#dad!tom blyth
Tom wearing a baby carrier and refusing to remove it (Elsie loves being attached to him)
Daddy’s Girl
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A/n: anyone else j love dad!tom and elsie cause i sure do
Dad!Tom Blyth x reader masterlist
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divider by @s-hyia
Elsie lets out a loud whine the second you take her our of the baby carrier that was strapped onto Tom's front. "Shh," You softly hush Elsie as you change her soaked shirt.
Soon enough, Elsie starts to cry from being away from her dad's warmth. She sure was a daddy's girl. Tom reaches out for daughter's little hand as she wraps her hand around his index finger–immediately calming down as you quickly change her shirt.
"There you go," You lift Elsie up from your lap, placing a kiss on her cheek before putting her back in Tom's carrier. Tom lightly pats Elsie's back as she calms down from her cry.
"I'm going to go shower," You announces the minute you stepped through the front doors of your house. After a relaxing, steamy shower, you got dressed and took your time doing your skincare.
You could hear footsteps walking around the house and when you walked out your shared bedroom, you raise an eyebrow at the scene in front of you.
"Hey darling," Tom smiles. "What are you doing?" You say in confusion, a smile making its way to your lips. Elsie was still strapped to his front in her baby carrier, his left arm doing a bicep curl.
"I'm working out," He grins before switching to the other arm. "With Elsie still on you?" You chuckle, moving closer to them. "Yeah, she's my little supporter," You kiss Elsie's forehead.
"Do you want me to take her-" Your hands move to the strap but he abruptly turns away from you as you give him a skeptical look. "It's okay, I like it like this," Although he was turned away from you, you knew he was smiling.
@nilletellsstories @joonvrs @whorein4horan
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swiftieblyth · 23 days
Blyth Family: But Daddy I Love him, I’m having his baby:)
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warnings-pregnancy, fluff, let me know what else
“You feeling okay?” Tom asked, sitting down next to you.
“Yeah,” you smiled looking down at your bump (you’re finally showing! It’s like you blew up over night) hands running along it. “I’m great.”
“Did I tell you, you look absolutely gorgeous?” Tom smirked, putting his hands on your bump, kissing up and down your neck.
“Mm, stop.” You moaned.
“Stop what? Stop telling my pregnant wife that’s she’s beautiful?” Tom whispered, kissing below your ear.
“Mm, stop. Tommy, stop, you’re gonna make me want more.”
“I’m sorry my love, you’re just so pretty.” Tom smiled, moving his kisses to your face.
“Tommy, do you want me to start making another one?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
There was a bark that knocked both of you out of your moment. “Lady!” You smiled, looking down at your princess. “Tommy, pick her up, I want to cuddle with her.”
“Of course my love.” Tom smiled, bending down and picking up Lady who gladly let him pick her up. “You want to cuddle with mummy and your baby brother or sister, princess?” Lady let out a little yelp as Tom started to hand her to you. “Just remember to be careful with Mummy’s tummy, your baby sibling is in there.”
“She will be.” You smiled, holding her to your chest as she licked your face. “Aww, my sweet little Lady, I love you so much! And so does your baby sibling.” All of a sudden your smile faded and tears threatened to spill.
“What is it, darling?” Tom asked, putting his hands on either of your shoulders. “Hey, what’s wrong, baby?”
“Tommy, I’m not going to be able to fit in any of my clothes.”
“Oh, honey.” Tom cooed, wiping a tear from your face. “Is that what you’re worried about, my love?” You nodded as he kissed your head. “That’s okay, we can go shopping. We’ll go tomorrow and get clothes for both home and the Bahamas. How does that sound?”
“I love you,” you cried.
“I love you more. I love you and our little babies so much.” Tom smiled, wrapping an arm around you. You held Lady in your arms as you leaned into Tom’s side, head resting in his chest. “It’s okay, love. Don’t worry about it. Stress isn’t good for the baby.”
“I know,” you cried.
“Sh, sh. It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got both of you. How about we watch a movie yeah?”
“Tommy,” you whispered, the next morning, laying in bed and shaking him awake. “Tommy, wake up.”
“What is it my love?” He asked, turning to look at you.
“I’m hungry.”
“Okay, darling. What do you and the baby want?”
“I want coffee, but baby wants chocolate chip pancakes with syrup, wipe cream, and chocolate chips.”
“Okay. Hey, that’s okay, don’t cry.” Tom cooed, wrapping you up in his arms.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that.” Tom explained, kissing your head. “You can wake me up anytime you need me. How about we go out and get something to eat, and then get you some new clothes, yeah?”
“I’m too big to god out in public.” You pouted.
“No you’re not. You are the perfect size you need to be right now, okay?”
“I love you.”
“Taylor!” You squealed when you saw her at the beach house you all were sharing.
“Y/N!” Taylor smiled, running up to you, and carefully hugging you. “How are you?”
“I’m good! I missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too, honey.” Taylor smiled, pulling away, looking down at your stomach. “Look at you, you’re getting so big, in a good way!”
“Thank you!” You smiled, looking down at your bump as Tom hugged Taylor and Travis walked in.
“There’s my babygirl!” Travis smiled.
“Hey, Trav,” you smiled, hugging him.
“How are you feeling? Feeling sick or anything?”
“Trav, I’m fine.” You smiled, pulling away, as Tom shook Travis’s hand.
“Come on, come set.” Taylor let out as Lady played with the cats. Well at least she tried to. Benji played at least. “So, I’m dying to know. Do you know the gender yet?”
“No, we’re waiting until we get home.” You explained, one hand wrapped around Tom’s waist, the other on your bump.
“We have an appointment for the Monday after we get back.” Tom smiled, one arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him, the other running up and down your bump.
“Do you think you know what it will be?” Travis asked. “Or at least what you want?”
“Tom wants a girl, he thinks that’s what it’ll be. I just want my baby outside of me. I don’t care what the gender is.”
“You tired Lady?” You asked, lying down on a towel in the sand with Lady laying next to you, your hand running over her back. “Mommy’s tired too. Baby’s making me tired.”
You felt water dripping onto you, and hands running along your bump. You looked up to see your husband smiling down at you.
“How are you doing love? Are you too hot? Did you put enough sunscreen on? Do you need the umbrella?”
“I’m tired, and my boobs freaking hurt, but otherwise I’m okay. How were the waves?”
“They were good.” Tom smiled, sitting I. The sand next to you. Lady heard him and jumped up, looking around for him.
“You here Daddy?” You smiled, looking at her.
She got up and did a little trot around you to get to him. “Hi, princess,” Tom chuckled, picking her up. She licked his arms tasting the salt water and quickly nuzzled into a comfortable position. “You’re so cute, my little princess.”
“She’s so spoiled.” You smiled, petting her.
“Yeah. But so is our other one going to be.” Tom added. “Taylor and Travis are out swimming, how about we head back and I give you a bath?”
“Will you message my boobs while you’re at it?”
“Of course honey. And we can also talk about names.”
“I love you.”
“I love when you do this,” you hummed, lying in a bubble bath as Tom massaged your tender boobs carefully in his big hands.
“I know.” He smiled, looking down at you. Your head was leaning back on the tub, eyes closed and a tired but content smile on your face. “You starting to feel better?”
“Yes.” You hummed, slowly opening your eyes and seeing Tom’s baby blue eyes looking at you with love. “Thank you for doing this darling.”
“Of course, my love.” Tom smiled, kissing your head. “You wanna talk about names?”
“Well, ever since I was a teenager I knew what I wanted to name my future son.”
“And what would that be love?”
“Jonah. Like after my favorite story growing up.”
“I think that’s amazing my love. If we have a boy we’ll name him Jonah.”
“And what about if it’s a girl?”
“I always liked the name McKinley for a girl.”
“Oh, that’s pretty.” You smiled, closing your eyes again, as Tommy lightly squeezed your boobs. “I like that. If it’s a girl we should name her that.”
“You seem really tiered my love. How about I wash your hair and help you to bed.”
“I don’t want to go to bed with my hair wet.” You pouted.
“Then how about once we’re done, we go sit in bed, and I’ll braid your hair?”
“Tommy,” you let out. You were sitting on the bed with Lady resting on your bump as Tom braided your hair. “You’re going to start having to do this all the time. You’re so good at it.”
“Well, thank you my love.” Tom smiled. “How about when I’m done I go put some of those frozen pizzas in the oven for us?”
“That sounds amazing! When there done will you bring me the ice cream to put on them?”
“Of course, honey.” Tom smiled, kissing your head.
y/nblyth posted
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Taylor and Triv said swimming. Daddy said surfing, Lady said cuddle and be cute. Mummy said sleepy. And baby said make Mummy sleepy.
You let out a small moan as you stirred awake. You smiled as you felt Tom’s arms wrapped around your waist, hands on your bump, Lady resting on your bump, cuddling into your chest.
You carefully picked up Lady who fluttered her eyes open.
“Hi, princess,” you smiled, bringing her to your face. She liked your face and let out a noise. “Shh, Daddy’s still asleep.” You whispered, kissing her head. “Mummy needs to pee, how about you cuddle with Daddy.”
Lady wagged her tail as you put her on your pillow and carefully moved Tom’s hands.
He moaned and wrapped his arms tighter around you. “Where you going?” He mumbled, sleep very present in his voice.
“I need to pee honey.” You let out moving his arms. “Go back to sleep, I love you.”
“I love you too,” he mumbled, holding Lady to his bare chest.
After you went to the bathroom you snuck out of the bedroom and out to the front porch.
You were setting on a rocking chair, looking out at the ocean, listening to the waves, hand on your bump as you thought about everything.
