#dark!stucky x reader
timidpumpkin · 1 year
Can you do a stucky little reader? She wakes up sick ( flu symptoms) and they take care of her. Angst and fluff with cute nicknames. 🥺🥺❤️❤️
You had me at angst…and fluff…and cute nicknames…okay you had me at the whole thing🙈🙈💞💞heheh i hope you like it!! I set it in little light universe🫶🫶❤️💙❤️💙
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(pictures are not my own)
More Than Anything (Stucky x reader)
Pairing: Dark!Stucky x f!reader
Warnings/tags: Dark!Stucky, Daddy!Stucky, Female reader, Implied forced age regression, Sick reader, Meanie bucky, Implied reader has small hands in comparison because Stucky is gigantic (fact), Angst, Fluff, Comfort. Reader baby-talks as well, Lots o' cute nicknames.
Word count: 4.2k
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It hurts.
“Mornin’ Doll,” Bucky says after flipping your lights on. The illumination now burning your vision makes you pull the covers over your head as you flip over, hiding from the bright room. You hear him making his way to your bedside. The mattress beneath dips you sideways a bit as he sits beside your dormant form. 
“Come on now, time to get up.” he pulls lightly at the duvet covering you. He can tell you’re gripping it with all you can. Though he could easily unveil you, he decides against it, knowing that ripping the blanket from your delicately curled-up fingers might hurt them. Instead, he leans his body over yours, one hand placed on the other side of your hip as he hovers above you. He dips his head close to where yours is concealed by the warm blanket. “Don’t make me carry you down there,” he whispers teasingly, figuring it’s likely what you’re hoping for. 
Instead, you only groan in response, mumbling something about getting a little more sleep. It wasn’t an uncommon request from you, and Bucky knew how much babies needed their sleep. Usually, he would let it slide, loving how adorable you look in dreamland, but he can’t. Not this time. 
It was almost noon. He peers around your room. It’s not the cleanest, but it looks pristine compared to the current state of your playroom. He had asked you yesterday to clean it, noticing the myriad of toys and their respective accessories scattered across the carpeted floor.
You, preoccupied with dressing your doll so she could ‘go on vacation,’ promised him you’d do it after dinner. Bucky apprehensively agreed, and even let you fall through on your assigned chore after you quickly fell asleep on the couch, much before your usual bedtime. Figuring you played your little heart out, he carried you upstairs and told himself to remind you in the morning.
Having already slept almost twelve hours, he knows if he lets your slumber last any longer, you’ll never sleep tonight. He sighs.
“I know you want more babygirl, but Dada already made breakfast and lunch. You need to come eat,” he waits a few moments for you to respond, but you don’t let out a sound or groan. “I'm serious, Doll, time to get up,” he states, standing up, hoping it’ll prompt you to follow. You peel your sheets back to look at him.
“Daddy…” you whine, unsure of what you're asking for. All you knew is that it hurt. Everything. It wasn’t just that the lights were too bright. It wasn't just that you were sleepy. Your whole body felt…bad. Just bad. You couldn’t exactly explain it, but you did know that moving didn’t seem like it would help. 
Bucky only looks at you, unsatisfied. You try sitting up, which you find is more difficult than it should have been. Once you’re upright, you feel pressure in your head. Your cheeks and forehead feel as if there's unwanted gunk smooshed inside. It makes you want to lie back down immediately. 
“m’ tired daddy,” you say groggily. 
“That’s ‘cause you slept so much,” Bucky knew messing with your established sleep pattern too much would likely make you feel more cranky than it seemed you already were. So, as much as he knew you didn’t want to, he believed it would be for the best to make you get up.
As you start to get out of bed, it feels as though the air is made of thick jello with every movement you make.
“Daddyyy…ughhhh” you groan unhappily at him, and kick at your sheets frustrated that you’re being forced to move.
Bucky’s eyes narrow at your agitated action, never liking that kind of behavior from you.
“Don’t be that way, Doll. it’s too early for that,” he warns.
“Mmm,” you groan again. “noo, don’t wanna, wanna sleep!” you say crankily, flopping back down on the bed again with your arms crossed to prove your point. That point being: you. did. not. want. to. move.
Bucky rolls his eyes, and takes a deep breath, debating internally on how to approach your grouchiness. He decides, only since it’s so early—for you—that he’ll go easy on you, hoping this attitude will fade as you wake up. 
“No more sleep, but,” he leans down closer to you, “if you promise to be a good girl all day, Daddy will carry you down there.” he offers as a compromise.
Truthfully, you’d still rather lay in bed, but you knew you had to do what Daddy asked. More so, you didn’t want him to be upset with you, so you nod your head in agreement. 
“Okay, Daddy.”
“Okay daddy, what?” he questions.
“I-i’ll be good,” you say, having a hard time remembering what he asked. He slides his hands under you and begins to pick you up. Once you’re in his hold, you quickly let your head fall to his shoulder, wishing you could now sleep there instead.
“And you’ll eat your breakfast this morning?” he asks into your heavy head. You nod into his neck and mumble a ‘yes daddy’ assentingly.
Once he places you in your chair downstairs, Steve greets you with a bright smile, and a kiss to your forehead after setting down your food. When he does, he notices how hot your skin feels against his.
“You feel warm angel, you feel okay, babygirl?” he asks, gently checking the temperature of your cheeks with the back of his hand.  
“Oh, she just got up, she’s probably still warm from sleep,” Bucky answers before you get the chance to speak. “Somebody really didn’t want to get up this morning,” he pokes. 
“Ohh,” Steve coos, “you still sleepy, babygirl?” he asks. You shake your head weakly, eyes drifting closed. You think about telling him how bad you feel, but you don’t really have the energy to try to explain it.
Instead, you decide to focus on eating, hoping the sooner you finish, the quicker you can return to resting. However, the very first swallow of your otherwise pleasant meal scratches at your throat. You still try to get some down, thinking the pain will go away if you keep trying. When it becomes evident that won't be the case, you poke at your plate and begin to speak up.
“Daddy, m’done,” you push your plate away, “my thro-” 
“Uh-uh, a few more bites,” Bucky pushes the plate back in front of you, knowing you’ll never feel more awake with an empty stomach. “And after you finish, you can go clean your playroom,” You look at him puzzled.
“No buts. I already asked you to do it yesterday,” he explains, not looking up from whatever he happened to be reading at the table with you. Your face twists in confusion for a few moments before you remember how tired you felt last night. Truthfully, the fatigue was all your body could focus on, making you completely forget about the room.
“But daddy-”
“What did I just say?” he looks up at you.
“I’m tired!” you snap at him, voice raised high and whiney as you bemoan at him. You cross your arms and huff grumpily back into the chair.
“I don’t care if you’re tired. Do what Daddy says, or you can say goodbye to your playroom for the next week” he threatens. Not wanting to get out of bed was one thing, but directly disobeying him with that attitude was another. 
Still, you only groan angrily in response, not feeling like you could do anything right now. 
“Ugh!” you flop your head down on the table dramatically, hiding between your arms. Bucky lets your stew there for a moment before speaking up.
“Are you gonna finish eating or not?” He asks eventually, eerily calm. You remain silent, unsure of what to say. “Fine, you can go clean your room now,” You look up to him at that, suddenly confused and disoriented. Surely your daddy should know how bad you feel. 
“But Daddy! I don't wanna now! I don't feel g-”
“Did I ask if you wanted to? I don’t care if you don't feel like it. Now. Or no playroom for a month.” your jaw drops, your muddled brain beyond baffled on why he’s being so harsh. Still, you know he means it. It wasn’t outside his usual punishment by any means. You almost think you should consider yourself lucky he hasn’t bent you over his knee already with how you’re fighting him.
Feeling defeated, you drag your body out of your chair. Before you can go, he grabs your arm with a warning.
“and quit with the attitude.” 
“Yes, Daddy” you squeak lamentably, noticing how your throat hurts as you speak.
You drag your feet upstairs, physically resisting your legs from stomping as you go. Anger and confusion mix together in you as you think about what he said. You didn’t want to be grounded from your playroom. So many of your favorite things were in there. And, again, more importantly, you didn't want to make daddy upset with you. You never liked it when he was. You always tried so hard to be a good girl for them. But right now, it was so hard. In actuality, what you wanted more than anything was for him to cuddle with you. You felt Daddy and Dada could always make you feel better. No matter what, you were convinced your Daddies loving embrace could cure you from any ailment. 
Maybe, you think, if you just cleaned your room like a good girl, you could ask to cuddle with him after. 
You try your hardest to ignore the pain that ignites at every move you make, but truthfully, you're already abnormally out of breath just from your quick walk up the stairs. The room feels uncomfortably chilly against your skin. 
After you get a small portion of the floor cleared, you decide to take a little break. You practically collapse beneath yourself, curling underneath the cozy play tent filled with askew fluffy pillows and dismayed blankets. You shut your eyes and tell yourself you’ll only rest for a few minutes…
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“Angel?” Steve's voice echoes back at him from the loft balcony where you should easily be able to pick up his voice. He can’t hear you moving around. “Are you sure she’s in there?” he asks Bucky.
“She better. It’s where I told her to be.” he retorts disdainfully, hoping you're not again disobeying him by being somewhere else. 
Steve stills himself, and listens closely, he can tell you’re there, but your breathing doesn’t sound normal. 
Concerned, he makes his way upstairs. Bucky follows, recognizing Steve’s ‘something’s wrong’ face. 
Steve panics for a brief moment when he enters the empty but disarrayed room. Then he spots you. Your delicate form hidden amongst haphazardly arranged fabrics. He approaches you slowly, not wanting to startle you. 
He kneels down, overshadowing you as he gently caresses your cheek to wake you. 
“Babygirl?” he calls softly. Puffs of hot air escape your mouth. Labored breathing is all he can hear. All they can both hear. 
“Babygirl,” he calls again, shaking you slightly. To his relief, your eyes slowly open. They look sunken, tired, and devoid of their usual playful sparkle. 
“Dada…?” you question quietly. “m’cold” your murmur softly, eyes begging to be closed again. 
You’re not cold though. Not to Steve. You feel a million degrees too hot under his touch. 
“Babygirl…” he says for the third time, this time preparing to move you. “Dada’s gonna pick you up okay?” he explains, remaining calm so as to not worry you. “We're gonna go downstairs,” you feel limp in his arms, no different than if you were deep in sleep. But you are certainly awake, even if barely. He mumbles something to Bucky you don't make out, but his tone alone tells you he’s not happy.
Once you’re downstairs, he sets you on the kitchen counter. You don’t let go of him though, your body weight is leaned almost fully onto his.
“Can you sit up for me, babygirl?” he asks encouragingly, but gently. “Daddy and I are gonna check you out okay?” you groan a bit, still just feeling tired. 
“Here,” Bucky speaks up softly, snaking his arms around you, and taking Steve’s place in front of you. As you’re shifted from one body’s hold to another, it wakens you a bit. You almost go back to leaning fully onto his chest when you realize who’s holding you.
“Daddy?” you shift back a little to look up at him. One hand of his is resting at your hip, the other helping support the rest of your body.
“Hey, babydoll…” he says softly, voice drifting, and stomach sinking as he sees how sick you look.
He almost wishes he could somehow shut his hearing out. Your heartbeat is quicker than usual. He knew it better than his own. How it sounded while you slept, when you’d play, how it picks up when you laugh, giggling for breath and telling him ‘daddy, stop it tickles’ with the brightest grin lighting up your face. Now…now he can’t stand it. It’s thumping too fast. Faster than it should be for when his little girl hasn’t moved an inch herself. 
Why didn’t he notice it before? He thinks back to how heavily you held onto him when he carried you this morning. How quickly he was to interrupt you. He realizes you probably tried to tell him. And he didn’t listen. Even worse, he made you clean. Guilt seeps deep into his guts as he remembers how funny your voice sounded today. 
“Daddy,” you break him from his thoughts, he sees tears beginning to form in your doleful eyes. “Daddy m’sorry,” you breathe in sharply, beginning to cry “m’sorry didn't f-finish-i just-i gots so tireds daddy I’m-I'm sorry,” you sob pathetically, knowing you’ve disappointed him. 
Bucky’s face falls. 
All you had to do was one simple thing, and you couldn't even do that right. You weren’t being a good girl by disobeying him like that. Even if you felt bad, you feel you should have tried harder.
“Doll, no-” you cry sorries to him more, your own hands reaching to cover your shameful face. He catches them before you do, gently taking them into his and guiding them around his neck for you so you can be more level with his gaze. “Babydoll, look at daddy,” He pulls you, hands drawing you closer so he’s flush with you in between your legs. Needing to feel your skin, his right hand tenderly guides your face to look at him. “I’m not upset with you. Daddy’s not upset with you,” he reassures, silently pleading for you not to cry. 
“But-but-I didn’t cleans-I-I just-I-I not good girl,” you sob miserably at the admission, never wanting to be bad for him.
“My little girl, my sweet girl, no, please no” he assures, hating how skewed shut your eyes are. “That’s not true, Doll, it’s just not. Daddy…” he carefully wipes at the wet tears on your cheek, “Daddy should have known.” he admits shamefully. You finally blink your eyes open at him, a timidly unsure expression written on your face. “I should have known. You...you tried to tell daddy huh?” he takes one of your hands and gives it soft kisses. 
“N-n’your not mad at me?” you sniffle as your cries begin to slow down.
“No, Doll, never.” he couldn’t be, never for something like this. His mouth opens again, he wants to tell you how sorry he is. He’s the one who should be, but he only finds his own tongue twisted, unsure of how to fully express his remorse. Before he has time to puzzle the words together, Steve interrupts, thermometer in hand.
“Open wide, babygirl,” you do as he says. “tongue up,” he mimics the motion for you. The cold metal feels uncomfortable in your mouth. They must know this as Bucky squeezes your hand soothingly, and Steve tells you ‘just a little longer’ with a sympathetic gaze as he holds your jaw with the hand that’s not keeping the thermometer in place. 
When it beeps, Steve removes it and frowns when he reads the displayed numbers. 
“Can you tell us what hurts, princess?” Steve asks. You point your hand towards your neck. “Your throat?” he confirms, and you nod your head. “What else babygirl?” you then squeeze your eyes together, remembering how squished your brain feels.
“Head,” you mumble quietly, before crossing and rubbing your arms together in discomfort. “Everything.”
“Your body hurts? Feels sore?” He asks. You nod your head weakly at him, closing your eyes and wishing you could be laying down right now. Even just sitting somewhat upright felt hard at the moment. 
“Okay babygirl, why don’t you let Daddy take you to the bedroom,” Steve suggests. “I’ll be there in just a minute.” he smiles at you comfortingly, before placing a kiss on your forehead with his hand cradling the back of your head. 
“m’I sick?” you ask Bucky as he carries you to their room.
“Yeah, but it’s okay, Dada and I will help you feel better,” he carefully sets you on their large bed. 
It's soft. Yours is soft too, but Daddies always felt so much softer for some reason. Maybe it’s because you got to sleep next to your favorite people. He arranges the pillows and blankets around you to make you more comfortable, then slides next to you. You rest your head on his chest, almost instantly falling asleep again. 
Some time passes, particularly how much time is beyond you. All you knew in this moment, is how comfy Daddy felt.
After some time, Steve’s voice brings you back to reality. He instructs you to sit more upright so he can give you medicine. 
The odd color liquid he brings toward you makes you cringe. You can tell just from looks how bitter and unpleasant it will taste. You recoil into bucky, small hands gripping at the buttons of his shirt as you whine.
“Daddyyy…” you tug on Bucky's shirt more, trying to force your head into his flannel to hide from Steve and his icky medicine, practically begging Bucky to not make Steve give it to you.
“Doll,” Bucky chuckles a bit at your attempt to hide inside his outer shirt. He still holds you close, hands supporting you on your bottom as you have now completely crawled on top of him.
“Angel…you know I can still see you…right?” Steve teases.
“No you can’ts…m���not here” you proclaim, muffled into Bucky’s chest.
“The sooner you take it, the sooner it will be over, come on princess.” Steve encourages. You’re still not convinced and instead mumble out one word: ‘pill.’
For a second, Steve isn’t sure if he understood you correctly before his lips tighten with a displeased look on his face. 
You’ve had this conversation before. He thought surely by now you understood it, but he figured since you’re sick, it might be hard for your little head to remember. 
“Sweet girl, babies can’t take pills, you know that.” Steve explains patiently. You did know that. It was early on when Steve refused to let you take any medication you needed through a pill. It didn't matter what you needed, he was always able to find a way to get a liquid version of it from Uncle Bruce. Or, as you like to think, a much yuckier version of it. 
Still, you groan in disagreement, not wanting to taste something that bad, let alone when your throat hurt as much as it did. 
“Doll,” Bucky speaks up. “I know you don’t want to, but it’ll make you feel so much better.”
You shake your head against his chest, disagreeing with both of your daddies now. 
“it’s yucky dough daddy,” you whine.
“I know it’s yucky, babydoll,” Bucky pats at your back comfortingly while he thinks. He knows how hard this is for you, especially when you feel so bad. “Hey,” he peels you back from him a bit, unburying you from his shirt as he has an idea. “Look,”  he instructs, “Here,” he takes the small cap of medicine from Steve’s hands and–to your horror–throws it back in his mouth. You look at him in horror as the icky liquid disappears from the cap into Bucky's mouth. You stare at him wildly. 
Daddy’s crazy, you think.
“There. See? Daddy took it. It’s not so bad.” Bucky says nonchalantly in an attempt to convenience you. He hands the empty cap back to Steve so he can refill it. Steve shares your look of bewilderment, before you can't help but break out a smile at his action.  
“Daddy,” you giggle at him.
“What?” He fakes surprise. “Daddy took it, so you can too.” he assures happily, taking the now filled-again cap from Steve. Still, you recoil from it a bit. 
“Yeah…” you look between him and the medicine suspiciously. “but daddy also drinks other yucky stuffs,” you defend, referring to the strong-smelling caramel-colored stuff he likes to drink sometimes. Daddy never lets you have that. 
Bucky chuckles a bit when he realizes what you meant. 
“Okay, true…and little baby definitely can’t have that stuff…” he says pointedly. “but this,” he gestures the cap towards you. “you have to take.” You look between him and Steve warily. 
“Please angel, I know you can do it. Do it for Daddy and Dada princess,” Steve encourages. You agree this time, mentally pepping yourself up and telling yourself if daddy could do it, so could you. 
You scrunch your eyes closed as Bucky brings it closer to your lips. You feel Steve’s hands reach down to hold your face. One hand holding your jaw up firmly, with the other around the back of your head. This way, you aren't able to move should you change your mind. Steve knew you’d be a good girl and take it, but he always had to be sure just in case–not unlike what has happened before–you decide to spit it out.
When it hits your tongue, it’s just as yucky as you had imagined. Maybe even worse. Instinctively, your face contorts in displeasure as you squirm around from the gross sensation. 
Steve and Bucky hold you firmly in place the whole time and instruct you to swallow. 
Once you do, Steve asks you to open your mouth for him, just to make sure you really swallowed it all.
“Good girl, my brave little girl. I knew you could do it.” Steve praises you. “Dada’s so proud of you.” he beams at you, making you smile. 
“Daddy proud too?” you ask shyly to Bucky.
“Super proud doll. The proudest of them all.” he winks at you, making you giggle a little bit, but it tickles your throat, causing you to start having a coughing fit. 
Bucky brings a sippy on their nightstand to your lips and lets you drink some cold water. It helps calm your throat. 
Steve asks if there’s anything else you want right now. You ask for some juice in your favorite sippy, and he lets you know he’ll bring it after he’s done making some soup for you.
Bucky gets out of the bed, making you confused. You promptly grab at his hands. 
“Where going?” you look up to him, eyes big and sad. 
“I was just gonna go help Dada, why don’t you get some rest, Doll?” He says, knowing it’s what you need most right now. To his surprise though, you don’t let go.
“Nooo,” you say, tugging feebly at his hands. “Stay…wanna…can…cuddle daddy?” you ask bashfully, suddenly feeling shy. 
Bucky’s eyes turn soft. Soft. Just like his little girl. Soft. Like how your voice always sounded. Soft. Something, an emotion, a feeling, a sensation, that only you made him experience. 
Even after he made you clean your playroom, even after he snapped at you and didn’t listen, you still asked in your softest voice, doleful eyes, and small grabby hands if he would cuddle with you. Sometimes–he’s not sure what he did to deserve you. 
“Of course, princess,” he climbs back into the bed with you and you grin happily as you curl yourself around him just like before. He suggests again that you to get some rest, but that too comes with protest. 
“Wanna watch ‘toons wif Daddy…can we’s?” you ask. Bucky smiles to himself and kisses your head. Even though he knows you’ll likely fall fast asleep no more than five minutes into it, there’s nothing more he’d like more than watch shows with his little girl
He turns on your favorite show and makes sure you’re perfectly comfortable, tucked around him and under blankets. 
“Doll?” he whispers softly after a few minutes. To his surprise, you’re still awake. You mumble a questioning ‘hmm?’ he takes a few seconds to respond, trying to gather the words correctly for you. He breathes in. 
“I’m sorry Daddy didn’t listen earlier,” he admits, lips ghosting the top of your head, before placing a kiss there. “I should have listened.”
“It’s okies Daddy,” you hum sleepily into his chest. It wasn’t okay. He knew that. But you—you and your never-ending soft and kind heart—forgave him. And that’s all that mattered to him. He truly was more than lucky to have a little girl like you.
“I love you Daddy,” you squeeze him softly, voice quiet. And even though he can’t see you, he knows you're smiling when you say it. 
“I love you, Doll.” more than anything.
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
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pairing: dark!stucky x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY. kidnapping. noncon/dubcon. only bucky x reader smut. pet names. if i’m missing something important pls lmk!
words: 6.3k
notes: this is what i wrote when my power went out on christmas lmao. if this does well and people like it i’d definitely consider a part two with more stucky smut - just let me know if you guys like this and would read a continuation. 🖤thank you in advance for reading! as always, comments and reblogs are welcome and appreciated!
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One click. No flame. Another click. Still nothing. Huffing, you readjust your hold of the lighter. The smell of Christmas already permeating the air, the aroma from the opened but still unlit candle bringing you the slightest bit of ease.
It was cold already and now with the heater out, it was biting. Regrettably your blankets were still sitting in your washer, and with the lack of power, they’d be there until it came back on and you could get them in the dryer.
You made to ignite the lighter again and it finally gave you a flame. Once you had your candle lit, you eased back down onto the couch. The sun was setting and the chill from outside was already seeping into your apartment. Pulling your knee highs back up, you sighed, taking in the darkness that would soon swallow you completely.
So much for finishing that stupid puzzle. You couldn’t see anything. The rattling of the balcony door pulled you out of the silence and had the pit that was already growing in your stomach grow deeper.
Voices from outside, coming from the hallway distracted you from the unpleasant shaking of the door. It was the wind, you knew that, but with each moment, it grew darker and darker and the unexpected noise was unsettling to say the least.
You were alone. And the solitude was welcome, mostly. That underlying, gnawing feeling of loneliness that was somehow always there, no matter how hard you tried to shake it, was starting to get the better of you. Momentarily. Always passing eventually. Or, more accurately, always shoved back down eventually.
The darker it got, you somehow found yourself settling further and further into it. As if it was welcoming you back. The silence, the flicker of the candle, the scent of pine and vanilla softly filling the room. This was okay. This was nice, even.
You felt yourself beginning to doze off, but the cold worked to keep you awake.
It wouldn’t be too long before they got it back on. An hour, tops. Then you could dry your blankets, maybe get a few more pieces of the puzzle put together before you slunk back into bed. A very merry christmas, indeed.
Sun was completely set now, no shadows coming in from the windows. No more watching the swaying of the trees outside. Just flickers of the candle flame dancing along the wall.
Then you heard it again. The rattling. If you had your tv on, or music playing, you were sure you wouldn’t have heard a thing. But in the silence, even a quiet disturbance was audible. Then there was that feeling again. That pit in your stomach. Something’s not right, it called.
Paranoia. That’s all it was.
Intuition, your mind argued.
It was Christmas night, most people were still gone for the holiday weekend, your building near desolate. Who would it be? When do crimes even happen here? It was ridiculous to worry. It’s the wind. Of course it’s the wind.
The creaking that sounded next, though. That wasn’t as easily explained. You froze, just listening. To ensure you heard what you thought you did. Was someone on the balcony? How would that even be possible? You waited. And waited. No more noise. But something was telling you not to let it go. You stayed seated, curled up into the corner of the couch, just staring at the door. You couldn’t see it clearly, the flame not strong enough to illuminate that far from its place on the coffee table. But you could see enough. Enough that as you watched, you suddenly saw the handle move, as if someone outside was opening it.
You always wondered how you’d react in situations like this. Flight or fight, what would you do?
Neither, apparently.
Because you didn’t move. You were like a deer in headlights.
Right, freeze response. You’d forgotten about that possibility. There was another, too, actually. What was that one called? You couldn’t remember.
