#dead boy detectives spoilers
densewentz · 2 days
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When a cunty witch beats you to death then steals your boy toy for eternal torment 😢 (based on that 'don't you miss her???' meme)
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Edwin: Charles, you shouldn't get attached to a human girl, it's unprofessional
Also Edwin, upon seeing a half dying, nonsense mumbling Niko for 0.5 seconds: she's charming and I'm gonna adopt her and cherish her for eternity
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emziess · 3 days
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Jayden Revri as Charles Rowland DEAD BOY DETECTIVES, S01E02, The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
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icarus-n-flames · 3 days
You know sometimes I think about Charles Rowland and his response to Edwin’s confession, as I’m sure we all do. A few days ago I thought about the part where he said they have “literally forever to figure out what the rest means” and then I sort of thought of Red White and Royal Blue (stick with me here).
I particularly thought about how Alex’s mom asked him if he felt “forever” for Henry. In the context of the media it’s supposed to make Alex think and consider that getting into a romantic relationship with Henry isn’t something that can be casual and easily fall apart. It’s going to make many waves, be very public and be even more so if they break up. Obviously it is also about his feelings and not just the repercussions but that aspect made me think of Charles, the thinking of the repercussions bit.
He has someone who has been his partner and best mate for 35 years. This is a person who showed him kindness for no reason other than he is just kind and Charles was someone he thought deserved his kindness. Edwin was probably many firsts for Charles in a lot of platonic ways considering he was 16 and the relationships he had with friends and family weren’t the best. Edwin is the person he cares the most for in the whole world and bringing more than what they have into this threatens the balance they have.
I’m sure we’ve all considered what would happen if we dated a friend and it went poorly. Even more so if you jump headfirst into something only to realize maybe you DON’T feel the same and now you have to break their heart.
Charles Rowland and Edwin Payne have an eternity together and Charles needs to look within himself and see if he feels eternity for Edwin because any less and it’s terrifying what that could mean for them if he takes that step and fumbles. For someone like Charles who just does what he’s feeling in the moment and act’s impulsively, his response to that confession was the least impulsive thing he’s done and I think it speaks volumes of how much he cares for Edwin.
I like that, if/when they become canon, it’s going to be because Charles has thought about it and hasn’t acted impulsively even if maybe the scene plays out where he is SEEMINGLY acting impulsively.
He really is the good sort of chap. I’m so normal about him.
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cindyslesbian · 3 days
🕯️🕯️🕯️ dbd writers i summon u 🕯️🕯️🕯️
bc i made u writing prompts for pride month!!!1!
here are some things to keep in mind:
this is flexible!! there’s no daily structure or anything, just pick what u like - the numbers are just a formality!!
make sure to use the #dbd pride month prompts 24 tag for tumblr and the ‘DBD Pride Month Prompts 2024’ ao3 collection!!
finally… if u like these prompts and want to join a fun dbd community, check my pinned to join the dbd fan server (and see all our cool fun perks!)
ok enjoy! 👻🔮🌷📚
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xjade-lotusx · 19 hours
Underrated Edwin moment, in the beginning of episode 5 we see Edwin sitting outside the butcher shop reading an astrology book. He says "remarkably low compatibility between Taurus and Aries" and since we know he's a Capricorn, I can only assume that he's looking up the star signs of Charles and Crystal.
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mayapapaya33 · 2 days
I keep seeing people talk about Charles beating up the night nurse and feeding her to Angie and being like "why are Edwin and Crystal acting so judgmental, he did nothing wrong, it wasn't even that dramatic, why are they being so weird, etc." And I think the biggest problem with this is that you're looking at it from an action movie watcher pov, not from the pov of a real person who just watched your friend beat the crap out of someone and murder them in a surprisingly tactical way (They don't know the night nurse is immortal at that point). I think we've all become a little inured to violence on screen, but imagine if that ACTUALLY happened DIRECTLY in front of you.
Now, personally I do think Charles was acting in self defense, and defense of Edwin. and I'm on his side. I'm just saying that I ALSO understand why watching him ostensibly straight up murder someone would be shocking lol.
