#dadzawa x reader
sorrowfulrosebud · 6 months
Thinking about Dadzawa giving his daughter away at her wedding.
Being anxious all day, swallowing down tears as Present Mic is openly sobbing, crying that his little girl is all grown up.
Him tapping away anxiously on his fake leg, a nasty habit you usually tap his hand for.
Putting on his suit as you pop your head round the hotel room door, smiling widely when you see him dressed to the nines for your big day. Hizashi sobs, hugging you both tightly. Aizawa holds you as closely as possible, pressing a small peck to the top of your head. You scamper off tearfully to your makeup stylist, and your fathers don’t see you until it’s time to give you away.
You chose for Aizawa to walk you down the aisle. As much as you love Hizashi, he has a nasty problem of bawling his eyes out. Aizawa was struggling to keep it in though. Finally seeing you in your dress, hair and makeup done perfectly.
He has to choke back a gasp. His baby girl looked so perfect. So much like your mother. Onyx eyes brimmed with red as he moves a stray hair out of your face. Holds you close to him one last time before he gives you away to Bakugou, who was equally as wet in the eyes.
Slowly walking towards the aisle, chest feeling so constricted with pride? Fear? No. He knows just how much Bakugou loves you, and just how much he would die for you, as your father would do the same.
He gives you away with a final hug and a loving forehead kiss, murmuring that he’s so proud of you, before shooting Bakugou a glare that clearly said “hurt my daughter and I’ll rip your throat out”. Bakugou clearly gets the message by holding you close as Eri brings the rings.
He sits with Hizashi, struggling to keep it in. Despite his husband not being able to control his emotions, he simmers down and holds his husband’s hands. His fingers trace gently after their own wedding bands, fond memories of toddler you being their ring-bearer in their own wedding that they had in their living room.
Finally lets the tears fall when the priest allows you to kiss, dabbing his one good eye as he follows everyone to the reception.
Despite his hatred for public attention, he sways with you for the first of two daddy-daughter dances. He still hasn’t been able to stop his tears leaking as you look at him with your own misted orbs. He murmurs to you that you’ll always be his little girl, that you’ll always be welcome in his home.
Aizawa hates that you’re growing up so fast, but can always bully Bakugou if he treats you wrong.
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maapllee · 5 months
▻ Summary: You and Shinsou get caught by his mentor. [implied fem reader, aged up characters.]
▻ Fluff, awkward stuff, hope you like it <3
☁ I try to hide it in my face and it don't work, you see through that I just wanna get with you... ☁
A/n: good luck to those of you who have exams!
What is this, a funeral? Play some music: You right by Doja Cat
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You walked into the lounge behind the staff room to check on Eri. Present Mic being your mentor and Eraserhead being Shinsou's, you both had special privileges. One of them being steaming hot coffee on cold days.
Eri was lying on her tummy on the floor, colouring with pastels. "[Onee/ Onii] -san, you're back!" she exclaimed joyfully, jumping into your arms. You chuckled, catching the small child and encasing her in your arms. Eraserhead had put you on Eri-watch duty since he'd be busy for the rest of the evening. "Look! Look! I drew Papa Mic and Dada holding hands in front of their house and You and Onii san holding hands in the yard!" Eri showed you excitedly. "You're so good at drawing, Eri-chan!" You exclaimed while kneeling down to the now beaming girl's level. "Wait a minu- Why are me and Shinsou holding hands??"
"Mmm. Very interesting." A voice came from behind you, which you responded to with a squeak. Eri ran into the Shinsou's arms, the artwork now forgotten. "Shin! Don't scare us like that." You said while telling him off. "Oh, boo hoo. I can't help that you're a scardey cat." Shinsou said, rolling his eyes and walking towards the sofa. "You sneak up behind a person and then make fun of them for being surprised? What a bleak time to live in." You tutted, shaking your head sarcastically. "Enough bickering, Y/N. There are more important matters at hand, like watching Cinderella." Eri cheered happily as you sat on the couch, Shinsou starting the movie. Eri cuddled into you as she sang along to the songs, having watched the movie before.
"I'll head to the vending machine, Do you guys want anything?" You piped up, feeling thirsty. Eri, absorbed in the movie with her mouth agape shook her head half-mindedly. Standing up, you made your way to the corridor. Looking out the windows, you saw the trees gently swaying in the wind, highlights of the golden sunlight illuminating the bark. It was almost sundown, you thought to yourself. Sensei would be back soon. Standing in front of the machine, you kicked it. The darn thing was acting up again. Your head turned at hearing soft footsteps from the other side of the corridor. It was the purple-haired idiot dragging his feet along the floor, yawning while rubbing the back of his head. "Eri's asleep so I thought I'd give you some company." Shinsou said, mid-yawn. "Hmph. Like I'd savour your company." You stated, pursing your lips.
Shinsou backed you into the wall. "Speak up, pretty girl." Shinsou smirked while looking into your eyes. Smirking yourself, "In simpler words your pea brain can understand- you're boring." Tilting his head, Shinsou closed the gap between you two. "That's not what you were saying last night." He said, now nipping at your neck. "We should stop Shin, we need to get back to Eri-chan." You two jumped away from each other when a loud yawn interrupted your moment, the both of you looking in the direction of the disturbance. Eri was walking towards you two, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "The movie's almost oveer.." Eri wailed, putting her hands up wanting to be picked up. Big bro Shinsou swooped in, picking her off her feet.
Shinsou put a cranky Eri to sleep as you stood leaning on one of the desks while looking at the now-black sky through the huge windows. You yawned, feeling sluggish yourself. You made a mental note of the things you'd have to do when you got back to the dorms. Rubbing your eyes, you looked at Shinsou who was now walking towards you. He stretched his arm to reach behind you, turning the lights down to dim the room. Your eyes wandered the room, falling on Eri, whose chest rose and fell as she breathed softly. Shinsou moved to stand in front of you, placing his hands on your hips and nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. His hands snaked up to your back as you held him close, wordlessly. "Tired?" You chuckled, running your hands through his hair to comfort him. "I think I should change my name to Mr.Eyebags at this point." Shinsou joked, his hands now roaming your body.
You let out a gasp as your body made a 'thud' sound as it came into contact with the desk. Your hands were above your head, held firmly in place by Shinsou's muscular arms. You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, whining about how Eri was in the room and how Aizawa Sensei would be back any moment. Shinsou hunched over you, shushing you by placing a slender finger on your pouty lips. Not wanting to look at him, you turned your head in rebellion. "Oh, is that how you're going to play princess?" Shinsou said, pinning you down with one hand. Shinsou tickled your tummy and you resisted your very best from giving in laughing. You burst into a fit of giggles along with him just when you heard someone clearing their throat as the lights in the room flickered on.
