#de anguigeno
anguigenus · 2 years
sometimes I think about how the owl house has the type of world that begs for six-something seasons to explore all of the so very fleshed out characters and worldbuilding even more
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Willow matters. She matters! I love her so much, because she’s the glue that holds all of the hexsquad together. She is the one shared connection! She is everyone's first friend! She’s so hard on herself but in the end she will always matter to them!
Willow is Luz’s first friend. They hit it off as soon as they met in that clearing, and Willow was Luz’s contact with all the other witches her age—especially Gus and Amity! Not only that, Willow turned the little seed in Luz’s pocket into a huge, beautiful plant. She showed Luz how magic was inside of nature in the Boiling Isles, setting her on the path to discover glyphs!
Willow was Amity’s first friend. They were best friends. Breaking up hurts Amity, and it hurts Willow. Amity changes her ways because she never wanted to be a bully in the first place. She always just wanted to be Willow’s friend. And, years after their friendship ends, Willow is Amity’s link to Luz. Luz, who helps Amity change and befriend Willow again.
Willow was Gus’ first friend. When they first met, Gus thought people only liked him for his skill in illusions. But Willow was there when he had the least control of his magic, and she kept being there. She showed Gus he mattered to someone. She gave him his confidence.
Willow was Hunter’s first friend. Before her, he had Belos abusing him, Eda and King making fun of him, none of the coven heads respecting him, Amity fighting against him. Even his team-up with Luz was reluctant. But Willow wanted him from the start. She saw a star flyer, she trusted him, she depended on him. She showed Hunter that he could find a place outside the Emperor’s coven!
Willow feels like she has to be strong to mean something. But she means so much and it’s never because she’s strong. She riles up the crowd at Eda’s petrification with just her words. She brings together the entire Hexsquad because she’s a good, kind person. Every one of them cares deeply about her. If she lost her magic tomorrow, lost all her muscle, became not-even-half-a-witch Willow, she would be just as important to every single one of them!
It’s the beauty and tragedy of her character: Willow doesn’t see how she matters.
She thinks she has to do something to have worth to her friends. Has to be strong and wise, not show weakness, be the perfect team captain. But that’s not what made her friends love her. They love her because she was the first person to love THEM for who THEY are!
One of the central themes of this show is that “us weirdos have to stick together.” And Willow? She’s the original weirdo. She brings all the kids together. 
No, Willow may not see it herself yet, but oh… Willow matters.
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anguigenus · 1 year
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holy shit
garth is a palisman design by @assigned-k9 by the way!!
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anguigenus · 10 months
I was looking through the owl house wiki for ttlgr and found these color designs by Eusong Lee and holy shit these are terrifying
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anguigenus · 1 year
oooohh thinking about Labyrinth Runners again. I was rewatching and in this scene Gus is actually in the detention track room!
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Makes me think about my ADHD headcanons for him. A kid that's really smart and moves up grades, but the teachers are a lot harder on him for it. He's expected to be just as mature as the other kids—or more! he moved up a grade after all!
And yet it's so hard for him to sit still and do structured classwork. Heck, even now he sends a double to class instead of actually attending!
I wonder if he was ever sent to detention for doing illusion magic "wrong". Maybe that's why he's so quick to jump to thinking he's in trouble when he does something wrong!
That's classic neurodivergent gifted kid. You know your stuff, but you can't sit still, or you can't pay attention, or you do things a different way from the teacher. And every time, you get in trouble.
Also, there's so so much eye symbolism in this sequence. (To clarify, he breaks down after Adrian digs through his memories. Hunter comes in and sees a series of mindscapes while Gus berates himself).
I mean first of all there's Gus' own glowing eyes. But then we have:
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An abominations classroom, probably the one where he met Willow. There are papers stuck up on the wall with eyes on all of them.
A forest. There are Boiling Isles trees in the background, and their knotholes look like eyes.
The classroom mentioned above. There's a big carved eye centered under the board, fixed right on Gus.
Another scene in the forest. This time Bria and her friends are there circling Gus. However, they don't have faces.
Gus in the illusions classroom. He's in front of a table with several mirrors, and the mirrors are full of eyes looking back at him.
Finally, Gus' room. He's curled up in front of his dresser. Guess what? The knobs on the dresser are eyes. And on top of the dresser is a big old machine—specifically, it's called a Phoropter. It goes in front of your eyes, and has hundreds of lens combinations you can flip on to let the optometrists decide what kind of glasses lenses someone needs.
This eye symbolism plays right into Gus' anxieties. He's constantly being watched in his mindscape. They're not other people's eyes though. Bria and her friends didn't even have eyes! No, the eyes are all part of the mindscape. They're eyes in a mirror looking back at him.
