rivaldi22 · 8 months
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In a time of great prosperity, a tyrant king sent his son to live among the people and learn their ways. He did so for many years, until a great calamity befell the kingdom.
In the aftermath, the tyrant's son was changed. The tyrant's son turned away from his father, and became a warrior. The tyrant chased his son across fields and mountains and oceans.
He said, "If I can't have my son, then no one shall."
In the end, the tyrant used his son's love of the people against him. He promised him a miraculous technology that could rebuild the kingdom. When his son came to claim it, he unleashed a plague upon him. His son was destroyed.
And the tyrant looked upon his tyranny and wept.
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vexation960 · 17 days
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destinytober · 9 months
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2023 prompt list is here! Take a trip through Destiny history starting Oct. 1 with a daily piece of art, writing or other creative expressions. Use #destinytober or #destinytober23 to have your work shared here.
Don't have time or ability to do a full 30 Day challenge? Use this list a chose one prompt for each five-day period instead.
✅ All skill levels welcome! ✅ Digital, traditional, 3D & crafts ✅ Writing ✅ Screenshot photography
Please don't: 🚫 A/I genned art 🚫 Gameplay S/treams 🚫 Fashion (Use #Driptober)
Previous years lists. Feel free to use one of these instead or mix and match between them all!
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newbabyfly · 8 months
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04: Sword Logic
If you can't beat them, steal their shit and cut them down. #destiny2art
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aghostsdestiny · 8 months
Destinytober Day 8: "Light Lost"
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Sometimes a Hunter is just not fast enough—
With thanks to @silverstarstrike for helping me test Glaze it 🥹🌻
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hoboscruff · 7 months
"How did you find the strength to destroy something so like yourself? To look in a mirror, and kill what looked back?"
Destinyober prompt #25, The Lucent Hive, and you can definitely tell I'm a Hunter main
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torobatl · 8 months
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Destinytober Day 1: First Revival
Very slapdash since I'm a day late, but! I gotta commit to an art challenge this month.
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Sad Zavala with amanda and cayde watching from their graves. Missed the first couple of days but I'm gonna try to do the rest.
Destinytober day 9, devotion bravery sacrifice
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teenybeebart · 8 months
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A Guardian rises, a million questions to ask. His Ghost is filled with anxiety and love, eager to answer once they are safe.
I'm doing the "lazy" version of #Destinytober this year. Day 1-5, I combined "First Revival" and "No Time to Explain"! Full prompt list can be found HERE!
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Day 5: Dreadnaught
Fun Fact: I loaded up Destiny 1 to find references and screenshots to draw this.
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rivaldi22 · 8 months
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Oryx is dead! To deny this is to drink strong poison.
Oryx is dead and His throne waits empty! To accept this is to accept blasphemy into our hearts.
Is this the end of progress towards the True and Final Shape? Is this the Entaoxuanna, the fate worse than extinction—the triumph of the oldest doubt, and the end of our way?
No. We are the people of the Real. We know the rod which separates the true from the dead. We know that whatever happens is so because it must be so. We accept that this has happened. [AIAT]
Let me tell you what has happened: Our King of Shapes has triumphed.
The one who murdered Him, who wielded His killers as a knife: she was once a liar drenched in the Sky. But she came among us, the children of Oryx, and we cleaned the lies from her, we scoured the confusion and fear from her, and we gave her the clarity of our sight: and she devoted herself to the task of comprehending Oryx, learning and foreseeing Him, thinking as He would think, knowing what He would know, becoming His one worthy enemy and so becoming like Him. [AIAT]
The liars will come in their thousands and hundreds of thousands and slaughter us in our millions and tens of millions, and we will go rejoicing to our ends, for they are the blade He has appointed to whittle us into our shape, and she is the avatar He has chosen to mantle Him, and even now we sail the course He plotted! For she has awakened the truth which answers the lies. And His will has delivered the liars to us as His final test. And He is still and now and forever our King.
We will ask Him to return to us. And when we have pleased Him, He will answer!
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sc0nesandc0ffee · 8 months
Destinytober has begun! So above is my first piece, a short posted on AO3.
Here are the prompts, created by @newbabyfly
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I’m writing because I am not going to force anyone to suffer looking at my drawings. 😂😂
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makuta-tobi · 8 months
Destinytober 2023 Day 7: SIVA
“I really, really, don't like this,” Athena shouldered her way past the scorched husk of a Servitor, her Ghost swinging its light to illuminate the crumbled passageways.
