#dawn lyn
everydaym0nstrosity · 3 months
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Lobby Cards for Peopletoys AKA Devil Times Five & The Horrible House On The Hill (1974), Dir. Sean MacGregor & David Sheldon.
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minimutty · 4 months
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lmao lookit em all, its perfect <3
hel/muspell is the official gay pairing line
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demilypyro · 1 year
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These two have the best drip in the whole FE franchise I will not accept arguments to the contrary thank you
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theeeveetamer · 2 days
Happy gay month everyone 🎉🎉🎉
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The franchise has been gay the entire time you just didn't know it!
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lastbronx · 11 months
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Misc FE art 🤧
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n00dl3gal · 1 year
Gayest Fire Emblem Character Go Go Go
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autumnslance · 8 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 23: Suit
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They had all dressed up so nice.
Papalymo, traditionalist that he was, wore a formal white Sharlayan archon’s robe in lieu of his usual adventuring outfit, though the Aurifex was still strapped to his back, freshly cleaned, its gold gem gleaming. A family heirloom as well as a powerful magical focus, he had told her.
Yda’s white and red dress was made to complement her own red and black, the similarity in cut, with the bared arms and the knee length of the skirt, intentionally similar to her own dress for the occasion. They had laughed together as they worked with the Toll’s tailors to quickly create them. Yda kept her mask, attaching it to a lighter turban that showed more of her hair and matched the dress. Her thigh-high boots were subtly reinforced, as were her long gloves, especially over the knuckles, so she didn’t have to worry about having her clunky Gutwrenchers with her.
Y’shtola had declined to join them, opting for a white and blue dress that evoked the sense of those formal archon robes, but of a lighter fabric and swishier flow. She kept her wand on her fancy new belt.
Alphinaud was in a long blue jacket, dark pants, knee-high blue boots, and black gloves. His grimoire hung at his side as well, the gift from his famous grandfather never far.
Minfilia had a new dress in her usual pinks and soft purples, in an Ala Mhighan style. A dress for festivals and fighting both; sleeveless, but one flowing armlet attached to one side (the other, Yda told her, was often a gauntlet), open space between the breasts and on the back and midriff, straps attaching the skirt, open in front to show  the loose pants worn, sandals on her feet. She wore her softly-glowing dagger to appease Thancred.
She had expected Thancred to wear the fancy Ul’dahn style outfit again, as he had that time—gods, was that really over a year ago, now?—when they were first acquainted. He was, after all, their usual Ul’dahn representative, for all the Scions had distanced themselves from the city’s politics.
So his white and black suit left her blinking, and perhaps staring enough to be teased gently by Yda, making her damnable blush worse. It wasn’t quite a tuxedo, but it was of a more formal cut than she recalled him wearing since that first celebration, and in a very different style. He fiddled with his cufflinks and gave her a teasing wink, when he caught her looking, for all he had been watching down into the Gold Court with a frown just a moment ago. She didn’t see his blades, but had no doubt they were there. He gallantly offered Minfilia his arm as they made to enter the Fragrant Chamber.
She was diverted to the Sultana’s Suite.
Everything went to hells.
She had the feeling the conspirators weren’t expecting the scholars to show how and why they had earned those marks on their necks, especially while in formal clothing, chosen for comfort and movement as much for appearances.
Yda, in her matching dress, smiling as she chose to stay behind to cover their escape.
Papalymo in his formal robes, staying with Yda to close the gate.
Y’shtola, her lovely skirt skimming the rank waters of the tunnel, ordering them forward.
Thancred dropping the jacket of his handsome suit, giving them another wink and reassurance as he stayed to defend the conjurer.
Minfilia, her Ala Mhigan dress whirling like flower petals in the wind, running back down the tunnel while urging her forward.
Alphinaud, in his tattered blue jacket, panting next to the Marshall as they found her.
Aeryn, at the Falling Snows a week later, throwing her fancy dress into the fireplace, unable to look at it again.
(ARR time and budget means we didn’t get the Scions dressed up for the Banquet, alas. Gotta hit up that end of expac angst at least once a challenge, it seems.)
