#face to face
livingdeadgrl666 · 2 months
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“Face to face”-Siouxsie and the Banshees MV🦷🖤
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Sparrow becoming a hybrid is both interesting and has scary implications to the entire concept of hybrids
He didn't just become a hybrid, he became a new person. He became completely different.
Aside from the creepy body things like no longer breathing or having camera eyes, he's had a lot of mind-altering changes. Sure, you got the basic things you'd expect. Any copper golem would be more infatuated with copper and buttons than a human.
But it goes so much further than that.
In his own words, he "doesn't fully remember what got him here." He doesn't have full recollection of his human life. He knows mechanical stuff without understanding why he does. He gets upset over his storage, an especially interesting part because the way you organise can say a lot about you. He feels disgusted at the idea of staying at his campsite because of the nature, this is coming from the man who proudly presented his campsite when he first set it up. He literally runs a factory for copper.
Another thing that really interests me is how he's treating Scott. Who is pretty much his only real friend at the moment. It didn't feel like Sparrow treated him the same as before. He showed interest in the living side of Scott (his breathing/sleeping because Sparrow cant do this). But he also tried to steal Scott's axe and blamed him partially for his messy storage as he wanted him to intervene ("how could you let me life like this"). And i feel like human Sparrow would have absolutely ran to Scott the second he became a hybrid, excited to show his new powers off. I think that some of his final words to Scott, "i'm doing hybrid things", "i'm being special like you", are things Sparrow would say. But our current one said this while pushing Scott to leave the area to not bother him.
You can see the old Sparrow still shine through at times but it is also clear that he's so much more, and not in a good way. I think you can see the old Sparrow the best when he says things like "i'm a hybrid now so i can do it." Because he's been hyping up the concept of becoming a hybrid so much. Human Sparrow truely thought being a hybrid would be an amazing, magical thing.
It's like he's a mix between a pure machine and a human. His knowledge, his thought process, his wants, all are closer to that of a machine then the Sparrow we learned to know.
And it makes you wonder, maybe being a hybrid isnt as fun as it seems at first
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andyd3adman · 25 days
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“I would sleep naked
next to you naked
I am love”
128 notes · View notes
Summary: When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s okay now. So why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny, remember a life that isn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidently splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half realize what they've actually done.
Author: @dp-marvel94
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-Famous Prophets ( Stars ) by Car Seat Headrest
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kieselsteinn · 1 year
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that’s rough buddy
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diana-andraste · 2 months
"Face to Face" - Siouxsie and the Banshees
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dixieandherbabies · 25 days
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Dixie and her babies.
Taking a cat nap with my giant baby Fannie.
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toyastales · 3 months
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Well, this is one way to sit face to face!
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ranageee · 18 days
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Face to Face
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whereifindsanity · 5 months
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talkingsandvich · 9 months
this is what i imagine god listens to
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unbelievabelle · 9 months
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dp-marvel94 · 5 months
Face to Face - Epilogue
Summary: When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s back to normal now. But why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny remember a life that wasn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidentally splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half know that that is what they did
First -> Last
Word Count: 5,791
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note: Hi friends! It's been a while. Honestly, I was putting off posting this, the last chapter of Face to Face, because it intimidated me. 😅 But I really wanted to wrap this up by the end of the year. So we're finally here! I'm so excited to share the ending with you guys.
Also in honor of finishing this fic, I wanted to share this loving art made by @lilianade-comics on Tumblr. Check out this lovely scene from chapter 51 here!
Happy Reading!
Six months later.
“I must have been here a dozen times at least. And your lair still surprises me every time.” Sidney said, eyes surveying the room.
Danny leaned back on his couch, giving a chuckle. “Hey, I’m just working with what I have. I think the Hobbit vibes are pretty cool.”
“I figured you would want something more modern and sci fi.” His friend shrugged.
The halfa raised a brow. “Like an underground bunker? Nah.” He shook his head. “As cool as quarters on the Enterprise would be, or the inside of the TARDIS…. It just didn’t feel right. Plus,” He shrugged. “I like to be comfy.”
“It is definitely that.”
True to what Danny had imagined all those months ago, the underground house was cozy, warm, and homey. Wooden floors and paneling. Circular rooms and round doorways. The furniture was simple, warm, reddish maple-wood beds, chairs, and sofas accenting each room. Multiple rugs covered the floors and carefully selected books filled one book shelf. Other decorative objects and nick-nacks covered the walls, end tables, and other surfaces. 
