#eduardo dorado jr
wasabe777 · 6 months
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dontjinxx · 2 months
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and they were boyfriends
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ultralazydumbass · 9 months
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muscosoviridi · 5 months
I’m hoping whichever exec wouldn’t let Bart and Ed be explicitly gay in young justice is going through the horrors rn
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kidflashimpulse · 6 months
mini random photo dump
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why is this still kind of hilarious
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the way our boy edu puffs up his chest with pride when he tells cassie his hero name yes king
meanwhile she’s like sir this is the drive thru (a mission same thing)
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there’s literally no reason for someone to be this unhinged over Klamulons yet here we r
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the change up from the previous still to this 😭 whyd u have to do him like that jaime
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sosoribro · 7 months
young justice animated bart totally had a type and it was latinos
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azurecanary · 3 months
Time travel romances my beloved
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devilishbunnyv · 10 months
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I am so happy with how they turned out 💕💕
Definitely worth the effort for my favourite ship~ Everytime I watch back yj, they just get cuter 🥰
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romancemedia · 5 months
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finitevoid · 5 months
Hummingbird Heartbeat
Young Justice TV | Post S2 | Canon Divergent AU | Zetaflash | WIP | 25k words (so far)
Three years after the Reach invasion of the Earth is thwarted, Bart Allen is left adrift of purpose in his life. Spending so long preparing to save the world doesn't leave much room for thinking about what comes after. Too bad nobody seems to notice. But lies come to Bart as easy as breathing, and maintaining the timeline has always been much more important than honesty. Trust, however, isn't cheap, and is even harder to come by. Love and safety aren't mutually exclusive, and Bart's about to learn the hard way that his future isn't the only place where dogs eat dogs.
Mature: Gore, torture, human experimentation, Reach-enslavement of the human race and all that entails, teen abduction, human experimentation, unnecessary amounts of angst about the dynamics of time-travel, explorations of trauma and CPTSD, and speedforce shenanigans in the absolute worst way possible. I haven't decided if it's gonna be crazy enough to warrant a DD:DNE tag yet, lol. But... probably.
Read it here.
My current brainchild, a long, dark fic with a... different take on cartoon Bart Allen. Content warnings are for future chapters; it's pretty chill right now.
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guardianbee · 1 year
I love you jaime reyes I love you karen beecher I love you tye longshadow I love you mal duncan I love you virgil hawkins I love you kaldur'ahm I love you asami koizumi I love you artemis crock I love you eduardo dorado jr I love you prominent characters of color of young justice season 2 you carried the entirety of that plot on your backs and shoulders while people still focused on their white faves you deserve the world
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wasabe777 · 9 months
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dontjinxx · 1 month
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hello yes I would like one pair of brown contacts please
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yjwhatif · 2 years
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In case you can’t read my horrible writing…
We may have been denied seeing everyone in wedding attire but we did get to see everyone in their funeral attire which is pretty cool - there’s always something fun about seeing everyone in different clothes from usual... Even if it is for the unfortunate event of a funeral.
THE RUNAWAYS ARE HERE! You know the first thing I noticed about this shot was that Ed was in it… who scrubs up very nicely I might add… though he and Asami clearly had their growth spurts between the end of s2 and Wallys funeral because they were the smallies of the group and are now towering over previous tallie Tye! It genuinely makes me so happy that they’re all here - they really didn’t need to be given they hadn’t been associated with the heroes very long or know Wally beyond being kid flash, but the fact that they did go to the funeral is so compassionate and respectful - I love it!
Are Dinah's eyes on Bart? If they are, that's a really cool detail that I am obsessed with... Though, I don't know if they actually are, both her and Ollie seem to be looking more in the direction of Red tornado or something off panel... Which is more of an odd choice that I can't quite interpret... That being said, Dinah looking at Bart shows a need to check on him and acknowledge he may not be alright, out of everyone who she knows will definitely be struggling - Artemis, Dick, the other OGs, the rest of wally's family - and yet her focus is on the new kid from the future who would probably down play how affected he is by wally's loss... She's clearly tuned in on more than he'd want anyone to see... There's no hiding from Black Canary!