“I thought I heard you come out here,” Taylor said, gaining your attention as she sat on the chair next to you. “What are you thinking about?”
“Life,” you let out, looking at her.
“What about life?”
“Everything. The baby, Lady, Tom, me. My family. And what I’m going to do next.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean I’m about to be a mom. And that’s terrifying.” You let out.
“Hey,” Taylor let out, putting her hand on your, on top of the bump. “You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
“It’s just terrifying. And the fact that I’m growing a life inside of me and that I’ll have to push them out. Taylor I’ve never been more scared in my life.”
“I know honey. But you have Tom and Lady. You have me and Triv, Rachel and Josh. Honey y oh have everyone to help you through this. We’re all going to be here for you. Especially Tom. Yiu know that.”
“I know.” You breathed. “It’s just what am I going to do? I can’t just sit around for twenty ish weeks growing a baby. I need to be able to do something.”
“Arn’t you working on some books?”
“I was. But I just don’t know if I’m going to do that anymore.”
“Why not?”
“Taylor, I’m going to have a baby. I’ll need to be able to take care for them, and Lady. And J know how much Tom loves his job. And babies have such a high risk of feeling rejected and abandoned, so I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go back. I don’t want my baby to feel that way. Tom and I already love them so much and nothing will change that, and I want them to know it.”
“Honey,” Taylor let out, cupping your face as a few tears fell to you cheeks. “Look at me. That baby isn’t even born yet and has half the world loving them. And all of your friends and family already loves them so much and can’t wait to take turns looking after them. And Lady loves them, she’s going to have so much fun playing with them. And honey, most importantly you and Tom love this baby more than anyone does. Your baby’s never going to feel rejected or unloved or abandoned or anything. It’s going to be hard at first, yeah. But talk to Tom about this. He won’t want you quoting anything okay? You two will be able to work something out on how to maintain and continue both of your careers as well as taking care of your family and baby.”
“Thank you.” You cried as Taylor got up.
“Of course honey.” Taylor smiled, getting on her knees and hugging you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too so much!”
y/nblyth posted
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I had I great time in the with Tay and Trav! And of course my wonderful husband, and our babies. Lady was so cute and cuddly, and baby girl Blyth was enjoying herself, making her mummy tired! But we still love her so much and can’t wait to meet her!
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lizzysbrain · 6 months
I know everyone obsesseses over abs and shit but omfg dad bod.
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buckypascal · 6 months
If I make Tom Blyth's tag "snowcone".... am I a bad person 😂😭
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berzahoes · 6 months
manifestation, baby! | tom blyth
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summary: fans find out tom’s girlfriend has an old youtube channel where she reviewed the ballad of songbirds and snakes (and she definitely manifested her life)
an: the way i thought about this idea and quickly wrote it down so i didn’t forget it. i used to have an app that made those fake tweets but i’m just tired to make fake profiles 😭 maybe i’ll change it later idk
for the purpose of this imagine, let’s pretend tbosas book was published between 2017-2019
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liked by zeglerslove, 444_bri and 35,377 others
tomblythxsnow apparently tom’s girlfriend has an old youtube channel where she reviews books and she reviewed the ballad of songbirds and snakes and she literally manifested her future 😭
tomblythxsnow it’s yn’s book corner. she hasn’t posted since 2019 ngl i need her to review a little life because that book destroyed me
nat76_ omg i used to watch her videos!! i’m still subscribed to her 😭 i remember only buying and reading the books she liked because i wanted to be her so bad
j4ckaszlol “if someone ever makes a movie adaptation of this book and casts someone attractive to play snow then i am sorry for the person i become” REALLLLL
graybairdsmockingjay dude the part where she said “i’m calling it now whoever plays young snow will be my boyfriend. movie studios always cast someone attractive as the younger version of a character!” MY JAW DROPPED SHE NEEDS TO TELL ME HER WAYS
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“guess what rachel just sent me.” you heard tom say when he arrived to your shared apartment.
“wedding invitations?!” you gasped as you almost stood up from the sofa since you were watching reruns of criminal minds, but tom stopped you.
“no, it’s better!” tom sat beside you and showed you his phone. “why didn’t you tell me you had a youtube channel?” on his phone screen was your review of the ballad of songbirds and snakes, which had become a very popular video over the past couple of days.
you hid your face with a pillow and groaned. “don’t remind me. i just wanted to talk about my books and my family didn’t care. don’t watch it! it’s embarrassing!”
“i think it’s cute. aw look, your dog made a cameo!” he pointed at your old dog you used to have that walked into the frame.
“indi! no, come sit right here. oh . . . and she’s walking away. okay, anyways.” your younger self said in the video
“indi? why Indi?” tom asked you even though you were still hiding from embarrassment.
“after indiana jones. my dad and i loved those movies and he gifted me indi as a birthday present.” you confessed.
“love, don’t be embarrassed. i think it’s cute that you manifested your life according to the comments on instagram,” tom paused the video then cuddled up to you. “i won’t watch it if you don’t want me to.”
“it’s fine, i just didn’t think anyone would find it. we can watch it together.” you uncovered yourself and sat down properly to watch the video with tom. before he pressed the play button and together you watch your younger self review the book.
“i’ve read all the hunger games books at least four times and this one did not disappoint. but i do hope whoever ends up being cast as young snow is someone hot. i’m sorry it’s the rules! and they will be my boyfriend, i’m calling dibs.”
tom smirked at you. “if only younger you could see you now.”
“she would definitely think ‘wow, how did we pull this beautiful man?’ then be confused as to why the hunger games and fnaf is trending in 2023.”
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liked by tomblyth, rachelzegler and 1,377,389 others
ynlovesbooks told ya. love you tomblyth ❤️
rachelzegler she is THAT girl
ynlovesbooks no u
everdeenx12 bestie he’s EVIL
ynlovesbooks he’s a walking red flag but my favorite color is red 😍
chamaletproblems pls tell me how you did this
ynlovesbooks i figured out who they were casting and kept him hostage until he agreed to be my bf
tomblyth true
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leclercsainzz · 5 months
PAIRINGS: lando norris x ex!gf / tom blyth x reader
TYPE: social media au
WARNING: // cheating implied
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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liked by danielricciardo, hunterschafer, and 678,889 others
yourusername: more photo dumps of my favorite ppl (ft. me)
tagged: @tomblyth @hunterschafer @joshandresrivera
view 6,021 comments
user: MY FAVORITE CAST!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
user: bye, bc how did lucy gray leave a man like him???
↳ user: the way i would’ve believed EVERY word that came out his mouth and stayed with him, frrrr
↳ user: she’s a better woman than me 😭😭
user: the green jackets, hello?????
user: @landonorris
hunterschafer: love you, girlfriend 😘
user: hottest cast ever, idc
user: did tom and yn share the same jacket on set???
↳ user: literally my parents
joshandresrivera: ❤️❤️
user: soo are you and lando still together or???
user: yntom shipper >>>>
user: she looks so adorable in that second slide
tomblyth: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
tomblyth: you’re my favorite person ever
↳ user: my heart 😭😭😭😭😭
↳ user: this is too cute, wtf????
↳ user: if they don’t date, i’m gonna be so upset
user: sOMEONE GEt ME A TOM BLYTH, RIGh nOw!!!!!!!
user: babe, are you and dad (lando) still together???
↳ user: girllll, i’m pretty sure they’re done
user: tom’s the reason why my standard in man are high
songbirdandsnakes: our favs! ❤️
user: please, date!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
user: all i can think about is lando 🥺
user: you know damn well lando didn’t cheat on you
↳ user: how you gonna say that when there’s proof??
user: my favorites <3
user: where’s lando??
user: my comfort cast, i swear ❤️
user: yntom nation please rise
user: i wanna cry so bad bc i feel bad for lando 😭😭😭
↳ user: feel bad??? wdym?? he cheated???
↳ user: the only reason he might’ve cheated was because yn literally cheated on him first??????? hello???
user: if only coryo had been honest with her 😩
user: idc what anyone says, tom and yn are soulmates
user: this cast >>
user: her smile 🥺 she’s too cute
user: my babies
user: i can (not) accept the fact that lucy gray and coriolanus didn’t end together but i will NOT accept if yn and tom don’t end up together irl
user: who needs eminem when you’ve got paneminem
↳ yourusername: STEALING THIS, OMG!
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liked by kellypiquet, maxfewell and 431,028 others
luisinhaoliveira: weekend getaway 😙
view 2,846 comments
user: not her trying to soft launch 😭😭😭😭
user: more like weekend cheat-away
user: pretty girl 😍
user: wait- so she’s actually with lando????
user: girl, he ain’t interested in you let’s bffr
user: he didn’t even like or comment 🤣
user: luuuuuuu 😍😍😍
user: how does it feel to have yn’s left overs??
user: is she aware that he’s just using her???
user: @landonorris @landonorris @yourusername @yourusername
user: lando couldn’t even handle yn and ya’ll believe he can handle this beautiful woman?? 😭😭😭
user: acting like that’s her man 💀
user: hate to break it to you but once a cheater always a cheater 🫢 so you best watch out, babes
user: YOU’RE the other woman, don’t get it twisted
user: ynlando >>
user: why are you soft launching as if no one knows?