F..it starts with an f…
The whole while you were trying to think, your eyes were trained on the door. You just watched. Watched as the figure cloaked in darkness let themselves into your apartment. Did they know you were here? Would they care? You weren’t even sure you were breathing as you stayed as still as possible. Maybe the darkness would conceal you. This stranger would take whatever they wanted, and you just prayed the lights would stay out until they were gone. Just be still. Be silent. Not that you could move or make a sound if you’d wanted to. It was like you were paralyzed by fear. The figure didn’t seem to notice you, not even looking in your direction.
The candle. The candle was lit. Was this person oblivious? It was a dead give away that someone was home. The intruder stayed quiet, didn’t seem interested in anything as he walked from the balcony door, across the living room to the front door.
Without thinking, your body was moving of its own accord. You rushed quietly behind them, into the hallway, still encompassed in the dark. You felt your way to your room as fast as you could without running into any walls or making sound.
Your front door opened, and you were confused now. Were they leaving? What was the point of breaking in in the first place?
“Took you long enough.”
The voice of a man, husky and gruff sounded from the front room.
“Shut up,” another man spoke, irritation clear in his voice. “Lock the door.”
Your brain stopped working for a moment. Two voices? Why were there two voices? Why were these men here? Do they know you’re here? What do you do now? Run? Hide? Where was your phone?
Dead. Right. It had died right before the power went out, you’d put it to charge but obviously that wasn’t happening at the moment.
A flash of light hit the hallway as the men walked past back into the living room. You didn’t want to move. Your room was so close, but you didn’t want to risk making a sound and bringing any attention to yourself. So you stayed frozen.
“How is breaking and entering into a crappy apartment supposed to be a christmas gift?” one of the men asked.
“It’s what’s in the apartament that’s the gift,”
“What’s in the apartament?”
“I should’ve worded that better,” the second man corrected. “Not what, but who.”
Three seconds behind. You were running on a delay now. Who?
Three seconds.
Two sets of footsteps down the hallway.
One beam of light shining right at you.
Frozen. For a moment. No noise escaping you. The light too bright, blinding you as you winced. You still couldn’t see them. Not clearly. But they were tall. Bulked. You wouldn’t be able to get away from them if you tried. Funny how that thought came to you just a few seconds after you did.
Arms wrapped around your middle, and you were suddenly being pressed against one of the men as he held you, your back to him, keeping you tight against his chest. Still no sound leaving you. Just breathing, heavy breaths coming progressively quicker.
“Ah ah, princess,” he tutted in your ear as you stared wide-eyed into the darkness before you.
You fell asleep. That’s what happened. This was a dream. Just a bad dream, and you’d wake up any second now. That was the only explanation. Because this wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening.
“Don’t cry, dove,” he soothed. “Not gonna hurt you, just wanted to introduce you to a pal of mine.”
You hadn’t even noticed the tears as they began welling in your eyes. He was speaking as if you knew each other. Like he knew you, intimately. The tone of his voice, the apparent affection. It was decidedly unnerving.
Your name fell off his tongue as if he’d spoken it a million times before, sending a chill through you as a small whimper finally managed to escape you. The flashlight was now shining on the man you were made to face. Dark hair, stubble on his jaw, piercing blue eyes cutting straight through you. You’d consider him pretty if this was a meeting under different circumstances. There was a look of contemplation on his face as he considered you. His gaze flicked from you to the man still holding you, a question clear in his eyes. Question.. or maybe an accusation.
“This is Bucky,” the man introduced. “I think you two are gonna get along real well,” he sounded almost excited. There was a tense moment of silence after he spoke, your eyes seemed glued to Bucky, your lip wobbling as you stood stock still against the stranger behind you. A painful squeeze of his arms around your waist, and you could feel his strength in his movements. You were sure he could break a rib, crush you easily if he wanted to. His hand gave your waist a squeeze as if he was waiting for you to do something.
“You’re normally so polite, princess. Use your manners. Say hello,” he instructed harshly. Normally so polite. Do you know this man? You started racking your brain for suspects, obviously someone you knew, someone you’d met.. Then suddenly your cheek stung, and you were brought back to the situation. He just slapped you? You blinked at Bucky, seeing him again as you refocused on reality.
“Hello,” you uttered weakly, breathily. You barely heard yourself.
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you, his mouth slightly agape as if he wanted to say something. He didn’t. His eyes shifted back to his friend instead.
“This is your idea of a Christmas present?”
“I’m telling you, Buck, you’re gonna love her. She’s the sweetest thing, you’ll see,” he insisted, you could practically hear him smiling as he spoke of you like you weren’t even there. “She’s exactly what we’ve been looking for. She’s perfect.”
It was like your brain just couldn’t quite compute what you were hearing. You couldn’t make sense of it. All your thoughts were still trying to guess who this man holding you was. The maintenance man who came over last week for the leak? No, his voice was way deeper and he was stoutly. The guy at the grocery store who stopped you on your way to your car just to tell you how pretty he thought you were? He wasn’t nearly as built as this man was, you could feel his solid chest against your back, his biceps around you were muscular, nothing like the guy from the store. Was it the bookstore? The place you went to get your oil change? Hell, the drive thru worker from last night? You had no idea. You couldn’t place the voice anywhere.
“We’ll see about that,” Bucky groused. “Let her go, Steve, she’s not gonna run. Are you, sweetheart?” he directed at you.
Frozen. You opened your mouth ever so slightly to speak, but no words fell out. You blinked once. Twice. Finally you managed to shake your head, it was almost imperceptible, but he accepted it. Steve’s arms fell from around you as Bucky took a step closer. You didn’t move, didn’t even think to. Not even as the power kicking back on served as a distraction for half a second. You stayed where you were, only wincing again at the lights coming on. You could see him better now. He was dressed in all black, the darkness of his clothing and hair only made his eyes that much more striking.
“You got a pretty face,” he said appreciatively, his lip twitching upward slightly. You didn’t know why you couldn’t look away, your eyes locked on him.
There was a loud bang, you jumped at the crashing sound, turning to watch Steve as he proceeded to trash your living room. As your eyes landed on him, it took you a moment to put it together. Steven. So you did know him, albeit vaguely. Every Wednesday, without fail, you’d somehow arrive at the coffee shop you frequented at the same time he would. He’d always hold the door for you. You never really spoke, but he seemed so nice. Chivalrous.
What was he doing? What was happening? Why?
Your television hit the floor as you gaped at the sight.
“What?” you breathed out, confused.
“Sorry, gotta make it look like there was a struggle. Don’t worry, you won’t miss a thing,” Steve assured you.
“I don’t- I don’t understand,” you started babbling. “What’s- why are you - what do you want? Why are you here? What’s happening, I don’t - I”
Gloved hands were on your arms as you began sputtering, turning you to face Bucky once again. His hand found your cheek, cupping your face gently as he looked you in the eye.
“Nothing you need to worry about, doll. We don’t wanna hurt you. So you’re gonna be good and listen to every word we tell you, won’t you?”
You kept staring at him, bloodshot doe eyes meeting his sharp, icy blue ones. You didn’t respond, but you allowed him to nod your head for you as you maintained eye contact.
“Good girl,” he smirked. “We’re gonna let Steve do what he needs to do and you’re gonna show me where your room is,” he instructed, turning you to face the hallway.
You walked without thinking, just doing as he told you. You didn’t want to make matters worse.
Flipping the light on, you entered the room. Bucky followed close behind you and moved further in even as you stopped right past the door.
“You got any preferences for clothes?” he asked as he looked in your closet. “We have some stuff, but I’m not sure they’ll fit you,” he said, looking you up and down. “Yeah,” he continued, agreeing with himself, “doubt it.”
You were just standing there like an idiot as he rifled through your belongings. You don’t know how much time passed before he got your attention again. He whistled as he held up a piece of lingerie from your drawer. He turned and held it up in front of you.
“I can see it,” he simpered. “You buy this for someone special, doll? Or maybe someone special bought it for you?” he prodded.
You simply shook your head, looking down now trying to avoid his lecherous gaze. He didn’t force you to speak, and you got the feeling he liked the fact you didn’t. Liked that you were being so obedient for him already. He shoved the lingerie into the duffle bag he’d found in your closet which he had already filled with a bunch of random clothes.
“I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to swing back around here,” Steve said casually as he entered the room. “If there’s anything important you want to bring, I’d grab it now, princess,” he told you.
“Where am I going?” you asked cautiously.
“You’re coming with us. We have our place all set up and ready for you. You won’t have to worry about a thing,”
“Time’s ticking, sweetheart. You heard Stevie, you want to bring something specific, go get it.”
You couldn’t think. They were taking you somewhere. They were packing your things. Steven , Steve, said you were perfect, but perfect for what? You then started to fret over leaving something behind. What if you really never came back here, what if all your things were just gone once you left with them. What do you grab, what should you take with you? That was easier to focus on.
You walked slowly over to your bed and grabbed your throw blanket, it was a security blanket, really. You never slept well without it. You watched as Steve walked into your bathroom with his phone out, he was taking pictures of your toiletries and beauty items. He must have felt your eyes on him because he looked back at you, smiling when he met your gaze. “We’ll get you new stuff, you don’t have to worry about bringing any of this.”
“This is going a lot smoother than it normally does,” Bucky said skeptically as he watched you give nearly no reaction.
“I told you, Buck. She’s perfect,” Steve repeated, smirking now as he turned back to continue making note of your things. “That’s what happens when we’re patient and wait for the right one instead of just trying to make random girls work,” he said, seeming to try and point a finger at his partner.
“She’s not putting up even a little bit of a fight,” Bucky mused aloud as he approached you, ignoring Steve and eyeing you darkly. “Why is that, doll?” he asked.
A few more steps and he was directly in front of you, eyes bearing into your own.
“Oh,” he breathed, a wry smile creeping on his lips. “I see it now,” his hands were on your face, holding you as he stared deeply into your bleary eyes, “you’re terrified, aren’t you?”
A broken whimper broke past your lips as you began to tremble slightly. Things were catching up now. The gravity of your situation, the insanity and brazen entitlement of these men in your home, speaking of you like you weren’t able to hear them, talking about taking you with them, how ‘perfect’ you were, the realization of it all, everything compounding, slamming into one another, sending you reeling.
It felt like only fifteen seconds had passed since you watched the balcony door open. How did all of this happen so quickly? It was like you weren’t even there. Just watching everything from an outsider's perspective. Passive. You were so passive.
You just wanted them to leave. You didn’t want to fight them, what point was there in that. You didn’t want to try and run, again, what would be the point? It was clear you weren’t getting away from them and they weren’t planning on leaving you. The only thing you could do was...nothing. Just let them do as they wanted, and try not to make things worse for yourself. Don’t provoke them or put yourself in more danger. They said they didn’t want to hurt you. All you had to do was listen. Just listen, you repeated over and over in your head.
The pressure of Bucky’s hands on your face increased slightly, the material of his gloves rough against your skin as he wiped at the stray tears that had started to fall again. All you could do was nod. He was right. You weren’t doing a thing to stop them because you were scared. You were utterly terrified.
“That’s okay, sweetheart. You’re doing perfect, listening real well, doing what we tell you,” he praised. “You know, Stevie, this just might be the best gift you’ve ever given me,” he called to his partner while he continued staring, his eyes taking in every detail of your face, lingering on your pouty lips.
You were a present. Not a person. At least not to them.
“Let’s see just how obedient you can be,” he said, his voice lower, darker. He was even closer now, you could feel the heat radiating off of him as he was nearly right up against you. Your chest was heaving from your stuttering breaths. Dread setting in the pit of your stomach as his touch left your cheeks and instead drifted down your body.
“Not here, Bucky.” Steve’s harsh words had Bucky’s hands halting in their exploration.
He sucked his teeth before taking a step back and turning to face Steve.
“You can wait another two hours,” Steve griped before turning his attention to you, softening slightly. “That’s all you want to bring, princess?”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
The question left your mouth before you even registered it as a thought. You saw Steve’s jaw clench as he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at your question. If you had to worry about stoking someone’s ire, it was clearly Steve’s. He worked to calm himself, taking a breath before he responded to you.
“I guess we haven’t really explained what’s happening here, have we?
See, Buck and I, we’ve been looking for a pretty little dove like you for a long time, now. But they were just never right. We gave up for a bit, decided the right girl would come along when she was ready. And then I walked right into you one morning. You remember it, don’t you? You were walking into the coffee shop as I was coming out. I wasn’t really paying attention, it was completely my fault, but you were so sweet.. Caring, understanding. Those are rare traits nowadays, ya know. I’m not sure exactly what it was about you that struck me, but I just knew..
I knew you were the one for us. Kept an eye on you for a while, I wanted to learn more about you, get to know you better. And turns out you’re as sweet as I thought you were. Lonely as us, too. We’re the perfect fit. I could see just how much you needed someone.
The number of times I’ve had to watch you cry all alone from the outside looking in, it was like torture,” he confessed as his hands were suddenly on your face, wiping at your tears. You hadn’t even registered him getting closer, didn’t notice him brushing past Bucky to take the spot he had been in, in front of you. “But you won’t ever have to do that again. You won’t be alone anymore, not with us. It’s a win-win situation, princess. You get to get out of this shithole, leave all the stress behind you, no more responsibilities - aside from taking care of us. But we’ll be taking care of you, too. I know this might seem scary, sudden, but it’s for the best, I promise. For all three of us,” he finished, looking back at Bucky who’s eyes were still set on you.
When Steve finally backed away from you, granting you some space, Bucky was quick to return to your side. He was intent on you, not wanting you to get very far from him, though you were hardly moving.
After Steve trashed the rest of your apartment, Bucky had the thrown together bag of clothes slung on his shoulder, ushering you in front of him to trail behind Steve.
When you’d made it downstairs to the parking lot of your complex, you were led to a sleek, blacked out fully tinted SUV. Steve went to the driver’s side and Bucky opened the back door for you. He helped you in and then climbed in right next to you. You heard Steve scoff as he looked back at him, but he didn’t say anything as he started the car and drove out of the lot.
You stared ahead blankly as the car made its way through and out of town, you were aware of the men talking back and forth, but the conversation didn’t include you - at least not that you heard. You were sure Steve would make it clear if he was expecting an answer from you, the way he had earlier, so you let yourself zone out.
What had you done wrong?
How did you find yourself in this position? It was Christmas. You were alone and vulnerable. How long had Steve been watching you? How long had you been a target and you hadn’t even realized?
Fuck, you were so stupid. Stupid, pathetic, and pitiful.
You didn’t even try to get out of this, just went along with them.
The feeling of a gloved hand settling on your leg brought you back to reality for the moment, looking down just as Bucky squeezed your thigh.
“If I had let me in on your plans, I could’ve gotten some stuff ready for her,” he spoke to Steve as his hand idly toyed with the top of your knee highs.
“What we have already will be fine for now. Besides, I didn’t wanna spoil the surprise.”
There was a beat as Bucky fiddled with your stockings, contemplating as he brushed his gloved fingers over your exposed skin.
“What’s our ETA?” he asked Steve.
“Another hour.”
He nodded, a hint of a smirk on his lips, “More than enough time,” Bucky responds smoothly, pulling you onto his lap just the same as you yipped in surprise.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve mutters.
“Don’t be jealous Stevie, you’ll get your turn, too. She’s my present isn’t she? You got your gift earlier, why can’t I have mine now?”
“She’s ours,” he nearly growled in response.
“Guess that means you still owe me one, then,” he taunted back while his hands found your ass, groping you through the material of your shorts while you stayed as still as possible on his lap, though the lull of the car driving down the interstate didn’t make that an easy task. You eventually grabbed onto his shoulders to keep yourself upright as Steve passed yet another car, the speed threatening to send you into the door if not falling forward on top of Bucky.
Your unintentional wiggling had Bucky groaning and you could feel his erection growing beneath you.
“You make a mess back there, you’re cleaning it,” Steve warned.
All you could focus on, despite your every attempt not to, was the feeling of Bucky’s hands on you as you were forced onto his lap. Grabbing at your ass, running under your shirt, up and down your back, along your waist, gripping your wide hips as he began rocking you atop him. His bulge was rubbing against you with every move and though you tried to fight it, a stirring.. a tingling sensation in your core began to overshadow your fear and disgust.
Your hands were holding tightly onto him, one hand on firm muscle, the other seeming to cling to something more solid. It was an arm, but not one made from flesh and bone.
Bucky’s hands still on your hips suddenly forced you to sit fully down on him. You could feel his strength in the movement, you didn’t consider for a second trying to stop his hands as they slid down into the back of your bottoms, knowing it wouldn’t stop him. He grabbed your ass, his eyes hungry as he stared at you. He swiftly moved his hands up your back and pulled the hem of your top up and off of you in a flash.
You felt exposed and more scared than you’d been earlier, but deep down you had to have known this was coming. Of course it was.
He grabbed your breasts through your thin bra, kneading them in his still gloved hands. He took a second to finally rid himself of them and when you saw the metal of his left hand, you couldn’t help the audible breath you took as he brought it directly to your throat, squeezing enough to have you shiver but not to interfere with your breathing. He smirked as you subtly sank into him further with the show of dominance before he let his hand wander down and around your back to unclasp your bra.
Pulling the bra off of you easily, he pushed you back so you were up against the passenger’s seat as he ogled your chest. His hands wandered from your throat down to the waistband of your shorts, squeezing you, tickling you, playing with your breasts and teasing your nipples before he pulled you closer again, his head falling to your chest as he took one into his mouth. You worked hard to stifle the moan that threatened to escape when he suckled at you. His touch was all consuming and overpowering. The warmth of his mouth on your breasts, the way he held you to him, keeping your hips rocking against his as he groaned against your skin.
You were completely defenseless and had no plans of trying to fight back, no plans at all to try and stop it from happening. What good would it do? You’d let him have his way, do whatever it was he wanted to do and just get it over with.
He pulled off of you just as Steve sped around another car, you fell forward into Bucky, not bothering to right yourself, just letting your body rest against his, your head on his chest now. His hands found the waistband of your bottoms again and he worked to get them down your thick legs, not an easy task in the position he had you in. He barely managed to get them past your ass before he unceremoniously lifted you nearly over his shoulder and over the seat so you were leaning over him as he tugged them the rest of the way down. You were only then vaguely aware of your lack of shoes, briefly you wondered how you didn’t notice that when you first left your apartment. Your thong sliding down your calves, over the knee highs he left on you, had you refocusing on what was currently going on. You heard his zipper and felt him messing with his pants and it was only another second or two before you were pulled right back down onto Bucky’s lap, a mix between a gasp and a moan escaping you and a hiss escaping Bucky as his firm, hard cock pulsed against your bare pussy.
“Sit,” Bucky ordered firmly. You inched down only a bit more, earning a slap to your ass before he spoke again, “Sit. Down,” he growled.
You obeyed without another word, sitting fully on his exposed lap, the zipper of his pants rubbing against your skin as you did.
“Good puppy,” he praised darkly as he grabbed your face, pulling you to him and forcing eye contact. “I don’t like repeating myself, sweetheart. We’ve only just met, so I’ll give you a free pass this time. And I know you won’t do it again, will you, doll?”
“No,” you ekked out breathily, feeling the tears renew in your eyes. You shuddered as he kissed your temple before reaching between you and grabbing his cock, pumping himself once before he had you lift up for him, placing himself at your entrance. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, your arms wrapped around his neck, the only thing keeping you steady as the shame of your arousal consumed you.
“Pussy’s all nice and wet for me, already, huh?” he teased.
You had nowhere else to go so buried your face in his neck, trying desperately to hide from the humiliation. His hands were on your hips and he didn’t give you any warning before he pulled you down, fully seating you on his dick, the air rushed from your lungs at the shock and stretch you were entirely unprepared for. He groaned deeply, a heady, “fuck”, tumbling from his lips as he held you there a second while you whimpered and cried.
“Son of a bitch, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” he growled before gripping your hips tighter, surely leaving bruises. You didn’t do anything, couldn’t move if you’d wanted to. You were gripping onto him like your life depended on it and somewhere deep down you were scared it just might.
Ten seconds passed and he just kept you there, sitting pretty on his cock while you cried into his neck. His grip lightened on your hips and he moved one hand to rub your back, clearly his attempt to ease you.
“Relax,” he soothed, “just take it. Take my cock like the good puppy I know you are,” he said, punctuating his sentence by thrusting up into you, making you cry out in response.
He was too thick. It hurt. Sure there was an underlying pleasure that was making its way to the surface the longer he stayed still, allowing you to adjust to the intrusion, but it was still uncomfortable. And being naked and exposed to the chill air in the car only made you more frigid. Even the heat coming off of Bucky wasn’t helping. You were covered in goosebumps and you had tear streaks still running down your face. You were a mess, a whimpering pathetic mess. Nothing more than a frightened little puppy, just like he knew you’d be.
A jolt of pleasure shot through you as his thumb was suddenly on your clit, rubbing in tight circles as you moaned weakly before laxing against him even further, inadvertently taking more of his cock inside you.
“Just like that,” he praised, giving you another few seconds to adjust to him. “Want you to bounce on my cock, you think you can handle that, doll?”
You shook your head, still hiding your face in his neck, not wanting to see the way he was looking at you.
He laughed darkly at your response before reframing your hips with his hands, “That’s alright, puppy. We’ll try again when your little pussy’s used to me. It’ll take some training, but you’ll get it eventually. I don’t have a problem doing it myself right now,”
All you could do was cry as he held your hips down on him, fucking up into you relentlessly, the material of his pants scratching at your delicate skin and his hold on you leaving marks you were sure you’d see in the morning. Your tits were bouncing as you bit your lip, groaning at the sensations shooting through you while Bucky cursed and growled, moans leaving him with every thrust into you.
“Please,” you cried, “please, please, please,”
“Fucking hell, Bucky, don’t break her before we even get her home,” Steve interjected sharply between your cries.
“You can’t feel the way she’s gripping me, she fucking loves it,” he panted, slapping your ass as he continued fucking you.
“Hurts,” you mewled desperately, hoping he’d take pity on you and at the very least slow down.
“Poor pup,” he patronized, keeping his pace as you clung to him.
“Buck,” Steve snarled from the front of the car.
Bucky grunted but soon slowed his movements, and began moving you up and down on his cock by your hips, lifting you and having you sit right back down, the new motion stimulating your clit with every tilt of your hips.
You walls clenched down on him as he slapped your ass again, groaning and growling as he kept you riding him.
His movements were slower, but he had you taking him deeper than before. “Fuck yes,” he moaned lowly, throwing his head back as he bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut as he groaned. His grip tightened on your hips as he felt you getting closer.
“You wanna come, sweetheart?” he teased, only getting a whine from you in response. He chuckled again, “You don’t have to deny it, doll. I know it feels good for you, too. I can feel your cunt tryin’ milk my cock. Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you exactly what you need, baby,”
His thumb found your clit again, playing you expertly as you writhed on his cock, unbidden moans falling from you as you felt a coil tightening in your lower belly.
“I’m gonna give it to you, you’re gonna take fuckin all of it. But you’re gonna come on my cock first,”
That coil wound tighter, and tighter, and tighter with each swipe of his thumb in tandem with his thrusts until you couldn’t hold it or fight it any longer and it finally snapped. A white hot heat running through your body as you cried out, holding onto Bucky as you came undone. The feeling of his warm cum hitting your walls as he finished inside of you registered too late, not that you could’ve done anything to stop him anyway. The post orgasmic haze quickly faded with the reminder of reality.
You slumped into him again as you began sobbing. His arms held your naked body against his fully clothed one as he relaxed, leaning back into the seat while a hand rubbed your back and you wore yourself out with the tears that fell.
“No tears, puppy. You did such a good job,” he cooed, only making you cry harder despite how exhausted you were.
He was right, you did a good job for him. Didn’t fight, didn’t try to stop it. Just let him have you, however he wanted. You were a coward. Terrified of being hurt, you let him hurt you. You could hate yourself for your lack of self preservation, but when you really thought about it, this was your self preservation. They could easily hurt you worse. They could kill you if they wanted and you’d never stand a chance. You didn’t want to live like this, but you didn’t want to die, either. You weren’t sure yet, but the latter certainly seemed like the worse option.
Just be good and don’t give them a reason to hurt you. That’s all you had to do. That’s all you could do.
Bucky kept you on him, stuffed full of his cock and cum while he held you against him.
You whimpered when you felt his cock get hard again inside of you but he didn’t move you, just kept you sitting on him - keeping him warm.
“We’re not that far,” Steve spoke, waking you as your eyes threatened to close while you laid against Bucky, thoroughly exhausted.
“Good, she’s about to pass out on me already,”
“‘S’alright, dove,” Steve said to you, “You can sleep til we get home and we’ll bring you inside. You’re gonna need your rest. Our night’s just getting started. We’ve got a lot of celebrating to do now that you’re finally home.”
You couldn’t help it as your tears fell once again, and Bucky rubbed your back.
“You’re gonna love it, doll,” he reassured you. “And if you thought that was good you have no idea how much better it is when it’s all three of us. We’ll have you seeing stars, baby,” he simpered.
