to have help from my brother.
When we go to Rome to compete, I find a bouquet of flowers back at the hotel. When I get back to Valencia, it so happens to be the same week Ferran travels there to visit family and we spend some time together again. By the end of his time there he asks me if it's the right time then and I say that not yet.
But that never giving up mentality everyone praises about this new him isn't just reserved for the pitch.
"You are in Granada", he says when I answer his call.
"I'll be there on Tuesday".
"Why? Do you have days off?"
"No. A few players got injured and I'm joining the national team. We're playing there and you're coming to see me".
I laugh at his confidence. "Says who? What if you play at the same time I'm competing? I'm not here on holiday?"
"I asked Jorge and you are both free to come see me play".
What? "No way you convinced him to go to a football match!"
"I did. And I have an idea".
"What kind of idea?"
"If I score a goal, you'll give this, us, a chance".
"Ok, make it two. I score two goals, you stop this nonsense and finally do what you really want to do".
How easy will it be for him to score two goals? It's Cyprus but still…he might not even play. But he's in such good form…and who am I kidding? I'm hoping he scores those two goals. And more.
"One down", laughs Jorge after Ferran scores his first goal against Cyprus. It didn't take him long. "It's like he's extra motivated, you know".
"Are you going to date him or something?"
"Baby sis, I wish. But the sibling he likes is you".
I shake my head and keep watching the match. Whenever Ferran gets closer to the goal, I can feel my heart beating faster. And whenever I don't see the ball hit the back of the net, I feel disappointed.
And then…
"Goal!", screams Jorge and I just stare at the players celebrating as if not knowing what to do. But when Jorge sits down next to me, he can see how big I'm smiling.
When the referee signals the end of the match, I stand up and turn to see if Jorge is following me. He isn’t but he winks at me when he sees me looking.
“Go see your man”.
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didishawn · 1 year
Sex therapy is what works the best (Pedri x Reader x Ferran)
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Warnings: Ferran is not dating Sira, Pedri thinks a good fuck is what his friend needs to get back to his top level, smut, Pedri watches his best friend fuck his girlfriend, sorry not sorry Ferran is hot, mentions of the internet asking for Ferran's head because of his recent performance on the club, lots of Spanish
Ferran is disappointed in himself, another bad match and half of the Internet beating him down, asking for his departure from the team. His psychologist says its all in his head, that once he gets mentally better everything else will do too. He can't help but doubt it, he thinks he is bad, he won't get out of this one, and like the memes say, he will do better to start learning, Chinese or Japanese because he most likely will end up playing there.
He is a shell of himself seating in one of the corners of the changing room as his teammates celebrate the victory when he feels to taps on his shoulder, Pedri sits next to him, watching him with sorrow, the midfielder feels sorry for his friend.
"Venga, que no pasa nada, ya lo harás mejor en el próximo partido" he tries to cheer him up, but the other shakes his head. (come on, it's nothing, you will do better on the next match)
"Dudo que Xavi me vuelva a sacar tras el desastre de hoy" (I doubt Xavi will have me on the field again after today's disaster)
"Que va, ya verás que si, chacho. Todo está en tu cabeza, una vez te olvides de lo que dicen los gilipollas de Twitter, todo irá mejor" (no way, you will see, man. Everything is in your head, once you forget what those assholes in Twitter say, everything will be better)
Ferran has his face buried on his hands, hiding his dreadful expression from his friend "¿Y que pasa si no está todo dentro de mi cabeza? Capaz es que simplemente doy asco. Llevo ya meses en el psicólogo, hago un partido bueno, y luego todo vuelve a lo de siempre" (and what if it's not all inside my head? Maybe I simply suck. I have been at the psychologist for months, I do a good match, then everything goes back to the same as alway)
His friend is quiet for a second, before saying "Creo tengo una idea para sacarte de la mala racha" (I think I have an idea to get you out from the losing streak)
"Tú estás mal de la cabeza" Ferran tells him once they are on his friend's car after dropping off Gavi, the other shakes his head. (you are sick in the head)
"Que va, tú hazme caso. Lo que te falta a ti es una buena follada para liberar estrés" (no way, you pay attention to what I say. What you need is a good fuck to release stress)
"¿Una buena follada con tu novia?" he asks, unbelieving, Ferran is sure Pedri is on weed or something. (a good fuck with your girlfriend?)
