#family business
rinoa2530 · 1 day
One prevailing theme around Purcon was how the fandom support each other and we are a ‘family.’ It was mentioned several times by the actors in panels.
Whilst I’ve met some lovely people in this fandom, who have been nothing but amazingly kind since the news of my father’s admission to the ICU in a critical condition, I’ve also met those who take some kind of pleasure in tearing down others they don’t like, or who get experiences they wanted.
I was bullied and ostracised 7 months ago, all because somebody was jealous of something I did. That person then made up anonymous messages, linking it to a tweet I made (that wasn’t related to them) to make it look like I was the aggressor when I was actually innocent.
Since then, I have been stalked and harassed by somebody in the fandom on Twitter. Quote tweeting a number of my posts. Even those which allude to my trauma at the possibility of losing my dad.
This is the dark side of the fandom that we conveniently forget about and make it a hard place to be sometimes.
I do believe that 99% of the supernatural fans are incredibly supportive. But that 1% taint the whole experience especially for me, a person who is still being stalked and harassed when I just want to spread joy in my writing.
Anyway, I hope those people learn to grow up and start to bring something positive to this fandom. I will get off my soapbox now and leave you with my favourite Destiel hug.
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thefandomlifechoseme · 2 months
me, when Jonny Sims appears in any piece of media he's been part of: oh hey. what's Jonny Sims doing in this piece of media I started consuming solely because Jonny Sims was in it.
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birdmans · 5 months
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gollancz · 7 months
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Happy Paperback Publication Day to @jonnywaistcoat and FAMILY BUSINESS!
DEATH. IT’S A DIRTY BUSINESS. When Diya Burman’s best friend Angie dies, it feels like her own life is falling apart. Wanting a fresh start, she joins Slough & Sons – a family firm that cleans up after the recently deceased. Old love letters. Porcelain dolls. Broken trinkets. Clearing away the remnants of other people’s lives, Diya begins to see things. Horrible things. Things that get harder and harder to write off as merely her grieving imagination. All is not as it seems with the Slough family. Why won’t they speak about their own recent loss? And who is the strange man that keeps turning up at their jobs? If Diya’s not careful, she might just end up getting buried under the family tree. . .
'A triumph, thriving on relatable fears, hyper-realistic dirty homes, and understandable grief' - Fantasy Hive
'It completely blew me away' - FanFi Addict
'Don't read by yourself in a strange hotel room if you want to come out psychologically unscathed' - Me, specifically, learning lessons the hard way so that other people don't have to.
If you want a book that will:
Make you twitch at strange shapes outside the windows as the nights get darker
Break you in the smallest ways with the simplest observations of the meaning of humanity and love
Give you new and exciting things to be scared of that actually, on reflection, had probably always been lurking in the depths of your psyche just waiting to be called up
FAMILY BUSINESS is the book you want to grab.
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Jonny: writes the most fucked up horror shit
Queer and neurodivergent people: well that’s awfully relatable innit
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amelie-isnt-french · 3 months
"Jonny 'I don't write happy endings' Sims" this, "Jonny sits in his castle of screams and tortures characters" that - every story that man has put out into the universe is three raccoons called Hope, Humanity and Love wrapped up in a trenchcoat of horror and his writing gives me hope that us humans aren't completely doomed maybe.
Try to change my mind, but you can't!
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Started playing Slay the Princess
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walmartnoodle · 8 months
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some low-effort Jon and Gerry sketches bc I listened to mag111 again and their dynamic is so fun
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pratchettquotes · 5 months
"Just a minute," said Lobsang. "Who are you? Time has stopped, the world is given over to...fairy tales and monsters, and there's a schoolteacher running around?"
"Best kind of person to have," said Susan. "We don't like silliness. Anyway, I told you...I've inherited certain talents."
"Like living outside time?"
"That's one of them."
"It's a weird talent for a schoolteacher!"
"Good for grading papers, though," said Susan, calmly.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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ligercat · 2 months
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eonian-nightmare · 7 months
Jonny sims either names his characters the most basic ass names he can think of, or names them as if they are newly out gen z enbies renaming themselves after inanimate Objects or vague philosophical concepts
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Everything is happening so much
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It’s heartbreaking how many times in season 3 Jon casually mentions how he is looking for ways to prove that Gerard Keay faked his death in 2014. It’s so clear that he’s become attached to this chaotic good hot goth vigilante who burns Leitners and helps people touched by the Fears because it’s the right thing to do.
It almost looks like Jon addresses the reality of Gerry’s death less and less (not quite denial, but close) the more he learns about Gerard, and all the good he’s done. It hurts him to face the fact that this ally is gone forever. And when he finally meets him via the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead, he agrees to burn Gerry’s page, despite it being the one, real loophole to Keay’s death that he’s been looking for all along. He’s finally found proof that Gerry’s death wasn’t permanent, but because he chooses to do right by him, he respects Gerry’s decision to finalize his passing.
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restlesschilled · 1 year
Just learned people think Jonny is heterosexual and HAHAHHAHAAH
…..but no seriously him and Sasha have confirmed in the past they are both Bi
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lauramoon1987 · 4 months
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Old work, a Supernatural Digital portrait From S1
Little baby Brothers!
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look-a-diversion · 6 months
Jonny Sims really said “yeah eldritch monsters are scary and punching them is satisfying but it’s grief and isolation that will kill you and love that will save you”
and he was so right
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