↳ user: she really thought she ate 😂😂😂
user: you’re beautiful!!! 😩😩
user: is that lando or??
user: CRYING 😭😭😭 home girl thought she did something by “soft-launching” LMAOOOOOOOOO
user: ya’ll are so mean, omg 😭 it’s not her fault lando cheated
↳ user: she knew he was in a relationship and still got with him?????? hello??????
user: he ain’t even comment 💀💀💀💀
↳ user: let alone like 😭
user: @landonorris this your new girl???
user: this means i finally have a chance with THE yn ln!! 🥳
↳ user: hate to break it to you, but that’s tom’s girl now
user: ya’ll calling lando a cheater when it’s yn 😂😂😂
user: anyways
user: this drama’s sooo goood
user: u and lando are so cute 🥰🥰🥰
↳ user: they both belong in the street
oscarpiastri: lmao
comment has been deleted
user: where’s lando?? waiting for a comment or like
user: ya’ll are so mean 😭😭😭
user: yntom >>>
user: yn’s better than me bc i would be DRAGGING both their asses on the internet right about now, idccc
↳ user: girl, frrrr
↳ user: it just shows how she’s being the bigger person in this whole bs, tbh
post has been deleted
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liked by tomblyth, landonorris and 695,899 others
yourusername: thank you, next 💋
view 5,725 comments
user: not lando still being in her likes 😭
↳ user: mans is DESPERATE for her attention
isahernaez: eres realmente una belleza 😍
see translation: you’re truly a beauty
hunterschafer: WOW
hunterschafer: YOURE A GODDESS
hunterschafer: MY GODDDD 😍😍😍
oliviarodrigo: gorgeous gorgeous girl! 😩
↳ yourusername: right back at youuu, ml 💗
user: can’t believe lando let this gorgeous woman go
user: lando fucks shit up but yn comes and serves each time
↳ user: all she does is post and comes up with a caption and yet she remains unbothered and iconic!
↳ user: she shuts la*do up by posting, i swear
user: MOTHER ASF 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
user: babes in her reputation era
lilymhe: absolute beauty right here! 😮‍💨
user: teach me your ways
tomblyth: okay, we get it, you’re incredibly gorgeous
↳ yourusername: oh stop, you’re making me blush
↳ user: ooohhh????
tomblyth: can i be your next?
↳ yourusername: you’d like wouldn’t you? 🤔
↳ tomblyth: i just want to show you off
↳ user: QUICK: someone check on lando
↳ user: i find it hard to believe they’re not a thing
user: tom and yn flirting??!???? 👀
user: “i just want to show you off” SIR????
↳ user: if your man ain’t show you off, he ain’t the one
user: i just know lando is crying right now
↳ user: as he should!
user: mother is serving, ohhh myyy 😍😍😍
user: TOM’s COMmENT????
user: if her and tom don’t get together ima have a mental breakdown, i swear
user: serving as always!!!
user: unbothered queen
user: YNTOM NATION RISE!!!!!!!!!!
carlossainz55: that’s my best friend!
user: lando liked 😭😭
↳ user: he’s craving yn’s attention, but then again i would too
user: screw tom … let ME be your next
user: 😍😍😍😍😍 WOW WOW WOW
user: mother is mothering
user: @landonorris apologies to mom so we can move on
↳ user: i NEED them together 😭😭😭
oscarpiastri: 🤩🤩🤩
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 674,037 others
tomblyth: here’s to another epic outing w/ my favorite people!
tagged: @yourusername @joshandresrivera @hunterschafer
view 5,601 comments
user: yntom being each other’s favorite person >>> 🥰
user: hunter & yn singing “you belong with me” is a slayyyyy
user: josh’s message 🤣
user: the 5th pic OMGGG ❤️❤️❤️
joshandresrivera: i feel exposed 😔
joshandresrivera: art admiring art 😍
↳ yourusername: aw thank you! (he was looking at me btw)
↳ joshandresrivera: can you not?? 🙄
↳ tomblyth: can you blame me?
user: i love them omg
user: yn better have dedicated “you belong with me” to tom
user: my parents, frrrr
user: 5th slide 😭😭😭
user: are they dating?? officially??
hunterschafer: same time next week?
hunterschafer: i love you alllll 😘
user: my yntom heart is giggling at the 5th slide
user: this cast has my heart, i swear!! ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername: my favorite boy everrrr <33
yourusername: 😘😘😘 ilyyyy
↳ user: @landonorris
↳ user: nahhhhh 😭😭
user: yn should’ve sang “london boy”
user: my yntom heart 😩😩😩
user: the 5th slide has me grinning ear to ear
user: THE HEAD LEAN 😭😭😭😭
user: she’s living her best life with him, i swear 🥰
↳ user: she’s definitely glowing!!
user: she deserves a guy like him … who will treat her right
user: i love this friendship 😩
user: them >>>>>
user: they’re in love, your honor
user: i hope they’re together ❤️
↳ user: i feel like they’re keeping it private
user: lando’s currently going apeshit
user: @landonorris
user: singing “you belong with me” SLAYYYYYYYYY
user: i love them 😭😭😭 together or not
user: soulmates frrr
user: mom and dad ❤️❤️
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liked by oliviarodrigo, tomblyth and 624,510 others
yourusername: 🍃
view 4,028 comments
user: IS THAT LANDO??????
↳ user: you really think that’s lando?? 🤣
↳ user: YES!
user: whatever tom’s doing is working bc she’s glowing
user: that’s definitely tom, OMG!!!!
user: her smile 😩😩
lilymhe: you’re unreal, i swear
↳ yourusername: says YOU 😩
user: yn post whatever la*do sent you, please!!!
user: is she soft launching or??
user: lando?
charlottesiine: you >>> 😍😍
user: she’s glowing 😍✨
↳ user: tom’s the one making her ✨ GLOW ✨ like this!!
user: wait is that lando??? or tom???
user: i find it funny how ppl think that’s lando 😭😭
hunterschafer: you’re sooo prettyyyyy
user: she’s literally glowing 😍😍😍😍
user: the last pic 😩 i LOVE THEM, OMGG
user: such a natural beauty, i swear
user: yk damn well the relationship between her and lando was falling apart the moment she stopped glowing like this
user: she’s radiating so much energy ✨✨✨
user: it’s clear to see that she's in love, her face is radiating with joy and happiness …. you can see it in her beaming smile
↳ user: she’s glowing with love, and it’s a beautiful sight
user: your face is mesmerizing 😩😩😩
tomblyth: i’m enthralled by your beauty
↳ user: he’s sooo in love 😩
tomblyth: stunning views
↳ yourusername: don’t boost my ego like that 🙄 or else …
↳ tomblyth: can you just accept my compliment for once?
↳ user: you cannot tell me these two aren’t together bc they certainly are!!
zendaya: are you even real? 😍
↳ yourusername: coming from youu??? 😩😩
danielricciardo: who’s got you smiling like that??
↳ carlossainz55: ^^
↳ yourusername: wouldn’t ya’ll like to know
user: i can’t imagine being as beautiful as you
↳ yourusername: you’re a beautyyy <333
↳ user: i lOve you omg!!! ❤️❤️❤️
user: 😍😍😍😩😩😩😩😩
user: she’s smiling brighter than ever 🥰🥰🥰
user: gorggg
landonorris: 😍
comment has been deleted
user: tHe last slide 😭😭😭😭
@tomblyth-tsunoda @love4josh @dudde-44 @coconut-dreamz @newlifeforus @loxbbg @dakotali @f1footballluvverr @mountmaason19 @poppyflower-22 @magical-spit @nazm145 @nikolaros22 @sincerlymatakorama @36babyg @bucket-of-fanfiction @gyunheat @millyswife @onlyrealjoy @ocyeanicc @sarah-thatstings-ann @ushygushybaby @shrimpybbq @reyfolks @earth-to-lottie @smugrogerina @jenniferrvsesi @aleidag1rly @charlesswife @sheluvsf1 @omgsuperstarg @krispy-r @lwritesstuff @eutrizbea @psychiceaglepeach @theseerbetweenus
1K notes · View notes
ebsmind · 5 months
𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭 ❀ tom blyth x singer!reader
summary : just a little sneak peek of what y/n and tom’s relationship is like
warnings : none! this is straight up fluffy
a/n : i think im making this into a series?? like having everything with olivia rodrigo as a fc being related to a taylor swift song? im not sure but i listened to sweet nothing and i just HAD to write something about it 😼
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tomblyth happiest of birthdays to the love of my life ❤️
tagged : @/ynuser
view all comments
ynuser you made my birthday 1000000% better 🫶🏼i love you so much
↳ tomblyth forever & always
user2 mom and dad 🥺
user3 he’s so in love with her i need what they have
rachelzegler y’all he wrote a poem for her and she SOBBED
user4 he wrote a POEM for her??? i cannot
user5 @/tomblyth you might as well go and propose now
↳ rachelzegler nah fr i’m waiting for the answer to this question
user6 rachel zegler confirmed as #1 y/n and tom shipper
user7 he’s so soft for her i’m gonna cry
ynuser added to their story!
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ynuser bejeweled as f*ck for my birthday
view all comments
tomblyth woah that’s my girlfriend
❤️ by creator
joshandresrivera happy birthday queen ✌🏼
↳ rachelzegler i made him say queen 😽
❤️ by creator
jennaortega happy birthday to the prettiest girl alive
baileybass happiest of birthdays to my bestie!!! 💗
hunterschafer happy birthday pretty girl!! 🫶🏻
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ynuser birthday shenanigans (ft the poem)
tagged :@/tomblyth
tomblyth i slayed is what rachel would say
↳ ynuser slayed the house down houston i’m deceased 
user1 tom is so funny i can’t
user2 they’re so sweet to each other
user3 parents fr
rachelzegler hey i wrote her a very long paragraph for her birthday and i didn’t get posted ☹️
↳ ynuser sorry pookie let me post you rn
user4 thx for that pic of tom y/n im going to be stealing it now
↳ ynuser 😉
671 notes · View notes
andy-15-07 · 3 months
Us and our children
masterlist ! pairing: Tom Blyth reader
SUMMARY : a beautiful morning with the children
GENRE: fluff, loveeee , dad!Tom
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Over the years, mornings change with us as well. Tom and I have been married for 5 years and we have two children together, more precisely twins, Liam and Lexi Blyth, who are 4 years old and are almost a copy of their father, with his gray-blue eyes, his smile but the same hair color as mine and Tom's.