“Tomorrow we’ll get everything else sorted, but for tonight, we’ll just get you comfortable. The only thing you’ll be crying for by the end of the night is more.”
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moosereblogsfics · 1 year
No Motive
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pairing: serial killer! steve x serial killer!bucky x reader 
warnings: DUBCON, kind of non con, serial killer au, horror, slight dacryphilia, violence, smut, p in v, manipulation/coercion, facial, creampie, mentions of virginity loss, masturbation, MINORS DNI, dead dove do not eat. read at your own risk
summary:  “Surprise, Sidney!” 
a/n: this is a Scream / Grease inspired entry for @boxofbonesfic​ Friday The 13th challenge for Serial Killer! this is my first time writing anything dark but I had a lot of fun (i love horror/horror movies so this was a fun exercise). thank you so much bones for hosting this super fun challenge and i hope everyone had an absolutely spooktacular Friday the 13th!
word count: 1287 (cutting it close whew)
“Doors locked. Windows and blinds shut. No trips to anywhere but the grocery store or work, during daylight hours. No one is permitted to be outside of their homes after dark.”
That was what the police said. So why the hell were you outside right now? You snuck a quick glance at your boyfriend, who was driving carefree with the windows down.
“You cold, babe?” He shouted over the wind, looking over at you to flash you a cocky smirk. He looked beautiful, and that’s why you were here.
“No,” you mustered, but it was a lie. The anxiety caused by your forbidden outing induced a tremor in your hands as you pressed down your skirt. Steve would be so disappointed if he knew how you were feeling. Wasn’t this romantic? In the very least, it was what all the other couples did at school. 
It was what Steve’s ex-girlfriends did with him. 
You fought the urge to flip down the little vanity mirror and check your lipstick, make sure you looked pretty enough for him. Instead, you looked over at him with a smile and reached over to squeeze his thigh suggestively. That’s how you were supposed to do it, right? 
The crunching of gravel under Steve’s tires drew your attention to the little road that you’ve pulled off onto. You’ve never been here, but you recognized it from its infamy— Lover’s Lake, where all the couples used to come to get a little… privacy. Nobody came here anymore, though.
Not since the killings started. 
Your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips nervously, and you felt your heart pounding in fear. 
“Steve, is this a good idea?” you eked out, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling at the flesh nervously. Without even looking at you, Steve grasped your chin in his forefinger and eased your lip out from your teeth before running over it with his thumb. 
He’s so good to you. He knew you so well. So why didn’t you feel safe right now? 
But your stomach roiled when he sighed, clearly disappointed in you as he spared an irritated look before pulling the car to stop facing the lake. “Babe, I told you this already, remember? We can’t let the killer win. When we let them control us, let them make us afraid, they win.” 
“But Steve, what if the killer shows up?”
“Hey,” he said, placing a warm hand on the back of your neck and letting his fingers press on your spine. “I’m here, baby. Now go get your cute ass in the backseat.” Steve laughed when you squeaked at the pat on your butt as you made your way to the backseat. 
As you sat down, you couldn’t get over how… wrong it felt. Like the ghosts of the three girls that died here were watching you, telling you to get out of here. It was disrespectful at best, dangerous for a fact. But you didn’t have it in you to say no to Steve. 
He settled next to you, slinging an arm over your shoulders as the two of you looked out to the lake. Your heart beat faster when his fingers toyed with the straps of your dress and bra, before he inched them off your shoulder. 
“Oops,” he laughed. It sounded harsher than you were used to, and you couldn’t hold back your discomfort anymore. You turned to him, ready to voice your objections when he captured your lips with his own. 
“Shh, baby,” he interrupted you, pulling down your top entirely to expose your tits to him. He kneaded the flesh between his palms, groaning and watching your nipples peak in response to his ministrations. “God, you’re so pretty. So innocent. Knew you’d be the best girlfriend a fella could ever have.” The pride that swelled within you at his words squashed the discomfort within you, and you leaned in to kiss him with a smile. 
You shut your eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in his kisses as his hands wandered up and down your body. You didn’t object when he pulled your dress and bra off, pulled your panties off and laid you down on the leather seats of his car. 
“You see how hard I am for you, baby?” Steve groans, grabbing your hand and putting it on his bulge as he rocked his clothed thigh against your bare core. Steve Rogers, the one guy that everyone wanted, the captain of the football team, the all-American golden boy wanted you. 
Steve slid his jeans off, sitting in one of the seats as he pumped his shaft twice and pulled your hips between his legs, aligning your slick cunt with his tip and driving his hips up to inch into you. You stifled your discomfort, trying to hide your winces and the tears that sprung in your eyes as he eased into your tight hole. You couldn’t let him know that you were a virgin, what would he think? 
But you knew when you met Steve’s wolfish gaze, it wasn’t something you could hide from him. 
“Are you a virgin, baby?” He cooed at you, condescension lacing his tone. You nodded and shut your eyes, when the sound of the door opening forced your eyes open.
Bucky, Steve’s best friend, slid into the seat next to yours. “Getting started without me, huh, pal?” Steve laughed harshly at that, exposing your body for Bucky to see. Mortification sent blood rushing through your body but Steve didn’t seem to care as he squeezed and flicked your tits, continuing to fuck into you. “You gonna let me join in, Stevie?” 
“Not this time,” Steve grunted, turning to Bucky as he used your body. “This one’s a virgin.” 
“Lucky,” Bucky asserted, unbuckling and sliding his already-hard cock out from his jeans. “Spit,” he instructed you, putting his hand in front of your mouth then using it as lubrication to stroke himself as he watched Steve fuck you. “You wanna cry, baby?” he asked you as he watched you, noting the stiffness of your body. “Yeah, I bet it hurts. C’mon, then, cry.” 
You let the tears flow freely from you as Steve picked up the pace, uncaring about your pain as he drove further into you. But it didn’t take long for the pain to shift to pleasure, the fullness from Steve making your head loll against his shoulder. 
Bucky pulled you down to face his cock, surprising you as he sprayed his release on your face, almost making you cry again as his cum mixed with your lipstick. Inexplicably, though, it triggered that blissful feeling that you’ve only felt on your own, clenching tighter on Steve’s cock as your vision whited out. 
“Shit, you like that?” Steve snickered, cumming into you as your body slacked. He pulled you off unceremoniously, swinging you into his arms only to dump your nude body in the passenger seat. “I gotta go piss,” he called out, slamming the door as Bucky trailed behind him. 
Bored, you opened the glovebox in search of napkins to clean your face, but when your fingers brushed against dainty metal, your heart stuttered. 
Inside Steve’s glovebox lay three bloodstained necklaces, ones that you knew belonged to the dead girls because you recognized each little pendant— Darla’s pink rhinestone, Charlotte’s teddy bear, Jeanie’s heart locket. 
“You weren’t supposed to see that, sweetheart,” Steve said from behind you. You saw the blood from your neck spray onto the windshield before you got the chance to scream.  
“That’s gonna be a pain to get out,” Bucky commented, before the darkness swallowed you whole.
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steves-sub · 1 year
hey sluts ;)
okay so basically I’m going to combine every single one of my kinks into one whole series called The Runaways Slut (maybe a different title idk help me out)
Premise is After Civil War, Team Cap is currently hiding from the world. Steve, Nat, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda are staying in a secluded cabin in the woods. While on a grocery run, Steve spots you and he knows the team has to have you. And they will one way or another.
This fic is going to be a huge Dark!Team Cap fic. Warnings I can think of for sure is Dom/Sub dynamtic, kidnapping, hypnotism (Wanda coming through with my favorite kink; please don’t judge it’s hot), drugging, and loads of smut. If you have any suggestions or wants a certain link in there shoot me an ask. I really hope you guys enjoy this!!
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disasterofastory · 2 years
While Wanda is away (Stucky x Reader)
While Wanda is away dark!Stucky x Reader (x dark!Wanda) Warnings: free use, sex in the shower, while Reader is asleep, a lot of smut
Summary: Steve and Bucky take care of your while Wanda is away.
A/N: About the first part, if you didn’t read it: dark!Wanda keeps Reader as her obident doll. Kinktober 2022: With this chapter, my kinktober is over. I hope you enjoyed my stories and you can read them here, mostly under Bucky, Steve and Stucky.
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"I'm sorry," Bucky says after a while. His soapy hands slide up on your back, stopping at your shoulders to massage the knots out of your tense muscles. Your head falls to the side as you close your eyes. You can feel yourself relax under his touch. "We were a bit impatient." It's an understatement. The door barely closed behind Wanda, and super soldiers were on you instantly. Tearing your clothes off, they fucked you on the floor, soaking you in their seed. Your pussy still throbs with slight pain, and your jaw aches after letting Steve use your throat. "It's fine," you reply hoarsely. Steve and Bucky let you talk much more than Wanda, even if you have to lie sometimes because they want to hear what they want and not what you have to say. You can't decide if it is worse or better than what Wanda does, keeping you mute most of the time. "Rise your arms a bit," Bucky orders you, and when you do as he says, his hands goes to your front. His hands smooth over your sides until he reaches your breasts. He cups them, palming the soft flesh and toying with their weight. His thumbs flick your nipples. His broad chest is against your back. "I can't believe how soft you are," he hums into the curve of your neck. His warm breath fans over your skin. "Spread your legs, doll." Bucky's metal hand stays on your breast, pinching your nipple while his right hand goes down between your legs. His long fingers run over your puffy slit, drawing a few quick circles on your sensitive clit. Your hips move on their own accord, and you moan. Your bottom presses back against Bucky's half-hard cock as you try to pull away from his touch. Pleasure and pain surge through your body in waves. "Does it hurt, baby?" He coos. "Yes," you gasp. "It's okay." Bucky jams two fingers into your cunt, fucking them in and out of your wet hole. "I will make it better." He slides inside you easily. Cum drips down your leg as he pushes it out. Your walls contract around his digits. "Are you horny, Y/N?" "Yes," you breathe out. Your body betrays you once again, and before you know it, you are bent over, hands flat on the cold wall, while Bucky's large hands are on your hips. "I didn't want to do it," he says. Voice tight and hoarse. "But god, Y/N, how could I say no to your pretty pussy? She always begs us to fuck her. Your hot cunt knows better than you, doll. Listen to her." The man's thick cock slips inside your wet channel with one, swift motion. He pumps in and out of you rapidly, keeping you in place to use your hole as he wants. "You are so tight, Y/N," Bucky grunts above you. "Doesn't matter how many times we fuck you, your cunt is always tight and ready for us." "Bucky!" His name escapes your lips as a lewd moan. His hard length finds every sweet spot to make your head dizzy and your body vibrate. Your pussy flutters around his cock as he pushes you over the edge. Pleasure blazes in your veins as you try to keep your balance between the wall and the super soldier. Above the haze of your mind, you feel Bucky's cock jerk and shoot inside you. Soon, your pussy is full of his seed once again. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Bucky says without meaning it. "I will clean you up in a sec." And with that, he kneels down behind you to do as he said.
By the time Bucky decides you are clean enough, your body trembles, and your mind is completely empty. "Sleep, doll." The brunette's soft voice is the last thing you hear before you fall asleep.
A few hours later, you don't know what wakes you up from your dreamless sleep. The world comes back slowly and gently as you notice a warm hand on your backside, palming your flesh. "Don't wake up for me, Y/N." Steve's voice is quiet. Cold air runs over your bare body when the cover disappears above you. "I only need your pussy." "Steve?" You groan out, eyes still closed. "It's okay, love. Just sleep." The blonde man pushes a pillow under your hips to raise your bottom while climbing up on the bed behind you. A cock stretches you out again while you lay on the bed, half-asleep. Your limbs are heavy, and your mind is still unfocused and tired. You rock on the bed under Steve while he thrusts into you lazily. His fingers dig into your bottom, pushing and pulling you in sync with his rhythm. The wet sounds of your pussy fill the air. You only need a few minutes to reach your orgasm while Steve errupts in you. Your pussy clenches on his grith. Small trembles shake your body, and a soft smack echoes in the room when he slaps your backside. "Wanda was right," he says. "You are a really good girl, Y/N." You go back to sleep.
The bottom of the sun barely reaches the horizon in the distance. The view of the neighborhood is covered in a soft, orange hue. Everything is quiet and peaceful.
Your eyes are on the window as you wait for the oven to heat up. The pie is on the counter in front of you. The sweet scent of cinnamon and apple fills your nostrils. "It smells good," Bucky speaks up suddenly from behind you. His presence is warm and heavy. "Thank you," you reply. You can already feel his hand on your back, caressing down to the short dress Steve chose you to wear. The blonde man's cum is still in your pussy and dried on the insides of your thighs. "Steve should learn to clean up after himself," Bucky says when his hand from your bottom goes lower. "The pie…" you gasp. Two of his thick metal fingers slip inside your messy hole. The cold feels like lightning in your warm center. "Don't let me stop you, doll," he replies, amused. So you grab the pie to put it into the oven while he still plays with the cum Steve left inside you. It drips down, making more mess under your short dress. "Maybe we should ask Wanda to give you to us," Bucky hums into the curve of your neck when you straighten yourself. His front is pressed against your side while his hand is still busy teasing your throbbing pussy. His fingers slid in and out of you slowly. He is not in a rush. "She always gets bored of her toys anyway. But we could take such good care of you, baby. What do you think, Y/N? Would you like that? Being open and ready for our cocks all the time?" You know what he wants to hear, so your lips move automatically. "Yes." "Good girl," he chuckles. His broad chest rumbles against you. "Go to Steve. You know he likes to keep his cock warm during a match."
The other super soldier is sitting on the couch when you leave the kitchen to do what Bucky told you. Hearing your quiet steps, the blond man looks back at you over his shoulder. A smirk pulls on his light pink lips while you can see from the move of his hands that he is already undoing his pants to free his cock. "Come here, baby," he coos. "I missed your hot cunt." Grabbing your hips, he places you on his erection. He slips inside you easily. His cum drips down on his shaft, coating him in his own mess. "That's better," he sighs, leaning back on the couch to continue watching the TV while you rest your head on his shoulder.
You don't know how much time passes while you sit on Steve's lap with his cock in your pussy. Need flares in your lower belly while your walls flutter around his thick girth for some friction. Breath leaves your lips in soft pants. Your lungs fill with the scent of freshly baked pie that lingers in the air. "The pie is done," Bucky says, stepping into the living room. "I'm still working on this one," Steve replies, laughing. He pushes his hips up into you, making you buck against him as you moan. "Yeah," the brunette hums. "I like this one better too."
Before you know it, Steve pounds into you while your mouth is around his friend's cock. Both of them use you while the TV becomes a muffled noise in the background. The wet smacks of Steve's thrusts and your gagging fill the otherwise quiet room. Your left hand holds onto Steve's broad shoulder while your right is around Bucky's shaft. "She is so good," Steve grunts, ramming his cock into you. His hold is almost painful on your hips. You know it will bruise. "I hope Wanda will get bored of her soon," Bucky laughs breathily, rocking into your mouth. You suck him noisily. "I could get used to this." Your world becomes a throbbing mess as they fuck you into oblivion. Every part of your body hurts, but you still find pleasure in it. Hot coil burns inside your stomach, making your muscles contract and your head spin. Steve and Bucky are the only things that keep you up. The brunette's hand is tight and steady on the back of your neck. "She is going to cum," Bucky grits out between ragged pants, looking down at you. He loves the view of your pretty lips around his cock. Tears run down your heated cheeks mixing with the saliva dripping down your jaw. His pre-cum shines on your lips. "Yeah, I can feel it," Steve grunts under you. Your pussy milks him to get his seed while you fall over the edge with hot, white pleasure.
Then, you black out.
The next time you wake up, you are in your bed. Clean and dressed in soft pajamas. Wanda's delicate fingers caress your cheeks as she smiles down at you. "You were such a good girl," she whispers. "My pretty doll."
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
Monstertober Day 5:
The empty sarcophagus𓂀
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Pairing: Mummy!Steve Rogers x Reader x Jackal!Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Dub con, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, asphyxiation/ choking, scratching, marking/biting, mentions of blood, threesome, Stucky x Reader
Nicknames: Puppy, Pup, Scarab
Word count: 2.4K
༻𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫༺
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Watery sunlight from the alternative entrance of the tomb falls down onto the golden sarcophagus, brightening, waning and brightening again. You arrived early enough that it's still cold, you wanted to avoid the midday heat and its blinding, orangey light that followed; you wanted to relax in the bluish grey light, the chill of the air and the absence of people scuttling around like little ants, occupying every square inch of the tomb, searching for secrets, for riches. It was stifling, suffocating; the smell of warm, sweaty people.
You entered into the sliver of sunlight, relishing in the tepid heat that faded and intensified like the ocean lapping at the shore. The golden sarcophagus in front of you was captivating, you ran your hand across the beaten gold covering the wooden coffin letting your hand linger on the brilliant coloured glass and semi-precious stones, fingering each of them in their imperfect rows; following their designs—the story of the inhabitants life. This was just the outer layer of the sarcophagus, next to it was a much heavier coffin, believed to be made of solid gold, that your team had struggled extracting from the initial layer. You moved over to it, more light was seeping in from the entrance now; the golden coffin glimmered, the lapis lazuli, agate, carnelian, amethyst and variscite inlaid on the tomb looked truly beautiful in the soft glow of the rising sun. Ever so gently you brushed your fingers across the side of the coffin, following the curve. You lifted the lid, inching it slowly open and pushing it to the side. It was empty. You could see all the inscriptions, the story of the inhabitants' entire life, but the actual mummy was gone. A frantically carved inscription was raggedly scratched into the bottom of the tomb, your eyes narrowed, your brain burning as you translated it “Cursed be those who enter my tomb...Those that break the seal of this tomb will meet their end by me. I shall seize their neck and cast fear of myself into them…Death will be upon them.” You bit your lip, removing your shaking hands from the edge of the sarcophagus and stepping backwards on trembling legs “Just a mummy’s curse, nothing too bad that’s normal. It’s going to be fine.” You soothed yourself, taking a deep breath in. Your panic was reignited when you realised “Where the fuck is the mummy?” A thin piece of fabric wrapped around your neck and you pulled backwards harshly, falling to the ground. Your hands flew to the fabric constricting your neck scratching at it, trying to distance it from your throat as it choked you, spittle flying from your mouth as you threw your head back to see who was dragging you. It was too dark.
Your vision adjusted as you were dragged into a room lit by rushlight candles, a dusty table was in the center dotted with canopic jars. The dragging stopped as did the choking, the fabric slipped away from its place around your throat; and you began sucking air back into your lungs as you swiveled your head to see who had almost asphyxiated you. You found the missing mummy. He towered over you, his atavistic linen wrapping falling off of him, exposing areas of his ancient, brown-tinged body. His face was fully visible—it was in almost perfect condition, minus a small laceration on the side of his head—defined cheekbones, a trimmed beard and piercing eyes like polished chrysocolla. He was handsome for a mummy, that thought was quickly replaced by a myriad of questions. You slowly got to your feet, putting your arms in front of yourself protectively “Scarab…” He uttered in a drawling tone.
“Scarab? No, wait, How are you even alive?” You questioned an incredulous expression distorting your features.
“That would be because of me, Pup.” A disembodied voice admitted. You turned around to try and see the other man, squinting and staring into the shadowed parts of the tomb. Then there was movement in the darkness “Over here,” He stepped into the light of the rushlight waving one of his hands that was partly paw; his hand was deep black with pads on his fingers and palm, “Hi.”
“Anubis?” Your voice tremored, you stumbled backwards bumping into the mummy behind you. His arms pulled you into him, settling you against his chest “Get off of me!” You struggled against his grip. The smell of decaying flesh reaching your nose makes you gag.
The Jackal stalked closer “Not quite, I’m Bucky a servant of Anubis and behind you is Steve; once an extremely important attendant and warrior for the pharaoh, now he is a mummy which I reanimated.” Bucky caressed your face with his cold dog-like palm, stroking across your cheek with his thumb—the long claw-like nail just about missed your eye. “You're going to be punished for opening the tomb, Pup, isn’t she Stevie?” Steve simply grunted in response, rubbing his crotch into your ass. You attempted to wriggle out of his grip but Bucky caged you in, his hands wandering down your body caressing your waist and hips. Below the thin material of his loincloth you could see his cock get harder, lifting the fabric as it did. His hands trailed back up to your tits, giving them a squeeze before he used one his sharp nails to tear open your blouse and bra. His chilly hands tweaked your nipples, his claws cutting into your skin as he pinched, you gasped trying to pull away from his touch.
Bucky’s other hand moved down to your shorts, undoing the buttons and tugging them down to your feet along with you underwear “I can smell you, little Puppy, there’s no point in trying to get away so you should at least have some fun or we’ll give you a truly terrible curse.” His voice was low and threatening, eyes narrowed and dark as he relished in the fear present in your tear reddened eyes. Bucky goes down on his knees, carefully helping you out of your shorts and tossing them across the embalming room. He placed one of your legs over his shoulder, liking his lips at the sight of your wet pussy. “So wet for us, Pup, do you secretly like being shared by two people? Do you like us taking you against your will?” You whined in response turning your head away to stare at the ancient walls, one of Steve’s hands seized your face pulling you into a kiss. His mouth was cold and tasted bitter. You scrunch your nose as he deepened the kiss, then you felt Bucky slide his long tongue inside of; the hot, wet muscle filled you so well, attacking the sweet spot inside you as the bridge of his nose rubbed against your sensitive clit. You writhed in the mummies grasp, your hands clenching and unclenching frantically—you were desperate to bury your hands in Bucky’s curls; to feel his long velvety ears and run the silky inside between your thumb and index finger. You could feel heat building in you belly as Bucky removed his tongue from your eager hole and began to suck and tease your bud, Steves kisses simply added to the sensation you head growing fuzzy from the stimulation which only intensified when Steve released your face from his hold and satiated the burning need of your clenching hole by roughly shoving two of his fingers inside you.
You pulled away from the intense kiss, slamming your head into his broad shoulder as you let out a breathy moan. “Feel good…Khepri- Scarab?” Steve probed, nibbling at your ear.
“Yes!” You whined, prying a hand from his grasp and digging your hand into Bucky’s soft hair, grinding your hips into his face trying to chase your release. He pulled away, lips red, his chin shining with spit and your slick “So close” you sobbed playing with his charcoal ears, fiddling with the golden piercing. Bucky’s large tongue licked across your inner thigh, you heard him let out a low chuckle before he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh. You hissed, slamming the back of his head with your fists. He released the area he’d bitten, slurping at the blood dripping down your thigh.
“You’re going to let Stevie fuck you arent you, Scarab?”
“I call her Scarab, my Scarab.” Steve grunted, tightening his hold on you so much so that you thought your wrist would snap, you could feel the bruises already forming as he strangled your wrists. You squeaked as he tugged you closer, his hard dick pressing on to your back, dripping precum “Saw her first. Like Khepri…appeared from nowhere, Scarab special. Mine.”
“Steve, you need to learn how to share. She can be both of ours, my Puppy, your Scarab. Okay?” Bucky kneads Steve’s shoulders soothingly.
“Fine. Scarab, up.” Steve picked you up, carrying you over to the table brushing his arm across it knocking the fragile canopic jars to the floor causing them to shatter. He lays you on your back on the dusty stone table; he pulled your hips closer to the edge. Staring into your eyes as he ran his red, leaking, mushroom head through your folds. You whimpered as he teased you, copying what he’d seen Bucky do earlier and playing with your puffy clit. With a single thrust he shoved himself fully inside, his dick crashing against your cervix almost painfully as he tried to fit all of his length in, giving shallow thrust to try get it all the way. A painful sting tore through you as your pussy tried to grow accustomed to the size of his girth shaft, Steve's eyebrows knitted together in frustration.
Bucky grazed his hand across Steve’s arm gently “It’s not gonna fit all the way. Remember what I told you? You’re big.” The jackal chuckled at Steve’s pout and his grumbling “He’s big isn’t he, Puppy? Too big. Try to breathe. Now turn your head to the side, Steve’s not gonna be the only one having fun.” You don’t know why, but you obeyed him; turning your head so your cheek rested against the cool stone. When you turned you were met with Bucky’s cock, he’d taken off his loin cloth and now you could fully see it. It was long, thick (not as thick as Steves), with a purple vein running from the base all the way to the tip and a golden piercing through the head, matching the ones in his ears. A bead of precum dripped from the head and he smeared it across your lips. A devious smile stretching across his lips “Open up. Don’t even think about biting it or I’ll pull out all your teeth and put them in one of the canopic jars.” He lowered his voice an octave as he threatened you. Steve stopped his thrusts giving Bucky a disapproving glare.
“Don’t threaten Scarab.” He growled, making Bucky’s ears pull backwards, he nodded, looking like a puppy that just got caught chewing something they weren’t supposed to, you snickered shooting a smile at him. Your smile soon faded as Bucky’s heady scent filled your nostrils; he sheathed the full length of his veiny cock in your mouth. You could feel the head of his dick brush uncomfortably against the walls of your throat. You gaged a bit and he rasped out a moan in response “that’s it, choke on it, Puppy.” You claw at his thick, hair thighs with your nails pushing yourself off of him, saliva leaking down your chin as you glare at him with teary eyes. He tangles his fingers in your hair and begins pounding into you, disregarding your muffled pleas for him to slow down “this is a punishment after all, Pup. Can’t be too nice.”