“What's not to like?” Tobi-17 hopped over some collapsed machinery, his attention drawn to the room around him, and he almost collided with the Awoken Titan as she stopped her task of moving aside rubble to shoot him a sharp look. “It's just a little exploration to see what we can make of the old program, that's all. Any new subroutines that we don't have access to.”
The hulking Titan turned her massive form toward him and leaned down so they were eye level.
“If Lord Saladin finds out about anything we're doing here, I'm telling him you kidnapped me at gunpoint. He's gonna have both our hides flayed by his new War Beasts.”
“And that's why we're doing it quietly and off the books,” the Exo shrugged and slipped past Athena, wiggling between a bank of computer terminals. “And besides, we're not going deep enough into the Plaguelands to even come close to the replication chamber, we're just gonna find some of the constructs nearby. I'll scan them and see what sort of commands they were running before they shut down, that's all.”
Athena scoffed at the casual dismissal. SIVA was dangerous. Unique, helpful, beautiful, and the most dangerous piece of tech Clovis Bray had ever created.
“And what would Ana think?” she continued, following the Warlock, who had begun prying open a door with a piece of rebar. “Or Elsie?”
Tobi-17 stopped and sighed. “I'm just trying to be helpful, okay? I'm just thinking, you know, we've tried to implement it before-”
“And it's always ended in tragedy every damned time,” she cut him off.
“-and we've always been prevented from trying by other forces,” he finished, unable to hide the annoyance in his voice. “First it was the Iron Lords getting merc'd by Big Red, and when they tried to blow it up and hide it, the Fallen kept us from running it back. But now, there's only two Iron Lords left, and one of them has been out of the system for years, the other is busy handling everything else. And Rasputin is... gone,” he faltered for a moment, then shook his head and continued, “he lost all control of it. There's no more Fallen here, no Hive, no nothing,” he spread his hands out wide for emphasis. “We're safe. But if we had it before... we could have done something.”
His voice sounded almost remorseful as he chewed over his thoughts. Athena gave him time, but then spoke up when she realized his concern.
“You think we could have prevented all... that if we had SIVA?” she gestured up at the ceiling, indicating the sky beyond it. Rasputin destroyed, the Warsats useless, the Traveler corrupted with a portal to who-knows-where ripped into its surface. “You know as well as I do that it wouldn't have been enough.”
“Maybe!” he blurted, “But maybe if we had SIVA, Rasputin could have had a working body sooner! He could have been one step ahead. Or we could have built a blockade, or more weapons in the City-”
“Or we could have been overtaken by our own fear and destroyed like everyone else who's tried to use this stuff.”
“Not everyone,” he unlimbered his rifle and held it up to her. The Outbreak rifles had been constructed by Shiro-4 and perfected by the Gunsmiths of the Tower. Now they were deadly weapons of war, less so than the great building blocks they had once been designed as. Athena sighed in defeat.
“It's not the same, but... fine. Let's see if we can't find you some old construction equipment.” Tobi-17 nodded and replaced the rifle on his back. Breaking open the door with another heave of the rebar, the two of them continued deeper into the facility, carefully stepping over shattered glass, fallen structures, and destroyed Shanks that still littered the floors here.
They emerged into a large room, possibly an amphitheater of some kind, and Tobi-17 suppressed a noise of joy. In the center of the room, dead and dormant, was a mass of machinery half-built. Dark cords of SIVA seemed to come from the floor, collecting in one central mechanism. Large black diamond shapes sprouted from the cords, like fungus growing on tree roots. All of it before them was made of an incalculable number of nano machines, that had once been programmed to build whatever was toppled over before them. The two Guardians picked their way down the steps and over damaged seats towards the prize laid out in front of them.
Tobi-17 reached into his pack and retrieved a small handheld screen with some wires coming from the bottom with diodes on the ends. He knelt down and jammed both of the rods into the mass of cables that looked as though they had fused into the very floor itself. The data feeds began flooding over the screen and he became lost in thought, murmuring affirmations to himself. Athena turned and walked over the broken floor to drop into one of the chairs, which nearly disintegrated as soon as she collapsed into it. She rested her rifle in her lap and let her eyes wander over the desolate room. There wasn't much here. Some Fallen cargo pods had been abandoned here years ago, as well as a cache of Ether, which she made a mental note of to alert Misraaks of later. There was a large shadow obscured in the back that could have very likely been the stripped down remains of a jumpship, or possibly a Fallen Walker, who was to say.
