#drink hoarder
freshhotflavors · 2 months
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Why yes, I do need all of these drinks at once, thank you for asking.
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stripesysheaven · 7 months
went on a 3 hour cleaning spree im so alive
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
Shoutout to my mother for taping HOW TO UNLOAD THE DISHWASHER instructions to the front of the dishwasher, it has taken many years but at long last she has gotten the general gist of my brain problems (she was married to my dad and shared a room with my aunt growing up, after all) and is being genuinely helpful in material and meaningful ways. Thenk u momther 4 my ADL assistance
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dufrau · 5 months
favorite drink? or at least the top few
Most of the time i just drink beer tbh.
But when I don't drink beer I tend to prefer very boozy classic sorts of cocktails like old fashioneds and manhattans etc, if not just a neat bourbon or scotch.
But I also will typically order the fruitiest pinkest drink on the menu if there is one, because i like to celebrate Pink Drink Friday, which, for the record can be celebrated any day of the week. This is a made up holiday that is really just an excuse to post a selfie holding a pink drink. It's fun. I recommend it. Occasionally somebody will tell you you look cute, and what could be better than that?
(edited to add: and also negronis! i forgot them at first because its a very springtime drink and it is very winter right now so i am in whiskey mode. they also have the added benefit of being pink)
I was assuming you meant alcoholic drinks since i mentioned "the bar" in the tags of the post that I am also assuming sent you to my ask box lol but IF NOT, then my favorite or at least most consumed drinks are black coffee and water.
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floral-hex · 1 year
I just want to get blasted, either out of my mind or into the sun, I’m not picky
#not me looking into the shitty guidelines for getting approved for medical marijuana in arkansas#yeeeaaaah looks like the process is ridiculously convoluted and pricey so nah#but missouri is just a few hours away so who knows#I hate weed for real. I mean it’s cool but I’ve had some bad experiences#but my anxiety is getting pretty rough and it would just be nice if I could turn my brains to mush every once in awhile#whenever my hearing gets bad I start freaking out and panicking and feeling sick. it suuuuuuucks.#anyway I have about 10 ‘emergency’ klonopin left which I don’t like taking bc I’m a hoarder and hate wasting stuff#like in video games when you stockpile potions but never use them#plus that shit can be addictive and I’m not a fan of that idea#tbh tho I diiiid take one earlier and I’ve been feeling preeeetty mellow#I ate two bowls of ice cream and I’m feeling good#I thought I had a drs appt coming soon to talk about anxiety meds but turns out it’s actually next month 🙄 so gonna reschedule that#anyway this was supposed to be a post about wanting to get blazed but I kinda whined all over these tags#whoops#uhhh…. how are you doing?#have you drank enough water today? for real#god I love ice water with a little lemon juice. I drink so much of that a day. it’s the best.#this isn’t important#if you read all of this then I love you#or at least like you. a little. a little bit. you’re good. I appreciate you.#ok I’m gonna go make coffee now#you can ignore this#text
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stillinthatweirdfaze · 4 months
Obsessed with how amazing elementary school valentines parties were compared to the actual holiday. You made it so much better in every conceivable way and then expected us to go to this ass version in our adult hood it’s so fucked.
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kulliare · 1 year
trying to not rage over the fact that inevitably i will be asked how my break went and then being unable to say that my grandpa died and i will have to swallow it down like everything else
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kitmoas · 2 years
i have juice do u want some :o (it’s a secret don’t tell anyone)
:O I do! gib pls
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kiwidotcom · 2 years
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korinthiakos · 1 year
Also I had a fight with the hose today, next year I'mma clean out that god damn shed and unrust a few things in there.
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 2 months
anyway i think claw and hoarder could have been really good if they had rick literally fuck the dragon
#random thoughts#guess what motherfuckers it's blue man time#i hate when they use like. actual magic#i dont think there should be magic#fuck the devil fuck wizards fuck dragons. the vampires are fine because it's funny#like literally there is no reason for morty to want a dragon#have him like. save the life of an alien dragon creature who is then honor-bound to be his faithful servant until he saves HIS life#but in the meantime the dragon is kind of pissy about it#and summer's like 'you have a slave. gross.' and morty's like 'no he's not!!!'#and it's like. a dragon culture thing. and if the dragon doesn't serve morty then he'll be cast out from his home#so it's KIND OF slavery. and it's running parallel to a summer side story#where beth and jerry are like 'if you're gonna live under our roof you'll have to live by our rules' and she's like#'well maybe i don't WANT to live under your roof anymore!!!'#anyway so the dragon follows morty around everywhere trying to save his life#which ends in your classic 'i fake being in danger so you save my life and leave me alone' trope#which ends in rick saving him from that because rick thinks it's funny he's so inconvenienced by the giant dragon following him around#and the dragon's mad and he and rick end up drinking together and the dragon confides in him and rick's like#'dude family is NOT that important' or something else nihilistic#anyway they end up sleeping together which breaks the dragon code cuz they're supposed to abstain from all pleasure during their time#or whatever. and that's how rick indirectly kept morty from having a weird dragon stalker!!! the end#idk it's rough. im watching claw and hoarder rn and im fucking mad#the fake out save ends with rick going 'what's wrong morty ]:-) i saved your life'#and morty's like 'YOU KNEW THAT WAS A FAKEOUT TO GET THE DRAGON TO LEAVE ME ALONE' and the dragon's like :(
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isychiaa · 4 months
Paracetamol (acetaminophen in the US) is max like $8 for a normal sized package. Even specialised paracetamol-based cold medicine like theraflu is around $10.
i am not from the us but good to know u guys aren't getting extorted for paracetamol lol
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woodnrust · 4 months
Uh oh! I've been overcome with the idea that I want to get into loose leaf tea brewing, a very expensive hobby that I can neither afford nor have the room for!
