#fear of you
sleepwalkersqueen · 2 months
Healthy Birb >:3
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He's very kitten shaped ur honor
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kurokotori · 9 months
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Update: Added some closeup shots for ya'll :D They are DONE >:D and I made it though alive muahahah! I was able to get some background practice in too! Noice! Junto and Shinyo Takami belong to @sleepwalkersqueen!
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liloublack-lupin · 14 days
(N.) fear or being or falling in love
( regulus black & Sirius before they met James and Remus )
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turtleinsoup · 4 months
oh wow
If I had a nickle for everytime I wrote a story that has:
Two criminally smart but codependent mutant brothers (who have a strong rivaly) escape being child soldiers and end up fighting each other in the name of saving each other
Young children eating raw animals
Your pre-redemption-arc father throwing you off a roof, later bonding with you and feeling deep shame over his actions
Your family member kidnapping you & giving you panic attacks by bringing in thrid parties who may or may not want to dissect you
Your family member drugging your favorite drink
Your family member dying for your sake, being revived by a scary scientist and moving on to become the head of a criminal group in order to protect you
I'd have two nickles
(Tbh I'm just obsessed with platonic love. I want to make a Fear of You & Lemonade Leak crossover so badly xD
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(art by Kino & cinnamonbloom)
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takami-flock · 8 months
Best dad
(There is one DILF between them and it’s not Enji)
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artedegwen · 10 months
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i give a rarepair sketch i had stored in my files months ago MiruShin (Miruko x Shinyo Takami) Shinyo Takami OC (@/SleepwalkersKid )
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wentasch · 6 months
Happy belated Halloween, I guess
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Shinyo trying on a Wukong costume for Halloween •~•
Shinyo Takami is a character by @sleepwalkersqueen
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roo-brr · 4 months
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I keep forgetting to post them on here! (Unintentional Takami-Flock discord server exclusive lmao)
BUT HERE IS WOLF, JUNTO, AND SHINYO !!! AS PICMIX GIFS !!!! Please do look carefully at all the silly texts, especially Shinyos, I think some of them are very fitting 😌😌😌
Juntos picmix is purposely cannibal themed :)
Characters are from: "Fear of You" on Ao3 by @sleepwalkersqueen :>
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ralburry · 1 year
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FoY has single-handedly brought my mha obsession back with this dilf 😭
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kazylynn · 11 months
This ya client?
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All art credit goes to said attorney. I just did a crappy edit with a chicken I found on the internet.
Shinyo belongs to @sleepwalkersqueen . If you haven't read Fear of You, go check it out right now. It's amazing.
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tabbyhoney · 3 months
Inspired by "Fear of you" written by @sleepwalkersqueen
Note: Hello! I am very new to all of this posting stuff on tumblr so I hope this will be received atleast okay. But considering how nice most people are here I think it is safe in a way(atleast I hope so). And my first little story is a fanfiction for a fanfiction. Since I still have an absolute brainrot from the story "Fear of you" from @sleepwalkersqueen and it kinda kicked me out of my writersblock that I had for... Like 5 years? So yeah that is hopefully ending now.
Disclaimer: mentions of torture, english is not my first language, mention of mutilating, mention of psychological abuse
Summary: Howashi Amayas first thoughts while meeting with Takami Shinyo back in Tartarus for the very first time.
The moment I walked into the tiny cell my breath stopped and it felt like it may never return again. Leaving my lungs hollow just like my heart felt since forever.
Not because the whites from the walls and ceiling that looked clearer than the clouds in the sky, with the harsh lights from the room that burned my eyes. It wasn't the smell of something rotting away aswell. Or even how tense the room felt when I stepped into it, a pair of eyes glaring at me.
It was the colour of the sun going down in the horizon. The sky that turned this golden orange making everything feel peaceful and free. The sun that held this ruby colour one could sink into. Like the most beautiful reddest strawberry one could eat.
A red richer than a rose but just as many thorns.
Sharp eyes that looked way too clear for being forced to stay here in the most high security prison in the world, Tartarus.
If it weren't for the eyebags forming under his eyes I would have thought he might aswell just be a doll, too perfect and pretty for a human.
His golden hair that looked a little too sticky to be clean still hold something so beautiful it reminded me of the fukuroda falls.
And yet all this thinking about how good he looks made this scene even more absurd.
The silvery metal that covered half of his face, like a biting dog that needed a muzzle. His hands tightly held by heavy chains. Strapped onto some weird chair that doesn't let you sit but instead forced you to stand. No comfort in being a prisoner.
The beautiful red that was behind his back were pierced with metal rods and more chains. I could smell the never ending blood that came out of the pierced parts of the rods. How rotten it smelled, like a bird at the side of the road that was hit one too many times with a car.
A caged bird. A caged dangerous bird that for some reason made the most dangerous villain in this facilty look like they are weaker than this kicked chicken. They were stronger than him.
Takami Shinyo, imprisoned for theft and taunting a hero on duty. Multiple tax evasions, smuggling and so much more I can't remember.On his file was written he killed people but that was never able to be proven, for now.
Since he was captured by the No. 2 hero Endeavour he behaved god right awful. He only ever gives snarky comments and made the most hilarious awful bird puns. He fighted off any guard at any given moment and he even bit someones finger off that later was never found and so the poor lad lost it forever. He refused to eat and drink properly resulting in having to force feed him, that also explained why he bit off the finger, the guards lost their humanity just like all the prisoners afterall.
But even if he would have behaved any better I can't even blame him. Being tortured and having to endure the panic of mock executions surely messes with ones head even if he did that since day one.
Now I even had to start questioning why I am here in the first place, why I agreed to be here.
Perhaps deep down it was because Endeavour has been trying really hard to get one of the people involved with Takami-San out of this floor and I felt pity. Him trying to find someone that would be a better person for the position in his eyes. Resulting in him interviewing the entire facilty staff before he saw me walking around at the higher floors and ultimately decided I was good enough, atleast in his words and with the few words we shared with each other. Even though I was not a guard but a therapist but that seemed to make him even more sure. Laughing and telling me how much of a lost course he is, still finding it a good opportunity to break his soul more, what a cruel hero.
And now here I was standing, staring at the chained man that I only saw once at another time. Flying in the sky like a free bird. Not caring what anyone might think about a mutant using their powers they have since birth. How admirable.
If I could go back to that moment, before everything else started to go down hill. How he escaped the highest security prison to ever exist and how he tortured Imawamashi maybe while escaping, what a man. I wouldn't go back.
Maybe I would allow him this freedom he deserves, because if I know one thing for sure that is that Shinyo is not a bad person, maybe a bad human sure but not bad.
But to relive this very moment? Me staring at him with wide eyes and the most professional phrase one could say to their new patient.
"You're so gorgeous"
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sleepwalkersqueen · 2 years
When you start to see them everywhere
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About to be escorted out of the aivary <3
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kurokotori · 7 months
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Father and son. @sleepwalkersqueen, is this the netflix adaptation of FoY?
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littlelilett · 8 months
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drew a quick doodle of Nitsuki Takami from “Fear of You” by @sleepwalkersqueen!!
(i hope i did her justice :,D)
if you haven’t already please check out the fic! it’s still one of my favourites till this day
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leiko000 · 2 years
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It’s been a little over a year so I decided to do a redraw of the first drawing of Shinyo I ever posted!
Based on chapter 6 of Fear of you
Shinyo Takami belongs to @sleepwalkersqueen
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takami-flock · 8 months
Oops just remembered to post this here XD
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