#don't mind me entertaining myself lmao
rotbtd-edits · 1 month
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If Rotbtd was a classic RPG game (Part 2)
I really love to play around with pixels, so this time I created some fake screens based on my RotBTD series. You can tell I was heavily inspired by KH:CoM's beautiful pixel graphics :'3 [Characters by me, bgs from FF Pixel Remasters]
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lightbulb-warning · 10 months
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local audhd having idiot has to do something not related to their hyperfixation and fuCKING EXPLODES!!1!!!!!! /j
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not-poignant · 2 years
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Moodboard: Mallory
From: Mallory & Mount
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Wow, I really love radfems so much. Anyone who, like, gets it. Understands. 
I like consuming entertainment/media a lot, and I especially do it now that I have more free time and want something to enjoy during these trying times, but it just occurred to me why even though I usually like what I watch, it’s been doing nothing for me for the most part. 
It’s the men. It’s because it’s made by men. Not only is the fandom super male-dominated and therefore male (looking up an underage female character and getting unwanted porn of her lmao), I’m so used to the disappointment and whatnot that I forgot what the cause and reason was. 
Basically, when I surround myself with women or see female takes, I feel much happier and connected to others/positive/cheerful. But when I watch something made by a man and can feel it through the sexualization and uncomfortable everything and all of that, then I totally clock out and am disconnected from humanity/others like, “Ok, disappointment. No thanks. No more.” 
I like to check tumblr quite often and sometimes I know outright that it’s because I want to see radfem blogs and regain my sanity, but yeah.... It’s really true that who you surround yourself with can influence you and your mood. Coming to this realization was nice. “It doesn’t have to be this way” <-- me and my lack of expectations for media/others
No one’s perfect, but I certainly feel a lot more love towards radfem/”TERF” blogs than I do anyone else I know (since they’re either male or are sipping the libfem Koolaid and probably wouldn’t get it). 
I hope all of y’all keep it up, being so cool and all. I’ll definitely fight for us! ✊ You’re all great. c: 
#my own rambles#i purposely don't specify or name a lot of things in detail because i dont want to be found out lol#right now my dash is divided between the radfems and the libfems i used to follow and#the difference in posts is so stark lmao#i dont unfollow because i dont mind seeing both sides#but since becoming acquainted with radfems... the libfem side is SO unintelligent hahahaha#anyway i'm surrounded by men in my fandoms but i dont HAVE to interact with them#or take the entertainment that seriously too#this is coming from someone who likes art a lot#this is quite a freeing thought...#i'll spend my time reading that article i had open from that one radfem post#i shouldnt waste my time on/with men#even by proxy through their shit art... trying to find what i want/makes me excited#yeah this is quite the revelation. i hate men after all so why am i even giving them a chance?#i wanna fix my thoughts regarding this and be more conscious about them. i definitely wanna be around women more#talking to myself haha. ok! i like this post.#i'm really so grateful and glad i found radfems#they are the coolest people i know. like... usually i feel nothing towards people. no expectation. only disappointment#but radfem posts can actually make me smile. and FEEL things. actual connection/love to other humans wow!#not just my own morals guiding me on.... me actually genuinely liking people and being curious about them#not wanting to disappoint some of my fave radfems lmao#i'm writing posts at like 2 AM again but i'll try to take these lessons into tomorrow/the future ^^#tbh though i actually feel unused to sharing my thoughts since regular people are SO hostile and i dont want them in my notifs#radfems are human too so i dont really expect a warm welcome from them or anything#but i'd be happy to throw my thoughts into the void without the worry of someone bothering me over it... like picking a fight/being rude#this is the internet though so i'll brace myself as always i guess xD#i wanna make a post talking about my other feelings/the other aspect of my identity but idk when i'll do it#i know people have mixed opinions but i'm not doing it for THEM necessarily. i'd just like to share for fun
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flamingtouya · 3 months
𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐩 (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞) —
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pairing: dabi + f!reader
word count: 4381
cw: getting to know each other (against your better intuition), flirting, bad flirting,some explicit language but nothing too bad, no quirk AU, dabi commits a crime or two
summary: In which Dabi meant to text Toga instead of a random stranger. But these things happen, and you were never one to shy away from troublesome men. This whole thing is told entirely through text messages.
a/n: check out my AO3 for different formatting! :)
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Mar 02  10:07 PM
Unknown: Grab bleach while you’re out Unknown: And paper towels
You: who is this??
Unknown: So funny
You: u got the wrong number my guy 
Unknown: Shit Unknown: You don’t happen to have some bleach at your disposal rn? 
You: try the convenience store You: where’s the body at, anyways
Unknown: Ohara street by the fitness park, you should come check it out
You: sounds enticing You: i’ve always wanted to be on a true crime podcast
You: sort of expected myself to be the alive one though
Unknown: I was taught that women tend to be smart about stranger danger and stuff Unknown: You're out to prove me wrong
You: how’d you know i’m a woman? 🤨
Unknown: U sound cute Unknown: And men don’t listen to true crime
You: that’s so sexist You: and correct You: you'd do numbers on reddit
Mar 03 00:16 AM
You: hey don’t leave now
Mar 03 00:34 AM
Unknown: Had a body to take care of
You: you didn’t wait for me? :(
Unknown: … Unknown: Are u fr
You: ofc not You: i don’t hang out with edgelords
Unknown: Whatever u r probably boring anyways
You: entertaining enough for u to keep texting me
Unknown: We all have our moments of weakness 
Mar 03 01:09 AM
Unknown: So wyd
You: you don’t have anybody else to bother?
Unknown: I do Unknown: I want to bother you tho
You: damn, what’d i do to deserve this
Unknown: Is that a complaint
You: i have uni tomorrow and ur buzzing keeps waking me up
Unknown: Mute your phone, stupid 
You: can’t mute unknown numbers
Unknown: Save this one then Unknown: Or block me idc
You: what name should i put it under
Unknown: Dabi 
You: lmao i knew you were an edgelord
Dabi: Stfu
You: good night to you too
Mar 03  07:58 AM
You: fuck
Mar 03 3:56 PM
Dabi: Did you miss me that bad 
Mar 03 4:32 PM
You: i overslept and am blaming you entirely
Mar 03 5:19 PM 
Dabi: Sucks to be a useful member to society
You: why what do you do
Dabi: I'm actually a bit of a part-time freelancer, you regular uni folk just wouldn't get it
You: freelancing around ohara at 1 in the morning sounds like the truly fulfilling purpose we all long for You: did you just get up
Dabi: Hey now  Dabi: Yes  Dabi: I’m still in bed technically, looking at the ceiling fan is so interesting when I don't want to move a muscle
You: you are everything I am jealous of
Dabi: I promise you it’s not that good 
You: first time a guy’s been honest right away. i applaud u
Dabi: Omg no way 
Mar 03 5:40 PM
You: no way what
Dabi: No way you said something witty 
Dabi: Maybe you’re fun after all
You: i’ll have u know that deep down, i’m just a fragile being trying to make it thru this bitch of a world, running on fumes and caffeine all while chasing a childhood dream that i'll never be able to reach anyways because of my parents' expectations of me crushing my soul
Dabi: Damn, being vulnerable already 
You: your turn
Dabi: I’m not sad. My life is great and my parents never expected anything of me
Dabi: That was a lie 
You: so you’re a liar
Dabi: I suppose I might be
You: that counts as being vulnerable. i’m so proud of us. &lt;3
Mar 03 9:12 PM
You: you probably have daddy issues
Mar 03 11:34 PM 
Dabi: Mind your business 
You: so i’m right
Dabi: Nosy sounds more like it
You: that’s a yes then
Dabi: When I tell you he SUCKS so bad 
You: LMAO You: i’m guessing you don’t particularly like your family then
Dabi: It's not the type of stuff I'd tell anybody, especially not to some nosy individual whose number is one or two digits off
You: alright i’ll stop digging You: wait how old are you You: am i talking to some 50 y/o dude You: please no
Mar 04 00:02 AM
Dabi: Chill I’m 48
Mar 04 00:06 AM 
You: say sike right now You: if u rly are then i’m half your age
Dabi: You thought Dabi: Are you actually 24 tho
You: give or take a few days lol
Dabi: When’s your birthday 
You: do you want my social and tax numbers while we’re at it
Dabi: Stfu I wanna see if I’m older 
You: 🤨 You: it’s at the end of this month
Dabi: Baby 
You: are u flirting with me or insulting me
Dabi: Can’t I be doing both 
Mar 04 06:30 AM
You: love me a guy who can multitask You: did you ever get your bleach and paper towels
Mar 04 11:11 AM
You: it’s 11:11 make a wish
Mar 04 2:02 PM
You: my wish is that you’d commit to a humane sleeping schedule
Mar 04 2:59 PM 
Dabi: Anybody hear sum 
You: i heard you’re a lazy bitch You: who doesn’t even do his own grocery shopping
Dabi: Maybe I do. Maybe I got the bleach all on my own like a big boy
You: X
Dabi: What's that mean
You: X for doubt You: it’s a meme
Dabi: Here I thought we were about to get spicy 😔
You: ew
Dabi: I was joking  Dabi: …unless 
You: has anybody ever told you that your flirting is immaculate
Mar 04 7:10 PM
Dabi: What do you study 
You: are you trying to find out my location
Dabi: Let it be known I’m terrible at geography and if I wanted to stalk you I'd already be on it
You: that’s a consolation You: forensic science You: i actually can’t wait for the semester to be over bc my professor is one of the most annoying individuals i have ever had the displeasure of meeting
Dabi: So you do have bleach 
You: never said i didn’t
Dabi: What do I have to do to make the list of annoying individuals. What's my current score
You: we haven’t met You: and i’m not sure if i’d survive u
Dabi: You have a point, I'm super nice tho
You: bet You: are you handsome You: asking for a friend You: the handsome ones are usually more annoying
Dabi: I'll say I’m frighteningly unique-looking 
You: ...well played
Mar 04 10:09 PM 
Dabi: My boss is making me do errand work in the morning like I'm some kind of functioning human being with principles Dabi: The next piercing I’m getting is a lobotomy 
You: thought you were “freelancing”
Dabi: Freelancing only gets you so far. You'll understand when you're my age
You: can't imagine what the back pain must be like You: do you have a tongue piercing 👀
Dabi: Perhaps I do
You: u r so mysterious You: tell me an opinion 
Dabi: Mint ice cream makes my teeth feel weird 
You: that’s not an opinion 
Dabi: Alright, more foods should have mint in them. And coriander. I want to make things inedible for 80% of the human population
You: nvm keep your opinions to yourself 
Mar 05 02:26 AM
Dabi: I've gotta burn this number. Txt u in a few 
Mar 05 05:16 AM
You: what are you, some kind of druglord This message could not be delivered.
You: I knew it This message could not be delivered.
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Mar 0512:03 PM
You: ayo are you still there This message could not be delivered.
You: this is only funny if you come clean right now This message could not be delivered.
Mar 05 4:16 PM
You: "text you in a few" minutes? hours? days? This message could not be delivered.
You: just know that if it takes to long i'll forget about u This message could not be delivered.
You: won't even miss u This message could not be delivered.
Mar 06 09:00 AM
You: hello is this thing on This message could not be delivered.
Mar 07 3:15 PM
You: my social security number is 6007 0023 6799 0324 This message could not be delivered.
Mar 07 8:46 PM
You: eggs, vinegar, panko, sprite, sliced ham, parmesan, deodorant sencha if they have the good one ground pepper, lemon juice This message could not be delivered.
Mar 08 04:44 AM
Unknown: Am I still the man of ur dreams
You: I'm killing you You: violently
Unknown: I was hoping softly Unknown: With your song
You: are these messages being monitored You: am i a suspect
Unknown: If they were, could I write that I'm a ruthless baby killer anti-government fuck the police pro abortion the prime minister is an idiot bomb. bomb at the airport, terrorism, detonate Unknown: I guess now they are
Dabi was added as a contact.
You: just when i thought i'd have to find another witty asshole with a tongue piercing
Dabi: Aw you missed me Dabi: Does my tongue piercing make me hot be honest
You: what are my chances of getting an explanation for the past few days You: are u a murderer fr, that would be so cool You: i totally didn't use our abandoned chat as a grocery list btw
Dabi: The only thing I slay is pussy 😎
You: somehow i have doubts about that statement You: animal abuse is no joke
Dabi: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100, if you guess it correctly I'll tell u everything
You: 69
Mar 08 08:21 AM
Dabi: It was 72 Dabi: Because you were so close I'll give u one free question. But I want another one in return
You: you're a dirty little gremlin who plays dirty little games You:: do i get to ask a follow-up question
Dabi: No
You: in that case You: which of the following activities did you partake in? 1.) vandalism 2.) drug dealing 3.) drug trafficking 4.) violent crimes 5.) violent crimes that resulted in the death of one or more individuals 6.) assisting someone in a violent crime 7.) assisting someone in a non-violent crime 8.) theft 9.) robbery 10.) hate crimes against a minority 11.) politically motivated acts of defiance 12.) consumption of illegal substances 13.) running and/or hiding from law enforcement 14.) domestic terrorism 15.) human trafficking 16.) money laundering 17.) having a good time
Dabi: What the fuck Dabi: What is this, a multiple choice? Dabi: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13 Dabi: My turn Dabi: What's your favourite food
You: fr, just like that You: that's your one question out of everything you could ask? am i really that boring
Dabi: I ask what I ask
You: spicy miso ramen with minced pork You: can we go back to the part where you ran from law enforcement
Dabi: Don't we all have demons that we run from Dabi: Mine are just a bit more persistent
Mar 08 10:52 AM
You: i want another question
Dabi: If you come up with one that's not related to the past few days, go ahead
You: fine i'll take it You: have you ever been caught and gotten in legal trouble for one of your… dubious activities
Dabi: Yeah
You: …and?
Dabi: That's another question. Gonna trade?
You: fine
Dabi: When I was 16, two Officers Of The Law 🐷 caught me dumpster diving behind a 7/11 Dabi: The dumpster diving wasn't the crime but because it was on private property they charged me with trespassing
You: damn, that's a lot of truth from u in just two sentences You: i wanna know ur tragic backstory so bad
Dabi: You could try to get me all sentimental for the 6 minutes after really good sex before the post nut clarity sets in
You: uh huh, taking notes You: anyway. you get one question. think hard
Dabi: If you couldn't have minced pork on your ramen, what would your second topping choice be
You: you're impossible
Mar 08 1:27 PM
You: tori karaage or extra ni-tamago i guess
Mar 08 2:23 PM
Dabi: Doesn't the Karaage lose its crispiness if it's in the broth for too long Dabi: I wouldn't know
You: please let me recommend you a good ramen place, you seem like you'd need it
Dabi: You have no idea. Take me out
You: like romantically? or are you asking me to murder you
Dabi: I love surprises
You: i just laughed out loud in the middle of my lecture
Mar 08 7:18 PM
Dabi: Need your forensic expertise for a sec
You: …oh no
Dabi: It's a purely hypothetical scenario
You: alright lay it on me big boy
Dabi: If a 176 cm tall and 67 kg heavy person were to climb over a 4,60 meter high fence that has electrical wiring on it Dabi: What would the most likely way for them to die be?
You: this is not forensic at all You: how strong is the electricity You: is there a way to shut it off You: where would you hold onto the fence You: can it be damaged
Dabi: Not me, a 176 cm tall and 67 kg heavy person
Dabi: The only points that provide decent grip surface are the hooks holding the wires in place
You: so the most likely way to die would be electrocution You: will that be all
Dabi: How would one determine whether the electricity has been properly shut off Dabi: In the theoretical scenario that you couldn't get close enough to hear
You: the 176 cm tall and 67 kg heavy person should tap the wiring from the bottom with the back of their hand You: that way their fingers curl downwards and not around the wire You: so the person won't DIE from ELECTROCUTION
Mar 09 00:08 AM
Dabi: Excellent Dabi: Gonna do some field research Dabi: Will report back in maybe a day
Mar 09 08:01 AM
You: i'm gonna be so mad if you die before you've had decent karaage This message could not be delivered.
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Mar 11 6:10 PM
Unknown: So it turns out that the person did not have to climb the fence after all. Pliers are such useful tools Unknown: Thanks for the electricity tip tho
Mar 11 6:39 PM
Dabi was added as a contact.
You: you're so hot when you're alive 
Mar 11 9:14 PM
Dabi: Do u think I'm a catch 😏
You: judging by the way law enforcement is trying to get their hands on you, i'd say you're pretty slippery
Dabi: The slipperiest Dabi: You couldn't handle me
You: i'd trap you using cheese and a paper box  You: put you in a jar and turn you into spicy miso broth 
Dabi: Would you hold the jar tight at night and tell me everything's going to be okay 
You: of course 
Dabi: I'm liking this scenario 
Mar 12 01:07 AM 
Dabi: Ever thought about what Mint Karaage would taste like
Mar 12 01:23 AM
You: i need u 
Dabi: Tell me more
You: to shut your mouth
Dabi: Are you trying to romance me
Mar 12 07:15 AM
You: i'm actually so upset right now  You: can i vent
Mar 12 07:27 AM
Dabi: Listening Dabi: Am I gonna have to get the tissues out
You: you're not empathetic enough for that 
Dabi: How would you know 
You: call it a woman's intuition  You: i just need someone to bother about my hot girl troubles
Dabi: Let's hear it girl  Dabi: Men ain't shit 💅
You: damn right they aren't You: but unrelated to that You: i ran out of my medication a few days ago and thought if i stretched the remaining 3 pills to last me 6 days i'd be able to make it till the end of the week  You: now my doctor's office is closed and i can't seem to get an appointment anywhere You: and i'm super jittery and on edge and almost had a panic attack just trying to make coffee
Dabi: What type of medication 
You: Ativan You: it's prescription only
Dabi: Nothing is ever "prescription only" 
You: i'm not gonna try some experimential backalley drug You: just feel like dying rn
Dabi: Who said anything about backalley? You actually came to the right guy for this  Dabi: What's the name of the nearest druggery 
You: ...fukuju pharmacy
Dabi: So I've been talking to a Setagaya girl 
You: only moved here for uni, hate to disappoint if ur expecting a wealthy maiden 
Mar 12 10:02 AM
Dabi: Don't you feel like getting a snack from the vending machine  Dabi: Specifically the one next to the pharmacy  Dabi: A bag of skittles sounds nice, doesn't it?
