#dead poets society headcanons
toddandersonsblog · 2 days
okay so picture this:
neil is going to be romeo in a play, and he's practicing his lines with charlie. then charlie realises that he would make a great mercutio and auditions for the part!!
that would probably be the only play charlie participates in, but he would have so much fun playing mercutio, alongside neil!
I just thought it would be so cute ☺️
(I can't find my other post, for some reason, the one where I compared the characters from dead poets society to the ones from romeo and juliet... oh well.)
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sleepy-gee · 17 days
cutesy dps headcanons because why not
neil used to pretend that he didn't know how to tie his tie to get todd to do it for him. he found it odd but did it without complaint
when neil finally does start to tie his own ties, todd turns into a proud mother and smiles like silly
charlie has specialized nicknames for all of the poets + gets offended when anyone else uses them (think dean with other people calling sam 'sammy')
cameron is the jacket king. he has 50 million tucked away in his closet. always brings extras on cold nights for the other poets
meeks' favorite class is choir, my man loves to sing!! he often gets caught by the others humming or singing to himself
pitts is the kind of guy to get offended when someone 'ruins' a book, whether that be annotating or dog earing the corner of their pages. he carries bookmarks for this very reason
meeks is the complete opposite. he has no problem with annotating his book/dog earing the pages
they fight over that all the time
todd can play guitar at a pretty decent level
he plays and meeks sings :]
mr. keating makes his students hot chocolate on cold days/rough days (like the day before a test or during finals week)
knox is extremely ticklish
cameron and todd snort when they laugh
cameron doesn't care while todd is absolutely mortified by it
neil is unfortunately tone deaf. doesn't stop him from loving music tho
pitts and charlie are the kings of dad jokes. they can go back and forth for hours, to the annoyance of the poets.
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armorangels · 16 days
also. it’s honestly a miracle that neil’s death sparked todd’s confidence/independence
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arachidenitida · 9 months
If Neil hadn’t died and become a theater actor Todd would have been his writer.
they would create theatrical performances together and the dead poets would always be in the front row to support them.
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[anderperry discussing their next performance🤭]
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faerieroyal · 3 months
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thinking about charlie, who will call you every single pet name known to the english language, and use them so much that sometimes you wonder whether he remembers your real name. thinking about charlie, who always insists on having his arm around you when the two of you are in public, no matter if it’s around your shoulders or your waist. thinking about charlie, who will absolutely cover your face with kisses when you’re upset until you laugh from how much it tickles, and have the most smug smile on his face when he’s accomplished it. thinking about charlie, who will attempt to write a saxophone melody just for you, and even if it doesn’t turn out quite like he wanted will feel like the sun has started shining in his chest when you smile at him after he plays it for you. thinking about charlie, who as much as he craves validation, eventually comes to find that yours is the only laugh he really cares about hearing after he’s told a joke.
thinking about charlie, who is always so jovial and takes so little in this life seriously, but who is deadly serious about his love for you; as much as he tries to bring light and levity into other people’s lives, you are the light in his life, and he will be damned if he doesn’t love you with the same determination he gives to telling jokes and causing mischief - strong, steadfast, with all the warmth and power of the sun he cannot help but remind people of, and that he insists he sees every time he sees you smile.
dead poets society taglist: @fairyofthehollow, @lovings4turn, @agentlilicarter, @renqiisnce !
general taglist: @maddipoof, @thatmagickjuju, @talkingturnedtoscreamss, @malafvma, @auxiliarydetective, @heliads, @oneirataxia-girl !
( send me an ask if you want to be added to a taglist !! )
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toindeedbeapoet · 1 month
i truly do believe that john keating would understand and sympathise with me if i were to explain the trials and tribulations of being the oldest daughter
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Just watched Dead Poets Society for the first time and I fucking SOBBED. NEIL AND TODD SHWKHDKSNDUDKD
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aquacrypt66 · 1 year
Dating Neil Perry ♡
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You met him when the two of you were in a play together, he was a bit shy at first but once you got to know him he really warmed up to you.
Practice lines together when he's gonna be in the play.
So many dates. Cafe dates, fairground dates or picnic dates mostly, but anything you wanna do, Neil is up for it.
He brings you to the Dead Poets meetings so you can watch and read (only if you'd like to tho).
You'd end up being good friends with the poets, especially Charlie and Todd.
Hand holding is a must, he loves it.
He isn't overly into PDA, but in private he's all over you.
Compliments. And cute nicknames. Constantly.
Very romantic.
He rambles to Todd about you all the time. He did this before you started dating as well, so much so that Todd was pleading for him to just ask you out already.
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grungelvrr222 · 17 days
anderperry navigating dating at welton (aka hellton)
- it is very stressful for todd and neil because even if they want to hold hands sometimes, they knows they have to be careful where they do it.
- todd secretly worries about ruining everything for neil if they were ever found out by the school or either of their parents. (neil’s parents more likely since todd’s parents barely care abt him)
- neil constantly wants to kiss todd and he tries to figure out little hiding spots that they can kiss during the day.