“Scarab feels good, s-so warm.” Steve moaned, his thrusts becoming more erratic, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass echoing throughout the room.
“I won't deny that she’s warm, but it’s also because you’re extremely cold, big guy.” Bucky used his free hand to play with your nipples, circling the hardened nub with his claw “Gonna make pleasure and pain indistinguishable for you.” Buck snarled, dragging his claws across your rib cage as he rammed his dick down your throat. Your jaw ached and mild prickling from the tiny incisions made you clench around Steve. You felt so full, your brain growing hazy as a pleasurable heat spread across your lower back.You tried to close your legs around Steve as the tingling inside you grew “She’s close. Come for us, Puppy!” He demanded quickening his thrusts in an attempt to catch up to both you and Steve. Your eyes flickered upwards towards the mummy above you. His face was flushed, mouth wide open, tears in his eyes as his brutal pace continued—the sight was enough to send you over the edge.
The sounds of Steve and Bucky’s moans cut into white noise as the coil tightening within your lower abdomen finally snapped, making your eyes roll back into your head as your pussy tensed around Steve's pulsing dick. His fingers dug into your hips as he came with a violent thrust and a gravelly grunt. Your eyes burned as Bucky’s held your face flush against his pelvis as let all of his seed flow down your throat. Bucky slipped his cock out of your mouth, the ache within your jaw finally dissipated. Begrudgingly Steve weakened his hold on your hips, whining as he slowly pulled out of you. Groggily you lifted your wrist, reading your watch—it was almost eight in the morning. The team was going to be here soon. Shakily you got to your feet, searching for your shorts that Bucky had tossed. The Jackal grabbed your arm. “I need to go, the research team is going to be here soon.”
“Oh sweet little Puppy, you’re not leaving. You’re coming with us, back to the underworld.” Bucky cooed, you felt two large hands seize your throat and squeeze, constricting your throat in his murderous grip. You fought for air, kicking at Steve's legs with your feet as he lifted you off the ground with his strong beefy arms, even below the bandaged you could see the muscles in his arms tense and his veins bulging as he used all his strength to clutch your throat. Darkness bordered your vision as the air drained from your lungs; your floundering and thrashing became more violent, you could feel the adrenaline leaving your body that was slowly growing slack “Shhh, death isn’t scary. It’s fun. You’ll travel through Duat on Ra’s boat, consult with Oris, meet master Anubis and then we can spend eternity together in the stars. Sleep now, Puppy, and when you wake we’ll begin our journey, together.”
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Tag list: @alina02 @winterslove1917 @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @petesey @getwellsoontana @feyfantome @alexxavicry @ashenc-blog @floral-recs @renster05 @redbloodedgurl @shrekwreck @sweetwrathoflilith @cjand10 @flamefoxxrecs @addie5587483 @little-bunny0523 @sojuxxi @adoreyouusugar @teambarnes72 @wintasssoldier @gryffindorqueensworld @aerangi @itwillgetbetter @cevansgurl @bval-1 @taramaria
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deceitfuldevout · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty
Dark!Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!Reader x Dark!Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 2,476
Warning(s): +18, Non Con, Dub con turned non con, Misogynistic remarks, Forced Cuckholding, Unwanted orgasm, Forced eye contact, Double Penetration, Bucky partakes in your bedroom tradition.
Author's Note(s): One shot fic. I'm bored at work and wanted to kill some time.
It was the day of your anniversary and your husband is nowhere to be found. You stare back at the clock ticking in the dining room. It had been almost an hour and Steve still hadn’t returned. This isn't the man you married. If your Stevie promises something, he intends to keep it.
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You sat alone at the head of the dining room table, cupping your tear-stricken face. It makes you sick knowing that your husband was out there doing god knows what at this hour. You were sure he wouldn't miss something as important as this specific day. Just one day, was that so much to ask?
Your ears perk at the sound of the front door knob jingling. In comes Steve, being hoisted up by his best friend Bucky. His face is a tint of red that spread all the way to his ears. You had only seen him like this a few times, the first time during a new year’s event when he'd confessed his love for you, the second had been on your wedding day. It was obvious that he'd been too drunk to even walk straight. There's only one thing responsible for causing this: Asgardian ale.
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Bucky’s smile falters when he notices you frowning. He sits Steve on the couch then walks over to the dining room table where you're sat. His metal hand brushes through his dark locks, “I uh…sorry doll, Steve said it was your anniversary and I suggested we celebrate-”
“I swear Barnes, you'll find any excuse to get my husband drunk. Just look at him! He can barely walk!"
He sighs, “I was the one who cut him off. He was the one who insisted on drinking." Nudging to his passed-out friend. You scoff, “That doesn't explain why he’s drunk off his face right now.” barking back. Bucky’s shoulders stiffen and arms cross. He stares at the floor in silence. You massage the sides of your temple. Only stopping when Bucky mutters, “With a wife like you I wouldn't blame him." Causing you to abruptly look up, “Excuse me?”
“I mean, if I came home to my woman bitching every day, I’d want to be drunk off my ass too,” he sneers. Your jaw drops, “Who...who....” almost at a loss for words. You shoot up, “Who the hell do you think you are!? You don’t know a thing about marriage!”
“Marriage? No. But I know a leech when I see one. You don’t even know how to be a wife. Ask Steve and he’ll start singing. You barely clean the house, don’t even cook, always have some sort of excuse to avoid sex. You don’t do jack shit. Steve works his ass off every day, and you don't even put it out when he gets home?” he scoffs, “So fucking entitled I swear.”
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"The only ‘relationship’ you've had in the past 70 years is with a block of ice." you jab. His jaw ticks, that one actually managed to get under his skin. Every damn day you'd find a way to inadvertently piss him off. If you wanted to stoop low that's fine, he can go lower, “Yeah well you seem to be occupied with that little pink vibrator of yours," he noticed the color leaving your face, "Oh yeah, I know you've been hiding it from him. You think he‘s too dumb to understand what it’s for, shit, you even had the gall to ask him to buy you new batteries for ‘kitchen appliances’, I mean, how stupid do you think he is?” he chuckles, "If you needed a real man, all you could've done was ask,"
All you see is red. You give him a final warning, “Well, I don’t see a man.” you snap back, "You know what, James? Times have changed, and I think Steve’s friends should too.”
Bucky doesn't like that. Not one bit.
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“Do you really think he’ll keep listening to you?”
“Try me.” you hiss. Bucky smirks at that challenge, "Do you know the things he says to me while you're not around? Do you know all the sick and vile things he’s fantasized about?" he nears. Your brows furrow at his accusation. Not your Stevie. He would never. Bucky raises a brow, "Maybe we could play that favorite game of yours...Sleeping Beauty." smiling at the look of terror on your face. He knows that you and Steve have been experimenting in the bedroom.
“Hey Steve!” he hollers for the other super soldier. Steve jostles from his rest. He’s in the room in a matter of seconds, "What's wrong?" his voice is hoarse from the nap. Bucky waves to his friend, "I just wanted to say goodnight to you and the Mrs." he gives you a wink. Steve's brows furrow, "Honey what's wrong?" tilting his head, the light capturing his features in an angelic way.
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You can't help but soften at the sight of those soft blues. This argument wasn't worth ruining the rest of your night. You roll your eyes, "Nothing..." shrugging it off. But if only it were that simple. Steve looks at the time and hisses, "You should stay for the night Buck." he insists, "We have a spare bedroom available upstairs."
You couldn't believe him. You marched upstairs and slam the door. It was one thing for him to be late for your anniversary, it was another bringing Bucky along, out of all people! You don't bother checking up on them. Instead preparing yourself for bed. Surely in the morning Steve would wake up and regret his actions. He stumbles into the room, already loosening his tie.
You spot his reflection in the vanity but pay no attention. Ignoring him would be a suitable punishment. You decide to lay further away from his side of the bed, occupied with a book in hand. Yes you still love him, with all your heart, but right now his excuses weren't worth your energy tonight.
Steve knows your upset, he could feel it seeping through your pores. He sighs, "I'm sorry. I should've remembered it was today, and I know that isn't an excuse but...let me make it up to you..." Steve loosens his tie. It's been a long, hectic day, filled with countless meetings. All he wants to do now is spoil his wife.
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He sits on the edge of the bed, holding your feet in his hands, kneading small circles along the curve. You stifle a moan. By now Steve knows your body too well. "What are you in the mood for, dear?" His super hearing picks up the sound of your closing your book. He smiles when he hears a faint whisper,
"...Sleeping beauty." you mumble.
Steve smirks, "Smart choice." he slides down his pants, letting them fall as he palms his girth. You eye him eagerly, already dripping with desire. Of course you couldn't say no to a little spoiling, placing your book carefully on the nightstand. You shimmy off your gown. Wearing only your undergarments as you reposition your body. You toss a few pillows off the bed, making room for your limbs to stretch. Laying back on the soft pillows as you closed your eyes and pretend to sleep. Steve crouches from above, palming his manhood through his briefs.
Tonight, you would play the role of an unconscious maiden, unaware of her being taken advantage of. An act that Steve had grown fond of. Your husband was nothing less than a gentleman. He could never stomach the idea of taking advantage of a helpless woman. At least not while she’s aware. So, playing out this fantasy had been more than enough to satisfy his certain urges. Well, almost enough.
A thumb presses against your bottom lip, parting your mouth slightly. He could feel your soft breaths. He dips his tongue deep inside, enjoying the taste of it. He retreats with a satisfied hum as he smacks his pink lips. He nips and suckles the side of your neck, creating a trail to the curve of your chest. He pulls down your bralette, nipping and suckling the buds until they’ve peaked. He couldn’t hold it in any longer.
You felt the sensation of his gentle touches. Steve’s embrace had always felt soothing, calming and oh-so delightful. Part of you fought the urge to pounce on him right then and there. But you knew the reward after would be worth it. Patience was key. Everything was going at an easy pace. You suddenly felt the wiring of your bra snap open, exposing your breasts to the cool air. You shiver but remain still. This was unlike Steve, perhaps it was liquid courage?
A rough hand reaches for the waistband of your panties, yanking the garment down. A calloused hand parts your legs roughly to expose your womanhood. His finger pads are rough as they rub at your slit. Part of you bit back a whine as they attempt to collect any wetness. Then the sound of him spitting on it shocks you. That was new. Again, the fingers return, this time coating the slit with more saliva. As rough finger pads trace your bundle of nerves the sensation of teeth nipping at each breast.
He plunges his digits deep into your channel. A faint whine escapes your throat. Almost writhing in pleasure from the stretch. Your hips jerk up instinctively. He pulls them out to press your hips down. Then begins pumping them at a rough pace. It takes everything in you to control your breathing. This was an entirely new side to Steve, and you love it.
He notices the muscle tightening around his digits and swiftly pulls out. He rubs up and down your slit before making circles around your clit. You jerk your hips up again, which led to him cupping your mound with a harsh slap. He stokes at your folds before giving another smack. Then another, before sliding his fingers back in.
At this point you’re drunk on pleasure. You’ll do anything to cum and he knows it. He lifts a leg over his shoulders to give a full view. He begins to pump his digits to a vigorous pace. Knowing very well what he was doing. His long fingers find that sweet spot inside you. Again, he made you chase for your orgasm before denying it.
He flips you over, gripping the back of your head as he pushes it against the bed. He retrieves a pillow and places it against your underbelly. Before you've had a chance to adjust, he's already pushing in. Steve has never taken you in this position before. His length felt...different. He felt much more thicker, to the point where it was almost unbearable, almost.
You squeal into the pillow. Toes curling as he held an arm around your torso. He thrusts at a brutal pace. Your eyes roll back as he took what he wanted. Smacking your rear every now and then to feel you clench around him. He doesn't slow down nor does he falter. He's dead set on cumming right there, right now.
He lifts his leg up and pushes in as deep as he could reach. He emptied his load, warm spurts coat your walls. Filling your womb to the brim. He grunts from the sensation of it, licking the shell of your ear as he came. He backs up, letting part of his length remain inside, plugging you in.
His thumb presses against your rim. As if he were testing the waters. He collects your arousal, scooping up the slick before lathering it against your other hole. He inserts a digit in, watching you writhe in pleasure oh-so beautifully.
You felt something prodding against it. A familiar feeling. He pushes the small phallus in until it's end remains. You groan from the stretch. You don't know what it was exactly until he presses a button. It's faint buzzing has you sobbing with pleasure. You were going to tell Stevie about the vibrator, eventually. But now he was just being cruel.
He slams his length back into you. Gripping your hips hard enough to hurt. One of his hands has felt stronger than the other. As he thrusts his hips back and fourth, you lose the strength to hold your position and fall forward. He continues to plunge at a brutal pace, deepening his strokes until climaxing yet again. You were in sheer bliss. Almost passing out with pleasure.
He finally flips you over to take a good look. You fight the urge to keep your eyes shut. You've been waiting for this moment and he knows exactly what to do. There’s only one way to wake sleeping beauty up: A True love's kiss. And if there’s one thing Steve loved more than anything else, it's watching his best friend cuckhold his wife.
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Steve has to bite his lips to stifle the moan escaping. His eyes are hooded with lust. He delves his tongue deep into your abused channel, latching his lips on your mound as he tastes his friend's spent. He rolls his eyes back, savoring the moment with a hum. You whine from the sensation of it.
His moans send a vibration throughout your slit. It takes every muscle in your body not to cum right then and there. Steve muffles his face against your womanhood. Moving his head from side to side as he brushes his nose against your clit. He engulfs the erotic scene in front of him. Savoring every last drop. Almost losing himself in the process. When he retreats he confesses, “You were right Buck, this was a great idea.”
Your eyes shoot open when he says those words. Steve lifts your legs up as he drags you to the end of the bed. His fingers dig into your soft flesh as he pulls you towards him. He rubs his tip against your now drenched opening, looking you dead in the eyes as he gave a command, “Look at me.” he grips your jaw in a firm grasp, growling in your face, “You look at your husband when he's speaking to you."
Bucky can't help but smirk. He taught him well. Maybe that'll keep you from running your mouth. He retreats to the kitchen where the unopened champagne bottle was left. When he returns you're a blubbering mess. He pops the cork off, tilting the bottle over Steve's head. His friend tilts his head back, opening his mouth to capture the liquid. Bucky pours the rest onto your naked bodies. Lapping the drink from your skin.
Bucky lays right next to you as Steve lifts your body. He sits you in his friend's lap. Your eyes are shut, head bowing with shame. Until you feel Bucky's girth pressing against your rear. They shoot open as you began pleading with him, begging for Steve to make him stop. Your husband only chuckles at your measly attempt to escape.
He smiles when he sees you taking his best friend. As if Bucky were made for you. He sighs with adoration, "Thanks for the anniversary gift Buck, I should’ve done this a long time ago," Steve rasps. His friend matches his pace, “Knew you’d like it.” Bucky moans, grunting as you took both of them in.
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Old Skool #2
Summary: steve introduces bucky to a girl he’s sure they’ll both like
Warnings: dark themes, non-con/dub-con elements, mentions of drug use, reader deals/struggles with mental health, dealings with trauma, single parenthood, single mother reader (has a genius 4 year old), slow burn (kinda), blackmail, stockholm syndrome, angst, more tags to be added…
(2) Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
“Bucky?” the concern could be heard for miles, the sharp clap of a car door meeting its seal. You look to your left, surprised to see Steve looking around the damaged vehicle.
“In here,” you shudder at the feel of eyes on you. You force yourself to brush it off as you walk away from the sergeant. “Uh, hi Steve.” you naw on your bottom lip, anxiously teetering on your toes as you meet him just past the garage opening.
His blue eyes soften as he looks at you, pale cheeks reddening in embarrassment. The earlier anger you saw when he walked up shocked you, reminding you of the last class. His going to say something, but the other man speaks. “Thanks for answering my text, glad to know you’d still pick me up.”
The ire in James tone has you turning. You look between the two super soldiers. The tension palpable between the two. “We’re not doing this here,” The whisper spoken so personally, it felt like you were intruding.
“Mommy?” You face is pinched as you turn to your daughter. She’s eyeing you skeptically, and you honestly return a look of confusion. You’re by her side within a moment, shaken that there were witnesses to your swiftness.
“Hey baby, I need you to go to your room, go get your blueberry. wait for me.” The secret was conveyed perfectly. You watch her, you pay close attention to her eyes.
You kiss her on the top of her head. The tiny hairs on your back raise sharply. It’s too quiet as you watch her disappear down the hall, but you know they’re there, watching.
When you turn to face them your muscles are taught. You vision sharpens as you pay close attention to them both. “I’m not going to pretend like this was some accident,” You roll your shoulders, “So what do you want?”
“Y/n,” Steve starts, eyes startled, alarmed in a way that makes you watch him closer. His hands are held up placatingly, your eyes dart to James. He’s taught himself. “Please calm down, we just want to talk-“
“Get to the point Steve,” your tone is harsher than you wanted it to be, evident at his stricken expression. The silence is tense, you’re hearing sharp, listening out for your kid.
“It’s really not what you think doll,” The stoic soldier speaks up, his voice raspy from its momentary absence. You narrow your leer at him taking in his entirety. He looms in front of your tool shelf. The blue of his eyes are conflicting, dark and yet dangerously inviting. There was a hunger in his stance, like a predator stalking its prey… further unnerving you.
“Bucky, stand down.” Steve pleads softly. “I don’t want you to scare her, she’s-“ He cuts himself off. A grimace on his face as he looks back at you, ashamed, bashful. “Just stand down-“
“You gonna stop me Stevie?” Bucky’s tone was further unsettling now. Joyful and murderous. A creak in the floorboards throws you into over drive.
You’re behind the door connecting your house and garage in a moment, locking the door and shifting alarmingly fast to your daughter. As the door kicks in your already in your room, slinging your duffle along your body as you cling tightly to Nineve.
“Mom-“ she whimpers but you shake your head hard, silencing her fears. She’s burying her face in your shoulder as you silently slip through the window, closing it behind you with delicate diligence.
Your senses feel like live wire, your body electrified as you speed around the back of the house as you hear the two super soldiers argue and cause a rampage through your small quaint home.
“Buck stop!” Steve sharply reprimands. “She’s not supposed to be like the others, she’s different.”
A dark chuckle shakes the frames of the house as you sneaky into your car. “Then why’d you wait so long to introduce us, mhm punk?” There’s a pregnant pause. “You know I don’t like you holding out on me. Otherwise, I’ll start looking for myself,”
“They’ll kill you if you did. If they found out-“
“You’re gonna tell them?” Another pregnant pause, “Because if you do, you have to tell them what you did too.” Two heavy steps forward.
You clutch Nineve and quickly cover her mouth before she begins to cry. Just a moment baby, Please, you beg with your eyes as you listen to the bickering men.
“You know I wouldn’t do that, but Buck,” There’s further commotion, more rampage. “Buck-“
“Where the fuck is she?” James angrily snarls, “Come out doll.” He taunts.
“Bucky,” Steve hisses sharply. A few powerful thuds and bangs makes Nineve shake violently. Your hand is drenched in tears. Your heart begins to race but you stifle your breathing, calming your self. You’re sympathetic to her senses, but you can’t chance them catching you too soon.
The air becomes densely silent. You turn the key and shift gears, pulling out the garage in seconds. As you’re in the street, shifting gears and pulling off you see the both of them charge after you. Scrambling over themselves to get in their car.
But the head start was all you need. You’re whipping through traffic unnaturally fast as you make your way to the interstate.
Nineve clambers out of your hold, crying and screaming. “What was that?! Momma what was that! Why were they here?”
“Nonny please, stop screaming-“
“Mommy!” She squeals.
“Nineve stop yelling at me.” You reprimand sharply. Her cries quiet immediately. She hiccups and wraps her arms around herself. “I’m sorry.” you immediately apologize.
She’s quieter than normal. “I know that was scary. And I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry you had to hear that.” You let out a shaky breath. “And… and I’m sorry for snapping at you. I shouldn’t have, but I needed you to stop screaming.”
Nineve hiccups, but scoots into your side, clicking the seatbelt over her small lap. She snuggles closer as she wipes her tears. “I’m scared too. And the last thing I need are the bad men coming after us and the superhero’s getting involved.”
“B-but mommy,” She asks, voice shaky with tears. “I was scared of the superhero’s.” her small hands squeeze your side as she tries to hide beside you.
You rest a trembling hand on top of her head, doing your best to sooth her as you turn sharply off the interstate into the forest line. Honking horns and screeching tires the least of your worries. “I know baby, me too.”
When Nineve wakes up, you stop for gas in some fairway station, in the middle of somewhere Minnesota. She rubs her puffy eyes, taking in her surroundings. The area ear achingly silent as you turn off the vehicle. “Where are we mommy?”
“Minnesota, somewhere.” You tell her unsure. You reach to the glove box and grab the envelope. You thumb out enough money to fill the tank. You get out with the key, locking the door as you walk around your car to the pump.
You tense as you pump the gas, looking over your shoulder repeatedly, alert and ready to make a mad dash.
How has life managed to catch up with you so suddenly? You know you can’t keep running forever, but super soldiers? How did they even find out?
Your heart drops to your stomach. It was right in front of you. Steve was in your class, and despite your disregard of titles and accolades, you should’ve been more aware of the circumstances. But still, you felt blindsided. Why? Why target you? And why come after you now? And why was he so unsuspecting at first?
Your thoughts are interrupted but the shift in the silence. It’s impossible for them to have found you, or even caught up to you. Quickly you shake the nozzle and put it away. You close the gas tank opening and hurry to climb into your car. Nineve is dozing again, she’s tightly clutching her stuffed charmander. No doubt her mind is replaying the recent events. Softly your reach out to her as you pull off sharply. “Nonny,” you murmur, you shake her lightly to wake her.
“Yes mommy?” she whispers and rubs her eyes. “Your dreams, they’re scary aren’t they?” you ask carefully.
“Yes.” She says with a weep. You slow the car down to a crawl before turning off into the woods again. You stop when you’re far away enough from the road. You turn to Nineve in the dark of the early morning.
“Listen closely Nineve.” You tell her softly, “I won’t ever let the bad men get to you ever again.” She weeps more and you pull her close, holding her in your arms and cradling her. “I promise, I’ll keep you safe. We’ll never go back to the bad place ever again. Never, ever again.”
“But mommy-“
“No one is ever taking us again. I’ll keep you safe.”
“We should be close.”
“She could be anywhere,” The voices alert you, they’re dangerously close. You look down at Nineve, carefully laying her on the floor of the car. You cover her with the blanket you keep in the back, hiding her and keeping her warm from the chill outside.
You make a rash decision. Locking the car manually so not to alert them of your location. You listen to their feet crunching on the twigs and fallen leaves. Easily sneaking up behind them, watching them and listening from afar.
“You shouldn’t have gone to her house.” Steve grumbles. James scoffs. “I wanted to see her for myself. You got to see her, it was my turn.”
“You were going to grab her. The fuck is wrong with you Buck?”
James stood and turns to look at Steve. He gets in his face, “You know as good as me what it’s like now. How far removed we are from the world around us. And how the horrors we face have gotten to us,” James is sneering now, “Don’t you go cursing at me, you think you’re better than me? Huh? You think because they all trusted you and your heroism that that makes you better than me Steve?”
“I didn’t mean it like that Bucky.” Steve acquiesces. James takes a pause, “I’m the only one who actually knows you Steve Rogers.”
You shudder at the intensity in which they stand. James words eerie as he speaks them with a chill. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
You step back, unaware of your steps. The crunch of leaves and twigs makes them sharply turn. James cheshire grin makes your cheeks got hot, Steve’s blue eyes fill with relief.
James is the first to move, but Steve is close on your heels. “Don’t come any closer.” you step back two feet for the several steps they took.
“I’m sorry we scared you doll, that was my mistake-“
“Save it.” You defensively snap. “Who sent you?” You ask them sharply, gaze shifting between them rapidly. They pause. Confusion as clear as day on their faces.
You’re stunned. Their reactions weren’t at all what you were expecting. “We came here on our own,” Steve speaks up. “I’m sorry, I should’ve went about this a completely different way.” Steve begins to plead, James rolls his eyes.
“Just spit it out Steve.” James agonizingly encourages. “Spare her the bullshit, clearly she can handle it. Right sweet face?”
You give him a pinched look, but nod anyway. His grins darkens. Steve stalls, eyes remorseful. “I- I don’t even know where to be-“
“We’ve been watching you doll.” James says proudly. “Stalking you is the right word. Stevie here has a stuffy for you,” He dramatically stops and leers suggestively, eyeing you up and down, up and down, patiently slow. “And I have to say, I have one for you too. You look great after the kid.” He winks.
You feel raw, unprepared for this kind of confession, you’re completely at a loss of words. Suddenly exposed in a completely light. This couldn’t really be happening.