Some were brought from the material realm. One of his model rockets. A blob ghost plush that had been made by his dad. A Black orchid, a gift from Sam, sat in one corner, a Femalien Poster from Tucker on the wall above it. A shadow box with tickets and a glossy photo of the siblings, smiling in their bowties and fezzes with a certain actor; for Christmas his sister had bought him tickets to Comic Con and a Meet and Greet with Doctor Who actor Matt Smith.
Some objects were picked up from various trips through the Realms. There was a black and white lamp from Sidney’s lair that gave off gray light. A drum head on the wall sported an animated image of blue fire; he’d gotten that when Johnny and Kitty had taken him to see their friend Ember perform.
And some were manifested by the lair itself. A painting of a The Library with swirling spectral clouds in the background. Snow globes from different places he’d visited: Sid’s lair, The Library, Dora’s kingdom, Ember’s concert hall venue. And…. the halfa smiled softly at this last object… photo of his family and two best friends, Danny grinning in the middle in ghost form.
“Jeepers! What is this?!” Sidney’s voice interrupted the half ghost’s musing. 
Danny’s gaze flickered to the object of his friend’s attention. “Oh. That? It was a Christmas present from Mom.” He jabbed a thumb at the kitchen counter where a ceramic cookie jar sported half a dozen eyes and pointy teeth around the lid, threatening approaching hands. He grinned. “It’s a Mimic.”
“A Mimic…” For just a moment, Sidney’s black and white brow wrinkled. Then… “Like from that Dungeon and Dragons game Tucker told me about?!” 
“Yep.” Danny nodded.
“Fighting a monster like that… that must be the bee’s knees!” The half ghost could practically see the stars in his friend’s eyes.
“You’re still invited to our games any time you want to join.” Danny raised a brow.
“This section of the Realms needs its own group.” Sidney crossed his arms, pouting slightly.
“Dora might like it… and Ember.” The half ghost grinned toothily. “She’s already literally a bard.” He tapped his chin. “Maybe we can get Ghost Writer to let us use a room in his lair.”
“The Library is not the most convenient location though; it’s far away from everyone but me.” 
“Hum.” Danny’s brow furrowed, considering. “That’s fair.” Sidney’s lair was the closest to the Library by far. But the other’s…. Ember’s lair was about the same distance from the portal as Sidney’s, except in the exact opposite direction. And Dora’s lair was vaguely below his, a leisurely forty-five minute flight down. If anything…. Danny blinked. “I’m in the middle.”
“You sure are, buster.” Sidney raised a brow, looking at him as if it was obvious.
The half ghost took a second to process and then laughed. “It’s always like that, huh?” 
Getting in between the Lunch Lady and his friends. Helping Dora and other ghosts get back to the portal. Making friends with people in this part of the Zone. He rolled his eyes at the irony. The literal half ghost always stuck in the middle. Or rather… maybe he’d chosen to place himself there.
“So I guess we’d meet here. Or…” An idea had been swimming around in his head. A place for the ghosts on this side of the portal to gather, to bond, to help each other and…. “So I’d been thinking-”
Just then, the black rectangular device clipped to the belt of Danny’s suit chimed. “Oh. That’s probably my parents.” He detached the communicator– made by his parents, with Tucker’s help, to work across dimensions and designed to look like the ones from Star Trek–  and flipped it open.
His brow furrowed. “I’m not late for dinner, am I? Didn’t think I’d been gone that long.”
“No sweetie.” His mom’s voice sounded from the other end. “I’m sorry to interrupt your hang-out with Sidney. But Mr. Jenkins called from the Salvage Yard about a ghost problem.”
The boy sighed, head rolling back on the couch to look up at the ceiling. “Is it Technus again?”
“It sounded like it.” The wince was almost audible in her voice. “Your father and I would go but Mr. Jenkins asked for Phantom… very insistently.” 
Another sigh. “I’ll be right there.” Danny hung up, putting the communicator back on his belt before burying his head in his hand.
“Technus again?” Sidney rose a brow.
The halfa looked up, fixing an eye on his friend. “ I mean, I’m fine with him hanging out in the material world and tinkering with stuff. But…” The halfa groaned. “He keeps trying to blow things up the salvage yard.”