"Good morning my love ." I hear Tom and feel him pull me closer to him, putting my head on his chest. As usual he wakes up first.
"Good morning honey , what time is it?" I ask him and move even closer to him, the warmth of his body makes me decide to stay in his arms as long as I can.
"It's 8 o'clock. Are you surprised that you didn't wake up with our joys with us in bed?" he tells me and I can feel him playing with a strand of hair.
"I'm a little surprised, but I have a feeling that in 5 minutes you'll see them coming to the door." I say and kiss him on the jaw.
"You are right."
We are sitting quietly, in each other's arms, suddenly we hear footsteps in the hallway and a not-so-whispered conversation, and then we realize that our daughter and son have woken up.
I lift my head from Tom's chest and look at him and see him already looking at me smiling, I see him lean down and capture my lips in a kiss, after I break the kiss we turn our gaze towards the door.
The door slowly opens and we see how Liam looks to see if me or their father are awake and is greeted with two big smiles from us.
"Lexi I told you they woke up, come on." Liam says and extends his hand towards his sister, we see them holding hands and coming towards us.
Tom taught our son how to behave with a girl and anyway Lexi and Liam are not only brother and sister but also best friends, which makes me and Tom the proudest parents.
"Good morning mommy ! Good morning daddy!" our beautiful children tell us.
"Good morning to you too, my treasures." Tom says and makes room for Lexi and Liam to get between us.
Lexi has been daddy's girl since she was born, just like Liam is mommy's boy.
"Daddy, can we watch TV with you? Please!" Lexi says and makes that face that Tom can never resist.
"We can watch, anyway it's Saturday and how about we stay in bed today, watch TV and do whatever else you want. Do you agree?" I tell my two miracles.
I see how they look at each other and then they both nod, so that Lexi's hair comes loose from her braided tail, when I look at Tom I see that he is happy, he has the smile on his lips that I fell in love with.
I see my dear husband turn on the TV and put on the children's favorite show, while I watch our children get under the covers and make themselves comfortable in bed.
Not even 30 minutes pass and I feel Tom squeezes my hand a little, when I look at him, he signals me to look at Lexi and Liam who have fallen asleep, this makes me smile.
"Looks like they weren't ready to wake up." Tom says in a whisper and I notice him shaking the children's eyes.
"Here I agree with you." I answer.
This always happens in our house and especially since our dear children have grown up, they bring us only joy and happiness in my life and Tom's. We are the proudest parents and we love our treasures, we are the luckiest to have them in our lives.
333 notes · View notes
tonixe · 6 months
ਏਓ ` caged
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``a/n: I'm back, guys I won't ever leave trust. But update I'm still obsessed with Coriolanus Snow, he is so hot, and sexy and I wanted him to degrade me. Tom Blyth is still my celebrity crush and I just wanted to write smut.
warning: p in the v, penetration, coquette style, lolita, objectification, exhibitionism, mirror sex, choking non-con to dub-con, and creampie. *** may be classified as dark content. (proofread??)
pairing: pervert!coriolanus x nymphet!reader
word counter: 3.1k
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You were Sejanus's adoptive sister, you used to live in the district, specifically around District 6. His mother found you around the street, in an alleyway. You remembered cold, hungry, and almost dying from a cold you caught. You were unable to buy food or clothes with the low funds you had, resulting in stealing from people and food stalls.
Their family was your saving grace, being an orphan was hard being kicked out from an orphanage due to the high population rate there, no food, water, or clothes, no reason. Mostly Mr. Plinth who was a kind man indeed. He began to be your father, though he wasn't biological, he cared for you as your own, and you were happy for him to be your dad. From living on the streets to a place in the capitol. You would have never thought of ever seeing the clean capitol floors or walls, or even seeing the wonderful food on the table with the elegant style and decorum.
It took you some time for you get with and normalize yourself with the Plinth family. You couldn't use the word mom or dad, even father or mother because you didn't feel like you fit in always using Mr or Mrs with them.
You had to practice it yourself, hopefully make them your own traits of carrying yourself with elegance and suave. Mr Plinth hired a teacher to help you practice it, which you were grateful for. Even landing a spot in the capitol's academy, attending it with your older brother, Sejanus. Everything felt surreal to you, feeling yourself still in a dream looking in the mirror as you wore the blood-colored uniform, clipping a pink-colored butterfly hairpin in your hair to finish your pristine ponytail, fitting the appearance of a spotless uniform.
Though you were from the district, you managed to hide yourself from your origin, even with the relationship that people knew that you had with Sejanus. Everyone seemed to be more favorable towards you than him, flocking your desk before the professor came and class started. Talking to you, children from the rich, and the wealthy wanting to be your confidante. Your popularity rose from the ranks, and you were able to have a flourishing status in the academy. A person with good grades, elegance, and filled with poise.
The bell rang, and you took your books holding them close to your chest, walking out of the classroom. Hearing some footsteps coming closer to your walking form, your eyes flickering to Arachne. "So, are you excited for reaping day, it's in almost a month," She said, as you listened to her in response, nodding your head. Your heart starts beating faster as you hear of reaping day. Everything about reaping day triggered things in you, especially back living in the district. You heard of it, people going missing and plucked from their homes to be fighting in an arena for entertainment. You gulped, nodding to her words. "Yeah, it going to be a ball there, I wonder whats going what new things are going to happen, especially with Dr. Gaul" You replied, "Well, she knows how to entertain and put on a show," Aranche said, you guys simultaneously went into the dinning hall.
As you guys got some lunch being served, before you stopped in your steps, "What happened?" Arachne asked, as she stopped with you, "I'm going to sit with my brother" You stated, gesturing to him sitting alone, before she grabbed your biceps, "You're going to sit with him, Sejanus?" Arachne asked incredulously, "—Are you serious?" Aranche questioned, "Yes? Is there a problem?" You asked, cocking your eyebrows to the side, feeling Arachne's hands leaving your bicep before she walked away from you. As you walked to the table where Sejanus was sitting, another person was sitting next to him.
He was familiar to you, with curly blonde hair. He hung out with your brother often, his name was Coriolanus Snow—right? You continued to walk to the table, Sejanus's eyes flickered toward you, "Y/N, come join us!" He said that got the attention of the blonde man sitting next to him, you nodded, placed your tray on the table, and sat down on the chair that was across from Coriolanus.
"Oh, Y/N this is Coriolanus" Sejanus said, gesturing to Coriolanus, "Yes, how can I not, he's infamous at the academy" You smiled at the man who was staring at you, and he gave you a small smile before he went back to Sejanus, "So, is this your sister?" Coriolanus asked, "Yes, she little younger than us. I think a Junior, right Y/N?" Coriolanus just nodded at the statement.
Coriolanus was in awe of your appearance, he had known Sejanus for some time but never knew he had a sister as well. Your h/c and your eyes contrast with your smooth skin, enchanting your beauty, and your cute nose. He wonders what you would look like underneath the red uniforms, and how much your curves would show, trying to brush off the dirty, vulgar thoughts of his 'friend' little sister.
There were some talks about you especially among his male peers, mostly the vulgar gossip about how you would look bare, especially when your name was mentioned to Festus. He would always talk suggestively about you, though he didn't like Sejanus at all, he did like his sister. He was a hypocrite in his own words...he didn't like how men were looking at you and talking to you, suggestively, he actually hated it with a weird sense of rage every time your name was mentioned from someone's lips.
He attentively stared at you as you talked to Sejanus, your delicate fingers taking the ladle and dipping into the soup and putting it towards your dainty lips, drinking it. He watched as the soup went down your delicate throat, and gently put it back down. Everything you did was gentle and purified, you were an uncorrupted version of what came out of the capitol, that he wanted to protect.
"Coriolanus?" his eyes darted to voice, which was you, "is everything okay?" you questioned, cocking your head cutely. "Mhm," he nodded, the way you pronounced his name with every syllable with your dulcet tone, it felt like something inside him broke when you looked at him with your soft e/c eyes. "So—how long did you know my brother" you asked, "About a decade now" He answered truthfully, "Oh, that's nice" You gave him a little smile,
"Any hobbies, or such?" You asked, He found it cute that you asked him all the conversation starters in the book, it was adorable that you wanted to know more about him, and the hidden blush dusted on your cheeks. "Hunting" He answered, "I also enjoy hunting, what is your favorite season to hunt, I prefer spring to summer. You get to see all the flowers, fresh grass, and even baby animals" You exclaimed, ranting away as Coriolanus listened to your lovely voice.
He wondered how you would sound when your alone with him, but he couldn't stop his vulgar thoughts around you, it was always in his mind when he heard, saw, and listened to you. Made the blood rush all way to his dick. How embarrassing would it be to see his boner?
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You and Coriolanus started hanging out more, spending more time together without Sejanus and you managed to form a relationship with him, becoming his friend but to his disdain he wanted more than a friendly relationship.