Shinsou widened his eyes. "S..Sensei." Shinsou stuttered, trying to explain himself. You sat up, mortified. "Shinsou. Y/N." Aizawa said, pressing his temples. "How long has this been going on?" Aizawa questioned you both shifted your weight from one foot to another awkwardly. "A couple months." You piped up, your gaze falling to the floor. "We weren't gonna keep it a secret forever." Shinsou said, walking over to you. Aizawa shook his head. "I'm not saying I'm against it." Aizawa stated, now looking at you both. The silence in the room was loud, the three of you staring at each other. "....Is Yamada Sensei going to hear about this?" You questioned, wishing you could be buried a few thousand feet under the ground. "You bet." Aizawa shrugged, turning on his heel to walk towards the sofa. "Set a good example for your younger sister." Aizawa said, side-eyeing you both while picking up Eri who was still asleep.
Shinsou and You stood in silence for a while after Aizawa stepped out the room. "Wanna walk back to the dorms together?" Shinsou proposed, resting his hand on the small of your back. You nodded. "Sensei is never going to let go of this." You groaned, imaging the amount of teasing you'd have to endure from your mentor and Aizawa Sensei. "Good thing we're graduating soon, eh?" Shinsou said, poking your stomach with his elbow.
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tealkitty81 · 2 months
Dadzawa Headcanon for Student Athlete!
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Okay, so imagine you're a student at UA who also does sports after school, be that ice skating, soccer, baseball, swimming, etc.
As soon as you were dismissed from class, you'd book it over to practice, all of your gear stored in your backpack. You'd work hard and return back to the dorms between 7:00 and 8:00, your classmates asking where you'd gone.
You often used the excuse that you visited your parents, or went to hang out with some other friends. It was ironic since you had no friends outside of UA, and your parents lived overseas for their jobs.
Mr. Aizawa notices one day that you're looking more worn out than usual. It just so happened to be the morning right after a very late competition, not that you'd ever tell him that. When he asks, you just tell him you'll get more sleep that night and arrive refreshed for class tomorrow, which thankfully, you do.
He shrugs it off at first, but when he notices this happening every week or so, he's suspicious, especially when you're always tired on the same day of the week.
One day, Mr. Aizawa decides to investigate. After he dismisses the class, he waits a few minutes before following you in his car.
At first, he's confused to see you running in the opposite direction of the dorms, still in your school uniform. Before he can scold you, he sees you arrive at your coach's specified practice location.
Mr. Aizawa parks his car and waits for a little until practice starts. He remains a fair distance away and watches you with awe, though it wasn't shown on his face. He began to wonder why you'd kept this talent such a secret.
After practice ends and you leave, Mr. Aizawa approaches the coach and asks for the competition schedule. It's safe to say you were surprised to see your entire high school class cheering you on at the next event.
From that point forward, Mr. Aizawa makes sure he's always there to pick you up from practice. He also makes sure there's at least four of your classmates at every competition, if not, more.
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summerlovingbaby · 2 years
Accidents Happen
tw: self harm and mentions of attempted suicide
Hitoshi heard whimpering coming from one of the spare bedroom at the end of the hall. He was on his way to the kitchen for a glass of water, because the air had grown fairly hot in the night.
He remembered when he felt like that. When the day felt so bad, and the nightmares felt so real that it made him sick. He quietly pushed open the door, careful not to make it creak, careful not to wake the two other adults just down the hall.
He smelled a smell that smelled all to family and brought back to not so distant painful memories. He felt bad for her. He had been in the girls' position not so long ago, and he remembered how each painful moment felt.
He kneeled on the side of her bed and debated waking her up. This was probably the most peaceful sleep she had in a long time, despite the fact that she was having a violent nightmare.
“Y/N.” he gently shook her awake, causing her to sit straight up in the bed, neck hairs standing up. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
“Hitoshi?” she quietly questioned, wiping the sweat off her brow. She caught the look on his face and assumed the worst. She tried to get out of bed, but her legs felt stuck to the uncomfortable plastic-like sheets. “Did something happen? Do I have to go back?”
“No..no nothing like that-”
“Is it Eri, is she okay?” she pleaded.
“She’s fine.” he urged. “It’s okay, everything is okay, I swear.” he whispered. 
He watched her face settle into a mix of stress and content, and watched her muscles grow loose. Her eyes fell on the spiderman comforter, and she wiggled her nose trying to ignore the presentiant smell. Then she looked at him, waiting for him to speak, he didn’t know what to say, so thought about what Aizawa said to him, not so many months ago.
“ I have to tell you something, and I don’t want you to be embarrased, or worried, or feel bad about it, okay?” he watched her nod sligtly. “ I think you may have had an accident.”
“ Accident?” her eyebrows moved together and her mouth formed into a line confused, before her eyes widened in realization and she grabbed the egde of the comfoter and through it off the bed, landing on the floor right next to Shinso, who payed it no mind. “ Oh god.” Her hand flew to her mouth, as she tried to come up with a reasonable excuse, only for her mind to draw a blank. “ Oh my god. I’m so sorry-”
“There’s no reason to be sorry. It was a accident.”
“ I wet the bed.” she muttered to herself. Like she was still trying to get herself to believe it. 
She had been through so much, and yet she was still behaving like a child, not only that but she had managed to embarrass herself into a person that she desperately wanted to be her friend.
“ I wet the bed.” she repeated. 
“ It’s okay, it was an accident.” Hitoshi muttered, he saw her trying hard to cry.
“I’m sorry-”
“Please don’t apologize.” he said, he really wanted to stroke her hair and rub her back, but was afraid to touch her without asking. “ It was accident. Accidents happen some time, things like this happen some time.”
“ I wet the bed.” she said again, her eyes widened as tears fell freely down her face, “ I’ll clean it up, I swear. I will-”
“ It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry. That doesn’t matter.” He spoke, his voice was calm. He knew the melting pot of emotions that she had to be feeling. It was clear that she was upset, but even then she was worried about fixing the mess that she made.
“ I’ll clean it up I promise, and I can sleep on the couch-”
“ Don’t worry about that right now. How about you go to the bathroom and clean up a little, and I’ll take care of this-”
“ You don’t have to-”
“ I insisit.”
“ You can’t tell him, you can’t-”
“ I won’t, I promise. Now go shower, I’ll be here when you get back.”
20 minutes later, she came back with a fresh pair of pajamas, and a hanful of dirty ones. Hitoshi had given her a pair, and they were much to big, the t shirt stopping mid thigh, and the boxer shorts hanging of her hips. The socks were mismatched in a unironic way. It would have been an unusally funny sight, if it weren’t for the fact that it was clear that she had been crying in the shower.