The ghostly nerd chuckled. “All that new fangled modern technology…. That beatnik must think he died and gone to heaven.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “He will if I have to tell him to stop stealing other people’s stuff one more time.”
Sidney shook his head. “You know it’s hard to keep a ghost from his obsession.” Then tapping his chin, he mused. “But maybe if he had his own place to experiment…”
“Hum…” Danny furrowed his brow, considering. He floated up. “Gotta go.” He pointed at the black and white ghost. “I’m serious, you should come to our D&D games next Saturday. Think about it?”
“I will.” The other ghost nodded, also rising. “See you later.”
The two exited through the lair’s door, Sidney flying into the green atmosphere of the Zone. Danny flew up, towards the portal. The clear dome around the structure parted with his presence and he entered. 
The boy drifted over the carefully cultivated plants, a particularly energetic snap-dragon snapping at his heel. “Hey! I don’t have time to play right now.” He bent down, patting the petly approximation of a draconic head. 
Danny stood again and continued, passing the beds of black lettuce. A ghostly blue lizard darted between the squash vines. In the flowering tiger shrub, a tiny green bird cooed. Other plants were scattered over the area, glowing insects, some as large as his fist, buzzing over them. The boy couldn’t help but smile. Only six months and there was already so much after-life here on his little island. 
The half ghost arrived in the middle, the frame of the portal surprisingly at home among the vegetation. Though… green no longer swirled in the frame; instead, black and yellow painted doors blocked the entrance. His parents had installed a set on either side to keep out unwanted visitors. 
But Danny, of course, wasn’t an unwanted visitor. With a quick scan of his palm on the panel beside the door, they parted. He flew through, just as the doors on the human-world side opened too.
At the sound, both parents looked up from their work. “Danny-boy!” His dad smiled with a wave. “You want one of us to come with you?”
“Nah. I’m just gonna try and talk to Technus again.” The halfa waved off the concern. He floated up, towards the ceiling. 
His dad looked almost disappointed at the decline; trust Jack Fenton to always be ready and eager to soak an annoyance in ectoplasmic goo, whether they were ghost or human. Still both adults accepted the statement.
“Knock his socks off, son! And be careful!” “We’ll do great, sweetie! Call us if you need anything!” 
With his parents’ words of encouragement rising in his ears, Danny phased through the ceiling and zoomed off.
Banging, clanging, and shouting rang through Mr. Jenkins’ Salvage Yard. 
“It’s finished!” Maniacal laughing sounded “Finally finished! I-”
“Finished?! What in tarnation even is-.” A sudden crash. “Woah!’” 
“Ah. A few more finishing touches and…” A sparking, sizzling hiss…
“Where did you get a welding gun? Wait! Is that my coffee maker?!”
The ghost scoffed. “It’s not like you were using it.”
“I used it this mornin’, you-” 
Danny arrived just as Technus flipped up his face shield. “Tada! My greatest creation!” The ghost spread his arms, grinning proudly.
“You stole my French Press!” Mr. Jenkins yelled.
“Ghost Child!” The adult ghost ignored him, eyes lighting up at Phantom’s arrival. “You arrived just in time to watch!”
Danny fixed Technus with a skeptical look. “What’s going on here?”
“As I was saying, I Technus! Master of all things electronic and beeping have finished my greatest creation yet!” The ghost motioned again, to a tracker-trailer sized collection of mismatched metal parts. 
Well, that wasn’t here the last time. “Technus… where did you get all this stuff?”
Just then, a frantic woman came running out of the square building sitting among all the old cars. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Jenkins. I don’t understand how, but the office phone is gone. So are the fax machine and the microwave. And all the computers and-” Her eyes widened, voice squeaking as she spotted Technus. “Not you again!”
“That’s my computer?!” Jenkin’s eyes bulged, his face turning red. “I already told you, this ain’t a junkyard. You can’t take whatever you want!”
“These machines are just sitting here, wasting away! I had to do something with all this beautiful technology.” 
“What’s it even supposed to be!?” 
“An ingenious invention! And greatly needed!” The green skinned ghost held a finger up. “What kind of junk yard doesn’t have a car-crusher?”
“You’re nuttier than a fruitcake.” Jenkins pointed accusingly at Technus. “This ain’t no junk yard! We’re a salvage yard. We sell used parts!”