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hubristicassholefight · 9 months
Preliminary Round: Fire Emblem
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(Altina's official art didn't want to upload so now she's tiny)
Propaganda below cut
She has a legendary sword from an alternate future where the world was basically destroyed and everyone she loved died so she does a little time travelling and goes back to fight destiny and kill dragons and all that cool stuff; I think her story is really good and gets really emotional at parts, like the fact that she goes back despite the odds and sees her dead family alive and well and works alongside them despite knowing what has to happen to them in her reality is messed up yknow. In general she's just a really cool and interesting character. And she has a cool sword of course 💯
Has a cool dragon slaying family heirloom sword; Cool Time Traveler
there’s a lot of sword ladies in fire emblem, although they’re usually side characters and/or also do something else. eirika is all swords all the time. both her base and promoted classes exclusively use swords, she gets both the series staple rapier and a legendary sword only she can wield
She gets not one but TWO ancient, powerful, evil-slaying swords. The Mani Katti and the Sol Katti. She is very fast and will stab you.
yknow how ike's like renowned for wielding ragnell with one hand despite it being a two-hander? well she dual wields it AND the alondite - another blade just as heavy as ragnell; she's a backstory character so unfortunately doesn't show up in the present day but she is SO cool. dual wields gigantic fucking swords, is in a girlboss/malewife relationship with a prettyboy heron man, is renowned as one of the setting's three heroes alongside a giant lion and a dragon, and in the flashbacks we see had a cool head. also she looks so cool please i love her so much
Byleth Eisner
After protecting Garreg Mach Monastery's Holy Tomb from raiders, Byleth discovers an ancient sword called The Sword of the Creator. TSotC (as I'm shortening the name to) is a Heroes Relic, a legendary weapon from the begining of Fódlan's history that was wielded during the War of Heroes. The Church's fabricated story about these weapons is that the Goddess bestowed them upon her holy warriors to defeat an unnamed evil before they eventually turned on themselves. In actuality, the Heroes Relics were crafted out of the corpses of the Nabateans, the children of the Goddess, with TSotC being constructed of the Goddess herself. Heroes Relics, thousands of years later, still resonate with the power of the Nabateans and only those who have Nabatean blood in their veins can wield a Heroes Relic without being turned into a monstrous beast. Byleth, however, was never told that she had Nabatean blood within her. Due to shady Church business she was born with a Crest Stone within her. Crest Stones power Heroes Relics but only if they're matching with eachother and the blood of the weapon's wielder (who tend to be nobles and royalty) but Byleth is just some stranger who happened to be at all the wrong places at the wrong time. She has the Goddess' blood from her father, the Goddess' Crest Stone from her mother, and a sword built from the Goddess' remains as her signature weapon. Since her Crest Stone is implanted within Byleth and unable to be placed within TSotC itself Byleth is the only person who and use it to it's full ability; She has a legendary sword made out of the Goddess' corpse but only she can use it because the Goddess' special organ rock was implanted in Byleth. It's a sword, it's a whip, it's a dead body!
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alexissara · 1 month
Talking Queer Fire Emblem On A Podcast
Hey everyone, I was on the very first episode of Actual Lizard's new podcast! We walk about Queer representation in the Fire Emblem series going over the ways the series has represented queer characters, our favorite ones, ongoing queer tropes, Ike/Soren, our ships, the ways they've avoided transness and a lot more. I had a blast talking to Lizard and I would totally be on again. Check it out and tell me how you liked it.
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moviesandmania · 7 months
CHICKEN RUN: DAWN OF THE NUGGET (2023) 2nd trailer and release date
‘The plot chickens…’ Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget is a 2023 British animated action comedy-adventure film and a belated sequel to Chicken Run (2000). Directed by Sam Fell (Flushed Away, The Tale of Despereaux, ParaNorman) from a screenplay co-written by Karey Kirkpatrick, John O’Farrell and Rachel Tunnard. The Aardman production will star Thandie Newton and Zachary Levi as the voices of Ginger…
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everydaym0nstrosity · 3 months
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Carolyn Stellar [with Joan McCall] in Peopletoys AKA Devil Times Five, as well as The Horrible House On The Hill (1974), Directed by David Sheldon and Sean MacGregor. She is the mother of both Leif Garrett in addition to his little sister, Dawn Lyn who is also an actor.
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition:  Car Accidents, Injuries, and Fluff-- Oh My!
A catch-all for car accidents: injuries, angst, fluff, humor, and confessions.