He would visit your home a few times but it was almost all for hanging out with Sejanus, but you didn't know that he only came to see you. You would greet him in one of your cute little pink lacy nightgowns, he found you precious at the informal act. The nightgown did hug your curves, it was something. that very something that got a rise out of him. Those rises that made him jerk off to you at night, the single thought of you with him alone and him stuffing you full with your pink lacy nightgown flipped over covering your face. Your soft-sounding, sweet mewls in his ears as he sinks himself into you, but it was only a fantasy as he spills himself on his hand, the thought of you taking all of his cum made him get aroused even more.
But this time Coriolanus had come back to your utter surprise, but what surprised you more was he wasn't with Sejanus at all, opening the doors to him, and nobody was home but you knew Sejanus was coming back in a few minutes or perhaps hours. "Oh, Coriolanus..Sejanus isn't here at the moment but you are welcome to come in—I think he'll be back in a few minutes" You said, opening the door to him as he walked in. You were still in one of your pink lacy nightgowns, and pink stockings, and your hair were in pigtails with pink bows on both of the sides.
You led him to the parlor room, "Would you like anything to drink? You asked, cocking your head to the side. "No, I'm alright." He answered, "You sure?' You questioned, he wondered if you act the same way if he were to marry you would you be a dutiful wife to him, making sure he's always taken care of—"Yes, I'm sure Y/N" he repeated, you nodded at him. "So, why are you here Coriolanus," you asked, "If you don't mind me asking, of course," you said, "To talk with Sejanus," he said, "Ohh". Coriolanus studies your appearance, the new jewelry that he noticed on your wrist, it wasn't something you would see in a jewelry store. It had a bunch of plastic rainbow loom-type beads on it. "What's that" Coriolanus gestures to your wrist.
You held the bracelet with your other free hand, "Oh, I made it myself" feeling your cheeks getting flushed, "Do you like it?" you asked, your eyes gleaming up to his. "It's...nice" He looked at your wrist, "Do you want me to make you one" you exclaimed clasping your hands with his, your eyes sparkling. He felt his face getting hot, his pale face being stained with a pinkish undertone, "Sure" He answered you, your hands wrapping with his as you grabbed him out of the sofa and led him into your bedroom.
He guessed rightfully on what your bedroom would like, it was all pink, and in different shades of pink to pastels to dark vibrant tints. There was a canopy bed with white sheets and pink lacey curtains, a vanity, and your room had pink cherry blossom wallpaper with pink roses, orchids, and carnations. It had a Victorian style to it, with windows that had lacey curtains with pink bows. His eyes darted to you as you were looking through your vanity trying to find the bracelet set. "You were actually the first person who complimented my bracelets before" you smiled to yourself, glancing back at him. "Well, I'm glad I was your first," He said, putting his hands into his pockets. You took out the bracelets from the chest you brought out. The golden, and pink box opens up with your delicate hands, taking out the charms in the compartment, sitting on your bed. "Sit" you patted right of you, as he sat down looking at the box on your lap.
He was wondering why you would bring a man into your bedroom, not even knowing his intentions at all. Your naive personality was worrying, but also adorable as you made a little bracelet for him, putting charms into the golden metal twine. A few minutes passed between you and Coriolanus, "I'm done" you smiled towards him, taking his wrist and putting the bracelet around it, Coriolanus looked at the bracelet with glee that it was made by you. He felt his heart pumping against his chest.
"It's cute," He said, the cool metal touching his arm before he turned his attention to you. "I'm glad" you smiled, your soft lips parting apart. Coriolanus felt something inside of him twinging, blood rushing down to his lower core. You felt his hands on your thigh, rising making you tense up, "Coriolanus what are you doing?" Your eyes darted onto his hands crawling dangerously up to your cunt. "Y/N" he called your name, as you got up quickly from him, "I think you should leave, Coriolanus" You held your hands backing up from him, and he got up too.
Walking towards you as you tense up, feeling your flight and fight senses kicking in. "You should leave...now" You flickered your eyes away from him, and every time he stepped closer you stepped back, the process continued still you hit your dresser. A set of panic coming in you, feeling his hand on your face. His body pressed into yours, "Your really beautiful when you're scared" he whispered, as he caressed your face.
"—You don't even know how long I waited for this" he finished, his arms trailing down from your face to your chest, as he fondled your chest, "Why do you wear these skimpy nightgowns when a boy comes around, like a common whore" he rolled the buds on your chest, as they hardened at his touch through your flimsy garment. You turned your head away, "Stop" you mewl out, feeling your legs getting heavy, his hand taking down the top of the nightgown revealing your breast on display for him. His hands were cold, groping your breast, feeling your cunt pulsing through your cotton panties.
"We should stop now– please" You choked out, putting your hands on his shoulders, you felt a weird sensation through your body. "Why, feels like you're enjoying it" he whispered, "Haah~" you whined, closing your eyes shut. His hands flipping up your nightgown, your hands darted to his, "We should stop, please, it's wrong" you plead, your doe eyes looking at his cold irises.
This look made him feel even more aroused, he ripped off your nightgown making you squeal so cutely, displaying your cute flimsy pink panties before he flipped you against your dresser. He took off your pink panties looking at the wet patch on them, as your ass made contact with his crotch. "Fuck" your eyes making contact with your mirror at the assault happening on the backside of you. He unbuckled his belt, the jingling sounds making you nervous, your eyes glancing back to him at the sound. Your eyes widened at the size of his cock, feeling yourself tremble at the size, "Corio...that's not going to fit" your lip quivered, "Please—don't put that in" Your eyes getting watery, "It's going to be okay" you felt his hand rubbing on your curves, as he lines up against your slit. He rubbed against it feeling your slick against his cock.
Your breath trembled, as he slowly entered into you, and the pain simmered into you as tears pricked on your waterline, "Shh, it's almost all in" he caressed your waist, his finger trailing to your clit, rubbing the nub. His pelvis bottoming inside you, you gasped, putting your hands on your dresser and trying to steady yourself.
"Don't move..please" your chest heaved, your lips already looking bitten up and your cheek looking wet. But you knew he wasn't going to stop, he moved his hips, plunging himself into you, groaning into your ear. You looked at the mirror, watching his hips fucking into you, his pelvis colliding with you.
"Fuck.. you're tight" he growled into your ears, he slipped into your pussy, and the sloppy sounds of the thrusts sounded erotic, it was dirty. You felt his hands on your pigtails pulling you up, the pain on your scalp hurting, your back curved as he thrust into you. Your tongue lolling out, eyes rolling up, as Coriolanus looked into the mirror at your fucked out face, it was erotic and dirty. The painful sensation turns into a pleasurable feeling.
You felt something bubbling in your core, and thrust into you, feeling a wave of pleasure coming through you, liquid dripping down from your cunt. The sloshing of your cunt and his cock connecting you together. Your tits bouncing at the sudden thrust of him, you gripping the porcelain dresser. His mouth connects to yours into a sloppy kiss, while he enters into you.
Everything that was running through your body felt good, making you drool but you knew it was wrong in your pretty little head. It was wrong to be doing this with your brother's friend, sleeping with him. You felt dirty, but you craved his touch further.
Feeling yourself getting closer to your climax another rush of pleasure passes through your body making you tremble very so slight. His hands on your hips, as he rams into you with an animalistic pace. "It's too much" you whined, "You're doing so well, dear" he teasingly rubbed your clit, making you shudder.
"Corio" you mewl under your breath, as he abuses your clit further getting a rise out of you, he bends you over the dresser, the delicate silver handles digging into your stomach, his hips driving into you. Pulling on your cute pigtails, "Look into the mirror darling" Coriolanus growls into your ear, making you feel wet and aroused, you were embarrassed. "Look" he demanded thrusting into you harder, you obey. Your face flushed and your puffy cheeks stained with wet tears. Your tongue lolling out your mouth, panting like an animal.
"I'm close" he groaned, as he caressed your stomach, feeling his cock bulging in your stomach. "Not inside—please" you whined, feeling his teeth on your neck, leaving little bites blooming on your neck, his hands gripping your breast.
"How can I not, you look so adorable when you look at that" He pulled your face in, your face was messy, tears, snot dripping out of your nose, and drool coming out of your cute little mouth. He plunges into you, "Fuck—" he groaned, before feeling hot loads inside of you, making you tremble from the sudden warmth. "Haah~" you huffed before he released you from your pigtails, falling onto your dresser, panting.
Feeling the sudden warmth coming out from you, as he pulls out from you. Hot cum leaked out from you to the wooden floors, your eyes darting to the mirror looking at Coriolanus's tired form, listening to his footsteps as he came to you, rubbing your stomach gently. Your eyes hesitantly peek at him through the mirror,
"You did so' well" He whispers in your ear, combing your hair, with his fingers, being careful not to hurt you in the process as he plants a kiss on your collarbone to your neck. You should have known better than to trust people, some can be sick perverts because thank god Coriolanus was here to protect you. <3
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660 notes · View notes
robinbuckleysfringe · 4 months
you are in love.
tom blyth social media au
pairings: Jacob Elordi x reader, eventual Tom Blyth x reader
warnings: none
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
*yninstagram has posted*
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liked by tomblyth, Zendaya, jacobelordi, rachelzegler and others
yninstagram cats out the bag, can finally announce that I'm joining the cast of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. see you november 17th 😘🫶🏻🤭
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jacobelordi proud of you ❤️
↪️ yninstagram love you ❤️
rachelzegler so happy that we can finally work together 💕💕
↪️ yninstagram dream come true 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
hunterschafer "cats out the bag" as if you didn't ring me straight after you found out 😂
↪️ yninstagram 😂 can't keep a secret to save my life 😂🤭🤐
↪️ zendaya you're almost as bad as @/tomholland2013 😂
↪️ yninstagram @/zendaya at least I'm yet to spoil a whole ass movie 😂
↪️ tomholland2013 keyword there being "yet" 😂. on a serious note, congrats on the new movie you absolute star ⭐️
↪️ yninstagram thanks Tom 🫶🏻💕
tomblyth bring on the press tour madness
↪️ yninstagram indeed 🫶🏻
user omg was already excited for this but am even more now I know you're in it!!