You: ? ? ?
Mar 12 10:34 AM 
You: did you commit a crime for me  You: how did you get your hands on actual fucking Ativan this fast
Dabi: I don't kiss and tell
You: did you follow me home  You: is this how i die
Dabi: You make it so hard to be nice to you Dabi: What do you think I am, a creep
You: if you were here i'd suck you off so good rn
Dabi: Whore Dabi: (Respectfully)
You: lmao ur right You: thank you for real though
Dabi: Stfu
Mar 12 1:33 PM
Dabi: Do u like cats
You: yes
Dabi sent an image.
Dabi: Noodle thieving menace 
You: 🥹 You: that has got to be the fattest street cat i’ve ever seen
Dabi: He’s hella fast 
You: how does it feel to be the one chasing the culprit for once
Dabi: Not nearly as thrilling as being the one committing the crime 
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Mar 13 00:00 AM
Unknown: Congratulations! You have been selected as an eligible member for a free trial of Osaka Daily Post. Unknown: If you would like information about your benefits, reply 'BENEFIT' Unknown: If you would like to stop receiving these messages, reply 'STOP' 
You: i know it's you shithead
Unknown: Your message could not be processed. 
You: this is the unfunniest you've ever been ngl
Unknown: Your message could not be processed. 
You: you're truly one of the most annoying individuals in my life
Unknown: Your message could not be processed. 
Unknown: LMAO you thought
Dabi was saved as a contact. 
You: i'm reconsidering if the tongue piercing is really worth it 😤
Mar 13 04:55 AM
Dabi: Any particular reason why you chose forensics 
Mar 13 06:09 AM
You: i've always admired criminals but been to scared to become one You: and if i know about psychotic assholes it might help me to steer clear of them, or so i thought
Dabi: Is it working
You: evidently not
Dabi: Use me in ur thesis  Dabi: I'll be your lab rat
You: nah you're more beneficial to me when you're not stuck behind bars You: what do you have me saved as in your phone
Dabi: I don't save contacts  Dabi: Especially not yours  Dabi: You mean nothing to me 
You: aww do you know my number by heart, that's adorable You: i'm kinda genuinely impressed at how persistent you are at bothering me, it's almost like you like me or smth
Dabi: No fr though lmao if anybody finds my phone you'd be on a list
You: do u delete these chats
Dabi: Always
You: that's so romantic You: admit it you're actually a softie
Dabi: Would that make you more interested in me  Dabi: Then I'm the softest 
You: what do i need to do to make you the hardest
Dabi: ... Dabi: There's absolutely no correct way for me to respond to that  Dabi: You've left me speechless 
You: 🥵🥵
Dabi: What's your worst quality  Dabi: Besides being an irresistible smartass  Dabi: *irritating 
You: was that a freudian slip You: you're so obsessed with me it's adorable
Dabi: Proving my point so diligently 
You: you don't seem like the kind of person who would use words like 'diligently' You: i'm rather talkative at times You: to the point where it gets unbearable to listen to me
Dabi: I never would've guessed
You: what's yours? You: besides the obvious
Dabi: Still putting up with you 
Mar 13 7:45 PM
Dabi: Wyd 
You: i burned my rice a little You: but it's edible
Dabi: Don't you have a rice cooker? Who raised you 
You: my very strict but sweet and committed grandmother who made the best teriyaki salmon in the whole world You: i'd kill another human being to eat her home cooked food one more time
Dabi: So your parents ain't shit either 
You: eh, they're alright You: they're Business People overseas and aren't around a whole lot, means i get my own place though You: so i can have visitors at any desired hour 😏
Dabi: Omg sick Dabi: Me next
You: it was implied
Mar 13 11:11 PM
Dabi: Ok but do u actually wanna meet up sometime  Dabi: No strings attached ofc 
You: i'm down
Dabi: What if I'm a creep after all
You: if anything, it means i won't have to attend my lecture about carbon dots tmrw
Dabi: I can't tomorrow  Dabi: What about the day after Dabi: I'll give u my credit card info if it makes you feel more safe, don't bother trying to buy anything with it tho, you'll be disappointed
You: you may not show it a whole lot, but are you actually a considerate person? You: the day after sounds good
Dabi: Preem
You: oreryu shio ramen, right by harajuku station You: about time you had some good karaage You: my treat You: unless that's too far away for u
Dabi: I would fly across the world for u Dabi: Yes Harajuku works fine
Mar 14 08:49 AM
You: how will i recognise u You: what do u look like
Dabi: As my dad once said. I'm impossible to miss 
You: i laughed
Dabi: Guess it was all worth it then  Dabi: Do tattoos scare you
You: i was gonna ask cause there's no way you got only a tongue piercing and nothing else You: stand there with your tongue out
Dabi: Shouldn't we at least get to know each other before 😳
You: don't get any ideas  You: i don't intend to fuck u You: ...for now
Dabi: That's a relief, I thought I might have to file a restraining order afterwards 
Mar 14 1:42 PM 
Dabi sent an image. 
Dabi: If u see this guy u can still run the other way 
You: hhh fuck You: are u trying to intimidate me You: how do you have so many tattoos but no bedframe
Dabi: Cut me some slack, I just moved into this place 
You: fair warning i'm not as hot as u
Dabi: Bet 
You sent an image. 
Dabi: Why do women always lie. I thought you were better. I thought you were different
You: 😳 You: i'm actually worse
Dabi: We're such a good match
You: don't get ahead of urself. u r still a guy with no bedframe
Dabi: Please shut up
Mar 14 4:16 PM
Dabi: To be clear I'm not bringing flowers or anything  Dabi: And I'm actually willing to let you pay this time lol 
You: you have such a unique way with words 
Dabi: A bit tight on money rn but I'll pay u back some other way 
You: can we make that the first line in our sextape  You: dw i said it's my treat and i mean it You: does that make you feel emasculated
Dabi: Who would I be to say no to free food tf Dabi: If there's a next time I can take you out for drinks  Dabi: Nothing fancy but an old friend of mine owns a bar downtown and his girlfriend mixes a killer mule 
You: if you're gonna poison me after gaining my trust over my favourite food i will be incredibly sad 
Dabi: Give me some credit here. I'm trusting u to not rat me out to law enforcement 
You: you're giving me ideas You: is there a bounty on your head
Dabi: I'm not that important 
Mar 14 9:44 PM
You: so you're just too good to get caught
Dabi: Both flattering and factually correct Dabi: For the record I've never harmed anybody that didn't deserve it 
You: thanks for clarifying  You: i feel so safe now 
Dabi: Anytime  Dabi: If you're having second thoughts lmk before 10 am so I won't spend time getting ready for nothing 
You: 10 am is crazy  You: u r so vain 
Dabi: Alright then I won't 😔
You: i take it back You: be pretty for me
Mar 15 5:30 AM
You: can't sleep 
Mar 15 7:12 AM
Dabi: How the turntables  Dabi: Are you alright
You: yes  You: it's the good kind of sleepless 
Dabi: It's fine if you're having second thoughts, I won't hold it against you at all  Dabi: Just texting like this is nice too
You: fuck no i wanna meet the man behind the screen You: the myth, the legend, the crimelord himself 
Dabi: I'm never showing consideration for ur wellbeing ever again 
You: should've ghosted me before i got attached
Mar 15 9:54 AM
Dabi: Last chance to bail gracefully  
You: you make it so tempting 
Dabi: Getting out of bed then 
You: it's not a bed if it doesn't have a bedframe
Dabi: Shut, and I mean this in the gentlest way possible, the hell your mouth
Mar 15 12:08 PM
Dabi sent a location pin.
Dabi: Is this the place
You: that's the one  You: be there in a few minutes 
Dabi: I'm waiting outside 
Mar 15 12:13 PM
You: omg i think i see u You: im shy
Dabi: U literally have so much blackmail material on me 
You: give me a second You: alright I'm coming over This message could not be delivered.
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soraviie · 1 year
coming home tired.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader   ━ navigation
━ about: fluff! (maybe some angst you all know how it is)
━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ lmao I don't like this. Anyway, Ice Age 1 and 2 absolutely peak entertainment
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NAMJOON | The second the slippers are on your feet, you trudge to the bed and toss yourself face first into the mattress. With a bit of luck, you could suffocate yourself like this. A low whistle rises from up behind you and squinting with one eye open, you spot a sympathetic looking Namjoon standing in the doorway.
“That bad, huh?” he drawls and you groan at the mere mention of it.
“Don’t even remind me,” you plop your face back into a pillow where your voice can only barely be heard as a muffled whisper. “I’m seriously thinking of quitting.”
“You say that all the time,” he rolls his eyes to which you take some offence. With narrowed stare, you glare back at him, cringing at how palpable the sweat on your back is. 
“You’re supposed to be my boyfriend-”
“Supposed to be,” Namjoon scoffs just as if not more offended. “I am your boyfriend.”
“And boyfriends are supposed to be comforting when their partners are feeling down,” you scorned. “Not be snide. I swear you treat me as bad as Monie. We should both leave.”
“I treat you both well!” the volume of Namjoon's voice suddenly rises and you cannot help but wince as it hits against the pounding baseline of an oncoming migraine. Immediately, he forces his voice to a much quieter tone, a sound no more than a vague whisper whilst an indisputable shade of concern appearing in his eyes. 
“Is it that bad? Do you need to go on a sick leave?”
“No, no,” you wave him off, crawling off the bed with no meagre amount of difficulty. It wouldn’t exactly be the first time when “after a bit” has grown to be you drooling in deep sleep on the pillow, still fully dressed only to then wake up at 2 am incredibly hungry. “I’m just a bit tired, that's all.”
“You be careful, alright?”
Namjoon’s face still has a sort of worried film to it as though he’s caught between two possible options of how to make everything better and knowing him, he probably was.
“Do you want me to read to you?” 
“You hate it.”
“But I like you so…”
You try not to, however, a small smile still stubbornly worms its place onto your lips and it’s soon echoed on Namjoon's own expression. He outstretches his hand and it isn't long before you grasp it.
“Come on,” he throws his head towards that god awful hellscape of a seat that you detest so much but had no heart to tell as Namjoon had grown fond of it. “Let’s get your mind off things.”
Though there is a wolf-like whistle as you change out of the work clothes for which he gets a shirt thrown into his face, largely the evening is spent in civil spirits.
“How about we eat before?”
Instantly, your blood curdles and from where you’re perched on the end of the grey sofa, you throw Namjoon a deeply, deeply anxious glance. He doesn’t miss it and after once again rolling his eyes because damned if Kim Namjoon wasn’t a passive aggressive bastard, he wraps a precarious hand over your shoulders and grumbles —
“I didn’t cook anything myself. Don’t worry.”
“Thank god,” you sigh and get pinched in the side. 
Some would say it’s simple, almost boring but time with Namjoon, wanted or not, fair or unfair, was limited. Moments like these — with your back pressed against his side as you curl up onto the sofa, a leftover pizza laying in front was a luxury. He was rarely if ever at home and it seems that even he gathers as much as his lips seek out his beloved spot on the side of your temple and press a feathery kiss. Simple — yes but precious all the same and you couldn’t thank him enough for just being here. 
“Now where were we…” you mutter to yourself, haphazardly sorting through the pile of books laid like a fallout rubble on every surface nearby. Taking advantage of the bared skin of your back, the tips of his fingers softly graze along your spine, mutely inviting you to return into his hold.
"Why do you check out so many books if you never read them?" he grumbles.
"Why would I read them if I can have you do that for me?"
"I know you are but what am I?"
The sheer volume of his exasperated sigh is almost enough to wipe your tired state clean off.
"Behave," Namjoon warns lowly, letting his head fall back on the headrest. "Otherwise, I'll just put you to bed."
You give him an angelic smile but comply, offering the book of choice only to frown when he is too eager to grasp it. There's even a twinkle to his eye.
“A cliche of story,” you grouse underneath your breath, mocking the same words Namjoon had said after forcefully reading or as he insisted “surviving” the first chapter. “My ass.”
Nonetheless, save for a few laughs, there is not much that you talk about. There’s no need to share a conversation, just the feeling of his warm skin is enough to sate the void his absence left behind.  And with it, the stress slowly abates, unclenching its grip from you, sentence by sentence as Namjoon's voice cruises through the evening.
YOONGI | You don’t quite know how your jaw has not yet unhinged off your face, stretched to its absolute limits by the snake-like yawns but you’re thankful for it anyhow. Another one breaks out the second you’re over the threshold and that is what greets Yoongi instead of a smile or a single, coherent greeting. 
“You’re home early,” you point out, withering out quickly. So much so for reading a book or watching a movie, or tackling any amount of apparently never-ending chores.
“Yeah,” he shrugs off, seemingly unconcerned but those slanted, all too observant eyes track the slope of your tired back — the way you collapse into yourself, unable to fully stand neither still nor straight — and with it his lips purse into a thin, displeased line. 
“I’m fine Yoon, don’t worry about it,” you call out with a shake of the hand. You don’t think he buys it. 
“I’m sure,” he replies simply, tone aggravatingly pleasant, not a hitch, not a crumble for you to catch onto his motives. “Let’s get you into something cozier.”
Peeling off the layers of those impersonal, pretentious clothes makes you cringe. The sweat that had been subtly building under the material is sticky and for a second you almost wish Yoongi would be at the studio like usual. Not much of a looker — sweaty and as appealing as worm splattered underneath the car’s wheel. 
“Cute,” you hear a mutter behind you and turning around, you find Yoongi standing before you, chin in hands, almost appraising you the way an art critic would a rare painting. 
“I’m not cute right now,” you grouse. Yoongi was never one to sugar coat things, so why begin now?
“You’ll always be cute.”
There is an audible offence in his tone and something in it makes you wanna tease him and almost begrudgingly you have to admit that yet again his master plans proved to be fruitful — the accumulated tension was slowly dissolving in the air around you. 
“Even if I’m 90 and all my teeth are gone?”
“Well then I’ll be just as old and we can expire together.”
You shake your head with a barely suppressed smile and suddenly the home feels that much warmer. Not just four walls with a buzzing fridge, droning of the vapid TV and somewhat unsettling emptiness but an actual home. 
“Always the romantic Yoon.”
“I drew you a bath,” he throws his head towards the closed bathroom doors. “Get in.” 
There’s not a space left in that statement for you to argue and thinking about it, you didn’t want to. The water is in perfect temperature, betraying the amount of time you’ve been together and seeing the purple foam sitting atop of the scented waterline as candles laid around hobbled on the nearby surfaces,  tears rush to your eyes. 
Sometimes it was good to cry, be it out of joy, sadness or just as a way to release things and while for some it might seem bizarre to hear your cries in the bath, even somewhat disconcerting but Yoongi knew better and he knew when to simply give you space. 
By the time you get out of the bath, pruned almost to the bone, your head feels hazy — emptier but soft at the edges. The second you see Yoongi setting up the table, you nuzzle into him, practically melting against his frame. For a second he freezes, out of the corner of the eye you glimpse how his features widen in a shock-stricken expression but once the moment inevitably passes, he plays it cool, pretending that there isn’t a pink blush nestling prettily on top of his cheekbones. 
“My, my, you really are tired,” he calls out, gingerly prying your hands away, largely to sit you in the nearby chair. Yet another sign of the sheer exposure you've had with each other over the years — when you clung, you clung, more than once lazing atop of Yoongi as though he was your own personal body pillow. He put up with it like he did with most of you — possessing endless kindness and patience. 
"Some soup, nothing fancy," he explains, sliding a spoon your way. "It'll fill you up but won't give indigestion."
"Thank you. You're the best."
He doesn't respond to the compliment with anything credible, just something whined softly through a pout. The dinner passes by in a blur as you try to listen to Yoongi's day. The guilt gnaws with sharpened teeth - at your own inability to focus on what he's saying -but the haze spindles its spidery web too tight around your body and quickly enough, you sink into the mattresses absolutely boneless. 
"This just needs one thing," you hear Yoongi muttering overhead and after a beat during which you might as well have fallen into some form of micro sleep, he returns back, paddling quietly across the plush carpet carrying none other than an extremely sleepy and confused Min Holly. The poodle sniffs slightly, veering as he suddenly finds himself put on the bed but then simply decides to snuggle up the pillow next to you — an arrangement that often resulted in Yoongi putting up a fuss over being exiled from his own bed. Though tonight there is no tantrum and quietly you dream of soft hands caressing your head before inviting dark embraces you whole.
JIN | "So you don't want to come out?" 
The blanket shakes in a definitive no, pulling from him a deep, deep sigh. "Alright but just text if you need me."
For a second, more so out of instinct than anything, he thinks of leaning down, brushing away this ridiculous blanket you've cocooned yourself in and planting a kiss on your forehead - like he always does- but something in the way you're so obstinately clinging to it stops him and instead he lays his lips atop of it, allowing you to hide away from the world. When the ends of your ears perk at the sound of the closing doors, you slowly push the blanket onto the floor, gulping down large breaths of fresh air. 
Jin was nice, you liked Jin, obviously as you lived together, but sometimes…sometimes a person just needed to be on their own. The way you move throughout the house is largely mindless. Something is playing in the background, what - you don't know. You don't put much focus on what passes between your hands - the vacuum, the window cleaner — it's just a motion. A motion required so that the tension doesn't flay you whole. It's not like you particularly want to do so — the lower back pain surely is a sign you don't want to but it is needed. The nagging thoughts of something being not done in the house will just nag you on and coupled with the stress from work, you didn't put it past your body to become the first person on the planet whose head popped from their shoulders and become airborne. 
It is when you're in the middle of battling one very annoying corner of the front entrance when Jin comes home. All too soon you hear the code pressed on the outside and you greet him as such, standing and staring like a deer in headlights with vacuum in one hand and a wet wipe in another. For a passing moment, Jin simply takes you in, a wrinkle of thorough confusion marking his face. Then as if to come to a foregone conclusion, he sighs, places the many, many takeaway boxes that tower dangerously all together in a green plastic bag on the console nearby and struts forward. You almost go in to defend yourself be it verbally or with a vacuum cleaner but he simply disregards it and places a palm right over your forehead. 