The eyes are part of him.
If you get in trouble enough, have someone pick at you for little things so many times, you start policing yourself. You notice you're doing something wrong and a siren starts going off in your mind, going "YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET IN TROUBLE!"
That's Gus' anxiety. He's worried about being good enough in school. Worried about his relationships with other people. But it's not focused on them, it's focused on him. He's constantly watching for himself to mess up.
And guess what? If you're looking for something, you're going to start seeing it everywhere.
When something goes wrong he jumps to it being his fault. Not doing well on an assignment is a personal failure. Things other people would brush off are the end of the world.
He's so hard on himself because he thinks that other people will. It's preemptive action. If he makes himself perfect he can't make people mad. If he punishes himself first then other people won't punish him.
I just, man. This kid. When he's written well he's written well.
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anguigenus · 1 year
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(link to tweet)
My favorite gustholomule headcanon is that they don’t know what their relationship is and definitely none of their friends can tell if its romantic either. so this is a huge win and canon to MEEEEEE
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anguigenus · 9 months
Hello everyone I'm back to gustholomule! I've been working on this one for a couple of weeks now. This was based on an art by @strawbbz !!! I'm a huge huge fan of his incredible art so this was very fun to do I'm so so glad he gave me the go-ahead :D
If you aren't already following him,
1. how
2. follow him 🔫
Here's the art I based it off of go check it out and read the fic ok byeeeeee!
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anguigenus · 2 years
Oh yeah, I've seen people talking about whether Flapjack living in Hunter's head means he's going to be able to cast magic or not. My thoughts on this, as someone who thinks way too much time thinking about how TOH magic works:
Belos doesn't actually get his "magic" from Palisman souls. Belos can cast his magic because of the glyphs that he's carved into his body.
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[Image: a screenshot of Philip's arm from Elsewhere and Elsewhen. There are glowing red glyphs visible on it, and the arm is bubbling and losing its shape.]
The glyphs are what are actually causing the magic effects. However, one thing we know about glyphs is that they consume the material they're drawn on. For example, Luz's glyph papers being absorbed into the spell.
This means by drawing glyphs on himself, Philip is being slowly consumed whenever he uses them. Again, as we see in the earlier screenshot.
That's where the palisman souls come in. They provide raw magic for the glyphs to feed on instead of consuming Philip's body. And as we see throughout the show, this isn't a permanent solution. He has to keep consuming palisman souls to have enough magic.
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[Image: Philip crouching down in front of a pile of broken palismen. The glowing glyphs are still visible on his arm, and he's holding a mostly-intact palisman.]
So this brings us back to Hunter.
Hunter, as he is, will not be able to cast magic.
Hunter does not have any glyphs carved into him that let him harness that magic, first of all. Secondly, Flapjack's magic wouldn't something that stays with him. It would be a one-off benefit.
And actually, I think Flapjack's magic would've been already consumed by healing Hunter. So unless there's some kind of exception that comes up with Hunter being a grimwalker, I really don't think there's good reason for him to be able to cast magic.
I myself am leaning more towards the idea he's going to carve his own palisman. After all, that would tie into the idea that he's his own person, not just another Wittebane.
Besides, he's gotta get back to flyer derby with the Emerald Entrails somehow, am I right?
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anguigenus · 1 year
Wait hold up go back to Steve murdering someone.
That guy has definitely committed atrocities in the Emperor’s Coven and it haunts him to this day.
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anguigenus · 10 months
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Look at himb!!!!!
[made by lulu @/sobblespoink on twitter!]
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anguigenus · 1 year
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Gonna copy-paste these under the cut for my personal reference :3
I kept them in the order they were they were; it looks like they're in roughly chronological order which is SO nice because I've spent a long while mulling over grainy screenshots trying to figure out the timeline XD
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anguigenus · 11 months
Hey, don’t cry. Crew storyboard artist Mikecatsu just liked a strawbbz fanart of Gus and Matt kissing, okay?
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anguigenus · 1 year
GUYS Gus' new colorscheme symbolizes how he's focused on the human realm now! It was always his big passion and something that he completely 100% enjoyed!!
His old color-scheme was all blues because he was all-in to illusions. He was a prodigy, it was his entire self-worth! But it was also a double edged sword, like we saw in TTLGR. But now? He's doing what he loves!!
(And guess what, those new colors? They're the same color-scheme as his HAS crown)
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Man, Gus' timeskip design makes me so happy :)
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anguigenus · 8 months
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I just realized I can easily put earrings on my Mattholomule plush without hurting him at all so basically I'm unstoppable now and Mattholomule has a stylish galderstone earring
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anguigenus · 1 year
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anguigenus · 1 year
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