“No fucking way.” You utter and drop your defensive stance. “You show up to my home, unannounced, ready to what?-“ You look at them incredulously, “Kidnap me?! Terrify the fuck out of my child, because you want to get your dicks wet?”
James chuckles, Steve at least has the decency to look ashamed. James clears his throat, “You’re a smart girl. You’re right Steve,” he hums, “I like her.”
“You’re not serious.” Your blood boils beneath your skin. You feel the heat rise off you rapidly. “No no, you can’t be serious” You repeat sinisterly.
“Y/n,” Steve says your name softly. You level him with a dark glare, your vision tunnels, a red ring firing behind your irises. “Y/n,” He says your name softly again, “Where’s your daughter?”
The questions puts out your flame of fury immediately. Again displaying your hidden strengths your to her within the blink of an eye. She’s waiting patiently as you walk up to the door. You unlock the door and smile at her. She smiles back. “I knew you would come back.”
“Of course I would.” You reassure her. You run your finger over her cheek, catching a stray tear. “Mommy, you were really angry just now?” She asks slowly.
You look over your shoulder, “Yes, I was.” You look back to her, “I need you to get back down okay, stay there until I come back to get you.”
“Are we safe mommy?” She asks worriedly. You nod quickly. “We are, we’re just being followed by idiots” You admonish the two genetically manipulated men. “I’ll be back.”
And surely within the moment, you stop them mid trek in your direction. “Shit doll, don’t scare us like that.” James laughs lightheartedly.
“Is she okay?” Steve asks gently, blue eyes searching your dark ones. He’s intent in trying to gauge your reaction. “She’s fine, she’s safe.” You assure him.
“I’m sorry for scaring you both.” He apologizes. “I- I’m just sorry.”
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” You tell him softly. You look between him and James. The later standing against the trunk of a tree, amusement in his eyes.
“Who are you running from if you don’t mind me asking sweet face.” James asks with a dark grin. He stands straight and walks carefully to you. You allow him to get close, and he towers over you. “Why? Don’t you know?”
“Humor me.” He challenges playfully, the mirth in his eyes contrasting the danger rolling off his shoulders. “Buck.”
“Cmon Stevie, she’s a big strong girl.” James is captivating as he speaks, but you don’t miss the way Steve comes around you, the both of them sandwiching you. You shudder, becoming overwhelmed with them so close. “Right doll?” James eyes become so soft, melting you on the spot.
You nod slowly, finally finding your words when he repeats his question. Completely hypnotized by his gaze, you don’t shy away when Steve presses himself to your back, hands firm on your arms. “Tell us babydoll.” Steve murmurs against you, lips at the top of your head.
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timidpumpkin · 1 year
Can I get a reaction when reader want to go to carnival or other fun places and then they got lost and ended up at their own home
Is the reader going to escape or go back to their daddies TYSM🤗
Hiiii🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜. I loved this idea sooo much and it really helped get me out of the writer's block funk I was in! It’s a litttle bit different from what you asked so I hope that’s okay and you still like it!! Thank you so so much, I loved writing this!!~~~~~💖💖💖💖💖
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(pictures are not my own)
Helpless (Stucky x reader)
Pairing: Dark!Stucky x f!reader
Warnings/tags: Dark!Stucky, Daddy!Stucky, Female reader, stockholm syndrome, forced age regression, mention of previous kidnapping, reader gets lost, mild injury to reader, Implied reader has small hands in comparison because Stucky is gigantic (fact), Angst, Fluff, Comfort. Reader baby-talks as well, Lots o' cute nicknames (as usual).
Word count: 4.1k
Tagging a few of the absolutely lovely people who have supported me this whole time. I love you and appreciate you all more than i can express. @haleyhunwritess @ppatricia34me @hoplessfussybambi @canyonmooncreations @sapphyslittlenook
P.S. i'm gonna start a tag list so lemme know if you wanna be added <3
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It was getting a bit cooler now. 
The previously bright day had been overtaken by navy shadows that bring nippy wisps of air that catch on your exposed arms, sending chills throughout you. 
“I told you we should have used the long-sleeved one,” Steve remarks to Bucky as he watches you make a tiny shiver.
Bucky rolls his eyes at him, knowing you were the one who insisted on this specific onesie when he dressed you this afternoon. With an eager look on your face, you held it up to him, proudly showing him how it would match perfectly with some leg warmers you found in your drawer. He couldn’t argue with that, not when your giddy smile and sweet eyes looked at him while holding it up as high as you could for him.
“Come here babydoll,” Bucky says, squatting down a bit to get closer to your level. 
You don't hear him for a second. Not even your numbed fingertips could distract you from the bright lights that reflect off your eyes. You’ve been watching the multicolored Ferris wheel since you got here. You wanted to go on it so bad. 
Thus far, you’ve only been allowed to play the ground games. Though, you can’t complain too much now that you’ve collected quite a load of new stuffies to bring home. You’d like to think yourself pretty talented at these games–maybe too talented. 
You’ve all but completely missed the harsh glares Bucky gives the poor workers when they tell you “awh too bad” when you miss the target, but then proceed to hand you whichever stuffed animal or toy you’d been wanting anyway. You’d turn around to your daddies, excitingly showing them your prize and proudly exclaiming “I won! I won!” and Bucky would always tell you how good of a job you did every time.
“Babydoll?” Bucky calls again, bringing you back to reality, his voice sweet, as if he’s teasing you a bit, knowing how much you've enjoyed this outing.
It was a tough call. Bringing you here. They knew how much you wanted to go. Ever since Peter babbled on and on about his trip to the carnival at his birthday party a few months ago, you’ve been begging them ever since. It’s not that they didn't want to take you. It could never be that. They just weren’t sure if it would be safe…
“There’s all kinds of creeps at those things!” Steve argues to Bucky, turning around as if that’s the last word and final say about it. 
“I know. I know. But…she really wants to go. Plus…it’s not like we’ll ever let her out of our sight.” Bucky tries to reason, knowing it was something they would enjoy too. He has several fond memories of dragging Steve along with him through the bustling crowds of people just so he could play–and win–all the games he could, always asking Steve which prize he wanted before promising him he’d win it on the first try. Long before he knew of what true cruelties lived beyond their hometown, Bucky had already mastered the art of staring down unfair showmen who would poke fun at Steve’s then narrower figure.
Bucky just couldn’t help the almost giddy feeling he got just at the idea of holding you up high while you throw one of those balls with all your might to win some oversized stuffed animal that you’d undoubtedly insist on carrying on your own despite it being twice your height.
“We could even get one of those leash things,” he suggests, the idea popping into his mind like it’s the most brilliant thing, remembering how he showed the leashed froggy backpack he saw a while ago to Steve.
“It’s not just that,” Steve admits, brows furrowed as he sits on the edge of the bed, a sad and worried look overtaking his features that makes Bucky want to cave to anything he’d ask. “what if…” he trails off, not meeting Bucky’s gaze, “what if…she tries to run off?” he says quietly as if the fear itself would be brought to life if he spoke it too loudly. 
It had been a long while since you tried to run away. All things considered, you seemed to be fully adjusted now. Every so often you would act up, but only in the way that all little girls would every now and then. They would always punish you appropriately, the way all good daddies would, reminding you that your life with them is your life, and that the horrid life you had before you was one never meant for a sweet innocent little girl like you. 
They saved you. Steve routinely reminded you as such, but he didn’t have to. Bucky could tell you knew it was true now just by the way your bright eyes greeted them every morning. You knew that you were only good and safe with them to take care of you. His little girl couldn't even function without them now. It was exactly how it was supposed to be.
Bucky thinks for a moment, walking closer to Steve and kneeling on the floor in front of him. He pushes his way into him, maneuvering himself between Steve’s legs, and scoops his distressed hands into his, kissing them both before looking back up to Steve. 
“She won’t.” he says, thick air questioning if it's true. 
But his words say more than just that. The meaningful look in Bucky’s eyes tell Steve that no matter what, they’ll always have you. And that there was no way you could get away from them. Bucky knew it wasn't just the fear of physically losing you, but the fear of hurt that they would feel if you even tried. 
Steve smiles a bit, his hands pulling Bucky up so that he’s now standing between his legs. He takes his hands, sliding them down from Bucky’s sides to his hips where they rest for the moment. 
“Alright,” Steve sighs, looking up to Bucky, and pulling him a bit closer by his belt loops, “but any sign of trouble, we leave” Steve states, seriousness in his tone, the same kind of voice he uses when they’re on missions together. 
“As if it would be any other way.” Bucky remarks, a smirk teasing his face as he dips his head down a bit to meet his lips with Steve’s. Steve sighs into his kiss, feeling the tension leaving his body just by Bucky’s stable words and secure presence.
“You think too much Rogers” Bucky teases after breaking from the kiss, thinking of all the times Steve would try to worm his way out of Bucky having to go on a mission with him in fear of his partner getting hurt–whether it be mentally or physically–Steve couldn't bare the thought of having to see Bucky like he was when he saw him for the first time in this new world. 
“Can’t help it,” he breathes, Bucky never ceasing to take his breath away from his all-encompassing kisses. “I love you two more than anything,” he says earnestly as if it’s the only known fact in the universe. 
“I know” Bucky smiles, “I know.”
“Oh-sorry Daddy!” you turn around, not meaning to ignore him. He holds out a sweatshirt and you instinctively hold up your arms so he can help put it on you. “Did you see the Ferris wheel Daddy?” you ask excitingly for the third time that night. Bucky chuckles a bit. 
“Yes, I did,” he answers as if it’s the first he’s hearing about it while putting some soft-knitted mittens he had in his pocket on your hands. “M’not sure if Dada heard though,” he whispers to you, “maybe you should go tell him,” he informs you with a wink. 
You hurriedly run over to Steve, jumping in place over and over again in front of him. 
“Dada! Dada!” you take his hand and drag him a bit closer to where you had the best view of the colorful wheel. “Look!” you point and turn to him with an excited expression. “Can we go? Please? Pretty please? Please please please please-” you babble over and over again while continuing to jump up and down until you’ve all but run out of air in your lungs. 
Steve looks at the contraption suspiciously, not trusting of the achy-sounding metal, and certainly not wanting his little girl near anything dangerous. He catches a glimpse of Bucky though, who’s contagiously smiling at you both, and remembers how often Bucky tells him not to worry so much. 
“Okay-okay” Steve caves, unable to help but smile at your hyper manner right now. “Just this once, then we can go home and get you all nice and warm” he teasingly pinches at your cold cheeks.
“Yayayay!” you literally scream out, not even caring one bit that he said it was only once or that you had to go home after this. You were more than overjoyed that you got to ride it at all. 
You start to make a sprint for it, only getting a few feet when resistance yanks you back, stopping you in your tracks and forcing you to steady yourself from the unexpected halt in momentum. Steve hadn’t even pulled on the backpack at all, it was just your pure running and his not moving an inch that caused you to ricochet back a bit. It’s a wonder you didn't fall flat on your behind. 
“Heh-sorry!” you sheepishly laugh it off and wait patiently for them to catch up with you in basically two full steps for them. 
As you make the short walk to the diminishing line in the late hour, Steve stops to tie his shoe, occupying both of his hands. You swing your arms aimlessly around waiting for him to finish while looking around. 
As you mindlessly scan the area around you, your head does a double take as you recognize something. 
You watch the stranger in confusion until the remnants of memory come back to you. It was a friend. But this person wasn’t Peter or Wanda…no. It was a friend from…before.
It disorients you, confusion washing over you and placing a pit in your stomach as your life before now was mostly forgotten and placed in a dusty cardboard box in the back of your mind’s vaults. 
You watch as they walk away, towards where you know leads to the parking lot. And as if something takes over you, you start following their footsteps, unhinderedly drifting away from where Steve and Bucky are. 
As you mindlessly follow, several feet behind, memories of your past life replay in your mind. They playback in black and white as if you’re watching one of those really old movies Steve likes to show you sometimes. 
Then you hazily remember when they first found you…took you. Emotions of how scared and confused you were overtake your mind. You remember how they kept you in the house, never letting you leave. 
“Sily girl, Dada can’t kidnap what’s already his,” Steve would tell you every time you’d harshly accuse him of kidnapping you. 
“No one can protect you like we can,” Bucky would shush you after one of his punishments when you had pushed too hard. “Daddy only does this ‘cause he loves you.” he’d brush over your already bruising skin before carefully wiping away the tears that he had ignored for hours before.
Some nights you’d wake from nightmares, the specifics of it not mattering when Steve would find you crying into your stuffie. He never hesitated to pick you up and let you weep into his shoulder. Always whispering that you were okay, that you were safe. 
“It’s okay angel, Dada’s here. You’re safe with me. I’ll always keep you safe. Always.” he’d repeat to you sincerely, holding onto you so tightly, as if the slightest loosening of his grip meant the very air around him would harm you.
To him though, it was true. Nothing could hurt you as long as you were in his arms. He’d carry you downstairs, where Bucky would tell you that nightmares didn’t matter “‘cause they aren’t real, doll…not like me and Dada.” he’d caress your warm cheeks while Steve fetched you some cold milk. They’d stay up with you as long as you needed, not even daring to shut an eye until you felt safe enough to sleep again.
And truthfully…you did. You did feel safe. 
Maybe it was strange…the way you sought their comfort…their touch…their love, when you fought it in the beginning. 
And you did fight…hard. 
But every retaliation you made only ended in harsh grabs. Every effort to push them away resulted in lacerated reminders. Every moment you spent denying what they told you only yielded unrestrained punishments. 
“My sweet girl…you’ll learn soon enough. Fighting us only makes it harder for you.” Steve would stroke your cheek through the bars of your crib. “All you have to do is listen to what we say. We know what’s best for you, angel.” he’d say before leaving you all tied up and alone for hours…sometimes days. 
And then, after you’d more than cried yourself dry, throat scratchy from lack of hydration, he’d appear to you, asking if you’d learned your lesson. Your body would somehow discover new tears as you’d plead with him, promising him you’d be a good girl. 
It’s then that he’d smile down at you so sweetly, lifting your limp body from its cushiony cage and shower you with endless affection. 
He’d drown you with attention, never allowing you to lift a finger. He’d clean you up with your favorite scented soap, and after you were all done, Bucky would present you with a new set of soft clothes they bought just for you for taking your punishment so so well. They’d play your favorite shows and message every sore spot on your tired body after ordering from your favorite type of take out, something you never even told them. There wasn’t a moment where they weren’t touching you in some way, dousing you with sweet words about how much they loved their beautiful helpless little girl. 
A word that reminds you exactly how you felt the very first time you bumped into Steve. All alone and scared, in a place that was dark and unfamiliar. You were lost then. 
Just like you were right now. 
You practically snap back into reality, the one where you’ve found yourself far away from the luminous festival lights and eerily close to where you can’t hear racket of activities anymore. It’s quiet, and you don’t even know where that funnily familiar person you were following went. Dread fills your insides as you realize you’re all alone. 
You turn around hastily, 
Anxiety fills your stomach as you rashly run in the opposite direction, before tripping on a wire that sends you spiraling down to the ground. You clumsily try to catch yourself, mittened hands harshly hitting the pavement, and asphalt slashes through your leggings, exposing the soft flesh of your knees to razor-sharp pain.
The sudden impact scares you, tears that were already forming from before start rushing out of your eyes. 
Instinctually, you cry for Steve. For Dada. But when after too many moments you don’t feel their comfort, you look around and remember they’re not there. Your heart pounds as people rush by seemingly unaffected by your fallen form. You swirl your head around looking for them and are instead met with the haunting image of your green leash’s end, its ghostly emptiness scorning you from where it lays.  
You cry harder, guilt and anguish now thumping alongside the throbbing in your chest that radiates to your body’s wounded limbs and you're pretty sure the only words coming out of your mouth are pathetic strings of ‘daddy’ and ‘dada.’
“There she is” Bucky spots you, both of them rushing over to you, distraught as they notice your scraped-up form. 
“Dada!” you cry, leaping towards Steve and wrapping your arms around his neck as he picks you up. You helplessly weep, not just from the physical pain but from the emotional strain your misplaced detour took you on. You cry for leaving them. You can't tell if it was on purpose, but you feel awful from even remembering your past life and getting so close to being lost.
“Fuck, angel. What happened?” Steve breathes, taking the scuffed mittens off your hands to examine you closer. 
“I-...I-” you try to speak through gasps of crying. They both question you on where you went and why you walked away. You barely manage to tell the story in broken sobs as to what truthfully happened. They listen intensively as you tearfully explain the details of what happened.
“But-but-I-I don’t wanna! Don’t wanna lose daddies! Don’t wanna! Didn’t mean t-to! I-I p-promise-I-I didn’t!” you stagger between breaths, gasping for air as your sob relentlessly in Steve’s arms. 
“Shh, hey-hey” Bucky caresses your head, directing your attention to him. “It’s okay, doll. It’s okay. You’re okay.” he consoles. Steve gently wipes your tears at the same time and helps in calming you. You look at them both through blurry vision and continue weeping apologies to which they both remind you that it’s okay. 
They were scared to death when they only took their eyes off you for a second and you were gone…but they found you, just like the first time. 
They bring you over to sit down on a bench so they can better help console you and check your injuries. Steve rummages through the backpack he was carrying to get a first aid kit, and Bukcy watches through tortured eyes as you miserably cry.
“Doll.” he tenderly tilts your chin up to him. Tearful eyes red from crying look up to him. “Daddy’s proud of you.” he states, earnestly, stern and true. It makes you cry harder though, with confusion written all over your face. Proud? How could he be proud when you almost thought about running away? 
“W-why?” you cry “I-I bad. bad!” you weep pitifully as you feel Steve cleaning your knees. 
“No angel. You’re not bad.” Steve states, only confusing you more, you were sure both of them would be upset with you…considering they had every reason to. 
“You know why?” Bucky asks, stroking your previously cold cheeks that have now been warmed by your tears. You shake your head no as more seemingly endless tears fall. “‘Cause you came back,” he says, wiping them as they come. “You came back to find us. That’s all that matters.” Bucky reassures you. 
It hurts, both his and Steve’s worst fear almost coming to life. 
But it didn't. 
And truthfully, no one understood that more than Bucky. He knew more than anyone what it was like to get confused. To see or hear something otherwise mundane that whips you back to a place where you feel out of control. 
The story you recanted to them rings all too familiar to him. It reminds him of shaky hands and paralyzed tongue that attempted to explain to Steve what it was like to not be in control of your own body. Your own actions. 
It didn’t matter that you wandered away. It didn’t matter where your thoughts went. All that mattered was that you cried for them. All that mattered was your tiny hands curled around Steve's shirt so hard he’d thought you’d hurt your own fingers. All that mattered was the way you pulled Bucky closer while weeping his name as he comforted you. 
All that mattered…was that you needed your Daddies.  
They both reassure as such in ways they knew you'd understand. Besides, it only made sense that their little girl would get confused sometimes. That’s what daddies are for. And you came back because you knew they always made the best decisions for you. And even if on the off chance that you hadn't…that really wouldn’t have mattered anyway either. They would always find their little girl because you belong with them. Always and forever.
“Which ones do you want little princess?” Steve asks you, offering a variety of colorful bandages in front of you. Your hysteria and their sweet strong words have all but distracted you from the pain of the scratches lacerating your knees. You point to the ones you like and Steve praises you for making “such a good choice babygirl.”
Bucky holds you close and lets you bury your head in his chest while Steve carefully puts them on. You feel guilt again when you notice that the soft mittens now have little scuffs and holes in them that match your pants. But Steve reassures you that it’s ‘no biggie’ and that they can always get you another pair. 
“How about Daddy and I get you some ice cream?” Steve suggests, knowing sweets was at least one way to cheer his sweet girl up. 
You sniffle, looking to him at the suggestion. 
“Ice cweam?” you say with a small voice “I-I wike ice cweam” you say softly, not meaning to slur your words. But you never did anyway, it always just happened beyond your control. 
“I think that sounds perfect, huh doll?” Bucky says lightheartedly and sweetly while picking you up from the bench and placing you in Steve's arms.
“Wif sprinkles toos?” you ask, rubbing your sore eyes. 
“All the sprinkles for my sweet little girl” Steve smiles at you while playfully poking at your side making you giggle a bit. 
The cold dessert cools your hot throat and brings a smile back to your face. Of course, what really made you happy was knowing your daddies weren’t upset with you, and even more importantly, that you were never going to lose them.
“Hey what’s that on Dada’s face?” Bucky points directly to Steve, making you turn to examine it closely as you're still in his arms. It gives Bucky the opportunity to steal a lick from your ice cream.
“Hey!” you laugh turning back to Bucky’s not-so-secret move when you realize there was nothing amiss on your Dada’s face. 
“What?” he puts his hands and shoulders up in a shrug of confusion while looking around and feigning confusion. You giggle more as obvious signs of ice cream are on the tip of his nose.
“Looks like daddy’s the one with something on his face” Steve teases, and you laugh with them while they let you finish your little treat.
“You still wanna go up on the Ferris wheel babygirl?” Steve asks after wiping your hands clean from any sticky residue. You look up to him with awe and shock, not expecting him to still offer it. 
“Really?” you question with a hopeful but weary look on your face from not being sure of why you deserve it. Steve nods at you and tells you yes. Maybe he was skeptical before, but nothing was better than seeing his little girl's face light up in a smile. 
Plus, Steve knew you were their little girl. More than that, he knew that you knew. In your heart, you came back to them. You needed them. And that’s all Steve could ever want. 
You’re squeezed between your two daddies as the wheel makes its way up to the top. They watch as you look in awe of how tiny everything looks from up above. This must be what it's like for your daddies to see all the time. You feel as though you’re at the tippity top of the wheel forever. You don’t mind as it’s beautiful and quiet up there with the only people in the world you wanted to be with. You tiredly lay your head against Steve's arm, signaling to him that you’ll likely sleep the whole drive home. 
“I love you,” you say contently, and they know you say it for both of them. 
“We love you too angel. So much,” Steve tells you, smiling down at his sleepy little girl, and looking up to see Bucky’s lightened up face too. 
He takes it all in, remembering the times when just he and Bucky would go out to these things–or really–when Bukcy would drag him to the carnivals. He knew how much Bucky loved this. He knew how much you loved this. And he loved it too. He loved you both, and that was all he needed.
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
trust me -
chapter one
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series masterlist / chapter two
pairing: stucky x curvy!reader (dark!steve/soft!dark steve and bucky/soft!dark bucky)
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. smut. non consensual voyeurism. mentions of paranoia and anxiety. light hair pulling. mention of overstimulation. m masturbation. unprotected sex. +18 ONLY. (if i’m missing something important pls let me know!)
words: 5.7k
notes: the smut is atrocious i apologize in advance 💀 i’m really excited for this series - i hope you guys are too! as always, feedback and comments are welcome and appreciated! thank you for reading 🖤
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“Steve?” your voice fell into the quiet surrounding you as you called out into the dark, turning to look behind you, though you weren’t sure you wanted to know what may have been waiting. Worry and fear coursing through your veins as you could have sworn you heard footsteps coming up from behind. Panicking internally, you didn’t know if you should freeze or turn back around and run as fast as you could manage. After a second, you found yourself doing neither, instead taking a small step forward, in the direction of the noise you heard, in the opposite direction you had been heading.
Why? You didn’t know. Maybe deep down, you were hoping it was him. To finally put an end to all of this. Maybe you had some sort of death wish.
But no, you weren’t suicidal. A masochist, maybe.
Or maybe you just couldn’t really believe it was him. It couldn’t be. You were so careful.
You had been so careful.
Taking another step, you held your breath as you tried to squint into the darkness. You couldn’t see anything. There was nothing to see. You were alone. Of course you were alone.
You were paranoid as anxiety ate at you. You spun around and continued forward into the pitch black night, only trees surrounding you as you tried to orient yourself in the thick forest you found yourself in. You had made sure not to bring a lot with you. You were armed only with your backpack, the clothes on your back, shoes on your feet, and the biggest jug of water you could find at the house.
You’d removed all devices you had previously had on you, left your tactsuit behind, too. You didn’t know what had trackers and what didn’t. You didn’t know what to trust so you left nearly everything behind.
Did you have any clue where you were going? No. But you knew you had to go somewhere. You had to get out of there. You had to get away from him. From them, you forced yourself to correct the thought.
It had been two weeks since you had been sent on a solo recon mission. It was easy. Simple. Safe. Or it was supposed to be, at least.
It was also highly confidential. Steve had given you specific instructions as to what you could discuss, nearly nothing, and who you could tell about your assignment, essentially no one. It seemed like it was only him and Bucky who were in the loop at the time and though you were iffy on not keying Stark in, Steve assured you it was for the best. That everyone who needed to know would know when the time came.
And he wouldn’t even tell you the whole story. That should have been your sign to know that something was up. The second he called you in, you just knew something was off. He was acting so differently. Everything in you was telling you that something wasn’t right, but you ignored the feeling. You were known to be a bit..overly cautious. It was something you were working on. And of course the one time you decide to ignore your intuition, this would be the situation you find yourself in.