She heard Tobi-17 exclaim something to himself, and his Ghost, which now orbited around his head was responding, the two of them talking a mile a minute. Athena smiled and tilted her head back. Some objects hung from the ceiling, though she couldn't tell if they were lights or something else entirely, suspended on long ropes. A small hole had opened up in the roof and she could see the mid evening sky just outside, casting a faint line of pale orange against the nearby wall and floor. It wasn't enough to illuminate the room, but it was better than nothing. She swung her leg out and kicked a large piece of rubble. There was a loud groan.
Athena sat up and adjusted her position, hand wrapped around the grip of her rifle. Tobi-17 was loudly proclaiming his findings to his Ghost, but there was no other sound. Until there was. Another loud groan, coming from the back of the room. She raised her rifle and peered through the short scope, hoping to see something else. The Titan slowly backed up towards her Warlock partner.
“Hey, you got what you need, right?” she asked, her voice low.
“What?” he said without looking up, still distracted. “You have to see this, the algorithm is so much more complex than I realized, the self replication process is way more advanced than anything I've ever seen, it isn't even adapted to full in the guns!”
“Yeah, that's great and all, but are you done?” she asked. The Exo looked up and saw her kneeling next to him, but staring through the sights of her gun to the back of the room.
“Just about, why?” he set his device down and began to rise from his crouched position on the floor, grabbing his own gun.
“There's something else in here,” she said quietly. Then the load groan came again. Then a hum. Then a horn sound. The dark silhouette at the back of the room had a series of 8 dotted lights illuminate on its front, and then lines of red snaked up and around its body, giving it form as it rose.
“Hey, Seventeen?” Athena said softly. “Didn't you say the Kell's Scourge was the first Brig ever built?”
“Well, it was the first successful Brig ever built,” he answered. The hulking machine rose to its full height, and opened fire.
The first shot went over their heads and blew off a huge chunk of wall behind them.
“Grab the data!” Athena shouted as she braced her rifle on her shoulder and returned fire. The Brig took a few cautious steps forward and fired another arc shot, which whizzed by and made the air sizzle as it destroyed part of the floor to their left. Tobi-17 snatched up the terminal and shoved it back in his bag. The SIVA by his feet began glowing red as well, energy pulses running up from an unseen source.
“Let's boogie!” he laughed to no one, forming a void grenade in his hand and hurling it at the machine that was making its way slowly, tentatively, towards them. The energy ball landed just behind it, and a vortex pulled it backwards, undoing some of its progress. Athena kept up her fire as the Warlock hopped over a row of seats and gestured to the door. “Come on!”
Keeping low, she ran and fired on it, even as the Brig charged its cannon and shot again, missing by a wide margin.
“Are we just gonna run from this thing?” she asked incredulously as he held the ancient door open for her.
“Look, I saw the program running. It was dormant, but this particular lot was programmed for defense. The thing down there, it's another Brig, or at least it was supposed to be. They're guards, they're not gonna give chase.”
“You better be right," Athena ducked through the door, then peeked out and fired another burst from her rifle as the Brig took another step, covering her companion. The door slammed shut right as another arc shot took out half the wall. The two of them ran as quickly as they could, but their progress was impeded by the collapsed building they were currently occupying. They could hear its heavy footfalls and the sound of walls collapsing as it tried to locate them. But even empowered with SIVA, the prototype Brig was not able to locate them by itself. The processing power was slow, and was attempting to locate them based on where they would go, not where they currently were.
The pair managed to find the beacon they had placed at the broken down entrance, and they snatched it up, saddling on their Sparrows. The Brig inside made a loud rumbling noise, but it seemed so distant now. Perhaps it had finally given up now that they had left its stomping ground.
“So, did you get what you needed?” Athena growled in annoyance.
“Maybe,” the Warlock shrugged, “gonna have to go over it with some people.”
Athena shook her head and opened the throttle on her Sparrow, shooting towards the nearest relay point. She wanted to get the hell out of the Plaguelands, and back into her own bed. It had been too long. Tobi-17 steeled himself for the road ahead, leaned forward, and shot off after her.
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newbabyfly · 8 months
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06: Regicide
Don't mind me, just channeling some Evangelion here. IYKYK.
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aghostsdestiny · 7 months
Destinytober Day 25: "Lucent Hive"
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abidethetempest · 8 months
First destinytober oneshot done! First time i've participated in this event, v excited to see how much I can get done :D
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