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shaylogic · 2 days
Simon's "Do you think it has to be torture? Being what we are?" destroyed me btw
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shamelessly-obsessed · 16 hours
Just some midnight pondering (insanity) from my notes app:
GOD Charles hearing Edwin call his actions against the night nurse extreme must have hurt so much because he sees Edwin as the best person he knows (plus the fact that those actions were to protect Edwin). He stayed by his side through death, he was the one person to ever show him kindness, and so for someone he thinks is the best person in the world to show some form of fear towards him? FUCK. For Edwin to react to his actions the same way he sees the actions of his “friends” and father (additional ouch being that Edwin was killed by his own bullies as well)? idk that must have really brought up the deeply repressed doubts he has about himself and if he’s a good person and so we see him break down (ofc all heightened even more from the case and the trauma that surfaced from it). All of this makes the scene between the two of them, where Edwin says he’s the best person he knows, even more poignant. Edwin, without an ounce of doubt or hesitancy, tells Charles he’s not a bad person, he’s nothing like his father or the kids who killed him, and you can really see the relief and love in Charles’ eyes after that. And then the hug just seals it all with Charles holding onto Edwin as if he’ll never let go. They both view each other so highly, they both see one another as the best person they know and I think that’s so beautiful I just can’t. 😭😭😭😭
Also just the fact that Charles’ first instinct is to see the best in people, despite everything he’s gone through, because if he can see everyone else as good people he can believe he is as well (since that’s something he doubts deep down)
I’m very normal about them (seriously though I love how much this fandom puts into analyzing the show 😭)
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Charles telling Crystal about how much his Dad hurt him within a week vs. Charles hiding that pain (and the checking in on his parents) from Edwin for 30 years.
I'm positive they'll explore this further in season 2 because it still feels unresolved. The lack of fear in letting Crystal see his darker qualities against the fear of allowing Edwin to see what he perceives as the flawed and ugly parts of him. How that might play into unpacking the burning anger and jealousy he obviously feels but desperately temps down.
That's why Crystal's dreaming of David after her and Charles kissed was interesting. She sees in him a similar toxic masculinity, and while Charles will never be David in all his selfishness, I believe this tension is what will cause them the most turbulence moving forward. That is, Crystal doesn't want to counsel a boy, step by step, through their darker tangled emotions, even if she cares and empathizes. She's scared of falling into another abusive trap of a relationship (and also she's a 'molotov cocktail thrown at a problem' kinda gal).
I think in order to move past that darker emotional turmoil Charles will have to start properly communicating those feelings with Edwin.
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Just Edwin and Charles living in my head without paying any rent
*Charles just took some inconsiderate risk on a mission*
E: Charles, I was so afraid of losing you
C: But I'm ok you do not have to be sorry Edwin *hugs him*
E: *blushes and step out of it* you are crazy
C: Yeah but the kind you like kind of crazy *smirks proud of himself as usual*
E: *shy and awkward around his feelings, feeling mocked*
C: *notices and takes his hands* hey, listen man, I know we haven't talked about it but as I told you when we were coming back from hell, it's ok really, you're still my buddy
E: yeah... thank you*looks at him in the eye and smiles, because he doesn't wait for something more, he knows Charles is straight and likes women but he still feels a little something, a pain in his chest*
*a little later Charles talks with Crystal about the risk he took before and why people might worry*
C: But I was ok! I had the situation secured i don't understand why he has to worry
🔮: Charles you have to understand, how would you react if it was Edwin who did something so careless?
C: Edwin would never act like that! I'll always be there for him so he never has to worry about it.
🔮: But sometimes you can't do anything, right? Like with the Cat Kings crush events-
C: Don't even mention that guy!
🔮: It's more of a god- but yeah yeah sorry I forgot how jealous you were.
C: Me?? Jealous?? *looks at her in disbelief*
🔮: *between laugh and cries, watches from head to toe* yeah you, or like with Monty, it's ok, you like to have Edwin's attention, and guys that like him are in the way of your relationship
C: I am not jealous! Yes of course Monty pissed me off but in the end, I was right to feel like that about him! And the cat king is just super annoying!
🔮: And Edwin had something else in his mind than you also, nah? *glances at him* It's ok you wanna be the only one by Edwin's side, I understand but you know that someday since you rejected him he is gonna love someone else and maybe take his distance a little, right?
C: What annoyed me was that he was distracted, nothing else! And... *thinks of Edwin loving someone else and feels as if someone just twisted brutally his guts* h-he would never leave me, it's him and I until the end.