“Salvage yard.” Technus rolled his eyes. “That’s ridiculous. You’re just jealous of my brilliance, old man!”
“At least I made it past half a century!” The older man spat.
“I, Technus! Made it to 52, thank you very much! 52 years and then felled by my own unstable experiment! Oh, to die in the pursuit of science! What a glorious send-off! And don’t you know about that, Halfa child! Still wearing that hip and sweet hazmat suit-”
“We are not talking about my death.” Danny interrupted pointedly. “Now-”
“Of course! Enough of this. You came to see my genius!” The mad scientist darted around the metal monstrosity, lab coat flapping behind him.
“Phantom! Stop him!” Mr. Jenkins cried.
“You heard him, Technus.” The ghost boy crossed his arms. “Don’t make me get out the thermos.”
The older ghost ignored the reprimanded, eagerly grabbing at the machine’s controls. “First! The claw will shoot out and snag the car we want. Now which one…” His brow furrowed, then turning and pointing at a red, old-looking convertible. “Ah! That sad sorry hunk of junk will do.”
“Technus! We talked about this!” Danny drove forward, arms out to pull the other ghost away from the controls.
At the same time… “ No! That’s-” Mr. Jenkins sounded panicked. 
Danny surged forward but faster than he could process, the mad scientist blinked out of the way. He missed, tumbling in the air and barely missing the side of the car-crushed machine. 
The clawed arm lashed out, clamping around the truck. The metal fingers snapped closed with an agonizing crunch of metal and glass. 
“Must be out of practice.” Danny mumbled. Then, he lit his hands with ecto-energy, “Technus, I’m warning you!” 
“And now! My hyper-efficient car-crusher will reduce this rust bucket to scrap in seconds!” The other ghost laughed maniacally, jamming one of the lever’s down.
“No! No! No!” Mr. Jenkins sounded near… tears?
The arm pulled the car forward, the headlights meeting the jaws of the crusher with a stomach-turning crunch.
“Look! My funky fresh creation is working perfectly!” 
The ghost boy let his shot lose, the ecto-energy knocking the other ghost away.
“No! That’s my car!!” Mr. Jenkins fell to his knees.
Danny darted in front of the control panel. His eyes widened. So many buttons, nobs, and levers…. Lights blinked in front of him. Frantic, the boy jabbed at different controls. 
“My Oldsmobile!” Beside him, Mr. Jenkins was definitely crying. “That was Pa’s. Me and Pa fixed it up before he passed. No!”
The halfa’s eyes flashed. “How do you turn this thing off?” He turned to the other ghost, demanding.
Technus floated there for a moment, eyes wide and startled. He stared, the previous mad joy completely evaporated, even as he took in his invention. After a blink, his gaze moved from the machine to the devastated human man. The ghost’s face scrunched up, brow wrinkling. Then…
He flew back to the controls. Wordlessly, the mad scientist pushed a series of buttons, metal crunching uglily all the while. He pulled a final lever and the sound of gears and breaking glass stopped.
Quiet fell and Danny sighed, shoulders untensing. Still, he nervously fingered at the thermo’s lid. “Technus, you know I don’t have any problem with you hanging around Amity Park. Tinkering by itself is fine. But when you start taking other people’s things and destroying property…. I can’t let that stand.”
“But it’s just an old car…” The older ghost fixed his head down, voice oddly subdued.
“It’s Mr. Jenkins’ car.” Danny pointed. “It belongs to him.” His tone sharpened. “I wouldn’t come in your lair and mess with your laboratory. Take your inventions without asking. You can’t do that to Mr. Jenkins.”
A long, tense pause fell over the yard. The sound of gravel shifting at the human man stood, as his assistant nervously shuffled. Danny could feel both adult’s eyes on him but his own gaze was fixed on the ghost and his tight, unreadable expression. Technus had stopped the crusher but… why? Did he understand? The boy’s stomach turned, anxiously hoping. That the ghost had listened, that he could find a peaceful resolution. 
Technus’s grip on the control panel’s levers tightened. “It seems, I, Technus, made an error. The first tenant of the scientific method…. I failed to gather all the important background information.”
Mr. Jenkins looked up, angrily whipping his face. “You don’t say.”
