#fainting whump
spinzolliii · 2 months
There’s something about a whumpee just sitting down. Not fainting, necessarily. Maybe they’re just about to faint, and they quietly just kneel on the ground at a time and place that doesn’t make sense. They don’t even have the capacity or willingness to articulate why they need to abruptly stop and sit. Maybe they’re catatonic while the others look at them.
Maybe a caretaker can see the dull, vacant look in their eyes and immediately senses that something is seriously wrong. Maybe the fainting comes just a few moments later.
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 5 months
Don't you just love it when stoic/hardworking whumpees pretend that everything's fine when they're sick because they don't want to let go of the facade they've created for themselves... only to wake up on the floor surrounded by the very people they didn't want to worry, having just passed out from the very high fever they're running?
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the-baby-storyteller · 9 months
That little look a character gives right before they collapse.
Having been slowly getting more and more unfocused, people talking around them but them not noticing. How could they notice when it was taking all their energy just to stay upright?
The world getting more and more hazy. Their breaths becoming rougher and more labored, struggling harder every time they inhale.
Someone calls their name and their head jolts up. They make eye contact for just a moment. Their gaze tells it all.
Sweaty faced, glassy eyed, lips slightly apart in an attempt to please breathe. The lost, helpless look they give betrays every weakness, every struggle going on inside them. Their eyes keen towards whoever they make eye contact with, begging to be saved.
And then they faint.
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cpt-winters · 22 days
*That Hidden Injury Trope*
Leader forced the grimace off his face, expression neutral as he pressed his hand to his side, head kept down as he opened the door.
Of course, Teammate was still there, arms crossed and eyes glued to him.
"What do you want? I'm tired." He sighed, brushing past the other.
"I want to know that you're okay."
Leader momentarily paused, pursing his lips as he kept a steady pressure on his side. "I don't need this right now. I'm fine."
"Come on boss," Teammate pleaded, taking the silence as their queue to push. "The whole team's worried about you. You won't even look at us! And you've- you've barely said a word since-"
"Since I got Youngest killed?" Leader finished for them, slow to swallow the lump in his throat. "There's nothing to say."
"...What?" Teammate's voice was little more than a whisper. "How can you even say that? It wasn't your fault!"
Leader shook his head, gritting his teeth as he fought the urge to say something.
"You did everything you could. Everything."
"Yeah, well it wasn't enough!" he finally snapped, a wince swift to escape him as he turned too quickly.
Teammate stilled, immediate words dying in their throat as their eyes fell on Leader's hand still cradling his side. "Are you.. are you hurt?" they started, voice torn between outrage and concern.
"It's nothing." Leader took a half-step back, the stumble doing nothing to further his point. "Just leave it." The blurring figure closing the distance paid no heed to his instruction, a cold hand lifting his damp shirt before he could swat it away.
"Leader-! What th....-ell?"
Leader's brows furrowed, Teammate's voice muffled as they pulled back red-coated fingers. He lifted his gaze to the other, their mouth moving, but no noise reaching his ears.
"Jus.. drop it," he insisted, vaguely aware of the hands shooting towards him as the ground rushed to greet him.
2/3 (Part One, Part Three)
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syncope-syndrome · 9 months
Prompts For When You Need A Whumpee To Fall Like A Sack Of Bricks
For when a slow and steady loss of consciousness doesn't quite cut it (but that's still good, don't get me wrong).
whumpee's still running on adrenaline when they bump into caretaker, nothing but smiles until they catch onto caretaker's horrified expression. they follow their gaze until they see the familiar stain of blood against their shirt. their shock drains the adrenaline from them, and before caretaker's even able to take a step forward their knees have buckled.
a sudden wound — a gunshot, a stabbing — and the pain lancing through them white-hot and agonizing. they're still processing what's happened to them, gaping like a fish out of water when they feel the ground slam into the side of their head. they're not sure when they fell, but every pulse pours out more red and reminds them over and over of why.
a caretaker running themselves ragged with just how many people are hurt or in need of them, unable to take a moment's rest for themselves. their vision starts to swim when they stand up but they ignore it, because it's not that bad yet and others have it worse. they're doing an excellent job pushing through, until they're suddenly not. their vision wavers a little stronger this time, and then into black, barely able to get out a surprised "oh" before they're on the ground.
bending down to grab something and not hearing the approach of someone from behind them. one moment, they're sifting through papers, a drawer, a cabinet — the next, there's a burst of horrible pain at the back of their skull and a deep, sudden darkness.
trying to climb out of bed after a broken fever — common sense tells them to stay in bed but they want a bath so badly. their body trembles the moment they move to stand, and they're barely upright for more than a few seconds before their weakened legs fold and they collapse in a pile of exhausted, aching limbs.
doing nothing, thinking of nothing until there's a bright surge of light and heat, white bleeding into black, so abrupt that it's not until they wake again that they even comprehend that anything happened to them.