“ I didn’t know where to-”
“ It’s okay, I’ll take them on my way out.” he whispered. “ I gave you an extra blanket, in case you got cold.”He was always cold when he first moved in. The doctors guessed it was the years of malnutrition and about every diffancy known to man. “ Bed’s all yours.” he motioned to the bed. 
“ You won’t tell him-”
“ No.” he spoke plainly. Like he was talking to a mirror. He would know exactly what she felt like, he was in her position not more than a year ago. “ Are you sure you don’t want to talk to him-”
“ Yes.” she said quickly. “ Please.”
“ Is there a reason?”
“ I don’t want him to get rid of me, if I’m too much trouble he’ll get rid of me.” she spoke, it was a manic mutter. His face softened, he knew that desperation, that need to be perfect that want to stay safe, she wanted to be safe. That need to not be too much, to not be sent away.
Hitoshi carefully walked towards her, and pointed, before asking if he could have a seat. Y/N hesitated before nodding softly and looking away. She was tired, that itself was clear, the prominent eyebags gave her away.
“ He won’t get rid of you, I promise.”
“ How do you know, when you’re so...” she searched her mind for the word. Settled on one, opened her mouth to speak, decided it was offensive and didn’t say anything else.
“ It’s okay, You can say it.”
“ Good. You’re so good.”
“When Aizawa had first taken me in I was.... I was alot like you.”
“ Broken?”
Hitoshi shook his head and extended his hand to the bedside tissue, so he could wipe the tears out of her face.
“ I was fine, but one night after Mr. Mic took me out to the store I saw my mothers husband. At the time I was fine. I was a bit scared, yeah, but I thought I was fine. But Aizawa ended up having to wake me up. Turns out I wet the bed. Right through the streets all over the matress.”
“ I hardly even know him and I really don’t want to disappoint him.”
“ I think he’ll be more happy that you reached out to him. He really just wants to help, y’know?”
“ I don’t want him to send me away.”
“ He won’t. I know he doesn’t seem like it, but he is very forgiving and kind. He just wants to help, y’know.” he spoke. Y/N seemed to burry herself in a bundle of inescapble slelf pity. “The first night I got her, I drunk all his alcohol threw up over his balcony before taking a knife from his kitchen and trying to kill myself.” he said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Y/N wanted to laugh, he always seemed so put together and calm. There is no way a boy like him, used to be so broken. So unfixable.
“ Yeah right.”
“See.” he pulled up the hem of his sleves and saw a long scar running along his wrist. Y/N’ s mouth fell open and she chewed on her bottom lip.
“But you seem so... okay.”
“ It took some time to get there, but I’m getting to be okay.” he shrugged. “ You’ll get there to.” he added. “ You’re doing better than I was, you haven’t thrown up over the balcony yet so.”
“ When did it stop?” she asked, looking up at staring at the wall. “ The bed wetting?”
“ I don’t remeber the day-”
“Why did it stop.”
“ I don’t know, they just did. It still happens sometimes, maybe once a month or so.” he whispered. “ Talking to him helped. He’s really good about that stuff. I know he doesn’t seem like it but he’s comforting in a weird way. He always knew how to make me feel better.”
“ I can’t-”
“ He won’t get rid of you.”
“ Becase it’s embarrasing, I’m ebarrased. I feel so pathetic, like a baby.”
“ I get it. Boy do I get it, but not talking about it, it only hurts you.”
“ Eri has never wet the bed-”
“ It’s a trauma response, a normal truma response that alot of people have.An that doesn’t make you any more pathetic, or give you any reason to be embarrased.”
“ I would be really embarrased if I threw up over the balcony.” she shrugged and glanced up to look for his approval to he smiling and bitting back a laugh.
“ Really funny.” he laughed. “ You’re really funny.”
Y/N wore a ghost of her smile as Hitoshi waved her goodbye and started to leave. He picked up the pile of laundry and made it halfway before she called out to him.
“ I’ll think about it. Talking to him I  mean.”
He nodded, that’s all he could ask of her was to think about getting help. Forcing her to talk would have been bad, so she planned on not going back to sleep, and thinking about it.
“ If you need anything, I’m just down the hall.”
And with that, he closed the door behind him, leaving Y/N with a half smile, and thoughts of getting help.
@kiribakuslilpebble @un-limit-edd @ultrahugakitten  @ jmook423 @ anonymousbabygirl13-blog   @ power-house-fan12                                  @imunderurbed   @fandomfreak1000000   @dylan-kai2008 @cheesecakeva  @lovemegood  @madsttx @whatdidshesayyy
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skyloveline · 19 days
I need some dadzawa, I'm getting obsessed.
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𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ༚ 𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ༚ 𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ༚ 𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹
A while ago I was watching the first Harry Potter movie, so reader, how is it like Harry Potter? (you can decide the age) That is, he lives with his uncles and his cousin, his parents died saving him, in this case, IT COULD BE that Afo is the one who killed his parents, BUT, I had another idea, that his father is OBORO and his mother, I don't know. Here (if they want to say that Oboro is their father) they can add a few more years to Aizawa, Oboro, etc. the same age Lily and James were when they died or however you decide.
How would Aizawa react? Maybe they recommended the reader to UA or something. If Oboro is his father, his quirk could be manipulating Air or whatever you decide.
You can decide what to change, add, etc, etc.
𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ༚ 𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ༚ 𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ༚ 𝆹ㅤㅤㅤ⊹
I hope it is understood, sorry if some things are not understood or are poorly written, I don't know much English. I have so many ideas about so many things, but since I don't know how to relate them, I decided this could work :) BYEEEEEEE
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katyxoxolol · 1 year
A Book I read, it’s hella good. Has Dadzawa Content and Dadzu [Nezu] content! it’s still updating, so check it out!
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kesshavx · 3 months
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fatkish · 2 months
I was wondering if you could do a dadzawa x student! Reader who starves themselves and says they’re not hungry because they don’t really feel hungry at all if you get what I mean(s3 ep42)
So basically they js head off to bed once they get to the camp instead of eating and stuff and he’s concerned for their well being and yeahh. Sorry I’m not a really good explainer but I’d really appreciate it if you do this request it would mean a lot to me considering I am a person who sometimes unintentionally starves themselves
Anyways I hope you have a good rest of your day/night, and thank you once again!!
I totally get this. Due to my middle school experience, I went from having breakfast at around 7:00-7:30 am with lunch at around 11:00 am to breakfast at 6:30 am an lunch at 1:00 pm. This was horrible for me because I would sit in class with my stomach growling before lunch. It made me develop horrible eating habits, so I get it. Anyways, onto the story.