"¿Por qué no?" (why not?)
"¿Y que pasa si ella no quiere?" (and what if she doesn't want to?)
"Lo hará. Si escucharas las cosas que dice sobre ti no tendrías dudas. Que si estás cachondisimo que si no se que" (she will. If you heard the stuff she says about you, you would have no doubts. That you are so hot, and more that I can't remember)
The two boys arrive to the house you share with Pedri and Fer, though the midfielder knows his brother to be out with some chick. They hear your low humming and feel the delicious smell of whatever you are cooking. You are distracted when they see you, dressed in Barça's shirt after having to miss the match to study, it's big on you and hides the shorts that Ferran guesses you are wearing. You dance around the kitchen to the sound of Quevedo and Pedri has a giant smile on his face as he watches while Ferran struggles to keep his eyes from your ass. You were indeed only wearing panties under the blue and red shirt.
"¿Te la pasas bien?" (having fun?)
You spin around on record time and are on your boyfriend's arm as soon as you recognise his voice, lips meeting his as you congratulate him on their win, you get off him and also embrace Ferran in a not-so-tight hug and give him your congratulations too.
"¿Tienes hambre, Ferran? Hice suficiente comida para todos" (are you hungry, Ferran? I made enough food for everyone)
"Tiene hambre, pero no de tu comida" (he is hungry, but not for your food)
Ferran hits his friend to shut him up as he laughs, you give them a confused look but choose to ignore your boyfriend's idiotic comments.
It is not until you three are sat eating dinner, when Pedri's plan reaches your ears and you understand everything.
That is how you end up like this, on all fours as Ferran pounds into you from the back, Pedri is sat on a corner watching everything while pumping his dick.
It's impossible for you to contain your moans, your boyfriend's best friends dick reaching incredibly deep inside you, almost kissing your cervix as he brings you in closer by the strong grip on your waist.
"¿Qué tal te vas sintiendo, Ferran? Ella parece que bien" your boyfriend comments, watchful gaze on your forms, how your head is buried by Ferran's hand into the pillow, but not even that can quiet the angelic noises coming from you. (how are you doing, Ferran? She seems to be having fun)
"No entiendo como la dejas sola ni un momento, con lo puto apretada que está, parece que estoy en el cielo" (I don't understand how you even leave her alone for a second, with how fucking tight she is, it feels like I am in heaven)
"Una buena folladita por la mañana y por la tarde y vas tirando. Después de los partidos fuera, hay que recuperar" (a good fuck on the morning and afternoon. After away matches you make up for it)
Pedri's grip on his own dick tightens too, but his hand doesn't compare to the real thing as he watches Ferran abandone your insides, spin you around, your eyes on each other and mouths meeting, your leg on the boy's shoulder, making you let out a scream when he again slams into you. From Pedri's position, he can see your eyes filling up with pleasure tears, your nails bury into his friend's back, surely leaving marks that won't go away on the next few days. Ferran's lips meet you neck, sucking on it, he too wants to leave a mark, Pedri doesn't mind, one hickey doesn't even compare to what he always leaves on you.
You watch Ferran through your teary eyes, you are in a haze, can't really manage to think straight at all. You look down, watching as his cock slams repeatedly into you, how his abs clench, as do his thick thighs that you have always drooled about -all with Pedri's permission. He reaches down again to make out with you, his chain moving as violently as his hips do, the cool metal buries into your chest as he lets go of your leg, his big hands on your ass picking you up and seating you on those thighs you love so much, still pounding into you as hard in that position while also helping you ride him, moving you as if you were a ragdoll as your moans get louder and hold into his strong shoulders.