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whumpprentice · 3 months
A character vomiting or collapsing in the middle of a heated argument and those around them only then realizing just how sick they are >>>>>
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
Merry Whumpmas 2023 Day 18: Fainting
TW: fainting
Caretaker eyed Whumpee worriedly as they smacked into the table for the fifth time that day. They’d been clumsier than usual, their complexion more pale, and every so often, they’d press their hand to their forehead in sudden pain. But when Caretaker asked them if they were alright, Whumpee only smiled and shook their head as if nothing was wrong.
But Caretaker knew Whumpee too well.
“Why the hell do you keep following me around?” Whumpee finally demanded. Caretaker had just carried a laundry basket into the living room, where they were sitting and reading.
Caretaker glanced up at them innocently. “Following you around?”
“Literally every time I change rooms, there you are, doing something or other in the same room! Even if I go to the bathroom, you’re waiting outside. What’s your deal?”
Dropping the laundry basket onto the ground, Caretaker plopped onto the couch and pulled out a gray shirt. “Can a simple ‘I’m worried about you’ suffice?”
“I told you: I’m fine!” Whumpee snapped. “I don’t need you fussing over me like a mother hen!”
“Are you sure…?” Caretaker questioned as they finished folding the gray shirt and set it aside. “Because you’ve been acting off all day….”
Anger and annoyance flashed on Whumpee’s face. “Fine! You know what, I have been feeling off!” They jumped to their feet, their book shoved aside. “And it’s nothing, because I’m just tired. That’s all! There, are you ha—”
A strange look crossed their face, and they staggered, hands thrown out for balance. “I…” they mumbled, eyes rollling up in their head, “I…”
Caretaker jumped up, the pair of jeans forgotten, and sprinted to them as their knees buckled underneath their weight. They barely managed to catch Whumpee before their head slammed into the hard edge of their chair.
Caretaker carefully lowered them to the ground, trying not to panic. Sure, they’d been worried about Whumpee’s health, but they hadn’t expected anything like this! Thankfully, Whumpee was still breathing, and after a few clumsy attempts, Caretaker managed to find their pulse.
Releasing a long, slow breath, Caretaker rocked back on their heels. They couldn’t think of anything else they’d need to do for someone who’d fainted, but then again, they'd never been in this situation before now. Probably best to wait until Whumpee woke up.
If they woke up.
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whiteboywhump · 1 year
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Love Anarchy (E8) || The Rookie (S3E11/12)
GZSZ (E5202) || Alphateam (S2E19)
Tot, kto ne spit (2017-2019) || The Gates (S1E4)
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Random whumpy fainting stuff
From a person who passes out almost daily from dehydration and POTS
Fainting can be dramatic (eyes rolling back, falling to the floor, etc), but it can also be subtle sometimes. Even standing up, your whumpee could just sway in place a bit, eyes going unfocused and dilated. Maybe those around them grow concerned as they realize whumpee is unresponsive, before moving to touch them, shake their shoulder, and watching with horror as whumpee tips over and slumps to the floor.
When your whumpee is coming to, there’s often a few seconds where they are aware of and can understand everything around them, but are unable to move or talk. Just laying there, maybe mumbling something quietly or waving a hand at most, body still coming back online.
Whumpee catching themself passing out, deliberately breathing slow and deep in an attempt to not faint, even as they slowly feel their thoughts leaving them. The darkness fuzzing in on the corners of their vision and masking their surroundings, and the last, frustrated thought of “well, shit” as they sink to the ground, breathing exercises having failed them.
Alternatively, there can also be a few seconds after (before??) coming to when your whumpee isn’t cognizant of what is happening, but it appears like they are. They may sit up, even respond to a basic question, and then blink awake, completely disoriented at already being upright and moving.
Everyone around them freaking out, disorienting whumpee even further as they wake up to the concerned voices and roaming hands and prodding and questions. Whumpee attempting to brush everyone off, appease everyone, to just get away as they maybe stagger to their feet or curl into a ball.
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spinzolliii · 3 months
A whumpee prematurely returning to their duties and attending a meeting/class/training session/whatever. They’re clearly falling apart in silence, and they quietly excuse themselves halfway through. One of their friends finds them bleeding/vomiting/unconscious in the bathroom much later.
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 2 months
Hi how are you I'd like to request a writing piece in which whumpee passes out right in front of caretaker plzzz
Team Leader's speaking, but Caretaker's eyes are focused on Whumpee instead- the way they're stood, shifting uncomfortably on their feet, complexion far paler than it ought to be. They aren't doing well. It's painfully obvious.
Caretaker should have said something sooner. They should have pulled Team Leader aside before this whole meeting started, before the whole team was gathered as an audience for Whumpee's slow descent in health. They should have-
Whumpee shifts on their feet again, except this time a shaking hand comes up to swipe at the perspiration gathering on their forehead. Somehow, they've grown even paler in the last few seconds. They blink quickly, evidently trying to shake the uneasy sensation within them, but it doesn't appear to do much at all.
"Whumpee, are you listening?" Team Leader's voice suddenly grows sterner, their explanation interrupted.
Whumpee blinks again. Sniffs. Clears their throat. "I- yes... sorry, Team Leader."
"Thank you. Now, as I was saying..."