I’m not an angst connoisseur; but these passed my limited litmus test; and are shoved into as close-to-authorial-chronological order as I can make them. 
@thatfragilecapricorn30‘s Holistic Medicine (Tumblr link) 
““Even in the low lighting Mulder could see that the sharpness had returned to her face as she pivoted to serious Dr. Scully mode and he was determined to soften those edges once again.
“Like I got hit by a car,” he said with a chuckle.
“Very funny,” she said, trying to sound stern but it didn’t work because she was fighting a small smile. There is it, he thought.””
Set sometime in Season 3-- Mulder wakes from his car accident, intent on picking up Scully’s mood. Amused by her presumed bossiness, and moved by her weariness, he insists she can’t sleep in the hospital chair. The nurse just lets them be. 
Sheryl Nantus/Sheryl Martin’s (FFN) Angels (Gossamer link) 
“"While I won't say that there aren't such... possibilities... I won't agree with you based on a fuzzy image that could be easily faked." 
He grinned. "You're such a skeptic.””
Set post-Irresistible and pre-Revelations, Mulder and Scully are flippant about an angel case, until something saves her from a near-fatal fall into traffic. 
Forte’s Semaphore (also at TheBasementOffice) 
“"Until I was in high school, whenever my father was away at sea, I'd watch for the 'angels'.  Imagine that they had a message for me from Ahab."  She looked up, gazing out the windshield again, and shook her head.  "I know that makes no sense, but..." 
Mulder felt the back of his throat tighten, picturing a Samantha-aged Scully sitting on her back porch at twilight, searching the sky.  It makes perfect sense, Scully, he thought.”
Set sometime post FTF-- Mulder and Scully are run off road by unmarked vans and helicopters. As he lies on the brink of death, Scully begs him to live. From there, the story is a trip-and-a-half, hanging together by morse-code messages. 
Ten’s Beneath the Surface 
“I knew what had happened to my Mulder and that I would do whatever it took to stop him driving out of here. 
I considered pulling my gun on him...no telling how he'd react... Then he deliberately moved the car forward, just a foot, hoping I'd instinctively skitter back. I swallowed and held firm. Again. And again. The car slowly moved forward and bumped my knees.” 
Beginning AU--Scully wakes, determined to not let anything hinder their relationship anymore. Mulder begins acting bizarre, erratic, angry, caustic-- and she realizes, almost too late, that he has a compounding and serious injury. 
Jamie Lyn’s Full Moon, Near-Death, and Things Left Unfinished 
““We were just sitting in it, Scully, and now it’s gone. And here we are, on a bridge, cold and wet, with no car. But you’re right. Why don’t you call the car, and then I’ll call the car, and we’ll see if it comes to one of us.”   “This isn’t funny.” “Oh, come on.  I think it’s a little funny.” 
Scully’s bad Halloween is topped off when she and Mulder are plowed into the afterlife at an intersection. He convinces her they’re in limbo and must resolve regrets in their lives. Great banter gives way to tenderness as IVF failure is brought up gently... but in typical fashion, it’s all washed away when they wake.  
(Note: I set IVF arc-- depending on my mood-- between late S5 and early S6.) 
@tatooedlaura-blog/tatooedlaura/Laura Sprys​’s 
Your place or mine- Chapter 6 
“Scully looked paler than he’d seen her in a long time, her head stitched up and her face bandaged, dried blood still plastering her hair to her scalp in spots but underneath all the evidence of the accident was Scully, smiling at him as best she could.
He was apologizing profusely as he approached her, Maggie narrowly getting out of the way of his speeding form and awkwardly held arm. Knowing now that her daughter would be okay, she had trouble hiding her smile at the pair but luckily, neither of them took any notice of her at all.” 
Dating?-- Set sometime after Agua Mala, Mulder watches, horrified, as Scully is sawed out of bad car wreck. Following ER ride and surgery prep, he is left to Maggie to keep him in line until Scully wakes. Maggie is redirected, and duo recall their “love is” joke. 
Part 4 of a series, but this dealt specifically with car wrecks. T-Red is a classic. 
The Comfort of the Place 
“When he couldn't find her, a sudden cold settled in his gut. Heading around to the front of the car, his stomach heaved at the sight of his partner lying about 15 feet from him, her head bleeding against the parking block she had cracked it on. 