You eyes meet Pedri's, he winks at you and you clench when you see his cum all over his strong stomach and thighs, still pumping his dick in a slower matter, Ferran groans at your tighter self, the sound getting you closer to the edge until you finally let yourself go, making everything wetter than it already is.
You can feel Ferran's balls clenching under you as he trembles, he too is close, you reach down and massage them, that makes it for him. He gives you the last few thrusts, stronger than any before and cums deep inside you, you are glad you are in birth control. He trembles as you hop off his dick, your hands massaging his chest up and down to help him come down from the extasis of his orgasm, he was ashamed to confess it had been a while since the last time he had one from another person and not his hand.
"Ayúdala a limpiarse, ¿no?" Ferran nods with gone eyes, his thighs still tremble, yet not as hard as yours, he struggles to stand up, Pedri stops him "Con la lengua Ferran, así es mejor" (help her clean herself, no? With your tongue Ferran, it's better that way)
The boy nods, strong hands gripping into your thighs, keeping you in place as his tongue licks from you hole to your clit, lips wrapping and sucking on it as you can't help but move around. One arm wraps around your waist, the other leads his fingers into your hole, pushing in whatever cum has come out, pumping once or twice, you are so sensitive that you cum again in no time. Ferran separates as you push his head away from your clit, he places a kiss on your cheek and falls down next to you.
Pedri stands up, and walks towards you two "Descansen qué ahora me toca a mi follar y tú por la boca" (rest that's it's now my turn to fuck and yours in her mouth)
That night is a long one, your bed is a bit small for the three of you, but you make it work. The next morning there are promises to repeat the experience, no bad performance from Ferran needed as an excuse, but now know that if the bad performance continues, Ferran will for surely attend this therapy asides from the one with his psychologist.
Needless to say, maybe Pedri was right about the whole thing, as the next match Ferran starts in, he leaves the field with a goal and an assistance on his back, the whole Internet praising him as the hypocrites they all are.
That night, the three of you celebrate, the therapy will for sure continue.
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mehrsdigitaldiary · 18 days
navigation ⋆⭒˚.⋆
⋆.˚ i’m open to writing fluff, angst, smau’s and smut
⋆.˚ i’ll write fics and blurbs both
⋆.˚ who i will write for-
⋆⭒˚.⋆ formula 1- lando norris, oscar piastri, charles leclerc, carlos sainz, max verstappen, daniel ricciardo, pierre gasly, logan sargeant
⋆⭒˚.⋆ football- pablo gavi, pedri, ferran torres, fermin lopez, hector fort, marc guiu, joao felix, dominik szoboszlai, trent alexander- arnold
⋆.˚ y’all are more than welcome to request any other player or driver but these are the ones i’ll mainly write for
⋆.˚ please don’t repost my work anywhere without permission <33
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။၊|• 0:10
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withoutanaestheticc · 5 months
I can't believe I have to make a post about plagiarism
I write for @thirstyandbeautiful
At the beginning of December, an anon reached out to me with a link to @jkeey4-main / @jkeey4 's page to warn me that she was literally copy and pasting from my fics to pass as her own.
I reached out and kindly requested that she remove all trace of my work from her own. I did not ask her to delete the fics, just edit them so they weren't word for word my own. I was beyond patient and gave her over a month to correct her work and come up with her own original scenes and dialogue, etc. I wrongfully assumed that if I showed a bit of grace, this problem would fix itself.
But it didn't.
This is just one pair of screenshots that were taken yesterday after she told me she'd edited everything and there was no trace of my work left on her page:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Since she refuses to fix her page, I've decided to broadcast it: If you're reading any fics from this page, I guarantee you that it's been copied and pasted from this F1 page.
Don't plagiarize and steal someone's work. If you need to copy and paste someone else's work to pass as your own, you're not a writer and shouldn't claim to be one.
edit: if you want to see more examples of her stealing my work, look at the notes of this post.
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