“As I thought,” he mumbles solemnly. “You’re running a fever.”
Immediately you check yourself, in the hurry almost letting the vacuum hit the ground had Jin not caught it at the last second.
“No, I’m not,” you protest but deep down you've grasped that your hand is sweaty and that your head feels…heated, somehow. “I don’t want to take a sick leave!”
Jin was often an easy-going man, never a joke missing when he was around, never a moment weighing too heavily but he was still an adult and sometimes…sometimes he put his foot down. 
“But you are,” he insists with a deadpan tone. Both of your hands are forcibly freed from the items in them as you’re spun around and pushed towards the bed, your socks providing no grip to fight the movement. “Better one sick day today than a whole month later. Remember November?”
“I remember November,” you huff begrudgingly. “But it’s not that bad.”
“_________,” the sound of your name falling from his mouth with not a lick of usual laughter or any form of fond exasperation rings like a cannon shot through your ears, making you shrink smaller. “You’re tired. Just rest. Everything else will fall into place.”
You grow limp under his touch and let yourself be carded back into bed, no huff, no puff. Vaguely it’s reminiscent of Jin’s own temper tantrums as he battled a cold two months ago. You’d chided him then for acting like a spoiled child with a silver spoon both in his mouth and up his ass and you know now that it was merely an act of the infamous pot calling the egregious kettle black. There is a twinkle of vindication in Jin’s eyes even if he does not say it out loud. The session of being made fun of was simply postponed due to the pitifulness of your state alas not entirely avoided.
“Now, let your boyfriend take care of you,” bright is Jin’s smile as he beams down upon you from one ear to the next but the pat on your head dours the cheesy sentiment if he even had any to begin with.
“I’m not a dog,” you gruff, wrenching his hand away but as Jin saunters away, dignified as ever, “could have fooled me” is tossed casually over his shoulder. 
HOSEOK | “You don’t have any plans later in the evening?” 
Because it was 6:30 of a quiet Monday morning and you had assumed that Hoseok hadn’t come home at all, given how you’d gone to sleep alone and woke up as such, the question poised from a poked-in head, partially hidden by a steam of running shower, it came as a no surprise you were scared shitless. Nursing the elbow that was so rudely slammed against the tiled wall, you replied that no, you did not have any plans. 
“Great! Love you!” 
The only thing you heard after were quick, running footsteps and then — silence. 
“Love you too,” you muttered to the empty air. “Whatever that was.”
But Hoseok did sometimes do odd things and so as the work day reared its vicious Hydra head you forgot all about it, too submerged in the rising pile of problems. 
By the time you shuffle out of the work doors, there is a deadpan expression upon your face and even more upon your soul. You’re tired and the outlook of coming  back — yet again! — tomorrow makes it all the more draining. As you drudge your way down the main street there is only one dream floating almost palpable before your eyes and that is your bed. The very thought of immediately propelling yourself underneath the fluffy duvet and dozing off to a good music is a piece of private heaven you’re salivating after and all that was needed was to go home.
If only it would be that easy. 
A sleek, black car rolls in front of you, so crudely that only by the last pinch of your nerves you do not curse the driver out then and there. It’s a blessing you do not as the window rolls down and you find none other than your boyfriend sitting joyfully on the other side. 
“Are you abducting me, good sir?” you call out and Hoseok opens the doors from the inside, invitingly patting the seat next to him.
“Yes, now get in. This is not legal parking.”
At first, you hum happily along to the song playing on the radio. Sure, Hoseok makes a weird turn — it definitely does not belong to the usual route but maybe that was him trying to evade the congested traffic. A second one? Your hum falters but still you persist. You were still going in the correct general direction and if anything you should be grateful about being rescued from the overcrowded hell that is public transport in a rush hour. But once the third turn is taken and you no longer recognize the area, the soft happiness blossoming in your body freezes and for a fact refuses to thaw. 
“Where are we going?”
“To the mall.”
If feasible, your brain would make a sound similar to a record being pulled under the needle of the player. And then smashed against the fucking wall. 
“The mall?” you echo slowly, however Hoseok remains blissfully oblivious and smiles as your dream of bed and rotting rest shatters into unmendable pieces. 
“Yeah! You’ve been working so hard! You definitely need some new gifts. Name whatever you want, I’ll get!”
Get me home, is what flashes through your mind but even thinking about it feels ungrateful of sorts. Thus,  you bite your teeth into a pained smile.
“Yay,” though you try to sound enthusiastic it comes out more like a squeaking cry of a dying animal. 
Having three bodyguards flickering in and out of your periphery as blinding mall lights blare overhead was not your idea of fun in the best of days but even less so after the dogshit that was work on this particular Monday. 
Suddenly Hoseok shoves a string of pearls underneath your noise, with an overeager “try this!”. You oblige but something in the look does not please him and quickly the pearls are swapped for another, a tad more delicate piece.  
The longer you trail after him, the more your eyes droop downward. It becomes too difficult to even properly focus on walking let alone on what Hoseok is saying. Covertly, you try to slump against him while on the escalator and once more Hoseok misinterprets this as an expression of affection, cooing at it. 
You do not have the heart to tell him you were seconds away from crawling into the bathroom and sleeping there.  
“Which shoes do you like better? These ones or these ones?” 
Strategically, you position yourself on the plush albeit hard chair of the shoe shop.
“They’re both good,” you mutter and the next time you open your eyes, a muted darkness stands before you. For a second, your heart leaps, dry spit curls up at the back of your throat but as the second passes, so does the fear. The dark slowly abates and the familiar feeling and smell of your comforter drags you back into the peace.
You’re home. 
There is a vague clattering coming from the closed bedroom doors and as you drop back onto the pillows with a sigh of deep relief, it stops only for someone to move closer. 
As Hoseok opens the doors, he stands in them for a while wearing a gentle but knowing smile. 
“If you didn’t want to go, you could have just said so.”
You screw your eyes shut, feeling the end of a headache coming back up from behind the eye sockets.
“Did you drag me back?” you groan, sinking deeper into the mattress as though it could possibly save you in any way.
“With some help,” Hoseok nods, throwing a towel to rest over his shoulder. “You were out of it.”
“I’m  sorry,” you glance at him from the covers, turning your voice much more earnest. The feelings of ungratefulness cling to your chest, creating a heavy, pressing sensation. How much time really did you have with Hoseok? Hours,  minutes? Versus the days that he was entrenched deep into work or worse on tour. You ought to spend every moment with him, radiating nothing but happiness but it was just…
You were just too tired. 
“I really am.”
“Don’t stress about it. But really just tell me next time that you don’t want to go and would rather sleep instead. Trust me, I would understand.”
You nod along to his words, giving a mute promise though it's one he accepts. 
“Besides there’s always online shopping,” he supplies lightly before his smile warps to cut a  bit too deep into cheek and too devious in its hue. “And I can always spoil you in other ways.”
JIMIN | The second your aching feet drag over the warm threshold, you don’t even let Jimin finish his greeting, instead propelling yourself tiredly into his chest, self-indulgently wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“What’s this?” he chuckles softly, placing one cheek upon the top of your head — you could feel the weight of his motion. It rests on you like a heavy blanket, relaxing yet not caging. “Since when are you so nice to me?”
“Oh, shut it,” you hiss meagerly, cheek still ruffling against the thin material of his grey t-shirt.  “I’ve always been nice to you.”
“Debatable,” he laughs but it quickly sizzles into a low hum. “Long day?” 
“Felt like it would never end.”
Dinner is eaten quickly, with you mostly scarfing down whatever is put down before you and Jimin occasionally throwing a worried glance though he chooses not to give these concerns a voice. You’re grateful for the silence — too exhausted in your own right to dwell on what should soon turn into a hazy, near non-existent memory. 
The sofa underneath your back is pliant enough and slinking onto the too small decorative pillows, the same ones Jimin had sworn would be perfect as you had stood in IKEA checkout line, you feel your eyes fall downward — not slow and steady, but definitive and pointed like a crash of a rock.
Jimin’s voice floats above the cotton-candy haze that circles the ends of your eyes and maybe vaguely you catch the tail of a sentence. 
“...movie?” is all you hear and deeply not caring, you nod along, still partially clinging to his arm. 
“Something you like…” Jimin mutters under his breath. “The Notebook is always great.”
“I literally have never liked that movie.”
He lets his mouth open in truly horrendous offence, placing a palm over his chest as though you’ve just stabbed him with a kitchen knife. 
“Blasphemy! And in my own home too!”
Imperiously, you make a grab at him, settling yourself to lay partially on his torso. 
“It’s our home, you menace.”
“Ah, and there they are! So I thought you being nice earlier was suspicious.”
But even as he’s saying it, there’s a lingering presence of suppressed smile etched across his lips. 
“Just play something,” you mutter, not even bothering to maintain the appearance of  wakefulness. 
“What about “cold eyes”?” he suggests, switching contemplatively between the select options, each one playing an annoying loud 
“That’s still your favourite movie. I like “The Lighthouse”.”
As expected an immediate wrinkle of distaste curls up his nose as he regards your suggestion. Apparently taking in a noir coloured fever dream seeped in oceanic nightmares had not been his favourite way to spend an evening and though he endured it once, more thanks to his apparently endless love for you than patience, you doubted the chances of him laying his eyes on the production ever again.
“A compromise,” he suggests, by now only barely able to move as you melt into him, your tired bones demanding a rest. How could even one’s inner thigh muscles hurt you did not know but such was the reality. 
“Ice age.”
It’s not even five minutes into the movie that the warm colours flashing on the screen, not to mention the rub of Jimin’s fingers tenderly grazing against your scrap, lulls you into deep, exhausted sleep. Jimin doesn't wake you.
TAEHYUNG | Though the headphones squeeze on your ears in a manner that manages to somehow be both painful and itching, you pour all of your focus into the pot of soup boiling on the counter. The sensory hell that is extractor hood whirrs overhead and while you hate both the steam making everything just a touch too hot and the noise being a touch too grading, it does the trick. It completely overwhelms your mind and with it the piled up anxiety. The sudden light touch, light yes but unmistakably belonging to a human hand, forces some form of primal scream out from your throat and you’re met face to face with equally wide-eyed, equally frightened Kim Taehyung. Who is in your house. 
You almost ready the ladle as a weapon of sorts but the fleeting voice of reason reminds you, he is in your home because this is the home you share.
Because you’re dating, it goes to supply and you’re thankful that it does otherwise you would have just slammed your boyfriend into the kitchen ground with the aforementioned ladle. 
He attempts to speak or at least so you assume from the way his mouth moves.
“Just give me a sec!” you point at your earphones in the still lingering confusion momentarily forgetting to how to turn off the blasting music that just a second ago was mind numbing in a pleasant way but now has grown to be an auditory guillotine.
At last you manage the Bluetooth connected mess and pushing back the hair from your face, you huff, trying to sound light and miserably failing in one fell swoop.
“Why-why are you home so early?” 
Taehyung quirks his head to the side and those soulful, terribly wary eyes glide over your face in suspicion. 
“Was I not supposed to?” 
You almost don’t stammer when answering “no”. Taehyung hums but it doesn’t feel either like a response or the final sentence in the otherwise lackluster conversation. If anything it’s a wordless noise of suspicion and you begin to sweat under its weight. 
“You look like you haven’t slept a week,” he points out, not overtly trying to be accusing outright but similarly failing as well. At first your mind leaps and bounds to white lies, some smaller some bigger but as his gaze grows more expressive, more analytic you wither and simply confess like a child would after eating too much candy from a jar that was specifically left for guests.
“That’s because I haven’t.”
Taehyung nods, clearly having suspected as much. 
“And I assume the reason why you were unpleasantly surprised by my arrival is that like any other night, you wanted to make something quick, then sit yourself in front of three devices all playing different things and then letting yourself rot in an unmade bed?”
You twiddle with your thumbs. 
“Yes. Are you mad?” 
He looks mad, however because this was Taehyung the next second his face blooms with pity and you find yourself surrounded by two arms and what feels like a cashmere sweater. 
“Oh my baby.”
The beginnings of what feels like straying tears rush forward but still for now you force them down. Disconnecting, for the first time you look Taehyung properly over. What initially seemed like nothing but put-together pillars of stability when compared to your crumbling statue ebbs away and in the muted light of the kitchen you see. The downturned corners of his mouth, the eye bags obstinately clinging to his face, the hair that hangs over said eyes, clearly unkempt, obviously trying to hide something he deemed too personal to share with the rest of the world.
Other than you that is.
Once again it rips out of you without much consent or thorough planning of the brain:
“You’re tired.”
He laughs but the sound, alike the atmosphere, falls strained. 
“Yeah I am. Can’t sleep much without you.”
The soft ends of his voice, clipping into an exhausted drawl, makes your heart bleed both in pink and red. 
“I’ve been worried about you,” he adds with a deep sigh. “And it seems not entirely without reason.” 
“It’ll be alright,” you try to brush off but without knowing whom you tried to convince more — Taehyung or indeed yourself. He doesn’t much say of anything, merely gives one truly solemn nod and clutches your hand in his grip — ladle and all. 
JUNGKOOK | The second you feel the familiar walls of your home swallow you whole, the full effect of a thoroughly draining day kicks you in the chest. You feel its weight knead at your muscles, turning every strain of it into an over-taut strings of deepened ache. You breathe a weary, albeit content sigh as one sweaty article of clothing is shed after the next. It’s a quiet retaliation — to toss them into the hamper for laundry tomorrow. Thank god for your laundry fairy. 
You hear someone at the door and momentarily the ache disappears in the surge of sheer adrenaline but as the familiar sounds of dog’s nails scraping against the floor reach your ears, you relax once more. 
“Babe?” comes an inquiring voice just seconds before Bam rounds the corner, gleefully wagging his tail at your presence. 
“You’re wet,” you complain but since much like Jungkook, it was impossible to be mad at him, all the dog hears is the pleased sound of your voice so without any inhibitions whatsoever, he noses at your shin, leaking rainwater onto the beige bedroom carpet. Jungkook pokes one head in and you’re not surprised to see that he’s much in the same state.
“And you’re wet as well,” you point out, monotonous, as he shrugs in response. 
“Forgot to take my umbrella.”
You don’t chide him, having honestly no strength to do so. Instead, you plop down onto the bed, stifling  another monstrous yawn, not entirely missing the faint wrinkle of concern carving its way in the space between Jungkook’s eyebrows but choosing to not remark upon it. He was already too worried these last few weeks. Still Jungkook remains Jungkook and not a second after, from his spot in the doorway comes gentle but somewhat of a sternly voiced question. 
“Are you okay? You look…I’m sorry tired is not the word. Drained of your very soul.”
You offer him a mirthless laugh, running a palm over your face. 
“Is it that obvious?” you try to joke but the hint of frailty betrays you. Its note might be faint but for Jungkook with his musical pitch, its laid out bare on a desolate cliff. He doesn’t speak but there’s no need to. His face says it all. 
“It’s just I’ve never not…known things,” you admit, a sense of frustration immediately clutching at your chest. “I’ve always been quick to adapt. A month, two months tops and I’d be like a fish in water but…” the end of the sentence trails off into a frustrated sigh.   
“It’s not your fault they’re not training you properly,” he objects but even so remembers to be quiet. There was no use in shouting and that was the rule you both agreed upon. 
“I know it’s not my fault,” you mumble underneath your nose but even you yourself can hear the disheartened nature of that statement. For long dragging stretches of time, you simply stare at Bam, reaching out to pat him ever so slightly. 
“I’m just…tired, Koo,” at last you state, the final walls breaking down in one, finite statement. 
“I get it,” he echoes somberly, the shared faraway glint in both of your eyes reminding you both of the many, many tired late evening, early mornings and the middle of the nights. Jungkook rouses himself out the soured memory lane first. He shakes his head and paddles over, sitting on the bed beside you, the mattress dipping under his weight. 
“You want a shoulder massage?” he offers and as his touch settles upon your skin, you wince, prompting a hissing curse from his lips. 
“It’s like a rock, baby,” Jungkook whines in your ear. You try to shrug the sentence away however the flare of unexpected pain puts a firm stop to it. 
“And I don’t think you’ll make it better,” you sigh, trying, in a last ditch attempt, to sound a tad playful. You think it somewhat works as Jungkook pressed a preemptively apologetic kiss to the back of your head. 
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tagging: @pinkcherrybombs; @sukunabitch; @btsiguess-kpop; @belladaises; @halesandy; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria; @dreamamubarak; @anti-social-mochi267; @back2bluesidex; @silverliningsandstorms; @ahewlett
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erosastro · 9 months
My favourite sign(s) for each planet(or asteroid) 💕
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💕Sun - Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Capricorn. I love an Aries friend they are so full of energy and fun to be around and they give the best advice. Libras are so easy to talk to and get along with. Aquarius people are just as weird as me and make you feel comfortable to be yourself. Sagittarius people are funny as hell there's never a dull moment with them and Capricorn Suns are the sweetest souls.
💕Moon - Cancer, Aquarius, Leo and Gemini - I'm absolutely in love with cancer Moons there's just something about them I am so drawn to. Aquarius Moons I get along with really well bc my own moon is in Aquarius so I never feel like I'm over sharing or I'm over emotional because they get it. Leo Moons are underrated, I think they're so optimistic and wonderful. Gemini Moons are funny and know how to cheer someone up.
💕Mercury - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Leo. Gemini and Virgo Mercury placements are so smart and having conversations with them is so refreshing. Sagittarius mercury are fun to talk to and so open-minded. Leo mercuries are dramatic as hell it's quite entertaining.
💕Venus - Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Leo - Aquarius venus placements know the balance between showering you with love and giving you your space. Cancer venus... they love like no other and same with Scorpio. I'm again soooo drawn to scorpio venus placements it's insane. Leo venus placements are super sweet and soft and romantic but fun at the same time. They keep you on your toes.