You had arrived at the safe house the night before you were set to head into the small, unsuspecting European town where the supposed “marks” were working. The more you thought on your assignment, the less sense it made. You tried to brush it off, tried convincing yourself it was the lack of information you were given that was making things seem as unclear as they were. And who were you to question the Captain America? You were still fairly new to being in the field, still recovering from your last mission..from the attack. You were in no place to question anything right now, and certainly not from the man who helped save your life mere weeks ago. He trusted you with this assignment and you should be thanking him for getting you back out there, even if this assignment was a little too easy, it was more than you had to do lately. You just had to locate their base, take some pictures, and report back to Steve. It wasn’t complicated, and there was nothing to worry about..
Still, there was a nagging voice in your head and an odd feeling in your gut trying to tell you that something was wrong.
You made yourself a quick dinner with what you had found in the cupboards and the surprisingly well stocked and kept fridge. The house was certainly one of Tony’s better ones. It seemed like more of a vacation home with how nice it was. And though it was certainly in a more desolate, hard to find or access area, it was still gorgeous. You stared out the window while you ate, looking into the trees that surrounded the place. It was dark out. Still, serene. The view was captivating. But out of nowhere, you were taken out of your peaceful state and almost dropped the plate you were holding when you thought you saw someone outside.
It was a blur, but you could have sworn you saw a glimmer of, well you weren’t sure, but you swore you saw something. You were instantly on edge and grabbed your pistol as your eyes scanned all around the outside. You slowly approached the back door and shoved it open before stepping outside and checking the perimeter of the house. The coast was clear and you didn’t see or hear anything other than the insects and birds that were nearby. Walking back inside, you locked the door behind you and proceeded to check every window and the front and side doors to ensure they were locked as well. When you were satisfied, you cleaned up your small mess and decided on a shower to calm your nerves. Shaking your head at yourself, you sent a quick message to Steve to let him know you were at the safe house and would be heading into town the next morning. You threw your phone on the bed and as you pulled your shirt over your head, thought you heard a door squeaking open. As you shifted your feet, you heard the floor squeaking beneath you and chided yourself for being so jumpy for no reason.
You walked to the bathroom and started the water, letting it warm up as you continued to undress. Once you were done stripping, you got in and tried willing yourself to relax.
You were just about finished showering when you heard your phone going off. You finished up quickly, rinsing off and jumped out of the shower to grab it. You weren’t paying much attention to your surroundings and you didn’t see him waiting for you. Even if you had, though, there was no way you would have been able to escape him. He was too fast. Too strong. And he knew your weaknesses better than anyone.
The shriek you let out when his arms wrapped around your vulnerable body from behind you was piercing and utterly useless. Your hands instantly found him as his head fell to your shoulder while he laughed. You heavily exhaled your breath, shakily as you tried to ground yourself. The feeling of warmth and flesh under one hand and hard vibranium plates under the other, paired with the laughter you could recognize anywhere was like a bucket of cold water being thrown on you, but a relief and comfort in the same breath. You elbowed him in the ribs, but it did little to phase him.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he laughed. “I had to,”
“Yeah, that’s really fuckin’ funny, Bucky,” you bit. “Let go of me, jackass,” you huffed as you tried to struggle out of his arms, still completely naked and your body wet from the shower. He clearly couldn’t have cared less as his hold on you only tightened while you hit at him and he continued to laugh. As angry as you wanted to be, you felt you couldn’t. You hadn’t told him everything about the attack that night. He couldn’t have known how affected you really were by his little scare, how fucked up and unfunny it was to you. You were sure if he had known, he’d never have done it. In fact, you were sure he’d never have let you come out here by yourself in the first place if he knew. That’s part of the reason you had decided not to tell him the whole story. There was no point in worrying him over it.. Steve had said much the same when you were on your way home after it went down.
“Aw, you get scared so easily, don’t you, princess,” he said teasingly, clearly amused with himself.
“Bucky, let me go, seriously! I’m dripping wet,” you complained as you struggled away from him..
“I’m counting on it,” he responded smoothly as he spun you around and shoved you back, causing you to fall onto the bed before he crawled on top of you.
“What the hell are you even doing here? How did you get here?” you asked, annoyed, as you tried to roll out from under him.
“Steve sent me. There’s been a change of plans,” he said nonchalantly as he kept you exactly where he wanted you, eyes hungry as he drank you in and his hands ran up and down your soft skin.
“What change?” you muttered out as you writhed beneath him, his fingers tickling you as he brushed over your sensitive areas knowingly.
“Don’t know. He said he’ll fill us in when he gets here,” he said into your neck in between kisses.
“Wait, he’s coming here, too? That doesn’t seem..like, strange at all to you?” you asked as you again tried to get him off of you.
“I’m not worried,” he said coolly. “All he said was to meet you here, let you know that your assignment and mine are both on hold and that he’ll be here as soon as he can. We just have to stay put and wait. And there are certainly worse orders to follow and worse places to be locked down at. Trust me,” he said as he pulled away from you, only to move back in to kiss you.
“He’s not gonna be here until tomorrow night at the earliest. I can think of a lot of things we can do to kill the time,” he said against your skin. “And I missed you so much, baby,” he murmured.
“Missed you, too, Buck,” you replied weakly. You were tired and honestly still a little upset, maybe shaken was the better word, but you didn’t want to talk about it. Or think about it for that matter. Instead you found yourself pulling him closer to you by his hair. You stared into his eyes, trying to reassure yourself of your safety. You had nothing to worry about, especially not with Bucky here. After a moment, you pulled him into another kiss.
Bucky was back on top of you, letting his hands wander wherever they pleased, taking full advantage of your lack of clothing.
“Buck,” you breathed.
“Hm?” he hummed against your skin. You moved to sit up and he backed off slightly, helping you. You were now propped up against the pillows, making yourself comfortable before you moved to spread your legs around him, putting your entire body on display for him. His eyes glided down your body before they dropped down to your glistening pussy and he groaned at the sight, letting his hands glide down your body until they reached the top of your thick thighs, squeezing the supple flesh of your hips.
“Take your clothes off,” you told him wantingly.
Bucky wasted no time in doing exactly that while you looked on, admiring the flex of his muscles as he removed his clothing. He was right back on you in the blink of an eye, wearing a smirk that could kill.
“Say no more,” he simpered as you laughed before he kissed you once again. Deep and loving and exactly what you needed. He pulled away from you, his blue eyes dark, breathing heavier as he slowly made his way down your body, taking time to lavish kisses and lovebites to every inch of skin he could.
You moaned when he took a nipple in his mouth, suckling on you while his hand played with your other breast, tugging and pulling at your nipple, causing you to wince at his touch. His hands slid down your tummy and returned to your hips, pulling you closer to him before he placed soft kisses all over your stomach, paying special attention to your marks and scars while you let your head fall back and your eyes shut in pleasure, your fingers winding themselves into his hair. He made his way lower until his lips were on your clit, instantly causing you to moan out as he sucked.
His tongue darted out past his lips, licking at you expertly before he moved further down, bringing his left hand to your entrance. Using his thick fingers to rub at you, he smeared your wetness around before he pumped two fingers inside of you.
“You’re so fucking wet, princess,” he admired. “You miss me?” he asked tauntingly.
“Mhm,” you nodded desperately, fingers tugging at his hair, urging him back to where you needed him to be. “So much.”
“Good,” he said before moving his fingers deeper inside of you until you cried out as he was curling against you perfectly. He let you have your way as his soft lips returned to your clit, sucking harsher than he had before, tongue teasing you as he fucked you on his vibranium fingers. You were a mess of moans and whimpers as he played you so easily. You were clenching down on his fingers the closer he brought you to your orgasm, and he had you begging for him to make you come. It wasn’t long after that he had you crying his name and tugging his hair to get him to stop the overstimulation. He pulled away from you, licking his lips as he looked at you like you were an angel sent from heaven above.
“I’ll never get enough of you, you know that?” he said, gently removing his fingers from you and bringing them to his lips, sucking them clean while you stared at him, mouth agape. He leaned back over you and crashed his lips into yours, the taste of yourself on his tongue had you keening as you pulled him closer.
“I love you,” you breathed against his lips.
“I love you more,” he rasped before finding your lips again, his arms wrapping under you, hugging you to him. You could feel his hard length against your thigh, throbbing when you gently nipped at his lip and let your hand wander down his torso softly before your fingers delicately teased his cock. His eyes squeezed shut, his pink lips parting as he let out a sharp exhale, letting you do as you please.
You stroked his cock as you peppered kisses down his throat. Taking your time and relishing the sounds of pleasure spilling from his lips, raining praises down on you and moaning your name. You were smearing his precum around the head of his cock, pumping him faster, when he cursed, sounding like your touch burned him. You couldn’t help your little smirk when he nearly whimpered as you let go of his length.
“Please, baby,” Bucky choked out, looking at you with pleading, ocean blue eyes.
You flipped around, forcing Bucky to do the same so he was against the pillows now and you were above him, eyes locked on his, blue swimming in lust and need, you were sure yours looked much the same. You held his face in your hands, pulling him to you, noses brushing when you kissed him with everything you had to give. Trying to get across how badly you needed him, too. Though his arrival was unexpected to say the least, you couldn’t have been more grateful to have him here.
You always felt safe with him, you knew you were safe with him. And that’s what you needed, after everything. You needed Bucky. You’d spent all of a few hours with him the past week and you didn’t realize how badly you’d been missing him. He finally pulled away from your kiss, his hands finding your face in return, eyes full of concern now as he searched your face.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he cooed, voice gentle, wanting to ease you, but commanding enough to get you to meet his gaze.
“Nothing,” you breathed, shaking your head. “Nothing’s wrong. I just- I’ve really missed you,” you deflected. You almost felt bad for not telling him everything, knowing he’d want to know, but you weren’t fully lying to him, either. You really had missed him. “I need you, Bucky.” you mewled, lowering yourself down onto him, grinding your ass against his cock, earning a pained moan from him that turned into a hiss.
“I know, baby. I know,” he told you. “I need you, too,” he panted, moving your hips back so that his cock was better positioned at your entrance. He slid his dick against your pussy, up and down, as his head nudged deliciously at your sensitive clit. You couldn’t help yourself and started moving against him, the friction sending sparks of pleasure through you. You sat higher up, kneeling over him now. You gripped his thick length and positioned him at your slick opening before slowly sliding down on him, moaning out at the instant stretch as Bucky gripped your wide hips, his rough hands moving to knead your ample ass, relishing the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing him.
You began riding his dick, slow and achingly for both of you. You couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him inside of you, the nudging of your clit against him with each grind of your hips. Bucky’s hands moved up to your chest, squeezing your heavy breasts in his hands before he leaned up and buried his face in them, licking and kissing your nipples, being encouraged by the way your walls squeezed him even tighter at the sensation. When he pulled away from your chest, he pulled your face down to his, pulling on your hair to do so. His lips crashed into yours heatedly. He gripped your hips once again, taking control of your motions now, and thrusting up into your tight heat. You cried out at his first few thrusts, the sound muffled by his tongue exploring your mouth. He didn’t let up and you soon found yourself grinding back onto him, meeting his every thrust. His hands slid up your back, holding you while he continued fucking up into you, the sound of your flesh slapping against his with every thrust and your moans and cries mingling with Bucky’s grunts and pants filling the room.
“You’re so fucking good, baby. Such a good girl,” he praised through heavy breaths. “You take my cock so well.”
You mewled again at his words and found yourself on your back in a heartbeat as Bucky flipped you both over again. Your legs instinctivelly wrapped around him as he fucked into you, hitting so deep. You felt near dazed, drunk of the high of him, you swore you could see stars. The glide of his thick cock inside you was overwhelming, bordering on too much to handle. You didn’t think you’d be able to hold your orgasm if you tried. “I’m so close,” you whispered. “Mm, ‘m gonna come, Bucky, I’m gonna come.” you crooned.
“Come for me, princess. Wanna feel you squeeze me, baby. Let go for me,” he coaxed as he rocked his hips against you, the motion stimulating your clit. That was the last little bit you needed to push you over the edge, to let go completely. You came with a shout, crying at the sheer euphoria, legs tightening around him as you did.
The grip you had on his cock had Bucky coming almost immediately after you, which let you know he had been close for a while and fought off his own orgasm to ensure you came first, like he always did. Your pleasure was always his number one priority. He made it well known to you from the very first time you slept together, and every time thereafter.
You felt like you were in heaven, Bucky’s heavy body atop you, your hands running soothingly up and down his back as you both came down from your highs, his head buried in your neck, both of you trying to calm your breathing. After a few minutes of lying there, Bucky tenderly pulled out of you, placing a kiss on your forehead as he got up from the bed and moved into the bathroom. You heard the sink run for a second and Bucky was back before you a moment later. He gently cleaned you up with a damp rag and then himself before he settled back down on the mattress. You smiled lazily at him as he pulled you into his arms. You laughed at nothing, just the feeling of happiness bubbling its way out past your lips as you nuzzled into his chest, his warmth surrounding you as he pulled the comforter around your intertwined bodies.
“That was really good,” you sighed.
“That was amazing,” he grinned in return.
“You’re always amazing,” you told him, looking up to meet his eyes, needing him to know how sincere you were.
“Such a sweet talker,” he laughed at you, causing you to smile in turn. You rested your head against his chest again as his hands now ran soothingly up and down your back.
“I’ve missed this. I feel like we haven’t had any time together lately. I’ve missed just being with you, ya know?” you murmured.
He hummed in response, placing a kiss a top your head.
“I know. I’ve missed it, too. But we’re gonna have time together now. No missions to get in the way, nothing to worry about.”
“Until Steve gets here,” you responded glumly.
“We’ll still have each other when he does,” he reminded you. “It’ll be nice, all of us getting to spend time with each other.” You furrowed your brow as you took in his words..
“Working isn’t really the same thing as spending time together,” you argued.
“No, I just meant, you know none of us have really seen each other much lately..” he tried to explain. You didn’t really get what he was saying, but didn’t want to start an argument over nothing.
“Okay,” you allowed. “I just meant that I miss you. Alone time with you. Just you.”
Bucky looked at you, eyes filled with something akin to guilt. “It’s okay, though. We’re both busy, it’s not like it’s your fault,” you wanted to assure him, ease any sense of guilt he might have had.
He smiled weakly, kissing your forehead again, holding you a little tighter.
“This’ll be good for us,” he whispered into your hair. It was only going to be a day you’d have alone with each other, but you figured he was right, it would be good for you both. Might as well make the most of what time you had together before Steve arrived and you were back to focusing on the mission. Whatever it really was…
The rest of your first night at the safe house was spent entirely wrapped around Bucky. Your cuddling turned into making out that turned into soft cockwarming that inevitably turned into sex, again and again. He showered you with his love and sweet words, drowning you in his affection. Making sure you knew how much he’d missed you. How much he cared for you. You weren’t sure what time it was that you eventually fell asleep, but it was well into the early hours of morning.
Your lack of sleep, however, had no effect on your alarm. It was nearing 8:30 when you begrudgingly forced yourself to get up, prying Bucky’s arms from around you in order to do so. You had showered last night but that clean feeling was long gone now. You knew you smelled like sex and sweat and you were sure the sheets and blankets did, too. You made a mental note to wash them as soon as Bucky got up, figuring he’d sleep for a little while longer. That wasn’t the case, you realized as his hand grabbed yours when you moved to walk away from the bed. You looked back at him and his eyes were still bleary with sleep as he tugged at you.
“Where you going?” he asked, voice thick with sleep.
“To shower,” you said quietly, running your free hand through his messy bed head.
He groaned before he let go of your hand and propped himself up. “I’ll join you.”
An hour later you were toweling off and putting your clothes for the day on as Bucky took the bedding to the washer. The very expensive washer. You made a comment about how upscale this safe house was compared to what you’d had to stay in before, how it seemed more like a vacation home instead. Bucky just let out a light, awkward laugh, “Seems that way.” Weirdly avoiding looking at you as he grabbed the comforter off the floor and went to the laundry room.
You watched him as he left, curious, but choosing to focus on finishing getting ready.
If you let yourself think too long about why you were here in the first place, you started to get a little ancy, bordering on paranoid - like you often did. But knowing that Bucky wasn’t concerned or worried helped quell those feelings. You trusted him and his instincts, so if he didn’t think much of it, you knew it was probably all in your head.
It didn’t take much longer to finish up in the bedroom, and you headed to the kitchen. You walked in on Bucky on the phone, when he saw you he seemed to cut the conversation short with a, “fine, we’ll see you when you get here.”
“Steve?” you asked as you moved further into the room.
“Yeah. He’s gonna be here around eight,” he responded, running a hand through his hair.
“Did he say anything?”
“About what?” he asked, looking at you.
“The mission? Like, what we’re doing out here in the middle of nowhere, not telling anyone what we’re doing or why,” you said, growing agitated at the feeling of being in the dark in regards to whatever was going on.
“Don’t stress, sweetheart. He’s gonna tell us all about it tonight. Let’s make breakfast,” he said, wanting to get your mind off of things.
“That’s another thing,” you started, not wanting to let this go so easily. “This place is fully stocked with perishables, don’t you think that’s odd?”
“Baby, your mission has been planned for two weeks. Steve probably had a contact bring stuff over before you got here so you’d have edible food.”
“But I was only supposed to stay here one night, two tops,” you returned. “There’s enough food to last at least four people for a good week or two.”
“Maybe someone was supposed to be coming in after you. You’re not the only agent in the world, ya know?” he tried to joke, but his brushing off of your thoughts rubbed you the wrong way. You decided to go outside, clear your head hopefully.
“I’m gonna go walk around for a bit,” you said.
Bucky was in front of you in a flash, blocking your way.
“You can’t,” was all he said.Your eyes narrowed as you looked up at him.
“I can’t?” you repeated, growing more annoyed.
“No. I’m sorry, I didn’t wanna worry you, but Steve said we need to lay low. No comings or goings until he’s here.”
“Bucky, what the fuck is going on?” you asked, exasperated.
“We’ll figure it out when Steve gets here, okay? I promise.” He reached out to rub your arm, but you shrugged back, avoiding his touch. Eyes hard as you examined his face intently, your eyes searching his.
“I know you know something, Bucky.” You stated, not an ounce of doubt in your voice.
“Baby, please. Just trust me.” He said, almost pleading, but with the subtle hint of authority his voice naturally held. You swallowed the lump in your throat at that. Willing yourself to calm down. You did trust him. With everything you had, you trusted him.
You stepped closer and took his face in your hands, making direct eye contact, gazing into the deep blues of his eyes, making sure he was fully seeing you and hearing you before you spoke.
“You know I trust you. Please don’t give me a reason not to.”
He was looking right back at you as he nodded his head and you slipped your hands from his face, taking a step back from him. “Okay, then,” you huffed. “Make me pancakes or something.”
His face brightened instantly as he smiled at you, looking relieved. “Your wish is my command,” he replied smoothly.
You tried to let the gnawing feeling that something wasn’t right go, but it was still there in the back of your mind. You cooked and ate with Bucky at your side before you set to wash the dishes as he went back to the laundry room to put the bedding in the dryer.
You met back up in the living room, deciding on a movie to pass the time as you cozied up with him under the throw blanket. The day passed a lot quicker than you had hoped it would, knowing your alone time would come to an end soon. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy being around Steve, you did, you’d just been away from Bucky for so long you wanted to stay in your own little bubble with him for as long as you could. This little glimpse into what domestic life with Bucky would be like made your heart soar and had you looking to the future with brighter eyes than you had before. You made lunch together then cleaned up and found yourselves getting lost in one another again as Bucky had you up against the counter, pushing his weight into you as you kissed each other greedily. He spun you around and bent you over the counter top, slipping his joggers down and your sweats down right after. Your toes were barely touching the floor with each thrust Bucky made into you. Your hips would be sore later from the harsh pounding against the wood, but the pleasure lighting through you had you not caring in the slightest. If you had been paying more attention to your surroundings, if your eyes hadn’t been squeezed shut in ecstasy as Bucky took you from behind, maybe you would have taken notice of the little surveillance camera that was hidden across the room, pointed right at you.
On a quinjet about five hours away, Steve watched as you came undone on Bucky’s cock. He couldn’t resist from pulling himself out of his pants as he looked on, slowly pumping his own stiff cock, desperately wanting to know how it’d feel if it was your hands stroking him, or your mouth sucking him dry, or your cunt wrapped around him as he fucked you. He was cursing and growling as he pumped himself faster and tighter, watching as Bucky carried you to the couch, positioning you perfectly, giving him the best view of you as you and Bucky started round two. He could hear your moans and cries along with Bucky’s panting and dirty talk while he got himself off. As he continued watching Bucky fuck you, he finally let himself go when you came for the third time, Bucky following shortly after. He cursed under his breath, regaining his breathing as he cleaned his mess and zipped his pants back up. Letting out a heavy sigh as he looked on at Bucky kissing you adoringly, you cuddling into him. He couldn’t wait until that was him, too. Until he was there with you, showering you with all the affection he’s had to keep to himself - and Bucky on the rare occasion they had any time alone. When he wasn’t on a mission or training, he was with you. He tried hard not to resent him, he knew it was all part of the plan, but he was having a harder and harder time seeing you two together when he couldn’t have either of you the way he wanted.
He had been waiting so long to finally get you out there. To finally get his share of your affections. The last mission you were on was too close of a call. He almost lost it completely and that would’ve ruined everything. He hadn’t even told Bucky what really went down, just that he couldn’t keep waiting forever. Despite Bucky’s protest, claiming you still needed more time to get introduced to the idea, Steve went ahead with his plan anyway. Bucky might be a little pissed at him for this whole scheme, but it’d work out for all three of you in the end. He was sure of it. He really couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to be there. To be with you. Five hours. Just five more hours.
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nocturne-pisces · 2 years
Pairing: Dark!Steve x Reader x Dark!Bucky
w/c: 1.2k
Warning: Dead Dove Do Not Eat - noncon, knife play, blood play, breath play, threats of violence, misogyny. These dudes are not nice- there is not a happy ending. Move along if that isn’t your thing.
Part of the Grocery List Series
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Someone is tapping on your face, pulling you from the throes of unconsciousness that you’d been comfortable in. Sleep allowed you to forget where you were. Sleep allowed you to forget what happened, but as your eyes flutter open and your vision focuses, you’re reminded of the proverbial bear trap you’ve stepped in.
“Have a nice nap?”
Steve’s face is inches from yours and you can smell the beer on his breath. You scramble up, backing yourself away and trying to sink into the back of the couch when a cold hand presses down on your shoulder.
“Where you goin’?” Bucky’s voice in your ear nearly makes you shriek, and his smile is wide as he drinks in your fear. If he hadn’t forcefully fucked your throat open just a little bit ago you might think that he’s attractive.
“Please,” you whimper, begging for mercy you know won’t be granted, the throb between your legs returning from the last time they worked you over.
“You beggin’ already, sunshine?” The smile on Steve’s face is sickly sweet as he raises his hand to stroke your cheek, you flinch away from it and his demeanor changes- like a light switch plunging you into the dark.
“Please let me go I won’t tell—,” you start, but he cuts you off abruptly. He takes your face in one of his large hands, pinching on either side to haul you close.
“You will only speak when you’re asked a question, and you will only respond with ‘yes, please’ or ‘no, thank you’, do I make myself clear?”
Tears trail down your cheeks and onto his fingers, and you nod your understanding. He lets your face go and licks your tears from his hand, humming his satisfaction. You try to calm your breathing, will your heart to slow, but Bucky sits down next to you and it skyrockets again.
You look over and you can already see Bucky’s cock straining against his jeans. You let Steve haul you to your feet, a yelp torn from you just as your clothes are ripped from your body. You shut your eyes and try to cover yourself, but Steve’s hands pin your own to your sides.
“What’re you gettin’ shy for? You’ve already had both of us.” He ruts his hips into your backside, the hard length of him apparent. You hear the zwip of a zipper and open your eyes to see Bucky taking himself out, pumping lazily as you tremble in Steve’s hold.
The hand not on his cock crooks a finger at you, motioning you to come closer. Your gut churns, already having seen the force Bucky is willing to exert to get what he wants, so you take the tentative step to stand in front of him, between his spread legs.
“You’re gonna ride my cock until I fill up that pretty little pussy,” he says, watching as your bottom lip trembles. He leans forward, clapping his hands onto either side of your hips and lifting you effortlessly. Your thighs clamp shut, trying to keep him from getting inside, but his ice blue stare returns deadly.
“If you want to be able to use your legs tomorrow I suggest you open them.” You’re not sure what he means, but you know damn well that you don’t want to find out. Your legs relax, fall on either side of his as he seats you on his cock. He’s thicker than Steve, a new stretch searing through you, and he doesn’t give you time to get accustomed to him before he’s slapping your ass. The cold vibranium sends a rippling pain down your leg and up your back and you jerk away from his hand, shoving yourself further down on his length. A debauched moan tears from your throat, your mouth falling open at the slide of him made easier by Steve’s spend still trapped inside you from earlier.