Aizawa x Student Reader (Platonic): Eating Habits
You and your class had just walked out of the forest after having spent hours making your way to the campsite, dodging and fighting Pixie-Bob’s earth monsters
Despite all this, you still weren’t hungry, you didn’t plan on eating and were planning to just take a bath and go to sleep
When Aizawa told you guys to grab your bags off the bus and put them away before heading to dinner, you grabbed your bag with everyone else and headed inside
You went into your shared room and set your bag down in your spot. You began to unpack, rolling out your bedding, getting it all made up
As everyone left to go eat, you decided to clean up and take a shower to get rid of the dirt from the day
Aizawa has always been observant, so he definitely had noticed how you rarely went to lunch to eat, you’d either nap, play games, or do your own thing in the classroom
There had been times he’d seen you eating your homemade lunch in the classroom away from others, so he assumed that you had an issue with eating around other people
When he didn’t see you eating among his other students, he assumed you were too shy to get food or perhaps too tired
So he went to find you and make sure you got food in you
When he found you and told you where the cafeteria was and to go eat, he was surprised and concerned to hear that you didn’t plan on eating and planned instead to take a bath and go to bed
Aizawa wasn’t so keen on this plan of yours
He asked you why, to which you replied that you weren’t hungry. He told you that that’s not good enough of a reason
He then gave you a lecture about how the body needs food especially with the training you’re going to be doing
He thinks that there may be more to this and hopes that the reader doesn’t have some kind of eating disorder
He decides to go get the reader a small plate of food and bring it to them
Once he does, he tells them that he wants to see them eat what’s on the plate and then he’ll let them sleep after that
Aizawa isn’t one to budge from this so you eat the food. Upon seeing you slightly struggle he decides to sit down and try to talk to you
As you talk to him, he asks if there’s a reason why you have a hard time eating
You tell him you’re just not hungry
He asks if you’re bulimic or anorexic or have some kind of underlying issue that has caused this
Seeing where his thoughts were going you quickly and throughly reassured him that you just have a hard time eating when you aren’t hungry
Throughout the camp, Aizawa makes sure to keep an eye on you and lets you take a break to eat whenever you do get hungry
He may be strict, but his number one priority is to make sure his students are taken care of
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gglitch1dd · 11 months
You Know your Work
Teacher Aizawa x Student Reader
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Request: @camilosimping: Hi! Sry if it's too much for you to take another request, I saw you took a lot of them. I was wondering if you could do professor aizawa x fem student, who just got a pretty bad grade.
A/N: Hey babes! I can't tell how much I wanted to cry writing this. Sorry for the long wait. I had to do some other things and my IRL was getting a bit hectic but its better now. I really hope you like it!!
Warning: This is NOT romantic or sexual in anyways so don't get that idea. This is a comfort piece. Also, Reader cries and its okay to cry.
Aizawa was walking around handing back papers. You were silent as your leg moved up and down underneath your table. You had studied so hard for this test and yet when you were writing it felt as if it handed your ass back to you. You were so worried. You really did your best, you tried doing everything you could, taking breaks and not cramming in last minute so you really hoped for the best.
You swallowed down hard as Mr Aizawa walked over to your desk. He placed the paper face down in front of you before moving on to Midoriya who sat behind you. You closed your eyes as you slowly touched the paper. You prayed hard to the heavens hoping that they were in your favour. Carefully you turned the paper around.
You paused as you stared down at the number in front of you, hoping that the longer you looked at it, the numbers would swop themselves. You felt your heart sink as you looked at the number. You instantly felt numb as you weren’t even sure you could breathe nor make a sound.
“Sero,” Denki said outloud turning to one of his best friends as he held his paper. He shook his head with a laugh. “How’s it looking?” He said.
The dark-haired hero in training put a grimace on his face. He shook his head. “Not looking good.”
Denki nodded his head as he looked at his paper. “Yah, not looking good.”
Momo let out a displeased hum as she nodded her head. “Yah.” She spoke as she turned her paper back around with a disappointed look. “I was really hoping for a 95 this time. I can’t believe I got an 85.” She stated almost as if it was the worst thing in the world.
Denki and Sero widened their eyes as they looked at one another. He looked back down at their papers. They grimaced.
You felt yourself shrink into your blazer as you forced yourself not to cry. Everything and everyone around you felt almost as if they were too loud or too quiet. It was all too much for you. How could you have failed? You tried so hard this time.  You really did. You tried your best. Of course, you weren’t perfect and maybe if you spent a bit less time on your phone you could have gotten more hours in, but you tried.
You really tried.
You bit your lip forcing yourself not to cry as you opted just to look out the window and silence out the rest of the class.
Soon the lessons came to an end, and you all had an hour before training at the end of the day. You were slow and the last one to pack away your things. You swallowed down hard, trying to think what you would tell your parents. You closed your eyes, willing yourself not to cry as you stared at the ground heading out of class.
“L/N.” You paused at the use of your family name. You turned back to see Mr Aizawa standing with his arms crossed as he looked at you. You swallowed down hard as you turned around fully, forcing yourself  not to frown at the sight of him. Of course it wasn’t Aizawa’s fault you failed, but you really didn’t want to see the teacher of the subject that you fail right now. He motioned for you to come forward and that is what you did. You swallowed down hard, willing yourself to try and stay as stoic as you could be. He let out a breath.
You knew what he was going to say.
Try harder. Do more exercises. Read more. Focus.
The same shit everybody tells you.
“You know your work.” You froze at the statement as you looked at him with wide eyes. He turned to the stack of papers he had and shuffled through them before finding yours. “Your answers… when I was marking them, they showed that you know your work.” He stated truthfully as he took a step forward, his dark eyes on you as he spoke. Although he looked as stoic as ever, borderline emotionless, you could tell there was genuine appreciation behind his words. “I can see when a student knows their work. You just need a bit of an extra push with your answers. Its almost like you know the answer but you’re only giving half of it.” He explained putting your paper back down.
He put his hands in his pockets and let out a breath. He could see you weren’t totally convinced. He didn’t blame you. He saw how you reacted in class and he noticed it throughout the day as you barely interacted with the class or the activities. He frowned slightly, dark eyebrows pushed together for a moment before easing.
“How about you start doing the extra exercises at the back of the textbook and you send your answers to me. We can work through them together and help get your answers to where they need to be. Hm?” He put on a smidge of a smile, more than you would ever get from him. “You’re a good student, L/N. It’s important you know that this exam doesn’t change that.”