💕Mars - Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius - Scorpio Mars are probably the most determined people I've ever met, they know what they want and how to get it done. Virgo Mars... I really can't explain this one tbh but it's so common in people closest to me. They're silently quite dangerous (in a good way and bad way lol). Sagittarius Mars are optimistic and really ambitious, it's really attractive
💕Juno - Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - Leo specifically in people I've been with romantically probably because my own juno is Sagittarius, so we naturally click. I'm super attracted to Scorpio juno placements though and I do not know why lol. most of crushes and closest friends have this. if my friends don't have Scorpio juno they have aquarius juno lmao
💕Lilith - Aries, Gemini, Scorpio - Scorpio and Aries lilith yall are nasty af I love it so much lmao. I somehow find myself surrounded by gemini lilith placements and I have no idea why but they're so free-spirited and open-minded and super flexible (in more ways than one lol).
💕Risings - Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces - listen man I can't stand pisces placements for the most part but I won't lie, two of my closest friends are Pisces risings, we just click well. Taurus risings, they're so pretty man and they're so easy to talk to once you start the conversation though lol. Gemini risings and Aquarius risings are unabashedly themselves, and they are LOUD lol. Leo risings are the bad bitches you wanna be friends with. Scorpio risings once again, idk what's with you Scorpio risings, yall seem hard but are such softies and so sensitive, I adore you.
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isa-ghost · 11 days
In honor of phil confirming that (most) rp phils are the same, maybe some headcanons about q!phil with some of the ex-dsmp members? Or veterans/smpearth?
For the sake of keeping tons of opportunity for more Phil/DSMP member headcanons in the future, I'll focus one duo! And it'd be a fucking crime if I didn't start with Emduo >:)
I WILL say here for anyone thinking of sending more Phil/DSMP requests: I will not be doing Dream Team or Wilbur & Phil. Even though the latter had a huge impact on cPhil. Might change my mind in the future and just gag through it (/lh) but,, for now, no. Fuck that guy.
These might be more general Emduo than DSMP Era specific but hey, that leaves room for more requests too. :D
Dear god these are reminding me I should rewatch Phil's DSMP vods, I'm so rusty on this shit. Apologies in advance if suddenly I get insane about cPhil in the future LMAO.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
First off, I personally don't ship them romantically. I'm not even sure about shipping them as a QPR, that's a maybe. But I do know they were ride or die brothers in arms. The unstoppable force to the other's immovable object. A duo that's down in history in every realm Phil's been in so far.
Even so, just bc he had no feelings of that kind for Techno specifically, spending so much time with him as just the two of them still contributed to him going "Hm. Yknow what, I think I could see myself having a male life partner maybe." So thanks Techno for still playing SOME part in Phil's journey into being fruity.
Techno was one of the first immortals Phil ever encountered, at least the first one he befriended and stayed around long term. It.. was a breath of fresh air to say the least. To know he had eternity with Techno if all things went well, to never have to fear being alone again, knowing there'd always be a when I see you again.
But Techno was immortal, not invulnerable. Same as Phil. Phil was shattered when he lost him. It's by far the worst instance of being reminded he's permanently fated to lose any and all attachments he makes.
Techno found endless entertainment in Phil basically playing Get Off My Lawn with every other member ever whenever they'd come bother the two in their tundra home. He'd purposely go without additional measures to keep people out and away just because he loved watching Phil deal with it or hearing him rant about how many times he had to while Techno was asleep or away.
Phil personally did NOT like some of the "allyships" Techno chose to make, but he was still ride or die with him, so he tolerated them and helped him. And he trusts Techno. He knows in the end, Techno saw some kind of benefit for them. Or the two of them mutually agreed that the destruction entailed in the task was worth it.
Though that changed throughout their time in DSMP. Repeatedly being used and weaponized or crawled to out of desperation rather than genuine desire. It made Phil HATE people for a while, especially mortals. It's why QSMP has him so fucked up present day. For an entire year he was wanted by people, for him. He encouraged Techno to go as ballistic as he did. Even if it was a means to someone else's ends, if they were brutal then at least it demonstrated that the two of them were NOT to be fucked with or taken for granted.
The fucking house arrest and "festival." GOD. That was the first time in a long time Emduo had endured some kind of trauma together. It kicked Phil while he was already down. The fact that none of them cared how he felt or thought in the wake of putting his son out of his misery, now they were giving him a front row seat to the execution of the only person close to him he had left in this realm. Techno felt like the only tangible thing he had left, and they had the audacity to force him to watch them attempt to rip that thing away as if he hadn't lost enough or didn't care that he did. The attempt made Phil EXTREMELY protective of Techno, even though Techno was extremely able to handle himself.
The Syndicate was Emduo's attempt at a found family of their own. What L'Manberg had going was solid minus the government part, it wasn't the community that was the problem. As two immortals who didn't have much besides each other, it was nice to take in a couple people who'd been wronged or forsaken just like them and give them a place to belong and hopefully find some peace. Besides, Phil LOVED being a mentor for them, showing them how to fight & such. Training them alongside Techno,, 🤩 That was his happy place, teaching others to be as strong as them.
Phil's always been more of a Support role guy. He's said it himself plenty of times. That went for Techno especially. He let Techno call the shots, and he'd be at his side no matter what. There's something to be said about how in the same way Etoiles said "I am your arms, just tell me who needs to die," Phil was very much the same way for Techno.
God, honestly, aside from the whole being used repeatedly thing, DSMP gave Phil so much nostalgia for SMPE. Him and Techno vs everything else. He'd missed wearing those antarctic outfits.
When he arrived in DSMP, he didn't expect Techno to be there. He was ELATED, even though he was nowhere near in the emotional state to show it.
I am OBLIGATED to mention the oopsie with the creeper in Techno's cabin. Phil was so bad at playing dumb about it and pretending it never happened. Techno would've never let him live it down.
Phil often falls into mentor roles whenever he's among people. He did no differently in DSMP. But not for Techno. He always appreciated how Techno didn't need him, he wanted him. Now that he's gone, Phil really hopes he finds that kind of companionship again. It's not quite the same as what he has with Kristin or Rose.
After Techno left DSMP, Phil grew even more protective of the tundra. He viciously forbid anyone outside of the Syndicate from coming around unless they had a damn good reason. He'd sooner throw his friendship emerald in lava than let something happen to the cabins while Techno was gone, no matter how long that might've been.
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asexual-but · 2 years
random thought that crossed my mind: reader who can cure erosion and erase karmic debt with any kind of physical intimacy.
any character who has already suffered erosion, like azhdaha for example, get their sanity back with just a hug. other characters who might suffer from it or are fighting it back have any symptoms erased with just a hug.
I'm saying hug but, you could use this as an excuse to pet them even.
xiao doesn't want people to suffer from his karmic debt? hug him or pat his head!
venti the anemo archon bard? hug him or pet his wings!
touch starved ei? hug her and give her affection!
zhongli, the eldest among them? *proceeds to make out with him* or you can play with his tail and horns.
note: this anon is down bad for zhongli
- archon anon
I must say I like the way you think, Archon Anon, you really know what you want lmao
This author is also down bad for Zhongli, so don't you worry about that
And I'm just saying, as a very cuddly creature myself this does make me go :)
Consider if you will:
Archon Cuddle Pile.
I'm just saying, consider summoning all the archons and probably also Xiao and making it sound very serious because you need them to all come quickly.
They arrive, concerned that you have bad news, or are angry at them, but you just... Want to cuddle?
Some of them are less willing than others, but with you urging them to come to your arms... How could they say no?
Of course, everyone knows that Zhongli is the most loyal to you. Even in front of the other archons, he's willing to do anything for you, you need only ask.
Venti too, he probably doesn't want to cuddle with ol' Morax, but cuddling with The Creator isn't something he could just say no to.
And Ei, oh she wants nothing to do with this.
Or so she says. But her words don't really have any weight when she's sinking into your arms and completely at peace. Who cares if Barbatos and Morax are also there, you're right here, welcoming her so openly. There's no reason for her to refuse, really.
Not to mention that I simply cannot get over Zhongli with draconic traits. Zhongli just letting you play with his tail. Consider it for a moment.
You're just hanging out and petting his tail when he moves it slightly out of your reach, so you obviously chase it... And then he moves it again.
Just a couple cycles and you can hear his amused huffs. This counts as his treatment for erosion, so really it's not "distracting The Creator" or "Shirking his Duties." Not only is he being treated for an affliction, he's entertaining you!
Venti who is very happy to bring you to somewhere remote and let you play with his wings too. He flutters them gently to tickle your nose, or if he's feeling really mischievous he'll quickly spread them out to either smack you in the face or knock you off your feet.
What? No... He didn't "Sneak The Creator out of their quarters and into dangerous lands." He was simply getting his medicine!
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Okay so here’s my request for a blurb…💕
Think of that one scene where Tormund is talking to the hound about Brienne but instead of Brienne it’s the reader (fem Y/N). The readers a hard woman and hasn’t given in to Tormund because she’s secretly with Sandor.
So basically the hound being jealous that tormund is into his woman.
Preferably NSFW if it’s too long to get to NSFW no worries.
⭐️( PS: i love your writing for the hound, barely anyone else gets it right!)
Save Me A Bowl
"A pretty thing for a pretty thing," Tormund says, holding up a small flower, not yet bloomed. I raise my brows at the white bud, "do I look like a thing to you?"
Sandor Clegane x Reader x Tormund Giantsbane | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, jealousy, whipped!Tormund, fluff?, casually implied sex, typos, etc.
A/N: UR NOT ABOUT TO CATCH ME SLIPPIN ON MY POST STREAK. Once I post this, I'd have finished all my requests which is such a slay for this girl 🥹🫶. It has been quite a while since I got this req tho, so I hope you enjoy it nonnie 🫶 also.... I haven't actually reached this part of GoT yet HAHAHAHAHAH it's fine tho I think I know enough to write it lmao
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Sandor was not very affectionate, at least not in the noticeable kind. In truth, neither was I, though I suppose it's because you don't really have the time to think about such things when there was a war at hand.
However, I would say I didn't shy from checking on him, nor from asking him to accompany me. I definitely didn't shy from going out of my way to sit next to him, nor from leaning into him when it got too cold. The same could be said about him, I think.
In my opinion, my relationship with Sandor was rather obvious, though we never spoke about it, especially on the multiple accounts I've announced I'd be heading back to my tent and have the Hound immediately follow after me. If anything, I thought it was at least crystal clear what we were up to after the fact.
This was why I turned to Brienne when Tormund began harking nonsense. She and I had been huddled by the fire, finishing a bowl of soup when he came around.
"Is he trying to seduce you?"
"Don't look at me," says Brienne in between spoonfuls, "I am not the one he directs such gaudy poetry to."
I raise my brows as I turn back to Tormund who immediately smiles at me. I find myself sparing a smile back just to get his oration over with.
Ever since then, Tormund went out of his way to tire my ear with the sound of his voice, telling me tall tales of his life and his people. To be honest, I didn't mind it. In fact, I was partially entertained by some of his stories.
Showy as he was, he was harmless for the most part, and so I just let him do what he wanted. Eventually, his yapping would earn him a bowl to head and a threat to shut his trap. It worked out for me the men had much less patience for him than I did.
Little did I know, Sandor just about lost his patience with him.
I have to stop eating so I can get a laugh out of my system. The orange haired man laughs with me and concludes his story. He sighs, "you're the only fun one on this side of the fucking wall."
I shake my head and continue eating my food, "you mistake my tolerance of you as solidarity with your humor."
"Yet you laugh," Tormund raises a thick brow.
I shrug and swallow a mouthful before replying, "because you are fool."
"Fool enough to make you laugh," he says, standing from his seat beside me. He seems to look for something in his pocket.
I barely spare him a glance as he tells me, he's forgotten something, "I'll be right back."
Just as he runs off, I see Sandor and smile at him. He seems not to notice me and sits in a spot across from me. I immediately stand and come up next to him. I sit next to him, "took you a while."
Sandor ignores me.
I nudge him when he does not respond.
He side eyes me then begins to eat.
I raise a brow at his ignorance, "has something happened?"
He grunts then snaps, "why don't you ask that ginger fuck."
I frown.
"You seem keen of his company," Sandor glare, "you even laugh at his rancid jokes."
I furrow my brows.
Just then, Tormund comes back. He looks for me a moment, then beams when he spots me.
He runs up to me and Sandor; I feel Sandor stiffen against me.
"A pretty thing for a pretty thing," Tormund says, holding up a small flower, not yet bloomed.
I raise my brows at the white bud, "do I look like a thing to you?"
"The prettiest thing in the south," Tormund grins.
I release a breath.
I look over my shoulder and realize Sandor has stopped eating in lieu of glaring at Tormund. I'm about to speak, but I'm beaten to the chase.
"Fuck off, filthy minge," Sandor growls.
Tormund turns to him. His upper lip curls, "I wasn't speaking to you, smelly mutt."
Sandor stands and the two impose upon each other.
I immediately set my bowl down and step between them. I push them both on their chests, but neither budge. I hiss, "enough."
"You heard the woman," Tormund says, "get lost."
"She was talking about you, you yapping fuck," Sandor snarls.
Before they can jump at each other's throats, I step back and yell, "ENOUGH, I SAID."
Sandor and Tormund stare at me.
"It's been a long day," I snap, "I'm not in the mood to soothe two whining bitches."
Tormund nods, "right!"
I narrow my eyes, "Tormund-"
"Yes?" he immediately retorts.
"- fuck off."
He opens his mouth but is too taken aback to say anything.
"You've been too busy picking flowers to notice that I'm with Sandor."
Tormund stares at me blankly.
"He's the one warming my tent."
He is aghast.
Sandor's face is blank, but he seems otherwise pleased as he sits back down and continues to eat.
The ginger steps forward and reaches out, "but I-"
"Keep your fucking hands to yourself," Sandor stands again, "if you know what's good for you."
Tormund glares at Sandor.
I sigh, "I told you you were a fool."
Tormund deflates. He walks off silently.
Sandor pulls me by the arm as he sits, sitting me down next to me, "good fucking riddance. Finally some quiet."
I roll my eyes at him, "you know," I pull my arm away, "this wouldn't have happened if I-"
"Fucked you harder?" he says in between chewing, "aye. I know better now."
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stinkyme · 1 year
Hello! This is another Nikolai fic I had in mind, I hope you will like it and enjoy. :)
CW/TW: NSFW, fem!reader, handcuffed reader, handcuffed Nikolai, petnames, teasing, slight degrading, slight ass play, choking, masturbation!Nikolai, one ass spank and I think that's it, please let me know if I forgot anything! :)
I apologize for any mistakes in advance, I almost fell asleep writing LMAO
also, yk the pose of nikolai ;)
Let's play || Nikolai Gogol x Reader
Nikolai was known to be an eccentric, creative soul. Man of many talents, truly. One of his talents was convincing you to agree to do anything he desires. I mean why wouldn't you? It was always fun and a new experience.
That's why now you found yourself handcuffed, on your knees, legs spreaded on the bed, hands behind your back, meanwhile Nikolai was handcuffed on the chair in front of you, his hands also behind his back, legs spread. You were both only in your underwear aside from Nikolai's coat resting around the chair.
"Who gets out of handcuffs first gets to play. However, if you don't take them off before me you don't get to touch me." Nikolai said with a sadistic grin.
"But what if I get out first?" you asked him.
"Ah, of course, because there is a slight chance of that happening." he started laughing.
"Same rules apply to me as well." he continued, smiling softly, but his gaze teasing.
"I wouldn't worry myself about that if I was you, doll." he continued, in mocking tone. You narrowed down your eyebrows, accepting the challenge.
"It's on. But don't beg me when you lose." you scoffed.
"Oh trust me doll, I wouldn't dare.."
"To lose." smile formed on his lips, as sadistic as ever.
You kept your determined gaze earning a laugh from him.
"So then, shall we? Three..two..one, start!" he exclaimed and you both got down to work.
You tried to squeeze your hands out, but bastard did them too thight. It was hard with your hands behind your back, you tried shaking them in order to loosen them up at least a bit, but it was pointless. You were struggling and you looked over at Nikolai, who wasn't doing anything at all. You gave him questioning look.
"I am giving you a head start, darling. You are so cute when you struggle to figure out my tricks. Keep it up." he said, smiling at you, enjoying every moment, leaning back into his chair, spreading his legs more, his dick getting harder.
"What do you mean?" you asked him confused.
"Where is the fun in me telling you? A magician never tells his tricks. Show is still going, entertain me, doll." he said teasingly, his eyes full of lust and excitement.
You knew it was pointless trying to get Nikolai to tell you his plans and tricks and you were getting damn annoyed by those stupid handcuffs. You kept moving around, trying to loosen them, you even tried hitting ends and edges in order to dent them which was a stupid idea since you just ended up with pain in your wrists. Nikolai was laughing, his laughter full of sadism and entertainment. You sighed out in annoyance.
"Ah, you seem to be having a hard time doll. But, you see, I am having hard time as well." his eyes moved down on his evidently hard dick and he moved his hips forward to show it off to you.
"Keep going, doll. Don't mind me." he said not taking his eyes off of you. You kept looking at him, evidently frustrated. Bastard did something to your handcuffs for sure.
"You won't mind now, would you? I gave you enough time, didn't I doll?" Nikolai said and with one click, you heard metal handcuffs hit the floor. He looked at you with a wide grin, his eyes low. He adjusted his hips, moving them slightly forward, his legs wide open. Then he brought his hands to pull his dick out of his boxers, moving them down a bit.
"Hmm? I see, maybe my doll needs some motivation to continue the show. Clapping maybe? Or perhaps.." he spat on his cock, his eyes looking directly at yours and he started stroking it, his movement slow.
"A treat?" he said in amused tone as he kept playing with himself.
"See how amazing this game is. My reward as your motivation. How splendid! Ah!" he said as he started stroking himself harder and faster, moaning sharply. You were pretty frustrated already, but you started getting wet too.
You clicked your tongue and kept trying new ways to take your handcuffs off.
"What a wonderful way to find inspiration, don't you agree doll?" Nikolai kept his gaze on you, now slowly stroking himself. You shoot him an irritated look.
"Now, now, don't look at me like that unless you want for me to finish my fun too early." he said and slowed his movements even more.