Next to her instantly, all Mulder could do was stroke her cheek as the ambulance sirens blared in the distance and his heart shattered into a million pieces.” 
Dating-- Scully has been in a coma for 2 months after driver hit her on sidewalk. Mulder haunts the hospital, unless Maggie shoos him off for sleep or Skinner forces him out of town on a case. Scully is usual, snarky self when she wakes. 
Always Been Yours
“He let them in with his key and locked the door securely behind. Scully was standing in the middle of the living room, not comprehending the fact she was even home. Mulder walked over to her and asked softly, "do you want to lay down for awhile?"
She looked up at him in confusion and recognizing the expression on her face, he managed to get her to the linoleum in the kitchen before she threw up. That first round hit both her and Mulder but in the very brief interim before her stomach exploded again, he got her to the kitchen sink, where he held her head and waited for the storm to pass.”
S7 AU-- Maggie has been tragically killed in car accident, and Mulder supports Scully as she shuts down, then breaks down. Charlie’s friendly, and Bill becomes more civil seeing how affected Scully is.
(I skip the ~spicy~ ending, so heads-up for the like-minded.)
@dashakay​‘s (Ao3, Gossamer) Dana In Wonderland 
“Tired, that's what I am.  I need rest.  It's just like sleep, drifting off. 
Some words make sense.  Dana.  Then I realize, that's my name.  I am Dana. “
Dating-- Scully and Mulder were on their way home on Christmas Eve, when all is halted by bad car accident. Now, her consciousness flits between reality and subconscious processing, trying to sort out what happened. 
Dawn’s Last Kiss
“"Of course I am. When did you stop believing in those extreme possibilities, Fox?"
Mulder pressed his throbbing head to his knees. "I didn't, Mom. I just stopped believing in you."“
Post Closure-- TBH, I can’t remember first half; BUT Mulder and Scully get into bad car wreck in freezing temperatures. When Mulder comes to, he can’t feel her pulse and rushes, panicked, into the snow. Teena appears as a specter, helps to heal the hurt he still feels, and redirects him back. Skinner finds both, saves them, and is appalled Mulder thinks Scully is dead. Happy ending. 
One Shots of Unspecified Timelines 
Caraphernellic’s Warning Signs  
“Storm warning sirens begin in the distance, the sound eerie and invoking a shiver in Scully. She doesn’t know why the sound feels like an omen.” 
Mulder and Scully’s car is flooded, and she is filled with a sense of foreboding. Mulder is lured away trying to save girl and almost drowns. The girl vanishes. 
Carol Jenner’s Second Chances  
““Does he look dead?"
"From the nurses say, he will be.  Soon." Or what, you'll help me?
"If he isn't dead by the end of the week, kill him.   Got it?  And don't screw it up this time."
I can't believe they're having this conversation by my bedside, where anyone can hear.  This is just too B- movieish.  Story of my life.”
Mulder on deathbed from horrific accident; but his soul is trapped in his hospital room with a sharply-practical old man as roommate. Detached from everyone, he’s given up even trying to stay alive... until he hears a threat on Scully’s life. Perfectly snarky and touching.
thetruthwebothknow1′s My December 
“The pile of blankets fell at her feet, Skinner found himself kneeling beside her at the bed placing his large warm hands over her own shaking ones, as they both contemplated the disturbed and ragged flesh in front of them. Mulder's eyes found his all of a sudden; they were huge with pain and bore deeply into his own.”
Mulder is dug out from horrific crash by Skinner and Scully. They only have an isolated cabin for shelter, and inadequate supplies for immediate necessary surgery. What follows is an angst fest for all: 2 hours of Scully digging barbed-wire out of Mulder, unmedicated, while Skinner tries to keep him in place and sane. And then... Santa arrives and erases it all. As he does. 
AUs or Canon-Divergent 
BrandonD.Ray’s There’s No Place Like Home (also on Raytracings)
“Mulder's lips compressed and he shook his head.  "No.  No, he got away.  I'm sorry, Scully.  I was so worried about you that I didn't manage to get the license number.  I'm sorry," he repeated, reaching out and taking one of her hands in both of his.
"License number?"“
Never Again AU-- Scully wakes in hospital, mortified at her actions. Mulder’s confused; and both realize Ed Jerse had been a pain-killer induced dream.