You scowled, your jaw vibrating as you tried to stop yourself from crying. You lower your head in front of him, biting back whimpers and sobs. You quickly wiped your eyes as you couldn’t stop the tears no matter how hard you tried. “I’m sorry.” You let out with sniffs. You knew that Aizawa would hate you for crying. You were to become a future hero, you didn’t need to cry. You sniffed as you couldn’t stop the sobs. You couldn’t stop the tears as they came bubbling out of you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder making you suck in a breath. You looked up to see Mr Aizawa, as serious as he always was, with his arms open, offering you a hug. You paused for a second taking it in, before feeling your emotions overcome you once more.
You walked into the hug with a sullen look, looping your arms around him as you clutched onto his black shirt and tried to stop the only intensifying sobs that racked through you. Aizawa wrapped his arms around you as he rubbed your back. You cried only harder. “I-I… I-”
“Breathe.” He reminded you calmly. His hair smelt like jasmine shampoo and you were pretty sure that you were letting tears into his hair but he didn’t seem to mind.
You took a deep breath to stop your hiccupping, letting it out again. You took another breath. “I-I really tried th-this time, Sensei. I promise.”
He rubbed your back soothingly. “I know, kid. I know. You did your best and for that, I’m proud.” He reminded you. Aizawa stood there and let you cry into his chest. Let you cry until you weren’t even sure where you were. Together he would help you get to where you wanted to go. But right now…
Now you just needed him to be there with you.
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star1ight0 · 2 months
Shouta Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada x PLATONIC KID!!
I crave comfort so here
Tw : Ed /sh
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Not many people were aware of your relationship with your homeroom teacher and English teacher known as Mr. Aizawa and his loud husband Mic but they were your dad's. In the beginning of the year they both made it clear no special treatment would be given and you appreciated it a lot.
This also came with its ups and downs trying to fight the urge to hug you dad in front of class after villain attacks ect, as much as they'd both fight it they also struggled to accessively check on you when you all moved to dorms.
Having grown up always close to him after they adopted you from a abusive home. had its drags on you all You weren't entirely sure when this overwhelming feeling of despair started but it felt so shitty, you had no reason to feel this way you had a good life. Loving dads, a nice school and a few friends you hold dear to you. It was so long ago why was this still bothering you.
You remembered a conversation you had with your dad, Mic recalling how Aizawa was struggling with mental health and how it wasn't an effect of things around him but rather his brain chemistry. You looked at your phone debating on calling your family group chat to ask them for help but managed to talk yourself out of it resorting to crying on your closet floor.
After a few minutes of crying you managed to pull yourself together grabbing some clothes and deciding this was all in your head and you had no reason to feel so shitty. Heading out your room you feel a tap on your shoulder "it's past curfew kid" you turn around to see you father Hizashi looking around you you look back at him eyes still puffy "Sorry dad, just needed a shower" you say attempting to walk away when you feel a hand in you wrist "were you crying little listener?" You flinch at the childhood nickname your dad had given you "No, sorry just tired" you say pulling away "either your high or you were crying which one is it kid" He says pointing to your eyes "its nothing dad please just let me shower"
You pull away walking away leaving your dad in the hall alone. You took a long shower, trying to scrub off the memories of your past home. You get out the shower and go back to your dorm laying down on the floor ignoring the fact your bed was no more than 3 feet away. You look at your phone to see Aizawa texted you
You okay kiddo?
Yeah sorry for worrying y'all just a bad day
Are you sure
If you say so, me and Hizashi are here if you need us. Now go to bed it's late
The conversation was short and to the point but you still felt the need to want to call him and tell him these awful feelings you were having.
A few days passed when you got an email from an all too familiar name, it was your biological mom. The very same woman who had given you physical and mental problems along with nonstop nightmares for 2 years. You had changed everything phone number homes socal midea accounts anything that she could you to find you. Yet her name is in your inbox with a paragraph calling you names and threatening you. Everything felt so out of control like nothing you did to get away from her was enough. But she knew now, she knew what school you went to. 1-A had been on TV after all, you should have known it was only a matter of time. You looked at your phone blankly feeling your body shake and tears fall from your face. You reached for your pocket knife making a cut on your thigh it felt good like you finally had control over how you felt like you had control over something when everything around you was so chaotic. This was bad you knew that but it felt too good to want to care.
Overtime the threatening emails from your mother piled up only feeding the fear she'd find you and harm you, in turn causing more scars to be formed on your legs. You dads had quickly talked notice to you change in dimanar and talked it over amongst themselves and tried to reach out to you but it was all brushed off as a bad week of a bad day.
This began to escalate more than your lack of interest in food came about you seemed so tired too tired to even eat. This is where they drew the line. No kid of theirs would be passing out in training. They just couldn't figure out how to talk to you about this without you shutting down and shutting them out.
Monday morning training came about and you felt exhausted like your whole body was about to give out. This was only further proven when you passed out before training with Todoroki without him even activating either of his quirks. Both Hizashi and Aizawa rushed to your side as another student ran to get recovery girl. You woke up in the nurses office with both your dad's next to you looking worried out their minds.
"Recovery girl said you'd be fine.. as long as you ate and drank probably." There was a silence filled with worry and a bit of anger
"I'm sorry dad-" you were cut off by Hizashi hugging you, "please don't scare me like that kid" he said holding you as if you were gonna disappear. "Talk to us if you need to kiddo. You know we'll listen. "
You hugged him back going back to your dorm early as you were excused from all classes for the day, sitting on your floor you checked your phone to see another email this time from your biological father. Your mom texting you was one thing you knew in some way she didn't have the gut to actually hurt you but your dad, he'd hunt you down and kill you, metaphorically and literally. You felt a wave of fear washing over you and you sobbed standing up hands on your head pacing around your room crying and shaking. You reach for your knife once more sliding down the wall making a cut in an almost fully healed scar feeling that feeling of control comes back. You made a few more before stopping, taking a deep breath grabbing your first aid kit sitting in the same spot of the floor. Yeah you felt stupid but not stupid enough to not clean this kind of thing. As you were cleaning up you heard a knock at your door
"Kid? It's us can we talk?"
Aizawa says still waiting at the door "Y-yeah give me a minute please!!" You shout rushing to put the first aid kit away and some sweatpants and throw your knife under the bed you wipe your face, and open the door
"Kid are you okay you look a little.. worse than earlier "
"yeah I'm fine just not in a great mood" you said looking at your phone placed in the far end of the bed. They both came Into your room and sat on your bed and attempted to talk to you about what had been bothering you. The conversation went in circles before you placed your head in Aizawa's lap and your legs. Your dad Hizashi standing at the foot of your bed about to leave seeing as it seemed to have been handled was stopped by a blood stain on the floor.