"Let me tell you a secret! A way to get out of those handcuffs is to do a certain pose that will loosen them up." he said, smirking. You were hesitant about it, knowing he was scheming something as always. You kept trying your way. Nikolai chuckled, looking at you desperately trying, your annoyed expression as he kept stroking his dick, this time faster and harder. He was whimpering and moaning out, distracting you from your unsuccessful attempts.
"Do you wish you were here, doll? Mm?" he whined out, his head slightly tilted, stroking his cock at vigorous pace, practically whining his sentence out.
You were wet from his voice and sight alone so you rubbed your thighs a bit to ease up the little tingles and heat bulding up your pussy. You nodded, almost defeated.
"Ahhh~. Fine, I will give you another hint." he moaned out as he started slowing down his strokes.
"However, I add a new rule." he said, his grin wide.
"That's unfair, Nikolai!" you raised your voice, frustrated.
"I am trying to help you, doll. Don't be a brat. I told you, didn't I? Who win gets to play and those who play can also play with rules too, I am completely fair, Y/N." he said amused, knowning it was a dirty trick, but he had a point. However you decided not to listen as you were desperate for some sort of friction on your swollen clit and started rubbing yourself on the matress not paying attention to him.
Suddenly you felt a hand around your neck pushing you down on the bed. You didn't see Nikolai, only felt his hand. He teleported it through a coat behind him.
"Aren't you greedy one, doll?" you heard his voice in low tone. His hand putting more pressure around your throat.
"I didn't know you were so bratty today. Maybe I should just tie your legs as well and leave you here until you learn how to listen." his voice sounded like he was deeply thinking about that.
"No..no, don't do that, please." you said, your voice slightly muffled from the pressure around your throat. Your hands were hurting from handcuffs and additional pressure of your body. Nikolai kept silent, he also stopped his movement, but he was smirking.
"Anything else you would like to add, bratty slut?" he said in amusement.
"I..I am sorry. I will listen to you. I will do anything you say. I will play by your rules. I promise Kolya." you said in begging manner and Nikolai stopped his ability. You slowly got up, facing him.
"See how obedient you can be? Lovely, truly lovely! Now...doll, show must go on. I will give you three chances, I will be where I am, doing what I did so far. However, if your pose isn't near one needed to take handcuffs off, I will stroke myself quicker and harder, therefore if you are close, I will slow my movement down. Can you keep up?"
You nodded.
"Good doll. If you lose, again, I will keep going until I cum and therefore you lose your orgasm. Got it?" he smiled and clicked his fingers.
"For tonight?" you asked insecure.
"For a week."
"Or perhaps two..I will think about it." he said rubbing his chin and looking to the side.
"Now. Back to the game. You can start, doll. Best of luck!" he said, tilting his head, his lustful eyes looking at your hesitant ones and stroking himself in medium pace so you can tell a difference. You were currently on your knees, facing him from the bed. This was hard.
You got up and walked towards him, earning a questioning look from Nikolai and kneeled in front of him. His movement got faster.
"Ahh, delightful doll, truly, but not the one I had in mind!" he was whining out, looking down at you, your flushed face making him whimper as he kept going at same fast pace.
You got a bit discouraged, but got up, Nikolai's movements going back to medium pace as you were looking around and thinking. You turned your back to him, slowly going to the edge of the bed. You stood there for a second, trying to think what he could possibly have in mind. You got one knee up, then the other one, kneeling on the bed, thinking, your back still turned at him and you heard his moans again. His pace got faster, thus he got louder. You panicked, this was your last attempt.
"Quickly, doll." Nikolai ordered as he kept stroking his cock, wet and clapping sounds filling up your ears alongside with his whimpers, whines, moans and groans. He was loud and not one bit shy about it.
You panicked even more, your mind fuzzy and you just dropped your chest on the matress, your wet panties and bare ass sticking directly towards Nikolai's lustful eyes.
Crap. Fuck. Shit. Well, it's over now. You closed your eyes, too into your thoughts listening to Nikolai's breathy whimpers as you prepared yourself for a long orgasm denial.
Suddenly you felt your panties moving to the side as well as your ass being met with a harsh slap, making you whimper and Nikolai's dick teasing your entrance.
"But you said..you kept playing fast with yourself.." you said in confused tone.
"I lied. I just wanted to see what pose will you choose to be fucked in." Nikolai said smirking down on you.
"And you chose beautiful one, too." he was moving his cock up and down on your entrance, his tip getting covered in your juices as he slowly moved it down to meet your clit.
You whimpered out on his movement.
"But..handcuffs..are still..on" you kept whimpering between your words.
"As I said, I lied. They will stay on, darling. Could it be that my baby is so needy and desperate she can't even think? Hm?" his voice was high pitched, teasing just like his tip that was moving in small circles on your clit.
"Please, just fuck me Kolya. Put it in already." you were getting frustrated and needy, your cunt was warm, painful and you needed him inside you.
"Oh my, how greedy!" Nikolai said with fake surprise in his voice. He moved his dick between your ass cheeks, going back and forth, teasing you more.
"I don't hear you, sorry doll. What did you say?" he asked as he was moved his hands on your ass, spreading it lazily.
"Do you wish I did this inside you, hm? Is that right, doll?" he said as he grabbed your hips, pushing you back and forward, aligning the rythm with his hips and cock laying between your ass cheeks.
You nodded, your face red, your cunt was throbbing ready to take any sort of friction because of how needy it was.
"Please..fuck me. I need you Kolya, please." you were whining out.
He moved one of his legs on the bed, his big thigh touching yours as he moved his dick down to your entrance.
"Oh my, you are so obedient when you are desperate." he let out a low giggle.
He moved his hand on back of your thigh, spreading your legs further and moved his hand back on your hip for support. He pushed his cock inside your needy cunt, both of you moaning at sensation. He was spreading your pussy perfectly, your walls coating his thick dick and making him pulsate in you. You whimpered as he moved slowly in and out to stretch you out more. You moaned in pleasure as he kept whimpering. He sped up his pace making you moan louder.
"You know, when you behave like a slut, you get fucked like one too, doll. Those are the rules." he whimpered out and started pushing in and out of your wet cunt in insanely fast pace, making you moan loudly.
"Yeah..keep..ah..going." you moaned out as he kept fucking you in the same pace.
"I didn't plan to stop." he whined out as he adjusted his hips a bit, going even deeper inside you, pressing your G-spot perfectly. He grabbed your hips thighter, his nails dugging into them.
He moved one of his hands, towering over you slightly and started playing with your clit. You saw stars, he was whimpering and whining, your pussy making him feel high and each of your moans bringing him closer to his orgasm.
He didn't change the pace of his thursts, nor his skillfull fingers.
"I am so close, keep..keep.." you were whimpering out, pulsating around him.
"I know doll." he whined out and with a bit more stimulation you finally felt your orgasm coming, your legs shaking, you could barely stay in one place, creaming all over his dick, moaning out in pleasure and intensity.
Nikolai was right after you, pulling out to cum all over your pussy and ass, whimpering as he stroked himself dry.
You both came down off of your orgasms and you took a deep breath, not moving.
"Can they come off now?" you asked Nikolai moving your handcuffed wrists.
"Nope! They are glued!" he giggled and went down to kiss your cheek.
"Kidding, kidding! Let me clean you up first, doll." he got up giggling as you sighed out.
"WHAT?!" you screamed at him, furious.
The End :)
I hope you enjoyed and thank you for showing me love and support and for being so kind! :)
Thank you for reading, I appreciate y'all so much! <3
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dontshutupplease · 3 months
I don't know If there was such discussion before, so I will begin it myself anyways. It's a tough topic (at least for me to consider alone) but I am certain some of y'all would be eager to tell your speculations or headcanons. Or tell me that I did not read Tokyo Ghoul carefully lmao (I read it years ago and focused mostly on my favourite characters pqifhiuqehf)
What do you think about the very first kill that a ghoul does? What I mean is - do you believe they twist something in their sanity with doing so? How does it work for them, taking for an example Nishiki who as a child felt absolutely bad for feasting on a human and now he is pretty much fine with it. Or Tsukiyama, he also held some sort of guilt, yet in his adulthood we see him fooling people into to the restaurant where the scrapper plays with their life - for gourmets entertainment. Still, those two can show humanity and empathy. And there's also Ikuma! A ghoul raised by a human, never killed anyone and doesn't want to.
How much each kill influence the mind of a ghoul - a literal born predator? Where does the term "psycho" starts with one and how different is it from a human perspective, because they are also predators, yet they don't feast on kind that seems so similiar. How much social exclusion of them has to do with it?
I would love you to share some of your ideas for each character and their first kill, how did it go and all :D Thank you for your attention <3
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genericpuff · 7 months
Winter is Coming - Rekindled schedule adjustment and plans for next year!
So it's that time of year now when conventions, markets, and expos for next year are rolling out their submission periods. So far I've gotten accepted to attend the Atlantic Entertainment Expo again (both venues so two shows), MiraCon, and I'm gonna be attending not one, not two, but THREE tattoo expos ! Which is definitely a lot, but I'm excited, it's gonna be good publicity and good money :' ) I'm also gonna be applying to HalCon, Geekquinox, and Animaritimes again, I didn't get in on HalCon this year and didn't find out about Geekquinox until submissions were done (and I only got in on Animaritimes at the last minute when they were looking for people to fill in) but if I do get into any (or all) of those, I'll have to play the fun game of "make sure none of these events land on the same weekend" LMAO
All that's to say, it's gonna be busy next year! (and all of those are the ones I actually decided to apply to, there are ones I did this past year that I'm not planning on doing again because they just didn't turn out to be as good as I had hoped). Thankfully, none of this is starting up until spring, so I'm gonna enjoy the winter off and get to work on new stuff to sell. I'm really eager to get through the rest of [AFTERBIRTH], it's still got quite some time until it's done but my plan is to pitch Thread of Fate to publishers once [AFTERBIRTH] is finished - and if it's not able to get in with those publishers, then I'm gonna pursue other means in getting it published, either digitally or traditionally. Time Gate is a series I've been working on for well over a decade of my life, and it's not something I want to keep throwing to the wolves of free-to-read platforms like WT. As much as I love being able to offer it for free, I want it to be taken more seriously than being just another free to read comic and that starts with me and how I choose to distribute it.
Right now working on all these things is sort of limiting due to the fact that I'm stuck on my iPad, but I'm making it work as best I can and I'm hoping to have the new PC setup going by the end of the year running with a new tablet (currently shopping around between an XP-pen and Huion, I don't want to get a Kamvas 22 Plus again if it's gonna shit the bed in 2 years like this one did, apparently this is a common problem from what I've seen :/)
So yeah, with all that in mind, I'm planning on adjusting Rekindled's update schedule. While I did initially want to offer a poll for y'all to choose between "shorter updates once a week" and "full updates once every 2 weeks", frankly I'm erring more towards the "every two weeks" one because it'll give me more actual time and room to work on everything else. Not to mention (and I'm sure you've all noticed by now) that I have a very specific way that I structure many of these episodes so making them shorter would sort of ruin that rhythm. I don't want to be sacrificing the comic's quality, pacing, or narrative progression for a schedule adjustment.
This isn't going to be an immediate change, I'm thinking of doing this sometime in December so that y'all can have a decent amount of heads up before the switch. I know it's gonna be a little painful to go to a slower release schedule but ultimately I think it's the best way to go so that I can balance all of the projects I have going on without sacrificing quality. Rekindled may be a free to read non-profit project, but I still hold myself to high standards and I want to do my best to deliver on those standards !
Thank you all so much for your patience and support. It seriously blows me away to see all of the wonderful comments, asks, and support for what I do here every day. I'm gonna do my best as well to respond to asks in my inbox as they come in, but please just know I get a LOT of them on a regular basis, it's sort of a Hydra situation where I respond to 1 or 2 and then get 4 more LOL That said, rest assured that I do read and appreciate each and every one of them <3 That also includes essay posts about LO, with LO returning in November I'll surely have more stuff to say about it so I'm gonna try and keep up as best I can :' )
On a final note, we're coming up to the one year anniversary of when I started posting actual episodes of Rekindled!! I'm so excited for this, I can't believe it's been a year!! And I have so much awesome stuff planned for the story that we're gonna see throughout the next year, I can't wait! Thanks so much for being a part of this project with me, I couldn't have asked for a better audience <3
(P.S. everything I have lined up for next year is lining up with the dry period for FF XIV between Endwalker and Dawntrail so I won't have distractions until the summer LMAOO)
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
Can you headcanon for S boys teaching you how to dance for a vampire ball?
And can it be fluff and slight NSFW if it applies
🎻 Extended Vampire Ball Alphabet + Additional Hcs [Shu's Vers.]—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! Sorry for the wait. I hope you don’t mind but I decided to go all out for this post since I had a lot to say. I included what you wanted but added a bunch of other stuff that contributed to the subject and turned it into a vampire ball alphabet. As much as I wanted to include all of the brothers in one post, Tumblr's limitations on posts are restricting me from doing so. So with this, the other S brother’s versions will be out soon, and I’ll link them to this one when they’re finished. Hope you enjoy Shu’s version. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
Additional note: I extended my alphabet and added additional hcs because I hate limiting myself to just the standard alphabet alone haha. Cuz like who tf does that lmao? xDD
Made with: @liannelara-dracula
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***Before we get into the alphabet and hcs, let’s get into some context about this scenario***
Since there's much more to vampire balls, I figured I'd cover a whole bunch of stuff that happens in them as well.
So, to start off, even though the Sakamakis have lives to maintain in the human realm, every so often they’re summoned back to the demon world by their father with some sort of excuse.
And one of those excuses (of many!) Karl arranges for them to attend a vampire ball every so often since he has to provide some alternate form of entertainment to his vampire nobles, so why not have his sons attend since they’re the talk amongst women in the demon realm?
It’s one of the many perfect excuses to make them come and do what Karl wants, and there may be more to this depending on what he wants from his sons.
His sons are what everyones’ eyes are on, so he expects them to be flawless in every way, including how they act and such since they’re royalty.
So, who they choose to bring to balls is no exception since they not only have to appear perfect, but their dates must be as well.
The same goes for their dancing, especially since they’ll all be participating in their own dance pieces with their dates, so it has to be perfect. Since the boys are all required to have a performance of their own, they’ve just stuck to waltzes due to tradition since they’re classy and sophisticated.
(We’ll get to the types of dances danced at vampire balls in just a sec!)
Traditionally, all members of a royal household would perform their own dance pieces before the nobles got the dancefloor for themselves and started dancing all different types of dances. And you can bet Karl definitely holds this custom strong at the royal court.
It’s something he insists on due to tradition, and bear in mind that his sons may even be forced to dance with other vampire nobles if the situation calls for it regardless of who they take to the ball as their date.
After all, if one of his sons refused to dance with a nobleman’s daughter, it would be an offense and you can bet Karl would punish any one of his sons if he found out about this.
And as their dates, you have to be prepared to dance with other nobles if they seek for your hand, and no refusal is accepted without an adequate excuse.
Bear in mind that the boys most certainly act differently in the demon realm since they need to appear “perfect”—so no “off” behavior, it is strictly forbidden and enforced by Karl himself since he has an image to uphold as the king of vampires. So basically, the bad traits they display in the human world, they’re not allowed here, or at least, some are a bit faint or muted.
The luxurious vampire stereotype originates from the Byronic Hero. So since vampires are depicted to ravish in luxury and live lavish lives, balls in demon realm are highly luxurious.
They are usually a mix of baroque or victorian in style since Karl really liked the elegance from these time periods.
Since balls encompass a mix of baroque and victorian style, the dances danced at court are usually quadrille dances, the Courante, the Bourée, the Gallopade, the Sarabande, the Laender, the Minuet, the Rigaudon, Bohemian Polka, the Gigue, the Hornpipe, the Gavotte, L’Allemande, and the Viennese Waltz.
Here are some videos for reference examples:
Quadrille: (1), (2), (3). Gallopade: (1). Laendler and Bohemian Polka: (1). Viennese Waltz: (1). Minuet: (1). Sarabande: (1). Gigue: (1). Bourée: (1). Hornpipe: (1). Rigaudon: (1). Gavotte: (1). Courante: (1). L'Allemande: (1).
These dances are the ones nobles usually dance since they all group together and dance after each royal family member has finished their personal performance with their date.
But Karl honestly doesn’t mind if sons don’t use the waltz as their personal dance piece because he likes being up with the times in the human world along with modern human customs.
But as mentioned before, because the waltz has been used by the boys as a tradition for so long, and it’s a classy, sophisticated dance, he’d much prefer it since you can’t go wrong because some modern dances will be viewed as vulgar even though contemporary society doesn’t view them that way.
Traditionally, men pick out their partner's dresses since women are just puppets for status display.
Since the entire ball will consist of vampires who are constantly battling to find something to quench their thirst, human servants are definitely supplied to the palace that night to not only serve the noble guests but also be their appetizers if desired. These servants are pretty lifeless and are not allowed to speak whatsoever, so they’re just thrown around anywhere by these vampire nobles and Karl could care less if they’re killed. He literally has other servants to clean up that type of mess.
And like any other ball, food will be served. At Karl’s balls, he prefers to have human world food since it’s a luxury for vampires as Reiji has mentioned. And all the nobles look forward to it because it’s not all the time that they get to have a taste of human-world food that is delicate compared to their grotesque and “off” cuisine.
Since the boys are royalty, they’ll be introduced to nobles, and you as their date will be as well.
Nobles are required to curtsy/bow to them when greeting or meeting them for the first time, so you can best bet you’ll be getting the same treatment as their date.
It’s canon that the demon realm has an official demon language, but since this is high society, most are educated, and because Karl likes adding humanistic elements to his events, he mainly requires everyone to speak English since it's the most popular language in the human world, but the demon language is still allowed
Side note: English is only taught to vampire nobles in the demon realm since Karl requires them to know it. It’s considered super high education since English belongs to a world most vampires can never go to.
Karl usually hosts his balls at his private castle where he rules the entire vampire kingdom, the main royal court basically.
Or, he sometimes holds them at the castle he has set for his sons to use when they marry off.