user so excited!!!
user YES YES YES!!!
user can't wait!! the cast for this movie is insane!!
user iconic that both you and Jacob have your movies out on the same day
↪️ user omg yes!! didn't realise that Jacob's film also comes out that day
↪️ yninstagram some might say we planned that on purpose (we didn't actually)
↪️ user imagine if you guys had tho 😍. Power couple
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged jacobelordi & keoghan92
liked by florencepugh, jacobelordi, keoghan92, tomblyth and others
yninstagram Saltburn premiere with my love ❤️. so bloody proud of you @/jacobelordi, you Hollywood star ⭐️⭐️😘
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jacobelordi love you, my darling ❤️ xx
↪️ yninstagram ❤️
rachelzegler fit 😍😍
↪️ yninstagram no you 🥰🥰🥰
hunterschafer endlessly proud of the both of you, you absolute gorgeous humans 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram luv ya 💕
↪️ jacobelordi thanks Hunter x
user jacob calling her "my darling" 🥺🥺🥺 I can't!!!
user the cutest couple
user mum and dad for real!!!
user omg the bts pic of Jacob!!! 🥺🥺😍😍
↪️ yninstagram ikr!!! made it my lockscreen instantly
↪️ user you're so real for this!!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged jacobelordi, hunterschafer, rachelzegler, joshandresrivera and tomblyth
liked by tomholland2013, florencepugh, tomblyth, jacobelordi and others
yninstagram tbosas premiere with some of my favourite people 🕊🐍❤️
rachelzegler queen!!! 🫶🏻💕
jacobelordi stunning 😍
↪️ yninstagram 😘
hunterschafer love you!!! 💕
↪️ yninstagram love you more!!!!!!! 💕💕
tomblyth ❤️
↪️ yninstagram ❤️
user she's so pretty!!!
user can't wait to see the film!!!
user omg y/n and Jacob supporting each other at their premieres is the cutest!!!!
↪️ user love them so much
user she owned the red carpet 😍😍
↪️ rachelzegler for real!!!
↪️ user OMG RACHEL!!!
user mum and dad looking so in love in the last slide 🥰🥺
user mother is mothering
let me know if you want more parts to this. I'm slowly getting back into the world of writing.
feedback is always welcome x
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For the dad!tom x reader au, maybe one where Elsie is only a few months old, and reader has to go run some errands so Tom has to take care of Elsie alone for a few hours and when reader gets back home she either finds them asleep with Elsie curled up on his chest or just them playing and lots of giggles!
Running Errands
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A/n: first drabble I’m posting for this au!!!
Dad!Tom Blyth x reader au masterlist
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divider by @s-hyia
Brushing through your hair, you feel Tom’s arms lazily hang around your waist. “Are you sure you’ll be okay while I’m gone? Call me if anything happens-” “We’ll be fine darling,” Tom interrupts you, his lips pressing soft kisses on your shoulder as you look at him in the reflection of the mirror. 
You had errands to for the day so Tom was going to look after your three month old daughter by himself for the first time. This was the first time you were going to be away from Elsie since you gave birth to her. You had complete faith and trust in Tom as he was a dotting and loving father to Elsie.
"I know you will be," You let out a sigh, turning around to give him a hug as his hands rub your back. You look over his shoulder and notice Elsie was still fast asleep as you fed her about an hour or so ago.
You walk over to where Elsie slept, you moved her from the bassinet to your shared bed with Tom as he carefully lays back down, deciding to catch up on a few more minutes of sleep.
"Bye," You kiss Tom goodbye before lightly kissing Elsie's forehead. "Have fun sweetheart." Tom says as you give him one final look and leave the bedroom, walking out of the house.
It was around 6pm in the afternoon when you finished all the appointments and errands you had to run. On you way back home, you stopped at your favourite pizza shop down in Brooklyn that you and Tom always visited.
When you opened the front door, it was eerily quiet. You slip off your shoes at the front door and placed the pizza down on the kitchen counter. "Tom!" You called out as you wander around the house.
Checking in his study, the living room, and your bedroom, neither him or Elsie were anywhere to be found. There was one final room that you hadn't checked yet which was Elsie's nursery.
You peek your head around the door as your lips turn up into a smile. Tom was sitting on your nursing chair, Elsie on his chest as they were both asleep, Tom's chest rising up and down at a steady pace.
You quietly walk around the room, picking up the toys that were on the ground and putting them away. Tom slowly woke up when your back was turned to him. "Y/n"
You hear Tom's hoarse voice quietly say as you turn around with a smile on your face. "Hi, my love," Tom presses light kisses on the top of Elsie's head before slowly getting up.
Following Tom back to your bedroom, he carefully places Elsie in her bassinet. The two of you watch in awe as she curls up and goes back to sleep. Your arm wraps around Tom's torso as his wraps around your waist, leaning down to press a kiss on the side of your face.
"How was your day?" He says when you quietly close the door behind you. "Very busy but I got everything done," You say in relief. You and Tom spent the rest of night eating Pizza, drinking wine, and watching movies.
@nilletellsstories @joonvrs @whorein4horan
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
Wedding Reception
warnings- Instagram hate getting call a slut
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Tom and Y/N pulled up to the reception with Lady in Tom’s arms, waiting in the horse drawn carriage until the music started playing.
You and I by One Direction started playing and you looked up at Tom who was looking down at you.
“You ready Mrs. Blyth?”
“I am Mr. Blyth,” you smiled looking up to kiss him.
Tom smiled as he kissed you back, pulling away when Lady let out a little noice. “You ready too, darling?” Lady licked his face making them both laugh, as you petted her and kissed her head. “All right my loves. Let’s head in.”
You and Tom got your dinner and sat at your table while everyone was doing speeches.
“I have known Tom for a long time now, and Y/N even longer,” Rachel explained, starting her speech. “Y/N is my best friend, and when I brought her to set of TBOSBAS that first day I had no idea what I was doing. When Tom and Y/N first met I could see the love in both of their eyes so I wasn’t surprised when about a week later I heard they were going to go on a date. I would be lying to you if I said I was a supporter since the start. When I first heard I was terrified. Y/N had been at the hardest point in her life and career. I brought Y/N to set because she calling me everyday crying because of all the hate she was getting. Josh and I flew her down to have a good time and she ended up dating Tom. I was absolutely terrified because Y/N was getting bashed and hated and I didn’t want Tom to brake her heart. And the day after their first date she was supposed to come to set but she didn’t and I hadn’t heard back from her. Tom came up to me and asked me where she was, and I told him I thought he would know. It turns out not only did Y/N not reach out to me or Josh, but she also didn’t reach out to Tom. When we all got on instagram we saw that she was getting even more hate and people were calling her a slut. I could her and she picked up crying. I told her I was on my way when Tom stopped me and said he was going to go get her. I don’t know what happened but that afternoon Y/N came with Tom and she stayed by his side the rest of the day. After that I knew that Tom was perfect for my best friend.”
As Rachel finished her speech you tarted to cry and lean on Tom’s shoulder with a smile on your face, Lady in your lap. Tom smiled, and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and kissing your head.
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prettylittlels · 5 months
my picture (tom blyth x reader)
summary: just fluff
a/n: i love this concept! i had been thinking about it for a while. but please send request cause i don't have any more ideas 😭
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tom visiting your family would be the most heartwarming thing you'll ever see. imagine him, being so excited to meet the people who raised his wonderful s/o, bringing them gifts and food showing his appreciation. if you had foreign/ immigrant parents, he'd start studiyng their language weeks before meeting them, so they don't think he's disrespectful. and your family? oh, they would love him. since you didn't bring that many boys around home, they noticed you had something special. your dad would tell him embarrasing stories, and your mum would show him childhood pictures. there was one where you were covered in mud, dirty after playing with your cousins, where you looked like the happiest kid in the world. tom gasped at the sight and asked if he could keep the small frame. tom still has the little picture, hidden in his leather wallet.
-tom, love- you ask your partner sweetly -can i borrow 10 pounds?-
-yeah, of course- answers the taller man -just grab some money from my wallet-
you search through your purse for the brownish bag. tom had developed an annoying habit over the years: if he needed to bring something, instead of putting it in his pocket or using a backpack, he left his stuff inside your purse, stuffing it full.
-here it is!- you said triumphantly
opening the wallet, you search for the cash. one 5 pound bill, another 5 pound- wait. what's that photo of you doing in here? you take out the small print out of its tight storage space to inspect it better.
-yes, baby?- he responds, his charm evident in his speech
-where did you get this?- you wave the picture in the air.
tom blushes furiously. his most prized possesion has been discovered!
-your mum gave it to me the last time we went to your parents' house - he admits shyly -i asked her if i could keep it and she said yes-
you start to smile but hold it back as you take something else out of the bag: your phone. you give it to tom and wait for him to do something.
-what do you want me to do?- he laughs at you
-open the case-
tom carefully takes it off your phone to find another little picture, but this time its his. six-year-old tom clad in a blue and yellow bathing suit, only his skin was redder than the red roses that appeared in the background.