"Shouta, I think we should stay till she wakes up"
"hm. I mean I'm not against it but why ?"
He points at the blood spot on the floor and Shoutas eyes widen.
"they are knocked out right now so can you look for whatever is being used ?"
He nods looking around your room eyes landing on a pocked knife shining under your bed.
"here, I'll put it in our room" he says showing Shouta before closing it and placing it in his pocket, as he was above to leave his stopped by the light of your phone along with a name he recognized followed by a scowl.
"Shouta I'm gonna check their phone for something"
He gives Hizashi a confused look but unable to move because of your sleeping form he allows him to do so, you trusted them enough to let them know your passwords but they had never not trusted you enough to go through your phone. He opens the email, reading it the existing and seeing y'all the others. He made a face of pure disgust and walked toward Shouta showing him the inbox along with one of the emails it had.
Both had decided to stay in your room till morning planning in talking to you about this night of rather unfortunate events. But this was cut short by the feeling of you hyperventilating in Shoutas lap. Hizashi gently shakes him awake and they both attempt to comfort you untimatly failing as you wake you shaking tears forming in your eyes. An all too familiar scene for your dad's to witness.
"it's okay kid, your okay" Hizashi whispered patting your head as Aizawa rubbed your shoulder.
"sorry i-"
"No apologies. We know everything so there's no need to hide anything from us anymore"
Shouta says looking up at his husband
"you could have really hurt yourself kid"
"i know I just - " you were cut off my a knot in your throat as you scrambled to find the words "everything feels so out of control and I can control this you know?" Shouta nooding in agreement.
"why did you come to is kiddo?
"i- I didn't want you to worry you. You guys had enough going on.."
You said your voice is still shaking between sobs.
"you'd never be a bother to us. It's our job as you parents to check on you and worry for you"
You all had a long talk about possible coping strategies and ways to communicate you wanted to talk about something without feeling bothersome. A few relapses were bound to happen and they both knew this but did everything they could to ensure it didn't. Even if it meant letting the whole class know you were their kid so you could go in the teachers wing of the dorms. You began slowly getting better with set backs here and there, but by setting up and new email and talking more about what your depression episodes felt like, both your dad were able to help you through it
Yes it's messy I wrote 75% of this in one go and the other half after my shower. And it's like 12:58am
Requests are open but slow
Please reach out if you need to to!!
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kywaslost · 11 months
Hiya! I read your platonic shinsou fanfic and I was wondering if you could write a fanfic where y/n (fem please) is a pre-teen and gets adopted into the erasermic family but she has a fear of men, and she struggles to do things because she's worried she would look bad/they might do something. Thank you if you do xxx
You’re Safe Here - Shinsou Hitoshi
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A/N: Now that I’ve written this entire thing, I’ve realized my dyslexic self read your request as mainly Shinsou. I feel stupid. I’m so sorry lol. If you’d like me to rewrite this I will. I was going to but I really like how this turned out. Please forgive me <3 I also used the prompts below that I found because I thought they’d fit the request.
Prompt/s Used: Lighting whumpee’s favorite candles, or listening to their favorite music, to tell whumpee that the space is theirs and that it will always be safe. / You don’t have to tell me. But if you do decide you want to. I’ll be here. / You don’t feel safe here, do you? 
After being tossed between foster homes for so long, you should be ecstatic to finally be adopted, right? Except you weren’t. You were petrified, to be honest. Usually, you’d meet your supposed new adoptive family and spend time with them while papers and forms were filed and signed, or at least that’s what you’d heard from other foster children throughout the years. But for some reason you were told to back your bags one day to meet your new family. And to top it all off, you were being adopted into a house consisting of only men.
It was a childish fear, to be afraid of almost every male on the planet, but it’s not like you can help it. Men from your past weren’t kind to you, resulting in an aversion to guys of almost every age. You avoided them when you could, fearing they would criticize you, or worse, use you. Being a young female in today’s society isn’t always easy, and you thought it would be safer to just avoid men as best you could.
You met your new fathers first. They were the ones to pick you up from the park where they agreed to meet you with your social worker. They seemed nice enough, but you couldn’t help but hide behind your social worker as they approached you.
“Excuse her,” your social worker smiled. “She’s a bit weary around men.”
“That’s alright!” The one with blonde hair smiled widely. “We understand!” The man was practically vibrating with excitement. So much so the man behind him had to place a hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, Hizashi. You are going to overwhelm her.”
You shot the black haired one a grateful look, thankful for his calmness. You were overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, and you couldn’t help but fear the blonde.
“I’m Shouta. Shouta Aizawa,” the second man said, crouching down a few feet in front of you.
“And I’m Hizashi Yamada!” The blonde smiled brightly, standing beside Aizawa.
Shouta slowly extended a hand out towards you, offering a small smile. “I understand that this is very overwhelming for you. A lot of new changes and new scenery, and I understand you are a bit afraid. How you feel is valid, I promise you. We will be here every step of the way to help you through it.”
You looked between the two men, then to your social worker. She just smiled and nodded encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, you slowly reached out and took Aizawa’s hand. That’s when your social worker patted your shoulder, then voiced that she’d be taking her leave now that you were in the hands of your new caretakers. Your breathing hitched as you watched her leave, panic slowly taking over your body. You jerked your hand back from Aizawa, pulling it to your chest without any thought, too caught up in trying to suppress an oncoming anxiety attack. 
“That’s alright, you don’t have to touch me yet. That’s ok, take your time,” Aizawa said calmly. Both him and Hizashi started to notice your growing panic, glancing quickly at each other before Aizawa stood. 
“Hey, why don’t we sit, yeah?” Hizashi offered, worry clear in his eyes. You nodded sharply, slowly following Hizashi over to a bench. He let you sit down before asking, “Can I sit over here?” He motioned to the other end of the bench and you nodded. You pulled your knees up to your chest, closing your eyes to concentrate on your breathing. 
Eventually you evened out your breathing and calmed your nerves ever so slightly. Uncurling yourself, you stood as you took in one last deep breath. Aizawa was sitting in front of you again, watching you closely. So was Hizashi.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “I’m ok now.” 
The two men also stood. “Don’t apologize,” Aizawa said softly. “Take as much time as you need. We can sit here longer if you’d like?” You shook your head.
“You’re sure?” Hizashi asked and you nodded in response.
“Let’s get you home then.” 
You followed them to their car, freezing as Hizashi opened the door for you. You began to shake slightly again. Getting into the car encloses you with two men whom you barely knew. Needless to say, you were uncomfortable.
“Would you feel more comfortable if we walked?” Aizawa offered from the driver’s side of the car. “We aren’t too terribly far, it shouldn’t take too long. Would you feel safer if we walked?”