 @foxmuld3r/Robin_Outlaw99′s Things you said while driving (Ao3) 
“She didn’t see the car until it was too late, until it crashed into Mulder’s side of the car, shattering the window and causing Mulder to swerve to avoid more damage.” 
Post Redux ii AU-- Mulder is the adopted son of Skinner and is happily dating Scully after her remission. Both have plans to celebrate once they’ve wrapped up a few rough cases, but life hits them fast. 
Ten’s The Fallout From Arcadia 
“"Um, I think you need some rest, okay?" 
He turned away from me painfully to lie on his right side, drilling a hole through the window with his gaze. 
"We're married," he repeated in a 'that's the end of the matter' tone. "We're MARRIED."“
Arcadia AU-- Right as the duo were about to leave Arcadia, Mulder saves a young boy from being hit by a car... and wakes, believing he is Rob and Scully is Laura. The ensuing drama-- hysterically written, I might add-- is gold. (Note: I skip the ~spicy~ ending, because that’s not my preference.) 
f--thiss--’s You’re It- Chapter 7
“Alarm bells went off in Scully's head as she realized that this man at the wheel is not stable enough to even carry on a conversation, let alone provide her information. "Please, Mr Lucas, remember why you called me here?"
"You haven't answered my questions, Agent!" He all but screamed.”  
Post Amor Fati AU-- Scully has shut down emotional side following Mulder’s purposeful blind trust in Diana, who hasn’t died and is trying to get him back. On a case, Scully leaves with possible suspect and barely escapes from his car collision. Mulder rushes over, horrified he could have lost her. (Part of series.) 
@blackcoffeeandteardrops’s Signs of Light  
“She’d been in a car accident while working a case, a case that he’d convinced her had been worth it, but once she’d been released from the hospital things hadn’t entirely improved.” 
S11 AU-- Since Scully was in a car accident, she’d been getting bad headaches. She finally collapses; and, to Mulder’s dismay, her nose bleeds. He refuses to promise not to run off for a cure if necessary, despite her pleas. Jackson joins them, admits his love, and refuses to leave when results are read. 
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godly-feh-edits · 2 years
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(Mod Toto) I made a special pancakes menu with as many green ladies as I could fit!
This is my most ambitious menu ever, so I hope you guys like it! 😊✨
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booksandwords · 11 months
Return to Sanctuary (Anthology)
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 5/5
Edited by Carol Shaughnessy Contains contributions by: Sherrilyn Kenyon/ McQueen, Nicki Nance, Lina Acevedo, Sabrina Diaz, Sheri-Lynn Marean, Cole Jackson, Hunter J Skye, Leigh Bulls, Alice Sable, Cynthia Agutun, Trinity Blaslo, Dawn Chartier, Eva Nela, Sarah Compton and C Stripes.
To me this is not as strong as Sanctuary. It at least doesn't feel as well organised, Love's Absolution is a strange way to start, too tightly tied to the previous book. Second Chance for a Forever Mate is a strange way to end at least to me, utilising arcadian wolves it rightfully uses their base forms in the mating process something that I've never been a fan of (not an uncommon opinion). I can see the choice to use Stripes' inclusion last could leave a bad taste in readers mouths. It could however have been a decent first entry with Nance's last.
What is improved in Return to Santuary is the variety of supernaturals used in the stories. I found Santuary focused heavily on Werehunters this one is more diverse most importantly including more Dark Hunters as ocs. There is an origin story for one of the more enigmatic couples in the Hunterverse, some surprising pantheon appearances and a story written in entirely in what I shall refer to as the Simi speak. It is clearly one for the fans for through. There will be a story for everyone and probably a story that will leaving them going "Ahhh... no not for me". To me at least this is what an anthology should be, diverse.
Love's Absolution by Nicki Nance
“I’m not a doctor, but I think it’s your species.” Dev sat down against the wall and put his elbows on his knees in anticipation of a long talk. Shem glared down at him. “What?” Dev pointed at him. “You, my friend, are human. Mistakes come with the territory. Hence the term ‘human error.’” — Dev Peltier and Shem
Love's Absolution is a continuation of Mourning Shadows Nicki Nance's story from Sanctuary. It's a firm addition to that world, though something tells me you may be able to pick it up and read it without knowing Mourning Shadows. It builds on the world that Nance created in that story. It feels like an alternative reality, our timeline but not. What we do find out that I appreciated is the inclusion of Shem's family, particularly his maternal line. Shem comes from a long line of very strong women... the Devereaux women. It is a story of family and forgiveness. There is an on-point Ash conversation that cannot be ignored.