-where did you get this?- he confronts you, slowly inching closer to you
-your dad-
- our parents sure love to embarrass us- laughs your boyfriend
-not like i love this picture of you- you say, grabbing him by the waist and bringing him closer
-i think yours is better, love - and he wraps his arms around your middle
-i hope our kids have pictures like that or worse so we could gift them to their future boyfriends or girlfriends-
he leans in slowly and places s soft put passionate kiss on your lips. you tighten your grip on his waist and his hands travel. one goes to cup your cheek, and the other cups your ass.
you start to deepen the kiss even more when he squeezes your butt twice and pulls out of the embrance.
-i'd love that- he adds, while looking down fondly at you.
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qalijahbydior · 4 months
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Mirrors — Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
a/n: happy birthday to the internet's boyfriend!! LOL HE'S 29 already I FEEL SO YOUNG 😔🤌 anyway i decided to write since i had to post something while my story is still being written. newayz enjoy reading!
warnings : none just pure fluff
Tom has been in love with you the moment he heard you speak, it might be not the softest tone or soothing but there's something that draws him into you. He finds you pretty, hilarious, oddly funny and you give off that 'sunshine energy' He feels giddy when talking to you and do you feel the same thing? You do. You just love it when he laughs to your stories and hype your jokes especially when he listens to you. You two have always been teasing each other and that's what makes your friendship go on.
"Tom, come here! Look what I've found!" You say as you carry the ginger kitten and pat it. He came running to you and was already planning to touch the cat but you pulled it away. "Let me guess, you want to adopt it right?" he said, crossing his arms and tilted his head to the side. "Of course I do but the owner of my apartment specifically said no pets." You frowned at the thought of it. You really wanted to adopt the cat even if you just met him. Tom looked at you, scrutinizing your reaction. He then took the cat and rubbed its throat.
"You adopt it but it goes home to me, how does that sound?" He looked at you and the cat lovingly, his words made your face lit up and squeal at excitement. Him volunteering for the cat to live in his house meant having you over so he thought it was a good idea. "What, really? Are you serious?" you say as your eyes fluttered. You didn't think that he'd also like to take care of the cat that you were holding. "Yeah besides I feel like my house can use a pet since I don't have one." He shrugged, still petting the cat. You clung to his arms and hugged it "Yay! I now have a cat!" you squealed again then he looked at you, smiling.
she's so cute i can adopt a lot of cats if her reaction will be like this everytime he thought to himself
"But, I will name him. That's the condition, alright?" his tone was teasing because he knows that you already have a name for the cat. And you gladly let him name the cat, you nodded. "Alright, you name him." and just by a snap of a finger he already has a name for the cat. "His name is Miku, cute right?" he turned to you then smiled.
if loving this cat means getting even closer to you then i will love him and cherish him because he'll always remind me of you he thought as he was looking at your face, like it was illuminating and he loved it.
As for you, you thought that he's so kind to even offer the cat that you were adopting a roof to live in. Tom has always been nice to you and everything you love, you do, and you liked he liked it all too. As if he's now mirroring you. Everything he does is now a reflection of you.
"Nice choice, it is cute." you thought the name was cute but it had a hidden meaning and he knows. Miku is a japanese name and it means 'beautiful sky' it's name matches the way he looks at you. You're the sunshine and now the cat is the beautiful sky.
"I'll put the cat on my dressing room." you gently tried to get the cat from him but he refuses. "Nuuh, I'll hold him for a while. I'm the Dad after all." he said, a smirk creeping on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched your nose as a reaction. "Let me hold him, you get to take him home later." you still tried to get Miku for him but he doesn't budge.
"No, I'll hold him first so he can get used to me." he's still pulling the cat away from you and tou seem to figure out a good way to deal with this and it's by distracting him. "Wait, let's buy something for him real quick. There's a pet shop five blocks away from here. We'll be quick we just need to buy uhhh a collar, wet food for kittens and his very own plate." You smiled as you pat Miku.
You and Tom, both carrying the kitten in your arms, went to the pet shop five blocks from your set. You had come to buy everything the kitten needed, and despite some hesitation by the shopkeeper - who warned you this was a lot of responsibility - you were confident that you could do it. The kitten meowed softly as it was carried away from the safety of his littermates and the familiar surroundings of the pet shop, clearly a bit anxious and unsure of what was to come next.
You and Tom carry the kitten back to the set. The kitten is a bit fussy and wants to explore everything, but eventually settles down in Tom's arms. As the kitten falls asleep, you can't help but marvel at just how cute and adorable it is. You have to admit that the pet shop was right, cats are a lot of work. But it's so worth it when the kitten is snuggled up against your chest, purring softly. It makes all the work feel worth it. You took your phone then took a picture of you, Tom and Miku.
you two will make such good cat parents and you know it.
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You're now sitting at Tom's couch, inside his house as you insisted that you come and feed Miku. This day went on so fast a while ago you're contemplating whether to get Miku or just leave him there but you now have him! Tom is also loving Miku as the cat always clings onto him and purrs on his touch. You asked him if you can stay at his house for a while before you go home and he agreed.
"You know what it's starting to look like you're Miku's owner and not me but either way, it seems like he really likes you." you crossed your legs and picked Miku up to put him on your lap and pet him. "We're his owner, babe. Chill. Besides I used to have a cat that's why he seemed to like me." his words warmed your heart and did he just call you babe...? The thought of the two of you owning a cat is so cute and it just fuels your feelings towards him even more.
"Thank you, really, Tom. I appreciate this so much. I love that you also love Miku." you smiled at him as he was setting up Miku's bed. "Anything for you, pretty girl." He looks at you with love in his eyes, and the butterflies on your stomach felt like they're going to explode. You felt blood rushing through your face, feeling flustered. You just bit your lower lip, stopping yourself from smiling and continued to pet Miku.
Tom has always been like this, he compliments you at the most unexpected moments and it just gets you all red and flustered. You love his compliments and he loves giving it to you. He likes seeing you smile, laugh and jolly because seeing you happy makes him happy too. Your enthusiasm is like a virus once he gets to you. And you also love making him happy, that man's happiness is just simple. You don't know how you make him happy but you just do anything anyway.
Your friendship with him has been a rollercoaster ride, it gets crazy the more that it lasts. You wanted to tell him how you feel towards him but It also scared you, the thought of losing your friendship just because of your feelings towards him scared you.
You always fought the urge to tell him how you felt, so instead of telling him you just express it. Physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service has always been your love language. You liked being near him, you liked clinging onto him like he's going to disappear anytime.
He now sat down beside you and just looked at you as you were playing with Miku. "Y/N" he called and you turned to him, smiling. "Yeah?" his expression softened as he spoke once again. He looked like he was in deep thought before he spoke. "How come you're not dating anyone? I've never seen you go around and date someone?" he asked, he always thought of that but if ever that you really did it would hurt. Just the thought of you dating another guy that isn't him is already piercing his heart.
"I'm not interested. That's it, I'm not looking for anything because I've already got what I need. I can never ask for more." and that's how you really felt through out your friendship with him. You know that he probably doesn't think of your friendship like you two were tied to each other but it always felt that way.
"But do you like someone right now or I don't know, used to like someone?" he knows that this question might be a risk but he still asked it, desperate for an answer. Like his whole feelings depended on it. You didn't know how to answer the question because you were afraid that he might think that he's the one you're talking about. But you're going to make the most out of it
"Well, there's this friend of mine. He really makes me happy. What's for sure is I like him but I can never tell him what I feel. What if my growing feelings ruin our friendship? I enjoy what we have. I feel like I'm already tied to him but not in a bad way, you get me? This friend has been there for me since we met, and lately I've been feeling that I'm seeing myself through him. Not in a selfish way." you explained and that got him thinking of the things that he's done to you or with you these days, trying to connect the dots and see if it would make sense.
And now, it did make sense. He just now realized that he's mirroring you, too. You two are the reflections of each other
"Y/N, it's me isn't it?" he asked, wanting to confirm his thoughts. You looked down and nodded. He was so happy that It was him and you felt the same. He put Miku aside and held both of your hands, he made you face him. His ocean blue eyes looking at you.
"You know why I stuck with you the moment we met? There's like an invisible force pulling me towards you. Your smile, your laugh, your funny antics had got me. It's just so addicting that I found myself always crawling towards you. You're like a ray of sunshine that wherever you go you lighten up everything." he removed his other hand from your grip and caressed the side of your face, and you finding comfort in it. His words made your heart melt even more. You loved him the same as he's the reason why you laugh and smile.
"I never knew that you saw me like that. I now know why you always tease me and make me laugh. To be honest I feel the same, there's a missing part of me whenever you're away from me even just feets away. There's something lacking when you're not there making me laugh and it has been a routine ever since. Your presence and existence completes me." you gave him a sweet smile then looked down at your hands intertwined.
The butterflies on your stomach felt crazy. His hands holding you, his ocean blue eyes fixated on you and love just filling the room felt right and perfect. He looks at you the way he always looks at you all the time, eyes full of admiration and love. You've always tried to shake off that thought when he looks at you thinking that you're just mistaken or seeing things but now it's all clear. He loves you, likes you, adores you like you're the only thing that's meant to be adored.
And you also tried to hide that look in your eyes but now that got you thinking, did he always see right through me?
The moment feels euphoric for Tom, and he can't contain his excitement as he shares his true feelings with you. He has waited for this moment for so long, and finally, it's here. Tom confesses his love for you, and you can sense the genuine and pure emotion behind his words. Seeing your reaction, he feels beyond happy and satisfied that you now know how he feels. He feels like he has accomplished something special, and the sight of your face only makes the whole experience even sweeter.
The vacancy that sat in my heart, is a space that now you hold.