My boy Bart needs a hug right now! He looks so sad and isolated from everyone despite being surrounded by so many people - his chair is pulled away from iris's, disconnecting him from the other flashfam, there's probably guilt/imposter syndrome at being included with all wally's close family when he's only been around for a few months - obviously he does deserve to be there but I feel like he’d much prefer to be at the back and out of the way that front row. He’s looking at nothing/the ground - lost in his own thoughts/memories of past losses, his posture is hunched as he tries to make himself as small as possible - probably not wanting to be noticed or acknowledged in any way… basically he needs a hug! Also it is always wrong seeing Bart separated from Ed and Jaime - boy needs his besties!
Like when Artemis was “killed”, Conner’s natural response is to be angry before tearful, which I actually quite like - grief shows itself in different ways and it’s just as valid a response… it’s also interesting to see how M’gann is focusing on Conner, aware of how hurt he will be but not trying to physically connect/comfort him as they are still broken up at this point and maybe doesn’t want to overstep.
Perdita can’t even look at the tomb stone, possibly trying to hold back her tears.
Artemis, Dick and Kaldur’s reactions are all heartbreaking - Artemis is clearly trying to hold it together but is on the brink of completely breaking down while her mum, Barbara and Brucely crowd around her. Dick is full on sobbing - which is something we’ve never seen him do and shows just how affected he was by Wallys loss - his closest friend and confidant was gone. Then there’s Kaldur, who isn’t actually showing much visible reaction - which is very Kaldur - holding in whatever emotions he may definitely be feeling because he doesn’t want to access that side of himself… it’s interesting that dick and Kaldur seem to have opposite overall grief responses - dick broke down immediately then proceeded to disconnect from dealing with his feelings over s3, while Kaldur avoided dealing with his built up negative feelings from the beginning and has only just put his effort into working through his grief.
I like the idea that Garth is looking at Kaldur (though it may actually be that he’s looking at Artemis or Dick - a lot of the eye lines are difficult to properly pinpoint) If it is Kaldur he’s looking at, then that shows hes thinking about him and checking in on him - they were good friends once - and while they may not be as close anymore, Garth’s focus on him illustrates that he still cares and understands that Kaldur probably isn’t okay.
There is so much emotion coming from Dick/Artemis/Mrs. West that it’s attracting the attentions of Denny, Karen and Roy… maybe even Red Tornado and Jaime as well. I love seeing who people are looking at!
It genuinely threw me for at least 10 seconds as to which batkid was between Bruce and Cassie… and then I remembered when this was set and that it’s obviously Tim (🤦‍♀️)… though he does look remarkably similar to s1 Dick Grayson.
La’gaan is looking very suave in that outfit… though also very upset which is really heartbreaking!
Poor uncle Dudley - could everyone not just shuffle over a little bit so he could be fully in the shot?
It’s cool to finally see Freddy for the first time, who, as pointed out by someone on Twitter, is actually sat on plastic man as a chair - which is ridiculously brilliant - I did think it was an odd colour scheme for the chair to have compared to everyone else’s!
Love Alfred keeping a watchful eye on everyone at the back.
I did not expect this to be what Hawkman looks like under the mask!
Let’s talk Dr. Fate… Mr. ‘Doesn’t-Care-About-Anyone-Else’ being at Wally’s funeral is so powerful and one of my favourite things about this shot - this is a choice Nabu is making which shows respect for someone he had a brief connection with previously… also, he’s not fully visible so it could be no one else actually knows he’s there which plays into their assumption that he doesn’t care about anyone - but him being there shows there is some level of care/compassion. I really do find Nabu to be such a fascinating character in this show!
And those are my current thoughts on this shot - I think it’s absolutely brilliant and I’m so glad we go to see it! RIP Wally.
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noconsistencyhere · 6 months
Art idea Bart carrying Ed the way Wally carried Artemis
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kidflashimpulse · 7 months
random YJ Bart Allen photo dump part 4
with unwarranted comments
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now he’s randomly fighting with his butt (ft jaime going through it again)
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loved this scene so much didn’t know how to capture it best LOL but #unnerfbartallenfromhisvacation am i right
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annoying (affectionate)
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i liked zatanna looking out for bart in season 4 and since then i find their friendship cute also they’re kind of similar in some ways
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where everything began (those who get it, get it)
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