“I got so excited, I forgot to ask for permission to use the junk…”
“Hey! It’s not-” The human started objecting.
“Or to think about whether the invention would be useful here. I mean, who ever heard of a junkyard without a car-crusher? But apparently, you don’t need one. Which does not make any sense to me. Still, I should not have taken your things and-”
“That’s all fine and good. But my car’s still trashed.” Jenkins interrupted, scowling at the crushed vehicle.
“An honest mistake.” Technus winced. “And…” He held up a finger. “Give me a second.” He darted over to the wreckage. “Here, let me…” 
The mad scientist ghost waved his hands over the debris. His aura sparked, spreading out and enveloping the twisted metal and shards of glass. The pieces trembled slightly, rising with a jerk. Technus’ fingers moved as if he was counting, typing, or playing an instrument. The wreckage floated and flowed, swirling in the air and coming together. It coalesced into…
“Well I’ll be damned.” Mr. Jenkins said breathily.
Danny’s eyes widened, just as amazed. “How? You… you-”
“Fixed it!” Technus swung around, arms spread. “I fixed it!”
Sure enough, the car sat in front of them, whole and intact.
The on-lookers just blinked for a long moment. Then…
“My car!” Mr. Jenkins practically ran forward. “Bessie! You’re alright!” He flopped onto the hood, arms spreading wide as if hugging the vehicle. “Better than alright!” Eyes wide and gleeful, he wiped at a spot over the headlights. “That blasted scratch is gone!” 
The human man kept cooing over his car and Danny laughed. “He’s worse than my dad with the GEV.” The boy rolled his eyes. Then… “Seriously though. Putting it back together like that…. that was incredible, Technus. Thank you for fixing this.” 
“Pst.” The ghost shrugged off the thanks. “It was child’s play!” He laughed almost maniacally.
“Can you uh… put back the rest of the office?” The assistant asked meekly.
Technus’ eyes flickered to her, briefly looking disappointed, before he scoffed. “Can I put the rest of the office back?” He waved his arms, green light again spreading and enveloping the metal pieces. “Easier than differential calculus. Can I, Technus, master of all things mechanical, put it back? Please.”
The different pieces separated, flying off in seemingly random directions, while the mad scientist mumbled to himself.
Meanwhile, Mr. Jenkins looked up from his car. “I didn’t know you could fix things like this, Technus. Incredible!” He popped open the trunk, gaze flickering over the various parts. “She’s as good as new.” He reached inside, tapping something. “Say. One of the new tow-trucks is acting squirrely. Some kind of malfunction with that fancy new, space-age onboard computers. Can’t make head ‘r tails of it. Take a look and maybe I can find some spare parts for you to tinker with.”
Parts continued to swirl away, the car-crusher growing smaller and smaller. Technus tapped his chin. “Is this a problem worthy of I! Technus’ vast expertise!?”
For a moment, both Mr. Jenkins and his assistant looked worried, concerned eyes searching Danny. 
The ghost boy nodded sagely. “Of course! Computer technology is so advanced now. Especially in cars! They definitely need someone as genius as you to fix it. Plus free parts!” The half ghost spread his arms. “You can’t pass up a deal like that!”
“You’re right, Ghost Child!” With a final flourish, the last remnants of the disastrous car crusher vanished, the components returning to their proper places. “Come Jenkins!” The mad scientist quickly floated away. “Show me this tow-truck!”
“Not so fast! We mere humans can’t fly!” The human man jogged after. 
Danny gave another chuckle at the pair. He flew after them. 
“Here it is.” Mr. Jenkins panted, motioning to the car. He unlocked the door and slid into the seat. “The problem is, anytime I start up the car…” He pressed the ignition. “See?”
The ghost nodded from where he leaned over, observing. “Ah! That is confounding! First, let me try…”
The half ghost watched two for several minutes. His eyes slowly widened, anxious core lossening. The two talked and hypothesized, bouncing ideas off of each other.
“Try it again.” Technus instructed.
Mr. Jenkins pressed the start button again. A pause. “Well, I’ll be.”
The mad scientist laughed. “I told you, old geezer. No electronical problem can overcome my genius!”
The human rolled his eyes, good naturedly. “Old geezer? Ya didn’t know what a computer was until last month.”
They were… getting along? “This is great! See.” Danny gave an encouraging smile and spread his arms. “Technus can help you out with stuff like this and you can give him some spare parts to work with. How does that sound, Mr Jenkins? Technus?”