(It’s canon that Karl has one main castle for himself where he rules, and one for his sons to refuge to if needed. It’s also used as another home for them as seen in one of the game routes.)
Hopefully this all makes sense thus far haha!
So with this, let’s move on to the boy’s extended alphabets + additional hcs. :)
This is going to be a long ride since there’s a lot of stuff to cover, so feel free to grab a coffee/tea or whatever. :)
General Hcs:
He honestly hates the idea of balls in general.
And in the demon realm it’s much worse since he has to set a perfect impression due to being the heir.
@liannelara-dracula and I have headcanoned that Karl doesn’t tolerate Shu’s laziness when it comes to demon realm-related things. Karl lets Shu get away with it in the human world, but not in the demon world.
There, Shu is the heir—the next king—and the last thing Karl wants is for the heir to be viewed with an unamiable trait unfit for a future king.
So yeah, his laziness—Karl won’t tolerate it here, and Shu will receive punishments if he disappoints in anyway so.
It’s mostly because he had an image to maintain as the heir, which means having to put in effort that he doesn’t want.
In the past, balls for him were always annoying since he was presented with suitresses or had to engage in small talk with noblemen, it being just a bunch of forced effort.
As the heir, his mother nudged him a lot to choose a suitress as well, so a lot more pressure and annoyance was added.
Shu just doesn’t care about things like this—it’s as simple as that, but there’s no way he’s getting out of this.
And you can bet there was a lot of scolding/nudging from Reiji and Karlheinz to get his ass in gear for the next vampire ball in order to maintain the family image, but yet, he was still unwilling.
He was honestly so reluctant that it even took Laito to give him a nudge.
At first, Shu refused, but when Laito said that dancing would be the perfect excuse to touch/hold his lover close and show others that they're taken, he had second thoughts about it all.
Plus, with Shu receiving a final threat from Karl to be launched into space also put him over the top to get moving for this event.
Vampire Ball Alphabet:
A || Advice
🎻 What kind of advice does he give his s/o before the ball?
Bear in mind that vampire balls are total snake pits. There’s a lot of wandering eyes and curious ears.
Women’s lips are the main source of gossip in the royal court and they’ll try to set you up with other suitors even if you’re taken, so Shu warns you to not pay any attention to them.
“But how exactly am I supposed to shake them off without being rude?” You’d ask.
“It’s simple.” He’d answer with the usual hazy look in his eyes. “Just tell them what we do in bed and they’ll buzz off.”
“Shu!” You’d smack his arm playfully, causing him to chuckle at your reaction. “I meant more appropriate advice.”
He’d sigh. “Just ignore them, they have nothing better to do anyways.”
Also, remember that everybody there is trying to get info out of you regarding Shu since he’s the heir.
And this can be pretty intimate in query, even going down to asking if you two are planning to get married any time soon, which lets them know if they or their daughters have a chance because even if you’re Shu’s partner, it doesn’t stop others from pursuing him regardless.
Basically, in the demon realm, only married people are off-limits. Until then, they’re still considered “single.”
Shu also warns you about the male nobles as well, such as how some will try to pursue you either for fun or just an advantage since you’re close to the heir himself.
B || Behavior
🎻 How does he act at the ball? What does he do while there?
Bear in mind that at vampire balls, he’s acting.
And putting on one hell of an act considering he’s ditching his usual lazy persona and putting on the “heir” facade.
Plus, Karl’s watching his ass like a hawk to ensure he doesn’t get lazy during the event or ditch/leave early.
In general when Shu’s speaking to nobles at the ball, he’s polite but rather cold with his words. It’s all minor small talk that he’s simply not interested in, but gives it his all because he can’t be rude or avoid conversation unless he wants to be sent to the North Pole again, or better yet, outer space (it’s canon that he’s worried about being sent there next for a punishment).
As for you, he likes to keep you close to him since he doesn’t want others roping you into trouble since this isn’t a world you’re familiar with.
C || Class ranking
🎻 Which social classes are allowed at vampire balls? In the world of royalty, only specific classes of nobles are allowed to speak to the noble family. So with this, which ranking of classes is he comfortable speaking with, or does he not care about this sort of thing at all?
In general (apart from the royal family), only dukes/duchesses, marquis/marquises, counts/countesses, earls/viscounts/viscountesses, and barons/baronesses are allowed to participate in royal balls since it takes place at court.
In addition, an invitation is required in order to enter and participate at the ball.
When it comes to nobles speaking to him, Shu could care less about which class they’re in.
I mean, it’s canon that he brought Edgar to a ball when they were kids so he could participate, so class ranking is the last thing on his mind since Edgar was a village boy. Shu could honestly care less about that shit.
If someone approaches him even if they’re not supposed to according to their class, he’ll speak to them regardless, but will try to brush them off quickly since he doesn’t want to attract attention.
Sadly, it just looks bad in the demon realm for him to speaking with someone of lower rank.
Ugh! Those classist, arrogant, vampire nobles!
D || Dance lessons
🎻 How does he teach/prep his s/o for dancing at the ball?
Now, when it comes to dancing, it’s just something that Shu knows how to do due to being the heir, not something he really enjoys like a certain fedora-wearing vampire.
But because you’re going with Shu, he actually doesn’t mind it, but he considers prepping to be a bit of a drag.
He was pretty apathetic about teaching you at first.
Not because you sucked or anything, it was just because he was being his usual lazy self.
You both had just returned home from school and were now standing in the manor’s ballroom.
With the usual hazy look on his face, he’d sigh, “Let’s just get this over with.”
As stated before, each member of a royal household has to have a dance of their own with the person they bring to the ball (the waltz I mentioned earlier); and these are performed before the nobles have the dancefloor to themselves and dance among themselves along with members of the royal family.
Since he has to perform a dance of his own with you, he’ll definitely focus more on that special waltz than the other dances since this is the one that really has to set an impression.
But he’ll also be teaching you other dances as well since you might have to dance with other nobles if you’re asked to.
Shu would begin by teaching you the basics of the waltz first, such as how to hold his hand and where to place the other, even going down to how close you two need to be in order to dance properly.
When you first started, you thought you were close enough to him, but that was until he put a hand on your lower back and pulled you closer to him, almost to the point where you felt that you were grinding into him.
A subtle hint of blush rose to your cheeks due to the proximity, and of course, because he noticed and loves to tease you, he has to say something.
“Heh, admit it, you like being on me.”
“Shut up!”
And bear in mind that this is only the beginning of his antics.
Shu’s not strict like Reiji when it comes to teaching you, but bear in mind that he’s expecting you to dance right and make it look presentable at least (to which you are of course!).
When it would come to movement, Shu would begin to teach you where to step, but in all honesty, he insists you follow his lead since he gets lazy to explain.
Just let him do all the work for once, seriously.
If you’re wearing leggings, tight pants, or short shorts, he’s definitely going to smack/clutch your ass while practicing with you.
Like, you’ll be so focused on following his lead along with the music, that you’re letting your guard down, which is where he’ll decide to throw you off.
“Shu, quit it! You made me mess up.”
“What? You’re the one that got distracted.” He’d smirk, playing oh-so innocent.
If he’s dipping you, he’ll purposely drop you just to annoy you.
“Shu!” You’d complain, pain echoing in your body due to the sudden impact of hitting the ground.
“Heh, my bad.” He’d chuckle, a smirk soon following. “Guess I forgot to catch you.”
Even though he won’t admit it, but he does like to twirl you. He just loves the idea of spinning you and roping you back into his arms. He also thinks you look pretty while doing so.
Because he’s preparing you for something he has to make a perfect impression on, you can imagine the practice goes on for quite a while.
At some point, if you get tired and your breath begins to hitch due to it, he’s definitely going to be an ass and tease you about it, his stamina far above your own.
“Heh, are you tired already? You usually last longer when we-,”
“Shut up!” You’d say, playfully hitting his arm, leading him to laugh.
Luckily though, Shu’s lead isn’t very tough to follow and you end up picking up his style and pace, thus dancing pretty well with him.
Shu does rectify a few things in order to hone your skills, but isn’t too picky—as long as it’s right and looks presentable to a noble audience, that’s all he’s expecting from you.
Not like Reiji where he expects perfection.
As for the other dances, they were fairly complicated when it came to movement and speed, and you kept stepping on his feet or in the wrong direction.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t get mad or even irked no matter how many times you’d mess up, he actually found it funny.
Sometimes, he’d even trick you and make you go in the wrong direction when it was supposed to be the opposite, which led you to scold him every time he’d do it since he found it amusing how much you trusted him.
“Shu, stop it. At this rate, I’ll never get it.”
“Heh, who told you to trust me?” He’d slightly smirk.
Will sometimes poke your sides to make you jolt and mess up.
But nonetheless, with enough practice and teasing, you ended up learning the other dances pretty well and felt pretty prepared for the ball.
Fingers crossed.🤞
E || Etiquette
🎻 How does he teach his s/o ball etiquette (language and actions)? How does he teach his s/o ball-relevant table manners?
In general, when it comes to teaching you he barely explains.
He usually explains about once or twice because he's too lazy to reiterate and practice/demo with you.
He is so vague about everything, it’s enough to drive anyone crazy. It’s the lazy-ass in him.
When covering table etiquette, he gets exponentially lazy with explaining what each utensil is for.
For example, he’ll tell you that a utensil is for something specific, and then when speaking about it again, he’ll tell you it’s for something else.
"Shu, a minute ago you said that spoon was for soup!"
"Oh, really?” He’d say, his voice tainted with its usual haze. “Guess I was thinking about the second spoon then."
He'll even make up rules just to throw you off.
Or to make matters worse, he’ll just start making up stuff that’s enough to have your eyes roll.
“They say the people that start with the third spoon have really dirty minds.”
Countering his remark, you’d say, “Then I can guess which one you start with.”
He’d only end up laughing at your remark, finding it amusing as his teasing is relentless to cease.
If you're really struggling tho, he’ll step in and help a bit more.
But he honestly just loves teasing you and seeing you mess up since he finds you getting angry to be amusing and hot.
While you’re busy looking at the set plate in front of you and trying to figure out which utensil to pick up next without his help, he’ll purposely throw you off such as poking your side or licking your ear.
“Shu, quit it! I have to figure this out.” You’d scold.
“It’s the first fork on the right.” He’d say, revealing the answer to which utensil you were supposed to pick up next.
“Ugh! You weren’t supposed to tell me. I’m the one who has to figure it out.”
When teaching you the proper ball etiquette (language/movement), it’s honestly an adventure.
You actually end up forcing him to practice because you need help since you don’t want to say the wrong thing, and like usual, is he much help? Nah.
He will laugh if you mess up, and if you ask him for clarification he’ll lie to you just to embarrass you during practice.
Of course, you'll realize that he's messing with you sooner than later, which leads you to playfully hit him, to which he laughs and gets a kick out of.
And after enough teasing, he'll then tell you what you actually have to do, such as how to take his arm when walking and such.
If you do or say something that is a little too scandalous for a ball during practice, he'll point it out.
For example, at some point you wanted to take off your silk gloves (you’ll be wearing them at the ball obviously, so why not practice with them on) during practice because it was getting a little warm after wearing them for a while.
And with this, Shu would be quick to say something since women removing their gloves was considered sexual at one point. And in the demon world, they still think that way.
“Well, aren’t you a lewd woman.” He’d tease.
“What?” You’d question, having no idea what he’s talking about.
“Your gloves.”
Feeling confused, you’d say, “All I did was take them off?”
With his gaze elsewhere, he’d add, “It’s suggestive.”
“How so?”
Quickly pinning you to a nearby surface, he’d smirk, “Heh, I could show you.”
And because this is a royal ball, it’s certain that hand kissing will happen.
So when practicing this, he may lick and take a drink from your hand or fingers since it's canon that Shu likes drawing blood from these areas.
Additional E-word || Eye-contact
🎻 How often is he keeping eye contact with you? Is he constantly keep an eye on you during the ball or does he let you go off and do your own thing?
Shu prefers that you stick by his side during the ball to avoid the trouble of people pestering you and possibly roping you into trouble.
However, he’s not going to be strict with you and insist you stay glued to him the entire time, so he lets you venture whenever and wherever you please.
But make no mistake that his sapphire eyes are constantly wavering over to your figure to make sure you’re doing okay and that no trouble is arising.
You sometimes meet and lock gazes with him for a split second since he’s averting his eyes to you every few minutes or so.
He even does this when conversing with other nobles! 
It’s honestly crazy how no one questions him about it, he’s just that good at hiding it and acting totally normal.
But you know Shu only does this because he knows this is all new to you, and the last thing he wants is for others to take advantage.
You wish he wouldn’t worry so much, but you can’t change a vampire’s protective nature. And because he’s acting composed while being observant of your safety, you let it slide even though he’s on edge.
F || Fashion
🎻 What kind of attire does he pick out for his s/o?
As mentioned before, men pick their partner’s dresses according to demon world tradition.
Shu honestly wanted you to pick it out since he could care less about some silly custom of the ancients, but Karl wasn’t having this since like I mentioned before, he has no tolerance for his laziness for demon world-related things.
So, considering this is a vampire ball, which showcases luxury of all sorts, the dresses are expected to be extravagant and princess-like whether someone likes it or not—so it means layers upon layers before finally putting the actual dress on.
And all that layering was quite annoying, but pain is beauty as they say.
And with this, Shu teases you about the layering, but more so in a lewd way.
“Y’know, you can’t say this is exactly fair.” He’d say, eyeing you in the gown. “All those layers will be tiresome to take off you after the ball is over.”
“Shut up!”
Since he has to pick it out, he kinda ranges between blue or yellow or even gold in color since he thinks they’ll look beautiful on you.
Dress examples that he may pick out for his s/o:
Dress 1 (shoes I found that could match)
Dress 2
Dress 3
Dress 4
Dress 5
Dress 6
Dress 7
Dress 8
(Note: You can pick out any dress/garments/accessories you want, these are just examples.)
Additional F-word || Flabbergasted
🎻 Something his s/o does at the ball that leaves him flabbergasted.
If you happened to refuse one guy who wanted to dance with you (all with a good excuse of course) and you explicitly said no because you thought he was creepy.
That would make Shu’s day and he has to say something about it.
“That wasn’t royal-like.” He’d tease chuckling under his breath, soon approaching you.
“Well, you're the only one that really has to behave.” You’d mention.
“Is that so? Are you saying princesses can be naughty?” He’d tease.
“Shut up!”
G || Gallantry
🎻 Is there anything he likes to do with his s/o at balls? Scandalous even?
Shu honestly just likes being by your side and not much else.
He’s quite lazy, and balls are not a thing that piques his interest.
Although, if Shu sees an opportunity, he’ll definitely do something scandalous with you, such as kissing you when no one’s looking—he finds this really amusing, especially if he can kiss your shoulders or neck and catch you off guard since you’re not expecting it.
And if you just so happen to sound lewd to him while doing so, he honestly can’t contain himself.
“Heh, sounds like you want everyone to hear you.” He’d smirk.
“Shut up.” You’d half whisper, playfully hitting him in hopes of no one noticing, leaving him to slightly laugh at your retort.
Additional G-word || Gift
🎻 Does he give gifts to his s/o before/at the ball/or after?
Considering this is a royal ball, and because he’s the heir, he’s definitely expected to give his date something before they go to the ball.
In the past with his dates, he’d usually just give them whatever, as long as it was luxurious in value, it just pennies to the family’s fortune.
But since you’re his girl, you’re special, so he’s take time into giving you something meaningful.
The one time he isn’t lazy.
Since you mean a lot to him, he’s going to give you two gifts, but both as a surprise of course—one before the ball and one during the ball so others can watch him spoiling you. It’s a way for him to show his devotion towards you and that he’s not planning on seeing anyone else.
Before the ball, he’d probably gift you something along the lines of jewels. Apart from it being a thought in regards to you, but it’s also something for you to wear to the ball and add the perfect accessories to your attire.
During the ball however, he wants to give you something that will definitely call everyone’s attention.
He probably got it all wrapped up in a super cute and intricate box with silk ribbon and a bow to finish it off.
When it comes to this gift, he’s probably going to give you something like a small cat or dog with a satin bow around its neck.
Now, I know this may not seem like a super royal gift, but vampires in the demon world find animals from the human world to be fascinating since the animals in their world are demonic and unapproachable.
So a cute, docile thing like a cat or a dog is enough to send them over the edge in awe and possible jealousy since they can’t have one due to the demon realm being inhabitable for human world animals.
H || Honor
🎻 Undoubtedly, since you’re this prince’s date, people are going to have a million questions about you. So when asked about you, how does he speak about you to other nobles? What does he consider you as/what does he think of you?
Shu already knows that he’s going to be bombarded with a lot of questions regarding you, so it’s no surprise to him when it happens.
He actually handles this subject pretty well and is rather prepared.
Since you’re his date and not married to him in this scenario, he just tells nobles that you’re someone he’s interested in whenever he’s prompted with this question.
The reason why he doesn’t say you’re his girlfriend or whatever is simply because it isn’t sophisticated in this world because nobles are old-fashioned and still stuck in the Baroque and Victorian periods.
And who back then called a woman their girlfriend back then? No one. It was either they were pursuing them to become their wives or they already were.
Shu has to drop the modernism here since the ball’s guests are far from understanding modern customs to which he can his brothers have somewhat adapted to.
I mean, it’s not like the Diaboys have accepted every modern idea from the human world.
So Shu has to be very careful with his language here regarding you since he doesn’t want to come off as vulgar or too modern in an out-of-date world, especially since he’s the heir and the one most girls want to pursue because of his title.
I || Image
🎻 What kind of image does he uphold at the ball?
Shu upholds the image of being the heir, and really does try his best since he doesn’t want to be punished for not acting as expected.
As was said before, he’s acting.
So no laziness or plopping down on a couch to listen to his MP3 player, or attempting to leave early—none of that!
He comes off as this dutiful heir that still has a lot to learn compared to his father, but is very well prepared for what’s to come when he succeeds the throne.
So basically, he’s viewed as perfect for his position as heir and prince at the moment—prepared, knowledgeable, but not more than his father yet.