Steve pushes you down the rest of the way, the head of Bucky’s cock ramming your already faintly bruised cervix. “It hurts,” you whine, looking down where you’re stretched wide around him. Bucky lifts his hips enough to pull something from his belt, the point of a blade pressed into the soft underside of your chin.
“I don’t care. Ride.”
You’re paralyzed, the knife against your skin cold, and for a moment you forget Steve is there until his fingers wrap around your hips, lifting you before he guides you back down again.
“It’s not that hard, honey.” He says it against your ear, his bruising grip forcing you up and down, and you hate that it sparks an ember of pleasure in you.
“Fuck, how is she still so tight…” Bucky hisses, the tip of the blade trailing down your throat to the valley between your breasts.
“I know it’s new. It’s a lot to learn and there’s still a lot of fight in ya, but I’ll let you in on a secret-,” he stills your body for a moment, grinding you down on Bucky’s cock. “The better you behave for us, the more likely you are to make it through the summer.”
You tense, and underneath you Bucky groans. “Now, be a good girl, and ride him like your life depends on it.”
You give in, your vision blurring through your tears as you anchor your hands on Bucky’s chest. He fixes you with a cold stare, and you lift your weight from him only to drop it down again. You close your eyes, the knot in your stomach betraying you as it tightens.
You feel the blade press harder into your skin and you gasp.
“Eyes open,” Bucky commands, and you look down to see a drop of blood trail along the edge. He sees it too, brings the metal to his mouth and licks it clean. It makes your rhythm stutter, and he laughs.
The wound is small, superficial, but the violent thump of your heartbeat makes you bleed a tiny river to your belly button.
It feels as though Bucky’s cock inside of you engorges further, a growl rattling through him as he leans forward. He pulls you close and runs his tongue up the middle of your abdomen right to where your blood marrs your skin. His touch is not gentle, leaning back again only to pound his hips up into you over and over again. A hand snakes around your neck, your oxygen cut off as another swipes quick circles into your clit, Steve playing your body like an instrument for Bucky’s pleasure.
“Cum for him. Now.”
The edges of your vision blur further the longer you’re without breath, pleasure sparking at the base of your spine and growing until the raging inferno of your orgasm consumes you.
“That’s it. Such a good toy,” Bucky rasps, losing his rhythm as the vice tight grip of your cunt forces him over the edge. Steve lets go of your neck and you gulp down air, collapsing against Bucky’s chest as your sobbing overtakes you. He takes a few moments to catch his breath, letting you rest your weight on him before he’s done with you.
You yelp as he carelessly tosses you towards the opposite end of the couch, standing and tucking himself away. You don’t register much between Bucky leaving and Steve lifting you in his arms, but he isn’t rough and you’re grateful for the short reprieve.
“C’mon, sweetheart, let’s go take a bath and get in bed. You’re gonna need to be well rested for tomorrow.”
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Missing dark Stucky hours!
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What kind of dark!Stucky, nonnie?
Our boys who have their eyes on a new agent? Someone who needs them to look out for you even as you say you can take care of yourself? Just playing hard to get, right?
Bit of "good soldier, bad soldier" to push you to your limits? Steve's only hard on you because he sees your potential and Bucky thinks you need more training before you get promoted or transferred. They don't mind being hands on. They're only trying to help.
And whatever happened to that agent who stood you up? Good thing they happened to stop in for dinner before you were about to leave. You're welcome to join them. Forget about agent what's his face.
You won't see him again.
They're also happy to take you home.
To your new home. 😏
Love and thanks. ❤️
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twjournals · 2 years
Forbidden Fruit |||
Warning: dark!criminal!Bucky Barnes x dark!cop!Steve Rogers x fem!reader, eventual non-con/dub-con, possessive/obsessive behavior, jealousy, gun violence, violence in general
Summary: After some time away, the town's golden boy is back to reclaim his title and his girl. Unfortunately for him, trouble has followed him home.
Word Count: 2.7k
series masterlist
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Since you had come in late, you figured it was only fair to make up for the hours missed by helping close the diner. It was quiet compared to how business roared during the day, and sometimes you preferred it to your morning shifts just to get away from the usual. That wasn't to say you didn't like your regulars, but certain people did put a damper on things.
You had just checked out the last of your customers for the night. The young couple shuffled out of the booth, leaving behind a few bucks for a tip before heading out the door. "Thank you, guys. Come back and see us." They threw their hand up on their way out.
You moved around the counter to their table, tucking the few bucks away with the rest of your tips and cleaning up the mess. Nat took the opportunity to lock the door and turn off the glowing open sign before anyone else tried to walk in.
It was always good feeling locking up because you knew you didn't have to serve anymore customers.
You raked off the dishes with a fork into the floor before taking the back to the kitchen for Pietro to wash with the rest of the dishes.
"Good news. This is it." You assured. He thanked you kindly before taking the last of the dishes. You returned to the table afterwards.
You often wondered how Wanda and Pietro made it through their shifts without bickering. Especially for as long as you had known them, but you guessed being on two separate ends of the building helped too.
"Freedommmm." Nat threw her arms up, earning a laugh from you and Wanda.
She smiled in response before plopping down in the booth with Wanda to help her fold up some silverware. You wiped down the table and seats while listening to them create small talk.
You glanced out the window at the dark street. Home wasn't far from the diner, but considering it was dark, it only had the walk seem longer. Even having known the people in the town as long as you had, you were fond of the idea of walking home in night.
"No, Nat. Seriously you should have seen him, I don't know what came over him. I've never seen Steve like that." Wanda attempted to talk quietly even though you could still her. Maybe in a busy restaurant she might have went unheard.
You peaked over the booth you were cleaning at them. By the way Wanda leaned closer against the table, you could tell she was trying to keep you from hearing.
"So he just broke the glass out of nowhere? No one knows what set him off?" Nat muttered.
God, they were awful at whispering.
"If you ask me, I think Steve saw her with that new guy." Wanda stopped folding, nearly leaning over the table.
"You mean the one with the long hair? Wears the gloves?"
"That's the one." Wanda confirmed.
You rolled your eyes and finished wiping down the booth before you stood up. "You realize I can hear everything you're saying?" You pointed out.
Nat's eyes widen at your words and Wanda stumbled over her own. "Hey- I wasn't saying anything bad. I just know anything to do with him is a sore subject."
You walked around the counter again to wash your hands in the sink. You glanced at her as you dried your hands. "I don't care who you talk about. I can handle hearing about my ex." You assured. It was the truth, for the most part.
You moved over to the register, opening it to count down your drawer. You sat the till on the counter and shuffled through the money, counting in your head.
Nat spoke up from her seat. "I can't be the only one who thinks he's been a little different since that new guy came around."
"Oh no, I thought so too." Wanda admitted.
I paused counting. "Bucky?"
They both look at each other smirking slightly.
You rolled your eyes when you noticed. "You guys are awful." You mutter and shook your head. What number were you even on again? Oh, right. And you start back where you left off.
"I mean does it not seem that way to you?"
You sighed. You were never gonna get this done. "He's a customer. I haven't even been out with the guy. He gave me one ride to work, and that was only because I was on the side of the road."
"I offered to send the guys." Wanda reminded you.
"I would rather die."
They both burst out in laughter and you laughed a little yourself. Maybe it was a bit dramatic, but you were partly serious. You didn't want to give your ex the satisfaction of saving the day after he was to blame for many previous ruined ones. Like he was some hero or something.
"But seriously, I would rather walk than have to be in the same vehicle as him. I don't need his help." You admitted.
"Fair enough." Nat nodded while she proceeded to fold up some silverware. "Bucky is so cute though. I envy you. I'm gonna need to pop my own tire on the way to work and see if the hunk comes to my rescue."
Wanda laughed and you rolled your eyes. "Hey, now. Wait for a shift with Y/n before you do that. Ya know, just in case he doesn't come."
"Or do you think I should get under the hood? I'm just trying to figure out the best approach."
You set the cash aside, throwing a rag at Wanda and making them both laugh harder. "Seriously the worst."
"You sure it's not a problem? I can walk if it is. It's not big deal." You asked as you, Wanda, Nat, and Pietro exit the diner. You stopped for a moment to lock the door.
"You know it's not a problem." She assured. Nat and Pietro said their goodbyes before parting ways to their own cars, leaving you and Wanda on your own.
"I have tomorrow off, so I should have my car back then. Hopefully it won't cost me an arm and a leg." You said as you walked with her the rest of the way to her car.
"It's not a problem. You know I'd give you a ride any day." She looked over the roof of her car at you and unlocking the car.
You smile while reaching for the door, pausing when you hear a car pulling in over your shoulder.
"Is it not obvious we're closed?" You commented, glancing over at Wanda who stared behind you before giving you a look. You knew that look. It was one you had been all too familiar with lately and you sighed. You heard the car door open and shut behind you before you turned to confirm your suspicions.
"Wanda." Steve greeted Wanda with a smile before his eyes finally fell on you. This was currently new for him. He was stepping up his game from keeping an eye on you at the diner to stalking you out in the parking lot.
He didn't greet you though; only stared until you shifted awkwardly under his gaze. What could he want at this time of night? You were just trying to get home.
"Wanda," Steve finally broke the silence. "Do you mind if I talk to Y/n alone for a moment?"
He glanced at her over the roof and she looked at you for an answer. You gave a small nod before Wanda climbed into the car.
Steve didn't say anything, but you could tell he was searching for the words to say. You leaned back against the side of the car with your eyes on the pavement as you listened to the crickets.
"If I asked you a favor, would you listen?" He finally said.
You pulled your eyes to meet his. They were already staring at you, but you were almost positive they had been this whole time.
"If asked you to do something for me, well for yourself really, would you listen to me?" He tried again.
You stare at him for a moment, watching him moving to lean beside you. So close if it wasn't for the inch between you, your arms would've been touching. "I'm sure I can guess what this is about."
"I wouldn't be saying this if I didn't think it was serious."
"I'm sure."
He didn't have to say anything for you to know where this conversation was going.
He shot you a look. "I just don't get a good feeling about this, Y/n. I can tell you guys are getting close, and if I'm being honest I don't think Bucky is a good person."
You knew that was coming, but who was he to tell you who you could befriend? "Do you know him?"
Because that makes perfect sense, right? "Have you talked to him before?"
"No." He answered again.
Your patience was starting to run thin already. Steve was the same guy who proposed to you, only to realize after some time this small town life would never be enough for him. Now here he was asking you to stay away from a man you hardly had anything to do with aside from serving him.
"I don't understand you." You shook your head in disbelief. "This is my job, Steve. He's a customer and I can't stop him from coming here just because you're unhappy. And here you are telling me about this feeling you have toward him, but you can't tell me a thing about him that makes him a bad person. Can you tell me how that makes sense?"
You moved off of the side of the car to face him.
He opened his mouth slightly, trying to figure out what to say. "I can't explain it. I really just need you to trust me." He looked down.
You stared at him in disbelief. "No."
His eyes shot up.
"I'm not going to just trust you, because I remember where that got me."
"I don't know how many times I can say I'm sorry. All I've done is apologize since I've been back. All I'm asking is this one simple thing. Just stay away from him. If all you do is serve him, I don't see why it would be so hard for someone else to take his table." Steve pushed off of the car, standing just a step away.
"So because he's new to town, that means he's dangerous? Oh Heavens, why is anyone serving him then?" You gasped dramatically, putting your hand on your chest.
He ran his finger through his dark blonde hair, pushing it off of his forehead in frustration, pacing slightly in front of you. "I am trying to protect you."
"I can take care of myself. I don't need you to protect me, Steve." You argued back. He had some nerve asking anything from you after everything he had put you through. You finally rolled your eyes, pushing past him to the car. Fuck him and fuck whatever he was feeling.
You paused when you opened the door. "You know what that feeling is, Steve? That's a realization. Not some bad vibe, it's the realization that Bucky is probably better than you'll ever be."
His jaw ticked in anger, watching you starting to get in the car. "I'm just doing my job."
You held onto the door, turning to look at him. "You want to do your job, go patrol and stop stalking me."
He wished he could explain how wrong you were. He wished he would tell you that the real reality of things was nowhere near your bullshit assumption. Bucky was dangerous, and he still is.
Steve stood in the parking lot even after Wanda was driving away.
Why did you always have to be so damn stubborn? He stared after the car until the lights disappeared over the hill.
His thoughts were interrupted by slow clapping and his hand shot up to rest on his gun, staring in the direction the sound was coming from until a shadow slowly moved from the dark.
"I've gotta say, you put on one hell of a show." Bucky chuckled while he lifted his hands for Steve to see them.
"What are you doing here?" Steve demanded, his hand slowly curling around the gun on his side.
"Moving on. Is that not what we agreed on?" Bucky responded innocently. " But ya know it doesn't look like you're doing much of that." He pointed out while he stepped one foot in front of the other.
Steve pulled his gun from the holster, pointing it right at Bucky but his smirk never lessened.
"Oh come on, Rogers. Is that any way to greet your partner?"
"Oh sorry. Go to hell. Is that better." He spat.
Bucky threw his head back with an amused laugh. " Funny, I thought I was already there. I mean the way you trash talked this town, I expected worse honestly. But I see why you came back." Steve narrowed his eyes. "The whole uniform, the fancy squad car, even a gun. This town must really take kindly to criminals." He gestures toward Steve.
He clenched his jaw. Just pull the trigger. He told himself. It would solve everyone's problems.
"Oh..." Bucky started to bring his hand to his mouth, acting surprised. "They don't know, do they?" He tilted his head.
Steve took the gun off of safety so Bucky knew he wasn't playing around. Nor was he going to feed into his bullshit. He stepped closer to Bucky, pointing the gun right at his head. At this point, he didn't care who saw if anyone did.
"Go on." Bucky encouraged. "Pull the trigger. We both know you can. Let's just hope you have the plan this time. This is a pretty public place, Steve. I mean between someone seeing, all the blood you're going to have to clean up, an explanation for my disappearance. How about my body, Stevie? How do you plan on getting rid of my body?"
Steve was gritting his teeth so hard he was amazed they weren't broken.
Just do it. Fuck! Just fucking do it.
No, he's right. You'll never get away with this. Not here.
"Do it!" Bucky raised his voice. He wished he could, but he couldn't. Like he wasn't already regretting every mistake he ever made after Y/n, but he was really regretting ever befriending Bucky. If he had been on his own, it wouldn't have took long for him to come back home. Everything would have fallen back into place and Y/n would have eventually forgive him for ever leaving. Steve slowly released the gun, putting it down. "Pussy."
He knew it would be in his best interest to keep his hands to himself regardless of how hard he wanted to punch Bucky, just to knock the fucking smile off of his face. And maybe if he was lucky break a couple of teeth. He slowly put his gun back in the holster.
"She makes you soft." Bucky realized. Steve lifted his head to look at Bucky. "That's her, isn't it? That girl you always talked about?"
"Bucky." He warned. "If you touch her, I- I swear to God-"
Bucky shrugged his shoulders. "We've shared before. What's the difference?"
Steve couldn't stop himself from grabbing Bucky by the collar of his jacket, bringing him nose to nose with him. "Stay away from her."
The corner of his lips turned up in a smirk.
"I'm so fucking serious. Don't lay a hand on her. This wasn't apart of the deal."
"Oh, fuck the deal, Rogers. You left me in the dirt while you alpha it up here playing the town's hero. If you think for a second they would have gave you that badge knowing you're a fucking murderer. If it wasn't for me, none of this would be possible for you. Don't you see that? That golden boy reputation gets you everything. But it doesn't get you her." Steve's fists were clenched around his collar, the corner of his lip twitching in anger.
"Shut the fuck up." He growled before shoving Steve off of him hard and causing Steve to stumble over his feet a little before regaining his balance. Steve felt defeated. All he wanted to do was get his life together and move on, but Bucky just had to follow him home. "Do yourself a favor and stay out of my way."
tag: @cynic-spirit @naniky @mrsbarnesx @mansaaay @caramelcandescence@candy3002 @onlyjamesbarnes @quethekillerqueen @siriusjohnpotter @empath-bunny @cjand10 @burnoutbo @galacticyearning @lou-la-lou @kvzctam @jevans2
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steves-sub · 7 months
Guys I want to be surprised after work so send me the link to your favorite Dom! Bucky, Steve or Stucky stories cause I’m begging to be used like a toy.
Like it’s absolutely insane
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deceitfuldevout · 1 year
Dark!Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,334
Warning(s): +18, Non Con, Anal, DP, Kidnapping, Mentions of past non con.
Author's Note(s): A one-shot fic about a daydream I had during work xoxo
You were foolish enough to trust him. You had been caught while running away from a super soldier who had kidnapped you. Who kept you his prisoner for the past few months. Who tortured you as a means to keep you in place.
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You had finally gained enough courage to run away from him. It seemed too good to be true when you ‘coincidentally’ ran into America’s golden boy. Perhaps it was his soft-spoken voice that was convincing. For a faint moment you truly believed you were home free.
How terribly wrong you had been.
Bucky ruts against your body clutching the balance beam underneath. He hadn’t shown mercy while stealing your other cherry. Your nails dug into the the equipment as he roughly pounds himself deep into your back hole. Your wrists ache from being pulled back and fourth by the metal cuffs that held underneath. Bucky struck your rear every few moments or whenever you tried to adjust. He always loved keeping you on edge.
Steve watches from across the room as his friend drags his jeans further down before plowing back into the naked woman. He absolutely loved the sound of her soft mewls through the gag. Steve rubs the bulge forming in his slacks.
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Bucky needed to find another way that would keep you busy. A way to keep you put.
“Buck. I’ve got an idea. But I need you to hold it in.” Steve calls for him. As much as Bucky wanted to finish inside of you he held himself back. He pulls out, still hard and pulsing. Steve tilts his head to a desk in the corner. Bucky chuckles, “Damn you’re good.” without the use of said words Bucky already knew what Steve had in mind. Steve wastes no time pulling out a mini cooler from underneath. You were puzzled as to what they were planning.
Steve hands him something. It’s a syringe, filled with a tinted liquid. He places it carefully on the tray next to the examination table. Bucky breaks yours cuffs with his metal hand. He pulls you up swiftly, holding you by the back of your neck as he drags you to the table. He made sure to remove your gag before shoving you forward. That only meant one thing: Whatever it was he wanted it to be painful. He wanted to hear you scream.
Your legs are already too weak from the earlier rutting. Bucky holds your ankles apart as Steve approaches with the syringe in his gloved hand. You shake your head as soon as your see it, “N-no please...I don’t want it..! Please!” you begin to sob, frantically trying to shut your legs. Bucky slaps your pearl as a warning.
You whimper as Steve lowers the small tube to your slit. He drags it up and down teasingly before inserting it. His long fingers reach as deep as they could go. Your felt the plastic tip release it’s liquid substance. It’s coldness made you squirm for a moment before the drugs begin to kick in.
Soon your head starts to feel heavy. Bucky lifts your legs up. A powerful burning sensation spreads throughout your body. From your breasts to your bud, the throbbing feeling pulses deep within your core. Steve pulls the syringe from you. A trail of your arousal clings to his slick latex gloves. He sighs admirably, “I can’t wait to try this out Buck.” his eyes glimmer at his friend. You felt Bucky’s chest rumble from underneath you. He releases your legs. Each of them fell forward. Steve catches them. He drags your ankles until they’re sat in a holder. He buckles them in place.
You yelp from the spike of pleasure that suddenly hit. That would be one of the many waves for the next few hours. Bucky pulls your arms up, exposing your chest to Steve who had already held a pair of nipple clamps in each hand. You convulse from the pinching sensation. Bucky grazes his fingers over your peaks, admiring the way they start to harden. Steve pulls out another tool. Your eyes widen. More tears stream down your cheeks. He waves the shiny metal prong in his hand, “What? This old thing?” he chuckles.
Bucky’s fingers reach for your folds. He parts your slit, leaving your hole opened for intrusion. Steve slides the tip of it inside. He pushes in in slowly. You turn your head over into Bucky’s chest and sob against it. He coos you the entire time. Sure he was mad at you, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care if you were scared.
You squeal when Steve adjusts the speculum until he could visibly see your inner walls. They twitch while attempting to adjust. You were grateful now from being prepped earlier. You couldn’t imagine this thing being shoved in while you were still dry. You weren’t used to the feeling and it showed. Bucky tugs on your clamps as an attempt to distract you from the strain.
Steve hovers his head over your gaping pussy. His lips curl into a smile, “So pretty...” his mouth begins to water. He has to hold himself back. No, this was suppose to be a lesson. He dips a finger in as deep as it could go. Steve pulls it out and raises it to his mouth. He sucks it while staring deep into your clouded eyes. Steve smirks at how you were easily so flustered. He looks past your shoulder at his friend. Bucky gives him a nod before hopping off the seat.
Bucky starts to pump himself again at a rapid pace. Steve turns around to retrieve the last contraption.
It was another syringe, but this one was much bigger. In fact, it was the biggest syringe you’d ever seen. It’s length was almost as big as Bucky’s. It’s circumference was just as thick as his. Steve opens the pump. He holds it underneath Bucky just as he was about to release. He catches his friend’s arousal in the tube, bits of it drip down his knuckles. Super soldiers always came with a large, thick, loads. Along with a quick recovery too.
It wasn’t long before Bucky came undone, yet again, “Fuck!!” he huffs. Steve is eager to collect as much spunk as possible. He grip’s his friend’s shaft and take charge, milking the other man’s cock. Bucky’s arms drop to his sides. He let’s Steve stroke him until his cum splurges out again.
Steve makes sure to press a finger against the tube’s tip. He doesn’t want to waste a drop. Before he can slide the lid on Bucky halts his motions. Bucky looks at him, deadpanned when he tells him to fill the rest of it. Steve raises a brow, “You sure?” his voice softens at the thought of impregnating you.
He looks to the floor then to Bucky, “What if we can’t tell who’s the dad?” he questions his friend. Bucky licks his lips, “Does it matter? ” he lift’s Steve’s apron and begins returning the favor. Steve’s eyelids shut. His lashes flutter while his breathing hitches. Steve’s load fills it to the brim. Bucky brings his wet hand to his mouth to taste his spunk. He grabs the back of Steve’s neck and plants a steamy kiss.
Both men fight for dominance. It lasts for a while, leaving only sloppy wet sounds to echo through the basement. When Steve pulls back his lips are swollen with the taste of his arousal on his tongue. Bucky licks his lips in satisfaction. He couldn’t explain it, but as soon as he spotted you clinging to Steve’s arm for protection, Bucky knew he’d make a great addition to the family.
He found a way to keep you put.
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Originally posted by itsdatrae
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timidpumpkin · 1 year
Little Light (Stucky x reader)
Part 4: Retribution
Pairing: Dark!Stucky x f!reader
Word count: 5.8k
Summary: While you're left feeling hopelessly confused, it's clear to Steve and Bucky that you have a lot to learn about being their good little girl.
Warnings for this part: Dark!Stucky, Daddy!Stucky, Forced age regression, DDLG themes, Female reader, Manipulation, Violence against reader, Being tied up, Hints to sexual themes, This one's dark folks, Mean Steve and Bucky, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI
As always, lemme know if I missed any!!
Notes: Thank you to everyone who has supported me since I posted Part 1 many many months ago. I love you all and appreciate your support and kind words more than I can express. I'm super nervous to post this one so i'm really hoping everyone likes it. ^.^
Tagging: @ppatricia34me @canyonmooncreations @haleyhunwritess
(lemme know if you wanna be added to my taglist!)
P.S. Please feel free to comment/ask questions as they are a million times appreciated as I ALWAYS love to read you guy's thoughts!
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(pictures are not my own)
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The cozy temperature surrounding you beckons you to sink further into its comfortable drowsy feeling. It feels nice–good. It’s comfortable as you pull at the blanket wrapped around you to cover the cold tip of your nose. 
When you do though, adjusting as you move, adrenaline rushes through you. 
All sense of tranquility leaps out of your body to be replaced by standing hairs and cold blood as you realize you’re not napping in your bed. 
No–you’re napping on your capture’s lap. 
Hazy memories from just a bit ago replay in your mind. The picture they paint is fogged up by an overcast of intense emotion. 
Worry. Fear. Shock.
The panic you felt is now an almost disembodied ghost, content with hiding in the closet as it knows you can’t handle its presence anymore. 
Not right now. 
It would be too much. Your body and mind having already fought till every single cell within you is doused with exhaustion. 
The wispy wave of relief you felt–feel–now molds into another feeling. It rips the comfort your body so desperately clings to at this moment of peril and unkindly reminds you that you shouldn’t have let your guard down. 
But you did. 
You–as you see it–involuntarily allowed the very person, no, the very people who have snatched you, took you from your, albeit, unexcitingly ordinary–but otherwise stable–life, to soothe the very predicament they have forced you in.
As you recall their hushed voices anchoring you, steady hands smoothing your trembling ones, and sweet comfort that you somehow found in their pacifying of you, the one emotion you painfully feel now is…embarrassment. It aligns with disgrace you feel within yourself for giving into…this. 
You stiffen, body frozen in place as you become acutely aware of your situation again. Both the larger reality of being held hostage, and the other–ever so slightly smaller issue–that currently places your head nestled right in your captor’s lap. Bucky’s lap.