The human tapped his chin. “You know, my brother’s got an auto shop. He’s always needin’ help. Maybe we can work something out.”
“I’m listening…” The green-skinned ghost nodded, face serious. Even as his aura flickered excitedly.
“I’ll give Perry a call and…”
The two talked for a few more minutes. Hope bloomed in Danny’s heart, a smile slowly parting his lips. They had this. Coming up with a compromise together. Without him. In fact…
The ghost boy turned to leave. “I’m going to go check on your assistant and everything in the office. Shout if you need me.”
The two barely acknowledged him, simply waving as they both chuckled over something. 
Danny flew away, shaking his head. Moments later, he knocked at the office door. “It’s Phantom.”
There was a shout to enter and the boy did so. His eyes flickered over the room. Slightly disarrayed but… there was the microwave, the phone, the computer.
The assistant looked up from the desk. “Mr. Jenkins is okay, right? I haven’t heard any screaming recently.”
Danny laughed. “Yeah, he’s fine. Him and Technus are working out tech-help for spare parts.”
The woman blanched. “Is that wise?”
The boy nodded. “Giving the guy something to focus on will be good for him. And I’m sure Mr. Jenkins could use the help.”
The assistant’s brow furrowed thoughtfully. “I guess you have a point.” Her face smoothed out, smiling gratefully at him. “Thank you, by the way, for coming and helping with all this.” 
“It’s just what I do.” Danny shrugged. “No big deal.”
 “Seriously. This all wouldn’t still be standing without you.” She motioned around her vaguely. “We’d be in a mess without you, Phantom.”
“Well then…” The boy blushed at the praise. “You’re welcome… uh, I don’t know your name.”
“It’s Nancy.” She smiled.
“Nancy.” Danny gave a nod. “Everything’s good here so I’m going to head out. Give FentonWorks a call if you need anything.”
“I will.” 
With a wave, the half ghost drifted up and phased through the ceiling. He flew over the salvage yard, catching a glimpse of the two men, one human and one ghost. Mr. Jenkins leaned against the vehicle, arms crossed casually. Technus floated, head lifted to the sky. His unique brand of laughter carried on the wind, the human’s hearty chuckle just as real and vibrant below it.
Danny beamed down at the scene. “Yeah. They’re going to be fine.”
Danny returned home to his ghost researcher parents, both proudly congratulating him on peacefully dealing with Technus. After which of course, both had to blather on about their latest inventions. The boy fondly rolled his eyes.
He tried to invisibly sneak up on his big sister, the super-powered little brother’s prerogative. To his chagrin, he was unsuccessful though; before he could even think of turning her chair intangible, she turned the spray bottle on him like he was a misbehaving cat. 
He logged onto Doom and played with his best friends. The boss of the current level decimated their party three times before they gave up for now and started on a new side quest. All the while, they talked about new movies, rumors and gossip at school, Ember’s upcoming concert, and convincing Sidney to join them for D&D.
Family and friends. Ghosts and humans and the two somehow, miraculously existing together. All this and more, in a day in the life of a half ghost. 
And now, during the darkest part of the night, that eerie time between the late night and early morning, the Haunting Hour. Now, Danny Fenton-Phantom floated on his back, suspended in the air above the Ops Center.
Blobby snuggled against him, tiny paws kneading biscuits into his side. The smaller ghost purred loudly, now firmly settled into something between a very cat-like blob and a blob-like cat. The boy gently stroked his pet, idly scrolling through his phone. 
A text notification pinged and Danny laughed, typing back.
Danny: that’s the most cursed meme i’ve ever seen
Another cursed follow up. And another. Danny snorted, sending his own.
Tucker: 😵 ☠️ Deed. Y u stil up thoigh?
Danny: Dude it’s spooky hour. Getting my haunt on.
Tucker: U lucky basterd. Ony need 4 hrs of skeep
Danny: 😜 Y r u still up?
Tucker: Doom. newd new armor. 
Tucker: 😵 stupd skelton killed me😭
Danny: Go to sleep!
Tucker: Neverrttt5454er66wreeqwsd
Danny: ?
Tucker: dropped phome on my face
Tucker: maybe i shoud slep
Danny: You think? 🤨
Tucker: One more meme!