After thinking about it, you mumbled a quiet, “Can we?”
Hizashi responded, “Of course!” He turned to his husband. “I can come get the car later after patrol.”
You met their son later that night once dinner was served. It took a while to get used to the thought that you had a family now, and you spent several hours on the couch in the living room trying to grasp the fact that you were now living with three men. It calms your nerves to know that Aizawa and Hizashi were pro-heros, and their son was a hero-in-training, but that didn’t mean you were still on edge. You knew very little about your new family, and until then you would hypothetically sleep with one eye open.
Shinsou seemed nice enough, and he even watched whatever you wanted while your new fathers got ready for patrol. You assured them that you would be alright staying behind with Shinsou, and they apologized profusely for not being able to get out of work for the night. 
Once they had left, it was just you and Shinsou sitting in the living room. You were curled up on one end of the couch, and he was at the other end, giving you your space. You couldn’t help but watch him out of the corner of your eye, afraid he may make a move when you weren’t looking. The purple-haired boy noticed your staring, then turned his gaze from the tv to you.
“You don’t feel safe here, do you?” He asked. His question caught you off guard, and you didn’t answer. “Dad and Pa told me that you may be on edge for a while, that you had an aversion to males. I can only assume it has to do with childhood trauma? You don’t have to tell me. But if you do decide you want to. I’ll be here. I’m a good listener, and I don’t know, I always find it easier to talk to people closer to my age. And if there’s anything I can do to help this transition be smoother for you, please tell me.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked away, nodding. “I think I’m going to go take a shower,” you said as you stood, hugging yourself tightly.
Shinsou nodded, eyes softening. “Ok. Do you remember where the bathroom is?” He helped you find everything you needed, even offering you a pair of his sweatpants and an old shirt to change into.
You took your time in the shower, even taking a moment to sit and cry. It had been a long and tiring day. You were so excited to have a permanent home, but still nervous given the situation. Once you had composed yourself, you stepped out of the shower and got dressed.
The house was silent as you stepped out of the bathroom, just as it was before. You could hear the TV in the living room where you assumed Shinsou still sat on the couch. Except when you entered the hallway, you could hear music coming from further down the hall. You made your way to your new room, not thinking much of it. Shinsou’s room was across the hall, so it could have been him.
You pushed your door open, standing still in the doorway when you took in the room. Your stuff was still sitting on the end of your bed, except now there was a lit candle on your night stand. And the music was coming from your room. A laptop sat open on the small desk in your room, spotify open and playing your favorite music artist. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Hitoshi said behind you. You turned around to see him standing in the hallway. “Dad and Pa had a list of things you like, so I looked at it.” He smiled softly, putting his hands in his pockets. “I-I wanted you to know that this is your space. You’re safe here. So,” he chuckled, “the candle is, uh, it’s (fav. scent). And I made that playlist while you were in the shower.”
Your eyes welled with tears again. You couldn’t believe how thoughtful Hitoshi was.
“I’m adopted, too, and it was difficult for me at first. And dad did something similar for me. It helped me so I thought it’d help you.”
Shinsou froze as you dove into him, hugging him tightly. He snapped out of it quickly, though, and hugged you back just as tight.
“Thank you,” you cried into his shirt. “Thank you, Hitoshi.”
He smiled, so proud of you hugging him despite your fear. “Of course. Anything for my new sister.”
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queenpiranhadon · 15 days
Hey hey
I wanted to request a dad aizawa x singer daughter :))
She is his only and biological daughter and wanted since she was little to become a singer and musician but never told Aizawa becase she thought he would told her to become a hero, and one day he finds her singing and playing an dificult instrumen.
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Warning(s): reader uses she/her pronouns, slight cursing, inaccurate Japanese translations lol, violin terms bc I'm a violinist :), reader's biological mom is dead, Aizawa became a dad at 19 - he's like 34 in this jsyk, reader's 15-16 yrs old, mentions of being disowned, fluff, mentions of depression and death, Kae makes a really bad pun, hime means princess in Japanese
Pairing(s): Shota Aizawa x daughter f!reader (PLATONIC)
Link to the song in this fic~
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•─────•°•❀•°•──── ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜʀɪ ────•°•☁︎•°•────•
“Goddamnit!” you groan, as you fiddle with your violin. (LMAO PUN!! sorry) 
Your fingers ached, as you tried to nail down the pizzicato run at the top of the page. However, your fingers refused to move with the fluency they used you, and you felt the calluses starting to develop on the surface of your fingertips. 
Self-teaching yourself to play the violin was a pain in the ass, but you were determined to go to a performing arts school once you graduated junior high. 
The only problem? 
Your father was Shota Aizawa, underground pro hero Eraser Head, and was not only a pro, but also a teacher at UA High School- one of the top schools for pro heroes in training. 
You loved your father to the ends of the earth, as he did you, considering your small family only consisted of the two of you, your mother having died during childbirth. Aizawa, only 19 at the time, struggled with the loss of his lover, but you helped him get through it. 
You were his pride and joy, the perfect combination of his love and himself, his precious daughter. 
Nothing you could do could make him hate you. 
And you knew that, but your insecurities were bigger. 
What if he wanted you to become a pro hero like him? 
In all honesty, you didn’t see that future for yourself. It was an honorable job, one that you knew was very important, and a job many children wished to have in the future, and yet, that was never your dream. 
Pro heroes went out every day, fighting with their lives on the line, patrols constantly, dealing with paparazzi, not to mention the
It wasn’t that you weren’t ambitionless, no, certainly not, but it wasn’t something you found passion in. 
But to be fair, if you were successful in your career path, there would sure be a lot of paparazzi either way. 
You were set on following a path into the performing arts, but it was always a little disheartening whenever you heard your Uncle Hizashi or Auntie Nemuri go “Awww Y/N! You’re going to be an amazing pro hero when you’re older, so kind and so determined” 
You knew they meant well, but still. 
Sighing you set down your violin, gently setting it down in your case and safely securing you bow in before tucking it underneath your bed. That’s where most of your instrumental arsenal lived, all compact and tucked away, awaiting your every musical whim. 
You worked tirelessly to earn enough money for each of your instruments for the past two years, combing through online marketplaces and sales to find decently priced quality instruments. 
Grabbing your keyboard and setting it up, your fingers find their way to ivory keys that played a sequence you knew well. 
The notes left your fingers immediately, music filling your bedroom walls as a stream of tunes flow like a waterfall, smooth and connected, and yet, somehow still intense in its own way. 
Music is a form of communication, you always thought. The right notes paired together convey moods, thoughts, feelings. It always amazed you how something as simple as sequential pitches could convey something words never could. 