Music and Storm by Lina Acevedo
The sensation of her body next to his when they escaped to dance in the rain, the smell of the rain, their feet buried in mud, the sound of thunder, their laughter and their hearts racing like a song. A kiss that she had wanted and had never happened. — Eliša
This is the story of Egyptian Dark Hunter Eliša and squire Basilius Nizar. And huh... I honestly did not see that ending coming. I'm not going to think too hard about the interplay of pantheons here. If one of the big six can be hiding out in a different pantheon we may as well use it. The ending kinda feels off to me. Are squires tied to a single hunter? If not why isn't Nizar made Eliša's squire? I know Queen of All Shadows plays with a squire Dark Hunter relationship (Brynna and Xander). Either way, it is a choice interpretation. Leaves them happy. Answers the whys of their history. And Eliša is a truly interesting Dark Hunter with her mix of power and perhaps damaged mind.
Follow the Thread by Sabrina Diaz
He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His blue eyes were even more intense in the light. His blond hair was cropped short in a way that suited his face. She noticed that he had burn scars on his face and arms. But that only made him more attractive to her. The scars proved he was a survivor. — Nyssa
This is different. It blends multiple well-known Greek myths but centres them around Sanctuary as a base and point of safety. Exactly as it is intended to be, as was I suspected the brief of the entries as well. Nyssa is a strong heroine well matched to the traumatised Ladon. I like the shades, the way Nyssa sees supernatural beings, showing, their most common presentations. It is so good to see Eris or a Devereaux woman in any piece. The Devereaux's are just a matriarchial tour de force and Eris is well Eris.
We All Got Beasts by Sheri-Lynn Marean
“You really think they guard treasure?” “It is, and maybe. At least I hope so,” Genna said. “A girl can’t have enough sparklies.” “Exactly,” —
Okay, let's be honest this is so hard to read. It's reading a whole story of Simi speak essentially, props to the author for that alone. Is just a cute little adventure kinda story. Genna is an acquired taste but her relationship with Thaniel is cute. Trying to make the gnomes come to life just to protect what is most precious is so sweet. like Nicki Nance's story, this is a pair to her piece in Sanctuary, though stands alone with more ease.
Saved by Stone by Cole Jackson
She was young enough to get carded for a drink and old enough to be served it. A girl her age would rarely come out alone at night and those that did would know to keep an eye over their shoulder. He watched her a moment more and realized that she wasn’t from around here. — Garin
There is a fantastic cyclic feeling to the ending. The hero, Garin has such a good voice. He's a gargoyle everything about him screams Victorian, his prestenation but more importantly his manner of speaking. The choice to give him that older voice is one of the best, it's like keeping the manner of speaking for a Dark Hunter after they made their deal with Artemis. I like that someone wrote a story using a protagonist who comes from a place of conflict with the Peltiers and the Sanctuary staff. Not everyone is on their good side, and bears have long memories. Aimee does her brilliant insightful female thing here too when it comes to Garin and Frankie's relationship.
Wendigo Weekend by Hunter J Skye
I hadn’t meant to select such an upscale hotel, but they’d had a cancellation and I was a lunatic with a credit card. — Ari
This is a very different take on self-discovery set before Bad Moon Rising. Wendigo protagonist Ari feels almost voiceless though. It almost seems like Hunter J Skye decided to use the Hunterverse and Return to Sanctuary as a way to introduce readers to a new mythological creature. One with a dark side. Also, it comes from Native American myth, not something we see a lot of in the Hunterverse. This is a story that does brilliant work with Lo. It shows a caring side of her we need to see more.
Bayou Honeymoon by Leigh Bulls
Jamison had come back from New York. She’d said she loved him, and her life wouldn’t be complete without him. He remembered their wedding day. When asked, she’d said, “We do” instead of the normal “I do.” It was her way of telling everyone she carried his child. — Rafe
This one is all mystery all the time. Leigh Bulls tells the story of a late honeymoon for werewolf, Rafe and Jamison his pregnant human wife. It features frequent appearances by Menyara freaking out the tourists, telling them their unborn child so is highly important. But you never get any real answers as to why Jamison's son is so important. You know, I like it as a piece of storytelling it is effective. If there is a third vol it will be curious to know if this one continues on.