And because Shu’s so good at faking this active-heir facade, people fall for this faulty image of him, and he’s viewed as the ultimate future king.
Karl gets lots of comments regarding Shu’s “preparedness” for the throne, to which Karl fakely appreciates.
Deep down, Karl knows his son’s just a lazy-ass that is nowhere near succeeding him and isn’t the “perfect” heir he displays himself to be.
J || Jealousy
🎻 How does he feel if you have to dance with someone else?
Shu knows this is unavoidable, but there isn’t much he can do since there’s no law prohibiting it in the demon realm.
It’s viewed as respectful, and in your case specifically, it’s an honor for anyone who gets to dance with the heir’s date/partner.
Some believe that by doing this, it may secure them a place closer to the king and/or future king by dancing with their partner. So you can best bet you’re going to get asked by many at the ball.
Shu may seem controlled and demonstrate a cold exterior to everyone there, but deep down he’s a little annoyed by you having to dance with someone else.
And Shu’s definitely going to be observant of who dances with you, how many times they do, and how they’re touching you while doing so.
Omg his pettiness.
And he’ll be doing this while being all stone cold towards it and acting like it doesn’t bother him when it does.
And if he sees that you’re getting too focused or wrapped up in it, he’ll try to distract you while you’re dancing by sending you seductive stares or mouthing dirty words in your direction to throw you off guard so you’ll mess up and the dance will stop.
Or better yet, if his jealousy really gets the best of him, he might even step in and make a surprise entrance by joining the dance himself, leaving you quite shocked since you’re not expecting it, and leaving one guy out of the group singled out since Shu took his spot in dancing with you lol xDD.
K || Karlheinz’s approval
🎻 What would Karl think of you as his son’s date? Does he approve?
Shu doesn’t really like the idea of presenting you to his father, but he knows that as the heir, there’s no way he’s going to get out o this.
Plus, he’s Karl’s favorite son, so the bar is set quite high on who Shu chooses to date/bring to the ball.
Karl’s honestly pretty interested in who his sons bring to the ball since he likes to mingle and get to know them.
Karl most certainly took a liking to you since he knows Shu won’t bring just anyone with him to the ball.
He’s not Laito.
For Shu to bring you, and not some random noblewoman as he had done in the past countless times, Karl acknowledges that you’re quite special to him.
And if you really set an impression on his father and he takes a liking to you, he may even ask for a dance with you.
Shu definitely doesn’t like this since he knows his father’s prone to literally “pounce” on just any girl. But Shu can’t exactly say no to his father dancing with you since it might lead to him getting punished.
So Shu decides to let this go since it’s pretty harmless, but make no mistake that he’s watching Karl like a hawk to make sure he doesn’t try anything foolish or plan anything later on.
Hell, Karl even flirted with Yui once, but that’s another story.
So you can best bet Karl might do the same thing to you if his interest and liking to you took him far enough, but Shu would be quick to intervene and prevent him from doing so.
Karl may even show romantic interest in you not because he means it, but it may be to piss Shu off and to see how much he really cares about you since Karl’s not close with his son, thus, not really allowing him to know much about his heir’s love life (to which he takes high interest in!).
This mischievous mf!
L || Libido
🎻 Is he into pre/post-ball sex?
Mmm, if there’s one thing Shu looks forward to about this entire thing (probably the only thing if he’s in the mood), it’s post-ball sex.
Especially because the ball is over and he can be himself again lol.
He really loves the idea, especially since he’s just been eyeing you all night in that dress and restraining his desire for you, being eager to put it into play.
He’s not really into pre-ball sex because there’s just too much going on with preparations and such before the ball, so he won’t bother with it.
But post-ball sex, he’s very much into it.
For instance, you’ll be alone in your room beginning to settle down, your delicate hands taking off your jewels, reaching up into your hair to let it down from its torture of being kept up and tied down with bobby pins for hours.
It’d be mere minutes of silence until he’d show up to your room, his figure coming up behind yours to help you undo your corset, both of you sharing a few words about the ball until you’d find him at your neck, placing a few soft kisses as he’d trail them down to your shoulders, his hands seductively pulling down the sleeves of your dress in the process. It wouldn’t be long until he’d pick you up and carry you over to the nearby bed, eagerly hovering above your form to feed his yearn of having you under him and all to himself.
And you can best bet Mr. Heir prefers that you sleep naked with him after sex.
Doesn’t give a shit if servants or his brothers walk in on you two in the actual act or in the morning and see you two in a nude state under the sheets.
Shu honestly hopes that they do so he can rub it in and show them that you’re his.
In the game routes, we see how any individual Sakamaki brother gets worried about another brother stealing Yui away from them. An example of this is Reiji worrying that Shu will steal Yui away from him.
And this paranoia also extends to their own servants because in one of Shu’s game routes, one of the butlers was acting a little too friendly (and a little creepy) with Yui. It was heavily indicated that Shu was jealous upon seeing this, so with this, you can imagine that he likes flexing the fact that you're his—especially in such a vulnerable state such as sex or after sex.
But, bear in mind that even though Shu loves the risk of getting caught in the act or its post-state by his brothers or servants, one thing he could never live down is if Karl or his mom walked in on him in either situation.
With Karl he’d be less embarrassed if he walked in on him, but because Karl’s pretty suggestive, he’d be the one getting a kick out of it.
As for his mom though, Shu would be most embarrassed if she walked in on him in either state…. And she in fact has!
Beatrix didn’t catch him in the literal act, but rather after sex when he was lying down with a chick he once brought to the ball the night before.
She was so honestly disappointed since she didn’t really like the girl.
And as pissed off as she was, she approached the both of them, told Shu that she wanted to speak to him about “family matters” and then walked out.
He literally didn’t care that she walked in though. He played neutral and was slightly annoyed and just went on like it never happened.
Damn, I’ve derailed us too much in this category lmao.
But I guess these extra details were needed. Yes?
M || Mistakes
🎻 How does he cover up his s/o’s mistakes if they accidentally mess up?
Shu knows you’re bound to make mistakes during the ball since all of this is so new to you.
It’s not like you’ve been raised with it like he has, so he’s expecting that you’ll mess up.
And just like magic, he’s there to back you up.
For example, if you get confused about what to say with a noble when a conversation goes in a direction you didn’t expect, he’ll either interrupt or come up with an excuse to pull you away.
Or if he can’t do that, he’ll send you some kind of signal as a form of guidance on what to say next or change the subject.
Overall, he has your back the entire time and knows you’ll be fine, but still, he’ll step in in some way if he deems it necessary or senses that you’re having trouble.
Additional M-word || Manners
🎻 What’s he like at the dining table with you?
Shu actually doesn’t mind the dinner table part of the evening.
It’s mostly because he gets to sit down. xDD
And here you’d think he’d be tranquil to sit next to because he’s sitting down and relaxing, but he’s a teasing fuck.
He’s going to do everything in his power to tease you, especially since you’re stuck at the table in front of many others for as long as the dinner session lasts.
But bear in mind that he has to be careful and do it in ways where no one suspects that the heir is being scandalous or when no one is looking.
He’ll run his foot up and down your leg while you’re sitting there in tranquility, all to have you look at him as he gives you a small smirk in return for acknowledging his antics that are unknown to the others around you.
he gets a kick out of teasing you with his touch and does it to get a glimpse of your legs, or at least feel them.
And to make matters worse, he’ll also do this if you’re speaking with someone and getting really deep in conversation with them just to throw you off or get you to jolt and mess up in your conversation.
He’ll get an even bigger kick out of it if the person asks if you’re alright because of you acting slightly off, but you’d be quick to deny it and say that you’re fine when you know it’s just the asshole next to you.
Shu’s a secretive fuck when he wants to be playful in these settings, so this is one of many ways that he demonstrates this.
Might poke your side every few minutes or so to make you jolt, which you glare at him for because he’s trying to make you lose your composure in front of others. This is all to get you to yelp, and if you do even in the slightest, he can’t repress from sending a devious smirk in your direction.
Might whisper some smack or laugh about certain nobles with you amidst the rumbling of the dining room.
Will whisper seductive or lewd things into your ears if he wants to be bold, it’s mostly just to get you to blush.
Might even run his fingers down your spine in a quick fashion to give you a rush and/or throw you off.
And his teasing fuckery won’t stop there. He’ll even mess with your hair while you’re looking in a different direction just to get your attention, and when you’d turn back, he’d be quick to make it look like he wasn’t doing anything.
This ass- like I-
As far as partaking goes, if you get stuck regarding which piece of cutlery to pick up first (I mean, it’s possible that anyone can forget if they didn’t grow up in this environment), he’ll just nudge your arm with his elbow and whisper the answer or to just copy him since he literally can’t teach you at that moment.
N || Names
🎻 How is he addressed/announced? How is his s/o announced upon arrival?
As is seen in balls, guests’ names are announced upon their arrival.
It’s canon that the Sakamaki brothers are referred to as “Masters” of the household, but because they’re also royalty, they’ll be addressed differently in a hierarchical setting, especially when arriving at a ball and being announced.
And to be honest, this part is most amusing to Shu about balls since he finds announcing people’s names to be kinda funny but also cringy since it’s an old tradition.
“Heh, should I tell them to announce you by your nickname?”
“Shu, quit it!” You’d say, playfully smacking his arm, leaving him to chuckle.
Based on his royal status, he’d just be addressed as “His royal highness, Prince Shu.”
For you, Shu decided to have you addressed as “Her royal highness, Princess Y/N” despite you not having the actual title of princess.
By having you addressed this way, it gives you a higher position in court and a much grander presence and entrance. He mostly wanted it this way because you’re special to him and doesn’t want people to think you have no title.
Just be prepared to answer questions about your “royal family” and connections since nobles are curious, especially since you’re the heir’s date. But no need to worry, Shu prepared you for this part.
But at the end of the day, this title bs doesn’t it doesn’t really matter because you’re still his princess anyways, title or no title. :)
O || Objection
🎻 Since you’re not married to him, suitresses are bound to be presented to him at the ball regardless since people believe he’s still “available,” despite you being in the picture. So, how does he handle this situation with you around?
Shu acts pretty distant and kind of colder than he usually does in this situation.
And let’s just say that some girls are a little irritated by this factor, especially if they’ve danced with him in the past and were looking for some sort of chance of pursuing him.
It honestly gets so bad that girls brush up on him just to make you pissed off.
And their scheming is just so obvious since they keep making faces and demonstrating gestures that literally prove that they’re trying to steal him from you, which leaves you pretty irritated, but Shu warned you about this before hand so it’s something you expected.
However, it’s still pretty annoying….
And these girls literally do anything to get his attention since they’re interested in pursuing the heir, such as coaxing him to dance with them, to which he has to do because punishment awaits if he offends a noble.
The girls will even try to pull him aside for themselves or just engage in conversation a little longer than needed. And you can bet those conversations lead or have the potential to be semi-sensitive in nature.
Shu would take note of your irritated aura, finding it amusing that you were jealous since it proves to him that he’s your weakness.
But as stated before, he warned you about this and is aware that you know, and that you have to tolerate it based on royal etiquette.
But as a form of reassurance, he sends you a few looks here and there and watches you go about the ball on your own as he’s busy doing whatever with the noblewomen.
The stares he gives you are kinda like his form of morse code if you will. He’s forced to act respectively to other nobles even if they have intentions he doesn’t like, so it’s not like he can say much here.
P || Performance
🎻 How’s he like when he dances with you at the ball?
Ah, the moment you’ve both been preparing for, it being a bit nerve-racking in all honesty.
Shu knows it’s impossible for you to remember everything he taught you, so he just tells you to go with what you remember and to follow his lead.
Due to him having so much experience with this, he makes the dance look perfect if you forgot, it’s honestly surprising.
Don’t ask me how he does it lol.
He may minorly converse with you during the dance tho, and possibly whisper lewd things in your ears to get you to blush.
Although, Shu may throw a move in the dance you two didn’t practice, it’s mostly because he lives for catching you off guard. As discussed, some modern dances in the demon world may be viewed as vulgar, but because Shu’s the heir, he can get away with adding a bit of spice in there to show that he’s cultured regarding the human world, to which Karl doesn’t mind, as long as the move isn’t too scandalous.
So with this, Shu may do something like lifting you or dipping you, to which you give him the most surprised face since it wasn’t practiced while he just gives you a small smirk in return.
And you can best bet that with seeing this, every other woman in there wants the same treatment from him since he’s a favorite among the pursual of noble women. xDD
In the times when balls were used, if two danced more than two dances together, people automatically assumed the pair was engaged—so you can best bet that this is how people think at court in the demon world since they’re old fashioned.
So with this, Shu likes to dance more than two dances with you to make everyone think you’re engaged to him so it eases the pestering of nobles—in other words, it gets people to screw off you and him a little in regards to romantic pursuals.
But like hell Shu would tell you what dancing more than twice with each other means.
He just prefers to be secretly scandalous with you being oblivious to it, but may tell you about this later on if he wants to tease you.
Q || Quarrel
🎻 If you two had a fight before the ball or a minor spat during the ball, how will he deal with the heavy aftermath when surrounded by nobles and expected to uphold the family image?
Shu’s not really the type to fight, but it’s very possible that you could quarrel with the narcoleptic vampire before or during the ball.
It’d be a pretty unexpected thing since Shu’s pretty carefree and kind of difficult to fight with since he’s easygoing.
But whatever the case, if you two did have a fight/spat before or during the ball about whatever, you best bet he’s going to do everything in his power to get your attention that night.
Even though he’s already dropping his laziness for this event, he’ll go out of his way even more to talk to you.
And if you’re giving him the silent treatment, it only intrigues him to pursue you more because he hates the fact that you’re ignoring him.
And that’s the thing, Shu hates it when you do that, especially because he knows that the fight could’ve gone better than it did.
Bear in mind that he’ll do lots of different things to get your attention tho, and he’s petty af about it all.
He’ll range from doing all sorts of things because he wants to fix it, such as staring at you from far away, leaving you to avert your gaze elsewhere.
If he says something to you and you don’t give a response, he’ll make you jealous by him dancing with another girl and putting his hand on the back of her shoulder, which is pretty suggestive since the vampires at this ball are centuries old and have a different mindset regarding the concept of touch.
Tries to get you alone so he can talk to you, or if you’re standing on the sidelines not talking to anyone, he’ll get sly and try to approach to talk to you, to which you ignore or end up walking away from him.
Shu may even get mischievous with his approach if he sees that you keep avoiding him in every possible way, such as if he’s coming your way, you instantly revert to going a different way to keep clear of him, or look for some kind of excuse to get away from him.
For any Anna Karenina fans out there (ME! xDD), he’ll act like the way Vronsky did with Anna in that one scene where he’s going around the room trying to ask her to dance while she’s trying to avoid him in every possible way.
(For those who have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, here’s a clip of what I’m referring to in case you’re curious. ;)) If it doesn’t work, start it @1:09)
R || Rendezvous
🎻 Is he the type to ditch/leave balls early with his s/o?
He wants to, but he knows he’s going to be severely punished for it since Karl’s expecting a lot from him.
I mean, how does it look if the heir leaves early without an adequate excuse? It just doesn’t look right.
It’s almost like a host leaving their party and leaving the guests to carry it on. Long story short, it just doesn’t put someone in a good light really, him especially as the heir.
Karl cares a little less if his other sons leave early, it just depends on who it is, but it can’t be too early either.
But when it comes to Shu, Karl expects him to stay the entire time and not present excuses since deep down, Karl knows that Shu’s just trying to get out of it and avoid his heir-responsibilities.
In the past, Shu ditched once and he learned the hard way. Like, he paid dearly for it and Karl hadn’t even sent him to the North Pole yet.
Believe me, if Shu could, he would leave early—or better yet, not show up at all since he finds all of this to be a drag, but because he doesn’t want to be punished, he does what he’s told to the bitter end of the event.
S || Speech
🎻 Does he have to give a speech at the ball? If yes, what is he likely to include in it?
As the heir, he’s definitely required to give a speech every so often.
Shu’s not super talkative in general, so he likes to keep things short and sweet in his speeches.
The subjects of these speeches are pretty general in nature, ranging from what his current plans are as the heir, how he’s planning to pursue his Royal oaths, or new ideas Karl wants to implement into the kingdom, all ending with the same ending of thanking everyone for attending and that everyone’s enjoying themselves.
So, business speeches in other words. Nothing personal since he’s not allowed to express an opinion as the heir.
T || Touch
🎻 What types of manners does he exhibit with his s/o in front of others?
Since he’s the heir, he has to be very careful with how he behaves around you, and how he interacts with you since others are constantly laying their eyes on him.
He’s mostly pretty reserved and mostly just links his arm with yours since intertwined hands are not viewed as sophisticated at balls.
He’ll sometimes hold your hand in that rather delicate fashion if he has to walk or lead you somewhere, kinda like this.
At the very most, he’ll either kiss your hand or your forehead, never anything more than that in front of others since it’s considered vulgar at balls.
And bear in mind that a kiss to the forehead will only be given once during the entire evening, otherwise, it starts to look scandalous. It says a lot just doing it once.
If you’re standing next to him or slightly in front, he sometimes lightly touches your upper arms or shoulders, just to reassure you that he’s there and that you’re his girl and no one else's.
U || Unity
🎻 What does he wear to show his unity with you? Like a matching ring or outfit, for example?
In order for Shu to indicate and show that you’re taken, you both decide to wear matching couple rings to the event.
Or if Shu really wants to be bold, he’ll take things a step further in showing that you’re his.
Since it’s canon that he likes to bite and drink blood from fingers, he may bite one of your fingers and leave the mark of his fangs on it for others to see.
Or he even may bite the back of your hand, this way if a noble has to kiss your hand before dancing with you, they’ll know that you’re marked as Shu’s and will think twice about having other ideas regarding you.
Oh, this devious little shit.
V || Valiant
🎻 Every prince is known to be noble for something. What is he noble for?
Believe me, for Shu to be born as the next heir, there’s a real reason for this.
@liannelara-dracula and I think that in the demon realm, heirs are chosen by some type of fate or magical force beyond any immortal’s power.