Ai shika kanjitaku mo nai (I don't want to feel anything but love) you sang, letting yourself get lost in the music. 
Mou nan no wakehedate mo na (There's no difference anymore)
Matomete kakatte kinasai (Please call all at once)
Ima nara subete uketomeru kara (I'll accept everything now)
You finish the song with a resounding chord, the room eerily quiet without any music flowing through it, until a slow clap breaks the silence. 
“Well, what do we have here?” 
You jump in surprise, scrambling away from the keyboard to see your father standing in the doorway of your room, the look on his face unreadable. 
You turn bright red and feel your heart sink. 
You never told your father about your dreams and aspirations for the future- what would be say now? 
You steel yourself, taking in a deep breath. 
Calm down, Y/N. He wouldn’t disown you because you don’t want to be a pro. And plus, it’s my life! I should have a say in what I want to do. You think to yourself. 
“Dad, I don’t want to be a pro hero...” you mumble out, refusing to look at him. “I want to be a musician, or a singer! I really like music and it just...really makes me happy.” 
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and you think with a sinking heart that he’s furious, but then a chuckle is heard, almost deafening in the silent room. 
“Oh, thank god.” he exhales in relief, leaving you staring at him, dumbfounded. 
“Y-You’re not mad...?” you ask, extremely confused. 
“Oh no, of course not hime - don't even think that. I'm so sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me anything. ” he says, and you’re put at ease. “Everyday, pro heroes go through pain and hardships to try to save the people of this world.” 
He sighs “Many pros lose their sanity and fall into an abyss of depression and despair because it’s too much for them. “he looks at you, his eyes genuine and sincere. “I don’t want that life for you.” 
You hug him, and his arms wrap around you comfortingly. 
“I love you dad.” 
“I love you too, hime.” 
Then he pulls away with a sly grin on his face. “So, you gonna show me what you’ve been working on?” 
Your face flushes and you shove his arm playfully. 
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tang3r1n · 4 months
tw; panic attacks, bad self image, implied father/parental issues, bad mental health, self-deprecating thoughts. (reader is implied to be aizawa’s student/hes implied to be a sort of father to them. platonic vibes, but big on physical touch cause it’s my love language)
“my head hurts.”
“take some aspirins then, hon,”
aizawa was still nose deep in paperwork, one hand scribbling away on his… less than… academically inclined students, the other softly rubbing your legs spread across his lap. the calluses on his hands felt like sandpaper, but in a nice way, “…your hand feels like a cat tongue.”
“…” he laughs a bit, “…thanks, your legs feel furry,” you scoff and lightly kick him in the gut, causing aizawa to laugh louder, “kidding, kidding,” you lean back down, staring up at the popcorn ceiling above you.
your head feels funny, your nose stopped up, cheeks buzzing and tight. your eyes burned, rubbed raw from crying for the better part of two hours. a heavy sigh was forced upon you, heaving your chest harshly before your breath staccatos out of your lungs rather roughly.
aizawa pats your thigh, tired eyes swiping over to look at you for a moment. you were in the ‘aftershock’ phase of a panic attack, face puffy and flushed, your skin was still stick with tears you didn’t even register falling. he sighed, taking off his glasses and heaving you closer with a grand show of struggle as he groaned and huffed your hips up onto his lap.
you sighed, face numb as he forced you to sit up, your head swimming in the heavy mix of tears and aizawa’s cologne while he wiped at your face. he rubbed away your shiny tears and snot with a soft tissue, patting your back to the rhythm of your heartbeat, “you still feeling it?”
you nod.
“wanna eat something?”
you shake your head ‘no’.
“wanna put something on to watch?” he bends down, grabbing a water and opening it, holding it to your mouth as you take a big gulp. the cold water shocks you, it feels nice.
you shake your head ‘no’, again.
he takes your hands into one of his larger ones, the other still patting your back softly. he starts to rock you two back and forth.
“you’ll be okay,”
you nod, his soft tone makes your nose itch, your throat closes up and your eyes well back up.
“and i’ll be here,”
tears fall slowly, fat and slow as they trail new tracts down your hot skin, burning from the pressure pushed against it.
“every time.” he kisses your forehead, “i’ll always be here for you.”
you start to pant and huff again, chest tight as the tears turn fast and hot. his hand just squeezes yours, still rocking softly, still patting your back in that same rhythm.
“i love you.”
a shrill gasp escapes you, throat burning as air claws down the raw tunnel. you feel loved and it feels awfully warm. sickeningly comforting. it’s terrifying, how softly he handles you, it’s horrifying, how slow he is. you’ve begged for love like this all your life, and now that you have it, you’re petrified he’ll leave, clawing at his sweater, desperate for his warmth, craving his love like the air forcing itself into your deprived body.
but he stays.
he stays, rocking you both, patting your back, aspirin bottle open and knocked to the ground, water spilt all over his younger student’s exams, his ‘old man’ glasses thrown to the floor with your flailing. you’re so ugly, so broken, so jumbled and mixed up and upset and ruined and worthless and sensitive and hungry—
but he stays. he’s there, holding you, breathing for you, feeding you his love, teaspoon at a time, one ‘i love you’ at a time, one aspirin at a time.
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whattheheckmidoriya · 4 months
Aizawa crochets. He makes scarves, little beanies, and gloves. Sometimes, he'll even make little plushies for Eri. The weather is getting cold and he notices his students are shivering? He somehow walks into class the following week with a box of crocheted beanies, all matching his student's hero costumes and tells them to grab the one that matches theirs.
He pins the whole idea on you. Someone asks who made all those beanies? He won't hesitate to point them towards you. Aizawa refuses to be caught— Hizashi wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he knew the truth.
Shinso rats him out. Poor boy spent an unhealthy amount of time at the craftstore during the weekend as Aizawa picked out the right colored yarn.
He sometimes makes you wear the stuff he's making. Is it too big? Too small? Are the colors looking okay?
Thank you, and welcome to my TEDtalk😌🤝🏼💖
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bakubunny · 5 months
daydreaming abt an au where you teach at ua in the non hero course, but you’re aizawa’s wife and consequently get labeled as the mom of 1a. dadzawa is a constant, but all the kids go to you when they need a little extra tlc with a home cooked meal, a warm cup of tea and an ear to to listen. they also tell you when aizawa’s pushing himself too hard and they’re worried about him. 💀 they’re all so sweet in their own way and too precious honestly.
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pjs-everyday · 7 months
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his “why are you calling me at 3 AM” vs my “why are u awake lol” (he is trying to be threatening but Eri’s doodle throws off the glare) 😇✨
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