Enter the Sanctuary by Alice Sable
“What the hell are you?” Acheron snorted. “I’m your best friend and your worst nightmare all wrapped up in tight leather pants.” “Mmm, sexy,” Tory whispered. Acheron grinned and kissed Tory’s forehead. “Later, baby.” — Logan, Acheron and Tory
I'm not sure that to make of this. Great use of the one demon army that is Simi. Tory being the big boss she is, one theme of the series all the men are cowed by their women. Fang being allergic to subtlety. I like the concept of the elementals but not so much how they were played out. The lore governing the elementals is effective, blood is an earth element. Alice sable does introduce an interesting play on the infamous sign "You entered the Sanctuary in peace, now go in peace.” (Acheron). Side not which book did we meet Psyche and Eros in? I remember it happening but not when.
In Another Place by Cynthia Agutun
There was darkness in him, but also light. He had a heart filled with love, fighting to keep the darkness at bay. My intuition told me that at some point he would meet someone who would tip the balance and add more light to his life. I gave him a smile. “Keep fighting. Never let the darkness overtake your heart. The light will come.” — Cassie
Cynthis Agutun uses a smartly heroine in her story. Commonly, especially in the Chronicles of Nick, we are introduced to characters that are born of dual and conflicting natures. This is exactly what Cassie is, the daughter of a demon and a guardian angel. She runs into the most iconic dual nature character in the entire Hunterverse... Nick Gautier. Agutun is the only person to use the canonical Nick, post the breakdown of the relationship with Ash. Cassie's quote was directed at him. The whole story is just clever
Sanctuary's Sheltered Heart by Trinity Blaslo
She is the tornado that flies by but notices everything not touching a thing Her heart is that of gold, yet no one dares goes digging to find it. Only a true one will be her king. — 🎼 Sanctuary 🎙
Look this is just weird. Not sure if that is good weird or bad weird. It more makes an unexpected twist that doesn't sit well with me. I did like Simi's absolute loyalty though and Sanctuary repaying it. But Lore's "his woman" language got old fast. That sort of pocessive linguistics without her knowledge or mutual agreement puts me on edge. Particularly given the background for this couple.
Awakwnwd by the Dark Hunter by Dawn Chartier
“I’d rather believe you’re a vigilante.” A deep laugh escaped him. Something he hadn’t done in a long time. He wasn’t sure what possessed him, but he reached up and cupped her chin. “I’m no dark hero, Alyssa Brooks.” — Alyssa and Cole
I quite like this. Cole is perfectly charming. Alyssa is sassy and nearly realistic given the pull that does exist. Also, she's a librarian. 😇 Dawn Chartier was aware of the word count limits and it made the right choices with their characters and the plot. It feels like the compressed early parts of a novel. You get just enough of a feel for what is going on, where they come from, what their hang-ups are but it is about them, their now and not their pasts. It's seemingly one of the few in this collection that goes explicit and it does that well.
How a Demon Made a Friend by Eva Nela
"You shouldn't be walking alone if you can't defend yourself properly." He growled aggressively. “But… Well, that also gave me a chance to meet you.” He smirked, flashing his sharp teeth. “I'm Xedrix.” — Xedrix
OMG 🤩 it was only when I looked up Xedricks that I realised what this is. This is the first meeting between Simi's older brother and owner of Club Charonte, Xedrix and his partner, Dimme demon Kerryna. I barely remember these two but I remember meeting them in Bad Moon Rising (how is it that book is a point of confluence for so much?). That said it did leave me so confused. Kerryna comes across as a moralistic demon. But what did surprise me was the main Peltier in play, Kyle. It's so nice to see a different cub. Eva Nela also honours Nicolette in the best possible way.