And this force specifically chooses specific individuals to be rulers for their kingdoms, be they either Vampires, Viboras, Wolves, Adlers, or First Bloods.
And if this “force” sees that anyone else takes the place of the heir it originally chose, this “force” considers it an imbalance and because of this change against “fate,” it may cause chaos/ruin to the certain kingdom, thus, leading it to fall.
In one of the game routes, Reiji himself specifically said that being king of the vampires is harder than anyone can imagine and imposes a large amount of responsibility. Reiji also stated that Shu possesses qualities that are fit for him to be on the throne, whereas he does not.
So with this, it really seems to show that specific people are chosen to be heirs for a reason.
We seriously think it’s the force lmao. xDD
So, because Shu’s actually meant to be king (apart from his lazy facade) and possesses qualities fit for the throne, he’s actually noble for quite a few things even though his laziness prevents him from being someone greater.
He’s probably most noble for being decisive. When he’s hit with making a decision, he chooses a side and stays with it until the bitter end. Once his mind is made up about something, there’s no changing him.
He’s also the type to remain calm even if everything around him is falling apart, making him really centered since he keeps his composure and acts upon the situation instead of expressing emotion towards it. So, he’s definitely noble for this trait as well.
After all, as he grew up, he was constantly reminded by his mother to not let his emotions get the best of him and that a king must never express his opinion nor how he really feels since he must be seen as this rock the entire kingdom sits upon, that it can not falter even the slightest no matter what the kingdom goes through.
W || Words of admiration
🎻 At the end of the ball, it's proper for guests to leave cards for the host about how the balls were and such. So, how does he feel about reading cards addressed to him specifically since he's royalty?
Because Shu’s on the edge of seat to get out of there, you two view the cards the next morning.
Not that he’s very interested, but because you are, he bothers to listen and look through them with you.
Some of the letters are written in their demon world language, so he’s gonna have to translate those for you lol.
After any ball Karl has hosted, Shu would honestly get so many cards it's ridiculous. It’s just endless piles of letters that he’d never read and would tell the servants to burn because he could care less.
Or in worst-case scenarios, Karl would force him to read them in hopes of choosing a future wife if a girl’s letter piqued his interest. This is because Karl’s a big-time advocate of finding a woman’s words to be enticing, and he figures that Shu may be like him in that sense.
Oh the weird kinks of the vampire king
But anyways, Shu makes an exception to read them with you for your sake since you deem it as right to read them in the first place. It’s just plain courtesy.
Oh geez, I sound like Rei rn lmao xDD.
“Aw, look at this one.” You said, beginning to read it aloud, “To a lovely couple and future king and queen. I wish you all the best. Thank you for gracing us with a beautiful evening.”
“Heh, sounds like every other letter.” Shu would smugly comment, his back against his chair as he appeared to be fed up.
“What? Everyone says exactly the same thing in these letters . . . .” Drawling further with the usual haze in his voice, he’d add, “Whatever…”
Sighing deeply, you’d nudge, “Could you at least try reading one? It’ll take me hours to get through all of these myself.”
“It’s too much of a bother. I don’t have the energy.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.”
Leaning over in your chair, you extended an arm to grab a few more letters from the pile, only to feel a large hand clutch your ass.
Whipping your head in his direction, you scolded, “Shu!”
“What?” He’d say, acting oh-so-innocent.
“You don’t have the energy to read the letters, but yet you have the energy to do that.”
“You’re right there, plus, I didn’t say I didn’t have the energy to do nothing.”
“Whatever.” You’d sass, leaving him to chuckle as you sat down again, his lips quickly finding themselves on your neck as he adorned it with a small kiss.
“Heh, you’re feisty today. If you want me to read them with you, I will on one condition.”
“And that is?”
“Strip.” He’d suggest.
Honestly, can anyone ever get him to do anything without a scandalous price?
X || Xanadu
🎻 Is this event heaven or hell for him?
To be honest, its more of a hell for him.
Especially because he’s constantly being bombarded by suitresses and nobles who are dying to speak with the heir or have a potential chance with him.
It’s all just bothersome to him since deep down he knows most are out for his title.
But because you’re there with him, the ball is much better, more bearable even.
It actually isn’t too bad tbh.
But Shu honestly can’t wait until he gets home so he can take his suit off and your dress and jump into bed after a long night.
And you can best bet you’ll be spending a lot of time cuddling with him since he claims you’re his favorite body pillow and his remedy to truly relax.
Y || Yearning
🎻 What’s something he yearns for during this event?
To leave lmao. xDD
But apart from this, he really just wants to spend time alone with you.
If he can step away for a little, Shu likes to take you to another part of the castle ground, more specifically the garden/courtyard so he can go for a walk with you just to talk and tease.
I said this in another post, but I’ll say it again, if Shu really wants to get scandalous and has a bit of time to spare, he likes ditching the ball and going into a secluded, closed-off room with him for a bit of intimacy with you before going back out to face all the guests again.
And if by any chance you forget to fix your hair and come out looking like a mess that’s been under the touch of Mr. Heir, Shu’s all for it and will send you seductive stares from afar even if he’s busy conversing with other noblemen.
Z || Zealous
🎻 Is there anything he’s passionate about regarding the ball?
Nothing really.
Shu’s just attending this ball as a total chore set upon him by his father. And it’s been this way for as long as he can remember.
He may enjoy a classical piece or two played by the band at the ball, but other than that, there’s literally nothing he’s passionate about since this is a forced gathering with a bunch of people who are out for his title, and he knows this all too well by now.
Although, with you around, the night becomes much more bearable and feels like it goes by faster because as they say, time goes by when you’re having fun.
So even though he’s not free to do whatever he wants with you because he’s in the company of nobles and playing the “perfect” heir, he’s still happy you’re around because it distracts him from the cons of balls.
Aww :’).
Additional Hcs (uncategorized stuff):
🎻 Y’know how many girls Shu’s brought to balls in the past? Too many to count.
🎻 It was always been the same thing for him, and these “dates” were always ranged from girls his mother forced him to bring, suitresses his father presented him, or some high class snob from Ryoutei or his father’s dinner parties in the human world from time to time.
🎻 And each time it was a different experience depending on the girl he brought.
🎻 Some would constantly smother, nag and/or annoy him, to which he found cumbersome. But of course, he had to act polite since Karl would punish him if he was rude, but Shu wasn’t afraid to be colder than he usual towards a girl he brought and demonstrate some indifference that was passable.
🎻 If his mother was beside him by chance and noticed this rudely “cold” behavior towards a girl or just if Shu was acting this way because he was annoyed to be at an event his father hosted, she’d minorly take hold of his arm, give him a minor pinch that was unnoticeable to others and whisper in his ear to get his act together and to stop acting “unamiable.” Shu would give his mother a slight look of annoyance and would resume his perfect heir act all over again. If it isn’t Karl that will give him a punishment for acting in such a way, it’ll be her.
🎻 But some girls Shu brought were actually nice, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to like them as a potential partner. This is mostly because Shu just hates the idea of match making and deems it as an “unnatural” way to meet a romantic partner. It’s just a turn-off to him.
🎻 Overall, his ball-dates have just been a bunch of girls he simply had little to no interest in, or if he did have some interest, it didn’t last long or was just a fling.
🎻 Random, but since this is a space where no specific category reigns, Shu would like to see you get tipsy and kinda let loose on the dancefloor.
🎻 This would seriously make his night since it would be breaking all formality, to which he’s all for since he’s tired of the rigidity his royal lineage imposes on him.
🎻 In fact, he tries to get you drunk/tipsy during the ball bc he finds it funny.
🎻 And if you happen to fall into either state (tipsy or drunk), he literally lives for the chance of you saying something you shouldn't say out loud.
🎻 Asshole.
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coffeebanana · 11 months
How would you recommend interacting with a writer. If a story wasn't to your taste, or left you unsatisfied. But you still want to encourage, the writer. And show gratitude for the free entertainment?
Hi anon!
The short answer is, a simple "thanks for the fic!" or "thanks for sharing!" or even a few emojis will often suffice. You really don't have to let the writer know what you didn't like. At the end of the day, they're not writing the fic for you, and obiously not every story is going to satisfy everyone the same way--otherwise we'd all be the same and that would be a horrendously boring world to live in.
The long answer is probably unecessary, but I like to procrastinate on my WIPs talk 😂
There's a format of commenting that goes a little like this: "i don't normally like [X ship, X trope, the way X acts in canon, etc...], but i love the way you do it!!" And honestly I myself have used that before--mostly for tropes, though possibly for some ships as well. And on the surface, that's reads as a compliment. Personally, when ppl leave me that sort of comment, I'll usually interpret it as a compliment too--unless they're full on bashing the thing I love (which sometimes happens with people criticizing canon). And I do think it's INTENDED as a compliment. (That's how I've meant it, when I used it, so I do try my best to also interpret others in good faith.)
But it can also read as "I don't like this thing that you really like and I felt the need to tell you that." Honestly, I didn't even realize it would come across that way until I saw someone else point it out. And then...yeah, I started to notice the fics I get it on more (A lot lot lot of my ladrien fics, lmao.)
So I'm at a weird cross roads where I try not to use that anymore--unless it's with someone I'm fairly sure will understand how I mean it?because sometimes you do have more of a rapport with certain ppl and they'll understand what you mean--but I also don't want to say it's 100% a bad thing to say. I really do understand the intent.
Anyways, my point in bringing that up is that you never don't know what seemingly innocent "this wasn't quite to my taste" comment is going to read as an insult. And so if you really DO want to encourage said writer, I'd recommend sticking to the positives.
Another big thing that's important to me personally is: don't lie.
People have a tendancy to...I don't want to say be disingenuous, but certainly to exaggerate at times on the internet. You see that in the SCREAMING CRYING EATING GLASS types comments. And those are USUALLY sincere in the way that the emotions they convey are sincere. We as a society understand they're not literally eating glass but that they're in agony because the angst in the fic was so good and they want more. But then--something I've noticed--that sort of lingo has a way of slipping into a default response of sorts. And sometimes that makes me question if people really mean it?
This second thing is probably more of a personal thing than a response to your question, but since it's something I've been thinking about lately I hope you don't mind that I brought it up too. I really don't want people to lie to me about my writing.
Not even if it's "to be nice".
Maybe this is in part because I myself find it...difficult to be insincere with ppl, but I don't want false compliments--that's something I tell my friends too. If I write a trope or pairing you don't like? There's never any pressure to read it. I don't expect comments or kudos from anyone. And I'm not someone who in general believes people are insincere--that's not really fair to other people. But everyone has doubts at some point, and I feel like adding to that by straight up lying to make someone feel better just isn't the way to go? If you can't pick out a detail from the fic that you genuinely enjoyed, then maybe keep it to the simple "thanks for sharing!"
So, I guess the TLDR is: keep it short and sweet. keep it encouraging if that's really your goal. (and, if this ever happens to be in reference to something that I specifically have written? please don't feel like you HAVE to say anything at all)
Thanks for the ask!! Sorry I went on for so long LOL💜
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averys-happy-space · 5 months
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putting this here more for myself than anything. i wanna be able to look back at it in a year and see how its changed. explanations for each section under the cut
ship i loved at first sight: tara x piper. i don't know what the ship name is. taper? pira? pira seems nicer lol. anyway, tara used to be my favourite brawler (and is still up there in my top 5) and i think the first time i saw tara x piper fanart was on reddit. it was by Xpyray and i swear to god ive never fallen in love with a ship faster. their art is so fucking good and they dont rlly draw brawl stuff anymore but i still follow them cuz their art is so so so pretty (please go follow them if youre reading this). anyway so yeah thats how tara x piper became my fav ship.
ships i initially didn't like: rico x piper, shelly x colt imma be fr at the start i didn't really Get these ships. but after watching some of the official animations and learning more of the lore, i started to appreciate these ships more. i don't love them or anything but they can be cute
ships i don't like anymore: sandy x nita, leon x jessie, sandy x leon there is no real reason for this other than the fact that i simply stopped liking them as i grew up. as i was making this i realised that when i was younger i used to like the ships with the kids/teens more, but now i'm 17 and i'm just not interested in them anymore. i guess thats what happens when you grow up lol. these ships are still cute, but i just don't engage with them anymore
favourite popular ships: mandy x chester, fang x buster so a bit of background, i actually quit brawl stars for a while, i think after the gale brawl pass. i dont really remember why, but its probably because i just got bored of the game lol. i think that also played into why i'm no longer interested in the same ships as before. anyway, i came back this year during the bizarre circus brawl pass and accidentally fell in love with these two ships. honestly, i'm not even entirely sure why i fell in love with these two ships in particular. chester definitely caught my eye when i came back to the game because a) i love clowns b) i love a good troll c) i love the random XD energy chester has and d) he has super interesting & fun game mechanics. i have no interest in mandy really but then i saw One suggestive mandy x chester fanart that went hard af and suddenly i was on board lmao. on the other hand fang and buster were two characters that i took some time to fall in love with, but now they're my favourites lol it's so strange. i really don't know how it happened.
favourite rarepair: amber x maisie i was looking at a diagram of all the trios so far because i was brainstorming ideas for who to include in a fanfic and as i was looking at it, suddenly it Clicked in my mind that amber x maisie would go hard af. like think about it. overconfident fire entertainer who gets so swept up in performances that she forgets about safety x safety coordinator with a fire extinguisher for an arm who secretly likes being in dangerous situations? come on!!!! im surprised more people havent thought of this pairing cuz as soon as it clicked for me it seemed like such an obvious pairing to do. but then again they've never interacted in any animation/promo material/etc so i guess it's not a pair people would just think of without prompting. but it's so fucking good!!!! more people need to get in on this ship.
controversial ship: none here's the thing. i don't know any controversial ships that i can see myself shipping. the most controversial one i know is probably edgar x colette but i see them as siblings so i don't ship it nor do i engage with fanart of them. edgar and colette ships in general are probably controversial seeing as both of them don't have canon ages and it's vague enough that people are always talking about whether they're adults or minors. but i personally see both of them as older teens so i don't ship them with anyone. (to me, they're too old to hang out with the kid brawlers but also too young to hang out with the adult brawlers. it's weird because there's no other brawlers where i see them as teens, so in my mind edgar and colette both have 0 shipping potential)
ships i want to become canon the most: amber x maisie, fang x buster they're my current favourite ships. what else to say.
comfort ship: fang x buster i think about them All the Fucking Time. lowkey i started to project on fang a bit just cuz i like him so much. i don't even know why or how i started liking him this much but he's my favourite brawler now and it's horrible. i think the seal in the coffin was @/giveittomegay's fanart of them. THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE. like omfg. confident, charismatic chinese immigrant who just arrived at starr park x introverted insecure white guy who doesn't know how to approach others. slowburn where they become closer through working at the cinema and buster realises he's fallen in love basically immediately but fang hasn't realised his own sexuality (has had crushes on girls before so always assumed he was straight) and doesn't realise he's in love with buster until maisie straight up tells him. fang's confidence means he jokingly flirts with buster all the time because he thinks it's funny to tease the guy and make him flustered but doesn't realise buster gets flustered because he likes fang. fang is fucking stupid. also, i think using fang x shelly here as a conflict plot point would be so good. like, fang seeing a pretty girl and approaching her, flirting with her, etc. i like to think fang is dense as fuck and would genuinely believe he's in love with shelly despite buster occupying 90% of his thoughts because his thought process would be something along the lines of "oh, i just think about him a lot cuz he's my best friend, i'm sure this is all regular, normal bff things". and buster just fucking dying inside but not saying anything because he thinks it's none of his business and he shouldn't interfere in fang's love life. MAISIE WATCHING ALL THIS HAPPEN AND WANTING TO MURDER BOTH OF THEM FOR BEING SO DENSE. like ohhhhhh my god there is so much potential here it's fucking insane. side note: fang doesn't have anything against gay people. i like to think maisie x amber comes way before fang x buster, so fang knows gay people exist and like he is perfectly fine and comfortable being around them, he's just so stupidly dense that he doesn't realise HE is gay (or more specifically bi). he also assumes buster is straight because default sexuality and whenever fang makes jokes based on this assumption buster never corrects him. because buster is a pussy. god. i want to write this fanfic so bad but i'm so fucking bad at writing dialogue it's insane.
ships that deserve more attention: amber x maisie, brock x bibi, barley x bull, max x janet LET ME COOK HERE OKAY. amber x maisie i already explained above. brock x bibi (i call them bibrock) is because it's noted in bibi's bio that she's secretly a huge nerd and i think it would be super cute for her to have a bf who she can indulge in nerdy and geeky shit with. to me they're both massive comic book fans who become close by playing all the superhero video games together before branching out to other games. they're console gamers btw and they get SUPER competitive whenever they're playing against each other. but they also do play coop games where they work together. usually brock is the one who does a lot of theorycrafting and tries to minmax his grind so he can get all the resources in the most optimal and time efficient way possible, whereas bibi prefers just going into fights and wrecking havoc lol. barley x bull is because they're both restaurant owners/servers (barley has his bar, bull has his diner) and i think they would bond over shitty customers and interesting food/drink recipes. they're both also familiar with having fights break out in their establishment and are fully capable of shutting fights down, even if it means getting their hands dirty. they think they're on opposite ends of the spectrum but they're actually more similar than they realise. for sure a very slowburn romance (especially because i think bull would be denial about liking a fucking robot lmfao) max x janet is because they're both celebrity entertainers. yeah, that's it. no but seriously i see max as someone who puts up an outgoing persona in public and is generally a very hyper, high energy person but at the same time, she tends to keep people at a distance because she's scared of intimacy. before janet, her closest friends are surge and meg. surge kind of Knows something is up with her because every time he tried to ask about her past she clammed up and gave noncommittal responses. he worries about her but doesn't know what to do about it so he just tries to make her happy in the present. meg is a kid so she doesn't realise anything is wrong lol. hanging out with meg and surge makes max happy and she considers them family, but she still has a wall up around her true self. janet is the one who is finally able to help max come out of her shell and address her past trauma. it also helps that max thinks janet is very pretty and desperately wants to kiss her. this is canon btw don't question me.
first otp: tara x piper | current otp: fang x buster i basically said all i have to say about these ships so yeah. that's it.
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