This is what you found so comforting in your sleep state? 
Head wedged exactly between his legs, resting heavily against his lower half. Your hands curled up. You stare at them. They lay right in front of your view. Almost too close to your vision where you watch them resting, palms nestled down between his thighs.
But it’s not just your position. It’s his too. One of his arms is resting against you, draped over your side, his hand sprawled just at your navel, adding to the welcoming warmth you felt upon waking up. The other, languidly stroking your head with his thumb. 
It’s an intimate position–close–in more ways than one. It’s not one you should be in, it’s not one you’re in voluntarily–despite what your last memories torturously remind you.
“You get enough sleep there, princess?” Bucky’s voice calls. You haven’t spoken a word but he must be able to tell you’re awake. Whether it’s from how your muscles have tensed, or the way you’ve been holding your breath since, is unknown to you.
You can’t see him. Your eyes are too intensely focused on how your hands rest with faux intimacy at his thighs and the realization of how long you’ve been in this position makes your lungs feel as if they don’t work anymore.
“You really scared Dada you know,” he moves his hand from your navel to caress your arm as he lends forward a bit to get a better view of your face. Still, frozen in place, you don't meet his gaze. Your self-preservation response only knows how to freeze now as you don’t move, but keep looking forward, completely unsure of how to tackle the situation you’re in. 
Waves of memory come back to you. It’s blurry as you remember how scared you were. You remember how Steve calmed you. How his voice led you to placidity. How could that be? It’s what led you to the position you're in now.
Vulnerable. Again. And yet, you let it happen. 
But you didn’t, no–you couldn’t–you don't remember exactly with anxiety fogging up your memory. 
You knew one thing for sure; you couldn’t give in. 
“Not going to ignore Daddy now, are you?” Bucky questions, taking his hand to your chin and facing it upwards so you’re looking up to him. Somehow, it’s still shocking how large he looks. You feel as though you've somehow been shrunk down a third of your size when looking at him. His hand is mostly just ghosting your face, guiding it up as he looms over you, one cheek smooshed against his navel now as his hand remains on the other.
“Hmm?” he questions, his pointer finger tapping methodically on your cheek, prompting you to answer. “Don’t tell me you forgot your manners already now, doll.”
“I-I wanna go home,” You try to sit up, not exactly sure why you said that, as recent events have told you already it’s not what he wants to hear. But you’re just not sure about anything at the moment. He looks at you with a displeased look, face dropping into an unkind frown.
His hold on you tightens; his forearm presses down on your chest lightly, silently reminding you that trying to move would be a bad idea. You don’t fight it, knowing you wouldn’t be able to succeed in getting up even if your life depended on it.
“You are home.” he declares curtly, before swiftly picking you up, dizzying you as he turns you around. You feel as though you’ve barely blinked before you’re in the new position. Your back is to his stomach as he situates you on his lap. His right arm wraps snugly around your waist, firmly securing you against his body. His left hand reaches in front and clasps around your cheeks, the cool metal instantly raising goosebumps on your once warm face as he slowly tilts your head back and forth for you, forcing you to look around the room. 
“You see all this?” he lilts with a scolding undertone. “This is your home. All of it.” he pauses before–somehow–squeezing you closer to him. He brings his head to the side of your ear. His chest flush against your back, engulfing your body, and encapsulating your very being with how he maintains his grip on your face. His breath dances lightly against your ear as he speaks, adding to the chilling feeling overtaking your insides.
“Now what would you call a house where two Daddies take care of their little baby?” He speaks in a low, hushed tone. Not a sweet one–like the hushed subdued one Steve used on you just hours ago–No, Bucky’s tone is polar to that. It’s mocking, and sardonic as you can almost feel the smirk gracing his face without even looking at him. It’s as if he’s asking the most rhetorical question known to man. “Hmm?” 
You feel your own breathing pick up. It becomes evident with how every millimeter your chest moves, your lungs have to fight against the pressure of Bucky’s heavy arms around you. Your mind is blank as fright starts to fill it instead. How were you supposed to answer that? 
When you take too long to respond, Bucky promptly pinches at your side and simultaneously squeezes your cheeks harder, causing a retaliatory yelp out of you. 
“Ah! I-I don’t know!” you squirm around at the pain that certainly doesn’t help you think. 
He promptly covers your mouth with a shush, his sizable metallic hand swallowing up your face as you squeak dully now into his solid palm. 
“No yelling now, doll.” He turns your face towards him so he can look at you as he speaks. He glances quickly at the closed bedroom door before looking back at you. “Answer Daddy’s question.” He directs, “I know you’re a smart girl.” he grins at you, and though–in most contexts–that would sound like a compliment, his tone is decidedly condescending as he continues. “But I’ll repeat my question, just in case my silly little girl forgot.” he smiles snidely at you for a brief moment before continuing. “What do you call a house where two Daddies take care of their little girl?” He says the question more slowly this time, eerily calm but just as patronizing as he goes.
You stare at him with wide eyes as he carefully removes his hand from your mouth. He doesn’t have to speak the words as his eyes alone tell you not to yell again. His fingers remain on your face, retaking their previous position of gripping your chin as he looks at you expectantly.
“...home…” you breathe meekly, voice almost cracking as you do, hoping that was the right answer. 
“Good girl,” he roughly pats at your cheek with a slightly more authentic smile. “that’s exactly right.” he praises. You then hear some movement coming from the bedroom. Bucky glances that way before speaking to you again with a stern glare in his eye. “Now when Dada comes in here, you won't say any of those silly little thoughts, will you?” he asks presumptuously. You shake your head agreeably, and when Bucky’s head tilts with a clench of his jaw, you answer promptly out loud.
“Yes, Daddy” you quiver. He smiles at you, and as if on cue, Steve emerges from the door. There's a towel around his neck and he ruffles it around his hair before spotting you, his face lighting up when he does.
“Hi there angel,” he beams and leans down to you, instantly taking in the sight in front of him. 
Your adorable frame sitting atop his partner's lap. You looked so perfect right there. As if you were the last puzzle piece missing his entire life, now fitting together so seamlessly that it just looks like a painting. A beautiful one. Steve isn’t sure how they went without you before. Your soft face still holds a frayed look. His poor girl. He was hoping a little bit of rest would ease your frazzled little mind.
“You feeling a bit better after your nap?” Steve asks with a loving tone as he carefully picks you up from Bucky’s lap. He situates you so that you are on his hip, one arm supporting your bottom with legs wrapped around his side as he guides your arms around his neck. You fit so nicely around him like this. He almost wishes he could stop time and freeze this moment forever. Being able to hold you like this, he’s never felt so whole, so complete. You feel tense in his arms, but he knows one day…that won’t be the case. You’ll lean fully in, wholly relying on and giving yourself to them both. He’s eager for every moment leading to it and each subsequent instant after. 
Steve’s cold and wet hair tickles your arms. Being so close, you can’t help but notice the crisp comforting aroma that emits from his warm skin. 
For some reason, you look to Bucky as if he holds the answer to Steve’s question. He just glares at you with a slight scowl that dares you to misbehave before standing up after too long of silence on your part. 
“She’s still feeling a bit confused.” Bucky caresses you, palm enveloping the side of your face. “Huh, doll?” 
“Awh…” Steve joins in on stroking your face by soothing the back of your head. “well that’s okay angel. Babies get confused so easily.” he says with that underlying patronizing but sweet tone he uses. “Why don’t you let Dada check you, huh?” he asks while looking you up and down. You then feel all blood draining from your face as your eyes go wide, having no idea what he means by that. 
You look between him and Bucky frantically as Steve gently grabs one of your hands from behind his neck. You instinctively try pulling away but his grip tightens before you’re able to. 
“Now now, don’t be scared,” Steve assures sweetly, a stark contrast to the death grip on your hand. “Dada just needs to look at those pesky little marks we had to leave on you last night,” he explains while unraveling you from him and setting you back down on the couch where he kneels in front of you. Your body trembles in anticipation–for what exactly, doesn’t matter. 
You can’t control it as he diligently peels your socks off and rolls your leggings up to look underneath. He takes his time tracing the deformed marks with his fingertips, lifting up your ankles as he goes before making his way to your arms. He tugs on them gently in front of you and repeats his previous examination as if he’s mapping out every little laceration. “You don’t want any more of these…do you, babygirl?” Steve lilts, an ever so slightly threatening tone lacing his otherwise calm voice as he presses his fingers down, digging just harshly enough into where a bruise must be forming and causing you to jolt at the pain.
“Ah!-n-no!” you yelp pitifully quick at the discomfort.
“No…what?” Steve prods with false grace before pressing harder into your skin.
“N-no Dada!…ah!...please.” you shakily breathe the last word with a plea, pathetically pulling on your arms that don’t move an inch under his hold.
“Good girl,” he praises with a mischievous smile, and unclenches his painful grip, but doesn’t let go completely, instead, keeping a firm hold on you. 
He steadily lifts your wrists up…to his lips. They ghost your skin as he glints at you with a soft smirk before placing slow…slow kisses along the marked-up lines. 
Warm lips meet the welts that are painted all across and up your arms from where you were bound–corporal reminders of what disobeying meant–he trails each one of them, dragging his lips and dousing each inch of burning skin with tender kisses, his grip remaining its powerful hold so you remain immobile. 
When he makes his way to your upper arm, you physically resist from full-on screaming. A quick glance to Bucky with your sorrowful eyes reveals no mercy from him. He just glares at you, a deadpan look on his face but a teasing smirk in his eyes that dares you to make a noise. 
Steve lifts his head up to face you after planting his last kiss on your upper arm, just a hair's breadth from your face. Your head has already pushed itself back as far as it’ll go as the rest of your body is ensnared by his that hovers atop yours. Thick air surrounds you as your trembles turn to full-on shaking, watching him as his eyes don’t even meet yours. His blown pupils are intensively fixated on your lips now.
They look so soft.
Time itself seems frozen, all except a slow-motion icy droplet that falls from the tips of his hair. It lands atop soft cotton, dampening the fabric on your chest that ripples chills throughout you. He follows it, dark eyes lowering to where sensitive skin is hidden by the dainty onesie Bucky dressed you in earlier. You feel heat taking over the arctic sensation within you as he looks at your body with what you can only prescribe as desire–want.
But to your–very minuscule–relief he looks back up to your eyes, and gives you a quick smile, before leaning back on his knees again in front of you with a satisfied smile adorning his face.
“Might take a while for those to heal up,” he remarks, “but don’t worry, Daddy and I will give them lots of kisses to help them heal.” he smiles at you. 
“What do you say, doll?” Bucky speaks up, crossing his arms. 
A confused and worried look that causes your eyebrows to furrow comes over your face, unsure of what he wants when you’ve barely gotten your heart to stop pounding from the previous predicament.
Bucky decides–for now–he’ll key you in. Mostly because he doesn’t like seeing his Stevie all upset when you don’t do as you were told. 
He mouths a “thank you” with a cock of his head motioning towards Steve below him. 
“Th-thank you…D-dada” you squeak, voice uncontrollably shaky. 
“Oh, such a good girl. My good little girl,” Steve beams at you before standing up. “Oh…poor thing,” he remarks while looking down at your trembling form. “You must be freezing,” he states like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Dada will go get you a sweater. Stay right here,” he instructs before trailing off. 
When he comes back, there's more than just an extra garment in his hand. 
“Now later you can play upstairs all you want, but right now,” he speaks while setting down a few colorful-looking books and a box of crayons on the coffee table. “Daddy and I need to watch you and make sure you stay safe,” He then motions for you to move your arms up so he can put the sweatshirt he brought for you on. He carefully moves your arms and head through the holes and then leads you to the coffee table. “You can color as long as you like, angel, just make sure to tell us if you need anything, like water…or juice, okay?”
You nod your head complacently at him while he holds your hand looking down at you.
“Okay-I mean-I-yes…Dada” you fumble before kneeling down on the carpet yourself in front of the variety of coloring books. 
You don’t want to color. But–genuinely–what choice do you have? You could protest, but it wouldn’t lead anywhere beneficial. 
You scan the playful books in front of you, trying to find some solace in the fact that maybe focusing on this would at least mean less nerve-wracking interactions with…them. 
It shouldn't matter–which picture you settle on–with your brain still rattled from before, only you can’t help but feel choosy about the drawing you pick. You flip through the books, dog-earing the ones that pique your interest before settling on a foresty scene that depicts two large sleeping wolves and a little rabbit nestled right in the middle. 
For some perplexing reason, the crayon box decides it doesn’t want to be opened by your frail fingers. Steve quickly notices your frustrated struggle with it and instructs you to hand it to him so he can open it for you. You groan at the box and mutter something about how you ‘got it.’ 
You don’t see his eye squint and eyebrow raise as he watches you fumble with it for a moment longer, but you do feel him taking the box from your hands. 
“I don’t want you hurting those precious little fingers of yours now,” He smoothly opens the box and hands it back to you with a pet to your head. 
At some point, Bucky notices your tired posture and offers you a pillow to sit on before moving the coffee table closer to the couch so you can rest your back on the cushiony sofa. He moves it effortlessly as if the table wouldn’t break your back if you tried to move it. 
You mumble an assenting “thank you daddy” to which Bucky responds. “You’re welcome, sweet girl” with a wink and you withhold from sticking your tongue out at him.
Either one or both of them remain in the room with you for the rest of the evening, checking on you every so often. You attempt to keep your attention on remaining within the lines when you color, but you can’t help the way your unnerved hands still shake, causing you–to your annoyance–to occasionally strike outside the lines. 
By the time the sun has long set, and the only thing illuminating the paper in front of you is warm artificial light, you find yourself yawning with your head sideways on the table as you color. Whiffs of savory smells dance through your nose as Bucky has been in the kitchen for the last little bit preparing dinner.
“Getting sleepy babygirl?” Steve asks, peering down at you and your drawings. You shrug your shoulders, unsure of which answer would allow you the most leniency. 
“Oh, that one is just perfect,” he remarks while bending over and picking up the forest scene you colored first. It was hidden amongst other drawings that you had shuffled to the side. He holds it up and takes a good look at it. “You did such a good job,” he compliments. “I think this one deserves a place on the fridge” he boasts.
You turn your head back and watch in curiosity as he really does make his way to the kitchen and secures it with a little magnet. He stands back and smiles in satisfaction while you go back to coloring, feigning that you never even noticed the proud expression radiating off his body, and positively pretending that your insides didn’t go soft for a brief moment watching him. 
Steve and Bucky chatter while setting the table. You try to tunnel in on their voices but you can’t exactly make out what they’re saying as they speak quite lowly to each other. 
Steve makes his way to you and takes your hand to guide you to the table. He sets you in the seat furthest away from the door as they both sit rather closely to you–practically trapping you in. You poke at your otherwise appetizing plate as you have little desire to eat with your stomach still turned in tangled knots. 
They both encourage you to eat throughout, but you only manage to get a few bites down. Neither of them look particularly happy with you and your full plate. Nevertheless, they stop pushing after a bit and share a knowing look that you can’t make out the meaning of. 
You huff a quiet sigh of relief when they take your plate and start cleaning the kitchen, silently feeling as though you won this trivial round of control.
Bucky catches you from the corner of his eye as you take it upon yourself to get out of your chair. He tenses, preparing to snatch you before you can move until he realizes you’re only going to the living room, opposite of where the front door is. He decides to just watch you for a few moments as you go back to coloring with criss-crossed legs.   
Innocent little thing. His naive little doll shading away, having not a clue in your pretty little head of how erroneous it was to make your own decisions like that. It really was much too soon for you to truly understand what consequences will come when trying to think for yourself. He can’t exactly blame you though. His poor little baby had to do it for so long before they found you. It’s probably why you’re benignly coloring away with not an idea in your head of what’s really in store for your life here. Such a sweet, sweet little girl they had. All to themselves. Forever now.
He observes how you ferociously analyze and juxtapose the colors before you, even testing them on other miscellaneous paper before choosing the right one for the job. 
He already knows you better than you can even comprehend. He knows you’ve likely already thought you’ve gotten away with it.
“What do you think you’re doing little girl?” Bucky’s scolding voice startles you, causing you to jump a little in your spot. After just a second, he roughly yanks you up by your arm, spinning you around to face him as he holds you. “Did Daddy tell you you could leave the table? Hmm? Did Dada?” he fumes, the sudden escalation in action and tone making you want to just cry. 
“I-I-” you fumble, squirming uncomfortably below him. “I thought-”
“Oh I don’t think you were thinking anything in that silly little head of yours,” he chastises while pinching one of your cheeks harshly with his free hand. “And did you really think you could get away with not eating?”
“Ah!-” you fight, struggling against him, confused and disoriented on why he’s suddenly being so harsh when you thought you were off the hook. 
“Hey-hey, it’s okay,” you hear Steve speaking up behind him. “Let me talk to her Buck,” he says, allowing Bucky to let go of your arm and cheek. You tearfully rub at your hurt cheek while Steve kneels down to your level. “Sweet girl…remember yesterday when daddy gave you apple juice?” he asks, circling his hand behind your ear and gently cupping the cheek that Bucky previously inflicted harshly. You nod smally, glancing away around the room as you recall the unfond memory of being bottle-fed against your will. “Good, then you should know that little girls need their nutrients. And that means no skipping dinner,” he explains with a kind voice that makes you feel as if he's quite literally talking to a child.
“I-okay…Dada” you add, grateful for Steve at least being gracious enough as to not yell at and pinch you like Bucky just was. 
“Good girl,” he smiles at you before telling you to sit tight on the couch while he goes to get your dinner. You sit there, a bit perplexed on how he planned on giving you a meal when you’re pretty sure you saw Bucky scrape the remnants of your food into the trashcan. 
Steve returns with no plate in hand and sits a bit away from you, causing your eyebrows to furrow in confusion until you see it. 
You watch in horror as he reveals a milky white bottle that he shakes in his hand while speaking to you.
“Come here,” he beckons, patting his spacious thigh. You grimace at the granule liquid that swirls around in the bottle, not unlike the one Bucky used on you yesterday. If you didn't know better–which you don’t–you’d say it quite literally looks like baby formula.
“Uhm…I just…” you trail off, trying to come up with a reason, any reason not to be literally bottle-fed like you were yesterday. “I’m-I’m really not hungry-my-my stomach hurts,” you reason clumsily, but truthfully as well since the only thing filling your stomach right now is queasiness. Most of it coming from your situation, but the grainy texture swirling around in the bottle certainly doesn’t help your appetite either. “And-and I can just eat the other stuff,” you add frantically while looking back to the kitchen and wringing your hands.
“Now this is going to help my sweet girl feel a lot better and sleep real tight,” Steve remarks, completely ignoring your words and requests. 
“I-I said I'm not hungry.” you say a bit louder, but with a mild tone as to not sound too combative. 
“And I said this will help you sleep,” he asserts while dabbing the tip of the bottle on his wrist. “Now come sit on Dada’s lap,” he demands while patting his thigh again. You shake your head while subtly scooting away from him. 
“Mmm-mmm” you hum a no while sliding back even further. “Please, I don’t wan-”
“Did Dada ask what you wanted?” he cuts you off with a cock to his head at you. “No,” he shakes his head, answering his own question patronizingly. “I didn’t. You don’t get to decide what’s good for you. Only Daddy and I know that. Now I won’t ask again. Come here. Now.” he insists sternly. You debate quickly in your head, weighing out your limited options. When you still sit there not moving an inch, Steve sighs and reaches for you. He grabs your arm and pulls you towards him.
“No!” you say in response to the action. He’s not necessarily yanking or being particularly rough, but without thinking, you push back at him, your free hand overshooting and accidentally hitting his shoulder. Of course, it’s like you’ve hit a brick wall, the small action hurting your wrist much more than it likely hurt him at all. But something about it felt…cathartic. And something inside you just…snaps. 
You had played nice all day, letting them hold you, touch you, kiss you. Hell–you even sat on the floor for hours and colored while wearing a onesie. And now he wanted to bottle feed you actual formula. You had to draw the line. 
You couldn’t give in. The silent promise you made to yourself earlier rings in your head. You weren’t going to drink this stupid bottle.
Steve still has you in his grasp and is pulling you closer to him so that you can be in his lap. Only, you take this opportunity to fight. Hard. 
With all the strength you have, you wrench yourself back. Steve quickly encapsulates both your hands, making you feel as though you’ll sooner break your own wrists before you ever successfully free yourself from his grip. You take it upon yourself to switch strategies, maneuvering yourself into a position where you just start kicking at him feverishly. It felt childish. It looked childish. But you didn’t care right now. You weren’t going to play along any longer. 
You realize halfway through your nonsensical thrashing fit that Steve is likely just letting you play this out before he decides he’s had enough. He decisively stands up, dragging your combative form with him as he roughly swings you up to throw you over his shoulder. You still fight him, your flailing is joined with nonsensical shrieks as you lash out on him physically and verbally. Steve holds you down atop him firmly while hauling you upstairs. Before you realize it, you’re roughly tossed down into a mattress. The otherwise compliant spread hurts you on impact from the height you fall from. Your swirling vision from being upside down and lack of oxygen in your lungs from screaming leaves you disoriented until your dazed eyes focus on structured parallel bars. 
Steve’s thrown you into the very crib he showed you just hours ago. 
“That’s just for when you’re feeling extra little,”
You instantly try to stand up only for Steve to effortlessly push you back down, sending you to roughly bounce on your bottom. You clumsily try to regain your balance and breath while Steve reaches for something besides the crib. Before you know it, Steve’s grabbed both your hands and starts heatedly tying them together. Tightly. He ensnares your fingers together and weaves the rope around every inch of your digits up to the middle of your forearm, completely restraining the hands that fought him. 
You try getting up again only to find it’s surprisingly hard to move with your hands bound in front of you. 
He mutters to you something about ‘not moving’ while making his way to the end of the crib. He abrasively yanks both of your legs down to the edge of the caged mattress and begins tying those together too. You flail hopelessly, hurling unkind words at him while he secures your ankles to the bars, completely immobilizing the legs that were just unabashedly kicking at him.
When you finally catch a glimpse of Steve’s face, his expression is unforgiving. Furrowed eyebrows highlight his intense dark focus as veined arms secure you to the crib.
Steve straightens himself up and towers over you from beside the crib. He just watches you until you decide to give up on fighting, realizing you can’t free yourself from your binds. Your anger slowly turns to just pure sorrow, as you find yourself crying hot tears into your already burning face. You murmur pointless cries asking over and over again to just be let go…
“Angel…” Steve says softly, his features appearing less angered now, but still unhappy nonetheless. “I’m going to give you one more chance,” he kneels down, leveling himself with you from outside your confines. He reaches through the bars and caresses your rope-covered hands. “If you do what Dada says, then I might go easy on your punishment,” he slides his hands up, open-palmed, slowly inching his way to your face. He lingers on your throat for a moment too long before laying his hand across your cheek. “But that’s only if you stop being a bad girl…is that what you want?” he asks patronizingly, with a cock to his head, faux sympathy lining his tone. “You want Dada to treat you like a bad girl?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, heavy tears pitifully falling as Steve watches you. He doesn’t catch them as he awaits your answer that doesn’t come. 
He then tries to give you the bottle from before again but you only resist. Shaking your head and crying profusely while mumbling sorrowful nonsense.
Steve sighs, and hangs his head. He doesn’t enjoy seeing you like this. He wants to hear you laugh. The same laugh he heard over anything else the first night he found you. He wants to see you smile. The same way you beamed at him that night he helped you find your way back. He wants to draw you close when you fall asleep next to him. The same way he’s watched you fall asleep all by yourself for months. He wants to replace the teeny little thumb you always stick in your mouth when you think no one is watching with his. He knows you want this. He knows you need this. 
But it’s obvious his poor girl just doesn’t understand that yet. 
Steve knows babies have a hard time listening when throwing tantrums anyway...  
For now, if you won’t listen, he’ll just have to show you. 
“My sweet girl…” Steve grabs your face, turning it towards him. “You just won’t learn unless Dada shows you, huh?” he releases your face dismissively and stands up. 
“If you want to act out…” he speaks while reaching across the crib above you, 
“and think you’re a big girl…” he lifts something weighty that’s attached to the top of the crib, 
“that’s fine,” parallel bars intrude your vision of Steve from above you, 
“But this is what happens when you act like a bad girl.” Steve’s voice turns more ireful with every word he speaks, as he works his way around the crib, latching multiple locks together that you hadn't noticed before with increasingly aggressive force. 
“You get treated like one. Bad girls get left all alone by themselves without Dada. If you really want Dada to let you go. Fine. You’ll stay right here until you understand what it means to listen.” he slams the last latch shut.
You barely have time to process his words while your wobbly vision interprets what’s happening above you. By the time you comprehend that there’s a top to this ‘crib’ that Steve has locked you in, he’s already left the room, truly isolating you.
Anguished sobs that were falling on deaf ears during Steve’s spiel to you now meet the equally deaf silence of the room itself. 
The only sound that accompanies you now is your own cries, echoing back pitifully to you from the horizontal bars above…
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