Plague of Pantheons by Sarah Compton
“Gwendolen is a grown woman. She should have the right to decide for herself what must be done. She doesn’t seem like the type to stand in the background.” — Aimee Peltier
This is a well thought out pairing. Gwain, Knight of the Round Table now a Dark Hunter and immortal Gwendolen. Though immortal Gwendolen is only 23, she is the daughter of Celtic goddess Cerridwen and Roman god Saturn. I call it well thought out because there is serious compatibility there culturally and personality-wise. This one certainly leaves the reader feeling like there is more to come. Gwendolen is not as strong as I would have liked but maybe it is more Saturn is super protective and she is wholly trapped. Not too many people could break that shield.
After I finished reading this I looked up what Cerridwen and Saturn functions were. Saturn was the God of time, wealth, agriculture, and liberation, Cerridwen is slightly more difficult but modern interpretation has her as the goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration. There are other interpretations that have her as the Crone in the female cycle and as Underworld Goddess. They wouldn't necessarily be incompatible. But their daughter could be very interesting when she comes into her powers. Am I overthinking this? Yes but don't mix pantheons and expect me to not think about contexts.
Second Chance for a Forever Mate by C Stripes
“You should come to the bar. Show everyone you’re still alive.” “That’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it?” Beau locked gazes with Serre. “Am I still alive?” — Serre Peltier and Beau
Gosh when was the last time I saw Serre? I adore seeing thing the Peltier cubs. Katagarian wolf Beau's story is built from a sad base, the loss of a mate days after they claimed each other, so before they tied their life forces. The loss of his Cassie has as you would expect destroyed him to a degree and made him very reckless, yet he is still the pack alpha. For me, it is more about him and his growth than his relationship with Madigan St. Jules. he knows something about her is different. Nothing wrong with it and it is so good to have a second chance. I always struggle with Katagaria and the animal base forms. What that means for consummation. Really that is not my thing. Regardless of how much I like a plot.
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The FE fandom is unfairly criticized for their treatment of main women leads because not enough people factor in how sexist the writing is. Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable. Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device. Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball. Female leads are often awful units compared to male counterparts. The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu. There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more.
Im gonna discuss my opinions on this take now.
Edelgard is held accountable and punished for her actions by literally dying in 3 out of the 4 routes. Like the Agarthans are not blamed for what Edelgard did. She takes complete responsibility and suffers the consequences for starting a war.
Erika giving the Sacred Stone to Formortis because she believes Lyon, an extremely skilled healer and magic user who has been studying the stones will get rid of him through using it is a smarter decision than Ephraim attempting to kill THE DEMON KING ALL BY HIMSELF. Like at least Erika's plan made sense and could have worked if Lyon was able to resist Formortis. People who call Erika stupid for her scene while not doing the same for Ephraim's are hypocritical in this regard.
While SOV is quite sexist in how so many of the women are damseled, Celica sacrificing herself for Mila makes complete sense and is not rooted in sexism because at that point in the game most people believe that they still need the gods to survive and a single human life is worth less than the life of a god. Celica trusted Jedah because to her that was her only choice. What is sexist is her having to be repeatedly saved by men while nothing similar happens to Alm.
I admit I'm being extremely nitpicky with this point, but Erika and Celica both act completely in character when they make their mistakes and therefore are not Idiot Balled. Idiot Balling is when a character acts uncharacteristically stupid and out of character to serve the plot.
Idk about the specifics with Micaiah in Radiant Dawn but yeah it sucks how Ike takes most of the spotlight from both her and Elincia :/
The only female lead that is a substantially worse unit than her male counterpart is Erika. She is an outlier that should not be counted. Celica, Micaiah and Elincia all have utility that Alm and Ike Lack while Edelgard is literally just as good of a frontliner as Dimitri. And Lyn is just as weak as Eliwood.
Character writing is subjective.
You are severely overestimating the importance of waifus and underestimating the importance of husbandos to the franchise. Straight and Bi women play Fire Emblem too.
Also characters who have depth tend to be more popular regardless of their gender. It is profitable to have waifus with layers.
I am not denying that sexism was and somewhat still is a thing in the writing and gameplay of this series; However, the fandom is just as guilty in how female characters are treated - perhaps more guilty in the newest two games where these issues rarely rear their ugly head in the story and the gameplay. The fandom should be held accountable too instead shifting most of the blame on the writers.
Anyway if you read all of this, have a heavenly creature i found recently <3
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psikonauti · 9 months
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Robert Lyn Nelson (American, b.1955)
Big Apple Dawn, 2016
Oil on canvas
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