- though nothing beats days end and being able to kiss and be close to eachother as much as they want in their room.
- its a lot harder for todd to be discreet in his stares at neil??? like how could not admire his boyfriend’s beauty.
- at school it is very hard to know who to trust. the only people who know about neil and todd’s relationship are the other poets.
- todd prefers showing his affection physically to neil most of the time in private as where neil is willing to take more risk.
- i can see a lot of having in public neil and todd pretending to be “just friends” and pretending to like girls in front of certain people. because like bro its 1959 lets be real,,,
- neil has to try and not make a fuss about it but he NEEDS HIS CUDDLES. once the two of them fall asleep he cant fall asleep unless he is holding todd 😫
- in private they are all over eachother. very much touch starved gays and you cant tell me otherwise.
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cheezy-whizz · 6 months
Rip Neil Perry, you would’ve loved gay marriage and the smiths
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pingunaa · 13 days
charlie was the kid that bit people
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sleepy-gee · 1 month
modern!todd would totally be the quiet artsy kid in the back of the class with his headphones always in. you ask him what he's listening to and it's king for a day by pierce the veil because he totally has quiet metalhead vibes. trust me guys
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armorangels · 11 days
headcanon of where the poets would study abroad with no context:
todd - edinburgh
neil - oxford
charlie - amsterdam
knox - rome
pitts - dublin
meeks - berlin
richard - copenhagen
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arachidenitida · 2 months
neil and charlie in welton were like twins. People saw them snooping around the rooms, giggling and with their mischievous grins plastered on the face.
they're SO annoying, people get mad all the time, but not for too long 'cause at the end of the day they're charismatic and friendly :)
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chasedbyunclewalt · 1 year
A whole bunch of random extremely specific headcanons I have been thinking about forever for dating all the different dead poets~~~
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Hear me out
He’s the ‘tough’ one of the group
This is terrible but I think the dead poets made him tell Todd about Neil because no one else could bring themselves to. (I wanna write a fic about this so bad)
Charlie aggressively cares for all his friends
He needs someone to aggressively care for him
So when you guys are alone it takes time for him to lose his tough guy facade
But when he does he’s kind of a baby
Clinging to you
Wanting attention
Having someone to care for him is so foreign but he loves it and tries to care for you the same way.
You guys when you aren’t being all lovey and adorable are like partners.
Making joint decisions, just working well together overall
He likes to high five you and then kiss you
Like high five, grabs hand, pulls you into a kiss
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His parents literally never keep an eye on what he does over the summer
So he’s always over at your house or you’re at his
His house is gianttttt and has a pool
Not that he cares that much
But it’s impressive to say the least
Jefferey is the only one of his family who actually knows you’re dating
Like I said his parents don’t care like at all
But Jef is actually super nice and supportive
Todd gets lonely very easily
So if you’re not together he tries to call you
If you don’t pick up he writes about you
He gets the best gifts
Not because of money or anything but because he’s so thoughtful
Everything thing he gives you has an entire train of thought behind it
Modern day AU almost every time you text him he screenshots it and sends it to Neil asking how to answer
1950’s universe he’s one of the few families with multiple television sets and lets you watch whatever you want.
He likes sleepovers
And his favorite way to cuddle is him sitting up on the bed with you laying on his stomach wrapped around him.
Touch starved.
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Gets sooooo annoyed when his glasses are dirty
He absolutely hates it
You buy him portable lense cleaner
He loves you period
Like everyone can tell this boy is in love
His love language is acts of service
So he’s always offering to help you with homework
He literally did your laundry once
He’s so down bad anything you do makes his jaw drop
On the floor
You guys create your own secret language
He speaks it faster than you and usually say’s disgustingly sweet things
Great with kids
Great with parents
Plant dad. He loves those big vine things idk what they’re called but they wrap around the room
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toddandersonsblog · 8 days
okayy dps roadtrip headcanons I guess!! (my friends really helped me with this. thank you, my friends)
neil is kind of forced to drive. he only wanted to sit back and point at cows and horses, so he's not too hyped about it. also, he drives so slowly it's hilarious
todd is 🧍‍♀️ just vibing. in the middle back seat. with like two seat belts on. he's also made a playlist but they don't end up listening to it
charlie is trying to turn up the music from the back seat every five seconds. he insists on switching with neil because he's so slow, but the others won't let him drive
meeks is at first giving directions to neil, but then quits and starts trying to get them to play scrabble
pitts has the aux cord and refuses to give it to anyone else
knox had it before pitts but he kept putting on love songs or depressing songs like the smiths, and everyone agreed that this is NOT roadtrip music. at least not for the vibe they were going for
cameron didn't join. charlie said that he had some work to do, which made everyone think that charlie tied cameron to his bed or something
next, I'll either do drunk poets or, like, the poets at the beach. both sound like hilarious scenarios hehe
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