Tucker: Phantomceiling.mov
Tucker: wrong file. 😴🥱😫 Sry. Gd night Danny
Danny laughed softly, shaking his head at his sleepy friend. He could imagine it, Tucker half-way across town, drifting off at his computer, gaming with one hand and texting with the other. No wonder the skeletons, the freaking easiest monster in the game, managed to kill him. 
And he sent a random video? Danny tilted his head at the file name, pressing play.
“Woah!” Tucker’s excited voice cheered. 
The camera shifted wildly, a blurry tan surface covering the screen. The crispness of the image wavered, in and out until…. tiny, glow-in-the-dark stars shifted into focus. On the… ceiling? Why did Tucker have a video of his bedroom ceiling?
“I can’t even believe this, I’m floating!” This friend’s voice cheered. 
The half ghost’s eyes widened, suddenly remembering. This video, the one Tucker made while swinging from the ceiling. Meaning….
The image titled, pointed directly above and…  Black suit, white hair, sparkling green eyes paned into view. Danny felt his heart squeeze.
“Say hi, Danny.” Tucker laughed. 
“Hi Danny.” The ghost stuck out his tongue, giving a wave.
“Hi Phantom.” The boy smiled softly, waving back.
This video… he’d forgotten about it completely. Hadn’t even realized they had any video from when he was split, all those months ago. And now…
On the screen, Tucker grunted in effort, Phantom’s face deceptively even, eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth.
And now, Danny could remember it like it was yesterday. His feet planted firmly on the ceiling, one hand in Tucker’s, his familiar weightlessness spread through the contact. That was him, trying to hold back his laughter. And yet… 
“Come… on.” His friend shouted in frustration. “Come on!” Two voices burst out in laughter, one higher pitched- obviously Sam. And the other….
The camera panned. Black hair, blue eyes pinched closed, mouth open with his laughter.
“Hi, Fenton.” His eyes crinkled, a fond mirth.
Danny remembered this too. Busting a gut at a constipated-looking Tucker, bent over with his chortles, Sam rolling her eyes at his comment. That was him. And yet…
After re-fusing, it had felt like he’d been asleep for a long time. Like he hadn’t really been present; it was all a dream. And yet, he had been right there. He remembered everything. It was like he told Jazz, all those months ago. He was Phantom and Fenton. Fenton and Phantom had been him. And yet he, the Danny thinking this thought, hadn’t really been there. But now….
The video continued, the camera passed around as Tucker cheered, swinging like a pendulum. As Sam had her turn, laughing hysterically the entire time. As Jazz screamed to be put down, before admitting that it wasn’t so bad. All the while, Danny chuckled at the scene. His smile grew, something soft and precious and fond.
“Wait… how?” Tucker wrinkled his brow. “I don’t get it.”
“He’s tapping into our powers.” Phantom righted himself in the air. “I mean, I’m the ghost so I’m technically the one with the powers right now. But we’re still the same person.”
“So I can kinda use them if we’re touching.” Fenton explained. “I uhh… actually turned myself intangible last night, when Phantom did it and I was touching him.”
The video ended there, Fenton and Phantom side by side. The human’s brow wrinkled in thought. The ghost mid-nod, agreeing. 
And Danny’s heart squeezed, something nostalgic. “Guys. We made it.” A finger brushed the screen. As if he could reach back to then and reassure both halves of himself. “We made it.” 
Danny remembered that day where it started. Sitting with his friends, his burger falling through his hands. That was the final straw, the moment that changed everything. It led to his fateful decision to go through the ghost catcher. A bad decision but it had left him all the better. It had taught him many hard won lessons, changing the way he saw his friends, his parents, and most importantly himself.
And those lessons…. Danny remembered, his dream the night he re-merged.
“I’m going to be okay.” A soft, swirling gratitude. “I won’t forget what I learned when I was you guys. I’ll remember.” 
Danny hadn’t forgotten. He’d come back to himself, like finally coming home. And he’d found that he was more. More than just Phantom plus Fenton. More than just human plus ghost. 
Letting out a sigh, the ghost boy lowered himself in the air, down to the roof of the Ops Center. To the camping chair left out here for his nightly star gazing. Blobby curled into his lap, the halfa giving gentle pets. His head drifted up, towards the sky.
And he let himself remember his last night as two halves of himself. 
