#eat the fucking rich
nando161mando · 3 days
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Schrödinger's Immigrant
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theconcealedweapon · 16 days
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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lilithism1848 · 6 months
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certifieddudette · 5 months
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Based bus behaviour
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nando161mando · 5 months
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There are now over 15 million empty homes in the US, and 650,000 homeless per the very bias official numbers, or 23 houses per person
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theeiris16 · 3 months
This is real. Stop sitting on the internet arguing with other people about celebrities. Who is who and all that bs. Ts is getting out of hand fr.
We’re taking multiple steps back in history. Everything your grandparents and great grandparents build is getting knocked down.
Mention these topics to your favs and get them to talk about it, yeah it maybe annoying but is getting scary out here and this shit will affect them too.
There is hundreds HUNDREDS of pages republicans have wrote that’s stripping minorities and women’s rights.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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my-midlife-crisis · 9 days
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treerootnibbler · 4 months
Celebrities are disgusting, they are greedy, they are selfish.. stop pretending they are anything more and stop idolizing one of the worst things a person can be.. look at the things they buy and the things they wear and remind yourself where that money instead could have gone to.. they don't care about you, I can't stress that enough, they profit off you and nothing more.. blockout2024 is incredible, please participate... Palestine is dying, they did nothing with their power and money and that is nothing short of evil.. block them, stop giving them money and give to Palestine and other people in need.. don't be like a celebrity and give your money and attention to the people that matter, because they sure as hell won't.. they never have
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not mine!!
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kayas-kosmos · 1 year
Because of what's happening on Twitter...
I've made a little diagram to demonstrate why billionaires and the ultra-wealthy are bad for society.
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(Text in Image)
"If we view society as a body, every sector is like a different organ within the body that serves a function and works in harmony with other organs to maintain balance. Every part of the body is important for the whole thing to function."
"The ultra-wealthy want you to believe they are the beating heart and thinking mind of the society – they are the innovators who create our jobs and their brilliance drives society forward. They deserve to be at the top of society because they have earned that. Without them, the body won’t function because they are the most important part."
"In reality, they are more like a malignant tumour, sucking all of the blood (resources) away from everything else (people and the planet) to fuel its own infinite growth, depriving the rest of the body and slowly killing it. Workers create all of the innovation and keep things running, the ultra-wealthy take all the credit."
This is a public domain image so feel free to pinch it for whatever.
Elon Musk has put the careers of thousands of small business owners who depend on Twitter (myself included) in jeopardy by completely running it into the ground. Before this, Mark Zuckerberg had already been doing the same when he started pursuing Metaverse, making Instagram and Facebook much more unusable for artists. Do I really need to go into other examples of CEOs and very normalised practise of wage theft?
Meanwhile, the UK currently has the richest Prime Minister in its history. What is this man doing with this wealth? Continuing the Tory legacy of austerity in order to line his pockets and the pockets of his crony friends. This has resulted in a devastating cost of living crisis that continues to ravage the country as people's energy bills skyrocket out of control.
My diagram is pretty basic and lacks nuance, there's definitely more I could elaborate on with this comparison but I really don't have time. I just want people to get the basic point of how billionaires view themselves vs what function they actually serve. I'm also not here to debate whether some organs are more important than others since I'm not a doctor, that's not really the point here. And no, I don't care if people think I'm being harsh by comparing billionaires to a tumour. If they don't want to be compared to one they should stop acting like one. Jeff Bezos could end world hunger right now and chooses not to.
Also, I know a lot of people are going to come at me with the argument that billionaires give away massive amounts of money. First off, people like Jeff Bezos only give large sums of money to charity a.) for the sake of improving their public image and b.) because giving to charity allows them to write it off in their taxes. Also, charities in of themselves have a lot of problems, but that's a blog post for another day. Mutual Aid is a better way to help people directly. Really, the ultra wealthy need to be taxed, of course they do everything within their power to avoid taxes.
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"Earning a lot of money" and "holding onto a lot of money" are two different things. You cannot be a multi-millionaire unless you hold onto that money. If you give away massive chunks of it to enrich society, you cease to be a billionaire.
Oh and this is worth a watch, too.
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Also before the inevitable great man comments:
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Being a billionaire is a moral failing. Nobody needs that much money.
[Slight edit here - I made the assertion that a billionaire could not spend all of their money in their lifetime, but as someone in the comments pointed out it's very easy for them to completely waste billions in no time. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have shown that].
Anyway, if you would like to see more anti-Capitalist art from me, I am currently working on a webcomic called "Flowerpunk" - a story about a group of anarchists who are trying to save the city of Wyrdon from a supernatural plague known as "the rot." The comic heavily discusses disaster Capitalism and how the rich will use mass death and destruction as an opportunity to further line their pockets.
I also like to do little anti-Capitalist doodles relating to this project, which I plan to make into posters at some point.
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Please consider donating a Ko-Fi also if you would like to help support this project. I am really struggling at the moment because I've basically lost a massive chunk of my client base due to this Twitter implosion and also because of the AI BS that has made it impossible for me to get any reach nowadays. The last year or so has been an absolute nightmare for my career because of all of this.
Thank you all for your continued support! Hopefully I can re-establish my audience here on Tumblr and wherever else I decide to go.
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feelingemotjons · 2 months
Seriously fuck mr beast and anyone who still defends him. There are no “good” or “nice” rich people. Mr beast doesn’t actually give a fuck about people nor care for them as much as he claims he does. I really hope he does not get away with this shit because this is not okay
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