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slut-taylorsversionnn · 4 months
hey, I love your work so much! It’s so cute and sweet! I was wondering, and if you don’t like it feel free to totally ignore it, it won’t hurt my feelings. But I was wondering how you would feel about Dad Tom. Like reader and Tom have like a little girl who he loves with his whole heart, or something like that. I don’t really know. Thx love!
i love this idea so much, tom would be such a good girl dad so here you go!
summary: tom, his wife y/n, and their three year old daughter eleanor blyth take a trip to the beach
i was so excited to see eleanor’s reaction to the beach. she had only ever been when she was a couple months old so not old enough to remember the sand or the ocean. she was so used to being raised in new york and with tom’s filming schedule we hadn’t been able to get away to one of my favorite places, nantucket. it was so gorgeous there and i had fond memories there of growing up so naturally i wanted to take eleanor there. we had flown in last night and today was our first day.
i rolled over in bed and was greeted with tom’s blue eyes. “good morning love.” tom said groggily, “are you excited for our beach day?”
“you bet! i can’t wait to have eleanor in her adorable little swim suit running around the beach.” i said grinning. tom leaned in and kissed me gently.
“i can’t wait to see you in a bikini,” he smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.
“watch in blyth, we can’t be having too much pda in front of eleanor. i know you get carried away..”
“i do not! it’s definitely you that gets carried away.” he retorted.
“well sorry if my hands can’t stay away from those gorgeous abs, all that time in the gym really shows when the shirt comes off.” i smirked.
“i’ll make you a deal, whoever gives in to a kiss first on our beach day has to cook dinner the rest of the trip.” tom said.
“oh you’re so on. you better start searching up recipes because i don’t lose blyth.” i grinned.
“DADDY!” eleanor gushed as she ran into our room and jumped on the bed.
“guess what???” she squealed.
“what is it darling?” tom said as he scooped her up into his lap.
“i had a dream that i got to swim with dolphins last night!!” eleanor told us all about her dream as her face lit up. “do you think i’ll get to swim with them in real life today?”
“only one way to find out!” i said as she crawled over to me and i swept her into a hug. “are you so excited for the beach today?”
“yeah! and daddy promised me he would build sandcastles with me and you promised you would scare the sharks off in the water.” she said animatedly.
“of course i’ll only let the dolphins swim next to us.” i said kissing her forehead.
“how about we go make some pancakes for breakfast?” tom offered.
“yes! i will be your personal helper!” exclaimed eleanor.
eleanor and tom went to the kitchen so i threw on a pink bikini with some jean shorts and an oversized shirt. tom knew i got some new clothes for this trip but man this bikini was sure to make him lose our little bet. i quickly put my hair up and made my way into the kitchen. tom had pulled up a chair to the kitchen island for eleanor to stand on so she could help mix the pancake batter. eleanor had both hands on the whisk with tom standing behind her and occasionally having to step in to help her mix.
“y/n i seriously think we have a master chef with us! eleanor i might as well be your assistant now.” tom said and that earned a giggle from eleanor. they were too cute.
we ate our breakfast and packed a picnic lunch for later and set off for the beach. luckily the little beach cottage was close enough that we could walk. unfortunately for tom, me and eleanor were a little too good at overpacking and that led tom to be hauling beach chairs and a beach bag overflowing with towels, buckets, and shovels. it was quite the sight seeing tom loaded up like a pack mule as eleanor was racing down the pathway to reach the beach.
“hurry up mommy and daddy!” eleanor squealed.
“we’re coming sweetie.” tom replied as he juggled the beach gear and picked up the pace.
“i’ll race you there el!” i shouted as i started jogging to catch up to her.
she immediately giggled and started running full speed towards the beach. once the beach was in sight i ran up behind her and scooped her up.
“i think i won that one,” eleanor beamed as she took in the waves and salt air.
“at least i beat your daddy.” i said as tom finally made it to the sand.
“well maybe if i wasn’t carrying 100 pounds of beach gear i would’ve beat you both.” tom said grinning.
i set eleanor down and helped tom set up the beach towels and chairs. i then pealed off my shorts and shirt revealing my pink bikini that hugged me in all the right places. tom stood there looking me up and down.
“it’s a little early in the day to be losing a bet.” i said slyly.
tom proceeded to peel off his shirt leaving him in just his swimming trunks. “who said i was losing?”oh my gosh he looked so fine. he just smirked at me checking out his abs, “take a picture, it’ll last longer babe.”
“you’re so full of yourself.” i retorted and rolled my eyes.
“guys come on let’s get it the water!” eleanor said running towards the ocean. me and tom went and joined her.
“now el darling, be careful and watch out for jellyfish, i don’t want my girl getting stung.” tom warned.
“ok daddy.” eleanor said and she grabbed tom’s hand and began wading into the water. eleanor made it about waist deep and then i saw tom whisper something to her and before i knew what was happening i was being splashed by eleanor and tom.
“eleanor!! why would you team up against me with daddy?” i screeched while splashing them back.
eleanor was full on belly laughing and tom couldn’t stop laughing either.
“i feel personally hurt, maybe i won’t scare off the sharks now.” i said.
“no no mommy i’m sorry we’ll get daddy back, please protect me from the sharks.” eleanor came running to give me a hug.
“better watch your back mr. blyth.” i said smirking.
eleanor wanted to go make sandcastles so tom got the buckets and shovels out and i showed eleanor how to make a good sandcastle. it basically turned into tom doing all the work and eleanor putting shells on top of the sandcastles. tom started building another one and i whispered to eleanor, “you should go knock over daddy’s sandcastle.” she giggled and began to sneak over to tom. she kicked it over and started belly laughing.
“oh eleanor you better start running!” tom teased as he started to chase after her. she ran away but tom caught her and scooped her up as she was screeching. he started tickling her and she couldn’t contain her laughter. i sat watching the two of them laughing and was so thankful for my wonderful little family.
after we ate our picnic lunch eleanor was all worn out and fell asleep curled up in her beach chair.
“does the pda count if eleanor’s asleep because you look SO good in that bikini y/n i don’t know if i can keep my hands off you much longer.” tom said.
“that depends tom, how much of a sore loser are you going to be since you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”
“oh i don’t even care anymore i just need to kiss you right now,” tom said as he leaned in and captured my mouth. i kissed him back and raked my hands through his brown curls. he grinned sheepishly and pulled back.
“i don’t even care if i have to cook for the whole year, i just needed to kiss you.” tom smiled and i snuggled into his chest.
after a little bit i carried sleeping eleanor back to the cottage with tom carrying the beach stuff behind me.
“i think i can say that was a successful beach trip.” i said looking back at tom.
“agreed, can’t wait to do it again tomorrow with my two favorite people.” he replied.
hope you all enjoyed, i tried to make this one a little longer! <3
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berzahoes · 6 months
when you know you know | tom blyth
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summary: the idiots finally meet (nepo baby!reader)
an: i can always count on reddit for inspiration bc i rewrote this a bunch of times 😭 also these are just random names for the friends lol @astheni-a
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“don’t look now, but the guy behind you is staring.” your friend, meg, whispered to you. you and a couple of your girlfriends were seated in the food court of the mall. after a while, meg noticed that a group of guys sat a few tables away, one of them occasionally glanced at you.
“he’s cute,” your other friend, layne, joined in.
your other friend beside you, louise, smirked at you. “someone’s got a crush. think about it, we can all go on dates together if he asks you out.”
you rolled your eyes. “i don’t even know what he looks like. meg told me not to look.”
“he has brown hair, probably six feet and really pretty eyes. i think that’s all you need to know about your future man.” meg said.
“you just described almost every boy here,” you replied. you looked down at your drink and noticed it was almost empty so you gathered your trash and decided to go throw it away. “i like being single anyways. i have more me time.”
“babe, we know you don’t like it. just talk to lover boy over there and if you don’t like him then that’s that. we won’t push you to talk to any one else ever again.” layne said.
“just this one time.” you sighed. secretly, you did want someone to love. you never had an official boyfriend. during high school, you were talking with a guy from math class, but you quickly found out he just wanted to meet your famous dad. after that, you had difficulty knowing what relationship and friendships were real.
you stood up with your empty drink cup and walked to the nearest trash can. after throwing your trash away, you tried to look over your shoulder to see what boy meg had been taking about, but you couldn’t figure out who it was. brown hair, pretty eyes, tall . . . that could be anyone.
you sighed and decided to just turn around and look instead of looking like a creep, but just as you turned around, a guy had walked right in front of you almost causing his drink to spill.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry.” you immediately apologize.
“it’s okay, um are you . . . okay?” he asked shyly.
“yeah, I’m good. i’m sorry again. i . . yeah sorry.” you kept repeating as you looked at his eyes. they were a beautiful blue color. you were a sucker for colored eyes. well the british accent was a bonus too.
“i’m tom.” he introduced himself.
“i’m yn. nice to meet you. sorry for almost making you drop your drink. sorry, i apologize too much. it’s a habit.” you chuckled nervously.
get it together, yn
“no, it’s fine, wasn’t really drinking it anyways. so . . are you here alone?” he asked, but regretted it immediately when he noticed it might’ve sounded creepy.
“no, i’m with my friends. i’m sorry, again, i noticed the accent, you’re british. are you visiting good ol’ new york?” you questioned.
“studying here actually. i go to juilliard. what about you?”
“i’m actually from los angeles but i visit here quite often. it’s my second home. but i do travel a lot so i call multiple places my second home. sorry if i ramble, i do that when i start getting comfortable.”
from the table, your friends saw how you talked with a stranger.
“does anyone know how to lip read?”
“shhh! shut up layne!”
“who’s gonna tell her that’s not the guy we were talking about?”
“i don’t want to break her heart. plus he does look exactly like how meg described so a win is a win.”
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