Danny closed his eyes and he was back there. Sitting side by side. Pointing out constellations and telling stories, one arm around his other half. And at the same time, drifting off to sleep to the echoing voice, his body comfortably leaned against the familiar chilly presence.
“Hey, I’m very witty. You just happen to share my brain.” The ghost grinned, roughly ruffling his counterpart’s hair. “Can’t get one over on you, can I?”
“I’m the pun master.” Fenton chuckled, leaning into the touch.
“You’re annoying, that’s what you are.” Phantom teased.
A chuckle at the memory. Seeing this from both sides really shouldn’t make sense. Yet it couldn’t be more clear…
“I love you too.” The human muttered, rolling his eyes.
The ghost stilled, his free hand dropping out of the black hair. His core squeezed, jovial teasing giving way to a soft and quiet joy. The tiredness radiated off of his other self, heavy enough that he was starting to get silly. But those words…. Every syllable was real. 
Phantom breathed. Teasing and joking was familiar, comfortable even. He was even used to transparency, tender honesty. But this…. The arm still around his human half tightened, his free arm circling around Fenton’s front. He had said earlier, if they had anything else to say to each other while they were still split, they should say it.
Ghost Danny completed the hug. “I do love you.”
Back on the roof, Danny’s hand tenderly rested over his heart-core. Maybe if anyone else had seen that moment, he’d feel embarrassed, ashamed. But that moment was just for him. That same soft and quiet joy rose, quivering in his chest. Splitting himself had let Danny see himself in new ways. He’d learned so much. He’d grown to know, accept, appreciate, and, yes, love both halves of himself. As strange as it was to say, Fenton and Phantom had loved each other. 
An overbearing gratitude washed over him at that. Gratitude that they (that he) had been brave enough to voice that, to give him this memory. This proof, this reminder of how far he’d come. Of all he’d learned. 
He had suffered and struggled and agonized. He had fought with his own self-hatred and doubt, his shame and fear, with the painful reminders of his death. But with the love and support of his parents, sister, and friends, he had overcome. He had learned and grown and changed. The transformation itself hurt and terrified him. But he had risen above it. And now. Now Danny loved who he had become.
And who had he become? What did loving himself mean now, with his heart and core nestled together, where they belonged? It meant taking care of himself. Letting his friends and family know him and love him. Loving other people. It meant eating enough– both ecto and regular food-, sleeping well, watching the stars during his Haunting Hour. Spending time with his loved ones and letting them share his burdens. Helping others as Danny Phantom.
He saved humans in the town with his powers when ghost animals appeared or over-enthusiastic ghosts wouldn’t listen. He helped lost ghosts find their way back to the portal. He worked to find ways for humans and ghosts to exist together.
The idea from when he’d been talking to Sidney earlier flickered in his mind. A shared place for the ghosts on this side of the portal to gather, to bond, to help each other. A kind of Sanctuary, that was his dream.
That first time he’d almost fused, before telling his parents about Phantom, he’d dreamed of the human in the ghostly, ghostly in the human. He’d imagined truly being both. And now Danny found he was. The life he wanted was here, in the life he was building.
Danny unlocked his phone again, taking the image of Fenton and Phantom side by side. “We’ve come so far.” His eyes softened, full of awe and gratitude. “I said it before, in that dream. I’m happy I was both of you. And thank you for working to grow into who I am now.” 
In his lab, Blobby mewed, head jerking up at something in the sky. The half ghost looked, eyes widening. A shooting star, streaming across the vibrantly deep sky. 
His core fluttered in time with his heart, swelling with hope. Danny smiled. “Here’s to whatever comes next.”
Note: Thank you all for reading! Whether you joined me at the beginning back in 2019, you started following only recently, or you're binging at some point in the future, I appreciate you! I would never have written this story, let alone finished it, without all the kind comments on here and fanfiction.net, Tumblr reblogs and rambles in the tags, and DMs on Tumblr and Discord. If you ever talked to me about this story, offered your support and encouragement, I am so thankful to you. I am so thankful for the friendships I've found through this fic and for how much I've grown as a writer.
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter and the story as a whole. I love and appreciate you all!
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immortalonus · 10 months
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Face to Face Fanart Chapter 45
Reposting this with a couple of very slight edits to improve cannon compliance :)
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iconsfinder · 4 months
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