Caretaker directs a sympathetic glance towards Whumpee, hoping perhaps they'll finally own up to their own indisposition and excuse themselves. Or at least understand that somebody out there is looking out for them, and knows they're not feeling great.
Whumpee doesn't acknowledge the look, though. In fact, they're not acknowledging anything anymore. A slight glaze has entered their eyes, and they feebly reach out towards a nearby surface for support. Nobody notices except Caretaker. Nobody's even looking at them other than Caretaker.
When Whumpee takes a deep breath, blinking quickly for the third or fourth time, it doesn't take a genius to know what's about to happen. Caretaker at last moves from their position, hurrying forward just as Whumpee's eyes roll back in their head and everything goes limp. The exclamations of concern and shock from the others barely even register to them as they lower whumpee to the ground, already fumbling to undo the tightly buttoned collar soaked through with sweat.
"It's alright, Whumpee. It's okay. You're alright."
From somewhere in the background, Team Leader is swearing. "Shit. I had no idea. I didn't- I didn't think-"
Caretaker can't help the way their brow furrows with frustration as they gently roll Whumpee onto their side.
Of course. Nobody ever thinks when it comes to Whumpee.
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
Got any whumps for a workaholic?
I may have some ideas… 🤔
Not getting any sleep either cause they’re busy doing work or they’re too stressed to sleep
Lack of sleep=bags under the eyes, easily confused, headaches, etc.
They either forget to eat or are so anxious about work they don’t feel hungry
Lack of food=chills, lightheadedness, shakiness, potential for fainting, etc.
Shaky hands could mean slip-ups such as spilling coffee, accidentally cutting or burning themself in a lab, and so on
When someone is overworked they don’t operate at peak capacity, so they could end up making a mistake that costs lives (eg. Doctor mixing up patient charts), which results in hella guilt
Workaholic emerging from their workspace after being cooped up for a long time and squinting into the sun, shielding their eyes
Not keeping up with hygiene
Chugging coffee or energy drinks until they’re jittery and yet can still hardly keep their eyes open
Caretaker(s) trying to convince them to take care of themself and get some rest, to no avail
Maybe eventually caretaker(s) has to intervene by force, drag the workaholic away from their task kicking and screaming
Caretaker(s) finding the workaholic collapsed on the floor of their workspace
Maybe they’re using their work to distract themself from other issues
Falling asleep at their work table, resulting in back pain and sore joints/muscles
Increased stress levels could result in anxiety attacks, mental effects from long term exposure to anxiety such as depression, and physical symptoms of anxiety
Deteriorating relationships with the people workaholic cares about as they drift further and further away
Feel free to add!
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the-baby-storyteller · 9 months
Little things about dizzy and fainting characters
That feeling before when they feel it start hitting and just think, oh no.
Hazy vision obscuring caretaker or Whumper’s face,
The fading out shouts of whoever is near them
Trying to keep it together and pretend they are listening. Nodding along despite ever action making them feel milliseconds away from keeling over
Hot flashes and hyperventilation
The stress when their heart feels weird and they know something is off but can’t quite place it
Falling to the ground and hitting something, an arm, their head, but the pain being blurred like everything else because it’s all going dark
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cpt-winters · 1 year
Sudden Collapse *Team Leader Edition*
Come on, pull yourself together.
Leader leaned his hands on the table, squinting at the map sprawled across it and blinked a few times as it blurred in and out of focus.
"Leader? You were saying..?" Teammate Two prompted.
"Right," he started again, ignoring how the room span as he lifted his hands from the table. "So if we plant charges on...on the..." his voice trailed off, his thoughts slipping through his mind like sand. He dug his nails into his palms, willing himself to concentrate.
"You alright, boss?" Teammate One asked, their brow creased as they stepped closer.
"Fine," he dismissed as the team exchanged confused and concerned glances.
Just wanting to get through the briefing, Leader took a slow, deliberate breath before continuing. "If we plant charges on the w...west generator, that should... should buy us- enough t-time to... to..." Leader stumbled through his words, his sluggish mind unable to navigate the fragmented thoughts as another wave of nausea rolled over him.
He vaguely registered a muffled shout from Medic.
"'m fine," he slurred, reaching out for something to stabilize himself as his body swayed dangerously. He hadn't even realized he was falling until his head slammed against the floor.
"-oss? Boss!"
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dizzyramblings · 22 days
Love all the ways caretaker/whumper can wake whumpee up when they're unconscious. trying to talk to them; "Wake up!" or trying to shake them.
Smelling salts that make whumpee's face scrunch up before their eyes blink open.
Sternal rubs that make them wake up with gasp and a cough.
Face tapping that makes whumpee turn their face away, scrunching their eyebrows wondering 'who the hell is hitting me?'
I'm Obsessed
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Thinking about whump in partner dances... imagine Whumpee and Caretaker like to dance together as a way to blow off steam or feel closer or maybe they're practicing for some performance and one day Whumpee shows up kinda sick or dehydrated and after they perform a difficult move Caretaker notices something's off and asks them what's wrong and they admit they feel faint and just as Caretaker is asking what's wrong Whumpee slips unconscious in Caretaker's arms
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