🔮: Yeah but before the moment you are with me were in the past moment you would have passed with him, don't you think?
C: Yes but still he wouldn't be like that...
🔮: Why would he, not Charles, if he is in love you have to be supportive and let him have space like he does with you
C: It's just not the same
🔮: And why is that?
C: It's just- when he confessed it didn't seem like that.
🔮: Like what, like he would go? You rejected him and his feelings remember?
C: Yeah but it's because he is my buddie I just don't love him this way!
🔮: If you are so sure then why are you jealous and why won't you accept that he might like someone else?
C: *snaps* BECAUSE HE IS MINE *regrets instantly and avoids her gaze*
🔮: He is yours but you don't like him, uh? Charles listen, we already discussed the fact that we were just both alone and sad and we mistook attachment and friendship for something else. But him, Charles you went to hell for the guy, you would die again and again if that could save his ass, you don't want anyone but you by his side. Also, you are just so different when you are with him, you are natural. If it's keep being his buddy that scares you just know that you already act like an old married couple, so nothing will really change. *puts her hand on his shoulder* I don't say I know everything Charles, just think about it, if there were no consequences what would you do or who would you be for him?
C: *looks at her, clearly lost* I don't know Crys...
🔮: It's ok you don't have to have all the answers now, you don't have to ever have all the answers, just think about it 'k? I'm going to sleep. *waves him and goes back to her room*
C: *sits on the sofa, Edwin was out with Yuki tonight, so he was now alone, and more lost than he ever imagined he could be*
And sorry I don't have any beta readers on this so it's really not perfect, do you want me to continue this?
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So the cat king helped Edwin realise he was gay...
Monty helped Edwin realise his feelings for Charles ...
And Niko helped Edwin come to terms with all these realisations and accept himself?
I'm gonna cry tbh
(also maybe crystal helped Edwin see that there is more to Charles than what Charles shows? This show is just arghh)
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tessxblxckthorn · 3 days
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Edwin Payne and Niko Sasaki
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icarus-n-flames · 11 hours
I might just be talking into the void but I’ve come to realize something about Charles and Crystal. Like I found it odd that after 30 years and with someone he calls his best mate and the only person he’d go to hell for, he never told him the extent of what happened with his father. Hell he’s even keeping from Edwin that he is checking in on his family, but he tells someone he knew for hardly any time at all.
I’m sure others have talked about it but I’m just working through it in my lil brain… I think a lot of it might have to do with this fear of being perceived as weak, sure, and vulnerable. Edwin is not only someone he immediately decided he’d protect at all cost but also someone he sort of Idolizes in a way. I’ve seen people make that connection and I 100% agree. Edwin is everything he could want to be; Kind, witty, smart.
Yes Edwin is a sassy bitch but Charles knows first hand that there is a huge well of compassion and kindness in him and gods does Charles want to be that person, he doesn’t want to be like his father. Additionally, nothing hurts quite as much as baring your wounds to the person you look up to and have them pity you. No he wants to be Brave and Strong and Kind and let Edwin see that he deserves to be his equal…baring all his scars might make him feel as if he’s not matching Edwin’s greatness or that he’s going to be pitied.
Yes Edwin bares his scars, though not all of them, but to Charles I bet that just reinforces this ideal. Like, “Wow he went through all that and he’s still so kind” while subsequently ignoring the fact that HE HIMSELF went through so much and yet he is kind and full of so much heart. Perhaps he thinks, somewhere in his subconscious, that his kindness is a fake and doesn’t count but really, Charles pls.
Crystal is someone he feels he can level with. Being around her doesn’t have the weight of forever like Edwin does to him. He can be vulnerable because the pressure to be his level best isn’t there. Yes I also think he cares about her because of course he does! He is Charles with a heart so big he hungers for it to be filled.
Anyway jfjdjd might delete later cuz this is just rambles. I lost part of what I was gonna say. I’m not discounting Crystal just -motions- there is such a massive weight to how Edwin perceives him.
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pixelbumblebee · 3 days
I need them to follow up on Edwin's "I'm just a mirror away" promise, and let him pull Niko back to the mortal plane through one.
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goofygooberton · 2 days
Edwin Payne, what a character. Went to hell (twice!), tortured by a witch, and his close friend died horribly trying to save him. But atleast all the woodland creatures desire him carnally :/
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