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ilhoonftw · 7 months
not me thinking white claw is like tonic or sparkling water idk and there's no alcohol there ??? i mean from the branding etc i wasn't aware it's booze
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dutybcrne · 11 months
            Part of why Kaeya has no qualms about rushing headfirst into danger and why he is so disinclined to go see a Vision-wielding healer has to do with his nature as Khaenri’ahn. While the traces of the curse bestowed upon his lineage is not as advanced as that of others, thanks in part due to his father, he still feels constant and sharper flares of pain because of it, especially whenever he delves closer/further in Abyss-infested areas and the longer he lingers near/around them. Especially whenever he uses his own Vision and/or has the effects of one imbued upon him.
            For this reason, most sensations people would find agonizing tend to be something Kaeya actively seeks out, finding typical ones do not register to him so easily. If he can find something that really smarts compared to what the curse makes him feel, that he can focus on instead of it, he can have some twisted semblance of coping and controlling his pain, in his mind. Especially if he can find ways to get it treated and actually feel the relief of such.
#//Uhh; have this#hc; kaeya#//Part of why he drinks a lot is do to this as well–given; it numbs him nicely#//The downside to that though is in feeling that temporary relief of said numbing; he will tend to go well past his limits in that regard#//And end up in a more relaxed state than he'd ever anticipate or intend to#//Mans can and will take torture without batting much of an eye; has even goaded treasure hoarders to do worse at times#//But that's usually when he goes hunting for metaphorical wasp nests to kick bc shit got Bad or he was in a shit mood to begin with#//10/10 prefers getting battered and knocked around than getting drunk on the worst of days; finds it much more efficient and cathartic#//His pain threshold has gotten so screwed up; even his own comrades are a bit freaked out by it; times they get to see it pushed#//The worst of his pain is centered around his eye; the rest thrumming throughout his nerves#//Usually feels a pulsing headache above all else; some days wakes up and his body feels alight along with a freakin' migraine#//Will he still force himself to get up and work? Ofc. even if he still ends up late bc of it; bc waking like that is No easy feat#//He's just lucky Jean trusts in his efficiency to cut him some slack (& bc she & Lisa worry and send Noelle with snacks & tea to help )#//(Not that it'd help too much; but he does appreciate the sentiment when he starts suspecting why they did)#//Never visits the Angel's Share on the worst days; he will Not risk Diluc or Rosaria seeing him like that#//Not if he can help it; he even has emergency booze hidden in various places he can crawl off to including his office and his apartment#//Only someone who knows him well would be able to tell how bad things are–he is That intent to ensure no one else knows#//Esp since most folks would suggest he go to the Church for treatment#//He would never cancel on a day with Klee; even at his worst–though he might end up taking a few days off to recover#//Which he LOATHES; doing; but if it means spending time with Klee; he'll take it. And take his work home with him jic
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midnightorchids · 1 month
Even more Jason Todd headcanons
- He’s a really fast typer, like unbelievably fast (this is so hot) and this is both while texting or on a computer
- Speaking of texting, he sucks at texting back. He’s a horrible texter, super dry, boring and extremely late. If you need something, just call him
- I know everyone says that his everyday shoe is a pair boots, but I would like to argue and say that its actually a really beaten up pair of sneakers (maybe adidas gazelles or a pair of vans)
- Also, he has an accent, it’s not super thick when he talks normally, but when he’s tired or angry, it definitely comes out more
- He blasts music while he’s gearing up for patrol, he subconsciously raps/sings and dances along to the song (and he looks SO fine doing it)
- He feels lonely in his apartment so he doesn’t spend much time there, it feels like the quite haunts him sometimes
- He gives really tight hugs almost as if he’s afraid the person is going to disappear if he hangs on too loosely
- He gets nightmares and they’re bad. They’re not frequent but they’re bad - wake up in cold sweat with tears pouring down your face type of bad. He rarely talks about it.
- Okay enough angst lets talk about something silly
- He says sorry to inanimate objects and animals when he bumps into them
- He’s a hoarder. Anything from books to clothes to tupperware
- He also doesn’t use normal bookmarks, it’s almost always an old receipt or a scrap piece of paper that he scribbled random shit on
- I know SOME people also love to headcanon him as this big broody ominous nonchalant dude - he is not
- Jason is a chatty boy and he rambles a lot (but like only once hes comfy with you)
- Also, super random, but his fav food is probably shawarma
- He’s had his nose pierced once and then got punched in the face and it hurt like a bitch so he took it out immediately
- He’s the type of guy to drink really boring soda flavoured slushies like coke or sprite
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